"Creativity " B.A. Hennessey and T.M. Amabile
"Creativity " B.A. Hennessey and T.M. Amabile
"Creativity " B.A. Hennessey and T.M. Amabile
5 November 2009
Beth A. Hennessey1 and Teresa M. Amabile2
Key Words
The psychological study of creativity is essential to human progress. If
strides are to be made in the sciences, humanities, and arts, we must
arrive at a far more detailed understanding of the creative process, its
antecedents, and its inhibitors. This review, encompassing most subspecialties in the study of creativity and focusing on twenty-rst-century
literature, reveals both a growing interest in creativity among psychologists and a growing fragmentation in the eld. To be sure, research into
the psychology of creativity has grown theoretically and methodologically sophisticated, and researchers have made important contributions
from an ever-expanding variety of disciplines. But this expansion has not
come without a price. Investigators in one subeld often seem unaware
of advances in another. Deeper understanding requires more interdisciplinary research, based on a systems view of creativity that recognizes
a variety of interrelated forces operating at multiple levels.
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INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Denition and Measurement . . . . . . .
Neurological/Biological Basis . . . . . . .
Affect, Cognition, and Training . . . . .
Individual Differences/Personality . .
Groups and Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Social Psychology
of Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Social Environment:
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Social Environment: Schools . . . . . . .
Social Environment: Culture . . . . . . .
Creativity: the
generation of products
or ideas that are both
novel and appropriate
boost math, science, and engineering education; he entered ofce with the rst-ever presidential arts platform as well. But it will take
more than money and rhetoric. If we are to
make real strides in boosting the creativity of
scientists, mathematicians, artists, and all upon
whom civilization depends, we must arrive at
a far more detailed understanding of the creative process, its antecedents, and its inhibitors.
The study of creativity must be seen as a basic
In fact, scholarly research on creativity is
proliferating; a variety of new publication outlets have emerged. When we started our own
research careers, the Journal of Creative Behavior
was the one periodical dedicated to the study of
creativity. That publication was supplemented
in 1988 by the Creativity Research Journal.
The inaugural issue of Psychology of Creativity,
Aesthetics and the Arts, a publication of APA division 10, came in 2007; in recent years, a variety of additional journals have also proven to be
important outlets for creativity research. These
include the International Journal of Creativity
and Problem Solving and the Journal of Thinking Skills and Creativity. Add to this lineup the
long list of books and general psychology journals publishing research in the area of creativity,
and the prospect of reviewing the creativity literature becomes both daunting and exciting.
Our review attempts to encompass most
of the subspecialties in the study of creativity,
including the social psychology of creativity
our own area of specialization. We followed
a two-part process. The rst step involved
the polling of colleagues, and the second step
involved winnowing through our own search
of the literature. To begin, we brainstormed
a list of active researchers and theorists whom
we believe have made the most signicant contributions to the creativity literature and asked
them to nominate up to 10 papers, published
since about 2000, that they considered must
have references. We contacted 26 colleagues
and heard back from 21. Some of these suggested papers were self-nominations, but most
were by others. In total, we received over 110
suggestions for specic journal articles, book
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Figure 1
The increasingly large concentric circles in this simplied schematic represent the major levels at which
creativity forces operate.
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Big C (eminent)
creativity: relatively
rare displays of
creativity that have a
major impact on others
Little c (everyday)
creativity: daily
problem solving and
the ability to adapt to
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product creativity is rarely used with noneminent individuals, this approach was expressly
developed for and is particularly useful in the
study of everyday (little c) creativity. In the contemporary literature, the identication and assessment of creative products, be they poems,
paintings, scientic theories, or technological
breakthroughs, rests largely on a consensual assessment process. Researchers wishing to assess the creativity of tangible products have
long relied on the consensual assessment of
experts, formalized for nearly 30 years in the
Consensual Assessment Technique (Amabile
1982, Hennessey & Amabile 1999). Because
of its relative simplicity and the consistently
high levels of interrater agreements reached,
this methodology enjoys wide use and continued examination in the creativity literature (e.g.,
Baer et al. 2004, Kaufman et al. 2007). In recent
years, consensual assessment methodologies
have also been extended to far more messy
real-world classroom and workplace environments, including cross-cultural contexts (e.g.,
Amabile & Mueller 2008, Lee et al. 2005).
Neurological/Biological Basis
The advancement of technology, particularly
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
coupled with increases in access to equipment
for researchers is in large part responsible for
the virtual explosion of information on the
creative brain. How does the brain generate
creative ideas or solutions? At the neurological
level, is there only one creative process or are
there many? Is it possible to look into the brain
and nd evidence of creative thinking in the
same way that modern cognitive neuroscientists
have uncovered some of the neural underpinnings of memory, emotion, and attention? Or
is creativity outside the realm of neuroscience
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TTCT: Torrance
Tests of Creative
fMRI: functional
magnetic resonance
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Intrinsic motivation:
the drive to engage in
a task because it is
interesting, enjoyable,
or positively
Divergent thinking:
free-owing thinking
with the goal of
generating many
different ideas in a
short period
process. However, several authors offered incisive critiques of this model (Abraham 2007,
Brown 2007). In summary, although technological advances have increased exponentially,
scientists interested in the neurological basis
of creative behavior have a long way to go before they can hope to reach consensus. As they
proceed down this groundbreaking and everchanging investigative path, researchers must
make certain that it is sound theorizing and data
that drive their use of new technologies and not
the technologies themselves that dictate future
research questions and directions. The possibilities are promising, but we are not anywhere
near the point of being able to image the creative process as it unfolds in the human brain.
Even cutting-edge instruments mask the order
in which various brain areas become activated
in the massive parallel processing that results in
high-level creativity (Miller 2007).
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supporting roles that positive and negative affect might play in the creative process (De Dreu
et al. 2008, Friedman et al. 2007). Clearly, the
question of the role of affect in creativity is not
settled. However, it appears likely that, all else
being equal, positive affect is more conducive
to creativity than is negative affect.
Cognition. A review of recent work focused
on the cognitive processes underlying creative
performance reveals that this branch of the literature is also particularly diverse. Recently, an
entire volume of the Korean Journal of Thinking
and Problem Solving (Volume 18, 2008) offered
a representative sample of the wide range of
experimental and theoretical approaches being
taken by researchers. The variety of investigative paths is almost as great as the variety of experimental questions being asked. For example,
Kaufman & Baer (2002) employed both selfreport and case-study methodologies to conclude that the cognitive mechanisms underlying creative performance are domain specic,
with the likely exception of g (a general intelligence factor). Kray and colleagues (2006) explored what they termed a relational processing style elicited by counterfactual mind-sets.
More specically, they asked study participants
to compare reality to what might have been and
in so doing encouraged them to consider relationships and associations among stimuli. They
found that, although such mind-sets can be
detrimental to novel idea generation, they can
improve performance on creative association
tasks. Miller (2007) found a signicant relation
between eld independence and creativity on
a collage-making task. Necka (1999) presented
experimental evidence linking creativity with
impaired functioning of what he termed the
lter of attention. Groborz & Necka (2003)
reported data arguing for the importance of
cognitive control in the attentional process,
and Zhengkui and colleagues (2007) provided
a comprehensive review of the research on
creativity and attention.
A large body of research has pointed to
the importance of conceptual combination in
creative thought. Ward (2001) argued for a
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convergent approach to the study of conceptual combinationincorporating both anecdotal accounts and laboratory investigations of
the creative process. Trefnger & Selby (2004)
presented a rubric intended to characterize individual differences in problem-solving style
involving Orientation to Change, Manner of
Processing, and Ways of Deciding. And Scott
et al. (2005) described an elegant experiment
designed to compare and contrast an analogical
approach to generating combinations (involving feature search and mapping) with a casebased approach (integrating and elaborating on
event models). In summary, the literature linking cognitive processes and components to creative behavior is plentiful but murky. Perhaps
Mumford & Antes (2007) best summarized the
state of the eld when they called for caution
to be applied in any attempt to account for creative achievement based on a single model of
the kind of knowledge or cognitive processes
Training. Armed with these new investigations of the role of affect and cognition in the
creative process, are we any better equipped
to train persons to be creative? When compared to the ongoing extensive investigative
work on individual differences or affect and creativity, studies of the efcacy of creativity training have been relatively sparse. Svensson and
colleagues (2002) undertook three experimental studies involving high school and university
students in Sweden. In one study, the efcacy
of two creativity-enhancement techniques borrowed from the work of deBono, random word
input and provocation, was investigated. In a
pretest/post-test design, it was found that posttraining levels of uency were lower, in fact, for
the experimental group than for a no-training
control group. The remaining two studies reported in this paper contrasted the effects of
working individually or as a group. In both of
these investigations, group work was found to
produce better results on various measures of
creativity (uency, exibility, and originality),
but total uency was higher for study participants working alone.
Interestingly, many of the more recent training investigations have focused on populations
outside the United States. For example,
Basadur et al. (2002) reported that training methods previously shown to be effective in helping North American and Japanese
adults improve their divergent thinking skills
were also applicable to Spanish-speaking South
American managers. Arguing that training for
divergent thinking skills often involves a large
number of moderated sessions, Benedek and
colleagues (2006) then set out to explore
whether a computer-based divergent thinking
training approach could effectively enhance the
ideational uency and originality of Austrian
adults through the provision of repeated practice. A study comparing computer-based training designed to promote creativity in the verbal
domain (e.g., generating nicknames and slogans) with computer training focused on creative tasks not requiring verbal creativity (e.g.,
coming up with unusual uses for objects) and
a control (no training) group revealed signicant training effects for both computer training
approaches. Study participants receiving training showed signicant gains in what the authors termed intelligent-independent aspects
of ideational uency, but no training effects
were found for originality of ideas.
Focusing on insight problem solving
among American adults, Dow & Mayer
(2004) asked whether problem solution depends on domain-specic or domain-general
problem-solving skills. Across two separate
investigations, study participants who received
training in spatial insight problems performed
better than a verbal-insight-trained group on
spatial problems. However, no other performance differences emerged between subjects
receiving verbal, mathematical, spatial, or
verbal-spatial training who were later asked to
solve insight problems in these four category
groups. Garaigordobil (2006) also explored the
efcacy of training, this time with a sample
of Spanish children. There was a positive
effect of the intervention, with children
making signicant improvements in verbal
creativity (originality) and graphic-gural
5 November 2009
Individual Differences/Personality
The empirical study of creativity was originally
focused at the level of the individual, and many
recent contributions to the literature continue
to explore the question of what distinguishes
highly creative persons from the rest of us.
Research and theorizing in the area of creativity
has much in common with studies of personality, as both elds concentrate on uniqueness.
An extensive literature review focused on the
personality and individual difference variables
common to highly creative persons reveals that
many things seem to be true of at least some
creative people but not necessarily all of them.
In other words, this body of work is especially
difcult to decipher, although a meta-analysis
carried out by Feist (1998) highlighting personality differences between scientic and artistic
creators has proven helpful in this regard.
The Big Five model of personality continues
to shape investigations in this area, and a good
deal of research attention has also been paid
to the traits labeled openness to experience
and latent inhibition. Low levels of latent inhibition, associated with the inability to shut
out the constant stream of incoming stimuli,
have been found to predict trait creativity (e.g.,
Carson et al. 2003). Trait creativity has also
been linked to high levels of openness to experience (e.g., McCrae 1987, Perrine & Brodersen
Trait creativity:
creativity viewed as a
relatively stable
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thinking: more
disciplined thinking,
focused on narrowing
possibilities to a
workable solution
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appears that this is an oversimplication. Indeed, the inuence of time pressure may be
one of the most complex in the organizational
creativity literature. For one thing, traits may
play a role in peoples response to time pressure at work, as demonstrated in an experiment
by Madjar & Oldham (2006). Polychronicity
is an individual-difference variable: the number of tasks with which an individual prefers to
be involved at the same time. Participants exhibited higher creativity in the task condition
that matched their individual preference, and
perceived time pressure mediated these effects.
Individuals perceived lower time pressure
in conditions that matched their preference,
which then contributed to higher levels of
Baer & Oldham (2006) showed that the
level of time pressure matters, in a somewhat complicated person-by-situation interaction. They discovered an inverted-U relation
between time pressure and creativity for employees who scored high on the personality trait
of openness to experience while simultaneously
receiving support for creativity. This invertedU relation was essentially replicated by Ohly
and coauthors (2006), who controlled for supervisory support for creativity but did not assess personality. Amabile and coauthors (2002)
carried out a longitudinal eld study suggesting that daily workplace creativity may depend
on both the level and the type of time pressure. In general, the effects of time pressure on
creativity were negative. However, the type of
time pressure was important. Most high-timepressure days were marked by fragmentation
in the work and lack of focus on single important problems. But if individuals were protected
from distractions and fragmentation under high
time pressure, and if they believed in the importance of the problem they were trying to
solve, creativity was enhanced. In fact, on such
(relatively rare) high-time-pressure days, creativity could be as high as on low/moderatetime-pressure days.
Psychological safety, an environmental condition in which people believe that others in
their group will respond positively when they
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5 November 2009
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the individual or team attempting to do creative or innovative work. These authors, like
most in the eld, see creativity as the generation of new and useful ideas, with innovation being the implementation of creative ideas.
They suggest that because creativity requires
a nonconstrained, undemanding environment,
external demands have a negative impact on
group creativity. However, because external demands can positively inuence group processes
such as cohesion, task focus, and clarity of team
objectives, demands can have a positive impact on group innovation. Thus, it is important for managers to understand the stage of
the creativity-innovation process in considering the imposition of demands on a team.
In summary, it appears that constraints and
pressures in the work environment (except for
one rare form of time pressure) are detrimental to creativity, whereas organization-wide
supports, psychological safety, sufcient time,
autonomy, developmental feedback, and creativity goals are facilitative.
research efforts on the part of educators. A recent paper by Sawyer (2006) painted a similarly
bleak picture. Sawyer contended that American
educational researchers have paid very little
scholarly attention to the fact that the majority of the worlds most developed countries, including the United States, have now made a
shift from an industrial economy to an economy
that is knowledge based. According to Sawyer
(2006), many features of todays schools have
become obsoleteto the point that the U.S.
educational system needs to be entirely restructured around disciplined improvisational group
processes and creative collaboration. Essential
to this restructuring will be carefully controlled
empirical research investigations designed to
help educators determine which educational innovations actually promote student creativity
and why.
How are researchers to carry out such investigations? If the results warrant it, how
are they to convince policy makers that the
time has come for fundamental school change?
How are they to convince educators that the
promotion of student creativity is a desirable
goal? A study carried out by Scott (1999) investigated attitudes held by elementary school
teachers and college students about creative
children. Results showed that teachers were signicantly more likely than college students to
rate creative children as more disruptive than
their more average peers. In fact, this bias
against unique answers or problem solutions
was even found in a sample of prospective teachers who had yet to head up their own classroom
(Beghetto 2007). In U.S. schools, creativity is
not always seen as a desirable trait. Yet at least
a small body of research into the psychology of
educational creativity exists.
Ruscio & Amabile (1999) explored the impact of two different instructional approaches
on the creative problem solving of college students. Study participants completed a novel
structure-building task after receiving algorithmic instruction, heuristic instruction, or no
instruction. Type of instruction inuenced students perceptions of the task, their behavior
during the task, and their nal solution to the
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Innovation: the
implementation of
creative ideas
5 November 2009
(Tan & Law 2002). Tan & Rasidir (2006) investigated childrens views of the behaviors they
believe make for a creative teacher. Also focused
on students in Singapore was an empirical investigation carried out by Majid and colleagues
(2003). This study contrasted the efcacy of the
Internet and SCAMPER (Eberle 1997), a wellknown technique based on the presentation of
directed questions, in promoting the creativity of primary school children. Results revealed
that students who used Internet resources targeting childrens writing skills demonstrated
improvement in their creative writing in terms
of both uency and elaboration. Children using SCAMPER did not show any obvious
Two studies considered Japanese educational approaches and their possible impact on
creativity. DeCoker (2000) looked at U.S. education through the eyes of Japanese teachers.
Twenty-four Japanese teachers visited a U.S.
school for one month. Their unanimous conclusion was that schools in America were far
stricter, discipline was far more punitive, and
classrooms were far more rule bound, than
in Japan. When it came to creativity in these
schools, these visitors worried most about the
strict grading policies in force at the high school
level. In sum, DeCoker (2000) concluded that
although the majority of Americans assume that
Japanese schools are strict (and that American
schools are undisciplined), in the eyes of these
visitors, the American system runs the risk
of being far too rigid, making student (and
teacher) creativity an impossibility.
The research, theory, and applied work
coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong
have been especially prolic and illuminating.
Hongli (2004) asked the provocative question
of why no Nobel Prize winner has ever been
the product of the Chinese educational system
and extracted from the literature a number of
suggested strategies for nurturing the creativity
of Chinese primary and middle school students.
Huang and collaborators (2005) explored the
implicit theories of creativity held by Chinese
teachers and found that those attitudes played
an important role in how teachers worked to
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develop and train creative behavior in their students. Similarly, Chan & Chan (1999) examined
the implicit theories held by Hong Kong teachers about the characteristics of creative and
uncreative students. Like the results reported
in similar U.S. studies, this investigation indicated that Chinese teachers regard some characteristics of creative students as socially undesirable. A number of other researchers in the
Chinese literature have examined preferred
thinking styles in teaching and their links to
creativity in the schools (e.g., Zhang 2006).
With their focus on 27 primary classrooms
and their teachers in Hong Kong, Forrester &
Hui (2007) utilized a variety of creativity measures developed in the West. These included a
classroom observation form, a measure of classroom climate, an index of behaviors used by
teachers to foster creative behavior, and a creative personality scale. Also employed was a creativity test for students that had been developed
in China. Findings lent support to existing system and componential theories involving both
ow and the impact of environmental factors
on student motivation and creative behavior.
Finally, Dineen & Niu (2008) explored the
effectiveness of Western creative teaching
methods in China. This quasi-eld experiment
delivered the standard Chinese undergraduate
graphic design curriculum to one class of
Chinese students within the framework of a
creative pedagogic model developed in the
United Kingdom. Another class received the
standard Chinese graphic design education.
Visual products produced by the students from
the two classes both before and during the intervention were evaluated for overall creativity,
originality, design quality, and experimental
range. Levels of effort, enjoyment, motivation,
and condence in experimentation were also
assessed. Both quantitative and qualitative data
showed that creative methods developed in
the United Kingdom were highly effective in
encouraging creativity and related constructs,
including intrinsic motivation, among Chinese
university students.
This proliferation of school-based research
in Asia and beyond raises a variety of signicant
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States, Canada, and Western Europe? For example, can the intrinsic motivation principle of
creativity (Amabile 1996) be assumed to apply
to persons in Asia? Can the Consensual Assessment Technique (Amabile 1982, Hennessey
& Amabile 1999) be expected to yield reliable and valid assessments of product creativity across cultures? Baer (2003) argued convincingly that cross-cultural creativity research
can teach us a great deal both about creativity
and about different cultures. Yet the potential
pitfalls and challenges are many. Concrete examples of some of these difculties come from
Chiu (2007) and Leung (2007), who presented
thoughtful and complementary treatises on the
challenges faced by those attempting to construct and promote an Asian social psychology. And in an especially comprehensive review, Lehman et al. (2004) reminded us that
psychological processes inuence culture, culture inuences psychological processes, individuals thoughts and actions have the potential
to inuence cultural norms, and these cultural
norms and practices inuence the thoughts and
actions of individuals.
Another important demonstration of the
complexity of cross-cultural considerations
came from Rudowicz (2003), who made the
case that creative expression is a universally human phenomenon. Yet despite this universality,
Rudowicz argued that methodological and conceptual problems loom large in cross-cultural
investigations. The effects of culture on creativity are complex and highly interactive, and
include historical, societal, and individual crosscultural factors. One obvious concern faced
by investigators wishing to explore creativity
cross-culturally is whether denitions and operationalizations of creativity coming from one
culture can be validly applied in another potentially very different culture. In studying implicit
theories of creativity across cultures, Paletz
& Peng (2008) found that although Japanese,
Chinese, and American university students all
considered novelty to be important in evaluating creativity, appropriateness was more important for the Americans and Japanese than for
the Chinese. Runco and collaborators (2002)
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Clearly, the great variety of research questions
and investigative approaches outlined in this review can signicantly broaden our understanding of the phenomenon of creativity in many
important ways. Yet no single construct, no
one investigative focus, can adequately account
for the emergence of creative behavior. Like
many students of psychology before them, contemporary creativity researchers and theorists
are faced with the daunting task of disentangling the interplay between nature and nurture.
Neurological events in the brain, behavioral
manifestations of mental illness, or individual differences in personality must be studied
not in isolation but in conjunction with the
particular environment in which an individuals physical, intellectual, and social development has taken place. More than two decades
ago, Amabile (1983, 1996) offered a threepronged Componential Model of Creativity incorporating domain skills, creativity skills, and
task motivation inuenced by the social environment; Sternbergs (1988) Triarchic Model
of Intelligence also got us thinking in threes.
The most recent decade brought few new attempts to conceptualize creativity on a broad
An evolutionary approach based on the
work of Charles Darwin, rst conceptualized
by Campbell (1960) and later modied and
elaborated by Simonton (1999, 2007), has continued to garner a great deal of attention.
Drawing on Campbells blind-variation-andselective-retention theory of creativity, Simonton made the case that the Darwinian model
might actually subsume all other theories of
creativity as special cases of a larger evolutionary framework. Perhaps not surprisingly,
comments on Simontons call for creativity
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might help explain how creative ideas or problem solutions take shape.
J.P. Guilfords research on creativity, particularly his work on creative problem solving, also resurfaced to garner some recent attention. Guilford is perhaps best remembered
for his contention that divergent thinking plays
a central role in creative thought. Reviewing
Guilfords (1967) structure of intellect model,
Mumford (2001) argued for a return to efforts
to take a broad, comprehensive approach to the
study of creativity. Richards (2001) echoed this
call and made a strong case for the infusion of
chaos theory into interpretations of Guilfords
work. More specically, Richards argued that
chaos theory can provide models and metaphors
for rapid, holistic nonlinear creative processes.
Interestingly, theories of organizational creativity have tended to include more levels of
analysis than creativity theories within psychology. This may be because organizational scholars converge from the disciplines of economics,
sociology, organizational behavior, and others,
as well as psychology. The two most frequently
cited organizational creativity theories include
factors in the individual and the organization
(Amabile 1988, 1996) or the individual, group,
and organization (Woodman et al. 1993), as
well as interactions between these levels. Other,
1. The creativity literature has seen substantial growth in volume and scope as well as
methodological and theoretical sophistication.
2. With the growth in outlets for publication has come increasing fragmentation in creativity
3. Researchers and theorists in one subeld often seem unaware of work being done in
4. The advancement of technology, especially fMRI, coupled with increases in access to
equipment for researchers have contributed to a virtual explosion of information on the
creative brain.
5. Although creativity in persons has some trait-like (stable) aspects, it is also a state subject
to inuence by the social environment.
6. People are most creative when they are motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment,
satisfaction, and challenge of the work itselfi.e., by intrinsic motivation.
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7. Scholars of organizations, many of whom are trained research psychologists, have increasingly turned their attention to creativity in the workplace.
8. We cannot presume that the models, paradigms, theories, and measures constructed by
scholars in the Western world can adequately explain or tap the creativity of persons
living in cultures very different from those of the United States, Canada, and Western
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creativity only under
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evidence that creativity
can be enhanced by
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various sources.
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