Opportunities For The Week: Rev. David Lee, Pastor
Opportunities For The Week: Rev. David Lee, Pastor
Opportunities For The Week: Rev. David Lee, Pastor
Monday, March 29
9:45 AM Mountains Toppers trip
10:00 AM Exercise
Tuesday, March 30
7:00 PM Cub Scout Pack 77
7:00 PM Finance Committee
Wednesday, March 31
10:00 AM Exercise
7:00 PM Chancel Choir "Hosanna to the Son of David!
Thursday, April 1 Blessed is he who comes in the
6:30 PM Maundy Thursday Service name of the Lord!
Friday, April 2 Good Friday - Church Offices closed Hosanna in the highest!"
Saturday, April 3 Matthew 21:9
1:00 PM Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 4 Easter Sunday
8:30 AM Early Worship Service Palm/Passion Sunday
w/UMM breakfast following Worship March 28, 2010
9:00 AM Montagnard Services
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:55 AM Worship Rev. David Lee, Pastor
Announcements 704.692.9394
UMW Spring Project: The United Methodist Women are contributing to the Summer Camp needs of Bethlehem [email protected]
Center. Lists of items needed for the campers are in the narthex and on the donation box in front of the office.
Any items you could donate would be gratefully received. Please bring by April 15th.
6824 Tuckaseegee Road
Easter Egg Hunt: Our Easter Egg Hunt for our children will be Sat., April 3 @ 1:00 PM. Kids, bring your Charlotte, NC 28214
baskets! We still need candy, plastic eggs, and small prizes. Place items in box near office by Wednesday night
of this week. 704.392.3925, office
704.393.8900, fax
Pine Needle Sale by Diversity Youth: April 17 - 10 AM to1 PM. Pre-sales: April 10.