Program Activities of The National Science Foundation - 1959
Program Activities of The National Science Foundation - 1959
Program Activities of The National Science Foundation - 1959
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Program Activities
OF the
National Science Foundation
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Research Programs
In fiscal year 1959, support for basic research programs increased
two and a half times from approximately $25 million in 1958 to almost
$65 million. Responsibility for these Foundation programs lies with
the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences; the Division of Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences; the Office of Social
Sciences; and, in the case of Antarctic research, with the Office of
Special International Programs. Projects described here in brief are to
be considered illustrative of the research being supported.
Current Research Support
Page 3
projects involving quantitative community ecology comprising nearly
half of the grants made. The remainder were rather evenly distributed
in number in the general areas of plant and animal physiological ecology,
vegetation development, paleoecology, behavioral studies, productivity
analyses, limnology, various aspects of mycology and parasitology, and
The Genetic Biology program continued to support research directed
toward elucidating the nature-both structurally and chemically-of
genetic material, the laws governing the transmission of hereditary
traits from one generation to another, and the mechanisms by which
genetic material controls and determines the expression of hereditary
characters. Within this framework, grants made by the program sup
ported studies on cytogenetics; genetic fine structure and gene action;
investigations of evolutionary mechanisms; quantitative and population genetics; and the genetics of specific traits. Experimental ap
proaches to the problems include cytogenetic and recombinational
analyses; breeding and selection experiments; and biophysical, biochemical, and mathematical methods. Much of the genetic program
research was directed, at the molecular and cellular level, toward the
fundamental problems of defining the gene and elucidating the mechanisms by which it acts, reduplicates, and mutates.
Since the inception of the Metabolic Biology program 2 years ago,
there has been considerable clarification of the content of the program;
grants made during the past year have dealt almost exclusively with
intermediary metabolism, and comprise an area concerned with metabolic pathways and the interrelationships between enzyme reactions and
metabolic pools. The areas of investigation ranged from the mechanism
of protein synthesis and growth to specific metabolic factors which inhibit growth. Within this wide area were problems dealing with nearly
all metabolic processes of animal and plant tissues; mechanisms of cellular respiration ; and effects of hormones and inorganic ions on the
metabolism of plants and animals. A number of grants dealt with various phases of photosynthesis and the mechanism of action of antibiotics.
Grants made by the Molecular Biology program encompassed studies
of the physical and chemical properties of substances of biological origin;
studies of RNA- and DNA-type macromolecules and of individual enzymes-isolation, purification, synthesis, reactivity, kinetics, and mechanisms of action; and aspects of physical and quantitative biology, such as
molecular genetics, molecular morphology, virus structure and organization, membrane and bioelectric phenomena, model systems, photobiology, and bioenergetics. The research supported showed a continuing
and relatively large effort in investigating peptide and protein structure,
Page 4
synthesis, and reactivity. There has been a relatively large increase in
research dealing with virus structure and organization, primary light
and energy processes, membrane phenomena, and the organization and
replication of RNA and DNA. Fiscal year 1959 grants also showed a
marked increase in research on immunochemistry, molecular genetics,
molecular morphology, bioenergetics, and investigations into the active
sites on enzyme molecules. Nuclear and electron spin resonance technology is becoming more prominent in biological research; several grants
were made this year whereby instruments were purchased or adapted to
biological problems.
Grants awarded in the Psychobiology program continued to stress
physiological and experimental psychology, with some emphasis upon the
support of quantitative techniques as these develop from the fields of
mathematics and mathematical statistics. Support was provided for research dealing with sensory processes, learning, problem-solving be-
Page 5
of South America. Other biologists were given support for collecting
in all continents, but with more limited objectives. Grants made by this
program are playing a vital role in the resurgence of systematic biology.
Although funds have been limited, grant support has contributed, among
other things, to the stability of going research programs and to the innovation of many new ones throughout the broad spectrum of organisms,
both living and fossil; to the collection, preparation, and study of new
collections, often from the outermost comers of the globe; to the preparation and publication of the results of research, which in this field often
means monographic reports; and to the improvement of the large research collections that must be classed as part of our national scientific
Proposals of a general nature which cut across several program areas
continued to be handled by the Division through a special category.
This scheme has proven to be a useful one in that it insures that the division has the necessary flexibility to handle proposals which otherwise
do not fit into individual relatively circumscribed program areas. The
range of such proposals in fiscal year 1959 varied greatly and included,
for example, the support of several projects in biometrics; grants for the
support of stocks of important biological material; support of the Mobile Desert Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology; and a
variety of research equipment grants for the use of groups of scientists
working in coherent areas of biological research.
Facilities for Research in the Biological and Medical Sciences
During the past year, the scope of facilities support remained limited
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Among the grants was one to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute which will permit greater use of oceanographic vessels for the
conduct of basic biological investigations; to the Jackson Memorial
Laboratory for the construction and equipping of an addition to the
main laboratory building; to Duke University and to the University of
Florida for construction of laboratory buildings at their marine laboratories.
Support was provided for rehabilitation of systematic biology facilities at the Bishop Museum of Hawaii, which houses some of the leading
collections of Pacific area life forms; also for major repairs and modemization of buildings at the Long Island Biological Laboratory, a major
center of genetics research.
To round out the picture of the kind of facilities supported during
1959, it might be well to mention a grant to the University of California
for support of basic research facilities at the White Mountain Research
Station where high-altitude physiological research is conducted, another
to the University of Chicago for the construction of a laboratory to
permit study of the comparative behavior of animals, and finally the
one to the University of Missouri for the construction of an animal
calorimeter for determining heat losses.
Current Research Support
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sciences-geochemistry with chemistry, geophysics with classical physics,
paleoecology with environmental biology, geology with engineering
sciences, paleontology with systematic biology. During the year interest
has noticeably increased in seismology and crustal studies, based on the
need for more information about the crust and mantle of the earth.
The Engineering Sciences program, recognizing the broad responsibilities of the engineering profession, recommends for support research
which should provide either new knowledge concerning basic physical
properties, or generalizations that reflect better understanding or more
realistic predictions of the behavior of systems. If engineering sciences
grants are identified by scientific fields, most of the research effort is
in transfer and rate mechanisms, fluid mechanics, the properties of materials, and the mechanics of solids. During this year two grants were
made in the increasingly significant field of plasma dynamics. They are
somewhat unique in that they involve the interdisciplinary efforts of
highly trained investigators in the sciences of aerodynamics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, and
applied mathematics. Another grant which will coordinate activities
of engineers, physicists, and chemists is in the field of magnetic resonance
The Mathematical Sciences program has continued its support of all
areas of theoretical mathematics. Emphasis tends to mirror the patterns of interest of the mathematical community, which in turn usually
correspond with the fields in which most significant progress is being
made. Thus, algebraic topology is an area which is flourishing, and is
attracting increasing efforts on the part of research mathematicians.
Among other areas in which substantial results are being achieved, one
might note a renewed activity in differential geometry and the theory
of finite groups.
The Physics program has continued to place major emphasis on highenergy physics, particularly cosmic rays. More emphasis than in previous years has also centered on low-temperature research, such as that
exploring the dynamics of liquid helium. A noticeable trend upward
is also apparent in theoretical physics and in solid state research. There
has been an increase in cooperative research in high-energy physics in
which unique facilities, such as the cosmotron at Brookhaven and the
bevatron at Berkeley, are used by research workers from other institutions. In this program the visiting scientist spends a few days or weeks
taking extensive photographs of phenomena of interest to him, and then
making the measurements and calculations in a more leisurely manner
back at his own institution. This spreading of the usefulness of the
high-energy machines among institutions otherwise cut off from active
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fields of research tends to unify the field of experimental nuclear physics.
Fundamental to the success of this type of research are means for reducing the records to a form suitable for input to the high-speed calculating machines now available.
The National
1. The National Radio Astronomy
Observatory.-After years of
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radically new design, these instruments will incorporate all of the
advanced techniques of recent years in order that observations of
extremely faint stars can be made.
The Observatorys solar telescope, however, is intended to be the
largest in the world. It will have a parabolic mirror 60 inches in
diameter with a focal length of 300 feet, which will form a solar image
several times larger and more brightly illuminated (per square second
of arc) than is attainable with any other ground-based instrument.
The conversion of an undeveloped mountain top on an Indian reservation into a modem astronomical observatory that will rank among
the worlds foremost is a formidable task. In addition to telescopes,
buildings, onsite roads, and utilities on the mountain, a city laboratory
building is being constructed in Tucson. This building, adjacent to
the University of Arizona campus, with instrument shops and offices, will
provide a base station for the resident staff and visiting astronomers. It
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as are the other telescopes, to all qualified U.S. astronomers. The ultimate cost will probably be very large, and close liaison with other U.S.
Government agencies, particularly the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, will be maintained during all phases of the project.
Facilities for Research In the Mathematical,
Physical, and Engineering
Support provided for facilities in the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences totaled $12.3 million in fiscal year 1959, including the
national observatories described above.
As in the last few years, the largest portion of facilities money went
for support of the two national astronomical observatories. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, W. Va., received
$4,350,000 in 1959 which makes a total since 1957 of $9.5 million.
The Kitt Peak National Observatory received $4,405,000 during the
year, bringing the amount spent for this observatory up to approximately
$7.5 million.
Grants for research reactors were four in number totaling $2 million,
and were made to Texas A. & M. College, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Buffalo, and Cornell University. In 1959, assistance to the amount of $1.5 million for the establishment of computing
centers was given to the following institutions: North Carolina, Oklahoma, Yale, Iowa State, and Cornell.
During fiscal year 1959, the Foundation established an Office of
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Current Research Support
The Anthropological
Sciences program includes basic research in
archeology, physical and cultural anthropology, linguistics, and related
fields. Grants made in fiscal year 1959 include support for the study
of the ethnography of little understood cultures, such as the Seminole
of Florida, the Nyaturu of Kenya, and the Ibo of Nigeria. Such field
research adds to our knowledge of the varieties of human culture and
the processes of sociocultural change. Some of the archeological projects are concerned with investigation of new and improved dating
processes, such as beach-ridge dating and obsidian-hydration dating.
An expedition to the Middle East will investigate the paleoecological
aspects of the beginnings of food production. Projects in linguistics
include the application of statistical methods to problems of historic
linguistic reconstruction and a study of paralanguage among the Taos.
A grant has been made to two cryptologists to enable them to apply
modem techniques of cryptoanalysis and structural linguistics to the
still unsolved puzzle of Mayan hieroglyphics.
The Sociological Sciences program has been active in support of
laboratory studies of individual choice behavior which are directed to
increasing our knowledge of how individuals make decisions in the face
of incomplete information and uncertain outcomes. Techniques for the
measurement of attitudes and investigation of the dynamics of attitude
formation and change are other areas in which experimental research
is being supported, including studies of how resistance to attitude change
is built up, and of the nature and extent of changes in attitude which
follow the receipt of items of information that disagree with previously
held beliefs. The increased use of mat,hematical concepts and techniques in the sociological sciences is evidenced by grants for the construction and testing of probability models for conformity behavior and
for experimental simulation of social processes on electronic computers.
The core of the Economic Sciences program has been mathematical
economics, and grants have been made for econometric studies of parameter estimates, resource allocation, and time-series analysis. In addition, grants of interest and importance to basic economic theory, which
are not econometric in technique, have been made in 1959. Among
these are studies of international economic transactions, investigations
of economic behavior at the level of the individual consuming household, and research into the economic aspects of technological inventions.
The History and Philosophy of Science program provided support
for research in the history of metallurgy, studies of early American naturalists, and investigations of the development of mathematical proportionality. Research in the philosophy of science covered grants for
Page 13
studies on inductive probability, the philosophy of fundamental physical
theory, and the foundations of measurement.
Current Research Support
Pr-ro-ros.-The Stratoscope I 12-inch balloon-borne solar telescope project supported by NSF made three successful flights from Lake Elmo,
Minn., during the summer of 1959, obtaining a great many of the
clearest photographs ever obtained of the suns surface, in time sequence.
The photos show details of the umbra and penumbra (center and surrounding magnetic areas) of sunspots, including a large group that
seriously interrupted radio communications in August, as well as of the
polygonal convection cells elsewhere on the suns surface. (See p. 27.)
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These flights marked the first successful control from the ground of
The explanation of superconductivity, the vanishing of electrical resistance in certain materials near absolute zero, has been a major unsolved
problem in theoretical physics for the past half century. Recently, however, a new theory of superconductivity has been proposed which in
explaining this phenomenon suggests the existence of an energy gap
Page 15
of a definite magnitude in the electronic excitation spectrum of the
superconductor. Measurements of the transmission of submillimeter
radiation through thin superconducting f%ns and measurements of the
reflection of this radiation from bulk superconductors have helped verify
the predictions of this theory. Indeed, by very ingenious experiments
using this latter technique in the far infrared, NSF grantees have provided the most direct demonstration to date of the existence of this energy
During the same period another NSF grantee has measured very
accurately the specific heat of certain metals in the superconducting
state to test experimentally still another aspect of this new theory which
predicts the behavior of the electronic specific heat contribution. This
work has provided additional verification of the existence of this energy
These two experiments taken together comprise a major advance in
our understanding of the phenomenon of nonresistant flow of electrical
research in genetics today is oriented toward solving the important problem of how genes act to control the metabolic (chemical) activities of
cells. Specific chemical reactions in the cell are controlled by specific
protein molecules known as enzymes, the synthesis of which is controlled
in turn by genes that are thought to determine the exact sequence of the
many subunits (amino acids) in the protein molecules.
A genetic system is being investigated which may lead us closer to an
ultimate understanding of the relationship between the fine structure
of genes and the chemistry of the cell. A map has been constructed
for a series of changes (mutations) within the particular gene that controls the production of the specific enzyme responsible for the synthesis
of the amino acid, tryptophan, in the bacterium Escherichiu coli. Mutations at any Point within this gene may cause loss of some or all of the
enzyme activity. In some cases, even though much of the specific
enzyme activity is lost, an altered protein can be detected by immunological techniques; in other cases, no related protein of any kind is formed.
In either case, it is possible to produce reverse mutations in the gene,
so that the enzyme activity and other characteristics of the normal protein are fully or partially restored. Thus, the investigators now have a
series of proteins, including the original active protein, more-or-less
enzymatically inactive altered proteins produced by mutated genes, and
altered proteins whose activity has been partially or fully restored by
Page 16
reverse mutation. They are now determining the amino acid sequence
in each of these kinds of proteins, and they hope to correlate differences
in amino-acid sequence both with changes in the enzymatic activity of
the protein and with the position of the mutation sites in the gene.
With such a knowledge of the fine structure of the gene, the enzyme
whose production it controls, and the chemistry of the cell, it should
eventually be possible to repair hereditary defects in cellular metabolism
by deliberately changing the gene itself or by externally controlling the
synthesis of its products.
BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS .-An apparently universal characteristic of living
organisms is the ability to orient themselves in space and time by mechnisms best described as biological clocks, in much the same manner
as manmade systems.
Amphipods (sand fleas), for example, possess biological clocks which
respond to the elevation of the sun, from which they get the cues
initiating their vertical migrations. There is other evidence indicating
that certain animal forms have multiple rhythms interacting with each
other simultaneously in different frequencies so that rhythm mixing
results in new cycles. Some of these clocks are triggered by temperature
stimuli, while others may be linked to different environmental cues, such
as light stimulation or moisture stimulation. It is obvious then that
highly timed stimuli apparently can be stored in organisms at primitive
Page 17
Potentially important contributions to the development of manmachine systems may be derived from investigations of orientation components and systems in organisms. Various flying, terrestrial, and
aquatic animals exhibit unique abilities of sensing, direction finding,
time discrimination, and integration of information over time, directly
relevant to the attainment of analogous objectives in the field of bioastronautics. These organisms possess the abilities to filter information,
detect and identify targets, discriminate faint signals from noise, navigate considerable distances on coordinates not yet identified, and intercept moving targets by methods which demand continued investigations.
One example of a compact and efficient navigational system is the
vocal and auditory apparatus of a bat. Although it weighs less than
1 gram, this system orients flight maneuvers in darkness, discriminates
faint echoes from minute moving targets from louder noise in the same
frequency band, and guides the interception of individual flying insects
at rates up to one every second. Still more compact sensory and integrating mechanisms for detecting and filtering chemical, optical, and
mechanical signals are to be found in insects. Complex patterns of
sensory input are analyzed within a fraction of a second, and the output
of a few milligrams of nervous tissue results in a definitive decision and
appropriate action. Even the smallest and simplest of these mechanisms
is capable of recognizing patterns of sensory input rather than merely
responding when some threshold intensity is reached.
ing hormone (thyroxine) produced by the thyroid gland has long been
known to exercise a vital role in the regulation of developmental processes. For example, a deficiency of thyroxine results in cretinism-a
form of idiocy in humans.
In amphibians, the complex metamorphic changes which transform
the fishlike tadpole into the adult land form are subject to thyroid regulation. Among the changes involved are resorption of gills and tail,
development of limbs, and numerous other transformations involving
jaws, teeth, skin, brain, and behavior. Tadpoles, in which the thyroid
is rendered inactive by the removal of the pituitary gland, do not undergo metamorphosis. By rearing such tadpoles in solutions of thyroxine
of graded concentrations, an investigator has discovered that specific
metamorphic changes are triggered by particular concentrations of the
hormone. Another experimental series, involving substances identical
to the basic portion of the molecular structure but differing in the
Page 18
chemical composition of the reacting groups (analogs), indicated that
various compounds had different levels of activity and sites of action in
addition to the effects of quantities of thyroxine. It seems that the
qualitative nature of the chemical molecule of the thyroid hormone can
selectively regulate specific developmental events.
The transforming tadpole may be viewed as a complex mosaic of
parts, many of which are responsive to thyroid hormones. The nature
of the response depends not only upon the part in question, but also
upon the hormone concentration, and perhaps upon the relative proportion of the different molecular forms of the hormone. Alteration
of one or more of the normal factors can produce an abnormal sequence
of developmental events.
LOCOMOTION Is POSSIBLE.-A new technique of testing for visual depth
particulates called microsomes are known to play a major role in protein synthesis. Only now
with the successful synthesis of a specific protein-hemoglobin, the
1 oxygen-carrying protein in the red blood cells-outside the living cell is
their role being more fully understood.
Page 19
Microsomes were extracted from the red blood cells of the rabbit
and mixed with two enzymes from the same type cell, energy-yielding
phosphate compounds, and a complete mixture of amino acids. Three
of the amino acids were labeled with radioactive carbon atoms. After
incubation, it was found that hemoglobin was produced containing
the labeled amino acids in the same ratio as that occurring in the natural
rabbit hemoglobin.
The red blood cell microsomal protein contains two of the three amino
acids which were labeled before being added to the mixture, but in a
different ratio than that in rabbit hemoglobin. The ratio in the synthesis
product was that of hemoglobin, thus showing that the microsomes were
making hemoglobin and not microsomal protein.
The microsomes are essential to the experiment. Without them no
labeled amino acids were taken up. The microsome must therefore
perform the role of a jig or template for the manufacture of specific protein molecules.
Page 20
monomers polymerize into chains. After a high degree of polymerization has been achieved, the chains are cross-linked forming a blood clot.
If the cross-linkages occur in the presence of calcium ions and the previously mentioned catalytic factor, the linkage is very strong and the clot
is quite resistant to dissolution.
Page 21
amounts of AT-Polymer. This occurred even though all four were
NEW WORLD-DzIBILcHALTuN.-NoTthem Yucatan, in Mexico, is the
site of the ruins of a Mayan city inhabited for more than 3,000 years,
from 2,000 B.C. in pre-Mayan times till after the Spanish conquest by
Partial excavation of the ruined pyramids and temples of Dzibilchaltun has revealed a city of 20 square miles with a central lo-square-mile
area. This downtown section had pyramidal temples, palaces, and
buildings of vaulted stone with thatched houses on stone foundations
crowded between the larger buildings. Surrounding this area were
the suburbs with fewer pyramids, but equally crowded with stonevaulted temples and residential platforms. A l~s-mile-long, 60-footwide limestone causeway spanned the center of Dzibilchaltun-8 feet
high in some places.
The significance of the excavation of the oldest continuously inhabited city in the New World is that it will provide an unexcelled
yardstick for studying the historic development of Mayan culture over
a continuum of more than three millennia.
cognitive dissonance holds that when a person is forced to do or say
something in disagreement with his privately held opinion, there will be
a tendency for opinion to change in such a way as to bring it into correspondence with the act performed. Secondly the greater the pressure
used to induce the discordant act, the less will be the tendency to
change opinion. In an experimental test of this theory, changes in
moral attitudes following either cheating on a test or refraining from
cheating were investigated. A sample of students were offered a prize
for good performance on a test and were given an opportunity to cheat.
Those who did not take advantage of the opportunity and did not
cheat became more severe in their attitudes toward cheating, while
those who did cheat became more lenient. The greater the motivation
to cheat (tested by varying the value of the prize), the greater each of
these effects was. This study is one of the first to explore the consequences when an individual is faced with the decision to comply with,
or violate, a standard and, if verified by further research, will increase
our ability to predict human behavior.
Page 22
area thus far covered its volume exceeds 30 cubic miles, more than a
thousand times the volume of the famous Krakatao volcanic eruption
in 1883, which resulted in concussion heard 2,500 miles away.
Thus far an isotopic date for the ash layer has not been obtained.
Further work on dating is planned.
through the Caribbean and down the west coast of South America into
the South Atlantic made possible many samplings of sediments and
living animals and plants from the deep ocean. Several specimens of
neopilinids in good condition were dredged up from the bottom of the
Peru-Chile trench, one of which proved to be a brandnew species which
has been named Neopilina (Vema) ewingi. These small organisms
were thought to have lived only during the Paleozoic era of geologic
time and were believed to have died out at least 300 million years ago.
Their existence today is therefore as important biologically as was the
discovery of the coelecanth fish off the African coast several years ago.
All fossil forms of neopilinids so far discovered have come from sediments deposited in relatively shallow water. The newly discovered
form came from a depth of about 18,000 feet. Thus, either the neopilinids were adapted to living in both deep and shallow water from
the beginning of their existence, or they gradually moved into deeper
water as the competition for life increased in the shallow waters off the
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continental shelves, and as they moved became progressively adapted
to life without light and under extreme pressure.
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the study of nuclear structure. This is so because of the extreme complexity of so many nuclei. An exact solution may be found for problems
involving the simplest of all nuclei, that of hydrogen. But as the number of particles in a nucleus increases, the number of interactions among
the particles shortly becomes 50 numerous that, while equations can be
written, they are too complex to be solved.
The brilliant new theoretical approach which is enabling physicists
to overcome these obstacles is known as the many-body solution, and
provides a method of dealing with highly complicated physical phenomena by approximations. With solutions sufficiently exact to be extremely
valuable, the new technique has proven very successful and has opened
up an entire new field for dealing with particles too numerous to be
treated individually, but too few to be treated statistically.
Research-Related Activities
Scientific Conferences and Symposia
During the past fiscal year, the Foundation sponsored and provided
partial support for 41 scientific conferences and symposia. In most instances, sponsorship was shared with one or more private or public
agencies, including universities and scientific societies.
Page 25
18-22, 1958; Chairman:
John Bardeen, Urbana, Ill.; Cosponsor: The University of
PROPERTIES 01 METALS AT Low TaMPaaAruaca-Geneva,
N.Y., August 25-29,
1958; Chairman:
Milan D. Fiske, General Electric Co., Research Laboratory,
Schenectady, N.Y.; Cosponsor: General Electric Co., Research Laboratory.
FRACTURE CoLLoQururd-Dedham,
Mass., September 8-11, 1958; Chairman:
B. L.
Auerbach, Department
of Metallurgy,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.; Cosponsor: Committee on Ship Steel and Materials Advisory Board
of the National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council.
N.Y., August
OF PROCESS METALLuaov-Pittsburgh,
Pa., April 27-30, 1959; Chairman: Augustus B. Kinzel, American
Institute of Mining, Metallurgical
& Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, N.Y.;
Cosponsor: Metallurgical
Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical
Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
Page 26
18~~ Gaowrss Svr.sPosxuss-University
of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., June 11-13,
1959; Chairman:
Ralph 0. Erickson, Department of Botany, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pa. ; Cosponsor : Society for the Study of Development
Arbor, Mich., June 15-19, 1959; Chairman: Peter Franken, Department
of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Mich. ; Cosponsor : University of Michigan.
Pa., January, 1959; Chairman:
John Everetts, Jr., American
Society of Heating & Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Philadelphia, Pa.; Cosponsor: The
Technical Advisory Committee on Physiological Research and Human Comfort.
Mass., February 1 l-13, 1959;
Lloyd E. Slater, Foundation
for Instrumentation
Education and Research, New York, N.Y.; Cosponsors: American Meteorological
Society, Foundation
for Instrumentation
Education and Research, Meteorology Department, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Point, Fla.,
March 13-14, 1959, and Colby College, Waterville,
Maine, March 23-24, 1959;
Victor Twitty, Department
of Zoology, Stanford University,
Calif. ; Cosponsor: American Society of Zoologists.
Ill., March 13-14,
1959; Chairman:
Max Dresden, Department
of Physics, Northwestern
Evanston, Ill. ; Cosponsor: Northwestern
OPTICAL MonxL-Tallahassee,
Fla., March
16-l 7, 1959; Chairman:
CONFERENCE ON THE ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR OF THE MOUNTAIN GoamLA-Washington, D.C., September 30, 1958; Chairman:
Fairfield Osbom, New York Zoological Society, New York, N.Y.; Cosponsor: New York Zoological Society.
Hole, Mass., September 1958;
Helmut Weickmann,
Section of Meteorology,
American Geophysical
Union, National
Academy of Sciences, Washington,
D.C.; Cosponsor:
Geophysical Union Committee on Cloud Physics.
SYMPOSIUY ON IMAGE INTENSIFICATION-Fort Belvoir, Va., October 8-7, 1958;
Robert S. Wiseman, Warfare Vision Branch, U.S. Army Engineer Re-
Page 27
search and Development
Fort Belvoir, Vs.; Cosponsor:
U.S. Army
Engineer Research and Development Laboratories.
~NPBlurNCJZ ON SYSTEYATID MUSEULIS AS IhOuRCsS POR BASIC RESEARCEUniversity of the State of New York, Albany, N.Y., October 13-14, 1958; Chairman:
William N. Fenton, New York State Museum and Science Service, Albany, N.Y.;
Cosponsor: The University of the State of New York.
October 26-November
1, 1958; Chairman:
W. Frank Blair, Department of Zoology,
University of Texas, Austin, Tex. ; Cosponsor: University
of Texas.
1958; Chairman:
Alex G. Smith, Department
of Physics, University
of Florida,
Gainesville, Fla. ; Cosponsors : University of Florida, American Astronomical
December 1958; Chairman:
Milton 0. Schmidt, University
of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.; Cosponsors : Section of Geodesy of the American Geophysical
Union, Astrophysical
Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution.
P.R., January 5-9,
1959; Chairman:
John D. Weaver, professor of geology, University
of Puerto Rico,
Mayaguez, P.R.; Cosponsors: University
of Puerto Rico, Economic Development
of the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico.
Canada, June 15-20, 1959;
George Sinclair, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; Cosponsor:
Commission VI of the International
Scientific Radio Union.
Page 28
Page 29
loblo 1 .--Notional
Scimce Foundation granfr, by leldr of ~hco,
Biological and medical sciences:
Developmental ............
Genetic ..................
Metabolic ................
Regulatory ...............
Systematic ...............
General. .................
physical, and en-
gineering sciences:
Astronomy ................
Atmospheric sciences. .......
Chemistry. ................
Earth sciences. ............
Engineering sciences. .......
sciences. .....
Physics. .................
Social sciences:
Sociological . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Economic. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
History and philosophy
science . . . . . . . . . . . .
Antarctic research (life and physical sciences). . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fiscal year, 1958
Fiscal year, 1959
1, 518,800
4, 406,445
Page 30
--------- --___________ SALARY COSTS
------- -________
Page 31
The availability of increased funds in fiscal year 1959, $62.5 compared to $20.5 millions in 1958, made possible a more vigorous and
varied attack on the problems of science education by the Division of
Scientific Personnel and Education. Old programs were expanded and
new programs were established.
As in the past, the program activities of the Division were directed
toward the attainment of excellence in science education and were
focused on specific problems witbin the following general areas:
( 1) Motivation and support of high-caliber students and advanced scholars in science, mathematics, and engineering.
(2) Supplemental training in subject matter for teachers of
science, mathematics, and engineering at all levels in the educa-
tional system.
(3) Development of new and more realistic course-content materials and teaching and learning aids.
(4) Improvement of information about the training, utiliiation,
and need for scientific and technological manpower.
The Foundations general approach to problems of science education is based fundamentally on the principle that the improvement of
education in the sciences must come from within the scientific and educational communities themselves. Such improvement requires close
cooperation between those whose work is primarily research and these
who teach.
For the most part, support has gone directly to educational institutions, professional societies, and other organizations of scientists and
science teachers for the implementation of activities which they themselves have developed and which our advisers have agreed show promise
of success. These advisers-se ientists and science teachers-come from
the high schools, the colleges and universities, industry, and governmental agencies.
Page 32
and Support of High-Caliber
Students and Advanced
pation. Essentially, the program makes possible participation by undergraduate students in actual research being conducted in colleges, universities, and other nonprofit research institutions. Under the 2 13 grants
which were made, approximately 2,200 students were able to participate
in scientific activity of a relatively high order. Not only should this
program help to motivate many of the more able undergraduate students
to continue into graduate work, but it should contribute much to their
actual training in the methods and techniques of science.
Page 33
Two new programs were initiated for the support of graduate students
and advanced scholars-the Cooperative Graduate Fellowship Program
and Summer Fellowships for Graduate Teaching Assistants. The Cooperative Graduate Fellowship Program is similar in many respects
to the established program of Graduate Fellowships. The essential difI
ferences are that the cooperating institutions participate in the evaluation
of applicants and that they receive specific amounts to apply toward the
cost of education of the fellows. The program of Summer Fellowships
for Graduate Teaching Assistants is an innovation aimed at making it
possible for the graduate teaching assistant to pursue his own studies
and research during the summers, and thus hasten the completion of
his graduate work. The need for the program is reflected in the fact
that more than 1,200 teaching assistants in 105 institutions applied for
these fellowships in the first year of operation.
Training for Teachers
Page 34
have been designed to reach teachers at particular levels within this
These institutes have not been adequate, however, to serve the needs
of the best qualified of the secondary school teachers of science and
whose primary need is to pursue graduate study
toward advanced degrees in their fields of specialization. For this reason, the new program of Summer Fellowships for Secondary School
Teachers was designed and introduced during fiscal year 1959. The
mechanism of this program is very similar to that used in the Graduate
Fellowship programs, and in the summer of 1959 the first awardeesselected by the Foundation through a national competition and studying
in their individually designed programs of study at the institutions of
their choice-began receiving stipends for durations of one to three
The Research Participation for Teacher Training Program provided
another method of improving the professional competence of the best
qualified science and mathematics teachers in secondary schools and
colleges. This program made it possible for teachers with an adequate
subject-matter background to participate in ongoing research programs
at institutions with established research traditions. This experience
provided the participating teacher an insight into science not gained by
course work.
Three important new activities designed for groups of science
teachers not previously included or to meet other special needs were
launched within the institutes framework. These programs were directed toward groups of teachers of science, mathematics, and engineering whose needs had not been met through other programs.
Growing recognition of the importance of science education as a part
of the general education program at the elementary school level led to
the first tentative and experimental approach by the Foundation in this
area-to help determine the responsibilities of the Foundation and ways
in which it might best meet these responsibilities. A small program of
12 Summer Institutes for Elementary School Teachers and Supervisors
was supported.
There was a special need for programs designed for science and mathematics instructors in technical institutes, who teac,h generally at the
college level and whose academic backgrounds are widely varied. For
this reason, two exploratory special Summer Institutes for Technical
Institute Personnel were supported.
For a number of reasons, it appeared that the Summer Institutes for
College Teachers were not completely filling the need for summer sup580047-7
Page 35
plemental training. Two of the most important factors to be considered
were that the institutes were too long in duration for many teachers and
that many teachers had need for more specialized training than the institutes could offer. Accordingly, the new program of Summer Conferences
for College Teachers was introduced on an experimental basis in 1959.
Approximately 20 summer conferences-all of less than 4 weeks in duration, and covering a variety of specialized subject matter areas-were
supported. About 530 college and university teachers attended.
The programs for the supplemental training described above are more
or less formalized and programmatic in nature. A concentrated effort
is being made to discover ways to meet still other needs in the training of
teachers at all levels. A number of projects of this nature were supported
in 1959, ranging from highly specialized field institutes to short conferences on college teaching and workshops for teachers at the lower
academic levels.
and leaching
Page 36
and in all fields, but we must be able to assess the status of training and
education with respect to meeting these needs. For this reason, the activities of the Scientific Manpower Program have been expanded in ways
designed to provide better and more current information of many kinds.
Other Activities
course content and teaching aids, and the collection and dissemination of
scientific manpower information.
Fellowship Programs
Traditionally, fellowships are considered by the academic community
as a form of grant to selected individuals to enable those individuals to
further their own education. Fellowships are clearly distinct in concept
from grants designed to underwrite a specific project-research or development-and do not normally require that the recipient render any
services to the donor.
The National Science Foundation fellowship programs provide sup
port for scientific study or work in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering. Fellows are selected in national competition solely on the basis
of ability. They have freedom of choice in selecting the educational
institutions which they desire to attend.
Seven fellowship programs were in operation during fiscal year 1959Graduate (Predoctoral) , Postdoctoral (Regular), Senior Postdoctoral,
Science Faculty, Cooperative Graduate, Summer Fellowships for Graduate Teaching As&ants, and Summer Fellowships for Secondary School
A total of 3,937 fellowships were awarded in 1959; their value was
approximately $13.1 million. (Appendix F shows the distribution of
fellowship awards by type, field, and State.)
Page 37
amounted to approximately $3.2 million. Honorable mention was accorded 1,979 applicants.
Stipends for these 1959 awards were set at $1,800, $2,000, and $2,200
per year depending on the level of the fellowship-first year, intermediate,
or terminal. In addition to stipends, financial support is provided for
tuition, dependents, and other allowances.
who have received a doctors degree within the past 5 years. The programs objective is to improve the capabilities and stature of such persons
as investigators in their chosen fields of research.
In fiscal year 1959, there were 778 applications and a total of 194
awards for tenure ranging from 6 to 24 months, depending on the program planned by the individual. The cost of the program for those
accepting awards was approximately $1.1 million.
Postdoctoral fellows are provided with stipends at the rate of $4,500
per year ($5,000 per year for portions of tenure beyond 12 months), plus
allowances for dependents, travel, and special expenses.
Senior Postdoctoral
The Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships program is designed to enable recognized senior scientists, engineers, and mathematicians to be relieved of
their normal professional responsibilities so that they may pursue a full-
time program of study designed to broaden their knowledge and to improve their capabilities as investigators.
During 1959,241 scientists applied for these fellowships; 83 individuals
were offered awards. The estimated cost was $767,000.
Tenures are from 3 to 24 months, with stipends of the salary-matching
type not exceeding $12,000 per year. Allowances for travel and special
expenses are available.
Science Faculty Fellowships
The aim of the Science Faculty Fellowships program is the direct improvement of science education by providing college and university
faculty members with the opportunity to improve and update their
knowledge of the fields in which they have specialized (or of closely
related fields), and hence their competency as college teachers. This
program permits faculty members to be relieved of teaching responsibilities in order to pursue a full-time study program.
Of the 1,069 individuals who applied, awards were offered to 302.
The coat of this program during 1959 was about $2.3 million.
Page 38
Science Faculty Fellows may elect tenures ranging from 3 to 15
months and receive stipends on a salary-matching basis (not to exceed
$12,000 per year) as of the time of application. In addition, they are
provided with allowances for travel, special expenses, and tuition, if
Summer Fellowships
for Secondary School Teachers of Science and
Page 39
of-education allowance of $1,800 is provided to the institution for each
fellow. Fellows may undertake limited teaching duties as a justifiable
part of their academic training.
A total of 2,872 individuals applied through 111 colleges and univelsities in 1959. The Foundation offered awards to 1,050 individuals,
representing 105 institutions. The cost of the program was about $3.7
NATO Science Fellowships
The North Atlantic Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization established the NATO Science Fellowships program in the fall of
1958. The program is designed to stimulate the exchange of scientists
among the NATO countries by the fellowships mechanism; each member nation is charged with selecting fellows from among its own
population. The Foundation, at the request of the Department of
State, administered the program under the title NATO Postdoctoral
Fellowships in Science for the United States.
Of the 91 Americans who applied, 20 were selected and will study
in various NATO countries and Sweden.
Institutes Programs
The primary objective of the institutes programs is to improve science
instruction through making it possible for teachers in secondary
schools and colleges to obtain additional knowledge of subject matter
and to become acquainted with new developments in science and mathematics. The institutes are characterized as group activities-as contrasted with the individual activities of fellows-and employ course
materials specially prepared to meet the subject matter needs of the
Four major institute programs are supported by the Foundation:
(1) Summer Institutes for High School Teachers of Science and Mathematics, (2) Summer Conferences for College Teachers, (3) Academic
Year Institutes for High School and College Teachers, and (4) InService Institutes for High School Teachers. Limited experimental
programs also being supported include Summer Institutes for Elementary School Teachers and Supervisors, Summer Institutes for Faculty
of Technical Institutes and Technical Curricula in Junior Colleges,
and In-Service Institutes for Elementary Science Teachers.
Fiscal year 1959 costs totaled $33.6 million for 348 summer institutes
for high school and college teachers, 12 summer institutes for elementary
school teachers and supervisors, 32 academic year institutes, 182 inservice institutes, 20 summer conferences, 12 elementary summer institutes, 11 elementary inservice institutes, and 2 summer programs for
Page 40
technical institute personnel. The 1959 program was about two and
a half times as large as that of 1958.
Proposals for institutes originate with the colleges and universities
and the institutes are conducted by them. The Foundation does not
participate in the selection of participants or the operation of the
Summer Institutes
The summer institutes for high school and college teachers have increased
from 2 in 1953 to 348 during the summer of 1959. They are designed
to improve the competence of the participating teachers by providing
courses that are specially aimed at overcoming deficiencies in their knowledge of the subject matter of science and mathematics. Most of the
participants have completed their formal coursework a number of years
ago, and others must teach courses in science and mathematics for which
they have not had adequate academic preparation.
The institutes vary in length from 4 to 12 weeks. The average in
1959 was 7 weeks. The number of participants in each institute in 1959
varied from 10 to 150.
Of the 348 summer institutes in 1959, 30 were for college teachers
only; 19 were for both secondary school and college teachers; and the
remaining 299 were for secondary school teachers only.
Adequate balance in geographic distribution was maintained; for
example, 57 percent of the institutes were held east of the Mississippi
and 43 percent were held west of the Mississippi. There were 51 summer institutes in New England and New York, 86 in the other Eastern
States and the District of Columbia, 53 in the Southeastern States, 52 in
Page 41
the Midwest, 61 in the Southwest and Hawaii, 41 in the Rocky Mountain and Northwest region (including Alaska), and 4 in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
The National Science Foundation grants provided funds for participant support. The maximum amount awarded a participant was set
by the Foundation at $75 per week for stipend, plus allowance for
dependents and travel. While most institutes followed this schedule
and granted the maximum allowable amounts to each awardee, a few
distributed their available funds in smaller amounts to more participants. Many of the institutes accepted a few registrants beyond those
Page 42
provide them an opportunity to learn of recent subject material
There were 546 college teachers of science and mathematics supported
in this program of 20 conferences during 1959.
Academic Year Institutes
In-service institutes provide support in the form of grants to institutions of higher learning for programs offering opportunities to teachers
from secondary schools for further study in the subject matter of the
sciences and mathematics during out-of-school hours in the academic
Participating teachers receive no stipends but are given a travel
allowance at the maximum rate of 7 cents per mile for each trip from
home to institute and return. The sponsoring institutions receive support
for direct costs of operation. In 1959, 182 grants for in-service institutes
were made to 162 different institutions in 40 States, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Page 43
It is estimated that about 9,000 secondary school teachers will have
an opportunity for further study under this program during the 195960 school year.
A very limited program of in-service institutes for elementary school
teachers and supervison of mathematics and science will be supported
on an experimental basis during the 1959-60 school year. Eleven
grants were made to 11 different institutions in 10 States and Puerto
Rico. About 350 elementary school teachers and supervisors will have
an opportunity for further study under this program.
objective of this program is to stimulate the interests of high school students in science and mathematics through making available to schools,
on a loan basis, a carefully selected library of general-interest books covering a broad spectrum of science fields. Since 1955 this program has
Page 44
been conducted, with suppo; from the Foundation, by the American
Association for the Advancement of Science. During 1958-59375 sets
of 200 books each were circulated to 1,309 high schools and preparatory
schools, including 26 Armed Forces dependents schools in foreign
Eight sets were loaned to State and county library systems for demonstration and bookmobile circulation; 153 sets were loaned to NSF-spansored institutes and to summer programs for academically talented high
school students for use during the summer of 1959.
An auxiliary service of this program has been the publication from
time to time by AAAS of various kinds of booklists: ( 1) The Traveling
High School Science Library, an annotated bibliography of the 200 titles
currently in use in this library; (2) An Inexpensive Science Library, a list
of paperbound science and mathematics books; and (3) The AAAS
Science Book List, containing over 1,000 annotated titles.
3. Traveling Science Demonstration Lecture Program.-Support
Page 45
Viiits by traveling lecturers have resulted in many significant changes
in the teaching of science, according to a large number of letters received from schools visited. These letters recount in detail the improvements which the schools have been able to make in science demonstrations, laboratory equipment, assignments for students, and project work
after contact with one of the demonstration-lecturers.
4. Science Clubs and Student Projects.-The
primary objective of
thii program is to stimulate an interest in science and in scientific and
engineering careers, particularly among precollege-age students by providing grants for the support of extracurricular science projects under
the guidance of national youth organizations.
Since 1952, the National Science Foundation has provided partial
support to Science Service, a nonprofit organization which administers
t,he program of Science Clubs of America. Science projects carried out
by the members of these clubs are displayed at science fairs, culminating
in the annual National Science Fair.
A grant was also awarded to 4-H Clubs of America to defray the
costs of a joint conference of 4-H Club leaders, college scientists, and
U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists to explore methods of expanding interest and understanding of science through 4-H Club
5. Summer Training for Secondary School Students.-This
series of
projects provides grants to colleges, universities, and other nonprofit
research institutions to enable them to offer opportunities to unusually
able secondary school students to study and work during the summer
with experienced scientists and mathematicians at the sponsoring
Two general types of training programs were presented. Most common were institute-type training courses, varying in duration from 2
to 11 weeks, and featuring classroom work, laboratory exercises, and
field trips centered around a specified area of science. In some cases,
however, the training was based upon student participation in actual
research projects of appropriate scope under the guidance of scientists.
A total of 116 grants were made to 109 different institutions in 36
States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. About 6,000 students participated in this program during the summer of 1959.
6. State Academies of Science.-State Academies of Science and
similar organizations receive support through this program for projects
to strengthen interest in science, especially among young people. Academies of Science are uniquely qualified for implementing many such
types of projects because of their active involvement with Junior Acad78
Page 46
emies of Science and science fairs, and because of the broad diversifica-
developed program which provides support in the form of grants to colleges, universities, and other nonprofit research institutions to foster
undergraduate participation in research. The purposes of the program are to interest undergraduates in research by actually sharing in an
ongoing program, and to provide training in the techniques of research.
Participating undergraduates in some cases receive stipends to enable
them to spend time on research training, and the sponsoring institutions
receive support for a share of operating expenses.
A total of 213 grants were made under this program in 1959, with
2,205 undergraduates participating during the summer of 1959.
3. Research Participation for Teacher Training.-This
program provides support to colleges, universities, and other nonprofit research institutions for programs offering opportunities to teachers from secondary schools and small colleges to participate in scientific research during
the summer months.
Page 47
Participating teachers receive stipends comparable to those in summer
institutes, and the sponsoring institutions receive support for a share
of operating expenses.
Fifty-six grants were made to 54 institutions in 29 States and the
District of Columbia; these projects provided research training for approximately 400 high school teachers and 145 college teachers during
the summer of 1959.
4. Supplementary Training for Science Teachers.-Support in the
form of grants is given colleges, universities, scientific societies, and non-
Page 48
1. Curricula Development Program.-In
an effort to improve the
science curricula available in this country, studies of science subject matter taught in foreign educational systems are being supported. Such
studies are conducted by appropriate professional groups in cooperation
with foreign scientists and educators. Major attention is being given
to preuniversity and undergraduate curricula. Assistance is also available to interested and qualified American groups to undertake survey
projects under the sponsorship of international regional organizations
and also under the exchange program currently underway with the
U.S.S.R. under the Lacy-Zaroubin agreement.
2. Teacher-Training
Program.-Projects supported under this heading are aimed at improving the quality of our Nations teacher-training
programs through cooperative projects with other countries and by
making use of the experience and wisdom accumulated by other educational systems. Grants can be made to international teacher-training
institutes where the close personal contact that would be brought about
between American secondary and college teachers with their counterparts in other nations can lead to greatly enhanced backgrounds and
an invaluable appreciation of mutual problems. The Foundation assures appropriate American participation at such institutes by providing
travel and living expenses for scientists and science teachers selected
from our Nations schools and colleges. Visiting foreign staff projects
are also supported whereby distinguished foreign scholars contribute to
Foundation-sponsored summer and academic year institutes programs.
3. Science Student Program.-Foundation support is offered through
these projects for a number of special science education activities aimed
at enabling science students and scientists to engage in international
educational programs with the primary objective of making it possible
for these individuals to keep abreast of the current state of knowledge
and scientific advancement throughout the world. For example, assistance is given to the professional societies and institutions of higher learning to administer a program of visiting foreign scientists whereby eminent
foreign scientists are invited to spend periods of a few days to a few
weeks in science departments of our colleges and universities with the
objective of augmenting the quality of the research and educational
activities of these institutions. Increasing attention is being given to the
development and support of international field institutes whereby
scholars and students from many nations can gather together for a
few days or weeks to exchange ideas and developments in a special field
of scientific interest.
Page 49
Course Content Improvement Program
The purpose of the NSF Course Content Improvement Program is to
encourage and assist first-rank research scientists and teachers in attempts to incorporate modern scientific knowledge and theory into
school curricula. As a result of experience and promising results obtained in previous years, 1959 funds for these programs were substantially
increased to $6.1 million. This permitted expansion into a wide range
of disciplines and inauguration of additional major efforts.
Course Cont,ent Studies and Development
Activities under this heading provide support for first-rate mathematicians, scientists, engineers, teachers at appropriate levels, and associated experts in education and the communications arts to develop
subject matter content and model instructional materials for courses
in mathematics and science in elementary and secondary schools and
for courses in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering in colleges and
universities. Projects ranging from small-scale experiments to comprehensive programs are national in scope and significance.
1. Science and Mathematics in Elementary Schools.-Throughout the
country, elementary schools may soon teach science in every grade, along
with mathematics. The problem is to identify significant content; to
determine at what levels particular concepts can be grasped (taking
variations in student backgrounds and abilities into account) ; and to
develop written materials, apparatus, and other aids for pupils and
teachers. Teachers manuals and similar materials are particularly
important, for many elementary school teachers have had little preparation in science. In this field, projects are still exploratory and experimental. Among them are work by mathematicians and teachers at
Stanford University on adding geometry and other topics in grades l-6,
school Mathematics Study Group was organized in mid-1958 to carry out an extensive program to improve mathematics teaching in elementary and secondary schools. Many eminent
mathematicians and accomplished teachers are engaged in this project,
which is sponsored by Yale University and directed by Prof. E. G. Begle.
One goal is to provide a sound basis for a solid college course in calculus
and analytical geometry by the end of the 12th grade. Sample texts and
teacher guides for grades 7 and 9-12 will be tried experimentally during
1959-60. Special manuals are being written for in-service teachers and
Page 50
soft-cover books on special topics will be prepared for students. A
related University of Minnesota project will test the use of the new
courses in correspondence study by talented students in small schools
lacking advanced work in mat.hematics.
3. Physics.-High school physics is the subject of the pioneering comprehensive study. By September 1960, revised instructional materials
will be available through commercial channels for all schools wishing
to adopt the course. The result of 4 years of effort by several score of
the Nations top physicists, as well as several hundred teachers who
participated in developing the material and testing preliminary versions,
the course focuses upon the great ideas of physics and provides insights
into the way these ideas have developed. A textbook, laboratory guide,
a special kit of apparatus, films presenting major experiments not readily
conducted in the classroom, examinations, a teachers guide, and supplementary books on special topics have been fashioned into a carefully
articulated learning experience. This course represents a new ap
preach to high school physics and, for the first time in many years,
brings the indispensable range and depth of knowledge of a number of
eminent scientists into the development of a secondary school curriculum.
The Physical Science Study Committee, of which Prof. J. R. Zacharias
is chairman, under the sponsorship of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and Educational Services, Inc., has made educational
history with the aid of grants from NSF and from other groups.
4. Chemistry.-Several approaches may prove desirable in high school
chemistry. Conferences in 1957 and 1958 led to a summer writing conference at Reed College in 1959, where research leaders and college and
secondary school teachers prepared a preliminary textbook and demonstration and laboratory experiments for a course using chemical bonds as
the central theme. Meanwhile an interim committee of distinguished
chemists, sponsored by Ohio State University, is preparing plans for a
chemistry project comparable to that in physics.
5. Life Sciences.-In the life sciences a large group of eminent bioloi
gists and teachers have initiated the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
(BSCS) under the chairmanship of Dr. H. Bentley Glass of Johns
Hopkins University and the sponsorship of the American Institute of
Biological Sciences. It is the intention of the BSCS, first, to develop a
new high school course in biology, and later to contribute to the improvement of biological instruction at other levels.
Support has also been granted to the National Academy of Sciences for
completing the revision of a sourcebook of laboratory and field studies for
high school biology, the preliminary edition of which has received widespread commendation.
Page 51
6. College Studies .-The Foundation is supporting a variety of course
Page 52
higher education now can use television as an aid in classroom teaching, but its potentialities require much further exploration. Partial
support was provided for one venture sponsored by the Greater Washington Educational Television Association, in which 16 school systems,
a number of university and Government laboratories, and many scientists pooled their talents to produce a science course for 30,000 5thand 6th~graders in nearly 300 schools. In a weekly presentation, scientists from different laboratories discussed major current investigations in
fields studied in the regular lessons; televised in color, these programs
were k&scoped so that they can be used in other areas.
3. Laboratory equipment .-Under an experimental program for stimulating the development of new, inexpensive laboratory equipment, NSF
grants were awarded for 16 projects, including an integrated set of instrument building blocks for instruments used in analytical chemistry,
a supersonic wind tunnel, and transparent plastic models of vertebrate
embryos. Descriptions of apparatus developed under these grants will
be published and commercial supply houses are likely to consider production of many items. A grant was also awarded to the American
Institute of Physics to publish drawings of new apparatus for college
The National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel is maintained to insure that information on the resources of scientific manpower
is available, and that individual scientists and engineers with specialized skills can be identified and located as required in the national
During 1959, the principal activities of the Register have been directed toward ( 1) bringing up to date as promptly as possible the
processing of Register data in order to maximize its usefulness, (2) continuing the coverage of scientists through the cooperative efforts of the
scientific societies, and (3 ) servicing miscellaneous requests for Register
To expedite the processing of present and future Register data, a
machine processing laboratory was established during 1959 at the Reg85
Page 53
ister Records Center operated by North Carolina State College. A preliminary listing contained data collected on some 170,000 scientists
during the period from January 1957 to December 1958.
Preliminary analyses of these data for 1957-58 were started. The
data deal with a wide variety of factors, such as salary, age, level of education, field of study, professional specialties, function, type of employer,
and foreign-language facility.
Agreement has been reached with the cooperating scientific societies,
and planning is underway to determine the procedures and schedules
to be used in a 1960 circularization of the scientific community to secure
current information. It is planned that the questionnaire will provide
for updating information on present registrants and complete information on new registrants.
Scientific Manpower
Page 54
Scientific and Technical Personnel. This report was prepared in
answer to a Bureau of the Budget request for such a coordinated program. One of the recommendations of this report was the following:
To insure prompt, efficient, and thorough implementation of this
program, an appropriate Federal agency should be given specific
responsibility for coordinating the several projects for analyzing the
data produced, and for assuring that the findings will be made
The National Science Foundation, upon request of the Bureau of the
Budget, has agreed to act as the focal agency for this responsibility.
During this fiscal year the following reports were completed :
Foreign Language Knowledge of American Scientists, 1954-55.-
Page 55
Tibet0 -Chinese
All Other
4% \
2.4 %
Bolto- Slavic
With mojor
3 1,202
~gure 2.4orelgn
language knowledge
of American
by ma/or
Page 56
Electrical Equipmen:
er Manufacturing Industries
Figure O.--Schntists
and l ngineerr
in research and development
and in all
activities, by industry, January 1957.
Page 57
Research and Development
Other Activities
2l The 8moll proportion
of earth
in research
and development
Work reflect6
the exclurlon
of field exploration
from research
ond development
under the turvey
ond engineers
as odministrotors.
Flgum 4.4ercentages
of scienlisls
in industry
by occupaConal group, January 1957.
Page 58
American Science Manpower-Employment
and Other Characteristics, 29.54-Z.-Of the 116,000 employed scientists listed in the National
Register in 1954-55, the largest group (some 41,000 persons) were employed in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. (See
table 2. )
Almost half of the 116,000 scientists were employed in private industry, and nearly one-third by educational institutions. About 44 percent
were engaged in research, development, or field exploration; slightly
less than one-fifth were in management or administration and about the
same proportion in teaching. Almost 8,000 (7 percent) were women.
Table 2 .-Dirlribufion
of all employed scientists,
by field, 1954-S
Employment field
fields. ............
Life sciences. ....................
sciences. ..........
Biological sciences. ............
Medical sciences. .............
Earth sciences. ...................
Geology and geophysics. .......
Physics and astronomy. ...........
Chemistry and chemical engineering
Chemistry. ...................
Chemical engineering. .........
Mathematics. ....................
Engineering, except chemical. ......
Psychology. .....................
Geography ......................
All other fields l ..................
AII scientists
21. 3
7. 0
13. 5
12. 0
1.838 1
1. 6
9. 9
28. 0
7. 0
7. 5
4. 0
8. 8
1. 1
m Includes all other scientific and nonscientific specialties.
Source: National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954-55.
Scientific Manpower-I958.-Papers
presented at the Seventh Conference on Scientific Manpower, held in conjunction with the AAAS
meeting in Washington, D.C., in December 1958, are included in
papers presented at the symposium on Demographic and Sociological
Aspects of Scientific Manpower.
In addition, this program provided much information on scientists and
engineers to the Foundation for planning and operating its programs and
to other Government agencies, many private organizations, and the
general public.
Page 59
The scientists problems regarding information are: How can the
present volume of research results be published promptly? W.hat is being
published of interest to me, where is it, and how can I get it? The
Office of Science Information Service seeks ways and means to answer
these questions by fostering cooperation and coordination of scientific
information activities of Federal agencies and non-Government organizations.
Scientific information has become a major problem, particularly
since World War II, as a result of rapid scientific progress multiplying
the volume of new scientific information beyond the point where it can
be effectively published or handled through existing methods. Accompanying this problem there has been an increased consumption of
fundamental science by technology. The scientist needs his information
faster. Formerly the timelag between development of a fundamental
idea and its utilization by technology was measured in tens of years;
now it may be measured in months and weeks.
During the 1959 fiscal year increased interest in this problem by the
President and Congress culminated in the assignment to the Foundation
of greatly expanded responsibilities for leadership in a national effort
to improve the availability of research information to scientists.
The National Defense Education Act of 1958 defined NSF objectives
for providing or arranging for the provision of a wide range of informa-
tion services leading to a more effective dissemination of scientific information and the development of new or improved methods, including
mechanized systems, for making scientific information available.
Under the terms of title IX of the act, the Office of Science Information Service (OSIS) was established by the Foundation, replacing the
former Office of Scientific Information. The act also provided for the
establishment of a Science Information Council made up of representatives of private industry, education, professional societies, Government,
and others concerned with information problems. The group advises
and makes recommendations to OSIS.
Page 60
The Office of Science Information Service has proceeded on the assumption that much is to be gained by close cooperation with, and
support of, existing information services, both public and private, where
they are functioning effectively. This policy is inherent in applicable
language of the National Defense Education Act and was emphasized
strongly in recommendations to the President by his Science Advisory
Committee. Many of the information services rendered by scientific
societies and professional institutions are world famous for their quality.
It is essential that the Federal Government continue to cooperate with
and assist such private groups in maintaining and improving their
specialized services.
Other objectives of OSIS programs are to identify and analyze
strengths and weaknesses of existing information practices; to foster co
operation and coordination among public and private agencies for the
solution of problems in the field; and to encourage and support research
for developing new and improved techniques of information handling.
The four major programs within the Office of Science Information
Service are Documentation Research, Foreign Science Information, Publications and Information Services, and Unpublished Research Information.
In the 1959 fiscal year, 146 grants totaling about $3.8 million were
made; comparable figures for the 1958 fiscal year were 89 grants and
$1.9 million.
Documentation Research
Scientists need new techniques to help them find and digest the material they want without time-consuming searches through the literature.
To develop these techniques it is necessary to have a clear understanding
of the actual information requirements of scientists, as well as a precise
knowledge of the ways in which scientists communicate. The Foundation supports research of a fundamental nature that will produce new
knowledge, insights, or techniques for the development of systems to
meet scientists information needs.
Page 61
Oral or written
D Data Treatment
Data from Care Institute of Technology for N.S.F.-1957-1958
Figure 5.40~
industrial chemists spend their working time.
Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, and An Operations Research Study of the Scientific Activity of Chemists, from the
Operations Research Group, Case Institute of Technology. (See fig. 5. )
A subsequent grant has been made to the Bureau of Applied Social
Research at Columbia University for the preparation of a critical review
of all studies to date of scientists use of information. The review will
serve to summarize what has been learned so far and to outline questions
Page 62
Research on Information
Storage and Retrieval
guages function are being made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Such knowledge is believed to be necessary to the achievement
of high-quality mechanical translation.
The Cambridge Language Research Unit in England is studying
the semantic organization of languages to develop procedures for the
mechanical handling of variations of meaning aa well 85 form. These
procedures are being tested first on punched cards.
Page 63
Research Information
Center and Advisory Service on
Support and staff assistance was given to the International Conference on Scientific Information, held in Washington, D.C., in November 1958. At the conference, progress in research on scientific infonnation problems and the need for additional work were discussed. The
conference proceedings will be published by the National Academy
of Sciences.
Page 64
of Russian Scientifk Documents
* of foreign chemical and biological serial publications to serve as a
national as well as a regional resource.
Studies and Surveys
Page 65
York Public Library and of Japan and Indonesia by the Pacific Science
Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Similar studies are being
developed for the U.S.S.R., mainland China, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Korea, and other countries.
Oversoa Activities
During 1959, grants were made in support of primary research journals to launch new publications and to aid existing periodicals. The
former included two experimental publications: Wildlife
Disease, the
Page 66
Two significant grants in this area were made during 1959. The first
was for continued support to the Office of Critical Tables of the National
Academy of Sciences. This office is an information and coordinating
center for projects engaged in developing critical physical data of all
kinds. The second grant of this kind was to the Biosciences Information
Exchange administered by the Smithsonian Institution and jointly supported by a number of Government agencies. The exchange functions
first research journal to be issued solely in microform (Microcard in this
case) ; and Physical Review Letters, an experiment in rapid low-cost publication of short, up-to-the-minute articles on physics research. Typical
of other new periodicals supported is the Journal of Geophysical Research; here the NSF grant assures publication for 2 years during which
time it is believed the journal can become self-supporting, Representative of the existing primary journals receiving support in 1959 is Cenetits; in this case the grant is for the publication of an accumulated backlog
of papers as a separate volume. Other journals have received temporary support to enable them to publish cumulative indexes or to insure
publication while regular income is being adjusted to meet sudden increases in costs or the need for immediate expansion of coverage.
Grants also were made in support of abstracting and indexing services.
Typical is the grant made to Biological Abstracts to enable it to improve
the adequacy of its coverage. Other reasons for such grants include
supporting a new service until it can build up its regular income, permitting reorganization of a service to improve its effectiveness, and covering
a financial crisis caused by a sudden rise in costs or the need to offer
a temporary specialized service. Consultation with the National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services (formed in January
1958 with NSF support) aids in achieving coordination and consistency
of overall pattern. The policy of temporary support only is applied here
also; however, the periods of subsidy are somewhat longer than in the
case of primary journals because costs are higher and possible sources
of income are fewer.
Recognizing that good critical reviews constitute one of the most important-and most neglected-forms of scientific publications, the Publications and Information Services program made its first extensive grant
in thii area in December 1958. Under this grant four series of review
papers are being prepared in physics, varying from comprehensive technical reviews of major area of the field to short, semitechnical synopses
of limited subject scope.
Support of Information
Page 67
ological sciences and offers reference service on its holdings to al
participating groups.
Studies and Surveys
Page 68
Inventory of Government
Scientific Reporting
Other Activities
The OSIS responsibility for conducting the U.S. scientific exhibits
program at the Brussels Worlds Fair was concluded in 1959. During
the year a number of these exhibits were installed at the Chicago
Museum of Science and Industry.
Other exhibits were prepared for use at meetings of scientific organizations where the problems of scientific information dissemination and
programs for improvement in the field were topics of discussion.
To provide an effective means for the exchange of information among
groups working in the scientific information field, the Office of Science
Information Service began publication of a bimonthly news bulletin,
Science Information
published during the fiscal year, describes the overall U.S. effort to make
available Russian scientific publications, translations, abstracts, indexes,
and bibliographies. It also contains a reference list of 76 Russian
journals currently being translated into English.
Current Research and Development in Scientific Documentation, No.
Page 69
A major Foundation responsibility is the measurement and appraisal
of the total research and development effort. Each sector of the
economy, pursuing its own interests, contributes its part to the whole
effort. As a Federal agency, the Foundation is in a position to view the
condition of the Nation with regard to its entire research and development activity. This view aids in the formulation of national science
policy and the establishment of internal policies for the Foundations
programs in research and education.
Scientific research and development, recognized for its part in achieving military objectives, is now being appraised for its significance as a
national activity in our economic system. This recognition was more
forcefully realized with the Foundations estimate for 1957 of $10
billion for research and development in the country as a whole with the
employment of more than 300,000 scientists and engineers.
Referred to as the industry of discovery, research and development
activity in the United States has in recent years expanded more rapidly
than many other industries. Expenditures for this purpose rose from
more than $2 billion 1 in 1947 to $5.2 billion 2 in 1953 and to the
previously mentioned $10 billion in 195 7.
That this upward trend will persist is indicated by the fact that the
1957-58 recession failed to halt its growth. Perhaps contributing to
the continued increase is a new public awareness, created by the Soviet
1 Department of Defense.
Office of the Secretary of Defense (R&D), The Growth
of Scientific Research and Development.
Washington 25, DC., 1953, p. 10.
Science Foundation.
Reviews of Data on Research B Development,
No, 1, Expenditures
for Research and Development
in the United States, 1953.
Washington 25, DC., 1956.
Page 70
satellite launchings, of the need for continuing research and development.
Many have realized that research and development contributes significantly to our domestic policy of maintaining a healthy economy. But
until the past few years the intrinsic effects of research and development on the growth of the economy and on maintaining its level had
only been vaguely explored. The theory that research and development
acts in this way on the economy has been expounded by the late Prof.
Sumner Slichter of Harvard University. He has stated that technological research leads to increased demand for goods, which in turn raises
production and thereby acts as a source of greater income. Thus,
research has a dynamic as well as a stabilizing effect. Research and
development acts in this manner primarily because we have a free
enterprise system. The competition by industry to bring about the
innovations and new products as a result of research is responsible for
these overall effects on the economy.
Thus, research and development also influences the competition among
nations, extending to all levels, the military and civilian, i.e., competition with regard to weapons systems as well as to standards of living.
Dr. Waterman, at the hearings before the Joint Economic Committee
of the Congress in February 1959, testified: The real point is that we
are competing with the Soviet Union for the future . . . the economic
implications of research and development are of a long-range nature.
What we do now in planning our research and development effort, in
giving it adequate support, may determine not only our own future but
the future of the world as well.
The importance of research and development requires that ways be
found to measure this effort. To do this it is necessary to obtain detailed
data, which in turn will permit closer analysis of the effects of research
and development.
Survey Program and Related Analytical
Studies of the Foundation
Page 71
and comprehensive basis. The economy was divided into four sectars-Federal Government, industry, colleges and universities, and other
nonprofit institutions.
Data are compiled in terms of both sources of funds and pet-forma
of research and development for all four sectors. This permits analysis
of intersectoral relations and the construction of a transfer table showing
the flow of funds for support of work by the sectors to others for the
conduct of research, as well as for the basic research performed and/or
supported by each sector.
Surveys are conducted in each sector, largely by means of questionnaires either directly by the Foundations staff or by contractual agreement with another Federal agency or outside institution. For the
Federal sector and for most groups in the nonprofit sector, the surveys
aimed for complete coverage; sampling was used for industrial firms
and smaller philanthropic foundations.
The first comprehensive round of surveys covering the year 1953-54
was completed, with full reports issued covering the individual surveys
in each sector. The data have been combined into an overall estimate
for the country. This necessarily experimental series indicated deficiencies to be met, or at least acknowledged, for some of these are inherent in the subject matter, and laid the foundation for a permanent
survey program.
The purposes served by the current program of statistical surveys are
twofold, one being to supply a sufficient amount of information for
analysis, and the other to formulate a statistical time series summarizing
annual fluctuations in research and development activity. The demands
on the Foundation to supply data on research and development activities have been great, and as a result continual updating of information
is planned. A detailed survey of each sector will be conducted once
every 4 or 5 years. In the intervening years only summary data will be
collected, largely for the purpose of developing the time series. However, owing to the current interest in research and development data,
this plan for the present has been modified to make the summary surveys
somewhat more detailed in nature, but eventually it is hoped to confine
them to total figures. In this way, adequate data on research and
development will be available for each sector as well as for the country
as a whole.
Science Foundation.
Reviews of Data on Research 8, D#vrtogmsnt,
No. 1. Expenditurea
for Research and Development
in the United States, 1953.
Washington 25, D.C., 1956; Reviews of Data on Research d Development,
No. 5.
Fund8 for Basic Research in the United States, 1953. Washington 25, D.C., 1957.
Page 72
Emerging from the data collection have come the tools for shaping
analytical studies. Like the factfinding studies, they are the means for
achieving the objectives and they continue to build the basis for guidance
in policy matten and appraising the impact of research on the general
Science Foundation, Procredings of a Conference on Research and Detrclopment and Its Impact on the Economy.
Washington 25, DC.: Supt. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oftice, 1958.
Page 73
population. The 1959 Economic Report of the President has called
attention to the extremely important role that research and development contributes to the growth of the economy.
(c) Current Projects on Economic and Other Impacts of Scientific
Research and Development, 2959.--The survey of projects pertaining to
Federal Government
During the fiscal year 1959 the Foundation published Federal Funds
for Science, VZZ-The
Federal Research and Development Budget,
Fiscal Years 1957,1958, and 1959 based on data reported to the Founda-
During the year, a survey was conducted of obligations and expenditures for scientific research and development for fiscal years 1958,
Page 74
Year 1959
[Millions of dollars]
Total, all agencies. .....................................
Department of Agriculture.
Department of Commerce. ....................................
Department of Defense b .......................................
Department of the Army. .................................
Department of the Navy. .................................
Department of the Air Force. ..............................
Advanced Research Projects Agency. ......................
funds ....................................
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ..................
National Institutes of Health. ..............................
Department of the Interior. ...................................
Atomic Energy Commission. ..................................
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
National Science Foundation.
8 These estimates were published in Federal Funds for Science, VIII-The
Federal Research and Dcvclopmcnt Budget, Fiscal Tears 1958, 1959, and 7950.
b Data reflect revised appropriation
structure for research and development.
include pay and allowances of military personnel in research and development, scparately identified procurement funds in support of R, D, T, & E, as well as the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation appropriations.
NOTE: Detail will not necessarily add to totals because of rounding.
Two previous surveys of research and development performance by
private firms were sponsored by the National Science Foundation and
were conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of
Page 75
Labor. The first survey covered the years 1953-54 and the second
survey for the year 1957-58 is now underway, this one being conducted
for the Foundation by the U.S. Office of Education. The rapid growth
of Federal financial support of scientific research and development at
institutions of higher education during the postwar period has raised
a number of issues of national education and science policy. Among
these issues are:
(a) Relative responsibilities of Federal and non-Federal sources
for financing academic research.
(6) Relationship of federally sponsored research to the issue
of Federal aid to higher education.
(c) The compatibility of institutional objectives to those of
sponsoring Federal agencies.
(d) The effects of Federal sponsorship of research upon the
balance of institutional activities as between research and instruction. (For example, is Federal support of research tending to drive
Page 76
of dollars
1954 1955
1956 1957
for research and development
by private
NOTE: Data for each year are l xprorsod in terms of current dollars.
(a) Funds shown here are for private industrial firms, i.e., principally
other Industrial tlrms which account for more than 90 percent of the total amount for the
sector as a whole.
Also Included in the sector as defined by NSF (but not
In the chart) are independent
trade associations,
centers operated by private Industrial organizations
under contract with the Federal
faculty out of teaching and into research because of better opportunities for promotion?)
(G) The effects of Federal sponsorship upon the balance among
the institutional research activities, e.g., as between natural and
social sciences and between the sciences and the humanities.
(f ) The &e&s of Federal contracts for applied research and
development upon basic research.
(g) Use of the research center as an institutional device for
attaining research objectives of Federal agencies.
(h) Responsibilities of Federal agencies for paying indirect costs
of sponsored research.
An assessment of these problems requires facts on the total research and development effort carried on at institutions of higher
education, the proportion federally financed, the trends in Federal
support by agencies, field of science, character of work, etc. (See
Page 77
Full-time EquiwAents
Rb 0 Expendltwes
Engaged in R 8 D
Petwnl DbtrlMbn
Percent cxstrlbutbe
6D 3D 40 30 20
IO 20 30 40 30
Physical Sdmces.. . . .
Psychology. . . . . . . . . .
Sadal sciences . . .
Ufe Sciences . . . .
BiOlogl00l (Including
Ndlcal preclinlcol)
abtkal . . . . . . . . . . .
Figun 7.---Jeparately
research and development
in colleges and universities
proper, 1953-54.
of expenditures
and faculty, by tlefd of science.
NOTE Excludes data on agricultuml
la) Sepamtely
budgeted research and development
includes both research and develop
ment sponsored by outside agencies and that supported by earmarked
university funds.
tb) Due to varying response factors, the institutlonal
covemge of expenditure
and manpower data Is not completely comparable.
Within the scope of the 190 large colleges and
surveyed, ,173 schools reported on expenditures
and 180 repotted on manpower.
The chati Is based on the schools reporting on both items.
Page 78
.. - Heollh, Education
and Welfare
.:. ,...
Fedeml agency
other sources
Figure 8 .--Total
cost of research and development
at colleges and universities,
by sowce
of support, fiscal year 1954.
Page 79
Data obtained from the Foundations 1953-54 survey of research
and development at colleges and univexsities have contributed significantly to policy recommendations developed by the Foundation with
respect to a number of the above problems.
Repeating the 1953-54 surveys of private foundations, research institutes, health agencies, and other nonprofit organizations, the Foundation
has utilized the services of the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, to collect data on expenditures and personnel for the
year 1957. Privately endowed foundations reported $71.5 million for
support of research and development in that year, 67 percent of which
was characterized as basic research. Health agencies reported $23
million, 47 percent of which was basic research, mostly in the life sciences.
Page 80
International Geophysical Year
Page 81
Every variety of geophysical instrument, including rockets and satellites, was used in the total IGY examinations. It is probably safe to say
that every available vehicle was used by the farflung parties of scientists
in the accomplishment of their missions.
Of the many measurements and accomplishments of the series of IGY
satellites, two outstanding ones may be mentioned. With respect to
instrumentation carried aloft by satellites, the identification of the Van
Allen Radiation Belt is probably the most significant. Man has now
established the fact that the earth is surrounded by two great doughnut-shaped zones of trapped charged particles at distances in the plane
of the geomagnetic equator of about 6004,000 and 8,000-l 2,000 miles
altitude. Further, it has been established that for a given altitude this
radiation is most intense in low geomagnetic latitudes and is much reduced at polar latitudes, and that it has a distribution relationship to
the earths magnetic field. A second significant preliminary finding
resulted from careful ground-based observations of the Vanguard I
satellite orbit and complicated calculations based upon the orbital data.
An important contribution to geodesy was made by these calculations,
as they permitted a refinement of our knowledge of the distribution of
mass of the earth, indicating a slight excess in mass in the Southern
Hemisphere over that in the Northern Hemisphere.
By means of rockets and balloons, important deviations between the
latitude energy distribution of cosmic rays impinging upon the earth
and the structure of the earths magnetic field have been detected.
Similarly, terrestrial magnetic field measurements tend to verify the
existence of a strong electricai current in the high atmosphere above
the earths magnetic equator. Still further, the earths magnetic field has
been demonstrated to maintain a detectable influence far into space.
This came as a consequence of studies of ionospheric phenomena called
whistlers, which originate from atmospheric electrical disturbances
that propagate along paths guided by the force of the earths magnetic
The diurnal and seasonal variations of the ionosphere also demonstrate the close relations among solar variations and terrestrial responses.
Careful and prolonged measurements of the aurora enable still closer
identification of solar radiation and solar particle output and the resultant upper atmospheric consequences. An additional significant finding derived from the examination of these solar-terrestrial phenomena
Page 82
is that the suns corona appears to be of great extent and that the earth
itself may be immersed in this extremely tenuous material.
The suns effects are not, however, confined to the earths atmosphere.
The liquid and solid portions of the earth respond to the energy in which
they are bathed, and react between themselves and with the atmosphere
as a gigantic heat engine with two fluids. And even the solid earth
responds to the sun in the measurable form of the earth tides. The
earths intake and output of energy, primarily from the sun, are remarkably stable. The energy exchanges between the atmosphere and the
oceans are on a vast scale. The circulation of winds and waters effects
the exchanges necessary for this stability.
The understanding of meteorological phenomena will have been ad-
vanced immeasurably when the IGY data have been completely analyzed. In the oceans-our last terrestrial frontier-new currents and
deep countercurrents have been identified and measured. The exchanges
of gases, such as carbon dioxide, between the waters and the atmosphere
have been measured all over the world, and as a result it has been established that the distribution of carbon dioxide gas is remarkably constant
throughout the world. All the worlds important glaciers and ice deposits have been measured and probed to complete the data that man
must have in order to promote climatological research on its necessary
long-time scale, and future similar measurements from time to time will
yield epochal knowledge.
The first serious large-scale scientific examinations of the Antarctic
form a noteworthy part of the IGY program. Tremendous depths of
ice, up to 14,000 feet, were probed by seismic means and give for the first
time an indication of the actual size of the Antarctic ice deposit. First
mappings of the structure under the icecap were made. Many upper
atmospheric measurements were completed and preliminarily substantiate the belief that cosmic rays are distributed in the Southern Hemisphere
in the same fashion as they have been measured in the Northern Hemisphere. The simultaneity and general frequency of auroral occurrences
in both hemispheres were established.
Meteorology particularly benefited from the investigations in the Antarctic where, until the IGY, meteorological knowledge was scant and
upper air observations almost nonexistent. The Antarctic is the only
place on earth where the ocean waters perform earth circuits without
continental or other interruptions and where a high, frigid continent
underlies a very large-scale circulation system.
Page 83
The earths crust and interior were also subjected to careful scrutiny.
Seismic stethoscopes measured natural and manmade disturbances of
vibrations in the earth, both on land and at sea, and measured strains and
deformations in the earths crust. Mountain roots were in some cases
found to penetrate through the earths crust deeply into the mantle.
Measurements of the value of gravity are tying in hitherto incomplete
gravity networks and revealing mass distribution and maas anomalies.
The data now gathering in IGY World Data Centers will spur mans
imagination concerning his entire world as never before. The continuing
use of this data, and its vast research value, far outweighs the cost of the
IGY effort and should greatly accelerate the pace of research in relevant
World Data Centers
Page 84
3. IGY World Data Center A : Aurora (Visual) ; Rockefeller
Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
4. IGY World Data Center A: Cosmic Rays; School of Physics,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.
5. IGY World Data Center A: Geomagnetism, Gravity, and
Seismology; Geophysics Division, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,
Washington 25, D.C.
6. IGY World Data Center A: Glaciology; American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th Street, New York 32, N.Y.
7. IGY World Data Center A: Longitude and Latitude; U.S.
Naval Observatory, Washington 25, D.C.
8. IGY World Data Center A: Meteorology and Nuclear Radiation; National Weather Records Center, Asheville, N.C.
9. IGY World Data Center A: Oceanography; Department of
Oceanography and Meteorology, Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Tex.
10. IGY World Data Center A: Rockets and Satellites; National
Academy of Sciences, 2 101 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington 25, D.C.
11. IGY World Data Center A: Solar Activity; High Altitude
Observatory, Boulder, Colo.
Communications regarding data interchange matters in general and
World Data Center A as a whole should be addressed to: Director,
World Data Center A, National Academy of Sciences, 2 101 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington 25, D.C. Inquiries and communications
concerning data in specific disciplines should be addressed to the ap
propriate archive listed above.
Publications based on IGY observational data are being issued under
a disciplinary report series by the appropriate archives and a general
report series by the Coordination Office.
Moscow Meeting of the CSAGl
of the accomplishments of the first two-thirds of the IGY; (2) the question of the future of international cooperation in geophysics after the
end of the IGY; (3) the problem of the collection, storage, and cataloging of data at the World Data Centers; and (4) the question of publication of IGY data and results.
A review of the accomplishments of the IGY was achieved largely
through symposia in the various disciplines. Results reported by the
Page 85
United States and the U.S.S.R. on their work in rockets and satellites
were of particular interest.
At the Moscow Assembly of the CSAGI it was agreed that the Annals
of the Znternational Geophysical Year, published for the CSAGI by the
Pergamon Press, Ltd., London, should serve as a complete record of the
IGY. All important IGY results and data will be published in the
Page 86
Volume VI, Manual on Rockets and Satellites, 1958.
Volume VII, IGY Instructional Manual (world days and communications, CSAGI Guide to World Data Centers, Arctic communications, geographical distribution of IGY stations), 1959.
Additional volumes of the Annals are in process of publication.
Page 87
ceived from governmental agencies, universities, and other institutions;
am evaluated through suitable review; selected to assure a balanced
program; and supported to the extent of available funds and logistic
support. Logistic planning and requirements are handled in cooperation with the U.S. Navy. (A description of research currently conducted
as part of this program can be found under Support of Basic Research
in the Sciences, p. 46.)
The Antarctic Research Program must in one sense be a package
program, because it crosses the lines of many scientific disciplines and
because it involves a geographic area. However, at the same time the
Page 88
and progwms
of the represented agencies and the broad program suggested Iby the Committee on Polar Research. The first U.S. team of
scientists to carry out research in the Antarctic following the IGY left
the United States in the fall of 1958 and will return January-February 1960 (Team I).
A second group of scientists (Team II) will leave the United States
in the fall of 1959; the summer contingent will return January-February 1960 and the winter contingent in January-February 1961.
The following table shows the number of U.S. scientists in Team I
and the number planned for Team II at each station and aboard ships
in Antarctic waters :
Team I
Team II
(U.S.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Byrd (U.S.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pole (U.S.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HalIett (U.S. joint with New Zealand).
Wilkes (Australia).
Ellsworth (Argentina).
Scott (New Zealand). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .