Busbar Joints

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Technical University of Sofia

Investigation of High Power Bolted Busbar Connectors with

Longitudinal Slots
Abstract. In this paper high power bolted busbar connectors which pads and busbars are sectioned by cutting one or two longitudinal slots in order
to increase the real contact area and to improve the reliability of their performance are investigated. Applying the method of finite elements models of
contact pressure, contact penetration, electric current density and Joule heat are obtained. It has been estimated that the new cases lead to a raise
in contact pressure P and contact penetration in the interface between the busbar and the pad.
Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada rubowego cznika szyn na wysok moc. W celu wyznaczenia gstoci prdu i ciepa
Joulea przeprowadzono badania nacisku oraz wnikania styku, przy wykorzystaniu metody elementw skoczonych. (Badania rubowych
cznikw szyn na wysok moc z podunymi zczami)

Keywords: bolted busbar connectors, contact penetration, contact pressure, current density distribution, longitudinal slots.
Sowa kluczowe: rubowe czniki szyn, wnikanie styku, nacisk styku, rozkad gstoci prdu, styki wzdune.

Bolting is a generally accepted way of making reliable
joints in copper and aluminium busbars connections. The
joints produced in such a way are compact and efficient.
However, these joints have a rather uneven contact
pressure compared to clamped plates joints.
The variety of factors that influence the connector
behaviour as well as a thorough analysis of the degradation
mechanisms of power connections are given in [4] and [5].
Among the multitude of mentioned factors, there are two
very important that affect the reliability of a power joint. The
first one is the design of the connection and the material
from which it is fabricated and the second one is the
environmental influence to the joint.
Theoretical Background
It is well known that actual contact surfaces are not flat
and when contact is made between two metals localized
metallic contacts appear. As the contact force increases the
number and the area of these small metal-to-metal contact
spots will increase. These spots, termed -spots, are small
cold welds insuring the only conducting paths for the
transfer of the electrical current [3].
The real contact area also termed conducting area is a
fraction of the apparent contact area, determined by the
dimensions of the contact parts and is generally smaller
than 1%.
The above mentioned considerations show that a
sufficiently large contact area is an important prerequisite
for good connector behaviour. As Boychenko and Dzektser
[7] have shown, changing the connection design can
equally be effective in increasing the contact area or cutting
slots in the busbar, as illustrated in Fig.1. Thus, the actual
surface area of a joint can be increased by 1.5 to 1.7 times
of that without slots. The contact resistance of joint
configuration with slots (b) is 30-40% lower than that of (a)
and is mechanically and electrically more stable when
subjected to current cycling test [1], [2].
The advantages of sectioning the busbar, as proposed
by M. Braunovic [2], are attributed to a uniform contact
pressure distribution under the bolt, which leads to a larger
contact area.
Classic high voltage 700 kV power connectors are used
for connections of stranded conductors and for connecting a
variety of power equipment at the sub-station site. These
connectors have two parts: keeper and current-carrying part
comprised of a grooved section and flat end (pad, tongue).


Fig.1. Overlapping busbar joint (a) non-slotted; (b) single slotted

Either high-strength aluminium (7075 grade) or steel

bolts are applied for securing the conductor in the groves.
Keeper and current-carrying part, for the old design, are
made of solid block cast or wrought aluminium, while for the
new design the keeper is sectioned with one or two slots.
Numerous observations proved that contact resistance
between the current-carrying part and conductor is unstable
that often leads to unacceptable overheating of the joint as
a whole. It results from the inability of a relatively large and
rigid keeper to maintain a good uniform contact between the
conductor and current-carrying part of a connector. Slotting
the keeper was an acceptable solution to the problem and
significantly improved both mechanical and electrical
stabilities of a joint. It can be explained with a more uniform
stress distribution between the keeper and conductor that
leads to a larger contact area at the conductor-connector
electrical interface. The results of contact resistance
measurements clearly outline that the electrical and
mechanical integrities of bolted high-power connectors can
be significantly improved by slotting, i.e. cutting longitudinal
slots into the current carrying parts (pads). The observed
improvement was associated with a more uniform stress
distribution mentioned above.

PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 11a/2012


Modelling Bolted Busbar Connection with Longitudinal

In this paper an attempt to discuss how introducing
longitudinal slots in high power bolted busbar connectors
changes the contact pressure and contact penetration in the
interface between the pad and their influence on the true
contact area and therefore on the contact resistance.
Additionally current conduction analysis is used to analyze
the electric field distribution changes.
The investigated connectors in this work are of new
design, that is with sectioned keeper part, whose currentcarrying pads have four and six bolt holes. The pads are
modified by cutting slots 4 mm wide and 72mm long as
seen in Fig.2. Bolt hole diameter is 13.2mm for the 12.7mm
bolt diameters.

The investigated assembly consists of:

Alluminium busbars (Youngs modulus = 0.7.10 Pa,
Poissons ratio = 0.35, width 100mm and 150mm, height
25mm, length 160mm, busbars overlap 100mm with 4
holes of 13.2mm and 150mm with 6 holes of 13.2mm;
Fasteners: bolts Hex Finished Bolt_AIHFBOLT 0.520-3-1.25-N, steel E = 2.1011Pa, = 0.3; nuts Heavy Hex
Nut_AIHHNUT 0.5000-13-D-N, steel E = 2.10 Pa, = 0.3;
washers Flat Washer Type A Wide_AI- FW 0.5, steel E =
2.1011Pa, = 0.3. Tension in each bolt F = 12559N.
Models are studied for contact pressure P (Pa) and
penetration (m) within the busbars electrical interface.
The aspect of model meshing is distinguished as a key
phase for proper analysis of the problem. This is because
on the one hand it is an established certainty that the
reason for the good quality of physical space triangulation is
closely related to the consistent mapping between
parametric and physical space.
On the other hand a properly meshed model will present
a fairly close-to-reality detailed picture of stress distributions
which is a hard task for analytical solution and is usually an
averaged value. It is evident from Fig.4 and Fig.5, for the
uneven allocation of penetration, that the 2 investigated
designs bring even more complexities.

Fig.2. Drawings of the connector current-carrying pads without and

with slots

All dimensions in the figure are in mm. The thickness of

the connectors pads is 25mm and is made of aluminium.
The busbars were made of the same grade aluminium. The
behavior of these connectors is compared with the same
connectors, having no slots in their pads.
The mechanical changes, associated with the contact
penetration depth and the contact pressure, in the contact
area between two busbars in a bolted busbar connection
are studied by the help of the finite elements simulation tool
ANSYS Workbench. If a higher contact penetration
increases -spots both in numbers and dimensions, which
in turn expand the true contact area and decreases contact
resistance, then a new design could be introduced for this
connection. Typical bolted busbar connector with two
longitudinal slots is shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3. Slotted assembly with 2 slots


Fig.4. Contact penetration for connector with 1 slot (2 sectors)

Fig.5. Contact penetration for connector with 2 slots (3 sectors)

PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 11a/2012

In the solving process the meshed models incorporate

the following elements: 10-Node Quadratic Tetrahedron,
20-Node Quadratic Hexahedron and 20-Node Quadratic
Wedge. Contacts are meshed with Quadratic Quadrilateral
(or Triangular) Contact and Target elements.
Contact penetration for connector with 1slot (2 sectors)
is shown in Fig.4. Fig.5 presents the same characteristic for
connector with 2 slots (3 sectors).
Table 1 shows the comparison between the max values
of the contact pressure Pmax and contact penetration max
for the connectors with and without slots.
Table 1. Comparison of
without slots
( m)

Pmax and max for connectors with and

no slots

1 slot

no slots

2 slots

















Several computer models smooth the research progress

of the current density and Joule heat distribution changes
that take place within the bolted busbar connection, due to
the introduced longitudinal slots (sectors). The FEA
package ANSYS is employed in the analysis of the electric
field and the Joule heat distributions. The model is meshed
with the SOLID 232 element - a 3-D, 10-node, tetrahedral
current-based electric element. The element has one
degree of freedom, voltage, at each node and is based on
the electric scalar potential formulation. It is applicable to
the low frequency time-harmonic quasistatic electric field
The current density distribution in the bolted busbar
assembly without a) and with 1 slot b) is shown in Fig 6.
Another very important characteristic is the heat
generated by the current flow. Joule heat distribution in the
connector without a) and with 1 slot b) is illustrated in

Electric Field Distribution

Current conduction analysis is used to analyze a variety
of conductive systems. Generally, the quantities of interest
in a current conduction analysis are voltages, current
densities, electric power losses (Joule heat).



Fig.7. Joule heat distribution in the connector without a) and with 1
slot b)

Fig.6. Current density distribution in the bolted busbar assembly
without a) and with 1 slot b)

Fig.8 shows the current density distribution in the bolted

busbar assembly with 2 slots. The distribution of the Joule
heat, generated by the current flow in the connector with 2
slots is illustrated in Fig.9.

PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 11a/2012


Fig.8. Current density distribution in the bolted busbar assembly

with 2 slots

Discussion and Conclusion

As summarized in Table 1 the new design of high power
bolted busbar connectors, introducing one or two
longitudinal slots 4 mm wide and 72mm long leads to rise in
max contact pressure of 21% for the connector with one slot
and 11.6% for the two slotted connector. The max contact
penetration increases with 20.7% for the connector with two
sectors and 15.7% for this one with three sectors.
Therefore, the true area of metal to metal contact is
maximized within the electrical interface and that leads to
reduced contact resistance and more efficient performance
of the connectors of new design.
The generalized data in Table 2 show that the new
connection design with one slot exhibits a significant
increase in the max current density (74.8%) and Joule heat
(more than three times), but it is concentrated in very small
zones around the slots and edges. The max current density
and the max Joule heat generated does not change with
introducing longitudinal slots for the connector with three
sectors therefore its thermal behaviour is perfect.
The idea of introducing slots in high power bolted
busbar connections is additionally developed in 3 new
designs, where the slots are a part of the bolt holes: slotted
bolt holes - design S, slotted bolt holes, ending with small
holes design SH and groups of small holes around the
bolt holes design G. In all of these cases the rise of
contact pressure and contact penetration is about 50% and
the experimentally proved reduction of contact resistance is
significant [6].

Fig.9. Joule heat distribution in the connector with 2 slots

An assessment of the max values of the current density

jmax and Joule heat Jmax for the connectors with and without
slots is given in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of jmax and Jmax for connectors with and
without slots
no slots
1 slot
no slots
2 slots
(A/m )


[1] M . B r a u n o v i c , Effect of Connection Design on the Contact

Resistance of High Power Overlapping Bolted Joints, IEEE
Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing
Technology 25(4), (2002), 642-650.
[2] M . B r a u n o v i c h , Effect of Connection Design on the
Performance of Service Entrance Power Connectors, IEEE
Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing
Technology 27 (1), (2004), 72-78.
[3] M . B r a u n o v i c h e t a l ., Fundamentals of Electrical Contacts,
CRS Press, NY, 2006
[4] P . S l a d e , M . D e k k e r , Electrical Contacts, Boston, 1999.
[5] R . S . T i m s i t , The Technology of High Power Connections: A
Review, 20-th International Conference on Electrical Contacts,
Zurich, Switzerland, 2002, p. 526.
[6] R . T z e n e v a e t a l ., New Connection Design of High Power
Bolted Busbar Connections, 1, WSEAS International
Multiconference CSCC (Circuits, Systems, Communications,
Computers), Crete Island, Greece, 2007, pp. 227-232
[7] V . I . B o y c h e n k o , N . N . D z e k t s e r, Busbar Connections
(in Russian), Energia, 1978.

Author: assoc. prof. dr. Raina Tzeneva, Technical University Sofia,

8, Kliment Ohridski St, Sofia-1000, Bulgaria; Tel. +359 2 965 2614,
Fax: +359 2 962 41 96, e-mail: [email protected]

PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 11a/2012

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