IBM Commonstore Installation and Configuration

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Front cover

E-mail Archiving and Records Management

Integration Solution Guide
Using DB2 CommonStore and DB2 Records Manager

E-mail archiving type, storage

model, and archiving policies
E-mail record declaration,
classification, and disposition
End-to-end solution
installation and integration

Wei-Dong Zhu
Torsten Friedrich
R Hogg
Juergen Maletz
Philip McBride
Dean New

International Technical Support Organization

E-mail Archiving and Records Management
Integrated Solution Guide
Using DB2 CommonStore and DB2 Records Manager
January 2006


Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
Notices on page ix.

First Edition (January 2006)

This edition applies to Version 8.3 of IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino (program number
5724-B86). Version 8.3 of IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server (program number
5724-B85), Version 8 Release 3 of IBM DB2 Content Manager Enterprise Edition (product
number 5724-B19), and Version 4 Release 1 Revision 2 of the IBM DB2 Records Manager for
Windows (product number 5724-I58).
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
The team that wrote this redbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Part 1. Design and planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1. Solution overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 IBM DB2 Records Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.6 Integrated solution overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 CommonStore e-mail archiving design options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.1 E-mail message layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.2 Archiving types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1.3 Document storage model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.1.4 Deletion types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.1.5 Retrieving archived content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.1.6 Viewing archived content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.1.7 Archiving options and policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.2 CommonStore e-mail archiving solution planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.1 Records Manager design options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.1.1 File plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.1.2 Life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.1.3 Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.1.4 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.1.5 Disposition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.6 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.7 Physical records management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.1.8 Legal hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


3.2 Declaration and classification: what is involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.2.1 Automatic everything. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2.2 Manual everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2.3 Middle ground (quick list and foldering) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2.4 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 Records Manager design and planning considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.3.1 File plan design considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.3.2 Life cycle design considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.3.3 Users and security planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.4 Records destruction planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Chapter 4. Security and user IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1 Content Manager security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.1.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2.1 CommonStore components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2.2 CommonStore and the Domino security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.2.3 CommonStore and the Content Manager security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.2.4 CommonStore security model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2.5 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3 CommonStore for Exchange Server security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3.1 CommonStore setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3.2 CSX System Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.3.3 CSX Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.3.4 CommonStore Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3.5 Outlook clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3.6 CommonStore security model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.3.7 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.4 Records Manager security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.4.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5 Content Manager Records Enabler security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.6 Integrated solution security overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.6.2 Recommended configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.7 Important user IDs summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.1 Solution integration overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.2 Planning considerations for the integrated solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

5.2.1 General considerations for an integrated solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

5.2.2 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.2.3 Other planning areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.2.4 Key departments involved in planning process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.3 System configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.3.1 Configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
5.3.2 Configuration consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.4 Solution implementation and deploy sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.4.1 Implement e-mail records control, then e-mail archiving. . . . . . . . . 126
5.4.2 Implement e-mail archiving, then records management . . . . . . . . . 127
5.4.3 Implement the end-to-end solution at the same time . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Part 2. Installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows
environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
6.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
6.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation . . . . . . . 135
6.2 Introduction to the sample environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.3 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.4 Prerequisite software installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.4.1 DB2 server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.4.2 DB2 Administration client installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation . . . . 147
6.5 Content Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.5.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.5.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.6 CommonStore (CSLD) installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.6.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.6.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.7 Records Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.7.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6.7.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
6.8 CRME installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
6.8.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6.8.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.9 Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.9.1 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange
environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206


7.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

7.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation . . . . . . . 207
7.2 Introduction to the sample environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.3 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7.4 Prerequisite software installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
7.4.1 DB2 server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
7.4.2 DB2 Administration Client installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
7.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
7.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation . . . . 220
7.5 Content Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7.5.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7.5.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
7.6 CommonStore (CSX) installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
7.6.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.6.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7.7 Records Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7.7.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
7.7.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7.8 CMRE installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7.8.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
7.8.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
7.9 Records enable CommonStore Server and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
7.9.1 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX
environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
8.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation . . . . . . . 291
8.2 Introduction to the sample environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
8.3 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
8.4 Prerequisite software installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
8.4.1 DB2 server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
8.4.2 DB2 Administration Client installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
8.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
8.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation . . . . 304
8.4.5 Domino server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
8.5 Content Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
8.5.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
8.5.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
8.6 CommonStore installation and configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
8.6.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
8.6.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

8.7 Records Manager installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

8.7.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
8.7.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
8.8 CMRE installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
8.8.1 Installation summary and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
8.8.2 Key information to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
8.9 Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
8.9.1 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Part 3. Advanced topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Chapter 9. Deployment considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
9.1 Establishing a test system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
9.1.1 Uses for a test system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
9.1.2 Mimicking the production system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
9.1.3 Change management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
9.2 Piloting the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
9.2.1 Goals of the pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
9.2.2 Pilot users selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
9.2.3 Configuration used during the pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
9.3 Configuration management in a production environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
9.4 Post-system implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
9.4.1 Tuning the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
9.4.2 Upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
9.4.3 Disaster recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration. . . . . . 391
10.1 Records Manager configuration sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
10.2 Holds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
10.3 Records disposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
10.3.1 Disposition options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
10.3.2 Records scheduling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Chapter 11. Discovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
11.1 Yours to discover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
11.2 Poor or inadequate discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
11.3 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
11.4 Sample discovery process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Part 4. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Appendix A. File plan used during this Redbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Purpose of the file plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
File plan design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424



Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427

CommonStore log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Content Manager agent-related log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
HTTP taskrelated log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Archpro-related log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Task-related log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Crawler-related log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
CommonStore trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Content Manager agent related trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
HTTP task related trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
ArchPro related trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Task related trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
CSX Active Directory related trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
CSX System Manager traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
CSX Outlook Extension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Content Manager log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Records Manager log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Records Enabler log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
WebSphere log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Lotus Domino log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Appendix C. Additional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Locating the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Using the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
System requirements for downloading the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
How to use the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

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E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Currently, under the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission rules, all banks
and brokerage firms are required to keep their e-mail for three years. By July
2006, under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, all public companies are required to
comply with this rule.
Whether the companies are public or private, more companies need to manage
their e-mail to support regulatory compliance, litigation, and corporate policy and
to improve performance and productivity. The e-mail archiving and records
management solution presented in this book will help companies to accomplish
these goals.
This IBM Redbook provides a general solution guide for the integrated e-mail
archiving and records management solution. The integrated solution uses the
following IBM products:
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3 or
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3
IBM DB2 Records Manager V4.1.2
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3
IBM DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler V8.3 (previously known as
Records Manager Enabler or RME)
Part 1 of the book covers design and planning of the solution. In Chapter 1, we
provide an overview of the integrated solution, the products involved, and their
roles in the solution. In Chapter 2, we cover the basic concepts behind e-mail
archiving, CommonStore features and functions, and its architecture. We
address key areas to consider when planning and designing the solution from
e-mail archiving perspective. In Chapter 3, we cover the basic concepts behind
records management, Records Manager, and Records Enablers features and
functions. We also address key areas to consider when planning and designing
the solution from an e-mail records management perspective. In Chapter 4, we
focus on security of individual products and the implication on the overall
integrated solution. In Chapter 5, putting everything together, we cover the
design and planning of the entire integrated solution. System architecture and
implementation sequence are addressed.
Part 2 of the book focuses on all major steps involved in installing and integrating
all of the products for the end-to-end integrated solution. Chapter 6 covers the
scenario using CommonStore for Lotus Domino in the Windows environment.
Chapter 7 covers the scenario using CommonStore for Exchange Server in a

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Windows environment. Chapter 8 covers the CommonStore for Lotus Domino in

the AIX environment.
Part 3 of the book introduces some advanced topics for the solution. In Chapter
9, we examine the deployment of the integrated solution. In Chapters 10 and 11,
we address Records Manager specific topics, including holding records,
disposition of records, and record discovery.
This book is intended for IT architects and specialists who will be responsible in
planning, designing, and implementing an e-mail archiving and records
management solution. We focus on the important areas that are related to the
overall end-to-end solution in this book. For product-specific information, we
strongly recommend reading the existing products manuals in conjunction with
this book.

The team that wrote this redbook

This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working
at the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Wei-Dong Zhu (Jackie) is a Content Management Project Leader with the
International Technical Support Organization at the Almaden Research Center in
San Jose, California. She has more than 10 years of software development
experience in accounting, image workflow processing, and digital media
distribution (DMD). Her development work in one of the DMD solutions
contributed to a first time ever win for IBM of an Emmy award in 2005. She holds
a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern
California. Jackie joined IBM in 1996. She is a Certified Solution Designer for
IBM DB2 Content Manager.
Torsten Friedrich is an IT specialist with IBM in Germany. He has six years of
experience with IBM and holds a degree in Information Technology. Having
worked on content management projects for three years, he specializes in e-mail
archiving solutions. He delivers proof-of-concept and implementations for
R Hogg is the Records Management solution executive expert with IBM US. With
more than 10 years of experience in the field of document, information, and
records management, he engages with customers and partners worldwide in
analyzing, resolving, and deploying solutions.
Juergen Maletz is a senior consultant working for IBM in Germany. He joined
IBM in 1986 with a degree in Information Technology. He worked on different


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

projects before joining the CommonStore development team. He is the team lead
of the CommonStore for Exchange Server development team.
Philip McBride is a senior consultant with IBM in Australia. Originally from the
UK, he has seven years of experience with IBM and holds a degree in
Information Technology. He specializes in delivering solutions around document,
records management, and workflow systems. Working with customers in either
technical or business lead roles, he delivers proof-of-concept and
implementations for customers in Australia and Asia.
Dean New is a Technical Services Associate in the IT department at Honda in
Canada. He has eight years of experience in the IT field. He holds a three-year
Computer Programmer/Analyst degree. His areas of expertise include Lotus
Domino Administration and WebSphere Administration. He has experience with
IBM AIX, IBM DB2 Content Manager, IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino,
IBM DB2 Records Manager, and Records Manager Enabler.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
John Dorak
Craig Kindell
Tracy Kong
Chris Lehman
Qing Lu
Jose Hose Martinez, Jr.
Ken Milsted
Lonnie Moore
Paul Schultes
Glen Walters
Emily White
IBM Software Group, Information Management, ECM CommonStore and
Records Enabler Development, ECM eRecords Solution Development, Boca
Raton, Florida, US
Bill Fuller
Neall Hards
IBM Software Group, Information Management, WW Software Support, Records
Manager. L2 Support for Records Manager Enabler and Common Store, Ottawa,



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E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Part 1


Design and
This part introduces the planning and designing of the e-mail archiving and
records management solution. We examine all of the products that are involved
in the solution. For each product, we provide basic concepts and architecture and
discuss the design options. From an integrated solution perspective, we cover
areas that are specific to the integrated solution and address individual and
overall planning considerations. The following chapters are included in this part:

Chapter 1, Solution overview on page 1

Chapter 2, Design and planning for e-mail archiving on page 19
Chapter 3, Design and planning for e-mail records enabling on page 45
Chapter 4, Security and user IDs on page 67
Chapter 5, Integrated solution design and planning on page 103

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 1.

Solution overview
This chapter provides an overview of the integrated solution for e-mail archiving
and records management. We cover the key products involved (except IBM DB2
Content Manager) and their roles in the integrated solution.
Specifically, the topics we cover include:

IBM DB2 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 Records Manager
IBM DB2 DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE)
Integrated solution overview

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.

1.1 Introduction
Years ago (and even today) customers dealt with their physical records without
thinking of them as recordsusually paper in files, boxes, and filing cabinets, or
storage areas, records centers, or warehouses. Paper is not going away. Five
years ago, if records management was part of a customer information
management strategy or included in any Request for Proposal (RFP), it was at
the bottom of the list. Today, records management is not only front and center for
every customer of any size; for the majority, it leads the need. Whether a
customer is mandated (for example, in the USA via SEC 17a-4, SarBox, HIPAA
regulations) or simply realizes that it is a good practice, applying formal
records-keeping to information somehow is a must. Businesses have no

Current trends
Current trends demonstrate that the tide of knowledge and awareness has been
raised, not only for line-of-business owners but, as is key, the IT technical
community. In addition, records-centric discussions are now on the rise internally
between these parties and the records and legal staff.
You cannot demonstrate compliance without applying some form of formal
records-keeping, regardless of the information or system and media. For many
customers, the most immediate and high-risk information area is e-mail. Either
through mandate, or due to the discovery-risk exposure of the volumes and
details of business decisions that e-mail now carries, the first real high-priority
focus to deploy records controls across companies e-mail has been forced.
Companies realize that e-mail backups and archiving (although a good first step)
do not make a records system. Disaster recovery needs remain to ensure that
daily backups occur to preserve operations, but the IT, records, and legal teams
need to determine and ensure that the companys basic retention schedules are
not invalidated if off-site backups are being kept for five years, for example. There
are key core benefits for ongoing business efficiency and information
management that e-mail archiving and de-duplication features can bring. These
must not be confused with or assumed to also resolve retention requirements.
Some companies start with defining and deploying an e-mail policy for all
employees. This serves both to refresh employee awareness of the importance
of e-mail and records to the company and to underscore the impact and risk of
their part in that responsibility. Good e-mail policies also encourage
preclassification of e-mail via foldering or drop-down category options when
sending e-mail. Value-add can be gained from requesting more detailed
keywords to be included in the subject line of e-mail, which can aid
auto-classification options. Customers can start with applying e-mail
records-keeping solutions to their C-level executives to address their highest risk,

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

then proceed to deploy to other groups and business processes using e-mail that
has been identified through their internal risk analysis.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) has also been raised in the media recently as
a way to manage records and retention. To expert records staff, this is anathema.
To have distributed content packaged in a way that in the future will expire and be
deleted or locked up and unreadable does not facilitate modern electronic
records management.

Future trends
The volume and level of business transacted via e-mail will continue to increase.
Customers of all sizes will continue to leverage Web-enabled transactions
facilitated by automated agents and interfaces that may slightly reduce the
continued exponential reach of e-mail. Best practiceaware customers are also
learning that deploying real document management systems first is key to the
capture, control, and distribution of data leading to information and decisions that
should never be in e-mail to begin with. For example, overuse of Exchange public
folders as a pseudo-document management system creates more problems than
it solves. Together with real document and process-centric workflow internally
and externally, more structured control of business and a reduced record risk is a
noble goal.

An integrated solution
E-mail systems from any vendor are designed to be, and are, great e-mail
services. They are not effective communication, information, and content control
solutions. They do not have built-in retention and disposition features, nor are
they designed to be manageable long-term storage repositories. A balance is
needed between maintaining the core services of an e-mail solution such as
private and shared e-mail folders, drag-and-drop filing, inbound and outbound
mail and attachments, and the need to apply a base retention and disposition on
all of the various classifications of e-mail.
The IBM records enabled solution provides comprehensive capabilities across a
range of options to empower customers to apply and deploy records-keeping
across a subset or all of their e-mail, and to leverage the core e-mail
mailbox-management features that aid IT in their daily challenge.
The integrated solution is key to avoid disabling the core services that e-mail
provides, and ensuring that basic retention is applied and candidate records are
expunged at end-of-life. To not achieve both is fundamentally a waste of time. No
solution would be chosen and deployed if it takes away core e-mail features.
Note: A good practice is to take away features for end users to continue
creating personal e-mail archives or PST collections.

Chapter 1. Solution overview

The primary goal from a records perspective is to place the correct retention on
the e-mail and to be able to appropriately delete it as soon as is possible. If that
goal cannot be met, it is a waste of records-time and undermines the whole
The integrated solution that we address in this book comprises the following
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino or IBM DB2 CommonStore for
Exchange Server
IBM DB2 Records Manager
DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE)
We examine these products in the following sections.

1.2 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino

CommonStore for Lotus Domino (CSLD) is an archiving and restoring application
for Lotus Notes documents. It can archive Notes document content, including
attachments, from any Lotus Notes database that is CommonStore enabled and
that resides on a Lotus Domino server.
CommonStore for Lotus Domino provides the following functions:

Move or copy document content from Notes databases to an archive.

Search for content in an archive.
Retrieve or restore archived content.
Display archived content.

In the integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution,

CommonStore for Lotus Domino is used to archive e-mail from Domino mail
databases to Content Manager, the repository for the archived e-mail.
There are many reasons to use CommonStore for Lotus Domino to archive

To keep your mail database size within certain limits.

To move old or obsolete e-mail out of the way.
To free up space on your Lotus Domino mail servers.
To speed up communication with your Lotus Domino servers.
To meet legal obligations.

The archived e-mail messages are stored in the archive. The archive is a logical
grouping of content stored in a repository such as IBM DB2 Content Manager,
IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand, or IBM Tivoli Storage Manager.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Note: Although CommonStore for Lotus Domino supports IBM DB2 Content
Manager OnDemand and Tivoli Storage Manager as e-mail archives, the
integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution supports only
IBM DB2 Content Manager as the e-mail archive. This is because Content
Manager Records Enabler does not support these archives. For more about
Content Manager Records Enabler, refer to 1.5, DB2 Content Manager
Records Enabler (CMRE) on page 15.
You can archive or delete e-mail based on policies that you set up. For example,
you can set up a policy to archive messages that are 90 days or older if the mail
database reaches certain space limits. Within this policy, you can also set it such
that after an e-mail is archived, its content will be deleted from the mail database,
and an e-mail stub with a link to the archived e-mail will be left in the mail
database. In addition, you can archive different parts of messages, depending on
your configuration, and store them differently according to your business needs.
E-mail archiving and deletion can be done manually or automatically.
Figure 1-1 shows the CommonStore for Lotus Domino system architecture.


Job DB





Notes Client

Config DB


Figure 1-1 CommonStore for Lotus Domino system architecture

Chapter 1. Solution overview

CommonStore for Lotus Domino uses two Notes databases:

CSLD configuration database
CSLD job database

CSLD configuration database

The CSLD configuration database is a Lotus Notes database that contains all of
the configuration documents for CommonStore for Lotus Domino. The
configuration database is located on a Lotus Domino server.
The configuration documents enable you to set up:
Document selection criteria
Archiving policies

CSLD job database

The CSLD job database is a Lotus Notes database in which all client requests,
such as archiving, retrieval, search, and viewing, are collected before they are
picked up by a CSLD task (see description below). The job database is located
on a Lotus Domino server.
CommonStore for Lotus Domino comprises five major parts:

CSLD crawler
CSLD task
CommonStore Server (archpro)
Web (HTTP) dispatcher

CSLD crawler
The CSLD crawler is the program that performs all automatic operations in
CSLD. It creates automatic archiving and deletion jobs, as well as retrieval jobs
that are centrally triggered by an administrator. The CSLD crawler directly
accesses the databases on the Lotus Domino servers and looks for documents
that match the criteria laid out in your policies.

CSLD task
The CSLD task is the program that directly interacts with your Lotus Notes and
Domino environment. It looks for jobs in the CSLD job database, which is the
place where all user requests are collected before they are processed further.
The CSLD task converts the documents included in jobs or requests to files,
passes the files to the CommonStore Server, and vice versa. You can run several
instances of the CSLD task at the same time.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

CommonStore Server (archpro)

The CommonStore Server, also known as archpro, is the heart of CommonStore.
The CommonStore Server maintains a list of logical archives, and controls the
flow of information to and from these archives. All input and output data is routed
through the CommonStore Server, which distributes the requests among the
archive agents (the interfaces to the archive).
The CommonStore Server is an application-independent archiving engine. It
does not have to know where the content comes from, what format the content
has, or what the content is.

The agents are the interfaces to the archive. Every agent is an independent
archive client process. For every archive supported by CommonStore, there is a
special agent. An agent calls the application programming interface (API) of the
archive. These archives are supported by CommonStore for Lotus Domino:
Content Manager Version 8 (CM8)
Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD)
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
Agents always run on the same machine as the CommonStore Server (archpro)
and are automatically started by it.

Web (HTTP) dispatcher

The Web (HTTP) dispatcher is a Web server for content archived by
CommonStore. It enables you to view the archived content in a Web browser.
The Web dispatcher is installed as part of the CommonStore Server and is
automatically started by it.

1.3 IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server

CommonStore for Exchange Server (CSX), an archive-and-restore application
for Microsoft Exchange Server, can archive Exchange messages including
attachments from any Exchange mailbox that resides on an Exchange server.
CommonStore for Exchange Server provides the following functions:
Move or copy document content from Exchange mailboxes or Exchange
Public Folders to an archive.
Search for content in an archive.
Display archived content.
Retrieve or restore archived content.

Chapter 1. Solution overview

In the integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution,

CommonStore for Exchange Server is used to archive e-mail from Microsoft
Exchange mail databases to Content Manager, the repository for the archived
There are many reasons to use Exchange Server to archive e-mail:

To keep your mail database size within a certain limit.

To move old or obsolete messages out of the way.
To free up space on your Microsoft Exchange Servers.
To speed up communication with your Exchange Servers.
To meet legal obligations.

The archived messages are stored in the archive. The archive is a logical
grouping of content stored in a repository such as IBM DB2 Content Manager,
IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand, or Tivoli Storage Manager.
Note: Although CommonStore for Exchange Server supports IBM DB2
Content Manager OnDemand and Tivoli Storage Manager as e-mail archives,
the integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution supports
only IBM DB2 Content Manager as the e-mail archive. This is because
Content Manager Records Enabler does not support these archives. For more
information about Content Manager Records Enabler, refer to 1.5, DB2
Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) on page 15.
You can archive e-mail based on policies you set up. For example, you can set
up a policy to archive messages that are 90 days or older if the mail database
reaches certain space limits. Additional options enable you to reduce the size of
your mailbox by deleting the attachments, the message body, or the entire
message after successful archival. For example, within the previously mentioned
policy, you can set it such that when an e-mail is archived, the e-mail content will
be deleted from the mail database, and an e-mail stub with a link to the archived
e-mail will be left in the mail database. In addition, you can archive different parts
of messages depending on your configuration and store them differently
according to your business needs.
E-mail archiving and deletion can be done manually or automatically.
Figure 1-2 on page 9 shows the CommonStore for Exchange Server system

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide












CSX System

Figure 1-2 CommonStore for Exchange Server system architecture

CommonStore for Exchange Server installs a public folder named

CommonStore. This folder contains:
Configuration folder
Job folder

Configuration folder
The configuration folder contains all of the information that Microsoft Outlook
clients need to execute CommonStore functionality. This includes:
Job folder name
Server host names and ports
This data is written during system configuration using the CSX System Manager
(see description below).

Job folder
The job folder contains interactive client requests to archive or retrieve
messages. They are collected in the folder before they are picked up by a CSX

Chapter 1. Solution overview

CSX System Manager

The CSX System Manager is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that
provides a graphical user interface for the CommonStore administrator. Using the
CSX System Manager, you configure the behavior of your archiving solution
including the instances of the CSX Task (see description on CSX Task below).
The CSX System Manager saves the settings in the Active Directory of the forest
that the CSX Task instances and the connected Exchange servers belong to.
When an instance of the CSX Task is started, it reads the configuration data from
this Active Directory. Additionally, the CSX System Manager writes client-relevant
information into the configuration folder.
CommonStore for Exchange Server is comprised of five major parts:

CSX Task
CommonStore Server (archpro)
Search server
Web (HTTP) dispatcher

CSX Task
The CSX Task is the program that directly interacts with your Microsoft Exchange
environment. It is responsible for performing interactive and automatic archiving
and retrieval, during which it transforms Exchange messages into files and vice
The CSX Task can be logically split into the following components:


Figure 1-3 on page 11 shows the individual components of the CSX Task.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

CSX Task






Figure 1-3 CSX Task components

CSX Task: Crawler

The crawler component carries out policy-driven archiving processes. It
investigates mailboxes and public folders to see whether any message meets
certain selection criteria. These criteria are defined in policies. If messages meet
the criteria that you defined in policies, the crawler creates archiving requests for
them. Each crawler does this for exactly one Exchange server.
In addition, the crawler initiates the automatic removal of retrieved content, also
known as restubbing. More discussion about restubbing is provided in CSX
Task: Committer on page 12.

CSX Task: Poller

The poller component continually looks for interactive job messages in the job
folder. Interactive jobs are created by clients (Outlook users). The job messages
contain the information needed to perform the jobs. The poller converts this
information and puts it in an internal job queue.

CSX Task: Worker

The worker component reads the instructions from the converted job messages
in the internal job queues. It then accesses the Outlook messages referred to in
the job messages and reads the content to be archived or identifies the content
to be retrieved. It finally creates the actual job request and passes it to the
CommonStore Server (archpro).

Chapter 1. Solution overview


CSX Task: Committer

The committer component receives the answers from the CommonStore Server
and processes the instructions within it. If an operation is successful, this results
in modifications of the original messages according to the instructions. For
archiving jobs, this means that content may be deleted from the original
messages according to the selected deletion type. Additionally, the status is set
to archived and a few properties are added to the message. For retrieval jobs, it
means restoring archived content and setting the status to retrieved. The
committer is also responsible for restubbing.
The term restubbing describes the process of deleting retrieved content after a
certain time and resetting the status to archived. When messages are restubbed,
this is done in accordance with the deletion type that is specified at the time the
message is archived. Restubbing does not involve communication with the
CommonStore Server.

CommonStore Server (archpro)

The CommonStore Server software, also known as archpro, is the heart of
CommonStore. The CommonStore Server maintains a list of logical archives and
controls the flow of information to and from these archives. All input and output
data is routed through the CommonStore Server. The CommonStore Server
distributes the requests among the archive agents, which are the interfaces to
the archive.
The CommonStore Server is an application-independent archiving engine. It
does not have to know where the content comes from, what format the content
has, or what the content is.

The agents are the interfaces to the archive. Every agent is an independent
archive client process. For every archive supported by CommonStore, there is a
special agent. An agent calls the application programming interface (API) of the
archive. The following archives are supported by CommonStore for Exchange
Content Manager Version 8 (CM8)
Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD)
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
Agents always run on the same machine as the CommonStore Server (archpro)
and are automatically started by it.

Search server
The search server is a separate Web application server process for the search
function. It is automatically started by the CommonStore Server. It routes the


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

search requests via the CommonStore Server to the archives that support this
function (Tivoli Storage Manager does not support it). After receiving the results
from the CommonStore Server, it arranges them into a list and passes that list to
the requesting Web application that displays it in the browser window. The result
list enables the requesting user to view the messages and attachments that are
found in a browser. In addition, the user can restore the archived content to a
special folder in the users mailbox. Messages are restored to their original form,
and attachments are restored to container messages.

Web (HTTP) dispatcher

The Web (HTTP) dispatcher is a Web server for content archived by
CommonStore. It enables you to view the archived content in a Web browser.
The Web dispatcher is installed as part of the CommonStore Server and is
automatically started by it.

1.4 IBM DB2 Records Manager

Records Manager (IRM) is a records management engine and infrastructure tool
to records enable business applications. It adds the benefits of records
management to business applications, with no software to install on
workstations. It provides a single and consistent records management platform
with extensive record-keeping capabilities for both electronic and physical
information assets. It helps meet government and industry requirements for
formal records management.
Records Manager is DoD 5015.2-STD Chapter 4 certified with DB2 Content
Manager and is Chapter 2 certified with IBM DB2 Content Manager and IBM DB2
Document Manager.
Records Manager can records enable content, documents, and e-mail using one
central repository for all organizational records. It is integrated with:

IBM DB2 Content Manager

IBM DB2 Document Manager
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server

It supports IBM DB2 Universal Database V8.2 FP 1, Microsoft SQL Server

2000 SP3a, and Oracle 9i v9.2.0.5.
Records Manager provides the following functions:
Declare and classify corporate records.
Apply life cycle management of the declared records.
Embedded engine technology that provides record keeping capability.

Chapter 1. Solution overview


Search, retrieve, view and print record metadata.

Retrieve record contents for viewing.
Delete and un-declare corporate records.
Create various reports for auditing and records management purposes.
Manage user and group accounts, administer life cycle of records, and
perform other records management functions.
Import of host users and groups.

In the integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution, Records

Manager is integrated with the CommonStore and Content Manager products to
records enable e-mail.
There are many reasons to use Records Manager with your business

To reduce litigation risk via structured document destruction.

To reduce discovery costs during litigation via improved evidence discovery.
To demonstrate compliance with regulations.
To improve decision-making.
To reduce operational costs.
To securely maintain corporate records.
To support key standards.

Features include:
Embedded engine technology; no new application to learn and maintain.
Web-based client for records administration.
Quick integration using multiple client technologies, such as Java, C++, and
Scalable architecture.
Content maintained in host repository; no redundant data.
You can customize your business application to declare and classify records
manually, automatically, or somewhere in between.
Records Manager is composed of four major components:

Records Manager engine

Records Manager database
Records Manager APIs
Records Manager administrator Web client.

Records Manager engine

The Records Manager engine provides all of the business logic that is required to
enable life cycle management. You can embed the engine into the e-mail,
document management, or other applications to records enable your


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Records Manager database

The Records Manager database contains all the configuration data of the
Records Manager system. This includes file plan, life cycle configuration,
retention rules, users and user groups, security setup, and other system
information. It also contains the records-related metadata of the documents that
have been declared as records; however, the declared documents are still stored
in the same repository of the original business application.

Records Manager APIs

The Records Manager application programming interface is used to embed
Records Manager into any business application. The APIs enable an application
to access Records Manager data. You can also use the APIs to modify, enhance,
customize, or rewrite the existing Records Manager administrator Web client

Records Manager administrator Web client

The Records Manager administrator Web client is a browser-based application
that enables administrators to design, build, and maintain corporate file plans
and retention rules, and manage records life cycles, users, security, and other
administrative tasks.

1.5 DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE)

Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) adds record management function
to the Content Manager product by integrating it with Records Manager.
Together, Records Manager provides the record management functions, and
Content Manager provides the content repository. Records Enabler links the two
and provides records management capability to existing e-mail, content
management, and document management clients such as the Content Manager
Client for Windows, eClient, Document Manager, Lotus Notes client, and
Microsoft Outlook client. Working with CommonStore for Lotus Domino or
CommonStore for Exchange Server, the solution provides e-mail archiving and
records management capability.
With Records Enabler, you can declare corporate documents or content as
corporate records. When a document is declared as a record, the contents and
associated Content Manager metadata of the record remain in the Content
Manager repository, and the document can no longer be edited or deleted. The
records-related metadata is stored in the Records Manager database. The
access permissions and life cycle of the record and its content are governed by
the access permissions and life cycle rules that are defined for the record in the
Records Manager system. Only authorized users, such as records
administrators, can process or manage the life cycle of the records.

Chapter 1. Solution overview


Records Enabler provides the following functions and features:

Integrates with CommonStore for Lotus Domino and CommonStore for
Exchange Server to enable users to declare e-mail messages and
attachments as records.
Integrates with Content Manager and Document Manager to enable users to
declare corporate documents as records.
Keeps the content of the declared records in the same Content Manager
Performs scheduled and on demand permission synchronization tasks.
Enables users to import Content Manager user and group accounts into
Records Manager.
Enables users to view declared records using the Content Manager clients.
Enables users to perform text searches on items stored in the Content
Manager repository.
Figure 1-4 shows the Records Enabler subsystems.
Records Enabler



Figure 1-4 Records Enabler subsystems

Records Enabler is comprised of the following subsystems:

Records Enabler Server

Records Enabler Host Interface Server
Records Enabler Permission Synchronization Server
Records Manager Extensions

Records Enabler Server

Records Enabler Server provides a centralized base for handling Records
Enabler user requests and their appropriate actions.

Records Enabler Host Interface Server

Records Enabler Host Interface Server implements the Records Manager Host
Interface application program interface (API) for Content Manager to enable
communication between the Records Manager and the Content Manager servers.

Records Enabler Permission Synchronization Server

Records Enabler Permission Synchronization Server performs on-demand and
scheduled permission synchronization tasks from the latest file plan components


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

that have their permission policies changed since the previous synchronization
and the corresponding items in Content Manager.

Records Manager Extensions

Records Manager Extensions extends the Records Manager installation to
support Records Enabler. It provides the notification service for permissions
synchronization between Records Manager and Content Manager. This
subsystem must be installed on the Records Manager server.

1.6 Integrated solution overview

The integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution that this book
focuses on is comprised of the products we introduced in the previous sections.
Figure 1-5 shows the system architecture of the integrated system.

Records Manager Server


Records Enabler



Records Enabler








e-mail Client


Content Manager Server

Library Server
CM Client for Windows

Resource Manager

Note, all clients (CM Client for Windows, eClient, CommonStore) make calls to
the Records Enabler Server. To simplify the diagram, the connections are not shown here.

Figure 1-5 Integrated solution system architecture

Chapter 1. Solution overview


The integrated solution is an integration of the following products:

Lotus Domino server/Microsoft Exchange Server (Domino/Exchange)

Mailboxes (Lotus Notes databases or Outlook mailboxes)
E-mail client (Lotus Notes/Microsoft Outlook)
CommonStore Server (for Lotus Domino or Exchange)
Records Manager server (with Records Enabler extension)
Records Enabler
Content Manager server

This solution provides e-mail archiving capability and e-mail records

management function. Specifically, the solution offers the following functions:
Using Lotus Notes client with CommonStore for Lotus Domino, or Microsoft
Outlook client with CommonStore for Microsoft Exchange Server, you can:

Archive e-mail messages, attachments, and documents.

Declare and classify e-mail messages and attachments as records.
View archived content.
View record information.
Search and retrieve archived content and records.

Using the CommonStore for Lotus Domino configuration database or the

CommonStore for Exchange Server system manager, you can:
Perform user administration.
Set up archiving rules and policies.
Using Records Manager administrator client, you can:

Declare electronic and physical documents as records.

Delete or undeclare records.
Search, import, retrieve, and view record contents.
Retrieve record contents from Content Manager repository.
Query records or generate record reports.
Import into Content Manager and declare records.
Perform records management functions on records.
Perform user administration, records life cycle management, records
management, and other system management functions.

Using eClient or Client for Windows, you can:

Declare and classify Content Manager items as records.
View record information.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 2.

Design and planning for

e-mail archiving
This chapter covers e-mail archiving solution design and planning.
In the integrated solution discussed in this book, e-mail archiving is achieved with
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino or IBM DB2 CommonStore for
Exchange Server. In this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts behind e-mail
archiving, and describe CommonStore features and functions. We address key
areas to consider when planning and designing the e-mail archiving portion of a
We cover the following topics in the chapter:
CommonStore e-mail archiving design options
CommonStore e-mail archiving solution planning
This chapter mainly focuses on areas that are related to the integrated solution
and is intended to be used in conjunction with the existing product manuals. To
have an in-depth understanding of the individual product, we recommend
reference to the existing product manuals.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


2.1 CommonStore e-mail archiving design options

CommonStore (for Lotus Domino and for Exchange) offers a variety of methods
for archiving e-mail. Different methods determine different e-mail archiving
behavior. It is important to understand what happens to an e-mail message when
it is archived by CommonStore using different methods. Additionally, it is useful to
understand what is left in the e-mail entry within the mail database after it is
archived using different methods.
In this section, we examine:

E-mail message layout

Archiving types
Document storage model
Deletion types
Retrieving archived content
Viewing archived content
Archiving options and policy

The archiving type controls which parts of a message are archived in the archive
repository and which hyperlinks make sense to be included in the message stub,
and the document storage model controls how the archived content is stored in
the Content Manager archive. The deletion type determines which parts of the
original e-mail message are removed after it is archived successfully. Including
retrieval and viewing hyperlinks in the message stub and the options to configure
this are different for the two CommonStore products.
This section provides an overview of the main concepts that are important in
designing and planning the integrated e-mail archiving and records management
solution. For more detailed information, refer to the following publications:
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administrators and Programmers
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6742
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server: Administration and Users
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6741

2.1.1 E-mail message layout

To work with e-mail archiving, you must first understand the layout of an e-mail
message. An e-mail message consists of the information in the message body,
information stored in the message properties (visible or invisible), and
attachments. See Figure 2-1 on page 21.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-1 E-mail message layout

2.1.2 Archiving types

The e-mail archiving type controls which parts of a message are stored in a
The following archiving types are available:
Note: The archiving type does not control how the archived data is stored in
the Content Manager archive. This is controlled by the storage model
selected. (Refer to 2.1.3, Document storage model on page 24.)
With entire and component archiving types, Microsoft Exchange e-mail
messages are stored in the Microsoft Message Format (using extension .msg),
and Lotus Notes e-mail messages can be stored in Notes native or Domino XML
(DXL) format. The DXL format has the added benefit of a message being able to
be displayed in a browser. The Notes native format requires a Notes client to
view it.

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Archiving type: Entire

Using archiving type Entire, the complete e-mail message content is archived.
That is, the body text, the attachments, and all other message properties are
archived. See Figure 2-2.

Message Sample


Message Sample



Subject line


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table

Attachment table

This is a Microsoft Word


This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-2 Archiving type: Entire

Note: Using archiving type Entire does not allow you to declare individual
attachments as records.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Archiving type: Component

Using archiving type Component, the entire message is archived. However,
component archiving does not store the entire content in a single file, but
decomposes the message into separate attachment files and the rest into a
single file containing the message remainder. For example, if a message has two
attachments, the message is stored in three parts. See Figure 2-3.

Message Sample

Message Sample (without attachments)




Subject line


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table

Attachment table

This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-3 Archiving type: Component

Note: Component archiving in combination with the GENERIC_MULTIDOC

document model is one of the requirements for DoD or PRO2 compliance.
Refer to 2.1.3, Document storage model on page 24 for discussion about

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Archiving type: Attachment

Using archiving type Attachment, only the attachments are archived. The format
of the attachments remains unchanged. See Figure 2-4.

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-4 Archiving type: Attachment

Note: Archiving type Attachment is an incomplete archiving type, because the

message body is not archived.

2.1.3 Document storage model

Compared to the archiving type, which controls what parts of a message are
archived in the Content Manager archive, document storage model controls how
the archived data is stored in the Content Manager archive.
Document storage models are repository specific.
The models provided with Content Manager V8.3 repository are:


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

These storage models can be used in combination with any archiving type, which
allows nine different combinations.


All e-mail components of a single e-mail, such as the message body and the
attachments, are stored as one Content Manager V8 document with one or more
parts. See Figure 2-5.

Document 1
File 1


Part 1A
File 2

Part 1B

Figure 2-5 Storage model: GENERIC_MULTIPART

As this storage model makes use of the generic document model of Content
Manager, the individual message components (entire message, attachments or
message remainder) can be accessed from Content Manager clients unless the
CSN format for CSLD is used to store messages.
When using the text-search user exit, there are some limitations with the
archiving types Attachment and Component. See the CommonStore document
Text Search Configuration for IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 for more
Note: Using storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART does not allow you to
declare individual attachments as records.

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Entire

Using archiving type Entire with storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART, the
complete message is archived as one Content Manager V8 document with one
part. See Figure 2-6.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager.

Message Sample

Document 1


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Subject line

Part 1A
Message Sample
(incl. attachments)

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-6 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Entire

GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Component

Using archiving type Component with storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART, the
message is decomposed into the attachments and the message remainder.
These message components are archived as one Content Manager V8
document with one or more parts. See Figure 2-7 on page 27.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Message Sample

Document 1


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Subject line

Part 1A
Message Sample
(w/o attachments)

Part 1B
Attachment table


This is a Microsoft Word

Part 1C


This is a plain text file.



Figure 2-7 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Component

GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Attachment

Using archiving type Attachment with storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART,
the attachments are detached from the message and archived in Content
Manager. Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the
message properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager.
Using CommonStore for Exchange Server, the attachments are archived as one
Content Manager V8 document with one or more parts. See Figure 2-8.

Message Sample

Document 1


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Subject line

Part 1A

Part 1B
Attachment table


This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-8 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Attachment (CSX)

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, the attachments are archived as

individual Content Manager V8 documents with one part each. See Figure 2-9.

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table

Document 1

This is a Microsoft Word



Subject line


Part 1A

This is a plain text file.


Document 2

Subject line

Part 2A


hi i


Figure 2-9 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIPART with archiving type Attachment



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


All e-mail components of a single e-mail (such as the body and the attachments)
are stored as one or more individual Content Manager V8 documents with one
part each. See Figure 2-10.

Document 1
File 1


Part 1A
File 2

Document 2

Part 2A

Figure 2-10 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC

As this storage model makes use of the generic document model of Content
Manager, the individual message components (entire message, attachments, or
message remainder) can be accessed from Content Manager clients unless the
CSN format for CSLD is used to store messages.
When using the text-search user exit, there are some limitations with the
archiving types Attachment and Component. See the CommonStore document
Text Search Configuration for IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 for more

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Entire

Using archiving type Entire with storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC, the
complete message is archived as one Content Manager V8 document with one
part. See Figure 2-11.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager.

Message Sample

Document 1


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Subject line

Part 1A
Message Sample
(incl. attachments)

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-11 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Entire


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Component

Using archiving type Component with storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC, the
message is decomposed into the attachments and the message remainder.
These message components are archived as one or more individual Content
Manager V8 documents with one part each. See Figure 2-12.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager with each document.

Document 1

Message Sample



Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Subject line

Part 1A
Message Sample
(w/o attachments)

Attachment table

Document 2

This is a Microsoft Word



Subject line


Part 2A

This is a plain text file.


Document 3

Subject line

Part 3A


Figure 2-12 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Component

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Attachment

Using archiving type Attachment with storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC, the
attachments are detached from the message. The attachments are archived as
individual Content Manager V8 documents with one part each. See Figure 2-13.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager with each document.

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

Document 1

Subject line


This is a plain text file.

Part 1A


Document 2

Subject line

Part 2A

Figure 2-13 Storage model GENERIC_MULTIDOC with archiving type Attachment


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Storage model: BUNDLED

All e-mail components of a single e-mail (such as the body and the attachments)
are stored in a single Content Manager V8 resource item. See Figure 2-14.
Independent of the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the
basic message properties Subject, From, To, Cc, and Bcc are stored in the
resource item if available.

Resource item 1
File 1

Table of contents
Meta data

File 2


File 1

File 2

Figure 2-14 Storage model BUNDLED

Note: Using storage model BUNDLED does not allow you to declare
individual attachments as records.
This storage model does not make use of the generic document model of
Content Manager. As the format is a CommonStore native format, archived data
cannot be accessed from Content Manager clients.
When using the text-search user exit, there are no limitations. See the
CommonStore document Text Search Configuration for IBM DB2 Content
Manager V8 for more information.

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


BUNDLED with archiving type Entire

Using archiving type Entire with storage model BUNDLED, the complete
message is archived in one Content Manager V8 resource item. See Figure 2-15.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager. In addition to that, the
basic message properties Subject, From, To, Cc, and Bcc are stored in the
resource item.

Message Sample

Resource item 1
Table of contents


Meta data


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body


Attachment table

Message Sample
(incl. attachments)

This is a Microsoft Word


This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-15 Storage model BUNDLED with archiving type Entire

BUNDLED with archiving type Component

Using archiving type Component with storage model BUNDLED, the message is
decomposed into the attachments and the message remainder. These message
components are archived in one Content Manager V8 resource item. See
Figure 2-16 on page 35.
Based on the property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message
properties are stored as attributes in Content Manager. In addition to that, the
basic message properties Subject, From, To, Cc, and Bcc are stored in the
resource item.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Message Sample

Resource item 1
Table of contents


Meta data


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body


Message Sample
(w/o attachments)

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word



This is a plain text file.



Figure 2-16 Storage model BUNDLED with archiving type Component

BUNDLED with archiving type Attachment

Using archiving type Attachment with storage model BUNDLED, the attachments
are detached from the message and archived in Content Manager. Based on the
property mappings you defined in your configuration, the message properties are
stored as attributes in Content Manager.
Using CommonStore for Exchange Server, all attachments are archived in one
Content Manager V8 resource item. See Figure 2-17.

Message Sample

Resource item 1
Table of contents




Subject line

Body text

This is the message body



Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-17 Storage model BUNDLED with archiving type Attachment (CSX)

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Using CommonStore for Exchange Server, each attachment is archived in an

individual Content Manager V8 resource item. See Figure 2-18.

Message Sample

Resource item 1
Table of contents




Subject line

Body text

This is the message body


Resource item 2
Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

Table of contents

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-18 Storage model BUNDLED with archiving type Attachment (CSLD)

2.1.4 Deletion types

The e-mail deletion type determines which part of the original e-mail message is
removed after it is archived successfully.
Selection of the deletion type to be used is performed in either the Lotus Notes
CSLDConfig database (using CommonStore for Lotus Domino) or the CSX
System Manager (using CommonStore for Exchange).
For each archiving policy or archiving rule, you can select one of the following
deletion types:


Deletion type: Nothing

The original e-mail messages are left untouched after they are archived into the
Content Manager repository. This is similar to creating a copy of the messages in
the archive. This option does not reduce the size of the mail boxes or public
folders. It slightly increases their sizes because archive information is added to
the original messages. See Figure 2-19 on page 37.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

You can select this deletion type if the archiving type is Entire, Component, or

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

+ placeholder(s)

Attachment table
This is a Microsoft Word

This is a plain text file.


Figure 2-19 Deletion Type: Nothing

Deletion type: Attachments

After the attachments are archived, the attachments within the original e-mail
message are removed. The body texts remain in the mail boxes and the public
folders. The message stubs contain the body text and the links of the archived
attachments. See Figure 2-20.
You can select this type if the archiving type is Entire, Component, or

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text

This is the message body

+ placeholder(s)

Attachment table



Figure 2-20 Deletion type: Attachment

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Deletion type: Body

The message bodies are removed from the archived e-mail messages. This
includes the attachments that a body might contain. Message stubs containing
the header information (that is, the message properties such as Sender and
Subject) are left in the mail boxes and public folders. Links to the archived
messages are appended to the message. See Figure 2-21.
You can select this type if the archiving type is Entire or Component.

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text


Attachment table



Figure 2-21 Deletion type: Body

Deletion type: Message

With this deletion type, all archived messages are removed. No message stubs
remain in the mail boxes and public folders. See Figure 2-22 on page 39.
Consequently, links to the archived content are not available.
Selecting this type prevents users from retrieving archived content directly. To
retrieve the archived messages, an authorized user must first search the archive
for the messages by using a search application.
You can select this type if the archiving type is Entire, Component, or


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Message Sample


Subject line

Body text


Attachment table



Figure 2-22 Deletion type: Message

2.1.5 Retrieving archived content

When retrieving archived content, the data will be fetched from the archive and
restored to your mail database. You can trigger this by selecting the e-mail stub
and clicking the Retrieve button. Additionally, if you have configured
CommonStore for Lotus Domino to insert retrieval hyperlinks in the document
stub, you can retrieve archived content using that hyperlink. A click on a hyperlink
shows the archived attachment in a viewer. This can be a Web browser or the
viewer of the Lotus Notes client. You also can trigger retrieve requests from
search result lists.
Note: Retrieving archived content involves the CommonStore Task to interact
with and manipulate the mail database.
The following parameters have an impact on content retrieval:

Deletion type = Message

Archiving type = Entire
Archiving type = Component
Archiving type = Attachment

Deletion type = Message

When an e-mail is archived and the deletion type Message was used, there is no
message stub to trigger retrieval from. In this case, the only way to restore
archived content is to trigger retrieval from a search result list.

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Archiving type = Entire

When an e-mail is archived using archiving type Entire and you trigger retrieval
using the message stub, the e-mail is fetched from the archive and replaces the
stub, thus restoring the original e-mail. If you trigger retrieval from a search result
list, the behavior differs for the two CommonStore products. When using
CommonStore for Lotus Domino, you can select whether you want to replace the
stub by the restored e-mail or create a new e-mail. When using CommonStore for
Exchange Server, the e-mail is restored as a new e-mail in the search restore

Archiving type = Component

When an e-mail is archived using archiving type Component and you trigger
retrieval using the message stub, all e-mail components are fetched from the
archive. An e-mail is composed from these components and replaces the stub,
thus restoring the original e-mail. If you trigger retrieval from a search result list,
the e-mail is restored as a new e-mail in the search restore folder.

Archiving type = Attachment

When an e-mail is archived using archiving type Attachment and you trigger
retrieval using the message stub, the attachments are fetched from the archive
and reattached to the message stub. If you trigger retrieval from a search result
list, a container document is created and the attachment is added to it.

2.1.6 Viewing archived content

When viewing archived content, the data will be fetched from the archive and
displayed in your Web browser. You can trigger this by selecting the e-mail stub
and clicking a hyperlink that CommonStore has added after successful archival.
You also can trigger viewing requests from search result lists.
Note: Viewing archived content does not involve the CommonStore Task. The
request is handled by the Web (HTTP) dispatcher.
The following parameters have an impact on viewing archived content:


Deletion type = Message

Archiving type = Entire
Archiving type = Component
Archiving type = Attachment

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Deletion type = Message

When an e-mail is archived and the deletion type Message was used, there is no
message stub to trigger viewing from. In this case, the only way to view archived
content is to trigger viewing from a search result list.

Archiving type = Entire

When using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, viewing of an e-mail archived with
archiving type Entire is not possible. When using CommonStore for Exchange
Server, for e-mail archived using archiving type Entire, the e-mail is fetched from
the archive and sent to your browser for display. As the browser cannot display
the content, it will pass the request to Outlook, which has to be installed to
display the e-mail.

Archiving type = Component

When using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, viewing from the message stub is
not possible. When using CommonStore for Exchange Server, for e-mail
archived using archiving type Component, you can view the individual
components of an e-mail:
The message body (without the attachments)
The individual attachments
The results returned in a search result list for archiving type Component depend
on the document storage model in use, because search requests in Content
Manager always return documents. Hence a search request when using
GENERIC_MULTIDOC can create one hit per e-mail component, but a search
request when using GENERIC_MULTIPART will always create one hit per e-mail.
Therefore, when using GENERIC_MULTIPART, only the first document part can
be viewed. The first component of an archived e-mail usually is the body (without
When you select to view the message body, this component is fetched from the
archive and sent to your browser for display.
Limitation: When using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, messages archived
with archiving format Notes cannot be displayed. When using CommonStore
for Exchange Server, the browser cannot display the content and will pass the
request to Outlook, which must be installed to display the e-mail. Note that
only the message body is displayed. Clicking an attachment icon will not have
the desired effect; it results in an error message.
When you select to view an attachment, the associated content is fetched from
the archive and sent to your browser for display.

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


Archiving type = Attachment

When you selected to view an attachment, the associated content is fetched from
the archive and sent to your browser for display.
When using CommonStore for Exchange Server, the results returned in a search
result list for archiving type Attachment depend on the document storage model
in use, because search requests in Content Manager always return documents.
Hence a search request when using GENERIC_MULTIDOC can create one hit
per attachment, but a search request when using GENERIC_MULTIPART will
always create one hit per e-mail (regardless of the number of attachments).
Therefore, when using GENERIC_MULTIPART, only the first document part can
be viewed.

2.1.7 Archiving options and policy

CommonStore offers automatic and manual archiving options. If using the
automatic archiving option, CommonStore automatically archives e-mail based
on predefined archiving policies. With the manual archiving option, users decide
when and how to archive their e-mail.

Archiving policies contain archiving rules for e-mail message archiving. You can
assign different archiving policies to different users mail boxes. A default
archiving policy applies to users mail boxes that have not assigned a specific
archiving policy yet.
For automatic archiving, the archive rules contain criteria that an e-mail message
or its associated database must meet before CommonStore archives the e-mail.
The criteria can be based on the size of the mail database, the size of a
particular e-mail, how long the e-mail has been created, and e-mail message
properties. Archive rules also include the archiving type of the e-mail, the
deletion type, and the logical archive ID. You can combine multiple rules together
and prioritize the rules to create an archive policy.
For manual archiving, the archiving rules define the archiving type, storage
model, and deletion type.

2.2 CommonStore e-mail archiving solution planning

As part of the overall design and planning, you should review and understand the
CommonStore e-mail archiving options as discussed in the previous section.
These include:
Archiving types
Document storage model


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Deletion types
Retrieval method
Archiving options and policy
To plan for the solution, you must understand the business requirements and the
purpose of the e-mail archiving solution.

Purpose of the e-mail archiving solution

Some of the key uses for an e-mail archiving system are to reduce the size of
e-mail files, make it manageable, and improve system performance.
Without archiving, this can be achieved from a system management perspective

Deleting mail past an arbitrary age

Strictly limiting the storage size per user
Limiting the size of attachments
Utilizing individual archives

These measures can limit the ability of key users to quickly access critical
documents that may be days, weeks, months, or even several years old.
Using CommonStore to archive e-mail provides a better way to achieve these
Note: In addition to user e-mail files, IBM CommonStore offers an ability to
effectively control the size of potentially any Lotus Domino database or
Exchange message store.
There are many ways to implement an e-mail archive solution. As part of the
planning and designing exercises, we provide a list of implementation options to
get you started:
Allow users to manually select which e-mail to archive. Users have the option
to select which parts of the e-mail will be archived (the entire e-mail, the
attachments only, or the body of the e-mail and the attachments).
Establish an automated e-mail archive policy based on one or more aspects
of a users e-mail information, or the associated mail database.
Decide whether to keep or delete any of the e-mail after it is archived.
When adding records management function into the e-mail archive solution,
consider the following questions and issues (refer to Chapter 3, Design and

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving


planning for e-mail records enabling on page 45 for records management

related concept):
Is there a requirement to retain all e-mail messages for a specified number of
years? If so, all messages must be archived automatically.
If a user is allowed to manually archive an e-mail, will the user later be
allowed to declare the same e-mail as a record?
If the legislation governing your organization specifies that messages and
attachments must be declared as separate records, what document model
should you use?
If you specify an archive policy that deletes the e-mail after archiving, how will
a user declare the e-mail or its attachments as a record?
Before an e-mail can be declared as a record, it must exist in the archive
repository, so either there must be a mechanism for users to manually archive
e-mail or there must be an automatic archive policy in place.
Important: It is very important to understand your business requirement or
legal requirement before setting up the e-mail archiving solution.
Much of the legislation governing how organizations set up their records
management systems dictates that all records are stored as separate objects.
To meet this requirement, the combination of document model and archive
type must be:
Archiving type = Component; document model = GENERIC_MULTIDOC.
This combination results in every component (e-mail body and each e-mail
attachment) of an e-mail being stored separately within the Content manager
To implement records management function into the solution, we examine
Records Manager in the next chapter.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 3.

Design and planning for

e-mail records enabling
This chapter covers design and planning for records enabling e-mail.
In the integrated solution discussed in this book, the e-mail records enabling is
achieved with IBM DB2 Records Manager. In this chapter, we introduce the basic
concepts behind records management and describe the basic concepts behind
records management in the context of Records Manager. We address key areas
to consider when planning and designing the e-mail records enabling
(management) portion of a solution.
We cover the following topics in the chapter:
Records Manager design options
Declaration and classification: what is involved
Records Manager design and planning considerations
This chapter mainly focuses on areas that are related to the integrated solution
and is intended to be used in conjunction with the existing product manuals. To
have an in-depth understanding of the individual product, we recommend
referring to the existing product manuals.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


3.1 Records Manager design options

Driven by compliance needs or risk management, organizations have a need to
add records management capability to their business applications. In the e-mail
archiving and records management solution we address in this book, Records
Manager, working with Content Manager Records Enabler, Content Manager,
and CommonStore for Lotus Domino or CommonStore for Exchange Server,
adds the records management function to the e-mail archiving solution.
Note: The IBM DB2 Records Manager system has been used to records
enable more than just e-mail systems. It contains the records management
engine that you can use in conjunction with IBM DB2 Content Manager
solution alone or with an IBM DB2 Document Manager solution. In this IBM
Redbook, we focus our discussion on records enabling Microsoft Exchange
and Lotus Domino mail databases using IBM DB2 Content Manager as the
When used in the context of clear, consistent organizational records management
policies, the records management controls are required to achieve one or more of
the following:
Reduced litigation costs and risks through structured document destruction
Minimized discovery costs during litigation
Ability to demonstrate compliance with organization and legislative
Application of these controls is through an effective configuration of Records
Manager. Records staff and administrators must ensure that the correct rules
and policies are put in place and are carried out.
Records Manager offers a number of records management features and
functions. These features and functions should be familiar to records
administrators whether they use an existing electronic system or more traditional,
physical records management system.
Like many electronic systems, the extent of the functionality exceeds what is
required by any single organization. The capabilities of Records Manager must
be reviewed carefully before implementing the system. When you understand
what Records Manager has to offer, decide which functions must be
implemented and how they should be implemented to meet your organizations
records management requirements.
Many of these functions are driven by legislative requirements such as the rules
that govern retention of all trading records and documents to satisfy SEC 17a-4


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

legislation. Here, all documents referencing share-trading actions must be kept

as records. This extends to all e-mail correspondence and instant message
traffic. Our solution is applicable in the case of e-mail retention.
Other functions may be needed to meet your organizations own procedures,
such as the need to be able to quickly and efficiently locate information triggered
by legal actions. An example of how Records Manager meets this requirement is
in the way it allows the application and capture of metadata on what would
otherwise be unstructured data such as e-mail.
To implement the records management function into your solution, it is important
to understand the basic concepts of records management within the context of
Records Manager.
In this section, we examine:

File plan
Life cycle (including retention schedule)
Physical records management
Legal hold

This section provides an overview of the main concepts that are important in
designing and planning the integrated e-mail records management solution. For
more detailed information, refer to the following publications:
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Concepts Guide, SC18-9182
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Administrators Guide, SC18-9180
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Technical Reference Guide, SC18-9181

3.1.1 File plan

A file plan specifies how records are organized hierarchically in a records
management environment. A file plan is similar to a collection of containers; a
container represents a holding place into which you place records related to a
common subject or theme, or another container together.
In Records Manager, you can create and manage flexible file plans according to
your organizations business requirement. A records administrator can design
any file plan based on unary or hierarchical object (records and container)
relationships, define different user views and security policies, and establish
relationships between objects. Virtually any record-keeping process can be

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


For many companies, the Records Managers file plan maps to the companies
existing physical or electronic file organization scheme.
A file plan can support both the electronic and physical record-keeping of a
Figure 3-1 shows the file plan design of the scenario we use in this book. A file
plan always starts with a Root component. Starting from the Root, we organize
records based on Department, Region, and Division respectively. Within the
Division, we organize records into two categories: eDocument or email. The
declared e-mail falls into the email category (also called records component).

Figure 3-1 Sample file plan design

Important: If you plan to do policy-driven record declaration and are using

CSX, the CSX Task requires that the record component be called email, all
lower case and no hyphen.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

File plan component definitions

A file plan is comprised of components. These components are instances of
component type definitions.
Using an analogy from Content Manager, you can think of component definitions
as item types, and components as items. From a relational database perspective,
you can think of component definitions as table definitions, and the actual
instantiated tables are components.
There are two file plan component definitions:
System component definitions
Custom component definitions

System component definitions come with Records Manager. They are used to
instantiate system components that are needed for a Records Managers file
plan. All file plans come with a default system component definition, Root. It is at
the start of your file plan, where you define the rest of your file plan components.
See Figure 3-1 on page 48.
Custom component definitions are those you define according to your business
rules. In Figure 3-1 on page 48, custom component definitions are Department,
Region, Division, eDocument, and email.
Container and record component definitions
There are two types of custom component definitions:
Container component
Record component
A container component is one of the containers for records or other containers.
For example, Department, Region, and Division from Figure 3-1 on page 48 are
container component definitions.
A record component is the component type used for instances of a record. It
differs from the container component in that it has content, such as the e-mail
message and its attachments. For example, eDocument and email from
Figure 3-1 on page 48 are record component definitions.

File plan components

After component type definitions are defined, you can create components from
the component type definitions.
Figure 3-2 on page 50 shows the instantiated components that comprised the file
plan we use in this book. From the Department component definition, we
instantiate two components: Finance and Sales. From the Region component

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


definition, under the Finance component, we instantiate Europe, Asia Pacific,

and America. Additionally, under the Europe component, using the Division
component type definition, we instantiate Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable. Actual e-mail messages and other documents will be placed under
eDocument and email buckets.

Figure 3-2 Sample file plan components

File plan view

A file plan view represents a grouping of component relationships. It helps you to
navigate within a file plan.
Using an analogy from a relational database perspective, a file plan view is
similar to a view in a database. All file plan components must have at least one
There are three types of file plan views:


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To simplify the basic Records Manager concept we present here, we discuss only
the hierarchical view in this book.
A hierarchical view represents a tree-like structure in a parent and child
relationship. All file plans must have a hierarchical view. The file plan example
that we introduced in this section (Figure 3-1 on page 48) uses the hierarchical
view. The view can also represent a containment relationship. For example, a
Department can contain multiple Divisions. A Division can contain multiple

3.1.2 Life cycle

Life cycle is a collection of phases a record must go through from the time it is
declared as a record to the time it is disposed.
A life cycle can consist of one or more phases. Each phase specifies a certain
duration and denotes a specific records management activity that must be
performed at the beginning or end of the phase.

Retention schedule, also known as retention rules, specifies how long a record
stays (is retained) in a phase and when the record transitions to the next phase.
A retention schedule is based on one of the following:
Event time
If the retention schedule is based on time, then, after a specified time, a record
will be moved out of the current phase and into the next phase. The time can be
calculated from the time the record is added to the phase or from a life cycle date
entered by a user or a program. Depending on the configuration and the setup,
the time can also be calculated from the records creation date.
If the retention schedule is based on event, then after the particular event has
happened, a record will be moved out of the current phase and into the next
If the retention schedule is based on event time, then, when a specified time has
taken place after a particular event has happened, a record will be moved out of
the current phase and into the next phase. Note, the time does not start
calculating until the moment the particular event has taken place.
An example of a retention rule is to keep a record for three years from the time
the record enters a particular phase. This rule can be applied to e-mail records to
ensure that all e-mail will be retained in the system for at least three years.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


The total length of each phase in a life cycle comprises the life cycle duration.
The life cycle duration can be as short as a day or as long as hundreds of years.
In Records Manager, you can design and configure different life cycles for
different classes of records, with multiple life cycle phases and phase transition
parameters, including manual or automatic inter-phase transfer. The ownership
and security of records can also change upon phase transition. This information
should be derived from your organizations retention schedule.
We highly recommend that the records administrator has a complete
understanding of the internal and external records rules that apply to various
documents or e-mail.

3.1.3 Declaration
Declaration is designating a document, such as an e-mail, to be a corporate
record. In our scenario, the declaration process is performed using the users
e-mail client, such as Lotus Notes client, Microsoft Outlook, or a CommonStore
agent. You can declare e-mail including attachments or only the attachments as
Records can be declared by one of the following processes:
Manual process
Automated process
With manual process, the user decides when to declare a document as a record.
The user sets a property or selects a menu option to declare the document as a
record. In our e-mail archiving and records management solution, this is a
user-triggered declaration of an e-mail, regardless whether the e-mail has been
Note: In the e-mail archiving and the records management solution we
address in this book, an e-mail or its component must be archived before the
system can declare it as a record.
At the time of record declaration, the Records Enabler for Content Manager
(CRME) checks whether the e-mail or its component has been archived. If it
has not been archived, the system will automatically archive it to the content
repository, waits for a document ID to be returned from Content Manager, and
then declares the e-mail component as a record. If it is already archived, the
system will declare it as a record immediately.
With automated process, a certain property triggers the automatic declaration of
the record. In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, this can be


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

triggered with an e-mail components archive action that is managed through

CommonStore, such that the e-mail component is automatically archived and
then declared as a record.
After a document is declared as a record, Records Manager removes any
deletion or editing rights users previously have on the document. The edit and
delete control of the document is now passed from the user to the record-keeping
process, as administered by the corporate records management professionals.
View access will only be allowed for users who are listed as having View access
(in Records Manager) to the record. The declared record can only be modified or
deleted in accordance with the organizations formal records management
process now and not by the user.
Automated declaration (and classification) should be the goal of the organization.
It should only be the exception that a small subset of records is manually
declared. Organizations need to aim for touchless records capture and keeping
and aim wherever practical to deploy automatic declaration features for various
candidate record content.
We explain more about declaration in 3.2, Declaration and classification: what is
involved on page 56.

3.1.4 Classification
Declaration and classification work together: You first declare a document as a
record, and then you immediately classify the record.

Classification is assigning where in the file plan to classify a record, which then
defines, usually via inheritance, the retention and disposition rules on the
declared records. This is done by assigning the records to a particular file plan
component (or bucket). Similar to declaration, classification can be completely
manual or process-driven and can be automated, depending on your business
requirement. By classifying an e-mail correctly, the correct retention rule is
applied. One aspect of classification is capturing of metadata relevant to the
document. This data may be captured automatically or it may be manually
annotated by a user.
ISO 15489 (paragraph 7.2) gives the general characteristics of a record as: a
record should correctly reflect what was communicated or decided or what action
was taken. It should be able to support the needs of the business to which it
relates and be used for accountability purposes. The consequent definition of
metadata given in ISO 15489 states: data describing context, content and
structure of records and their management through time.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


Essentially, the metadata should present sufficient information about the

document to classify it appropriately.
Figure 3-3 shows what happens to the documents metadata when a user
declares and classifies it as a record: Its content remains within the host
applications content repository, and the related metadata is stored in the
Records Manager database. This metadata stored in the Records Manager
database helps Records Manager in locating and managing the record.

Host application
e.g. Content Manager
------- --------- --------- ---


Records Manager

------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---


Metadata is sent to
Records Manager.
Content stays within
the host application's

------- --------- --------- ---

------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---

Figure 3-3 What happens when an e-mail is declared and classified as a record

One highly desirable capability of Records Manager is automatic classification.

Automatic classification
Automatic classification eliminates the need for users to manually assign
retention rules (or more accurately select a record component from the file plan
hierarchy the user is permitted to use). Records Manager offers metadata-based
automatic classification, whereby the records administrator can define
classification rules based on metadata of the record. If you plan on using
automatic classification for your e-mail archiving solution, you should understand
the lack (or potential lack) of suitable metadata. In the case of e-mail, it usually
contains the From, To, and Subject fields. To have successful automatic
classification, these fields or other metadata of the e-mail must contain sufficient
information for the system to auto-classify.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

3.1.5 Disposition
Disposition is the last stage in the record life cycle where records are disposed.
Disposing a file plan component also disposes its descendants.
There are four ways to dispose a file plan component:


Accession results in deletion of the records metadata from the Records Manager
database. In addition, it involves permanently transferring the record and its
metadata to another authority that assumes responsibility and ownership of the
record. This is done by the business application (in this case, Content Manager)
making a copy of the record and its metadata to a specified directory and then
deleting the record from its repository. The copied record content is kept
elsewhere by the new record owner.

Destroy results in deletion of the records metadata from the Records Manager
database. If the record is in electronic format, Record Manager will inform the
business application (for example, Content Manager) to delete the record. It is
the responsibility of Content Manager to ensure this task carries through. If the
record is a physical document, the Records administrator is responsible in
overseeing the shredding or burning of the physical document.
If the disposition of a record is export, Records Manager translates the record
into XML. When the record is exported, you must return to the task and proceed
with the transition (clear the task to abort the destruction of the record).
If the disposition is set to review, then a records administrator must examine its
metadata, its history, before deciding the records final disposal schedule. If the
final disposal schedule cannot be determined, the administrator can retain the
record for further review and specify details about the review decision.

3.1.6 Security
Security is important to ensure that the records that are required to be kept are
not deleted and the records that must be disposed are disposed properly by the
right personnel. When a document has been declared as a record, only those
users who have been assigned records permissions will have any access to the
documents. Depending on the business needs, you can set up the system such
that the original authors or receivers of the e-mail can no longer access their
e-mail messages after they have been declared as records.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


Records Manager enables you to control user access to the Records Manager
functions and features, and user access to individual objects in a file plan.
Access to Records Manager functions and features is called function access
rights. Access to individual objects in a file plan is called permissions.
For example, the permissions that can be applied to an object in a selected file
plan component include: add, delete, update, and dispose.
Refer to Chapter 4, Security and user IDs on page 67 for more information
about the security of different components that make up this integrated e-mail
archiving and records management solution.

3.1.7 Physical records management

The same underlying record-keeping infrastructure and processes that are
applied to electronic e-mail also apply to manage the business traditional
physical (paper) records. Depending on business requirements, you may need to
track individual records, folders, and boxes; apply barcode technology; and
manage physical storage space. Additionally, disposition schedules that are
applied to an electronic record may also be applied to physical records, or at the
same time as its associated electronic records.

3.1.8 Legal hold

Records Manager supports legal hold (sometimes referred to as a suspension,
tax hold, or record hold) to designated records. Records under legal hold are
protected from any possible destruction until the hold is lifted. This is usually
driven by legal discovery litigation needs.
For more information, refer to 10.2, Holds on page 402.

3.2 Declaration and classification: what is involved

How declaration and classification are carried out is one of the key design
decisions you have to make for the integrated records management solution. In
this section, we take a closer look at what is involved in this process, and provide
some guidelines to assist in designing your solution.
Within any records management system, there are two types of users: Those
users who fully understand the concepts and those users for whom records
management is a task that someone else performs. It remains a goal of many
records management systems to streamline the whole process, particularly for
users. This is because many users have little or no understanding of what
constitutes a record nor do they wish to take time away from their work to


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

understand how to classify a document as a record. For these users, the greater
the automation involved in records declaration, the better. This applies
particularly to senior staff for whom a very real requirement exists that e-mail
sent or received by these staff members must all be captured as records
(depending on which legislation applies).
At the other end of the records management spectrum lay the professionals
whose job it is to establish, own, and maintain an effective records management
system whether they are paper-based or electronic-based. This staff fully
understands what constitutes a record as well as the importance of why records
need to be effectively managed. Classification of documents as records is a
straightforward process.
A major challenge in the adoption of effective records management is how to
manage the declaration and classification of records for all users, not just records
professionals. The Records Managerbased solution enables declaration and
classification techniques from auto-declare and auto-classify to a very manual
declare and classification process. This records management continuum can be
effectively applied to an e-mail archiving system such as CommonStore.
Whatever level of automation is applied, the goal is the accurate, repeatable,
consistent application of retention rules to captured records. Figure 3-4 shows
this records management continuum.

Manual Declaration
& Classification

Drop into

Less Planning /
More User Interaction

Quick Lists /

Auto-Declare &

More Planning /
Less User Interaction

Figure 3-4 Records management continuum

The more manual the process of record declaration and classification, the less
planning is required, yet more user interaction is involved and more record
knowledge is required by the user. The more automated the process of record
declaration and classification, the more planning is required beforehand for the
entire system, yet less user interaction is involved.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


Let us examine and compare the declaration and classification options:

Automatic everything
Manual everything
Middle ground (quick list and foldering)

3.2.1 Automatic everything

To some organizations, the capture of every e-mail is vital to assist them in their
legislative challenges. This process is often referred to as journalling. If this
requirement is placed within the context of records management, all of this e-mail
must be declared automatically as records, with no user intervention. The
classification of these records must also be as automatic as possible as there
would be no opportunity for classification by users. Otherwise, the administrative
load on each user (to have to classify each e-mail) would soon lead to complaints
from those users; others will attempt to shortcut the process. Notwithstanding the
configuration required from the journalling component, it is not a good solution to
place this classification load on the records administration staff. Your
organization may send and receive hundreds of thousands of e-mail messages
each day, so Manual classification of these documents is not an option.
Functions within Records Manager to apply auto-classification require planning
and configuration ahead of time. You must decide:
What auto-classification rules should be established.
What metadata will be used in the classification process.
How to handle documents that cannot be classified due to either no single
rule satisfying a match or insufficient metadata available.
After auto-classify is configured, you can allow Records Manager to
automatically locate the correct place in a file plan to put a new document. When
you enable this feature, a user can automatically classify a document by clicking
an Auto Classify button. The auto-classify feature is designed for use with
business applications, and it is available for any record. When a user chooses to
auto-classify a document, Records Manager reviews the previously configured
auto-classification rules, locates all the rules that apply, parses through each
one, determines whether the data matches the criteria, and then returns only
those file plan components that match the criteria.

3.2.2 Manual everything

The other end of the scale is where the declaration and classification are both
manual operations. An assumption here is that the classification of a record is
made by the user rather than the records administrator.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Note: This is an example of a manual e-mail declaration policy designed to

assist users to understand when to declare a record.
An e-mail should be declared as a record by you in these circumstances:
When you are the author or creator of the e-mail.
When you are the primary or the only recipient of an e-mail issued by
someone external to the organization.
If the e-mail does not fall into one of these circumstances, then it should be
deleted as soon as it is no longer required unless there is any other legal
requirement to hold the e-mail.
If your organization allows users to perform manual declaration and
classification, you must understand that the responsibilities placed on users must
be carefully considered. Users may have no previous experience or skills in this
area. Your organization must define and publish retention policies relating to the
importance of e-mail and records within your organization.
There are two ways in which these tasks can be streamlined within an
organization. Both of these options must be considered as they are not mutually
Presentation of a user or a group-specific minimum subset of the file plan to
the user at the declare and classify time.
Adequate and relevant user training.
Another method is to establish profiles.

In Records Manager, a profile is a data entry form. Profiles are what users see
when they add or edit an item in Records Manager. A profile contains one or
more of the fields (attributes) that comprise the file plan component definition.
You can create numerous profiles for almost any type of file plan component.
This includes file plan components such as files, folders, and documents; it also
includes system components such as users and groups. After you create a
profile, you can assign it to specific users and groups or assign it to the Public
group. Profiles let you filter or restrict user access to certain fields as well as limit
the actions a user can perform on the fields that are included in the profile. When
you create a profile, you can select the fields you want to include in the profile.
This lets you control what a user can do in these fields. You can make fields
read-only or mandatory.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


3.2.3 Middle ground (quick list and foldering)

When auto-classification or manual classification are not suitable for an
organization, Records Manager allows an alternative where a user wishing to
declare a document as a record can do so using a combination of manual- and
This function is provided through quick lists or pre-configured folder on a user
e-mail file.

Quick list
A quick list is a subset of file plan components presented to users to help them to
quickly classify a document during the declaration of a record. It lets authorized
users navigate to a subset of components without having to navigate through the
entire file plan.

The foldering feature enables you to preconfigure (or records enable) a folder in
the user mail database to connect to a particular file plan component. When a
user drops a particular e-mail into one of these folders, the e-mail is archived and
declared as a record and is automatically classified.
The limitation of foldering in this way is that only a small set of file plan
components can be exposed. If a large number of file plan components are
exposed in this way, the list of folders may become unmanageable.

3.2.4 Comparison
There are advantages and disadvantages to using auto-declare and
classification, manual-declare and classification, or somewhere in between.
Knowing the trade-off and what is suitable for your organization helps you make
design decisions.
Table 3-1 on page 61 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two
key methods of declaration and classification.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 3-1 Auto and manual declaration and classification comparison

Auto-declare and classify

Manual-declare and classify

Little or no user input. Little or no training

is required for the users.

Require user input and training. More

disruption to the normal daily workload.

For the documents covered by the subset

of the file plan used, an organization can
be assured that records management for
these documents is taking place
(assuming the correct configuration has
been applied).

An organization cannot guarantee that

users are declaring and classifying
appropriate records, nor can they
guarantee that the documents are
declared and classified correctly.

Little opportunity for users to abuse the

records management procedures. Users
may not even be aware that records are
being captured.

Users may take shortcuts and this will

result in misclassified records or they may
choose to not classify records at all.
Re-declaration and classification may be
required by records administrators.

Modifications to the file plan can be

implemented with little or no user
involvement, other than in the initial

Whenever modification is done to the file

plan, users must be informed and trained
about the changes.

More up-front planning.

More up-front configuration

Less up-front planning.

Very little up-front configuration is needed.

Depending on how auto-classification is

set up, these policies must be regularly
reviewed by records administrators.

Records administrators do not need to

review the setup.
Less load on records administrators to
reclassify incorrectly classified documents
if users are well trained.
Requires relevant training for users.

Some documents may not fall into any

auto-classification rules and thus require
manual classification.

Flexible declaration and classifying of


3.3 Records Manager design and planning considerations

This section is designed to present a summary of the information areas needing
research required to set up a basic records management configuration.
Records Manager design and planning involves the following main steps:

File plan design considerations

Life cycle design considerations
Users and security planning
Records destruction planning

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


3.3.1 File plan design considerations

Establishing an effective file plan is crucial to both the ease of use by users as
well as to any retention rules that need to be applied to records managed by
Records Manager.
Before you begin the process of building a file plan in Records Manager, you
must have an understanding of how your organization is currently organizing
documents. An important step in file plan design and planning is reviewing your
current file plan or how your files are currently organized within the organization.

Reviewing your current file plan or file organization

Every organization uses certain ways to organize its information. You may
organize your information by files, by prefix, file, section, folder, and volume.
If your company has not yet designed a file plan, this task must be undertaken
before a records management system is introduced.
Reviewing the existing file plan or existing file organization ensures that a records
Is familiar with what records are being generated within the organization.
Understands the relationship or hierarchy between groups of records and
where records are folders (or containers) of documents.
Is confident that all records generated within the organization are represented
in the file plan.
Understands who generates (or who will generate) records within the
Knows what metadata is required to be captured when records are declared
and understands the technical capabilities of the systems in capturing the
required metadata.

3.3.2 Life cycle design considerations

After you design the file plan, figure out the life cycle of records or file plan
components. Legal staff in your organization should draft the retention schedules
for the companys records according to company rules and legal obligations. You
should review the current retention schedules.

Reviewing the current retention schedules

The record retention (and disposition) schedule for an organization should cover
both physical and electronic records, and it should define:
How long the organization needs to retain the information.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

How that information is disposed of when you no longer have to retain the
information: destroy or accession to official archives? See 10.3, Records
disposition on page 405 for more information about destroy and accession.
The life cycle for each records series. For example:

How long is the record active?

How long is it dormant?
Where does it reside at each stage?
How does it transition between stages?

Metadata associated with the records retention schedule. This includes:

Item number
Retention period
Method of destruction

Retention rules are applied to records through a formal, multi-stage process.

With this process, the pre-defined retention and disposition rules and policies are
applied to all of the declared records, so that only the relevant records are
deleted at the appropriate time.

3.3.3 Users and security planning

In summary, the following reviews should be carried out to establish a more
effective security policy for electronic documents:
Establish user groups. It is easier to manage security with groups.
Decide what groups need access to which files. This can be achieved through
applying security permissions to components of the file plan.
Decide what permissions user groups need.
Decide what privileges records administrator staff needs. If an organization
has a large records administration function, Records Manager can allow a
granular application of security to the system. For example, only certain staff
can modify the file plan while others may only have access to them.
Decide what files need more security. Individual files can have their security
set explicitly.
Some of the questions you need to address while planning for security include:
What is your user population?
Where are your user credentials managed?

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling


What is your user population?

The drivers for implementing a records management system may determine
what part of your user population requires access to the system. For example,
your Human Resource department produces electronic documents that relate to
employees. This type of document has to be kept for certain number of years.
Typically, these documents would have been printed as paper copies and
managed appropriately according to records policies. More often, these
documents should be kept in their electronic form and managed by an electronic
records-keeping system.
The legislation may affect multiple groups of users or, in the case of document
discovery mitigation, all users. Identification of these groups will then lead to the
following planning issue. (For more information about discovery, see Chapter 11,
Discovery on page 409.)

Where are your user credentials managed?

Almost every organization considering an electronic records management
system uses e-mail systems. Ideally, the e-mail messages are from a single
vendor with no interoperability issues or multiple-user repositories. If this is the
case, your user credentials should be located in a single directory system. We
recommend that Records Manager takes its users from Content Manager. It is
possible to create and manage users directly in Records Manager, but this would
only be used for a few users, such as records administrators, as the load of
maintaining additional users in multiple resource directories would be
inconvenient. If Content Manager is the user resource for most Records Manager
users, where are those users credentials managed? This depends on your
environment. If your e-mail system uses an LDAP resource, this could be used
by Content Manager, importing users and groups into Content Manager on a
scheduled basis.

3.3.4 Records destruction planning

Most e-records standards require that the destruction of electronic records be
non-recoverable or expunged. Records Manager relies on the host business
application to perform the actual destruction, which Records Manager triggers
and commonly carries out in non-recoverable form.
As an example of a records-keeping standard (the United Kingdoms The
National Archive), control of document destruction still requires some manual
intervention as illustrated by this section from The National Archive (TNA)
Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems (2002):
A.4.64 (M) The ERMS must seek confirmation of destruction from an
authorized user as a mandatory step in the disposal process, before any


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

action is taken on folders, parts or records; and enable cancellation of

the disposal process at this point if confirmation is not given.

Part of your planning consideration must include what happened at the end of
records life cycle: when and how the records should be destroyed.
This concludes the basic introduction to records managements basic concept,
design, and planning considerations.

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 4.

Security and user IDs

This chapter introduces the security models of the different components used
within an e-mail archiving and records management solution. We provide
recommendations on how an overall security model should be set up.
We cover the following topics:

Content Manager security

CommonStore for Lotus Domino security
CommonStore for Exchange Server security
Records Manager security
Content Manager Records Enabler security
Integrated solution security overview
Important user IDs summary

This chapter does not discuss all of the security features of every component
involved in the solution, but it introduces the basic concepts. For more detailed
descriptions of each product security, read the product-specific administration

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


4.1 Content Manager security

Content Manager functions as the backend content repository for the archived
e-mail in the e-mail archiving and records management solution. When the
archived e-mail messages are declared as records, they remain within the
Content Manager repository.
To ensure proper user access to the repository, we examine the Content
Manager security in this section.

4.1.1 Overview
Content Manager security consists of the following configurations and concepts:

Privilege and privilege group

Privilege set
User and user group
Item type and item
Access Control List (ACL)

Privilege and privilege group

Privilege is the permission to perform an action within a Content Manager
system. There are predefined privileges in Content Manager such as ItemAdd
and ClientImport. A user with these privileges has the permission to insert an
object into Content Manager (with the ItemAdd privilege) and import an object
using a Content Manager client (with ClientImport privilege).

Privilege group is a logical grouping of privileges that makes the administration

process easier. There are predefined privilege groups in Content Manager such
as ClientTaskCreate. This privilege group contains privileges such as ItemAdd
and ClientImport that gives a user the permission to add and import an object to
Content Manager.
Privilege set
Privilege set is a collection of privileges and privilege groups. Only privilege sets
can be assigned to users or ACLs. (Refer to the description of ACL that follows.)
A privilege set describes the maximum set of privileges a user can have. Even if
an ACL grants more rights, the user cannot use them, as long as the users
assigned privilege set does not have the privilege. There are predefined privilege
sets in Content Manager, such as ClientUserReadOnly. This privilege set
contains all privileges to grant read-only access to users.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

User and user group

Every user is assigned a maximum privilege set. This privilege set describes the
maximum rights a user can be granted in the system. For example, the assigned
privilege set may specify that the user is an administrator or a normal user with
restricted rights to create and view objects.

User group is a logical grouping of users. Privilege sets cannot be assigned to

groups directly, but only to users. Privilege sets are only associated to groups
within an ACL. This privilege set describes the maximum rights a user of this
group can have when the ACL is used.

Item type and item

An item type is a template for defining and locating items (objects). It is the basic
entity in Content Manager. By using the same template, items of the same type
are consistently constructed, which helps you to locate them and quickly define
new ones.
An item is an instance of any item type.
Using relational database as an analogy, you can think of item type as a
database table, and items as entries in the table. For example, you can have
DominoMail as an item type that is used as a template to store Domino e-mail
messages. The users e-mail messages are then stored in Content Manager as
items, using the item type DominoMail.

Access Control List (ACL)

Access Control List (ACL) is a list consisting of one or more individual user IDs
or user groups and their associated privileges. ACLs are used to control user
access to objects in a Content Manager system (such as item and item types). A
privilege set assigned to a user (during the user creation phase) defines the
maximum ability that a user can have to the system. A privilege set associated
with the user in an ACL further defines the exact users access rights wherever
this ACL is used.
An ACL does not grant additional privileges to a user. Even if the privilege set
associated with a user in an ACL contains more privileges than the user has
directly assigned to it, the ACL limits user access; it does not grant more access.
Figure 4-1 on page 70 gives an example of how the privilege set assigned
directly to a user and a privilege set used in an ACL work together with a user ID
that result in the rights a user has on a specific object (item type or item) that
uses this ACL.
In this example, the user User 1 is assigned the maximum privilege set of
ClientUserEdit. This means that in general, this user has the possibility to create,

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


view, and edit objects. For a specific item or item types ACL in the figure, User 1
is assigned no privilege (NoPrivs). The ACL therefore limits the user to have no
rights on the particular item or item type.
For User 2, the person is also assigned the maximum privilege set of
ClientUserEdit. In addition, within the ACL of the specific item or item type, User
2 also has ClientUserEdit privilege. In this case, User 2 can perform create, view,
and edit on the particular item or item type.





Privilege Set

User 1


User 2



Privilege Sets

User 1


User 2



Figure 4-1 Users, privilege set, and ACL example

Important: Every item type has an ACL assigned to it. During the creation of
an item type, you can choose whether the ACL works on the item type level or
on the item level.
For a record enabled environment, with Content Manager V8.3, Fix Pack 1,
ACLs should set on the item level.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.1.2 Recommendations
To properly set up the security of Content Manager, you must understand the
concepts behind Content Manager security. In addition, we provide some
recommendations for the setup of the privilege sets, groups, and ACLs.
Note, these setup recommendations also reflect how the sample scenario we
used in this book is set up.

Recommendations for defining privilege sets

Create privilege sets with reasonable names, so that it is easy to administer and
use them. Make sure that there are no super user privileges in it; otherwise,
ACLs will be ignored.
Examples of meaningful privilege set names are: CreateUpdateDelete and
CreateUpdate. Privilege sets should be item type independent because they only
describe a certain number of actions you can perform in a Content Manager

Recommendations for defining groups

One simple way to administrate a Content Manager system is to create one
group per item type. This group is used within the item type specific ACL. By
doing so, changes made to that group or to the ACL only affect the associated
item type. This may dramatically reduce the risk of side effects when ACLs are
In a large environment where there are many item types, however, this may not
be the best administrative solution.
In general, the ACL should only include the group created for that item type and
associate a certain privilege set that you want to allow for the item type.

Recommendations for setting up ACLs

Following the idea mentioned above, we recommend creating one ACL per item
type. In this ACL, the item type specific group is associated with a certain privilege
set. To change the access rights of an item type, it is recommended not to assign
a new ACL but to change the item type specific ACL. Particularly if the access
control is on item level, assigning a different ACL will not effect the items already
stored in the item type. Instead, modifying the ACL of the existing item type will
affect items stored in the future and items already stored. If the items have already
been declared as records, they will not be affected by the ACL modification on the
item type, as their ACLs would have already been reassigned.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


4.2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino security

In this section, we examine CommonStore for Lotus Domino security. We cover
the components involved from CommonStore for Lotus Domino and Content
Manager. We discuss the communicators between these components, and how
security is set up between Domino, CommonStore for Lotus Domino, and
Content Manager.
To configure the security for a records-enabled solution, refer to 4.6, Integrated
solution security overview on page 93.

4.2.1 CommonStore components

CommonStore consists of different components that are necessary to
communicate with Domino on the one side and Content Manager on the other
side. Figure 4-2 shows the key CommonStore components and specific details
on both the Domino and Content Manager sides.

Mail DBs

Job DB

CS Task
User ID





User ID


Figure 4-2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino components

We examine these components and the users involved in the following sections.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.2.2 CommonStore and the Domino security

The CommonStore Task is a program that interfaces with Domino. It accesses a
Domino system using the Domino APIs. It needs a Domino user ID to log on to
the system. This user ID is usually set as CSLD Task or CS Task. It can be named
anything else to suit your naming convention.
From the Domino side, as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 72, we deal with the
access rights of this Domino user ID and the security on the Dominos mail
databases, configuration database, and the job database.

Mail database security

The CommonStore Task needs to search through all mail databases that have
e-mail to be archived. The CommonStore Task user (CS Task, for example) must
be able to log on to the Domino system and have access to all mail databases
that need to have e-mail archived.

Configuration database security

The CommonStore Task reads its configuration from the Dominos configuration
database. The CommonStore Task user (CS Task, for example) must therefore
have read access to the database.
A Domino administrator should have full access to the configuration database.
There is no need for a normal mail user to have access to the configuration

Job database security

The CommonStore Task processes jobs in the job database, so the
CommonStore Task user (CS Task) should have access to all jobs in the job
database. The role [CSLDUser] is predefined in the job database and it can be
assigned to the CommonStore Task user (CS Task).
Every e-mail user has to have at least the right to create a job (a Note document)
in the job database. The security should be set up in the job database such that
users can see jobs they themselves have created.

4.2.3 CommonStore and the Content Manager security

The CommonStore ArchPro is a program that interfaces with Content Manager. It
accesses the Content Manager system using the Content Manager APIs and
needs a Content Manager user ID to log on to the system. The ArchPro
configuration file (archint.ini) specifies the Content Manager user ID that is used
by ArchPro. The user ID has to have the privileges to store, update, and delete
documents in the Content Manager system. This user ID is usually set as
ArchPro. It can be named anything else to suit your naming convention.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


From the Content Manager side, as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 72, we deal
with the access rights of ArchPro and the security on the Content Managers item

Item type security

At least one item type has to be defined for CommonStore to be able to archive
e-mail into Content Manager. The ACL for this item type should include the
Content Manager user ID used by ArchPro. Because e-mail and attachments
from all Domino users are stored in this one item type (for example DominoMail),
access to this item type should be limited.
CommonStore relies on its own security model based on Content Manager
attributes (see 4.2.4, CommonStore security model on page 74). If a user
searches e-mail from a Notes client, the CommonStore security ensures that
only e-mail messages that belong to that user are visible.
If a user has access to that item type (DominoMail), searches using a Content
Manager client returns all e-mail messages even if they do not belong to the
particular user. This is because the Content Manager security model relies only
on the ACL of the item or item type and the users maximum privilege set to
determine security; it is not aware of the CommonStore security restrictions.
Important: In an e-mail archiving only solution (without the records
management functionality), it is advisable to only give the Content Manager
user ID used by CommonStore access to the item type. No other Content
Manager users should have access to the item type unless these users have a
business need to access documents of the item type.
When configuring a solution to be records enabled, the security configuration
should be set up differently. Refer to 4.6, Integrated solution security
overview on page 93 for more details.

4.2.4 CommonStore security model

CommonStore uses its own security model to protect documents (e-mail and the
attachments) from unauthorized access. The Content Manager security model is
not used by CommonStore to determine which Content Manager user can
access which document. Instead, the item type (that is used to store archived
e-mail) has to have the attribute CSLDOrigUser or CSLDOrigDB. These
attributes are filled during archiving (depending on the chosen security level) and
interpreted during retrieval. The attribute CSLDOrigUser is used to store the
Domino user ID that requested the archive. This is with limited use, as a user
name can change. We recommend use of the attribute CSLDOrigDB that stores
the Replica ID of the database a document originates from. No matter which of


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

these two attributes is used, it is important to understand that the attributes are
not part of the Content Manager security model and therefore are not included
during the authorization process to determine whether a Content Manager user
has access or not to a specific item. The attributes are only interpreted by
CommonStore to ensure that requests from Lotus Domino are served correctly.
The following paragraph explains the CommonStore security model based on a
small example, shown in Figure 4-3.

Mail DBs









Figure 4-3 CommonStore security example

Assume that on the Domino side, there are three e-mail users (DomA, DomB,
DomC) with one e-mail database per user and one Domino user ID used by
CommonStore (DomCS). The Domino user ID (DomCS) has access to all three
e-mail databases.
An item type (for example, DominoMail) is created to store archived e-mail from
the three e-mail users. This item type has some standard attributes such as
Sender, PostedDate, Subject, and the attribute CSLDOrigDB. The ACL assigned
to the item type grants appropriate access to the Content Manager user ID used
by CommonStore (CMCS). This enables the Content Manager user to archive
everyones e-mail.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


If an e-mail is archived from the user DAs mail database, it is stored as an item of
the item type (DominoMail), and the attribute CSLDOrigDB for this item is filled
with the Replica ID from the user DAs mail database. If e-mail messages from the
users DB and DC are archived, they are stored with the same item type, and the
attribute CSLDOrigDB is filled accordingly. In this example, three items are stored
in the same item type, and there is one archived e-mail from each mail database.
If a mail user performs a search from its database against the archive (using the
CommonStore function that is added to the Notes database), CommonStore
searches the database using its Content Manager user ID (CMCS), which has full
access to all items of the item type. The ArchPro interprets the CSLDOrigDB
attribute based on the Replica ID of the database that issued the search. Only
documents that originate from the mail users database are included in the hit list.
From the Content Manager side, only CMCS can view the e-mail in Content
Now, for this example, we add three Content Manager users (CMD, CME, CMF)
and assign them to the item types ACL. In this scenario, these Content Manager
users can see all e-mail of the item type using a Content Manager client. The
Content Manager security model does not interpreted the attribute CSLDOrigDB
and therefore does not limit access to the e-mail (documents). To avoid this
access, the ACL for the item type should only be granted to the Content Manager
user ID used by CommonStore (CMCS).
Important: Again, in an e-mail archiving only solution (without the records
management functionality), it is advisable to only give the Content Manager
user ID used by CommonStore access to the item type. No other Content
Manager users should have access to the item type unless these users have a
business need to access documents of the item type.
When configuring a records-enabled solution, the security configuration
should be set up differently. Refer to 4.6, Integrated solution security
overview on page 93 for more details.

4.2.5 Recommendations
To properly set up the security of the integrated system, you must understand the
concepts behind CommonStore security, and the interrelationship with Domino
and Content Manager as described in the previous section. In addition, we
provide some recommendation for the security setup of Domino, Content
Manager, and CommonStore.
Note, the setup recommendations also reflect how our sample scenario used in
this book is set up.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Recommendation for Domino security setup

Create a Domino user ID (CS Task) and grant access to all mail databases. This
user ID requires the rights to create, update, and delete documents. Furthermore,
this user ID requires read access to the configuration database and full access to
the job database as well as the role CSLDUser on the job database.

Recommendation for Content Manager security setup

Create a Content Manager user ID (ArchPro) with the appropriate privilege set to
create, update, and delete items (ClientUserAllPrivs).
Create an ACL specific for an item type (DominoMail), add the newly created
Content Manager user (ArchPro) to it, and associate the appropriate privilege set
to it (ClientUserAllPrivs).
Create the item type (DominoMail) that includes the attribute CSLDOrigDB and
assign the newly created ACL to it.
This recommendation is valid for an e-mail archiving only solution. For an
integrated records-enabled solution, you will set up the security differently. Refer
to 4.6, Integrated solution security overview on page 93 for more details.

4.3 CommonStore for Exchange Server security

In this section, we examine CommonStore for Exchange Server security. We
cover the components involved from CommonStore for Exchange Server and
Content Manager. We discuss the communicators between these components,
and how security is set up between Active Directory, Exchange, CommonStore
for Exchange Server, and Content Manager.
To configure security for an integrated e-mail archiving and records management
system, refer to 4.6, Integrated solution security overview on page 93.

4.3.1 CommonStore setup

During the setup of CommonStore for Exchange Server, the infrastructure is
created. This includes:
Extending the Active Directory Schema with objects defining the layout of
CSX configuration data.
Importing base configuration data.
Publishing Outlook forms to your organizational forms library.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


Extending the Active Directory Schema with objects defining the

layout of CSX configuration data
The script CsxImportSchema.vbs is part of the Directory Extension Tool
component of the installation package. It uses the program ldifde to import data
defined in ldf files. Execute this script on the Domain Controller workstation using
a user ID with Schema Administrator authority. See Figure 4-4.


Schema Administrator User ID


Figure 4-4 Extending Active Directory Schema for defining CSX config data layout

In our scenario we used the user ID CSX Admin, which we added to the
Windows group Schema Administrators.

Importing base configuration data

The script CsxImportEmptyDirectory.vbs is part of the Directory Extension Tool
component of the installation package. It uses the program ldifde to import data
defined in ldf files. Execute this script on the Domain Controller workstation using
a user ID with Domain Administrator authority. See Figure 4-5.


Domain Administrator User ID


Figure 4-5 Importing base configuration data

In our scenario, we used the user ID CSX Admin, which we added to the
Windows group Domain Administrators.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Publishing of Outlook forms to your organizational forms library

The InstallFormsAndFolders.vbs script is part of the Forms & Public Folders
component of the installation package. It adds CommonStore Forms to the
language-dependent Organizational Forms Library and creates CommonStore
related public folders. See Figure 4-6, Publishing of Outlook forms to your
organizational forms library on page 79.




CSX Administrator User ID


Figure 4-6 Publishing of Outlook forms to your organizational forms library

In our scenario we used the user ID CSX Admin, which we gave the Folder
visible, Create items, and Read items permissions to the forms library.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


4.3.2 CSX System Manager

Figure 4-7 illustrates the objects accessed by the CSX System Manager.




CSX Administrator User ID

CSX System

Figure 4-7 CommonStore for Exchange Server - System Manager

The CSX System Manager uses the Active Directory to store CSX configuration
data and to provide it to the CSX Task. The workstation running the CSX System
Manager must be in the same Windows forest as the Exchange organization.
The user starting the CSX System Manager requires write access to the
CommonStore node in Active Directory.
As the CSX System Manager also writes client relevant information to the
CommonStore folders, the user starting it needs special permissions on the
public folders CommonStore\Configuration and CommonStore\Job Folders.
In our scenario we used the user ID CSX Admin to run the CSX System
Manager. As this user ID was also used to create the CommonStore
infrastructure, no additional permission is required.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.3.3 CSX Task

Figure 4-8 illustrates the objects accessed by the CSX Task.




CSX Task User ID


Figure 4-8 CommonStore for Exchange Server - Task

The CSX Task reads the CSX configuration data from the Active Directory. The
workstation running the CSX Task must be in the same Windows forest as the
Exchange organization. The user starting the CSX Task requires read access to
the CommonStore node in Active Directory.
Note: The CSX Task does not read configuration data from the configuration
folder in Exchange.
The CSX Task communicates with the Exchange system using the Microsoft
messaging API (MAPI). It must have an Exchange user ID and a mailbox to log
on to the system. This user ID must have write access to the job folder to read
and update interactive archiving and retrieval requests.
The CSX Task must be able to search through all mailboxes and public folders
that have e-mail to be archived. Hence it must be able to log on to the Exchange
system and have access to all mailboxes and public folders without even knowing
the credentials of individual users. To gain this authority, the CSX Task user ID
must have the Exchange Administrator role on either the entire Exchange
Organization or on all Administrative Groups that contain Exchange Servers to
be archived. This role is assigned using the Delegate control context menu in the
Exchange 2000/2003 System Manager.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


In our scenario we used the user ID CSX Admin to run the CSX Task. As this
user ID was also used to create the CommonStore infrastructure, no additional
permission was required on the job folders. We gave the user ID CSX Admin the
role Exchange Administrator on the entire Exchange Organization.

4.3.4 CommonStore Server

Figure 4-9 illustrates the objects accessed by the CommonStore Server.


ArchPro User ID

Content Manager Server

Library Server

Resource Manager

Figure 4-9 CommonStore for Exchange Server - CommonStore Server

The CommonStore Server communicates with Content Manager using the

Content Manager APIs. It needs a Content Manager user ID to log on to the
system. The ArchPro configuration file (archint.ini) specifies the Content
Manager user ID that is used by ArchPro. The user ID has to have the privileges
to store, update, and delete documents in the Content Manager system. This
user ID is usually set as ArchPro. It can be named anything else to suit your
naming convention.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

From the Content Manager side, as shown in Figure 4-9 on page 82, we need to
deal with the access rights of ArchPro and the security on the Content Managers
item type.
At least one item type has to be defined for CommonStore to be able to archive
e-mail into the Content Manager. The ACL for this item type should include the
Content Manager user ID used by ArchPro. E-mail messages from all Exchange
users are stored in this item type, so access to this item type should be limited.
CommonStore relies on its own security model based on Content Manager
attributes. (See 4.3.6, CommonStore security model on page 85.) If a user
searches e-mail from an Outlook client, the CommonStore security ensures that
only data that belongs to that user is visible.
If a user has the right access to the item type, searches using a Content
Manager client returns all e-mail messages even if they do not belong to the
particular user. This is because the Content Manager security model relies only
on the ACL of the item or item type and the users maximum privilege set to
determine security; it is not aware of the CommonStore security restrictions.
Important: In an e-mail archiving only solution (without the records
management functionality), it is advisable to only give the Content Manager
user ID used by CommonStore access to the item type. No other Content
Manager users should have access to the item type unless these users have a
business need to access documents of the item type.
When configuring a solution that must be records enabled, the security
configuration should be set up differently. Refer to 4.6, Integrated solution
security overview on page 93 for more details.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


4.3.5 Outlook clients

Figure 4-10 illustrates the objects accessed by Outlook clients.


Exchange User ID






Figure 4-10 CommonStore for Exchange Server - Outlook Clients

Outlook clients read the CSX configuration data from the CommonStore
configuration folder. They need read access to this folder to identify the name of
the job folder as well as the host name and port number of the CSX Search
Server. The job folder name and write access to it is required to trigger interactive
archiving and retrieval requests. The CSX Search Server parameters are
required to start a search session in the browser.
Note: Access to configuration folder and job folder is not required to view
archived items from a Web browser. The URL included in the e-mail stub is
sufficient to contact the CommonStore Server and display the archived e-mail
or attachment. Moreover, no additional authentication is done. This allows
access to forwarded archived e-mail messages and eliminates the need to
restore them before forwarding.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.3.6 CommonStore security model

CommonStore uses its own security model to protect documents (e-mail and the
attachments) from unauthorized access. The Content Manager security model is
not used by CommonStore to determine which Content Manager user can
access which document. Instead, the used item type has to have the attribute
CSORIGINATOR. This attribute is filled during archiving and added to search
requests by the CSX Search interface, and is used to store the distinguished
name (DN) of the user mailbox the e-mail resided in. It is important to understand
that this attribute is not part of the Content Manager security model and therefore
is not included during the authorization process to determine whether a Content
Manager user has access to a specific item when working with Content Manager
clients. The attribute is only used by CommonStore to ensure that requests from
an Outlook client are served correctly.
Figure 4-11 on page 86 shows the CommonStore security model based on a
small example, which is explained in the paragraph that follows it.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs














Content Manager Server



Library Server

Resource Manager

Figure 4-11 CommonStore security example

Assume that on the Exchange side, there are three e-mail users (Ex1, Ex2, and
Ex3) with one mailbox per user and one user ID used by CommonStore (ExCS).
The Exchange user ID (ExCS) has access to all three mailboxes.
An item type is created for CommonStore to store documents from the three
mailboxes. This item type has some standard attributes such as Sender, Sent
Date, Subject, and the attribute CSORIGINATOR. The ACL assigned to the item
type grants appropriate access to the Content Manager user ID used by
CommonStore (CMCS). It enables this Content Manager user to archive
everyones e-mail messages.
If an e-mail is archived from user Ex1s mailbox, it is stored as an item of the item
type, and the attribute CSORIGINATOR for this item is filled with DN from user
Ex1s mailbox. If e-mail from the users Ex2 and Ex3 is archived, it is stored with


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

the same item type, and the attribute CSORIGINATOR is filled accordingly. In this
example, three items are stored in the item type: one archived e-mail from each
If a mail user performs a search from its database against the archive (using the
CommonStore function that is added to the Outlook client), CommonStore
searches the database using its Content Manager user ID (CMCS), which has full
access to the item type. The CSX Search Server modifies the query by adding
the mailbox DN of the user that issued the search. Only documents that originate
from this mailbox are included in the hit list. Privileged users can be defined to be
able to search for e-mail originated from all mailboxes.
From the Content Manager side, only CMCS can view the e-mail in Content
Now, for this example, we add three Content Manager users (CM4, CM5, CM6)
and assign them to the item types ACL. In this scenario, CM4, CM5, and CM6
can see all e-mail messages of the item type using a Content Manager client.
The Content Manager security model does not interpret the attribute
CSLDOrigDB and therefore does not limit access to the e-mail (documents). To
avoid this access, the ACL for the item type should be granted only to the
Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore (CMCS).
Attention: Again, in an e-mail archiving only solution (without the records
management functionality), it is advisable to only give the Content Manager
user ID used by CommonStore access to the item type. No other Content
Manager users should have access to the item type unless these users have a
business need to access documents of the item type.
When configuring a records-enabled solution, the security configuration
should be set up differently. Refer to 4.6, Integrated solution security
overview on page 93 for more details.
This security model applies to searching for archived e-mail and attachments, so
authorization for Web viewing is not checked by CommonStore. For example, if
an e-mail is archived from the mailbox of user Ex1, a URL is included in the
message stub to allow user Ex1 to view the archived message from the Web by
clicking on the URL. If user Ex1 forwards the message stub to user Ex2, user Ex2
can also use the URL in the forwarded e-mail to view the archived message from
the Web.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


4.3.7 Recommendations
To properly set up the security of the integrated system, you must understand the
concepts behind CommonStore security, and the interrelationship with Active
Directory, Exchange, and Content Manager as described in the previous section.
In addition, we provide some recommendations for the security setup of
Exchange, Content Manager, and CommonStore. The setup recommendations
also reflect how our sample scenario used in this book is set up.

Recommendation for Exchange security setup

Create an Exchange user ID (CSX Admin) and use this ID for all configuration
steps, to run the CSX System Manager, and to run the CSX Task. This avoids the
need for additional permission changes on public folders created during setup.
Add the user ID to the Windows groups Schema Administrators and Domain
Administrators. Grant the user ID permissions Folder visible, Create items, and
Read items to the Organizational Forms libraries for the languages supported by
your Exchange environment. Give the user ID the role Exchange Administrator
on the entire Exchange Organization.

Recommendation for Content Manager security setup

Create a Content Manager user ID (CSX) with the appropriate privilege set to
create, update, and delete items (ClientUserAllPrivs). Create an ACL specific for
the item type (CSXMAIL), add the newly created user to it, and associate the
appropriate privilege set to it (ClientUserAllPrivs).
This recommendation is valid for an e-mail archiving only solution. An integrated
records-enabled solution requires a different security setup. Refer to 4.6,
Integrated solution security overview on page 93 for more information.

4.4 Records Manager security

In this section, we examine Records Manager security in relation to the entire
e-mail archiving and records management solution.
Some of the basic concepts were introduced in Chapter 3, Design and planning
for e-mail records enabling on page 45. We repeat their definitions here for the
continuity of the discussion and for your review.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.4.1 Overview
Records Manager security is based on:
File plan and its components
Function access rights and permission
User and user group

File plan and its components

A file plan specifies how records are organized hierarchically in a records
management environment. A file plan is similar to a collection of containers,
where a container represents a subject or a container into which records related
to a common subject or theme are placed.
A component is a logical container that comprises the file plan and denotes a
class of information. There are two types of components:
Component (container) component: These are the physical or logical
containers in the file plan. Examples of container-type components are: files,
folders, departments, boxes, and floors in a building.
Record component: These represent the actual records. They differ from
container components in that they can have content. Examples of record
components are: documents, e-mail messages, and illustrations.
In Records Manager, you can set security on any of the file plan components and
file plan component definitions.

Function access rights and permission

You can control user access to Records Managers application features, and user
access to individual objects of a file plan. Access to Records Managers
application features is called function access rights. Access to individual objects
in the file plan is called permissions.
Users are assigned to function access rights. The function access rights give the
users permission to perform actions within a Records Manager system. There
are predefined function access rights such as File Plan Administration. A user
with this function access right has the general permission to insert records into a
file plan. Whether the user can actually insert a specific record into a file plan
depends on the system permissions (see description below) the user has to the
specific file plan or a specific component of the file plan. For example, a user with
the function access right File Plan Administration who does not have the
appropriate system permissions to the component Division (our case study
example) cannot create any records in any instance of this specific component.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


Permission is the access rule that defines what a user can do to a file plan
component and file plan component definition. There are predefined permissions
such as Add. A user with the Add permission can add a file plan component.
Permissions can be set in three ways:
Systemwide: Permissions for file plan component types. Using our case study
example, you can set systemwide permission to component types
Department, Region, and Division.
Component level: Permissions for individual component instances. Using our
case study example, you can set component-level permission on component
instances such as Finance, Europe, and AccountsRec.
Field level: Permissions for individual file plan component definition fields.
Figure 4-12 shows the permission list that can be applied to selected file plan
components for a specific set of users.

Figure 4-12 Permission available in Records Manager

User and user group

Records Manager differentiates between local and host users. Local users are
defined within the Records Manager system. Host users are defined within a
repository that is records enabled, such as Content Manager. In order to give
Content Manager users the possibility to declare records, they have to be
imported into Records Manager. During the import, function access rights are
assigned to the users. After the import, the permissions have to be set for each
user; otherwise the user will not be able to access the file plan.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4.4.2 Recommendations
To properly set up the security of the Records Manager system, you must
understand the concepts behind Records Manager security as discussed earlier.
In addition, we provide some recommendations for the Records Manager
security setup.
These setup recommendations also reflect how our sample scenario used in this
book is set up.

Recommendation for user and user group setup

For every Content Manager user who has to declare records, you must import a
Content Manager user ID into Records Manager. This user needs the File Plan
Administration function access right.

Recommendation for permissions setup

Every user who has to declare records into a specific component needs View
access to all components mentioned above in the hierarchical file plan, and View,
Add, and HostRetrieve access permissions to the component itself.

4.5 Content Manager Records Enabler security

Records Manager provides the records management engine that you can embed
into your business application. Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE)
works between Content Manager and Records Manager to bring records
management capability into Content Manager.
In this section, we discuss Content Manager Records Enabler security.

4.5.1 Overview
The Records Enabler does not have its own security model. It uses the Content
Manager and Records Managers security. One of the main functions of the
Records Enabler is to transform Records Manager security into Content
Manager ACLs. Content Manager Records Enabler has to have a Content
Manager user ID with the appropriate rights to create new ACLs and item types.
Figure 4-13 on page 92 shows the user IDs (CMREID and administrator) used by
Records Manager to communicate with the connected systems.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs






File Plan



Figure 4-13 Recommended user IDs that work with Records Enabler

4.5.2 Recommendations
We recommend that you create the two user IDs as specified in Figure 4-13. For
each ID, we describe what it is used for and provide some recommendations.
The setup of these IDs also reflects how our sample scenario used in this book is
set up.

The CMREID user ID is a Content Manager system administrator ID. The
CMREID user ID is created in Content Manger during Records Enabler
installation. Records Enabler saves this user ID in the host configuration of
Records Manager, and uses it to configure Content Manager. For example,
Records Enabler uses this user ID to create the needed item types, privilege
sets, and ACLs when a Content Manager system is records enabled. This is also
the ID that is stored in the WebSphere Data Source and later used to add (and
remove) triggers to eRecord enabled item types. This user should not be
imported into Records Manager. It is meant to be used under the covers by the
Record Enabler code.

The RMEADMIN user ID should be used by the Records Enabler administrator to
log on to the Records Enabler Administration client. Records Enabler does not


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

create this user ID automatically. This user should be created in Content

Manager before the Records Enabler installation. The user does not need to
have any explicit Content Manager permissions. As a minimum, this user can be
assigned the privilege set NoPrivs and the ACL NoAccessACL. When this user
logs on to the Records Enabler Administration client, the CMREID user will be
used to perform any necessary Content Manager configurations.
After creating the RMEADMIN user ID in Content Manager, this user should be
imported into Records Manager and given the System Configuration
Management function access. This user does not require any other Records
Manager permissions to use the Records Enabler Administration client.

4.6 Integrated solution security overview

The integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution is comprised
of Content Manager, CommonStore for Lotus Domino or CommonStore for
Exchange Server, Records Manager, and Content Manager Records Enabler.
In this section, we put all of the products together and take a look at the security
for the entire integrated solution.

4.6.1 Overview
In the integrated solution, Content Manager is a records-enabled system. This
means that content stored in Content Manager can be declared as records. After
the content (e-mail) is declared as records, the data is under the control of
Records Manager.
In the solution, the Lotus Domino and Exchange Server themselves are
technically not records enabled. Every e-mail that has to be declared as a record
must be archived (moved or copied) from Domino or Exchange Server into a
records-enabled content repository system first (in this case, the Content
Manager system). The Records Manager system communicates with the
Content Manager system and not Domino or Exchange Server.
The e-mail users must have unique credentials in Content Manager and Records
Manager to properly manage access to the e-mail messages that have been
declared as records. This is achieved by associating a unique Content Manager
user ID with each e-mail user. This unique Content Manager user ID has the
proper access to the item type that is used to store archived e-mail in Content
Manager. The Content Manager user ID also has to be imported into Records
Manager so that the Records administrator can assign appropriate access rights
to it.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


The mapping of an e-mail user to the unique Content Manager user ID is

managed via a user exit in the CommonStore server, which is installed as part of
the Records Enabler configuration.
After installation of the user mapper support, an e-mail user is prompted for the
associated Content Manager user ID when first opening his or her mail database
(if the mapping is not already created for the user). This process adds the
Content Manager user ID and password into the user mapping tables at the
CommonStore Server and maps the Content Manager user ID to the e-mail user
ID. Each subsequent access to archived e-mail (documents), whether a record or
not, is authenticated based on the access control rules assigned to the archive.
These access control rules are updated when an archived e-mail becomes a
record to further restrict access based on the access permissions assigned to
the record in Records Manager.
To retain access to archived e-mail, each Content Manager user must have the
appropriate query privileges in the Content Managers ACL assigned to the item
type that is used for the archived e-mail messages. This, however, gives the user
query access to all archived e-mail stored in this item type until the e-mail is
declared as a record and the access privileges are modified for that individual
e-mail. Although the mail client restricts access to a users own personal e-mail
(as described earlier when discussing CommonStore security models), Content
Manager clients are governed by the Content Manager access rules.
Thus in an integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution
environment, where both Notes (or Exchange Server) and Content Manager
clients are used, precautions should be taken when assigning access rights to
the item type.
One method to achieve greater privacy of archived e-mail and still allow for
unique access privileges to records is to use a unique yet private Content
Manager user ID for each e-mail user, known only to the CommonStore and
Records administrators. You can create the private Content Manager user IDs,
add the IDs to the user mapping tables at the CommonStore server, and
associate these private IDs with the e-mail users. These private user IDs will be
used for all authentication functions for the e-mail users.
Systematically creating these Content Manager user IDs based on the existing
e-mail users and pre-populating the user mapper table simplifies the process for
e-mail users as they no longer will be prompted for a Content Manager user ID
when first accessing their mail database using the mail client. These private user
IDs (and passwords) are not known to the mail users, so the mail users would not
use the private Content Manager IDs to access the archived e-mail or records
using Content Manager clients (if access to them is restricted to only these
private users).


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Figure 4-14 shows an example of mapping of the Domino or Exchange users to

the Content Manager users in the integrated solution.


DOM11 User
User3 3


User Mapper








Imported Host User






Figure 4-14 Domino/Exchange and CM user mapping in the integrated solution

In this example, User1 is mapped to the Content Manager user CM1. CM1 is
imported into Records Manager and has the appropriate rights to declare
records in the file plan.

Note: A Domino or Exchange user who is not mapped to a Content Manager

user cannot declare e-mail as records. Additionally, a Domino or Exchange
user using a Content Manager ID that is not imported into Records Manager
cannot declare e-mail as records.

4.6.2 Recommended configuration

In a non-Records configuration, it is assumed that a user always has access to
the e-mail that he has archived. Thus access to the archived e-mail can be
limited to the one specific CommonStore administrator ID in Content Manager.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


CommonStore can then simply use the CSLDOrigDB attribute to filter the list of
archived items to a specific user. In a Records environment, however, users may
or may not have access to their archived e-mail based on the rules established in
the Records Management system. Archived e-mail classified to certain areas of
the file plan may be restricted to only certain users, or access to e-mail in a
specific life cycle stage may be restricted. Because of the complexity of the
access rules for records, filtering of user access must be done outside of
This is accomplished by setting the specific access to each item in the archive to
specific users based on where in the file plan the e-mail is classified. Access is
also appropriately updated in the archive as necessary when access rights
change in Records Manager for each user or file plan Component. The access
for each user is controlled by the ACL assigned to the archived e-mail.
Based on the previous discussion, every Domino user or Exchange Server user
must have a Content Manager user ID mapped to it. The Content Manager user
ID has to be imported into Records Manager and has to have the appropriate
function access right and permissions to declare and retrieve records. This
Content Manager user ID is used to assign user access to the file plan in
Records Manager and is used in the Content Manager ACL on the archived
e-mail to grant or deny access.
After an archived e-mail becomes a record, based on the rules configured in
Records Manager, a user could lose access to it immediately or at some later
phase in the life of the record. The ACL assigned to the e-mail item in the archive
item type governs this access. Prior to becoming a record, the ACL must grant
access to the archived e-mail to the user who archived it because there are no
restrictions on its access yet. When CommonStore archives an e-mail, it simply
imports the item into the archive item type. This results in the ACL assigned to
the item type being assigned to the item imported. In the recommended
non-Records configuration, this would mean that the CommonStore
administrator would be the only CommonStore user with access to the item.
However, this will not achieve the desired results in a records environment.
When an item becomes a record, user access to the item must map to the
access defined in Records Manager for the file plan component to which the
record is classified. New users added to the Content Manager ACL at this point
would not be granted access to the item by Content Manager unless they also
had access to the item type containing the item. This means that a new ACL
assigned to the item now based on the access defined in Records Manager
would not grant the necessary access unless these users were also listed with
access in the archive item types ACL. Therefore, all mapped Content Manager
user IDs would have to have read access in the item types ACL to enable further
restriction of access to each declared item.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

This can most easily be accomplished by assigning the Content Manager

PublicReadACL to the archive item type; however, this would give all Content
Manager users access to the archived e-mail items that have not yet been
declared as records, as their ACLs would still reflect the item types public access
ACL. This is fine if Content Manager client applications are not used in your
environment or are restricted to only those who should have access to all
undeclared items in the e-mail archive anyway. Thus use of the PublicReadACL
configuration should not be used if non-administrative users have access to
Content Manager client applications in your environment.

Important: If using the PublicReadACL to control access, the CommonStore

user ID has to be a super user; otherwise CommonStore cannot write any
items into the item type.
An alternative configuration assigns every mapped user ID read access in the
ACL assigned to the item type that uses private Content Manager user IDs for
each e-mail user, as discussed previously. Thus every mapped user would have
access to all archived e-mail, but e-mail users would not be aware of their mapped
user ID and password and thus could not access the archive via Content Manager
client applications. CommonStore would still access the archive on behalf of a
CommonStore client (Notes/CSX), but again filters the results by the
CSLDOrigDB attribute so that the user would only see e-mail he or she archived.
As items in the archive are declared as records, the items ACL is changed to
grant access only to those permitted in Records Manager settings, thus further
restricting the archived items returned to an e-mail user in a CommonStore client.

Note: A sample utility is available that simplifies the process of automatically

creating private Content Manager user IDs for every e-mail user and
pre-populating a mapping table with these IDs. It helps you to perform the
following tasks:
1. Create Content Manager user IDs and passwords for each e-mail user.
These private IDs are known only to the CommonStore and Content
Manager administrators.
2. Add these users to a predefined Content Manager user group (a special
group for this purpose). This group can then be assigned read access in
the archive item type's ACL.
3. Add these users to the CommonStore user mapper table and associate
them with the existing e-mail users.
4. Reset passwords for mapped users.
For more details, download the additional material associated with this book.

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


4.7 Important user IDs summary

In this section, we provide an overview of all of the important user IDs that are
used for different components. You should understand the importance of these
IDs with the affected components, especially when you decide to change the
passwords of the IDs in the future.

User IDs for CommonStore for Lotus Domino

CommonStore for Lotus Domino uses the following IDs as described in Table 4-1
and represented in Figure 4-15:
CSLD Task (Domino user ID)
ArchPro (Content Manager user ID)
These names can be changed to suit your naming convention. We use these
names in our scenario setup.







Figure 4-15 CommonStore for Lotus Domino user IDs

Table 4-1 CommonStore for Lotus Domino user IDs



Sample name

How to save new password



From the command line, issue this command:

csld -f serverpasswd -i <notes.ini>

Content Manager


From the command line, issue this command:

archpro -f serverpasswd -i <archint.ini>

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

User IDs for CommonStore for Exchange Server

CommonStore for Exchange Server uses the IDs described in Table 4-2 and
represented in Figure 4-16:
CSX Admin (Exchange Server user ID)
CSX (Content Manager user ID)
These names can be changed to suit your naming convention. We use these
names in our scenario setup.




CSX Task





Figure 4-16 CommonStore for Exchange Server

Table 4-2 CommonStore for Exchange Server user IDs


Sample name

How to save new password

Exchange Server

CSX Admin

For the user CSX Admin used for CSX System

Manager, password cannot be saved.
For the user CSX Admin used for CSX Task,
from the command line, issue this command:
csx <task_name> -p

Content Manager


From the command line, issue this command:

archpro -f serverpasswd -i <archint.ini>

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs


User IDs for Content Manager

Content Manager uses the following IDs as described in Table 4-3:
These names can be changed to suit your system needs. We use these names
in our scenario setup.
Table 4-3 Content Manager user IDs


Sample name

OS / DB2


OS / DB2


User IDs for Content Manager Records Enabler

Content Manager Records Enabler uses the IDs represented in Figure 4-17 and
described in Table 4-4 on page 101:
CMREID (Content Manager user ID)
Administrator (Records Manager user ID)
These names can be changed to suit your system needs. We use these names
in our scenario setup.





Figure 4-17 Content Manager Records Enabler user IDs


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 4-4 Content Manager Records Enabler user IDs


Sample name

Content Manager


Records Manager


User IDs for Records Manager

Content Manager Records Enabler uses the following IDs:
CMREID (Content Manager user ID)
Administrator (Records Manager user ID)
These names can be changed to suit your system needs.
Table 4-5 lists the WebSphere administration user ID we used.
Table 4-5 WebSphere administration ID


Sample name



Chapter 4. Security and user IDs



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 5.

Integrated solution design

and planning
This chapter discusses the overall design and planning of the integrated e-mail
archiving and records management solution. To guide you through the design
and planning process, we present a list of the questions and considerations that
you should address during the process. In addition, we provide the end-to-end
solution architecture, system configuration options, and the approach you may
take to systematically implement and deploy the integrated solution.
We cover the following topics:

Solution integration overview

Planning considerations for the integrated solution
System configuration
Solution implementation and deploy sequence

The information covered in this chapter also includes the design and planning
considerations presented from earlier chapters when dealing with only the e-mail
archiving or the records management portion of the solution.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


5.1 Solution integration overview

The e-mail archiving and records management solution architecture is open,
portable, and extensible. Four main components are involved in the integrated
Content Manager: Used as the backend server for content repository.
CommonStore for Lotus Domino (CSLD) or CommonStore for Exchange
Server (CSX): Used as the archiving engine that archives e-mail messages,
including attachments to Content Manager.
Records Manager: Used as the engine to provide records management
Content Manager Records Enabler: Works with both Content Manager and
Records Manager to provide records management capability to Content
Manager, thus records enabling the entire integrated solution.

5.2 Planning considerations for the integrated solution

In this section, we look at the general design and planning considerations for the
end-to-end, integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution.
Because each organization has a different set of requirements and may have
different approaches for this process, we recommend using the information
provided here as a guide to help you start your design and planning process. In
addition, we recommend using the existing product manuals in conjunction with
this book during your design and planning process.
The considerations we cover include:

General considerations for an integrated solution

Other planning areas
Key departments involved in planning process

5.2.1 General considerations for an integrated solution

There are many areas to consider when planning and designing an integrated
e-mail archive and records management solution. You should always review the
existing business requirements and legal requirements, working with legal staff
and records personnel, to see how you should implement the solution.
We divide general considerations into these topics:
Archiving considerations on page 105


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Records management considerations on page 109

Additional considerations on page 114

Archiving considerations
From the e-mail archiving side, we examine the following questions:

Why implement an e-mail archiving solution?

What are the goals of e-mail archiving?
Who are the target users or what are the target e-mail databases?
How will e-mail be archived automatically?
How will e-mail be archived manually?
When will e-mail be archived?
How to retrieve or locate archived e-mail or their attachments?

Why implement an e-mail archiving solution?

Many organizations implement an e-mail archiving solution before they
implement an electronic records management system. One of the main reasons
may be that historically, records management on the scale we are beginning to
see these days was not a major driver for this technology. Many organizations
are not covered (at least not extensively) by legislation requiring them to
implement a records management system.
A common driver for e-mail archiving is size reduction on mail databases,
regardless of whether records management is being considered.
The first thing to answer here is why you need to implement an e-mail archiving
solution. Some reasons include:

Improve mail database and server management.

Improve system performance and user experience.
Reduce mail database size, server size, or individual e-mail file size.
Legal obligation; for example, need to retain e-mail for up to three years.
Legal obligation; for example, need to declare e-mail as records.
Some or all of these reasons.

What are the goals of e-mail archiving?

If the purpose of implementing an e-mail archiving solution is to reduce mail
database size, improve system performance, or improve mail database and
server management, or all of the above, then what are the specific quantitative
goals you need to achieve?
To answer that, review your business requirement, and assess and compare that
to the current mail database usage. Some of the statistics and behavior to
investigate include:
How many mail database users do you currently have?

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


How many mail servers do you have?

What is the average database size?
What is the size of the mail database servers?
What is the average number of mail messages in the mail database?
How long do people usually keep their mail?
What criteria do people currently use to clean up their e-mail?
How often do users clean up their e-mail?
What is the current response time? Are users using Outlook PST files that
must be imported?

With this assessment, you can set specific e-mail archiving goals. Examples of
specific goals include:
Reduce the average mail database size to a certain number.
E-mail older than a particular number of days should be archived and
removed from the system.
E-mail larger than a particular size should be archived, or its attachment
should be archived.
If the purpose of implementing an e-mail archiving solution is to implement a
records management solution, then you do not need to consider the specifics
such as mail database size and server size.

Who are the target users or what are the target e-mail databases?
If the goal to implement an e-mail archiving solution is to reduce database size,
improve system performance, and manage e-mail databases, you should
investigate and decide who are the target users or what are the target e-mail
How extensive will the archiving system be?
Will archiving apply to everyones mail database or selective ones? What are
the hardware and software implications?
If e-mail archiving applies to only selected users, what is the criteria?
You may have already answered this question from the previous discussion.
For example, the criteria can be: for any e-mail database size that is greater
than a certain number, its messages will be archived (based on a finer set of
criteria). Certain users, due to the nature of their work, may have large
volumes of incoming or outgoing e-mail, or large e-mail files; especially with
large attachments, you may target these users for archiving activities.
Will senior staff be included in e-mail archive policies?
Some organizations choose to ignore C-level (in this example, CEO) staff mail
databases for security reasons. However, this must be considered carefully in
a record-enabled archiving environment as some legislation requires that all
e-mail must be managed.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

How will e-mail be archived?

Consider whether you want users to manually archive e-mail or let the system
automatically archive it.
You might want some users to have the authority to manually archive their e-mail,
and for other users or e-mail, you want to configure the system to automatically
archive the e-mail.
There are different considerations and implications when you decide to set up
automatic or manual archiving:
How will e-mail be archived automatically?
How will e-mail be archived manually?

How will e-mail be archived automatically?

If using automatic e-mail archiving, consider:
Whose e-mail will be archived automatically?
What rules will be implemented to archive e-mail automatically?
Will these rules be based on the size of the mail database, the age of e-mail,
or both?
How will e-mail be archived automatically?
What archiving types and storage models are being used? Will attachments
be archived separately from messages or will they be stored as a single
document? This has implications on how these documents are to be record
enabled, compliant to regulations.
When auto e-mail archiving, what will be left in the e-mail databases?
Will there be message stubs for the entire e-mail, or just for its attachment?
Will there be cases when the entire e-mail message be deleted from the
system? For example, in the case where an e-mail is 365 days or older, the
entire e-mail will be archived and no stubs will remain.
What metadata will be collected at the time an e-mail is archived?
This has implications on how e-mail can be found if there is no stub left in the
original mail database.
Automatic e-mail archiving policy examples:
Example #1: Perform automated e-mail archiving after a mail database
reaches 200 GB. When this criteria is met, the system will automatically
archive all e-mail older than 90 days.
Example #2: E-mail 120 days or older will be archived. Only the stubs will be
left in the original e-mail message.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


Example #3: If an e-mail is larger than 10 GB, its attachments will be archived
and removed from the e-mail message automatically, and hyperlinks will be
inserted that enable the user to view the archived attachment.

How will e-mail be archived manually?

If you will allow some or all of the users to archive e-mail manually, consider:
Who are the users who can archive e-mail manually?
What recommendations do you provide to users about how they should
archive their e-mail?
You may consider setting some guidelines for users to follow. For example,
based on users mail database size, the age of the e-mail, and the file size of
a particular e-mail and its attachment, users should archive some or
individual e-mail messages.
How will e-mail be archived manually and what will be left in the e-mail
When using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, how do you present the archive
options for users? What do you allow and not allow users to do when
performing the task? What archiving type will be used or offered to users to
select from? Will you force users to use message stubbing for the entire
e-mail, or just for its attachment? Will you allow users to or force users to
delete entire messages from the system after they are archived?
When using CommonStore for Exchange Server, will you provide users the
choice to select the archiving type and deletion type?
What metadata will be collected when users archive their e-mail?
This has implications on how e-mail can be found if there is no stub left in the
original mail database.
What recommendations or guidelines do you provide to users who will
perform manual archiving?

When will e-mail be archived?

For automatic operation, when do you run the automatic e-mail archiving task
and how often do you run it?
For manual operation, this depends on users. As mentioned earlier, you should
set some recommendations to users as to when they should manually archive
their e-mail.

How to retrieve or locate archived e-mail or their attachments?

How will e-mail be retrieved, via hyperlink within the original e-mail message
(only available when using CommonStore for Lotus Domino), the retrieve button,
or a search application?


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

If you allow users or the system to delete the entire message after it is archived,
you must provide a search function within the e-mail database.
If one of the reasons to archive is to control mailbox size, and whenever a
document exceeds a certain size it will be archived, then you should design the
system so that content will be removed after archiving. In most cases,
attachments are the cause of large document sizes.
If e-mail archiving is based on a set criteria for a group of e-mail messages, and
users have a requirement to be able to retrieve all of this type of e-mail at once,
then a solution that enables users to select multiple archived e-mail message
stubs and then click the retrieve button to retrieve all e-mail content may be a
good option.
Another consideration is whether you want users to retrieve any archived e-mail.
There may be circumstances when you do not want them to do so. You should
plan this ahead of time.

Records management considerations

From a records management perspective, we examine the following questions:

Why implement records management function to the solution?

What are the goals of an e-mail records management solution?
What is the target user mail database or e-mail?
What file plan and life cycle to use?
How will e-mail be declared and classified?
What are the considerations associated with automatic process?
What considerations are related to the manual process?
When will e-mail be declared and classified?
What happened to the e-mail when they are declared as records?
How to retrieve or locate e-mail records

Why implement records management function to the solution?

Records-managing e-mail within an organization is becoming a more common
requirement. Organizations may or may not need to implement an e-mail
archiving system at the same time.
The question here is why you need to implement the records management
solution. Some reasons include:
Reduce litigation costs and risks through structured document destruction.
Minimize discovery costs during litigation.
Demonstrate compliance with organization and legislative regulations.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


What are the goals of an e-mail records management solution?

What goals do you need to achieve when implementing a records management
solution for e-mail?
The records professionals in your organization should review the organizations
business requirements and legislative rules, and set specific goals for e-mail
records management. Examples include:
Records-manage and retain all e-mail for seven years.
Records-manage e-mail from the Human Resource department.
Records-manage any e-mail related to finance.
This will be used when designing file plan and life cycle of the records
management system.

What is the target user mail database or e-mail?

Investigate and decide the target user mail databases or whose e-mail should be
under records control. This should tie closely to the goals specified earlier by the
records staff.
The following should be considered:
How extensive will the records management system be?
Will records management apply to everyones mail database or selective
ones? What are the hardware and software implications?
If it applies only to selected users, what are the criteria?
You may have answered this question already in the previous discussion. For
example, if you need to records-manage the Human Resource departments
e-mail, then your target e-mail or mail databases that should apply records
control are ones from those who work in the Human Resource department.
Will senior staff be included in records management?
Some legislation requires that all C-level (in this example, CEO) staff e-mail
must be under records control.
Make sure the target userss mail databases or e-mail that should be under
records control match that of the goals set earlier. This should be reviewed by the
records staff.

What file plan and life cycle to use?

Again, review the business requirements and work closely with the records staff
in designing a file plan and life cycle for the e-mail records management solution.
Refer to File plan design considerations on page 62 and Life cycle design
considerations on page 62 for more information.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The file plan design, life cycle design, and targeted e-mail (based on person, or
e-mail type) need to comply to the legal rules or business requirement. Make
sure the rules and design are documented, and reviewed and approved by the
legal and records professionals.

How will e-mail be declared and classified?

Consider whether you want users to manually declare and classify e-mail as
records or let the system automatically do the job.
It is possible that for certain types of e-mail, or certain peoples e-mail, you want
an automated process, and for others, it is a manual process.
There are different considerations and implications for automatic or manual
records declaration and classification.

What are the considerations associated with automatic process?

If using automatic e-mail declaration and classification, consider:
Whose e-mail will be declared and classified automatically?
What rules will be applied to classify this e-mail?
Auto-classification in Records Manager can be based on an e-mails
metadata. What are the rules or criteria used to match an e-mails metadata
with the specific file plan components?
What if none of the rules apply to the e-mail?
The metadata within an e-mail may not provide sufficient information for the
auto-classification process. If auto-classification fails, the e-mail will reside in
a collection of unclassified records. The records administrator staff has to
classify them manually. What policy is established to handle this manual
How will e-mail be declared and classified?
Will an entire e-mail be declared as one record? Or will the e-mail message
be declared as one record, and the attachments be declared as separate
records? The business requirement and legislation directly control what
should be decided here. This affects the way e-mail should be archived. For
example, if legislation requires that the e-mail message and its attachments
should be declared as separate records, then you should choose the
appropriate archive type and storage model when archiving the e-mail, and
appropriate options to declare each component as a record.
When using automatic e-mail declaration and classification, what will be left in
the e-mail databases and who will have access to it?
Will there be a message stub for the entire e-mail, or just for its attachment?
Will there be cases when entire e-mail messages are deleted from the

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


system? You should consider both the archiving requirements and the
records management requirement to see how to design the system that
satisfies both areas.
It is possible that after the e-mail becomes a record, the rules will require that
the original user can no longer access the e-mail. We provide more
discussion about this in upcoming sections, but you should consider the
implication here nevertheless.
What metadata will be collected at the time an e-mail is classified?
There are metadata associated with e-mail. Records Manager needs to store
a records metadata in its database. This metadata is comprised of the
Records Managers system data and some of the e-mails original metadata.
For automatic declaration and classification, which metadata information will
be stored automatically to Records Manager? Will there be any metadata
translation before they are stored in Records Manager? This has implications
for how records can be found later.

What considerations are related to the manual process?

If you decide to allow some or all of the users to manually declare and classify
e-mail, consider:
Who are the users who can perform this task manually?
When do you allow users to manually declare and classify records?
You may need to automatically declare and classify records, and you may
also allow people to manually declare and classify some other type of
records. What rules govern this decision?
What recommendations do you provide to users and under what
circumstances should they declare and classify their e-mail?
You may consider setting some guidelines for users to follow. For example,
anything to do with finance or a particular project should be declared as
What methods do you provide for users to perform e-mail declaration and
classification? Will foldering, quick list, profile be used, or manual everything?
How do you present the options to users? What do you allow and not allow
users to do when performing the task?
Will e-mail folders be configured to allow users to drag and drop mail into
folders? Each folder can be configured to represent a particular bucket in the
file plan.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

How much of the file plan will be exposed to each user if the foldering option
is not set?
Will the Records Manager quick list be used? Will Records Manager profiles
be used?
When manually declaring and classifying e-mail, what will be left in the e-mail
Again, what options will you allow or not allow users to have? Will you force
users to use message stubbing for the entire e-mail, or just for its attachment?
What metadata will be collected at the time users declare and classify their
This has implications for how e-mail records can be located later.
What recommendations or guidelines, in general, do you provide to users
who will perform manual e-mail records declaration and classification?

When will e-mail be declared and classified?

For the automatic operation, when do you run the automatic records declaration
and classification? Will the e-mail have been archived already by an automatic
process, or will the e-mail have not been archived yet?
For the manual operation, this depends on users. As mentioned earlier, you
should set some recommendations for users as to when they should manually
declare and classify their e-mail. Do you expect some users may have already
archived the e-mail and some have not? Are there any implications? What are
the rules you want to establish or guidelines users should follow as when to
declare e-mail as records?
If using foldering, when e-mail is dropped to a folder, it will become records later.
When should the process kick in: immediately or at a later time? What is the
impact on the system? How should the design be carried out?

What happened to the e-mail when they are declared as records?

Will the original owners of the e-mail still have rights to view them? This must be
configured in Records Manager, not CommonStore. The decision may depend
on the type of e-mail. For some e-mail, users may maintain their access rights;
for other types of e-mail, users may no longer be able to view them. This also
may be determined by the type of users. Whatever is decided by the records
professionals in your organization, you must be clear up front and set up security

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


How to retrieve or locate e-mail records

How will e-mail records be retrieved? This depends on how the e-mail is
archived. You may use the hyperlink within the e-mail, the retrieve button, or the
search function within the user interface.
If users are allowed to search the e-mail records, how will they be searched?

Additional considerations
We provide additional considerations for your planning and designing process.
They are:

Will users need to archive e-mail without declaring it as records?

Need to synchronize archive policies with records management policies.
How will users locate documents and records?
How to manage folders for e-mail archiving or records declaration?

The need to archive e-mail without declaring it as records

Will every e-mail have to be declared as a record? The answer to this depends
on which legislation governs your organizations record-keeping requirements.
For those organizations required to declare every e-mail as a record, declaration
of e-mail may take place from the journalling component of your messaging
system (assuming that every user is covered by the relevant legislation as
opposed to just senior staff). If this is case, you still need to consider whether to
allow users to declare and classify e-mail or their attachments.

Deleting e-mail before it becomes records

Ensure that all e-mail that must become records will actually be declared as
records whether you use the automatic or manual declaration process.
Is it possible that e-mail is deleted by users before it must be declared as
records? CommonStore for Lotus Domino may be configured to automatically
delete e-mail and its attachments whether or not the originals have been
archived. This function is not available in CommonStore for Exchange Server.
The possible early destruction of e-mail may conflict with organizational or
legislative policies. If this is the case, configuration of automatic policies that
delete the documents prior to their possible declaration as records or users that
are allowed to manually delete e-mail prior to declare must be reviewed. You
must identify the situations and decide how to prevent them.

Synchronize archive policies with records management policies

Depending on how e-mail archiving is set up, there should not be any conflict
between archiving and records management policies.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

For example, you establish an archive policy that archives the entire e-mail
message and completely removes the message from the mail database after it is
archived. If in Records Manager you have not set up any auto-declare and
classification policies, then all e-mail archived under the archive policy above will
not be declared as records (unless this task is performed manually by the user
before this archive policy removes the message). After these messages are
archived and removed from the mail system, the records administrator must
manually declare and classify these records. Is this what you want? How can you
avoid that?
Review all of your archiving policies and make sure they work with the policies
you set up in Records Manager.

How will users locate documents and records?

After e-mail is declared by users, they may still need to view the e-mail content,
its metadata, or its record state. This is an issue particularly if the archive policy
includes removal of the e-mail and its attachments from the users mail database.
Unless the search function is retained in the e-mail client (Records Manager
provides this function for both Lotus Notes and Exchange systems), the client
software a user can use to search for and view the record are:
The Records administrator client: This browser-based client can be accessed
by users only if they are given the required functional access by the Records
One of the Content Manager clients (Windows client or eClient): They must
be distributed to users in an e-mail archive and records management solution.
Using this client requires Records Enabler for Content Manager software to
be configured.
A federated search client such as Information Integrator for Content.
Note that any access to e-mail in Content Manager that has been declared as
records will be determined by the permissions granted by the records
administrator using the records administrator client.

How to manage folders for e-mail archiving or records declaration?

How do you manage folders? How do you manage the changes in folders? How
do you propagate the changes? What happens when there are too many folders
to manage?

Other considerations
We add some other questions and areas to consider during the design and
planning process. They may repeat some of the questions asked earlier in this
chapter or other chapters, but we want to make sure that you are aware of them
and recapture them here.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


Other considerations include:

When using CommonStore for Lotus Domino, e-mail can be archived,
retrieved, updated, and re-archived. Records can also be declared multiple
times. Do you want to offer these options and how will you offer the options?
Note that re-archiving is not available in CommonStore for Exchange Server.
Does all e-mail have to be retained and declared as records? If so, do you
need to worry about records management side only, or also mail database
size and system performance? If you only have to implement records control,
you may want to keep e-mail as is after archiving (that is, without removing
any parts of the e-mail from the original database). Otherwise, decide what
and how to remove certain parts of the archived e-mail, and how retrieval will
be provided.
What about e-mail journalling? Should you use it to ensure that all e-mail is
captured? What is the limitation? Find out before using it.
Be aware that some systems cannot archive an e-mail twice; for example, this
is the current limitation of the CommonStore for Exchange Server. Because of
this limitation, at the time of the writing, we do not recommend using the
journalling feature when using CommonStore for Exchange Server.
Do you need single instance store (SIS)? What is the current limitation when
using single instance store in your environment? What is the impact or
limitation when using it in conjunction with Records Manager?
How can you ensure that the necessary e-mail is made into records? What
criteria do you use to ensure no loop holes exist for the e-mail?
Will people have rights to all e-mail, or should someone have rights to search
on all users e-mail databases? Records staff may need that authority.

5.2.2 Security
When implementing Records Manager into an e-mail archiving system such as
CommonStore, the security of archived documents changes as soon as the
e-mail is declared as records. The access users have to their e-mail after
declaration depends on the permissions set by the records administrator.
When an e-mail is archived in a non-Records Manager environment, the user
generally maintains access to that e-mail. In the Records Manager environment,
access to the declared e-mail record is modified at declaration time. The
modified access may (but not always) have the effect of denying the original
owner of the e-mail any access to the e-mail after it is declared as a record. It is
therefore important to review how security affects user access to e-mail before
and after it is declared as records.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The questions below should be considered before implementing the solution:

Should a user have access to an e-mail after it is archived?
Will any element of an e-mail remain in the users mail database
Can a user perform a manual record declaration on an e-mail?
Do users have a minimum of View access to relevant sections of the file plan
components in Records Manager?
Note: If the user is not explicitly listed or is not a member of a group in a
Records Manager system with a minimum of View access to relevant
portions of the file plan, e-mail archived in CommonStore and subsequently
declared as records may not be available to the user post-declaration.
A user with View access to the declared e-mail may access the it through the
e-mail client, as with a normal e-mail.
For more considerations on security, refer to Chapter 4, Security and user IDs
on page 67.

5.2.3 Other planning areas

Other areas related to planning should be addressed before you implement the
entire solution:
Performing audits on your mail system
Planning for discovery
Planning for document deletion

Performing audits on your mail system

You should audit your existing mail system prior to implementing the integrated
e-mail archiving and records management system. The data captured at this
time enables you to understand the magnitude of any problem and lay down
base data that can be used to compare with post-implementation data to see
what improvements are needed.
It is possible that your reasons for implementing an integrated e-mail archiving
and records management solution is not for system improvements. It may simply
be to comply with relevant legislation, whether or not that compliance brings any
other system benefits.
Some of the audits you perform can be automated and can be accomplished
using a variety of software tools that exist in the market today. Some of the audits
can be in the form of staff and user interviews.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


The audits you perform can include identifying:

Average mail database size.
Volume of inbound and outbound e-mail for a given time period.
The largest users of the system in terms of mail database size and usage.
Age of e-mail that exists in peoples mail database. This is useful to
understand how relevant older e-mail may be to users current work.
Average time users spend managing their mail files and if this is due to any
mail database quotas imposed on their databases or in searching for e-mail.
Why e-mail is kept for long periods of time. Can it be because a user is keen
to cover themselves in case of subsequent inquiries?

Planning for discovery

Understanding how to manage a litigation-driven document discovery process
before it happens saves a great deal of time and money. The negative effect of a
document discovery process can be mitigated by ensuring that your organization
has effective procedures around the way documents, e-mail, and data are stored.
Document discovery events can be very costly exercises that potentially fail for
any of a number of reasons. Usually the failure occurs due to a lack of advanced
planning legal staff descending on the IT/IS department with demands for data
and documents to be produced quickly around key terms causes disruption. A
large amount of business may be transacted through e-mail systems.
Planning for document discovery can take the following form:
Understand the range of data your organization holds.
This can be both electronic and paper-based.
Locate the repositories of data.
This can include mail databases, file directories, other databases, backup
systems (including all media types such as tape and optical). Data
repositories may be geographically dispersed (as in the case of regional or
head offices) as well as under the control of users on their local workstations.
Understand how to retrieve the data quickly.
The longer it takes to locate and retrieve data, the more costly the discovery
task will be.
Understand in what format the data may exist.
Retrieved data is not of much use if it is in a format that you can no longer
support. This could include backups that may have been taken using older
backup technology.
After the data has been retrieved, understand how it can be searched.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

For more information about discovery, see Chapter 11, Discovery on page 409.

Planning for document deletion

How will records be disposed of when the time arrives? What is the legal or
business requirement for it? What and how do you delete the records?
Refer to 10.3, Records disposition on page 405 for more information.

5.2.4 Key departments involved in planning process

Implementing an integrated system such as CommonStore, Records Manager,
and Content Manager requires a large amount of planning. Communication must
be established between a range of departments and disciplines.
The following departments should work together on the project:

IT/IS department
Legal department
Records management department
Help desk and support department

IT/IS department
The Information Technology/Information System (IT/IS) department is in charge
of installing and managing the system. It is responsible for consolidating a
number of servers and for refining processes across storage, backup, and e-mail

Legal department
The Legal department is responsible for guidance on legal requirements with
document retention and discovery mitigation.
Unless carefully planned and implemented, the system may not return the results
as anticipated. You need to understand the key legal requirements that lead to
the implementation of this system and prioritize them. For example, if the highest
priority is to mitigate any document discovery litigation, ensure that you have the
systems in place to allow fast searching of all of your data.
Usually, any litigation specifies the class of data needed and may even specify
keywords. Even if your organization has an effective backup strategy for all of
your data, this does not provide an efficient solution if data has to be fully
restored first before searching can commence. Furthermore, you may not
possess the software tools to rapidly search across disparate data systems.
Working closely with the legal department is important to ensure the
understanding of the legal requirement and anticipate future system needs.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


Records management department

The records management department is responsible for establishing and
managing an appropriate file plan and life cycle, and implementing the
organizations records-keeping policies.
Your organization may be governed by key legislative requirements and in most
cases more than just one piece of legislation. You must understand the range of
of internal and external legislative and procedural rules that govern the
organization so that you can distill them into a representative set of file plan
components. Many of these rules specify what documents should be kept, how
long they should be kept and what should happen to the document at the end of
its life. Some of these rules may contradict each other, in which case rulings may
be required. It is up to the Records Management staff to translate and apply
these rules effectively.
In addition, not all documents and records produced by businesses fall under any
particular legislation, so it is up to your organization to adequately manage this
data. Having policies and procedures in place will at least begin to mitigate any
broad requirements in cases where document control is being tested.

Help desk and support department

The help desk and support department is responsible for supporting the
introduction of any new technology into an organization.
This group must also be involved early in the planning process to assist in the
formulation of support policies regarding the transition to a new records and
archive system.
If you initially implement the system in a limited form, it may serve many
purposes. During this limited implementation or pilot system, the support team
can gear up to provide at least limited support during the pilot phase. The
first-line support provision may only extend to the forwarding of support calls to
the implementation team for resolution. At minimum, the support team should be
able to identify that the issue is related to Content Manager, CommonStore, or
Records Manager.
Make sure that one of the first groups to get any technical training is the help
desk and support department.

5.3 System configuration

The e-mail archiving and records management solution uses CommonStore for
Lotus Domino or CommonStore for Exchange Server, Content Manager,
Records Manager, and Records Enabler.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Figure 5-1 illustrates the basic system architecture for the end-to-end e-mail
archiving and records management solution.
Records Manager Server

Records Enabler



Records Enabler








e-mail Client


Content Manager Server

Library Server
CM Client for Windows

Resource Manager

Note, all clients (CM Client for Windows, eClient, CommonStore) make calls to
the Records Enabler Server. To simplify the diagram, the connections are not shown here.

Figure 5-1 Basic system architecture

For your system configuration, decide how many servers you need, what to
install on each server, where to install them if your organization has multiple
sites, and how they will communicate with each other.
Review the existing e-mail infrastructure (Domino server or Microsoft Exchange
Server). How many of these servers do you currently have, where are they
allocated, and how are they being used?
In addition, you can start sizing your system with the following assessment:

The total number of concurrent users during normal operations.

The average amount of e-mail the system has to handle on daily basis.
The average file size of individual e-mail databases and total mail databases.
The total possible number of e-mail messages the system has to handle.
The total system storage size for the archived e-mail.
The system performance capacity.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


The number of records that will be declared and classified on a daily basis.
The total number of records to be managed.
Frequency of records auditing and reporting tasks.
If you performed the mail system audit as discussed in Performing audits on
your mail system on page 117, you already have some of the answers, The
assessment helps you decide how many servers you need, how fast the servers
should be, and how much memory you may need.
Depending on the business and legal requirement, if you need to mitigate any
document discovery litigation, make sure your configuration and resource
allocation provide a fast search of all your data.
You should also consider the purpose and usage of all of the components
involved in the solution. Will you be using Content Manager for purposes other
than e-mail archiving? Will you be using Records Manager for purposes other
than e-mail records control? What about your CommonStore Server? In a Lotus
Domino environment, will you be using it to manage Notes databases other than
mail databases? This should help you to determine whether you want to install
them on their own servers or group components together on one machine.

5.3.1 Configuration options

We introduce configuration options based on three system sizes: small, medium,
and large. Although it is hard to define exactly what constitutes a system size, we
use the size in a general sense to give you an idea of how you should set up your
servers for your solution.
Other factors may influence your decision. For example, if you have a very
powerful server, you may not need to separate components onto different

All in one server

In this configuration, you install everything on a single machine as shown in
Figure 5-2. We recommend this configuration for prototype only. You may also
use this configuration for testing and development.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

All in one server

Content Manager
Records Manager
Content Manager Records Enabler

Figure 5-2 All in one server

Small-size system
Because the Records Manager engine usually reaches its hardware limit first, if
the resource is available, we recommend moving the Records Manager engine to
another server. See Figure 5-3.
Content Manager Records Enabler consists of three server programs. They can
also be moved to the second server where the Records Manager engine resides.

Server 2

Server 1
Content Manager
Records Manager Database

Content Manager Records Enabler

Records Manager Engine

Figure 5-3 Small system configuration suggestion

Medium-size system
For a medium-size system, we recommend installing Content Manager on its
own server and the Records Manager engine on its own server. You can further
isolate CommonStore for Lotus Domino or CommonStore for Exchange Server
on its own server. See Figure 5-4 on page 124.
CommonStore for Exchange Server also supports (and encourages) separating
the archpro and the CSX Task, each to their own server hardware.
CommonStore for Lotus Domino does not support this additional separation.
If you use Content Manager for purposes other than e-mail archiving and records
management, you may want to install it on a server of its own regardless of the
size of your current mail archiving system.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


Depending on how large your e-mail volumes are and how much archive work
the system has to perform, you can separate the CommonStore Server (CSX or
CSLD) on its own box. In addition, depending on how many mail servers you
have and how they are located, you may have multiple CommonStore Servers,
one working with one or a group of mail servers.

Server 1

Server 3
Content Manager Records Enabler
Records Manager Database

Server 2
Content Manager

Server 4
Records Manager Engine

Figure 5-4 Medium-size system configuration suggestion

Large-size system
For a large system implementation, you may need to separate Content
Managers Library Server and Resource Manager onto two different servers. For
example, if your organization is worldwide with mail servers located in
geographically different locations, you may want to have a Resource Manager
that is close to the mail servers for faster e-mail archiving and retrieving time.
If additional hardware resources are available, you may also opt to install Content
Manager Records Enabler onto a separate server. See Figure 5-5 on page 125.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Server 1

Server 2
Content Manager
Library Server


Server 4

Server 5

Records Manager

Records Manager

Content Manager
Content Manager
Content Manager

Server 6
Content Manager
Records Enabler

Figure 5-5 Large-size system configuration suggestion

In summary, there are many ways to configure your system for an integrated
solution. You can set up everything in one server, or separate components on
multiple servers, starting with the Records Manager engine. When needed, you
can have multiple CommonStore Servers, separate out Content Manager
Resource Manager, have multiple Content Manager Resource Managers, and
separate the Content Manager Records Enabler to its own server.
System configuration directly affects system performance. You must balance
your budget, your system needs, and your business requirement in finally
deciding which system configuration to use.

5.3.2 Configuration consideration

As you design your system configuration, keep the following points in mind:
If hardware resources are available, always separate the installation of the
Records Manager engine and Records Manager database onto two different
If possible, it is best to keep Content Manager Library Server and Resource
Manager together in one machine.
The Records Manager engine usually reaches its hardware limit first when:
The Records Manager engine reaches 90% CPU usage.
The Records Manager database reaches 15%.
Content Manager reaches 30%.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


Content Manager Records Enabler reaches 30%.

Use RAM Disc for Temp-Directory for CommonStore.

5.4 Solution implementation and deploy sequence

If both e-mail archiving and records management requirements are being
considered but are not being implemented at the same time, an organization
should understand the implications in selecting a particular implementation
There are three approaches you could take to implement the solution:
Implement and deploy records management of e-mail first and then
implement and deploy the e-mail archiving capability.
Implement and deploy the e-mail archiving solution first and then add the
records control function into the solution.
Implement and deploy the complete, end-to-end e-mail archiving and records
management solution at the same time.

5.4.1 Implement e-mail records control, then e-mail archiving

As part of implementing records control into an e-mail system, e-mail archiving
may not have been considered as a prelude. If this is the case, some planning is
required in the design of user mail templates. If you allow users to manually
declare an e-mail as a record, the user interface must be modified. Records
Manager provides the necessary tools and templates to accomplish these
When e-mail archiving is added after the records management solution has been
implemented, further modifications must be made to the user e-mail database.
Careful planning and management of these changes is required to ensure a
smooth transition from a single solution that allows records declaration through
an e-mail client, to an integrated solution where both records declaration and
archiving can be performed.
Assuming that the records declaration (and classification) and e-mail archiving
are performed manually by the user through their e-mail databases, we examine
some advantages and disadvantages of implementing the system using this


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Reasons why you may want to implement the records management system prior
to implementing the e-mail archiving capability include:
The need to do records management and the imposition on businesses to
legally comply is ever increasing. Not being compliant is no longer an option.
The sooner you implement the records management capability to the e-mail
system, the better. There is no legislative penalty for not archiving e-mail.
Nothing is more admissible or can help an internal discovery requirement
than to be able to demonstrate that an effective, internal records policy is in
Legal discovery is not restricted in scope to only information within the
records management program. Therefore, having an effective and auditable
disposition process can reduce risk and exposure to possible legal actions.

Some of the reasons why you may not want to implement the system using this
path are as follows:
The need to be records compliant is a relatively new imposition on businesses
that are still grappling with the fundamentals.
Organizations have tended, for a records-defensive position, to use a
disposal-is-suspended-indefinitely driver for information handling and
information preservation. While this has served as a legally defensive position
historically, it is an unknown and is a risk for future discovery.

5.4.2 Implement e-mail archiving, then records management

It is common for organizations to implement e-mail archiving before records
management. Typically this is because of the relative infancy of wide-scale
adoption of electronic records management. As a result, large volumes of data
(e-mail and their attachments) may already reside in the archive repository.
Depending on how archiving is implemented, these already archived documents
may not have stubs remaining in users e-mail databases. If this is the case, the
options available for locating these documents and subsequently declaring and
classifying them as records will be limited and affected by:
What software clients are available to be used for searching.
What security is applied to the archived e-mail.
This may limit who can access the documents.
Who has access to the records administrator client (RAC).

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning


If there are many archived e-mail messages stored in the repository, they may
have to be declared as records as well. This declaration and classification load
may be prohibitive, particularly if there are no stubs left in the users e-mail
databases. The options for declaring and classifying records are:
Have each user manually declare each of the documents that have previously
been archived (assuming that there are stubs left in the e-mail file).
Have the records administrator staff search for each archived document and
declare and classify the document. The records administrator client can be
used for this purpose but suitable search techniques will have to be
Write an application to automatically declare them as records based on the
metadata of the existing e-mail. This is probably the best way to go, as it will
require minimum effort from users or records administrators and can ensure
that all of the e-mail is declared as records.

Some of the reasons why you may want to go with this sequence are as follows:
This path can be deployed quickly and deployed in stages if required.
From a transformational management perspective, archiving is more easily
understood by users.
This adds immediate time, storage, and cost savings to the organization.
Some of the server software and infrastructure required for both archiving and
records management can be implemented and tested in advance of a records
management system (assuming common use of the backend repository by
both systems).

Some of the reasons why you may not want to go with this path are:
It is only 50% of the solution where appropriate records control is required.
Already archived e-mail and documents may have to be revisited for
records-declaration and classification purposes.
You may later alter core mandatory corporate metadata needs.
You may add to ongoing change-management procedures.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

5.4.3 Implement the end-to-end solution at the same time

Although planning for a joint e-mail archiving and records management system
can be complex, the results may be worth the effort.

Some of the reasons why you may want to implement the complete integrated
system at the same time are as follows:
Jointly piloting and deploying an integrated e-mail archiving and records
solution can reduce the impact, change, and pain for processes and users.
Prudently reuses much of the same information, which may save effort and
cost overall.
An organization gets immediate benefit from archived e-mail that is also
Sets an integrated functional infrastructure that is less likely to need change
and is extensible across the rest of the organization.
Utilizes a single repository for both archived e-mail and records.

Disadvantages include:
This path can add to overall project risk as the combined effort can appear to
have a longer startup duration.
Planning for an integrated solution can take longer and involves input from
multiple disciplines.
Which implementation sequence you use to implement the solution depends on
the intermediate needs of an organization. We recommend reviewing the
business requirements and regulatory obligations, understanding all aspects of
the e-mail archiving and records management solution planning and design, and
then deciding which way to approach the implementation.

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Part 2


Installation and
This part introduces the sequence of major steps involved in installing and
configuring the integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution.
We focus on the overall end-to-end solution installation and configuration, and
break the coverage into three chapters:
Chapter 6, Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows
environment on page 133
Chapter 7, Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange
environment on page 205
Chapter 8, Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX
environment on page 289

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 6.

Installation and configuration

in a Lotus Domino and
Windows environment
This chapter describes the installation and configuration of an e-mail archiving
and records management solution using CommonStore for Lotus Domino,
Records Manager, Content Manager, and Content Manager Records Enabler.
Using a sample environment, we describe the major steps involved in installing
and configuring the various components in a Windows environment. For more
detailed information, see the appropriate product documentation.
We cover the following topics in this chapter:

Introduction to the sample environment
Prerequisites and prerequisite software installation
Content Manager installation and configuration
CommonStore (CSLD) installation and configuration
Records Manager installation and configuration
CRME installation and configuration
Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


6.1 Overview
In this section, we provide an overview for the e-mail archiving and records
management integrated solution installation and configuration.
We cover:
Software used for the integrated solution
Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

6.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution

Several products are used in this end-to-end integrated solution. We list the
software and purpose in the solution in Table 6-1.
For clarity, fix pack details have been omitted. These are referenced later in
solution installation and configuration.
Table 6-1 Software used in the integrated solution and its purpose in the solution




IBM DB2 Content Manager (CM)

Repository used to store the documents and

metadata for both the archive and records
management systems

IBM CommonStore for Lotus

Domino (CSLD)

E-mail archive system for Lotus Notes

IBM DB2 Records Manager


Engine and administration for Records Manager

Records Enabler for Content

Manager (CMRE)

Records enables the Content Manager repository.

Also provides records management functions for
Lotus Notes or Outlook users.


Enterprise-class database used to hold both

system configuration and objects metadata

IBM DB2 Net Search Extender

Extension to DB2 that adds full text search

capabilities for both object metadata and
documents including attachments.

IBM WebSphere Application

Server with Embedded

Web application server that hosts the Content

Manager Resource Manager, Content Manager
Records Enabler servers, the Records Manager
applications, and Content Manager eClient.

Lotus Domino server

E-mail system

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

6.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

Four main products are involved in the end-to-end solution:

IBM DB2 Content Manager

IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino
IBM DB2 Records Manager
IBM DB2 Records Enabler for Content Manager

Plan your system configuration first. (See 5.3, System configuration on

page 120.) Decide where you want to install each main product and review the
prerequisites for each product (especially if you decide to separate some
components onto different machines). Before you start, make sure you know
exactly what should be installed on each machine and the sequence of the
Some of the product installation and configuration can be done at the same time,
and others are better done sequentially. We recommend the following sequence
of steps for installation and configuration:
1. Install a working Content Manager system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites first (DB2, Net Search
Extender, WebSphere Application Server), then the Content Manager
Validate that the Content Manager system is working by importing some
documents, retrieving them, and viewing them.
If you decide to separate the installation of the Content Managers Library
Server and the Resource Manager onto different servers, you may have to
install different prerequisites onto the machines. Refer to the product
documentation to install the proper prerequisites for each server. You also
need to validate the system after the installation and configuration as
mentioned above.
2. Install a working CommonStore system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites (Content Manager V8
Connector from the Information Integration for Content installation, DB2
Runtime Client or DB2 Administration Client, and Notes client), and then the
CommonStore for Lotus Domino product.
Validate that CommonStore is working properly with your mail database and
Content Manager by setting up some policies, archiving some e-mail,
retrieving the archived e-mail, and viewing it. Also look into the Content
Manager repository to ensure that the archived e-mail is there as expected.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


3. Install a working Records Manager on a designated machine.

This step can be done in conjunction with step 2. If multiple people are doing
the installation, you can work together in parallel. Otherwise, we recommend
performing this task after the CommonStore installation.
The step includes the installation of the prerequisites, then the Records
Manager product.
We recommend installing the Records Manager engine and its database on
separate machines. The prerequisites for the engine include WebSphere
Application Server and DB2 Runtime or DB2 Administration Client. The
prerequisites for the Records Manager database is DB2 server. Per system
configuration option discussed in 5.3, System configuration on page 120,
you can optionally put the Records Manager database where Content
Manager is installed.
Validate that Records Manager is working properly by using the Records
Manager Administration client to create a default file plan, add a record to the
system, and view the added record.
4. Install and configure Content Manager Records Enabler on a designated
machine. Configure Content Manager and Records Manager. Install and
configure Records Manager Extension.
Records Manager Extension must be deployed on the same WebSphere
Application Server as Records Manager.
Validate the system: Import an item of the record enabled item type, declare it
as a record, and make sure that the record is marked as declared in Content
Manager and the records metadata is in Records Manager. After this, archive
an e-mail and declare the e-mail as a record. Check both Content Manager
and Records Manager to ensure that proper information is stored there.
(Content Manager should have the e-mail information, based on your
archiving method, and Records Manager should have the records related


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Tip: For the machine that will run Permission Synchronization Server of the
Records Enabler for Content Manager product, make sure that WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging is installed on it. This is
especially important if you start your installation from an existing system such
as a working Content Manager system.
If the Embedded Messaging feature was not installed, you must deinstall
Content Manager, uninstall WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall
WebSphere Application Server, including the Embedded Messaging feature
(installed by default in V5.1.1 and later), and then Content Manager again. Do
not take shortcuts or you may experience strange results.
If the existing Content Manager is currently being used and cannot be
deinstalled, we recommend installing the Permission Synchronization Server
on another machine.

6.2 Introduction to the sample environment

We use a sample environment to show you how to install and configure an e-mail
archiving and records management solution.
Figure 6-1 shows the sample environment before any e-mail archiving and
records management software are installed.
There is one client machine, Watson, and three servers, Brighton, Charger, and
London, in this environment. A Domino server is running on Brighton. A Notes
client is running on Watson. This should be your starting point.






Figure 6-1 Sample environment before any software installation

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Figure 6-2 shows the sample environment after all components are installed
including the necessary prerequisites on each server.
On Charger, we install prerequisite software including a Notes client (Notes in
Figure 6-2), a WebSphere Application Server (WAS), DB2 server with Net
Search Extender (DB2 + NSE). In addition, we install CommonStore for Lotus
Domino (CSLD), Content Manager (CM), and IBM Records Manager database
On London, we install prerequisite software including the Content Manager V8
connector (CM connector) from Information Integrator for Content, WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging (WAS*), and a DB2 client. In
addition, we install Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) and IBM Records
Manager Engine (IRM Engine).









IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client

* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 6-2 Sample environment after all software installation

6.3 Prerequisites
Four core components are involved in the e-mail archiving and records
management solution: Content Manager for Multiplatforms, CommonStore for
Lotus Domino, IBM Records Manager, and Records Enabler for Content
Each core component has different prerequisites. We list what they are and their
version requirements. In addition, we explain why you should install the
prerequisite. Understanding this should help you when you build your system that
fulfills your business needs.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Prerequisite for Content Manager V8.3

Table 6-2 describes the prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3.
Table 6-2 Prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3



Reason why we need it

Application Server

Resource Manager is a J2EE application and

thus needs WebSphere Application Server.



Library Server uses stored procedures and

needs a relational database (icmnlsdb).
Resource Manager stores metadata in a
relational database (rmdb).

DB2 Net Search



For full text search within Content Manager.

Prerequisite for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3

Table 6-3 describes the prerequisites for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3.
Table 6-3 Prerequisites for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3



Reason why we need it

Information Integrator for

Content (II for Content)
- CM V8 connector


The CommonStore agent needs the APIs

(connector) to communicate with the
Content Manager Library Server.

DB2 Runtime Client


If CommonStore for Lotus Domino is not

on the same machine as the Content
Manager Library Server, the Content
Manager V8 connector (which is needed
by the CommonStore agent) needs the
Library Server database to be cataloged
on the machine where CommonStore is
installed. DB2 Runtime Client is thus
needed. For ease of installation, DB2
Administration client is recommended.

Notes client


The CommonStore Task communicates

with the Domino server; therefore it needs
the Notes API, which will come when you
install Notes client.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Prerequisite for IBM Records Manager V4.1.2

Table 6-4 describes the prerequisites for the Records Manager engine for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 6-4 Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager Engine V4.1.2



Reason why we need it

Application Server

Resource Manager is a J2EE application, thus

needs WebSphere Application Server.

DB2 Runtime Client


The Records Manager Engine needs to

communicate with the Records Manager
If the Records Manager database is installed on
another machine, then the machine with the
Records Manager Engine installed needs the
database to be cataloged on it and thus it needs
DB2 Runtime Client. For ease of installation,
DB2 Administration client is recommended.

Table 6-5 describes the prerequisite for the Records Manager database for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 6-5 Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager database V4.1.2



Reason why we



The Records Manager database is a

relational database. The machine that
installs the Records Manager database
needs to install DB2 server.

Prerequisite for Records Enabler V8.3

Table 6-6 describes the prerequisites for the Records Enabler server (CMRE
server), Permission Synchronization server (PermSync server), and Host
Interface server.
Table 6-6 Prerequisites for CMRE server, PermSync server, and Host Interface




Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application
Server with Embedded

CMRE server, PermSync server ,and the

Host Interface are WebSphere Application
Server applications that require
WebSphere Application Server.
PermSync server also needs the
Embedded Messaging feature.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide



Reason why we need it

Information Integrator for

Content (II for Content) CM V8 connector


All three servers communicate with

Content Manager Library Server and
therefore need Content Manager APIs.

DB2 Runtime Client


The CM V8 connector must communicate

with the Content Manager Library Server
If the Content Manager Library Server is
installed on another machine, then the
machine with these servers installed
needs the database to be cataloged on it
and thus requires DB2 Runtime Client. For
ease of installation, DB2 Administration
client is recommended.

Table 6-7 describes the prerequisite requirement of the Records Manager

Table 6-7 Prerequisite for Records Manager Extension V8.3.0



Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application

The CMRE server, PermSync server, and

the Host Interface are WebSphere
Application Server applications. They
require WebSphere Application Server V5.1
with Fix Pack 1 and cumulative Fix 2.

6.4 Prerequisite software installation

In this section, we describe the main steps of installing the basic software that is
necessary prior to the installation of the main components of the e-mail archiving
and records management solution.
The prerequisite installations include:

DB2 server installation on page 143

DB2 Administration client installation on page 144
WebSphere Application Server installation on page 145
Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation on page 147

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Table 6-8 summarizes the prerequisites for each software product from 6.3,
Prerequisites on page 138. Note the following:
DB2 client (runtime or administration) is needed for Records Manager (IRM)
engine, and DB2 server is required for Records Manager database if they are
installed on separate machines; otherwise, they need only DB2 server.
WebSphere Application Server (WAS in Table 6-8) with Embedded
Messaging (WAS*) is required for Permission Synchronization server from
DB2 Net Search Extender (NSE) is required if you need full text search
Table 6-8 Prerequisites for each software product




DB2 client




WAS* (PermSync server)

DB2 client (engine)

DB2 (database)

II for Content CM V8 connector

II for Content CM V8 connector

Notes client

We install the following prerequisites on two servers as we described in 6.2,

Introduction to the sample environment on page 137:
London (this is where CMRE and IRM engine will be installed):
DB2 Runtime Client V8.2
Information Integrator for Content - Content Manager V8 connector
WebSphere Application Server (including Embedded Messaging) V5.1.1.2
Charger (this is where CSLD, CM, and IRM database will be installed):
DB2 server V8.2
DB2 Net Search Extender V8.2
WebSphere Application Server V5.1.1.2 (Embedded Messaging not

Note: We do not include detailed steps of the installation in this section.

We recommend using the existing product manuals in conjunction with the
materials we present here for successful installations and configurations.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

6.4.1 DB2 server installation

Content Manager and Records Manager use relational databases to store
content (objects and records) metadata and system configuration information.
Install DB2 server to the machine (or machines) that will store Content Manager
databases and Records Manager databases:

Install DB2 server software.

Verify DB2 server installation.
Install DB2 Net Search Extender.
Install DB2 Fix Pack 8.

In our sample environment, both the Content Manager database and Records
Manager database are located on one server, Charger. We install the DB2 server
on this machine.

Installing DB2 server

Table 6-9 shows the input values that we used during the DB2 server installation.
Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 6-9 DB2 server installation input summary for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


DB2 Version


Content Manager V8.3 requires at

least DB2 V8.1.7.

Installation type




Installation directory


DB2 Administration
server user ID


This Windows user ID is used by the

DB2 Administration server to log on
to the system as a service.

DB2 administration


This group is created automatically.

The name cannot be changed.
Every user ID that should be a DB2
administrator has to be in this group.

DB2 instance


Verifying installation
To verify the DB2 server installation, create the sample database from the First
Step menu. Make sure that the sample database is created successfully and that
you can view the data.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Installing Net Search Extender

This is an optional step. If you need to use the full text search feature of Content
Manager, install DB2 Net Search Extender before installing Content Manager.
When Content Manager is installed, you can activate the full text search feature.
Use the database administrative user ID (db2admin) to run the Net Search
Extender as a service.
In our sample environment, we choose not to configure for full text search.

Installing DB2 Fix Pack 8

After installing the DB2 server and the Net Search Extender, install the DB2 Fix
Pack 8. The Records Manager database requires DB2 V8.2 (which is equivalent
to V8.1.8) as a prerequisite.
See appropriate documentation for detailed steps of installing the fix pack.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 6-10 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the DB2
server installation.
Table 6-10 Key information to remember after the DB2 server installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

DB2 Administration server user ID


DB2 administration group


DB2 database server host name

6.4.2 DB2 Administration client installation

We recommend installing the Records Manager database and Records Manager
engine on two separate servers.
The Records Manager engine needs access to the Records Manager database.
If they are not installed on the same machine, the Records Manager database
has to be cataloged on the Records Manager engine machine. To catalog a
database, a DB2 Runtime Client is required.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

In addition to installing DB2 client to the machine where the Records Manager
engine will run (if it is installed on a separate machine other than the Records
Manager database), the DB2 client should also be installed on the machine
where you will run CommonStore.
Although the DB2 Runtime Client is the minimum requirement for both instances,
we recommend installing the DB2 Administration client because it provides a
simple graphical user interface to catalog a database and other powerful DB2
tools to administer a remote database.
The installation process is straightforward, and we do not cover it here.
In the sample environment, we install the Records Manager database on
Charger and the Records Manager engine on London, so we must install DB2
client on London.

6.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation

The three core components of the solution (Content Manager, Records Manager,
and Records Enabler), rely on WebSphere Application Server, so it should be
installed on the machines where these products are installed.

Important: Before you continue, make sure that WebSphere Application

Server with Embedded Messaging is installed on the server that runs the
Records Enabler; otherwise, you may encounter problems in future.
If, after you installed everything, you discover that Embedded Messaging is
not installed, you must deinstall everything including Content Manager and
WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall all of the software from this point
on. Otherwise, you may experience strange behavior. Do not take a shortcut
By default, Embedded Messaging should be installed with WebSphere
Application Server installation.
The steps involved in WebSphere Application Server installation are:
1. Install WebSphere Application Server software.
2. Verify installation.
3. Install Fix Pack 1 and any accumulative fix packs.
In the sample environment, it is necessary to install WebSphere Application
Server on both Charger and London. We also have to install Embedded
Messaging on London because Records Enabler will be installed on the

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Installing WebSphere Application Server software

To help your WebSphere Application Server installation process, Table 6-11
shows the input values that we used during our installation on both servers.
Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 6-11 Installation input summary for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value

Application Server


Installation type


Installation directory for

Application Server


Installation directory for



Installation directory for

Embedded Messaging
server and client


Node name

Host name

Administrator user ID


for Charger:
for London: london


This includes WebSphere

Application Server with
Embedded Messaging. Again,
this must be installed on the
machine that will run the Records
Manager engine.
Note: When choosing full
installation, the installation will
include all sample applications
that may increase the install time.

We install WebSphere Application Server on both Charger and

London servers.

for Charger:
for London:


This is the Windows user ID used

to run the WebSphere services.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Verifying installation
To verify successful WebSphere Application Server installation, at the
WebSphere Application Server - First Steps window, click Verify Installation.
The message Installation Verification is complete should show up.

Installing Fix Pack 1 and cumulative fixes

In order to fulfill the prerequisite, install Fix Pack 1 and the cumulative Fix 3.

Important: Before the installation, stop all WebSphere services (server1) as

well as the IBM HTTP Server.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 6-12 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
WebSphere Application Server installation.
Table 6-12 Key information to remember after WebSphere Application Server installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

WebSphere cell

for Charger: charger

for London: london

WebSphere node

for Charger: charger

for London: london

6.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation

Content Manager V8 connector (which comes with the Information Integrator for
Content) is a prerequisite for Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) and
CommonStore. Install the Content Manager V8 connector on both the
CommonStore machine and the Records Enabler machine if these products are
not installed on the same system as Content Manager.
Content Manager V8 connector must be installed before CMRE installation.
We recommend installing Content Manager before you install the connector to
any of the machines in question because, during the Content Manager
installation, many values necessary to configure the connector will be defined.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Although we describe the connector installation in this section, defer the

installation until the Content Manager installation is done as described in 6.5,
Content Manager installation and configuration on page 148.

Installing Content Manager V8 connector

To install Content Manager V8 connector, launch the Information Integrator for
Content installation process, select Connector and then select Content
Manager V8 Connector from the appropriate installation windows. Refer to
product manual for specific installation instructions.
Table 6-13 shows the input values that we used during installation in our sample
environment. Replace our sample input values according to your environment
Table 6-13 CM V8 connector installation input for sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


Database server type

DB2 Universal

This is the database used by

the Content Manager System.

Library Server database


Library Server stores metadata in a relational database.

This value specifies the name
of the database.

Library server schema name


Authentication type




A connection user ID that is

used for clients to connect to
Library Server database if
they do not have a valid database user ID.

icmconct password

6.5 Content Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Content Manager is
used as a repository for archived e-mail. When e-mail becomes records, they are
still stored in the Content Manager repository.
In this section, we describe the main steps involved in installing and configuring
Content Manager, a major component in the integrated solution.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The main steps involved include:

1. Install Content Manager system.
2. Implement Windows service.
3. Verify installation.

Note: It is not our intention to include all detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In our sample environment, we install Content Manager on Charger.

Installing Content Manager system

We choose a typical Content Manager system installation here.

Attention: During a typical installation, full text search is not configured. If you
need the full text search feature, choose a custom installation.
Important: The installation directory that we used in the sample environment,
C:\IBM, is not the default installation directory. We used it to keep the PATH
system variable short and avoid potential problems with long PATH value.
Follow the product manual for detail installation steps.
To help your installation process, Table 6-14 shows the input values we used
during our installation for our sample environment. Input fields are grouped by
the input window. Replace our sample input values according to your
environment setup.
Table 6-14 Content Manager installation input values

Input window /

Sample input


Installation destination input window

Installation directory


Root directory of the Content Manager


Installation type input window

Installation type


This includes the HTTPs configuration for the

Content Manager internal communication.
If you need to configure full text search, use
custom installation type.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Input window /

Sample input


System information input window

host name


The servers fully qualified network name.

Library Server database input window

Library Server
database name


Library Server stores metadata in a relational

database. This value specifies the name of
the database.

Library Server
administration ID


This is the Content Manager administrator ID.

If it does not exist as a Windows user ID, it will
be created during the installation and will be
added to the Windows Administrator group
with appropriate system rights.

Resource Manager database input window

Resource Manager
database name


Resource Manager stores information about

the saved documents (such as location on a
disk) in a relational database. This value
specifies the name of that database.

Resource Manager


This is the Resource Manager administrator

ID. If it does not exist as a Windows user ID, it
will be created during the installation and will
be added to the Windows Administrator
group with appropriate system rights.

Resource Manager
volume mounting


This is the partition on which Resource

Manager stores the archived documents.
During a typical installation, the directory
staging is used as a cache area for
documents retrieved from a connected Tivoli
Storage Manager system.

Resource Manager application input window

Application server
node name



Resource Manager is a J2EE application.

This value specifies on which node the application is deployed and a new WebSphere Application Server server is created. During a
typical installation, a new server called icmrm
is installed. The application running in this
server is deployed as icmrm.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Implementing Windows service

We recommend setting the Resource Manager application, a WebSphere
Application Server, as a Windows service for ease of management.
To install a WebSphere Application Server as a Windows Service, use the
following command:
wasservice -add <Windows Service Name> -serverName <WebSphere Server>

For our sample environment, we use the following command to implement the
Windows service:
wasservice -add ResourceManager -serverName icmrm

6.5.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 6-3 shows our sample environment after the prerequisites and Content
Manager are installed.








II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 6-3 Sample environment after Content Manager installation

At the end of the installation, an installation validation utility will run. You should
see the following message, which indicates a successful installation:
Product validation completed with no detected configuration errors.

In addition to this message, perform the following steps to ensure that you
installed Content Manager successfully:
1. Launch the system administration client that is automatically installed on the
Content Manager server. In our scenario, we launch the system
administration client from Charger.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


2. Log on to the Content Manager system using the administrative user ID. In
our scenario, we use icmadmin.
3. Open the Resource Manager configuration.
4. If the Resource Manager configuration is available, the communication with
the Resource Manager is set up properly.
Perform the following steps as the final test of a successful installation:
1. Install a Content Manager Windows client on the Content Manager server.
This is the fastest way to configure the client. In our scenario, we install the
client on Charger.
2. Launch the Content Manager Windows client.
3. Import a text into the NOINDEX class of type text.
4. Retrieve the document immediately afterward. Make sure that you can
retrieve it, open it, and view it on the screen.

6.5.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 6-15 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 6-15 Key information to remember after Content Manager installation


Configuration data

Sample input value


Content Manager
administrator user ID


The administrative user ID for the

Content Manager system.

Connection user ID


A connection user ID that is used

for clients to connect to Library
Server database if they do not have
a valid database user ID.

Content Manager
server host name


Fully qualified host name of the

server that is running the Content
Manager Library Server.

Library Server


The name of the Library Server

database. Every remote client has
to catalog this database before
being able to access it.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

6.6 CommonStore (CSLD) installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, CommonStore is used
to archive e-mail from mail databases to Content Manager repository. It also
provides a user interface to declare e-mail as records if manual records
declaration and classification is allowed.
The steps involved include:
1. Install CommonStore for Lotus Domino.
2. Configure Content Manager:
a. Create the appropriate attributes and item type.
b. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID.
3. Configure ArchPro environment:
a. Set Content Manager connector environment.
b. Create archint.ini.
4. Start ArchPro:
a. Submit license.
b. Save password for Content Manager user ID.
c. Start ArchPro.
5. Prepare Notes/Domino:
a. Create Domino user ID.
b. Copy template files and sign them.
c. Create and configure configuration database and job database.
6. Configure CommonStore Task environment:
a. Prepare notes.ini and names.nsf for CSLD Task.
b. Set environment for CSLD Task.
c. Save password for Domino user ID.
7. Start CSLD Task.
8. Implement Windows Services.
Features such as full text search and single instance store are not covered. Refer
to the IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administrators and
Programmers Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6742, to set up those features.

Note: It is not our intention to include all steps of the installation in this section.
We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with the
materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install CommonStore in Charger.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Step 1: Installing CommonStore for Lotus Domino

Select a complete installation. This will install all components (ArchPro Server,
CSLD Task) on the machine.
In Table 6-16, we provide the input value we used during our installation in our
sample environment. Replace our sample input value according to your
environment setup.
Table 6-16 CommonStore installation input for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


Installation directory


The installation directory in this

sample environment is different
than the standard installation
directory. The only reason for that is
to have an easier way to manage
Path and Classpath variable.

Step 2: Configuring Content Manager

Log on to the Content Manager System Administrator using Content Manager
Administrator ID. In the sample environment, the Administrator user ID is
icmadmin (created during installation of the Content Manager, see 6.5.2, Key
information to remember on page 152).
Perform these steps after you are in the system administration client:
1. Create the appropriate attributes and item type (DominoMail).
2. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID (CSLD).

Creating the appropriate attributes and item type (DominoMail)

Attributes are used to store metadata. In an e-mail environment, the Notes fields
(such as Subject or Sender) are mapped through CommonStore to Content
Manager attributes.
To create the new attributes:
1. Select Data Modeling Attributes.
2. Right-click New. Enter the appropriate information, and click Save.
The attributes CSLDOrigUser, CSLDOrigDB, CSLDDocUNID,
CSLDDocSeqNum, CSCDISIS, CSCRISIS and BCC are mandatory and must
be created.
Other attributes can be created to map additional Notes fields to Content
Manager attributes.
Table 6-17 on page 155 lists the attributes used in the sample environment.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 6-17 Content Manager attributes used in the sample environment



Attribute type





Var. char.


1 ... 254



Var. char


1 ... 254























Var. char.


0 ... max.



Var. char.


0 ... 254



Var. char.


0 ... 100



Var. char.


0 ... max.



Var. char.


0 .... max.



Time stamp



While CSCDISIS identifies the message archived (Document Identifier) along

with the attributes common for all instances, CSCRISIS (Record Identifier)
identifies the specific instance of that message. This instance holds the
attributes CSORIGINATOR and BCC.
To create the new item type, DominoMail:
1. Select Data Modeling Item types.
2. Right-click New.
3. Enter DominoMail as the name of the item type.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


4. Click the Attributes tab, select these attributes, and assign them to the item

5. For single instance store, create a child component, CSLDMailChild, and add
the following attributes to this child component:

Table 6-18 shows the input values we used to create the DominoMail item
type in the sample environment.
Table 6-18 Item type, DominoMail, created in the sample environment

tab / field

Sample input value




You can enter any name for the item type.

The CommonStore configuration file
(archint.ini) refers to this name.

Text search


Text search is not configured during this

To enable full text search, follow the
instructions in the CommonStore document
Text Search Configuration for IBM DB2
Content Manager V8.


Access Control List


Item type
access control


In order to make the integration with

Records Manager fully functional, Public
Read Access is necessary.

Check ACL at

on Item level

An access control list is applied to every

document inserted to this item type.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

tab / field

Sample input value




In an single instance store environment,

these attributes have the same values for all
e-mail. If one attribute is different, this
implies that the e-mail has changed and it
must be stored as a separate item.



One Content Manager item can have

multiple children. In a single instance store
environment, child components are used to
store those attributes that might be different
for every e-mail, even though the content of
the e-mail might be the same.
Note, the name of a child component must
be unique within a Content Manager
system. This name will be used to configure
the CommonStore ArchPro archint.ini file.

Attributes for
child component


These attributes (or mapped Domino fields)

can be different per e-mail, even though the
rest of the e-mail is the same.
For example, the BCC field will be different
for a user who is on the BCC list than it is for
a user who is not on the BCC list of the
same e-mail.


Document Management
Document part


Only this document part is needed as no

text search is configured. In case of text
search, the ICMBASETEXT would be

Creating the Content Manager user ID (CSLD)

CommonStore uses a Content Manager ID to communicate with the Content
Manager system. This user ID requires access to the e-mail stored in the
DominoMail item type.
To create a new Content Manager user ID:
1. Select Authentication Users.
2. Right-click New.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


3. Enter CSLD as the user name and appropriate values. Click Save.
Table 6-19 shows the input values we used to create the Content Manager
user ID in the sample environment.
Table 6-19 Content Manager user ID, CSLD, created in the sample environment

Configuration tab /

Sample input



You can enter any name for the user. The

CommonStore configuration file
(archint.ini) refers to this name.

Define Users


During startup of the CommonStore Server

(ArchPro), this password has to be
provided so that the ArchPro can use the ID
to log on to the Content Manager system.


Never expires

To ensure that the CommonStore will start

up correctly, make sure that the password
never expires. If the password can expire,
the CommonStore startup will fail if the
Content Manager password changes.

Maximum privilege


The Content Manager used ID used by

CommonStore has to be a Super User,
which is necessary for the Records
solution. Therefore, it is necessary to
assign the AllPrivs privilege set.


It is necessary to provide an ACL in this

field; otherwise, the user ID cannot be
created. However this ACL is only used if,
during an item type creation, the field
Users default ACL is chosen to be the
ACL that defines the ACL to be set for items
stored in the item type.

Set Defaults
Default item access
control list

Tip: To make sure that the Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore
can access the Content Manager system, install a Content Manager Windows
client on the CommonStore Server. Use this client to log on to the Content
Manager using the ID (CSLD) created to be used by CommonStore. Try to
import a document (for example, a text file) to the newly created item type.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 3: Configuring the ArchPro environment

To configure the ArchPro environment:
1. Set the Content Manager connector environment.
2. Create an archint.ini file.

Setting the Content Manager connector environment

To apply the correct environment settings for the Content Manager V8 connector,
run a batch program called Agentenv_CM8.bat. This program is delivered with
CommonStore and it can be found in the bin directory of the CommonStore
installation directory.
Run Agentenv_CM8.bat from a Windows command prompt as follows:
1. Open a Windows command prompt.
2. Change to the bin directory.
In our sample environment, it is C:\IBM\CSLD\bin, where C:\IBM\CSLD is the
chosen installation directory (see Step 1: Installing CommonStore for Lotus
Domino on page 154).
3. Run Agentenv_CM8.bat.

Creating the archint.ini file

The archint.ini file configures the ArchPro Server. It defines whether logging and
tracing are activated. Furthermore, logical archives are defined in archint.ini.
These logical archives point to a specific Content Manager server including the
item type that is used.
To create a server configuration profile, archint.ini, follow these steps:
1. Open the sample profile archint_sample_cm8.ini in an editor. This file resides
in the instance directory of the CommonStore installation directory:
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\Server\instance01

2. Save the file as archint.ini in the same directory.

Important: Make sure the file is saved as archint.ini and not as


Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


3. Use the search function of your editor to locate the following section:


Following the sample environment, configure the logical archive as listed in

Table 6-20.
Table 6-20 Input values for archint.ini file in the sample environment



Sample input




You can enter any name for the logical archive

that will be used by CommonStore Task. A Task
is not aware of a Library Server or an item type
but only of the logical archive name.
ArchPro defines logical archives in order to make
them transparent to a Task which archive system
(Content Manager, Content Manager
OnDemand, Tivoli Storage Manager) is used.
The Task only refers to the logical archive or



ArchPro supports various archive systems in

addition to Content Manager. The value CM used
here specifies that the archive is a Content
Manager system.



The item type used to store e-mail. It was created

in step 2a of 6.6, CommonStore (CSLD)
installation and configuration on page 153.



The name of the Content Manager Library

Server in which the Item type is created. If the
Content Manager is running on a system other
than the CommonStore Server, this is the name
under which the remote database is cataloged
on the CommonStore system. In the sample
environment, the Content Manager is installed
on the same system and therefore it is not
necessary to catalog the database. The name of
the database is configured during the Content
Manager installation. See 6.5.2, Key information
to remember on page 152.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Sample input




Content Manager user ID that is used by

CommonStore to communicate with the archive
system. This ID was created in step 2b of 6.6,
CommonStore (CSLD) installation and
configuration on page 153.



This specifies how documents are stored in the

Content Manager. This is relevant if Component
Archiving is selected for e-mail archiving. In this
case, the e-mail gets separated from its
attachment. Every component (e-mail and every
attachment) is stored as a separate document in
Content Manager if GENERIC_MULTIDOC is



To enable single-instance store functionality in

your archive, add this line. This value has to be
exactly the same as the one defined in Step 2:
Configuring Content Manager on page 154.

After changing the values, the logical archive section of the archint.ini file
should look like this:


4. Save the changes.

Step 4: Starting ArchPro

To start ArchPro:
1. Submit a license.
2. Save the password for the Content Manager user ID.
3. Start ArchPro.

Submitting a license
To submit a license, perform the following steps:
1. Open a Windows command prompt.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSLD installation path.

Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01
3. Enroll a CommonStore license by entering the following command:
archpro -f license

4. The location of the license file is requested. Provide the full path including the
file name:

Important: If you skip this step, a Try and Buy licence will be installed and
it will expire after 90 days. After the 90-day period, the CommonStore
Server will not start.

Saving the password for the Content Manager user ID

To save the password for the Content Manager user ID:
1. Open a Windows command prompt (if not already open).
2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSLD installation path.
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01
3. Set the password for the item type (which is created in Creating the
appropriate attributes and item type (DominoMail) on page 154) by entering
the following command:
archpro -f serverpasswd

The password for the Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore

(which is defined in the archint.ini and created in Creating the Content
Manager user ID (CSLD) on page 157) is requested.
4. Type the password and press Enter.

Important: If this command is not issued from the instance directory, it is

necessary to point to the archint.ini file to be used. To do so, include the
-i parameter as follows:
archpro -f serverpasswd -i <path to archint.ini file>

If the archpro command is issued without the -i parameter, then ArchPro

searches in the starting directory for the archint.ini file. If no file can be found,
the startup will fail.

Important: If the password of the Content Manager user ID used by

CommonStore is changed, it is necessary to run the archpro -f
serverpasswd command again, to provide the new password to ArchPro.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Starting ArchPro
To start ArchPro, perform the following steps:
1. Open a Windows command prompt (if not already open).
2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSLD installation path.
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01
3. Start the CommonStore Server by entering the following command:

Example 6-1 shows the messages displayed during archpro startup.

Example 6-1 Archpro startup message
* IBM DB2 CommonStore - Server
* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1997, 2004 All Rights Reserved. *
* Build,
Compiled at Mar 9 2005.
CSS0030I: ArchPro is using INI file 'C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\archint.ini'
CSS0910I: Trying to get a LUM Production License for IBM DB2 CommonStore for
Lotus Domino
Got a Production License for
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino
CSS0158I: ArchPro 3464 started on UNICODE Port 4336.
CSS0157I: ArchPro 3464 is waiting for external connections on fixed port 8013.
CSS0100I: IBM Content Manager CommonStore HTTP Task
CSS0333I: ArchPro is informed that Web dispatcher 'HTTP_TASK_1' has started and
is ready (socket 1840).
CSA0100I: IBM Content Manager CommonStore Agent for Content Manager
CSS0010I: HTTP WORKER #0: has been initialized and started
CSS0001I: HTTP_TASK_1: successfully started, ready to process jobs
CSS0330I: ArchPro is informed that CM agent 'CM-AGENT_1' has started (socket
CSS0010I: HTTP LISTENER : has been initialized and started
CSS0103I: HTTP LISTENER : listens for HTTP requests on port 8085
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\IBM\CSLD\Search
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
CSA0300I: Connection for repository 'DOMINOMAIL' on server 'charger' with item
type 'DOMINOMAIL' for user 'icmadmin' OK
CSA0001I: CM-AGENT_1: successfully started, ready to process jobs

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.CSS0325I: ArchPro

is informed that Agent 3480 is ready to obtain order.
CSS0166I: ArchPro is fully initialized. Queue processing is enabled now.
CSA0010I: CM-AGENT WORKER #0: has been initialized and started
CSA0010I: CM-AGENT WORKER #1: has been initialized and started
ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 3848

The message prefix (the first three characters of the message) identifies the
component generating the message. The following mappings apply:


CommonStore Server (ArchPro)


CM8 agent

The CommonStore Server has completed initialization when the following

message is displayed:
Archpro is fully initialized. Queue processing is enabled now.

Step 5: Preparing Notes/Domino

To prepare for Notes/Domino, you need to:
1. Create a Domino user ID (CSLD Task).
2. Copy template files and sign them.
3. Create and configure the configuration database and job database.

Creating a Domino user ID (CSLD Task)

CommonStore uses a Domino user ID to authenticate with the Domino server.
This user ID needs access to all Notes databases that are archived or involved in
the records declaration process. This user ID also needs access to the
configuration database and to the job database. The ACL of the job database
needs to grant the role CSLD User to this user ID. This role enables an ID to
see all jobs within the job database in addition to the jobs created by the ID.
To create a Domino user ID:
1. Launch the Domino Administrator Client.
2. Log on with a user ID that has the proper rights to register new users.
3. Create the user ID. Use the sample input value in Table 6-21 on page 165 as
a reference.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 6-21 Input values for user, CSLD Task


Sample input


User ID


User ID that will be used by CommonStore

Tasks to authenticate with the Domino server.
First Name: CSLD
Last Name: Task


Copying template files and signing them

CommonStore ships with three Notes template files. After the installation, these
templates are located in the data directory in the CommonStore installation
directory. A Domino administrator has to copy those files onto the Domino server
and sign them to avoid unnecessary security prompts for the e-mail user.
To make the templates available, copy them directly to the Domino server data
To sign a template:
1. Open the Domino Administrator.
2. Select Files, and select the files to be signed.
3. Right-click sign.
4. Copy the files from the CommonStore installation directory on Charger to the
Domino data directory on Brighton. See Table 6-22.
Table 6-22 Original and destination location of the Notes template files

Configuration data

Sample input value


Original location


CommonStore install directory



Domino data directory

5. Go to Notes administration client.

6. Select Files, and select the three templates.
7. Right-click and select Sign using the Administrator ID.
8. Add the user ID that was used to sign the templates to the Domain ECL:
a. In Notes administration client, select People&Groups.
b. Select Action Edit Administration ECL.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Creating and configuring configuration database and job database

A configuration database stores all information needed for a CommonStore Task,
such as the task profile. The database must be created using the template that
ships with the CommonStore Server. If an older version of an template is used,
errors will occur.
To create a new configuration database:
1. Open a Notes client using an ID with proper rights to create a database on the
2. Select File Database New.
3. Select the Domino server, the template, and enter the appropriate information
for the new database using the values in Table 6-23 as reference.

Important: If the Sample Mail Template is used or the CommonStore script

libraries are copied to an existing Mail Template, the CreateCSNJobs script
library must be updated to point to the newly created job database; therefore,
the Jobdatabaseserver and Jobdatabasename entries need to be updated.
Table 6-23 Configuration database setup

Configuration field

Sample input




Name of the Domino server where the

configuration database is created.



Title of the configuration database.



File name of the configuration database




Name of the Domino server that contains

the configuration database template file.


Database 8.3

Name of the template to be selected.

4. Add the Domino user ID used by CommonStore (CSLD Task) to the ACL.
To create a new job database:
1. Start Notes Client.
2. Select File Database New.
3. Enter appropriate values for the database using the information listed in
Table 6-24 on page 167 as a reference.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 6-24 Job database setup

Configuration field

Sample input




Name of the Domino server where the job

database is created.



Title of the job database.



File name of the job database created.



Name of the Domino server that contains

the job database template file.


Database 8.3

Name of the template to be selected.

4. Add the Domino user ID used by CommonStore (CSLD Task) to the ACL and
assign the role CSLDUsers to it.
5. Open the newly created Configuration database and create a profile for the
archiving task and a profile for the retrieve task, using values in Table 6-25
and Table 6-26 on page 168 as references.
Table 6-25 Database profile for archive task

Configuration field

Sample input



This profile name is used during the

startup of a CommonStore Task.


The value All specifies that all jobs in the

job database will be processed by this

Database name


Name of the job database that this task is

assigned to.



Server on which the job database is


Working DBs
Working DBs

Job DB

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Configuration field

Sample input



CommonStore security is activated, so

that only retrievals to the original database
are possible. The Content Manager
attribute, CSLDOrigDB, has to exist.

Restrict retrieval to
point of origin

Task TCP/IP port


TCP/IP port


ArchPro server listens for requests from

CSLD Tasks on this port.
It is defined in the archint.ini with the
variable DOMINOPORT.

CommonStore host


This information is used to create the URL

when http links are created.

CommonStore Web


This information is used to create the URL

when http links are created. Together with
the CommonStore host name, a URL will
look similar to this:
This port has to point to the HTTP
Dispatcher port, which is defined in the
archin.ini with the parameter WEBPORT.

Folder Archive ID

Folder Archiving is not used in this

environment, so the value is not set.

Table 6-26 Database profile for retrieve task

Configuration field

Sample input



This profile name is used during the

startup of a CommonStore Task.


The value All specifies that all jobs in the

job database will be processed by this

Working DBs
Working DBs


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input


Database name


Name of the job database that this task is

assigned to.



Server on which the job database is



CommonStore security is activated, so

that only retrievals to the original database
are possible. The Content Manager
attribute, CSLDOrigDB, has to exist.

Job DB

Restrict retrieval to
point of origin

Task TCP/IP port


TCP/IP port


ArchPro server listens for requests from

CSLD Tasks using this port.
Defined in the archint.ini with the variable

CommonStore host


This information is used to create the URL

when http links are created.

CommonStore Web


This information is used to create the URL

when http links are created. Together with
the CommonStore host name, a URL will
look similar to this:
This port has to point to the HTTP
Dispatcher port, which is defined in the
archin.ini with the parameter WEBPORT.

Folder Archive ID

Folder archiving is not used in this sample

environment, so the value is not set.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


6. Set document mapping and content type mapping using Table 6-27 and
Table 6-28 on page 171 as reference.
Table 6-27 Document mapping

window / field

Sample input


Define mapping

Document form

Specifies that a document mapping based

on a form is created.

Notes form name


Specifies the name of the form that is

mapped to a logical archive.

Optional form

Reply, Forward

Specify all other forms that will be mapped

to the logical archive.
Note: Only mapped forms are archived. If
only Memo is mapped, and other forms
(such as reply memo or forward memo) are
not specified in the optional form aliases,
they will not be archived.

Archive ID


The name of the logical archive this

document mapping is using.
The value is defined in the archin.ini as
shown in Step 3: Configuring the ArchPro
environment on page 159.
This value is case sensitive.

Notes fields to
display in hit lists

Subject, From,

A hit list is created when CommonStore

finishes a search within the Content
Manager. The values define which values
are shown in the columns of the hit list.

Form for result



The Notes form used when a document

gets selected in a hit list for retrieve.


List of Notes/Domino fields that are

mapped to the Content Manager attributes.



Notes document
field names


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


Archive attribute


List of the Content Manager attributes that

are mapped to Notes/Domino fields.
These attributes are created in Step 2:
Configuring Content Manager on
page 154.
In this sample environment, the Notes field
Subject is mapped to the Content Manager
attribute CSLDSubject, the Notes field
From is mapped to the Content Manager
attribute CSLDFrom, and PostedDate to

Table 6-28 Content type mapping

Configuration field

Sample input


File extension


Files with that extension are created when

e-mail is archived in Notes Native Format.

Content type


Step 6: Configure the CommonStore Task environment

To configure the CommonStore Task environment, you need to:
1. Prepare notes.ini and names.nsf for the CSLD Task.
2. Set the environment for the CSLD Task.
3. Save the password for Domino user ID.

Preparing notes.ini and names.nsf for CSLD Task

The CommonStore Task uses the Notes API and therefore needs a notes.ini file
and a local names and address book database (usually called names.nsf). An
easy way to create a proper notes.ini is to log on to a Notes client with the
Domino user ID created for CommonStore. If the configuration database and the
job database are accessible from the user ID, the notes.ini and names.nsf can be
used for the CommonStore Task.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Table 6-29 Notes.ini and names.nsf setup

Configuration data

Sample input


Location of copied
notes.ini and


The startup command of a CommonStore

Task includes this directory path to point
to the notes.ini.

Directory value in
copied notes.ini


This parameter tells a Notes API where to

find the necessary names.nsf.

Tip: The notes.ini and the names.nsf file in the Notes installation directory
should be copied to a different directory, where it is only accessed by the
CommonStore Task and not changed by any other Notes application.
Important: After both files are copied, make sure the directory entry in the
copied notes.ini file is changed to the directory that contains the copied
Also, copy the Domino ID file used by the task to the same directory and make
sure the keyfilename entry points to the right directory.

Setting environment for CSLD Task

The nnotes.dlI must be in the system path because the CommonStore Task
needs access to that file.
If you have more than one nnotes.dll files, choose a path of a Lotus Notes client
Table 6-30 nnotes.dll setup

Configuration data

Sample input


Location of nnote.dll


This directory is added to the system

PATH variable.

Saving the password for Domino user ID

In order to start a CSLD Task without user interaction, it is necessary to store the
password of the Domino user ID. The Domino user ID a task uses is specified by
the notes.ini that is used by the task.
Use the following command to be prompted for the password to be stored:
csld -f serverpasswd -i <Path to notes.ini>


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The password will be stored encrypted in a file. Every time the password of the
used Domino user ID is changed, this process must be repeated. If the password
is changed without repeating this process, a CommonStore Task will fail to
connect to the Domino server because it is using an invalid password.
After the password is saved, notes.ini has to be updated to inform the Notes API
to make use of this stored password. Add the following line to the notes.ini file:

Important: Do not add this line to a notes.ini file that is used by a Notes client,
or else the Notes client will use the DLL and will not start up properly.
Table 6-31 summarizes the setup for saving the Domino user ID password.
Table 6-31 Domino user ID password saving setup

Configuration data

Sample input value

location of used
notes.ini file


additional line in this



store password

csld -f serverpasswd -i <Path to notes.ini>


Step 7: Start CSLD Task

A CommonStore Task requires an up-and-running ArchPro. The startup
command syntax is:
csld -s <servername> -n <configdatabasename> -p <profilename> -i <notesinifile>

In this syntax:

<servername> is the Domino server of the configuration database.

<configdatabasename> is the name of the configuration database.
<profilename> is the name of the profile to be used.
<notesinifile> is the notes.ini file to be used.

To start the CSLD Tasks:

1. Open two Command prompt windows.
2. Start the Archive task:
c:\ibm\csld\bin\csld.exe" -s Mail/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p Archiver -i

Substitute with values in your environment.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


3. Start the Retrieve task:

c:\ibm\csld\bin\csld.exe" -s Mail/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p Retriever -i

Substitute with values in your environment.

Step 8: Implementing Windows services

CommonStore provides the ability to run all components (ArchPro, tasks) as
Windows service. To implement a component as a service, it must be installed as
a service using the archservice program that ships with CommonStore.
The archservice program must have an .ini file to install a program as a service.
The .ini file contains the startup command for the component to be started and a
location for the trace file of the service.

Attention: Before installing the ArchPro and the Task as Windows services
make sure previously started components (for example, in Windows command
prompts) are closed down.
To implement a Window service:
1. Create a directory C:\IBM\CSLD\WindowsService.
2. Open a text editor and create three .ini files, one per component. Each file
contains the following parameters:
SERVICE_ TRACEFILE: The path (including the file name) of the trace file,
that this service creates. The directory must exist already.
PROCESS1: The startup command of the component.
Example 6-2, Example 6-3 on page 175, and Example 6-4 on page 175 show
the .ini files setup for the sample environment. Use them as references to set
up files in your environment.
3. Save the files in directory C:\IBM\CSLD\WindowsService.
Example 6-2 Sample ArchProService.ini file
# full file name of SERVICE_TRACEFILE
SERVICE_TRACEFILE 'C:\ibm\csld\WindowsService\ArchProService.trace'
# start sequences for archpro and csld tasks
PROCESS1 '"c:\ibm\csld\bin\archpro.exe" -i


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Example 6-3 Sample ArchiveTaskService.ini file

# full file name of SERVICE_TRACEFILE
SERVICE_TRACEFILE 'C:\ibm\csld\WindowsService\ArchiveTaskService.trace'
# start sequences for archpro and csld tasks
PROCESS1 '"c:\ibm\csld\bin\csld.exe" -s mail/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p Archiver
-i "c:\ibm\csld\notes.ini"'
Example 6-4 Sample RetrieveTaskService.ini file
# full file name of SERVICE_TRACEFILE
SERVICE_TRACEFILE 'C:\ibm\csld\WindowsService\RetrieveTaskService.trace'
# start sequences for archpro and csld tasks
PROCESS1 '"c:\ibm\csld\bin\csld.exe" -s mail/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p
Retriever -i "c:\ibm\csld\notes.ini"'

4. Open a Command prompt window.

The command syntax used to install the Window services is:
archservice install -n <name> -c <config file>

In this syntax:
<name> appears in the Windows services list as part of the service name. A
CommonStore Service always starts with CommonStore_ and ends with the
specified value. In the examples, the services will appear as:

<config file> is the path (including the file name) of the configuration file to
be used.
5. Execute the following command to install ArchPro service:
archservice install -n ArchPro -c

6. Execute the following command to install the Archive Task service:

archservice install -n ArchiveTask -c

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


7. Execute the following command to install the Retrieve Task service:

archservice install -n RetrieveTask -c

6.6.1 Installation summary and verification

To test the installation, create a test Notes user. Replace its e-mails database
template with the sample mail template that ships with CommonStore. Set the
job database name and job database server value in that template.
In the sample environment, these values are:
Job database name: CSLDJobs.nsf
Job database server: Mail/ITSO
After the template is applied, make sure that the CSLD Task has access to that
database. You can test this by using CSLD Task user ID to open the mail
Open the mail database using the regular mail database user ID. Select an
e-mail for archiving. Select CommonStore Archive Selected Documents
and click OK.
The archive is successful when the document moves to the Archived
documents category in the Inbox. To check whether the retrieve is working, open
the archived document and click Fetch.
If both operations are successful, the installation and basic configuration of
CommonStore are completed.
Reviewing the sample environment, Figure 6-4 on page 177 shows the
components that are installed and configured after this section is completed.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide







II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 6-4 Sample environment after CSLD is installed and configured

Note: The various forms, views, and libraries from the CSLD sample template
are not meant for production use but to be used as a guide to incorporating
CSLD and Records functions into your corporate Notes template.

6.6.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 6-32 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
CommonStore for Lotus Domino installation and configuration.
Table 6-32 Key information to remember after CSLD installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

Domino user ID used by CommonStore


Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore


Item type used by CommonStore


6.7 Records Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Records Manager is
used as a records administration application and as an engine for records
enabling Content Manager (via Records Enabler for Content Manager), thus

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


records enabling the entire e-mail archiving solution. In this section, we describe
the main steps involved in installing and configuring Records Manager.
These steps are as follows:

Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1.

Install Records Manager database V4.1.1.
Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2.
Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2.
Run engine configuration utility.

Note: It is not our intention to include all detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In our sample environment, we install Records Manager engine on London and
Records Manager database on Charger.

Step 1: Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1

In Table 6-33, we provide the input value we used during our installation on
London in the sample environment. Replace the sample input values according
to your environment setup.
Table 6-33 Records Manager engine installation input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input


Installation Destination
Directory Name


Records Manager installation directory.

TIP: Use a directory without the version
number. For updates, the same directory
can be used and no second directory with a
different version number is created.

Installation Type
Setup type


Deployment and Configuration

I want the installer to
do deployment and
configure for me



The setup program deploys all J2EE

applications and configures them.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


WebSphere Application Server Connection Information

Connector Type


Specifies the type of communication

interface between the WebSphere
Application Server and the installation

Connector Port


Specifies the port used by the Connector




Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation
on page 145.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server, start
the WebSphere Application Server, open
the WebSphere Application Console. In the
console navigation tree, click Servers
Application servers Server 1



Specify the node name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation
on page 145.
Tip: To view a node name, go to
WebSphere Application Console, click
Servers Application servers
Server1 Runtime.



As this book is being written, the only

possible working value is server1.

Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is enabled.

If security is enabled, this option has to be
checked and a valid user name and
password must be provided.
To verify whether security is currently
enabled, ensure that the WebSphere
Application Server is started, open the
WebSphere Application Console. In the
console navigation tree, click Security
Global Security, then verify the Enabled
setting in the Configuration tab.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


window / field

Sample input


Connection Factories Authentication

Authentication User


This Windows user ID has to exist. It does

not need any special rights and is used just
for authentication.
The user ID must not be longer than eight
characters (which is the current WebSphere
An application component uses a connection factory to access a connection instance,
which the component then uses to connect
to the underlying enterprise information system (EIS). Examples of connections include
database connections, Java Message Service connections, and SAP R/3 connections.

Mail Session Configuration
Mail Transport Host



Specifies the name of the server to access

for the engine to send e-mail.

SMTP User Name

This is required only if SSL is configured on

the SMTP Server.
Specifies the name of an e-mail user who
has access to send e-mail through the
specified transport host. Leave this field
blank if the transport host does not require


Required only if SSL is configured on the

SMTP Server.
Required for the engine to send e-mail.
Specifies the password of an e-mail user
who has access to send e-mail through the
specified transport host. Leave this field
blank if the transport host does not require

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


Administration Client Configuration



Specifies the context root for your Records

Manager Administrator client. This is the
name that you use to access the client for
Records Manager in your browser (the
virtual directory name).
For example:

Engine Server Name


Specifies the host name of the computer

where the Records Manager engine is

Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the host

where you are installing the Records
Manager engine. This field specifies the
port number on which the application server
Object Request Broker (ORB) listens for

Web Services Configuration

Web Service
Configuration Root


Specifies the context root for the Records

Manager Web server. Name used to access
the Web services for Records Manager in a
browser (the virtual directory name).

Web Services Node


k. bocaraton.

Specifies the host name of the computer

where the Records Manager engine is

Web Services HTTP



Specifies the number for the port that the

WebSphere Application Server uses for
message queues.

Import Export Configuration

Engine Server Name

k. bocaraton.

The host name of the computer where the

Records Manager engine is installed.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


window / field

Sample input


Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the host

where the Records Manager engine is
installed. This field specifies the port
number on which the application server
Object Request Broker (ORB) listens for


The WebSphere Application Server

installation directory.

WebSphere Location

Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1

Table 6-34 shows the input values we used during our installation on Charger in
the sample environment. Replace our sample input values according to your
environment setup.
Table 6-34 Records Manager database installation input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input value


Installation Directory
Directory Name


This directory is not the default

installation directory.

Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver
class path


Path to the file. In the

sample environment, this file is
located in C:\IBM\DB2\SQLLIB\java.

DB2 Database Configuration




The instance name if the Records

Manager database is being installed
directly onto a DB2 server.
If a remote database is being used,
then this is the name of a cataloged
DB2 instance.
Note: This name cannot exceed
eight characters in length.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input value


Database Name


The name of the DB2 database that

is being created.
Note: The database name cannot
exceed eight characters in length,
and it must be unique for each
database you create.

Default Disk

The default location where the

database and dataset files are being
For example, for Windows, type C for
the C:\ drive.

Folder for


The default location where the

database and dataset files are being
This location will have the containers
of the table spaces for the database
to create.

User name


Specifies the name of the DB2 user

that will be the owner of the Records
Manager schema. This user will
have Database administration
privileges in the newly created
Important: This user must exist, as
it is not created automatically during
the installation.



Specifies a portion of the locale

mapped to the country code for the
internal processing by the database

Collating System


Specifies the sequence in which

characters are ordered for the
purpose of sorting, merging,
comparing, and processing indexed
data sequentially.

User password

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


window / field

Sample input value


DB Language


(optional) Specifies a language

identifier. Set this field when the
database language is different from
the default language on your
computer. The language you specify
must be available on the computer
where you are performing the

administrator user


Specifies the name of the database

user with system administrator
privileges for the DB2 database
This user is created during the
installation of the DB2 database in
6.4.1, DB2 server installation on
page 143.

administrator user

Specifies the password of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the DB2
database instance.

Database File Plan Population

Select a plan to


A sample file plan is created.

Step 3: Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2

The Records Manager engine upgrade is basically a redeploy of the WebSphere
Application Server. When running the upgrade, re-enter the values you provided

Tip: Use the same installation directory (C:\IBM\IRM\); otherwise, a second

directory will be created and the old one will not be deleted.

Step 4: Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2

After the Records Manager engine is upgraded to V4.1.2 level, upgrade the
Records Manager database to the same level. Table 6-35 on page 185 shows
the input values we used while we upgraded the sample environment.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 6-35 Records Manager database upgrade input for sample environment

Configuration window /

Sample input value



Use the same directory as

specified during the original
installation of the Records
Manager database.

Installation Directory
Directory Name

Custom or Automatic upgrade



Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver class path


DB2 Database Configuration

DB2 Node/Instance


Instance name as specified in

Step 2: Install Records Manager
database V4.1.1 on page 182.
This is the instance name if the
Records Manager database is
installed directly on a DB2
It is the name of a cataloged DB2
instance, if a remote database is
being used.

Database Name


The name of the database that is

created in step 2.

Folder for Database



The folder for the database

container specified in step 2.

User name


Name of the user specified in

step 2.


Specifies the name of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.

User password
System administrator
user name

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Configuration window /

Sample input value

System administrator
user password

Specifies the password of the
database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.

Database Back Up
Selected database was
backed up


Important: If this is not selected,

the upgrade cannot proceed.

Step 5: Run engine configuration utility

The Records Manager engine needs to access the Records Manager database.
Because the database can be on different platforms (DB2,Oracle, SQL Server), a
data source must be configured. This data source is used by the Records
Manager engine to access the database.
If the Records Manager engine and Records Manager database are running on
different machines, the database must be cataloged on the engine machine. In
the sample environment, the engine runs on London, and the database is on
Charger. We need to catalog the database on London. Use the DB2
Configuration Utility to catalog the database that was created in Step 2: Install
Records Manager database V4.1.1 on page 182. In the sample environment,
the remote database on Charger (irmdb) is cataloged as irmdb on London.
The Records Manager engine configuration utility must be run on the same
machine that the Records Manager engine is running. To start the utility, select
Start Program Files IBM DB2 Records Manager Engine
Configuration Utility.
In Table 6-36, we provide the input values we used during the start up of the
utility for the sample environment. Replace our sample input values according to
your environment.
Table 6-36 Engine configuration utility startup


Configuration field

Sample input value

Connector Type


Port Number





The WebSphere Application Server

cell on which the Records Manager
Engine is deployed.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input value




The WebSphere Application Server

node on which the Records Manager
Engine is deployed.



The WebSphere Application Server

server into which the Records
Manager Engine is deployed.

After the engine configuration tool is started, a data source (the Records
Manager database created in Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1
on page 182) must be created.
To create the data source, select Action New.
Table 6-37 shows the input values we used when creating the new data source.
Replace these values with the appropriate ones for your environment.
After creating the new data source, select File Save Changes.
Table 6-37 Data source input for the sample environment

Configuration field

Sample input value


DB2 Universal JDBC

driver location


Data Source Name


Name of the database. You can

use any name.

Database Name


Name of the cataloged database.

User name


Name of the user created in step

2 who has administrative rights
for the database.

User password

Important: After configuring the data source, if the utility is closed without
saving, the provided information will be lost and the data source will not be
available during the Records Manager Administration client startup.
Before the Records Manager Administration client can be used, the WebSphere
Application Server must be restarted.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Use the Windows Services utility to restart the service IBM WebSphere
Application Server V5 - server1, or go to the WebSphere bin directory
(C:\IBM\WS\WAS\bin) and use the following commands to restart the server:
stopserver server1
startserver server1

6.7.1 Installation summary and verification

At this point, the Records Manager engine and the Records Manager database
are installed.
In the sample environment, the recommended scenario of installing them on two
different computers is performed. Figure 6-5 shows the sample environment after
the successful installation.







IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 6-5 Sample environment after Records Manager is installed

To verify the installation, start WebSphere Application Console, go to Servers

Application servers server1 Server Components JMS servers, and
make sure that Started appears in the Initial State field.
To verify that messaging queue is up and running, go to Windows Task Manager
and look for processes with amq* and runq*. If both of them are there, then the
message queue has started. If not, perform these steps:
1. Go to Servers Application servers server1 Server
Components JMS servers.
2. Make sure Started is selected in the Initial State.
3. Click Reset.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4. Go back and check the amq* and runq* processes in the Task Manager. They
should be there now.

Attention: The procedure above is very important. If the message queue is

not started, you will encounter problems when working with Records Manager.
To make sure Records Manager is installed properly, log on to Records Manager
Administration client using Administrator as the user ID and cronos as the
password. Make sure you can log in.
You can also use a set of basic Records Manager activities to ensure that the
Records Manager system is up and running. The suggested activities include:

Create a file plan.

Create a record.
Perform record scheduling.
Turn the crank.
Destroy record via retention rule.

6.7.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Configuration data

Sample input value

Records Manager
Administrator user ID

password: cronos

WebSphere Application
Server server name



Name of the server into which

the Records Manager engine
is deployed.

6.8 CRME installation and configuration

Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) is the bridge between Content
Manager and Records Manager. It works with both products to provide the
records control capability in the Content Manager system. In this section, we
describe the main steps involved in installing and configuring CMRE.
These steps include:
1. Set environment variables and create users.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


2. Install Records Enabler (CMRE server, Host Interface server, and Permission
Synchronization server).
3. Install Records Manager Extension.
4. Implement Windows Services.

Important: Make sure that the Content Manager V8 connector is installed. It

is necessary to use the Information Integrator for Content installation to install
the connector. A Content Manager client installation is not sufficient.
Note: We do not include all of the detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install Records Enabler on London.

Step 1: Set environment variables and create users

Set the environment with the following variables:

Substitute the values according to your system installation setup.

Important: The JDBCPATH must include the file name; otherwise,
the installation will fail.
Create a local user on the machine that runs the Content Manager Library
Server. This user has to be in the DB2 administrator group.
For the sample environment, we create:
User name: CMREID
User group: DB2ADMNS

Step 2: Install Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE)

You need to install CMRE. To help your CMRE installation process, we provide
the input values we used during our installation in Table 6-38 on page 191.
Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 6-38 Records Enabler installation

window / field

input value


WebSphere deployment information

DB2 Content
Manager Records
Enabler Server


DB2 Content
Manager Records
Manager Host


DB2 Content
Manager Records


Application Server
cell name


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation on
page 145.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server, start the
WebSphere Application Server and open the
WebSphere Application Console. In the console
navigation tree, click Servers Application
Server 1 Runtime.

Application Server
node name


Specify the node name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation on
page 145.
Tip: To view a node name, go to WebSphere
Application Console, click Servers
Application servers Server1 Runtime.

Host name

The fully qualified host name of the machine

running the WebSphere Application Server.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


window / field

input value


Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is enabled. If

security is enabled, this option has to be checked
and a valid user name and password has to be
To verify whether security is currently enabled,
ensure that the WebSphere Application Server is
started, go to the WebSphere Application
Console, click Security Global Security, and
verify the Enabled setting on the Configuration

Records Manager Server configuration

Records Manager
Web services

Records Manager
client URL

This value is checked during the installation. If it is

not available, installation will not go further.

Records Manager


The name of the Records Manager database.

Records Manager


Records Manager administrative user ID. The

default ID is Administrator.



The default password for the Records Manager

Administrator is cronos if it is not changed after
the IRM installation.

Content Manager Server configuration

Server name


The name of the Library Server database.

Content Manager


Administrative user ID for the Content Manager

System. See 6.5.2, Key information to
remember on page 152.


This user ID is created by the installation program

within Content Manager, but it has to exist on the
operating system level on the machine running
the Content Manager Library Server.

Content Manager
Records Enabler
Connection ID


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

input value


Password of the user ID on the Windows
operating system level.

confirm password
eClient rendering
Content URL


In the sample environment, eClient is not

Important: Leave the default value and do not
erase that field. With an empty field, the
installation will fail.
This value can be configured later using the
CMRE Administration client.

eClient document
list URL


The eClient is not installed in the sample

Important: Leave the default value and do not
erase that field. With an empty field, the
installation will fail.
This value can be configured later using the
CMRE Administration client.

Database System
used for Content


Specifies the database type of the Content

Manager Library Server.

Records Enabler configuration

CMRE Server


The server will be created during the installation if

it does not exist.

Records Manager
Host Interface


The server will be created during the installation if

it does not exist.

Add Host
record to DB2
Records Manager


Checking this creates a Host entry within the

Records Manager. The specified Content
Manager system will be registered within the
Records Manager.

Content Manager
Records Enabler


The server will be created during the installation if

it does not exist.



Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


window / field

input value




Step 3: Installing Records Manager Extension

You must install Records Manager Extension. To help your installation process,
we provide the input values we used during our installation in Table 6-39.
Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 6-39 Records Manager Extension installation input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input


WebSphere Deployment information


Application Server
cell name


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation
on page 145.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server, start
the WebSphere Application Server, open the
WebSphere Application Console, and click
Servers Application servers Server
1 Runtime.

Application Server
node name


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 6.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server installation
on page 145.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server, start
the WebSphere Application Server, open the
WebSphere Application Console, and click
Servers Application servers Server
1 Runtime.

Host name


The fully qualified host name of the machine

running the WebSphere Application Server.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Application Security


Required if WebSphere security is enabled. If

security is enabled, this option has to be
checked and a valid user name and password
have to be provided.
To verify whether security is enabled, ensure
that WebSphere Application Server is started,
open the WebSphere Application Console,
and in the console navigation tree, click
Security Global Security, and verify the
Enabled setting on the Configuration tab.

Records Manager
Application server


At the time this book was written, the only

possible working value was server1.

Step 4: Implementing Windows Services

To install a WebSphere Application Server as a Windows Service, use the
following command:
wasservice -add <Windows Service Name> -serverName <WebSphere Server>

To start the Windows services tasks:

1. Open a Command prompt window.
2. Go to the WebSphere Application Server bin directory.
3. Install CMRE server (cmresvr), CMRE Host Interface (rmecmhost), and
CMRE Permission Synchronization server (cmrepspro) as Windows services,
substituting the appropriate values from your environment:
wasservice -add RMEServer -serverName cmresvr
wasservice -add RMEHostInterface -serverName cmresvr
wasservice -add RMEPermSync -serverName cmresvr

6.8.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 6-6 on page 196 shows the components that are installed and configured
after this section is completed.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment










IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 6-6 Sample environment after Records Enabler is installed

To verify your installation, perform the following steps:


Check the Windows services.

Import a Content Manager administrator ID into Records Manager.
Log on to the CMRE.
Records enable an item type.
Use Content Manager Windows client to declare a record.

Step 1: Check the Windows services

To verify the installation, make sure all necessary services are running. They are:

IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - server1

IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEServer
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEHostInterface
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEPermSyncServer
ICM LS Monitor icmnlsdb
IBM HTTP Server 1.3.28

Step 2: Import a CM administrator ID into Records Manager

To be able to log on to the CMRE Administration client, a Content Manager user
ID that has the administrator rights must be imported to the Records Manager
System. The user ID must have administrator rights in Records Manager.
To import a Content Manager user:
1. Start the Records Manager client and log on as an administrator:
User ID: Administrator
Password: cronos


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

2. Go to Security Users Host Filer and select the host system that is
enabled during the CMRE installation.
In the sample environment, the host system with the name icmnlsdb is
enabled. (See Add Host Configuration record to DB2 Records Manager of
Step 2: Install Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) on page 190.)
3. Click Import, select icmadmin, and click Import again. In the next window,
select all permissions by checking Function Access. Check the Is Active
check box. Click Save to finish the import.
4. The Content Manager user ID icmadmin is now imported to the Records
Manager system and has all necessary rights to act as Administrator with the
Records Manager system.

Step 3: Log on to the CMRE

Use icmadmin and its password to log on to the CMRE Administration client.

Important: Do not use the Records Manager administrator user ID,

(Administrator) and its password (cronos) to log on to the CMRE
Administration client because this ID is not defined within Content Manager.
Also, do not use the Content Manager user ID, cmreid, that is created during
the CMRE installation, because this ID is not (and cannot be) imported into
Records Manager.

Step 4: Records enable an item type

After successfully logging on to the CMRE Administration, enable an item type:
1. Go to Content Manager Server Configuration eRecord enable item
A list of all item types in the records-enabled Content Manager system is
2. Select the CSLD item type (DominoMail) that was created in step 2a of 6.6,
CommonStore (CSLD) installation and configuration on page 153.
3. Check the box left of the item type name and select the record type to the
right of the item type name.
In the sample environment, the item type DominoMail and the record type email
are created.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Step 5: Using Windows client to declare records

Using Windows client, declare records as follows:
1. Search for documents in the records-enabled item type DominoMail. E-mail
archived during the CommonStore verification is located in this item type.
2. Right-click one e-mail and select Declare Record. The Records Manager
declare/classify window appears.
3. Select a file plan and a unique name for that record. Click Finish.
The CMRE communicates with the Content Manager system and the Records
Manager system. A Content Manager item type is records enabled and
documents within this item type can be declared as a records using the Content
Manager Windows client. The records attributes (eRecord, eRecordID,
FlPlnCmpntNm, FlPlnCmpntTtl, and RMEAclOri) that are associated with the
e-mail are updated.

6.8.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 6-40 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 6-40 Key information to remember after CMRE installation and configuration

Configuration data

Sample input value

Records enabled item type


6.9 Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes

In this section, we describe the main steps involved in configuring CommonStore
Server and Notes. These steps must be performed to add records declaration
and classification capability to the end-to-end integrated e-mail solution.
The steps include:


Records enable the Content Manager item type.

Prepare CommonStore.
Prepare Domino.
Records enable the Notes client.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

For detailed information about CSLD and Records Enabler integration, refer to
Chapter 21, Using Content Manager Records Enabler in the CSLD environment
in IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administration and Users Guide,
Version 8.3, SH12-6742.

Step 1: Records enabling the Content Manager item type

This should have been done in the previous section when you validated the
installation and configuration of CMRE. If it has not been completed, refer to
Step 4: Records enable an item type on page 197.

Step 2: Preparing CommonStore

A Lotus Notes user must be mapped to a Content Manager user ID in order for
the Notes user to declare a record because the backend repository for records is
the Content Manager system. This Content Manager user also must be imported
to Records Manager and has to have the appropriate rights to declare records.
For the mapping of Lotus Notes user IDs to Content Manager user IDs, an
additional component (usermapper.jar) has to be activated on the CommonStore
ArchPro server.
To activate the usermapper, follow the steps below:
1. Copy usermapper.jar from the installation bin directory into the instance
directory of the ArchPro that will be activated.
Source directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\bin
Target directory: C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01
2. Update is located in the instance directory and contains three
parameters that must be configured:

Set DB_DIR to the directory to store the mapping database. (Note the double
backslashes, as a single backslash would indicate an escape sequence, such
as \n.) This directory will contain a collection of files that are serialized hash
tables containing string keys of the format CM-server:mail-user and
CSRepUserDef values. Make sure this folder exists and is empty. The files will
be generated automatically, along with a file that indicates the current
HASH_MODULO value so that it can be changed.
Set HASH_MODULO to the maximum number of files to be found in the
DB_DIR directory. This is to prevent the entire database from ever needing to
be in memory at one time so that a huge number of users can be supported.
Bigger values mean smaller memory usage (but more files).

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment


Set PROXY_PORT to the port on which the usermapper proxy is listening.

See Table 6-41 for the input values we used for the sample environment.
Table 6-41 CSExit properties input values


Sample input value







3. Add usermapper.jar and Notes.jar into the classpath as well as the directory
Table 6-42 Classpath for usermapper.jar, Notes.jar, and


Sample value to add to classpath


C:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\ usermapper.jar


C:\IBM\Notes\Notes.jar directory


4. Update archint.ini.
To activate usermapper, add the values for these parameters in archini.ini:

The input value for ACCESS_CTL YES specifies whether you want Retrieve
operations to be subject to the users Content Manager permissions.
The input value for CM_SECURITY_EXIT specifies the name of the security
exit class as
The input value for CM_EXIT_LOCATION specifies the file location of the
usermapper.jar file.
In our sample environment, we set these values as shown in Table 6-43.
Table 6-43 archint.ini file update



Sample input value






E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 3: Preparing Domino

Prepare Domino as follows:
1. Modify the CSLD configuration database:
a. Open the profile of the archiving task.
b. Go to Advanced.
c. In the section Write state to, select Special field.
d. Accept the default value and save the profile.
2. Modify the template CSLDStdMail.ntf.
The sample mail template is records enabled and must be configured:
a. Open CSLDStdMail.ntf with the Notes Designer.
b. Go to Shared Code Script Library RMEScriptLibrary and provide
information using the sample input values in Table 6-44 for reference.
Table 6-44 RMEScriptLibrary update


Sample input value











Defined in



Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment



Sample input value


This value is configured as
true if you want the system to
create hot links for
attachments in e-mail after
archiving; otherwise, this
value is configured as false.

Attention: Changes to those variables will not affect a database that has
already had a template applied, because a configuration document is already
created and this document will not be refreshed if the values are updated.
Note: The various forms, views, and libraries from the CSLD sample template
are not meant for production use, but rather as a guide to incorporating CSLD
and Records functions into your corporate Notes template.
3. Set up Domino security:
a. Log on to the Notes administration client using an Administrator user ID.
b. Create a new user group (RMEUserGroup):
i. Go to the People&Group tab.
ii. Click Groups Add group.
c. Add Notes users that need to declare records to this group.
d. Grant security to the group:
i. Go to the Configuration tab.
ii. Expand Server Current Server Document.
iii. Click Security and grant with the following security permission:

unrestricted methods and operations

restricted Lotus Script/Java agents
simple and formula agents
restricted Java/Javascript/COM
unrestricted Java/Javascript/COM

e. Install the RMEAuth filter in the Domino server:

i. Find the RMEAuth.dll in the CSLD package and copy it to the Domino
data directory.
ii. Install the RMEAuth filter by specifying the name of the filter in the
Domino server record, in the field DSAPI filter file name in the Internet
Protocols HTTP table. You can specify just the name of the filter file


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

(RMEAuth) if it is located in the Domino program or data directories;

otherwise you must specify the fully qualified path name.
iii. Restart the Domino server and the HTTP task.

Step 4: Records enable the Notes client

To records enable the Notes client, you must enable menus and buttons for the
records management functions.
Complete the following steps:
1. Incorporate the CSLD functions into the e-mail template as outlined in
CSLD V8.3 Administrator's and Programmer's Guide, SH12-6742.
2. Update the notes.ini file to include the following line:

3. Restart the Notes client.

The records management related menus and buttons will be available to use.

6.9.1 Verification
To verify that the CommonStore Server and Notes client are configured properly:
1. In Notes client, create an e-mail message and send it off.
2. Manually declare the e-mail message as a record.
3. Make sure that the e-mail is archived in Content Manager using the Content
Manager Windows client.
4. After the e-mail is archived, the Records Manager classification window
should come up. Specify the bucket in the file plan; for example, Account
Receivable in our sample environment. Enter a unique ID into the e-mail
name field, and click Finish.
5. Make sure that in Notes client reflects that the e-mail is a record.
6. Using Content Manager Windows client, verify that the e-mail Record
attribute is set to yes.
7. Using the Records Manager Administration client, check that the record is
8. Use Notes client to view the e-mail message.

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 7.

Installation and
configuration in a Microsoft
Exchange environment
This chapter describes the installation and configuration of an e-mail archiving
and records management solution using CommonStore for Exchange Server,
Records Manager, Content Manager, and Content Manager Records Enabler.
Using a sample environment, we describe the major steps involved in installing
and configuring the various components in a Windows environment. For more
detailed information, see the appropriate product documentation.
We cover the following topics in the chapter:

Introduction to the sample environment
Prerequisites and perquisite software installation
Content Manager installation and configuration
CommonStore (CSX) installation and configuration
Records Manager installation and configuration
CMRE installation and configuration
Records enable CommonStore Server and Outlook

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


7.1 Overview
In this section, we provide an overview for the e-mail archiving and records
management integrated solution installation and configuration.
We cover:
Software used for the integrated solution
Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

7.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution

Several products are used in this end-to-end integrated solution. We list the
software used and the purpose in the solution in Table 7-1.
For clarity, fix pack details have been omitted. These are referenced later under
solution installation and configuration.
Table 7-1 Software used in the integrated solution and the purpose in the solution




IBM DB2 Content Manager (CM)

Repository used to store the documents and

metadata for both the archive and records
management systems.

IBM CommonStore for Exchange

Server (CSX)

E-mail archive system for Microsoft Exchange mail


IBM DB2 Records Manager


Engine and administration for Records Manager.

Records Enabler for Content

Manager (CMRE)

Records enables the Content Manager repository.

Also provides records management functions for
Lotus Notes or Outlook users.


Enterprise-class database used to hold both

system configuration and objects metadata.

IBM DB2 Net Search Extender

Extension to DB2 that adds full text search

capabilities for both object metadata and
documents including attachments.

IBM Web Sphere Application

Server with Embedded

Web application server that hosts the Content

Manager Resource Manager, Content Manager
Records Enabler servers, the Records Manager
applications, and Content Manager eClient.

Microsoft Exchange server

E-mail system.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

7.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

Four main products involved in the end-to-end solution:

IBM DB2 Content Manager

IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server
IBM DB2 Records Manager
IBM DB2 Records Enabler for Content Manager

Plan your system configuration first (see 5.3, System configuration on

page 120). Decide where you want to install each main product and review the
prerequisites for each product (especially if you decide to separate some
components onto different machines). Before you start, make sure you know
exactly what must be installed on each machine and the sequence of the
Some of the product installation and configuration steps can be done at the same
time and others are better done sequentially. We recommend the following
sequence of steps for installation and configuration:
1. Install a working Content Manager system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites first (DB2, Net Search
Extender, WebSphere Application Server), and then the Content Manager
Validate that the Content Manager system is working by importing some
documents, retrieving them, and viewing them.
If you decide to separate the installation of Content Manager Resource
Manager from Library Server onto different servers, you may need to install
different prerequisites onto the machines. Refer to the product documentation
to install the proper prerequisites for each server. You should also validate the
system after the installation and configuration as mentioned above.
2. Install a working CommonStore system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites (Content Manager V8
Connector from the Information Integration for Content installation, DB2
Runtime Client or DB2 Administration Client, and Outlook client), and then the
CommonStore for Exchange Server product.
Validate that CommonStore is working properly with your mail database and
Content Manager by setting up some policies, archiving some e-mail,
retrieving the archived e-mail and viewing it. Also look into the Content
Manager repository to ensure that the archived e-mail is there as expected.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


3. Install a working Records Manager on a designated machine.

This step can be done in conjunction with step 2. If you have multiple people
doing the installation, you can work together in parallel. Otherwise, we
recommend performing this task after the CommonStore installation.
The step includes the installation of the prerequisites and then the Records
Manager product.
We recommend installing the Records Manager engine and its database on
separate machines. The prerequisites for the engine include WebSphere
Application Server and DB2 Runtime or DB2 Administration client. The
prerequisite for the Records Manager database is DB2 server. As discussed
in 5.3.1, Configuration options on page 122), you can optionally put the
Records Manager database where Content Manager is installed.
Validate that Records Manager is working properly by using the Records
Manager administration client to create a default file plan, add a record to the
system, and view the added record.
4. Install and configure Records Enabler for Content Manager on a designated
machine. Configure Content Manager and Records Manager. Install and
configure Records Manager Extension.
Records Manager Extension must be deployed on the same WebSphere
Application Server as Records Manager.
Validate the system: Import an item of the record enabled item type, declare it
as a record, and make sure that the record is marked as declared in Content
Manager and the records metadata is in Records Manager. After this, archive
an e-mail and declare the e-mail as a record. Check both Content Manager
and Records Manager to ensure that proper information is stored in each.
(Content Manager should have the e-mail information based on your
archiving method, and Records Manager should have the records related


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Tip: For the machine that will run Permission Synchronization Server of the
Records Enabler for Content Manager product, make sure that WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging is installed on it. This is
especially important if you start your installation from an existing system (for
example, a working Content Manager system).
If the Embedded Messaging feature was not installed, you must deinstall
Content Manager, uninstall WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall
WebSphere Application Server, including the Embedded Messaging feature
(installed by default in V5.1.1 and later), and then Content Manager again. Do
not take shortcuts or you may experience strange results.
If the existing Content Manager is being used and cannot be deinstalled, we
recommend installing the Permission Synchronization Server on another

7.2 Introduction to the sample environment

We use a sample environment to show how to install and configure an e-mail
archiving and records management solution.
Figure 7-1 on page 210 shows the sample environment before any e-mail
archiving and records management software is installed.
This environment has one client machine, Watson, and three servers, Brighton,
Charger, and London. An Exchange Server is running on Brighton. An Outlook
client (including the CDO component, which is part of the Outlook installation
package but not automatically installed) is running on Watson. This should be
your starting point.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment






Active Directory

Figure 7-1 Sample environment before any software installation

Figure 7-2 shows the sample environment after all components are installed,
including the necessary prerequisites on each server.
On Charger, we install prerequisite software including an Outlook client
(Outlook), WebSphere Application Server, and DB2 server with Net Search
Extender (DB2 + NSE). In addition, we install CommonStore for Exchange
Server (CSX), Content Manager (CM), and IBM Records Manager database
On London, we install prerequisite software including the Content Manager V8
connector (CM connector) from Information Integrator for Content, WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging (WAS*), and a DB2 client. In
addition, we install Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE) and IBM Records
Manager Engine (IRM Engine).





Active Directory




IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 7-2 Sample environment after all software installation


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

7.3 Prerequisites
Four core components are involved in the e-mail archiving and records
management solution: Content Manager for Multiplatforms, CommonStore for
Exchange Server, IBM Records Manager, and Records Enabler for Content
Each core component has different prerequisites. We list what they are and their
version requirements. In addition, we explain why you should install the
prerequisite. Understanding this should help you when you build a system that
fulfills your business needs.

Prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3

Table 7-2 describes the prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3.
Table 7-2 Prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3



Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application

Resource Manager is a J2EE application,

thus needs WebSphere Application Server.



Library Server uses stored procedures and

needs a relational database (icmnlsdb).
Resource Manager stores metadata in a
relational database (rmdb).

DB2 Net Search



For full text search in Content Manager.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Prerequisites for CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3

Table 7-3 lists the prerequisites for CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3.
Table 7-3 Prerequisites for CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3



Reason why we need it

Information Integrator (II)

for Content - CM V8


The CommonStore agent needs the APIs

(connector) to communicate with the Content
Manager Library Server.

DB2 Runtime Client


If CommonStore for Exchange Server is not

on the same machine as the Content
Manager Library Server, the CM V8
connector (which is needed by the
CommonStore agent) needs the Library
Server database to be cataloged on the
machine where CommonStore is installed.
DB2 Runtime Client is thus needed. For ease
of installation, DB2 Administration Client is

Outlook client

and 2003

The CommonStore Task communicates with

the Exchange Server, so it needs the
Microsoft API (MAPI) and the Collaborative
Data Objects (CDO).

Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager V4.1.2

Table 7-4 describes the prerequisites for the Records Manager engine for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 7-4 Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager Engine V4.1.2




Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application

Resource Manager is a J2EE application,

thus needs WebSphere Application Server.

DB2 Runtime Client


The Records Manager Engine needs to

communicate with the Records Manager
database. If the Records Manager database
is installed on another machine, then the
machine with the Records Manager Engine
installed must have the database cataloged
on it, so it needs DB2 Runtime Client.
For ease of installation, DB2 Administration
Client is recommended.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 7-5 describes the prerequisites for the Records Manager database for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 7-5 Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager (Database) V4.1.2



Reason why we need it



The Records Manager database is a relational database.

The machine that installs the Records Manager
database needs to install DB2 server.

Prerequisites for Content Manager Records Enabler V8.3

Table 7-6 describes the prerequisites for the CMRE server, PermSync server,
and Host Interface server.
Table 7-6 Prerequisites for CMRE server, PermSync server, and Host Interface



Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application
Server with Embedded

CMRE server, PermSync server, and the Host

Interface require WebSphere Application
PermSync Server also needs WebSphere with
Embedded Messaging.

Information Integrator
(II) for Content - CM V8


All three components communicate with

Content Manager Library Server and therefore
need Content Manager APIs.

DB2 Runtime Client


The CM V8 connector communicates with the

Content Manager Library Server database. If
the Content Manager Library Server is
installed on another machine, then the
machine with these servers installed must
have the database cataloged on it; thus it
needs DB2 Runtime Client. For ease of
installation, DB2 Administration Client is

Table 7-7 describes the prerequisites for the Records Manager extension.
Table 7-7 Prerequisites for Records Manager Extension V8.3.0



Reason why we need it


The CMRE server, PermSync server, and the Host

Interface are WebSphere Application Server
applications. They need WebSphere Application
Server V5.1 with Fix Pack 1 and cumulative Fix 2.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


7.4 Prerequisite software installation

In this section, we describe the main steps for installing the basic software that
must go in prior to the installation of the main components of the e-mail archiving
and records management solution.
The prerequisite installations include:

DB2 server installation on page 215

DB2 Administration Client installation on page 217
WebSphere Application Server installation on page 217
Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation on page 220

Table 7-8 summarizes the prerequisites for each software product from 7.3,
Prerequisites on page 211. Note the following information:
DB2 client (runtime or administration) is needed for Records Manager (IRM)
engine, and DB2 server is required for Records Manager database if they are
installed on separate machines; otherwise, they need only DB2 server.
WebSphere Application Server with Embedded Messaging (WAS* in
Table 7-8) is required for Permission Synchronization server from CMRE.
DB2 Net Search Extender is required if you need full text search capabilities.
Table 7-8 Prerequisites requirement per software product




DB2 client




WAS* (PermSync svr)

DB2 client (engine)

DB2 (database)

II for Content CM V8 connector

II for Content CM V8 connector

Outlook client

For the sample environment that we described in 7.2, Introduction to the sample
environment on page 209, we install the following prerequisites on two servers:
DB2 Administration Client V8.2
Information Integrator for Content - Content Manager V8 connector
WebSphere Application Server (including Embedded Messaging) V5.1.1.2
DB2 server V8.2


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

DB2 Net Search Extender V8.2

WebSphere Application Server V5.1.1.2 (Embedded Messaging not

Note: We do not include all detailed steps of the installation in this section. We
recommend using the existing product manuals in conjunction with the
materials we present here for successful installations and configurations.

7.4.1 DB2 server installation

Content Manager and Records Manager use relational databases to store
content (objects and records) metadata and system configuration information.
You must install DB2 server to the machine (or machines) that will store Content
Manager databases and Records Manager databases.
The steps involved are summarized as follows:

Install DB2 server software.

Verify DB2 server installation.
Install DB2 Net Search Extender.
Install DB2 Fix Pack 8.

In our sample environment, both the Content Manager database and Records
Manager database are located on Charger. We choose to install the DB2 server
on this machine.

Installing DB2 server

To help your DB2 server installation process, Table 7-9 lists the input values we
used during the DB2 server installation for our sample environment. Replace our
sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 7-9 DB2 server installation input summary for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


DB2 Version


Content Manager V8.3 requires

at least DB2 V8.1.7.

Installation type




Installation directory


Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Required input field

Sample input value


DB2 Administration
server user ID


This Windows user ID is used by

the DB2 Administration server
(DAS) to log on to the system as
a service.

DB2 administration


This group is created

automatically. The name can not
be changed. Every user ID that
needs to be an DB2 administrator
has to be in this group.

DB2 instance


Verifying installation
To verify the DB2 server installation, create the sample database from the First
Step menu. Make sure that the sample database is created successfully and that
you can view the data.

Installing Net Search Extender

This is an optional step. If you need to use the full text search feature of Content
Manager, install the Net Search Extender before installing Content Manager.
After Content Manager is installed, you can activate the full text search feature.
Use the database administrative user ID (db2admin) to run the Net Search
Extender as a service.
In our sample environment, we choose not to configure for full text search.

Installing DB2 Fix Pack 8

After installing the DB2 server and the Net Search Extender, install the DB2 Fix
Pack 8. The Records Manager database requires DB2 V8.2 (which is equivalent
of V8.1.8) as a prerequisite.
See appropriate documentation for details of the steps to install the fix pack.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 7-10 on page 217 contains the key configuration input values to remember
after the DB2 server installation.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 7-10 Key information to remember after the DB2 server installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

DB2 Administration server user ID


DB2 administration group


DB2 database server host name

7.4.2 DB2 Administration Client installation

We recommend installing the Records Manager database and Records Manager
engine on two separate servers.
The Records Manager engine needs access to the Records Manager database.
If they are not installed on the same machine, the Records Manager database
has to be cataloged on the Records Manager engine machine. To catalog a
database, a DB2 Runtime Client is required.
In addition to installing DB2 client to the machine where the Records Manager
engine will run (if it and the Records Manager database are installed on separate
machines), you should install the DB2 client on the machine where you will run
Although the DB2 Runtime Client is the minimum requirement for both instances,
we recommend installing the DB2 Administration Client because it provides a
simple graphical user interface to catalog a database and other powerful DB2
tools to administer a remote database.
The installation process is straightforward and we do not cover it here.
In the sample environment, we install the Records Manager database on
Charger and the Records Manager engine on London; therefore, we install the
DB2 client on London.

7.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation

The three core components of the solution (Content Manager, Records Manager,
and Records Enabler) rely on WebSphere Application Server, so you must install
it on the machines where these products are installed.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Important: Before you continue, make sure that WebSphere Embedded

Messaging is installed on the server that runs the Records Enabler; otherwise,
you may encounter problems in future.
If the Embedded Messaging feature was not installed, you must deinstall
Content Manager, uninstall WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall
WebSphere Application Server, including the Embedded Messaging feature
(installed by default in the latest version), and then Content Manager again.
Do not take shortcuts or you may experience strange results.
The steps involved in WebSphere Application Server installation are summarized
as follows:
1. Install WebSphere Application Server software.
2. Verify installation.
3. Install Fix Pack 1 and any accumulative fix packs.
In the sample environment, we have to install WebSphere Application Server on
both Charger and London. We also must install Embedded Messaging on
London because Records Enabler will be installed on the machine.

Installing WebSphere Application Server software

To help your WebSphere Application Server installation process, Table 7-11
shows the input values we used during our installation on both servers. Replace
our sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 7-11 Installation input summary for the sample environment


Required input field

Sample input value

WebSphere Application
Server version


Installation type


Installation directory for

WebSphere Application



This includes Embedded

Messaging. This must be
installed on the machine that
will run the Records Manager
Note: Full installation includes
all of the sample applications,
and that may increase the
install time.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Required input field

Sample input value

Installation directory for



Installation directory for

Embedded Messaging
server and client


Node name

for Charger: charger

for London: london

Host name


We install WebSphere Application Server on both Charger

and London servers.

for Charger:
for London:

WebSphere Administrator
user ID


This is the Windows user ID

used to run the WebSphere

Verifying installation
To verify successful WebSphere Application Server installation, at the
WebSphere Application Server First Steps window, click Verify Installation.
The message Installation Verification is complete should show up.

Installing Fix Pack 1 and cumulative fixes

In order to fulfill the prerequisite, install Fix Pack 1 and the cumulative Fix 3.

Important: Before the installation, stop all WebSphere services (server1) as

well as the IBM HTTP Server.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 7-12 on page 220 contains the key configuration input values to remember
after the WebSphere Application Server installation.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-12 Key information to remember after the installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

WebSphere cell

for Charger: charger

for London: london

WebSphere node

for Charger: charger

for London: london

7.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation

Content Manager V8 connector (which comes with the Information Integrator for
Content) is a prerequisite for Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) and
CommonStore. Install the Content Manager V8 connector on both the
CommonStore machine and the Records Enabler machine if these products are
not installed on the same system where Content Manager is installed.
Content Manager V8 connector must be installed before CMRE installation.
We recommend installing Content Manager first before you install the connector
to any of the machines in question. This is because during the Content Manager
installation, many values necessary to configure the connector will be defined.
Although we describe the connector installation in this section, defer the
installation until the Content Manager installation is done as described in 7.5,
Content Manager installation and configuration on page 221.

Installing Content Manager V8 connector

To install Content Manager V8 connector, launch the Information Integrator for
Content installation process by selecting Connector Content Manager V8
Connector from the appropriate installation windows. Refer to the product
manual for specific installation instructions.
Table 7-13 on page 221 shows the input values we used during installation in our
sample environment. Replace our sample input values for your environment


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 7-13 CM V8 connector installation input for sample environment

Required input field

Sample input


Database server type

DB2 Universal

This is the database used by the

Content Manager System.

Library Server database


Library Server stores metadata in a

relational database. This value
specifies the name of the database.

Library server schema name


Authentication type


Connection user ID


A connection user ID that is used

for clients to connect to Library
Server database if they do not have
a valid database user ID.

Connection user ID password



7.5 Content Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Content Manager is
used as a repository for archived e-mail. When e-mail becomes records, it is still
stored in the Content Manager repository.
In this section, we describe the main steps involved in installing and configuring
Content Manager, a major component in the integrated solution:
1. Install Content Manager system.
2. Implement Windows service.
3. Verify installation.

Note: We do not include all of the detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In our sample environment, we install Content Manager on Charger.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Installing Content Manager system

We choose a typical Content Manager system installation here.

Attention: During a typical installation, full text search is not configured. If you
need the full text search feature, choose a custom installation.
Important: The installation directory that we used in the sample environment,
C:\IBM, is not the default installation directory. We used it to keep the PATH
system variable short and avoid potential problems with long PATH value.
Follow the product manual for detailed installation steps.
To help your installation process, Table 7-14 shows the input values we used
during our installation. Input fields are grouped by the input window. Replace our
sample input values as needed for your environment setup.
Table 7-14 Content Manager installation input values

Input window / field

Sample input value


Installation destination input window

Installation directory


Root directory of the Content Manager


Installation type input window

Installation type


Includes the HTTPs configuration for

Content Manager internal
If you need to configure full text search,
use custom installation type.

System information input window

host name

The servers fully qualified network


Library Server database input window

Library Server
database name



Library Server stores metadata in a

relational database. This value
specifies the name of the database.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Input window / field

Sample input value


Library Server
administration ID


This is the Content Manager

administrator ID. If it does not exist as a
Windows user ID, it will be created
during the installation and will be added
to the Windows Administrator group
with appropriate system rights.

Resource Manager database input window

Resource Manager
database name


Resource Manager stores information

about the saved documents (such as
location on a disk) in a relational
database. This value specifies the
name of that database.

Resource Manager


This is the Resource Manager

administrator ID. If it does not exist as a
Windows user ID, it will be created
during the installation and will be added
to the Windows Administrator group
with appropriate system rights.

Resource Manager
volume mounting


This is the partition on which Resource

Manager stores the archived
documents. During a typical installation,
the directory staging is used as a cache
area for documents retrieved from a
connected Tivoli Storage Manager

Resource Manager application input window

Application server
node name


Resource Manager is a J2EE application. This value specifies on which node

the application is deployed and a new
WebSphere Application Server is created. During a typical installation, a new
server called icmrm is installed. The application running in this server is deployed as icmrm.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Implementing Windows service

We recommend setting the Resource Manager application, a WebSphere
Application Server, as a Windows service for ease of management.
To install a WebSphere Application Server as a Windows Service, use the
following command:
wasservice -add <Windows Service Name> -serverName <WebSphere Server>

For our sample environment, we use the following command to implement the
Windows service:
wasservice -add ResourceManager -serverName icmrm

7.5.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 7-3 shows our sample environment after the prerequisites and Content
Manager are installed.






Active Directory


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 7-3 Sample environment after Content Manager is installed

At the end of the installation, an installation validation utility runs. You should see
the following message, which indicates a successful installation:
Product validation completed with no detected configuration errors.

In addition to this message, perform the following steps to ensure that you
installed Content Manager successfully:
1. Launch the system administration client that is automatically installed on the
Content Manager server. In our scenario, we launch system administration
client from Charger.
2. Log on to the Content Manager system using the administrative user ID. In
our scenario, we use icmadmin.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

3. Open the Resource Manager configuration.

4. If the Resource Manager configuration is available, the communication with
the Resource Manager is set up properly.
Perform the following steps as the final test of a successful installation:
1. Install a Content Manager Windows client on the Content Manager server.
This is the fastest way to configure the client. In our scenario, we install the
client on Charger.
2. Launch the Content Manager Windows client.
3. Import a text file into the NOINDEX class of type text.
Retrieve the document immediately afterward. Make sure that you can retrieve it,
open it, and view it on the screen.

7.5.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 7-15 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 7-15 Key information to remember after Content Manager installation

Configuration data

Sample input value


Content Manager
administrator user ID


The administrative user ID

for the Content Manager

Connection user ID


A connection user ID that is

used for clients to connect to
Library Server database if
they do not have a valid
database user ID.

Content Manager server

host name


Fully qualified host name of

the server that is running the
Content Manager Library

Library Server database


The name of the Library

Server database. Every
remote client has to catalog
this database before being
able to access it.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


7.6 CommonStore (CSX) installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, CommonStore is used
to archive e-mail from mail databases to the Content Manager repository. It also
provides a user interface to declare e-mail as records if manual records
declaration and classification is allowed.
The steps involved include:
1. Install CommonStore for Exchange Server.
2. Configure Content Manager:
a. Create the appropriate attributes and item type.
b. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID.
3. Configure the ArchPro environment:
a. Set Content Manager connector environment.
b. Create archint.ini.
4. Start ArchPro:
a. Submit license.
b. Save password for Content Manager user ID.
c. Start ArchPro.
5. Prepare the task environment:

Create Windows/Exchange user ID.

Configure Outlook on the CommonStore machine.
Install Active Directory Extension.
Add forms and public folders to the Exchange system.

6. Configure the CommonStore Task:


Set general properties.

Define content type mappings.
Configure search server.
Configure task.
Configure archive.
Assign policy to user.

7. Start CSX Task.

8. Implement Windows Services.
9. Installing the CommonStore Outlook Extension.
Features such as full text search and single instance store are not covered. Refer
to IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server: Administration and Users
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6741, to set up those features.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Note: We do not include detailed steps of the installation in this section. We

recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with the
materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install CommonStore on Charger.

Step 1: Installing CommonStore for Exchange Server

Select a complete installation. This installs all server components (ArchPro
Server, CSX Task, Search Server), the CSX System Manager, and the tools
required for setup (Directory Extension Tool, Forms and Public Folders) on the
For production, we recommend installing and using the CSX System Manager
from a different machine because both the CSX Task and the CSX System
Manager use a MAPI session. (Using two MAPI sessions on one machine
simultaneously can result in negative effects.) For the first configuration of the
system, however, the CSX System Manager can be used on the CommonStore
machine. In the sample environment, the CSX System Manager is installed on
Charger (CommonStore machine) and also on Watson (client machine) for later
Table 7-16 shows the input value we used during installation in our sample
environment. Replace our sample value according to your environment setup.
Table 7-16 CommonStore installation input for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


Installation directory


The installation directory in this

sample environment is different
from the standard installation
directory. The only reason for that
is to have an easier way to manage
Path and Classpath variable.

Step 2: Configuring Content Manager

Log on to the Content Manager System Administrator using your Content
Manager Administrator ID. In the sample environment, the Administrator user ID
is icmadmin (created during Content Manager installation; see Table 7-15 on
page 225).
Perform the following steps when you are in the system administration client:
1. Create the appropriate attributes and item type (CSXMail).
2. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID (CSX).

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Creating the appropriate attributes and item type (CSXMail)

Attributes are used to store metadata. In an e-mail environment, the Exchange
fields (such as Subject or Sender) are mapped through CommonStore to
Content Manager attributes.
To create the new attributes:
1. Select Data Modeling Attributes.
2. Right-click New. Enter the appropriate information, and click Save.
BCC are mandatory and must be created.
Other attributes can be created in order to map additional Exchange fields to
Content Manager attributes.
Table 7-17 lists the attributes used in the sample environment.
Table 7-17 Content Manager attributes used in the sample environment




Attribute type

Character type




Var. char.


1 ... 256


















Var. char.


0 ... max.



Var. char.


0 ... 254



Var. char.


0 ... 100



Var. char.


0 ... max.



Var. char.


0 .... max.



Time stamp





Time stamp



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Note: The CSORIGINATOR field holds the name of the mailbox or public
folder where the message was archived from. For example, the
CSORIGINATOR for a mailbox might be:

Important: The CSORIGINATOR for a public folder might be longer than 256
characters. If you plan to archive content in existing public folders, you might
need to create a Content Manager attribute longer than 256 characters for
CSORIGINATOR. An example CSORIGINATOR for a public folder could be:

While CSCDISIS identifies the message archived (Document Identifier) along

with the attributes common for all instances, CSCRISIS (Record Identifier)
identifies the specific instance of that message. This instance holds the attributes
To create the new item type, CSXMail:
1. Select Data Modeling Item types.
2. Right-click New.
3. Enter CSXMail as the name of the item type.
4. Click the Attributes tab, select the following attributes, and assign them to the
item type:

5. For single-instance store, create a child component, CSXMailChild, and add

the following attributes to this child component:

Table 7-18 on page 230 shows the input values we used to create the
CSXMail item type in the sample environment.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-18 Item type CSXMail, created in the sample environment

tab / field

Sample input value




You can enter any name for the item type.

The CommonStore configuration file
(archint.ini) refers to this name.

Text search


Text search is not configured during this

To enable full text search, make sure to
follow the instructions in the CommonStore
document Text Search Configuration for IBM
DB2 Content Manager V8, sections
Creating a text-searchable MIME type and
Creating a text-searchable item type.


Access Control List

Item Type
access control


To make the integration with Records

Manager fully functional, Public Read
Access is necessary.

Check ACL at

on Item level

An access control list is applied to every

document inserted to this item type.



In a single instance store environment, two

messages will be regarded as being the
same e-mail if the value of the CSCDISIS
attribute is identical. This will be true if both
messages have the same message ID, the
messages were not modified, and they have
been archived with the same archiving type.



One Content Manager item can have

multiple children. In an single instance store
environment, child components are used to
store those attributes that might be different
for every e-mail, even though the content of
the e-mail might be the same.
Note: The name of a child component must
be unique within a Content Manager system.
This name will be used to configure the
CommonStore ArchPro archint.ini file.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

tab / field

Sample input value


Attributes for


These attributes (or mapped Exchange

fields) can be different per e-mail, even
though the rest of the e-mail is the same.
The attribute CSCRISIS identifies the record
and is unique. The CSORIGINATOR
identifies the mailbox the message was in.
The BCC field will contain a value only if an
e-mail with a BCC recipient was archived
from the Sent Items folder of the Sender.

Document Management
Document part


Only this document part is needed as no text

search is configured. In case of text search,
the ICMBASETEXT would be necessary.

Creating the Content Manager user ID (CSX)

CommonStore uses a Content Manager ID to communicate with the Content
Manager system. This user ID needs access to the e-mail stored in the CSXMail
item type.
To create a new Content Manager user ID:
1. Select Authentication Users.
2. Right-click New.
3. Enter CSX as the user name and appropriate values. Click Save.
Table 7-19 shows the input values we used to create the Content Manager
user ID in the sample environment.
Table 7-19 Content Manager user ID CSX, created in the sample environment

Configuration field

Sample input



You can enter any name for the user.

The CommonStore configuration file
(archint.ini) refers to this name.

Define Users


During startup of the CommonStore

Server (ArchPro), this password has to
be provided so that the ArchPro can
use the ID to log on to the Content
Manager system.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Password expiration

Never expires

To ensure that the CommonStore will

start up correctly, make sure that the
password never expires. If the
password can expire, CommonStore
startup will fail if the Content Manager
requests a password change.

Maximum privilege set


The Content Manager used ID used by

CommonStore has to be a Super User,
which is necessary for the Records
solution. Therefore, it is necessary to
assign the AllPrivs privilege set.


It is necessary to provide an ACL in

this field; otherwise, the user ID cannot
be created. However, this ACL is used
only if, during an item type creation,
the field Users default ACL is chosen
to be the ACL that defines the ACL to
be set for items stored in the item type.

Set Defaults
Default item access
control list

Tip: To make sure that the Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore
can access the Content Manager system, install a Content Manager Windows
client on the CommonStore Server. Use this client to log on to the Content
Manager using the ID (CSX) created to be used by CommonStore. Try to
import a document (for example, a text file) to the newly created item type.

Step 3: Configuring ArchPro environment

To configure ArchPro environment:
1. Set the Content Manager connector environment.
2. Create an archint.ini file.

Setting the Content Manager connector environment

To apply the correct environment settings for the Content Manager V8 connector,
run a batch program called Agentenv_CM8.bat. This program is delivered with
CommonStore and it can be found in the bin directory of the CommonStore
installation directory.
Run Agentenv_CM8.bat from a Windows command prompt as follows:
1. Open a Windows command prompt.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

2. Change to the bin directory.

In our sample environment, it is C:\IBM\CSX\bin, where C:\IBM\CSX is the
chosen installation directory (see Step 1: Installing CommonStore for
Exchange Server on page 227).
3. Run Agentenv_CM8.bat.

Creating archint.ini file

The archint.ini file configures the ArchPro Server. It defines whether logging and
tracing are activated, and defines logical archives, which point to a specific
Content Manager server including the item type that is used.
To create a server configuration profile, archint.ini, follow these steps:
1. Open the sample profile archint_sample_cm8.ini in an editor. This file resides
in the instance directory of the CommonStore installation directory:
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSX\Server\instance01
2. Save the file as archint.ini in the same directory.

Important: Make sure the file is saved as archint.ini and not as

3. Use the search function of your editor to locate the following section:


Following the sample environment, configure the logical archive as listed in

Table 7-20 on page 234.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-20


Input values for archint.ini file in the sample environment


Sample input




You can enter any name for the logical archive

that will be used by CommonStore Task. A Task is
not aware of a Library Server or an item type but
only of the logical archive name.
ArchPro defines logical archives in order to make
it transparent for a Task on which archive system
(Content Manager, Content Manager
OnDemand, Tivoli Storage Manager) is used. The
Task only refers to the logical archive or archives.



ArchPro supports various archive systems in

addition to Content Manager. The value CM used
here specifies that the archive is a Content
Manager system.



The name of the Content Manager Library Server

in which the Item type is created. If the Content
Manager is running on a different system than the
CommonStore Server, this is the name under
which the remote database is cataloged on the
CommonStore system. In the sample
environment, the Content Manager is installed on
the same system and therefore it is not necessary
to catalog the database. The name of the
database is configured during the Content
Manager installation; see 7.5.2, Key information
to remember on page 225.



The item type used to archive e-mail; created in

step 2b of 7.6, CommonStore (CSX) installation
and configuration on page 226.



Content Manager user ID that is used by

CommonStore to communicate with the archive
system. This ID was created in step 2b of 7.6,
CommonStore (CSX) installation and
configuration on page 226.



This specifies how documents are stored within

the Content Manager. This is relevant if
Component Archiving is selected for e-mail
archiving. In this case, the e-mail gets separated
from its attachment. Every component (e-mail
and every attachment) is stored as a separate
document within Content Manager if

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Sample input




To enable single-instance store functionality in

your archive, add this line. This value has to be
exactly the same as the one defined in Step 2:
Configuring Content Manager on page 227.

After changing the values, the logical archive section of the archint.ini file
should look like this:


4. Save the changes.

Step 4: Starting ArchPro

To start ArchPro, you need to:
1. Submit license.
2. Save password for Content Manager user ID.
3. Start ArchPro.

Submitting license
To submit license, perform the following steps:
1. Open a Windows command prompt.
2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSX installation path:
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01
3. Enroll a CommonStore license by entering the following command:
archpro -f license

4. The location of the license file is requested. Provide the full path including the
file name:

Important: If you skip this step, a Try and Buy licence will be installed and
it will expire after 90 days. After the 90-day period, the CommonStore
Server will not start.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Saving a password for Content Manager user ID

To save a password for the Content Manager user ID:
1. Open a Windows command prompt (if not already open).
2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSX installation path.
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01
3. Set the password for the CSX item type (CSXMail), created in step 2a of 7.6,
CommonStore (CSX) installation and configuration on page 226, by
entering the following command:
archpro -f serverpasswd

The password for the Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore

(which is defined in the archint.ini and created in Creating the Content
Manager user ID (CSX) on page 231) is requested.
4. Enter the password and press Enter.

Important: If this command is not issued from the instance directory, it is

necessary to point to the archint.ini file to be used. To do so, include the -i
parameter as follows:
archpro -f serverpasswd -i <path to archint.ini file>

If the archpro command is issued without the -i parameter, then ArchPro

searches in the starting directory for the archint.ini file. If no file can be found,
the startup will fail.

Important: If the password of the Content Manager user ID used by

CommonStore is changed, it is necessary to run the archpro -f
serverpasswd command again to provide the new password to ArchPro.

Starting ArchPro
To start ArchPro, perform the following steps:
1. Open a Windows command prompt (if not already open).
2. Change to the instance01 subdirectory of the CSX installation path.
Instance Directory: C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01
3. Start the CommonStore Server by entering the archpro command.
Example 7-1 on page 237 shows the messages displayed during archpro


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Example 7-1 ArchPro startup messages

* IBM DB2 CommonStore - Server
* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1997, 2004 All Rights Reserved. *
* Build,
Compiled at Mar 9 2005.
CSS0030I: ArchPro is using INI file 'C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\archint.ini'.
CSS0910I: Trying to get a LUM Production License for IBM DB2 CommonStore for
Exchange Server
Got a Production License for
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server
CSS0158I: ArchPro 3464 started on UNICODE Port 4336.
CSS0157I: ArchPro 3464 is waiting for external connections on fixed port 8013.
CSS0100I: IBM Content Manager CommonStore HTTP Task
CSS0333I: ArchPro is informed that Web dispatcher 'HTTP_TASK_1' has started and
is ready (socket 1840).
CSA0100I: IBM Content Manager CommonStore Agent for Content Manager
CSS0010I: HTTP WORKER #0: has been initialized and started
CSS0001I: HTTP_TASK_1: successfully started, ready to process jobs
CSS0330I: ArchPro is informed that CM agent 'CM-AGENT_1' has started (socket
CSS0010I: HTTP LISTENER : has been initialized and started
CSS0103I: HTTP LISTENER : listens for HTTP requests on port 8085
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\IBM\CSX\Search
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
CSA0300I: Connection for repository 'CSXMAIL' on server 'charger' with item typ
e 'CSXMail' for user 'icmadmin' OK
CSA0001I: CM-AGENT_1: successfully started, ready to process jobs
ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.CSS0325I: ArchPro
is informed that Agent 3480 is ready to obtain order.
CSS0166I: ArchPro is fully initialized. Queue processing is enabled now.
CSA0010I: CM-AGENT WORKER #0: has been initialized and started
CSA0010I: CM-AGENT WORKER #1: has been initialized and started
ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 3848

The message prefix (the first three characters of the message) identifies the
component generating the message. The following mappings apply:


CommonStore Server (ArchPro)

CM8 agent
Search server

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


The CommonStore Server has completed initialization when the following

message is displayed:
Archpro is fully initialized. Queue processing is enabled now.

The search server is ready for processing when this message is displayed:
Server server1 open for e-Business;

Step 5: Preparing the task environment

To prepare for the task environment:
1. Create a Windows/Exchange user ID (CSX Admin).
2. Configure Outlook on the CommonStore machine.
3. Install Active Directory Extension.
4. Add forms and public folders to the Exchange system.

Creating a Windows/Exchange user ID (CSX Admin)

We recommend creating a user ID that is specifically used for CSX. In the
context of this book, the user CSX Admin with ID csxadmin is used.
To create a Windows/Exchange user ID:
1. Log on to the Exchange server using an administrative user ID.
2. Select Start Settings Control Panel Administrative Tools
Active Directory Users and Computers.
3. Right-click Users and select New User from the context menu.
4. Create the user ID as shown in Table 7-21.
Table 7-21 Input value for user CSX Admin

Configuration field

Sample input


First Screen


First Name


Last Name


User logon name


This user ID will be used by the

CommonStore Task to log on to the
Exchange server. This ID needs the
appropriate access rights in order to
access the e-mail stores.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Second Screen

Password never

This password has to be provided during

the CommonStore Task startup so that
the Task can use the ID to log on to the
Exchange system.

To ensure that the CommonStore Task

(CSX) will start up correctly, make sure
that the password never expires. If the
password can expire, the CommonStore
Task start up will fail if the password
change is requested.

Third Screen
Create an Exchange




The fields User logon name and Alias

must have the same values.
Normally, the user logon name is
taken as the alias by default.


Redbook/ First

In the Server field, make sure to select an

Exchange server that will be serviced by
the CSX Task.

Add the user ID csxadmin to the following groups:

Domain Admins
Schema Admins
To add csxadmin to a group:
1. Select Start Settings Control Panel Administrative Tools
Active Directory Users and Computers Users.
2. Right-click CSX Admin and select Properties Member Of Add.
We recommend also creating a test user to verify your setup. Create the user
Test User with ID testuser with a mailbox on the same Exchange server.

Configure Outlook on the CommonStore machine

Refer to the Outlook manual for the installation and configuration.
When installing Outlook, be sure to select to have the Collaborative Data Objects
(CDO) be installed.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Install the Active Directory Extension

The CommonStore Task stores the configuration data within the Active Directory.
Before this can be done, the logical structure to store this information must be
defined within the Active Directory. The installation of the CommonStore Active
Directory Extension creates this logical structure.

Attention: On Windows 2000 or Windows XP, make sure that schema

modifications are allowed on the domain controller:

Select Start Run, and enter MMC.

Select File Add/Remove Snap-in.
Click Add.
Select Active Directory-Schema and click Add.
Click Close and then OK.
Select Active Directory Schema Operations Master.
Check The schema may be modified on this domain controller.

Although this step can be performed on another workstation, we recommend

doing this on the domain controller with the user ID csxadmin. In the sample
environment, Brighton is the domain controller, so we performed this installation
on Brighton. The CommonStore Directory Extension Tool (included in the
CommonStore installation) is installed on Brighton.
To install Active Directory Extension:
1. Start a Windows command prompt.
2. Run the following scripts:
This extends the Active Directory schema with CSX configuration objects.
This creates a node in the Active Directory to hold CSX configuration data.
This verifies that the Active Directory Extension has been configured
For detailed step-by-step instructions, refer to the CSX book section Extending
the Active Directory schema.
If the Active Directory Schema Extension installation is successfully finished, the
configuration data of the CommonStore Task can now be stored in the Active
Directory using the CommonStore System Manager. The CommonStore Task


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

configuration is done in Step 6: Configuring the CommonStore Task on

page 244.

Attention: On Windows 2000 or Windows XP, make sure that schema

modifications are not allowed on the domain controller:

Select Start Run, and enter MMC.

Select File Add/Remove Snap-in.
Click Add.
Select Active Directory-Schema and click Add.
Click Close and then OK.
Select Active Directory Schema Operations Master.
Uncheck The schema may be modified on this domain controller.

Adding forms and public folders to the Exchange system

In an Exchange environment, forms are needed to display objects. For example,
the form IPM.Note is used to display e-mail. The CommonStore Task uses Job
documents to communicate with the CommonStore Outlook Extension. The job
documents are stored in a public folder and also require a form to be displayed.
To add the necessary forms:
1. Create the Organizational Forms Library.
CSX form templates are registered in the Organizational Forms Library. This
is a public folder. If there is no Organizational Forms Library on the Exchange
server, create one by following the instructions in the CSX book section:

Configuring the Exchange Organization Setting up an Organizational

Forms Library Creating an Organizational Forms Library for CSX
Note: If the entry EFORMS REGISTRY is not visible, make sure that you
have installed the latest Exchange Server fix pack.
2. Add forms and public folders to your Exchange system.
To add the CSX forms to your Organizational Forms Library and create public
folders required by CSX:
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Execute the command InstallCSXFormsAndFolders.bat using the profile
of the CSX Task and administration user.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Note: If you see the error message ActiveX object could not be created
is displayed, make sure that the Collaborative Data Objects (CDO) are
installed. This component is shipped with Outlook, but not installed by
default.You can call the Outlook setup program from the Add/Remove
Programs window to add this feature.
After successful completion, the following folders are available:
This folder contains configuration information. It is updated by the CSX
System Administration program and read by all CSX clients.
...\CommonStore\Job Folders
Individual subfolders of this folder contain CSX client requests for
interactive archiving and retrieval. All CSX clients must have write access
to these folders.
This folder is used only for PST file archiving.
3. Grant user access to the public folders.
To grant access to the public folders created during the installation of the form
templates, use the Exchange System Manager. As each CommonStore
installation is different, this section can give only some recommendations.
The overall aim is to prevent ordinary users from damaging the existing
configuration. See the following list:
Only the administrator should be the owner of the public folders. Other
users should have limited rights.
User IDs that are authorized to create and modify Task Administration
Data objects in the CSX System Manager must also have owner rights for
the public folder CommonStore\Configuration. Other users should have
only read access to this folder. We recommend that you create special
user IDs just for administration tasks.
As the administrator, grant other users only reviewer rights to the public
folder CommonStore so that these users cannot create or delete folders
and items.
Grant read access to the public folder Configuration, which is a subfolder
of the CommonStore folder. The CSX Client Components must be able to
read the content of the mapping items therein, which is why the users
need read access. Not extending this right any further prevents users from
changing or deleting items in this folder.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

For the same reason, grant users only read access to the public folder
named Job Folders.
Users must be able to write to the subfolders of Job Folders because this
is part of the job creation process. The subfolders are created at a later
point in time, when you configure CSX Task instances in the CSX System
Manager. The subfolders are actually the job folders for the interactive job
documents of each individual CSX Task instance. It is possible that users
need the right to delete items in these subfolders. However, you should not
allow them to delete items in job folders belonging to other task instances.
Restrict the write access of users to the job folder that belongs to the CSX
Task instance assigned to their mail boxes.
Make sure that the user who starts a particular CSX Task instance has
owner rights for all subfolders in the Job Folders folder of this instance.
Users need access to the transfer folder. Change the permissions for the
new public folder CommonStoreTransferFolder by following these steps:
i. Open Outlook with the user ID that you used to create the
CommonStore folders. In the folder list, select Public Folders All
Public Folders CommonStoreTransferFolder.
ii. Right-click that folder and select Properties.
iii. In the CommonStoreTransferFolder Properties notebook, select the
Permissions tab.
iv. Select the name Default. The following settings must be applied:
Create items - not set
Read items - not set
Create subfolders - set
Folder owner - not set
Folder visible - set

v. Select Own in the Edit items section, select Own in the Delete items
section, select the name Anonymous, and select None from the Roles
drop-down list in the Permissions section.
vi. Click OK to close the CommonStoreTransferFolder properties

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Step 6: Configuring the CommonStore Task

To configure the CommonStore Task, log on to the CSX System Manager using
the administrative ID created in Step 5: Preparing the task environment on
page 238. Go to Start Programs IBM DB2 CommonStore Exchange
Server System Manager, and complete the following steps:

Set general properties.

Define content type mapping.
Configure search server.
Configure task.
Configure archive.
Define archive policy.
Assign policy to users.

Setting general properties

The general properties are used to specify how the CommonStore Task is
working if no other policies are assigned to a user or no content type mapping is
found for a certain document.
CommonStore uses content type mappings to map extensions of archived
attachments to a Content Manager content type (for example, the doc extension
is mapped to application/msword). This content type information is stored in the
archive. If the content type is incorrect, the attachment may not be displayed
correctly. It is therefore very important to define the correct content types.
If no content type is associated to an extension, the default setting for content
type is used. We recommend leaving the Content type field empty until you get
used to the behavior of CommonStore and you are sure that all file extensions
used in your organization are mapped to a content type.
If an attachment is archived and no content type is mapped for the extension, the
default setting is used. If no default setting exists for that extension, CSX
generates a warning message, but archives the attachment anyway.
To allow the browser to display those files, add the following lines to the file

Note: If you use a default setting for the content type, make sure that this type
follows the MIME type syntax (for example, application/UNKNOWN). Using
this approach, some browsers may still be able to display the content correctly.
Use the values in Table 7-22 on page 245 as guidance to set the properties for
the CommonStore Task.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 7-22 CommonStore Task properties setting


Sample input



Specifies which archiving policy is used by

default if no archiving policy is assigned to a
user. To avoid unexpected side effect sat the
beginning, the parameter is set to none.

Archiving policy

Mailbox threshold

Specifies the size of a mailbox in

megabytes. Only mailboxes bigger than this
threshold will be archived.

Content type

If no content type mapping exists for an

extension and this parameter is not set, a
warning message is generated when

Tasks refresh every


Specifies the time in seconds the Task waits

before it reads the configuration from the
Active Directory again, after it is started.


Specifies how often the default restubbing

process is used. To avoid unexpected side
effects, the value is set to never, so that the
general restubbing will never take place.

Restubbing Schedule

Defining content type mappings

As mentioned earlier, CommonStore uses content type mappings to map
extensions of archived attachments to a Content Manager MIME type (formerly
content types), for example, the extension doc is mapped to application/msword.
This MIME type information is stored in the archive. If the MIME type is incorrect,
the attachment may not be displayed correctly. It is important to define correct
content types mappings.
If no content type mapping is specified for a document with a certain extension
and no default mapping is defined in the General Properties, the archiving of this
document will fail.
To add a new content type mapping:
1. Right-click Content Type Mapping Add new content type mapping.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


2. For every content type mapping, a file extension and a Content Manager
content type (MIME type in Content Manager system administration client)
has to be provided.
Create the content type mappings as specified in Table 7-23.
Table 7-23 Content type mapping

File extension

Content type




Entire messages are archived using the

MSG-format. A mapping for this
extension is mandatory.



The doc extension is used as an

example for many other possible

Attention: Make sure the provided content type is spelled exactly the same as
the MIME type configuration within Content Manager.
To check the correct MIME type:
1. Log on to the Content Manager system administration client.
2. Go to Data Modeling MIME Types.
3. Double-click the MIME Type to be checked.
The value MIME Type has to be the same as the one used for the content type
value in the CommonStore configuration.
There is no MIME type for the MSG format within the Content Manager system.
The appropriate MIME type has to be created.
To create the correct MIME Type in the Content Manager system:
1. Log on to the Content Manager system administration client.
2. Go to Data Modeling.
3. Right-click MIME Types and select New from the context menu.
4. The value for the MIME type can be chosen. It has to follow the syntax of
value/value, for example: application/outlook.

Configuring search server

To enable Outlook users to search for archived messages from their Outlook
clients, you must specify certain configuration parameters. These parameters are
stored in search configuration objects in the CSX System Manager so that they
can be reused.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

On the Privileged User page, special users can be granted the right to search for
messages that were archived by other users.
Table 7-24 lists the values we used to configure the search server. Substitute the
sample input values with values that are specific to your environment.
Table 7-24 Search server configuration


Sample input




This is the name for the search configuration

profile. You can use any name you want. This
name will be selected during the Task
Administration Data setup.

Host name


The host name of the server that runs the

CommonStore Server.

Port number


Specifies the port the search server is using.

CSX Admin

List of users with access to all archived

documents using the CommonStore search.


Privileged User

Configuring task
Table 7-25 on page 248 shows the values we used to configure the task. Replace
our values with the ones suitable for your environment.

Important: The value entered in the Fixed port field must be identical to the
ARCHPRO_PORT value in the CommonStore Server configuration file
While socket communication is used to handle all requests, the file transfer
from the CSX Task to the CommonStore Server and vice versa is done using a
shared directory. The Transfer path field must address the same directory as
the TRANSFERPATH value in the CommonStore Server configuration file

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-25 Task configuration


Sample input


Task name


This is the name for the CommonStore Task.

You can use any name for this. This name will be
used during the Task startup.


CSX Admin

A list of user IDs that are notified in case of an


Worker count

Number of Worker threads. This number should

be equal to the number of Committer threads. A
higher number of threads results in a higher
throughput. However, an unlimited increase of
this number will not result in better performance,
since the ArchPro server will be the bottleneck.
Using three threads per instance is a
well-known configuration.

Committer count

Number of Committer threads. This number

should be equal to the number of Worker
threads. See description above.

External port


Specifies the port the CSX Task is using for


Trace file name


Error file name


Log directory




Specifies the search configuration profile

defined in Configuring search server on
page 246.

Records Enabler


This value will be set after the Records Manager





E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Sample input




For testing purpose, tracing should be activated.

As soon as the system is fully configured and
running without any errors, this should be

CommonStore Server
Host name


Host name of the CommonStore Server

(ArchPro) machine.

Fixed port


Specifies the port on which the CommonStore

Server (ArchPro) is listening for tasks. This port
is specified in the archint.ini file with the
parameter ARCHPRO_PORT.

Transfer path


Specifies the directory where the Task and the

ArchPro exchange their files. The ArchPro
reads this information from the archint.ini. The
entry in the archint.ini and this entry have to be
the same. TRANSFERPATH is the parameter in
the archint.ini.

Job folder name


A public folder that has to be created (using the

New button within the CSX System Manager).
This folder is used to store job documents
during manual archiving and declaration.

Exchange server
(or servers)
serviced by this


Name of the exchange server that will be

serviced by this task. One task could handle
more than one Exchange server.

Exchange Server

Configuring archive
The archive refers to the logical archive defined in the archint.ini. (See Step 3:
Configuring ArchPro environment on page 232.) This definition is used during
the archiving policy definition.
For every archive, an attribute mapping has to be defined. An archive mapping
specifies which Outlook/Exchange property is mapped to which Content
Manager attribute. None of these mappings are mandatory but can be chosen.
However, we recommend creating at least some standard mappings in order to
be able to provide an attribute-based search (such as list all e-mail with
CommonStore in the subject) for the e-mail user.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-26 shows the values we used to configure the archive. Replace sample
input values to suit your environment and business needs.
Table 7-26 Archive configuration

Configuration field

Sample input


Archive id


Name of the logical archive defined in the

archint.ini. See Step 3: Configuring
ArchPro environment on page 232. This
value is case sensitive.

Archive type

Manager 8

Specifies the archiving type. CommonStore

supports three archive systems: Content
Manager, Content Manager OnDemand,
and Tivoli Storage Manager.


Property Mapping
Mapping list

Contains the property / attribute mapping.

Subject -> SUBJECT

Sender -> SENDER
To -> TO
Cc -> CC
Creation Time -> DATE_TIME_C
Last Modification Time ->

The left side contains the

Outlook/Exchange properties. The right
side contains the Content Manager
attributes as defined in Step 2: Configuring
Content Manager on page 227.

Note: The pseudo property _CSX_MESSAGE_LOCATION is not a property

defined in Exchange. It is computed by CSX and reflects the name of the
folder the message is stored in. This property can also be mapped to an
attribute in the archive. It can be used as a condition in an archiving policy.

Defining archive policy

Table 7-27 on page 251 specifies the archive policy we defined. Replace sample
input values with ones that are suitable for your environment and business


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 7-27 Archive policy sample

Configuration field

Sample input


Policy Name


You can use any name that is descriptive to

the policy.

Restubbing on


Specifies whether the retrieved e-mail is


Restubbing time


Specifies the time in hours after the retrieve

that a restubbing of an e-mail takes place.


The CommonStore Task applies this rule

when checking for e-mail.


Archiving Schedule
Automatic Rules
In the sample environment, no automatic archiving is configured.
Interactive Rules
Message Class


Rules are based on Message classes. Must

list every Message class this rule should
apply to.

Archiving Type


The entire e-mail is stored in the archive.

Other options are Attachment (only the
Attachment is stored in the archive) and
Component (attachments and body are
stored as separate objects).

Deletion Type


The deletion type specifies what part of an

e-mail gets deleted within Exchange.
Deleting the body will result in the smallest
stub. However, it is possible only to delete
the attachments (even though the entire
message is archived) to leave more
information in the stub document.



Specifies the name of the logical archive

that is registered under Configuring
archive on page 249.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Configuration field

Sample input


Use archiving type

and deletion type
provided by the


Specifies that the client can override the

rules. For example, if the rule defines
Entire/Body (Archiving type/Deletion type)
archiving, the client can archive an e-mail
with Entire/Attachment.
If this check box is not selected, only the
specified archiving method is allowed.

Assigning a policy to a user

Every user has to have a policy assigned to it. If no policy is assigned, the user
cannot archive e-mail automatically or interactively. If only a policy with an
automatic rule is applied, the user will not be able to archive e-mail interactively.
To assign the Interactive Archiving policy created earlier to the user Test User:
1. Go to Policies for Mailboxes Users.
2. Right-click Test User and select Properties from the context menu.
3. Select Archiving Policy, and select Interactive Archiving.

Step 7: Start CSX Task

Log on to the CSX Task workstation with user csxadmin and complete the
following steps to start the CSX Task:
1. Open a Windows command prompt.
2. Start the CSX Task by executing the command:
csx task_brighton

The CSX Task reads the configuration data from the Active Directory, where it
is stored by the CSX System Manager. It then creates an Outlook profile and
logs on to the Exchange Server. The crawler thread is responsible for
automatic archiving and declaring according to the automatic rules in the
mailbox policies. The crawler thread is also responsible for restubbing. The
polling thread handles interactive requests.
Example 7-2 shows sample output from the CSX Task initialization to the console.
Example 7-2 CSX Task initialization sample output
C:\IBM\CSX\bin>csx task_brighton
CJS0000I: CSX J/Starter


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

* IBM*
* DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server - Task
* Version build: 20050309
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* 5724-B85
* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2005.
* All Rights Reserved.
* * Trademark of International Business Machines
[11:50:24] task_brighton: No property file found for task: 'task_brighton'
[11:50:24] CSX0010I: CSX COMMITTER #2: has been initialized and started
[11:50:24] CSX0010I: CSX COMMITTER #1: has been initialized and started
[11:50:24] CSX0010I: CSX COMMITTER #0: has been initialized and started
[11:50:26] CSX0010I: CSX WORKER
#0: has been initialized and started
[11:50:26] CSX0010I: CSX WORKER
#1: has been initialized and started
[11:50:26] CSX0010I: CSX WORKER
#2: has been initialized and started
[11:50:26] CSX0010I: CSX POLLER
: has been initialized and started
[11:50:26] CSX0001I: task_brighton: successfully started, ready to process jobs
[11:50:26] CSX0010I: CSX CRAWLER has been
initialized and started

The line task_brighton: successfully started, ready to process jobs shows

that the CommonStore Task is started successfully.

Step 8: Implementing Windows Services

CommonStore provides the possibility to run all components (ArchPro, tasks) as
Windows services. To implement a component as a service, it must be installed
as a service using the archservice program that ships with CommonStore.
The archservice program needs an INI file to install a program as a service. The
INI file contains the startup command (PROCESS1) for the component to be
started and a location for the trace file (SERVICE_TRACEFILE) of the service.

Attention: Before installing the ArchPro and the Task as Windows services
make sure that previously started components (for example, in Windows
command prompts) are closed down.
Even though it is possible to have the ArchPro and the Task running as one
service, we recommend installing both as separate services. In the sample
environment, the INI files are stored in the newly created directory
C:\IBM\CSX\WindowsService. Using a text editor, create two INI files,
ArchProService.ini and TaskService.ini.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


To implement a Window service:

1. Create a directory C:\IBM\CSX\WindowsService.
2. Open a text editor and create two INI files, one per component. Each file
contains the following parameters:
SERVICE_ TRACEFILE: The path (including the file name) of the trace file
that this service creates. The directory must exist already.
PROCESS1: The startup command of the component.
Example 7-3 shows the ArchProService.ini file we set up for the sample
environment. Example 7-4 shows the TaskService.ini we set up. Use them as
references to set up files in your environment.
3. Save the files in directory C:\IBM\CSX\WindowsService.
Example 7-3 ArchProService.ini for the sample environment

SERVICE_TRACEFILE C:\ibm\csx\WindowsService\ArchProService.trace
PROCESS1 C:\ibm\csx\bin\archpro.exe -i C:\ibm\csx\server\instance01\archint.ini
Example 7-4 TaskService.ini for the sample environment

SERVICE_TRACEFILE C:\ibm\csx\WindowsService\TaskService.trace
PROCESS1 C:\ibm\csx\bin\csx.exe task_brighton -u CSX Admin
4. Open a Command prompt window.
The command syntax used to install the Window services is:
archservice install -n <name> -c <config file>

In this syntax:
<name> appears in the Windows services list as part of the service name.
A CommonStore Service always starts with CommonStore_ and ends with
the specified value. For example, The ArchPro Window service will appear
as CommonStore_ArchPro.
<config file> is the path (including the file name) of the configuration file
to be used.
5. Execute the following command to install ArchPro service:
archservice install -n ArchPro -c

6. Execute the following command to install the Task service:

archservice install -n Task -c C:\IBM\CSX\WindowsService\TaskService.ini


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 9: Installing the CommonStore Outlook Extension

Install all available features from the client package on a client workstation. To do
so, select installation type Custom and select all features. The feature Allow use
of client settings gives you some flexibility when testing different archiving types
and deletion types during setup. The feature Records Enabler is required to
declare and view records and will be needed later on.
In the sample environment, Watson represents a client system. The
CommonStore Outlook Extension is installed on that machine.

7.6.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 7-4 shows the sample environment after CommonStore for Exchange is






Active Directory

II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 7-4 Sample environment after CSX is installed and configured

To verify the CSX Task setup, we can archive and retrieve a message and verify
that it is stored in the archive correctly. This includes the following steps:

Start CommonStore (ArchPro and Task).

Start Outlook.
Manually archive a message.
View an archived message.
Retrieve an archived message.
SIS setup.
Search for an archived message.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Starting CommonStore (ArchPro and Task)

Make sure all CommonStore components are up and running.

Tip: Running the components in Windows command prompt makes it easier

to find problems during the test phase.
Either choose to start the Windows Services or run the components from
Windows command prompts.

Starting Outlook
Log on to the client workstation with user testuser and perform the following
1. Create an Outlook profile for testuser. If you are using Outlook 2003, make
sure that the check box Use Cached Exchange Mode is not checked.
2. Start Outlook.
The CSX tool bar contains the following buttons for CSX operations:
/ Use default settings / Use custom settings

Manually archiving a message

To perform some interactive archiving:
1. Switch from the default configuration mode to the custom configuration mode.
To do so, click the toggle button (Use default settings / Use custom
settings). A pencil appears in the icon: .
2. Create a test message with the subject CSX test setup including an
attachment and some body text and send it to testuser. See Figure 7-5 on
page 257.
This creates two copies of the message in the mailbox: one in the Inbox and
one in the Sent Items folder.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Figure 7-5 Sample test message

3. Create another test message with the subject CSX test message 2 and also
send it to testuser.
4. Select the two test messages in the Inbox and click


The Archiving Settings dialog displays (see Figure 7-6).

Figure 7-6 Archiving Settings dialog

5. Configure the archiving settings as follows:

a. Select Use client settings.
b. From the Archiving type pull-down menu, select COMPONENT.
c. From the Deletion type pull-down menu, select BODY.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


6. Click Archive.
A new job document is created and stored in the public folder. The CSX Task
polling thread reads the archive request from the job folder. The CSX Task
worker thread reads the message from the mailbox, decomposes it according
to the archiving type (COMPONENT), and passes two documents (the
message remainder and the attachment) to the CommonStore Server.
When the documents are archived in the Content Manager repository, the
CSX Task committer thread stubs the message. It removes the body text and
the attachment according to the deletion type (BODY) and inserts hyperlinks
to both the message remainder and the attachment (Figure 7-7).

Figure 7-7 Archived sample message

Viewing an archived message

Click the hyperlinks to verify that the data is accessible and that the content of
the message and the attachment is displayed correctly.

Note: Outlook is used to display the message remainder. Although you can
see the icon for the attachment, the attachment binary data does not exist.
Trying to open the attachment causes an error message.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Retrieving an archived message

Select the test message in the Inbox and click


The CSX Task polling thread reads the retrieve request from the job folder. The
CSX Task worker thread forwards the request to the CommonStore Server.
When the documents are retrieved from the Content Manager repository, the
CSX Task committer replaces the stub with the original message remainder and
adds the attachment.

Single instance store (SIS) setup

To verify SIS:
1. Select the test message with subject CSX test setup in the Sent Items folder
and click (Archive). Since this message was sent from Test User to Test
User, there are two messages in Test Users mailbox that are the same.
The Archiving Settings dialog displays (see Figure 7-8).

Figure 7-8 Archiving Settings dialog

2. Configure the archiving settings as follows:

a. Select Use client settings.
b. From the Archiving type pull-down menu, select COMPONENT.
c. From the Deletion type pull-down menu, select BODY.
3. Click Archive.
The test message, which already is archived from the Inbox, is now archived
from a different folder. The CommonStore Server realizes that the message
exists in the repository and just adds a child component record to keep additional

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Use the Content Manager Windows client to verify that only one entry exists for
the test message. A search for documents with SUBJECT LIKE CSX% results in a hit
list as shown in Figure 7-9 on page 260.

Figure 7-9 Content Manager Windows clients search results

Because the message CSX test setup is archived twice, two child entries exist
for this message. This is indicated by the pull-down icon near the end of the line.
To view the attributes and their values, select Attributes on the pop-up menu.
This displays Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10 Content Manager Windows clients document attributes


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Searching for an archived message

To verify the CSX search functionality from the Outlook client, perform the
following steps:
1. Click


A browser window opens as shown in Figure 7-11.

2. Click the pull-down menu of the Search in field. This displays a list of all
attributes defined for the Content Manager item type CSXMail.
3. Select the individual attributes from the Search in pull-down menu. Note that
the list of available values in the Search operator pull-down menu changes
depending on the attribute selected.
4. Execute a query against the archive by entering the following values:

Search in


Search operator


Search term


Figure 7-11 Simple search dialog

The resulting list displays as in Figure 7-12 on page 262.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Figure 7-12 Result list window

7.6.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 7-28 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
CommonStore for Exchange Server installation and configuration.
Table 7-28 Key information to remember after CSX installation and configuration


Configuration data

Sample input value

Windows/Exchange user ID used by CommonStore

CSX Admin

Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore


Item type used by CommonStore


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

7.7 Records Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Records Manager is
used as a records administration application and also as an engine that record
enables Content Manager (via Records Enabler for Content Manager), thus
records enabling the entire e-mail archiving solution. In this section, we describe
the main steps involved in installing and configuring Records.
These steps are as follows:

Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1.

Install Records Manager database V4.1.1.
Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2.
Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2.
Run engine configuration utility.

Note: We do not include all of the detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install Records Manager engine on London and
Records Manager database on Charger.

Step 1: Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1

Table 7-29 shows the input value we used during our installation on London in
the sample environment. Replace the sample input values according to your
environment setup.
Table 7-29 Records Manager Engine installation input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input


Installation Destination
Directory Name


Records Manager installation directory.

TIP: Use a directory without the version
number. For updates, the same directory
can be used and no second directory with a
different version number is created.

Installation Type
Setup type


Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


window / field

Sample input


Deployment and Configuration

I want the installer to
do deployment and
configure for me


The setup program deploys all J2EE

applications and configures them.

WebSphere Application Server Connection Information


Connector Type


Specifies the type of communication

interface between the WebSphere
Application Server and the installation

Connector Port


Specifies the port used by the Connector




Specifies the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed under 7.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 217.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server, start
the WebSphere Application Server, open
the WebSphere Application Console, and
in the console navigation tree, click
Servers Application servers Server
1 Runtime.



Specify the node name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 7.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 217.
Tip: To view a node name, go to
WebSphere Application Console and click
Servers Application servers
Server1 Runtime.



At the time this book was written, the only

possible working value is server1.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is enabled.

If security is enabled, this option has to be
checked and a valid user name and
password must be provided.
To verify whether security is enabled,
ensure that the WebSphere Application
Server is started, open the WebSphere
Application Console, and in the console
navigation tree, click Security Global
Security, and then verify the Enabled
setting in the Configuration tab.

Connection Factories Authentication

Authentication User


This Windows user ID must exist. It does

not need any special rights and is used just
for authentication.
The user ID must not be longer than eight
characters (which is the current
WebSphere limitation).
An application component uses a
connection factory to access a connection
instance, which the component then uses
to connect to the underlying enterprise
information system (EIS). Examples of
connections include database connections,
Java Message Service connections, and
SAP R/3 connections.

Mail Session Configuration
Mail Transport Host
SMTP User Name


Specifies the name of the server to access

for the engine to send e-mail.
This is required only if SSL is configured on
the SMTP Server.
Specifies the name of an e-mail user who
has access to send e-mail through the
specified transport host. Leave this field
blank if the transport host does not require

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


window / field

Sample input


Required only if SSL is configured on the
SMTP Server.
Required for the engine to send e-mail.
Specifies the password of an e-mail user
who has access to send e-mail through the
specified transport host. Leave this field
blank if the transport host does not require

Admin Client Configuration



Specifies the context root for your Records

Manager administrator client. This is the
name that you use to access the client for
Records Manager in your browser (the
virtual directory name).
For example:

Engine Server


Specifies the host name of the computer

where the Records Manager engine is

Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the host

where you are installing the Records
Manager engine. This field specifies the
port number on which the application
server Object Request Broker (ORB)
listens for requests.

Web Services Configuration


Web Service
Configuration Root


Specifies the context root for the Records

Manager Web server. This is the name that
is used to access the Web services for
Records Manager in a browser (the virtual
directory name).

Web Services Node



Specifies the host name of the computer

where the Records Manager Engine is

Web Services HTTP



Specifies the number for the port that the

WebSphere Application Server uses for
message queues.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


Import Export Configuration

Engine Server


The host name of the computer where the

Records Manager Engine is installed.

Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the host

where the Records Manager engine is
installed. This field specifies the port
number on which the application server
Object Request Broker (ORB) listens for


The WebSphere Application Server

installation directory.

WebSphere Location

Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1

In Table 7-30, we provide the input values we used during our installation on
Charger in the sample environment. Replace the sample input values according
to your environment setup.
Table 7-30 Records Manager database installation input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input value



This directory is not the default

installation directory.

Installation Directory
Directory Name
Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver class



Path to the file. In the

sample environment, this file is
located in

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


window / field

Sample input value


DB2 Database Configuration

DB2 Node/Instance


The instance name if the Records

Manager database is being
installed directly on a DB2 server.
If a remote database is being
used, then this is the name of a
cataloged DB2 instance.
Note: This name cannot exceed
eight characters in length.

Database Name


The name of the DB2 database

that is being created.
Note: The database name cannot
exceed eight characters in length,
and it must be unique for each
database you create.

Default Disk

The default location where the

database and dataset files are
being created.
For example, for Windows, type C
for the C:\ drive.

Folder for Database



The default location where the

database and dataset files are
being created.
This location will have the
containers of the table spaces for
the database to create.

User name


Specifies the name of the DB2

user that will be the owner of the
Records Manager schema. This
user will have database
administration privileges in the
newly created database.
Important: This user must exist,
since it is not created automatically
during the installation.


Specifies a portion of the locale

mapped to the country code for the
internal processing by the
database manager.

User password


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input value


Collating System


Specifies the sequence in which

characters are ordered for the
purpose of sorting, merging,
comparing, and processing
indexed data sequentially.

DB Language


Optional: Specifies a language

identifier. Set this field when the
database language is different
from the default language on your
computer. The language you
specify must be available on the
computer where you are
performing the installation.

administrator user


Specifies the name of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.
This user is created during the
installation of the DB2 database in
7.4.1, DB2 server installation on
page 215.

administrator user

Specifies the password of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.

Database File Plan Population

Select a plan to
populate database


A sample file plan is created.

Step 3: Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2

The Records Manager engine upgrade is basically a redeployment of the
WebSphere Application Server. When running the upgrade, re-enter the values
you provided earlier.

Tip: Make sure to use the same installation directory (C:\IBM\IRM\); otherwise, a second directory will be created and the old one will not be deleted.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Step 4: Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2

After the Records Manager engine is upgraded to V4.1.2 level, upgrade the
Records Manager database to the same level.
Table 7-31 Records Manager database upgrade input for sample environment

window / field

Sample input value



Use the same directory as specified

during the original installation of the
Records Manager database.

Installation Directory
Directory Name

Custom or Automatic upgrade



Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver class



DB2 Database Configuration

DB2 Node/Instance


Instance name as specified in Step

2: Install Records Manager database
V4.1.1 on page 267.
This is the instance name if the
Records Manager database is
installed directly on a DB2 server.
It is the name of a cataloged DB2
instance, if a remote database is
being used.

Database Name


The name of the database that was

created in step 2.

Folder for Database



The folder for the database container

specified in step 2.

User name


Name of the user that is specified in

step 2.

User password


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input value


administrator user


Specifies the name of the database

user with system administrator
privileges for the DB2 database

administrator user

Specifies the password of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the DB2
database instance.

Database Back Up
Selected database
was backed up


Important: If this is not selected, the

upgrade cannot proceed.

Step 5: Run engine configuration utility

The Records Manager engine needs to access the Records Manager database.
Because the database can be on different platforms (DB2,Oracle, SQL Server), a
data source must be configured. This data source is used by the Records
Manager engine to access the database.
If the Records Manager engine and Records Manager database are running on
different machines, the database must be cataloged on the Engine machine. In
the sample environment, the engine runs on London, and the database is on
Charger. We need to catalog the database on London. Use the DB2
Configuration Utility to catalog the database that was created in Step 2: Install
Records Manager database V4.1.1 on page 267. In the sample environment,
the remote database on Charger (irmdb) is cataloged as irmdb on London.
The Records Manager engine configuration utility must be run on the same
machine that the Records Manager engine is running. To start the utility, select
Start Program Files IBM DB2 Records Manager Engine
Configuration Utility.
In Table 7-32, we provide the input values we used during the startup of the utility
for the sample environment. Substitute the sample input values according to your
Table 7-32 Engine configuration utility startup

Configuration field

Sample input value

Connector Type


Port Number



Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Configuration field

Sample input value




The WebSphere Application Server

cell on which the Records Manager
engine is deployed.



The WebSphere Application Server

node on which the Records Manager
engine is deployed.



The WebSphere Application Server

server into which the Records Manager
engine is deployed.

After the Engine configuration tool is started, a data source (the Records
Manager database created in Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1
on page 267) must be created.
To create the data source, select Action New.
In Table 7-33, we provide the input values we used when creating the new data
source. Replace these values with the appropriate ones for your environment.
After creating the new data source, select File Save Changes.
Table 7-33 Data source input for the sample environment

Configuration field

Sample input value


DB2 Universal JDBC

driver location


Data Source Name


Name of the database. You can

use any name.

Database Name


Name of the cataloged database.

User name


Name of the user created in step 2

who has administrative rights for
the database.

User password

Important: After configuring the data source, if the utility is closed without
saving, the provided information will be lost and the data source will not be
available during the Records Manager Administration client startup.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Before the Records Manager administration client can be used, the Application
Server must be restarted.
Use the Windows Services utility to restart the Service IBM WebSphere
Application Server V5 - server1, or go to the WebSphere bin directory
(C:\IBM\WS\WAS\bin) and use the following commands to restart the server:
stopserver server1
startserver server1

7.7.1 Installation summary and verification

At this point, the Records Manager engine and the Records Manager database
are installed.
In the sample environment, the recommended scenario of installing them on two
different computers is performed. Figure 7-13 shows the sample environment
after the successful installation.





Active Directory


IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 7-13 Sample environment after Records Manager is installed

To verify the installation, start WebSphere Application Console, go to Servers

Application servers server1 Server Components JMS servers, and
make sure in the Initial State field, Started, is there.
To verify that the messaging queue is up and running, go to Windows Task
Manager, and look for processes with amq* and runq*. If both of them are there,
then the message queue has started. If not, perform these steps:
1. Go to Servers Application servers server1 Server
Components JMS servers.
2. Make sure Started is selected in the Initial State.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


3. Click Reset.
4. Go back and check the Task Manager. The amq* and runq* processes should
be there now.

Attention: This procedure is very important. If the message queue is not

started, you will encounter problems when working with Records Manager.
To make sure Records Manager is installed properly, log on to Records Manager
administration client using Administrator as the user ID and cronos as the
password. Make sure you can log on.
You can also exercise a set of basic Records Manager activities to ensure that
the Records Manager system is up and running. Suggested activities include:

Create a file plan.

Create a record.
Perform record scheduling.
Turn the crank.
Destroy a record via retention rule.

7.7.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Configuration data

Sample input value

Records Manager
administrator user ID

password: cronos

WebSphere Application
Server server name



Server into which the Records

Manager engine is deployed.

7.8 CMRE installation and configuration

Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) is the bridge between Content
Manager and Records Manager. It works with both products to provide the
records control capability into the Content Manager system. In this section, we
describe the main steps that are involved in installing and configuring CMRE.
These steps include:
1. Set environment variables and create users.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

2. Install Records Enabler (CMRE server, Host Interface server, and Permission
Synchronization server).
3. Install Records Manager Extension.
4. Implement Windows Services.

Important: Make sure that the Content Manager V8 connector is installed. It

is necessary to use the Information Integrator for Content installation to install
the connector. A Content Manager client installation is not sufficient.
Note: It is not our intention to include all detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install Records Enabler in London.

Step 1: Set environment variables and create users

Set the environment with the following variables:

Replace these values according to your system installation setup.

Important: The JDBCPATH must include the file name; otherwise,
the installation will fail.
Create a local user on the machine that runs the Content Manager Library
Server. This user has to be in the DB2 administrator group.
For the sample environment, we create:

User name
User group


Step 2: Install Records Enabler (CMRE)

You need to install CMRE. To help your CMRE installation process, Table 7-34 on
page 276 shows the input values we used during our installation. Replace the
sample input values as appropriate according to your environment setup.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Table 7-34 Records Enabler installation

window / field

Sample input


WebSphere deployment information


DB2 Content Manager

Records Enabler


DB2 Content Manager

Records Manager
Host Interface


DB2 Content Manager

Records Enabler


Application Server cell


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 7.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 217.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server,
start the WebSphere Application Server,
open the WebSphere Application
Console. In the console navigation tree,
click Servers Application servers
Server 1 Runtime.

Application Server
node name


Specify the node name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 7.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 217.
Tip: To view a node name, go to
WebSphere Application Console, click
Servers Application servers
Server1 Runtime.

Host name


The fully qualified host name of the

machine running the WebSphere
Application Server.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input


Application Security


Required if WebSphere security is

enabled. If security is enabled, this option
has to be checked and a valid user name
and password must be provided.
To verify whether security is enabled,
ensure that the WebSphere Application
Server is started, go to the WebSphere
Application Console, click Security
Global Security, and verify the Enabled
setting on the Configuration tab.

Records Manager Server configuration

Records Manager
Web services address


Records Manager
Administration Client

This value is checked during the

installation. If it is not available, installation
will not go further.

Records Manager


The name of the Records Manager database.

Records Manager


Records Manager administrative user ID.

The default ID is Administrator.



The default password for the Records

Manager Administrator is cronos if it is not
changed after the IRM installation.

Content Manager Server configuration

Server name


The name of the Library Server database.

Content Manager


Administrative user ID for the Content

Manager System. See 7.5.2, Key
information to remember on page 225.


This user ID is created by the installation

program in Content Manager, but it has to
exist on the operating system level on the
machine running the Content Manager
Library Server.

Content Manager
Records Enabler
Connection ID

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


window / field

Sample input


Password of the user ID on the Windows
operating system level.

confirm password
eClient rendering
Content URL


In the sample environment, eClient is not

Important: Leave the default value and
do not erase that field. With an empty
field, the installation will fail.
This value can be configured later on
using the CMRE Administration client.

eClient document list



The eClient is not installed in the sample

Important: Leave the default value and
do not erase that field. With an empty
field, the installation will fail.
This value can be configured later on
using the CMRE Administration client.

Database System
used for Content


Specifies the database type of the

Content Manager Library Server.

Content Manager Records Enabler configuration


CMRE server


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.

Records Manager
Host Interface Server


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.

Add Host
Configuration record
to DB2 Records


Checking this creates a Host entry in the

Records Manager. The specified Content
Manager system will be registered in the
Records Manager.

Content Manager
Records Enabler


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

window / field

Sample input




Step 3: Installing Records Manager Extension

You must install Records Manager Extension. To help your installation process,
Table 7-35 shows the input values we used during our installation. Replace the
sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 7-35 Records Manager Extension installation input for sample environment

Configuration window /

Sample input


WebSphere Deployment information

WebSphere Application
Server cell name


Specify the cell name of the

WebSphere Application Server
installed in 7.4.3, WebSphere
Application Server installation on
page 217.
Tip: To view the cell name for a
server, start the WebSphere
Application Server, open the
WebSphere Application Console,
and click Servers Application
servers Server 1 Runtime.

WebSphere Application
Server node name


Specify the cell name of the

WebSphere Application Server
installed under 7.4.3, WebSphere
Application Server installation on
page 217.
Tip: To view the cell name for a
server, start the WebSphere
Application Server, open the
WebSphere Application Console,
and click Servers Application
servers Server 1 Runtime.

Host name


The fully qualified host name of the

machine running the WebSphere
Application Server.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


WebSphere Application
Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is

enabled. If security is enabled, this
option must be checked and a valid
user name and password must be
To verify that security is enabled,
ensure that the WebSphere
Application Server is started, open
the WebSphere Application Console.
In the console navigation tree, click
Security Global Security, and
verify the Enabled setting on the
Configuration tab.

Records Manager
Application server name


At the time this book was written, the

only possible working value was

Step 4: Implementing Windows Services

To install a WebSphere Application Server as a Windows Service, use the
following command:
wasservice -add <Windows Service Name> -serverName <WebSphere Server>

To start the Windows services tasks:

1. Open a Command prompt window.
2. Go to WebSphere Application Servers bin directory.
3. Install CMRE server (cmresvr), CMRE Host Interface (rmecmhost), and
CMRE Permission Synchronization server (cmrepspro) as Windows services:
wasservice -add RMEServer -serverName cmresvr
wasservice -add RMEHostInterface -serverName rmecmhost
wasservice -add RMEPermSync -serverName cmrepspro

Substitute values from your environment as appropriate.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

7.8.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 7-14 shows the components that will be installed and configured after this
section is completed.





Active Directory




IRM Engine


II for Content
(CM connector)




DB2 Client
* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 7-14 Sample environment after CMRE is installed and configured

To verify your installation, perform the following steps:

1. Check the Windows services.
2. Import a Content Manager administrator ID into Records Manager.
3. Log on to the CMRE.
4. Records enable an item type.
5. Use Content Manager Windows client to declare a record.

Step 1: Check the Windows services

To verify the installation, make sure all necessary services are running. They are:

IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - server1

IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEServer
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEHostInterface
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - RMEPermSyncServer
ICM LS Monitor icmnlsdb
IBM HTTP Server 1.3.28

Step 2: Import a CM administrator ID into Records Manager

In order to be able to log on to the CMRE Administration client, a Content
Manager user ID with administrator rights must be imported to the Records
Manager System, and the user ID needs administrator rights in Records

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


To import a Content Manager user:

1. Start the Records Manager client and log on as an administrator:

User ID


2. Go to Security Users Host Filer and select the host system that is
enabled during the CMRE installation.
In the sample environment, the host system with the name icmnlsdb is
enabled. (See Add Host Configuration record to DB2 Records Manager on
page 278.)
3. Click Import, select icmadmin, and click Import again. In the next window,
select all permissions by checking Function Access. Check the Is Active
check box. Click Save to finish the import.
4. The Content Manager user ID icmadmin is now imported to the Records
Manager system and has all necessary rights to act as Administrator with the
Records Manager system.

Step 3: Log on to the CMRE

Use icmadmin and its password to log on to the CMRE administration client.

Important: Do not use the Records Manager administrator user ID and its
password (Administrator/cronos) to log on to the CMRE Administration client
because this ID is not defined within Content Manager.
Also, do not use the Content Manager user ID, CMREID, that is created during
the CMRE installation, because this ID is not (and cannot be) imported into
Records Manager.

Step 4: Records enable an item type

After successfully logging on to the CMRE Administration client, enable an item
type as follows:
1. Go to Content Manager Server Configuration eRecord enable item
type. A list of all item types in the records-enabled Content Manager system
is displayed.
2. Select the CSX item type (CSXMail) that was created in step 2a of 7.6,
CommonStore (CSX) installation and configuration on page 226.
3. Check the box to the left of the item type name and select the record type to
the right of the item type name.
In the sample environment, the item type CSXMail and the record type email
are created.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 5: Using Windows client to declare records

Using Windows client, declare records as follows:
1. Search for documents in the records-enabled item type CSXMail. The e-mail
archived during the CommonStore verification is located in this item type.
2. Right-click one e-mail message and select Declare Record. The Records
Manager declare/classify window appears.
3. Select a file plan and a unique name for that record. Click Finish.
The CMRE communicates with the Content Manager system and the Records
Manager system. A Content Manager item type is records enabled, and
documents in this item type can be declared as records using the Content
Manager Windows client. The records attributes (eRecord, eRecordID,
FlPlnCmpntNm, FlPlnCmpntTtl, and RMEAclOri) associated with the e-mail are

7.8.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 7-36 contains the key configuration input value to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 7-36 Key information to remember after CMRE installation and configuration

Configuration data

Sample input value

Records enabled item type


7.9 Records enable CommonStore Server and Outlook

In this section, we describe the main steps involved in configuring CommonStore
Server with Records Manager and the Outlook client. These steps must be
performed to add records declaration and classification capability to the
end-to-end integrated e-mail solution.
The steps involved include:

Records enable Content Manager item type.

Configure ArchPro.
Configure the CSX Task.
Records enable Outlook.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


For detailed information about CSX and Records Enabler integration, refer to
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server: Administration and Users Guide,
Version 8.3, SH12-6741.

Step 1: Records enabling Content Manager item type

This should have been done in the previous section when you validated the
installation and configuration of CMRE. If it has not been completed, refer to
Step 4: Records enable an item type on page 282.

Step 2: Configuring ArchPro

An Exchange user must be mapped to a Content Manager user ID to be able to
declare a record, because the solution is records enabled in Content Manager.
This Content Manager user also has to be imported to Records Manager and
must have the appropriate rights to declare records. For the mapping of
Exchange user IDs to Content Manager user IDs, an additional component
(usermapper.jar) has to be activated on the CommonStore ArchPro server.
To activate the usermapper, follow the steps below:
1. Copy usermapper.jar from the installation bin directory into the instance
directory of the ArchPro that will be activated.
Source directory: C:\IBM\CSX\bin
Target directory: C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01
2. Add usermapper.jar to the classpath and configure the directory of In the sample environment, we add the paths according to
Table 7-37.
Table 7-37 Classpath update to include usermapper.jar and file


Value to add to classpath


C:\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\ usermapper.jar directory


3. Generate encryption keys.

This step involves generating a pair of keys. The services provided by the
usermapper.jar on the CSX Server listen on a preconfigured port for requests
from Content Manager Records Enabler code in the CSX Task. The e-mail
users Content Manager credentials are included in the information passed to
the CSX Task. Because these credentials cannot be passed as is, use a key
pair for encryption at the CSX Server side and decryption on the CSX Task
Side. After installation of the CSX Task, you must generate the public/private
key pair.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To generate the key pair, complete the following steps:

a. Create the key pair by typing java <name>
where <name> is the name you want to give this client. Two files are
b. Copy <name>.prv to the directory C:\IBM\CSX\bin.
c. Place <name>.pub in the CLASSPATH of the CSX Server. For example,
place the <name>.pub in C:\IBM\CSX\Server\instance01\.
4. Update is located in the instance directory and contains three
parameters that must be configured:

Set DB_DIR to the directory to store the mapping database. (Note the double
backslashes; a single backslash indicates an escape sequence, such as \n.)
This directory will contain a collection of files that are serialized hash tables
containing string keys of the format CM-server:mail-user and CSRepUserDef
values. Make sure this folder exists and is empty. The files will be generated
automatically, along with a file that indicates the current HASH_MODULO
value so that it can be changed.
Set HASH_MODULO to the maximum number of files to be found in the
DB_DIR directory. This is to prevent the entire database from ever needing to
be in memory at one time so that a huge number of users can be supported.
Bigger values mean smaller memory usage (but more files).
Set PROXY_PORT to the port on which the usermapper proxy is listening.
In the sample environment, we set these parameters as listed in Table 7-38
on page 285.
Table 7-38 parameter update


Sample input value







Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


5. Update archint.ini.
To activate the usermapper, add the values for the following parameters in the
archini.ini file:

The input value for ACCESS_CTL YES specifies whether you want Retrieve
operations to be subject to the users Content Manager permissions. The
YES setting causes the user mapper to be activated when archpro is started.
You must activate the user mapper to do declare records.
The input value for CM_SECURITY_EXIT specifies the name of the security
exit class as
The input value for CM_EXIT_LOCATION specifies the file location of the
usermapper.jar file.
In our sample environment, we set these values as shown in Table 7-39.
Table 7-39 Archint.ini updates


Sample input value






Step 3: Configuring the CSX Task

Use the CSX System Manager to add Records Enabler support to your
configuration. To records enable the CSX Task:
1. Start the System Manager.
2. Create the Records Enabler configuration:
a. Go to Records Enabler Configuration.
b. Right-click Add records enabler configuration.
c. Set the configuration as shown in Table 7-40.
Table 7-40 Records enabler configuration

Configuration field
Configuration name


Sample input value

The name of this Records Enabler
configuration object.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input value


Host name


The Web Application Server on which

the CMRE Client Servlet runs. You
can enter a DNS name or an IP
address. Do not specify localhost.

Port number


The number of the port for

communication between the Web
Application Server and the CSX Task.

Application name


The name of the CMRE Client Servlet

instance that you want to use.

User mapper proxy



The value in the User mapper proxy

port field must match the
PROXY_PORT value in the file for the archpro

Private key file name


Enter the name you used when

generating the encryption key in step
3 on page 284.

3. Update task configuration:

a. Go to Task Administration Data.
b. Double-click TaskBrighton, and select Parameters.
c. In the Records Enabler Configuration field, insert the Records Enabler
Configuration that you just created.

Step 4: Records enabling Outlook

In order to get the Outlook Client to support Content Manager Records Enabler,
the Content Manager Records Enabler component has to be selected during
installation of the CSX Client Components.
During the installation of the Outlook Extension the necessary functions for
record declaration are already installed.

7.9.1 Verification
To verify that the CommonStore Server and Outlook client are configured
properly, you can perform the following steps:
1. In the Outlook client, create an e-mail message and send it off.
2. Manually declare the e-mail message as a record.

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment


Note: The first time you use an Outlook client to declare a record, you may
be prompted for your Content Manager credentials (user ID and password)
between step 3 and step 4. After you supply the credentials, the CSX Task
authenticates you with the CMRE server. If the credentials can be
authenticated, they are then stored in the user mapping table on the
archpro server. After this, whenever the user manually declares or views
records, these credentials are passed to IRM in order to authenticate the
mailbox user prior to launching the IRM classification window. IRM
authenticates credentials via Content Manager.
3. Make sure that the e-mail is archived in Content Manager using the Content
Manager Windows client.
4. After the e-mail is archived, the Records Manager classification window
should appear. Specify the bucket in the file plan (for example, Account
Receivable in our sample environment). Enter a unique ID into the e-mail
name field, and press Finish.
5. Make sure that in the Outlook client, it reflects that the e-mail is a record.

Note: The visual indicator that shows whether a message is a record does
not automatically appear in the views of your Outlook client. Outlook allows
you to display these additional columns through the Tools Options on
the menu bar. The complete instructions are found in the CSX publication.
6. Using Content Manager Windows client, verify that the e-mails isRecord
attribute is set to yes.
7. Using Records Manager administration client, check that the record is there.
8. Using the Outlook client, view the e-mail record.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 8.

Installation and
configuration in a Lotus
Domino and AIX
This chapter describes the installation and configuration of an e-mail archiving
and records management solution using CommonStore for Lotus Domino
(CSLD), Records Manager, Content Manager, and Content Manager Records
Enabler. Using a sample environment, we describe the major steps involved in
installing and configuring the various components in an AIX environment. For
more detailed information, see the appropriate product documentation.
We cover the following topics in this chapter:

Prerequisites and prerequisite software installation
Content Manager installation and configuration
CommonStore installation and configuration
Records Manager installation and configuration
CMRE installation and configuration
Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


8.1 Overview
In this section, we provide an overview for the e-mail archiving and records
management integrated solution installation and configuration.
We cover:
Software used for the integrated solution
Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

8.1.1 Software used for the integrated solution

Several products are used in this end-to-end integrated solution. Table 8-1 lists
the software used and its purpose in the solution.
For clarity, fix pack details have been omitted. These are referenced later in
solution installation and configuration.
Table 8-1 Software used in the integrated solution and its purpose in the solution




IBM DB2 Content Manager (CM)

Repository used to store the documents and

metadata for both the archive and records
management systems.

IBM CommonStore for Lotus

Domino (CSLD)

E-mail archive system for Lotus Notes.

IBM DB2 Records Manager


Engine and administration for Records Manager.

Records Enabler for Content

Manager (CMRE)

Records enables the Content Manager repository.

Also provides records management functions for
Lotus Notes or Outlook users.


Enterprise-class database used to hold both

system configuration and objects metadata

DB2 Net Search Extender

Extension to DB2 that adds full text search

capabilities for both object metadata and
documents including attachments.

IBM Web Sphere Application

Server with Embedded

Web application server that hosts the Content

Manager Resource Manager, Content Manager
Records Enabler servers, the Records Manager
applications, and Content Manager eClient.

Lotus Domino server

E-mail system.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

8.1.2 Installation and configuration steps and recommendation

Four main products are involved in the end-to-end solution:

IBM DB2 Content Manager

IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino
IBM DB2 Records Manager
IBM DB2 Records Enabler for Content Manager

Plan your system configuration first. (See 5.3, System configuration on

page 120.) Decide where you want to install each main product and review the
prerequisites for each product (especially if you decide to separate some
components onto different machines). Before you start, make sure you know
exactly what should be installed on each machine, and the sequence of the
Some of the product installation and configuration can be done at the same time
and others are better to be done sequentially. We recommend the following
sequence of steps for installation and configuration:
1. Install a working Content Manager system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites first (DB2, Net Search
Extender, WebSphere Application Server), and then the Content Manager
Validate that the Content Manager system is working by importing some
documents, retrieving them, and viewing them.
If you decide to separate the installation of Content Manager Library Server
from Resource Manager to a different server, you may need to install different
prerequisites onto the machines. Refer to the product documentation to install
the proper prerequisites for each server. You also need to validate the system
after the installation and configuration as mentioned above.
2. Install a working CommonStore system on a designated machine.
This includes the installation of the prerequisites (Content Manager V8
connector from the Information Integration for Content installation, DB2
Runtime Client or DB2 Administration client, and Notes client), and then the
CommonStore for Lotus Domino product.
Validate that the CommonStore is working properly with your mail database
and Content Manager: Setting up some policies, archiving some e-mail,
retrieving the archived e-mail, and viewing them. Also look into the Content
Manager repository to make sure that the archived e-mail is there as

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


3. Install a working Records Manager on a designated machine.

This step can be done in conjunction with step 2. If you have multiple people
doing the installation, you can work together in parallel. Otherwise, we
recommend performing this task after the CommonStore installation.
The step includes the installation of the prerequisites, then the Records
Manager product.
We recommend installing the Records Manager engine and its database on
separate servers. The prerequisites for the engine include WebSphere
Application Server and DB2 Runtime Client or DB2 Administration Client. The
prerequisite for the Records Manager database is DB2 server. As discussed
in 5.3.1, Configuration options on page 122, you can optionally put the
Records Manager database where Content Manager is installed.
Validate that Records Manager is working properly by using the Records
Manager administration client to create a default file plan, add a record to the
system, and view the added record.
4. Install and configure Records Enabler for Content Manager on a designated
machine. Configure Content Manager and Records Manager. Install and
configure Records Manager Extension.
Records Manager Extension must be deployed on the same WebSphere
Application Server as Records Manager.
Validate the system: Import an item of the record enabled item type, declare it
as a record, and make sure that the record is marked as declared in Content
Manager and that the records metadata is in Records Manager. After this,
archive an e-mail and declare the e-mail as a record. Check both Content
Manager and Records Manager to ensure that the proper information is
stored there. (Content Manager should have the e-mail information, based on
your archiving method, and Records Manager should have the records
related metadata).


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Tip: For the machine that will run Permission Synchronization Server of the
Records Enabler for Content Manager product, make sure that WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging is installed on it. This is
especially important if you start your installation from an existing system, such
as a working Content Manager system.
If the Embedded Messaging feature was not installed, you must deinstall
Content Manager, uninstall WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall
WebSphere Application Server, including the Embedded Messaging feature
(installed by default in V5.1.1 and later), and then Content Manager again. Do
not take shortcuts or you may experience strange results.
If the Content Manager is in use and cannot be deinstalled, we recommend
installing the Permission Synchronization Server on another machine.

8.2 Introduction to the sample environment

We use a sample environment to show you how to install and configure an e-mail
archiving and records management solution in an AIX environment.
Figure 8-1 shows the sample environment before any e-mail archiving and
records management software are installed.
There are two servers in this environment, Jamaica and Bonnie. A Lotus Domino
server is running on Bonnie. This should be your starting point.


Lotus Domino

Figure 8-1 Sample environment before any software installation

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Figure 8-2 shows the sample environment after all components are installed,
including the necessary prerequisites on each server.
On Jamaica, we install prerequisite software including a Notes client (Lotus
Domino), a WebSphere Application Server (WAS in Figure 8-2), and DB2 server
with Net Search Extender (DB2 + NSE). In addition, we install CommonStore for
Lotus Domino (CSLD), Content Manager (CM), and IBM Records Manager
database (IRM DB).
On Bonnie, we install prerequisite software including the Content Manager V8
connector (CM connector) from Information Integrator for Content, WebSphere
Application Server with Embedded Messaging (WAS*), and a DB2 client (DB2).
In addition, we install Content Manager Records Enabler (CMRE), and IBM
Records Manager Engine (IRM Engine).




Lotus Domino




IRM Engine

Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-2 Sample environment after all software installation

8.3 Prerequisites
Four core components are involved in the e-mail archiving and records
management solution: Content Manager for Multiplatforms, CommonStore for
Lotus Domino, IBM Records Manager, and Content Manager Records Enabler.
Each core component has different prerequisites. We list what they are and their
version requirements, and explain why you need to install the prerequisite.
Understanding this should help you when you build a system that fulfills your
business needs.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Prerequisite for Content Manager V8.3

Table 8-2 describes the prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3.
Table 8-2 Prerequisites for Content Manager V8.3



Reason why we need it

Application Server

Resource Manager is a J2EE application and

thus needs WebSphere Application Server.



Library Server uses stored procedures and

needs a relational database (icmnlsdb).
Resource Manager stores metadata in a
relational database (rmdb).

DB2 Net Search



For full-text search within Content Manager.

Prerequisite for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3

Table 8-3 describes the prerequisites for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3.
Table 8-3 Prerequisites for CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3



Reason why we need it

Information Integrator for

Content - CM V8 connector


The CommonStore agent needs the APIs

(connector) to communicate with the
Content Manager Library Server.

DB2 Runtime Client


If CommonStore for Lotus Domino is not

on the same machine as the Content
Manager Library Server, the Content
Manager V8 connector (which is needed
by the CommonStore agent) needs the
Library Server database to be cataloged
on the machine where CommonStore is
installed. DB2 Runtime Client is thus



The CommonStore Task communicates

with the Domino server and requires Notes
API. Domino R6 on AIX requires IO
Completion Port to be installed and
enabled on AIX.

Visual Age for C++


The CommonStore binaries require the

C++ runtime libraries. The version
depends on the version of your AIX.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Prerequisite for IBM Records Manager V4.1.2

Table 8-4 describes the prerequisites for the Records Manager engine for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 8-4 Prerequisites for IBM Records Manager Engine V4.1.2



Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application

Resource Manager is a J2EE application.

DB2 Runtime Client


The Records Manager Engine needs to

communicate with the Records Manager
database. If the Records Manager
database is installed on another machine,
then the machine with the Records
Manager Engine installed needs the
database to be cataloged on it and thus it
needs DB2 Runtime Client.

Table 8-5 lists the prerequisite for the Records Manager database for IBM
Records Manager V4.1.2.
Table 8-5 Prerequisite for IBM Records Manager (Database) V4.1.2



Reason why we need it



The Records Manager database is a

relational database. The machine that
installs the Records Manager database
needs to install DB2 server.

Prerequisites for Records Enabler V8.3

Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) is comprised of three
components: Records Enabler (CMRE) server, Permission Synchronization
(PermSync) server, and Host Interface server.
Table 8-6 lists the prerequisites for the CMRE server, PermSync server, and Host
Interface server.
Table 8-6 Prerequisites for CMRE server, PermSync server, and Host Interface




Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application
Server with Embedded

CMRE server, PermSync server, and the

Host Interface require WebSphere
Application Server.
PermSync server also needs Embedded

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide



Reason why we need it

Information Integrator for

Content - CM V8 connector


All three components communicate with

Content Manager Library Server and
therefore need Content Manager APIs.

DB2 Runtime Client


The Content Manager V8 connector needs

to communicate with the Content Manager
Library Server database. If the Content
Manager Library Server is installed on
another machine, then, the machine with
these servers installed must have the
database cataloged on it; thus it needs
DB2 Runtime Client.

Table 8-7 lists the prerequisite for the Records Manager extension.
Table 8-7 Prerequisite for Records Manager Extension V8.3.0



Reason why we need it

WebSphere Application

The CMRE server, PermSync server, and

the Host Interface are WebSphere
Application Server applications. They
need Version 5.1 with Fix Pack 1 and
cumulative Fix 2.

8.4 Prerequisite software installation

In this section, we describe the main steps involved in installing the basic
software that is required before the main components of the e-mail archiving and
records management solution are installed:

DB2 server installation on page 298

DB2 Administration Client installation on page 300
WebSphere Application Server installation on page 301
Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation on page 304

Table 8-8 on page 298 summarizes the prerequisites for each software product
from 8.3, Prerequisites on page 294. Note that:
DB2 client (runtime or administration) is needed for Records Manager (IRM)
engine, and DB2 server is required for Records Manager database if they are
installed on separate machines; otherwise, they need only DB2 server.
WebSphere Application Server with Embedded Messaging (WAS* in
Table 8-8 on page 298) is required for Permission Synchronization server
from CMRE.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


DB2 Net Search Extender is required if you need full text search capabilities.
Table 8-8 Prerequisites per software product




DB2 client




WAS* (PermSync svr)

DB2 client (engine)

DB2 (database)

II for Content CM V8 connector

II for Content CM V8 connector

Notes client

Using the sample environment that we described in 8.2, Introduction to the

sample environment on page 293, we need to install the following prerequisites
on two servers:
DB2 Runtime Client V8.2
Information Integrator for Content - Content Manager V8 connector
WebSphere Application Server (including Embedded Messaging) V5.1.1.2
DB2 server V8.2
DB2 Net Search Extender V8.2
WebSphere Application Server (Embedded Messaging not needed)
Lotus Domino

Note: We do not include all detailed steps of the installation in this section.
We recommend using the existing product manuals in conjunction with the
materials we present here for successful installations and configurations.

8.4.1 DB2 server installation

Content Manager and Records Manager use relational databases to store
content (objects and records) metadata and system configuration information.
Install DB2 server to the machine (or machines) that will store Content Manager
databases and Records Manager databases.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The steps involved are summarized as follows:


Install DB2 server software.

Verify DB2 server installation.
Install DB2 Net Search Extender.
Install DB2 Fix Pack 8.

In our sample environment, both the Content Manager database and Records
Manager database are located on Jamaica. We choose to install the DB2 server
on this machine.

Installing DB2 server

To help your DB2 server installation process, we provide the input values we
used during the DB2 server installation in Table 8-9. Substitute the sample input
values according to your environment setup.
Table 8-9 DB2 server installation input summary for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value


DB2 Version


Content Manager V8.3 requires at

least DB2 V8.1.7.

Installation type


File system


Installation directory


DB2 Administration
server user ID


This AIX user ID is the DB2 instance

owner. In AIX, the DAS is created
under an instance.

DB2 administration


Every user ID that needs to be a DB2

administrator has to be in this group.

DB2 instance


Verifying installation
To verify the DB2 server installation, create the sample database from the First
Step menu. Make sure the sample database is created successfully and that you
can view the data.

Installing DB2 Net Search Extender

This is an optional step. If you need to use the full text search feature of Content
Manager, install DB2 Net Search Extender before installing Content Manager.
After Content Manager is installed, you can activate the full text search feature.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Use the database administrative user ID (db2admin) to run DB2 Net Search
Extender as a service.
In our sample environment, we choose not to configure for full text search.

Installing DB2 Fix Pack 8

After installing the DB2 server and DB2 Net Search Extender, install the DB2 Fix
Pack 8. The Records Manager database requires DB2 V8.2 (which is equivalent
of V8.1.8) as a prerequisite.
See the appropriate documentation for detailed steps of installing the fix pack.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 8-10 lists key configuration input values to note after DB2 server
Table 8-10 Key information to remember after the DB2 server installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

DB2 Administration server user ID


DB2 administration group


DB2 database server host name

8.4.2 DB2 Administration Client installation

We recommend installing the Records Manager database and Records Manager
engine on separate servers.
The Records Manager engine needs access to the Records Manager database.
If they are not installed on the same machine, the Records Manager database
has to be cataloged on the Records Manager engine machine. To catalog a
database, a DB2 Runtime Client is required.
In addition to installing the DB2 client to the machine where the Records
Manager engine will run (if it is installed on a separate machine from the Records
Manager database), the DB2 client should also be installed on the machine
where you will run CommonStore.
Although the DB2 Runtime Client is the minimum requirement for both instances,
we recommend installing the DB2 Administration Client because it provides a


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

simple graphical user interface to catalog a database and other powerful DB2
tools to administer a remote database.
The installation process is straightforward and we do not cover it here.
In the sample environment, we install the Records Manager database on
Jamaica and the Records Manager engine on Bonnie. We therefore need to
install DB2 client on Bonnie.

8.4.3 WebSphere Application Server installation

The three core components of the solution (Content Manager, Records Manager,
and Records Enabler) rely on WebSphere Application Server, which should be
installed on the machines where these products are installed.

Important: Before you continue, make sure that WebSphere Application

Server with Embedded Messaging is installed on the server that runs the
Records Enabler; otherwise, you may encounter problems later.
If the Embedded Messaging feature was not installed, you must deinstall
Content Manager, uninstall WebSphere Application Server, then reinstall
WebSphere Application Server, including the Embedded Messaging feature
(installed by default in the latest version), and then Content Manager again.
Do not take shortcuts or you may experience strange results.
The steps involved in WebSphere Application Server installation are summarized
as follows:
1. Install WebSphere Application Server software.
2. Verify installation.
3. Install Fix Pack 1 and any accumulative fix packs.
In the sample environment, it is necessary to install WebSphere Application
Server on both Jamaica and Bonnie. We also have to install Embedded
Messaging on Bonnie because Records Enabler will be installed on the machine.

Installing WebSphere Application Server software

To help your WebSphere Application Server installation process, we provide the
input values we used during our installation on both servers in Table 8-11 on
page 302. Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Table 8-11 Installation input summary for the sample environment

Required input field

Sample input value

WebSphere Application
Server version


Installation type


Installation directory for

WebSphere Application


Installation directory for



Installation directory for

Embedded Messaging
server and client


Node name

for Jamaica: jamaica

for Bonnie: bonnie

Host name


This includes Embedded

Messaging. Again, this
must be installed on the
machine that will run the
Records Manager engine.
Note: When choosing full
installation, the installation
includes all of the sample
applications, and that may
increase the install time.

We install WebSphere Application Server on both


for Jamaica:
for Bonnie:

WebSphere Administrator
user ID


This is the Windows user

ID used to run the
WebSphere services.

Verifying installation
To verify successful WebSphere Application Server installation, at the
WebSphere Application Server - First Steps window, click Verify Installation.
The confirmation message Installation Verification is complete should


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Installing Fix Pack 1 and cumulative fixes

In order to fulfill the prerequisite, run the Fix Pack 1 update wizard, and then run
the cumulative Fix 3 update wizard.

Important: Before the installation, stop all WebSphere services (server1) as

well as the IBM HTTP Server.
Refer to Table 8-12 for the values we used during the fix pack and cumulative
fixes installation. Replace our sample input values for your environment setup.
Table 8-12 Input values for fix pack and cumulative fixes

Required input field

Sample input value

WebSphere Application
Server Version

Stop all WebSphere

Application Servers


For the fix pack installation, all

services must be shut down.

Stop IBM HTTP Server



The fix pack must update the

plug-in files, which would be
blocked by any running IBM
HTTP server.

Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 8-13 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
WebSphere Application Server installation.
Table 8-13 Key information to remember after WebSphere Application Server installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

WebSphere cell

for Jamaica: jamaica

for Bonnie: bonnie

WebSphere node

for Jamaica: jamaica

for Bonnie: bonnie

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


8.4.4 Information Integrator for Content (CM connector) installation

Content Manager V8 connector (which comes with the Information Integrator for
Content) is a prerequisite for Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) and
CommonStore. Install Content Manager V8 connector on both the CommonStore
machine and the Records Enabler machine if these products are not installed on
the same system where Content Manager is installed.
Content Manager V8 connector must be installed before CMRE installation.

Attention: We recommend installing Content Manager before you install the

connector to any of the machines in question. This is because during the
Content Manager installation, many values necessary to configure the
connector will be defined.
Although we describe the connector installation in this section, defer the
installation until the Content Manager installation is done as described in 8.5,
Content Manager installation and configuration on page 307.

Installing Content Manager V8 connector

To install Content Manager V8 connector, launch the Information Integrator for
Content installation process, select Connector, then Content Manager V8
Connector from the appropriate installation windows. Refer to the product
manual for specific installation instructions.
Table 8-14 lists input values we used for installation in our sample environment.
Replace our sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 8-14 CM V8 connector installation input for sample environment


Required input field

Sample input value


Database server type

DB2 Universal

This is the database used

by the Content Manager

Library Server database


Library Server stores

metadata in a relational
database. This value
specifies the name of the

Library server schema name


This AIX user ID has to be

created for the Content
Manager installation.

Authentication type


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Required input field

Sample input value




This AIX user ID is used as

a connection user ID for
clients to connect to the
Library Server database if
they do not have a valid
database user ID.

icmconct password

8.4.5 Domino server installation

The Domino server is a prerequisite for the CommonStore Server because the
CommonStore Tasks require the Notes API to use a Notes user ID to connect to
the Domino mail servers.
The AIX I/O completion ports are a prerequisite for the Domino server. If your
system does not already have them installed, install and configure them.

Installing and configuring AIX I/O completion ports

To install and configure AIX I/O completion ports, complete the following steps:
1. Install bos.iocp.rte from the AIX installation media.
2. Run cfgmgr to make the system aware of the new devices.
3. Run smitty and select Devices IO Completion Ports Configure IO
Completion Ports. Set it to be available after system restart.
4. Shut down and restart AIX to make the I/O Completion Ports available.

Installing the Domino server

To install a Domino server, perform the following steps:
1. Create the following AIX accounts as shown in Table 8-15.
Table 8-15 AIX accounts

Configuration field

Sample input value


AIX group


This group is used to set the

group permissions on the files
in the Domino data directory.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration field

Sample input value


AIX user


The Domino instance owner;

used to set owner permissions
on the files in the data directory.
Set the primary group to notes.

AIX user home path


Make sure this file system has

at least 250 MB free space.

2. Install the Domino server with setups as shown in Table 8-16.

Table 8-16 Domino server installation options

Configuration field

Sample input value


Server type

Enterprise Server

Partitioned server


OS user ID


OS group ID


Domino data directory


This is the home path of the AIX

user ID created to be the
Domino instance owner.

File system


Make sure that there is at least

550 MB free space.

Installation directory


Note: No configuration of the Domino server is required as we only needed it

for the Notes APIs on Jamaica.
Figure 8-3 on page 307 shows the sample environment after all necessary
prerequisite software has been installed.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Lotus Domino

Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-3 Sample environment after prerequisites installed

8.5 Content Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Content Manager is
used as a repository for archived e-mail. When e-mail becomes records, they are
still stored in the Content Manager repository.
In this section, we describe the main steps involved in installing and configuring
Content Manager, a major component in the integrated solution.
The main steps involved include:
1. Create the required AIX user IDs.
2. Install Content Manager system.
3. Verify installation.

Note: It is not our intention to include all the detailed steps of the installation in
this section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction
with the materials we present here for a successful installation and
In the sample environment, we install Content Manager on Jamaica.

Creating the required AIX user IDs

1. Create an AIX user ID (rmadmin) for Content Manager Resource Manager
and an ID (icmadmin), for Content Manager Library Server and general
system administration. See Table 8-17 on page 308 for the configuration.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Table 8-17 AIX user IDs for Library Server and Resource Manager

User name

Primary group

Group set




staff, db2grp1

This user ID owns the Resource

Manager database (rmdb)
schema. It must be added to the
group db2grp1, and the .profile of
this user has to execute the DB2



staff, db2grp1

This user ID is the default ID that

is used to connect to the
databases if another ID is used
and does not have access to the
It must be added to the group
db2grp1 and the .profile of this
user has to execute the DB2



staff, db2grp1

This user ID owns the Library

Server database (icmnlsdb)
schema. It is Content Managers
administrator ID. It must be
added to the group db2grp1 and
the .profile of this user has to
execute the DB2 profile.

2. After the user IDs are created, set their passwords.

Note: All new AIX user accounts require the password to be changed the
first time they are used after being created. To do this, Telnet to localhost
and log on as the new user. After you enter the password, it will prompt you
to change the password. Enter the same password as before and again to
confirm it. If this is not done, any applications such as DB2 that require this
ID for authentication will fail the authentication.

Installing Content Manager system

We choose a typical Content Manager system installation here.

Attention: During a typical installation, full text search is not configured. If you
need the full text search feature, choose a custom installation.
Follow the product manual for detailed installation steps.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To help your installation process, we provide the input values we used during our
installation in Table 8-18. Input fields are grouped by the input window. Substitute
the sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 8-18 Content Manager installation input values

Input window / field

Sample input


CM Version


Installation directory


Root directory of the Content

Manager installation.

Installation type


This includes the HTTPs configuration

for the Content Manager internal
If you need to configure full text
search, use Custom installation type.

Working directory
(This option is not there
if you choose typical
installation type.)


The working directory stores log files

and configuration files generated
when the product is running.

Host name


The fully qualified network name of

the server.

Database type


Library Server
database name


Library server schema



Library server
administration ID


This is the AIX ID you created earlier.

It must be part of the db2grp1 group
and the .profile of this user has to
execute the DB2 profile.

Content Manager
Connection ID


Users are generally only defined in

Content Manager (and not at the
operating system level that hosts the
Content Manager system). This ID is
used to enable users to connect to the
Library Server database. It only needs
access rights to the database and no
other privileges in Content Manager.

Library Server ID

Library Server stores metadata in a

relational database. This value
specifies the name of the database.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment



Input window / field

Sample input


Library Server
transaction ID duration




Enable text search


Enable LDAP

Not checked

Resource Manager
database name


Resource database


This is the ID you created earlier for

Resource Manager.

Resource Manager
volume mounting point


In AIX it is a good practice to create a

separate file system to install the
database into.

Resource manager
staging directory


Temporary working space for the

Resource Manager (File system
should be at lease 200 MB).

Application Server
node name


Resource Manager
Web application name


Resource Manager
Web application
context root


Token duration


Starting port for

resource manager




Even though text search is not used at

the beginning, it should be checked if
it will be used later on.

Provide the following information for

the Resource Manager application
ports. If you enabled security for your
WebSphere Application Server or
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation, select the check

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Input window / field

Sample input



Use and configure IBM




Select the SSL option for securing

communication between the
Resource Manager application and
the system administration client. If you
do not use IBM HTTP Server SSL, a
default WebSphere SSL configuration
will be used.

8.5.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 8-4 shows the environment after Content Manager has been installed.


Lotus Domino


Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-4 Sample environment after Content Manager installation

At the end of the installation, an installation validation utility will run. You should
see the following message that indicates a successful installation:
Product validation completed with no detected configuration errors.

Perform the following steps to ensure that you installed Content Manager
1. Launch the system administration client that is automatically installed on the
Content Manager server. In our scenario, we launch the system
administration client from Jamaica.
2. Log on to the Content Manager system using the administrative user ID. In
our scenario, we use icmadmin.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


3. Open the Resource Manager configuration.

4. If the Resource Manager configuration is available, the communication with
the Resource Manager is set up properly.
Perform the following steps as the final test of a successful installation:
1. Install a Content Manager client on a Windows machine.
2. Launch the Content Manager Windows client.
3. Import a text into the NOINDEX class of type text.
4. Retrieve the document immediately afterward. Make sure that you can
retrieve it, open it, and view it on the screen.

8.5.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 8-19 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 8-19 Key information to remember after Content Manager installation


Configuration data

Sample input value


Content Manager
administrator user ID


The administrative user ID

for the Content Manager

Resource Manager
Administrator ID


The Resource Manager

database schema owner.

Content Manager server

host name

Fully qualified host name

of the server that is running
the Content Manager
Library Server.

Library Server database


The name of the Library

Server database. Every
remote client has to
catalog this database
before being able to
access it.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

8.6 CommonStore installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, CommonStore is used
to archive e-mail from mail databases to Content Manager repository. It also
provides a user interface to declare e-mail as records if manual records
declaration and classification is allowed.
The steps involved include:
1. Install CommonStore for Lotus Domino (CSLD).
2. Configure Content Manager:
a. Create the appropriate attributes and item type.
b. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID.
3. Create Domino user ID for CommonStore:
a. Create a Domino user ID.
b. Copy template files and sign them.
c. Create and configure the configuration database and job database.
4. Configure ArchPro environment:
a. Set the Content Manager connector environment.
b. Create archint.ini.
5. Start ArchPro:
a. Submit a license.
b. Save a password for Content Manager user ID.
c. Start ArchPro.
6. Configure CommonStore Task environment:
a. Prepare notes.ini and names.nsf for CSLD Task.
b. Set the environment for CSLD Task.
c. Save the password for the Domino user ID.
7. Start CSLD Task.
8. Run CSLD in the background.
Features such as full text search and single instance store are not covered. Refer
to IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administrators and Programmers
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6742 to set up those features.

Note: We do not include detailed steps of the installation in this section. We

recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with the
materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install CommonStore on Jamaica.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Step 1: Installing CommonStore for Lotus Domino

Select a complete installation to install all components (ArchPro Server, CSLD
Task) on the machine.
Table 8-20 lists the input value used for installation in our sample environment.
Replace the sample input value according to your environment setup.
Table 8-20 CommonStore installation input for the sample environment

input field

Sample input




The installation directory in this sample environment

is different from the standard installation directory,
simply to have an easier way to manage Path and
Classpath variables.

Important: If you are installing CommonStore on AIX 5.2 or higher, the Visual
Age for C++ runtime libraries that come with CommonStore 8.3 for AIX are
missing the libraries for AIX 5.2. In order to make this work, you have to install
the correct version of the VACC runtime libraries for your OS level.
A temporary workaround is to install the VACPP that comes with
CommonStore and create an aix52 link that points to the aix51 library path:
#cd /usr/vacpp/lib
#ln -s aix51 aix52

Step 2: Configuring Content Manager

Log on to the Content Manager System Administrator using the Content
Manager Administrator ID. In the sample environment, the Administrator user ID
is icmadmin (created during installation of the Content Manager; see 8.5.2, Key
information to remember on page 312).
Perform the following steps when you are in the system administration client:
1. Create the appropriate attributes and item type (CSLDMail).
2. Create the appropriate Content Manager user ID (CSAGENT).

Creating the appropriate attributes and item type (CSLDMail)

Attributes are used to store metadata. In an e-mail environment, Notes fields
(such as Subject or Sender) are mapped through CommonStore to Content
Manager attributes.
To create the new attributes:
1. Select Data Modeling Attributes.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

2. Right-click New. Enter the appropriate information, and click Save.

Create at least the mandatory attribute CSLDDocUNID. If CommonStore
security is used, the attributes CSLDOrigUser and CSLDOrigDB must be
Other attributes can be created in order to map additional Notes fields to
Content Manager attributes.
See Table 8-21 for the attributes added in the sample environment.
Table 8-21 Attributes


Attribute type

Character type

Max length






Variable character

Extended alphanumeric




Extended alphanumeric



Variable character

Extended alphanumeric



Variable character

Extended alphanumeric



Time stamp



To create the new item type, CSLDMail:

1. Go to Data Modeling Item types.
2. Right-click New.
3. Enter CSLDMail as the name of the item type.
4. Click the Attributes tab and assign attributes to the item type CSLDMail as
shown in Table 8-22.
5. Document parts ICMBASE must be selected. If the item type must be text
searchable, add ICMBASETEXT and check the Text Searchable option.
Table 8-22 Item type CSLDMail

Configuration field

Sample input value






All users have public read access to

that item type. Select on Item level.

Text search


Text search is not configured.

Document part


Only this document part is needed

because no textuaries are configured.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Creating the appropriate Content Manager user ID (CSAGENT)

CommonStore uses a Content Manager ID to communicate with the Content
Manager system. This user ID needs access to the e-mail stored in the
DominoMail item type.
To create a new Content Manager user ID:
1. Select Authentication Users.
2. Right-click New.
3. Enter CSAGENT as the user name and appropriate values. Click Save.
Table 8-23 shows the input values we used to create the Content Manager
user ID in the sample environment.
Table 8-23 Content Manager user ID


Sample input


User name


ID used by CommonStore to archive content in

Content Manager.



During startup of the CommonStore Server

(ArchPro), this password must be provided so
that ArchPro can use the ID to log on to the
Content Manager system.


Never expires

To ensure that CommonStore starts up correctly,

make sure that the password never expires. If the
password can expire, CommonStore startup will
fail if Content Manager requests a password

privilege set


The Content Manager user ID used by

CommonStore has to be a Super User, which is
necessary for the Records solution. Therefore, it
is necessary to assign the AllPrivs privilege set.

Default item
access control


You must provide an ACL in this field; otherwise,

the user ID cannot be created. However, this
ACL is used only if, during an item type creation,
the field Users default ACL is chosen to be the
ACL that defines the ACL to be set for items
stored in the item type.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 3: Creating Domino user ID for CommonStore

To create a Domino user ID for CommonStore:
1. Create a Domino user (CSLD Task).
2. Set up the Domino user in the Notes client.

Creating a Domino user (CSLD Task)

Domino uses a Lotus Notes user ID to authenticate with the Domino server. This
user ID needs access to all Notes databases that require archiving. This user ID
also needs access to the CommonStore configuration database and job
database (created later in this chapter).
To create a Domino user ID, start the Domino Administrator Client and log on
with a user ID with proper rights to register new users and create a regular notes
account. See Table 8-24.
Table 8-24 Input values for user CSLD Task

Configuration field

Sample input value


User ID


Lotus Notes user that will be used by

CommonStore Tasks to authenticate
with the Domino server.
First Name: CSLD
Last Name: Task


Record this password, as it will be

required later.

Setting up the Domino user in the Notes client

CommonStore uses a Lotus Notes user ID to authenticate with the Domino
server. This user ID needs Editor access to all Notes databases that will use
CommonStore archiving. This ID also needs Reader access to the configuration
database and Editor access to the job database. The ACL of the job database
must grant the role CSLD User to this user ID. This role allows an ID to see all
jobs within the job database and not only the jobs created by an ID.
Use a new Notes client to set up the new Notes user ID. After the setup is
complete and you can open this users mailbox, open the personal address book
of this user and remove all location documents except the Office location.
Rename the Office location to be the name of the Notes user (for example, CSLD
Task) and enable only the TCP/IP port. Close and open the Notes client and
verify that it can still connect to the users mailbox. Close the Notes client.

Attention: You will need the ID file, names.nsf, and notes.ini for this Notes
user later in this chapter.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Step 4: Configuring ArchPro environment

To configure ArchPro environment:
1. Create an AIX user ID to run ArchPro.
a. Create the group as shown in Table 8-25.
Table 8-25 AIX group

Configuration field

Sample input value


Group Name


This group enables the two

CommonStore user IDs to transfer files.

b. Create the user as shown in Table 8-26.

Table 8-26 AIX user to run Archpro


Sample input


User Name


User ID that will run the ArchPro program.

Primary Group


Both the user ID that runs ArchPro and the user

ID that runs the Tasks and Crawlers need to
have this group as the primary group. This is
because they read and write temporary files
when archiving and retrieving content.

Group Set

cmstore, staff,

c. Set the users password.

Note: All new AIX user accounts require the password to be changed
the first time they are used after being created. To do this, Telnet to
localhost and log on as the new user. After you enter the password, you
are required to change the password. Enter the same password as
before and again to confirm it. If this is not done, if applications require
this ID for authentication, the authentication will fail.
2. Set the DB2 environment.
The ARCHPRO user ID has to run the DB2 profile to enable it to
communicate with the Content Manager database.
3. Set the CommonStore environment.
The ARCHPRO user ID has to set environment settings to enable it to access
the CommonStore files.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4. Set the Notes environment.

The ARCHPRO user ID has to set environment settings to enable it to use the
Lotus Domino APIs.
5. Set the Content Manager connector environment.
The ARCHPRO user ID has to set environment settings to enable it to
communicate with Content Manager.
6. Create archint.ini.
The archint.ini configures the ArchPro Server. It defines whether logging and
tracing are activated, and logical archives are defined in archint.ini. Those
logical archives point to a specific Content Manager server, including the item
type that is used.

Example input for our sample environment

We performed the following sequence of steps for our sample environment:
1. Create an AIX user ID to run Archpro:
a. Create the group:
#smitty groups
Add a Group

b. Create the user:

#smitty users
Add a User

c. Set user password

#passwd ARCHPRO

2. Set the DB2 environment:

a. Switch to the ARCHPRO user:

b. Add the DB2 profile to the end of this users .profile:

$vi .profile

Example 8-1 shows the .profile we use for the sample environment, with
the newly added line in bold text.
Example 8-1 .profile
export PATH

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


if [ -s "$MAIL" ]
then echo "$MAILMSG"

# This is at Shell startup. In normal

# operation, the Shell checks
# periodically.

. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

3. Set the CommonStore environment:

a. As the ARCHPRO user, copy the environment script:
$cp /usr/lpp/csld/bin/ to ./

b. Change the permissions so that the owner can execute it:

$chmod 744

c. Add the environment script to the end of this users .profile:

vi .profile

Example 8-2 shows the .profile we use for the sample environment, with
the newly added line in bold text.
Example 8-2 .profile
export PATH
if [ -s "$MAIL" ]
then echo "$MAILMSG"

# This is at Shell startup. In normal

# operation, the Shell checks
# periodically.

. /home/d1cmius1/sqllib/db2profile
. $HOME/

4. Set the Notes environment:

a. As the ARCHPRO user, copy the environment script:
$cp /usr/lpp/csld/bin/ to ./

b. Change the permissions so that the owner can execute it:

$chmod 744

c. Add the last line to the end of this users .profile:

vi .profile

Example 8-3 shows the .profile we use for the sample environment, with
the newly added line in bold text.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Example 8-3 .profile

export PATH
if [ -s "$MAIL" ]
then echo "$MAILMSG"

# This is at Shell startup. In normal

# operation, the Shell checks
# periodically.

. /home/d1cmius1/sqllib/db2profile
. $HOME/
. $HOME/

d. Make a Notes data directory to contain the Notes user files:

$mkdir notesdata

e. From the data directory of the Notes user created in step 3b above, FTP
the three files to this Notes data directory for ARCHPRO.
Example 8-4 shows the action and the results.
Example 8-4 FTP files to notes data directory for ARCHPRO
c:\Lotus\Notes\Data> ftp
Connected to
220 FTP server (Version 4.1 Tue Jul 6 21:20:07 CDT
2004) ready.
331 Password required for ARCHPRO.
230-Last login: Fri Jun 17 15:31:08 CDT 2005 on ftp from ::ffff:
230 User ARCHPRO logged in.
ftp> cd notesdata
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A; form set to N.
ftp> put notes.ini
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for notes.ini.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 5087 bytes sent.
ftp> bin
ftp> put names.nsf
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for names.nsf.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 4194304 bytes sent.
ftp> put
200 PORT command successful.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


150 Opening data connection for

226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 3424bytes sent.
ftp> bye

f. As the ARCHPRO user, modify the Windows directory references in the

notes.ini file to be the AIX equivalents, as Example 8-5 shows in bold text.
Example 8-5 Updated notes.ini
TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0
Log=log.nsf, 1, 0, 7, 40000

5. Set the Content Manager connector environment:

As the ARCHPRO user, add the Content Manager environment script and
umask setting to the end of this users .profile:
vi .profile

Example 8-6 shows the updated .profile, with the newly added line in bold.
Example 8-6 .profile
export PATH
if [ -s "$MAIL" ]
then echo "$MAILMSG"

# This is at Shell startup. In normal

# operation, the Shell checks
# periodically.

. /home/d1cmius1/sqllib/db2profile


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

. $HOME/
. $HOME/
. /opt/IBM/db2cmv8/bin/
umask ug=rwx,o=r

6. Create archint.ini:
a. As the ARCHPRO user, create the CommonStore instance directory:
$mkdir inst000

b. Copy the sample archint.ini from the install directory to the instance
$cd inst000
$cp /usr/lpp/csld/bin/archint_sample_cm8.ini ./archint.ini

c. Change the settings according to Table 8-27.

Table 8-27 Archint.ini setting changes


Sample input value






Path where archived content is

temporarily stored when being
passed between tasks and archpro.



Name of the logical archive that will

be addressed by CommonStore
Task. A Task is not aware of a Library
Server or an item type, but only of the
logical archive name.
ArchPro defines logical archives in
order to make them transparent for a
Task in which archive system
(Content Manager, Content Manager
OnDemand, Tivoli Storage Manager)
is used. The Task only refers to the
logical archive or archives.



ArchPro supports more archive

systems than just Content Manager.
The value CM specifies that the
archive is a Content Manager



The item type used to archive e-mail.

It was created in step 2a of 8.6,
CommonStore installation and
configuration on page 313.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment



Sample input value




The name of the Content Manager

Library Server (DB2 database) in
which the item type is created.



Content Manager user ID used by

CommonStore to communicate with
the archive system. This ID was
created in step 2b of 8.6,
CommonStore installation and
configuration on page 313.



Default archive type for


d. As the root user, create the TEMPPATH directory and set ownership and
#cd /tmp
#mkdir csldxfer
#chown ARCHPRO:cmstore
#chmod 774 csldxfer

Step 5: Starting ArchPro

When the configuration is completed, start the ArchPro server as follows:
1. Submit license.
To submit the CommonStore license use this command:
archpro -f license

The ArchPro prompts for the path of the license file. This path must include
the filename.
2. Save the password for CM user ID.
In order to start ArchPro without user interaction, you must store the
password of the CM user ID. Use archpro -f serverpasswd to be prompted
for the password to be stored. The password will be stored encrypted in a file.
Every time the password of the used CM user ID is changed, this process
must be repeated. If the password is changed without repeating this process,
ArchPro will fail to connect to the Content Manager because it is using an
invalid password.
3. Start ArchPro.
To start the ArchPro, use archpro. If any error occurs, the ArchPro will shut
down immediately.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Example input for our sample environment

We performed the following sequence of steps for our sample environment:
1. Submit license:
a. As the ARCHPRO user, change to the instance directory:
$cd $HOME/inst000

b. Register the CommonStore license:

$archpro -f license

2. Save the password for the Content Manager user ID:

archpro -f serverpasswd

You will be prompted to specify the password for Content Manager ID

CSAGENT (as configured in the logical archive definition in Creating the
appropriate Content Manager user ID (CSAGENT) on page 316).
3. Start ArchPro:

Attention: A successfully started ArchPro is necessary before the other steps

can be accomplished. The ArchPro is the connection to the archive system, so
it must be running before any archiving can be take place.

Step 6: Configuring the CommonStore Task environment

To configure the CommonStore environment, complete the following steps:
1. Create an AIX user ID to run tasks and crawlers:
a. Create the user as specified in Table 8-28.
b. Set its password.
Table 8-28 Create user


Sample input


User Name


User ID that will run the Task and Crawler


Primary Group


Both the user ID that runs Archpro and the user ID

that runs the Tasks and Crawlers must have this
group as the primary group. This is because they
read and write temporary files when archiving and
retrieving content.

Group Set

cmstore, staff,

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


2. Set the CommonStore environment.

The CSLDTASK user ID must set environment settings to enable it to access
the CommonStore files.
3. Set Notes environment.
The CSLDTASK user ID must set environment settings to enable it to use the
Lotus Domino APIs.
4. Create archint.ini.
The archint.ini configures the ArchPro Server. It defines whether logging and
tracing are activated, and logical archives are defined in the archint.ini. Those
logical archives point to a specific Content Manager server including the item
type that is used.
5. Copy template files and sign them.
The templates are used to create the job database and configuration
database. The sample mail template is used to replace the design of a users
mail database to enable it to support archiving and retrieval of mail.
6. Create and configure the configuration database and job database.
The job and configuration databases must exist on a Domino server. The
configuration database holds all task and crawler configurations.

Example input for our sample environment

For our sample environment, we perform the following steps:
1. Create an AIX user ID to run tasks and crawlers:
#smitty users
Add a User
#passwd CSLDTASK

2. Set the CommonStore environment (use the CSLDTask user to copy the
environment script):
$cd $HOME
$cp /usr/lpp/csld/bin/ to ./
$chmod 744
vi .profile

Example 8-7 shows the updated .profile; add a new line as shown in bold text.
Example 8-7 .profile
export PATH
if [ -s "$MAIL" ]


# This is at Shell startup.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

In normal

then echo "$MAILMSG"


# operation, the Shell checks

# periodically.

. $HOME/

3. Set the Notes environment (use CSLDTASK user to copy the script):
a. As user CSLDTASK, copy the environment script and change permission
of the script file:
$cp /usr/lpp/csld/bin/ to ./
$chmod 744

b. Update .profile with the information:

vi .profile

See the newly added lines in bold text in Example 8-8.

Example 8-8 .profile
export PATH
if [ -s "$MAIL" ]
then echo "$MAILMSG"

# This is at Shell startup. In normal

# operation, the Shell checks
# periodically.

. $HOME/
. $HOME/
umask ug=rwx,o=r

c. Make a notesdata directory to contain the Notes user files:

$mkdir notesdata

d. Copy the three Notes user files from the notesdata directory of the
ARCHPRO user to the notesdata directory of the CSLDTASK user:

/home/ARCHPRO/notesdata/notes.ini ./
/home/ARCHPRO/notesdata/names.nsf ./
/home/ARCHPRO/notesdata/ ./

e. Change the ARCHPRO directory references in the notes.ini file to be the

CSLDTASK equivalents (Example 8-9).
Example 8-9 Updated notes.ini file

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0
Log=log.nsf, 1, 0, 7, 40000

4. Create archint.ini:
a. As the CSLDTASK user, create the CommonStore instance directory:
$cd $HOME
mkdir inst001

b. Copy the archint.ini file from the instance directory of the ARCHPRO user
to the instance directory of the CSLDTASK user:
$cd inst001
$cp /home/ARCHPRO/inst000/archint.ini ./

c. Update archint.ini as shown in Table 8-29.

Table 8-29 archint.ini update


Sample input value




5. Copy template files and sign them.

CommonStore ships with three Notes template files. After the installation,
those templates are located under the CommonStore installation directory.

A Domino administrator has to copy these files onto the Domino server and
sign them to avoid unnecessary security prompts for the e-mail user.
To make the templates available, copy them directly to the Domino server
data directory.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Specify the Job database and Domino server in the CreateCSNJobs script
library. Example 8-10 shows the modified lines in bold text.
Example 8-10 CreateCSNJobs.script

Function JobDatabaseName As String

session As New NotesSession
db As NotesDatabase
doc As NotesDocument

Dim jobDBName As Variant

Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
' The "CSLD Profile Document" is created with the "CSLD Wizard" database
Set doc = db.GetProfileDocument("CSLD Profile Document")
' If the "CSLD Profile Document" exists and contains "jobDatabaseName"
If (Not doc Is Nothing And doc.HasItem("jobDatabaseName")=True) Then
JobDatabaseName =jobDBName(0)
' Job database name. Users of this script library must modify this:
End If
End Function


Function JobDatabaseServer As String

session As New NotesSession
db As NotesDatabase
doc As NotesDocument

Dim jobDBServer As Variant

Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
' The "CSLD Profile Document" is created with the "CSLD Wizard" database
Set doc = db.GetProfileDocument("CSLD Profile Document")
' If the "CSLD Profile Document" exists and contains "jobDatabaseServer"
If (Not doc Is Nothing And doc.HasItem("jobDatabaseServer")=True) Then
JobDatabaseServer = jobDBServer(0)
' Job database server. Users of this script library must modify this:
End If
End Function

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Sign the templates: Open the Domino Administrator client, select the Files
tab, select the templates to be signed, right-click the template, and click sign.

Attention: The ID used to sign the templates must be listed in the Domino
domain Execution Control List and be granted the appropriate access.
6. Create and configure the configuration database and job database.
A configuration database stores all necessary information for a CommonStore
Task, such as the task profile. The database must be created using the
template that ships with the CommonStore Server. If an older version of a
template is used, errors will occur.
To create the configuration database, open a Notes client using an ID with
proper rights to create a database on a server. Go to: File Database
New. Select Domino server, define a name, and select the template.
a. Set up a job database as shown in Table 8-30.
Table 8-30 Job database setup

Configuration field

Sample input value




Name of the Domino server where the

job database is created.



Title of the job database.



File name of the job database created.



Name of the Domino server that

contains the job database template file.


CSLD Job Database


Name of the template to be selected.

b. Add the Domino user ID used by CommonStore (CSLD Task) to the ACL
and assign the role CSLDUsers to it.
c. Set up the configuration database as shown in Table 8-31.
Table 8-31 Configuration database setup


Configuration field

Sample input value




Name of the Domino server where the

configuration database is created.



Title of the configuration database.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input value




File name of the configuration




Name of the Domino server that

contains the configuration database
template file.


CSLD Configuration
Database 8.3

Name of the template to be selected.

d. Add the Domino user ID used by CommonStore (CSLD Task) to the ACL.
e. Set up the database profile for the archive task. See Table 8-32 for input
Table 8-32 Database profile for archive task


Sample input




The profile name used to during the startup of

a CommonStore Task.

Working DBs


All specifies that all jobs in the job database

will be processed by this task.

Job database


Name of the job database that this task is

assigned to.

Job database


Server on which the job database is located.

Restrict retrieval
to point of origin


CommonStore security is activated, so that

only retrievals to the original database are
possible. The Content Manager attribute
CSLDOrigDB has to exist.

Task TCP/IP port


TCP/IP port


The port ArchPro server listens on for requests

from CSLD Tasks. Defined in the archint.ini
with the variable DOMINOPORT.

host name


This information is used to create the URL

when HTTP links are created.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment



Sample input


Web port


This information is used to create the URL

when HTTP links are created. Together with
the CommonStore host name a URL will look
This port has to point to the HTTP Dispatcher
port, which is defined in the archin.ini with the
parameter WEBPORT.

Folder Archive ID

Folder Archiving is not used in this

environment, so the value is not set.

f. Set up the database profile for the retrieve task. Table 8-33 shows input
Table 8-33 Database profile for retrieve task


Configuration field

Sample input




The profile name used during the startup of

a CommonStore Task.

Working DBs


All specifies that all retrieve jobs in the job

database will be processed by this task.

Job database name


Name of the job database that this task is

assigned to.

Job database server


Server on which the job database is


Restrict retrieval to
point of origin


CommonStore security is activated, so that

only retrievals to the original database are
possible. The Content Manager attribute
CSLDOrigDB has to exist.

Task TCP/IP port


TCP/IP port


The port ArchPro server listens on for

requests from CSLD Tasks.
Defined in the archint.ini with the variable

CommonStore host


Used to create the URL when HTTP links

are created.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input


CommonStore Web


This information is used to create the URL

when HTTP links are created. Together
with the CommonStore host name, a URL
will look like:
This port has to point to the HTTP
Dispatcher port, which is defined in the
archin.ini with the parameter WEBPORT.

Folder Archive ID

Folder Archiving is not used in this

environment, so the value is not set.

g. Set up document mapping. See Table 8-34 for input values.

Table 8-34 Document mapping

Configuration field

Sample input


Define mapping for

Document form

Specifies that a document mapping based

on a form is created.

Notes form name


Specifies the name of form that is mapped

to an logical archive.

Optional form

Reply, Forward

Only mapped forms are archived. If only

Memo is mapped, all other forms are not
archived, so specify all other forms that are
also mapped to the logical archive.

Archive ID


The name of the logical archive this

document mapping is using.
The value is defined in the archin.ini as
shown in Step 4: Configuring ArchPro
environment on page 318. The value is
case sensitive.

Notes fields to
display in hit lists

Subject, From,

A hit list is created when CommonStore

finishes a search within the Content
Manager. The values define which values
are shown in the columns of the hit list.

Form for result



The Notes form used when a document is

selected in a hit list for retrieval.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration field

Sample input


Notes document
field names


List of Notes/Domino fields that are

mapped to Content Manager attributes.

Archive attribute


List of Content Manager attributes that are

mapped to Notes/Domino fields.
These attributes were created in Step 2:
Configuring Content Manager on
page 314.
In this example, the Notes field Subject is
mapped to the Content Manager attribute

h. Set up content type mapping. See Table 8-35 for input values.
Table 8-35 Content type mapping

Configuration field

Sample input


File extension


Files with that extension are created when

e-mail is archived in Notes Native Format.

Content type


i. Configure the Lotus Notes password to bypass for CommonStore Task.

As the CSLDTASK user, store the password for the Lotus Notes user ID:
$cd $HOME/inst001
$csld -f serverpasswd -i $HOME/notesdata/notes.ini

Important: Every time the password of the Lotus Notes user ID is

changed, this process must be repeated. If the password is changed
without repeating this process, a CommonStore Task will fail to connect
to the Domino server because it is using an invalid password.
j. As the root user, copy the extension manager add-in library file from the
CSLD media to the CSLD bin directory:
#cd /usr/lpp/csld/bin
#cp <libextpwd.a from CDLD media> ./
#chmod 755 libextpwd.a


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

k. As the CSLDTASK user, add a line to the notes.ini file to make the
extension available to the Notes API:
$cd $HOME/notesdata
$vi notes.ini

Table 8-11 shows the updated notes.ini file.

Example 8-11 Notes.ini file
TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0
Log=log.nsf, 1, 0, 7, 40000

7. Start the tasks.

A CommonStore Task needs an up-and-running ArchPro. The startup
command includes the following information: Domino server of the
configuration database, name of the configuration database, name of the
profile to be used, and the notes.ini file to be used.

Example input for the sample environment

For the sample environment, we perform the following steps:
1. Start the task using the following command:
csld -s <servername> -n <configdatabasename> -p <profilename> -i

See Table 8-36 on page 336 for input values.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Table 8-36 Parameters for starting CSLD Task


Sample input




Name of the Domino server on which the

configuration database is located.



Name of the configuration database that

contains the profile of the task. This
database is created in step 6 on page 326.


Archive /

Name of the profile in the configuration

database as configured in step 6 on
page 326.



Path including the filename to the notes.ini

file that was copied and modified as
described under step of the CommonStore
installation and configuration chapter.

2. Start the Archive task.

As the CSLDTASK user, start the Archive task:
$cd $HOME/inst001
$csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p Archive -i

3. Start the Retrieve task.

As the CSLDTASK user, start the Retrieve task:
$cd $HOME/inst001
$csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConfig.nsf -p Retrieve -i

Step 8: Running CSLD in the background

To run CSLD in the background:
1. Create scripts using nohup to run the programs in the background.
2. Example 8-12 on page 337 shows a script that can start the archpro program
either in the current session (default), in the background, or in debug mode
(captures the console logging of stdout and stderr to files). Log on as user
ARCHPRO and run this:
$cd $HOME
$./ -background
$./ -debug


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Example 8-12 Content of /home/ARCHPRO/

cd $HOME/inst000
case $1 in
nohup archpro 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &;;
nohup archpro 1> $HOME/Archpro.stdout 2> $HOME/Archpro.stderr
cd $HOME

l. Example 8-13 shows a script that can start the Archive task either in the
current session (default), in the background, or in debug mode (captures
the console logging of stdout and stderr to files). Log on as user
CSLDTASK and run this:
$cd $HOME
$./ -background
$./ -debug
Example 8-13 [contents of /home/CSLDTASK/]
cd $HOME/inst001
case $1 in
nohup csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Archive 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &;;
nohup csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Archive 1> $HOME/Archive.stdout 2>
$HOME/Archive.stderr &;;
csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Archive;;
cd $HOME

m. Example 8-14 on page 338 shows a script that can start the Retrieve task
either in the current session (default), in the background, or in debug mode

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


(captures the console logging of stdout and stderr to files). Log on as user
CSLDTASK and run this:
$cd $HOME
$./ -background
$./ -debug
Example 8-14 [contents of /home/CSLDTASK/]
cd $HOME/inst001
case $1 in
nohup csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Retrieve 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &;;
nohup csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Retrieve 1> $HOME/Retrieve.stdout 2>
$HOME/Retrieve.stderr &;;
csld -s Bonnie/ITSO -n CSLDConf.nsf -i
$HOME/notesdata/notes.ini -p Retrieve;;
cd $HOME

8.6.1 Installation summary and verification

To test the installation, create a test Notes user. Replace its e-mail database
template with the sample mail template that ships with CommonStore. Set the
job database name and job database server value in that template.
In the sample environment, these values are:

Job database name

Job database server


After the template is applied, make sure that the CSLD task has access to that
database. You can test this by using user ID CSLD Task to open the mail
Open the mail database using the regular mail database user ID. Select an
e-mail for archiving. Select CommonStore Archive Selected Documents
and click OK.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The archive is successful when the document moves to the Archived documents
category within the inbox. To confirm that the retrieve is working, open the
archived document and click Fetch.
If both operations are successful, the installation and basic configuration of
CommonStore are completed. Figure 8-5 shows the components that are
installed after this section is completed.




Lotus Domino


Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-5 Sample environment after CommonStore is installed

Note: The various forms, views, and libraries from the CSLD sample template
are not meant for production use but to be used as a guide to incorporating
CSLD and Records functions into your corporate Notes template.

8.6.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 8-37 contains the key configuration input values to remember after the
CommonStore for Lotus Domino installation and configuration.
Table 8-37 Key information to remember after CSLD installation

Configuration data

Sample input value

Lotus Notes user ID used by CommonStore


Content Manager user ID used by CommonStore


Item type used by CommonStore


Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


8.7 Records Manager installation and configuration

In the e-mail archiving and records management solution, Records Manager is
used as a records administration application and as an engine that records
enables Content Manager (via Records Enabler for Content Manager) and thus
records enables the entire e-mail archiving solution. In this section, we describe
the main steps involved in installing and configuring Records.
These steps are as follows:

Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1.

Install Records Manager database V4.1.1.
Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2.
Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2.
Run engine configuration utility.

Note: We do not include details of all of the installation steps in this section.
We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with the
materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install Records Manager engine on Bonnie and
Records Manager database on Jamaica.

Step 1: Install Records Manager engine V4.1.1

Make sure user irmwas is created using information in Table 8-38 as reference.
Table 8-38 Create user

Configuration field

Sample input value


User Name


This user ID is used for WebSphere

connection factory authentication.

Primary Group


Group Set


Table 8-39 on page 341 lists the input values we used during our installation on
Bonnie in the sample environment. Replace our sample input values as needed
for your environment setup.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 8-39 Records Manager engine installation input for sample environment

Configuration window / field

Sample input value


Installation Destination
Directory Name


Records Manager installation

Tip: Use a directory without the
version number. For updates, the
same directory can be used so no
second directory with a different
version number will be created.

Installation Type
Setup type


Deployment and Configuration

I want the installer to
do deployment and
configure for me


The setup program deploys all J2EE

applications and configures them.

WebSphere Application Server Connection Information

Connector Type


The type of communication interface

between the WebSphere Application
Server and the installation program.

Connector Port


The port used by the Connector Type.



The cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server.



The node name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 8.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 301.
Tip: To view a node name, go to
WebSphere Application Console; click
Servers Application servers
Server1 Runtime.



When this book was written, the only

possible working value was server1.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration window / field

Sample input value


Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is

enabled. If security is enabled, this
option has to be checked and a valid
user name and password must be
To verify that security is enabled,
ensure that WebSphere Application
Server is started, open the
WebSphere Application Console, and
in the console navigation tree, click
Security Global Security to verify
the Enabled setting in the
Configuration tab.

Connection Factories Authentication

Authentication User


This AIX user ID has to exist. It does

not need any special rights and is
used just for authentication.
The user ID must not be longer than
eight characters (which is the current
WebSphere limitation).
An application component uses a
connection factory to access a
connection instance, which the
component then uses to connect to
the underlying enterprise information
system (EIS). Connection examples
include database connections, Java
Message Service connections, and
SAP R/3 connections.

Mail Session Configuration
Mail Transport Host



The name of the server to access for

the engine to send e-mail.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration window / field

Sample input value


SMTP User Name

This is required only if SSL is

configured on the SMTP Server.
Specifies the name of an e-mail user
who has access to send e-mail
through the specified transport host.
Leave this field blank if the transport
host does not require authentication.


Only required if SSL is configured on

the SMTP Server.
Required for the engine to send
e-mail. Specifies the password of an
e-mail user who has access to send
e-mail through the specified transport
host. Leave this field blank if the
transport host does not require

Administration Client Configuration



The context root for your Records

Manager Administrator client. This is
the name that you use to access the
client for Records Manager in your
browser (the virtual directory name).
For example:

Engine Server


The host name of the computer where

the Records Manager engine is

Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the

host where you are installing the
Records Manager engine. This field
specifies the port number on which the
application server Object Request
Broker (ORB) listens for requests.

Web Services Configuration

Web Service Configuration


Specifies the context root for the

Records Manager Web server. This is
the name that is used to access the
Web services for Records Manager in
a browser (the virtual directory name).

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration window / field

Sample input value


Web Services Node



Specifies the host name of the

computer where the Records
Manager engine is installed.

Web Services HTTP



Specifies the number for the port that

the WebSphere Application Server
uses for message queues.

Import Export Configuration

Engine Server


The host name of the computer where

the Records Manager engine is

Engine Server ORB



Specifies the JNDI service port for the

host where the Records Manager
engine is installed. This field specifies
the port number on which the
application server Object Request
Broker (ORB) listens for requests.


The WebSphere Application Server

installation directory.

WebSphere Location

Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1

Make sure irmadmin is created using Table 8-40 as reference.
Table 8-40 Create user

Configuration field

Sample input


User Name


This user ID is used to connect to the

Records Manager database.

Primary Group


Group Set

staff, db2grp1

In Table 8-41 on page 345, we provide the input values we used during our
installation on Jamaica in the sample environment. Replace our sample input
values according to your environment setup.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 8-41 Records Manager database installation input for sample environment

Configuration window / field

Sample input value



This directory is not the default

installation directory.

Installation Directory
Directory Name
Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver class



Path to the file located

under the DB2 installation path.

DB2 Database Configuration

DB2 Node/Instance


The instance name if the Records

Manager database is being
installed directly on a DB2 server.
If a remote database is being
used, then this is the name of a
cataloged DB2 instance.
Note: This name cannot exceed
eight characters in length.

Database Name


The name of the DB2 database

that is being created.
Note: The database name cannot
exceed eight characters in length,
and it must be unique for each
database you create.

Default Disk

The default location where the

database and dataset files are
being created.

Folder for Database



The default location where the

database and dataset files are
being created.
This location will have the
containers of the table spaces for
the database to create.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration window / field

Sample input value


User name


Specifies the name of the DB2

user that will be the owner of the
Records Manager schema. This
user will have database
administration privileges in the
newly created database.
Important: This user must exist,
as it is not created automatically
during the installation.



Specifies a portion of the locale

mapped to the country code for the
internal processing by the
database manager.

Collating System


Specifies the sequence in which

characters are ordered for the
purpose of sorting, merging,
comparing and processing
indexed data sequentially.

DB Language


Optional: Specifies a language

identifier. Set this field when the
database language is different
from the default language on your
computer. The language you
specify must be available on the
computer where you are
performing the installation.

Administration User


Specifies the name of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.

User password

Administration User

Specifies the password of the

database user with system
administrator privileges for the
DB2 database instance.

Database File Plan Population

Select a plan to
populate database



A sample file plan is created.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 3: Upgrade Records Manager engine V4.1.2

The Records Manager engine upgrade is basically a redeploy of the WebSphere
Application Server. When running the upgrade, re-enter the values you provided

Tip: Make sure to use the same installation directory; otherwise, a second
directory will be created and the old one will not be deleted.

Step 4: Upgrade Records Manager database V4.1.2

After the Records Manager engine is upgraded to V4.1.2, upgrade the Records
Manager database to the same level.
Table 8-42 Records Manager database upgrade input for sample environment

Configuration window /

Sample input value



Use the same directory as

specified during the original
installation of the Records
Manager database.

Installation Directory
Directory Name

Custom or Automatic upgrade



Database Type
Database Type


JDBC driver class path


DB2 Database Configuration

DB2 Node/Instance Name


DB2 Instance user name.

Database Name


The name of the database that is

created in step 2 on page 353.

Folder for Database



The folder for the database

container that is specified in step
2 on page 353.

User name


Name of the user that is

specified in step 2 on page 353.

User password

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration window /

Sample input value


System Administration
User Name


The name of the database user

with system admin privileges for
the DB2 database instance.

System Administration
User Password

The password of the database

user with system administrator
privileges for the DB2 database

Database Back Up
Selected database was
backed up


Important: If this is not selected,

the upgrade cannot proceed.
Ensure that the database is
backed up before attempting to
upgrade the database.

Step 5: Run engine configuration utility

The Records Manager engine must be able to access the Records Manager
database. Because the database can be on different platforms (DB2,Oracle, SQL
Server), a data source must be configured. This data source is used by the
Records Manager engine to access the database.
If the Records Manager engine is running on a different machine than the
Records Manager database, the database must be cataloged on the engine
machine. In the sample environment, the engine runs on Bonnie, and the
database is on Jamaica. We need to catalog the database on Bonnie. Use the
DB2 Configuration Utility to catalog the database created in Step 2: Install
Records Manager database V4.1.1 on page 344. In the sample environment,
the remote database on Jamaica (irmdb) is cataloged as irmdb on Bonnie.
The Records Manager engine configuration utility must be run on the machine
where the Records Manager engine is running. To start the utility, export your
display and run the script /opt/IBM/DB2RecordsManager/
Table 8-43 lists input values used during the startup of the utility for the sample
environment. Replace our sample input values for your environment.
Table 8-43 Engine configuration utility startup


Configuration field

Sample input value

Connector Type


Port Number



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field

Sample input value




The WebSphere Application Server

cell on which the Records Manager
Engine is deployed.



The WebSphere Application Server

node on which the Records Manager
Engine is deployed.



The WebSphere Application Server

server into which the Records
Manager Engine is deployed.

After the engine configuration tool is started, a data source (the Records
Manager database created in Step 2: Install Records Manager database V4.1.1
on page 344) must be created.
To create the data source, select Action New.
In Table 8-44, we provide the input values we used when creating the new data
source. Replace these values with the appropriate ones for your environment.
After creating the new data source, select File Save Changes.
Table 8-44 Data source input for the sample environment

Configuration field

Sample input value


Data Source Name


Name of the database. You can use

any name.

Database Name


Name of the cataloged database.

User name


Name of the user created in step 2

on page 353 that has administrative
rights for the database.

User password

Important: After configuring the data source, if the utility is closed without
saving, the provided information will be lost and the data source will not be
available during the Records Manager Administration client startup.
Before the Records Manager Administration client can be used, the Application
Server must be restarted.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


As the root user, execute the WebSphere and

# /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1
# /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1

8.7.1 Installation summary and verification

At this point, the Records Manager engine and the Records Manager database
are installed.
In the sample environment, the recommended scenario of installing them on two
different computers is performed. Figure 8-6 shows the sample environment after
the successful installation.




Lotus Domino


IRM Engine

Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-6 Sample environment after Records Manager is installed

To verify the installation, start WebSphere Application Console and go to

Servers Application Servers Server1 Message Listener Service
Listener Ports. The following services should be listed and in a started state.

If either are not started, start them and verify that they are set to automatically
start by clicking on them and verifying that Initial State is Started.

Important: The procedure above is very important. If the message queue is

not started, you will encounter problems when working with Records Manager.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To make sure that Records Manager is installed properly, log on to Records

Manager administration client using Administrator as the user ID and cronos as
the password. Make sure you can log on.
You can also exercise a set of basic Records Manager activities to ensure that
the Records Manager system is up and running. Suggested activities include:

Create a file plan.

Create a record.
Perform record scheduling.
Turn the crank.
Destroy record via retention rule.

8.7.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Configuration data

Sample input value

Records Manager
administrator user ID

password: cronos

WebSphere Application
Server server name



Server into which the Records

Manager engine is deployed.

8.8 CMRE installation and configuration

Records Enabler for Content Manager (CMRE) is the bridge between Content
Manager and Records Manager. It works with both products to introduce the
records control capability into the Content Manager system. In this section, we
describe the main steps involved in installing and configuring CMRE.
These steps include:
1. Set environment variables and create users.
2. Install Records Enabler (CMRE server, Host Interface server, and Permission
Synchronization server).
3. Install Records Manager Extension.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Important: Make sure that the Content Manager V8 connector is installed. It

is necessary to use the Information Integrator for Content installation to install
the connector. A Content Manager client installation is not sufficient.
Note: It is not our intention to include all detailed steps of the installation in this
section. We recommend using the existing product manual in conjunction with
the materials we present here for a successful installation and configuration.
In the sample environment, we install Records Enabler on Bonnie.

Step 1: Set environment variables and create users

Set the environment with the following variables:
IBMCMROOT = /opt/IBM/db2cmv8
WAS_HOME = /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
JDBCPATH = /usr/opt/db2_08_01/java/

Substitute the values according to your system installation setup.

Important: The JDBCPATH must include the file name; otherwise,
the installation will fail.
Create a local user on the machine that runs the Content Manager Library
Server. This user must be in the DB2 administrator group. For the sample
environment, create user cmreid using Table 8-45 as a reference.
Table 8-45 Create user


Sample input


User Name


This user ID is used to connect to the Records

Manager database. Note: All AIX user IDs used
to authenticate with DB2 must be lowercase.

Primary Group


This user ID must belong to the system group

(basically gives it root privileges).

Group Set


Modify the users .profile to include the following data:

export PATH
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 2: Install Records Enabler (CMRE)

You need to install CMRE. To help your CMRE installation process, we provide
the input values we used during our installation in Table 8-46. Substitute the
sample input values according to your environment setup.
Table 8-46 Records Enabler installation

Configuration field /

Sample input value


WebSphere deployment information

DB2 Content Manager
Records Enabler


DB2 Content Manager

Records Manager
Host Interface


DB2 Content Manager

Records Enabler


Application Server cell


Specify the cell name of the

WebSphere Application Server
installed in 8.4.3, WebSphere
Application Server installation on
page 301.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server,
start the WebSphere Application
Server, open the WebSphere
Application Console, and in the
console navigation tree, click
Servers Application servers
Server 1 Runtime.

Application Server
node name


Specify the node name of the

WebSphere Application Server
installed in 8.4.3, WebSphere
Application Server installation on
page 301.
Tip: To view a node name, go to
WebSphere Application Console and
click Servers Application
servers Server1 Runtime.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration field /

Sample input value


Host name


The fully qualified host name of the

machine running the WebSphere
Application Server.

Application Security


Required if WebSphere security is

enabled. If security is enabled, this
option must be checked and a valid
user name and password have to be
To verify whether security is currently
enabled, ensure that the WebSphere
Application Server is started. Go to
the WebSphere Application Console,
click Security Global Security,
and verify the Enabled setting on the
Configuration tab.

Records Manager Server configuration

Records Manager
Web services address


Records Manager
Administration Client

This value is checked during the

installation. If it is not available,
installation will not go further.

Records Manager


The name of the Records Manager


Records Manager


Records Manager administrative user

ID. The default ID is Administrator.



The default password for the Records

Manager Administrator is cronos if it is
not changed after the IRM installation.

Content Manager Server configuration

Server name


The name of the Library Server


Content Manager


Administrative user ID for the Content

Manager System. See 8.5.2, Key
information to remember on
page 312.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration field /

Sample input value


Content Manager
Records Enabler
Connection ID


This AIX user ID has to exist on the

machine running the Content
Manager Library Server.

eClient rendering
Content URL


In the sample environment, eClient is

not installed.
Important: Leave the default value
and do not erase that field. With an
empty field, the installation will fail.
This value can be configured later on
using the CMRE Administration client.

eClient document list



The eClient is not installed in the

sample environment.
Important: Leave the default value
and do not erase that field. With an
empty field, the installation will fail.
This value can be configured later on
using the CMRE Administration client.

Database System
used for Content


Specifies the database type of the

Content Manager Library Server.

confirm password

Content Manager Records Enabler configuration

CMRE server


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.

Records Manager
Host Interface server


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.

Add Host
Configuration record
to DB2 Records


Checking this creates a Host entry

within the Records Manager. The
specified Content Manager system
will be registered within the Records

Content Manager
Records Enabler


The server will be created during the

installation if it does not exist.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Configuration field /

Sample input value






Step 3: Installing Records Manager Extension

You need to install Records Manager Extension. To help your installation
process, Table 8-47 lists the input values we used during our installation.
Replace our sample input values as appropriate for your environment setup.
Table 8-47 Records Manager Extension installation input for sample environment

Configuration window /

input value


WebSphere Deployment information


WebSphere Application
Server cell name


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 8.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 301.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server,
start the WebSphere Application Server,
open the WebSphere Application Console,
and click Servers Application
servers Server 1 Runtime.

WebSphere Application
Server node name


Specify the cell name of the WebSphere

Application Server installed in 8.4.3,
WebSphere Application Server
installation on page 301.
Tip: To view the cell name for a server,
start the WebSphere Application Server,
open the WebSphere Application Console,
and click Servers Application
servers Server 1 Runtime.

Host name


The fully qualified host name of the

machine running the WebSphere
Application Server.

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Configuration window /

input value


WebSphere Application
Security Enabled


Required if WebSphere security is

enabled. If security is enabled, this option
has to be checked and a valid user name
and password have to be provided.
To verify whether security is currently
enabled, ensure that the WebSphere
Application Server is started, open the
WebSphere Application Console, and in
the console navigation tree, click
Security Global Security, and verify
the Enabled setting on the Configuration

Records Manager
Application server name


When this book was written, the only

possible working value was server1.

8.8.1 Installation summary and verification

Figure 8-7 shows the components that will be installed and configured after this
section is completed.




Lotus Domino




IRM Engine

Lotus Domino

II for Content
(CM connector)




* Including Embedded Messaging option

Figure 8-7 Sample environment after Records Enabler is installed

To verify your installation, perform the following steps:


Check that applications are running.

Import a Content Manager administrator ID into Records Manager.
Log on to the CMRE.
Records enable an item type.
Using Content Manager Windows client to declare a record.

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Step 1: Check that the applications are running

To verify the installation, make sure all necessary services are running. They are:

IBM WebSphere Application Server - server1

IBM WebSphere Application Server - RMEServer (cmresvr)
IBM WebSphere Application Server - RMEHostInterface (rmecmhost)
IBM WebSphere Application Server - RMEPermSyncServer (cmrepsproc)

Step 2: Import a CM administrator ID into Records Manager

To be able to log on to the CMRE Administration client, a Content Manager user
ID that has the administrator rights must be imported to the Records Manager
System, and the user ID needs administrator rights in Records Manager.
To import a Content Manager user:
1. Start the Records Manager client and log on as an administrator:

User ID


2. Go to Security Users Host Filer and select the host system that is
enabled during the CMRE installation.
In the sample environment, the host system with the name icmnlsdb is
enabled. (See Add Host Configuration record to DB2 Records Manager of
Step 2: Install Records Enabler (CMRE) on page 353.)
3. Click Import, select icmadmin, and click Import again. In the next window,
select all permissions by checking Function Access. Check the Is Active
check box. Click Save to finish the import.
4. The Content Manager user ID icmadmin is now imported to the Records
Manager system and has all necessary rights to act as Administrator with the
Records Manager system.

Step 3: Log on to the CMRE

Use icmadmin and its password to log on to the CMRE Administration client.

Important: Do not use the Records Manager administrator user ID (Administrator) and its password (cronos) to log on to the CMRE Administration client
because this ID is not defined within Content Manager.
Also, do not use the Content Manager user ID, cmreid, that is created during
the CMRE installation, because this ID is not (and cannot be) imported into
Records Manager.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Step 4: Records enable an item type

After successfully logging on to CMRE Administration client, enable an item type:
1. Go to Content Manager Server Configuration eRecord enable item
type. This displays a list of all item types in the records enabled Content
Manager system.
2. Select the CSLD item type (CSLDMail) that was created as shown in
Table 8-22 on page 315.
3. Check the box to the left of the item type name, and select the record type to
the right of the item type name.
In the sample environment, the item type DominoMail and the record type email
are created.

Step 5: Using the Windows client to declare records

Using the Windows client, declare records as follows:
1. Search for documents in the records enabled item type DominoMail. The
e-mail archived during the CommonStore verification is located in this item
2. Right-click one e-mail and select Declare Record. The Records Manager
declare/classify window comes up.
3. Select a file plan and a unique name for that record. Click Finish.
The CMRE communicates with the Content Manager system and the Records
Manager system. A Content Manager item type is records enabled, and
documents within this item type can be declared as a records using the Content
Manager Windows client. The records attributes (eRecord, eRecordID,
FlPlnCmpntNm, FlPlnCmpntTtl, and RMEAclOri) associated with the e-mail are

8.8.2 Key information to remember

At this point, as part of your overall configuration setup documentation, write
down the key configuration information that will be used during the rest of the
software installation and configuration and future system operation.
Table 8-48 contains the key configuration input value to remember after the
Content Manager installation.
Table 8-48 Key information to remember after CMRE installation and configuration

Configuration data


Records enabled item type


Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


8.9 Configuring the CommonStore Server and Notes

In this section, we describe the main steps involved in configuring CommonStore
Server and Notes. These steps must be performed to add records declaration
and classification capability to the end-to-end integrated e-mail solution.
The steps involved include:

Records enable Content Manager item type.

Prepare CommonStore.
Prepare Domino.
Records enable Notes client.

For detailed information about CSLD and Records Enabler integration, refer to
Chapter 21, Using Content Manager Records Enabler in the CSLD environment
in IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administration and Users Guide,
Version 8.3, SH12-6742.

Step 1: Records enabling Content Manager item type

This should be done in the previous section when you validate the installation
and configuration of the CMRE. If it has not been completed, refer to Step 4:
Records enable an item type on page 359.

Step 2: Preparing CommonStore

A Lotus Notes user must be mapped to a Content Manager user ID in order for
the Notes user to declare a record because the back-end repository for records is
the Content Manager system. This Content Manager user also has to be
imported to Records Manager and must have the appropriate rights to declare
records. For the mapping of Lotus Notes user IDs to Content Manager user IDs,
an additional component (usermapper.jar) has to be activated on the
CommonStore ArchPro server.
To activate the usermapper, follow these steps:
1. Copy usermapper.jar from the installation bin directory into the instance
directory of the user that runs Archpro.

Source directory
Target directory


2. Update or create the file. must exist in the instance directory. It contains three
parameters that must be configured: DB_DIR, HASH_MODULO, and
Set DB_DIR to the directory where you want to store the mapping database.
This directory will contain a collection of files that are serialized hash tables


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

containing string keys of the format CM-server:mail-user and CSRepUserDef

values. Make sure that this folder exists and is empty. The files will be
generated automatically, along with a file that indicates the current
HASH_MODULO value so that it can be changed.
Set HASH_MODULO to the maximum number of files to be found in the
DB_DIR directory. This is to prevent the entire database from ever needing to
be in memory at one time so that a huge number of users can be supported.
Bigger values mean smaller memory usage (but more files).
Set PROXY_PORT to the port on which the usermapper proxy is listening.
Example 8-15 shows the values of these parameters in
Example 8-15

3. Add usermapper.jar, csrepexit.jar, Notes.jar, and NCSO.jar into the classpath

as well as the directory that contains To do this, edit the
ARCHPRO users script.
See Example 8-16 and Example 8-17 on page 362 as references.
Example 8-16 ARCHPRO users script
# set CommonStore environment


Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


Example 8-17 ARCHPRO users script

# This script helps setting up the notes environment
# needed to run CommonStore for Notes Domino
# Set the PATH and LIBPATH environment for the user
# Adjust this for the local installation
# Add the users notes data directory to the path
# Settings for the notes client
# Adjust this for the local installation
# Users notes data directory
# Export all settings

Copy the NCSO.jar file from the data directory of the Domino server you
installed for the APIs to the Archpro users inst000 directory.
4. Update archint.ini (see Table 8-49).
To activate the usermapper, add the values for the following parameters in the
archini.ini file:

The input value for ACCESS_CTL YES specifies whether you want Retrieve
operations to be subject to the users Content Manager permissions.
The input value for CM_SECURITY_EXIT specifies the name of the security
exit class as
The input value for CM_EXIT_LOCATION specifies the file location of the
usermapper.jar file.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Table 8-49 archint.ini file update








Step 3: Preparing Domino

Prepare Domino as follows:
1. Modify the CSLD configuration database:
a. Open the profile of the archiving task.
b. Go to Advanced.
c. In the section Write state to, select Special field.
d. Accept the default value and save the profile.
2. Modify the template CSLDStdMail.ntf.
The sample mail template is records enabled and must be configured:
a. Open the CSLDStdMail.ntf with the Notes Designer.
b. Go to Shared Code Script Library RMEScriptLibrary and provide
the information as outlined in Table 8-50 on page 363.
Table 8-50 RMEScriptLibrary update


Sample input value













Defined in

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment



Sample input value







This integer corresponds to the

number of File Plan buckets that
you want Notes users to be able
to use.

The port number for the HTTP

server on the Domino mail

Attention: Changes to these variables in the template will not effect a

database that has already had the template applied. This is because a
configuration document is created the first time a user uses the database, and
these values are not refreshed automatically. In order for a user to update
these values, they need to clear the current values in their mail database by
accessing the Records Configuration windows via their inbox. The next time
they open the Records Configuration window, it will contain the updated
values from their mailbox design.
Note: The various forms, views, and libraries from the CSLD sample template
are not meant for production use but to be used as a guide to incorporating
CSLD and Records functions into your corporate Notes template.
3. Set Domino security.
a. Log on to the Notes administration client using an Administrator user ID.
b. Create a new user group (RMEUserGroup):
i. Go to the People&Group tab.
ii. Click Groups and then Add group.
c. Add Notes users who need to declare records to this group.
d. Grant security to the group:
i. Go to the Configuration tab.
ii. Expand Server Current Server Document.
iii. Click Security and grant the following security permission:


unrestricted methods and operations

restricted Lotus Script/Java agents
simple and formula agents
restricted Java/Javascript/COM
unrestricted Java/Javascript/COM

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

e. Install the RMEAuth filter in the Domino server:

i. Find the librmeauth_r.a file in the CSLD package, copy it to the mail
servers Domino binary install path, and specify the owner and group to
be the same as the other existing files.
owner = root
group = bin
permissions = -r-xr-xr-x

ii. Install the RMEAuth filter by specifying the name of the filter in the
Domino server record, in the DSAPI filter file name field in the Internet
Protocols HTTP table. You can specify just the name of the filter file
(librmeauth_r.a) if it is located in the Domino program or data
directories; otherwise you must specify the fully qualified path name.
iii. Restart the Domino server.

Step 4: Records enabling Notes client

To records enable a Notes client, enable menus and buttons for the records
management functions.
Complete the following steps:
1. Incorporate the CSLD functions into the users e-mail template as outlined in
the CSLD documentation.
2. Update notes.ini file to include the following line:

3. Restart the Notes client.

The records management related menus and buttons will be available to use.

8.9.1 Verification
To verify that the CommonStore Server and Notes client are configured properly,
you can follow these steps:
1. In Notes client, create an e-mail message and send it to yourself.
2. Manually declare the e-mail message as a record.
3. Make sure that the e-mail is archived in Content Manager using the Content
Manager Windows client.
4. After the e-mail is archived, the Records Manager classification window
should come up via a Web browser. Specify the bucket in the file plan, for

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment


example Account Receivable in our sample environment. Enter a unique ID

into the e-mail name field, and click Finish.
5. Make sure that the Notes client reflects that the e-mail is a record. (It can take
anywhere from two minutes to an hour for the padlock icon to show because
the RMEDeclareProgAgent mailbox agent must run.)
6. Using Content Manager Windows client, verify that the e-mails isRecord
attribute is set to yes.
7. Using Records Manager administration client, check that the record is there.
8. Use Notes client to view the e-mail message.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Part 3


Advanced topics
This part introduces some advanced topics to address when working with the
integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution.
We cover the topics in the following chapters:
Chapter 9, Deployment considerations on page 369
Chapter 10, Records Manager configuration and administration on
page 391
In this chapter, we address records hold and disposition.
Chapter 11, Discovery on page 409

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Chapter 9.

Deployment considerations
This chapter examines the deployment of an integrated e-mail archiving and
records management solution using CommonStore, Records Manager, and
Content Manager from a planning perspective.
We review:

Establishing a test system

Piloting the system
Configuration management in a production environment
Post-system implementation

Information contained in this chapter should be used to supplement the

processes your organization has for deploying software solutions.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


9.1 Establishing a test system

One often-overlooked aspect of deploying a system to build a test system that
can be used to test components of the production system without the risks
associated with using a live system.
Too often, organizations do not set up a test system, and continue to make
modifications to a production system that have not been thoroughly tested first.
At best, these modifications may succeed, but more often than not, users or
functionality will be disrupted and in the worst cases, systems may have to be
restored or rebuilt.
We discuss the following aspects of the installation of a test system:
Uses for the test system
Mimicking the production system
Change management

9.1.1 Uses for a test system

The use of a test system is important in a number of ways (some of the following
ways assume that the production system is up and running in either its pilot or
complete form):
Configuration modifications that will affect any of the functionality or the user
interface can be checked prior to rolling out to users.
Some of the configuration changes that can be performed will be relatively
minor (such as archive policy modifications where date changes are required
or minor permission modifications in Records Manager) and may not
necessarily require testing first. However, you might have a change
management procedure (see 9.1.3, Change management on page 372) that
dictates that any modification, however minor, must be tested on a test
system first.
Testing of code changes can be performed without risking the live system.
IBM Content Manager, CommonStore, and Records Manager all have
mechanisms to support extensive customization of the products. Usually
through their APIs, this customization enables developers to write custom
routines, user interfaces, or other code for these products. Use of the test
system to trial customization such as this (assumes the code has already
been developed and tested off the test system usually on a development
platform) is critical to a full system test of the code prior to production


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

New software versions can be implemented in the test system and thoroughly
checked for interdependencies before being rolled into production.
IBM will issue version-specific fix packs from time to time and, as with all
our software products, release notes will identify the reason for the fix and
what steps should be taken to apply the fix.
With the IBM Content Management portfolio of products, IBM has made
identification of product interdependencies clear in the product release
notes. If one of the products in this portfolio has a new version, use of the
test system will enable you to confirm correct operation of this new version
in your own environment.
Additional software may be added to the current implementation that must
have interoperability testing carried out before production implementation.
An example here is if you extend the current e-mail archive and records
management system to include Document Management. This major
modification to the system must be thoroughly tested in your environment
before you deploy it in the production environment.
In the following sections, we include some of the issues to consider in the
construction of a test system for the integrated e-mail archiving and records
management system.

9.1.2 Mimicking the production system

As much as possible, the test system should mimic the production system.

In most cases, this presents challenges to an organization. In almost every case,
it will not be possible, cost-effective, or practical to set up your test system using
the same scale of hardware (server hardware) as your production system. But
unless performance testing (which should have been completed as part of an
earlier implementation component) is something your organization does on an
ongoing basis (which is unlikely), then equivalently specified hardware may not
be important in your test system.

Multi-site environment
If you have operations in multiple sites, it may be a useful requirement for your
test system to establish multiple servers across several geographically dispersed
sites. In a Content Manager environment, multiple Resource Managers can
assist in spreading the content load and placing it closer to regional user groups.

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


If this is the case, a test system that encompasses multiple servers and sites will
test a number of components:
Correct setup and behavior of the storage of objects onto correct Resource
Correct access through organization WAN firewalls.
Correct replication of objects to remote Resource Managers.
On a slightly different aspect, this multi-site test environment will also facilitate
the testing of remote access and management of resources located off-site.
A similar concept could be used to test remote access to the system from client

Multi-machine environment
It is too tempting (from a resources perspective) to think that the test system is a
system assembled from old pieces of hardware lying around the server room.
After all, the cost of building a dedicated, multi-machine environment just to do
testing may seem hard to justify. But many issues can be tested when your test
environment is built using the same number of machines as your production
One of the key benefits of this multi-machine environment is that communication
between the machines can be fully tested using real-world protocols and IP
addressing rather than relying on, perhaps, localhost as the machine IP
addresses if all servers are co-located on a single machine.

This aspect of the test system is extremely important, both for ensuring that the
same applications (and versions) are installed on your test system as exist on the
production system, and that the configurations between and within each software
package mimic the production environment.
Much of the configuration used in the integrated e-mail archive and records
management system can be exported.

9.1.3 Change management

Many organizations have effective IS change management procedures in place to
ensure that system modifications are planned and implemented in a controlled
fashion. Too often, modifications thought of as minor are implemented on a system
without correct procedures being followed. These changes could introduce
problems into the system. It is extremely important to ensure that these change
control policies exist and that they are implemented effectively and every time.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Change management examples

Examples of good change management practices include:
Production server shutdowns limited to out-of-business hours.
Be aware that out-of-business hours on your site may still be business hours
elsewhere, particularly where a specific server may be centrally located.
All required configurations ranked according to priority, dependence (upon
other systems), or criticality.
All configurations require justification and sign-off.
There is nothing like having to justify a change to your upper management to
make you think of its consequences.
All configuration changes require testing on a test system to confirm effects.
All configuration changes require a roll-back plan in case of any unforeseen
All configuration changes of a significant nature must pass scrutiny by a
testing board or a user group.

Extend procedures to a test system

Change management procedures must be extended to include the test system,
both to encourage effective management techniques to the test system and,
more important, to ensure that the test system is kept up to date and in sync with
the production system.
If the test system becomes out of sync with the production system, its value as a
mechanism to ensure that modifications made to the production should not
cause any problems will be undermined severely, and confidence that changes
tested on the test system will work on the production system will be lost.
There will be occasions where changes required on the production system
cannot be fully tested on the test system because, for example, the hardware is
different. But the benefits of at least testing those changes that do apply will help
to ensure that the two systems remain synchronized.

Tiered testing systems

Some organizations that run critical or large systems apply a layered approach to
their test systems. Each test system may differ slightly from the others. Most of
the differences will be on the hardware side so that when configuration
modifications are required, tests performed on different test systems may identify
results that differ between different hardware configurations.
Many other organizations employ perhaps two systems in addition to the main
system. The additional system is a development system on which initial

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


configuration or customization changes can be tested in an environment that is

similar to (but not necessarily exactly the same as) the production system.

9.2 Piloting the system

With such a relatively complex system, piloting the system in some form will be
crucial to the success of the deployment. Some organizations do not use the
term pilot. Instead, terms such as phased rollout are used. Whichever
terminology you adopt, one thing is clear: Deploying this system in a limited form
will greatly assist a later, more extensive deployment. Some of the issues to
consider are as follows:
What goals must be set for the pilot system?
What user group (or groups) will be used during the pilot?
What configuration (archiving and records management) should be used
during the pilot?

9.2.1 Goals of the pilot

Every pilot (or limited deployment) has to have a goal. Otherwise, how can you
measure whether the pilot has been successful? This section lists some
examples of pilot goals for the integrated e-mail archiving and records
management solution.

System performance
Did the system performance under pilot loads meet or exceed expectations?
The purpose of a pilot is to test the system performance under a limited load.
Performance can be perceived to be good or poor depending on your role. For an
end user, the performance of the system has a major impact on the success of
the project. If users experience poor system performance, then, regardless of the
importance of the system, the project may fail. A pilot is a good opportunity to
review performance with real users, but what are you measuring? With an
integrated system such as e-mail archiving and records management, many
aspects could affect the overall, perceived performance of the system; for
If manual archiving is being used, how fast can a user archive an e-mail?
When can the user get control of the machine?
What interaction from the user is required?
The more interaction, the slower the system is perceived to be.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Is the functionality offered by the system too much of an overhead for the user
or the tasks they need to accomplish?
If an e-mail has not been archived and the user needs to declare it as a
record, how long before the user gets the response from Records Manager
asking the user to declare and classify?
The declare and classify options do not appear until the system has received
the e-mail or documents PID back from Content Manager; of course, this
depends on this actions success and performance of the underlying Content
Manager repository.
If a user declares a record, what metadata is the user required to complete?
Requiring too much information to be entered may increase the users
frustration and affect the users perception of overall system performance
(even though the system may be idle, waiting for users input).
Does the user need to drill down through a long or complex file plan
hierarchy before reaching the record container to place the record into?
(The use of IBM Records Manager functionality such as custom Views
would assist here.)
Are there any LAN or WAN performance issues?
Use of remote Content Manager Resource Managers to speed up local
access to archived documents (bear in mind here that successfully
implementing local or remote Resource Managers requires CommonStore
to use multiple administrative IDs unique to each location so that the home
location of an object can be identified and the relevant Resource Manager
is used to store the content.
Is the WAN bandwidth shaped in any way that is likely to reduce
performance of the new system? Often, organizations employ bandwidth
shaping across their WAN to allow effective use of the bandwidth for
existing systems. (An example is a transactional system: An order
management system is given a higher priority across the WAN to ensure
that a terminal user gets an adequate response). When a new system is
introduced, these packet-shaping mechanisms (often based on open
ports) must be reviewed to reflect the use of the new system.
Are system firewalls having any affect on remote traffic accessing the new
A records administrator, on the other hand, would probably be willing to accept
certain overheads on the system (such as accurate completion of any metadata
requirements) before users became frustrated with overall performance.
Because there are many components involved in the overall performance
system, a good plan is to perform subsystem performance tests prior to rolling

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


the system out even to pilot users. Examples of IBM product resources to assist
organizations with subsystem performance testing are:
DB2 II: Performance Monitoring, Tuning and Capacity Planning Guide,
DB2 UDB/WebSphere Performance Tuning Guide, SG24-6417
WebSphere Application Server:
Maximum Performance with WebSphere Application Server V5.1 on
iSeries, SG24-63833
Content Manager:
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 Implementation on DB2 Universal
Database: A Primer
Performance Tuning for Content Manager, SG24-6949

Important: Be sure that the references above apply to your organizations

environment. In particular, product versions used in these references may not
match that of your organization. However, many of the principles may still be

Successful subsystem data upload tests

Were e-mail and documents successfully archived and declared as records?
Data inputs or uploads for each of the subsystems in this combined archive and
records management system should be tested individually. This process ensures
as much as possible that there are no issues when adding documents, e-mail,
and records to each of the components. Even though your organization may be
using a more automated approach to archiving (policy-based archiving) and
records declaration (auto-classify and declare), manual testing of each of these
components is important.
Prior to commencing any of the tests outlined next, you must design and
document a useful set of use cases. These can be applied either during the
subsystem tests or after end-to-end testing has begun. Without the thought and
planning that this process requires, you may not have tested all components and
systems effectively.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Examples of the subsystem tests that should be performed are as follows:

Can e-mail be archived through CommonStore and stored in Content
Manually archive an e-mail and test that it can be viewed and retrieved
back into the e-mail file (assuming that your configuration supports this
As an added test, use the Content Manager Windows client to view the
archived e-mail directly from Content Manager.
Can documents and attachments be archived and retrieved successfully?
Can an e-mail be declared as a record and successfully classified?
After the e-mail has been declared and classified, security of the object will
change once under the control of Records Manager so viewing of the
object from within the users e-mail file by the user that declared the record
may not be possible if their access has been removed. If this is the case,
an authorized user (one with at least View permissions within Records
Manager) must use the Records administration client (RAC) to view that
the record has been successfully classified.
Can records be moved through their life cycle successfully?
This test should be performed on documents that use suitably short
disposition schedules to allow successful disposition during the pilot
period. One configuration that assists here is to set up a test disposition
schedule that uses either an immediate disposition or a one-day
disposition schedule.
Does auto-classification work?
This test depends on how you have set up auto-classification.
Auto-classification usually is initiated by the user (when they declare an
e-mail) as they select Auto-Classify. Assuming the rules setup in Records
Manager will function correctly with the limited amount of metadata
available, the e-mail should be auto-classified.
To initially make this subsystem test a little easier, base the auto-classify
rule on a simple text string that can be captured from the Subject attribute
of e-mail.
Can Records administrators manage the records management component of
the system to effectively administer file plan and security components, to
manage records disposition, and to classify records not classified elsewhere?
This test applies to a much smaller section of users but unless it is
performed, your records administration staff may not be able to sign off on
their aspect of the project.

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


Multiple tests can be performed here and, as with all testing, some degree
of training should have taken place prior to commencement of testing.

System usability
Were users able to perform their archiving and records management tasks
One of the main goals for any software system pilot is to ensure that users can
use the system to perform their archive and records management tasks
Clearly, the system will have been configured (from both technical and business
perspectives) before it is used, and this configuration will have had input from key
business users. These users may have had an initial influence on the look and
feel or usability of the system prior to its rollout to pilot users. This form of user
input is important to ensure that basic usability (at least, the usability that can be
configured) meets the requirements of the business.
Related to usability is the aspect of pilot user training. Even before the bulk of
users are trained, pilot users must receive some training before they commence
the pilot. The project manager should ensure that adequate training or education
is carried out prior to pilot users gaining access to the system. This will
streamline the pilot and enable users (both end users and administrative users)
to concentrate more on testing the system without having to struggle with how
they perform a particular action.
A final, related aspect of usability is support: How will pilot users obtain
necessary support during the pilot? This aspect of the pilot is covered in a later

Post-pilot response
Although not specifically a pilot goal, an organization must plan for the end of the
pilot. In other words, when the predefined pilot period has finished, what happens
next? Whenever a limited deployment is planned, always have a very definite
plan for how the pilot is to proceed after it is completed. Three scenarios must be
considered here:
The pilot succeeded and a larger implementation will commence.
The pilot did not achieve its goals and will be extended.
The pilot did not meet its goals and a larger implementation of the system
under pilot will not take place.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Scenario 1: The pilot succeeded

In this instance and sometime before the end of the pilot, organizations must
begin planning for a wider implementation of the system. Here are some of the
issues that should be considered in this instance:
What lessons can be learned from the pilot that will have an impact on the
larger implementation?
Is any customization required in mail databases to respond to requests
from users to make more effective use of the system?
Have any performance issues been addressed that will have an impact on
Was the training adequate for most of the users?
Does the file plan meet the requirements of the users?
Are any automated, policy-based archive rules too harsh where a users
e-mail is archived too quickly?
Was the pilot user population suitably broad so as to effectively test most
of the new system functionality?
During the pilot, was any parallel running taking place where documents or
e-mail were required to be accessed by both pilot and non-pilot users?
This may influence any bulk data import planned for existing data.
How much of the user population will require some or all of the functionality of
the new system?
This may influence:
Security permissions set in Records Manager.
Whether manual or policy-based archiving is set up in CommonStore.
How to segment any customization of e-mail databases.
Within what time frame will the system be implemented to a larger group of
users? Many factors could influence your decision:
Is any legislation having an impact on any of your user groups? If so this
group (and its size) could affect implementation times.
It may be that any relevant legislation is driving a particular groups
compliance, in which case this group may require access to the system
earlier than other groups.
Post-pilot consideration:
Not necessarily linked to a pilot but one aspect of implementing a new
system that is often overlooked is that of return on investment (ROI). Even
during a pilot, this important consideration should be considered. The
project or business sponsor and project manager must review what key

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


measurements, indicators, or metrics should be examined to determine

whether a pilot or implementation of a new archive or records
management system has returned an investment for the organization.
Examples of these indicators are:

The system will offer an increased level of protection in key compliance

areas such that the cost of the system, its implementation, and
continued use are less than the cost of non-compliance. In this case,
non-compliance could be the cost of legislative penalties imposed for
not accurately managing corporate or organizational documents.

The system will reduce the cost of any document discovery litigation
that may be brought against the organization.

The system will form a key or initial element in an enterprise content

management system.

The system will reduce the cost of physical or electronic storage of

documents. (This last cost reduction should not be blown out of
proportion; often reduction in storage costs could be quite minor. The
media costs are relatively small when compared to the system
implementation costs.)

With all of these areas, the key is to find a measurable metric, one that can
be quantitatively used as a benchmark. Often these metrics are time
saved in person-days or dollar savings.

Scenario 2: The pilot did not achieve its goals and will be extended
In this instance, the pilot may have to be extended to all relevant pilot users to
fully test all functionality and usability of the system. This may be because
additional functionality was added to the initial build or configuration or that some
customizations have been performed that need longer to test.
Either way, extending a pilot still has to be managed effectively. As mentioned
earlier, there may be a requirement to continue with any parallel running that may
be in progress; arrangements here may affect both pilot and non-pilot users.
Pilot user expectations should be re-aligned to the new pilot period and ensure
that the business as a whole (project and business sponsors included) is kept
informed of progress.

Scenario 3: The pilot did not meet its goals

Occasionally, a pilot will not succeed. If this case arises and the pilot does not
succeed, plan how to roll back or what to change to make it a success. Data will
be have been placed in the system that will have to be exported. If data has been
placed in Content Manager, it is possible to export files to a file system outside
Content Managers control. Documents that have been archived through
CommonStore to Content Manager and have subsequently been declared as


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

records will have their access secured. This must be considered when exporting
the data.
An option that can be adopted during a pilot phase is to run in parallel with a
manual records management system. This will minimize the disruption if a pilot
phase is not extended into production, but it will increase the amount of work
placed on pilot users. This method will succeed only where organizations are
already running a paper-based recordskeeping system.

9.2.2 Pilot users selection

In the earlier chapter about concepts and solution planning, we made reference
to the drivers that govern an organizations desire to implement a records
management system. This will have an impact on which users to select in the
piloting of this new solution.
A key factor influencing selection of users, beyond whether a particular group will
require the functionality offered by records management or archiving, is whether
the particular users are positive for change and flexible enough to participate in a
pilot. It is only common sense to select your pilot users on the basis that they will
address the goals of the pilot, have the time to participate, and would be willing to
offer constructive input to your assessment of the pilot.

Uses affected by key legislation

If, for example, the legislation governing your organizations application of
records management relates to SEC 17a-4, then the users affected will be
anyone who is involved with share trading, dealing, or brokerage activities and is
required to maintain records of these activities.
For the full text of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934:

Records management and archive users

If one of the purposes of the pilot is to examine both records management and
e-mail archiving, then membership of the pilot user group will have to be selected
carefully as there should be mechanisms in place to ensure that functions a
particular user cannot access are not exposed or are suitably managed through
user training. If, on the other hand, a staged approach is to be taken where one
of the components (Records Manager for records or CommonStore for archiving)
is implemented first, then users may have to be selected on a different basis.

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


Help desk team

Another very key group of users that must be included in any pilot are the staff
supporting the help desk functions. These users must be involved in early
discussions so that suitable responses can be issued to user questions during
the pilot. Some organizations choose to establish a custom second-line or
third-line support channel whereby any user support issues raised during the
pilot will be fielded initially by first-line support. Upon discovering that the issue
relates to the ongoing records management - archive pilot, they immediately refer
the issue to a dedicated second-line or third-line support group or individual.
Either way, the help desk team will be involved and must be suitably prepared.
Another group that should be included relatively early in the pilot is any staff
involved in the initial training of pilot users. This group must have access to some
key implementation decisions and may be involved in system configuration
exercises. They must also be given time to prepare material or other training
media that will be made available to pilot groups.

9.2.3 Configuration used during the pilot

As mentioned earlier, the specific configuration of the system for the pilot will
depend on a number of factors:
Will the pilot user subset require only part of the file plan to be available?
If only a subset of the file plan is required for the pilot, then this may
suggest that configuration would be easier and may not necessarily
require any user-specific or group-specific Records Manager Views to be
constructed. However, it is important that the relative look-and-feel of the
system be as similar to a full implementation as possible. If that means
that a full implementation would normally include a fairly extensive file plan
that would use Views to restrict the file plan to a manageable traverse for
the user, then this configuration should be used during the pilot.
Group and user permissions will be easier to set up because only those users
accessing the pilot have be set up.
With CommonStore for Lotus Domino, limiting the system to pilot users
probably will require a second mail template to be used only for those pilot
users (unless only Policy-based archiving is required). This task should be
reflected in the project plan and the necessary change management
procedures applied.
With CommonStore for Exchange, if public folders are to be used, relevant,
limited security must be applied to limit their access to pilot users.
If the server hardware used during the pilot is likely to be used post-pilot, its
configuration should be substantial enough to cater for the full system


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

implementation. Be aware though that this specification of hardware may well

be totally overspecified for the limited pilot users.
This should be reflected in better performance for the pilot. Take this into
account when assessing performance, as full load testing may not be possible
until after the pilot.

9.3 Configuration management in a production

Although it is possible to treat some of the components of a integrated e-mail
archiving and records management system as a black box where the software
just gets on with its job, configuration of DB2, CommonStore, Content Manager,
WebSphere Application Server, and Records Manager can be made relatively
straightforward by implementing an effective configuration management system
in addition to the change management system we covered previously.
Each of the products mentioned above has its own configurations, and certain
aspects of these configurations are independent of other components. However,
much of the configuration for each of these components should be treated
holistically with the entire system. In other words, if modification is made to one
component (for example, CommonStore field mapping), this could affect the
other components (for example, affect attribute availability in Content Manager,
which in turn could have an impact on attribute mapping in Records Manager).
Security is another aspect of configuration that is particularly interdependent.
Modification of key configuration components of the system can have a
substantial affect on the functioning of the whole system. This is particularly
important when the system is being used in production.
Effective management of configuration can therefore be seen as a critical
component of system management. Although staff with the appropriate level of
access can quite easily make changes to the system, it is hoped that change
management procedures will limit the effect of any informal or unplanned
configuration changes. However, what will greatly assist the whole process of
making changes to the system will be a carefully planned configuration
management system or process. Three areas that will assist you in developing
an effective configuration management system are:
Document the configuration early.
Standardize configuration where possible.
Apply good document control standards.

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


Document the configuration early

While either installing the software components or making initial configuration
changes, it is too easy to not document what has been configured. For example,
an early step with CommonStore is to enroll the CommonStore license. This
requires both access to a file and the entering of a command, both of which
should be documented. Revisiting a system without a completely documented
configuration will be fraught with problems. An unknown configuration will add
time to any solution modifications and potentially cause problems.
Some of the early installation and configuration of DB2 requires passwords to be
entered. The planning of these must have happened already, and preinstallation
planning worksheets are a very useful start to the configuration collection.
Below are some of the components or entries that should be documented as
soon as configurations are made:
Installation passwords (including those stored with any LDAP directories)
These should be documented and kept secure, releasing them only on
approval of any change management requests to approved staff. Changing
compromised passwords is an overhead to be avoided.
Installation directories
Documenting these will aid in planning your backup and recovery strategy,
and it is good practice is to place all software binaries in one directory.
Machine architecture:
A visual representation of the current software and server placement is
important. It can assist, when planning modifications, to know which
machine hosts what component.
Annotate the architecture diagram to include IP addresses of the relevant
machines and any logons if using remote or terminal access.
Include machine specifications to assist in any future hardware upgrades.
Key users
Not quite as important as other configuration areas, but will enable IS
administrative staff to identify who to contact (possibly business owners of
certain systems) in case of modifications or disruption to key systems.

Standardize the configuration

This may sound like a particularly obvious approach to take but many
organizations treat the implementation of a new system as an opportunity to
re-invent the wheel! Often guided by contractors or vendors, IS conventions that
have already been established are put to one side or ignored when a new system
is implemented.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

A good example of this is the assignment of administrative user names. For

example, your organization may require that all database administrator (DBA)
names are unique to the organization and not the default standard in software
applications. DB2 uses the user db2admin as the default DBA. Although this can
be changed at a later date, it is simpler to apply your organizations convention as
the software is installed.
Directories are another example where standardization on an organizational
convention will make system maintenance easier. If administrators know that
software can always be found in the \APPS\<software> directory, location of logs
in troubleshooting will be easier. As a recommendation on Windows systems,
avoid the \Program Files directory: It contains more characters than is useful, it is
the default directory for many applications and it will soon become a confusing
directory listing to navigate, lengthy directory names add length to environment
variables, and often the maximum length can be reached, causing problems.
Standardization across development, test, and production environments is
another aid to ease system maintenance.
When standard conventions are established, develop organization-wide
processes and work instructions to ensure that these standards are maintained.
These documents can then be referred to or referenced in change management
requests for system modification.

Apply good document control standards

This practice goes without saying, but a set of configuration documents (no
matter how detailed) will quickly become less useful if they are not properly
maintained. Incorporating your document set into a set of work processes that
become part of an overall change management process will go at least partway
to ensuring that the document set is better controlled.
It will not be practical for just configuration documents on their own, but a good
document management system such as IBM Document Manager (which can use
IBM Content Manager as its repository and IBM Records Manager to control its
records) would enable your organization to apply solid control mechanisms over
the documents. Here are some of the features or standards that you should
adopt in controlling your IS configuration document sets:
Version control
If multiple staff have access to change documents, keeping track of the
current version of a document is extremely hard. Of course, access to the
wrong version of a document can cause lost time spent on system changes.

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


Unless only the right staff have access to configuration documents, elements
of your configuration can become compromised; in addition to unauthorized
modification to the document set, inexperienced or unauthorized users may
be able to gain access to systems by referring to documents that normally
should not be available to particular groups of staff.
Review mechanisms:
If effective, these will ensure that any suggested changes are correctly
reviewed, ideally by both business and skilled technical staff.
Business reviews should consider the impact the proposed changes will
have on the day-to-day operations of the affected part of the business. If a
proposed change (such as a version upgrade to a core product) is likely to
mean that a system is down for a prolonged length of time, this may
reduce the impact of any advantages the proposed change will bring.
A technical review performed by an appropriately skilled subject matter
expert will allow consideration to be given to the broader impact of the
proposed change. For example, a modification to the attributes of an item
type may require that appropriate modifications are also made to full text
index components.
Note the following points:
If you are not going to install administration clients on servers, designate one
machine as the master client machine and install them on that.
Standardize the configuration.
Establish a configuration document (spreadsheet) early on with absolutely all
parameters used in the install.
Duplicate Test and Production configuration.
Establish a configuration management process early and enforce it.
Establish a document control process (standards, versioning) and enforce it.
Get the customer trained as early as possible.
Assume that it will take longer than originally anticipated.
It will be more complex.
Know the import and export limitations of Records Manager.
Allow for records declaration in the sizing of Content Manager.
Applications will behave badly; prepare for this during the pilot.
Knowledge of DB2 will assist greatly in understanding IBM Content Manager.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

9.4 Post-system implementation

After the system has been implemented, there are a number of ongoing tasks
that should assist in ensuring that the system continues to provide an effective
archiving and records management system to all users. Many of these tasks
could be considered as maintenance tasks and will include a number of soft
tasks such as meeting with system users on a regular basis.
Regular meetings with business owners will enable the IS department to
anticipate many of the issues that may occasionally occur, such as performance
issues or changes to configuration, security, or personnel.
Other, perhaps more traditional, IS tasks under the maintenance heading will
include performance monitoring, storage availability, and possible server outage
recovery. Some of the tasks that should be reviewed are discussed in this
Tuning the system
Disaster recovery

9.4.1 Tuning the system

Specific information about performance tuning was covered in an earlier chapter,
but there are some performance tasks that can be applied to specific aspects of
the system.
Much of the data in the system (much configuration data as well as all of the
document metadata) is stored in a relational database system, in the sample
environment, which is DB2. When you receive reports of poor performance, ask
the following questions to quickly determine the best place to start looking for a
potential cause:
When did the problem first occur?
If the problem has been occurring for some time, and if a database monitor
schedule has been implemented, you can use historical data to find
differences. This will enable you to focus on changes in system behavior and
then focus on why these changes were introduced. On Windows-based
systems, Performance Monitor can be used to begin to identify areas of
Is the performance issue constant or intermittent?
If the poor performance is continual, check to see whether the system has
started to handle more load or if a shared database resource has become a
bottleneck. Other potential causes of performance degradation include
increased user activity, multiple large applications, and removal of hardware

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations


devices. If performance is poor only for brief periods, begin by looking for
common applications or utilities running at these times, such as DB2 backup.
Does the problem appear to be system-wide or isolated to DB2 and its
System-wide performance problems suggest an issue outside of DB2. It is
possible that something at the operating system level should be addressed. If
the poor performance is confined to DB2applications, we will focus on what
DB2 is doing. If isolated to one application, is there a particular query that
appears to be problematic?
Within CommonStore, Single Instance Store (SIS) is the mechanism used
to ensure that for multiple documents e-mailed to a group of users who
each decide to archive their copy, only one copy is physically archived. For
this function to work efficiently, CommonStore checks a set of attributes
(via their indexes) in the DB2 database to see whether the document
already exists. This check has to be performed quickly and in real time.
Non-indexed attributes or index problems can cause a delay.
If one application is problematic, then you can further examine whether
users are reporting one or more queries that are experiencing a slowdown
(such as the Single Instance Storerelated issue). You might be able to
isolate the issue to one application and a potential group of queries.
Is there any commonality to the poor performance or does it appear to be
You should determine whether any common database tables, table space,
indexes, and so forth are involved. If so, this suggests that these objects are a
point of contention. Other areas to potentially focus on include referential
integrity constraints, foreign key cascades, and locking issues.

9.4.2 Upgrades
Upgrades to software systems should not be considered lightly. They should only
be considered where security, major functionality, or incompatibility with other
systems issues are a concern. When planning for an upgrade to any of the
software packages, consider the following points:
Can I justify this upgrade? Before performing any upgrades, they must be
justified on a number of issues:
Does the business case warrant the expense of the upgrade? Upgrades
are not a no-cost option even though the software may be part of a
maintenance arrangement with your vendor. The cost of planning, testing,
any business disruption, or performing the upgrades to the production
system will all be considered as cost factors and must be outweighed by
the benefits.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Do the technical advantages offered by the upgrade outweigh the cost?

What extra functionality will be offered by the new system and does this
warrant the cost of upgrading?
Is this upgrade compatible with other versions of your organizations
Will the upgrade resolve any major security or compatibility issues? Your
organization may be considering an upgrade to your operating system, such
as a move to Linux, where all of your key systems need to be upgraded.
Plan the upgrade well in advance. Any upgrade of a major software system
takes planning. Assuming that the upgrade is justified, consider these options:
Has the new version been thoroughly tested on the test system against the
current release of each of the associated software systems?
Have alternative working options for users been planned to mitigate the
disruption to the business during the upgrade?
Does all technical support staff have the necessary skills to manage the
new version?
Can I roll back in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade?
Will the upgrade be backward compatible with any older versions of my

9.4.3 Disaster recovery

Although this book may not do justice to the large topic of disaster recovery (DR),
the topic should be highlighted as one aspect of the overall solution. After all, the
e-mail archive and records management systems could be considered as a
critical system and one that should be available all if not most of the time.
Aside from a hardware-based DR solution, a number of components in our
solution can be utilized to assist when considering a DR solution. For example,
Content Managers Resource Manager can be utilized, through its replication
abilities, in an overall DR plan. DB2 offers a number of methods to incorporate
into a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) plan. The following
references should assist:
Disaster Recovery with DB2 UDB for z/OS, G24-6370

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Chapter 10.

Records Manager
configuration and
This chapter describes two key areas of records operations: holds and
disposition. We introduce the key aspects of holds and the impact and results of
applying holds and performing dispositions.
We cover the following topics:
Records Manager configuration sequence
Records disposition

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


10.1 Records Manager configuration sequence

This section summarizes the sequence of steps needed to configure a basic
Records Manager system. After these tasks have been completed, you will have
the basis of a working system that will enable you to archive, declare, and
classify e-mail. Refer to each products planning and installation guide for a
detailed review of all of the configuration steps.
Records Manager configuration includes the following steps:

Create a view.
Create components.
Establish relationships between components.
Add any required custom attributes.
Add instances of the file plan.
Import host users.
Assign permissions.
Set up life cycle information.

We use the following assumptions:

All relevant software has been installed (including DB2 and Content
The CommonStore system (either CSX or CSLD) has been installed and
configured (including license enrolled, password for system users set).
CommonStore can archive e-mail from either Exchange or Domino into the
Content Manager repository.
After the Records Manager server and the Records Enabler for Content Manager
are installed and validated, configuration of Records Manager (through the
Records administration client) can be performed in the following sequence.
(References to access indicate options to select from within the Records
Administrator Client.)

Step 1: Create a view

A file plan view is a collection of relationships between components that
comprise the file plan. In the same way that a view in a relational database is a
collection of joined tables that comprise a schema, file plan views give each
component in the file plan a context. No file plan components can exist outside a
view. Every file plan component must be in at least one view.
Within Records Manager there can exist more than one view, and components
can exist in multiple views. The view in this case is just a method of associating
or grouping a collection of components together.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To set up, select File Plan Design Views Add.

Our sample environment view is ITSO.

Step 2: Create components

After a view (usually the primary view) has been created, components can be
created and associated with the view. Each of the created components becomes
a placeholder for an instance of one of the components. As an example, one of
the components we created for our sample environment is Department. This
particular component was specified when creating an instance of the component,
such as Finance. The components will form the hierarchy of the file plan. Each
component can be one of two types:

Container component

This is one of the containers for records.

Record component

This is the component type used for instances of a

record. They differ from container components in that
they can have content.

To set up, select File Plan Design Components Add.

Our sample environment components:


Container component
Container component
Container component
Record component
Record component

Step 3: Establish relationships between components

File plan relationship definitions govern how file plan components interact with
each other. Two file plan components in a file plan relate to each other through
relationship definitions. Defining a relationship definition specifies the source file
plan component definition, the target file plan component definition, the view to
which the relationship belongs, and the relationship capacity.
In other words, defining file plan component relationships enables the records
administrator to build a hierarchy from the previously defined components. For
example, in our example, the component Region is a child component to the
component Department.
Be aware when developing relationships that a deep hierarchy (depending on
how security and permissions are established) may frustrate users as they have
to navigate through many levels of the hierarchy.
Figure 10-1 on page 394 shows the file plan hierarchy we set up in our scenario.

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


Figure 10-1 File plan used in the redbook

To set up within the Records Administrator Client, perform the following steps:
1. Select File Plan Design Views.
2. Locate required View and select View/Relationship Properties.
3. For each component in the hierarchy, select Add Relationship.

Tip: It is good practice to start the name of each relationship with an integer to
enable a sequential sorting of the list of relationships.

Step 4: Add any required custom attributes

As you design a file plan, specify the attribute definitions belonging to each file
plan component definition. This includes specifying the name, the data type, the
size, and the caption of the attribute definition. Different types of file plan
components (known as file plan component definitions) have different sets of
attributes that provide additional information about the file plan components.
Note that adding custom attributes is not mandatory for a functioning system, but
it is good practice to establish an effective and compliant records environment.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

After you add an attribute definition to a file plan component definition, for every
new file plan component of that type that is added to the file plan, users can add
data into an attribute corresponding to the attribute definition.
Custom attributes can be added to both container components and record
components. Custom attributes are added to an existing list of system attributes
common against all file plan components. It is possible to restrict what attributes
a user sees when classifying a record by using Profiles.
Custom attributes can be used to model your organizations metadata
requirements for records management. An example of how they can be used is
where you may be generating documents as a consultant for a particular client.
You would like to specify the customer name against each document you classify
(assumes manual classification) as a record so that at the close of the
engagement, all documents can be processed together through the life cycle
management functions within Records Manager.
To set up:
1. In the Records administrator client, select File Plan Design Components.
2. Locate the component that you wish to add attributes to and click the
View/Edit Properties action.
3. Within the selected component, click Add.
No custom attributes were added for our scenario.

Step 5: Add instances of the file plan

After the file plan design has been completed and the relationships that form the
hierarchy have been built, instances of each of the file plan components can be
added. This task is performed using the records administrator client. In our
sample scenarios, we created a file plan component called Department. We now
need to create instances of this component.

Note: To create an instance of a file plan component, select the level above
this component definition.
For example, using our sample file plan scenario of ITSO Department
Region Division, if you want to create different departments, you must
select ITSO and then click the Add action. If you want to create different
regions under a particular department (such as the Finance department),
select ITSO Finance department and then click the Add action.
To set up:
1. In the Records Administrator Client, select File Plan Administration.

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


2. Next to the primary view name (in our scenario this was called ITSO), click
the Add action.
Our sample environment file plan component instances:


Finance, Sales
Europe, Asia, America
Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable

Step 6: Import host users

Users do not have to exist in the Content Manager repository for e-mail to be
archived, as CommonStore uses a single administration ID to access and store
archived documents. However, when a user declares an e-mail as a record
(whether or not the e-mail has yet been archived), the user must exist in Records
Manager or the host Content Manager system. Permissions are checked to
ensure that record declaration is allowed.
Before Records Manager can be used, host users (users from Content Manager)
must be imported into or registered with Records Manager. Additionally, the
IsActive flag must be selected.
To set up:
1. In the Records Administrator Client, select Security Users.
2. Select the CMRE host from the pull-down list.
3. Click Import.

Important: For Records Manager to see the host Content Manager users,
Records Enabler for Content Manager must be set up correctly, and any users
requiring access to declare records must be imported into Records Manager.
You can add local users but not host users in Records Manager.
Note: More than one mailbox user can be mapped to a single Content
Manager user ID.

Step 7: Assign permissions

After a new file plan has been created and populated and the users are available
in Records Manager, assign component access permissions for the file plan
components to the users or groups. You can assign the access permissions at
either the system level or at the component level. If both permission levels exist,
the component level permissions will have precedence over the system level


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

When assigning permissions, you must select to which systems users you are
granting permissions. For additional clarity, we provide appropriate images to
accompany the instructions.
To set up (permissions at system level):
1. In the Records Administrator Client, select Security System
2. Select one or more components to apply control then click Permissions
(Figure 10-2).

Figure 10-2 System permissions

Note: If individual components had their permissions set individually before

this step, their permissions will be overwritten if multiple components are
selected in this step.

Attention: Users must be able to traverse the file plan hierarchy to a point
where a record component can be declared. Ensure that each level in the file
plan hierarchy has been selected from the system permissions as shown in
Figure 10-2 on page 397.

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


3. From the Host Filter list, select the relevant system as a source of users (in
our case ICMNLSDB) and ensure that one or more permissions are selected
from the list, then click Add Users or Add Groups (Figure 10-3).
4. Click OK.

Attention: The minimum permission required is View. To enable the user

to declare and retrieve records, the user must have Add, View, and
HostRetrieve permissions on the file plans the user will declare into and
retrieve records from. In addition, the user must be given File Plan
Administration function access when importing the user.

Figure 10-3 User/Group and Permission List showing selection

Note: The previously selected components from the file plan hierarchy are
shown (see Figure 10-3). At this stage they appear in the Users/Groups list
but without any users identified. In a later step, these file plan components will
indicate which users or groups have been given what access.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

5. Highlight one or more users or groups then click OK (Figure 10-4).

Figure 10-4 Selected users from the host system showing permissions given

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


6. The users and groups that were selected, plus their permissions and the file
plan components where this combination of users and permissions have
access, is shown (Figure 10-5).

Figure 10-5 Completed permissions showing users and file plan components

Step 8: Set up life cycle information

A life cycle is a collection of phases through which any file plan component must
transit before it is disposed.
There are two steps in the life cycle management process: designing a life cycle
and performing life cycle operations. Life cycle design refers to the activities
surrounding the configuration of an organizations life cycle and the rules that
govern the life cycle operations. Life cycle operations refers to the process of
executing the rules that govern the life cycle of components in your file plan.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Note: You must have the Life Cycle Management Design function access right
to create life cycle phases and codes.
Designing a life cycle is also a two-step process: set up at least one life cycle
phase (most organizations use two phases: active and dormant), then create a
life cycle code that uses a combination of previously created life cycle phases.
These are all life cycle components:
Life cycle phase
Life cycle code
Life cycle date
Life cycle code is set up in Life Cycle Administration Life Cycle Codes and
specified within each file plan component.
To set up life cycle component, use the following steps.

Note: The following sequence assists you in understanding the relatively

complex components of life cycle management.
1. Create a life cycle phase (or phases) and specify a sequence in which these
phases transition. For example, the first phase is Active, and the second
phase is Dormant.
2. Create life cycle code. This really only creates a name for the code. For
example, life cycle code can be Active 5 - Dormant 10.
3. Edit previously created life cycle code and specify how long a component will
exist in any (or all) of the life cycle phases. For example, Active 5 years Dormant 10 years.
4. Continue to edit life cycle code to select the trigger date of the selected
component that will cause the component to begin time in any of the life cycle
5. Select which code to apply to a particular file plan component.
For more information about Records Manager administration, refer to the product

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


10.2 Holds
In records and legal circles, the terms tax, legal, litigation, and records holds are
common. We use the generic term of hold.
A hold is an action taken on records collections to ensure that they are not
dispositioned (deleted or archived) as part of their normal retention schedule life
and are kept possibly beyond their scheduled date of destruction. For example, if
a retention rule specifies that all e-mail records must be kept for three years
before deletion, then any such record on hold (having a hold applied to it) that
reaches that three-year period will not be (and cannot be) deleted. A hold may
also have other direct impacts such as the freezing of information sharing such
as educational records and transcripts triggered by a hold applied due to lack of

Reasons behind holds

A lawsuit is served on a company and may or may not explicitly refer to holds. As
part of a lawsuit, the court now commonly instructs the company to freeze its
normal records destruction processes to ensure that discovery (searches) and
evidence can be found. Regulatory auditors may order a company to apply holds
as part of an investigation. Internally, due to discrimination or another issue or
allegation, a company may determine that it must apply a hold related to a
certain business process, customer, supplier or employee.
In recent years, the media worldwide has portrayed, and continues to do so,
graphic terminal examples of companies and employees who either failed to
apply holds and stop records destruction, who actively ignored hold orders and
actively destroyed records (with commercials even portraying imaginary
executives at night on the top floor shredding documents endlessly), or in more
recent times failed (according to courts) to adequately forecast or expect to be
placed under hold orders. Rapid erosion of market and customer confidence,
multi-million dollar fines, jail terms, and company closings have resulted.

Note: In IBM DB2 Records Manager, the term and function suspension is used
to represent and action all types of holds. In other words, suspension = hold.

Applying holds
Usually a companys legal department receives or determines independently to
define and apply holds. The legal department does not usually apply holds onto
records themselves but rather passes or directs the holds internally to records
owners (business process owners) and, most commonly, to the records
department and records managers. It is then the responsibility of the records
staff to find and determine the records to apply the holds to, and ensure that such
records are preserved and not destroyed if they reach the end of their life.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Organizations must be able to demonstrate that, as well as having a strong

central records-keeping solution, they have consistent processes for receiving,
applying, and removing holds.
Holds may have a duration specified or a date for next review. This enables the
records staff to review along with the legal staff the future review status of the
records and holds and any change in status that should occur.
Holds may be applied immediately. As in all things records-related, one size and
practice does not fit all. Some records staff with mature records processes and
systems can search and apply any number of holds across their whole records
collections, physical and electronic records, to ensure that they are identified as
on-hold and will never be dispositioned. Other records staff can choose to add
the hold review as part of the end-of-life disposition process. In this way they can
review any candidate records that are due for destruction to see whether they
should be held and not destroyed, although they can end up doing more work
later on in the process.

Hold target
Records staff usually intimately know their retention schedule and file plans.
There are two main ways to apply holds. One way is to browse to a file plan
location or container; for example, for a particular matter or case or customer.
Another is to search across all records for related terms, keywords, or metadata
that make them candidates for the hold; for example, hold all financial trade

Hold length
Holds do not last forever. Most records are not kept forever. At some point, days,
weeks, months or years later, the hold can be removed, when the legal or other
issue is closed or settled or an internal investigation is completed. Whatever the
reason, usually the legal department can determine and then instruct the records
department to remove the hold and continue the standard retention schedule on
those records.
Sometimes the same retention will remain and in the future the records will
expire as planned. If the hold had been applied and removed after the original
retention date, then those records could immediately become candidates for
destruction. Occasionally the legal, records, and business process may decide to
apply a new retention on the records that were previously on hold, in effect
extending the retention. The key is to follow documented record processes and
practices to achieve this. To be able to demonstrate to courts, consistency is key.
One of the most important aspects of a companys records hold process is, from
a legal perspective, to demonstrate a high level of documented consistency in
applying holds and, later, disposition.

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


Figure 10-6 shows the stages that lead to a hold.

Figure 10-6 Hold stages

IBM DB2 Records Manager provides comprehensive economic hold functionality.

Records Manager can:
Be the central point to define, track, apply, and remove all corporate holds.
Provide immediate browse and search options to apply holds.
Support an unlimited number of holds that can be applied across any record
types in the record collection.
Support tracking of multiple holds on the same record.
Provide reporting of which holds are applied on which records.
Audit consistent application and removal of holds.
Provide economic hold support by facilitating the hold application up front,
which enables Records Manager to filter any held records from any
disposition lists.
Provide secure hold functionality, so that only designated staff can review,
apply, and remove holds (not all holds should be seen by all staff).


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

10.3 Records disposition

Disposition defines what happens to the records at the end of their retention, a
process commonly referred to as records scheduling. Most records are destroyed
at the end of their life, but not all. Records Managers may use various phases or
disposition codes or references to convey the handling required.

10.3.1 Disposition options

Records Manager provides the full range of disposition options as follows:

Destroy is the confidential deletion of the records content and metadata. The
records term for this is expunging (irrevocably deleting the record so that not
even document forensics can recover any aspect of it). Electronic records are
usually overwritten at the disk bit level (and independent validation can be
demonstrated such as provided by gaining US DoD 5015.2 STD certification).
For physical records these were usually burnt or shredded but nowadays due to
environmental concerns they may be destroyed in acid baths.

Accession is sometimes called archiving. The records are no longer tracked or
kept in your records system but their provenance (history) is maintained as they
are passed to some other records holding authority, maybe to the corporate
archives. Note that the electronic copies records should be destroyed from your
records system after the transfer.

Review highlights the records at the end of their current defined life and enables
the records staff and organization to review and possibly change the retention or
period of re-reviewing the disposition of the records (for example, in a years

10.3.2 Records scheduling

How often does this structured records review and disposition occur? Generally,
records scheduling is performed only once a quarter or once a year. This was the
common schedule for dealing with physical (paper) records. This resulted in a
sizable collection of records to be reviewed and processed just for physical paper

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


and objects in boxes. Now with e-mail counted in the millions per day, a more
scalable records scheduling solution is critical.

Figure 10-7 Records scheduling

Records Manager provides scheduled processes for the production of candidate

record lists for disposition whenever the record staff require, scheduled for the
future or on demand. Records staff can then look back in time, or ahead, to
determine the number, type, and classification of the candidates for disposition.
This provides expedited means for them to also seek disposal authorities from
the original records owner departments. When ready, the records staff can then
quickly progress to press the button, turn the crank, and begin records
disposition (destruction or archiving).
With a central system for records management, companies with Records
Manager can achieve more regular, timely scheduling of its large collections of
e-mail records, appropriately controlled and audited. Some companies are
considering moving to almost daily records scheduling for the large collections of
e-mail that will expire per the applied retention schedules. The volume of e-mail
they have daily and the cost of storage and management encourages performing
scheduling more often. Records Manager can help in making this a repeatable
structured process that can be set to run at any time or date and auctioned in the
knowledge that any holds applied will ensure that only unheld records will be


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Another way to view scheduling is in the risk of not doing it. In the past,
companies felt that it was best to simply keep everything. Storage keeps getting
cheaper (but the management and finding of items stored does not). In the past
few years, where records and compliance have risen in importance and have
now been mandated, organizations realize that they cannot just keep everything.
Records retention schedules help organizations identify the types of e-mail they
have and how long to keep it for. Records scheduling provides structured
consistent means to destroy the e-mail on a timely basis. If an organization only
performs its scheduling of e-mail records twice a year, they would be best to
analyze their risk: the risk of having maybe 50% of the e-mail records not deleted
when they could have been appropriately and thus a 50% possible increase in
discovery risk if, or rather when, a court-ordered discovery is imposed, as well as
a possible 50% increase in discovery costs.
Organizations are also well served to revisit their current records scheduling
processes where they may not choose to capture and store e-mail as records. A
common e-mail management practice is to simply delete all e-mail older than, for
example, 90 days. This can open up the organization to be viewed as having little
if any corporate e-mail records-keeping in place and could be viewed to be
willfully destroying current (or future) evidence. Is that e-mail related to a current
employee and should it really be deleted? Is that e-mail related to a customer or
supplier contract or order or business transaction or decision, for a customer
relationship still ongoing or contracted? E-mail generally is a great source of
company decisions. Make them corporate records for everyones sake.

Disposition results
With e-mail being such an important type of record to companies and courts (it is
now one of the first types of records ordered to be put on hold and discovered
against by courts), it is critical to have auditable, admissible histories of what
actions on the record systems occurred. With so many e-mail messages as
candidates for disposition daily, it is best to ensure that the record system can
audit the individual destructions, although that volume of audit log and metadata
can quickly be unmanageable at that level. More practical is to perform
scheduling more often and have the audit results be able to convey the
scheduling that occurred (for example, who triggered it, across what type of
records, what are the retention rules and date ranges).
Records Manager provides a multi-step process for scheduling, each step of
which is audited and can be reported on in summary or down to the individual
e-mail record destruction level. Scheduling logs are also kept separate and can
even be exported in XML for reuse and reprocessing in the future.

Freedom of Information Act

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) searches or discovery requests are ever
more common. When mandated to do so, organizations must search across their

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration


unclassified information, including e-mail, and provide copies of the original

records. They must also perform the search and provide the copies or a
statement of when in a reasonable period they will be produced, usually within a
set deadline as specified by law (for example, the USA Federal FOIA results or
statement are due in 20 business days).
What if an organization has appropriately destroyed or otherwise dispositioned
its e-mail records according to its approved retention schedule and records
processes? Simply stating we no longer have e-mail related to that topic or
issue may not hold up in the courts or the court of public opinion. This is where
Records Manager can again add value in the use of its preserve metadata (but
not preserve the e-mail content) and scheduling audit to show that one did in the
past have e-mail related to the topic but according to, and with proof of action, the
standard records processes and schedules, such e-mail was destroyed.
Consistency in processes and actions related to records is a necessary position
of strength to always demonstrate.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide


Chapter 11.

This chapter describes the needs, drivers, and benefits of having the e-mail
archiving and records management solution able to perform discovery on e-mail
records. This is not meant to be a definitive definition or guide on the greater
aspects and practices of discovery, nor replace the need to have your legal
council involved.
We cover the following topics:

Yours to discover
Poor or inadequate discovery
Sample discovery process

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


11.1 Yours to discover

Discovery is the process of searching across all e-mail records and identifying
those that match the discovery and hold order, usually when ordered by courts
(and related to hold orders). After being filtered to remove anything under any
attorney-client privilege or other classified restriction, and following negotiation
with both sides of the legal issue on the terms and issues to search on, the final
e-mail record results must be made records (if they are not already), placed on a
hold (so they remain until the end of the legal issue), and exported to opposing
council (maybe to a CD archive of some size in some agreed format).
Note: The key to practical electronic discovery for e-mail starts with strong
processes, manual practices, and knowledge of the e-mail storage and record
system infrastructure.
The time and costs of resources and equipment to do discovery is huge. Imagine
an organization that has kept years of backup tapes of their e-mail servers.
Microsoft was one such organization that was ordered by the courts to restore all
their e-mail backups and perform e-mail searches related to the Netscape case.
One can only guess that if e-mail had been made records and destroyed
consistently and correctly, that the alleged embarrassing e-mail from Bill Gates
referring to actions against Netscape would not have been discoverable.
Above all, any organization deploying and using an e-mail record system must
engage both their records staff and legal department. Applying consistent e-mail
records processes with a records system can reduce the risk and cost of
discovery and information management overall. Remember that the party
responding to the discovery order usually has to bear the asymmetrical cost of
performing that discovery.

11.2 Poor or inadequate discovery

The courts and federal rules of civil procedure mandate timely discovery search
and record production. The media continues to portray stories of companies
large and small who fail to perform timely or accurate discovery and suffer large
business impacts of fines or other restrictions.

Spoliation involves deliberately deleting documents or changing the content of

documents. This should be avoided. Organizations performing discovery and
e-mail record production must ensure that they do not alter the original format or
context of the e-mail records, and can deliver them in some original or
representative form. A harder but now very real challenge is to predict or expect


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

some discovery orders even when such an order has not been received.
Companies need to act and predict and ensure that their normal record and
non-record e-mail archiving and destruction processes, especially when
automated, are held or stopped to ensure future spoliation. Organizations have
lost cases or suffered large financial consequences not by what was found in
discovery but by being allegedly found to have destroyed or altered records.

11.3 Security
The e-mail record system must support secure discovery. All record access must
be logged, as do all actions to package, filter, review, re-search (search refining),
hold, and export e-mail records. The ability to control who has discovery search
and export options is also critical. You do not want every e-mail user in a
company to be able to search all e-mail, for example. Usually such discovery is
performed by paralegals or record staff and only via specific user accounts with
security permissions to do wide-ranging searches and discovery actions.

11.4 Sample discovery process

We now step through a customized client that provides discovery search and
actions using IBM DB2 Records Manager.

Chapter 11. Discovery


1. Figure 11-1 summarizes the flow of information and actions to perform

discovery in the e-mail archiving and records management solution using
CommonStore, Records Manager, Content Manager, and the custom client,

Lotus Notes Servers

for Lotus

Documents upon
ingestion can be
interrogated and
applied a retention
outside of the default

Hold Orders can be

placed on e-mail from
the eDiscovery



Content Manager

The records
disposition process
can utilize the full
function Content
Manager workflow for
the deletion process.

E-mail outside of
the default retention
are declared as

Figure 11-1 Discovery information flow for an e-mail records enabled solution


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

2. The eDiscovery client can be used to perform searches across all e-mail that
the solution stores.
You can enter a search criteria such as the sender, the recipients, or from
which time period, and click Search. See Figure 11-2.

Key in

Figure 11-2 eDiscovery search window

Note: Not every e-mail is a record and does not have to be. It may be that
only 5% of an organizations e-mail will be candidate records under more
long-term retention rules. By default, the solution can provide a more
generic retention of the non-record e-mail (for example, keep for 120 days).
The key e-mail record discovery option demonstrated here is the ability to
search across any of the core metadata that makes up e-mail, the e-mail body
itself, and any attachments.

Chapter 11. Discovery


Search (also known as queries) may be saved and re-used. The advanced
search option on the upper-left panel enables searching of e-mail using
parametric options (such as searching in the same paragraph and sentence).
3. Figure 11-3 shows the results of the previous discovery search. The small
example here shows just two e-mail messages returned.
One important point here is that the result also displays if the items are
already part of another hold, although security may not let the discover know
what those holds are.

Figure 11-3 Result of the previous search


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

4. Figure 11-4 shows that both pieces of e-mail (which may not be records yet)
have been selected for discovery action. The action menu shows the next
step discovery actions available (export, retrieve, hold). In this case, we will
apply a hold on the candidate e-mail, which will then be made records as a
side action of applying a hold.

User selects the Hold

action which will open
the Hold dialog window
Figure 11-4 Actions you can perform on the discovered e-mail

Chapter 11. Discovery


5. In Figure 11-5, we show the ability to select a hold to apply from the master
list of available holds. Remember here that the key is to get the items on hold;
you do not need to review them all at this time.

User can enter (create)

in new Hold reason or
select from existing
Hold reasons

The appropriate RM file

Plans are retrieved via
the RM interface when
this dialog displays

The Hold reasons are

retrieved and displayed
for selection?

Figure 11-5 Hold a discovered e-mail


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

6. When a hold reason is selected, the appropriate records classification (bucket

in the file plan into which to declare these candidate e-mail as records, which
also is how they will then inherit the right retention rule) can be selected.
See Figure 11-6. E-mail that is already records will be preserved and will get
the hold applied.

User chooses which RM

File Plan to associate to
the Held e-mail records
Figure 11-6 Select hold/record classification

Chapter 11. Discovery


7. Figure 11-7 shows the remaining discovery action to be performed. Click

Hold to apply the hold (and invisibly make the e-mail records where not

Click Hold to start an async process

to invoke RM/CMRE APIs to create
RM hold records
Figure 11-7 Finalize a hold on a discovered e-mail


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

8. As the volume of e-mail records for discovery processing can be large, these
batch actions of searches and hold and export discovery actions can execute
for some time. Figure 11-8 shows the processing status of such long-running

While the async process is running, we show

the current status. The user can click Refresh
for current status
Figure 11-8 Hold process status

After the hold (and records declaration) has occurred, the export option (see
Figure 11-4 on page 415) can be selected to render the e-mail into a working
directory from where they can then be burnt to CD-R or DVD-R.
This solution also ensures that the exported record e-mail is rendered out in an
original representative form that preserves all original metadata and content
(again to avoid spoliation issues).
eDiscovery custom client is an IBM services offering that works with Content
Manager and Records Manager. For more information, contact your IBM

Chapter 11. Discovery



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Part 4



Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Appendix A.

File plan used during this

This chapter describes the file plan we used to test our scenarios during the
production of this book. The scenarios we used are applied to both
CommonStore for Lotus Domino and CommonStore for Exchange. Additionally,
the testing we performed is done across both the Windows and AIX systems.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Purpose of the file plan

Our file plan is created to serve a number of purposes:
Test correct installation and configuration of our system.
Test correct user functionality for both e-mail archiving and records
declaration and classification.
Test security of the file plan components.
Our file plan is a subset of the file plan used in the Records Manager Concepts
Guide, SC18-9182. Further details about the file plan as well as additional
Records Manager configurations can be found in this document.

File plan design

The file plan we used has been reduced for clarity. However, it should be clear,
from the design we used, how to extend the file plan to include a broader range
of business units.
Figure A-1 on page 425 shows the file plan design we used. The instance of this
file plan is shown in Figure A-2 on page 426.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Figure A-1 File plan design

Appendix A. File plan used during this Redbook


Figure A-2 Instance of the file plan design

In Figure A-2, the documents (eDocuments) and e-mail (email) classified as

records are stored in either the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable
This is a simplified file plan. This file plan is just an example and is not proposed,
intended, designed, or supported for any production use. We advise that you
leverage your companys legal team, business owners, and records staff to
determine and sign off on a production file plan that suits your needs. IBM can
also advise on external consultants who specialize in the specialist task of file
plan analysis and design.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Appendix B.

Important log files for

The integrated e-mail archiving and records management solution is comprised
of multiple products, and each has its log and trace files for troubleshooting
This appendix provides some of the important log files for each product that is
involved in the integrated solution. Use these log files as references when
troubleshooting system problems.
We cover the following types of log files:

CommonStore log files

CommonStore trace files
Content Manager log files
Records Manager log files
Records Enabler log files
WebSphere log files
Lotus Domino log files

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


CommonStore log files

This section contains the log files related to CommonStore.
We break the group of log files as follows:

Content Manager agent related log files

HTTP task related log files
ArchPro related log files
Task related log files
Crawler related log files

Content Manager agent-related log files

These log files are used to report and monitor the operation of the Content
Manager API, which is used between the CommonStore Archpro program and
Content Manager application. These log files produce limited details as they
show program startup and shutdown events and errors. Log files will have a file
extension of .log.
There are two types of Content Manager agent related log files:
CM8Agent program (dklog.log)
CM8Agent program (cm8errors.log)

CM8Agent program (dklog.log)

This log produces event logging of the Content Manager API calls from the
Archpro program to Content Manager. It is useful for identifying problems
between Archpro and Content Manager.
This log file is not produced by default. To obtain this log file, you have to
configure the logging properties of the Content Manager APIs. By default, the
Content Manager logging configuration file is
C:\CM\IBM\db2cmv8\cmgmt\connectors\ Change the
DKLogPriority property according to your logging needs.
On Windows the file is named dklog.log. It is located in the instance directory of
the CommonStore Server.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\dklog.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files:\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\dklog.log


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

On AIX, the log file has a file name starting with the CommonStore instance user
ID followed by .dklog.log. It is located under the Content Manager working
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:

CM8Agent program (cm8errors.log)

This log file produces error logging of the CM8Agent program. It is useful for
identifying problems with the CM8Agent program.
The log file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\cm8errors.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\cm8errors.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


HTTP taskrelated log files

These log files are used to report and monitor the operation of the CommonStore
HTTP task. These log files produce error details for all requests issued to the
CommonStore HTTP task. Log files have a file extension of .log.
There is one type of HTTP task related log file:
CSHttpTask program (httperror.log)

CSHttpTask program (httperror.log)

This log file produces error logging of the CommonStore Http Listener task. It is
useful for identifying problems with the viewing attachments from a URL request.
The log file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\httperror.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\httperror.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The errors reported in this log are standardized HTTP return codes as listed in
Table B-1.
Table B-1 HTTP return codes

HTTP error code

Short description

Long description

2xx represent success codes



Request has been processed




Request has been processed

successfully and a new resource
(document) has been created.


Bad request

Request contained syntactical




Resource needs authorization

(for example, SAP request is not
signed, HTTPS is needed).


Not found

Resource not found (document

has been deleted?).


Time out

Server has not answered in time.

4xx represent error codes

5xx represent server error codes


Internal server error

An internal server error occurred

(=> Check csserror.log and

Archpro-related log files

These log files are use to report and monitor the operation of the CommonStore
Archpro program. These log files produce details of the CommonStore Archpro
task as they show program startup and shutdown events, archive and retrieve
events, and errors. Log files have a file extension of .log.
There are two types of Archpro-related log files:
Archpro program (csserror.log)
Archpro program (aiYYYYMMDD.log)

Archpro program (csserror.log)

This log file produces error logging of the CommonStore Server (Archpro). It is
useful for identifying problems with the Archpro program.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The log file is located in the CommonStore instance path:

For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\csserror.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\csserror.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Archpro program (aiYYYYMMDD.log)

This log file produces logging of application startup and shutdown events, archive
and retrieve events, and errors. System administrators should monitor this log to
identify errors in storing or retrieving information with the backend repository.
Logging can be enabled or disabled by setting the LOG entry in archint.ini
(values are ON or OFF). Log output has fields separated by semicolons and thus
can be opened with Microsoft Excel as a delimited file or monitored by
third-party monitoring applications.
The log file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\ai20050602.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\ai20050602.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Task-related log files

These log files are use to report and monitor the operation of the CommonStore
Tasks. Log files have a file extension of .log.
There are two type of task related log files, one for CSX Task and one for CSLD
CSLD Task programs (TaskProfileName.log)
CSX Task programs

CSLD Task programs (TaskProfileName.log)

These log files produce logging of the CommonStore for Lotus Domino tasks
startup and shutdown events and errors.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The CommonStore for Lotus Domino archive and restore tasks are configured in
the Lotus Notes CSLD configuration database in the database profile
documents. The log files have a file name with the corresponding tasks profile
name with an extension of .log. The log files maximum file sizes and their
locations are specified in the tasks profile documents.
If using default parameters, the log files are located in the following directories:
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Archive.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


CSLD Tasks can be single-threaded or multi-threaded. This is configured in the

tasks profile document on the Working Databases section. If the All databases
option is selected, the task will be single-threaded. If either of the other two
options is selected, the task will be multi-threaded, thus using one thread per
Domino server or one thread per group of mail databases:
A single-threaded log file has a file name the same as the corresponding profile
name in the Lotus Notes CSLD configuration database in the database profile
For multi-threaded log files, each log has at least two threads, and each
produces its own trace file. The log files have a file name the same as the
corresponding profile name in the Lotus Notes CSLD configuration database in
the database profile documents, and they have a two-digit number appended to
the file name identifying the thread that produced it.
By default, the log files are located in the following directories:
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Archive00.log (startup
information only)
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Archive01.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:

/home/CSLD/inst001/logs/Archive00.log (startup information only)

At the startup, the CommonStore for Lotus Domino tasks have not read the
CSLD configuration database on the Notes server and therefore are unaware of
the desired location to write the log files. Until the Notes database is read, the log
files will be written to the path specified by the CSNINSTANCEPATH environment


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

CSX Task programs

These log files produce logging of CommonStore for Exchange task events and
The CommonStore for Microsoft Exchange archive and restore tasks are
configured in Active Directory via the CSX System Manager. The log files have a
file name with the corresponding date and an extension of .log.
By default, the log files are located in the tasks log path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
C:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\Task\log\cs<YYYYMMDD>.log

For example, in our sample environment, this is:


Crawler-related log files

These log files are use to report and monitor the operation of the CommonStore
crawler. Log files have a file extension of .log.
There are two types of task-related log files, one for CSX and one for CSLD Task:
CSLD crawler programs (CrawlerPolicyName.log)
CSX crawler programs (Crawler_FQExchangeServerName.log)

CSLD crawler programs (CrawlerPolicyName.log)

These log files produce logging of startup and shutdown events, job creation
events, and errors.
The CommonStore for Lotus Domino crawlers are configured in the Lotus Notes
CSLD configuration database in the scheduled task documents. The log files
have a file name with the corresponding crawlers scheduled task name with an
extension of .log. The log files maximum size is specified in the crawlers
scheduled task document. The trace file is located in the path specified by the
CSNINSTANCEPATH environment variable.
By default, the log files are located in the following directories.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\CrawlerArchive.log

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


CSX crawler (Crawler_FQExchangeServerName.log)

These log files produce logging of startup and shutdown events, job creation
events, and errors.
The CommonStore for Microsoft Exchange crawlers are configured in Active
Directory via the CSX System Manager. The log files have a file name that starts
with crawler_ and then contains the Exchange servers fully qualified host name
and ends with an extension of log.
The log files are located in the CommonStore Task path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
C:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\Task\crawler_<Exchange servers fully qualified
host name>.log

For example, in the sample environment, this would be:


CommonStore trace files

Trace files are not enabled in a normal everyday CommonStore environment.
Trace files should be enabled when IBM support requests detailed information
about what the CommonStore processes are doing. Trace files produce more
details than the log files as they show what area of code is being used at each
step of program execution. Trace files have a file extension of .trace or .trc.
We list the group of trace files as follows:

Content Manager agent related trace files

HTTP task related trace files
ArchPro related trace files
Task related trace files
CSX Active Directory related trace files
CSX System Manager traces
CSX Outlook Extension

In addition, we introduce some best practices when working with a trace file for
troubleshooting your system problems.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Content Manager agent related trace files

There is one trace file related to Content Manager agent: cmtrace.trc.

CM8Agent program (cmtrace.trc)

CM8 Agent program produces detailed logging of its operation, in the cmtrace.trc
file. This log file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\cmtrace.trc

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CLD\server\instance01\cmtrace.trc

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


HTTP task related trace files

There is one trace file related to HTTP task: httpstartup.trc.

CSHttpTask program (httpstartup.trc)

CSHttpTask program produces detailed logging of the CommonStore HTTP
listener task, in the httpstartup.trc file. This log file is located in the CommonStore
instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\httpstartup.trc

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\httpstartup.trc

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


ArchPro related trace files

There are three trace files related to the ArchPro program:
Archpro program (archint.trace)
Archpro program (archint_startup.trace)
Archpro program (archservice.trace)

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


ArchPro program (archint.trace)

The ArchPro program produces detailed logging of its operation in the
archint.trace file. The tracing can be enabled or disabled by setting the TRACE
entry in the archint.ini (values are ON and OFF).
The trace file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\archint.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\archint.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Archpro program (archint_startup.trace)

The ArchPro program produces detailed logging of the startup and shutdown
errors of itself in archint_startup.trace file. The tracing can be enabled or disabled
by setting the TRACE entry in the archint.ini file (values are ON and OFF).
The trace file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\archint_startup.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\archint_startup.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


ArchPro program (archservice.trace)

The ArchPro program also produces detailed logging of service errors if the
program is configured to run as a service, in the archservice.trace file. The
tracing can be enabled or disabled by setting the TRACE entry in the archint.ini
(values are ON and OFF).
The trace file is located in the CommonStore instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\server\instance01\archservice.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:

c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\archservice.trace


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Task related trace files

There are two types of task-related trace files, one for CSLD Task and one for
CSX Task.
The CSLD Task produces four trace files:

CSLD Task program (startup00.trace)

CSLD Task program (TaskProfileName.trace)
CSLD Crawler program (csc_startup.trace)
CSLD Crawler program (CrawlerPolicyName.trace)

The CSX Task produces two trace files:

CSX Task program (csx_<task name>.trc)
CSX Crawler program (crawler_<fully qualified exchange server name>.trc)

CSLD Task program (startup00.trace)

The CSLD Task program produces detailed logging of its startup errors, if any.
Note that at the startup, the CommonStore for Lotus Domino task has not read
the CSLD configuration database on the Notes server and therefore it is unaware
of the desired location to write the trace file.
The trace file is located in the path specified by the CSNINSTANCEPATH
environment variable.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\startup00.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


CSLD Task program (TaskProfileName.trace)

The CSLD Task program produces detailed logging of its operation.
The CommonStore for Lotus Domino archive and restore tasks are configured in
the Lotus Notes CSLD configuration database in the database profile
The trace files have a file name with the corresponding tasks profile name with
an extension of trace. The trace files maximum size is specified in the tasks
profile document.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The trace files location is also specified in the tasks profile document.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CLD\server\instance01\Archive.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


CSLD Tasks can be single-threaded or multi-threaded. This is configured in the

tasks profile document in the Working Databases section. If the All databases
option is selected, the task will be single-threaded. If either of the other two
options is selected, the task will be multi-threaded, thus using one thread per
Domino server or a thread per group of mail databases.
The single-threaded trace file name is the same as the corresponding profile
name in the Lotus Notes CSLD configuration database in the database profile
For the multi-threaded trace files, each task has at least two threads, and each
produces its own trace file.
The trace files have a file name that corresponds to the profile name in the Lotus
Notes CSLD configuration database in the database profile documents, and they
have a two-digit number appended to the file name identifying the thread that
produced it.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Archive00.trace (startup
information only)
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Archive01.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:

/home/CSLD/inst001/trace/Archive00.trace (startup information only)

At startup, the CommonStore for Lotus Domino tasks have not read the CSLD
configuration database on the Notes server and therefore are unaware of the
desired location to write the trace files. Until the Notes database is read, the trace
files will be written to the path specified by the CSNINSTANCEPATH environment

CSLD crawler program (csc_startup.trace)

The crawler program produces detailed logging of the startup and shutdown
events, job creation events, and errors, in the csc_startup.trace file.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

This trace file is located in the path specified by the CSNINSTANCEPATH

environment variable.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\csc_startup.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


Crawler program (CrawlerPolicyName.trace)

The crawler program also produces detailed logging of its operation.
The CommonStore for Lotus Domino crawlers are configured in the Lotus Notes
CSLD configuration database in the scheduled task documents.
The trace files have a file name with the corresponding crawlers scheduled task
name with an extension of .trace. The trace filess maximum file size is specified
in the crawlers scheduled task.
The trace files are located in the CommonStore Instance path.
For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSLD\server\instance01\Crawler.trace

For CommonStore for Lotus Domino on the AIX platform:


CSX Task program (csx_TaskName.trc)

The CSX Task program produces detailed logging of its operation.
The CommonStore for Exchange Server archive and restore tasks are
configured in Active Directory via the CSX System Manager.
The trace files have a file name with the corresponding tasks name with an
extension of .trc.
The trace files location is specified in the Task Administration Data object via the
CSX System Manager.
For CommonStore for Exchange
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\Task\csx_<task name>.trc

CSX crawler program (crawler_FQExchangeServerName.trc)

The CSX crawler program produces detailed tracing of its operation.
The CommonStore for Exchange Server crawler is configured in Active Directory
via the CSX System Manager.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The trace files have a file name with the fully qualified Exchange Server name
with an extension of .trc.
The trace files are located in the CSX Task path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\Task\crawler_<fully qualified Exchange Server

CSX Active Directory related trace files

CsxADData_task_Archive.trc is a trace file related to CSX Active Directory.

Task program (CsxADData_TaskName.trc)

If available, the task program produces additional Active Directory logging
The trace file is located under the CommonStore Instance path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Program Files\IBM\CSX\Task\log\CsxADData_<<Task name>.trc

CSX System Manager traces

The CSX System Manager produces detailed logging of its operation. The traces
can be configured on the machine that has CSX System Manager installed by
setting the environment variable CSXMMCTRACEON to 1.
The trace files are located under the logged-on users Documents and Settings
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Documents and Settings\<user>\CommonStore for Exchange System

CSX Outlook Extension

CSX Outlook Extension produces detailed logging. The logging can be
configured on the machine that has Outlook installed via the Outlook menu:
Tools Options CommonStore - Advanced.
The trace files are located in the logged-on users Documents and Settings path.
For CommonStore for Exchange Server:
c:\Documents and Settings\<user>\CommonStore for Exchange for
Outlook\Commonstore Extension.trc


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Best practices
For troubleshooting problems using traces and maintaining a smooth system
operation, we recommend the following best practices:
Do not enable tracing unless requested by support or if an administrator is
troubleshooting an issue.
Tracing causes extra overhead and may produce noticeable performance
degradation on an already busy systems.
With a CSLD system, monitor the CSLD jobs database to detect archive and
retrieve errors early.
Monitor the aiYYYYMMDD.log files daily.
Use software such as IBM Tivoli Monitor to automate the process.
Implement a scheduled method to delete the old aiYYYYMMDD.log files, as
they are not automatically deleted.
On AIX, use crontab to schedule a shell script.
On Windows, use the AT command with a third-party log deletion application.
Sample AIX shell script to remove aiYYYYMMDD.log files:
# Clean up CommonStore Daily Task log files older than 7 days
find /home/CSLD/inst001/ -name "ai*.log" -atime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;

Content Manager log files

In this section, we introduce important log files produced by the Content Manager
system. These log files are used to report and monitor the operation of the
Content Manager environment. They produce limited details as they show
program startup and shutdown events, operational events, and errors.
We cover the following four log files:

Content Manager install log (cminstall.log)

Resource Manager application (SystemOut.log / SystemErr.log)
Library Server (db2diag.log)
Library Server (icmserver.log)

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


Content Manager install log (cminstall.log)

The Content Manager installer produces logging to the cminstall.log file.
The log file is located under the Content Manager working directory.
For Content Manager on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\db2cmv8\log\cminstall.log

For Content Manager on the AIX platform:


Resource Manager application (SystemOut.log / SystemErr.log)

Resource Manager produces logging to the WebSphere Application Server
SystemOut.log file for level informational, warning, and error messages.
By default, the Content Manager application is installed in the icmrm WebSphere
Application Server server:
For Content Manager on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\icmrm\SystemOut.log

For Content Manager on the AIX platform:


The Resource Manager produces logging to the WebSphere Application Server

SystemErr.log file only for messages of level error.
For Content Manager on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\icmrm\SystemErr.log

For Content Manager on the AIX platform:


Library Server (db2diag.log)

The Content Manager Library Server produces logging to the DB2 instance
owners log.
This log file is located under the DB2 instance path on the server where the
database resides.
For DB2 on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\DB2\SQLLIB\DB2\db2diag.log

For DB2 on the AIX platform:



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Library Server (icmserver.log)

The Content Manager Library Server can produce detailed tracing to a DB2 trace
This can be enabled following the process shown in Configuring the Library
Server trace file settings and location from Planning and Installing your Content
Manager System, SG27-1332.

Records Manager log files

In this section, we introduce important log files produced by Records Manager.
These log files are used to report and monitor the operation of the Records
Manager environment. They produce limited details as they show program
startup and shutdown events, operational events, and errors.
We cover the following six log files:

Records Manager engine (SystemOut.log)

Records Manager engine (record_manager.log)
Records Manager engine (record_manager_err.log)
Records Manager engine (record_manager_extensions.log)
Records Manager engine (record_manager_host.log)
Records Manager Client (irm_records_manager_client.log)

Records Manager engine (SystemOut.log)

The Records Manager engine produces general logging to the WebSphere
Application Server SystemOut.log file for messages of level informational,
warning, and error.
By default, the Records Manager engine is installed in the WebSphere
Application Server called Server1.
To find the log file:
For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\server1\SystemOut.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Manager engine (record_manager.log)

The Records Manager engine also produces logging to the record_manager.log
file. The logging level can be configured by editing the file
located under the deployed WebSphere Application Server application called
IBM DB2 Records Manager.ear in the IRMJAVA.jar file.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


To find the file:

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\london\IBM DB2 Records

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:

/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/bonnie/IBM DB2 Records

This log file is located under the WebSphere install path.

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\record_manager.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Manager engine (record_manager_err.log)

The Records Manager engine also produces logging to the
record_manager_err.log file. The logging level can be configured by editing the file located under the deployed WebSphere Application Server
application called IBM DB2 Records Manager.ear in the IRMJAVA.jar file.
To find the file:
For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\london\IBM DB2 Records

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:

/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/bonnie/IBM DB2 Records

The log file is located under the WebSphere install path.

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\record_manager_err.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Manager engine (record_manager_extensions.log)

The Records Manager engine also produces logging to the
record_manager_extensions.log file. The logging level can be configured by
editing the file located under the deployed WebSphere
application called IBM DB2 Records Manager.ear in the IRMJAVA.jar file.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

To find the file:

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\london\IBM DB2 Records

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:

/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/bonnie/IBM DB2 Records

The log file is located under the WebSphere install path.

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\record_manager_extensions.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Manager engine (record_manager_host.log)

The Records Manager engine also produces logging to the
record_manager_host.log file. The logging level can be configured by editing the file located under the deployed WebSphere application called
IBM DB2 Records Manager.ear in the IRMJAVA.jar file.
To find the file:
For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\london\IBM DB2 Records

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:

/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/bonnie/IBM DB2 Records

The log file is located under the WebSphere install path.

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\record_manager_host.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Manager Client (irm_records_manager_client.log)

The Records Manager Engine also produces logging to the
irm_records_manager_client.log file. The logging level can be configured by
editing the file located under the deployed WebSphere
application called IBM DB2 Records Manager.ear in the IRMJAVA.jar file.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


To find the file:

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\london\IBM DB2 Records

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:

/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/bonnie/IBM DB2 Records

The log file is located under the WebSphere install path.

For Records Manager engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\irm_records_manager_client.log

For Records Manager engine on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler log files

In this section, we introduce important log files produced by Content Manager
Records Enabler. These log files are used to report and monitor the operation of
the Records Enabler environment. They produce limited details as they show
program startup and shutdown events, operational events, and errors.
We cover the following eight log files:
Records Enabler engine (SystemOut.log)
Records Enabler engine (rmeserver.log)
These logs exclude manual declare or view record activities.
Records Enabler engine (rmeserver.log): manual declare and view
These logs include only manual declare and view record activities.
Records Enabler Host Interface (SystemOut.log)
Records Enabler Host Interface (rmehostlog4j.log)
Records Enabler Permission Synchronization (SystemOut.log)
Records Enabler Permission Synchronization (rmepslog4j.log)
Records Manager Extensions (rmepslog4j.log)

Records Enabler engine (SystemOut.log)

The Content Manager Records Enabler engine produces logging to the
WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log file for messages related to
application startup and shutdown events.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

By default, the Records Enabler engine is installed in the cmresrv WebSphere

Application Server server.
For Records Enabler engine on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\cmresrv\SystemOut.log

For Records Enabler engine on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler engine (rmeserver.log)

The Content Manager Records Enabler engine also produces logging to the
rmeserver.log file.
It logs all Records Enabler server functions except manual declare and view
records activities. The logging level can be configured by editing the file located under the Content Manager working
directory path.
The file is located in the following directory:
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\cmmgt\connectors\

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


The rmeserver.log file is located under the Content Manager working directory
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\log\rme\rmeserver.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler engine (rmeserver.log): manual declare and view

This logs the manual declare and view records activities related to Content
Manager Records Enabler server.
By default, all Content Manager Records Enabler server activities are actually
logged into one file, rmeserver.log. However, you can set a different log file to
track the manual declare and view records activities for troubleshooting
The logging level can be configured by editing the file
located under the Content Manager working directory path.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The file can be found in the following directories:

For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\config\rme\

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


The default log file is located under the Content Manager working directory path.
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\log\rme\rmeserver.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler Host Interface (SystemOut.log)

The Content Manager Records Enabler Host Interface produces logging to the
WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log file for messages related to
application startup and shutdown events.
By default, the Records Enabler Host Interface is installed in the rmecmhost
WebSphere Application Server server.
The SystemOut.log file can be found under the following directories:
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\rmecmhost\SystemOut.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler Host Interface (rmehostlog4j.log)

The Content Manager Records Enabler Host Interface also produces logging to
the rmehostlog4j.log file.
The logging level can be configured by editing the file
located in the Information Integrator for Content (II4C) working directory path.
The file can be found under the following directories:
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\config\rme\

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

The log file is located under the Content Manager working directory path.
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\log\rme\rmehostlog4j.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler Permission Synchronization (SystemOut.log)

Content Manager Records Enabler Permission Synchronization produces
logging to the WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log file for messages
related to application startup and shutdown events.
By default, the Records Enabler Permission Synchronization is installed in the
cmrepsproc WebSphere Application Server server.
The SystemOut.log can be found under the following directories:
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\cmrepsproc\SystemOut.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Enabler Permission Synchronization (rmepslog4j.log)

Records Enabler Permissions Synchronization also produces logging to the
rmepslog4j.log file.
The logging level can be configured by editing the file
located under the Information Integrator for Content working directory path.
The log file is located under the Content Manager log directory.
For Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\log\rme\rmepslog4j.log

For Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


Records Manager Extensions (rmepslog4j.log)

Records Enabler Records Manager Extensions also produces logging to the
rmepslog4j.log file.
The logging level can be configured by editing the file
located under the Information Integrator for Content working directory path.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


The log file can be found under the Content Manager log directory.
For Content Manager Records Enabler on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\log\rme\rmepslog4j.log

For Content Manager Records Enabler on the AIX platform:


WebSphere log files

The WebSphere Application Server log files are used to report and monitor the
operations of the WebSphere Application Server environment. The log files
produce detailed information such as program startup and shutdown events,
operational events, and errors.
The log files include SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log.

WebSphere Application Servers (SystemOut.log/SystemErr.log)

The WebSphere Application Servers produce logging to the WebSphere servers
SystemOut.log file for informational, warning, and error-level messages related to
WebSphere Application Server and the applications that run under it.
The WebSphere Application Servers produce logging to the SystemErr.log file for
error messages related to WebSphere Application Server and the applications
that run under it.
By default, the WebSphere Application Server logs are installed under the
WebSphere log path:
For WebSphere Application Server on the Windows platform:
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\server1\SystemOut.log
c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\server1\SystemErr.log

For WebSphere Application Server on the AIX platform:


Lotus Domino log files

The Domino server log files are used to report and monitor the operation of the
Domino environment. Log files produce limited details as they show program
startup and shutdown events, operational events, and errors.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Domino servers (log.nsf)

Domino servers produce logging to the Domino servers console and log.nsf file.
By default, the Domino server log is installed in the Domino data directory and is
called Notes Log.

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting



E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Appendix C.

Additional material
This book refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the Internet
as described below.

Locating the Web material

The Web material associated with this book is available in softcopy on the
Internet from the IBM Redbooks Web server. Point your Web browser to:

Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks Web site at:

Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with
the redbook form number, SG246795.

Using the Web material

The additional Web material that accompanies this redbook includes the
following file:
File name

User mapper sample code

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


System requirements for downloading the Web material

The following system configuration is recommended:

Hard disk space:

Operating System:
Processor :

200 MB
Pentium IV or higher
512 MB

How to use the Web material

Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation and unzip the contents of the
Web material zip file into this folder.


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this redbook.

IBM Redbooks
For information on ordering these publications, see How to get IBM Redbooks
on page 456. Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available
in softcopy only.
Content Manager Implementation and Migration Cookbook, SG24-7051
DB2 II: Performance Monitoring, Tuning and Capacity Planning Guide,
DB2 UDB/WebSphere Performance Tuning Guide, SG24-6417
Disaster Recovery with DB2 UDB for z/OS, SG24-6370
Maximum Performance with WebSphere Application Server V5.1 on iSeries,
Performance Tuning for Content Manager, SG24-6949

Other publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino: Administrators and Programmers
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6742
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server: Administration and Users
Guide Version 8.3, SH12-6741
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Concepts Guide, SC18-9182
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Installation Guide, SC18-9185
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Administrators Guide, SC18-9180
IBM DB2 Records Manager: Technical Reference Guide, SC18-9181
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3: Planning and Installing Your Content
Management System, GC27-1332
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3: System Administration Guide, SC27-1335

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


IBM DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler:Installing and Configuring,

IBM DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler:Users Guide, SC18-7571

Online resources
These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 Implementation on DB2 Universal Database:
A Primer

DB2 Content Management library

UDB disaster recovery information

Disaster recovery related information

How to get IBM Redbooks

You can search for, view, or download Redbooks, Redpapers, Hints and Tips,
draft publications, and Additional materials, as well as order hard-copy Redbooks
or CD-ROMs, at this Web site:

Help from IBM

IBM Support and downloads

IBM Global Services


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

Access Control List (ACL) 69, 96, 156, 158, 164,
200, 230, 232, 286, 315316, 330
access permissions 15, 396
ACCESS_CTL 200, 286, 362
accession 63
definition 55
disposition 55, 405
See Access Control List
Active Directory 10, 238240
Extension 226, 238, 240
Schema 241
Schema Extension installation 240
CommonStore 10
CommonStore 10
CommonStore 52, 139, 163
AIX group 305
AIX user 306307
home path 306
ID 299
AIX user account 308, 318
aiYYYYMMDD.log 431
AllPrivs privilege 158, 316
privilege set 232
API 7, 12, 1415, 139, 141, 212213, 295, 297,
306, 370
Lotus Domino 319, 326
Notes 295, 305, 335
application programming interface
installation directory 328
archint.ini 73, 153, 156157, 159161, 168170,
226, 230, 232233, 235, 313, 319, 323, 328,
configure 159, 233
logical archive section 161
archint.trace 436
archint_startup.trace 436

Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.

archive e-mail 4, 8, 43, 74, 104, 107108, 112,

114115, 124, 127, 252, 392
components 141, 148, 153, 214, 221, 226, 297,
307, 313
recommended configuration 95
archive policy 4344, 106, 110, 115, 244, 250
archive solution 43
archive system 120, 160161, 234, 323325
archived content 4, 7, 12, 38, 323
archived document 116, 127, 150, 176, 223, 247,
339, 375
Records Administrator 128
archiving type 21, 2324, 250252, 257258
attachment 24, 35
component 34
deletion type Attachment 37
deletion type Body 38
deletion type Message 38
deletion type Nothing 37
Entire 22
entire 34
retrieval 40
view archived content 41
ArchPro 73
trace files 435
log files 430
archpro program 318, 325, 336
archservice program 174, 253
archservice.trace 436
archiving type 24
deletion type 37
storage model BUNDLED 35
attribute CSLDOrigDB 74, 76
attribute mapping
Records Manager 383
authentication 180, 265, 342
planning 58
auto-classification rule 61
automated process


declaration 52

back-end repository 199, 360
common use 128
e-mail 157
deletion type 38
archiving type Attachment 35
archiving type Component 34
archiving type Entire 34
storage model 33

child component 156157, 393
classification 56, 58
automatic, planning 58
definition 53
foldering 60
planning 57
profile 59
quick list 60
classify 111
classpath 154, 200, 227, 284, 314, 361
ClientImport 68
CM V8 connector 138
cm8errors.log 429
cminstall.log 442
See Content Manager Records Enabler
CMRE server
prerequisites 140
cmtrace.trc 435
CommonStore 4, 6, 7273, 133134, 138, 163,
199, 205206, 210211, 237, 244, 289290, 294,
360, 377, 423
archive e-mail 107108, 112, 114
archive policy 4344, 115, 120
configuration data 10, 15
configuration database 6, 18, 73, 77, 317
configuration document 6
configuration file 156, 158, 231
deletion type 12, 20, 36, 38
e-mail archive 105
e-mail archive policy 106, 110


e-mail archive solution 43

Exchange Server 710, 12, 18, 93, 96, 104,
121, 123
installation directory 328
job database 6, 73, 77, 153, 164, 166167, 169
job database security 73
job database server 176
job database setup 167
job folder 9, 11, 242243
log files 428
Lotus Domino 47, 43
LUM production license 163
public folder 9, 36, 38, 226, 238, 241, 382
trace files 434
CommonStore administrator 10, 153, 313
graphical user interface 10
CommonStore agent 52, 139, 163, 212, 237, 295
CommonStore ArchPro 73
CommonStore configuration
file 230
CommonStore folder 242
CommonStore installation
directory 159, 165, 232233
CommonStore 233, 240, 242
CommonStore server 67, 10, 153, 158, 160,
163164, 198, 203, 226, 231232, 305, 313, 316
configuration file 247
host name 249
search requests 12
software 7, 12
CommonStore task 73, 139, 153, 160, 166, 173,
212, 226, 234, 305, 330332
communicate 241, 295
configuration data 240
environment 171, 313, 325
start up command 172
store 240
user 73
archiving type 23
container 49, 89
record 49
storage model BUNDLED 34
component level
permissions 396
permssion 90

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

configuration 175
archint.ini 233
CommonStore server 247
CommonStore task 240
Content Manager Records Enabler 193, 278,
286287, 355
MIME type, Content Manager 246
Outlook 226, 238239
Records Manager 46
configuration data 144, 147, 152, 217, 220, 225,
300, 303, 305, 387
CommonStore 10, 15
configuration database 73, 77, 153, 164, 166, 317,
CommonStore 6, 18
Domino server 173
configuration document 202, 364, 385386
CommonStore 6
configuration file 254
Connection Factories Authentication 180, 265, 342
container 89
container component 49
Content Manager 1, 4, 7, 21, 6870, 104, 123,
133134, 138, 149, 205206, 210211, 221, 224,
230, 289290, 294, 307308, 369371, 376, 412,
administration client, Records Enabler 92
administrator, Records Enabler 9192
archive e-mail 74
archived content 316
attribute availability 383
basic entity 69
corresponding items 17
file system 380
full text search 139, 144
installation program 192
item type 6971
log files 441
MIME type configuration 246
OnDemand 4, 8
PID 375
predefined privilege sets 68
privileges 309
privilige groups 68
Records Enabler 1, 1516, 18, 9192, 115
Records Enabler, Host Interface Server 16
Records Enabler, Permission Synchronization
Server 16
Records Enabler, subsystem 16

Records Enabler, user request 16

repository 46
seperate document 161
solution 46
user ID 91
Content Manager ACL 96
Content Manager administrator ID 196
Content Manager agent
log files 428
trace files 435
Content Manager Records Enabler 52, 91, 140,
205, 213, 248, 255, 286, 296, 353, 355, 359
communication 198
component 287
configuration 193, 278, 286287, 355
connection ID 192, 277
functions and features 16
Host Interface Server 140141, 190, 193, 213,
275, 278, 296297, 351, 355
Host Interface server 140
installation 147, 190, 197198, 220, 275, 282,
304, 353, 358359
integration 199, 284, 360
Permission Synchronization Server 213,
Permission Synchronization server 140
Permissions Synchronization 191, 193, 276,
278, 353, 355
Records Enabler server
security 91
user IDs 100
Content Manager Records Enabler server
140141, 190191, 193, 213, 275276, 278, 283,
296297, 351
Content Manager security
privilege 68
privilege group 68
privilege set 68
content type 170171, 244, 334
content type mapping 244245
Contet Manager 149, 152154, 157158, 161162
Contet Manager user
icmadmin 197
country code 183, 268, 346
crawler log files 433
Crawler_FQExchangeServerName.log 434
CrawlerPolicyName.log 433
CrawlerPolicyName.trace 439



CS task 73, 77
csc_startup.trace 438
CSCDISIS 157, 230 199201, 284, 287, 360361,
CSHttpTask 435
CSLD 138
profile document 329
CSLD package 202, 365
CSLD task 6, 73, 9899, 153, 164, 166, 176,
313314, 317
CSLDOrigDB 74, 76
CSLDOrigDB attribute 96
CSN format 25, 29
csserror.log 430
CSX Active Directory trace files 440
CSX client 242
CSX Crawler trace files 439
CSX Outlook Extension trace files 440
CSX System Manager trace files 440
CSX task 911, 226227, 239, 243, 252, 284, 286
committer 259
committer thread stub 258
file transfer 247
individual components 10
initialization 252
instance 10
polling thread 258259
se tup 255
worker thread 253, 258259
CSX Task trace files 439
csx_TaskName.trc 439
CsxADData_TaskName.trc 440
CSXMail item type, creating 229

data source 186187, 348349
dataset 268, 345
dataset file 183
DB Language 346
DB language 184, 269
DB_DIR directory 199, 285, 361
DB2 215, 299
JDBC driver location 187, 272
DB2 administration client 214
installation 144, 217, 300
DB2 client 138, 210, 294
DB2 database


instance 143, 182, 184186, 269, 271, 346, 348

DB2 instance 216, 268, 270, 299, 345
DB2 runtime client 139140, 142, 144, 212, 217,
295297, 300
DB2 server 140, 143144, 182, 210, 213216, 268,
294, 296, 298300, 345
installation 143144, 215216, 299
installation process 215, 299
software 215, 299
db2diag.log 442
declaration 53, 56, 5860
automated process 52
manual process 52
declare and classification
planning 57
deletion type 12, 20, 36, 38, 251252, 255, 257,
attachment 37
body 38
Message 38
message 38
nothing 36
retrieval 39
view archived content 41
destroy 63
definition 55, 405
disposition 55, 405
disaster recovery 387, 389
discovery 2, 14, 56, 64, 109, 118119, 122, 127,
definition 410
planning 118
disposition 3, 55, 63, 377, 391, 403408
accession 55, 405
definition 55, 405
destroy 55, 405
export 55
options 405
review 55, 405
disposition code 405
disposition options 405
disposition results 407
disposition schedule 56, 62, 377
dklog.log 428
document mapping 170, 333
document model
Content Manager 25, 29, 33
document storage model 24
Domino server 121, 293, 295, 305, 334

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

RMEAuth filter 202

Domino XML 21
DOMINOPORT 168169, 331332
DXL 21

e-mail 1, 8, 14, 1921, 4345, 6769, 73, 93, 104,
124, 126, 230, 290, 293294, 365, 371372, 374,
396, 406410, 415, 417
archive 4, 8
bcc 157
IPM.Note 241
message layout 20
record 410411
e-mail archive 43, 104, 115
policy 106, 110
solution 43
user access 95
e-mail archiving
common driver 105
components 141, 148, 153, 214, 221, 226, 297,
307, 313
environment 137
mail servers 124
e-mail database 176
e-mail message 18, 20, 69, 89, 203, 287, 365
e-mail system 64, 290
enterprise information system 342
enterprise information system (EIS) 180, 265
archiving type 22
storage model BUNDLED 34
environment setup 143, 146, 148149, 154, 178,
215, 218, 220, 222, 227, 263, 299, 301, 303304,
309, 314, 340, 344, 353
environment variable 189190, 274275, 351352,
ervers 451
retention schedule 51
event time
retention schedule 51
Exchange Server 710, 12, 18, 93, 96, 104, 121,
123, 205, 209, 211212, 241
CommonStore 8, 10, 237, 253, 284

environment 10, 205

installation 262
Organizational Forms Library 241
system architecture 9
definition 55
disposition 55
expunge 3, 64
definition 405

file plan 1516, 4748, 56, 58, 62, 89, 117, 189,
198, 269, 274, 283, 346, 351, 359, 365, 375, 377,
379, 382, 392393, 400, 417
component 89
components 393
design 62
physical or logical containers 89
sample 423424, 426
FOIA 407
foldering 60
classification 60
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 407
full text search 139, 144
function access right 89

archiving type Attachment
archving type Component
archving type Entire 30
storage model 29
archiving type Attachment
archiving type Component
archiving type Entire 26
storage model 25



HASH_MODULO value 199, 285, 361
high availability and disaster recovery 389
hit list 170, 333
hold 391, 402408
applying 402
definition 402
length 403
reasons 402



stages 404
target 403
Host Interface Server 16, 140141, 190, 193, 213,
275, 278, 296297, 351, 355
Host Interface server
prerequisites 140
host name 144, 146, 150, 217, 219, 222, 300, 302,
CommonStore 249
HTTP error codes 430
HTTP link 168169, 331, 333
HTTP listener 163, 237
HTTP request 163, 237
HTTP return codes 430
HTTP Server 281, 358
SSL 311
HTTP task
log files 429
HTTP task trace files 435
HTTP Worker 237
HTTP worker 163
httperror.log 429
httpstartup.trc 435

IBM DB2 Content Manager
See Content Manager
IBM DB2 Records Manager
See Records Manager
icmadmin 197, 282, 358
icmnlsdb 197, 282, 358
icmserver.log 443
import 197, 282, 358
inbox 176
Information Integrator for Content 115, 138139,
141142, 147, 190, 210, 212213, 275, 294295,
297, 352
Installation 143, 146, 149, 151, 176, 195
installation 137138, 141, 143, 146, 149, 210, 214,
293294, 297
Acivte directory Schema Extension 240
CommonStore 232233, 328
CommonStore for Exchange Server 262
Content Manager Records Enabler 147, 190,
197198, 220, 275, 282, 304, 353, 358359
DB2 administration client 144, 217, 300
DB2 server 143144, 215216, 299
directory, CommonStore 159, 165


Lotus Domino 177, 339

program, Content Manager 192
WebSphere Application Server 146147, 182,
267, 344
installation process
WebSphere Application Server 218, 301
DB2 database 143, 182, 184186
instance directory 159, 162, 233, 235236, 323,
325, 328
archint.ini 328
instance name 182, 185, 268, 270, 345, 347
integrated solution 1, 18, 93, 95, 104, 125, 129
brief overview 1
Content Manager user mapping 95
planning considerations 104
Content Manager Records Enabler 199, 284,
internal processing 183, 268, 346
country code 183
IPM.Note 241
IRM engine 125
irm_records_manager_client.log 445
ISO 15489 53
item 69
item type 6971, 154156, 227, 229, 313315, 386
ItemAdd 68

J2EE application 139140, 211212, 295296
JDBC driver location 272
job database 6, 73, 77, 153, 164, 166167, 169,
313, 317, 326, 329, 331332
security 73
job database server 176
job database setup 167
job folder 9, 11, 242243
archive request 258
interactive job messages 11
journalling 58

Library Server 148, 150
log files 442
LUM production license, CommonStore 163
life cycle 1415, 51, 63, 392, 395, 400

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

litigation 119
log files
Archpro 430
CM8Agent 428429
CommonStore 428
Content Manager 441
Content Manager agent 428
crawler 433
CSHttpTask 429
CSX Task programs 433
HTTP task 429
Library Server 442
Lotus Domino 450
Records Enabler 446
Records Manager 443
task-related 431
WebSphere Application Server 450
log.nsf 451 443444
logical archive 7, 12, 159161, 233235, 319, 323,
Lotus Domino 20, 36, 72, 93, 104, 123, 133,
138139, 289, 293295, 360, 382, 423
APIs 319, 326
CommonStore 47, 43
database 43
installation 177, 339
log files 450
security 72
server 4, 6, 18, 134, 206, 290
system architecture 5
user IDs 98
CommonStore production license 163

mail database 4, 8, 18, 20, 60, 73, 75, 117, 326
archive e-mail 76
e-mail entry 20
quota 118
size 118
size reduction 105
mailbox 18, 36, 38, 239, 245, 252
manual process
declaration 52
deletion type 38
message layout 20

metadata 134, 206, 290

Microsoft Message Format 21
MIME configuration 246
MIME type 230, 244245
mitigation 64

Net Search Extender (NSE) 134, 138, 142144,
206, 210, 215216, 290, 294, 298299
non-pilot user 380
Notes API 139, 171, 173
Notes APIs 295, 305, 335
Notes client 74, 137, 139, 166, 203, 294, 317, 330,
Domino user 317
notes.ini 153, 171173, 313, 317, 321322, 327,
notesdata directory 321, 327
deletion type 36
See Net Search Extender

Object Request Broker (ORB) 181182, 266,
OnDemand 4, 8
See Object Request Broker
Outlook 243
configuration 226, 238239

permission 89
view, Records Manager 377
permission modification
Records Manager 370
Permission Synchronization Server 16, 137, 213,
Permission Synchronization server
prerequisites 140
component level 396
system 397
Permissions Synchronization 191, 193, 276, 278,
353, 355
PermSync server



See Permission Synchronization Server

PID 375
pilot user 376, 378380
initial training 382
planning consideration 42, 61, 65, 104
polling thread 258259
port number 343344, 348
predefined privilege sets 68
Content Manager 309
Content Manager security 68
privilege group
Content Manager security 68
privilege set 6869, 71, 158, 316
Content Manager security 68
privilege sets
predefined 68
privilige groups 68
production system 370
test components 370
classification 59
profile document
CSLD 329
public folder 9, 36, 38, 226, 238, 241, 382
PublicReadACL 97

quick list 60
classification 60

e-mail 410411
record component 49, 54, 89, 393, 395, 397
record_manager.log 443
record_manager_err.log 444
record_manager_extensions.log 444
record_manager_host.log 445
Records Administration Client (RAC) 392
Records Administrator 15, 46, 375, 377, 392393,
classification 58
required functional access 115
Records Administrator client (RAC) 115, 127128,
377, 392, 395
records destruction 64, 402
Records Enabler 115, 205, 213, 248, 255, 286,


296, 353, 355, 359

administration client 92
administrator 9192
administrator ID, Content Manager 93
communicate 198
component, Content Manager 287
configration 278, 286287
configuration 140, 193, 355
connection ID, Content Manager 277
Content Manager 1, 1516, 9192
extension 18
Host Interface Server 16
Host Interface Server, Content Manager
140141, 190, 193, 213, 275, 278, 296297,
351, 355
installation 147, 190, 197198, 220, 275, 282,
304, 353, 358359
integration 199, 284, 360
log files 446
Permission Synchronization Server 16, 213,
Permissions Synchronization 191, 193, 276,
278, 353, 355
security, Content Manager 91
subsystem 16
user IDs, Content Manager 100
user request 16
Records Enabler extension 18
Records Enabler server 140141, 190191, 193,
213, 275276, 278, 283, 296297, 351
records management 1415, 18, 104, 126, 134,
203, 206, 290, 365, 369, 371372, 374, 395, 406
central system 406
classification 58
e-mail archiving 127
records management continuum 57
Records Manager 1, 1314, 45, 56, 8890, 96,
104, 119, 123, 126, 133134, 138, 140, 205206,
210212, 263, 267, 289290, 294, 296, 358,
369370, 375, 377, 392, 402, 404405, 411412
administrator rights 196
attribute mapping 383
capabilities 54
configuration 46
Content Manager user ID 91
file plan 1516, 4748, 56, 58, 62, 89, 117, 189,
198, 269, 274, 283, 346, 351, 359, 365, 375,
377, 379, 382, 392393, 400, 417
file plan components 89, 393

E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

file plan container 89

life cycle 1415, 51, 63, 392, 395, 400
log files 443
permission modifications 370
record component 54
Records Administrator 15
retention rule 15, 54, 57, 6263, 189, 274, 351,
402, 413
rules set up 377
sample file plan 423424, 426
un-declare record 18
view permission 377
Web services 181
Records Manager administration client 187,
272274, 277, 349
URL 354
Records Manager administration client URL 192
Records Manager administrator
client 18, 266
user ID 358
user Id 282
Web client 14
Records Manager administrator client 181, 343
Records Manager administrator user ID 197
Records Manager database 138
Records Manager engine 125, 138, 140, 210, 212,
294, 296
Records Manager Extension 141, 213, 297
records scheduling 405407
definition 405
Redbooks Web site 456
Contact us xiv
relational database 392
remote database 145, 160, 182, 185, 217, 234,
268, 270, 301, 345, 348
repository 46, 128, 199, 360
required function access 115
resource item
storage model 33
Resource Manager 124125, 139140, 150, 211,
223, 295296, 372
retention 3
retention rule 15, 54, 57, 6263, 189, 274, 351,
402, 413
retention rules 51
retention schedule 2, 47, 5152, 6263
based on event 51
based on event time 51
based on time 51

definition 51, 62
archiving type 40
deletion type 39
definition 55, 405
disposition 55, 405
See Content Manager Records Enabler
RME server
See CMRE server
See Records Enabler server
RMEAuth filter 202, 365
rmehostlog4j.log 448
rmepslog4j.log 449
rmeserver.log 447

security 74, 91, 180, 265, 342
job database 73
Lotus Domino 72
privilege group, Content Manager 68
privilege set 6869, 71
privilege set, Content Manager 68
privilege, Content Manager 68
Single Instance Store 388
single instance store 230
single instance store (SIS) 116
smitty 319
solution overview 1, 17
spoliation 411, 419
definition 410
HTTP Server 311
startup 158, 162163, 231, 236, 239, 316, 320321
startup command 172174, 253254, 335
startup00.trace 437
storage model 24
suspension 56
definition 402
system configuration 121, 123125, 134, 206, 290,
system permissions 89, 397



for Resource Manager 442
for WebSphere Application Server 450
for Records Enabler 449
for Records Enabler engine 446
for Records Enabler Host Interface 448
for Records Manager engine 443
for Resource Manager 442
for WebSphere Application Server 450

TaskProfileName.log 431
TaskProfileName.trace 437
task-related log files 431
task-related trace files 437
TCP/IP port 168169, 331332
test system 369371
uses 370
text search 144, 149, 211, 216, 295, 299, 308
text-search user exit 25, 29, 33
The National Archive (TNA) 64
retention schedule 51
Tivoli Storage Manager 4, 78, 150, 160, 234, 250,
trace files
ArchPro 435
best practices 441
CommonStore 434
Content Manager agent 435
crawler 439
CSLD Crawler 438
CSX Active Directory 440
CSX Crawler 439
CSX Outlook Extension 440
CSX System Manager 440
CSX Task 439
HTTP task 435
task-related 437
transport host 180, 265, 342343
See Tivoli Storage Manager

Content Manager 69
user group 15, 63, 69, 90, 373374, 381
Content Manager 69
user ID
AIX 306307
Content Manager 91
Content Manager Records Enabler 100
Lotus Domino 98
user mapping 95
user request 16
usermapper 199200, 284285, 360361
usermapper proxy 200, 361

view archived content
archiving type 41
deletion type 41
virtual directory name 181, 266, 343

Web Site 453
WebSphere Application Server 138, 140, 145146,
187, 210, 217219, 224, 264, 266, 294, 296,
301303, 310, 349
cell 186, 272, 349
Embedded Messaging feature 137
installation 147, 302
WebSphere Application Server 147
installation directory 182, 267, 344
installation process 146, 218, 301
installing as a Windows service 224
log files 450
node 187, 191, 194, 272, 276, 279, 349, 353,
software 145146, 218, 301
Windows service 149, 151, 174, 195, 221, 224,
226, 253254, 350
worker thread 253, 258259

un-declare record 18
account, AIX 308, 318


E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide

E-mail Archiving and Records Management

Integration Solution Guide
Using DB2 CommonStore and DB2 Records Manager

(1.0 spine)
460 <-> 788 pages

Back cover

E-mail Archiving and Records Management

Integration Solution Guide
Using DB2 CommonStore and DB2 Records Manager

E-mail archiving
type, storage model,
and archiving
E-mail record
classification, and
End-to-end solution
installation and

As more companies need to manage their e-mail to support

regulatory compliance, litigation, and corporate policy and to
improve system performance and productivity, the e-mail
archiving and records management solution presented in this
IBM Redbook is here to rescue.
In this book, we provide a general solution guide to address
e-mail archiving and records management issues using the
following IBM products:
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3 or
IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3
IBM DB2 Records Manager V4.1.2
IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3
IBM DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler V8.3
We describe the products roles in the solution and introduce
the basic concepts behind e-mail archiving and e-mail
records enabling. We cover features and functions of
CommonStore, Records Manager, and Records Enabler, and
address key areas to understand and consider when planning
and designing each piece of the solution and the overall
integrated solution. In addition, we discuss different system
configurations, implementation paths, security, the
end-to-end solution installation and configuration, and some
advanced topics such as records disposition and discovery.
This book is intended for IT architects and specialists who will
be responsible in planning, designing, and implementing an
e-mail archiving and records management solution.


ISBN 0738494127


IBM Redbooks are developed by
the IBM International Technical
Support Organization. Experts
from IBM, Customers and
Partners from around the world
create timely technical
information based on realistic
scenarios. Specific
recommendations are provided
to help you implement IT
solutions more effectively in
your environment.

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