How To Obtain A PHD in Germany
How To Obtain A PHD in Germany
How To Obtain A PHD in Germany
Guideline for foreign students, who want to obtain a PhD at the University of Kassel
Published by:
+49 561/804-1968
Fax:+49 561/804-2226
E-Mail: [email protected]
Kassel, 2005
Fourth edition 2008
Starting Point
The Outset
Time Frame
Additional Qualifications
Starting Point
You have completed your studies with an academic degree. You are now aspiring to continue your academic career and
you want to do your doctorate in Germany. University of Kassel offers you an overview of what you have to do in order to
realise your idea.
The most important thing for you is to come to understand the German system of obtaining a doctorate. For this purpose,
please read the following information carefully. You can also view this information on the internet where you will find
further useful addresses and links to other websites related to the subject that we recommend you to consult.
The Outset
At the outset of the decision whether to do a doctorate and thus opening up the way for a continued academic career,
you should intensely examine yourself and ask yourself if you are truly crazy about research and if you are also
qualified for it.
Do I have my own ideas? Is there an academic problem that is worth the time, effort, and money to pursue? Is it worth to
bring this problem to a positive end and to find an answer to it that is new, inventive and relevant? Do I have the
patience, persistence, and the ability to identify diffculties and to overcome them? Do I have a solid command of the
factual store of knowledge and the methodology of my discipline, so that I can productively apply them to the academic
problem? Am I able to operationalise my ideas in such a way as to produce a workable task and time schedule?
And some other important questions are:
attending conferences
Meet people from your discipline and ask them for advice on whom to contact, or talk directly to someone whose
research interests you and who you would like as a supervisor.
Legal Certainty
When you have been accepted as a doctoral candidate, there are no longer any formal problems. I.e. the respective
thesis committee recognises that you have the right to do a doctorate based on the quality of your prior studies. In
general, this is no problem if you have completed your studies at Kassel University or a respective institution. But if
you come from a different field of study or a different university (especially, from a foreign university), it is possible that
the thesis committee will accept you only on certain conditions (e.g. two semesters of additional studies). This, too,
normally presents no problem. But it would result in one, if these conditions are imposed on you when you have
already completed your project. That is, if you register your project after having already completed most of your work
on it.
Goal Setting
The earlier you set the objective for your doctoral research project, the faster you can start working on it
constructively. Together with the registration, you have to present the thesis committee with a short outline of your
research project. Another part of the registration is that the faculty you selected can decide if your project falls into its
area of (academic) responsibility. Last but not least and for your own benefit, the outline also serves as a means to
restrict the volume of your project and to set a timeframe for it. Of course, this does not mean that you have to slavishly
cling to these proposals. There are unquestionably good reasons for departing from these plans with regard to the
timeframe or the content of the project. But, in general, and with the necessary corrections, the outline should certainly
serve as a guideline.
In order to register as a PhD-Student at a University, contact the responsible offices. They do the administrative work for
the thesis committees. At University of Kassel this office is called Promotionsgeschftsstelle. One of their tasks consists
of conducting the registration and admission process for doctoral studies. You will find the application for admission as a
doctoral candidate on the internet. For application and admission and enrolment as a doctoral student you will need a
letter of acceptance of your supervisor (Doktorvater/Doktormutter). If some formalities (see above) and definitive
registration of your doctorate is not possible at the moment, you might be enrolled as a transition student. You have to
ask at your university about the specific regulations.
Usually, the following documents have to be enclosed:
In case of further questions concerning the application process, the thesis office (Promotionsgeschftsstelle) will be at
your disposal.
As a doctoral student, you do not have to pay tuition fees, but an administrative fee (Semesterbeitrag), which is paid by
all regular students and covers costs for services such as student government, public transport, and student services
(Studentenwerk). The contribution is scarcely more than 200 this semester at Kassel University, but the amount can
vary at each university.
An important issue which you should inform yourself about before registering, is whether the degrees you hold are
comparable to the German degrees that are a prerequisite for a PhD. For further information, please contact the study
service for foreign students.
The doctoral regulations also state in which language you are allowed to write your thesis. In the natural sciences and in
engineering, it is usually possible to hand in your dissertation in English. In all other cases, you should check early with
your supervisor or the thesis office for the respective regulations. In general, you are expected to master the German
language on an academic level. This is not only necessary for the daily communication with your supervisor and other
academic staff, but also often for writing your doctoral thesis. In any case, it is to your advantage to know enough
German to communicate with the people you meet. This will not only make your daily life in Germany easier, but also
help you to make friends and feel comfortable and at home in our country during your doctorate.
If you have the chance to obtain a job as a research assistant/teaching assistant for a professor, you will receive a salary
according to the German Public Servants Rate. This position allows you to be paid for doing your doctorate and also
involves 2 to 4 hours of teaching a week as well as other services for your professors Chair. Often you are referred to
graduate scholarship programmes that you can apply for. But, of course, you do not only have to take into account your
personal costs that are covered by your salary or your scholarship. You will also need an appropriate infrastructure, for
example, new equipment or consumable materials. Who will pay for travel expenses to archives, conventions, and
symposia? Therefore, it is important to arrange for appropriate financing in your chosen environment.
As already mentioned, there are many possibilities to finance your work. Principally, there are three options:
1. As mentioned above universities and other research institutions advertise positions with different research fields/for
different projects that you may be interested in and that offer the possibility of additionally obtaining a PhD.
Sometimes/Often these positions are parttime. This means that you will earn only half the money, but you have also
less duties and more time to spend on your project.
2. Apply for a scholarship. You can find addresses from institutions providing scholarships on the internet.
But scholarships like the ones that are offered, for example, by Kassel University are often a poor alternative. At the
moment, these consist of approximately 1000 of monthly assistance. The money also has to pay for your health
insurance and does not include any social insurance (such as unemployment insurance, pension insurance). But,
most importantly, you will not receive money for additional expenses (equipment, consumable material, travel
expenses). If you dont need such things, scholarships give you the freedom to concentrate on your research.
Please note that in Germany, most scholarships are meant for junior scientists and they are age restricted. If you are
older than 30 years, it will be difficult to obtain such funding.
3. Institutions funding research, such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) or VolkswagenStiftung give money to
finance research projects on application. In order to apply, you basically have to meet two conditions: You have to be
qualified (i.e. you have to hold a PhD) and you as a person have to be financially covered by an institution like our
university. Therefore, you cannot apply for funding yourself, but only your supervisor can apply at one of these
institutions for a research grant that will finance you. This application should be based on your doctoral research
project. Such a grant (in the positive case of an acceptance) usually pays for a halftime position as a research
assistant, additional equipment and consumables as well as, if needed, travel expenses. Officially, your supervisor
has to write the application, but of course, you can do an important part of the work yourself by writing a draft of the
application so that your supervisor only has to go over it.
You can apply for a scholarship, ask your supervisor to apply for a grant to the DFG and respond to job advertisements
at the same time. You should only be aware of one thing: If you have worked as a research assistant for three or more
years and then decide to apply for a scholarship because your thesis is not yet finished, you will run into problems. In
general, scholarships are awarded immediately after obtaining the university diploma which gives you the right to take a
doctorate. Three or more years later simply do not qualify as immediately. Besides, you are also three or more years
away from the category junior scientist. As a general rule, you should, therefore, apply for and accept a scholarship
before any employment contract!
Financing a doctorate has become more difficult in times of tight budgets. That is why it is no longer sufficient just to go
to your supervisor and ask him to apply to the DFG for you. It takes work and labour (for your supervisor, too). Not every
applicant will be granted the money. Only the projects deemed worthiest will receive funding. But an exciting idea and an
excellent application still have a good chance of being funded.
Time Frame
Unfortunately it is very common that doctoral candidates take on too much work and are not able to finish their thesis.
Therefore, it is imperative to work out a good time and work schedule and to limit the objective of your research. It is
impressive when a thesis for a diploma or a Master of Arts comprises at least 200 pages (without appendices, of course).
Many people conclude from this that the doctoral thesis should be at least 500 pages long. The only problem is that all
this takes time. Often one forgets that a doctorate is just a phase of qualification, and not the work of a lifetime. Ironically
and with much exaggeration, one could say: First the doctorate, then the Nobel Price!
That is why a sensible time and work schedule should not be forgotten when beginning your doctorate (see: Application),
but it should serve again and again as a point of reflection of what you have already accomplished and what is left to do.
On the outset of a doctorate, 3 or 5 years seems an infinite stretch of time. But time moves all the more quickly as the
end approaches. The time frame should always admonish you to take your work seriously and to identify existing
problems on time in order to be able solve them rapidly.
Surely, it is no divine law that a doctorate has to last more than three years. But completing your PhD in the course of
three years exhorts good time management.
Additional Qualifications
The activities that will qualify you for a PhD do not only consist in the work on your project. It also comprises
(independently done) teaching or continuing education in academic methodology or the amplification of computer skills
and possibly the attainment of multimedia knowledge.
Above all, the acquisition and the nurturing of key qualifications are important. For example:
The participation in the German academic self-administration is certainly not unimportant for future professional
prospects, if you have not already attained these abilities during your prior studies.
But, to concentrate on your doctorate is imperative!
In order to be able to do this, you need good time management! This you can learn. The most important ability that you can
also learn is to say no sometimes. Do not let the work that your supervisor might impose on you or your teaching duties get
in the way of completing your thesis. If you do not learn to say no sometimes, you might end up with empty hands! If you
reflect on what you have done (or have not done yet) and what you want to accomplish with what material and which
methods at regular intervals, then, success is organisable and obtainable.
The International Office will help international scholars and PhD-Students to:
find accommodation
It is possible to rent a laptop PC with international software during your stay at the UniKassel. There is an extensive
programme of cultural and social events for our visiting scholars and PhD-Students.