Example 2 - MDOF Response of Structure Responding To 1940 El Centro Earthquake

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Example 2

MDOF Response of Structure

Responding to 1940 El Centro Earthquake

The next several slides present an example similar to the previous one
but the story stiffnesses and masses are uniform.

Example 2 (Continued)

These are the mass and stiffness matrices of the structure. Note again
that the stiffness matrix is highly idealized for this example.
The damping matrix is not needed because the damping in the various
modes is assigned directly (Wilson damping).

Example 2 (Continued)

The mode shapes and frequencies were computed using Mathcad.

Note that the mode shapes have been scaled to produce a unit positive
displacement at the top of the structure for each mode. It is often more
convenient to scale such that f T M f 1 . 0 .

Normalization of Modes Using f T M f I

This slide demonstrates two alternatives for scaling the modes.

The generalized mass matrix for the system with the modes as
normalized to the left are 1.0 for each mode. The example uses
the mode shapes shown on the right.

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows the mode shapes approximately to scale. Note

that the first mode period of vibration, 1.82 seconds, is more
appropriate for a 10-story building than it is for a 3-story

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows the generalized mass matrix. These masses are
appropriate for the modes and should not be confused with the
story masses. The magnitude of the generalized mass terms is a
function of the mode shape normalization technique used.

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows how the effective earthquake force has

been computed for each mode. The magnitude of the generalized
effective earthquake force is also a function of the mode
normalization technique used.

The values shown in the lower equation are NOT the modal
participation factors. To get the participation factors, the
equation for each mode must be divided by the generalized mass
for that mode.

Example 2 (Continued)

Here, the full set of uncoupled equations has been formed.

Note that except for the formation of the generalized mass terms,
the other generalized constants need not be computed as all that
is needed are the modal frequencies and damping ratios. Note

that Wilson damping has been assumed with 5% damping in

each mode.
The values shown on the RHS of the last set of equations
are the modal participation factors times -1.

Modal Participation Factors

This slide shows the modal participation factors and how their
magnitudes depend on mode shape scaling.

Effective Modal Mass

Note that the percentage of effective mass decreases with each

mode. The sum of the effective mass for each mode must be the
total mass. Most analysts use enough modes to account for no
less than 90% of the total mass.

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows how a single modal equation might be

analyzed via NONLIN.
After each modal time history response has been computed,
they can be combined through the use of EXCEL and the
NONLIN.XL1 files that may be written for each mode.

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows the computed response histories for each

mode. These are the modal amplitudes, not the system
displacements. The yellow dot shown in each history points out
the location of the maximum (positive or negative) displacement
response for that mode.
Note that the plots are drawn to different vertical scales.
Note that these maxima generally do not occur at the same
times. Also note that the magnitudes of the modal response

quantities is a function of the mode normalization technique


Example 2 (Continued)

This is the same as the previous slide, but the modal

displacements are drawn to the same scale. Note that the
displacement in Mode 3 are very small when compared to

Modes 1 and 2. This would seem to indicate that Mode 3 could

be eliminated from the analysis with little introduction of error.
Note also the apparent difference in the frequency content
of the modal response.

Example 2 (Continued)

By pre-multiplying the modal time histories by the mode

shape matrix, the time histories of the displacements at each
story are obtained. Essentially, we are transforming coordinates

from modal space back to the original story DOF. The equation
at the bottom of the slide shows how the time history of
displacements at the first story was obtained. The factors in the
equation are the amplitudes of the 1st,2nd and 3rd modes at DOF

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows how story shear response histories are


Example 2 (Continued)

This is a summary snap shot of the response of the

structure at the time of maximum displacement.
Note that the maximum displacement, shear and
overturning moments do not necessarily occur at the same point
in time. ( The following slide is needed to prove the point).

Example 2 (Continued)

This is a summary snap shot of the response of the

structure at the time of maximum first-story shear.

Note that the maximum displacement, shear, and

overturning moments do not necessarily occur at the same point
in time. (The previous slide is needed to prove the point).
Note that the inertial force pattern is not even close to
upper triangular.

Modal Response Spectrum Method

Instead of solving the time history problem for each mode,

use a response spectrum to compute the maximum
response in each mode.
These maxima are generally nonconcurrent.
Combine the maximum modal response using some
statistical technique, such as square root of the sum of the
squares (SRSS) or complete quadric combination (CQC).
The technique is approximate.
It is the basis for the equivalent lateral force (ELF) method.

The next several slides introduce the modal response spectrum

approach. Here, the individual modal displacements are obtained
from a response spectrum and then the modal quantities are

statistically combined. The method is approximate but generally

accurate enough for design.

Example 2 (Response Spectrum Method)

This slide shows the coordinates of the 5% damped El

Centro displacement response spectrum at periods corresponding
to Modes 1,2 and 3 of the example structure.
In the response spectrum approach, these modal maxima
are used in lieu of the full response histories obtained from direct
integration of the uncoupled equations of motion.
Example 2 (Continued)

Before the response spectrum coordinates can be used, they

need to be scaled by the appropriate factors shown on the right
hand side of the individual modal equations of motion. Recall
that these scale factors are the modal participation factors. There
is no need to retain the signs because the signs will be lost when
the modes are combined.

This slide shows that the scaled response spectrum

coordinates are the same as the maxima obtained from the

response history calculations. It also emphasizes that the modal

maxima occur at different points in time.

Example 2 (Continued)

The modal displacements are obtained by multiplying the

mode shapes by the values from the response spectrum.

Example 2 (Continued)

This slide shows two of the most common modal

combination techniques, sum of absolute values and square root
of the sum of the squares (SRSS). For very complicated
structures with closely spaced modes, the complete quadratic
combination (CQC) is preferred. The CQC method reduces to

the SRSS method when the modes are not closely spaced. SAP
2000, ETABS, RAMFRAME, and most commercial programs
use the CQC approach.
Note the similarity between SRSS and the response history
results. The comparison is particularly good when the response
spectrum values are compared with the envelope values from the
response history.
Example 2 (Continued)

In this slide, modal interstory drifts are obtained from the

modal displacements. These will be used to compute modal story
shears. Note that the interstory drifts are not obtained from the
SRSSed displacements shown in the previous slide.

Example 2 (Continued)

Computation of modal story shears from modal interstory drift.

To obtain the shears the drifts remultiplied by story stiffness k.

Example 2 (Continued)

Calculation of total story shear using SRSS. Note that the

story shears were not obtained from the SRSS response of the
modal displacements.
Note the remarkable similarity in results form the exact
envelope values, and from the response spectrum approach. This
degree of correlation is somewhat unusual.

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