Normative Theory
Normative Theory
Normative Theory
Normative theories were first proposed by Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur
Schramm in their book called Four Theories of the Press. At first the word Normative
Theory was pronounced in USA during the height of cold war with communism and soviet.
Often it called as western theories of mass media.
A Normative theory describes an ideal way for a media system to be controlled and operated
by the government, authority, leader and public. These theories are basically different from
other communication theories because normative theories of press are not providing any
scientific explanations or prediction. At the same these four theories of the press were came
from many sources rather than a single source. Sometimes media practitioners, social critics
and academics also involved to develop these normative theories.
Normative theories are more focused in the relationship between Press and the Government
than press and the audience. These theories are more concern about the ownership of the media
and who controls the press or media in the country.
Authoritarian theory describe that all forms of communications are under the control of the
governing elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats.
Authoritarians are necessary to control the media to protect and prevent the people from the
national threats through any form communication (information or news). The press is an
instrument to enhance the rulers power in the country rather than any threats. The authorities
have all rights to permit any media and control it by providing license to the media and make
certain censorship.
If any media violate the government policies against license, then the authority has all right to
cancel the license and revoke it. The government have all right to restrict any sensitive issues
from press to maintain peace and security in the nation.
The table below will highlight the practice of this theory:
Complete Control
Complete press
allowed, but
Special press
laws lead to
arrest of editors
of press
opposition is
more covert
Soviet Union
South Africa
Iran, Iraq
Censorship is a suppression of any communication which may consider as harmful to the
people, King, government and its nation. Especially these censorship methods are much
familiar in press which against the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. In some other
cases, the censorship helps to protect the rulers and authorities from sensitive issues.
There are different types of censors like: Political censor, Moral censor, Religious censor,
Military censor, Corporate censor
2. Libertarian Theory
Today the open market place of ideas and the self-righting process define the boundaries
of the libertarian theory of the press. In the seventeenth century John Milton defended the
concepts of reason and the moral integrity of man in telling right from wrong, good from bad,
and truth from falsehood in a powerful argument for intellectual freedom. Other exponents of
this philosophy were John Stuart, Thomas Jefferson and other who believed in freedom of
expression, rationalism, and natural rights. They saw as the presss function to inform, to sell,
to entertain, to uphold the truth, and to keep check on the government. Press ownership in
countries espousing the libertarian philosophy is likely to be private and should be free from
defamation, obscenity, and impropriety and wartime sedition.
Countries practicing the libertarian philosophy today are the United States, Great Britain, and
other western European nations. Other theories related to libertarian theory are the social
responsibility theory and the objective theory of the press.
Libertarian theory is also called as the free press theory and is based on the fundamental
right of an individual to freedom of expression, which is regarded as the main legitimating
principle for print media in liberal democracies. In its simple form, it prescribes that an
individual should be free to publish what he or she likes, it is thus extension of other rights to
hold opinions freely, to express them, to assemble and organize with others. The free press
theory needs no elaboration as is evident from the first amendment to the American
constitution, which states that congress shall make no lawabridging the freedom of speech
or of the press, it is thus simply an absolute right of the citizen.
But the application of press freedom has hardly been straightforward. Milton, Stuart Mill and
many others argued that if freedom is abused to the extent of threatening good morals and the
authority of the state, it must be restrained. According to de Sola Pool (1973), no nation will
indefinitely tolerate a freedom of the press that serves to divided the country and to open the
flood gates of criticism against the freely chosen government that leads its. Moreover, much
difficulty has arisen because press freedom has become identified with property rights (private
ownership) and freedom from interference in the market. The free press theory or the libertarian
theory thus protects the owners of media but fails to give equal expression to the rights o editors
and journalists or of the audiences.
The Libertarian theory is one of the Normative theories of press. The theory which is
originally came from libertarian thoughts from 16th century in Europe. The libertarian theorists
are against the authoritarian thoughts. International trade and urbanization undermine the
power of a rural aristocracy which leads various social movements raise includes the
Protestants reformation, that demands individuals freedom and their own lives and free
thoughts. Liberalism means information is knowledge and knowledge is power. Libertarianism
is free from any authority or any control or censorship. The libertarianism is an idea of
individualism and limited government which is not harmful to another.
Libertarian theory:
Libertarian theory sees people are more enough to find and judge good ideas from bad. The
theory says people are rational and their rational thoughts lead them to find out what are good
and bad. The press should not restrict anything even a negative content may give knowledge
and can make better decision whilst worst situation. The libertarian thoughts are exactly against
or opposite to the authoritarian theory which means the authoritarian theory says all forms of
communication works under the control of government or elite like king.
Strength and Weakness:
Freedom of press will give more freedom to media to reveal the real thing happening
in the society without any censorship or any authority blockades.
Is reliable with U.S media traditions.
It gives more values for individuals to express their thoughts in media.
Theory excessively positive about medias willing to meet responsibilities which may
leads people into negative aspects.
Is too positive about individual ethics and rationality.
Ignores need for reasonable control of media.
Ignores dilemmas posed by conflicting freedoms.
Wiki leaks website published all sorts of confidential or restricted files in public space
and especially classified documents. These articles are providing brief knowledge about
the government and its activities which helps people to identify what is happening in
the society and its gives great choices to elect a better president in future.
Sometimes these documents may work against the government and its authority that is
why most of the country is not willing to allow libertarian thoughts because it may
affect their power and kingdom.
In mid-20th century most of the developing countries and third world nations have used this
social responsibility theory of press which is associated with the Commission of the Freedom
of Press in United States at 1949. In the book Four theories of Press (Siebert, Peterson and
Schramm) its been stated that pure libertarianism is antiquated, out dated and obsolete. That
paved way for replacement of Libertarian theory with the Social responsibility theory.
Social Responsibility Theory: Social responsibility theory allows free press without any
censorship but at the same time the content of the press should be discussed in public panel
and media should accept any obligation from public interference or professional selfregulations or both. The theory lies between both authoritarian theory and libertarian theory
because it gives total media freedom in one hand but the external controls in other hand.
Here, the press ownership is private. The social responsibility theory moves beyond the simple
Objective reporting (facts reporting) to Interpretative reporting (investigative reporting).
The total news is complete facts and truthful but the commission of the freedom press stated
that No longer giving facts truthfully rather than give a necessary analysed or interpretative
report on facts with clear explanations.
The theory helped in creating professionalism in media by setting up a high level of accuracy,
truth, and information. The commission of press council also included some tasks based on
social responsibility of media, which are as follows:
Avoids the conflict situation during war or emergency by accepting the public opinion.
Media will not play monopoly because the audience and media scholars will rise
questions if media published or broadcast anything wrongly or manipulate any story.
Media Standards will improve.
Media will concern all class audience rather than focus on higher classes in the society.
Media may work autonomously but certain thing is controlled by the government and
other public organisation.
The media as per this theory are not subject to arbitrary interference as in the case of the
authoritarian theory.
After the 1917th revolution, the Soviet Union was restructured with new political system based
on the Marxist-Leninist principles. The newly formed communist party by Lenin shows much
interest in the media which serves to the working class in the country and their welfares. So
the Soviet originates a theory from Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist thoughts, with mixture of
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ideology is called Soviet Media Theory is also known as
The Communist Media Theory. The same theory was developed and followed by Adolf
Hitlers Nazi in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy.
Soviet Media Theory: Soviet media theory is imitative of Leninist principles which based on
the Carl Marx and Engels ideology. The government undertake or controls the total media and
communication to serve working classes and their interest. Theory says the state have absolute
power to control any media for the benefits of people. They put end to the private ownership
of the press and other media. The government media provide positive thoughts to create a
strong socialized society as well as providing information, education, entertainment,
motivation and mobilization. The theory describe the whole purpose of the mass media is to
educate the greater masses of working class or workers. Here, the public was encouraged to
give feedback which would able to create interests towards the media.
According to authoritarian theory, the media controlled and censored by the ministries in the
country but libertarian is fully free without any intervention of any authority or government,
Social responsibility theory press freedom in one hand but other hand they controlled the
press by raising question and Soviet media theory, the whole control of the media is under the
leader of the nation.
Soviet media theory looks similar like authoritarian theory but the core part is different
from each other. In authoritarian theory is a one way communication, there is no
feedback allowed from the public but in Soviet media theory is a two way
communication at the same time the whole media is controlled or works under the
Private ownership is not allowed which leads the press without any restriction and it
can serve people without any authoritative blockades.
Soviet media theory allows some restriction based on the nation interest rather than
Under communist theories like soviet media theory, the journalist or press should
support the leadership rather than a watchdog.
If the leadership is wrong the whole nation will suffer a lot.
5. Developmental theory:
Government mobilizes media to serve national goals in economic and social development.
Information is considered a natural resource and must be carefully manipulated to achieve
national goals for literacy, economic self-sufficiency etc. It is considered that media should
support the government until society is well developed.