Elbow Joint 3D Scan Info 2

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Biomedical Image Processing for Human Elbow

Akshay Vishnoi, Sharad Mehta, Arpan Gupta

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Graphic Era University
Dehradun, India
akshaygeu001@gmail.com, sharadm158@gmail.com

Abstract Biomedical image processing is an emerging field

for analyzing medical images to develop models for clinical
analysis and medical intervention. Recently with the
development in biomechanics, the models developed can be
used for mechanical stress and vibrational analysis of human
body parts. In this work, computer aided design (CAD) models
are developed for a patient specific human elbow using
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data using open source
software ITK-snap. The 3-D CAD model is developed using
segmentation of MRI data using manual method and
automatic methods. Different algorithms and parameter
variation have been implemented for development of the
human elbow model.

KeywordsBiomedical imaging; CT scan MRI images; CAD

model development; segmentation.


The elbow joint is an important joint in human body and it is

composed of bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilages. The
elbow is a very complex joint in the human body. To obtain
the 3D reconstructed CAD model of human elbow, we have
used 2D medical grey scale image from MRI data. We have
used open source software ITK-snap with its different
methods and algorithm to generate the CAD model of human



The 2D medical images were obtained from CT scan images

and MRI data (grey scale images) from Radiology department.
Fig. 1 shows the overall patient elbow that is being analyzed.
The images later on show the focused elbow region in
different planes.


Biomedical image processing enables analysis and

visualization of human body parts and internal structures such
as bones, ligaments, tendons, etc. This is generally
accomplished through radiography, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, Computerized tomography (CT
scan) data, thermography, nuclear medicine, etc. Images
obtained involve basic image processing techniques such as
improving intensity, noise cleaning, filtering, etc. [1]. In the
past, this field was related to experimental analysis, however,
with the development of computers and image processing
capabilities this area has seen drastic improvement over past
decades. Various methods and algorithms have been used for
image enhancement, grey-level mapping, spectral analysis,
region extraction, etc. [2]. Further image extraction and 3D
model reconstruction from MRI and CT scan data has received
significant attention [3]. The 3D reconstructed CAD models
are used in tissue engineering [4], [5]. CAD models are also
used for developing models using rapid prototyping [6].
Hacene Ameddah et al. [7], [8] successfully published their
work on mechanics using 2D medical images and their
successful segmentation to create a 3D model of human Knee
for analysis purpose.

Figure 1 Greyscale image of human elbow

The images were processed and parameters were manipulated
to obtain better resolution and clarity in the image. The first
processing was done on the image intensity level, which made
the image appear distinct from the background. Further
processing and manipulation were done such as slice display
order, contrast adjustment, layer inspection, display
appearance etc. Final 2D output for a single image is show in
Fig. 2.

view. The corresponding region on interest in another view

can also be selected by drawing appropriate region. This
process is manually repeated for various sectional views and
the model is formed. This method is quite laborious, however
it gives the discretion of selection to the user.

Figure 2 Greyscale image of one sectional view

The images were given as input to the software ITK-snap. The
view in the software is show in fig. 3, where three windows
show axial, coronal, and sagittal planes views of the human
elbow. The fourth window is the region where 3D model will
be developed.

Figure 4 Manual segmentation of MRI data.



The methodology behind automatic segmentation in ITK-snap

is based on an algorithm called as snake evolution. The term
snake is used to refer to a closed curve (or surface in 3D) that
represents segmentation. In snake evolution method, the snake
evolves from a very rough estimate of the anatomical structure
of interest to a very close approximation of the structure; there
are two methods to perform automatic segmentation. One is
intensity based region method and another method is image
edge based method. In this paper, work is accomplished by
performing intensity region based method because the results
obtained by this method are more accurate and reliable than
the image edge based method. And the probabilities of errors
are also reduced as compare to image edge based method.
Figure 3 Software view showing three cross-sectional view
of the input data.



After basic image manipulation and enhancement, the

segmentation process is initiated. There are different methods
for 3D model construction. The simplest, but lengthiest is the
manual segmentation. Segmentation in bio images in SNAP
stands for allocating a label to each voxel in the structure. A
label is a number between 0 and 255 according to the
software. Associated with each label is a name and a set of
display settings, such as the color used to display the label.
The green portion around the polygon indicates all
currently selected vertices. To paint closed polygons, the
polygon tool is used.
A closed loop is drawn over the region of interest (such as
tissue or bone etc as shown in Fig. 4) in one cross-sectional


This procedure starts with filling up the intensity regions using
intensity filler, here we assign the value of intensity on a scale
of 0 - 1. Maximum intensity assigned is 1 and minimum is 0.
These parameters are altered by modifying the parameters
lower threshold, upper threshold and smoothness. Lower
threshold value was kept as 725.35, upper threshold was kept
242.96 and smoothness was kept as 7.69.
The intensity based region method is demonstrated in Fig. 5.
In this figure, blue region is of maximum intensity and white
region, which is indicating elbow portion is assigned to
minimum with varying intensity.

To propagate snake in such a required fashion, we need to set
propagation parameters and indulge forces like balloon force
and curvature force. Balloon force may vary from contracting
nature to expanding nature and as well as to static mode also.
The balloon force governs the nature of bubbles, while final
iterations are in process. Curvature forces can vary from
detailed, smooth and spherical nature.
Here balloon force being expanding 0.8 and curvature force
being detailed 0.40. Figure 7 describes the fashion of snake

Figure 5 Intensity based regions.

In next step to complete automatic segmentation bubbles are
introduced in such a fashion so that they expands three
dimensionally to cover the region which is assigned to zero or
minimum intensities. These bubbles may vary in quantities
according to the requirement and structure. Initially bubbles
are placed in 2D planes, but simultaneously they take place
three dimensionally, that means, we assign bubbles in one
single plane only automatically they allocate their location in
other respective plane, and expands.

Figure 7 Bubbles expansion and propagation

At the same time a 3D outlook of allocated bubbles can be
obtained in 3D output window as shown in figure 8.

Figure 6 Bubbles initialization

Figure 8 3-D Outlook of allocated bubbles



3D reconstructed model is obtained after performing number

of iterations (~2200). The model is shown in the fourth
window of the software (Fig. 9, 10). The model is exported in
CAD format i.e. STL (stereolithography model), which can be
further used for mechanical analysis in finite element
The CAD model is viewed by
ParaView. This software helps
CAD model of human elbow
CAD model under process in

for bones and ligaments is kept at red color and rest of the
elbow structure is kept blue in color, which helps in
differentiating between elbow bone and elbow structure.

using an open source software

in visualization of the final 3D
structure. Figure 9 shows the
2D window as well as in 3D

Figure 11 Final 3D CAD model in ParaView.

Figure 9 Model under process window
Figure 10 shows the 3D outlook window of ITK-snap software
complete CAD model of elbow structure in ITK-snap


The developed three dimensional CAD model of human elbow

bone can be used for further research work. Researchers can
use this model for further mechanical analysis such as
force/stress analysis, vibrational analysis, etc. This can be
carried out using finite element analysis or other analysis
The 3D CAD models developed can be used to develop
instruments and artificial organs which can help handicaps.
This model and analysis details will also help to innovate new
medical tools which will help patients in different sense. This
work can help to develop a CAD model for different body
parts like bones, soft tissue, ligaments, skin etc. with their
different stuff properties which is important for safety point of

Figure 10 3D CAD model in ITK-snap

Figure 11 represents the final 3D CAD model of human
elbow, which is successfully visualized by ParaView software.
ParaView software also allows to represent the CAD model of
human elbow with different labels, as in figure 11, the cavity

In this work, biomedical image processing has been carried

out for MRI data of a human elbow. The 2D greyscale image
for different cross-sectional views are segmented to form a 3D
restructured model of a human elbow. The segmentation can
be broadly performed using manual and automatic methods.
The automatic methods have various algorithms and
parameters that can be varied to obtain various 3D models.
The segmentation was performed using open source software
ITK-snap. The 3D model obtained was exported to STL
format, which can be used for mechanical finite element
analysis, to perform stress and vibration analysis. Thus the

study can be of great help in designing biomedical instruments

and devices, aids for handicaps, and sport equipments.

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H. Ameddah and M. Assas, BIO-CAD MODELING



H. Ameddah and M. Assas, Three-Dimensional (3D)

Bio-Cad Modeling of Human Knee, Adv. Sci. Lett.,
vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 932936, 2013.

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