Green Manures

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Green manures

Green manuring & Green leaf manuring

Green manuring
o Growing of crop purposely and incorporating it in the soil for manuring
Green leaf manuring
o Collecting green leaves from all available sources and using for manuring
Importance of green manuring
1. Leguminous green manure fix atmospheric nitrogen
1. Green leaf additions 20-40 kg N
2. Root fixes 5-20kg
3. There is saving in the N budget
2. They decompose easily without leaving much residue
1. Cattle manure leaves more humus than GM
3. Leguminous green manure fix atmospheric nitrogen
1. Green leaf additions 20-40 kg N
2. Root fixes 5-20kg
3. There is saving in the N budget
4. They decompose easily without leaving much residue
1. Cattle manure leaves more humus than GM
5. GM withdraws plant nutrients from lower layers and leaves on surface
6. Subsidiary objectives of GM are:
1. They are catch crop to the nutrients being lost before next crop
2. Shade crop: to provide shade in young orchards besides adding N
3. Cover crop: Clothing the soil with vegetative cover in hill slopes during
rainy season
1. Also to check wind erosion
4. Forage crop: few cuttings as fodder and then as GM
1. Pillipesara (Phaseolus trilobus) is broadcast in standing rice
Green manuring possibilities
Rainfed dry lands
o Only hardy crops
o Or where there is high rainfall
Irrigated dry lands
o It has to be fitted between two main crops
o GM crop should be quick growing and producning heavy foliage in short
o It should be leguminous crop
o Capable of raising with little cost
o In between two rice if the period available is 40-60days
o After the rice but sown as rice fallow / self sown Tephrosia purpurea

o Before rice if rain is there under prepared field

Green manure suitable for S. India
Daincha - Sesbania aculeata
Tolerant to drought, stands under flood
Vigorous growth produces good biomass
Can be incorporated within 45 days
10-20 t of green matter
Easy decomposition
Seed rate 20 kg
Sesbania speciosa
Resembles daincha
Can be cultivated in the standing water
Biomass production is higher than S. aculeata
Seed rate 15 kg
It can be even in the bunds
o To be used as GLM
o To have seed production
Sesbania rostrata
As intercrop along rice
As daincha it can be cultivated
Germination requires seed scarification
More suitable to summer
Stem nodulating GM
Seed rate 15-20 kg
Kolunchi / wild indigo (Tephrosia purpurea)
Suitable for sandy soil
It is very hardy and drought tolerant
Self sown crop is possible if sown 3-4 times
Mature seeds remain dormant in the rice soil
More suitable for single cropped wetlands
Not graced by cattle
Seed scarification is needed
Seed rate 15-20 kg
Indigo / Avuri (Indigifera tinctoria)
It is long duration crop resembles kolunchi
It is more leafy
Also a medicinal plant of today
Comes up well in clayey soil
One or two irrigations are needed
Seed rate 15 kg
Sunnhemp - Crotalaria juncea
Vigorous growing

Comes well in loamy soil under irrigation

Seed rate 25-35 kg /ha
Subject to complete defoliation by insects
Susceptible to water logging
Pillipesara -Vigna trilobata
(Syn: Phaseolus trilobus)
It is pulse crop
Sown as rice fallow pulses in AP
Early slow growth
Graced by animals and then allowed to grow
Green matter produced is 8 10t if allowed for six weeks
Seed rate 10-15 kg
Sowing of Green manure crops
Done by different ways
Broadcasting on standing crops (rice)
Broadcasting after field preparation
Drum seeding in rice inter rows
Seeds to be scarified, if hardy like Kolunchi or S. rostrata
o Hot water treatment
o Mixed with sand and pounding to abrade the seeds for germination
Green leaf manure - GLM
Leguminous trees
Trees & shrubs
Pungam - Pongamia glabra
Evergreen trees
Can be grown in all the places
Drought tolerant
Seeds oil producing
Medicinal value
Konnai Cassia spp
Establishes in all places
Drought tolerant
Subabol - Luecaena leucocephala
Forage cum GLM
Live fencing

Leguminous tree
Bund, border, and waste lands
Gliricidia maculata
Bund and border crop
Allay cropping
Gliricidia maculata
Bund and border crop
Allay cropping
Kattamani -Ipomoea spp.
Many spp
Water loving
Spread through water
Propagation plant material, seeds
Erukku - Calotropis gigantea
Wasteland weeds
Water loving
Spread through canal bunds
Seeds - source of propagation
Green manure N content
Green manure
N content (%)
Crotolaria juncea
2.8 3.2
Sesbania aculeata
2.6 3.2
S. rostrata
3.2 3.4
S. speciosa
2.3 3.1
Phaseolus trilobus
2.2 2.8
Tephrosia purpurea
2.9 3.2

N accumulation (kg/ha)
80 130
130 185
170 220
115 160
85 115
70 - 115

Green leaf manure N Content

Botanical name
Pongania glabra
Azardirachta indica
Cassia florida
Gliricidia maculata
Albizzia lebbek
Calotropis gigantea
Leucaena lucocephala

Green manuring
GM part of cropping, requires all inputs

N (%)
1.3 1.5
1.0 1.2
1.4 1.6
2.3 2.8
1.1 1.4
1.4 1.5
3.5 3.7

o GLM it is an input, saves land and time

GM fixes nutrients and alters the position
o GLM adds as external
GM not possible to all the crops
o GLM possible to all the crops

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