Hitler, Bormann, Canaris and Von Ribbentrop Actors and Agents of MI6
Hitler, Bormann, Canaris and Von Ribbentrop Actors and Agents of MI6
Hitler, Bormann, Canaris and Von Ribbentrop Actors and Agents of MI6
Pig in a poke
Deuchtland Uber Alles. Germany above all. We have gotten to the bottom with Hitler. It was a
sausage, a puppet, a psychopath, an actor. You have dao pig in a poke. In this post you'll be
speechless. We are facing one of the biggest scams in history, if not the largest. Demonstrable
and unequivocal. I think they'll be no doubt, even if you are skeptical. Hitler is a Jewish name.
He lived in England with an Irish sister who made propaganda for the British need of World War
II. His father was an illegitimate Rothschilds. Merkel is her daughter and is spitting Hitler's
mother, Klara and her aunt, whose name was Angela ... why Angela Rebecca put it ...
Nobody knows what Hitler did in Austria in a hostel of hustlers or living in a park. Nobody
knows who was living in England before World War II at his sister, daughter of Great Britain. In
the First World War was "mail" did not fight and he took the English and loosened again and
again. His suicide was an already proven farce. Braun was an actress and Jewish name and
surname Mengele is also Jewish. Amos MI6 intelligence controlling the puppet Hitler and
Bormann Canaris were also Jewish surnames.
Von Ribbentrop's Foreign Minister .... The man nail Nazis in its foreign policy, was a
businessman, banker, journalist and military who contacted happened with Hitler, but previously
had made diplomatic agreements with other proven MI6 agent, Mussolini. That is another spy
also with Jewish name ... ... who he lived in England and spoke English better than German.
All agents, to Eva Braun. Hitler documentaries are films, why are so mellifluous, absurd and
colorful. Truth shines the Final.
Daughter of Hitler dictates European policy and is agent of the Masonic lodge Binai Brith. They
are based in Barcelona, the center, not in Madrid.
Nothing is as I told Hitler and the new EI-called ISIS.
Prepare to lose the trial. Hitler was a robot mkultra did things without logic, and save 335,000
children in Britain at Dunkirk or more Germans kill his absurd conquest of Russia, when he
UFOs, rockets and secret bases in Antarctica.
Hitler won the war and is now the master of the world ... Well, the spy agency, the Mi6..y his
Masonic lodge, Binai Brith.
Pig in a poke, dog SPY
They had two beautiful and candid creatures, Alois and Angela Hitler ... choose the same name
as the Mossad Angela Rebeca Kessner, the Mephistopheles Satania Merke l, high priestess of
the lodge judeomsonico Binai you Brith.La tightening taxes, but does not drown The selling
pressure with usury and four credits to Greece consisting lend money to pay the next day the
Germans say ... it interests that give a loan and return it themselves the next day and the Greeks
... " They make them the Greek "and pay interest all their fucking life.
And Potemos applauding slave Syritza Soros. Too Controlao.
Hitler's brother married an Irish. Bridget Elizabeth was sister of Hitler and raised, married to
Alois Hitler jr., His brother. According to his sister and historians like David Gardne r, Hitler's
visit in Dublin. Something strange for a German military future in the First and Second World
War ... .German? Why an Austrian struggled with a country that was not yours? He was a spy
book, trained by the g-familes of the Tavistock Institute in London. What he went to England to
sleep on a sofa with a dirty shirt? Holiday, of course, like everyone else, Hitler went to England
to learn English tourism and ...
A mkultra book. In rare biography: tramp in Austria where he lived in a park becomes the Master
of the World, as it was an illegitimate Rothchild. From colgao in London where "no one knew
what the hell was" .... Chancellor of Germany.
The photos showing the First World War are probably false-or few-it does not look anything and
if it was, it was a reporting agent who acted as "mail", ie it was a coward who did not fight a
"correveydile" it was captured by the enemy every bit and then let loose:
They ARE NOT OF THE SGM NEITHER famous mustache
In World War Hitler he was captured twice by the British, which is separate and was not hurt nor
killed nor imprisoned him. Another very strange things. Its activity also curious: "Mail was" in
World War II. His ridiculous mustache -a charlot- what is said to have carried the veterans of the
first world war as a souvenir.
There are photos on their lost years in Vienna when I lived in a park and gay guesthouse was a
great painter and watercolor. Yes many pictures and videos then there are false propaganda, to
present as a normal German. All videos showing documentaries with Eva Braun, on Mount
Berhof are film productions. Canned, without logic, with a strange relaxation. If you look with
this key, you will see that they are false, prepared, actors ... .imgenes to show in the future on
mounting Hitler.
The myth of his suicide was born by propaganda book an MI6 agent named Trevor-Roper.
Hitler was the grandson of a rothchilds, WHICH WAS MARY HAD maid Schickelgruber
Mary was raised in the house of Lionel Nathan Rothschild in Vienna. Alois was conceived in a
satanic ritual rape. Then Alois married Klara Hitler, which is clavadita to Merkel and hence an
illegitimate son of the Rotchilds, born in mkultra rape and became the Master of the world by
having Jewish blood Rothschild born. According to some authors he was the son of Solomon,
according to other Lionel Rothchild.
"Adolf's father, Alois Hitler was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It was
assumed that the father of Alois Hitler was Johan Geoerg Schicklgruber Hiedler. There are
some people who doubt that Johan Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. An Austrian paper
shows that Mary Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time it was conceived. At that
time he was employed at the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her
pregnancy she was sent back home ... where Alois, Hitler's father was born ... ".
This information came to Langer of a Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, who in 1940
published the book "Inside the Gestapo"
The sister of Hitler propagandizing ENGLAND IN WORLD WAR II
What a coincidence lived in London in Highgate! And he lived in Liverpool. In his memoirs he
confirms that Hitler visited them:
"My cuao Adolfo was with us from November 1912 to April 1913 ... At first stayed in his
room, sleeping or lying on the couch normally used as a bed. I thought he was sick, his eye color
was ugly and his eyes had a peculiar look. I felt sorry for him, despite what Alois had said. When
cleaning his shirt was so dirty I had no luggage- even there was no way decent it again.
Bridget Hitler, Memoirs, p. 28
That is before the First World War ... .ya prepared him as a spy at home in MI6.
Notice above Hitler had no clothes ... Are not all his movements and history really rare? ... .Ya Is
given in the MI6 where he prepared as mkultra agent for action by the time he was elected their
masters. It was in 1933, Mason year. The first thing is a 11S, an inside job in Reichstag
Parliament, to remove the borregomtrix laws. What they always do, what they did before, what
they are doing now with Isis. It has not changed anything. Refugees also went from side to side
then as now the Syrians or Iraqis.
HITLER WITH ENGLISH Unity Mitford Aristocra ALSO MI6 agent
In Inside the Third Reich, Albert Speer noted that "Hitler always spoke to reach agreements
with Britain ..". Clearer water, the two MI6 agents. (Speer, Albert (1971). Inside the Third Reich.
Sphere Books. P. 77.) Puta mother, daughter whore, bitch blanket the blanket ...
Hitler had only one egg was stranger than the mother who bore him .... and according to some
historians it was weird pervert, gay and liked children. According to Hallett, his father was
abusive. That is, mkultra biography ... Your complete MKULTRA spies have many nationalities,
they are mediocre, broken families often bastards, as Bill Clintonto or Robama, and have
absolutely inedible, biography illogical, because the lead among countries other spying and
MI6 agents were in constant contact
Joaquim von Ribbentrop JEWISH MINISTER OF NAZI AA.EE
MI6 agents were in contact with Ribbentrop in Jeffery's book, MI6, The history of Secret
Intelligence Service:
"A female agent (MI6), whose daughter was in direct contact with Ribbentrops' (Joaquim
von Ribbentrop was German foreign minister), had promised to do everything possible to let us
know by telegram .."
Keith Jeffery, MI6, p.310
"The Head of MI6, Stewart Menzies, who shared Canaris anticommunist ideas, he praised the
end of the war for his courage and bravery."
Supposedly they executed and then praise. L O L!
Incidentally Menzies Jewish name:
664400 Menzies JK
As normal as a liberating ally decides praise the Nazi holocausts. This is a joke Himmler always
suspected the obvious. I was a double agent, so presumably he was executed, but got a double.
Mason was so gave in 1909 when he allegedly was not known to the Order of the Bust of Bolivar
Mason. In family.
Declassified documents show that Canaris actively participated in Operation Barbarossa with
MI6, which opened the eastern front against Russia. Nobody can explain why a lost war led to
slaughter so many Germans in the extremely harsh Russian winter. Well I tell you: Because he
was not German, was working for the enemy, the English. Now you understand this strange
The operation paperclip why the Nazis became the CIA was another assembly MI6 recycling.
Conchal !, or the same Menzies praises him because ... both were Jewish Masons. In 1940
Canaris told Romanian Foreign Minister, Michael Sturza, that "England would win the war."
And he predicted that THE SONS OF GREAT BRITAIN win
A spy working Sir, multimillionn aaristocrats, as Canaris, who are "spies and milita
Canaris's name also happens to bbe Jewish, the name and the original name of Sta
talin, cfr.
569400 CANARIC J
Martin Bormann, LAST JEW MI6 agent
Bormann, Mengele Jewish name like (besides Joseph Jewish name) was the Handler or Hitler
mkultra love Rothschilds, the thinking brain.
796600 Bormann ABJKNOV
Officially was "his personal secretary" ... strange .algo in a military, a completely atypical
charge. He was the manager or handler to give orders to MI6 agent Hitler and follow their
program delivery, scams, speeches and targeted strategies. Despite what they say, the Nazis were
a disorganized band. The enforcement, military documentaries of Leni Riefenstahl, hymns,
symbols and others was pure propaganda. Hitler was disorganized, he got up late and used to
come to appointments to many, as if it were Spanish or Argentine Basin. It was a whorehouse,
which did not work at all. They were all day with prostitutes, orgies, hustlers and ritual
sacrifices: I have shown pictures of corpses in my book Contraperiodismo.com. They lost wars
following the script when Von Braun had rockets and UFOs, as I have shown in my book C
ontraperiodismomatrix.com with photos.
The documentary filmmaker who made Hitler also had Jewish name, Leni Riefenstahl, another
Jew made documentaries about the Nazis and the Holocaust, Alfred Hitcock:
545000 HISZKO TO
Borman rescued Bunker Hitler and Eva Braun, also Jewish Jewish name in the James Bond
MI6 operation. They put a fake skull and fled first to UFO Otto Schummann, Leni Riefenstal
-the which was the ovnis- to bases in Antarctica New Swavia and then to Argentina and then to
Barcelona and Montserrat. He died at 60 and fua mkultra love Arizona Wilder, as Mengele.
Frightened girl joking with Arizona Wilder crows feet.
And the Nazi Reinhard Gehlen think the CIA and the Mafia Vaticanus. This is all as a big joke.
Anthony Sutton, Henry Makow and others showed that the Rockefeller and Bush, IG Farben the
Bank of England and other Illuminati financed Hitler. IG Farben was the headquarters of the CIA
and was never bombed like ships Onassis. Charlot, Bob Hope and Peter Sellers were also
British agents. Hallet set to give birth to British royalty that describes how perverted degenerate
and killed freemason Lord Mountbatten. Even Schwarzenegger, a former maromo Kennedy is
the killer lodge Skull and Bones and Sylvester Stallone is a zoophilic illuminati filming porn
movies with poor dolphins they alleged mkultras. Hopefully at least have the decency to choose
define adults.
REBECA NGELA Kassner is the daughter of Hitler IGUALITA HER GRANDMOTHER
True to the family serving Zionist interests of its secret lodge. The father was not going to go
without placing daughter in a good position, first of communist, capitalist after. Hitler moved to
Barcelona and Montserrat, which would be a ghost, but he liked the good life, Catalan, tumaca
bread and of course the club, like any good amateur sport, healthy living and abstemious and
vegetarianism. Hitler was the creator of the scam ecolojetas NGOs and the founder of the social
security schemes and the Volksvagen creadro: borregomtrix populism, which were the ones that
brought him to power with the Zionist scam demoncracia.
The psychoanalyst Walter Langer HOLDS THAT WAS HITLER ROTHSCHILD
Langer was the OSS, the CIA primitive. Book written in the 40 published in 1972. It describes
the perversions of Hitler, helpless, gay tendencies (he was abused as a child) and had mugshot
stalker men in Munich and Vienna (cfr. Matchman, The Hidden Hitler, 2001). He was a slave
masoko and coproflico. It did more laps gay neighborhoods in Vienna that a fagot in April.
Langer says he killed his nephew (accidentally assumed) with his gun and Eva Brown attempted
suicide several times, but his eventual suicide It was FALSE. It gives a lot of data that was
helped by many Jews throughout their vida.Hasta Eychmann the final solution was Jewish. Hitler
was freaky, but it was stupid and was obsessed lgicamene chocolate and sweets, was tol
empachao day with the stomach like a motorcycle ... and that was what she died of stomach
cancer. It was also very messy and untimely. Nazi agenda was sloppy, but seemed very
organized. Almost they never arrived on time and spent the day in pseudoreuniones, orgies,
walking the beautiful uniforms Hugo Boss, eating, sleeping and esoteric parodies. The whole war
was a farce, except for the populace -. The goyim- dying and suffering But it's not pa na .. that
are ...!
Ribbentrop spoke English perfectly and was MI6
And officially he contacted HITLER "AS BUSINESSMAN"
It was the foreign minister of Hitler. History shows again the tales of historians and MI6 agents.
It is said that Hitler contacted as a businessman ... to the envy of other aparatchkys s .. (senior
members of the Nazi party) .What is certain is that before man was business as MI6 spy, as was
the diplomat who He made the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact with Russia and the
Steel pact not to attack Fascist Italy. Mussolini was MI6 agent, it is something public. He was
educated in Switzerland and England .... "to improve their English" .... He was the son of a
military man. Biography absolute spy. He worked in a bank and as a journalist in the United
Sunken and Canada .... Do you have something to do with journalism bank or sell wines ...?
Come Spy biography book absolutely impossible, as Merkel Hitler, who was a Communist East
German and just as the top honcho of capitaltimo to steal baskets today to the dictates of their
Zionist masters.
As if this was not enough, also traveling as a wine entrepreneur worldwide. All he needed work
slasher soil or carpenter ... With those as diverse as suspicious activities not see the agent would
be a stupidity the size of the dilated anus Thousands of cirrhosis.
Above, auction, like all bosses Nazis his name was Jewish, for the first "allegedly" executed in
Nuremberg (actually escaped and put a double). According to the Jewish surnames directory
avotaynu.com we see in the database:
It was a deliberate RITUAL OF GERMAN MI6 to massacre borregomtrix
There was no point torturing and safe to take death so sorry, but as Rothchild Hitler was not
German, as is the sweating. All the slaughter, while the British 335.00 borregomtrix saved to
your side in Dunkirk ... on the orders of MI6. In England they never bombed no official strategic
site, as now makes ISIS. It never occurs to an inside job in Isisi-Ra-El.
CON Hitler's speeches EXPOSED: Everything was manufactured by Tavistock
manipulation, repeated all the same in their dull speeches: CHURCHILL: "In wartime,
truth is so precious that it should always be under the care of a guardian of lies
"HITLER:" In wartime provide the truth with a guard of lies, because it is the most
precious "War College TAVISTOCK MILITARY PSYCH-OPS" In wartime truth is
so precious that surround a guardian of lies "Hallet concludes that Hitler, Joseph Stalin
(British double agent also Jewish) and Churchill (druid, alcohol and depression) were
fellow Masons lifetime and worked together! Some radio speeches of Churchill was a
double, an actor ... as Norman Shelley. How did the slip borregomtrix and you asleep
watching SION televi, following delayed youtbers and reading encyclopedias of
Rothshchilds And Rockefeller, as the Encyclopedia Britannica! Clifford Schack
suggested that Stalin is also a Rothschilds and was trained at Tavistock in 1907
(officially Tavistock did not exist then or in 1913, it was secret).
"Some of the famous speeches of the psychopath DRUNK Churchill Norman
Shelley GAVE THE ACTOR FEA imitating his voice '
Hitler with his financer, he fucked MOSES PINKELES
Hitler wrote MY FIGHT WITH A MACHINE The Rothschilds
It's the beard behind him. Hitler did not invade Switzerland to not disturb the Illuminati Amos.
All major insurance companies and banks Illuminati are there. Henry Makov account at The
illuminati, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf with a typewriter of the Rothschilds. The book was dictated
to Rudolf Hess and Emil Maurice with their stay in the prison of Landsberg in 1924. As a Julai
Assangeta of Gilileaks (wikileaks) Hitler left him to do everything in prison, he was pardoned
five years, slept on a suite and received gifts. Assange's lawyers are tamibn those of the
Even Anne Frank diaries are fake, are written with pen in parts, at the time when the probe
chavalita there were no pens. There is a "desert" award for demonstrating that they are real.
Hitler's grandmother worked in the Solomon Rothschild mansion and there was impregnated
with the seed of Satan in a ritual rape. Solomon lived alone and lost the ass by the younger as his
son, Hermann von Goldschmidt, wrote in a book in 1917 counting all the details. He was gone
more than a monkey or a boy from Torrelavega, affected of the fetus (Feas Torrelavega)
"He loved making rude jokes if a pregnant woman was present" (p. 200)
The psychopath mkultra Bill Clintonto is another "bastard" of the Rockefellers, apartre of
hijodeputa rea l, moral and sports. Do I still anyone thinks that the Illuminati are going to put
anyone in their key positions in global Mafioso Control? Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill were
also Freemasons. Until the contrary is proved: here everyone the Freemason, including Manolo
A montage, used DOUBLE AS NOW
It showed that the skull was from a woman bunker. Here are two that do not resemble double,
two birds with one stone ... pun intended.
Both agents, SHOWN IN THE NEWS THAT PAY MI6 Mussolini