Notes On Member's Derivative Action (Section 181A Companies Act)
Notes On Member's Derivative Action (Section 181A Companies Act)
Notes On Member's Derivative Action (Section 181A Companies Act)
Where the act of the company is ultra vires to its object clause;
A decision was passed by an simple majorities when it requires special majorities;
Members personal rights are infringed;
Generally, control was presumed if the wrongdoer holds a majority share of the company
with voting power. In such situation, the wrongdoer will be able to control the decision
making process of the company by voting against any proposal to initiate proceedings against
himself. However, a person without majority holding in the company may also have an actual
control over the company. This can be seen in the case of Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v.
Newman Industries Ltd & Ors (No. 2). In this case, two directors of Newman Industries had
induced its shareholders to vote in favour of acquiring a property with a high price from a
company which they were personally interested in. The court allowed the action against the
directors because they have an actual control over the company even without being a majority
shareholder since they may exercise their power to refuse any proposal to initiate proceedings
for the company against themselves. The element of control is fulfilled even the directors do
not hold a majority shareholding.
2. The wrongdoer obtained benefit at the companys expense
The applicant must also prove that the wrongdoer had obtained benefit at the companys
expenses. If the majority shareholders or person having control of the company diverted
companys business or misappropriate companys assets, there is fraud on the minority
(Aiman Nariman, p. 364). A person having control of the company is deemed to commit
fraud on the minority if they diverted the companys business and misappropriate its assets.
There are a few cases to illustrate where the court held that a fraud on minority has been
committed since the person having control of the company had obtained personal benefit at
the expense of the company.
In the case of Daniels v. Daniels (1978) 2 All ER 89, two majority shareholders are also
directors of the company. The directors sold the companys asset below the market price to
one of the companys director. The court held that the minority shareholders may bring an
action on behalf of the company since there is fraud on the minority. This is due to the fact
that the directors, who are having control of the company, had obtained benefit at the expense
of the company by selling and requiring the companys asset below value. The directors used
their power fraudulently to benefit themselves at the expense of the company and therefore, a
fraud on minority had been committed. The minority shareholders may take an action on
behalf of the company against the directors.
In the case of Meenier v. Hoopers Telegraph Works (1874) 9 Ch App 350, Hooper was
the majority shareholders of the company. He had diverted a contract to lay cables in South
Africa from the company to another company. The court held that the diversion of the
contract is a fraud on minority because he had obtained benefit at the expense of the company
by doing so. The minority shareholders may bring an action against Hooper on behalf of the
3. The wrongdoer prevents the company from enforcing its right
It is important to prove that the wrongdoer had prevented the company to enforce its
rights. Only then, the minority may take up the action on behalf of the company. Generally,
the majority shareholders will be able to control companys decision to bring legal action
against themselves by their voting power. It is sufficient to show that the wrongdoer has
control and there is possibility that they will prevent proceedings being brought (Aiman
Nariman, p. 366). In other words, the minority need not to prove that the wrongdoer had
positively prevented the company to enforce its right. It is sufficient to show that the
wrongdoer was in a position which enables him to prevent any proceedings being brought.
This requirement will be easily fulfilled once the wrongdoer had been proven to have control
over the company. However, in the case of Paidiah Genganaidu v. Lower Perak Syndicate
Sdn Bhd (1974) 1 MLJ 220 held that exception to proper plaintiff rule does not apply if the
decision not to bring a legal proceeding was made by majority of the shareholders
independent of the wrongdoer. Such decision will be binding on the company as not to bring
any actions against the wrongdoer.
Section 181B (4) of the Companies Act provides that in deciding whether or not leave
shall be granted, the Court shall take into account whether:a) the complainant is acting in good faith; and
b) it appears prima facie to be in the interest of the company that the application for
leave be granted.
Once leave has been granted, the complainant shall initiate proceedings in Court
within thirty days from the grant of leave [Section 181B (3) Companies Act]. After leave is
obtained, the actual merits of the case will be litigated in the actual hearing or proceedings
(Aiman Nariman, p. 368). Such proceedings shall not be discontinued, compromised or
settled except with the leave of the Court [Section 181C Companies Act].
2) Effect of Ratification
Section 181D of the Companies Act states that members ratification and approval of
the conduct which is the subject matter of the proceedings does not prevent the complainant
from bringing an action with the leave of Court. However, Section 181D (c) states that the
ratification or approval may be taken into account by the Court in determining what order to
3) Powers of the Court
Section 181E of the Companies Act empowers the Court to make orders as it thinks
appropriate including an order to:a) authorise the complainant or other person to control the conduct of the
b) give directions for the conduct of proceedings;
c) for any person to provide assistance and information to the complainant including
2) Remedies
If a proceeding of a derivative action is successful, any remedies granted by the court will
be granted to the company. For example, if the wrongful director has been ordered to pay
compensation, such compensation will be paid to the company not to any individual
shareholders. This is because the directors had committed a wrong against the company. On
the contrary, remedies granted for other members remedies will be given to an individual
shareholder whose rights had been oppressed.
3) Rights litigated
In a derivative action, the rights of the company are being litigated against the duties of
the wrongful person owed to the company. As Section 181A (2) of the Companies Act
provides proceedings of a derivative action shall be brought in the companys name. In
contrast, other members remedies allow a shareholder to bring a proceeding on their own
name since their own distinct rights from the company are being litigated.