Bridgewater Township Minutes: June 19, 2007

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June 19, 2007 – 7 PM

Bridgewater Town Hall
500 Railway Street South, Dundas, MN 55019

1. Introductory Chair Gary Ebling called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Present were
Kathleen Doran-Norton, Supervisor and Town Board Vice Chair; Gary Ebling,
Supervisor and Town Board Chair, Leif Knecht, Supervisor; Mike Piper, Clerk;
and several residents/visitors including John McCarthy, Dundas City
Administrator/Clerk, Carolyn Braun Planning and Zoning Consultant, Jim Braun
Interim Zoning Administrator, and John Klockeman Planning Commission Chair.

2. Acceptance of Agenda MOTION by Doran-Norton, second by Knecht, to accept

the agenda as presented. (Vote: Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye, and Knecht, aye.)

3. Distribution of copies of final Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance

Carolyn and Jim Braun distributed copies of these two documents.
a. The Clerk will distribute copies of the Zoning Ordinance to the Rice
County Recorder, the Rice County Planning and Zoning Department, the
Rice County law library, the City of Northfield and the City of Dundas on
June 20, 2007.
b. Doran-Norton will contact Rice County for a Bridgewater Township
parcel listing to give to Carolyn Braun.

4. Interview of candidates for Building Agenda The Town Board and Jim Braun
interviewed two candidates, Bob Hegner and Benny Svien, for Bridgewater
Township Building Official. Jim Braun will provide a recommendation to the
Town Board by June 26, 2007. Knecht observed that both candidates would serve
Bridgewater Township well.

5. Twice monthly meetings of the Town Board MOTION by Doran-Norton,

seconded by Knecht, for the Board to hold two regular town board meetings each
month. The meetings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Exceptions
will be shown in the published schedule. (Vote: Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye,
and Knecht, aye.)

6. Request for Voter Registration List and Labels By MOTION by Doran-Norton,

seconded by Knecht, for the Board to purchase a CD-ROM showing voting
demographics for the last town election. The cost of the CD-ROM is $35.00
including mailing.

MINUTES, JUNE 19, 2007 Page 1

a. This expense will be a claim at the July 10, 2007 meeting of the Town

7. Is Bridgewater an Urban Town and should it have a five member Town Board?
These issues, as well as other governance options were discussed by the Board.
Further research into the matters, including advantages/disadvantages and cost,
will be done by the Supervisors and the Clerk.

8. Dundas Report Doran-Norton gave a brief review of the Dundas City Council
work session that was held on Saturday, June 16, 2007. The review covered such
items as cluster development in the urban reserve zone and the Northfield-Dundas
sanitary sewer system. The clerk was asked to have copies of the documentation
from that meeting made for Ebling and Knecht.

9. Rice County Planning and Zoning review of the Bridgewater Zoning Ordinance
Ebling gave a brief review of the comments by the Rice County Zoning
Administrator, Julie Runkle, on the Bridgewater Zoning Ordinance. These
comments will be given to the Bridgewater Planning Commission.

10. Representative David Bly to visit Town Board on July 10, 2007 Ebling
announced Mr. Bly’s anticipated visit. Mr. Bly will listen to township issues and
concerns. It is hoped that Mr. Bly will address such matters as local control,
annexation, transportation, renewable energy, water quality, and support for
alternate farming methods.

11. Publication of Agendas The Supervisors said that it would be helpful to have a
proposed agenda for each meeting of the Town Board several days before each
meeting. The Clerk observed that a significant part of the proposed agendas
should come from the Supervisors.
a. It is a continuing action item for the Supervisors and the Clerk to prepare
an agenda for each meeting of the Town Board at least two days before
each meeting of the Town Board. The goal for publishing the agenda is
four to seven days before the meeting.

12. Dundas offer to provide clerical services for building permits Knecht read a letter
from John McCarthy proposing such a service. The matter will be reviewed by the
Supervisors and the Zoning Administrator.
a. It is an action item for the Supervisors and the Administrators to respond
to Mr. McCarthy’s letter. It is an objective to have a response drafted at
the July 10, 2007 meeting of the Town Board.

13. Potential enhancements to the Town Hall Doran-Norton will ask Le Ann Finger,
Township Treasurer, to research the costs of the installation and operation of
internet and telephone services at the town hall.

MINUTES, JUNE 19, 2007 Page 2

a. It is an action item for Doran-Norton to report at the July 10, 2007 on
these cost items.

14. Use of the 5-drawer lateral file by the Zoning Administrator The interim Zoning
Administrator indicated that he would like to begin using the 5-drawer lateral file
as soon as possible.

15. Adjournment MOTION by Doran-Norton, second by Knecht, to adjourn the

meeting at 10:35 PM. (Vote: Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye, and Knecht, aye.)

Respectfully submitted,

C. Michael Piper
Clerk, Bridgewater Township

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