Cervical Vaginal

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Identification and Characterization of Bacterial

Vaginosis-Associated Pathogens Using a Comprehensive

Cervical-Vaginal Epithelial Coculture Assay
Colleen R. Eade1, Camila Diaz1, Matthew P. Wood1, Kathryn Anastos2, Bruce K. Patterson3,
Phalguni Gupta4, Amy L. Cole1, Alexander M. Cole1*
1 Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, United
States of America, 2 Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology and Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, United States of America,
3 Department of Pathology, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, United States of
America, 4 Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most commonly treated female reproductive tract affliction, characterized by the
displacement of healthy lactobacilli by an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria. BV can contribute to pathogenic
inflammation, preterm birth, and susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections. As the bacteria responsible for BV
pathogenicity and their interactions with host immunity are not understood, we sought to evaluate the effects of BVassociated bacteria on reproductive epithelia. Here we have characterized the interaction between BV-associated bacteria
and the female reproductive tract by measuring cytokine and defensin induction in three types of FRT epithelial cells
following bacterial inoculation. Four BV-associated bacteria were evaluated alongside six lactobacilli for a comparative
assessment. While responses differed between epithelial cell types, our model showed good agreement with clinical BV
trends. We observed a distinct cytokine and human b-defensin 2 response to BV-associated bacteria, especially Atopobium
vaginae, compared to most lactobacilli. One lactobacillus species, Lactobacillus vaginalis, induced an immune response
similar to that elicited by BV-associated bacteria, stimulating significantly higher levels of cytokines and human b-defensin 2
than other lactobacilli. These data provide an important prioritization of BV-associated bacteria and support further
characterization of reproductive bacteria and their interactions with host epithelia. Additionally, they demonstrate the
distinct immune response potentials of epithelial cells from different locations along the female reproductive tract.
Citation: Eade CR, Diaz C, Wood MP, Anastos K, Patterson BK, et al. (2012) Identification and Characterization of Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Pathogens Using
a Comprehensive Cervical-Vaginal Epithelial Coculture Assay. PLoS ONE 7(11): e50106. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050106
Editor: Adam J. Ratner, Columbia University, United States of America
Received July 2, 2012; Accepted October 16, 2012; Published November 15, 2012
Copyright: 2012 Eade et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [grant numbers AI052017, AI082623, AI082693 to AMC and AI35004 to KA]. The funders
had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: Alexander M. Cole is an editor of PLOS ONE. This does not alter the authors adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and
* E-mail: [email protected]

clinical consequences of BV, combined with its high prevalence,

make this condition of immediate priority.
Research has just begun to elucidate the mechanisms of BV
pathogenicity. It is apparent that bacterial pathogens elicit an
immune response in the FRT. This response is characterized by an
upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-8, IL-1a,
and IL-1b, yet the host cells responsible for pathogen recognition
and immune response remain uncharacterized [9,10,11,12].
Other aspects of the host innate immune response to BV are
even less clear; there is conflicting evidence regarding regulation of
antimicrobial effector proteins, such as the human b-defensins
(hBDs). This family includes antibacterial peptides that are
reported to be induced by bacterial stimuli [13], yet studies of
hBD regulation in the context of BV have had conflicting results,
with some studies showing a significant increase in hBD levels in
the FRT coincident with BV, and others reporting a significant
decrease [14,15]. Furthermore, with dozens of bacterial species
associated with the microbial shift that defines BV, researchers

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common disorder of the
female reproductive tract (FRT) for which clinical intervention is
sought [1]. BV is a microbial shift condition, characterized by the
displacement of commensal vaginal lactobacilli and the overgrowth of mixed pathogenic bacterial populations [2]. Neither the
presence nor absence of any single bacterial species is sufficient for
diagnosis, but instead multifactorial clinical and microbiological
criteria are used to diagnose BV [3,4]. This condition affects
between 2060% of women worldwide, and can pose serious
immediate and long-term sequelae [5,6,7]. Women who have BV
are at a higher risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease, and
pregnant women experiencing BV are significantly more likely to
encounter complications, including preterm birth [8]. Furthermore, BV increases a womans chance of acquiring sexually
transmitted infections, including HIV, whose acquisition rate is
increased by 60% in women experiencing BV [6]. These serious

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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

broth or plates at 37uC/5% CO2. G. vaginalis, A. vaginae, M. curtisii,

and P. bivia were grown in tryptic soy broth (TSB) with 5%
defibrinated rabbit blood (all media from Becton, Dickinson and
Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), or on equivalent agar plates.
G. vaginalis was grown at 37uC/5% CO2, while the other 3 BVAB
were grown in anaerobic GasPaks (Becton, Dickinson and
Company) at 37uC. To achieve consistency in bacterial preparations, maintenance cultures of each species were aliquoted and
snap frozen by submerging in liquid nitrogen for 2 hr, then
transferred to 280uC until use.
To prepare inocula for experiments, snap-frozen aliquots of
aerobic bacteria were thawed and inoculated into prewarmed,
pregassed MRS (for lactobacilli) or TSB (for G. vaginalis) for 2 hr to
allow for recovery prior to coculturing. Desired volumes of
cultures were then centrifuged at 40006g for 10 min, supernatants
were aspirated, and bacteria were resuspended in KSFM. Snapfrozen aliquots of anaerobic bacteria were thawed, and desired
volumes were centrifuged. Supernatants were aspirated, and
bacteria were resuspended in distilled water for one minute (to
lyse erythrocytes carried over from maintenance media), and then
diluted with four volumes KSFM (to restore osmolarity). This
distilled water wash did not affect bacterial viability. The bacteria
were centrifuged again, the supernatent was removed, and the
bacteria were resuspended in KSFM.
In all experiments, the multiplicity of infection (MOI) was
calculated as the number of bacterial colony forming units (CFUs)
divided by the number of epithelial cells in a given coculture
condition. The number of bacterial CFUs was determined by
serially diluting the inocula and plating on appropriate media for
back-calculation of inocula density. The final MOIs used were in
agreement with reports of clinical bacterial load in the FRT, and
with other published coculture models [20,32,33]. In bacterialepithelial cocultures where bacterial stimulation of epithelia was
compared, BVAB or L. vaginalis were applied at a lower MOI than
nonstimulatory lactobacilli, to preclude concerns about small MOI
differences effecting significant immune response differences.
Coculture kinetics were monitored at the assay endpoint, and
Supporting Information Figures S1 and S2 demonstrate
bacterial and epithelial viability after coculture. Additionally,
heat-killed inocula were evaluated for stimulatory BVAB to
determine whether bacterial viability was required for epithelial
stimulation. These data are presented in Supporting Information
Figure S3.

have yet to characterize the pool of candidate pathogens and

elucidate their immunostimulatory properties [16,17,18,19].
With insufficient characterization of pathogens, little can be
done to streamline BV treatment. Prior studies have been
insufficient in comparing FRT bacteria on account of the limited
number of species evaluated within a consistent model [15,20].
Furthermore, variations between these studies make it impossible
to compare host-bacterial interactions between reports. Here, we
developed a coculture model to characterize the response of
various FRT epithelial cells (the frontline in FRT mucosal defense)
to a comprehensive collection of vaginal bacteria, including both
commensal lactobacilli and BV-associated bacteria (BVAB). We
evaluated a total of ten bacteria on three separate epithelial cell
types, monitoring host response under consistent coculture
conditions. In doing so, we observed distinct differences in
immune responses between the three types of reproductive
epithelia, as measured by cytokine and defensin induction. These
responses demonstrated good agreement of our model with clinical
BV samples. We also found that only a select few of the tested
bacterial species elicited an immune response from host cells.
Surprisingly, not all BVAB elicited potent immune responses,
whereas one Lactobacillus spp. did stimulate significant cytokine and
defensin induction in FRT epithelia. Thus, in addition to
developing a model for immune interactions in the FRT, we also
report unexpected trends in bacterial-host interactions, emphasizing the utility of this approach for understanding host-pathogen
interactions in the FRT.

Reagents and Materials
Trizol and keratinocyte serum free media (KSFM) with
supplements were from Invitrogen, while RNA Storage Solution
and DNAse I kit were purchased from Ambion (both of Life
Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Bio-Rad (Hercules, CA, USA)
iScript and Sybr Green Supermix were used for RTqPCR
experiments. RPMI1640, DPBS, and DMEM/F12 were from
MediaTech, Inc., while collagen-coated Transwells were from
Corning Life Sciences (both of Corning Inc, Corning, NY, USA).
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) was from Gemini Bio-Products (West
Sacramento, CA, USA).

Epithelial and Bacterial Cultures

The following human epithelia were purchased from American
Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA): End1
(CRL-2615) from endocervix; Ect1 (CRL-2614) from ectocervix;
VK2 (CRL-2616) from vagina. These were maintained according
to ATCC instructions. Briefly, cells were grown in KSFM
supplemented with additional calcium chloride, recombinant
epidermal growth factor, and bovine pituitary extract. For
maintenance, cultures were grown to 5070% confluence before
splitting. For Transwell experiments, cells were seeded at
confluence (1.66106 End1 cells, 1.16106 Ect1 cells or 1.06106
VK2 cells, seeding varies according to cell kinetics). For all other
experiments, cultures were grown to confluence on tissue culturetreated plates (Techno Plastic Products, Trasadingen, Switzerland). The following bacteria were purchased from ATCC as
common representatives of commensal flora [2129]: Lactobacillus
crispatus (33197); Lactobacillus acidophilus (4356); Lactobacillus johnsonii
(11506); Lactobacillus jensenii (25258); Lactobacillus gasseri (9857);
Lactobacillus vaginalis (49540). The following bacteria were purchased from ATCC as representatives of BVAB [30,31]: Gardnerella
vaginalis (49145); Atopobium vaginae (BAA-55); Mobiluncus curtisii
(35241); Prevotella bivia (29303). Lactobacilli were grown in MRS
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Bio-plex Analysis of Transwell Underlay

For Transwell cocultures, epithelial cells were seeded on 24 mm
collagen-coated 0.4 mm Transwells. The next day, excess apical
media and unattached cells were removed, basal media was
changed, and cells were maintained at the air-liquid interface.
Twenty-four hr after transitioning to air-liquid interface, underlay
media was changed and cell monolayers were inoculated apically
with 100 mL bacterial inoculum. Epithelia were coincubated with
bacteria for 24 hr, then media underlay was collected and frozen
at 220uC until analysis. For analysis, media underlay were
clarified and analyzed by Bio-Rad Bio-plex multiplex cytokine
array. Experimental analysis was performed according to manufacturers instructions.

Bio-plex Analysis of Cervicovaginal Lavage Samples

CVLs were provided by HIV-negative participants in the
Bronx/Manhattan consortium of the Womens Interagency HIV
Study (WIHS), a longitudinal observational cohort study of HIVpositive and HIV-negative women, at their routine semi-annual
WIHS visits. Written informed consent was obtained from all

November 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e50106

Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

participants, and samples were collected in accordance with

protocols approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of
Montefiore Medical Center for this study. CVLs were obtained by
irrigating the cervix and vaginal wall with 10 mL sterile saline as
previously described [34] and cryopreserved at 280uC. BV was
assessed by Amsel criteria [35] with the presence of at least three
(of four) criteria indicating the presence of BV. For this study, the
BV-negative group was comprised of samples that demonstrated
the absence of all four criteria. Cervicovaginal lavage fluid was
clarified before Bio-plex analysis. Experimental analysis was
performed according to manufacturers instructions.

Cell culture supernatants from treated epithelial cells were
clarified and subjected to ELISA quantification using the
Peprotech hBD2 ELISA Development Kit and Becton, Dickinson
and Company OptEIA IL-6 and IL-8 Kits. Assays were
performed according to suppliers instructions.

Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction

To isolate RNA, epithelial cells were rinsed in cold DPBS,
harvested in Trizol reagent, and stored at 280uC until extraction.
RNA was then precipitated, treated with DNAse I, and reverse
transcribed. cDNAs were analyzed by RTqPCR using the
following primer pairs: hBD2_F atctcctcttctcgttcctcttc; hBD2_R
ccacaggtgccaatttgtttatac; hBD3_F cttctgtttgctttgctcttcc; hBD3_R
cacttgccgatctgttcctc; GAPDH_F tggtatcgtggaaggactc; GAPDH_R
agtagaggcagggatgatg. All cycle thresholds were averaged from
duplicate reactions. Cycle thresholds for hBD amplicons were
normalized to the GAPDH standard, and fold expression was
calculated using the delta-deltaCt method. All fold expressions
were reported as increases compared to a 0 hr control.

Primary Lymphocyte Isolation

Venous blood was drawn from adult volunteers who provided
written consent, and samples were obtained in accordance with
a UCF IRB approved protocol for this study. Blood was drawn
into acid citrate dextrose vacutainers (Becton, Dickinson and
Company), and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were
separated within an hour of the donation. To separate PBMCs,
whole blood was diluted in an equal volume of DPBS, manually
overlaid on lymphocyte separation media (LSM, MP Biomedicals,
Santa Ana, CA, USA), then centrifuged at 4006g for 30 min.
PBMCs were isolated from LSM density gradients, and were
washed twice with DPBS, then resuspended in RPMI containing
10% FBS and plated on tissue culture-treated plates (Techno
Plastic Products). Plates were incubated at 37uC/5% CO2 for 2 hr
before isolating non-adherent lymphocytes from adherent monocytes. Lymphocytes were maintained in RPMI with 10% FBS, and
used within 24 hr of isolation.

Statistical Analyses
All statistical analyses were carried out in Microsoft Excel or
GraphPad Prism. For Bio-plex cytokine data, raw values were logtransformed and two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post test was
used to compare bacterial and mock conditions from three
independent experiments. For RTqPCR data, fold expression
values for each condition were calculated relative to 0 hr. Fold
expression of mock versus treated conditions was compared using
one-way ANOVA for endpoint analysis, or two-way ANOVA for
timecourse analysis, with Bonferroni post test. For chemotaxis
experiments, cell numbers were normalized to media-only (control
treatment) wells, and increase in hBD2 over matched vehicle wells
was compared by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post tests.
For IL-6, IL-8 and hBD2 ELISAs, fold expression was calculated
compared to mock-treated cells, and one-way ANOVA with
Tukey-Kramer post test was performed to compare L. vaginalis to
other lactobacilli, or to BVAB. For figures in which only two
conditions are directly compared, Students t-test was used.

Chemotaxis of Primary Lymphocytes

Peripheral blood lymphocytes were resuspended in RPMI
supplemented with 1% FBS at a density of two million cells per
mL. Serial dilutions of recombinant human b-defensin 2 (hBD2,
Peprotech, Rocky Hill, NJ, USA) or equivalent vehicle control
were prepared in the same media. hBD2 and vehicle dilutions
were plated in a ChemoTX plate (Neuroprobe, Gaithersburg,
MD, USA), alongside media alone controls. The ChemoTX filter
was attached to the plate, and 50 mL lymphocyte suspension was
applied to the surface of each well. The ChemoTX plate was
incubated at 37uC/5% CO2 for 3 hr. To compare migrated cells,
media above the filter was removed, and apical surface of filter was
washed once in DPBS with 5 mM EDTA, then incubated with the
same wash for 30 min at 4uC. This second wash was removed, the
ChemoTX plate was centrifuged at 4006g for 5 min, and the filter
was removed. Cells in the lower chamber were resuspended in
a volume of 100 mL, and the CytoTox Glo assay (Promega,
Fitchburg, WI, USA) was used to compare total cell number
according to manufacturers instructions. A standard curve of
known cell numbers was used to calculate the number of migrated
cells from relative light units.

BV-Associated Bacteria Induce a Cytokine Response From
Reproductive Epithelial Cells
The pathogenic sequelae resulting from BV may be attributed
to the host inflammatory response to pathogenic BV-associated
bacteria (BVAB). We hypothesized that this inflammatory
response is mediated by the epithelial cells that line FRT and
represent the initial point of contact for bacteria invading the
FRT. In order to measure the contribution of FRT epithelial cells
to BV-associated inflammation, we developed a coculture model
to measure host epithelial response to BVAB. Epithelial cells
derived from the vagina (VK2), ectocervix (Ect1), or endocervix
(End1) have been previously used as a model to evaluate FRT
microbicide tolerance and immune response [15,20]. In our initial
characterization, we sought to identify the cytokine repertoire that
these epithelia are capable of producing in response to bacterial
stimulation. Epithelia were seeded on transwells and inoculated at
the air-liquid interface with a high MOI of either commensal
bacteria (Lactobacillus johnsonii) or BVAB (Gardnerella vaginalis or
Atopobium vaginae). After a 24 hr coculture, media underlay were
analyzed in order to obtain a cytokine response profile for each

hBD2 Acid-Urea (AU) Western

Epithelial cells were harvested and lysed by scraping into 10%
acetic acid. These cell lysates were vortexed 30 min at room
temperature to extract protein. Soluble extracts were clarified and
concentrated, then resolved on an acid-urea polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (AU-PAGE). A standard of recombinant hBD2
was run alongside cell extracts on each gel. Gels were transferred
to PVDF membranes and blotted with a goat polyclonal antibody
against hBD2 (Peprotech).

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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

in our epithelial model of BV with the cytokine trends of

cervicovaginal lavage (CVL) samples obtained from a representative cohort of women with or without BV. Previous studies have
reported increased concentrations of IL-1b, IL-6 and IL-8 in BVpositive CVL compared to BV-negative samples [9,10,11,12].
Here, we use a small cohort exhibiting trends consistent with the
literature for comparison to our model. The cytokine concentrations in CVL were quantified, and fold increases in each cytokine
between BV-positive and BV-negative women were compared to
the cytokine regulation between A. vaginae- and L. johnsoniiinoculated conditions in our FRT model (Figure 2). Shown are
six cytokines, IL-6, IL-8, G-CSF, Mip-1 b, RANTES and Gro-a,
that are elevated in clinical BV samples and similarly increased in
our coculture model after inoculation with A. vaginae, but not with
the commensal lactobacillus species L. johnsonii. Remaining
cytokine data are including in Supporting Information Figure
S4. Thus, our epithelial model aptly recapitulates the cytokine
changes that occur in the reproductive tract as a result of BV. This
comparison illustrates the contribution of FRT epithelia to the
proinflammatory cytokine milieu that characterizes BV, and
provides a convenient model for evaluating host-bacterial interactions in the reproductive tract. In addition to evaluating
cytokines, we also investigated the induction of other innate
immune effector proteins in response to BVAB.

epithelial type. Many of the analytes quantified were below the

limit of detection (IL-2, IL2-Ra, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-12p40,
IL-15, IL-16, IL-17, IL-18, eotaxin, IFN-a2, FGF-b, GM-CSF,
MCP-1, MCP-3, MIG, Mip-1a, SCF, SCGF-b, TNF-a, TNF-b,
TRAIL, and HGF) and were not analyzed further. Others
cytokines were below 50 pg/mL in all conditions (IL-1b, IL-7,
IL-10, and IL-13), suggesting that the epithelia analyzed do not
produce considerable concentrations of these cytokines under
basal conditions or as part of their immune response to BVAB
(Figure 1). On the other hand, the analytes IL-1RA, IL-6, IL-8,
IP-10, RANTES, VEGF, Gro-a and MIF were recovered in
nanogram/mL concentrations from some conditions, indicating
that these cytokines are primary components of baseline or
stimulated epithelial cytokine production. We compared the
concentrations of these analytes in L. johnsonii condition versus
BVAB conditions, and found that overall the BVAB induced
greater cytokine responses from FRT epithelium than the
commensal lactobacillus strain. The analytes IL-6, IL-8, G-CSF,
IP-10, Mip-1b, RANTES, and Gro-a were upregulated in all
three epithelial lines by BVAB more than by commensal
lactobacilli, as indicated by the fold expression shading. Furthermore, the BVAB A. vaginae elicited more robust cytokine responses
from each epithelial cell type compared to the other bacteria
tested, with some chemokines achieving nanogram/mL concentrations in A. vaginae-stimulated conditions. Of note, we also
observed greater cytokine production from End1 epithelial cells
compared to the other two reproductive cell types.
To demonstrate the relevance of our epithelial-bacteria
coculture model, we compared the cytokine responses we observed

Reproductive Epithelia Upregulate hBD2, a Lymphocyte

Chemoattractant, in Response to BVAB
Human defensins are important mediators of innate immunity,
as they exhibit both antibacterial activity and chemotactic

Figure 1. BVAB Induce an Innate Cytokine Response in Female Reproductive Epithelia. Transwell monolayers of each epithelial line were
inoculated with indicated bacteria (Lact = L. johnsonii, average MOI = 33, Gard = G. vaginalis, average MOI = 15, Ato = A. vaginae, average MOI = 13) and
24 hr post-inoculation conditioned media were analyzed by multiplex cytokine bead array. Cytokine values are averaged from three independent
experiments. Relative induction, represented here as fold expression and shaded accordingly, was calculated as the average increase in cytokine
concentration compared to mock-inoculated control cells from three independent experiments. Significant differences in cytokine concentrations
between bacteria-inoculated and mock condition are indicated by one (p,0.05), two (p,0.01) or three (p,0.001) asterisks.

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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

Figure 2. Epithelial Coculture Mirrors In Vivo Cytokine Response. A) Cervicovaginal lavage samples from BV-negative (n = 5) or BV-positive
(n = 13) women were analyzed by multiplex cytokine bead array. Fold expression for each cytokine was calculated relative to the average value of the
BV-negative samples. One (p,0.05) or two (p,0.01) asterisks indicate a significant increase in cytokine concentration for the BV-positive samples
over the BV-negative samples. B-D) Cytokine induction in each epithelial line B) End1, C) Ect1, and D) VK2 in response to L. johnsonii (average
MOI = 33) and A. vaginae (average MOI = 13) normalized to their paired mock-inoculated conditions. One (p,0.05), two (p,0.01), or three (p,0.001)
asterisks indicate a significant increase in cytokine concentration for the A. vaginae-inoculated conditions over the L. johnsonii-inoculated conditions.

To confirm the functional production of hBD2, we performed

an ELISA to measure soluble hBD2 protein secreted by epithelia
in response to bacterial exposure. hBD2 was quantified in
conditioned media from epithelial cells cocultured with either
commensal or pathogenic bacteria. In correspondence with
transcript regulation, inoculation with BVAB resulted in a more
robust upregulation of hBD2 protein by End1 cells compared to
inoculation with commensal bacteria (Figure 4A). However,
neither Ect1 nor VK2 cells secreted significantly more hBD2 in
response to BVAB than mock-inoculation.
In addition to measuring soluble hBD2, we considered that
ELISA might not account for additional protein that remained
cell-associated. To address this possibility, we performed AUPAGE western blot to probe for cell-associated hBD2 in epithelia
stimulated with A. vaginae. hBD2 protein was detected in End1 cell
extracts after stimulation with BVAB A. vaginae, while neither Ect1
nor VK2 showed similar cell-associated protein (Figure 4B). The
cell-associated hBD2 protein recovered from A. vaginae-inoculated

recruitment of immune cells, yet their role in BV has been studied

with conflicting results [14,15,36]. To elucidate the host defensin
response to BVAB, we measured hBD2 and hBD3 responses of
reproductive epithelia at the transcript and protein levels following
exposure to lactobacilli or BVAB. Epithelial cells were inoculated
with commensal L. johnsonii, or pathogenic bacteria G. vaginalis or
A. vaginae, and gene expression was measured by RTqPCR. In
agreement with cytokine trends, hBD2 gene upregulation for each
epithelial line was greatest in response to the pathogen A. vaginae
(Figure 3). This upregulation was significant for End1 and VK2
cells, with End1 epithelia showed the greatest hBD2 response to
bacterial stimulation compared to the other two epithelia. This is
emphasized by a.1500-fold increase in hBD2 gene expression by
End1 cells after inoculation with the BVAB A. vaginae. End1 and
VK2 cells exhibited trends of hBD3 upregulation in response to A.
vaginae, whereas the Ect1 cell type did not respond, indicating
a difference in immune response to BVAB between cell types of
the FRT.
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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

Figure 3. Human b-Defensin Gene Expression Is Upregulated in Reproductive Epithelia in Response to BVAB. Confluent monolayers of
epithelial cells were inoculated with bacteria and coincubated for 48 hr, then analyzed by RTqPCR for hBD2 and hBD3 expression. Transcript
expression is reported relative to 0 hr cells, and is shown as the average of three independent experiments. Average MOI are: 10 for L. johnsonii, 5.8
for G. vaginalis, and 5.6 for A. vaginae. Asterisks indicate a significant (p,0.05) increase over the L. johnsonii-treated condition.

To confirm the ability of L. vaginalis to induce an innate immune

response similar to BVAB, we utilized ELISA to measure soluble
IL-6, IL-8, and hBD2 proteins secreted by epithelia after bacterial
inoculation. In comparison to the other five lactobacillus strains, L.
vaginalis consistently induced a heightened response (Figure 6). In
End1 cells, L. vaginalis stimulated.10-fold increase in both IL-6
and IL-8, which was significantly higher than all other lactobacilli
tested. In agreement with our previous results, End1 cells were the
only epithelia to produce considerable amounts of soluble hBD2
protein (picograms/mL) after coculture with bacteria, with L.
vaginalis inducing significantly higher hBD2 levels than the other
Lactobacillus spp.
Finally, we performed Bio-Plex analysis to determine whether L.
vaginalis promoted a cytokine environment similar to that observed
clinically and in our coculture model of known BVAB (Figure 7).
We observed that L. vaginalis stimulated significant upregulation of
cytokines compared to mock-treated conditions. Analytes IL-6 and
IL-8 were recovered at picogram/mL concentrations, corresponding to the magnitude recovered from BVAB cocultures. In
agreement with other indicators, the cytokine trends elicited by
L. vaginalis mirrored cytokine responses to BVAB and clinical BV
trends, suggesting that this lactobacillus strain induces an innate
immune response in reproductive epithelia.

End1 cells appeared consistent over the three-day timecourse, and

based on the internal protein standard, was calculated to
contribute an additional 1.6 ng per 100 mm dish, compared to
the 2.0 ng soluble protein per dish as measured by ELISA.
Previous reports have demonstrated that hBD2 protein stimulates chemotaxis of memory T cells and dendritic cells through the
chemokine receptor CCR6. Having seen that hBD2 was
significantly upregulated by reproductive epithelia in response to
pathogenic bacteria, we sought to verify the ability of this
chemoattractant to recruit primary lymphocytes. In agreement
with previous reports [36], we observed dose-dependent increases
in cell migration of unstimulated primary lymphocytes toward
a recombinant hBD2 protein gradient (Figure 4C). Importantly,
our observation of hBD2-mediated chemotaxis of peripheral
lymphocytes suggests that these cells can be recruited to tissues
expressing increased levels of hBD2.
Having determined that reproductive epithelia provide a relevant model for characterizing host-pathogen interactions in the
reproductive tract, we next sought to employ our model to explore
the host response to a variety of reproductive bacteria, both
commensal and pathogenic in nature.

Lactobacillus Vaginalis Induces an Innate Immune



Since epithelial hBD2 response mirrored cytokine induction, we

first used hBD gene expression as a predictive gauge of BVAB
stimulatory capacity. We extended our analysis to a total of six
lactobacillus strains (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus crispatus,
Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus johnsonii, and
Lactobacillus vaginalis) and four BVAB (Atopobium vaginae, Garderella
vaginalis, Mobiluncus curtisii and Prevotella bivia). In agreement with
our previous analyses, we observed that A. vaginae induced the most
robust hBD2 gene upregulation (.100-fold increase in all three
cell types), with M. curtisii and P. bivia eliciting considerable
responses as well (Figure 5). Surprisingly, the lactobacillus species
L. vaginalis also induced significant hBD2 gene upregulation from
End1 (.400-fold) and VK2 cells (.60-fold), in contrast to its
perceived commensal classification.

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In this study, we evaluated the immune response initiated by

female reproductive epithelial cells in response to a comprehensive
panel of ten bacteria, both commensal and pathogenic in nature,
and showed that the overall cytokine response to bacterial
pathogens aptly reflected the heightened cytokine environment
that characterizes BV. Our side-by-side comparison of cytokine
upregulation between our model and clinical BV samples
demonstrated the appropriate recapitulation of physiological
trends by our coculture method.
Like clinical CVLs, our epithelial coculture demonstrated
upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines in response to pathogenic bacteria. While our model did reflect the heightened
inflammatory environment created by IL-8, Gro-a and hBD2,

November 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e50106

Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

Figure 4. A. vaginae Induces Epithelial Expression of Soluble and Cell-Associated hBD2, a Protein That Attracts Primary
Lymphocytes. A) Confluent monolayers of epithelial cells were inoculated with bacteria. Twenty-four hr post-inoculation, conditioned media were
collected, clarified, and analyzed by ELISA to quantify concentrations of soluble hBD2 protein. Average MOI are: 5.8 for L. johnsonii, 2.5 for G. vaginalis,
and 1.4 for A. vaginae. Results are averaged from 3 independent experiments, and asterisks indicate significant (p,0.001) increase over mock-treated
condition. B) Confluent monolayers were inoculated with A. vaginae, or mock-inoculated. 24, 48, and 72 hr post-inoculation, cell monolayers were
acid-extracted and analyzed by AU-PAGE western to quantify cell-associated hBD2 protein. A recombinant hBD2 protein standard (shown in ng per
lane) was run alongside cell extracts for semi-quantitative comparison. Average MOI is 21. Shown is one example of three independent experiments.
C) Unstimulated primary lymphocytes were isolated and evaluated for chemotaxis toward recombinant hBD2 protein. Chemotactic index is the ratio
of migrated cells in hBD2-containing wells over vehicle-control wells, and significant increases over the matched vehicle condition are shown by
three (p,0.001) asterisks.

hBD2 response to stimulatory bacteria (Figures 3 and 4). On the

other hand, the endocervix acts as a transition zone to the sterile
upper reproductive tract, and is not densely colonized by bacteria.
Accordingly, bacterial contact results in a considerable increase in
cytokine and defensin protein production; an appropriate response
considering that pathogenic bacterial contact could threaten the
sterility of the upper female reproductive tract [38,39]. These
findings demonstrate the utility of this model in characterizing
epithelial function and behavior in the FRT.
In addition to evaluating three types of host epithelia, we also
characterized relative stimulatory activity of ten FRT bacterial
species, the most thorough comparison reported. We designed our
cocultures so that BVAB were applied at a lower MOI than
lactobacilli, and additionally found that they were recovered at
lower density than lactobacilli at the end of the coculture. Still,
BVAB induced an immune response greater than that induced by
lactobacilli. It is likely that in vivo this difference in stimulatory

other cytokines that are known to be upregulated in BV, including

IL-1a and IL-1b [12], were upregulated in epithelia by stimulatory
bacteria, but were not produced at appreciable levels. This is in
agreement with the literature, which reports monocytic cell
lineages as the major producers of IL-1 [37], thereby suggesting
that other cell types in the reproductive tract likely contribute these
factors to the BV milieu.
By using three different epithelial cell types, we demonstrated
distinct differences in the immune responsiveness of epithelia along
the reproductive tract. We consistently observed a heightened
immune response from endocervical epithelia compared to
ectocervical or vaginal cells. Our results suggest that the naturally
colonized epithelia of the vagina and ectocervix display an
attenuated immune response, perhaps in order to minimize
excessive inflammatory recruitment triggered by transient changes
in the dynamic microflora of the vagina. In line with this
hypothesis, Ect1 and VK2 cells exhibited a markedly less robust
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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

Figure 5. L. vaginalis Elicits hBD2 Gene Induction from Reproductive Epithelia. Confluent monolayers of epithelial cells were inoculated
with bacteria and coincubated for up to 24 hr, then analyzed by RTqPCR for hBD2 and hBD3 expression. Transcript expression was normalized to
mock-inoculated cells, and is shown as the average of three or four independent experiments. Average MOI are: 6.9 for L. acidophilus, 7.3 for L.
crispatus, 9.7 for L. gasseri, 7.3 for L. jensenii, 7.3 for L. johnsonii, 3.4 for L. vaginalis, 3.7 for A. vaginae, 3.1 for G. vaginalis, 3.6 for M. curtisii, and 3.9 for P.
bivia. Asterisks indicate a significant (p,0.05) increase in expression over mock-treated cells for at least one timepoint.

activity is greater yet, considering that in BV pathogenic bacteria

actively outgrow commensal lactobacilli. This implied difference in
metabolic and proliferative capacity suggest that our report,

though demonstrating considerable stimulation by BVAB, could

be a conservative representation compared to in vivo stimulatory

Figure 6. L. vaginalis Induces a Greater Immune Response than Other Vaginal Lactobacilli. Confluent monolayers of reproductive epithelia
were inoculated with commensal lactobacilli or BVAB, and after 24 hr conditioned media was analyzed for IL-6, IL-8 and hBD2 protein. BVAB are filled
black bars, L. vaginalis is hatched, and all other lactobacilli are white bars. MOI are the same as in Figure 5. Protein is shown as fold expression
compared to a mock-treated condition, and one, two, or three asterisks indicate values that are significantly (p,0.05, p,0.01, or p,0.001,
respectively) different from the L. vaginalis-treated condition.

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Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

Figure 7. L. vaginalis Initiates an Innate Immune Response from FRT Epithelia. Confluent monolayers of epithelial cells were inoculated with
bacteria and coincubated for 24 hr. Conditioned media were collected, clarified and ELISA was used to quantify hBD2, IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations.
MOI is the same as in Figure Five. Analyte concentrations are shown as fold induction compared to mock condition, and are the average of three
independent experiments where one (p,0.05), two (p,0.01), or three (p,0.001) asterisks indicate a significant increase over the mock-treated

maintained in concentrated extracellular domains [43]. Extracellular stores of hBD2 may thus provide haptotactic stimuli for
migrating lymphocytes, suggesting that hBD2 is not antibacterial,
but rather chemotactic, in the setting of BV [44]. In line with our
findings, an increased percent of CD4-positive lymphocytes has
been reported in BV-positive vaginal fluid [45]. This may
contribute to the increased HIV susceptibility that is associated
with BV, as increased CD4-positive target cells concentrated in
reproductive tissues may facilitate initial HIV infection. The
chemotactic potential of defensin induction may represent an
unfortunate host mediator of pathogenic processes.
Finally we used regulation of hBD2, IL-6 and IL-8 to evaluate
the relative immune stimulation elicited by ten different vaginal
bacteria. By all readouts, epithelial response to L. vaginalis was
generally higher than the response to other lactobacilli. This was
especially clear when analyzing the response from End1 epithelium, the most sensitive of the three cell types. The immune
response elicited by L. vaginalis extended to the characteristic
cytokine profile we observed for BVAB and for clinical CVL
patterns, suggesting that this bacteria, unlike the other lactobacilli
evaluated, induces an immune response from host cells that
mimics a pathogen-triggered reaction. Clinical evaluation of L.
vaginalis in reproductive afflictions is sparse, as few studies discern
between different species of lactobacilli to obtain species-specific
microbiome data [16,17,30]. However a recent study demonstrated that within a small sample group, L. vaginalis was cultured from
30% of normal FRT individuals, and 50% of disturbed FRT
individuals (i.e. women with frequent BV-like vaginal microflora)
[26], suggesting that this species may indeed play a role in FRT
While the complexity of the FRT microbiome is just recently
being appreciated, associations between individual bacteria and
pathogenic sequelae remain uncharacterized. A recent report
demonstrated associations between individual bacterial inhabitants
and specific Amsels criteria [22]. Likewise, it stands to reason that
the cytokine and defensin responses observed in BV are associated
with certain specific bacterial subsets. Our results support this
hypothesis, by demonstrating significant differences between the
stimulatory capacities of individual BVAB. Combined with the
growing appreciation of FRT microbiome diversity, our observations support reevaluation of FRT bacteria by coculture

We observed that the BVAB, A. vaginae, induced the most robust

response from all three epithelia as determined by cytokine and
defensin upregulation. This is in concordance with recent research
that shows A. vaginae as a more specific marker of clinical BV
symptoms, and a stronger inducer of immune response than G.
vaginalis [14,40,41]. In fact, while G. vaginalis was the first pathogen
associated with BV [8], more thorough microbiome studies report
the frequent isolation of G. vaginalis from BV-negative women [42],
and in our analyses this bacterium induced responses similar in
magnitude to the majority of commensal lactobacilli. This finding
emphasizes the value of basic coculture studies to assist in
identifying BVAB of clinical significance, and provides a framework in which additional strains may be evaluated for relative
stimulatory activity.
When we expanded our analysis to characterize the b-defensin
response of End1 cells, we observed significant upregulation of the
inducible effector hBD2 that was both freely soluble and cellassociated. This is the first report to quantify cell-associated
reservoirs of hBD2 in FRT epithelia, and these findings shed light
on conflicting clinical data, which have reported both significant
increases and significant decreases in hBD2 protein concentrations
in the context of BV. Our data suggest that while hBD2
transcription is significantly upregulated in response to stimulatory
bacteria, recovered soluble protein may not accurately depict this
induction. In vivo, this may be partially due to dilution of total
vaginal protein as a result of increased vaginal fluid discharge (a
hallmark symptom of BV), but might also be attributed to
retention of hBD2 protein as cell-associated protein. Furthermore,
we demonstrated a considerable difference in the hBD2 protein
production by different types of reproductive epithelia. In
considering these factors, differences in sample method and
sample site might contribute to the variation observed in hBD
protein recovery from the FRT.
In total, we recovered on average 3.6 ng hBD2 per 100 mm
dish, with 1.6 ng remaining cell-associated and 2 ng being freely
secreted. The soluble portion of hBD2 alone is unlikely to reach
antimicrobial concentrations (mg/mL levels) when secreted
lumenally into the vaginal canal and diluted in vaginal fluid.
However, it is likely that hBD2, secreted toward the basal
submucosa, would reach chemotactic concentrations (30 ng/mL
when the total protein is divided by cell monolayer volume). hBD2
is even more likely to achieve these levels at the basal cell surface if
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November 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e50106

Host-Bacterial Interactions in the Cervicovagina

techniques in order to distinguish stimulatory bacterial strains

from inert inhabitants.

significant (p,0.05 and p,0.01, respectively) decrease in heatkilled condition compared to live bacterial inoculum.

Supporting Information

Figure S4 Supporting Bio-plex Cytokine Panel. A)

Analytes evaluated but not included in Figure 2 are provided for

cervicovaginal lavage samples from BV-negative or BV-positive
women, where fold expression for each cytokine was calculated
relative to the average value of the BV-negative samples, and one
(p,0.05), two (p,0.01), or three (p,0.001) asterisks indicate
a significant increase for the BV-positive samples over the BVnegative samples. Of note, average values of IL-7 were 3.7 pg/mL
for BV-negative group, and 8.5 pg/mL for BV-positive group.
Averages for IL-1a were 616.6 pg/mL for BV-negative group, and
2455.1 pg/mL for BV-positive group. Averages for IL-1b were
165.5 pg/mL for BV-negative group, and 4924.4 pg/mL for BVpositive group. Also shown are cytokines for B) End1, C) Ect1, and
D) VK2 in response to L. johnsonii and A. vaginae where one
(p,0.05) or two (p,0.01) asterisks indicate a significant increase in
cytokine concentration for the A. vaginae-inoculated conditions over
the L. johnsonii-inoculated conditions. Refer to Figure 1 for average
concentrations of each analyte in these conditions.

Bacterial Growth in Coculture is Minimal.

Confluent monolayers of epithelia or no epithelia control wells
were inoculated with indicated bacteria as previously described. In
addition to calculating starting inocula, we also monitored
bacterial density at the experiment endpoint (24 hr) by resuspending the coculture and plating serial dilutions on appropriate
bacterial growth media. Bacterial density is represented as backcalculated CFU, and is averaged from three independent
Figure S1

Figure S2 Stimulatory BVAB do not Affect Epithelial

Viability in Coculture. Confluent monolayers of epithelia or
no epithelia control wells were inoculated with indicated bacteria
as described in Methods. At the coculture endpoint (24 hr)
epithelial viability was assessed by CytoTox Glo system. Control
wells without epithelia were subtracted from matched coculture
conditions to account for background bacterial fluorescence.
Percent viability is shown relative to mock-inoculated controls,
and is averaged from three independent experiments. One or two
asterisks indicate significant (p,0.05 and p,0.01, respectively)
differences in viability compared to mock-inoculated controls.

The authors would like to thank phlebotomists Dorilyn Hitchcock and
Jeannette Vance for their assistance with venipuncture. Clinical specimens
used for this work were collected by the Bronx/Manhattan Womens
Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) (Principal Investigator Kathryn Anastos).
The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes
of Health.

Figure S3 Heat-Killing of Bacterial Inocula Attenuates

Epithelial Response. Confluent monolayers of epithelia were
inoculated with the BVAB A. vaginae, M. curtisii and P. bivia
alongside heat-killed controls for each species. Heat-killing was
achieved by incubating bacterial inocula at 65uC for 30 min, then
cooling to 37uC prior to inoculation of epithelia, and was verified
by plating. After 24 hr, epithelial response was measured by (A)
IL-6 protein secretion (by ELISA), (B) IL-8 protein secretion (by
ELISA), and (C) hBD2 transcript expression (by RTqPCR). All
data are normalized to mock-inoculated controls and are averaged
from three independent experiments. One or two asterisks indicate

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: CRE AMC ALC PG. Performed
the experiments: CRE CD MPW BKP ALC. Analyzed the data: AMC
ALC PG BKP KA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: BKP
KA PG. Wrote the paper: CRE AMC MPW ALC.

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