Géãç Éy Uü - Wzxãtàxü? Véâçàç Éy E - VX? Fàtàx Éy ' - Ççxáéàt: Bridgewater Township Board Meeting

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December 11, 2006 – 7 PM

Bridgewater Town Hall
500 Railway Street South, Dundas, MN 55019

A Call to Order, Roll-call of Town Officers, and Introduction of Guests Knecht

Chair Knecht called the November, 2006 Meeting of the Town Board to
order at 7:01 PM. All Town Officers were present, namely, Kathleen
Doran-Norton (Supervisor), Gary Ebling (Supervisor and Town Board
Vice Chair), Le Ann Finger (Treasurer), Leif Knecht (Supervisor and
Town Board Chair), and Mike Piper (Clerk).

B Flag Pledge Knecht

Knecht invited all present to rise for the pledge of allegiance.

C Approval of Agenda Knecht

The Agenda was approved as presented in these Minutes. Motion by
Ebling; second by Doran-Norton; motion passed unanimously (Doran-
Norton aye, Ebling aye, and Knecht aye).

D Approval of Minutes from the November 2006 Town Board Meeting Piper
The Minutes of the November 13, 2006 Meeting of the Town Board were
approved. Motion by Ebling; second by Doran-Norton; motion passed
unanimously (Doran-Norton aye, Ebling aye, and Knecht aye).

E Approval of Treasurer’s Report Finger

The Treasurer’s Report was approved. Motion by Doran-Norton to accept
the Report second by Ebling. The motion passed unanimously (Doran-
Norton aye, Ebling aye, and Knecht aye).

The Treasurer reported that a check has been received from Rice County.

F Review of Claims/Deposits Received Piper

Claims presented were reviewed and paid.

G Review of Correspondence Received and Generated Piper

Correspondence received since the November 2006 Monthly Meeting of
the Town Board was reviewed.

H Public Comment (non-Agenda matters)

H.1 Roger Helgeson, whose property adjoins Decker Avenue said that
frequently the dust from that road makes it difficult for his family to
breath. He asked that he be advised when rock is put down so a dust
guard, like potassium chloride, could be applied after rock is placed.
H.2 Kraig Quamme reported that storm water from the new College City site
is being discharged into his property. Knecht asked Bruce Morlan to
address the issue with the Dundas Planning Commission. Ebling said that
he would discuss the issue with Tom McMahon.
Minutes, December 11, 2006 Page 1
H.3 Steve Albers presented a petition signed by 24 corn farmers in
Bridgewater Township opposed to the construction of and ethanol plant on
Rice County Highway 8. Together, the farms involved exceed over 7,000
acres, approximately ½ the tillable acres in the Township. Albers reported
that other corn farmers are expected to sign the petition.
H.4 Stephanie Henriksen reported that there will be a hearing for a proposed
ethanol plant in Janesville, MN. The hearing will be on December 19,
2006 at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).

I Old Business/Action Items Supervisors

I.1 Bridgewater Township and Planning and Zoning Knecht
Knecht read Bridgewater Township Resolution Number 2006-3. Ebling
moved to approved the Resolution; Doran-Norton seconded the motion;
motion passed unanimously (Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye, Knecht,
aye). The Resolution is in the Town File; copies will be delivered to the
Rice County Administrator, Registrar and Director of Planning and

The Resolution says, in part,

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVLED that the Town Board of

Supervisors of the Township of Bridgewater ordains:

1. That the Town will develop the necessary standards and policy
documents in preparation for Township Planning and Zoning.
2. That the preparatory work, including adoption of a comprehensive
plan and zoning ordinance, will be completed prior to expiration of the
interim ordinance (moratorium) established on June 28, 2006.
3. The deadline for completion of the above-described documents is
June 27, 2007.”
I.2 Work Completion Certificate for 2006 Road Improvement Project Piper
Knecht delivered a duplicate copy of the Town Road Work Contract
Completion Certificate from Blair Fowler for the work done on 124th
Court [and Edwards Way] in the Oak Hills Addition, Bittersweet
Addition, Telemark Road and Edgebrook Drive in 2006.

I.3 Report: Minnesota Environmental Initiative Forum on Ethanol Doran-Norton

Doran-Norton has filed a copy of the handouts from this forum that was
held at Gustavus-Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. Steve Albers and
Kathy Larson also attended the conference.
1.4 Status of Worker’s Compensation Insurance Finger
Report moved to Jan. 2007 meeting.
1.5 Status of Potential Road Improvement Project on Eaton Ave, Ebel Ave, Knecht
123rd Street East, and 124th Street East
John Ophaug presented a proposed Resolution Ordering Public Hearing
and a Notice of Public Hearing. Ebling moved to approve the
Resolution, second by Doran-Norton; motion passed unanimously
(Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye; Knecht, aye). A Public Hearing will be
held on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 at 7 p.m. at the Bridgewater Town

The estimated cost of the project is $190,000.00.

J New Business
J.1 Potential Issues for the Bridgewater Township Planning Commission Doran-Norton

Minutes, December 11, 2006 Page 2

Doran-Norton presented the following a potential issues to be reviewed
by the Bridgewater Township Planning Commission:
ƒ Determine how many members would be on the Township Planning
Commission and Publish a request for applicants.
ƒ Potential additions to the Vision and Goals statement.
ƒ Support of the CSAH 1 Corridor Study Plan.
ƒ Approve concept of the Northfield Area Green Corridor Study Plan,
including a discussion of setbacks and easements acceptable to
Bridgewater residents.
ƒ Support of the Mill Towns Trail.
ƒ Contract with PERA.
ƒ Host a joint meeting with the Bridgewater, Dundas and Northfield
Planning Commissions in late winter.
ƒ Create a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan.
ƒ Create a Township Energy/Water/Resource Authority.

Ebling moved that the Planning Commission be composed of one

Supervisor, three non-Supervisor residents and one Dundas Resident.
Second by Doran-Norton. Motion passed unanimously (Doran-Norton,
aye; Ebling, aye; Knecht, aye). A Public Notice calling for Planning
Commission volunteers will be published and an interview session will
be scheduled.
J.2 Report on the November 28, 2006 meeting with the Rice County Knecht
Knecht reported that his presentation to the County Board was met
with some “smiles and frowns.” Knecht presented the substance of the
Resolution and said that the intention of the Township is to cooperate
with the County.
J.3 Report on the November 28, 2006 Joint Governmental Meeting Knecht
Knecht reported that during the meeting, an increased interest in joint-
governmental cooperation was observed. Participants in the meeting
felt that it is essential for the various jurisdictions to be in agreement
on many issues in order to obtain assistance from the state and federal
J.4 Northfield City Council Resolution #2006-107
The Resolution asks MN Dot to conduct the Minnesota Trunk
Highway 19 Interregional Corridor Study from I-35 into the City of
Northfield with a completion date of December 2007.

Doran-Norton read the Resolution. Knecht moved to support the intent

of the resolution; second by Doran-Norton; motion passed
unanimously (Doran-Norton, aye; Ebling, aye; Knecht, aye). Doran-
Norton will prepare a letter to the Northfield City Council expressing
the support of the Bridgewater Town Board.
J.5 Potential considerations for Annual Town Meeting Doran-Norton
ƒ Move to a 5-member Town Board (Supervisors)
o Would Planning and Zoning decisions require a super-
majority (4 votes)? This is an issue that should be
addressed by Carolyn Braun.
ƒ Town elections during November

J.6 Offer by Eric Hedtke from Minnesota Association of Townships to Piper

address a Town Meeting re Annexation and Planning and Zoning
The Clerk was asked to forward a copy of the Dundas Annexation
Agreement to Mr. Hedtke for his information.

Minutes, December 11, 2006 Page 3

J.7 Discuss potential information forum on cellulosic ethanol production
The possibility of hosting a meeting on this subject was discussed. No
decision was made.

K Future Meetings: Piper

K.1 Thursday, December 14, 2006 - CSAH 1 Meetings: Elected Officials from
5:30-6:30 p.m.; Project Advisory Committee Meeting # 4 from 6:30-8:30
p.m. Both meetings at the Town Hall.
K.2 Monday, December 18, 2006 - Green Corridor Study Meeting
K.3 Tuesday, January 2, 2007 - Filings open for one Supervisor and the
K.4 Monday, January 8, 2007 - Meeting of the Town Board
K.5 Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - Filings close for one Supervisor and the
K.6 Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - Rice County Emergency Medical Services
Provider Council at District One Hospital from 7 -9 p.m.

L Motion to Adjourn Supervisors

Prior to the close of the meeting, the Board met with employees regarding
personnel items.

Reference: Town Officers: Cheri Albers, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer; Kathleen Doran-Norton,
Supervisor; Gary Ebling, Supervisor and Town Vice Chair; Le Ann Finger, Treasurer and
Webmaster; Leif Knecht, Supervisor and Town Board Chair; and Mike Piper, Clerk.

Minutes, December 11, 2006 Page 4

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