Bridgewater Township Minutes: September 11, 2006
Bridgewater Township Minutes: September 11, 2006
Bridgewater Township Minutes: September 11, 2006
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By Motion, the report, the budget history, and the recommendation were
accepted by the Board. Motion by Doran-Norton; second by Ebling;
motion passed unanimously (Doran-Norton aye, Ebling aye, and Knecht
I.4 Planning and Zoning Study incl Subcommittees Discussion, Sept 13,06 Knecht
and Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 1-2006
The Town Board passed an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1-2006 dated
11 September 2006. Motion by Ebling; second by Doran-Norton;
motion passed unanimously (Doran-Norton aye, Ebling aye, and Knecht
aye). The Amendment is included as a Reference to these Minutes.
Knecht stated that the Town Board needs to know more about
the implications of the production of ethanol. Knecht said that
encouraging Advanced BioEnergy at this time might be “putting
the cart ahead of the horse.”
1.5 Status of 2005 Road Improvement Projects incl 124th Ct E, Detelemark, Knecht
In response to John Heselton’s letter dated July 6, 2006 requesting a
final payment of $141,936.58. Since the project was not complete, the
Board paid $100,000 on September 2, 2006.
Final payment will be made when the Town Board is satisfied all work
is complete and the project engineer has completed the “Town Road
Work Contract Completion Certificate” and filed it with the Clerk.
I.6 Bond Status for 2005 Road Improvement Projects Finger
The Town Board Chair, the Clerk, and the Treasurer met with the Town
Attorney at the First National Bank of Northfield to complete the Bond
papers. The Clerk and the Treasurer will complete the “Certificate as to
Organization and Condition of the Town of Bridgewater.” Those
documents are on file.
1.7 Road Policy Status Ebling
Ebling reported that the Town Board is working with David Salene,
Consultant, on the development of a Bridgewater Township Road
Policy. Current drafts are on file.
J New Business
J.1 Advanced BioEnergy Status incl meetings and purpose, alternative Ebling
energy industry information
This matter was discussed under I.4.
J.2 Financial Modeling for Road Projects Doran-Norton
Doran-Norton reported that she met with Dennis Luebbe, Rice County
Engineer concerning the transfer of some roads from the County to the
Town and from the Town to the County. Doran-Norton suggested that,
before any decisions are made by the Town Board, a financial analysis
be performed to indicate the effect to Town finances. This suggestion
was accepted and encouraged by the other members of the Board.
Reference: Town Officers: Cheri Albers, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer; Kathleen Doran-Norton,
Supervisor; Gary Ebling, Supervisor and Town Vice Chair; Le Ann Finger, Treasurer and
Webmaster; Leif Knecht, Supervisor and Town Board Chair; and Mike Piper, Clerk.