Major GRE Test 1500 Word List With Bengali Meaning and Mnemonic and 1 Example

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Some of the key words from the GRE word list like abhor, abrasive, abasement etc are explained along with their Bengali meanings and examples are given to understand them better.

Difficult words explained include abhor, abrasive, abasement, abrogate etc. along with their meanings in Bengali.

Examples used to explain the words include 'She abhors cats' and 'When Tiffany failed her test, she felt abasement when the class laughed at her.'

Major GRE Test 1500 Word list with Bengali meaning and mnemonic and 1

1. Abhor --------------------hate-------------------- -----------------abhor sounds like "a whore"
and we generally hate a to hate someone is abhoring that person
------------------She abhors cats
2. Abrasive --------------rough; coarse; harsh-------- ----------- abrasive:abErasive:which means rubbing away--- A+BRA+sive.. it is very harsh behaviour if we touches
a womens bra.. which is not good..
--------------- The waves had an abrasive action on the rocks.
3. Abasement-------------humiliation; degradation----- ---------- A - Base - Ment ... can mean
bringing someone down to BASE level.
------------When Tiffany failed her test, she felt abasement when the class laughed at her.
4. Abrogate-------------cancel; deny; repeal------------ , , -------- ab (now) +
rog (disease) + ate (eat) so, eat the disease and abolish it now.
----------------- Executions also abrogate the possibility of redemption.
5. Absolution---------------forgiveness; pardon; release---------- -------------ab(now)+solution
- now solution given--> forgiven or pardoned
------------------------Some were already seeking absolution for screwing up the economy.
6. Abstain-----------------desist; go without; withdraw--------------- , ---------ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain()....
--------------------- They would either go in favor or abstain on all substantive votes.
7. Abstemious ------------------self denying; refraining from indulging--------------- ------- focus
on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully
--------Smokers tend to die younger than do their abstemious peers, by nearly a decade.
8. Abstruse-----------------------difficult to understand; obscure------------ ------ abstruse
rhyme with CONFUSE, there is confusion when things are not clear
------------The professors lectures were so abstruse that students tend to avoid them.
9. Accolade---------------------tribute; honor; praise------------- , ------- accolade
ac=accept,take; col=>college;ade-->aid; College aid is given as an award of merit.
----------------- He does not praise his employees; silence is his highest accolade .
10. Acquiesce----------------------------to agree to; give in to-------- --------- acquiesce
= A(Agree) + quie(Quietly) = Comply passively
--------------------Elizabeth said no more but her mind could not acquiesce.
11. Acrid----------sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)---------------- , ----------sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive
------------------ It has a pungent odor and an acrid taste.
12. Acrophobia------------------fear of heights---------------- ---------------- a-crow, crow fly
at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence easy to remember
--------------------------- Acrophobia causes the driver to go slowly and insist on running the air
conditioner with the windows up.
13. Acuity------------------sharpness (mental or visual)---------------------- --------------------acuity....sounds like acute-means intelligent and quick and intelligence is nothing but
sharpness of mind.
-------------------------- he argued with great acuteness
14. Adamant------------------forceful; inflexible------------------- , ------------------------A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.
------------------------- he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
15. Adroit----------------skilful,Highly competent-------------------------- adroit ~ a + draw it :
sounds like draw. for drawing something you must be skillful
------------------------She was particularly adroit at the art of damning with faint praise.
16. Adulation---------------------strong admiration; worship---------------- -------------- adult
boy flattering with his girlfriend
---------------------- Navin is enjoying the attention and adulation of his friends.
17. Adversity-----------------------hardship-------------------- , ----------------------- After
UNIversity when you are jobless, you are in ADversity (misfortune, great hardship).

-------------------Despite this adversity , many residents hold deep feelings of affection for their
18. Advocate----------------------support----------------- , --------------------advocate: add+ur VOICE
--------------------- The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house
19. Aesthetic-------------------concerning art or beauty-------------- ,
--------------------- aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty
----------------------- There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees
20. Affable----------------friendly; social; easygoing----------------- ,
--------------affection+able=affection to others
------------------------- He's an affable guy, with a wide mouth and an ironic smile.
21. Alacrity-----------------eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness----------------- , ,
---------------------- take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager
to learn n create things differently.
-------------------------- he accepted with alacrity
22. Alchemy------------------medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into
gold------------- , -------------------- alchemy ~
ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry
---------------------- He also has scores of old books, many on chemistry and alchemy .
23. Alibi-------------------- an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene-------- -------- Sounds like "are
bhai" if pronounced by a child; Imagine a kid giving self-justification for something he broke
or is accused of, and he says : Ali (are) + bi (Bhai) suno to, maine ye nai kia hai..
--------------------- Investigators have said they aren't satisfied with his alibi .
24. Allay------------------------------ to lessen------------------ , ----------------- allay allay
allay rote nhi chup ho jaao
------------------- This does not lessen anybody's grief, but it should allay some fears.
25. Alleviate---------------make less severe-------------- ----------- ALL (all)+
EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief
--------------- Exercise can alleviate mild depression, but exactly how it does so is unclear.
26. Aloof-------------------distant; detached; cold--------------- , ------------------- Aloof
(ALOne in the rOOF), when some is alone in the roof, he is at distance from other members
of house.
-------------- The idea of going to a place and staying aloof of the people is a mistake
27. Altruism---------------------putting others first; being self-sacrificing------------
--------------- ALL+TRUE....when a person is true for all,he is selfless i.e unselfish...
------------- This is altruism towards strangers, for example, charity.
28. Amass -------------------accumulate-------------- -------------- amass ~ add masses and
hence to collect things.
--------- Social media is an opportunity to amass trust in business sustainability programs.
29. Ambiguity----------------uncertainty; vagueness------------ ,
------------- The actual paper presumably would clear up this ambiguity .
30. Ambiguous----------------unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways--------------- , , ---- ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild
guess so its doubtful
------------- Many of its details are ambiguous , leaving much scope for bickering(to argue
about things that are not important) when it is implemented.
31. Ambivalence---------------lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided------------
, ------------- matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an
ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!
------------------- In private conversations, there is ambivalence and uncertainty.
32. Ambulatory--------------able to walk around (used of hospital patients)-------- ---after getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to walk
-------- Doubled the number of clinics in the ambulatory system.
33. Ameliorate-------make better------ ---- Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.

----- I'm very glad to see someone working to help ameliorate that situation.
34. Amelioration------------------improvement---------------amelio+ration(ration is given for
poor people for betterment of their lives)
35. Amiable-------friendly-------- , ------- am + I + able or lovable
----------- When smiling, all of us look more approachable and amiable .
36. Amity--------------friendship-------- ,--------- ami means friend in usually
words which involve ami=friend. ex: amiable, amicable, amity etc
----------- A Day for Peace and Amity
37. Amorphous---------lacking in shape-------- -------- In Greek 'morphe' means
shape/form. So, amorphous(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'. Similarly
'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in form/nature
-------------- This is because living standard is a highly amorphous concept.
38. Analgesic-----medicine to combat pain------------ anal(anus) + ges(gas).. when
gas is released from anal we feel it is something which gives relief.
-----------He died of pain, he waited for analgesic and got none till he died
39. Analogous--------comparable----,------ remember analogous from analogy
-------- The therapy is analogous to an ice pack for the spine.
40. Anarchy--------------------chaos; lack of government--------- ,
41. Anecdote--------------a brief amusing story-------
----------- All that I can share is a personal anecdote .
42. Animosity------------hatred; antagonism-------- , -------- pronounce animosity like
'Enemy'sity. so if someone is having enemysity he will have ill will intentions.
------------- In the past, I felt some animosity, like they wanted to kill me.
43. Annex (n)--------an addition that extends a main building----- -------- Annexure in any
application form refers to some additional sheets attached with it
44. Annex (v)----take possession of; seize; capture--- --annex=an+ex(extension)
---------- International law decrees that no nation can annex the moon for itself.
45. Anomaly---------------something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity---------
----- Anomaly sounds like abnormally.. that is one who
deviates from the normal order.
--------- If it happens once, it's an anomaly .
46. Antagonism------hostility; strong opposition------- , -------- anta (anti, against)
+ go + nism; Going against someone is being hostile or opposing to someone.
--------- People respond to antagonism in very predictable ways.
47. Antagonistic-----------opposed; hostile; aggressive---------
48. Antediluvian-----------outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned----------
------------ Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD...
very Old.. and hence the meaning..
----------- It is amazing, really, that something so antediluvian and unlike us is still here.
49. Anthology----------a book which is a collection of poems or stories--------- ,
---------- like ants groups, groups or collections of literacy sections as logy relates to
literate sections
------ This new anthology includes two novels and one story collection.
50. Anthropocentrism---------putting man at the center of one's philosophy, an inclination to
evaluate reality exclusively in terms of human values
51. Antiquated---------outdated; old fashioned--------- , ------ read as antique(old
item)+dated(outdated)..hence outdated
------- No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern.
52. Apathetic--------indifferent; uninterested; lethargic------------ apathetic: A Past Ethic(a
moral principle)which are uninterested to today's generations
---------- At least they're engaged and not apathetic
53. Apathy ---------lack of interest or emotion------------------ consider
pathy==sympathy, there are two words. 1. antipathy = dislike 2. apathy = disinterested
Since "anti" is stronger than "a".. disliking is 1 step above disinterested..
--------- Try not to allow their apathy to affect your enthusiasm.

54. Apocryphal--------of doubtful origin---------------- Derived from root "crypt" which

means "secret". So, Apocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity"
The story is probably apocryphal , but the child's response was prophetic()
55. Appease-----pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace with----- , ----- appease
app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..
------------Quick let's say something to appease the masses.
56. Apprehensive-------worried; fearful------- ------ apprehend means arrested, and
arrested person is always in fear about future
------------- We were curious, and a bit apprehensive
57. Arable---------can be cultivated------ ----- associate the word with ARAB.The desert is
totally unfit for what they want most is land for agriculture
---------- Save the arable land for food.
58. Arbitrary----random; for no definite reason---- , ---- 'a+bit+tray'
flowing of bits in a tray... randomly
---------- Possibly the most arbitrary and useless graph ever made.
59. Arcane -------obscure; known only to a few people------,------- Ar +
Kane(undertakes brother) - Kane's face always remains secret, as he uses a mask.
------------ Stay tuned for a very arcane discussion of Latin grammar.
60. Archaic---------ancient; outdated; old fashioned------,----- Archealogy - study of
old things.. Archaic - The old things on which we study..
---------- The archaic primates were very successful.
61. Archetype--------classic example of, something that serves as a model -----,
---- arch(means old) something of old type orof primitive pattern
-------- The literary archetype is easy to identify here.
62. Archives----------collections of old records; place of storage of old documents
63. Articulate----------clear; lucid; eloquent---------- ------ ariculate sounds like 'article + ate'.
An article in a magazine or newspaper must be 'clear and fluent in what they say'
---------- I'm struggling to articulate my thoughts as well.
64. Artifice----------deception; trickery----------- -------- ARTIFICE: sounds like artificial fish
which is nothing but a trick.
------- We should remember that all drama is artifice .
65. Artisan -----------craftsman------- Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled
worker or craftsman. ------------------The artisan starts with a detailed sketch, which then
functions as a kind of jigsaw puzzle.
66. Ascetic ------without luxuries; severely simple--------,
---------- His policies had failed, but people admired his sincerity and his ascetic life.
67. Assiduous--------- diligent---------------- Ass is donkey and donkey is hardworking.
----------- The author is reliable, knowledgeable and assiduous
68. Assuage----to calm--- , --- ass-usage in the toilet gives huge relief
------------- That fact does nothing to assuage grief or diminish the crime.
69. Astute ---perceptive; sharp-witted-- , ---A(MEANS NOT)+STU(STUPID)..well think
of someone who is NOT STUPID,MEANS he is very WISE ,AND INTELLIGENT.
-------- She is cultured, emotionally astute and erudite()
70. Asylum----place of refuge or safety----, ----- asylum sounds like slum...people
living in slums need place for shelter,refuge, or protection during rain
----- It was a lunatic asylum( )
71. Atheist---------person who does not believe in God-------
72. Atrophy------waste away from lack of use---- , ---- One who works hard all the
time can win a trophy but one who WASTES time n doesn't work hard cant(A) win the
---------- The study found more physically fit people had less brain atrophy.
73. Attenuate---------weaken--- , ------ If tenu(=you) eat(ate) less you will
------------- But we are fighting to eliminate, or at least attenuate, many of them.
74. Augment-----------increase; make bigger---- ,------- you can remember it as

opposite of segment...... segment means to make less.... augment to add

--------- Seems like you'd want the positive to augment the negative.
75. Auspicious---------favorable; promising to turn out well------------sounds like
suspicious anything suspicious is not favorable, so a(not ) suspicious means FAVORABLE,
---------- The year got off to an auspicious start.
76. Austere-------severely plain-------, ---------------Beyond that, he's not planning on any big changes in his austere lifestyle.
77. Aversion----------a dislike of------ ----- u hate a+version of vista..firm dislike
---------- He endured an aversion to flying to travel to Washington.
78. Abate-------reduce in intensity------ , ---- rebate means discount... i.e
reducing the price.. abate and rebate are rhyming words
------------ If the music industry drops their prices, pirates will abate.
79. Augury -----prediction, looking for omens [auger (v)]---- ------Augury.... Augur.....
Sounds like Eager. We are always eager to know whats written in our future...
----------- His shrewd augury, however, was not fulfilled.
80. Ambidextrous ---------able to use both left and right hands equally well-------------'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful.
------------ His style is ambidextrous and probably unique.
81. Accretion-------accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside-------, --------accretion ~ add + creation , this addition to creation leads to
--------Learning, the accretion of new data in memory, depends on short-term memory.
82. Anachronistic------occurring in the wrong time period [anachronism(n)]---
---------- Yet such a concentration of power is an anachronistic mistake.
83. Anodized------electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal
84. Aphoristic-------expressed tersely( ) [aphorism (n) = short statement;maxim]
85. Amalgamate------join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)]------ --amalga+mate ,mate means combine........
---------- The two companies did not amalgamate before June 28, 1926.
86. Avaricious-------------greedy for money--------- ------ comes from
avarice=a+var(war)::in a war evry1 becomes greedy
----------- He is ambitious and avaricious .
87. Abysmal ------very deep; very bad----,----a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in
hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless
------------- The acting was serviceable, but the writing was abysmal.
88. Approbation---------approval [opp. disapprobation]------------Ap+PROBATION: You get
CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period
---------- For that message, he deserves our approbation.
89. Arboreal---------------living in trees; concerned with trees------- ----arboreal:arrow+bow+real..made out of tree's
-- It arrived in the fall and stayed until early spring as it was a northern arboreal species.
90. Artless ----------without effort; without trickery; simple----- --- without the art of
------ His pictures can seem at a superficial glance mundane(), even artless .
91. Atonement------making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)]-----------Atonement
..sounds like amendment.. To make ammends (correct) for something wrong
---------- The depth of its atonement, however, is a matter of debate.
92. Abscission------------cutting; process causing leaves to fall off---------- ab + scission =
scissor separates two things by cutting them ,so separation
93. Asperity-------using harsh or critical tone----, ----- Asperity can be thought
of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness
--------------- To criticism he could respond with asperity or angry chilliness.
94. Acolyte --------disciple; follower or attendant------- ----- aap ko light(acolyte) rakhne
wala (one who helps u in every way and does lot of your work)

------------- He had served as an acolyte and dreamed of becoming a teacher or lawyer.

95. Alleviated--------made less severe [alleviation (n); alleviate (v)]-----
----------- Symptoms can be alleviated and thus make for better quality of life.
96. Apostrophe ----------------1. punctuation mark; 2. appeal to someone not present (a figure
of speech)
97. Apprehension --------------slight fear; sense of something unfavorable------ , ---After that, I worked in a state of constant apprehension .
98. Armada----------fleet of ships--------------- do u know narmada river ? fleets of warship
in narmada ~ armada
99. Aberration ---------deviation from the normal------- , ---- sounds like abortion
which is not normal delivery
------------- For her, such a low grade on an exam was an aberration.
100. Analogue-----------1. something similar; 2. output proportional to input
(engineering)-------- , ------ all anna(south indians) log are similar...
-------- This is the real analogue deal, not a low bitrate digital copy.
1. Arbitrator--------mediator; person appointed to judge a dispute [arbitrate (v)]---,--------a + bit+ rate who JUDGES the BIT RATE for data transfer
--------Usually, the arbitrator chooses a position in between.
2. Atavism ----------reappearance of ancestral traits; regression[atavistic (a)]-----
, , -------- by ATAVISM you
should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are an avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors...
-------- Isn't drunken atavism a working man's game?
3. Abrasion -------1. damage to skin caused by scraping; 2. process of scraping or rubbing
[abrade (v)]------- ---------------- All partners of academic leaders experience that
sort of abrasion in one form or another.
4. Adumbrate ---------outline; indicate------ , ---- A dumb brat can't
give the details - just a sketchy outline.
------ Adumbrated the principle that which no one owns, no one will care for.
5. Abut -------to adjoin----- , -------- A+But : 'But' is used to (ad)join two
sentence as in example : He is good guy, but not a good student.
--------This piece of land abuts on a street
6. Arduous ------hard----- ,------ arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"
--------- Studying proteins has long been a slow, arduous process.
7. Antipathy--------- hatred------ ,------- antipathy-- anti + path.. not on the same
path due to a feeling of intense dislike.
-------- More antipathy towards the West will ease the path of extremists
8. Aver-----affirm----- ---- A VERy confident statement!
--------Many scientists aver to the contrary but science is not decided by consensus.
9. Abeyance----state of inactivity; disuse---- , --Interpret it as opposite
of obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and suspend the work
-------- Once war broke out, the system went into abeyance
10. Allure------1. attraction (n); 2. to attract (v)------- ----- allure = Al(l) L(ove) u re(like
in hindi).. bcoz u are attractive or enticing ..
----- The hardware has allure, but most users are attracted to the community.
11. Assay--------1. try; 2. assess purity------- , ----- "ASSAY THE ESSAY"
means evaluate the essay
--------- Didn't assay anything about teachers to my recollection.
12. Arson-------deliberate, criminal starting of fires------
----- ars(ass)+ on FIRE!!!!
------ Cooking, smoking, appliances and arson top the list of causes.
13. Abraded------worn away; eroded [abrade (v); abrasion (n)]------- ,
-------- Most are very heavily worn and extensively abraded.
14. Apposite------fitting; suitable------ , ------ appropriate site
---------- Revolutionary is an abused word in biotech, but here it is entirely apposite.

15. Agog-------amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm------ ,,----- agog ~ a

goggle(sunglass) : Just imagine someone who got a new goggle as gift from someone on his
birthday and is very excited to wear it while riding bike.
------- They were agog at the possibilities suggested by the new technology.
16. Amortize-------pay off a debt in installments----- --amortize = am + or (again more) + t (short) + ize (size); I am again becomes short size i.e.
decreasing gradually.
------ That's because they amortize the cost over the multiple years they are used
17. Arresting (a)-----attracting attention; striking----- ------- when someone
gets ARRESTed, he is all over the news paper and hets ATTRACTING ATTENTION of all
------ The portraits, all told, have an arresting intimacy ()
18. Aisle ---corridor; passageway (esp. between rows of seats)-----
--------Several people wondered why I didn't have my brother walk me down the aisle.
----------------------------------------------***********************-------------------------------19. Bigot------narrow-minded, prejudiced person, (noun) a prejudiced person who is intolerant
of any opinions differing from his own ------- --------- bi means two or second. one is
intolerable if he GOT second thought or opinion from others
-------Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.
20. Bilk----------cheat; defraud------ -------Bilk rhymes with milk and the milkman
"cheats" you by adding water.
---------- Computer, phone scams bilk millions out of victims.
21. Billowing----swelling; fluttering; waving--------- , , -------- billow sounds
like pillow.. pillows r usually swelled up
----------- Then someone spotted smoke billowing from a third-floor window.
22. Blasphemy -----speech which offends religious sentiments-------
, -------- blasphemy >> bless+famous...Famous people are so proud of their
success that they often disrespect God- they are never to be Blessed !
------------------- Take your lies and blasphemy elsewhere.
23. Blatant---------obvious , brazenly obvious--------------- -------- Bla( Blah Blah Blah) +
Tent..... so extreme noise in a tent.....
----------- He expects the number of examples of such blatant criminality to be small.
24. Blighted-----damaged; destroyed; ruined-----, ---------blight (bina light) - if u read it
will DESTROY ur eye sight
------------------- Such miseries blighted the lives of many who got there.
25. Blithe------free-spirited; carefree-----, ------ Blithe== Be-light- Hearted. means
care free
----- My mom and uncle seemed relatively blithe about the matter.
26. Blunderbuss-----------1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy(,)
person-------- This also means a clumsy person. Blunder+Buss-> one who makes a blunder,
tend to act clumsy
-------- It is the kind of greeting that makes you consider reaching for your blunderbuss .
27. Bolster-------support; prop up----, ---- RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO SUPPORT
--------------This new study seems to bolster that view.
28. Bombast----arrogant, pompous language----- -----sounds like bomb blast
------- Along with the bombast was some truly original and prescient thinking.
29. Boorish-------ill-mannered------ ----- BOOR , BOORISH; mean the same, remember
the root word, BOOR---rude,ill-mannered
-------- Boorish behavior has become a point of pride for some.
30. Bourgeois-------middle class------ ---- high class family chicks are
gorgeous, but middle class ones are a little bore... They are nothing but bourgeois
31. Braggart-----------someone who boasts--- ------ braggart sounds like dragg art..
the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!!
------- Not to be a braggart, but the captains mentioned me frequently in their journals.
32. Brawny--------muscular---------- try to relate it to the cartoon network's character

JOHNY BRAVO, who was rugged n muscular in appearance

-------- But no matter how brawny individual computers become, they will never be as
powerful individually as collectively.
33. Brevity -----being brief------ , ---- brief + tea session, tea time is short
------- People now are willing to discuss eternity and the brevity of life.
34. Bristle --to show irritation-- --One use his 'Pistol' to express his 'Bristle'.
------ Some scientists might bristle at that business model.
35. Broach --------start to discuss; approach----- ----When a Boy
appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to BROACH.
---------It was a legitimate subject to broach .
36. Brusque--------blunt; abrupt---- ---- brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you
---------His manner was brusque and sometimes overbearing( ,)
37. Bulwark--------fortification; barricade; wall--------- BULL + WORK--BULLs were
carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.
---------- Most important, the rainforest is also a bulwark against global warming.
38. Bureaucracy-------officialdom--- ---- bureau(noun........means..a source which
provide information..may be an office or an organization.)+cracy(means...goverment or the
rule....) goverment run by officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either
a rular or a g
----------- He says that ideology and bureaucracy are to blame.
39. Burgeon--------grow; flourish; put forth new shoots----- --- burgeon ~ burger; If
you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)
----------- Expect the black market to burgeon again.
40. Burnish---------polish-----
41. Buttress ------strengthen; support----- , ------ buttress=butt rest...butt
gives u support so u tk rest on ur butt generally while sleeping or sitting
----------- They buttress each other and serve to reinforce each other.
42. Byline ---------the line that tells you who wrote an article
43. Balk-----------hinder and prevent; hesitate over----- --- balk sounds like a dog's bark; if
you see a dog barking, you refuse to go ahead. hence, dog acts as obstacle (hindrance) in
your walk.
-------- Poor nations balk at trade proposals.
44. Banal------common; dull ----- --- 'ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose
movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated;
---------- The writing was banal but the story was good.
45. Banality---------ordinariness; dullness
46. Bane---------troublesome influence----- -------- ban+e -- Things which are harmful
or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always banned by government.
------------- Traffic jams are the bane of any commuter.
47. Bard--------poet---------bard sounds like beard!! so poets will b having beard usually!!
------------ William Shakespeare is sometimes referred to as the Bard of Avon.
48. Bastion -----fortress; stronghold---- --- In a war the base station has the strongest
------------ Hollywood has long been considered a bastion of liberal activism.
49. Befuddle-------confuse----- ------befuddle sounds like being in the flood of
river, at that time one gets confused where to go.
-------- It's an art that can befuddle even technically adept people.
50. Begrudge--------resent----- ----- be + grudge when u have
grudge() on somebody u always wish ill for him
51. Beguile ---------mislead; lure----- , ------- BE+GUILE....guile means guile means to cheat or deceive....
--------- She'd used her daughter's identity to beguile the two men.
52. Belabor ---------explain in unnecessary detail------ ----- Imagine boss saying "you be

labor" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking

---------- There is no need to belabor the wobbly nature of this third term.
53. Beleaguer--------besiege; attack------- --- not able to withstand the HARASSMENT
of the senior players the new player opted to BE out of the LEAGUE
------------ Once beleaguered and defeated, they now glow with life and hope and humor.
54. Belie-------contradict------ -------belie ~ lie means something false.
---------- The facts belie that notion.
55. Belittle---------to demean----- ----- be+little-->if u tell someone to 'be little',it is
like deprecating them to be only 'small'
--------- Don't belittle others when you're not so sharp yourself.
56. Bellicose---------war-like; aggressive-------,------- Belli ~ Billi (cat); two Billi (cats)
very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose
------------ The current dispute has excited bellicose passions.
57. Belligerent---------aggressive; ready to fight------ ----- belli (TOM) and gerry always
quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon
-------- Now you're just getting belligerent because people don't agree with you.
58. Bemoan---------complain about------ -----bemoan... look at moan..means
crying,..when does one cry when they loose something..when one looses something they
express disapproval..
------------ Yes, we can bemoan the losses and cry and shake our heads
59. Benevolent----------kindly------------ bene(root bene means good)
+volent(voluntarily) good person voluntarily donating his all GOODS to people.
---------- He's a very benevolent person.
60. Benign-------------kindly; harmless-------, ------ Benign sounds like B9 ~ BNice ..
Therefore kind
----------- Some of them are benign, and some of them are malignant.
61. Benignity---compassion; gentleness; fondness------ Break the word as Be+Nice
---------- That allows us to imagine that the world goes round in ways that accord with our
sense of the benignity of all things.
62. Bequeath-----------leave something in one's will to be given after one's death-----
-------'be + qu + eath' before quick death, 'leave ur property to someone
by a will'
----------Embrace and learn and bequeath something of value to future generations.
63. Berate -----------scold; criticize----

-----be+rate ~ he was RATEd BElow

expectations and hence forth scolded.
---------There is no need to kick or berate others for their abilities or lack thereof.
64. Beret-----------type of cap------
--------------So if you're thinking about a hat for fall, consider the beret .
65. Bestial--------behaving like a beast; brutal---- , ---- bestial -> beastial means
beast like
---------- They also tear across the stage with bestial ferocity.
66. Blandishment------words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)] -------- ---- BLAN (like
PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody...
------------- They are listening to the blandishment of snake-oil salesmen.
67. Boor--------ill-mannered person [boorish (a)]----- ------ boora in hindi
resembles something bad. boore log, boora kaam...
---------- Maybe he'd best use an alias, lest he come across as a total boor.
68. Boycott----------refuse to have dealings with----- ------- BOY CAUGHT taking drugs so
he decided not to take them or use them forever
---------- They are mad about the delay so they are going to boycott the film.
69. Baleful ----------evil----- ----- Baleful ~ bail+ful; when any dangerous convict gets out
of jail taking bail, he could be threatening
---------- The expression in his eyes was baleful , aloof, and slightly suspicious.
70. Bent(n)---------- inclination; aptitude------ ----- bent~sounds like "bend it like
beckham" a movie where a girl is determined to prove her natural talent of football

--------- They seem bent on getting their undergraduate years over as soon as possible.
71. Blowhard------------boastful person----- blow + hard -- imagine someone who blows words
in a way as if he is blowing air -- too many words, hence talkative
-----He's a blowhard whose only talent is attracting a rabid audience of complete idiots.
72. Burlesque-----------1. comic play; 2. Lampoon------ ,--- if you want to
ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier league.
------The humorous situations are mostly burlesque, and it includes satire()
73. Brook-----------1. small stream; 2. Tolerate------ , --- In class if you don't bring
the BOOK teacher will not BROOK it.
----The situation is too pressing to brook delay, and immediate measures are necessary.
74. Barrage------- extended gunfire to cover an attack; dam across river; deluge or
information etc.------ ---- BAR+AGE...when you go to a wine or beer bar at low age, you will
have to face a rapid succession of questions and criticism
------------ I'll certainly be prepared next year for the barrage of Santa questions.
75. Balm---- soothing ointment or anything soothing [balmy (a)]----
--------- It's no secret that alcohol is often used as a balm for human frailty.
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