Major GRE Test 1500 Word List With Bengali Meaning and Mnemonic and 1 Example
Major GRE Test 1500 Word List With Bengali Meaning and Mnemonic and 1 Example
Major GRE Test 1500 Word List With Bengali Meaning and Mnemonic and 1 Example
1. Abhor --------------------hate-------------------- -----------------abhor sounds like "a whore"
and we generally hate a to hate someone is abhoring that person
------------------She abhors cats
2. Abrasive --------------rough; coarse; harsh-------- ----------- abrasive:abErasive:which means rubbing away--- A+BRA+sive.. it is very harsh behaviour if we touches
a womens bra.. which is not good..
--------------- The waves had an abrasive action on the rocks.
3. Abasement-------------humiliation; degradation----- ---------- A - Base - Ment ... can mean
bringing someone down to BASE level.
------------When Tiffany failed her test, she felt abasement when the class laughed at her.
4. Abrogate-------------cancel; deny; repeal------------ , , -------- ab (now) +
rog (disease) + ate (eat) so, eat the disease and abolish it now.
----------------- Executions also abrogate the possibility of redemption.
5. Absolution---------------forgiveness; pardon; release---------- -------------ab(now)+solution
- now solution given--> forgiven or pardoned
------------------------Some were already seeking absolution for screwing up the economy.
6. Abstain-----------------desist; go without; withdraw--------------- , ---------ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain()....
--------------------- They would either go in favor or abstain on all substantive votes.
7. Abstemious ------------------self denying; refraining from indulging--------------- ------- focus
on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully
--------Smokers tend to die younger than do their abstemious peers, by nearly a decade.
8. Abstruse-----------------------difficult to understand; obscure------------ ------ abstruse
rhyme with CONFUSE, there is confusion when things are not clear
------------The professors lectures were so abstruse that students tend to avoid them.
9. Accolade---------------------tribute; honor; praise------------- , ------- accolade
ac=accept,take; col=>college;ade-->aid; College aid is given as an award of merit.
----------------- He does not praise his employees; silence is his highest accolade .
10. Acquiesce----------------------------to agree to; give in to-------- --------- acquiesce
= A(Agree) + quie(Quietly) = Comply passively
--------------------Elizabeth said no more but her mind could not acquiesce.
11. Acrid----------sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)---------------- , ----------sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive
------------------ It has a pungent odor and an acrid taste.
12. Acrophobia------------------fear of heights---------------- ---------------- a-crow, crow fly
at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence easy to remember
--------------------------- Acrophobia causes the driver to go slowly and insist on running the air
conditioner with the windows up.
13. Acuity------------------sharpness (mental or visual)---------------------- --------------------acuity....sounds like acute-means intelligent and quick and intelligence is nothing but
sharpness of mind.
-------------------------- he argued with great acuteness
14. Adamant------------------forceful; inflexible------------------- , ------------------------A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.
------------------------- he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
15. Adroit----------------skilful,Highly competent-------------------------- adroit ~ a + draw it :
sounds like draw. for drawing something you must be skillful
------------------------She was particularly adroit at the art of damning with faint praise.
16. Adulation---------------------strong admiration; worship---------------- -------------- adult
boy flattering with his girlfriend
---------------------- Navin is enjoying the attention and adulation of his friends.
17. Adversity-----------------------hardship-------------------- , ----------------------- After
UNIversity when you are jobless, you are in ADversity (misfortune, great hardship).
-------------------Despite this adversity , many residents hold deep feelings of affection for their
18. Advocate----------------------support----------------- , --------------------advocate: add+ur VOICE
--------------------- The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house
19. Aesthetic-------------------concerning art or beauty-------------- ,
--------------------- aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty
----------------------- There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees
20. Affable----------------friendly; social; easygoing----------------- ,
--------------affection+able=affection to others
------------------------- He's an affable guy, with a wide mouth and an ironic smile.
21. Alacrity-----------------eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness----------------- , ,
---------------------- take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager
to learn n create things differently.
-------------------------- he accepted with alacrity
22. Alchemy------------------medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into
gold------------- , -------------------- alchemy ~
ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry
---------------------- He also has scores of old books, many on chemistry and alchemy .
23. Alibi-------------------- an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene-------- -------- Sounds like "are
bhai" if pronounced by a child; Imagine a kid giving self-justification for something he broke
or is accused of, and he says : Ali (are) + bi (Bhai) suno to, maine ye nai kia hai..
--------------------- Investigators have said they aren't satisfied with his alibi .
24. Allay------------------------------ to lessen------------------ , ----------------- allay allay
allay rote nhi chup ho jaao
------------------- This does not lessen anybody's grief, but it should allay some fears.
25. Alleviate---------------make less severe-------------- ----------- ALL (all)+
EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief
--------------- Exercise can alleviate mild depression, but exactly how it does so is unclear.
26. Aloof-------------------distant; detached; cold--------------- , ------------------- Aloof
(ALOne in the rOOF), when some is alone in the roof, he is at distance from other members
of house.
-------------- The idea of going to a place and staying aloof of the people is a mistake
27. Altruism---------------------putting others first; being self-sacrificing------------
--------------- ALL+TRUE....when a person is true for all,he is selfless i.e unselfish...
------------- This is altruism towards strangers, for example, charity.
28. Amass -------------------accumulate-------------- -------------- amass ~ add masses and
hence to collect things.
--------- Social media is an opportunity to amass trust in business sustainability programs.
29. Ambiguity----------------uncertainty; vagueness------------ ,
------------- The actual paper presumably would clear up this ambiguity .
30. Ambiguous----------------unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways--------------- , , ---- ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild
guess so its doubtful
------------- Many of its details are ambiguous , leaving much scope for bickering(to argue
about things that are not important) when it is implemented.
31. Ambivalence---------------lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided------------
, ------------- matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an
ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!
------------------- In private conversations, there is ambivalence and uncertainty.
32. Ambulatory--------------able to walk around (used of hospital patients)-------- ---after getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to walk
-------- Doubled the number of clinics in the ambulatory system.
33. Ameliorate-------make better------ ---- Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.
----- I'm very glad to see someone working to help ameliorate that situation.
34. Amelioration------------------improvement---------------amelio+ration(ration is given for
poor people for betterment of their lives)
35. Amiable-------friendly-------- , ------- am + I + able or lovable
----------- When smiling, all of us look more approachable and amiable .
36. Amity--------------friendship-------- ,--------- ami means friend in usually
words which involve ami=friend. ex: amiable, amicable, amity etc
----------- A Day for Peace and Amity
37. Amorphous---------lacking in shape-------- -------- In Greek 'morphe' means
shape/form. So, amorphous(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'. Similarly
'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in form/nature
-------------- This is because living standard is a highly amorphous concept.
38. Analgesic-----medicine to combat pain------------ anal(anus) + ges(gas).. when
gas is released from anal we feel it is something which gives relief.
-----------He died of pain, he waited for analgesic and got none till he died
39. Analogous--------comparable----,------ remember analogous from analogy
-------- The therapy is analogous to an ice pack for the spine.
40. Anarchy--------------------chaos; lack of government--------- ,
41. Anecdote--------------a brief amusing story-------
----------- All that I can share is a personal anecdote .
42. Animosity------------hatred; antagonism-------- , -------- pronounce animosity like
'Enemy'sity. so if someone is having enemysity he will have ill will intentions.
------------- In the past, I felt some animosity, like they wanted to kill me.
43. Annex (n)--------an addition that extends a main building----- -------- Annexure in any
application form refers to some additional sheets attached with it
44. Annex (v)----take possession of; seize; capture--- --annex=an+ex(extension)
---------- International law decrees that no nation can annex the moon for itself.
45. Anomaly---------------something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity---------
----- Anomaly sounds like abnormally.. that is one who
deviates from the normal order.
--------- If it happens once, it's an anomaly .
46. Antagonism------hostility; strong opposition------- , -------- anta (anti, against)
+ go + nism; Going against someone is being hostile or opposing to someone.
--------- People respond to antagonism in very predictable ways.
47. Antagonistic-----------opposed; hostile; aggressive---------
48. Antediluvian-----------outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned----------
------------ Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD...
very Old.. and hence the meaning..
----------- It is amazing, really, that something so antediluvian and unlike us is still here.
49. Anthology----------a book which is a collection of poems or stories--------- ,
---------- like ants groups, groups or collections of literacy sections as logy relates to
literate sections
------ This new anthology includes two novels and one story collection.
50. Anthropocentrism---------putting man at the center of one's philosophy, an inclination to
evaluate reality exclusively in terms of human values
51. Antiquated---------outdated; old fashioned--------- , ------ read as antique(old
item)+dated(outdated)..hence outdated
------- No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern.
52. Apathetic--------indifferent; uninterested; lethargic------------ apathetic: A Past Ethic(a
moral principle)which are uninterested to today's generations
---------- At least they're engaged and not apathetic
53. Apathy ---------lack of interest or emotion------------------ consider
pathy==sympathy, there are two words. 1. antipathy = dislike 2. apathy = disinterested
Since "anti" is stronger than "a".. disliking is 1 step above disinterested..
--------- Try not to allow their apathy to affect your enthusiasm.
--------- They seem bent on getting their undergraduate years over as soon as possible.
71. Blowhard------------boastful person----- blow + hard -- imagine someone who blows words
in a way as if he is blowing air -- too many words, hence talkative
-----He's a blowhard whose only talent is attracting a rabid audience of complete idiots.
72. Burlesque-----------1. comic play; 2. Lampoon------ ,--- if you want to
ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier league.
------The humorous situations are mostly burlesque, and it includes satire()
73. Brook-----------1. small stream; 2. Tolerate------ , --- In class if you don't bring
the BOOK teacher will not BROOK it.
----The situation is too pressing to brook delay, and immediate measures are necessary.
74. Barrage------- extended gunfire to cover an attack; dam across river; deluge or
information etc.------ ---- BAR+AGE...when you go to a wine or beer bar at low age, you will
have to face a rapid succession of questions and criticism
------------ I'll certainly be prepared next year for the barrage of Santa questions.
75. Balm---- soothing ointment or anything soothing [balmy (a)]----
--------- It's no secret that alcohol is often used as a balm for human frailty.
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