Miscellaneous Livestock Production Science Rabbit Reproduction

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Winda Rahayu

Class M




Reproduction is an important criterion in economic terms in livestock

breeding as well as in rabbit breeding. In our work we have to tried to explain the
anatomy and physiology of rabbit reproduction. Rahi and Srivastava (1998) said
to support the rabbit breeding we have to select animal feed, housing
management, reproduction and marketing. Animal reproduction content have the
principal effect in the ring of population. Rabbit is the high prospect in animal
husbandary because rabbit have high litter size.
The reproductive tract of a male rabbit is similar to most mammals. Paired
testes produce sperm, which become fertile as they are transported through the
epididymis. The reproductive organ of the female rabbit is considered as
primitive. Indeed, the split two-horned system is only observed in monotreme egg
lying mammals and in lagomorphs (pika, hare and rabbit).

1. Sexual Maturity
The age of puberty varies with the breed of rabbit. Puberty
generally occurs at 45 months of age in small breeds, 46
months in medium breeds, and 58 months in large breeds.
Female New Zealand White rabbits reach maturity at 5 months of
age and males at 67 months.
The breeding life of a doe typically lasts approximately 13
years, although some remain productive for up to 5 or 6 years. In
later years, litter sizes usually diminish. In comparison, most
bucks will remain reproductively useful for an average of 56
Because does often will engage in reproductive behavior
before being able to ovulate, it is advisable not to breed does
until they are fully grown.
2. Reproductive Behavior
Does do not have a distinct estrous cycle, but rather
demonstrate a rhythm with respect to receptivity to the buck.
Receptivity is punctuated by periods (12 days every 417 days)
of anestrus and seasonal variations in reproductive performance.
During periods of receptivity, the vulva of the doe usually
becomes swollen, moist, and dark pink or red. Receptivity of the
doe is usually signaled by lordosis in response to the bucks
attempt to mount, vulvar changes as described above,
restlessness, and rubbing of the chin on the hutch or cage.
Vaginal cytology is generally not useful for determination of
estrus or receptivity in the rabbit.
Typically, the doe is brought to the bucks cage for breeding,
since the doe can be very territorial and may attack the male in
her own quarters. A period of 1520 min is usually sufficient to
determine compatibility of the doe and buck. If receptive, the doe
will lie in the mating position and raise her hindquarters to allow
copulation. If fighting or lack of breeding is observed, the doe
may be tried with another buck. A single buck is usually sufficient
to service 1015 does.
Ovulation is induced and occurs approximately 1013 h after
copulation (Donnelly, 2004). Up to 25% of does fail to ovulate
following copulation. Ovulation can also be induced by

administration of luteinizing hormone, human chorionic

gonadotropin, or gonadotropic releasing hormone.
Does may be bred immediately after kindling; however, most
breeders delay until after the kits have been weaned. Success at
postpartum breeding varies, but one can produce a large number
of kits in a relatively short time period by foster nursing the
young and rebreeding the doe immediately. While conventional
breeding, nursing, and weaning schedules allow for only 4 litters
per year, early postpartum breeding allows for up to 11 litters per

3. Pregnancy and Gestation

Pregnancy can often be confirmed as early as day 14 of
gestation by palpation of the fetuses within the uterus.
Radiographic procedures permit pregnancy determination as
early as day 11. Conception rates have been observed to have
an inverse relationship with ambient temperature but not light
cycle. Gestation in rabbits usually lasts for 3032 days. Does
beyond 23 weeks of gestation will usually refuse a buck.
Does begin hair pulling and nest building during the last 34
days of gestation. A nesting box with shredded paper or other
soft material such as straw should be provided to the doe several
days prior to the expected kindling (parturition) date. The doe
will usually line the box with her own hair. The nesting box should
not be placed in the corner of the cage where the individual doe
has been observed to urinate.


Pseudopregnancy is common in rabbits and can follow a

variety of stimuli, including mounting by other does, sterile
matings by bucks, administration of luteinizing hormone, or the
presence of bucks nearby. In such circumstances, ovulation is
followed by a persistent corpus luteum that lasts 1517 days. The
corpus luteum or corpora lutea secretes progesterone during this
time, causing the uterus and mammae to enlarge. The doe may
have the appearance of a normally pregnant rabbit. Toward the

end of pseudopregnancy, many does will begin to pull hair as

part of ritual nest-building behavior.
5. Parturition
The process of parturition is referred to as kindling when it
relates to rabbits. Kindling normally occurs during the early
morning hours and takes approximately 3060 min. Impending
kindling is often signaled by nest building and decreased food
consumption during the preceding 23 days. Both anterior and
breech presentations are normal in the rabbit. Fetuses retained
beyond 35 days generally die and may harm future reproductive
ability of the doe if not expelled.
The average number of kits born is seven to nine per litter,
although smaller litters and litters of up to 10 kits are not
uncommon. Breed, parity, nutritional status, and environmental
factors influence litter size. Polish rabbits usually have fewer than
four kits per litter; Dutch or Flemish Giant, four to five; and New
Zealand White, eight to ten.
After the young have been cleaned following parturition, the
doe typically consumes the placenta. Cannibalism of the young
by the doe sometimes occurs and may be related to
environmental or hereditary factors or due to environmental
6. Lactation
Does usually have either four or five pairs of nipples, whereas
bucks have none. During the last week of pregnancy, marked
development of the mammary gland occurs. The doe normally
nurses the kits once daily for several minutes, usually in the early
morning or in the evening, regardless of how many kits are
present or how many times they attempt to suckle. Milk yield is
normally between 160 and 220 g/day. During the first week of
life, kits consume 1525 g of milk per day. Milk intake increases
gradually to a maximum of 30 g/day between 17 and 25 days of
age. Maximum output occurs at 2 weeks following kindling and
then declines during the fourth week. Rabbit milk contains
approximately 12.5% protein, 13% fat, 2% lactose, and 2.5%
minerals. Nursing may last 510 weeks. Kits may begin
consuming solid food by 3 weeks of age, with weaning generally
occurring by 58 weeks of age.



Male Rabbit Reproduction System

The reproductive organs of the male rabbit are very
similar to that of other mammals, except for the additional
ability to retract the testis in the abdomen. They are formed
during the embryonic phase. They derive from primitive
ancestors of the kidney tubules and the ducts, except for the
lobules of the testes and the vasa recta. The blood vessels of
the kidney will furthermore be used and deviated in order to
supply the testes and the scrotal wall with blood. The
reproductive organ of the male rabbit is composed of different
structures. One of them are the testes, which is composed of
various components:

Scrotal sac are located in the inguinal area, ventrally to

the anus and can be compared to a sac surrounded by
skin and composed of muscles or connective tissue. They
contain the testes.
Testes are the reproductive gland, which is composed of
tubular loops, lobules and a central tubular plexus (vasa
recta). The tubular lobules are lined with cells that
develop the sperm, through a process of cell divisions
(meiosis) and maturation. The sperm is brought to the
tubular plexus (vasa recta). The later structure is

furthermore lined with endocrine cells, secreting

Epididymis is a coiled tube located at the surface of the

The testes descent into the scrotum at the age of 2,5-3

months, and castration surgery is usually done at the age of 4
or 5 months. Male rabbits possess a life-long ability to move
freely their testis between the scrotum and the abdomen, via
the inguinal ring. The response occurs during handling and
examination, or during a fight between 2 males. Indeed, entire
male rabbits will inevitably fight and attempt to neuter the
other male by biting in the scrotal region


Female Rabbit Reproduction System

The reproductive organ of the female rabbit is considered
as primitive. Indeed, the split two-horned system is only
observed in monotreme egg lying mammals and in
lagomorphs (pika, hare and rabbit). The organ is hold in place
by a broad ligament that is anchored at 4 points under the
vertebral column.

Sex differentiation occurs during the embryonic phase, on

the 16th day post fertilization. The ovaries grow from an
aggregate of cells that is lying near the original testes. The
development of the ovaries is accompanied by the
degeneration of the testes.
The development of the ovules (female reproductive cell)
starts around the 21st day and continues till birth, around the
30th day. The first ova and follicles start to develop only 13
days after birth.
The reproductive organ of the female rabbit is duplex: the
uterus is formed by two independent horns, split over their
whole length ( 7 cm). Each horn possess its own cervix. The
ovaries, ellipsoid bodies that have a maximal length of 1-1.5
cm, are located at the end of the uterus, right under the
kidneys. They are hidden by the mesometrium (portion of the
broad ligament that separates and encloses the uterus) and
The vagina does not present any particularities. This part
of the reproductive tract is large, with the urethra joining
halfway, at the level of the vaginal vestibule. At the end of the
vagina, the glands of Bartholin and prepucial glands can be
The age at which sexual maturity is reached depends on
the size and the breed: while small and middle sized rabbits
become adult between 4 and 6 months, it may take between
5 to 8 months for giant breeds. As a rule, it is considered that
a rabbit is adult and able to reproduce when it has reached 75
to 80% of its adult size.
Female rabbits do not have an estrus (heat) cycle with
regular periods of heat (estrus), as do other small animals like
dogs or cats. In fact, adult female rabbits are considered to be
more or less always in estrus and are reflex ovulators. This
means that ovulation is induced only after coital stimulation
and happens automatically 9 to 13 h after the copulation act.
A certain cycle does nevertheless exist. The presence of
the estrogen hormone will influence the size and the color of

the vulva. Most female rabbits are receptive to a male and

prone to mate when their vulva is colored reddish/purple, and
will refuse to mate when their vulva is pale and small. This is
no clear indication though, as some female rabbits will mate
when their vulva is pale and small.
To avoid problems related to mating, health (ovarian
adenocarcinoma, endometritis) or/and unwanted litter,
ovariohysterectomy is recommended, starting at the age of 6
months. The breed of the rabbit must be taken into account,
before performing the operation.


Rahi and Srivastava. 1983. Hormonal regulation of lysosomal
hydrolases in the
reproductive tract of the rabbit. Journal Reprod Fret. 67 :
Nowland, Megan H. Dvm, Bs, Daclama, David W. Brammer Dvm,
Daclamb, Alexis Garcia Dvm, Bsc And Howard G. Rush
Dvm, Ms, Daclamd.2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine
(Third Edition).Academic Press ; Tokyo.Chapter 10.


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