Going Public: How Stock Market Listing Changes Firm Innovation Behavior
Going Public: How Stock Market Listing Changes Firm Innovation Behavior
Going Public: How Stock Market Listing Changes Firm Innovation Behavior
Simone Wies*
Christine Moorman
The process of bringing new products and services to the market is of high strategic
relevance (e.g., Chandy and Tellis 2000; Hauser, Tellis, and Griffin 2006). A long tradition
across disciplines documents the positive stock market returns to R&D expenditures and patents
(e.g., Erickson and Jacobson 1992; Griliches 1981). Investors value R&D expenditures and
patents because these inputs are expected to convert into innovations that will generate future
cash flows. New products increase sales and profits (Bayus, Erickson, and Jacobson 2003;
Pauwels et al. 2004), and thereby firm value (Chaney, Devinney, and Winer 1991; Sood and
Tellis 2009; Sorescu and Spanjol 2008).
Considering its importance to organizational prosperity, firms have an incentive to invest
in innovation. However, the high costs, the uncertain payoffs, and the difficulty of adequately
measuring returns to innovation create challenges for firms (Sood and Tellis 2009). This applies
in particular to publicly-listed firms that are prone to suffer from agency conflicts and in which
managers are exposed to stock market incentives. While such firms enjoy improved access to
financial capital, their strategic choices are constrained because they have to meet short-term
stock market expectations and disclosure requests. This tension translates into opposing impacts
on firm innovation. On the one hand, improved financing from going public should encourage
innovation. On the other hand, disclosure requirements and short-term stock market incentives
may have a detrimental effect on innovation. Scholarly work has not yet determined the net
effect of going public on firm innovation activity.
Anecdotal evidence illustrates how going public can reduce managerial discretion to
innovate. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, notes, Keeping companies like IKEA in private
hands would secure the freedom to have a long term view on investments and in business
development (Kamprad 2011). Recently, Dell announced a leveraged buyout to reinvent its
business strategy. Commentators suggest that as a private firm, Dell can make decisions that
arent just based on profits and revenues in the next quarter, but with a longer-term focus
(Devaney 2013, p. 8). Echoing this, business periodicals point out that successful privately-held
companies want to remain private in order to avoid Wall Streets obsession with quarterly
earnings expectations (Woo and Reifman 2003, p. 174) and to enjoy the freedom from
reduced obligations to Sarbanes-Oxley reporting requirements (Murphy 2012). Tellis (2013, p.
239) refers to the negative effect of stock markets on managerial decisions as the Wall Street
curse and specifies that pressure from investors on Wall Street causes managers to cut
investments in innovation to boost current earnings and stock prices, at the cost of future
innovation, growth, and long-term market cap.
Previous academic literature has explored how stock market incentives constrain public
firms innovation investment decisions. Graham, Harvey, and Rajgopal (2005) find that 80% of
managers are willing to decrease R&D spending and 55% are willing to delay starting a positive
NPV project in order to meet current earnings projections. Referred to as marketing myopia,
Mizik (2010) observes that firms cut marketing and R&D spending to improve short-term stock
valuations despite the negative long-term firm value consequences of these cuts. Likewise,
Chakravarty and Grewal (2011) find that past stock return level and volatility increase the
likelihood that managers cut R&D budgets to avoid unexpected earnings shortfalls.
Other innovation research explores stock market effects beyond earnings management.
For example, Markovitch, Steckel, and Yeung (2005) find that firms alter the risk profiles of
innovation projects conditional on their prior periods industry-adjusted stock returns. Moorman
et al. (2012) observe that stock market incentives drive firms to time their innovation strategies
through a ratcheting strategy which sacrifices revenues in product markets but reaps benefits in
financial markets. Research contemporaneous to our study shows that firm patent quality
declines after firms access public stock markets (e.g., Bernstein forthcoming).
Table 1 summarizes empirical research examining how firms manage innovation in
response to stock market incentives. We organize papers according to how innovation is
operationalizedR&D spending, patents, or new product introductions. The columns account
for whether studies have focused on publicly-listed firms or on how firms change their
innovation actions upon accessing public stock markets. The majority of papers have two
propertiesa focus on public firms and a focus on R&D and patents.
[Insert Table 1 here]
Our paper offers a unique view of how firms manipulate innovation in response to stock
market incentives by studying the effect of stock market listing on new product introductions. In
doing so, we offer the following contributions. First, new product introductions are a more valid
measure of firm innovation. Research has found that R&D expenditures are not deterministically
related to product introduction level or timing (e.g., Lerner, Sorensen, and Strmberg 2011) and
accounting rules make R&D expenditures a noisy measure of innovation (Hall and Lerner 2010).
Likewise, patents are an unreliable indicator of innovation given many patents are not exploited
commercially (Cohen and Levin 1989); firms do not patent all innovations given time delays,
administrative costs, disclosure requirements, and the availability of alternative ways to protect
innovation. Indeed, the consumer packaged goods (CPG) firms in our sample patent only 8.7%
of new products. Contributing to this noisy measure, Lerner, Sorensen, and Strmberg (2011)
observe that employees often file marginal patents unlikely to produce innovations or file
bundled claims as separate patents to receive company rewards. Given these challenges,
examining new product introductions should allow stronger inferences about the effect of going
public on firm innovation.
Second, using new product introductions offers an opportunity to examine an array of
different dimensions of risk important to firm innovation strategy, including whether the
innovation has breakthrough product features or whether it reflects the firms market entry into
new categories. The latter allows us to examine the going-public effect on both product and
market forms of innovationwhile the literature had tended to focus on qualities of the offering
as denoted in a patent. We also examine the tendency for public firms to minimize risk by
offering variations of the same producta strategy known as SKU proliferation in the CPG
Third, studying firms in the CPG sector offers broader insights into a sector of
considerable economic significance and one in which innovation plays an important role.
Existing literature has focused on industries, in general, or on firms in the technology sectora
sector that has more volatile and herd-like demand fluctuations, fragmented competitive
environments, and contentious intellectual property conditions. Firms in the CPG sector face
different regimes to appropriate value from innovations that may influence their innovation
strategies upon going public. Fourth, while the majority of papers examine public firms, we
utilize the quasi-experimental IPO context to study stock market effects. Together with tests to
rule out selection concerns, reverse causality, and competing firm dynamics, this allows us to
observe a shift in innovation associated with being a publicly-listed firm. A small set of recent
papers use similar empirical strategies. We add to the generalizability of the going-public effect
not only by studying firms in the CPG sector, but also by studying firms across a longer time
seriesup to 30 years before and after the IPO. This prolonged observation period ensures that
our results reflect a stock market regime shift and not only short-term dynamics around the IPO.
Using this approach we observe that the net effect of a stock market listing on innovation
is an increase in the level of innovations and a decrease in the riskiness of those innovations.
Specifically, after going public, firms introduce a larger number of innovations and a larger
variety of each innovation (i.e., different flavors, package sizes, etc.). At the same time, firms
introduce fewer breakthrough innovations and fewer innovations into categories in which they do
not have experience.
Given these results, we offer a final contribution to the literatureinitial insights on the
question of why some firms do not succumb to the going-public effect and continue to introduce
risky innovations. Specifically, we offer preliminary ideas about a set of industry factors which
offer product-market incentives that dominate stock market incentives.
The remainder of our paper is organized as follows. We begin by surveying prior
literature that provides the theory underlining our predictions. This is followed by a set of
predictions about the effect of going public on firm innovation. We then describe our empirical
strategy and results, followed by a set of exploratory analyses that seek to enlarge our
contribution and a set of robustness tests to resolve questions about endogeneity. We finish with
a discussion of our results with an emphasis on implications for theory and practice.
Going Public and Firm Investment Behavior
Going public is a critical event that forever transforms how a company goes about doing
business (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2012, p. 23). Surprisingly, despite improved financing
conditions from accessing public stock markets, research indicates that firms experience declines
in operating performance, sales growth, and overall factor productivity post-IPO (e.g.,
Mikkelson, Partch, and Shah 1997; Chemmanur, He, and Nandy 2010). Importantly, this postIPO decline in performance is not an artifact of accounting choices, but instead appears to be
related to firms becoming less responsive to investment opportunities after they go public
(Asker, Farre-Mensa, and Ljungqvist forthcoming).
Going Public and Firm Innovation Behavior
A substantial part of investment in the consumer packaged goods sector flows into
product innovation. In an industry in which 22% of consumers are always looking for new
products (Symphony IRI 2012, p. 1), innovation is a key driver of growth. In 2012 alone, this
sector introduced more than 1,900 new products in the U.S. (Symphony IRI 2013).
Affordable financing is critical to developing and marketing these new products.
However, our survey of existing work on the impact of stock market financing on innovation
uncovers both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, going public may have a positive
impact on innovation activity. The immediate cash inflow following an IPO relieves firm
financial constraints that are widely accepted as a major bottleneck for innovation (e.g., Hall and
Lerner 2010; Tellis, Prabhu, and Chandy 2009). Furthermore, public firms also benefit from
lower-cost equity financing in the future (e.g., Maksimovic and Pichler 2001) and from improved
access to nonfinancial resources that help them compete in product markets. For example, CFOs
report that public status enhances firm recognition and reputation (Brau and Fawcett 2006),
which can be leveraged to attract employees, to strengthen bargaining power with suppliers, and
to signal quality to customers, all of which should facilitate innovation.
On the other hand, going public may have a negative impact on innovation activity for
two reasons. First, compared to privately-held firms, public firms experience stronger disclosure
incentives. This stems from both mandatory stock exchange disclosure rules and from investors
demanding information to properly value the firm. Disclosures increase the spillover of sensitive
information to competitors, thereby reducing the rents firms extract from innovation (Brau and
Fawcett 2006; Spiegel and Tookes 2008). Given these spillovers, going public should dampen
firm innovation, especially in industries with low protection mechanisms, such as the CPG
sector. Consistent with this view, Guo, Lev, and Zhou (2004) show that firms are more willing to
disclose information about innovative products if they are protected by patents or are in the late
stage of a development cycle.
Second, going public imposes myopic performance incentives on the firm. Specifically,
managers of public firms face incentives that lead to an overemphasis on current financial results
and the current stock price (Stein 1989). High stock liquidity associated with a stock market
listing accentuates this pressure because investors can penalize firms at the slightest sign of
underperformance by selling the stock. As such, managers feel pressure to meet short-term
earnings projections and to invest in projects with immediate and less risky payoffs that are
easily valued (Ferreira, Manso, and Silva 2014). These pressures are compounded by the fact
that investors lack information and hence have difficulty properly valuing innovation (e.g.,
Cohen, Diether, and Malloy 2013).
The tension arising between capital inflows versus stock market incentives begs the
empirical question of whether and how private firms change their innovation strategies after they
go public. Consistent with our theory, we argue that improved access to resources will increase
firm innovation levels, while stock market incentives will decrease the riskiness of innovation.
The next sections develop formal predictions about this tradeoff.
Does going public increase innovation variety? In general, CPG firms do not introduce a
single version of a new product. Instead, they introduce innovation variety, defined as the
number of different versions of the same product that differ by package size, color, formulation,
or taste. Offering a larger variety of the same innovation is a popular strategy to generate sales
for several reasons. First, a greater assortment satisfies customer variety seeking within a
segment and appeals to different customer segments. Second, more variety increases the firms
share of shelf space which prevents competitive offerings from seizing the space. Third, the
coordinated packaging and labeling across the different SKUs can achieve a sort of billboard
effect on the store shelf (Quelch and Kenny 1994, p. 154), which increases brand awareness and
brand reputation. The inflow of immediate cash and improved access to future capital should
enable firms to scale up their innovation variety. We predict:
After going public, firms introduce a higher level of variety per innovation.
We expect that managers become less willing to take the risks associated with bolder and more
discontinuous innovations and instead focus more on incremental and familiar innovations that
translate into profits more quickly.
Does going public decrease the level of breakthrough innovations? Breakthrough
innovations offer substantially new consumer benefits to the market (Sorescu and Spanjol 2008;
Chandy and Tellis 1998) as compared to incremental innovations that offer only minor new
consumer benefits. As discussed before, stock market disclosure requirements and investors
informational demands can discourage firms from conducting breakthrough research because
they prevent firms from appropriating monopolistic rents on breakthrough innovations. Myopic
stock market incentives likewise dissuade managers from choosing long-term breakthrough
research projects. Instead, managers are more likely to choose incremental projects with shortterm and lower-risk payoffs. Incremental innovations are less complex for customers and are
more compatible with complementary products currently used by customers. As a result, faster
customer adoption is likely (Rogers 2003), which motivates retailers to designate more shelf
space to such offerings, and promises earlier firm revenue streams. Furthermore, choosing
conventional projects helps managers communicate the projects prospects, which in turn will be
more positively and instantaneously reflected in the current stock price from which managers
derive utility (Cohen, Diether, and Malloy 2013). We predict:
Does going public decrease innovations in new-to-the-firm categories? The high failure
rate of new products introduced in the CPG industry has been well documented (Steenkamp and
Gielens 2003). To reduce the likelihood of failure, managers may seek to introduce innovations
into familiar categories as opposed to new-to-the-firm categories, defined as markets in which
the firm does not have any existing brands. Innovating within familiar categories is a less risky
strategy as the firm can exploit its category-specific knowledge and leverage integrated
operations along the value chain. This strategy also allows the firm to leverage its brand equity
as well as its existing customer and channel relationships to generate faster market penetration.
Finally, staying in familiar terrain requires fewer explanatory firm disclosures and makes it
easier for investors to interpret and value firm innovations. For these reasons, we predict:
After going public, firms are less likely to introduce innovations into new-to-thefirm categories.
Data Sources
The empirical setting for our study is the CPG sectora key economic sector in the U.S.
in terms of employment and GDP contribution. The sector has demonstrated extraordinary stock
market performance as evinced by an average annual increase in total returns to shareholders of
10% over the past 25 years, outperforming the S&P 500 index as well as high-growth industries
such as information technology, telecommunication, and energy (McKinsey & Company 2011).
Despite its economic importance, the sector has been underrepresented in empirical innovation
research (e.g., Bayus, Erickson, and Jacobson 2003). Importantly for our study, the sector
heavily relies on product innovation as a growth strategy (Sorescu and Spanjol 2008).
To test our predictions, we assemble a data set based on several archival sources: (i)
Datamonitors ProductLaunch Analytics for information about U.S. firm product introductions
into U.S. food, drug, and mass retailers; (ii) EDGAR and SDC Platinum for information on IPOs
(Global New Issues Database) and mergers and acquisitions (Mergers & Acquisitions Database);
(iii) Compustat annual firm databases for financial and accounting data; (iv) ReferenceUSA and
the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database for firm public status and firm age;
(iv) Factiva newspaper database for firm press coverage; and (v) IRIs Marketing Factbook for
industry-level (defined as category-level in these data) and firm-level controls.
The sample begins with the population of U.S. firms tracked by ProductLaunch Analytics
that introduce CPG products into the U.S. market (n = 215,668). We eliminated firms for which
we could not locate a company name or that have incomplete product data such as category or
breakthrough rating (n = 434). We dropped firms that introduced only one product during the
observation period given it is unreliable to study changes in introductions for these firms (n =
28,709). We then looked up each of the remaining firms in ReferenceUSA to determine whether
they went public between 1980 and 2011. If so, we searched SEC Form S-1 filings to determine
the exact date of the IPO. We deleted those firms that were not incorporated in the U.S., firms we
could not unambiguously locate in Compustat, firms that were all-private or all-public during the
observation period, and firm-year observations after firms delist from public stock markets (total
n = 145,798). Using the SDC Platinum Mergers & Acquisitions Database, we identified firms
involved in M&A and ensured product introductions were assigned to the correct firm.
This left a final sample of 40,724 new product introductions by 207 firms undergoing an
IPO during the observation period. This sample, referred to as changeover firms, involves
3,954 firm-year observations. It reflects an unbalanced number of years before and after the IPO
in order to capture the widest time series possible. However, we have at least three years of data
pre-IPO and post-IPO.1
If the IPO was completed after March 2009, we dropped the firm to ensure we have at least three years of post-IPO
data. In unreported analyses, we repeat our models for firms including IPO years up until 2010 and results replicate.
In the process of building the changeover sample, we also identified firms that remain
private throughout the observation period. We retained these firms and built a private benchmark
sample, which comprises 158 firms that introduce 18,160 new product introductions between
1980 and 2011. We have 3,433 firm-year observations for this sample of private firms.
Our predictions examine four dimensions of firm innovation activityall derived from
ProductLaunch Analytics, which is an established data source in CPG studies (Moorman et al.
2012; Sorescu and Spanjol 2008). ProductLaunch Analytics counts each new product
introduction as an innovation. We measure the number of firm innovations by counting the
firms total new products introduced in a given year. Since the yearly number of innovations is
highly skewed, we follow Chemmanur and Tian (2013) and use the natural logarithm of the
count. To avoid losing firm-year observations in which zero products were introduced, we add
one to the actual number when calculating the natural logarithm. As the measure of firm
innovation variety, we collect the number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) associated with each
firm innovation and use the natural logarithm of SKUs per firm innovation.
To capture firm breakthrough innovation, we follow Sorescu and Spanjol (2008) and
count the number of new products that target a new market and/or offer a substantially new
consumer benefit through product positioning, merchandising, packaging, formulation, or
technology. These classifications are drawn from the ProductLaunch Analytics database and we
use the natural logarithm of the firms breakthrough innovation count.
Lastly, we measure innovation in a new-to-the-firm category as equal to 1 if the firm
introduces an innovation into a category for which the firm has no experience in a given year and
0 otherwise. We construct a binary variable instead of a count variable because firms rarely
introduce new products into more than one new category in a given year (3% of the cases). To
measure new-to-the-firm category, two research assistants used the product description in
ProductLaunch Analytics to classify each innovation into its corresponding IRI Marketing
Factbook category. This was a straightforward task with 99% agreement (e.g., ProductLaunchs
shampoos were classified into IRIs shampoo and conditioner category). We then compared
the coded category of the firms innovation to the firms history of categories during the
observation period to determine whether or not it represents a new category for the firm.
Our focal predictor is the binary post-IPO variable Public. This variable equals 1 if the
firm-year observation occurs when the firm is in public state and 0 if the firm is in private state.
We capture the going-public effect by comparing the post-IPO innovation outcomes to the same
firms pre-IPO innovation outcomes (i.e., a within-firm effect) and to firms that remain private
throughout the observation period (i.e., a between-firm effect). This approach, which
corresponds to the difference-in-difference identification strategy used by Chemmanur, He, and
Nandy (2010), controls for firm-specific effects over time as well as cross-sectional effects
stemming from unobserved time-specific variation.
Lastly, we control for several variables. We include firm age to control for firm life cycle
effects. To measure firm age, we collect firm founding dates from the ReferenceUSA database.
If no entry was found, we use the first entry in the CRSP database as the founding date. Previous
research suggests that firm size influences innovation efforts (e.g., Chandy and Tellis 2000). We
lack time-series data to compute conventional measures of firm size, such as firm sales or
number of employees, given that such data are not available for private firms. Therefore, we
resort to firm press coverage as a proxy for firm size, operationalized as yearly-weighted number
of articles found about the focal firm in the Factiva newspaper database. Previous literature
documents strong correlations between media coverage and traditional firm size metrics (Fang
and Peress 2009). For our public-state observations, we find correlations of firm press coverage
with firm sales ( = .51, p < .01), firm total assets ( = .47, p < .01), and firm number of
employees ( = .32, p < .01).2 To control for the fact that innovations might generate press
coverage and thereby distort our size proxy, we regress press coverage on firm innovations
(controlling for year fixed and firm fixed effects) and use the residual as an alternative measure
of firm size. We replicate our results.
We also include a variable to control for the demand frequency of firm innovation efforts,
measured as industry purchasing frequency. Purchasing frequency is defined as the number of
times the average buying household purchases products in a given category over a year. We
calculate purchasing frequency averages from the IRI Marketing Factbook for each IRI category
and year and match it with firm data for the firms dominant industry as determined by
Compustat. We also include industry concentration, to control for the impact of a firms
competitive situation on its innovation strategies. Our measure is the Herfindahl-Hirschman
index, which is the sum of squared market shares of firms in a firms industry.
Modeling and Estimation Approach
This section describes our four core models in detail. We begin by testing our predictions
with these models. Following this, we offer a set of tests to rule out questions related to
In an effort to circumvent these data limitations, we utilized the following strategy to collect firm revenue data.
First, to gauge data availability, we looked up each firm in archived versions of Wards Business Directory and Dun
& Bradstreet Million Dollar Directory in five-year increments across the thirty-year observation period (e.g., 1980,
1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010). We were able to locate each firm in at least one of these five-year
intervals at the following rates55% of the private firms and 70% of the changeover firms. Unfortunately, the timeseries of firms was incomplete for many years, meaning that most firms do not appear in the majority of time
periods in these volumes. In the end, we were only able to retrieve 24% of the firm-year observations, making it
untenable to use this measure in our analysis. Despite this, we observe a correlation of = .53 (p < .01) between the
collected firm sales data and firm press coverage, thus increasing confidence in our current measure of firm size.
endogeneity, including alternative explanations for our observed effects associated with IPO
selection, reverse causality, and firm dynamics.
Does going public increase the overall number of innovations? We predict that the
number of innovations will increase after the IPO and build the following model to test this
where Innovationsi,t is the natural logarithm of the number of innovations introduced by firm i in
year t, and Publici,t is a dummy variable that indicates whether firm i is public (1) or private (0)
in year t. Controlsi,t captures the vector of control variables (i.e., firm age, purchasing frequency,
industry concentration, and press coverage). Yearst is the vector of year dummies, i are firm
fixed effects to control for unobserved heterogeneity, and i,t is an error term ~N(0,). We use
cluster-robust standard errors to estimate Equations 1-4 to control for heteroskedasticity and
serial correlation in the error terms.
Our focus is on 1 which indicates whether a firm changes its overall innovation level
after going public. In a semilogarithmic model, the percentage change in the level of the
dependent variable is not equal to the coefficient of the binary variable multiplied by 100. We
correct for this by transforming the coefficient (exp( )-1) (Halvorsen and Palmquist 1980) in
Equations 1-3. A positive (negative) coefficient denotes that firms increase (decrease) the overall
number of innovations post-IPO.
Does going public increase innovation variety? We examine how the number of
different SKUs associated with an innovation changes after the firms IPO with the following
where InnovationVarietyj,i,t is the natural logarithm of the number of SKUs of innovation j for
firm i in year t. As before, Publici,t indicates firm public status, and Controlsi,t measures the set of
control variables firm age, industry purchasing frequency, industry concentration, firm press
coverage, and firm total innovations. Yearst, i, and i,t share the same interpretation as in
Equation 1. A positive (negative) 1 coefficient implies that firms introduce a larger (smaller)
number of different SKUs per innovation after going public.
Does going public decrease the level of breakthrough innovations? To answer this
question, we model:
where Breakthroughi,t is the natural logarithm of the number of breakthrough innovations by firm
i in year t. The right-hand side variables have the same interpretation as in Equation 2. A positive
(negative) 1 coefficient implies that, after going public, firms introduce a larger (smaller)
number of breakthrough innovations, controlling for overall innovation level.
Does going public decrease innovations in new-to-the-firm categories? Finally, H4
predicts that post-IPO firms are more likely to introduce their innovations into familiar
categories instead of expanding into new-to-the-firm categories. We estimate the following
Probit model to test this prediction:
where NewCati,t is a binary variable equal to 1 if the firm introduces any of its innovation in year
t into a new-to-the-firm category, and 0 otherwise. Publici,t, Controlsi,t, and Yearst share the same
interpretation as in Equation 2, vi,t is an error term ~N(0,), and is the standard normal
cumulative distribution function. We only retain firm-year observations in which firms introduce
at least one innovation given we are not able to determine category choices if no introductions
are made. A positive (negative) coefficient provides evidence that firms are more (less) likely to
introduce their innovations into new-to-the-firm categories after going public.
Table 2 presents summary statistics for our sample. Firms introduce an average of 5.5
innovations per year. Most of these innovations are incremental (only .32 are breakthrough),
which is in line with prior research on innovation in the CPG sector (e.g., Steenkamp and
Gielens 2003). Firms introduce an average of 2.30 different SKUs per innovation and tend to
innovate in familiar categories.
Figure 1 depicts the time series of IPO activity in our sample. Confirming previous
literature, we observe a high number of IPOs in the mid-1990s.3 A clustering of IPOs in the
midst of our time series fits well with our research set-up and ensures a balanced number of preand post-IPO year observations.
[Insert Table 2 and Figure 1 here]
Does Going Public Increase the Overall Number of Firm Innovations?
Table 3 presents Equation 1 regression results. Results indicate that the overall model is
significant (F(31) = 7.35, p < .01). In support of H1, we find that that 1 is positive and
significant (1 = .1167, p < .01), suggesting that going public is positively related to the number
of innovations the firm generates subsequently. Specifically, compared to private and controlling
for other firm characteristics, public firms introduce 12% more innovations, on average. Figure
2a plots the actual number of innovations +5 years to -5 years around the time of the IPO for the
Firms go public in waves and IPO climate conditions are a main driver of the decision to go public (e.g., Brau and
Fawcett 2006). We compare our sample distribution of IPOs to the population distribution of all IPOs in the U.S.
from Jay Ritters IPO data (see http://bear.warrington.ufl.edu/ritter/ipodata.htm) and find an almost identical pattern.
sample of changeover firms. The graph shows a stable level of innovations before going public
followed by an increase in the years following the IPO.
[Insert Table 3 and Figure 2a here]
We test the robustness of Equation 1 results by using untransformed innovation data
instead of the logged innovation data. Since the untransformed innovation data takes on only
non-negative and integer values, we follow traditional patent literature in economics and find
that the results remain unchanged when estimated with a negative binomial model (Bernstein
Does Going Public Increase Firm Innovation Variety?
Figure 2b depicts the actual number of SKUs per innovation for the changeover sample.
As can be seen there, the number of SKUs increases at the time of the IPO and then levels off.
Equation 2 in Table 3 reports our regression results. The overall model is significant (F(31) =
21.20, p < .01). Confirming H2, going public increases the number of SKUs that firms launch for
each innovation (1 = .0353, p < .01). As an aside, we also observe that an increase in the number
of innovations is associated with a lower number of SKUs per innovation. We suspect this
reflects financing constraints firms face when trading off the number of new products and the
number of varieties for each new product.
[Insert Figure 2b here]
Does Going Public Decrease the Degree of Breakthrough Innovations?
We plot the cross-sectional proportion of breakthrough innovations to total innovations
for the changeover firms in Figure 2c. In line with theoretical models (see Spiegel and Tookes
2008), we find a spike of breakthrough innovations in the year prior to the IPO and a gradual
decrease following the IPO. We present a formal test of Equation 3 in Table 3.4 The overall
model is significant (F(32) = 8.56, p < .01) and, consistent with H3, going public decreases the
number of breakthrough innovations (1 = -.0360, p < .05). Unreported robustness checks show
that the number of incremental innovations (defined as firm total innovations minus
breakthrough innovations in a given year) increases after going public. That is, while introducing
an overall larger number of innovations, firms introduce more incremental innovations and fewer
breakthrough innovations.
[Insert Figure 2c here]
Does Going Public Decrease Innovations in New-to-the-Firm Categories?
As depicted in Figure 2d, the number of new-to-the-firm categories drops rapidly after the
IPO. This is supported by the binary regression results of Equation 4 in Table 3.5 The model is
statistically significant (2(32) = 171.59, p < .01). After going public, firms are less likely to
expand into new-to-the-firm categories (1 = -.4879, p < .01), controlling for the total number of
innovations. This supports H4. In unreported tests, we also control for the cumulative number of
categories the firm has introduced products in and find the going public effect to be even
stronger (1 = -.5205, p < .01).
[Insert Figure 2d here]
Our findings indicate that when a CPG firm goes public, it increases the number and
variety of innovations it introduces but reduces the riskiness of those innovations (measured as
To mitigate concerns that Equation 3 becomes endogenous when we control for the number of innovations, we
follow Sorescu and Spanjol (2008) which instruments the number of innovations in year t by the number of
innovations in year t-1. Our results replicate.
We re-estimate Equation 4 including firm-year observations with zero innovations and find that our results
strong likelihood that customers will purchase the firms breakthrough innovation. Second, there
must be appropriability opportunities that protect the firms ability to extract profits from its
breakthrough innovation.
We examine these moderating forces at the industry level given they are product-market
variables. This industry-level view offers two additional empirical advantages. We are able to
retain the same empirical approach used in our hypotheses testing given we can measure these
industry factors when the firm is in a private and a public state. A focus on industry factors also
minimizes endogeneity concerns as these factors are independent of firm strategy.
Beginning with demand-side opportunities in product markets, we theorize that public
firms operating in industries with higher industry sales growth will make higher investments in
risky innovation given the expectation of an increasing pie and potentially a larger piece of that
pie (McDougall et al. 1994). Similarly, we expect that industry demand instability will weaken
firm incentives to engage in risky innovation given it jeopardizes innovation returns, which puts
public firms at risk of under-delivering against investors earnings projections.
Public firms are more likely to invest in risky innovation when they have increased
opportunity to extract or appropriate the returns from doing so (Cohen and Levin 1989). Given
this, we focus on two industry factors that should heighten this opportunity. First, we expect that
higher industry value appropriation emphasis will increase this opportunity. Firms may
appropriate value from innovation by protecting returns with patents or by advertising (which
builds brands and customer relationships), both of which may protect the firm from imitators.
Given its low patent rate, the CPG sector appears to use advertising for this purpose. If, as Mizik
and Jacobson (2003, p. 66) argue, company resources end up concentrated in the areas of the
greatest perceived importance, it follows that an industry emphasis on value appropriation will
Mizik and Jacobson (2003) also highlight industry differences in these emphases in their paper.
R&D expenditures, scaled by total assets, averaged over all firms per year in a given industry.7
As before, industry concentration is measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. Web
Appendix A contains a correlation matrix of all variables in this model.
The overall model is significant (F(39) = 6.03, p < .01) and our public main effect
remains negative and significant (1 = -.0310, p < .05). Industry sales growth positively
moderates the going-public effect (10 = .3146, p < .05), while industry demand instability does
not have a significant impact, although the sign is in the expected direction (11 = -.0139, n.s.).
Industry strategic emphasis (12 = 1.1167, p < .01) and industry concentration (13 = .1421, p <
.05) positively moderate the going-public effect. That is, in industries in which firms can more
easily protect their innovation rents, firms are less likely to reduce their breakthrough
innovations after going public. Web Appendix B provides a complete set of model results.
Examining these results, we conclude that the industry in which a public firm operates can offer
product-market incentives that counterbalance stock market pressures. In particular, both demand
opportunities and innovation-appropriability opportunities can counteract stock market pressures
faced by public firms.
Does Going Private Influence Level and Riskiness of Innovations?
If our theory holds, we should observe the reverse of the going-public effect when firms
delist from public stock markets. Specifically, after going private, there should be a drop in
innovation level and an increase in the riskiness of innovations. To examine this question, we
identify a new sample of 90 public CPG firms from Compustat that delist from public stock
markets within our observation period. Excluding those firms that lack data for at least three
While three of our four moderators can only be measured at the industry level, value appropriation emphasis can
also be measured at the firm level. We remain at the industry level for theoretical reasons and also so we can
observe the firm in both its public and private statesa feature that is important to our quasi-experimental design.
years before and after the delisting (Lerner, Sorensen, and Strmberg 2011)reduces the sample
size to 77 firms.8 Block (2004) observes that the ratio of firms going private to going public is in
the 20-30% range, which compares well to our sample ratio of 36%. We then test Equations 1-4
and capture the going private effect by the reversed sign of the public variable.
Confirming the counterfactual implied in H1 and H2, firms significantly decrease their
level of innovations (1 = -.2256, p < .05) and marginally decrease their innovation variety (1 =
-.6688, p < .10) after going private. We also find that firms are more likely to introduce products
into new-to-the-firm categories (1 = .4515, p < .05) after delisting (H4). Our results do not,
however, provide evidence that firms increase their number of breakthrough innovations after
going private (1 = -.0066, n.s.) (H3).
How do SEOs Continue to Influence Firm Innovation?
Another follow-up question involves whether firms that are more exposed to the stock
market experience similar changes in innovation. Specifically, we analyze the innovation
strategies of firms that offer seasoned equity after the initial IPO. We collect information on
seasoned equity offerings of the changeover firms from the SDC Platinum Global New Issues
database and create a variable that cumulatively counts the number of SEOs for each firm. The
maximum number of SEOs observed per firm in our sample is 9 (M = .61, SD = 1.40).
Interacting the SEO count variable with the public state dummy and including it in our earlier
models has a significant effect only for the number of breakthrough innovations (1 = -.030, p <
.05). Thus, offering more equity to public firms increases their exposure to stock market
incentives and leads firms to reduce breakthrough innovation levels.
Lerner, Sorensen, and Strmberg use three years before and five years after in their paper. To maximize our
sample size, we adopt the three-year frame before and after.
Our empirical identification strategy lacks randomized assignment into the going public
or staying private firm conditions. Hence, we cannot rule out that the going-public decision is
correlated with the firms innovation activity. We address this potential endogeneity problem, in
part, given we use a fixed-effects estimator which rules out time-invariant unobservable firm
characteristics that may be confounded with both the decision to go public and firm innovation
strategies (e.g., Chemmanur, He, and Nandy 2010; Mikkelson, Partch, and Shah 1997). In this
section, we describe three additional strategies to mitigate endogeneity concerns, including selfselection, reverse causality, and alternative explanations involving firm dynamics.
Ruling Out Self-Selection
Heckman self-selection correction. To perform the Heckman two-step estimation, we
begin by estimating a first-stage binary regression to predict the probability of being a publiclylisted firm using a latent index function IPO* = 'X + u, with IPO = 1 if IPO* > 0 and IPO = 0 if
IPO* < 0. We follow Xiong and Bharadwaj (2011) and include a measure of firm size (press
coverage proxy), firm location (state of firm headquarter), firm age, and industry dummies as
predictors of the going-public decision.9 The dependent variablegoing publicis equal to 0
for all private firms. For public firms, it is 0 in all years prior to the IPO, 1 in the year of the IPO,
and set to missing in the years when the firm is public.10 Results indicate that the overall model
is significant (LR (54) = 93.82, p < .01) with firm size predicting the decision to go public ( =
8.42, p < .01), but not firm age ( = -.001, n.s.). We then compute the inverse Mills ratio derived
We tested the sensitivity of the two-stage estimation by including different sets of predictors in the first-stage
regression. Following recent work in finance, we also included the annual return on the S&P 500 index, number of
firms listed in CRSP, standard deviation of analyst forecasts, and number of analysts (Chemmanur, He, and Nandy
2010). Our second-stage results replicate under these specifications.
If we instead retain the years when the firm is public and set these years to a value of 1, our results replicate.
from the Probit model as = ('X) / ('X), where and are the probability density function
and cumulative density function of the normal distribution, and add it as a predictor to correct for
self-selection in Equations 1-4. We bootstrap the standard errors and observe that the inverse
Mills ratio is not significant in any of the models and that our results replicate.
Magnitude measure self-selection correction. Li and Prabhala (2007) propose an
alternative technique to address the endogenous selection problem. Specifically, they suggest
using a variable that indicates the magnitude of the selection, conditional on the selection itself,
as a correction term. Consistent with this idea, we can observe the firm going public and the size
of its equity offering. Retrieving these data from SDC Platinum for 104 of the 207 changeover
firms, we re-estimate Equations 1-4 and include an additional regressorthe size of the equity
offerto correct for selection. Results indicate that this magnitude variable does not have a
significant effect on our innovation outcomes and our results hold.
Entropy balancing and matching self-selection correction. To eliminate bias arising
from having qualitatively different treatment (changeover) and control (private) groups, we
control for observable differences between public and private firms by employing both balancing
and matching corrections. First, we use a probability weighting procedure to complement
traditional OLS estimation by confining estimation to a balanced sample of firm observations
with similar covariate propensities. Weighting prevents sample loss that might occur in matching
proceduresa feature attractive when using continuous covariates (Hainmueller 2012).
Following Hainmueller (2012), we use entropy balancing, a generalized propensity score
weighting technique, to determine the influence of the going-public decision on firm innovation.
Our predictors for selection into the changeover group (treatment) that goes public are the firm
covariates from our earlier model. Following balancing, the descriptives for the sample do not
differ between treatment and control groups. Weighting on these variables, we replicate our
results. Second, we also match observables on propensity scores associated with these same
covariates and replicate our results (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983).
Ruling Out Reverse Causality
A second endogeneity concern is that the innovation pattern we observe is not a function
of the IPO; instead, the IPO is a function of the firms past innovation and future innovation
expectations. To resolve this concern, first, we use the prediction model we applied in our earlier
Heckman selection specification to forecast the probability that a firm will go public. We then
identify firms that only have a low probability of going public in a particular year but still pursue
an IPO.11 We build a dummy variable UIPOunanticipated IPOthat is equal to 1 if firm i
unexpectedly goes public in year t and 0 otherwise. We regress the lagged number of innovations
and breakthrough innovations on UIPO. Neither is significant, suggesting that prior levels of
innovation do not induce firms to pursue an IPO. This is consistent with prior literature that
suggests market conditions motivate if and when firms go public (Brau and Fawcett 2006).
As a second step, we explore managers expectations of future firm performance. As a
proxy for managerial confidence in future firm competitiveness, we study insider trading
behavior after the firm goes public. We collect insider transaction data from Thomson Reuters
Insider Filing Data Feed for all firms in our changeover sample and add a randomly-drawn
sample of 223 public CPG firms for which insider transaction data are available. Summing the
number of transactions among firm executives for each firm-year, we do not find a significant
difference in share-purchasing (t = -1.01, n.s.), share-selling (t = .74, n.s.), or net share
purchasing-selling (t = -.59, n.s.) between the newly public changeover firms and the randomly
We define these firms as those that have a probability of .4 or lower of going public in year t but still pursue an
IPO in year t, t-1 or t+1. Results replicate with different cut-off points of .5, .3 and .2.
drawn public firms. This suggests that managers of the changeover firms were not pessimistic
about firm prospects and supports the view that our results are not driven by reverse causality.
Ruling Out Alternative Firm Dynamics
Ruling out IPO dynamics. One alternative explanation is that our results are a short-term
effect due to pre-IPO window dressing and not a persistent transformation in firm strategy.
Although our thirty-year time series before and after the IPO is an important reason to doubt this
concern, we offer three additional tests to rule it out. First, we exclude the IPO year, as well as
one or two years prior to and after the IPO, and replicate our results. We also build a binary
variable equal to 1 if the observation comes from one or two years prior to the IPO and 0 if it
comes from any other firm-year. Regressing this variable on our innovation outcomes yields no
significant effects indicating that it is not the years around the IPO driving our findings. Second,
we remove the public dummy predictor and use a continuous variable that counts firm-event
years (where firm IPO year = 0). We find that the predictor is significant and in the same
direction as the public dummy, indicating that the more years after the IPO, the more firms
increase innovation levels and reduce risky innovation. Third, we control for a potential overtime trend toward less innovative products by including a within-firm trend variable in our
earlier models. We replicate our public effect in all four models.
Ruling out firm life-cycle dynamics. A second alternative explanation is that the firms
own life cycle produces the observed innovation outcomes (Bernstein forthcoming). Specifically,
as the firm evolves over time, it exhibits different strategies. We control for age, which partials
out substantial life-cycle effects. In a further robustness check, we test our models on a new
sample of firms that planned but did not complete an IPO and are at the same stage in their life
cycle as the firms in our sample. We were able to identify 36 firms that registered with the SEC
to go public but withdrew their filings. We collect information on the planned IPO date from
SDC Platinum Global New Issues Database. Comparing the pre-planned-IPO observations to the
post-planned-IPO observations, we do not find any change over the planned IPO date for any of
our four innovation outcomes. Although instructive, the small sample makes it challenging to
detect significant patterns, and therefore we interpret these results with caution.
Ruling out management-team dynamics. A third alternative explanation for our findings
is that firms change their management teams when going public and that this change leads to the
observed innovation strategy changes. We do not expect this to explain our results for three
reasons. First, prior literature finds that going public does not lead to high management turnover
(Mikkelson, Partch, and Shah 1993). Second, even if turnover does occur at the IPO, to explain
our results, firms would systematically have to choose managers who adopt the innovation
pattern we uncover. While we cannot exclude this possibility, it seems unlikely. Third, we collect
evidence from ExecuComp to study CEO tenure for a sample of our changeover firms for which
data are available. For a total of 247 CEOs (n = 90 firms) from 1992- 2011, a new CEO was
appointed when the firm went public in only 15 cases (16.6%).
Summary of Key Contributions
Our findings contribute to the literature in the following ways. First, by examining new
product introductions instead of R&D spending and patents, we offer the first investigation of the
going-public effect that relies on actual innovations introduced to the market. As such, we argue
that our empirical approach offers a more valid test of the going-public effect. Second, the use of
actual new product introductions allows us to include new market entry as a type of innovation
that might be influenced by firms going public. Specifically, we demonstrate that both productlevel and market-level forms of risky innovation may be influenced by stock market incentives.
Third, while existing literature using a quasi-experimental approach has focused on
technology sectors, we focus on firms in the CPG sector which face unique regimes to
appropriate value from innovations. By showing that the going-public effect does occur in this
sector and that it does so over a thirty-year period, we add to the generalizability of the goingpublic effect. Examining this industry also allows us to offer the risk-reduction prong of the
going-public effect as a reason CPG firms may use an SKU-proliferation strategy. This extends
literature which has viewed it as a strategy to deter entry (Kekre and Srinivasan 1990) or to
signal quality (Draganaska and Jain 2005).
Fourth, our empirical strategy examining firms before and after stock market listing is
among a small number of studies adopting this quasi-experimental set-up. With a range of tests
to rule out endogeneity concerns, reverse causality, and competing explanations, we increase
confidence in the going-public effect by demonstrating that IPO selection and IPO dynamics are
not driving its operation.
Finally, we attempt to understand if firms can defy the going-public effect and continue
to introduce breakthrough innovations after going public. We identified a set of industry factors
that might shift the public firms calculus away from stock market incentives and toward
product-market incentives. Industry factors can also be measured before and after the IPO, which
is consistent with our quasi-experimental approach, and suffer from fewer endogeneity concerns.
We outline directions for future research on this topic in the next section.
Influencing the Firms Post-IPO Innovation Behavior
Future research examining other industry factors might consider the strategic flexibility
of competitors and how firm marketing spending compares to industry averages given that
research has identified both as factors influencing the stock markets response to the firm (Kurt
and Hulland 2013). Future research should also consider a broader array of firm and policy
variables that facilitate resistance to the going-public effect. To that end, we offer an initial
research agenda.
The role of firm factors in the going-public effect. First, firms with a stronger history of
breakthrough innovation prior to the IPO may exhibit a smaller drop off once they go public
because their capabilities may continue to operate to the post-IPO period (Argote 1999). Second,
the presence of a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or a CEO with a marketing background may
facilitate a stronger focus on product-market incentives, given the documented relationship
between presence of a CMO and firm innovation investments (Nath and Mahajan 2008).
Third, research has shown that family firms are more likely to invest in value
appropriation (Kashmiri and Mahajan 2010) and less likely to decrease their new product
introductions during recessions (Kashmiri and Mahajan 2014). Given this, family-name presence
in the firm name and family ownership both may influence whether firms resist the going-public
effect. Research arguing that entrepreneurs are signaling confidence in firm quality when they
include their own name in the firm name (Belenzon, Chatterji, and Daley 2014) support the view
that family name is likely to be related to investments in breakthrough innovation.
Fourth, company incentive systems may encourage post-IPO innovation. These include
performance control systems that reward risk-taking, corporate governance structures that
include risk-seeking compensation schemes (Currim, Lim, and Kim 2013), and the use of nonfinancial controls in management performance evaluation. Fifth organizational culture and
innovations are also more likely to grow markets and to create loyal customers. Incremental
innovations, on the other hand, are more likely to cannibalize existing products in the firms
portfolio, which, depending on margins, may reduce firm profits.
Given this evidence, our documented shift in innovation behavior may have important
consequences for the long-run performance of public firms. As Tellis, Prabhu, and Chandy
(2009) observe, capital availability is not sufficient to ensure returns to innovation. Instead, firm
performance is conditional on managers making the right kinds of innovation investments.
Examining the effect of innovation strategies on performance is important because
breakthrough and new-to-firm category innovations have risks, often fail, and are associated with
a higher firm cash flow discount rate than incremental innovations (Sorescu and Spanjol 2008).
Hence, unlike investments in other marketing assets such as customer satisfaction that appear to
exhibit lower risk while generating higher cash flows (Fornell et al. 2006), investments in
innovation have substantial downside risk when it comes to financial performance. Given this,
investors are likely to demand a price premium to compensate for this increased risk, especially
in the immediate period after the IPO when newly-listed firms lack prior public performance
history. Investments into complementary assets, such as marketing, around the IPO can help
firms mitigate such risks (cf. Kurt and Hulland 2013).
Limitations and Additional Future Research
This study represents an early inquiry into the stock markets impact on firm innovation.
Hence, we acknowledge several limitations that we hope will form the basis of future research.
We focus on how the going-public effect influences one aspect of firm marketing strategyits
innovation strategy. Future research should consider how stock market incentives influence other
strategic behaviors, such as a firms channel or communications strategy. Does a public firms
channel strategy reflect less risk, such as the use of more indirect channels or the use of more
channel partners? Furthermore, will public firms shift to the use of promotion over advertising
given it offers shorter-term pay-offs (e.g., Pauwels et al. 2004)?
Stock markets offer the firm more resources while also imposing shorter-term incentives
and disclosure requirements. Our study does not separate the stock market incentive mechanism
from the financing mechanism. To do so, future research should build a sample of firms that
went public but only offered existing shares (i.e., conducted a secondary IPO). While these firms
do not raise new capital, they do experience stock market incentives. Unfortunately, we were
only able to identify two such firms with complete data for our variables of interest.
This paper investigates how the stock market impacts firm innovation behavior. In a
quasi-experimental research design around firm IPO, we theorize and empirically document that
going public affects both the level and riskiness of firm innovation. First, after going public,
firms innovate at higher levels and introduce more variety with each innovation. This result
appears to be driven by increased access to financial and strategic resources after the IPO.
Second, firms introduce less risky innovations after the IPO, characterized by fewer
breakthrough innovations and fewer innovations into unfamiliar categories. We attribute this
finding to the effect of stock market incentives on the public firm. Third, a set of industry factors
associated with a strong focus on appropriability and sales growth weaken the negative effect of
going public on firm breakthrough innovation. Taken together, results suggest that the stock
market not only absorbs information, but also generates an incentive structure that impacts
managerial decision-making regarding innovation.
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Firm Innovations
Firm Innovation Variety
Firm Breakthrough Innovations
Firm Innovation in New-to-the-Firm Category
Firm Public Status
Firm Age
Industry Purchasing Frequency
Industry Concentration
Firm Press Coverage
Notes: All variables are reported in original units and before logarithmic transformation. Apart from innovation
variety, all variables are measured on firm-year level; innovation variety is measured at the firm-innovation level.
7.35*** (31)
21.20*** (31)
8.56*** (32)
Firm Innovation in
171.59*** (32)
Simone Wies and Christine Moorman
Public (1)
Firm Age (2)
Firm Industry Purchasing Frequency (3)
Firm Press Coverage (4)
Firm Innovations (5)
Industry Concentration (6)
Industry Strategic Emphasis (7)
Industry Demand Instability (8)
Industry Sales Growth (9)
Public*Industry Sales Growth (10)
Public*Industry Demand Instability (11)
Public*Industry Strategic Emphasis (12)
Public*Industry Concentration (13)
Intercept (0)
Year Fixed Effects
Firm Fixed Effects
Adjusted R-squared
F-statistic (DF)
6.09*** (39)
6.26*** (35)
6.09*** (39)
***p < .01, **p < .05, *p < .10.
Estimation using data that are not mean centered.
Notes: The dependent variable for all models is firm breakthrough innovations. Robust standard errors clustered by
firm in parentheses. The interaction models use a sample of 7,173 observations given data is missing for 214
observations for these variables in Compustat. Column 1 contains our interaction model using data that are not
mean-centered. Column 2 contains the main effect model and Column 3 contains the full interaction model using the
mean-centered data.