Maurifat and The Irfan The Process of Spiritual Purification PartII
Maurifat and The Irfan The Process of Spiritual Purification PartII
Maurifat and The Irfan The Process of Spiritual Purification PartII
The Process of
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION:....................................................................................................... 6
THE NOOR AND THE HIKEMA: ............................................................................... 7
MASOMEENASWS ARE THE NOOR ALLAHAZWJ:.................................................. 12
THE MOMIN AND THE KAFIR: ............................................................................... 16
THE NOOR AND THE FOLLOWERSHIP: ............................................................ 17
THE CONDEMNATION OF SEEKING LEADERSHIP: ........................................... 18
SEEKERS OF LEADERSHIP ARE DESTROYED: ................................................. 18
THE KNOWLEDGE AND SEEKING KNOWLEDGE: .............................................. 21
WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE AND HOW IT IS ACQUIRED? ........................................ 22
THE CORRECT KNOWLEDGE IS ONLY IN THE AHADITH OF AHL ALBAYTASWS: ............................................................................................................... 24
OPINION: ................................................................................................................. 26
THE WITHHELD KNOWLEDGE: ............................................................................ 27
THE SALVAGE AND RELIEVE IS IN THE AHADITH (BOOKS): ........................... 27
THE ROLE OF A DIVINE PHOPHETSAWW AND AN IMAMASWS: ............................. 27
IMAMASWS AND HIS POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: .................................... 29
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
In part II, we will present further Ahadith on answers to some of the misconceptions,
adopted by the peers/murshid, from the Ahadith of Masomeen asws, leading to how
one can become a spiritually better person, based on the approach given by the
Masomeenasws in obtaining Irfan and Maurifat. The process of meditation through
man-made techniques, no doubt would generate some qualities within a person, or
even some powers1, which are enough to impress general public. However, this
would only reap the worldly benefits, as one would adopt these upon missing out on
achieving a successful career/business or position and turning to peer/murshid way
of life in order to influence others and benefit from them.
There are several well-known examples on exhibiting such powers by, even some of
the unbelievers, i.e., Samri putting together a golden calf and enabling it to speak by
making use of the dirt underneath the feet of Jibrailas2 and a non-believer who used
to supplicate for the rain in the time of the Imam Zain-ul-Abadeenasws and it would
always rain because of his supplications, pleading to Allah azwj through the bones of a
deceased Prophetas3. Here we have selected a relatively unknown example from
Mullah Mohammed Baqir Majelisis book Ainual Hiyat:
It has been reported by Majelisi, from reliable narrators that once a famous and well
renowned fortune-teller visited Amir-ul-Momineenasws and said: I am an astrologist
and I have heard that youasws too have knowledge about the unforeseen. I want to
ask a few questions from youasws or youasws may ask me instead. Amir-ulMomineenasws said: The knowledge of unseen is with Allahazwj and no one knows
about it and I know only that much which Heazwj has Transmitted to me. However, if
you claim to have such knowledge then tell me what I have hidden in my fist? After
wondering for a long time (without being able to answer) and at that Imam asws asked:
Can you tell or not? He said: Its a small thing but I am wondering how did you get
an egg of a bird, from the top of a mountain, which is so high and impossible to
Imamasws opened his fist and it turned out to be an egg. Imam asws closed his fist
again and asked now tell me what do I have in my fist? He said: The egg, which
was taken out of that nest of the bird, has been placed back there and your fist is
empty. Imamasws opened his hand and there was nothing in it.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: If now I ask a question from you will you give me an honest
Fortune-teller: Yes, I promise you.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: How did you get this knowledge?
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Fortune-teller: I would not have replied to this question but I will, since I have given
you my words. This excellence is due to my hard work, which is based on the
principle that whatever my heart tells me, I always act against it.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: What does your heart says about you becoming Muslim?
Fortune-teller: My heart dislikes it.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: Why dont you then act against it?
The fortune-teller was surprised to hear this and embraced Islam.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: Tell me now what is in my fist?
After deep thinking and struggling, he admitted he could not guess and said: I have
lost my excellence after embracing Islam.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws: Instead of saying, I have lost my excellence; say I have
benefited from Islam. Your quality of denying desires and acting against attractions
which had given you worldly benefits, will now benefit your Hereafter, and raise your
Heavenly status, which I guarantee for you.4
One can, after exerting some efforts (performing a Chillah (40 days) can attain
some charismatic qualities, such as, to earn some fake respect by impressing some
simple-minded people, to achieve a large followership and to accumulate enormous
wealth but are these of any use for the Hereafter? Certainly not as per the above
Hadith and will end up spoiling ones Hereafter as well as of all those who have
followed him.
We first start with some of those concepts, which are based on the Holy Book, and
have fascinated simple minds, due to misinterpretation of the Holy Verses, and have
been the cause of the motivation for many to attain a higher spiritual status, to that of
the Noor. For example, in a well-narrated and famous myth about Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar5 who after standing in water for 36 years asked from Allahazwj to award him
the status of Aliasws (nouzobillah)..but he could only get the fragrance of Ali asws (as
a compromise) A total nonsense, as anyone with even little Maurifat of the Divine
Status of Aliasws will never dare to make such a request. Lets review and try to
understand the meanings of the al-Noor which has been widely misinterpreted and
a wrong message has been conveyed from one generation to the next, in forms of
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of the Quranic Verses become unexplainable and this leads to speculation, the
source of mysticism and the mystical elements for centuries. For example, the
following Verses have been viewed, by the mystics and philosopher-mystics of Islam
as allegorical and esoteric hints, each group, through their own devised
methodologies have focused their attention to achieve the high-level status through
subjecting themselves to spiritual purification.
The First Verse:
He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower
of all things (57:3).
Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Salih ibn Hammad from al-Hussain ibn Yazid from al-Hassan
ibn Ali ibn abu Hamza from Ibrahim who has the narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah :
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Allahazwj, Most Holy is Hisazwj Name, the Most High is Hisazwj
Praise and the Most Glorious are Hisazwj Attributes. Heazwj is the Most Sacred, the
Most Holy, the only One in oneness.
He is Eternal the First, and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden. There is no
beginning for Himazwj. Heazwj is the most exalted in Hisazwj highness. Heazwj is the
Highest in Power, Exalted in Authority, of greatest kingdom, the most bountiful and
His highness is the most High. Heazwj is the Oneazwj Whom no one can completely
Praise or know Hisazwj Lordship completely. No one is able to limit Him azwj; it is not
possible to reach His reality with qualities.7
The Second Verse:
He grants wisdom to whom He pleases, and whoever is granted wisdom, he
indeed is given a great good and none but men of understanding mind.
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Imam saidasws: O Hisham, Allahazwj has then Mentioned the people of Intelligence in
the best manners with the best of characteristics saying, Allah gives wisdom to
whoever He wants. Whoever is given wisdom, has, certainly, received much
good. Only people of Intelligence can grasp this. (2:269)
... Those who have a firm grounding in knowledge say, We believe in it. All its
verses are from our Lord. No one can grasp this fact except the people of
Intelligence. (3:7)
The creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and
the night are evidence (of the existence of Allah) for people of Intelligence. (3:
190) Can a person who knows that what is revealed to you from your Lord is
the Truth, be considered equal to a blind person? Only those who have
understanding take heed. (13: 19). Can this one be considered equal to one
who worships Allah during the night, prostrating and standing, who has fear of
the Day of Judgement and who has hope in the mercy of his Lord? Say, Are
those who know equal to those who do not know? Only the people of
lntelligence take heed: (39:9) It is a blessed Book which We have revealed for
you so that they will reflect upon its verses and the people of understanding
will take heed. (38:29).8
Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn Asbat who has said
the following:
Once I saw Abu Jafarasws who had come out to me and I began to look at him from
head to toe so I could describe him to our people in Egypt. I was looking until he asws
sat down and said, O Ali, Allahazwj has Supported Hisazwj Argument against the
people in the case of Imamat9 just as Heazwj has Done so in the case of the
Prophetsas. Heazwj has Said: We gave authority to him (John) over the people
during his childhood. (19: 12) When he attained maturity, and was 40 years old,
Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, H. 12
Leadership with Divine Authority
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Allahazwj Gave him strength, wisdom and knowledge. Thus, do We reward those
who do good. (12:22) When he grew up to manhood and became forty years
wisdom is given to a Prophetas when heas
old .. . (46:15) It may come to pass,
is just a child or when he is forty-year old.10
The Third Verse:
Allah is the Noor of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His Noor is as a
niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a
brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western,
the oil whereof almost gives Noor though fire touch it not-- Noor upon Noor-Allah guides to His Noor whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for
men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things (24:35).
Ali ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn al-Hassan have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from
Muhammad ibn al-Hassan ibn Shammun from Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Asamma from Abd
Allah ibn al-Qasim from Salih ibn Sahl al-Hamadani who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said the following about the statement of Allah azwj Allah is
the Noor of the heavens and the earth. A metaphor for His Noor is a lantern in
which there is a lamp placed in a glass. The glass is like a shining star, which
is lit from a blessed olive tree that is neither eastern nor western. Its oil almost
lights up even though the fire has not touched it. It is Noor upon Noor. Allah
guides to His Noor whomever He wants. Allah uses various metaphors. He has
the knowledge of all things. (24:35)
The Imamasws said: Lantern metaphorically stands for the Holy lady, Fatimah asws, the
Lamp stands for Imam al-Hassanasws, and the glass stands for Imam al-Husaynasws
The shining star stands for the Holy lady Fatimah asws who shines among the ladies
of the all worlds. The blessed olive tree stands for Prophet Abraham as. Neither
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eastern nor western means neither Jewish nor Christian. The expression: Its oil
almost lights up means that it almost bursts up with knowledge.
Noor upon Noor means that there will be one Imam asws after the other Imamasws
Allahazwj Guides to Hisazwj Noor whoever He wants means that Allahazwj Guides
through the Aimmahasws whoever Heazwj Likes. About the expression Allahazwj Uses
various metaphors I then recited the following verse of the Holy Quran: Or they
(the deeds of the unbelievers) are like the darkness of a deep, stormy sea with
layers of giant waves, covered by dark clouds. It is darkness upon darkness
whereby even if one stretches out his hands he cannot see them. One can
have no Noor unless Allah gives him Noor. (24:40)
The Imamasws said: The word Darkness refers to the first and his friend11, the
expression With layers of giant waves refers to the third, and the expression
Covered with darkness refers to the second. The words It is darkness upon
darkness refer to Muawiya (may Allah condemn him) and the disasters caused by
the Ummavidis. The phrase Even if one stretches out his hands means that even if
a true believer stretches out his hands in such disastrous condition he cannot see
them (cannot find the truth as it has been made so obscure by them).
The statement One can have no Noor unless Allah azwj Gives him Noor stands for
the Noor from the children of the Holy lady, Fatimahasws. There will be no Noor on
the Day of Judgement for him except (for those who are with) an Imam asws. The
Imamasws said that, On the Day of Judgement you will see the believers with their
Noor shining in front of them and to their right. They will be told, Paradise wherein
streams flow is the glad news for you today. You will live therein forever. This
is the greatest triumph. (57: 12) The phrase The shining Noor in front ... is a
reference to the Imamasws who will walk in front and on the right of the true believers
until they all enter Paradise.12
Ali ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn al-Hassan have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Musa ibn
al-Qasim al-Bajali and Muhammad ibn Yahya from al-Amrakiy ibn Ali altogether from Ali ibn Jafar
from his brother a similar Hadith.
Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Yaqub ibn Yazid from al-Abbass ibn Hilal
who said the following:
Once I asked Imam Al-Rezaasws about the meaning of the words of Allah azwj, Allah
is the Noor of the heavens and the earth. (24:35). The Imamasws replied: Allahazwj
is the Guide for all that is in the Heavens and the Guide for all that is on the Earth.
According to another Hadith that al-Barqi has narrated (the Imamasws said): Allah has
Guided everyone in the heavens and everyone on the earth.13
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Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn Mirdas who has said
that Safwan ibn Yahya and al-Hassan ibn Mahbub have narrated from abu Ayyub from abu Khalid alKabuli who has said the following:
I asked (Imam) Abu Jafarasws about the meaning of the words of Allahazwj: Those
who believe in Allah and His messenger and follow the Noor which is sent
down .... (64:8) The Imamasws said: O abu Khalid, I swear by Allahazwj, it is
Aimmahasws from the family of the Holy Prophetsaww up to the Day of Judgement
who are called Noor in the above verse. They, Iasws swear by Allahasws, are the Noor
of Allahazwj whom Heazwj sent down. It is theyasws, I swear by Allahazwj, who are the
Noor of Allahazwj in the heavens and in the earth. O Abu Khalid, I asws swear by
Allahazwj, that the Noor of Imamasws in the hearts of the true believers is brighter than
the light of the sun in the midday.
Theyasws, Iasws swear by Allahazwj, give Noor to the hearts of the true believers and
Allahazwj may Block such Noor from reaching the hearts of whomever He azwj may
Will, thus their hearts remain dark. O Abu Khalid, no one believes in our Divine
Authority except that unless Allahazwj Cleanses his heart. Allahazwj will not Cleanse
the heart of a person until he or she will acknowledge our asws Divine Authority and
submits to usasws. When one submits to usasws Allahazwj will Safeguard him against
the severity of the Day of Reckoning and Grant him security against the great horror
on the Day of Judgement.14
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated through his chain of narrators the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said the following about the words of Allah azwj: There are
those who follow the Messenger, the Ummi15 Prophetsaww, whose description they
find written in the Torah and the Gospel. Hesaww enjoins them to do good and forbids
them to do all that is unlawful, makes lawful for them all that is pure and makes
unlawful all that is filthy, removes their burdens and the entanglements in which they
are involved. Those who believe in him, honour and help him, and follow the
Noor which is sent down to him, will have everlasting happiness. (7: 157).
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Ahmad ibn ldris has narrated from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Jabbar from ibn Fadala from ThaIaba ibn
Maymun from abu al-Jarud who has said the following:
Once I said to Abu Jafarasws: Allahazwj has given a great deal of good to the people
of the heavenly books. The Imamasws then asked: What is it? I then said it is said in
the words of Allah: Of those to whom We have given the book before him
(Prophet Muhammad) they believe in him ... These will receive double reward
for their forbearance .... (28:54) The Imamasws said: Allahazwj has Given you also
a great deal of good as Heazwj has Given to them, and heasws recited, Believers,
have fear of Allah and believe in His Messenger. Allah will grant you a double
share of mercy, a Noor by which you can walk ... (57:28) The Noor mentioned
in this verse stands for the Imamasws whom you follow.17
Ahmad ibn Mihran has narrated from Abd al-Azim ibn Abd Allah al-Hassani from Ali ibn Asbat and alHassan ibn Mahbub from Abu Ayyub from Abu Khalid Al-Kabuli who has said the following:
Once I asked Abu Jafarasws about the meaning of the words of Allah azwj in the
following Verse of the Holy Quran. Those who believe in Allah and His
messenger and follow the Noor which is sent down .... (64:8) The Imamasws
said: O Abu Khalid, the Noor in this Verse, I say by Allah azwj, stands for
O Abu Khalid the Noor of the Imamasws in the hearts of the true believers is brighter
than the Noor of the sun in midday. It is they who brighten the hearts of the true
believers, and Allahazwj withholds theirasws Noor from reaching whomever Heazwj Wills
not to reach, thus their hearts become dark and Allah azwj Covers them with
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Ahmad ibn ldris has narrated from al-Husayn ibn Ubayd Allah from Muhammad ibn al-Hassan and
Musa ibn Umar from aI-Hassan ibn Mahbub from Muhammad ibn al-Fudayl who has said the
Once I asked Abu Al-Hassanasws about the meaning of the words of Allahazwj in the
following verse of the Holy Quran. They want to put out the Noor of Allah with
their mouths, but Allah will certainly make His Noor shine forever, even though
)the unbelievers may dislike this. (61:8
The Imamasws said: They want to put out the Divine Authority of Amir-ulMomineenasws with their mouths. However, the expression Allah completes His
Noor stands for the Imamazwj as mentioned in the following verse Those who
believe in Allah, His messenger and follow the Noor which is sent down (64:8).
The Noor stands for Imamazwj.19
Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Ali ibn al-Abbas from Ali ibn Hammad from Amr ibn Shamir from
Jabir who has narrated the following:
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This is about the meaning of the words of Allah azwj. ... one who does a good deed
We add to it for him more goodness. (42:23) Abu Jafarasws has said that it is a
reference to the one who accepts Wilayah20 of Aly-e21-Muhammadsaww and follows
theirasws footprints. The following such guidance adds to the Wilayah of the
Prophetsas of the past and the believing people of the earlier generations. Their
Wilayah then reaches the Wilayah of Adam as. It is mentioned in the words of
Allahazwj ... one who does a good deed for him there is something better than
that good deed. (27:89) One for this reason will enter the Garden as Allah azwj has
said. say.. Whatever reward I ask from you is for your own self. (34:47). The
Holy Prophetsaww says: The reward that I ask from you in the form of the love
besides which I do not ask from you for anything is for you through which you will
find guidance and will be saved from suffering on the Day of Judgement.
For the enemies of Allahazwj and friends of Satan, people of rejection and denial,
Heazwj has said: .. say, I do not ask from you for any reward and I am not a
pretending one.: (38:86) Hesaww says: I will be pretending if I ask you what you are
not worthy of (l do not ask the hypocrites to love my family; it is useless). The
hypocrites then said to each other, Is it not enough for Muhammad saww that he has
dominated us for twenty years and now in addition he saww wants to load his family on
our necks? Therefore, they said: Allahazwj has not revealed it. It is nothing more than
hissaww own words that hesaww speaks to raise his family over our necks. If
Muhammadsaww will be killed or die, we will remove his family from government and
then we will never allow it to go back to them forever. Allahazwj Wanted to inform His
Holy Prophetsaww of that which they were hiding in their chests secretly. Allah azwj
thus, has said in His book, ... do they say that he has fabricated it against Allah
falsely? Had Allah wanted He could have sealed his heart (42:24)
Heazwj says: Had Iazwj wanted Iazwj could have held back revelation from you so you
could not speak of the excellence of your family, or about loving them. Allah azwj has
Said: ... Allah deletes falsehood and establishes the truth through His words.
[Heazwj Says that truth is on the side of your family. It is the Wilayah]. He has
full knowledge of all that is in the hearts. (42:24) Heazwj speaks about what Heazwj
has Placed in their hearts of animosity towards yoursaww family, the injustice to
themasws after yoursaww passing away as is mentioned in the Words of Allah azwj, ...
the unjust secretly speak to each other and say, Is it not true that he is only a
human being like you? Do you then come to magic when you can see it! (21
:3) There are the words of Allahazwj. ... I swear by the star when it descends
down. [Heazwj has said that Heazwj swears by the passing away of Muhammad saww
from this world). Heazwj swears that your companion is not misled (in giving
preference to his family) and has not transgressed. He saww does not speak out of
hissaww own desires (Heazwj says that he does not speak of the excellence of hissaww
family out of hissaww own desire but it is the words of Allah azwj) ... it is but revelation
that is revealed to him. (53: 1-4) Allahazwj has said this to Muhammadsaww say to
them, If I had with me what you want to happen quickly between you and I, the
matter would have been settled. (6:58). Hesaww has said: If I inform you of what
you hide in your chests about my death to happen quicker so you will do injustice to
my family after me, your case will then be like what Allah azwj has said. ... it is like
Guardianship of A immah
Family of
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the case of one who kindles a fire. When his surroundings become bright ... ,
(2: 17) is a reference to Hisazwj Saying that the earth became bright by the Noor of
Muhammadsaww just as the sun brightens it. Allahazwj has given the example of
Muhammadsaww to be like the Sun. The example of the executor of the will like the
moon as is mentioned in the words of Allahazwj. He has made the sun a source of
Noor and the moon a brightness. It is also in Hisazwj words: ... a sign for them is
the night from which We extract the day when they were in darkness. (36:37)
Also it is in the words of Allahazwj ... Allah removed their Noor and left them in
darkness in which they cannot see. (2: 18) It is a reference to the passing away
of Muhammad from this world. After this darkness appeared, then they did not see
the excellence of Ahl al-Baytasws. Allahazwj has said, ... if you call them to
guidance they cannot listen and you see them look to you but they cannot
see. (7:197)
The Rasool Allahsaww left the knowledge, which was with himsaww with the executor of
the will as mentioned in the words of Allahazwj ... Allah is the Noor of the skies
and earth. (24:35) Heazwj says that Heazwj is the Guide of the skies and earth like the
knowledge that Iazwj have given and that is the Noor (Myazwj Noor) by which guidance
is found like a niche in which there is a lantern. Niche is the heart of Muhammad saww
lantern is Myazwj Noor in which there is knowledge. In addition, there are His azwj
words. ... the lantern is in a glass which Heazwj says I want to make you pass
away. Therefore, you must leave that which is with you with the Executor of the Will
just as a lantern is placed in a glass as if it is a brilliant star.
Thus, inform them of the excellence of Executor of the Will, it lights up from a
blessed tree and the origin of the blessed tree is Ibrahimas as mentioned in the
words of Allahazwj ... the mercy and the blessings of Allah is upon you Aly-e-Ahl
al-Bayt; He is praiseworthy and glorious. (11:73) It is in the words of Allahazwj ...
Allah chose Adamas, Noahas, Aly-e-Ibrahimas, and Alyas of Imran over the
worlds. They were offspring of each other and Allah is hearing and
knowledgeable. (3:33-34) ... it is not from the East or from the West. He says that
you are not Jews who face during Salat to the West. You are not Christians who turn
their faces toward the East in Salat. You are followers of the religion of Ibrahim as, as
Allahazwj, has said, ... Ibrahim was not a Jew or Christian, but he was an upright
man, submitted to the will of Allah and he was not a pagan. (3:67) Also there is
the words of Allahazwj ... its oil almost lights up even if no fire touches it. It is Noor
upon Noor. Allahazwj Guides to His Noor whomever Heazwj wants. Heazwj Says that
the example of your children who are born from you is like the oil which is extracted
from olive. Its oil almost lights up even if no fire touches it. It is Noor upon Noor.
Allahazwj Guides to Hisazwj Noor whomever Heazwj wants. Heazwj Says that they almost
speak like the Prophetsas do, even though no angels come to them.22
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa from ibn Mahbub from
Abd Aziz al-Abdi from Abd Allah ibn abu Yafur who has said the following:
Once I said to Abu Abd Allahasws I meet people and it increases my wonder when I
find people who do not consider you (Ahl al-Baytasws) as their guardians and
Aimmah (Leaders with Divine Authority) but they consider so and so as their imam.
However, they are trustworthy, truthful and loyal. I also find people who consider
youasws as their guardians and Aimmahasws but are not trustworthy, loyal and
Abu Abd Allahasws then sat in an upright position and turned to me as if upset, and
then said, One who follows the religion of Allahazwj under the guardianship of an
unjust imam who does not possesses Divine Authority, has no religion. One who
follows the religion of Allahazwj under the guardianship of an Imamasws who is just in
his dealings and possesses Divine Authority, will suffer no negative effect.
I then asked: Do those, in fact, have no religion, and these face no destruction?
The Imamasws said: That is correct. Those have no religion and these face no
destruction. Then, the Imamasws said: Have you not heard the words of Allah azwj:
Allah is the Guardian of the believers and it is He who takes them out of
darkness into light. ... (2:257). It means that Heazwj Takes them out of the
darkness of sins to the light of repentance and forgiveness because of their love for
and their being under the guardianship of the just Aimmahasws who possess Divine
Allahazwj has also Said: The Devil is the guardian of those who deny the Truth
and he leads them from light to darkness .... (2:257). It means that they were in
the light of Islam but when they accepted the guardianship and the leadership of
every unjust imam who possessed no authority from Allah azwj their guardianship took
them out of the Noor of Islam to the darkness of disbelief. Allah azwj then Made it
necessary for them to suffer in fire along with the unbelievers, ... these are the
dwellers of hell wherein they will live forever (2:257).23
Al-Qatara, V. 2, pp. 78, Alkafi, V. 1, H. 965, Bihar V. 23, pg. 323, H. 8.. 5:1 7 1 7
The lower case for the murshid means a man-made leader.
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws said: Beware of the leader25 who goes around as leaders,
for by Allahazwj, there is no man behind whom is the sound of shoes, but he is
destroyed and leads others to destruction.26
7 7 ) ( 7
And from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ayyub,
from Abu Aqeela Al Sayrafi, from Karaam, from Abu Hamza Al Thumaly who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Beware of leading27, and beware of following the people. I
said: May I be sacrificed for youasws! As for the leadership, I understand that, and as
for the following the people, two thirds of what I have is what is from following the
people. Heasws said to me: This is not as you think it to be. Beware of establishing a
man without the al-Hujjat (Divine Proof), ratifying (believing in) everything that he
! 7 ( ) 7 ( )
Muhammad Bin Masud Al Ayyashi in his Tafseer from Aban said:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws say: O group of youths! Be afraid of Allahazwj, and do not
obey the influential and others, until they become frustrated. Do not take to the men
as confidants apart from Allahazwj, I by Allahazwj am better for you than them.
Then heasws hit hisasws chest with hisasws hand.29
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus from abu al- Rabi al-Shami who has
said the following:
Once Abu Jafarasws said to me: Woe upon you, O abu al-Rabi, do not seek
leadership and do not be a wolf, do not eat people (consume their properties)
through usasws so Allahazwj makes you poor, do not say about usasws what we do not
say about ourselvesasws. One day you will be made to stand up (before the Judge)
and will inevitably be questioned. Had you been a truthful person, we asws, approve
you and, had you been lying, weasws will declare you a liar.30
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Mansur ibn al- Abbas from ibn
Mayyah from his father who has said the following:
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus from al-Ala from Muhammad ibn
Muslim who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws asking: Do you think I do not distinguish the bad from
good among you? Yes, by Allahazwj, the bad ones among you are those who love
people walking behind them. Such a person is inevitably a liar or a helpless one (due
to his ignorance) in his opinion.32
lt is narrated from the narrator of the previous Hadith from Ali ibn Asbat from al -Ala ibn Razin from
Muhammad ibn Muslim who has narrated the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws wrote to Shiah as follows: The ones among you with the ability
(elders) to speak and reason must show kindness to and prohibit the ignorant ones
among you, and those who seek leadership, otherwise, you will all be affected by my
Jafar ibn Bashir has narrated from Amr ibn Uthman from abu Shabal who has narrated the following:
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Once, Sulaiman ibn Khalid and I visited Abu Abd Allahasws. Sulaiman ibn Khalid
said: The Zaidiy sect, has become known, tried and is famous among people and
those on earth as followers of Muhammadsaww and they are more beloved to them
(public) than you are; in such case if you can bring them closer to you, you should do
The Imamasws said: O Sulaiman ibn Khalid, if these dim-witted ones want to bar
usasws from our knowledge and lead to their ignorance, then they are not welcome.
They are not accepted; but if they listen to what we asws say and wait for our Amrajfj34,
then it is not harmful.35
The Wilayat, of Allahazwj, Rasoolsaww and Mola Aliasws (who gave Zakat in Rakku) is of
the same value and nature and as such be reflected in all our acts of worship. Amirul-Momineenasws says: My Wilayat is the Wilayat of Allah azwj and all Prophetsas has
to pledge to our Wilayat, as part of the major requirement for their qualification (to be
given the Prophet-hood).36
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa from Muammar ibn Khallad
narrates the following from Abu Al-Hassan
It was mentioned before the Imamasws that a certain person loves to have leadership.
The Imamasws said: Two fierce wolves in a flock of sheep, whose shepherd is far
away, are not more harmful to the flock than seeking leadership to a Muslims
religion is.37
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ahmad ibn Said ibn Janah from his brother.
abu Amir from a man who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from his father from
Abd Allah ibn al-Mughirah from Abd Allah ibn Muskan who has said the following:
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: Beware of these leaders who pretend to be
leaders. I say it by Allah, shoes (people) have never marched behind a man, but that
he destroys (them) and (he) is destroyed.39
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Bazi and others
in a marfu manner who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Condemned is one who seeks leadership, condemned
is one who intends to become a leader and condemned is one who speaks to
himself of leadership.40
Al-Hussanin ibn Mohammed, who from Mohammed ibn Ahmed al-Nahdi Rafa, who has narrated the
following from Abi Abd Allah :
The Rasool Allahsaww has said: My followers are exempt from responsibilities in 9
kinds of acts and conditions:
Acting by mistake;
Out of forgetfulness;
Things they have no knowledge of;
Things the are not able to do;
Thing they could not live without;
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Thing, which they are compelled to do;
Temptations in thinking about creatures;
Feeling envy as long as it is neither expressed by their tongues nor by
Imam Sadiqasws narrated that someone came to see Gods Prophet saww and said: O
Prophet of Allahsaww! What is knowledge? The Prophetsaww replied: Trying to hear.
He asked: What else? The Prophetsaww said: Listening. He asked: What else? The
Prophetsaww said: then it is in memorising it. He asked What else? The Prophetsaww
said: Practicing what is learned. He asked: What else? The Prophet saww said:
Teaching it to other people.43
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Imam Musa Bin Jafarasws said: There is no salvation except with obedience, and the
obedience with knowledge, and the knowledge by studying it, and studying it by
Aql46 accompany by the belief, and there is no knowledge except from the
knowledgeable oneasws (sent down) from Allahazwj.47
7 ) ( )(
) ( ) ( 7
And from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Abu Nasr, from Mathni,
from Zarara who has narrated the following:
I was with Abu Jafarasws, and with himasws was a man from Kufa asking himasws
about the words of the Amir-ul-Momineenasws: Ask measws whatsoever you feel like.
You will not ask me for anything, but that I asws will give you the answer for it.
Imamasws replied: There is no one who has any knowledge but it has come from the
Amir-ul-Momineenasws. The people can go wherever they want, by Allah azwj, there is
no (correct) affair except from here, - Heasws pointed towards hisasws own house.48
And from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al
Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Yahya Al Halby, from Moala Bin Uthman, from Abu Baseer in a Hadith
Easterners issue orders and so do Westerners, but by Allah azwj, there is no correct
knowledge except from the People of the Household asws on whom Jibraeelas
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
. 7 )
And from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Ishaq, from Abdullah hamaad, from Ibn
Muskaan who has narrated the following:
Abu Abdullahasws said: Weasws are the root of all good, and ourasws branches are all
good, and ourasws enemies are the root of all evil, and from their branches is all
ugliness and promiscuity.50
Abu Jafarasws said: Hasten in the seeking of knowledge. By the One azwj in Whoseazwj
Hand is myasws soul, a single Hadith that you take from the truthful is better than this
world and what in contains of the gold and silver. 51
( ) 7 ( )
And by its chain from Aliasws in the 400 Ahadith Amir-ul-Momineenasws said:
Teach your children ourasws knowledge, Allahazwj will Give them benefit by it, and
ourasws adversaries will not overcome them with their opinions, and do not use
analogy in religion, for religion is that which is not from analogy, and very soon
people will come who will indulge in analogies. They are the enemies of Religion,
and the first one to use analogy was Ibleesla. Beware of pleading arguments for it will
place you in doubt, and the one who opposes usasws will be destroyed.52
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Imam Abu Jafarasws said: Go to the East or go to the West, you will not find correct
knowledge except that which has come out from usasws (Ahadith) the People of the
( ) ( )
7 ) ( 7 ( )
. .
Ali Bin Muhammad Al Khazaaz in the book Al Kifaya regarding the number of the Imams
, narrates
from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Safwani, from Marwaan
Bin Muhammad Al Sanjaari, from Abu Yahya Al Tamimi, from Yahya Al Baka who has narrated the
following from Ali :
The Rasool Allahsaww said: Mysaww community will be divided into seventy three
sects, one of these sects will achieve salvation, and the rest of them will be
destroyed, and the one which will achieve salvation is the one which will attach itself
to yourasws Wilayah54, will take from yourasws knowledge, and will not act according to
their opinions, those ones (the other 72) will not find a way. 55
Al-Rezaasws from hisasws forefathersasws said: Allahazwj has Said: He is not safe from
Meazwj, the one who explains Myazwj Speech by his own opinion.56
( )
7 ) ( 7
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn in Al Amaali from Muhammad Bin Amr Al Hafiz Al Baghdady, from
Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Sabit, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Al Abbas Al Khazaie, from
Hasan Bin Husayn Al-Arny, from Amro Bin Sabit, from Ataa Bin Al Saib, from Abu Yahya, from Ibn
Abbas who said:
The Rasool Allahsaww said to him when he mentioned a sermon of hissaww: Surely,
Aliasws is mysaww brother, and mysaww successor, and heasws is mysaww Caliph, and
heasws is the speaker from mesaww. If you were to seek guidance from him heasws will
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
guide you, and if you were to follow him asws heasws will give you salvation, and if you
were to oppose himasws you will go astray.
Allahazwj Sent down the Quran upon mesaww, and it is such that the one who opposes
it has gone astray, and one who seeks its knowledge from any one other than Ali asws
will perish/killed.57
( )
7 )
And from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hashamy, from Furat Bin Ibrahim Bin Furat Al
Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Zaheer, from Muhammad Bin AL Hasan, son of the brother of Yunus Al
Baghdady, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al Nahshaly who says:
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
! 7 ) ( 7 )
. .
And from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sanany, from Muhammad Bin Jafar Al Jufy Al Asdy, from
Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Al Qasim Bin Suleyman, from
Thabit Bin Abu Safiya, from Saeed Bin Alaqa, from Abu Saeed Aqeya who narrates the following:
Al-Husaynasws, from hisasws fatherasws said: The Rasool Allahsaww said: O Aliasws!
Youasws are mysaww brother, and Isaww am yourasws brother, and Iasws have been
Chosen for Prophet-hood, and youasws have been Chosen for Imamate, and Isaww am
the Sahib (Source) of the Revelation, and youasws are the Sahib of the
Abu Abdullahasws said: The knowledge that Allahazwj has withheld from the servant is
that which is not for them.61
Abu Abd Allahasws said to me: Write, and spread your knowledge within your
brothers. When you (are about to) die, leave your books as inheritance for your
children, for there will come upon the people a time of disorder, they will not find
relief in it except by their books.62
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
path, enlighten them to Hikmat and Maurifat63, as per a number of Verses of the
Holy Quran, see for example:
Our Lord! and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite
to them Thy communications and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and
purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise (2:129).
Even as We have sent among you a Messenger from among you who recites to
you Our communications and purifies you and teaches you the Book and the
wisdom and teaches you that which you did not know (2:151).
Surely; We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and as a
Warner, and you shall not be called upon to answer for the companions of the
flaming fire (2:119).
Say: What thing is the weightiest in testimony? Say: Allah is witness between
you and me; and this Quran has been revealed to me that with it I may warn
you and whomsoever it reaches. Do you really bear witness that there are
other gods with Allah? Say: I do not bear witness. Say: He is only one Allah,
and surely I am clear of that which you set up (with Him) (6:19).
What! is it a wonder to the people that We revealed to a man from among
themselves, saying: Warn the people and give good news to those who believe
that theirs is a footing of firmness with their Lord. The unbelievers say: This is
indeed an evident sorcerer (10:2).
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And those who disbelieve say: Why has not a sign been sent down upon him
from his Lord? You are only a Warner and (there is) a guide for every people
O Tariq, the Imam is the Kalima-tul-Allah word of Allah; Hujat-Allah the proof of
Allah; Waj-Allah the direction to Allah; Noor-Allah the light of Allah; Hijab-Allah
the veil of Allah and Ayat-Allah the sign of Allah64. Heasws is chosen by Allahazwj
who bestows onto him whatever (qualities, perfections) Heazwj Chooses, and Makes
it compulsory on all Hisazwj creatures to Obey him-the Imamasws. Thus he is
Allahazwjs appointed ruler in the heavens and on the earth. Allah azwj has taken a
covenant regarding this from all His servants. Whosoever precedes the Imamasws has
denied established kingdom of Allahazwj. An Imamasws can act as he finds it
appropriate; however his actions only correspond to the will of Allah azwj.
The Imamasws is the guide for the seekers of the truth, an inspiration for the rightly
guided, an established path for the travellers to Allah azwj and a radiant sun in the
hearts of al-Arifoon- the devotees of Allahazwj. His Wilayah is the vehicle leading to
salvation. Wilayah is to safeguard followers from danger and disasters and the
management of their all affairs, even down to demarcating the days and the
months.65 (Hadith-e-Tariq, see the complete sermon with Arabic text in Appendix II)
These titles of masoom Imam are frequently used by non-masoom Mullahs of our time, as did
Abu Bakr , Ummer and Usman in the past.
-4 119 23
-14 1 21
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The faith Eman, of a believer will not attain the level of perfection unless and until
he would recognise measws as a Noor - the Light. When someone knows measws as
Noor, only then he would truly attained faith; he is the one whose heart has been
tested with the true faith, whose chest is dilated in true Islm and whose faith is
based on discernment. Thus, he becomes an Arif staunch believer and embraces
faith with peace of mind. But that; He who fell short of this cognition - he will be a
doubter, immersed in disbelief.
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Hassan ibn Ali from Karram from ibn abu Yafur
who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Our Allahazwj, fill my heart with love for Youazwj, concern about Youazwj, affirmation of
and belief in Yourazwj existence, fear from Youazwj and longing toward Youazwj, O
Glorious, O Magnanimous. Our Allah, make me love meeting Youazwj, and such
meeting to be good, merciful, and full of blessings, join me with the virtuous and do
not leave me behind with the wicked ones. Join me with the virtuous of the past and
those to come, lead me on the path of virtuous ones, assist me against my soul by
that with which Youazwj assist the virtuous ones against their souls, do not turn me in
the evil from which Youazwj want to rescue me, Our Allahazwj of the worlds. I plead
before Youazwj for a belief free of timing before meeting Youazwj, with which Youazwj
will Keep me living, Cause me to die, and raise me up with it when You azwj will
resurrect me.
Free my heart from showing-off, desire for popularity, and doubt in Yourazwj religion.
Our Allahazwj, give me victory in Yourazwj religion, energy to worship, understanding
of Yourazwj creatures, support me twice with Yourazwj kindness (in this life and
hereafter), brighten my face with Yourazwj light, make me interested in what is with
Youazwj, cause me to die in Yourazwj way and in Yourazwj religion, the religion of
Yourazwj Messengersaww.
Our Allahazwj, I seek protection against laziness, old age, cowardice, stinginess,
carelessness, hardheartedness, weakness, and destitution.
I seek protection with Youazwj, Our Allah against a soul that does not become
satisfied, the heart that does not become humble, the supplication that is not heard,
and the prayer that does not yield any benefit. I seek protection with You azwj for
myself, my family, and my children against condemned Satanla.
Our Allahazwj, no one can protect me against Youazwj, I do not find any place to hide
from Youazwj, Do not humiliate me and Do not throw me in perdition and in torment. I
plead before Youazwj to keep me to remain steadfast in Yourazwj religion, affirm
Yourazwj book, and follow Yourazwj messengersaww. Our Allahazwj, speak of me with
Yourazwj mercy and do not speak of me with my sins, accept from me (my good
deeds), increase for me from Yourazwj generosity; I am keen in worshipping Youazwj.
Our Allahazwj, make my reward for speaking and sitting to be Yourazwj happiness with
me, make my deeds and supplication purely for You azwj, make my reward paradise
through Yourazwj mercy, place me together with all I pleaded for before You azwj and
increase for me through Yourazwj favour; I am greatly inclined (to submit myself) to
Our Allahazwj, the stars have disappeared, eyes have gone to sleep, You azwj are
Watching and Guarding, the dark night cannot disappear from Youazwj nor the starry
skies or the well-stretched Earth, neither the choppy ocean, nor the darkness upon
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Youazwj Send mercy upon whomever Youazwj will among Yourazwj creatures; Youazwj
know the secret glance of the eyes and what the hearts conceal. I testify to what
Youazwj have testified for yourself, to what Yourazwj angels have testified, and people
of knowledge have testified that no one deserves to be worshipped except You azwj
the Majestic, the Wise. Whoever does not testify to what You azwj have testified for
yourselfazwj has disbelieved, Yourazwj angels have testified, and people of knowledge
have testified, then write my testimony in (the Book) adjacent to their testimony.
Our Allah, Youazwj are the Peace, and from Youazwj is peace. I plead before Youazwj,
O the Owner of glory and magnanimity to set my neck free of the Fire.68
Abu Abd Allahasws said: People are of three types scholar, student, and rubbish.
Weasws are the scholars, and ourasws Shiites are the students, and the rest of the
people are worthless.69
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Yaqub has narrated from Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim from his father, who
from al-Hassan ibn Ibrahim from Yunus ibn Abd al- Rahman from Ali ibn Mansur who narrated the
Hisham ibn al-Hakam has reported that in Egypt there lived an atheist who had
heard a great deal about (Imam) Abu Abd Allah asws. He travelled to Madina to debate
the Imamasws but he missed finding the Imamasws therein. He was told that the
Imamasws had travelled to the city of Mecca. He then left for Mecca and we were with
the Imamasws when we came across himasws during our performing Tawaf (the seven
times walking around the Kabah). The mans name was Abd al-Malik, also called
abu Abd Allah as his Kunya in Arabic.
He touched Abu Abd Allahaswss shoulder with his shoulder as he walked along. The
Imamasws asked him: What is your name? It is Abd al-Malik (meaning slave of the
King), the man replied. What is your Kunya? Imam asws asked. It is Abu Abd Allah
he replied. The Imamasws then asked, Who is this king whose slave you are? Is he
of the earthly kings or of the heavenly ones? Tell us about your son. Is he a slave of
the Lord of the Heavens or a slave of the Lord of the Earth? Say whatever you may it
will be against you.
Hisham has said that I asked him (the atheist man), Why do you not answer? The
man seemed to dislike my words. The Imam asws then told him, Meet us when we
finish our Tawaf. The atheist came to the Imam asws later and sat in front of the
Imamasws, and we were all gathered around him. The Imam asws then asked him, Do
you know that the earth has an underside and an upper-side? Yes, I know it: the
man replied.
The Imamasws then asked, Have you gone in the underside of the earth? No, I have
not gone there, the man replied. The Imamasws then asked, Do you know what is
there? I do not know but I guess there is nothing there, he replied. The Imam asws
then said, Guessing is weakness. Why do you not acquire certainty? The Imam asws
then asked, Have you climbed up into the sky? No, I have not done so, the man
replied. The Imam then asked, Do you know what is up there? No, I do not know,
he replied. The Imamasws said: It is very strange. Without reaching the East or the
West, without going under the earth or climbing up the sky and without even having
crossed anything to know what is behind there, you deny what is in them. Does any
man of reason deny what he does not know?
The atheist man then said, No one has ever come up to me with such statements
as you have. The Imamasws then said: So, you are uncertain about Him azwj. Perhaps
Heazwj is or maybe Heazwj does not exist. The atheist man then said, Perhaps He azwj
is. The Imamasws then said: O man, one who does not know has no authority over
the one who knows. O Egyptian brethren, listen carefully. We have no doubts about
the existence of Allahazwj. Think about the Sun, the Moon, the day and the nights that
follow each other and do not miss their turns or become confused. They each have
their place and do not have any choice. If they had any other choice they would not
come back again. If they had a choice the day would not always end with night and
the night would not always end in the day. They are forced, I asws say it by Allahazwj, to
continue. O Egyptian brethren, the Oneazwj who has forced them is stronger than
them and greater. The atheist man then said, You have spoken the truth.
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The Imamasws then said: You people speak of and guess that it is dahr (time) that
causes people to die and brings changes. If it were so, then, when it took them away
why then would it not return them, and if such form of time had returned them then
why would it not be taking them away? These things, O Egyptian brethren, are
compelled. Why the sky is up high and why the earth is low? Why the sky does not
fall down on earth? Why the earth does not flow one layer over the other and the two
do not stick to each other, and why do not those on it stick to it? The man then said,
Allahazwj their Lord has made them to hold together.
Hisham has said: He professed belief in Allahazwj in the presence of Abu Abd
Allahasws. Humran then said to the Imamasws: May Allahazwj keep my soul in service
for your cause, if atheists profess belief in Allah azwj before you it is because the
unbelievers converted to faith because of yourasws fatherasws. The man who had just
professed belief in Allahazwj requested Abu Abd Allahasws to allow him to become one
of his students. The Imamasws then asked Hisham to teach him. Hisham taught him
well and he became a teacher for the people in Syria and Egypt. His purification was
very good and the Imamasws became happy with him.70
Muhammad ibn Jafar has narrated from Muhammad ibn lsmail from Abd Allah ibn Dahir from alHassan ibn Yahya from Qathm abu Qatadah al-Harrani from Abd Allah ibn Yunus who has narrated
the following from Abu Abd Allah
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Once a man called Hammam, a devout worshipper practicing religious rules and a
hardworking man came to Amir-ul-Momineenasws during his speech and said, Amirul-Momineenasws, describe for us the qualities of the believer as if we see him before
our eyes.
Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: O Hammam, a believer is a smart, intelligent one whose
delight is on his face and whose sadness is in his heart, his chest is vastly open, his
soul is most humble, he criticizes ones leaning to every mortal, exhorts to go for
everything good. He is not hateful, quarrelsome, scandalous, faultfinding or
backbiting. He dislikes high positions (leadership) and is an enemy of fame and
His sadness remains for a long time, his ambition is far reaching. He very often
remains silent, dignified, ever remembering (the Lordazwj), exercising patience,
grateful, sad due to his thoughts, happy with his poverty, easy in his nature,
kindhearted, of strong loyalty, of very little trouble, not a liar or insulting, When
laughing, he does not burst. When angry he does not rush. His laughing is smiles,
his question is to learn, his review is to understand, his knowledge is plentiful, his
forbearance is great and his blessing is a great deal.
He is not stingy, he does not hasten, irritate or acts as an extremist, is not unjust in
his judgement, or unfair due to his knowledge. His soul is more solid than a rock, his
labour is sweeter than honey. He is not greedy, intolerant, violent, conceited,
pretending or exaggerating. He is graceful in disputed matters, of honourable
visitation, a man of justice when angry, and a friend when asked.
He is not adventurous, or insulting and intimidating. His love is pure, he is of solid
promise, of fulfilling commitment, affectionate, a keeper of good relations, and
forbearing, calm, of very little that is extraneous, happy with Allahazwj and opposes
his own desires. He is not rough toward his inferiors and does not indulge in what is
not his business.
He is a supporter of religion, a defender of believers; a stronghold for Muslims, and
admiration does not affect him negatively, greed does not hurt his heart, playfulness
does not change his judgement and ignorant ones cannot find the limits of his
knowledge. His words are many and he is a determined scholar.
He is not abusive or furious. He reaches out without harshness, is generous not a
spendthrift, is not deceitful or treacherous, is not a faultfinder or unjust to a human
being. He is a friend of the creatures, effortful on earth, assistant of the weak and a
helper of the helpless. He does not violate what is hidden or uncover secrets; his
trials are a great deal but his complaints are very little.
He remembers the good that he had seen, covers up the evil that he may observe,
hides the defects, safeguards the unseen, corrects slips and forgives mistakes. He
does not walk away from an advice that he can give, and he does not give up
reforming an unjust instance. He is trustworthy, steadfast, pious, clean, purified and
consenting. He accepts excuses, speaks of someone with grace and he is good and
expects good from people.
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
He accuses his soul of defects, loves for the sake of Allah azwj with understanding and
knowledge, cuts-off relations for the sake of Allahazwj with firmness and
determination. Happiness does not trespass upon him and intense happiness does
not make him excited. He is a reminder for the scholar and a teacher for the
ignorant. He is not expected to cause a calamity. He is not feared for causing a
tragedy, every effort to him is more sincere than his own and every soul is more
correct than his own.
He knows his defects. He is busy with his own sadness. He does not rely on anyone
except his Lordazwj. He feels a stranger, lonely, dispossessed and sad. He loves for
the sake of Allahazwj, strives for the sake of Allahazwj to follow Hisazwj Happiness. He
does not revenge by himself for his ownself. He does not make friends to make his
Lordazwj angry.
He sits with the poor, is a friend of the truthful ones, a supporter of the people of truth
and an assistant for those near to him. He is like a father for the orphans, like a
guardian for the widows, the first hope for the destitute, expected to remove every
resentful matter and to relieve every difficulty.
He is light and happy, is not frowning or sly, and is strong, controlling of anger,
smiling, sharp-sighted and greatly cautious. He does not ignore, and if ignored, he is
forbearing. He is not stingy and if stinginess, is used against him he exercises
patience. He understands, thus he is conscious, is content, independent and is selfsufficient. His abstinent is higher than his lust, his love is higher than his jealousy
and his forgiveness is higher than his hate.
He does not speak without correctness and does not dress unless it is economical.
He walks humbly, is submissive before his Lordazwj in obedience and is happy with
Himazwj in all conditions. His intention is pure and sincere. His deeds are free of fraud
and deceit. His observations are good lessons, his silence is thoughtful and his
words are wisdom. He is advising, charitable and brotherly.
He gives good advice in public and in private. He neither abandons his brother nor
backbites and nor plots against him. He does not regret what he has missed, and
does not become sad for whatever befalls him. He does not hope for what is not
lawful. He does not fail in hardships and does not perpetrate in comfort.
He mixes forbearance with knowledge and reason with patience. He is not lazy but is
always active, of very short longing and of very few slips. (Good) is expected through
him, his heart is fearful, he always speaks of his Lord azwj, his soul is content, his
ignorance is negative, his affairs are easy, he is sad for his sins, his lust is dead, his
anger is controlled and his moral behaviors are lucent.
His neighbours live safely with him, he has suppressed his pride, he is content with
whatever is determined for him, his patience is strong, his affair is well established
and his remembering (the Lordazwj) is a great deal. He meets with people to learn
and remains silent for safety, he asks questions to understand, and he trades to
earn. He does not remain silent for good to be subjected to injustice, and does not
speak to be used in doing injustice to others.
36 out of 120
His soul is tired of him and people are comfortable with him. He has tired his soul for
the gains of the next life and has provided comfort to others by means of his soul. If
rebellion is committed against him he exercises patience until Allah azwj Finds support
for him. His distancing when distancing is needed comes in overlooking and in
graceful disregard, and his closeness when closeness is needed comes as kindness
and blessings. His distancing is not out of boastfulness or greatness and his
closeness is not a plot or deceit. It is because he follows the footsteps of those
before him, the people of goodness. Thus, he is the leader for those after him.
The narrator has said that Hammam breathed very deeply and fell down
unconscious. Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: By Allahazwj I was afraid of its effect for
him. This is how effective advice works on people deserving such advice. Someone
said: Why does it not apply to you, O Amir-ul-Momineenasws? The Imamasws said:
For everything there is an appointed time that is not surpassed and a cause that
does not fail. Wait, and do not transgress. It was a blow that Satanla made to flow
through your tongue.71
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from Mansur ibn Yunus from abu
Basir who has reported the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Say, Our Allahazwj, I plead before Youazwj, to Grant me such
words as those of repenting people and their deeds, the Noor of the Prophets as and
their truthfulness, salvation of the fighters for Yourazwj cause and their rewards,
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
thankfulness of the chosen ones and their good advice, actions of those who speak
of Youazwj and their certainty, belief of the scholars and their deep understanding,
worship of the concerned people and their humility, the judgement of the experts in
the religion and their discipline, worries of the pious people and their interest (in
religion), the affirmation of the believing people and their trusting (Allah azwj) and the
hope of the virtuous people and their good deeds, Our Allah azwj, I plead before
Youazwj Grant me a reward as that granted to those who thank (You azwj), the position
of those very near to (Youazwj) and the friendship of the Prophetsas. Our Allahazwj, I
plead before Youazwj to Grant me a fear like that of the people who act for Your sake,
the acts of those who fear Youazwj, the humility of those who worship Youazwj, the
certainty of those who place their trust in Youazwj and the trust of the believing people
with Youazwj. Our Allahazwj, Youazwj know my needs without being informed, and
Youazwj are capable of helping without being burdened. You azwj are the One Whom
no pleading person can overcome verbally, or anyone can find faults with or anyone
can exhaust Hisazwj praise.
Our Allahazwj, Youazwj are as Youazwj say and above what we say. Our Allah azwj,
Provide me immediate relief, great rewards, and beautiful covering. Our Allah azwj,
Youazwj Know that in doing injustice to myself and transgressing against it I did not
take anyone as Yourazwj opposition, partner, companion, or a child.
O the Oneazwj whom pleading cannot confuse, nothing can preoccupy in listening to
one from listening to the other, seeing one from seeing the other and the insistence
of insisting people cannot tire Himazwj. I plead before Youazwj to Provide me relief in
this hour from the sources I except or from that which I do not expect;
Youazwj bring to life the bones that have turned to ashes; Youazwj have power over all
things. O the Oneazwj to whom my thanks had been very little but He azwj has not
Deprived me, my sins were monstrous but Heazwj has not disgraced me, Heazwj found
me in sins but did not encounter me. Heazwj Created me for what Heazwj has Created
me but I have acted against what Heazwj has Created me for.
What a great owner are Youazwj O my Master! What a despicable slave am I! You azwj
have found me, Youazwj are the best of finders Our Allahazwj! What a despicable thing
am I to look for! I am Yourazwj slave, the son of Yourazwj slave and the son of Yourazwj
female slave before Youazwj to deal with as Youazwj Will.
Our Allahazwj, the voices have silenced, movements have calmed down, every loving
one has sought privacy with his beloved, and I have sought privacy with You azwj.
Youazwj are the beloved to me, make the privacy that I have sought with You azwj my
freedom from the fire. O the Oneazwj above whom there is no knowledgeable more
praiseworthy. O the Oneazwj below whom there is no creature barred to reach
O the Firstazwj before all things, O the Last after all things. O the One who has no
elements, O the Oneazwj for whom there is no end for annihilation, O the One azwj of
perfect attributes, O the most lenient of providers, O the One azwj who communicates
with all languages and is spoken to as well, O the One azwj whose Forgiveness had
been there from long before, whose Hold is stern, whose Kingdom is solid, I plead
before Youazwj through Yourazwj name with which Youazwj faced Mosesas, O Allahazwj,
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father and a number of our people have narrated from Ahmad
ibn Muhammad from abu al-Abbas al-Kufiy all from Amr ibn Uthman from Abd Allah ibn Sinan who
has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Once the disciples of Jesusas gathered around him and
said, O teacher of goodness teach us guidance. Jesus as said to them, Mosesas has
commanded you not to falsely swear by Allahazwj and Ias command you not to swear
even in a truthful manner.
They said, O Spirit of Allahazwj, please give us more guidance. Heas then said,
Mosesas, the Holy Prophet of Allahazwj, has commanded you not to commit
fornication and Ias command you not to even speak to your souls about fornication,
not to speak of committing fornication, because one who speaks to his soul about
fornication is like one who decorates a house and smoke destroys the house even
though it does not burn down the whole house.73
Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: People are inclined towards three types of people after
the Rasool Allahsaww they incline towards (1) a knowledgeable one with Guidance
from Allahazwj, Allahazwj Made him to be needless of others; (2) and inclined towards
an ignorant one who claimed to be knowledgeable, and he had no knowledge and
was proud of what he had, the world had placed him in trials and he placed others in
trials; (3) and inclined towards the student of the knowledgeable one on the way of
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Guidance from Allahazwj and salvations, then got destroyed from his claims, and lost
himself from his plots.74
( ) 7
7 7
And from Ali Bin Ibrahim from Muhammad Bin Isa from Yunus from Jameel who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah :
People are of three types scholar, student, and rubbish. Weasws are the scholars,
and ourasws Shiites are the students, and the rest of the people are worthless.75
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn
Bazi from al-Fadl ibn al-Kathir from Hassan al-Muallim who has said the following:
This is concerning my question before Abu Abd Allah asws about earning wages from
teaching such as; poetry, letter-writing and similar issues on condition of payment.
The Imamasws said: Yes, it is permissible if children are treated with equality in
teaching without any preference for anyone of them over the others. 76
Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Bandar has narrated from Ahmad ibn abu Abd Allah from Sharif ibn Sabiq
from al-Fadl ibn abu Qurrah who has said the following:
I once said to Abu Abd Allahasws: They say that receiving payment for teaching is
Suht (filthy and unlawful). Heasws said: They, the enemies of Allahazwj, have spoken
a lie. They want to stop teaching of al-Quran. If one gives blood money for his child
to a teacher it (payment) is lawful for the teacher.77
( ) 7
Ibid, H. 33093
Ibid, H. 33094
Al-Kafi, Vol. 5, H. 8515
Al-Kafi, Vol. 5, H. 8516
121 3
121 3
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. .
And from his father from a narrator, from Abu Abdullah asws in a letter to the people of
opinions and analogies: After this, the one who calls others to his religion by way of
(his own) opinions and analogies has not done justice nor is he on the right way, for
the one who is called would also not be free from opinions and analogies.
And when the caller no longer has the strength in his call, the called one no longer
believes him, and the caller ends up being in need of the called one after a while, for
we have seen that a student sometimes becomes more knowledgeable than the
teacher after a while, and we have seen that the teacher who was the caller, falls in
need of the opinion of the student who was the called one, and in that is the
confusion for the ignorant, and doubt for the doubters and the conjecture for those
that conjecture, and if that was permissible with Allah azwj, Heazwj would not have Sent
Messengers in succession, nor Forbidden humour nor Reflected ignorance as a
But, when people started considering truth as being vain and wasted the Grace
(bounties), and brushed aside the Knowledge of Godazwj by their ignorance and their
plots, and completely turned away from Hisazwj Messengersasws and the
Establishersasws of Hisazwj Commands.
And they said: There is nothing except what our minds have realised, and our hearts
have understood. So, Allahazwj Turned them towards the direction that they desired,
and Let them drowned, and Abandoned them, to the extent that they became slaves
to their ownselves, and they did not know where they were headed. And had
Allahazwj been Pleased with their Ijtihaad and their opinions, which is what they claim
it to be, Heazwj would not have Sent among them one after the other (Messengers),
nor Warners among them, and that is the evidence against them that the Pleasure of
Allahazwj is in other than that, by Sending Messengers with valuable and correct
Commands, and warned them from going astray in difficult Commands.
Then Sent to them Hisazwj Doors and Hisazwj Path and Evidenced to Himself azwj by
Commands which were Veiled from opinions and analogies. And the one who seeks
that which is with Allahazwj by way of analogy and opinion it will not increase anything
with Allahazwj except for distance, and did not Send a Messenger at all who asws would
consult the people in that which is against what heasws had been Sent with, to the
extent that heasws would be followed in one matter and be a follower in the other. And
you will never ever see himasws making use of analogy and opinion in what he asws
had been Sent with until it became clear that what heasws was saying was indeed
from Allahazwj. And in that is evidence for the (people of) understanding and proof.
Surely the people of opinion and analogies are the erroneous straying ones.78
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Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Sinan from
lsmail ibn Jabir from Yunus ibn Zabyan who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: The Rasool Allahsaww has said: Allahazwj has said:
Woe upon those who treacherously use religion for their worldly goals and fight
those who command people to yield to justice.
Woe upon those among whom the believers live frightened and hide their belief. Are
they deceiving Meazwj or they daring to oppose Meazwj? I swear by Myselfazwj that Iazwj
will Allow them to be afflicted by means of such Fitna strife whereby the most
forbearing will be astonished.79
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Sinan from
lsmail ibn Jabir from Yunus ibn Zabyan who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: The Rasool Allahsaww has said: Allahazwj80 has
said: Woe upon those who try to earn living using religion and fight those who
command people to yield to justice. Woe upon those among whom the believers are
forced to observe dissimulation (Taqiyya). Are they deceiving Meazwj or that they dare
to oppose Meazwj? Iazwj swear by Myselfazwj that Iazwj will punish them so harshly that
the people of wisdom will be surprised.81
And with the same chain of narrators, it is reported from Imam Jafarasws that his
fatherasws said: Indeed, Allahazwj Send down a Book onto one of Hisazwj Prophetsas,
where Allahazwj Says: There is a group among people who earn living through the
religion, their outfits are of hypocrisy and their hearts are stone cold82, they are
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
extremely impatient but their tongues are (superficially) very sweet, their hidden
affairs are worse than the odour of the dead animals. Thus, do they intend to
deceive Meazwj? Or are they planning against Meazwj? Or are they not afraid of
Meazwj? Iazwj swear by Myazwj Own Self, Iazwj will Punish them with such a Wrath that
some of them will stampede and drag some of others from one corner to the other
corner of the world. Their punishment will be so harsh that even the wise and people
of intellect will be surprised. Iazwj will disintegrate them so that some of them will
execute others. Iazwj will take Revenge of Myazwj enemies through Myazwj other
enemies, without extending any Mercy.83
Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: He who holds on to the religion through striving in the
world secures his religion but that who earns sustenance through religion loses his
religion all together.84
Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: Making progress in the religion through worldly means
will be rewarded whereas improving worldly affairs through religion will be
The Rasool Allahsaww said: An evil person is that who sells his Hereafter for his world
but even worse is that who sells his Hereafter for the sake of others worldly gains. 86
(Amir-ul-Momineenasws said): The seeker of the World by the means of religion is
rebuked and disgraced.87
129 4 , Nahjul Israr, pg. 34.
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about his shallowness. That, who ascends to the third level, becomes quiet and the
feeling that he knows nothing kills him.89
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from Abd Allah ibn al-Hajjal, from
Ahmad ibn Umar al-Halabi, from abu Basir who has said the following:
Once I went to see Abu Abd Allahasws and said: May Allahazwj keep my soul in service
for yourasws cause, I would like to ask you a question. Is there anyone else in this
house that may hear my words? The Imamasws then folded the curtain between his
room and the next room and looked into it. Then the Imam asws said: O Abu
Muhammad, ask whatever you wish. I said: May Allah azwj Keep my soul in service for
yourasws cause, your followers say that the Rasool Allah saww taught Aliasws a chapter
of knowledge. From this chapter there opened a thousand chapters. The Imam asws
said: The Rasool Allahsaww taught Imam Aliasws a thousand chapters from each of
which there opened a thousand chapters.
I then said, This, I swear by Allahazwj, is the knowledge! He would mark the ground
with his staff for a while. Heasws then said: That is knowledge but there is more to it.
The narrator has said that the Imamasws then said: O Abu Muhammad, with usasws
there is al-Jamiah. Do they know what al-Jami ah is? I then asked: May Allahazwj
Keep my soul in service for yourasws cause. What is al-Jamiah? The Imamasws said: It
is a parchment seventy yards long by the yards of the Rasool Allah saww. It contains
hissaww dictations from hissaww very own mouth that were recorded onto it in the
handwriting of AIiasws. It contains all the lawful and unlawful, and all matters that
people need. Even the law of compensation for a scratch caused to a person. He asws
then stretched hisasws hand toward me and asked, May Iasws, O Abu Muhammad? I
then replied, May Allah keep my soul in service for yourasws cause, I am entirely at
yourasws disposal. Heasws pinched me with hisasws hand and said: The law of
compensation for this much is also included therein. He asws looked bit annoyed. I
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then said, this, I swear by Allahazwj is knowledge. The Imamasws said: It certainly is
knowledge but there is more to it.
The Imamasws remained silent for a while and then said, With us there is al-Jafr. Do
they know what al-Jafr is? I then asked, What is al-Jafr? The Imamasws said: It is a
container made of skin that contains the knowledge of the Prophets as and the
executors of their wills. It is the knowledge of the scholars in the past from the
Israelites. I then said: This certainly, is the knowledge. The Imam asws said: It
certainly is knowledge but not that knowledge.
The Imamasws remained silent for a while and then said, With us asws there is the book
(Mushaf) of Fatimahasws. Do they know what Mushaf of Fatimahasws is? I then asked,
What is Mushaf of Fatimahasws? The Imamasws said: Mushaf of Fatimahasws is three
times bigger than your Quran. I swear by Allah azwj, not even a single letter therein is
from your Quran. I then said, This, I swear by Allah azwj, is the knowledge. The
Imamasws said: This certainly is knowledge, but it is not that knowledge. The
Imamasws remained silent for a while and then said, With usasws there is the
knowledge of whatever has been, and the knowledge of everything that will come
into being to the Day of Judgement. I then said, May Allahazwj keep my soul in
service for yourasws cause, this, I swear by Allahazwj is certainly the knowledge! The
Imamasws said: It certainly is knowledge but not that knowledge (there is more to it):
I then asked: May Allahazwj keep my soul in service for yourasws cause, what is the
knowledge? The Imamasws said: It is whatever takes place during the night and
during the day, one matter after the other matter, and one thing after the other to the
Day of Judgement.90
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Barqi from Ali ibn al-Hakam from Ali ibn
abu Hamza from abu Basir who narrates the following from abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Whoever teaches something good will receive a reward
each time his student practices such knowledge. Abu Basir has said: I asked the
Imamasws, would this apply to the student if he teaches other people? The Imam asws,
said: Yes, it applies to him even if he teaches it to all people. I then asked, Will it
apply to him if he will already be dead? The Imam asws responded: Yes, even if he
will die.91
Al-Kafi,Vol. 1, H. 629.
Ibid, vol. 2, H. 59, h, 3
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Through the same chain of narrators it is narrated from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hamid from al-Ala ibn
Razin from abu Ubayda al-Hadhdha from abu Jafar
who has said the following:
Abu Jafarasws said: Whoever teaches a chapter of guidance will receive a reward
equal to the rewards of all of those who practice such guidance without any
reduction in the rewards of the later ones. Whoever introduces a chapter of
misguidance will suffer for each time others practice it without any reduction in the
suffering of whoever may practice such misguidance.92
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And from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from one of our companions, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Al
Hakam Bin Maskeen, from A man from the Qureysh who said that Sufyan Al Sury told him to
accompany him to Jafar Bin Muhammad .
He said, I went with Sufyan (Surry) to himasws and he said to himasws, O Abu
Abdullahasws! Narrate to us the sermon of the Rasool Allahsaww in Masjid Al-Kheef.
Until he said that Sufyan said, Get for me a pen and paper so that I may write it
down. Heasws ordered it for him, then said: Write In the Name of Allahazwj the
Beneficent the Merciful Sermon of the Rasool Allahsaww in Masjid Al-Kheef: May
Allahazwj Make happy a servant who hears mysaww speech, accepts it, tells it to the
one to whom it has not been told. O you People! Let those who are present tell it to
those who are absent. Sometimes a recipient is not an understanding one, and
sometimes the one to whom he relates it to is more understanding than him.95
( 7 ( )
7 * )
And from Ali Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Al Kunasy, from his chain up to Abu
Abdullahasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic and whoever is
careful of (his duty to) Allah, He will make for him an outlet, And give him
sustenance from whence he thinks not 65:2-3, said: These are a group of
ourasws weak Shiites who do not have the means to come to us asws. They hear ourasws
Ahadith, and quote from ourasws knowledge. A group higher than them makes
arrangements, spend money and place their bodies in exertion until they come to
usasws. They hear ourasws Ahadith and relate it to those ones who benefit from them
whilst these waste them. Those are the ones about whom Allah azwj has Found an
outlet and has Provided sustenance for them from where they thought not.96
( )
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. .
And in Uyoon Al Akhbaar from Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin
Quteyba, from Hamad bin Suleyman, from Abdul Salaam Al Harwy, from Al Ridha
, said:
Imam Ali Rezaasws said: May Allahazwj have Mercy on the one who keep alive ourasws
affairs. I said, How does one keep alive yourasws affairs? Heasws said: He learns
ourasws knowledge, and teaches it to the people, for if the people were to come to
know the good in ourasws speech, they will follow usasws.97
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And by this chain, said: The Rasool Allahsaww said: One who from mysaww
community memorises forty-Ahadith, benefits the people by them, Allahazwj will Send
him on the Day of Judgement as a Faqih (man of understanding), a knowledgeable
Rasool Allahsaww said: One from mysaww community who memorises forty-Ahadith
and benefits others by these, Allahazwj will Send him on the Day of Judgement as a
knowledgeable man of understanding.100
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( )
Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Yazie, from
his uncle Hamza Bin Yazie and Al-Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Al-Ashary, from Ahmad Bin
Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Yazeed Bin Abdullah, from the one who narrated to him said:
In the Name of Allahazwj, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Having said that, I asws hereby
bequeath to you to fear Allahazwj for therein is safety from destruction and a gain
during the returning (to Allahazwj). Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Protects the servant
by means of his piety from whatever his intellect was remote from; and by means of
piety he gets clarity from his blindness and his ignorance. And it was by piety that
Noahas got salvation and those who were with him as in the ark got safety from the
And it was by piety that the patient ones succeeded and survived from the
calamities, and they have brethren upon that path seeking those preferences, having
renounced their insolence and their intentions by the desires when the examples
from the Book reached them. They praised their Lord azwj on what Heazwj has
Sustained them with and that Heazwj was the Oneazwj Deserving of the Praise, and
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they blamed their own selves upon what they had wasted and that they themselves
were deserving of the condemnation.
And they knew that Allahazwj Blessed and High, is the Forbearing, the
Knowledgeable, however, Heazwj is Angry on the one who does not care about Hisazwj
Pleasure and (as a result) Heazwj Withholds from the one who does not accept Hisazwj
Favours, and but rather the one does not accept guidance from Himazwj goes astray.
Then it is possible for the sinful people to turn to the repentance and change to the
doing of good deeds. Heazwj has Called Hisazwj servants in the Book to that with a
Loud Voice. Heazwj Never Cut-off nor Prevented the calling of Hisazwj servants. So
Allahazwj has Cursed the ones who conceal what Allah azwj has Revealed, and
Obligated upon Himselfazwj, the Mercy to be before the Wrath. So Heazwj Completed
the Truth and the Mercy, so there is no beginning for the servant with the Wrath
before he arouses Hisazwj Anger, and that is from the knowledge of certainty and the
knowledge of piety. And every community from whom Allah azwj has Raised the
Knowledge from them (Taken away), the Knowledge of the Book is when they
rejected it, and befriended Hisazwj enemies when they made them to be the rulers.
And from their rejection of the Book was that they established its letters and distorted
its Limits. So they were narrating it but were not acting upon it. And the ignorant
ones were pleased with the preservation of the narrations, whereas the scholars
became aggrieved at their abandonment of the correct aspects of the narrations.
And from their rejection of the Book was that they made such people as rulers who
did not know, so they took them (in a direction) of wherever their own desires led
them, and released them to the death (ruination). They amended the ties of the
Religion, and then they left it as a legacy among the foolish and the childish (people).
So the community was issued with the commands devised by the people instead of
the Commands of Allahazwj Blessed and High, and it is to them that they referred to.
So evil it was what the unjust took in exchange, the governance of the people
instead of the Governance of Allahazwj, and took the reward of the people instead of
the Reward of Allahazwj, and the pleasure of the people instead of the Pleasure of
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
So this is how the community has become, and among them were those who strived
(The Mujtahids) in the worship upon that misguidance. They (the people) were
fascinated by them, and admired them, and their worship became a strife (Fitna) for
them as well as those who followed them, whereas in the Messengersas there was a
Reminder for the worshippers. Of these Prophetsas was a Prophetas who was
complete in hisas worship, but then heas disobeyed Allahazwj Blessed and High in one
aspect, so heas was exited from the Paradise, and heas was thrown into the belly of
the whale. Then heas was not rescued until heas recognised (Al-Wilayah102) and
So understand that there are similar ones to Al-Ahbaar and Al-Rahbaan who go
around concealing the Book, and alter it. So their business did not give them any
gain and they were not of the guided ones. Then understand those that are similar to
them in this community who establish the letters of the Book and alter its Limits. So
they are with the chiefs and the notables, and when they disperse there are guided
by the desires and they are with those who have a lot of the world (wealth), and that
is what has reached to them from the knowledge. They do not cease to be like that in
the copying (emulating) and the greed. The voice of Ibleesla does not cease to be
heard from their tongues with the falsehood, a great deal. The scholars observe
patience from them from the harm that theyasws suffer and their bullying, whereas
they themselves blame the scholars for having burdened them. And the scholars in
themselves are disloyal for having concealed the advice when they see a lost and
strayed one with no guidance to him, or for not having revived a dead one.
So evil it is what they do because Allahazwj Blessed and High has Taken a Covenant
to them in the Book that they would enjoin the doing of good and by what He azwj has
Ordered for, and forbid them from what Heazwj has Forbidden them from, and that
they would help each other upon the goodness, and the piety, and will not cooperate upon the sins and the animosity.
So the scholars are in a struggle in their efforts from the ignorant ones, that if they
give good advice, the people would say that they have transgressed. And if they
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
come to know the truth which they had avoided, they would say that they have
opposed. And if they quit they would say that they have separated, and they say,
Give us your proof on what you are narrating, they would say that they have
become hypocrites, and if they obey them, they would say that Allah azwj Mighty and
Majestic has been disobeyed.
So the ignorant ones are destroyed in what they do not know, unlettered in what they
recite. They ratify the Book when it is defined and deny it in its altered state
(Meaning they accept the present altered one and reject the original one which they
consider to be the altered one), and so they are not deniers as such. They are
similar to Al-Ahbaar and Al-Rahbaan, leaders in matters of desires and chiefs in
matters of ruination, and others from among them are seated in between the
misguidance and the guidance, not understanding one community from the other.
They are saying that the people do not know this, not will they return to what it used
to be.
( )
And they are right. The Messengersaww of Allahazwj left them upon the clarity, its night
from its day. No innovations appeared among them, nor was the Sunnah changed
among them.
There was no opposition from them or differences among them. So what made the
people to be covered in darkness of their errors (sins) is when two imams appeared,
oneasws calling to Allahazwj Blessed and High, and one calling to the Fire.
At that time Satanla spoke in a loud voice by the tongues of hisla friends and
numerous were his horsemen, and infantry, and he included them in the wealth and
the sons, the ones who associated with himla. So they acted by the innovations, and
avoided the Book and the Sunnah, whereas the Guardians asws of Allahazwj spoke by
the Proof and took to the Book and the Wisdom.
So from that day on, the people of the truth separated from the people of the
falsehood. The people of guidance were abandoned and insulted, whilst the people
of the misguidance helped each other until they became a group with so and so, and
the like of him. So, understand this type, and the other type and look at them by the
eyes of the excellent ones, and be firm with them until you come to your family, for
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the losers are the one who have lost themselves and their families on the Day of
Judgement. Indeed! That is the clear loss.
(Up to here is the report of Al-Husayn, and in the report of Muhammad Bin Yahya
this is the extra bit).
They (people of the truth) know the path, if without them asws there are afflictions do
not hold it against themasws. If without themasws there is tyranny from the tyrannous
people, and sinking of the earth and other afflictions, it will soon pass, then you will
travel to the prosperity (through themasws).
Then know that the reliable brothers are an ammunition, some of them for the other.
Had it not been that you would leave from measws due to your conjectures, Iasws would
have clarified for you certain things from the truth which I asws have kept covered, and
would make public certain things from the truth which I asws have kept concealed, but
Iasws fear for you, and want you to remain (alive), and it is not for the forbearing
person that he would not fear for anyone in the place of the piety, and the
forbearance is the robe of the scholar, so do not be without it.
With Salam (peace be with you).103
Also an additional Hadith on Maurifat is given in Appendix III.
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from his father from
those whom he has mentioned from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn abu Layla from his father
who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah :
You will not become virtuous until you ( gain Maurifat104), you will not become
Arif105 until you affirm and you will not affirm until you accept four Chapters, the first
of which will be of no benefit without the last one.
People of three Chapters have strayed far away. Allah azwj does not Accept anything
but virtuous deeds and Allahazwj does not Accept (anything) without loyalty in keeping
up with ones stipulations and covenants. Whoever fulfils his stipulations toward
Allahazwj and completes whatever is in ones covenant, he will find (the reward that is)
with Himazwj and Heazwj will fulfil Hisazwj promise.
Allahazwj has Informed the people of the ways of guidance and has established for it
the Lighthouseasws. Heazwj has informed them how to behave, saying, I am Allforgiving to the righteously striving believers who repent and follow the right
guidance. (20:82) Allahazwj has also said, Allah accepts only the offerings of the
pious ones. (5:27)
Whoever maintains piety before Allahazwj in the matter of Hisazwj Commands he will
come in the presence of Allahazwj as a believer in whatever Muhammadsaww has
brought from Himazwj. How remote, far away and lost are the people who have died
before achieving guidance, and had thought that they were among the believers.
They had considered things as partners of Allah without knowing what they had
done. Whoever comes to a house through its door finds proper guidance, and
whoever looks for a way other than the door has chosen a condemned path.
Allahazwj has Joined (Hisazwj) obedience to that of His Messengersaww along with
obedience to those who possess Divine Authorityasws. And the obedience to His
Messengersaww with obedience to Hisazwj own Commands. Therefore, whoever does
not obey the peopleasws who possess Divine Authority, they have not obeyed Allah azwj
and His Rasoolsaww and it (obedience to people who possess Divine Authority) is the
affirmation of what has come from Allahazwj.
Dress up (in piety) before every Masjid. Find the houses through the doors to them,
the houses for which Allahazwj has Granted permission to be raised high, wherein
people speak of Himazwj. Heazwj has Informed you that in these houses there are men
who do not become distracted because of trade and business from speaking of
Allahazwj from prayer and paying al-Zakat (charity).
These men fear the Day wherein the hearts and eyes undergo turbulent conditions.
Allahazwj Chose and purified the messengers for Hisazwj Command, then Heazwj
purified and chose themasws who are confirmed in His warnings. Allahazwj Says: No
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
nation who lived before was left without a Warner .... (35:25). Lost are those
who remained ignorant and guided are those who thought and understood.
Allahazwj has said: It is not their seeing ability that is blind but it is their hearts
which are in their chests. (22:46)
How can one who does not think find guidance? How can one who has not received
warnings think? Follow the Rasool Allahsaww, affirm whatever has come from
Allahazwj, follow the marksasws of guidance; theyasws are the signs of trust and piety.
You must know that if a man rejects Prophet Isa as and acknowledges all the other
messengers of Allahas, he is not a believer. Find the way through finding the
lighthouse and look for the marks from behind the curtains. Strive to perfect the
affairs of your religion and believe in Allahazwj your Lord.106
Worship Ibada:
After attaining the Maurifat one has to apply ones knowledge, as Eman is to
believe, utter it and practice it through limbs (Hadith)107. Also Imamasws says: Its
essential to have Eman in both the exoteric (Zahir) as well as in the esoteric
[ ]
O Mithm Al-Tamimi! Those people who superficially believe but disbelieve from their
hearts will not get any benefits (from their faith). However, those who believe from
hearts but do not practice it will not get any benefit either. Therefore, one has no
belief if its only exoteric (Zahir) unless he also has it esoterically (Batin) and similarly
one has no faith if its only esoteric (Batin) without having it exoterically executed
(demonstrating it).108
In addition and in the light of Commands of Allah azwj, one has to fulfil some of the
essential acts of worship and should try to go beyond those for gaining further
spiritual benefits. We have selected few of those Ahadith where there is repetitive
recitation of the supplications, i.e., in the form of Wird.
[ ]
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad, who from Ali ibn Sulayman, who from
Ahmad ibn al-Fadl, who from Amr al-Hadhdha, who has said the following:
I faced a difficult condition and wrote to Abu Jafarasws about it and heasws wrote to me:
continue reading: We sent Noah to his people to the end (71:1-28). I read it for
one year but did not see any change. I wrote to him asws again to inform himasws of my
difficult condition and that I have been reading the Verse for one year as the Imam asws
had instructed and that I did not experience any change. The Imam asws then wrote to
me saying: One year is passed, now read Verse 97 (97:1-5). I then read it for a very
short time that ibn abu Dawud sent me something and paid off my debts and sent
me and my family to al-Basrah as an agent to Bab Kala109 with a salary of five
hundred dirham; and from al-Basrah I wrote through Ali ibn Mahziyar to Abu alHassanasws explaining: I had written to yourasws father about so and so issues and had
complained against so and so matters, I have found what I liked. I would like to ask
youasws about what I should do about reading the Verse 97, if I must continue reading
it in my obligatory Salat and others or there is a limit of time for it. The Imam asws
signed the answer and I read the signature that said: you must not leave from Quran,
short or long passages. Of Verse 97, it is enough to read one hundred times in one
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad Ibn Abu Abd Allah from his father in a Marfu
manner has narrated the following from Abu Jafar
The Rasool Allahsaww has said, O people! there is always (people who have to
choose between) the Allahazwj or the Satanla, Truth and falsehood, guidance and
straying, wisdom and error, present and future, the consequences, the good deeds
and evil deeds. Good deeds are for Allahazwj and evil deeds are for Satanla, may
Allahazwj condemn himla.111
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Ali ibn Asbat who has narrated the
following from Abu al-Hassan al-Reza :
A place
Al-Kafi, vol. 5, H 9358, Ch. 157, h, 50,
Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H 1471. 11 7 2 7
51: 7 3 7
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
their heart. Whatever they hear does not make them forget to speak of Allah azwj and
they do not feel depressed because of what is given to others.112
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Qasim ibn Muhammad from al-Minqari from
Sufyan ibn Uyayna who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: About the words of Allahazwj So that He may try you to see
who among you is best in good deeds. (67:2), the Imamasws said, Heazwj has not
meant thereby the quantity of deeds. Heazwj thereby has meant the most correct ones
in deeds. Correctness comes only from overwhelming respect for Allah azwj, true
intention and goodness.
Heasws then said: It comes from continuity of the good deeds. In fact, maintaining
continuity until deeds reach purity is more difficult than performing the deed itself. It
is the intention that forms the deed. The Imam asws then recited the words of Allahazwj,
Say (O Muhammad), Everyone acts according to his way, (17:84) it (way)
means according to his intentions.113
It is reported through the same chain of narrators that he said:
Once I asked Abu Abd Allahasws about the words of Allahazwj Except those who
would come to Allah with safe and protected hearts .... (26:89). The Imamasws
said: A safe and protected heart is such a heart that goes in the presence of his
Lord while there is nothing in it besides his Lordazwj. Heasws then said that every heart
in which there is Shirk (polytheism) or Shak (doubt), such a heart is a failing heart.
They (Pious people) have chosen to restrict themselves from worldly matters so that
their hearts are reserved for the matters of the life hereafter only. 114
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Abu Jafarasws has said: If a person maintains pure Eman (belief) in Allahazwj for forty
days, Allahazwj, Purifies his heart in this world and shows him his illnesses and the
cure for them (illnesses). Also heasws said: whenever a servant of Allahazwj speaks of
Himazwj in a beautiful way for 40 days Allahazwj purifies his heart in this world and
shows him his illness and the cure for such illnesses. He azwj then establishes
wisdom in his heart and will make his tongue to speak wisdom. The Imam asws then
recited this verse of the Holy Quran: Those who took the calf as their Lord will
face anger and humiliation from their Lord in the worldly life and thus We
recompense those who forge lies (7:157). The Imamasws said: You should note
that all those who forge lies are but despicable persons. So also is one who forges
lies against Allahazwj, His Messengersaww and his Ahl al-Baytasws. Such person is
nothing but a despicable one.115
Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from certain individuals of his people from Muhammad ibn Sinan
from Abu Said al-Mukari from Abu Hamza who has said the following:
Once I asked Abu Jafarasws What is the meaning of: and about Abraham who
fulfilled his duty (to Allah)? (53:37) The Imamasws said: There were certain words
that he would say very often. I then asked: What were they? The Imam asws said: In
the morning heas would say,
I live in this morning. To my Lordazwj belongs all praise. This
morning Ias do not accept anything as partner of Allahazwj. Ias do not worship anything
besides Allahazwj and Ias do not accept anything as my guardians besides Allah azwj,
three times. In the evening he would say these three times. The Imam asws said:
Thus, Allahazwj Revealed in Hisazwj book, .. and about Abraham who fulfilled his
duty (to Allah). (53:37). I (the narrator) then asked, What is the meaning of: ...
(Noah) was a thankful servant (of Allah)? (17:3). The Imamasws said: It was
certain words that heas would say very often. I then asked: What were they? The
Imamasws said: In the morning he would say,
This morning I ask You , to be my
witness that all the bounties with me or good fortune in religion or worldly, all are
from Youazwj alone. Youazwj have no partner; all praise belongs to You azwj and for this
Youazwj Deserve abundant thanks. Heas would say in the morning three times and in
the evening three times. I (the narrator) then asked about His words concerning
Yahya (John): ... We gave him compassion and purity. He was a pious human
being. (19:13). The Imamasws said: Allahazwj showed compassion. I then asked,
What was the degree of Allahazwjs compassion? The Imamasws said: It was as such
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Allahazwj would Say: that whenever John would say: Our Allahazwj,
You are well heard and noticed, O John.
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Yaqub ibn Yazid from Muhammad
Shuayb from al-Nadr ibn Shuayb from Said ibn Yasar who has said the following:
A man once said to Abu Abd Allahasws We wish to have a child but the birth of a child
has not happened for us. The Imamasws instructed him to say, I ask forgiveness from
Allahazwj, my Lordazwj and return to Himazwj in repentance one hundred times just
before it is (Fajr time) dawn. If you forget; do its Qada (compensatory prayer for it). 117
It is narrated from the narrator of the previous Hadith Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn
Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa all from ibn Mahbub from Ishaq ibn Jarir who
has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: When a mans vigilance is shaken in matters of
protection for his family and wife or those married to him, like his slave-girl, but does
not act vigilantly, Allahazwj Sends a bird called al-Qafandar which sits on the upper
portion of his door jamb, gives him forty days and calls him saying, Allahazwj is
Vigilant and loves vigilant people. If he then acts vigilantly, changes and dislikes
what has shaken his sense of protectionism, otherwise, the bird flies, sits on his
head and hangs its wings on his eyes; then Allah, most Majestic, most Glorious,
removes the spirit of belief and faith from him and the angels call him a pimp.118
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus from Amr ibn Shimr from Jabir who
has said the following:
Ali Ibn Al-Hussainasws has said: We are annoyed with dealing with people, as if we
tell them that weasws have heard (such and such Hadith) from the Rasool Allahsaww,
they laugh, and (in response) to remain silent (to neglect our mission) is not possible
for usasws. The narrator has said that Damrah ibn Mabad then said, Youasws then
should narrate to us (of such) Ahadith.
The Imamasws then said, Do you know what an enemy of Allah azwj Says when his
body is placed on the stretcher? We replied, No, we do not know. The Imam asws
then said, He says to those who carry his coffin, Why is it that you do not listen to
my complaints against Allahazwjs enemy who deceived me in taking me to
wickedness and then did not help me to escape there from? I complain before you
against those with whom I established brotherly relations but they all betrayed me.
I complain before you against the children whom I protected all the time but they also
abandoned me. I complain before you against the house upon which I spent all my
earnings but other people began to dwell therein. Please be kind and gentle to me
and do not rush me up to my grave. Damrah then said, O Abu al-Hassanasws, if this
man can say such things, he then may almost stand up on the shoulders of those
who carry him.
The narrator has said that Aliasws Ibn Al-Hussainasws then said, O Allahazwj, if Damrah
has made fun of Hadith of the Rasool Allahsaww, then hold him like an angry person
does. The narrator has said that after forty days he died. He had a servant who
after his burial came to Ali Ibn Al-Hussainasws. He sat next to the Imamasws who
asked. Where are you coming from so and so? He replied, I have come from the
burial of Damrah. I placed my face over him (his grave) when he was buried and I
heard his voice, which I recognized. It was just as I knew it was in his lifetime. I
heard him saying, Woe is upon you, O Damrah ibn Mabad. Today all friends have
abandoned you and your destination has become Hell, wherein is your dwelling, a
place of rest at night and in the morning:
The narrator has said that Aliasws Ibn al-Hussainasws then said, I plead before
Allahazwj for safety, Such is the recompense for those who make fun of the Ahadith of
the Rasool Allahsaww.119
Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Bandar has narrated from Ahmad ibn abu Abd Allah, from abu Sulayman, from
Ahmad ibn al-Hassan al-Jabaliy, from his father, from Jamil ibn Darraj who has said the following:
I once heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying, If one does not take dinner one Saturday
and Sunday nights consecutively, his strength will go away and will not come back
until forty days later.120
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Abu Abd Allahasws has said, Meat grows meat and one who does not eat meat for
forty days his manners change to worse, you must say Adhan in the ears of one
whose manners change to worse.121
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from
ibn abu Nasr from al-Hussain ibn Khalid who has said the following:
I once said to Abu al-Hassan, al-Rezaasws: People say that if one does not eat meat
for three days his manners change to worse. The Imam asws said, They have spoken
lies. However, one who does not eat meat for forty days his manners change and it
is because the seed (sperm) transfers (from one stage of development to another)
within the duration of forty days.122
Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Bandar and others from Ahmad ibn abu Abd Allah from Muhammad ibn Ali
from ibn Baqqah from al-Hakam ibn Ayman from abu Usamah Zayd al-Shahham who has said the
Abu Abd Allahasws has said that the Rasool Allahsaww has said, One with whom
forty days pass and has not eaten meat should borrow, relying on Allah azwj (that
Heazwj will help in paying it back) to buy meat to eat.123
Al-Hussain from Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from Bistam ibn Murrah alFarsiy who has said that narrated to us Abd al-Rahman ibn Yazid al-Farsiy from Muhammad ibn
Maruf from Salih ibn Razin who has said the following:
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Abu Abd Allahasws has said that Amir-ul-Monineenasws has said, You must eat alHarisah (mashed grains and meat) because it energises you for worshipping for forty
days. It was of the items in the table-spread with food that was revealed to the
Rasool Allahsaww.124
Abu Ali al-Ashariy has narrated from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Jabbar from Safwan ibn Yahya from
Mansur ibn Hazim who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: If one eats a grain of pomegranate it makes the Satan la
of temptation sick for forty days.125
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from Hisham ibn Salim who has said
the following:
I once heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: If one eats a pomegranate before breakfast
his heart remains bright for forty days.126
AI-Hussain ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from al-Washsha from Aban
ibn Uthman from Abd al-Rahman ibn abu Abd Allah who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said, If one drinks intoxicating liquor his Salat is withheld for
forty days, and if he dies within the forty days he dies like the people of the time of
ignorance, but if he repents (turns to) Allahazwj, Heazwj also Turns to him.127
Repentance in 40 Days:
It is narrated from the narrator of the previous Hadith from Salih from certain persons
of his people from Abd al-Samad ibn Bashir who has narrated the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: The fish that carries the Earth once whispered to itself
that it is carrying the Earth by its (own) power. Allah azwj Sent a fish, smaller than the
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
length of the distance between the tips of the thumb to the tip of small finger and
bigger than the distance between the tips of the thumb to the tip of the index finger
when stretched open, which entered in its gills. It fainted and remained in that
condition for forty mornings. Allahazwj due to Hisazwj Compassion and Mercy took it
When Allahazwj Wants an earthquake to take place, Heazwj Sends the small fish to
that fish and when it sees, it trembles and an earthquake takes place. 128
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ahmad ibn
Muhammad ibn abu Nasr from Muhammad son of brother of Gharam from Abd Allah ibn Sinan who
has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Place your hand over the painful area then say, In the name
of Allahazwj, with (the help of) Allahazwj, and through Muhammadsaww the Rasool
Allahsaww, there are no means and no power without Allah azwj, Our Allahazwj, wipe
away from me that which I feel, and wipe the area three times.129
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn
Bazi from abu Ismail al-Sarraj from ibn Muskan from Abu Hamza who has said the following:
Imam Mohammedasws ibn Aliasws said: O Abu Hamza, if you will face something that
frightens you, go to a corner of your home, face the Qiblah and perform two Rakat
Salat then say, O the most sharp-sighted of the on-lookers, O the most kind of
hearing of the hearers, O the quickest to Judge and O the most Beneficent of the
benefactors, seventy times, each time ask for your wish.130
Abu Ali al-Ashariy has narrated from Muhammad ibn Salim from Ahmad ibn al-Nadr from Amr ibn
Shamir from Jabir who has narrated the following:
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Abu Abd Allahasws has said that the Rasool Allahsaww has said: If one says,
(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
the Merciful. There is no means and no power except the means and power of
Allahazwj), three times, Allahazwj will Make it a protection for him against ninety-nine
kinds of misfortune of which the least serious is death because of suffocation.131
(Amir-ul-Momineenasws said): He who recites Surahs of Tawhid and Qadr and the
Verse of Kursi ten times before sunrise will guard his wealth against any threatening
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from son of brother of Said from
Said ibn Yasar who has said the following:
Once, I said to Abu Abd Allahasws that I suffer from sadness. The Imamasws instructed
Allahazwj, Allahazwj, my Lordazwj, I do not believe
me to say very often,
in anything as His
partner, if the insinuation and evil thoughts reduce then say:
Our Allahazwj, I am Yourazwj servant, son of Yourazwj servant and the son of Yourazwj
female servant, my forehead is in Yourazwj control, Yourazwj Judgement about me is
just, Yourazwj determination about me is effective. Our Allahazwj, I plead before Youazwj
through every name that is Yourazwj name that Youazwj have revealed in Yourazwj
book, or have taught it to any of Yourazwj creatures, or has kept in the unseen
knowledge with Youazwj, to bestow al-Salawat upon Muhammadasws and hisasws
familyasws, make the Holy Quran the light for my eyes, the spring for my heart,
removal of my sadness, and banishment of my anxiety. Allah azwj, Allahazwj, my
Lordazwj, I do not believe in anything as Hisazwj partner.133
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And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you
may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most
surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect. (30:21).
7 7
In the Book Al-Khisaal, from Abu Hamza Al-Sumaly, who has said:
Abu Jafarasws has said that Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: All good has been gathered
in three characteristics The consideration, and the silence, and the speech. And
every view in which there is no consideration, so it is an oversight. And every
silence, in which there is no pondering, so it is negligence. And every speech in
which there is no Remembrance, so it is vain talk.135
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Nawfali from al-Sakuni who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah
Once I asked Abu Abd Allahasws about what peoples narration, Taffikar (thinking) for
one hour is better than worshipping a whole night, How should they think? The
Imamasws said: They pass by the ruins of dwellings or a building and ask: Where are
your inhabitants? Where are your builders? Why do you not speak? 137
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Ahmad ibn
Muhammad ibn abu Nasr from certain individuals of his people who has narrated the following from
Abu Abd Allah :
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Abu Abd Allahasws has said: The most virtuous form of worship is thinking about
Allahazwj very often and about Hisazwj Power.138
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa from Muammar ibn Khallad
who has said the following:
I heard Abu AI-Hassan Al-Rezaasws saying: A great deal of prayer and fasting only
are not (everything in) worship. Worship is only in thinking about the affairs of
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from lsmail ibn Sahl from Hammad
from Ribi who ha said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said that Amir-ul-Momineenasws has said: Thinking leads to
virtue and to acting virtuously.140
Neither do Zikr141 of Allahazwj in drowsiness nor forget to mention Him when involved
in Lahu Lahab (un-Islamic pleasures), but mention Himazwj with full concentration so
that your heart supports what you utter from your tongue, your internal feelings are
reflected by your gestures. You can never do justice to His azwj Zikr until you forget
about yourself and loose yourself in Hisazwj Remembrance.142
This is concerning my question before Abu Abd Allah asws about the meaning of
restraint from worldly matters. Heasws said, Fie upon you! It is (not difficult to
understand) knowing what is unlawful so that you can avoid it.143
Al-Kafi, Vol. 5, H. 8309
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn abu Abd Allah from al- Jahm ibn al-Hakam
from Ismail ibn Muslim who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Zuhd (restraint from worldly matters) is not in wasting
ones belongings or in making lawful things unlawful (staying away from permissible
pleasures, i.e., practices of Sufis).144
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Isa from Muhammad ibn Sinan from Malik ibn
Atiyyah from Maruf ibn Kharbudh from abu al-Tufayl who has said the following:
The Tawakkal:
Those only are believers whose hearts become full of fear when Allah is
mentioned, and when His communications are recited to them they increase
them in faith, and in their Lord do they trust. (8:2)
The meanings of Tawakkal as defined by Imam asws are the total dependence,
reliance and its opposite is defined as the greed, as per the following words of a
(The reliance and its opposite is the greed)
( 7 ( )
And the Holy Prophetsaww ask the angel Gabrielas what (Allahazwj) means by the word
Al-Tawwakal, he replied (Allahazwj Says): Believers should believe that other than
Himazwj no one can be relied, neither one can hurt nor give help or withholds anything
which is prescribed by Himazwj.147
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O Hisham, Allahazwj says in His book, This is a reminder for the ones who
understand, listen, and see. (50:37) it means Aql148. We gave wisdom to
Luqman (31:12), means: Allahazwj gave Luqman Intelligence and understanding.
O Hisham, Luqman said to his son: Revere the Truth; you will be the most
intelligent among men. Cleverness in the presence of Intelligence has a very small
value. My son, the world is a very deep ocean in which many people have drowned.
You must take piety before Allahazwj as a ship, faith as supplies therein,
(Tawakkal-trust) in Allahazwj as the sails, intelligence as captain, knowledge as guide
and patience as passengers.
O Hisham, for everything there is a guide. The guide for Intelligence is the Taffakur
deep thinking. The guide for thinking is silence. For everything there is a means of
mobility. The means of mobility for Intelligence is humble attitude. To disobey a
prohibition (of Allahazwj) is enough proof of ones ignorance.149
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Nawfali form al-Sakuni from Abu Abd Allah
from his father
who has said the following 7
Amir-ul-Momineenasws has said: Eman (belief) has four dimensions: They are
Tawakkal trust in Allahazwj, having Allahazwj in-Charge of ones affairs, to agree with
the decision of Allahazwj (in every respect) and to submit to the Commands of
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus who has said the following:
I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Rezaasws about the Eman and the Islam (belief and
Islam) and heasws said, Abu Jafarasws has said the following: There is Islam but Eman
is one degree higher above Islam, and Taqwa (abstain/piety) is one degree higher
( Certainty) is by one degree higher above Taqwa and nothing
above Eman.
( certainty) is. I then said, What then is
is distributed among people so little as
( certainty)?
The Imamasws replied: It is the trust in Allahazwj submission to Allahazwj,
accepting the decision of Allahazwj and allowing Allahazwj to be the in-charge of ones
affairs. I then said, What then is the interpretation of that? The Imam asws said, This
is how Abu Jafarasws said it is.151
The property through which Allah and His Divine representatives are recognised (Hadith).
Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, H. 12, 13 7 ..... 13 1
Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, H. 1529
4: 7 ..... 4: 2
Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, H. 1538 32 2
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Nawfali from al-Sakuni who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah
Al-Hussain ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from al- Hassan ibn Ali alWashsha from al-Muthanna ibn al-Walid from Abu Basir who has narrated the following from Abu Abd
Abu Abd Allahasws once said: There is nothing without a limit. I (the narrator) then
asked, May Allahazwj keep my soul in service for yourasws cause, what is the limit of
certainty. I then asked, What is the
trust? The Imamasws said, It is the
certainty? The Imam
limit of
said, It is when, with having Allahazwj on your
side, you do not fear anything.
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from more than one
narrator from Ali ibn Asbat from Ahmad ibn Umar al-Hallal from Ali ibn Suwayd who has said the
I asked Abu Al-Hassanasws about the words of Allahazwj: Whoever trusts Allah, He
is enough protection against all (harms), (65:3) The Imamasws said, Trust
in Allahazwj is of several degrees, One level of such trust is to trust Him azwj in all
matters, Whatever Heazwj does, you must remain happy and agree with His azwj
decision, knowing that Heazwj does not keep anything good and excellent from you
and that the decision in the matter is in Hisazwj hands, You then must leave all the
affairs to Allahazwj to be the in charge (of all affairs) and have confidence in Him azwj in
this and other issues.154
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A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad and Ali ibn Ibrahim from his father all from
Yahya ibn al-Mubarak from Abd Allah ibn Jabalah from Muawiyah ibn Wahab who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said, To whoever three things are given he is not denied
three things, To whoever prayer is given he is given acceptance to his prayer. To
whoever thankfulness is given he is given increased favours, To whoever trust
is given he is given protection, Then Imamasws said, Have you read in the book of
Allahazwj Whoever places his trust in Allah, He provides him sufficient
protection. (14:7) If you be thankful We will increase the favour. Pray to Me, I
will accept your prayer.: (25:60).155
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Nawfaliy from al-Sakuniy who has narrated the
Abu Abd Allahasws has said that the Rasool Allahsaww has said, The explanation
(remedy) for omen is placing ones trust with Allahazwj.156
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, or a person other than him from Ali
ibn al-Hakam from al-Husayn ibn Umar ibn Yazid who has said the following:
Once, I went to see Ali al-Rezaasws. At that time I was a member of Waqifi sect. My
father had asked his (al-Rezaaswss) fatherasws seven questions. Heasws had replied to
six of them and had refrained from answering the seventh. I said to myself, By
Allahazwj, I will ask himasws what my father had asked hisasws fatherasws, if hisasws
answers are going to be like those of hisasws fatherasws, it will serve as a good proof
(to hisasws Divine Status). I asked himasws those questions and hisasws answers were
183 7 .....
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
just like the answers of hisasws fatherasws to my father in the six questions. Heasws did
not add anything in the answer to six questions, not even a letter w or letter Y and
refrained from answering the seventh question.
My father had said to his fatherasws, I will debate you before Allahazwj on the Day of
Judgment for your belief that Abd Allah is not an lmam asws. He then had placed his
hand over my fathers neck and said, Yes, you may debate me about it before
Allahazwj. If there will be any sin in it, it will be on my neck.
When I said farewell to himasws heasws said, Whoever of our Shias suffers from any
kind of afflictions or complaints and he bears it patiently, Allah azwj will record for him
an entitlement to a reward equal to the rewards of a thousand martyrs. l then said to
myself, By Allahazwj, there was no mention of this (in our conversations). I then left
and on the way a vein in my leg began to feel very sore and the pain intensified.
Next year, when I went for Hajj I went to see him asws. My leg was still slightly painful.
I complained before himasws of the pain and requested himasws to say a prayer on it
and I stretched it before himasws. Heasws said: There is nothing wrong with this leg,
but show me your healthy leg. I then stretched it before him asws and heasws said a
protective prayer. When I left, a little later on, my leg began to feel the pain in a vein,
but it was very little.157
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn lsa from al-Hatham ibn abu
Masruq from Yazid ibn Ishaq Sha ar from al-Hussain ibn al-Atiyab who has narrated the following
from from abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said, Noble (human) qualities are ten. If you can establish all
of them, then strive for it. Such qualities may be found in a man but may not be
found in his children. They may be found in the children but not in the father. At times
they are found in a slave person but not in a free one. It was asked, What are these
noble qualities? The Imamasws said they are:
(1) Losing all hope in the true sense for receiving help from anyone other than
(2) Truthfulness of tongue,
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It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from his father from Abd Allah ibn al-Qasim from
Abu Basir who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
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noblest parts of their body. They whisper to the One Who has created them, about
setting free of their necks from fire and as such you must also become.159
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
from Abd Allah ibn Muskan who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: Allahazwj Chose His messengersas for noble moral (human)
qualities. You must test yourselves. If you find the noble qualities in you then be
thankful to Allahazwj and understand that it is of goodness. If you do not find them in
you, then pray to Allahazwj to grant them to you and show Himazwj that you are
interested in having them. The narrator has said that the Imamasws counted the noble
qualities up to ten: They consist of Certainty, Contentment, Patience,
Thankfulness, Forbearance, Good Moral Behaviour, Generosity, Dignity,
Bravery and Kindness. Certain narrators have listed other qualities after the above
mentioned ones and have added to them Truthfulness and Keeping Trust.160
[ ]
Ahmad ibn Muhammad from has narrated from Ali ibn al-Numan from Amr ibn Shamir from Jabir who
has narrated the following from Abu Jafar
Abu Jafarasws has said that the Rasool Allahsaww has said: I have not left anything
that can take you closer to Paradise or keep you away from Hellfire but that I saww
have informed you of all such matters. You must take notice that the Holy Spiritas has
inspired mysaww understanding and has told me that a soul does not die until it
completes (depleting) its sustenance. You must maintain piety before Allah azwj and
work for your living painstakingly. Certain delays in reaching of sustenance must not
take you to find sustenance by means of disobedience to Allah azwj, what is with
Allahazwj can be achieved only by means of obedience to Him azwj.161
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
from Samaa who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
The narrator says: I asked Abu Abd Allahasws about the words of Allahazwj ... We
made it a law for the children of lsrael that the killing of a person for reasons
other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption in the land is as great a
sin as murdering all of mankind. However, to save a life would be as great a
virtue as to save all of mankind .. . (5:32) The Imamasws said: Whoever takes
people from straying to guidance, has given them life. Whoever takes people from
guidance to straying, it is as if he has murdered all of them.162
Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn Yahya all have narrated from Ali ibn Muhammad ibn
Sad from Muhammad ibn Muslim from Muhammad ibn Said ibn Ghazwan from Ali ibn al-Hakam from
Umar ibn Aban from Isa ibn abu Mansur who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: A breath with a sigh of concern and sadness due
to injustice done to usasws is Tasbih163 and ones concern about ourasws cause is
worship, his concealing our secret is the Jihad164.
Muhammad ibn Said told me to write it down with gold. I then did not write anything
better than that.165
Importance of Self-Assessment:
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father and a number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn
Ziyad all from al-Hassan Ibn Mahbub from Ali ibn Riab from abu Hamza who has narrated the
following from Ali ibn al-Hussain
Amir-ul-Momineenasws would say: Time consists of three days in the middle of which
you live. Yesterday that has passed in history with all that was in it and it will never
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return. If you had done good deeds in it you do not feel sad about its passing into
history and you feel happy about everything that you experienced in it.
If, however, you had acted extremely (bad) in it; your regret is severe, for its passing
into history, due to your acting extremely (bad). While you are in the day that you
live, about tomorrow you are unaware, you do not know if you will ever reach it.
Perhaps your share of acting extremely (bad) in it will be just as yesterday that has
passed into history.
One of the three days has passed and in it you had acted extremely (bad). There is
the day that you are waiting for and you are not sure if you will avoid acting
extremely (bad) in it. What is left is the day in which you live and it is very proper for
you to use your power of reason and think about your acting extremely (bad)
yesterday that passed and of the good deeds that you missed to perform when you
should have performed them and the evil deeds that you should have avoided.
Despite this, about tomorrow you are not certain of reaching it and whether you will
perform any good deeds in it or avoid committing evil deeds that deletes the good
Thus, your position toward tomorrow is like your position toward yesterday.
Therefore, you must act like one who has no hope in any of the days except the day
and night in which you live. Do good deeds and save and Allah azwj is the supporter
for such task.166
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from Hamrnad ibn Isa from Ibrahim ibn Umar al-Yamani
who has narrated the following from Abu Al-Hassan :
Abu Abd Allahasws said: One who does not evaluate his deeds every day is not one
of usasws. One must evaluate his deeds and pray to Allah azwj to Increase his good
deeds, plead for forgiveness to Allahazwj due to ones committing evil deeds and turn
to Himazwj in repentance.167
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa from Ali ibn al-Nurnan from
Ishaq ibn Amar from abu al-Nurnan al-Ajli who has narrated the following from Abu Jafar
O Abu Al-Numan, do not allow people to deceive you about yourself; the matter will
come to you and not to them. Do not spend your day in this and that; with you there
is one who preserves your deeds for you. Do good deeds; I do not see anything of
better result and remedy for the old sins then new good deeds.
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
from certain individuals of our people from abu al-Numan a similar Hadith.
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
from certain individuals of our people who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Exercise patience in worldly matters; it is only an hour. You do not find any pain or
happiness in whatever has passed. The hour that has not yet arrived is unknown to
you in matters of its contents. The only time is the hour in which you live. Exercise
patience in it to obey Allahazwj and exercise patience in such time in the matters of
disobedience to Allahazwj.169
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from certain individuals of our people in a marfu
manner who has said the following:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Hold your soul responsible for yourself. If you did not
do so, others will not do for you.170
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) in a marfu manner, the following from Abu Abd
that Imam
said to a man:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: You have been made the physician for your own self.
Medicine is prescribed for you; signs of good health are shown to you, and the
direction for medicine is given to you. It is all up to you how you treat yourself.171
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) in a marfu manner from Abu Abd Allah
has said the following to a man:
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Make your heart a virtuous companion for yourself or
like a child who does not fail to maintain good relations with parents. Consider your
deeds as your father whom you follow, consider your soul as your enemy against
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whom you strive and consider your properties as borrowed for the safe return of
which you are responsible.172
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) in a marfu manner the following from Abu Abd
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Hold back your soul from that which harms it before it
departs you, strive to set it free just as you strive to make a living; your souls well
being depends upon your good deeds.173
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from certain individuals of his people in a marfu
manner the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: How many are those who seek worldly gains but cannot
achieve them and how many are those who had achieved worldly gains but have
already departed from them! Do not allow your (craving for) seeking of the worldly
gains prevent you from good deeds. You must request worldly needs from the
Oneazwj Who Grants those and Who is the Owner of everything. How many were
those who were greedy of the worldly gains that have been destroyed and whose
preoccupation in them prevented them from seeking the bounties of the next life until
their lives finished and the appointed time approached them!
Abu Abd Allahasws has said, A prisoner is one whose worldly affairs imprison him so
he cannot do anything for his next life.174
It is narrated from him (narrator of the above Hadith) in a marfu manner the following from Abu
Jafar :
When a man reaches the age of forty it is said to him, Beware, you have no
excuses! In fact, a person at the age of forty is not obliged to exercise caution
against sins more than the person at the age of twenty. What is after both of them is
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the same (that is death) and it is not sleeping. Perform good deeds for what lies
ahead of frightening conditions and stop the unnecessary words.175
A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Abu Najran, from Muhammad
Bin Al-Qasim, from Ali Bin Al-Mugheira, who has said the following:
Abu Abdullahasws said, I heard himasws saying: When the Momin (believer) reaches
forty years, Allahazwj Secures him from three illnesses the leprosy, and the albinism
and the madness. So when he reaches fifty, Allah azwj Makes his Accounting to be
light. When he reaches sixty years, Allahazwj Grants him the repentance. So when he
reaches seventy, the inhabitants of the sky love him.
So when he reaches eighty, Allahazwj Commands to Write down his good deeds and
Deletes his bad deeds. So when he reaches ninety, Allahazwj Forgives him what has
preceded from his Religion and what has been delayed and Writes him down as a
prisoner of Allahazwj in Hisazwj earth. And in another report So when he reaches a
hundred, so that is the very (feeble) end of life.176
Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al-Hakam, from Dawood,
from Sayf, from Abu Baseer who said:
Abu Abdullahasws said that: The servant has the opportunity (to seek forgiveness)
until he reaches at the age of forty (40) years. So when he reaches at the age of
forty years, Allahazwj Reveals to Hisazwj two Angels: Iazwj have Let Myazwj servant to
get to this age, so stringent and be more strict with him and write down all from little,
big, less, more from his deeds.177
One Should Prepare for the Hereafter Before its too Late:
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ali ibn al-Hakam from Hassan from Zayd alShahham who has said the following:
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Abu Abd Allahasws has said: Take from your soul for your soul. Take from it in good
health before illness, during its strength before weakness and in its lifetime before
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ali ibn al-Hakam from Hisham ibn Salim
from certain individuals of his people who have narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: When the day comes it says: O son of Adam do good
deeds this day so I may bear witness to it to testify (in your support) before your
Lordazwj on the Day of Judgement. I had not come to you before and will not come to
you in future. When the night comes it speaks likewise. 179
Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from Ahmad ibn Muhammad
from Shuayb ibn Abd Allah from certain individuals of his people in a marfu manner the following:
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honour or destroys their souls, or takes away their kindness. They are restless to
achieve them.180
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Sinan from
Muhammad ibn Hakim from those whom has mentioned (in his book) the following from Abu Abd
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father and Ali ibn Muhammad al-Qasani have all narrated from
al-Qasim ibn Muhammad from Sulayman al-Minqari from Hafs ibn Ghiyath who has said the following:
Once I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: If you can remain unknown, then do so.
There will be nothing wrong if people will not praise you. There is nothing wrong for
you if people censure you if you are praiseworthy before Allah.
The Imamasws said: My father Amir-ul-Momineenaswshas said: There is nothing good
in life except for two kinds of people: a man who every day increases his good deeds
and a man who every day remedies a destructive deed with repentance.
How can repentance be of any benefit for him? By Allah azwj, if he would perform a
Sajdah prostration for such a length of time that his neck severs-off of his body still,
Allahazwj will not Accept his repentance without his acknowledgement of the Wilayah
(Divine Authority) of our Ahl Al-Baytasws.
You must know that whoever recognises ourasws rights can have hope for rewards
because of usasws. He agrees, for his survival, to half of a one time meal every day,
and with that which provides him covering for his privacy, his or her head, and with it,
by Allahazwj, they live in fear and apprehension and love to agree with this much as
their share from the world and this is how Allah azwj has Described them: ... who
bring what is brought to them and whose hearts are afraid of their return to
their Lord. (23:60) What do they bring? They, by Allahazwj, will bring along with
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obedience, love and (acknowledgement of) the guardianship (of Allah and Ahl AlBaytasws and they still will be afraid. Such fear is not due to doubts, but it is due to
their fear of falling short in ourasws love and obedience.182
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
from Samaa who has said the following:
I heard Abu Al-Hassanasws saying: Do not consider a great deal of good deeds a
great deal. Do not consider a little sin little; the little sins accumulate to become a
great deal. Have fear of Allahazwj in private so you can yield to justice against
yourselves. Hurry up in obedience to Allahazwj, be truthful in your words, keep the
trust; it is for you. Do not be involved in what is not lawful to you; it is against you.183
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn Mahbub from abu Ayyub from Muhammad ibn
Muslim who has said the following:
I heard Abu Jafarasws saying: How excellent are good deeds after evil deeds and
how disgraceful are evil deeds after the good deeds!184
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Abu Abd Allah from ibn Faddal from those
whom has mentioned (in his book) the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: You live in a period of time that is depleting continuously
and (was made available to you) in calculated days. Death comes suddenly.
Whoever sows goodness will harvest what is very much sought after. Whoever sows
evil will harvest regret. Every farmer finds what he has planted. The sustenance of
the slow moving ones among you will not move ahead of him and the greedy will not
achieve what is not assigned for him. Whoever does good, Allah azwj Grants him good
and whoever safeguards against evil, Allahazwj Protects him.185
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Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from certain individuals of his
people from al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn abu Uthman from Wasil from Abd Allah ibn Sinan who has narrated
the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: A man came to Abu Dhar and asked: O Abu Dhar, why
do we dislike death? He said: It is because you have developed the world and
destroyed the next life and you dislike moving from developed to that which is
ruined. The man asked: How do you see our moving in the presence of Allahazwj?
He replied: The people of good deeds among you will be like one coming home from
a journey. The evil doers among you, however, will be like a runaway slave returned
to his master.
The man then asked: How do you see our condition before Allah azwj? He said:
Present your deeds before the Book of Allahazwj. Allahazwj has said: The virtuous
ones will live in bounties and the evil doers will live in fire. (82: 14, 15). The
man then asked: Where then is the mercy of Allahazwj? He replied: The mercy of
Allahazwj is very close to the people who do good deeds.
Abu Abd Allahasws then said: A man wrote to Abu Dharra O Abu Dhar instruct me
with a few things of knowledge. He wrote back to him. Knowledge is of many kinds,
however, if you are able not to disappoint those whom you love, then do so. Yes,
your soul is the most beloved to you. When you disobey Allah azwj, you are doing bad
and disappointing things to your own soul.186
A number or our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from Uthman ibn Isa
Samaa who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: Exercise patience in the act of obedience to
Allahazwj and dictate yourselves with patience in the matters of disobeying Allah azwj.
The world is one hour. What is passed its joys and sadness do not renew. What has
not yet arrived, you do not know it. Bear patience in the hour in which you live, your
condition will be the one very much sought after.187
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus from a man who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah :
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Al-Khidras said to Mosesas: O Mosesas, the best of your two days is the one in front
of you. Consider which one it is. Then prepare the answer for it. You will be stopped
for questioning. Learn your lessons from time. Time is long and also (in certain
cases) short. Act as if you see the reward for your deeds so it may seem attractive
due to its rewards. Anything that comes from the world is like going away from
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Yaqub ibn Yazid from those whom he
has mentioned (in his book) the following from Abu Abd Allah
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father and A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn
Ziyad all from ibn abu Najran from Asim ibn Humayd from Abu Hamza al-Thumali who has narrated
the following from Abu Jafar
Abu Jafarasws said: Of good deeds the quickest to bring rewards is the kindness. Of
evil deeds the quickest to bring misfortune is transgression. It is enough defect for a
man to find fault with others and turn a blind eye toward himself or blame people for
what he himself is not able to avoid or cause suffering to ones associates for no
good reason.190
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from Hammad from Hariz from Zurara from one of the
who has said the following:
The angelas writes down only what he hears and Allah azwj has Said: Speak of your
Lord deep within yourselves, humbly and privately .... (7:205) Thus, no one
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knows the reward for that act (of speaking deep within oneself) of Allah azwj except
Allahazwj, the Most Majestic due to Hisazwj Greatness.191
It is narrated from him from Bakr ibn Salih from Jafar ibn Muhammad al- Hashimi from Ismail Abbad
who has said that perhaps he has heard it from Ismail from Abd Allah ibn Bukayr who has narrated
the following from Abu Abd Allah
Abu Abd Allahasws said: We certainly love a person of good Aql (recognition of just)
who understands ourasws Ahadith, who has good knowledge and understanding of
the religion, who is forbearing, who is kind, who bears patience, who is truthful and
who is loyal.
Allahazwj has Chosen the Prophetsas for noble moral (human) qualities. Whoever has
them (noble qualities) should be thankful to Allah azwj. Whoever does not have them
he must pray humbly to Allahazwj and request Himazwj to Grant those to him.
I (the narrator) then said, May Allahazwj keep my soul in service for yourasws cause,
what are the noble qualities? The Imam asws said, They consist of restraint from
indulging in worldly matters, to be content, to bear patience, to be thankful, to
be forbearing, to be self-conscious, to be generous, to have dignity, to be
virtuous, to be truthful in ones words and to be trustworthy.192
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa from al-Hassan ibn Mahbub
from certain individuals of his people who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
Allahazwj has chosen Islam to be your religion. Keep good company with your religion
by means of exercising generosity and good moral behavior. 193
Ali ibn Ibrahim bas narrated from his father from al-Nawfali from al-Sakuni who has narrated the
following from Abu Abd Allah
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Amir-ul-Momineenasws has said: Eman has four pillars. They consist of agreeing with
the decision of Allahazwj, trusting Allahazwj, choosing Allahazwj to be the in-charge of all
affairs and submission to the command of Allahazwj.194
Al-Hussain ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from al- Hassan ibn Ali from
Abd Allah ibn Sinan from a man from Banu Hashim who has said the following:
If four things are found in a person his Islam is perfect, even though he may be filled
with sins from his top to his toes it will not harm him. They consist of Truthfulness,
self-conscious, Good Moral Behavior and Thankfulness.195
A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad and Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his
father all from ibn Mahbub from ibn Riab from Abu Hamza from Jabir ibn Abd Allah who has said the
The Rasool Allahsaww once said: Do you want me to tell you about the best men
among you? We said: Yes, O, Rasool Allahsaww, do so. Hesaww said, The best men
among you are the pious, clean, of forgiving hands, clean on both ends (tongue and
genitals) who is kind to his parents and does not leave out his dependents to
(trouble) others.196
Mohammed bin Ali bin Hussain narrates through a chain of narrators that he heard the following from
Abul Hassan :
Abu Hassanasws said: Hazratas Issa Ibn Mariamas advised hisas disciples: O Children
of Israel! You should not grieve upon losing livelihood as long as your Eman is
intact as those who are indulged in the World care less upon losing Eman as long
as their livelihood is secure.197
7) (
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Imam al-Sadiqasws was once asked how a believer may ascertain that he is
indeed a believer, to which heasws replied: Through submission to Allahazwj and
satisfaction with whatever source of happiness or discontent that comes his
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn al-Numan from Hamza
ibn Humran who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: Of the preserved speeches of the Holy
Prophetsaww one is his words as follows:
O people, for you there are the sources of knowledge. You must reach out to them.
For you there are the end goals and you must reach them. You must know that a
believer works between two frightening facts. On one side is the time that has
passed and he does not know what Allahazwj has Done about it, and on the other is
the time to come that he does not know how Allah azwj will Decide about. The
believing servant (of Allahazwj) must take from his own soul for his own soul and from
his worldly life for his hereafter, during his youth before his getting old and in his
lifetime before his death. I swear by the One azwj in whose hand is the soul of
Muhammadsaww that after the worldly life there will be no chance to please anyone
and there will be no other home except Paradise or Hell.200
It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ahmad from ibn Mahbub from Dawud alasws
Raqqiy from Abu Abd Allah
, who has said the following:
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Abu Abd Allahasws said: About the words of Allahazwj: And for him who fears to
stand before his Lord there are two gardens.(55:46). The Imamasws said: One
who knows that Allahazwj Sees him, Hears what he says and Knows what he does,
good or evil, and it keeps him off wicked deeds, such person is the one who fears to
stand before his Lordazwj and stops his soul from following its (negative) desires.201
It is narrated from him (narrator or the Hadith above) from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn Sinan from
ibn Muskan from al-Hassan ibn abu Sarah who has said the following:
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws saying: A Momin202 is not a Momin until he is fearful
and hopeful. He cannot be fearful and hopeful until he comes to know what to fear
from and in whom to have the hope.203
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from Yunus from Fudayl ibn Uthman from abu
Ubaydah al-Hadhdha who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
A believer lives in two frightening conditions. In his life he is concerned about his
sins of the past about which he does not know how Allah azwj has Decided. He is also
worried about his future, for not knowing what kind of destructive sins he may get
involved in. Therefore, he is always fearful and nothing serves his best interest
except fear.204
Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from certain individuals or his people
who has narrated the following from Abu Abd Allah
My father would say: In the heart of every believing servant (of Allah azwj) there are
two lights. There is the light of fear and the light of hope. On being weighed no one
of these lights weighs differently from the other.205
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Imam Abu Abdullahasws said: Protect your beliefs from the rivals and hide it through
practicing Taqqiya. He is without Eman (faith) who does not observe Taqqiya. You
are surrounded by your rivals like a honeybee would live among other birds. If the
other birds come to know what is in the stomach of a honeybee they would just eat it.
Similarly, if your opponents would realise that you love us asws (the Ahl al-Baytasws)
from your heart and soul, then they would subject you to verbal abuse, (to rebuke
you) and use filthy language against you in front, as well as behind your back. May
Allahazwj Bless those who are adhered to ourasws Wilayat.206
Imam Abu Abdullahasws explained the meanings of the Verse207 (41:34)208 in which
Allahazwj Says: good and evil cannot be equal, here good
refers to observing Taqqiya and evil refers to declaration of faith when Taqqiya
becomes obligatory. And in regard to
, Repel (evil) with the best
way in the Verse, Imam
said that best way is the Taqqiya, treat that person who
holds grudges against you with best possible way. 209
Imam Mohammed Baqirasws says: My favourite among my companions is one who
refrains from indulging in the forbidden, has more recognition of our Amr, and who
hides our traditions from our adversaries. But the worst among our asws followers is
that who hears a tradition ascribed from usasws but then does not accepts it and acts
arrogantly and also rejects what he has already heard, without allowing for any
allowance that the tradition may belong to usasws and a reference to that tradition
originates from usasws. This person is thrown out of our Wilayat210.211
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A number of our people have narrated from Ahmed ibn Mohammed ibn Isa, who from ibn Sinan, who
from ibn Muskan, who from Sadir, who has narrated the following:
Once I asked Abu Jafarasws: I just left your supporters and followers who were
opposing and denouncing each other. The narrator has said that Imam asws then
asked: What do you have to do with their conditions? People have three obligations;
they must achieve Maurifat of Aimmahasws; submit to theirasws instructions and refer
to themasws in their disputes and differences.212
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Barqi from Ahmad ibn
Muhammad ibn abu Nasr from Hammad ibn Uthman from. Abd Allah al-Kahili who has said the
Abu Abd Allahasws has said: If people worship only Allahazwj, Who has no partner,
maintain the prayers, pay Zakat, perform Hajj of the House and fast in the month of
Ramadan but speak of something either about Allah azwj or about that the Rasool
Allahsaww has done, that it would had been done differently, or find such feelings in
their hearts, in this they will be considered as Mushrik polytheists.
Heasws then recited this verse of the Holy Quran: I swear by your Lord that they
will not be considered believers until they let you judge their disputes and then
they will find nothing in their souls to prevent them from accepting your
judgement, thus, submit themselves to the will of Allah. (4:65) Abu Abd
Allahasws then said: You have to be submissive (before Allah).213
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from al-Husayn ibn Said from
Hammad ibn Isa from al-Husayn ibn al-Mukhtar from Zayd al-Shahham who has said the following:
Once I said to Abu Abd Allahasws: Among us there is a man called Kulayb. Nothing
comes from you but that he says, I submit to it. Thus, we call him, Kulayb, the
submissive. The narrator has said that the Imam asws expressed kindness toward him
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and prayed and then asked: Do you know what submission is? We remained silent.
The Imamasws said: That, by Allahazwj, is al-Ikhbat in the words of Allahazwj: The
righteously striving believers who are submissive before their Lord, will be the
dwellers of paradise wherein they will live forever. (11 :23).214
AI-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mualla ibn Muhammad from al- Washsha from Aban
from Muhammad ibn Muslim who has said the following:
About the words of Allahazwj Whoever achieves virtue We will increase for him
its merit. ... (42:23) Abu Jafarasws has said: Achievement refers to ones
submission to usasws, his speaking the truth from usasws and not to ascribe any lies to
Ali bin Muhammad bin Abd Ullah from Ahmed bin Muhammad Al Baraqi from his father from
Muhammad bin Abdul Hameed from Mansoor bin Younus from Basheer Al Dahhan from Kamil Al
Tammar who said:
Abu Jafrasws has said about the words of Allahazwj: Triumphant indeed are the
believers (23:1). Do you know who the Triumphants are? I said: You asws know the
best. Imamasws said: The Triumphants are those Momin who follow ourasws
teachings (Ahadith) and those who submit to ourasws teachings are called Najbah
(the salvaged ones). Thus, a Momin is al-gharib (an immigrant-away from his home
town, they are very few and lead their lives under foreign conditions and for them is
the Tubbah (a tree in Paradise) in the Hereafter.216
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws say: Whoever loves to have a complete Eman (faith)
must say: Everything that I say is from the family of Mohammed asws, whatever
theyasws kept secret or made public, whatever has reached me from them and that
has not reached me.217
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Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from ibn Udhayna from Zurara or
Burayd who has said the following:
Ahmad ibn Mihran (may Allah grant him blessings) has narrated from Abd alAzim al-Hassani from Ali
ibn Asbat from Ali ibn Aqaba from Al-Hakam ibn Ayman from abu Basir who has said the following:
Once I asked Abu Abd Allahasws about the words of Allahazwj: those of Our
servants who listen to the words and follow only the best ones ... (39: 18). The
Imamasws said: They are those who are submissive to the (commands of) Ahl al-Bayt
of Muhammadasws. It is they who when hearing a Hadith do not add anything thereto
or omit anything there from. They present it just as they have heard.219
I heard Abu Abd Allahasws say: Recognise the status of the people in accordance
with the frequency with which they narrate from usasws.220
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A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Muhammad ibn Sulayman from his
father from Sadir al-Sayrafiy who has said the following:
Once I said to Abu Abd Allahasws May Allahazwj keep my soul in the service of
yourasws cause, O child of the Rasool Allahsaww, is a believing person forced to die?
Heasws said: No, by Allahazwj, but when the angel of death comes to take his soul
away, he is frightened; and the angel of death then says to him, O friend of Allah azwj,
do not be frightened. I swear by the One azwj who has sent Muhammadsaww I am more
kind and caring to you than a kind-hearted father ready (to help). Open your eyes
and look. Heasws said: Figures of the Rasool Allahsaww, Amir-ul-Momineenasws,
Fatimahasws, aI-Hassanasws and al-Husaynasws, and all A immahasws, from their
descendents appear before him, and it is said to him, There are the Rasool
Allahsaww, Amir-ul-Momineenasws Aliasws, Fatimahasws, al-Hassanasws, al-Husaynasws
and all Aimmahasws your friends. Heasws then said: He then opens his eyes, and
looks and his soul is called by a caller from the Lord of Majesty saying, O peaceful
soul, (in the company of Muhammadsaww and his familyasws) come back to your
Lordazwj with pleasure (under the guardianship of Muhammad saww and his familyasws)
and pleased (with the rewards from your Lordazwj). Enter in the company of Myazwj
servants (Muhammadsaww and his familyasws) in paradise. There is then nothing more
beloved to him than allowing his soul to go and join the caller.221
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) 29(
Recite information to them about the Truth concerning Adams two sons.
When they both presented an offering, it was accepted from one of them and
not accepted form the other. He said: I will kill you! (The former) said: God
only accepts (things) from the heedful. Even if you stretch forth your hand
towards me in order to kill me, Ill never stretch out my hand towards you to
kill you. I fear God, Lord of the Universe! I want you to atone for my sin as
well as for your own sin; you will become an inmate of the Fire. That is the
wrongdoers reward. His own self urged him on to kill his brother, so he killed
him, and one morning he turned out to be a loser. (5:27-30).
In the explanation of the above Verses, Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws says that Allahazwj
asked Hazrat Adamas as to nominate Habeelas as his successor and teach him the
Ism-e-Azim (sacred name). Qabeel was older than Habeelas and upon hearing this
news he got very upset and said I am more deserving for inheriting the Charisma
and Preaching powers of my father. Allah azwj asked Hazrat Adamas to tell them to
prepare their Offerings. The sign of acceptance of an Offering those day was
considered to be its consumption by the fire. In order to be successful, Qabeel made
a house for fire and started worshipping it. After his Offering was not accepted he
killed his brother, as suggested by Iblis.224
Vow to Fast:
Eat and drink, and refresh yourself. Should you see even a single human
being, then say: I have vowed to keep a fast to the Mercy-giving whereby Ill
never speak to any person today!(19:26)
In the first twelve verses of Sura Dahr the Holy Quran tells us the story of NAZAR
by the Ahl-e-Baytasws:
They always keep their Vow and fear a day whose evil tends to spread around.
They offer food to the needy, the orphan and the captive out of love for Him.
We are only feeding you for Gods sake. We want no reward from you nor any
thanks (76:7-9)
Al-Safi, pp. 133, and Ikmal-u-Deen, pp. 144, Syed Imdad Hussain.
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The above Verses are about Ahl al-Baytasws, who always and under all
circumstances keep theirasws words (yufoona bin-nazri).
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[ ]
on Imam Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. 25, pg. 169
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It is narrated by Al-Barisi in Mashariq-ul-Anwar that once Tariq bin Shihab asked: O Ameer
please explain the virtues of an Imam (masoom), Ameer al-Momineen
Tariq bin Shihab asked: O Ameer al-Momineenasws please explain the virtues of an
Imam (masoom), Ameer al-Momineenasws replied:
O Tariq, the Imam is the Kalima-tul-Allah word of Allah; Hujat-Allah the proof of
Allah; Waj-Allah the direction to Allah; Noor-Allah the light of Allah; Hijab-Allah the
veil of Allah and Ayat-Allah the sign of Allah226. Heasws is chosen by Allahazwj who
bestows onto him whatever (qualities, perfections) He azwj Chooses, and Makes it
compulsory on all His creatures to Obey him - the Imam. Thus he is Allahazwjs
appointed ruler in the heavens and on the earth. Allah azwj has taken a covenant
regarding this from all His servants. Whosoever precedes the Imam asws has denied
established kingdom of Allahazwj. An Imamasws can act as he finds it appropriate,
however his actions only correspond to the will of Allahazwj.
Inscribed on his upper limb is the-declaration: The words of Allahazwj are
accomplished with truth and justice. For the Imam asws are both the justice and the
truth. A column of light (stretching) from the earth to the sky is created for him, in
which he witnesses the actions of the mankind. Heasws is enrobed in the cloak of
power and dignity; he knows what is in the minds and has access to the unseen-alof our time, as did
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ghayb; he has been entrusted with absolute power (in conducting his affairs); he
beholds all that rests between the dominions of the East and the West: Nor is
anything from the realms of Mulk and Malakoot which is hidden from him; and he
has the ability to communicate with the birds, who submit to hisasws Wilayah227.
Thus, he is the only one, whom Allahazwj has chosen for His revelations, has
approved him for (knowledge of) the al-ghaib (Unseen), has strengthened him by his
speech, and instructed him in wisdom. His heart has made a station for His will.
(Allahazwj) has proclaimed his governance and has granted him the (privilege) to rule,
and has commanded all to obey him. This is because the Imamate is the legacy of
the Prophets, is equal to the rank (Manzilat) of the Awsiyaa (those who instruct to
good). Indeed it is the vicegerency of Allahazwj and his messengers and therefore is
regarded infallible, with (true) dominion and governance. Indeed, it is the (True)
guidance since it is the perfection of the deen and the benchmark of all virtues.
The Imamasws, is the guide for the seekers of the truth, an inspiration for the rightly
guided, an established path for the travellers to Allah azwj and a radiant sun in the
hearts of devotees of Allahazwj (al-Arifoon). His Wilayah is the vehicle leading to
salvation, submission to him is obligatory in this life, (and has many benefits) as well
as an instrument (of deliverance) in the hereafter, he is the source of courage and
glory (izz) for the true believers; means of intercession for the sinners; a minarets of
deliverance for those who immensely love him; a standard of triumph for the
obedient. This is due to the fact that Imam, is the only one who can guide to the real
Islamic path, through revealing the virtues of Aman, recognition of limits of rewards
and punishments and clarifying the laws related to permissible and forbidden. Thus
this status is only given to no one but to the one who is specially nominated and
blessed by Allahazwj and is given a clear distinction and right to administer public
affairs and is made sole responsible for peoples sustenance. Indeed, Imam asws
provides knowledge of the boundaries and injunctions (of Allah azwj) and makes clear
the lawful and unlawful.
The Imamate is a station that none can reach except those whom Allah azwj has
chosen and has given them precedence (over others), investing them with the
authority to rules and to judge. Thus wilayah is nothing other than safeguarding
people from danger and disaster and the management of their all affairs, (even down
to) demarcating the days and months.
The Imamasws, is Fresh and sweet water for those thirsting (for knowledge & wisdom)
A guide to true Guidance. The Imamasws, is ayat-e-Tathir, acquainted with mysteries
of the unseen. The Imamasws, is the sun that rises over Allahazwjs servants with its
(illuminating) rays.
The grasp and understanding of people cannot comprehend hisasws attributes. This is
alluded to in the words of Allahazwj, most high (in the Quran): To Allahazwj belongs
fearlessness and glory (Izza) and to his messenger and to the believers. Here, the
believers are being referred to as, Aliasws and his progenyasws. Thus might and glory is
for Allahazwj, His Prophetsaww and his progenyasws. (This verse shows that) the
Prophetsaww and his family cannot be separated from one another until the end of the
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time, they are at the centre of the sphere of the faith; they are the poles of existence
(i.e. around which all existent/ entities revolve); they are the sky of generosity and
the honour of all creation; they are the radiance of the sun of tribute, and the
illumination of its moon; they are the origin of all power and glory and the source of
inspiration; they are faiths true meaning and its foundation.
The Imamasws, is the bright source of light (to enlighten the dark and cruel) path; the
flowing stream leading to Allahazwj; stream of fresh water for the dried land; the
swirling sea; the resplendent full moon (badr) and the brimming brook of guidance,
the path and the deliverance in places of peril. The torrential cloud, the roving rain
the perfect full moon, the noble guide, the shading sky, the glorious blessing, the sea
that will never dry. Nobility that cannot be described, a fountain that forever flows, a
garden (full of singing) birds, a fragrant and delightful flower (with) the sweetest smell
and wafting aroma, the righteous conduct, the successful trade, the clear way, the
gentle Physician, the compassionate father, the refuge for people in times of
calamity, the judge, the command giver, the Prohibitor, Allah azwjs ruler over His
people, His (Allahazwjs) confidant on (matters of) reality, Proof of Allahazwj over His
servants (He is) the object of pilgrimage on Allah azwjs earth and the universe,
Informed of the Unseen. His personal qualities cannot be encompassed, his inner
virtues cannot be imagined and he is unfathomable reality. He is Unique of his age
and unparallel to none. He is Allahazwjs deputy in His injunctions and prohibitions
There is none similar to him and no one can take his place.
So, who is there that can attain knowledge about us; or can reach our rank; or can
witness our miracles; or can ever comprehend our status. In this matter, wisdom and
intellect are bewildered; understanding becomes perplexed. Our status is so
eloquent that the great ones appear worthless, and the scholars dwindle (into
insignificance); the Poets become exhausted and wary; the genius stutter and are
speechless; the noble orators begin to stammer; and the masters of language are
Who has the ability and perception to recognise even one Divine attribute of an
Imamasws, or could image or comprehend as the heavens and the earth are humbled
when they (attempt) to describe the reality of the one who is in the focal point of the
Universe, the pivot of all that revolve, the secrets of all that is possible to exist, the
ray of Divine creator, the majesty of the Most Great and the honour of the heavens
and the earth.
The station of the Prophetsaww s progeny is exalted above description of the
describers and the qualifications depicted by the highly qualified. Nor can they be
compared with anyone in any realm or world. How could it be possible to describe
them, since they are the first light (created by Allah azwj), the lofty words, the radiant
Divine names and the greater oneness of Allahazwj . Thus whoever turned away from
them has indeed deserted oneness of Allahazwj, as they are the greatest veil of
Thus who has the merits to select such an Imam awsw, who cannot be recognised by
the wisdom. Actually, there is no one who had abilities to identify the noble Imam or
even describe one of his virtues. However, those who image that some of the
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qualities of Prophets progeny can be found in other people are, in fact, crafty liars
and have gone astray from the righteous path and they chosen to worship the Calf
(false god), as their Lord and have joined the ranks of Shaitan. This is all due to
their intense animosity against the house of Divine qualities, and the family of the
virtuousness and infallibility and jealousy towards the household of Prophet saww.
Shaitan has made them believe that their (devious) actions, after all, are honourable.
May Allahazwj destroy them and destine them towards hellfire. How could they have
selected an ignorant as an Imam, who used to worship idols and was a well know
deserter on the day of Holy wars (Battle). Although, it is incumbent that the Imam
should be the most knowledgeable and not ignorant; brave and not withdrawing
individual. And none should be superior to him in (nobility) descent and nor should
be inferior (to anyone) in his lineage. Beware; the Imam can only be from the best of
the Quraish, the most nobility of Hashim and from the progeny of Abraham as. He is
from the bloodline of Prophetsaww and is the Nafas-e-Rasoolsaww 228. He is chosen by
the will of Allahazwj and his selection is directly executed by Allahazwj.
Thus, heasws is the honour of all nobles and a branch from the (descendants of) Abd
Manaaf; he has (complete) knowledge of (worldly) affairs and is well versed in the
governance (of all affairs). Obedience to him asws is incumbent until the day of
judgement and Allahazwj has made his Heart a (vessel) for His mystery and elects to
speak through Imams tongue. Thus, Heasws is infallible, represents Allahazwj and is
free from any element of ignorance and weakness.
O Tariq, the people have abandoned him and followed their own desires and who
can be more astray than the one who follows his whims without any guidance from
Allahazwj. O Tariq! the Imamasws may be considered like an angel in the appearance
of human being, a heavenly body, a divine command, a sacred spirit, a lofty station,
a manifest light, a hidden secret. He is angelic in essence with attributes of the
Divine powers, endowed with unlimited good qualities, posses the knowledge of the
realms of the Unseen, specifically chosen by the Lord of the Worlds and is
connected with the Truthful and Trustworthy (Rasool Allah azwj). All this is for the
household of Muhammadsaww alone; nobody else can partake in this with them. This
is because they are: the source of revelation and the meaning of its exposition; the
elect of the Lord of Majesty; The place of Gibrael, Al-Ameens descent; the words of
the attributes of Allahazwj; His secret and His words; the tree of Prophet hood; the
source of chivalry; the essence of all opinions; the ultimate meaning and
signification; the station of apostolic wisdom; the illumination of majesty in proximity
to Allahazwj, and in His care the location of Allahazwjs word; the key to his wisdom; the
lamps of Allahazwjs mercy; the well springs of His bounty; the path that leads to
Allahazwj-the salsabeel-the Qistaas al Mustaqeem (the upright scale) the straight
path; the remembrance (full) of wisdom; the noble face; the eternal light; possessors
of honour and repute; take precedence over all noble and exalted; the successors of
the noble Prophetsaww; the progeny of the compassionate and gentle (Prophetsaww);
we are the progeny of one from the other, in the custody of the most High, the most
Mighty- Allahazwj knows all and observes all of these.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
These are the immense and unmistakable signs of guidance and the straight path.
Whosoever recognises themasws and takes (guidance) from themasws, he belongs to
us. As per Rasool Allahsawws statement, He who follows me, surely he is from me,
is an allusion to this (reality). Allahazwj created them (Prophets household) from the
illumination of his majesty and entrusted them with the governing of the affairs of
Hisazwj kingdom. (Thus there is no doubt) they are the treasured secret of Allah azwj
and His friends, those who are near (Awliya al-Muqarraboon).
Allahazwjs (creative) command is between the letter Kaaf and the letter Nun. In fact
they are the Kaaf and the Nun since they invite to Allah azwj, speak only what they
receive from Him and carry out His commands. The knowledge of all the Prophets,
the (divine) mysteries of the Ausiyaa and the power and glory of the Auliyaa, in
comparison to themasws, is like a drop out of an ocean and a grain out of a desert.
Indeed, the heavens and the earth to the Imam are like the hand and its palm. He
recognises what is visible as well as what is hidden; He knows the pious among the
sinners; what is in the wet and within the dry forms. This is because Allah azwj has
taught his Prophetsaww the knowledge of what has been passed and what would
appear, and all these protected secrets were inherited by Prophets noble Auliyah.
Whosoever, denies this is a cruel and cursed wretch, and as such is cursed by
Allahazwj as well as by all those who also send curse in Allahazwjs obedience.
How could Allahazwj make incumbent upon his servants the obedience of the one
who is veiled from the mysteries of the heavens and the earth. The reality is that, a
single word uttered (in Quran) in the praise of Aal-e-Muhammed, exceeds seventy
dimensions (of knowledge). (Consider further), How often in the verses of the Noble
reminder, the blessed book, the eternal words are mentioned in our praise, i.e., alAyn (eye), al-Wajh (face), al-Yadh (hand) and al-Janb (side). (It is obvious that) What
is meant by these words is this Wilayah (pointing to himself asws), as Imamasws is the
side of Allahazwj, the face of Allahazwj, that is, the reality of Allahazwj, the knowledge of
Allahazwj, and the essence of Allahazwj. (As for the phrase) Hand of Allahazwj they are
the manifestation of the implicit dimensions of the visible attributes. Thus, their Ahlebayts implicit is the manifestation of the Allahazwjs explicit attributes. Theyasws are the
explicit manifestation of the implicit and the implicit dimensions of the explicit. This is
alluded to in the saying of the Prophetsaww Indeed Allahazwj has no eyes and hands,
but surely you and me, Ya Aliasws, are from them.
Theyasws (The Ahl e-Bayt) are the most elevated side (Al-Janb al-Aliyy); the most
agreeable face (al-Wajh ar-Radiyy); the thirst-quenching spring; and the straight
path. Theyasws are the means to (reach) Allahazwj, the link to Hisazwj pardon and Hisazwj
pleasure. Theyasws are the mystery of the One, and the Uniqueness of the Unique
(Allahazwj). It is not possible to compare anyone from mankind with them asws; They
are: the elect of Allahazwj and chosen purely by Himazwj; the secret of religion and its
wisdom; the gateway to faith and its Kaabah; the proof of Allah azwj and His
destination; the signposts of guidance and its standard; the grace of Allah azwj and His
mercy; the absolute certainty and its reality; the path of the Real and His protection;
the origin of existence and its goal; the power of the Lord and His will; the source
(origin) of the book and its end; the eloquent speech; the symbols and guardians and
protectors of the revelation; the verse of Remembrance and its interpretation; the
origin of revelation and its final (destiny); they are the lofty stars; they are the
elevated illuminations, kindled from the sun of Fatimahs honour in the sky or
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Muhammeds majesty; they are the branches of Prophet hood gushing forth from the
tree of Ahmed; the divine mysteries placed in the form of a human (body).
The Ahl al-Baytasws are: The pure progeny from Hashimite descent; the (truly) guide
and the (truly) guided; thus they alone are the best of creation; they are the pure
leaders; the infallible family (protected from sin); the noble offspring; the rightly
guided successors (of the Prophetsaww); the greatest of the Siddiqeen (the truth
ones); the noble Ausiyaa; the tribe whom Allahazwj was pleased with; the rightly
guided deliverers; the finest of the fine, from the family of Taha and Yaseen; The
proof of Allahazwj for the first and last.
Their names are etched on (every) stone, on (every) leaf of (every) tree, on the
wings of every bird; on the gates of heavens and hell; on the throne (of Allah azwj); on
the horizons; on the wings of angels; on the veils of majesty and on the canopies of
glory and beauty.
With their name the birds glorify (Allahazwj) and fish in the depths of ocean ask for
forgiveness on behalf of their followers.
In fact, Allahazwj did not create anything until he made them declare the oneness (of
Allahazwj), the wilayah (supremacy) of the pure progeny and revulsion for their
enemies. The Throne (of Allahazwj) did not attain stability until it was inscribed with
Divine light; There is no deity except Allahazwj, Mohammed is the Rasool Allahazwj,
and Aliaswsis the Wali of Allahazwj.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
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Abu Abdullahasws, wrote this letter to hisasws companions and commanded them to
study it, ponder over it, and make a pact by it, and act in accordance with. They used
to keep it in their places of Prayer in their homes. So when they were free from their
Prayers, they would look into it.
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He said, Narrated to me A-Hassan Ibn Muhammad, from Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Malik al-Kufiy
from al-Qasim Ibn Al-Rabi' Al-Sahhaf from 'Ismail Ibn Mukhallad Al-Sarraj from Abu Abd Allah .
He said that, I brought out this letter of Abu Abdullahasws to hisasws companions
In the Name of Allahazwj, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Having said that, Iasws ask your
Lordazwj to grant you all good health. It is for you all to have tenderness, dignity and
tranquility, and it is for you to be bashful and keep yourselves clear, just as the
righteous people before you have done. It is for you to be courteous with the people
of falsehood. You will bear injustices from them, and beware of disputing with them
in what is between you and them. When you sit with them, and are alone with them
and argue your differences with them, there is no way out for you but to sit with them
and be alone with them, and argue with them by the dissimulation which Allah azwj has
Ordered you for, that you should take to it regarding what is between you and them.
So if you are tested with that from them, that they wish to harm you and you can
recognise abhorrence in their faces, and if Allah azwj, the High does not Dispel them
away from you, they would rob you. And what is in their chests of enmity and hatred
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
is much more than what they display to you. Your gatherings and their gatherings
are one and the same, but your spirits and their spirits are different. You will not
reconcile with them and you will never love them, ever, and they will never love you
as well. Surely Allahazwj the High has Honoured you all with the truth and Made you
to visualise it, and did not Make them to be deserving of it.
Be courteous to them and be patient with them, for they have no courtesy to you nor
do they have patience over anything, and some of them are obsessed with tricking
the others, for the enemies of Allahazwj have the ability to keep you from the truth.
Allahazwj Protects you from that, so fear Allahazwj and hold back your tongues except
from the good, and beware of letting your tongues to slip into speaking that which is
false, and the slanderous, and the sinful, and the violation. So if you were to hold
back your tongues from what is disliked by Allah azwj, from what Heazwj has Forbidden
you from, it would be better for you with your Lord azwj than letting your tongues slip
into what is disliked by Himazwj and what Heazwj has Prohibited you from.
There is destruction for the servant, with Allahazwj, and Repugnance from Allahazwj,
and there will be deafness, and blindness, and muteness which Allah azwj will Make
him to inherit on the Day of Judgement. So they will become just as Allah azwj has
said: [2:18] Deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they will not turn back, it means that
they will not be speaking and will not have the Permission to present their excuses.
And beware from what Allahazwj has Prohibited you from doing, and it is for you to
remain silent except with regards to what Allahazwj has Benefited you by from the
matters of your Hereafter and be Rewarded by Himazwj.
And be frequent in Extolling Hisazwj Holiness, and Glorification, and the Praising to
Allahazwj, and the desires for what is with Him azwj from the Good which cannot be
estimated, nor can anyone reach it (imagine), so occupy your tongues with that in
order to avoid the false speech which would lead its owners to an eternity in the Fire
for the one who dies upon it and does not repent to Allah azwj, and does not keep
away from it.
And it is for you to supplicate, for the Muslims cannot be successful in the fulfilment
of their wishes with their Lordazwj by any means higher than supplication and desiring
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
from Himazwj, and appealing to Allahazwj, and the asking from Himazwj. So be desirous
in what you request to Allahazwj so that Heazwj would Answer you to what you have
supplicated to Himazwj in order to be successful and be saved from the Punishment of
And beware of being greedy for yourselves to something from what Allah azwj has
Prohibited to you. For the one who violates what Allah azwj has Prohibited to him here
in the world, Allahazwj would Place a block between him and the Paradise, and its
Bounties, and its enjoyments, and its Prestige which will stand for all eternity for the
inhabitants of the Paradise, for ever and ever.
And know that it is an evil misfortune for the one who takes the risk of endangering
the obedience to Allahazwj the Blessed, and to be disobedient to Him azwj. So the
choosing to violate what Allahazwj has Prohibited from the pleasures of the world
would cut its people off from the eternal-Bliss in the Paradise, and its pleasures, and
the prestige of its inhabitants.
Woe be unto those! What a frustration they will face when they lose, and evil would
be their condition with their Lordazwj on the Day of Judgement. Seek Refuge with
Allahazwj that Heazwj would Protect you from being in a situation similar to theirs
forever, and be in afflictions like their afflictions.
And there is no Might with usasws or with you except by Himazwj. So, fear Allahazwj, O
group of saved people, that Allahazwj will Complete for you what Heazwj has Granted
you with, for the matter will not be complete until He azwj Makes you to enter into
similar of what came upon the righteous ones before you, and until you face
tribulation with regards to yourselves and your wealth, and until you hear from the
enemies of Allahazwj, a lot of painful words.
So, observe patience and take it in your stride, and even if they humiliate you, and
hate you, and even if they burden you with injustices. So bear these from them,
seeking by that the Face of Allahazwj and the House of the Hereafter, and until you
control your intense anger in the suffering for the sake of Allah azwj Mighty and
Majestic. They will incriminate you, and even belie you about the truth, and be
inimical towards you with regards to it, and be hateful towards you.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
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So, observe patience on that from them, and all that has been Ratified in the Book of
Allahazwj which Jibraeelas Descended with upon your Prophetsaww, getting your
Prophetsaww to hear the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: [46:35] Therefore
bear up patiently as did the messengers endowed with constancy bear up with
patience and do not seek to hasten for them (their doom). Then Heazwj Said:
[35:4] And if they call you a liar, truly messengers before you were called
[ ]
So observe patience on what they lie about and hurt you with, for they had belied the
Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, and the Messengersas from before himsaww, and hurt them
along with the denial of the truth. And if you are happy with the Commands of
Allahazwj regarding themasws whom Allahazwj Created for Himselfzwj in the Beginning
(beginning of the creation), from the infidelity which has preceded in the Knowledge
of Allahazwj that Heazwj Created them in the origin and the ones whom Allah azwj has
Named in Hisazwj book in Hisazwj Words: [28:41] And We made them Imams who
call to the fire.
So, ponder over this and hold on to it, and do not be ignorant of it, for the one who is
ignorant of this and the like of this which Allah azwj has Made to be Obligatory in
Hisazwj Book from what Allahazwj has Ordered for and Prohibited from, has
disregarded the Religion of Allahazwj and became disobedient to Himazwj. Therefore
he has necessitated (upon himself) the Outrage of Allah azwj, and Allahazwj will Fling
him into the Fire upon his face.
And heasws said: O you group of Blessed ones, the victorious ones! Surely, Allah azwj
Completed for you what Heazwj Granted you all from the good, and know that it is not
from the Knowledge of Allahazwj, nor from Hisazwj Commands that any one from the
creatures of Allahazwj, should take to opinions or analogies regarding his Religion.
Allahazwj Has Sent down the Quran and Made to be in it an explanation of all things,
and Assigned for the Quran and the teaching of the Quran, its Peopleasws.
There is no leeway for the Peopleasws of knowledge of the Quran whomasws Allahazwj
had Given to them of its Knowledge, that theyasws should take to desires, or opinions,
or analogies with regards to it. Allahazwj has Made themasws to be needless from that
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
by what Heazwj has Given themasws from Hisazwj Knowledge, and Specialised themasws
by it, and Placed in it Prestige from Allahazwj to Honour themasws by.
And theyasws are the Peopleasws of the Remembrance (Ahl Al-Zikr) whom Allahazwj has
Ordered the people to ask themasws, and theyasws are the onesasws to be asked. And it
has preceded in the Knowledge of Allahazwj that they should ratify themasws, and
follow theirasws footsteps. Heazwj Guided themasws, and Gave themasws from the
Knowledge of the Quran with which theyasws guide (others) to Allahazwj by Hisazwj
Permission, and to all the ways of the truth.
And theyasws are the onesasws that Heazwj does not Want them to be released from,
and from asking themasws, and from being taught by themasws which Allahazwj has
Honoured themasws with and Made it to be with them asws, except for the one who has
preceded in the Knowledge of Allahazwj, as being the miserable one in the origin of
the creation underneath the shadow.
So these are the ones who turn away from asking the People asws of the
Remembrance (Ahl Al-Zikr) and the onesasws to whom Allahazwj has Granted the
Knowledge of the Quran and Placed it in theirasws possession, and Ordered for
asking themasws.
These are the ones who act on their desires, and their opinions, and their analogies
to the extent that Satanla enters them229, (as a result) they (try) to revert the believing
people, in the Knowledge of the Quran with Allahazwj, as disbelievers, and try to make
the misguided people, in the Knowledge of the Quran with Allah azwj, as believer, but
to the extent that they declare what Allahazwj has Made Permissible, in many matters
as being prohibited, and pronounce what Allahazwj has Prohibited, in many matters as
being permissible.
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So this is the origin of the fruit of their desires. And the Messengersaww of Allahazwj
had taken an oath from them before hissaww passing away. So they said, After
Allahazwj Captures Hisazwj Messengersaww, we have the leeway of taking to the
consensus of the opinions of the people. After Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Captured Hisazwj Messengersaww, and after hissaww oath which hesaww took from usasws,
and ordered usasws by, they opposed Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww.
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So what is more audacious to Allahazwj, nor any clear misguidance from the one who
takes to that, and alleges that it gives him the leeway to do it? By Allah azwj, surely
Allahazwj has Obligated Hisazwj creatures that they should obey Himazwj, and follow
Hisazwj Commands during the lifetime of Muhammadsaww, and after hissaww passing
Can those enemies of Allahazwj who are alleging that anyone who became a Muslim
with Muhammadsaww, can take to his own words, and his own opinions, and his own
analogies? But if he says, Yes, then, surely, he has lied to Allah azwj and has strayed
a far straying, and if he says, No, it is not for anyone that he should take to his
opinions, and his desires, and his analogies, so he has argued against himself, and
he is from the ones who allege that Allah azwj has to be Obeyed, and Hisazwj Orders to
be followed after the passing away of the Messengersaww of Allahazwj.
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Allahazwj has said, and Hisazwj words are true: [3:144] And Muhammad is no more
than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if
then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever
turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least
and Allah will reward the grateful, and that is something which they knew that
Allahazwj is to be obeyed and Hisazwj Commands are to be followed during the lifetime
of Muhammadsaww, and (as well as) after Allahazwj had Made Muhammadsaww to pass
away. And if it was not for anyone from the people who were with Muhammadsaww
that they would take to their own desires, and their opinions, and their analogies in
opposition to the orders of Muhammadsaww, so similarly it is not for anyone from the
people after Muhammadsaww that they would take to their own desires, and their
opinions, and their analogies.
And heasws said: Leave the raising of your hands in the Prayer except for the one
time when you open the Prayer, for the people have publicised you all by that 230, and
To observe Taqeeya
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
Allahazwj is the Helper, and there is no Might and there is no Power except by
And heasws said: Supplicate frequently to Allahazwj for Allahazwj Loves the ones from
the believing servants that they should supplicate to Himazwj, and Allahazwj has
Promised the believing servants for the Answering, and Allah azwj has Destined the
supplications of the Believers, on the Day of Judgement, to increase their deeds by it
in the Paradise. So, frequently remember Allahazwj in accordance with your abilities in
every hour of the hours of the night and the day, for Allah azwj has Ordered for
frequent Remembrance (Al-Zikr) to Himazwj, and Allahazwj Remembers the one who
remembers Himazwj from the Believers. And know, that Allahazwj never Remembers
anyone from Hisazwj believing servant except Remembering him with Goodness.
So give Allahazwj from yourselves, the struggle in obedience to Himazwj, for Allahazwj
does not Accept anything from the good with Him azwj except by obedience to Himazwj,
and the avoidance of Hisazwj Prohibitions which Allahazwj has Prohibited in the
apparent of the Quran and in its hidden. Allah azwj Blessed and High has Said in
Hisazwj Book, and Hisazwj Words are True: [6:120] And abandon open and secret
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And know that whatever Allahazwj has Ordered you to avoid, so Heazwj has Prohibited
it, and follow the footsteps of the Messengersaww of Allahazwj, and hissaww Sunnah, so
adhere to it and do not follow your own desires, and your opinions, for you will go
astray. The most misguided of the people with Allah azwj is the one who follows his
own desires and his opinion without (following the) Guidance from Allah azwj.
And do good for yourselves in accordance with your abilities, for if you do good, it
would be for your own selves, and if you violate, it would be against your own selves.
And intermingle with the people and do not burden them upon your necks, including
along with that the obedience to your Lordazwj. And beware of insulting the enemies
of Allahazwj when they are listening to you, for the enemies will insult Allah azwj without
awareness, and it is better that you should know the penalty of insulting Allah azwj and
what it is.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
He who has insulted the friends of Allahazwj is like he has insulted Allahazwj. And the
one who is the most unjust with Allahazwj is the one who insults Allahazwj and the
friends of Allahazwj, so dont do it, dont do it. Follow the Commands of Allah azwj.
There is no Might, and no Power except by Allahazwj.
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And heasws said: O you group for whom Allahazwj has Protected for them their affairs!
It is for you to follow the footsteps of the Messenger saww of Allahazwj and hissaww
Sunnah, and the footsteps of the Imamsasws of Guidance from the Peopleasws of the
Household of the Messengersaww of Allahazwj from after himsaww and theirasws Sunnah.
So the one who takes to that has been guided, and the one who avoided that and
abandoned it, went astray, because theyasws are the onesasws for whom Allahazwj
Commanded (the people) to be obedient to, and for theirasws Wilayah.
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And ourasws fatherasws the Messengersaww of Allahazwj has said: The continuation upon
the deeds in the following of the footsteps and the Sunnah, even though they may be
little, is more Pleasing to Allahazwj and beneficial with Himazwj in the Rewards, than
the struggle in the Bittah) heresy, and the desires. Indeed, the following of the
desires, and the following of the heresies (innovations) without Guidance from
Allahazwj is misguidance, and every misguidance is heresy, and every heretic will be
in the Fire. And nothing can be achieved from the good with Allah azwj except by being
obedient to Himazwj, and the patience and being agreeable, because the patience
and being agreeable is from the obedience to Allahazwj.
And know, that a servant from the servants has not believed until he is happy with
Allahazwj with regards to whatever Allahazwj has Done for him, and what he has done
for Himazwj in accordance with what Heazwj Likes and Dislikes. And Allahazwj does not
Do with the one who is patient and happy with Allah azwj except that which he is
deserving of, and that which is better for him, from what he likes or dislikes.
And it is for you to [2:238] Attend constantly to prayers and to the middle
prayer and stand up truly obedient to Allah, just as Allahazwj has Commanded
the Believers in Hisazwj Book which is in front of you.
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Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
And beware, and it is for you to love the poor Muslims, for the one who considers
them to be lowly due to his own arrogance, so he has slipped from the Religion of
Allahazwj, and Allahazwj has for him (a situation of) lowliness and hate. And the
Messengersaww of Allahazwj has said: Mysaww Lordazwj has Commanded mesaww to love
the poor among the Muslims. And know, that the one who belittles anyone from the
Muslims will meet Allahazwj having Hatred towards him and lowliness from Himazwj to
the extent that the people will hate him and Allah azwj will have intense Hatred towards
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Fear Allahazwj with regards to your brothers who are poor Muslims, for they have a
right over you that you should love them. Allah azwj Commanded Hisazwj
Messengersaww to love them, so the one who does not love the one whom Allah azwj
has Commanded to love, so he has disobeyed Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww,
and the one who disobeys Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww and dies upon that,
would have died whilst being from the misguided ones.
And beware of (considering for yourself) greatness and arrogance, for the Arrogance
is the Robe of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, so the one who disputed with Allahazwj
for Hisazwj Robe, Allahazwj will Reduce him and Disgrace him on the Day of
And beware of injustices of some of you against the others, for it is not from the
characteristics of the righteous. The one who is unjust, Allahazwj will Turn his injustice
against his own self, and Make Hisazwj Help to be for the one who he was unjust to,
and the one whom Allahazwj Helps will overcome and be of the group of winners from
And beware of the envying of some of you against the others, for the disbelief is the
origin of the envy.
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And beware of helping against an oppressed Muslim, for he would supplicate to
Allahazwj against you and Heazwj would Answer him regarding you. Ourasws
forefathersaww the Messengersaww of Allahazwj used to say that: The supplication of an
oppressed Muslims gets Answered. And help each other, for our asws forefathersaww,
the Messengersaww of Allahazwj used to say that: Helping a Muslim is better and
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
greater in Reward than the Fasting for a month, and seclusion (Al-Itikaaf) in the
Masjid Al-Haraam (The Sacred Masjid).
And beware of creating difficulties for anyone from your Muslim brothers if he owes
you anything from before and he is insolvent, for ourasws forefather the
Messengersaww of Allahazwj used to say: It is not for a Muslim to make difficulties for a
Muslim, and the one who is considerate to the insolvent will be Shaded by Allahazwj
by a shade on the Day in which there will no shade except for Hisazwj Shade.
And beware, O group under the Mercy and preferred ones over the others, of
withholding the Rights of Allahazwj before you, day after day and hour after hour, for
the one who makes haste in (giving) the Rights of Allahazwj which are in front of him,
then Allahazwj has the Power over the Hastening to him for the multiplication of the
good, either immediately or later on. And the one who delays the Rights of Allah azwj,
then Allahazwj has the Power over Delaying his sustenance, and the one from whom
Allahazwj Withholds his sustenance, he would not have the ability to sustain himself.
So give to Allahazwj the Right from what Heazwj has Granted you so that Heazwj would
Purify for you the remainder of it, and Complete for you from the Multiplication for
you, the excessive Multiplication, the count of which is not known to any but Him azwj,
or its virtues, the Lordazwj of the Worlds.
And heasws said: Fear Allahazwj, O group, if you could, and dont be an
embarrassment for the Imamasws, for the one who causes embarrassment for the
Imamasws, he is the one who discredits the righteous people, the ones who follow the
Imamasws of the Muslims for hisasws virtues, the patient ones upon the payment of
hisasws rights, the ones who understand hisasws sanctity.
And know, that the one who descends to that level with (respect) the Imamasws, so he
has embarrassed the Imamasws (by associating himself with himasws) He would do
that by cursing the righteous people the ones who (strictly) follow him asws from the
Muslims for their virtues, the patient ones upon the paying of his asws rights, the ones
who have recognised hisasws sanctity, so his curse against (the pious ones) is for the
enemies of Allahazwj, as the Imamasws converts that curse into Mercy from Allahazwj
upon them (the pious ones), and turns the Curse from Allah azwj and from the Angels,
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
and from Hisazwj Messengersaww upon them (the deniers). And know, O group, that
the Sunnah from Allahazwj has flowed within the righteous ones before.
And heasws said: The one who wishes to meet Allahazwj as a Believer, Haqqan
Haqqan (surely and truly), so he should befriend Allah azwj, and Hisazwj Messenger,
and those who believedasws, and should distance himself from theirasws enemies, and
accept whatever that has ended up with him from theirasws virtues, because theirasws
virtues cannot be comprehended by the Angels of Proximity, or 231
the Messenger Prophetsas, but some among them. Have you not heard what
Allahazwj has Mentioned from the virtues of following the Imams asws of Guidance, and
they are the Believers? Heazwj Said: [4:69] And whoever obeys Allah and the
Messenger, these are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favors from
among the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the good, and a
goodly company are they!
This is just one perspective from the perspectives of the virtues of following the
Imamsasws, so how can others (comprehend) them asws and theirasws virtues? And the
one who wishes that Allahazwj should Complete for him his faith and he becomes a
devout and true Believer, he should fulfill to Allah azwj Hisazwj Conditions which Heazwj
has Placed upon the Believers. Heazwj has Placed the conditions of Hisazwj Wilayah
along with the Wilayah of Hisazwj Messengersaww, and the Wilayah of the Imamsasws of
the Believers. He should establish the Prayer, and give the Zakaat, and give to
Allahazwj goodly loans (Karza e Hasana), and avoid the immoralities, both openly as
well as discreetly.
There does not remain anything from the detail of what Allah azwj has Prohibited,
except that it is included in its entirety in Hisazwj Statement. So the one who makes it
to be his Religion in what is between himself and Allah azwj, being sincere to Allahazwj,
and does not authorise for himself to ignore anything from this, so he is, in the Sight
of Allahazwj, in Hisazwj Triumphant Party, and he is from the true Believers.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
And beware of insisting upon something from what Allahazwj has Prohibited in the
Apparent of the Quran and its Hidden. And Allah azwj the High has Said: [3:135] and
(who) do not knowingly persist in what they have done (Up to this point it is the
narration of Al-Qasim Bin Rabie). It means that the Believers before them, when
they forgot something from what Conditions Allahazwj had Placed upon them in Hisazwj
Book, would come to the realisation that they had disobeyed Allah azwj in their
avoidance of that thing. So they would seek Forgiveness and would not repeat it. So
that is the meaning of the Statement of Allah azwj: [3:135] and (who) do not
knowingly persist in what they have done.
And know that Heazwj has Commanded and Prohibited, so that there should be
obedience in what Heazwj has Commanded for, and avoidance in what Heazwj has
Prohibited from. So the one who has followed His azwj Commands has obeyed
Himazwj, and has realised everything from the good, which is with Himazwj, and the
one who did not avoid what Allahazwj has Prohibited from, so he has disobeyed
Himazwj. So if he were to die upon being disobedient to Him azwj, Allahazwj will Fling him
upon his face in the Fire.
And know, that there is nothing else between Allah azwj and anyone from Hisazwj
creatures, Angels of Proximity, or Messenger Prophetsas, or all others apart from
that, except for their obedience to Him azwj. So strive in being obedient to Allahazwj, if
you wish to become true Believers, truly, and there is not Strength except by
And heasws said: And it is for you to obey your Lordazwj in accordance with your
abilities, for Allahazwj is your Lordazwj. And know that the Islam is the submission, and
the submission is the Islam. So the one who submits, so he has Islam, and the one
who does not submit, there is no Islam to him. And the one wishes to do himself a
favour, so he should obey Allahazwj, for the one who has obeyed Allah azwj has indeed
done himself a favour.
And beware of being disobedient to Allahazwj if you were to do it. The one who
violated by being disobedient to Allahazwj, so he has disfavoured himself, and there is
no station between favour and disfavour. For the ones who have done a favour in the
Sight of their Lordazwj, is Paradise, and for the ones who have violated in the Sight of
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
their Lordazwj, is the Fire. So, know that you have to be obedient to Allah azwj and
avoid being disobedient to Himazwj. And know, that there is none who is needless of
Allahazwj from Hisazwj creatures, neither the Angels of Proximity, nor the Messenger
Prophetsas, nor anyone other than that. So the one who wishes that he should
benefit from the intercession of the intercessors in the Presence of Allah azwj, so he
should seek to Please Allahazwj.
And know that no one from the creatures of Allah azwj can achieve the Pleasure of
Allahazwj except by being obedient to Himazwj, and being obedient to Hisazwj
Messengersaww, and being obedient to the Masters of the Command asws (Wali AlAmrasws) from the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, and that the disobedience to
themasws is disobedient to Allahazwj. And do not deny theirasws virtues, be they great or
small. And know, that the deniers are the liars, they are the hypocrites, and that
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Said for the hypocrites, and Hisazwj Words are true, that:
[4:145] Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire and you shall
not find a helper for them.
And let no one from among you, whom Allah azwj has Necessitated upon his heart,
obedience to Himazwj and being humble to Himazwj, should fear any one from the
people from whom Allahazwj has Removed the qualities of the truth and did not Make
him to be deserving of it. So the one whom Allahazwj has not Made to be deserving of
the qualities of the truth, so these are the hypocrites, these are the Satans la among
the Humans and the Jinn. And it is the Satansla among the Humans that trick, and
plot, and deceive, and whisper (cast doubts) from some of them to the others,
attempting to divert the people of the truth, whom Allah azwj has Honoured by Granting
them the insight into the Religion of Allahazwj, and insight which Allahazwj has not
Considered the Satansla among the Humans to be deserving of it, Intending thereby
not to equalise the enemies of Allahazwj to the people of the truth, with regards to the
doubt, and the denial, and the belying to end up being equal as Allah azwj the High
has Described in Hisazwj Book: [4:89] They desire that you should disbelieve as
they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike. Then Allahazwj prohibited
the people of the truth that they should take the enemies of Allah azwj as guardians or
as helpers.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
So do not let them scare you, and do not let them repulse you all from the
consideration by the truth which Allahazwj has Specialised you with from the tricks of
the Satansla from the Humans, and their plots in your affairs. You should repel the
bad by that which is good in what is between you and them, seeking by that the
Pleasure of your Lordazwj by being obedient to Himazwj. And they are such that there
is no good with them.
It is not permissible for you to display to them the Principles of the Religion of
Allahazwj (Usool Al-Deen232) for they are such that they would hear something from
you, be inimical against you, and raise (the issue) against you, and strive for
destroying you, and place in front of you that which you dislike.
And there is no remedy for you from them in the government of the corrupts. So
understand your status in what is between you and the people of the falsehood, for it
does not befit the people of the truth to descend to the level of the people of the
falsehood. (This is due to the fact) that Allahazwj did not Make for the people of the
falsehood who does not understand Hisazwj Perspective, the status which is with
Himazwj for the people of the truth.
The Statement of Allahazwj in Hisazwj Book where Heazwj Said: [38:28] Shall We treat
those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who
do mischief on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil, the same as
those who turn aside from the right? Heazwj has Honoured yourselves rather than
the people of the falsehood. And do not make Allah azwj Blessed and High, and for
Himazwj is the Highest Example, and your Imamsasws, and the Religion which you
have made it to be for yourselves, to be exposed (vulnerable) to the people of the
falsehood. Allahazwj would be Angered against you, so you will perish. So, do not do
it, do not do it (strictly observe Taqeeya).
O righteous people! Do not abandon the Commands of Allah azwj, and the Command
from your affairs for the obedience to Him azwj, lest Allahazwj Alters the Blessings for
you. Love for the sake of Allahazwj (the ones of similar qualities to yourselves), and
hate for the Sake of Allahazwj the ones who oppose you. And extend your cordiality
and your advice to the ones who possess your qualities, and do not extend it to the
ones who have abandoned your qualities, and are inimical towards you, and rebel
against you, and wish for calamities to befall upon you. This is ourasws education
which Allahazwj Has Educated usasws with. So take to it, and understand it and fetter it
Salat, Zakat, Soam, Hajj and Wilayat, see for example Al-Kafi Vol. 2 Pg. 18.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
(to yourselves), and do not throw it behind your backs, whatever is compatible with
your guidance and take to it, and whatever is along the lines of your own desires,
discard it and do not follow it.
And beware of the arrogance against Allahazwj, and know that a servant is not
afflicted by the arrogance against Allahazwj except that he is arrogant against the
Religion of Allahazwj. Be upright for the Sake of Allahazwj and do not turn back upon
your heels, for your will have turn back as losers. May Allah azwj Protect us. And
beware from the arrogance against Allahazwj, and there is not strength for usasws or for
you except by Allahazwj.
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And heasws said: If Allahazwj had Created a servant originally, in the original creation
as a Believer, he will never die until Allah azwj Makes him to detest the evil and he
distances himself from it, and the one whom Allahazwj has Made to detest the evil and
he distances himself from it, Allahazwj will Cure him from the arrogance and the
forcefulness which has entered into him. So his nature becomes soft, and his morals
beautiful, and his face bright, and the reverence of Islam comes to him, and
tranquility, and the humbleness, and he restrains himself from the Prohibitions of
Allahazwj and avoids Hisazwj Harshness. And Allahazwj Grants to him the sustenance of
the cordiality of the people, and intermingling with them, and avoidance of the cutting
off from the people, and the rivalries, and does not get involved with anything from it
or the likes of it in anything.
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However, if Allahazwj had Created a servant originally, in the original creation as an
infidel, he will never die until he loves the evil and goes near to it. So if the evil
becomes beloved to him and he goes near to it, he gets involved in the infidelity, and
the forcefulness. So his heart hardens, and his morals deteriorate, and his face
darkens, his immorality gets displayed, and his shame becomes little, and Allah azwj
Uncovers his veil, and he rides upon the Prohibitions. So he never ceases from
these tendencies and rides upon the disobedience to Allah azwj, and hates to obey
Himazwj, and the obedient ones. So the condition of the Believers and the condition of
the infidel are in contradiction. Ask Allahazwj for health, and seek it from Himazwj, and
there is not Might nor Strength except by Allahazwj.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)
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Observe patience upon the afflictions in the world if you are followed by the
afflictions, and intensify the obedience to Allah azwj, and Hisazwj Wilayah, and the
Wilayah of the onesasws Heazwj has Commanded for, it is the better result with
Allahazwj in the Hereafter, than the kingdom of the world, even though its bounties,
and its flowers, and its affluence may be prolonged in the disobedience to Allahazwj,
and in the Wilayah of the oneasws whom Allahazwj has Forbidden from being in his
Wilayah, and in his obedience.
Allahazwj has Commanded for the Wilayah of the Imamsasws whom Allahazwj has
Names in Hisazwj Book in Hisazwj Statement: [21:73] And We made them Imams
who guided (people) by Our command and theyasws are the onesasws for
whomasws Allahazwj has Commanded the Wilayah for, and to be in theirasws obedience.
And the ones whom Allahazwj has Forbidden to be in their wilayah, these are the
imams of misguidance, for whom Allahazwj has Decreed for them the governance in
the world over the friends of Allahazwj and the Imamsasws from the Progenyasws of
They act in disobedience to Allahazwj in their governments, and in disobedience to
Hisazwj Messengersaww so that the Words of the Punishment become reality against
them, and that you can end up being with the Prophetsaww of Allahazwj Muhammadsaww
and the Messengersas before himsaww.
So ponder over what stories Allahazwj has Related to you in Hisazwj Book of the trials
which the Hisazwj Prophetsas were Tested by, and the Believers followed themsa.
Then ask Allahazwj to Grant you patience upon the affliction in the thick and thin, and
the difficulties, and the prosperity, similar to which was Given to them.
And beware of debating with the people of the falsehood. And it is for you to follow
the guidance of the righteous ones, and their dignified (manners), and their
tranquility, and their forbearance, and their humbleness, and their distancing
themselves from the Prohibitions of Allahazwj, and their truthfulness, and their loyalty,
and their struggle for the Sake of Allahazwj in the deeds by being obedient to Him azwj.
So if you were not to do that, then you will never rise to the status of the righteous
ones from before you have with your Lordazwj.
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And know that if Allahazwj Intends good for a servant, Heazwj opens his chest for the
Islam. So Heazwj Grants him that he will speak the truth by his tongue, and bind his
heart to him so that he will act in accordance with it. So if Allahazwj Gathers that to
him, Heazwj Completes for him, his Islam, and if he were to die whilst being upon that,
he would have died as being one of the true Muslims.
And if Allahazwj does not Intend good for a servant, Heazwj Leaves him to his own self,
and his chest becomes constricted and an embarrassment for him. If a true (word)
flows from his tongue, his heart does not accept it from him, and if his heart does not
accept it from him, he does not follow Allahazwj and acts in accordance with it. So if
that is gathered to him until he dies whilst being upon that condition, he, then, will be
of the hypocrites with Allahazwj. And all that flowed upon his tongues from the truth
which he did not follow Allahazwj and his heart did not accept it from him, and he did
not act in accordance with it, would be a proof against him on the Day of Judgement.
So fear Allahazwj and ask Himazwj that Heazwj should Open your chests for the Islam,
and that Heazwj should Make your tongues to speak with the truth until you die whilst
being upon that, and that Heazwj should Make your return (to the Hereafter to be like
the) returning of the righteous ones before you. And there is not Strength except by
Allahazwj, and Praise is due to Allahazwj the Lordazwj of the worlds.
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And the one who wishes that he should know whether Allah azwj Loves him, so he
should act in obedience to Allahazwj and follow usasws. Have you not heard the Words
of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic to Hisazwj Prophetsaww: [3:31] Say: If you love
Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah
is Forgiving, Merciful
By Allahazwj, no servant will be in obedience to Allah azwj ever until Allahazwj Makes him
to be included along with obedience to Himazwj, obedience to usasws. And, by Allahazwj,
no servant will be following usasws ever until Allahazwj Loves him. And, by Allahazwj, no
servant leaves following usasws ever except that he hates usasws. And, by Allahazwj, no
one ever hates usasws except that he disobeys Allahazwj. And the one who dies whilst
being in disobedience to Allahazwj, Allahazwj will Disgrace him and Fling him upon his
face in the Fire. And Praise is due to Allahazwj, the Lordazwj of the worlds.
Maurifat and the Irfan: The Process of Spiritual Purification (Part II)