Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care
Prenatal Surveillance
At each return visit, the well-being of mother and fetus are assessed
Fetal :
Fetal heart rate,
amnionic fluid volume,
and activity are evaluated.
Maternal :
Maternal blood pressure and
weight and
their extent of change are assessed.
Symptoms to be sought, such as :
o headache,
o altered vision,
o abdominal pain,
o nausea and vomiting,
o bleeding,
o vaginal fluid leakage,
o and dysuria
Uterine examination measures size from the symphysis to
In late pregnancy, vaginal examination often providesvaluable
information that includes confirmation of the presentingpart and
its station, clinical estimation of pelvic capacityand its general
Fundal Height
Between 20 and 34 weeks :the height of the uterine
fundusmeasured in centimeters correlates closely with
gestational agein weeks used to monitor fetal growth and
amnionicfluid volume.
o It is measured as the distance along the abdominalwall
from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of
o Importantly, the bladder must be emptied before
at 17 to 20 weeks : fundal height was 3 cm higher with afull
bladder. Obesity or the presence of uterine masses such
asleiomyomata may also limit fundal height accuracy.
using fundal height alone, fetal-growth restriction may
beundiagnosed in up to a third of cases
Fetal Heart Sounds
Instruments incorporating Doppler ultrasound are often used to
easily detect fetal heart action, andin the absence of maternal
obesity, heart sounds are almost always detectable by 10 weeks
with such instruments .
The fetal heart rate ranges from 110 to 160 beats per minute and
is typically heard as a double sound.
Using a standard nonamplified stethoscope, the fetal heartmay
be audible as early as 16 weeks in some women. Herbertand
coworkers (1987) reported that the fetal heart was audible by 20
weeks in 80 percent of women, and by 22 weeks, heart sounds
were heard in all.
Because the fetus moves freely in amnionic fluid, the site on the
maternal abdomen where fetal heart sounds can be heard best
will vary.
Sonographyprovides invaluable information regarding fetal
anatomy, growth, and well-being.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2011b)
has concludedthat sonography should be performed only when
there is a valid medical indication under the lowest possible
ultrasound exposure setting a physician is not obligated to
perform sonography without a specific indication in a low-risk