Nabhash Yogas
Nabhash Yogas
Nabhash Yogas
1-2. O excellent of the Brahmins, explained below is Vallaki, Daam, Paash, Kedara, Sool, Yuga and Gola
32 Nabhash Yogas, which have a total of 1800 Yogas. Thus these are 32 in total.
different varieties. These consist of 3 Asraya Yogas, 2
Dala Yogas, 20 Akriti Yogas and 7 Sankhya Yogas. Sl. No. Yogas Name Meaning
1. Ashraya yoga Rajju Rope
2. Ashraya yoga Musala Pestle
There are 32 Nabhash yogas narrated by venerable 3. Ashraya yoga Nala Reed
Maharishi Parashara. However with all the 4. Dala yoga Maala Garland
permutations and combinations there could be 1800 5. Dala yoga Sarpa Serpent
different varieties. The 32 Nabhash yogas are 6. Akriti yoga Gada Mace
distributed in following manner. 7. Akriti yoga Sakata Cart
8. Akriti yoga Shringhatak Peak of a
1. Ashraya Yogas : 03 9. Akriti yoga Vihaga Bird
2. Dala yogas : 02 10. Akriti yoga Hala Plough
3. Akriti yogas : 20 11. Akriti yoga Vajra Thunderbolt
4. Sankhya yogas : 07 12. Akriti yoga Yava Barleycorn
13. Akriti yoga Kamal Lotus
Total : 32
14. Akriti yoga Vapi Pond
15. Akriti yoga Yupa Sacrificial Pillar
Ashraya means resting place and has to do with 16. Akriti yoga Shara Arrow
the nature of signs where the planets are placed. 17. Akriti yoga Shakti Power
18. Akriti yoga Danda Staff
Dala is a small shoot, leaf, or petal, as it unfolds. 19. Akriti yoga Nauka Boat
20. Akriti yoga Koota Peak
Hence these yogas determine the way the life 21. Akriti yoga Chatra Umbrella
unfolds for the native. 22. Akriti yoga Dhanush/ Bow
Akriti means “shape” and is based on the pattern 23. Akriti yoga Ardh Half Moon
of placement of the planets in the horoscope. Chandra
24. Akriti yoga Chakra Wheel
25. Akriti yoga Samudra Sea
Sankhya means number and is based on the 26. Sankhya yoga Vallaki/ Lute
number of signs the planets are placed in. Veena
27. Sankhya yoga Daama Wreath
Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary describes Nabhash as 28. Sankhya yoga Paash Noose
something celestial or heavenly. As the name signifies, 29. Sankhya yoga Kedara Field
Nabhash yogas represent the combinations in a horoscope, 30. Sankhya yoga Shoola Spike
31. Sankhya yoga Yuga Yoke
due to placement of the planets in the sky in a particular
32. Sankhya yoga Gola Celestial Sphere
pattern. The formation of the pattern could be due to the
nature of signs or the nature of the houses or in a
particular shape. Based on the basis of formation of 7. Rajju, Musala and Nala Yogas. All the Grahas in
pattern, the yogas are categorised into different groups as Movable R is cause Rajju Yog. All the Grahas in
mentioned above. In these yogas only 7 planets participate, Fixed R is cause Musala Yog. All the Grahas in
barring the nodes and represent the combined affect of the Dual R is cause Nala Yog.
planets throughout the life of the native irrespective of the
dasas. They form the fundamental formidable force which All the signs in the zodiac are categorised into three
guides the native through out his life and directly influence categories based on their level guna. Guna or inherent
the thought pattern of the native. Since all of us are slave of
nature of the signs can be roughly equated to the level
our thought process, these yogas assume utmost
importance in horoscopic analysis and must be studied of energy they posses. Movable signs have
before forging ahead with analysis of different other areas. preponderance of energy and are of Rajas guna, Fixed
signs have lack of energy and are of Tamas Guna and
3-6. Names of Nabhash Yogas. The 3 Asraya Yogas Dual signs have a balance of energy compared to the
are Rajju, Musala and Nala Yogas. The 2 Dala Yogas movable and fixed signs and hence are of Sattva
are Maala and Sarpa. The 20 Akriti Yogas are Gada, gunas. Based on the placement of the planets in the
Sakata, Shringataka, Vihaga, Hala, Vajra, Yava, sings, these gunas predominate over the native, which
Kamal, Vapi, Yupa, Shara, Shakti, Danda, Nauka, is the basis for the asraya yoga.
Koota, Chatra, Dhanumshi, Ardh Candra, Chakra
and Samudra Yogas. The 7 Sankhya Yogas are Ashraya means resting place and hence implies the
nature of he place where the planets are placed in.
Based on the predominance of the gunas, there are They might face much opposition while
three yogas which come into category namely, Rajju, establishing something new and hence it
Musala and Nala. comes quite distressful at times.
Being the middle of Movable and fixed signs, Since Kendra forms the 4 pillars or bastions of any
characteristics of both kinds of signs are found in horoscope and represent the four major directions in
these natives, however to certain extent only. Like the life of the native namely Dharma, Artha, Kama,
movable signs they are pioneering too, however only Moksha, they have strong bearing on the overall
inside the boundary of established practices. They comfort or distress of a native’s life. Any benefic
can better be described as reformers, than pioneers. placed in the Kendra forms the biggest support in the
They do see things in different light; however they life of the native, while a malefic placed over there
don’t see things which are completely outside the shows otherwise, which is lack of support and
prevalent practice. The salient features of natives of struggle. Two different yogas in this category are
this yoga are: Maala and Sarpa, which are detailed below:
In most horoscopes it is difficult to find pure Maala Gada means mace which
yoga or Pure Sarpa yoga and hence the best way to symbolises something which
interpret the result of such yoga by checking the can break open any obstacles and help the native
placement of both benefics and malefics in the forge against all odds to fulfil his objective and
Kendras. Benefics give the effect of Maala yoga mission of life. This gives them inner security and is
whereas Malefics give the effect of Sarpa Yoga., thus genuine in their behaviour and interaction with
the life would be a mixture of both good and bad others.
experiences, which is perhaps the spirit of human
life; that it is not perfect. It is a known fact that when
no planets are placed in house, the lords would take
the precedence and the results can be read from them.
Thus some lagnas have a higher propensity of being
affected by the Sarpa yogas such as Aquarius, Leo,
Cancer and Scorpio, which has 3 malefics owning
Kendras. However, lagnas such as Gemini, Virgo, Maharishi Parashara in verse 23 says that, one born in
Sagittarius and Pisces have higher propensity of Gada Yoga will always make efforts to earn wealth,
being affected by Maala yoga. will perform sacrificial rites, be skilful in Shastras
and songs and endowed with wealth, gold and
9-11. Gada, Sakat, Vihag, Shringatak, Hal, Vajr and precious stones.
Yav Yogas.
They strive to fulfil their basic necessities in life and
If all the Grahas occupy two successive are dutiful. They try earnestly to fulfil their duties
Kendras, Gada Yoga is formed. based on the context they are in.
Sakata Yoga occurs, when all the Grahas
Brhat Jataka:
are disposed in Lagna and Yuvati Bhava. Fond of sacrifices, rich.
If all confine to Bandhu and Karma Bhava,
then Vihaga Yoga occurs. Saravali:
One born with this Yoga, will always care for honour and money,
All Grahas in Lagna, Putr and Dharma
will perform yagnas etc., will be expert in Shastras and music and
Bhava cause Shringatak Yoga, will be endowed with money, gold, jewels and wealth.
While all Grahas in Dhana, Ari and Karma
Bhava, or in Sahaja, Yuvati and Labha
Bhava, or in Bandhu, Randhr and Vyaya Sakata Yoga:
Bhava cause Hala Yoga. This yoga is formed when all planets
Vajra Yoga is caused by all benefics in are placed in the Lagna or the 7th
Lagna and Yuvati Bhava or all malefics in house.
Bandhu and Karma Bhava.
In a contrary situation, i.e. all benefics in
Bandhu and Karma Bhava, or all malefics in Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary defines
Lagna and Yuvati Bhava, Yava Yoga is “Sakata” as something bad and vile. Thus as the
name suggest, this yoga shows something symbolises the formation of the yoga, which involves
inauspicious in the life of the native. the zenith (10th house) and the nadir (4th house). The
planets in the 10th house shall be on our head while
Maharishi Parashara in verse 24 describes the effect those below shall be below our foot. Due to such
of this yoga as “One born in Sakata Yoga will be placement of the planets, it gives a false conception
afflicted by diseases, will have diseased, or ugly of the self to be much greater than the real worth.
nails, be foolish, will live by pulling carts, be poor
and devoid of friends and relatives.” Maharishi describes the result of natives born with
this yoga in verse 25. He says that “One born in
To understand why this happens we need to Vihaga Yoga will be fond of roaming, be a
understand the tattva ruled by each Kendra based on messenger, will live by sexual dealings, be shameless
their ayana. They are namely: and interested in quarrels.”
Lagna : Dharma : Fire Due to influence of the 4th house and the 10th house,
Fourth : Moksha : Water such natives shall sway between their homeland and
Seventh : Kama : Air outside, hence they like travelling. However they
Tenth : Artha : Earth cannot stay longer anywhere else and shall be pulled
towards the home. They are not comfortable inside
In the natural zodiac Fiery and Airy signs are always and driven by restlessness to get involved in
in the 7th from each other shows the natural something. Due to involvement of 10th, the house of
opposition and conflict between these tattva. That is activity with 4th, the house of place of sex, such
why planets placed in the 7th from each other are in natives could have dealing related to those areas.
loggerheads unless they happen to be natural friends.
Brhat Jataka:
Thus whenever planets are placed in two houses Ambassador, traveller, quarrelsome
which are opposite to each other, this shows inherent Saravali:
lack of harmony in the life of native. Since in these The native with this Yoga will be intent on wandering, will have
yogas, the houses affected are the Lagna and the 7th mean habits, will be a messenger, will live through sexual
house, the results of this yoga are related to these dealings, shameless and fond of quarrels.
houses. Affliction to Lagna shows affliction by
diseases, foolishness, difficulties and affliction to the
7th house shows poverty and lack of friends and Shringatak Yoga:
relatives. Since 7th house is the house of desires, the
native shall have many unfulfilled desires in his life.
Brhat Jataka:
Happiness after a long age Vajra Yoga:
One born with this Yoga will be fond of quarrels, be a warrior, be
happy, dear to king, will have a fortunate wife, be rich and will
hate the fair sex.
When benefics are placed in the Lagna
Hala Yoga: and the 7th house, whereas malefics placed in the 4th
and 10th house, this yoga is formed.
When the Hala yoga happens along the Artha Yava Yoga:
Trikona, involving the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, such
people have insatiable hunger and financially
troubled. When it happens with the Kama trikona,
they are agitated in their relationships, have many
unfulfilled dreams and have troubled relationship
with friends and relatives. However if happens in the
moksha trikona, they becomes emotionally unstable When Malefics are placed in the Lagna and the 7th
and driven towards insanity. Since their efforts are while benefics are placed in the 4th and 10th house,
gainful to others, without much of their personal this yoga is formed.
benefits, they shall be driven by the mindset of
serving others. Yava means barley corn and represent and represent
the capacity of the natives to feed others and do good
Brhat Jataka: acts for the people around.
Maharishi Parashara says in verse 30 that one born Vapi Yoga:
in Yava Yoga will observe fasts and other religious
rules, will do auspicious acts, will obtain happiness,
wealth and sons in his mid-life. He will be charitable
and firm.
In verse 30 Maharishi Parashara says that, one born These yogas are formed while planets are placed four
in Kamal Yoga will be rich and virtuous, be long houses starting from four Kendras. Here also the
lived, very famous and pure. He will perform influence of Kendras on the yogas can be seen,
hundreds of auspicious acts and he will be a king. however the results shall differ since the nature of the
Kendras varies.
The four Kendras involved in this yoga represent four
petals of Lotus flower. In addition, there is specific Yupa Yoga:
significance of this symbol with respect to the yoga.
Lotus blooms in muddy water without affected by the
dirt and mud in the water. This indicates that even if
such natives face tremendous difficulties in life, they
shall emerge victorious over the situation and be
successful. Difficulties will not make them corrupt or
When planets are placed in four consecutive houses
impure; they shall still remain pure hearted and
starting from the Lagna Kendra, this yoga is formed.
amicable and virtuous. Due to their ability to face all
adverse situations, they rise high in life.
In verse 32, Maharishi Parashara says that “One
born in Yupa Yoga will have spiritual knowledge and
will be interested in sacrificial rites. He will be
endowed with a wife, be strong, interested in fasts
and other religious observations and be
37. Koot Yog. One born in Koot Yog will be a liar,
Shara Yoga: will head a jail, be poor, crafty, cruel and will live in
hills and fortresses.
Chatra Yoga:
Shakti Yoga:
Chakra Yoga:
Nauka Yoga: 42. Samudr Yog. One born in Samudr Yog will have
many precious stones and abundant wealth, be
endowed with pleasures, dear to people, will have
firm wealth and be well disposed.