Derek Nurse - Swahili Writings Collected - Antiques
Derek Nurse - Swahili Writings Collected - Antiques
Derek Nurse - Swahili Writings Collected - Antiques
Shungwaya and the diaspora
The origins ofMwiini
Uten!!i wa Shungwaya
Vave kwa Mgunya
Suyu a Vabajuni
Translation of foregoing
Translation offoregoing
Asili a Vabajuni
Contemporary political verse
Between 1977 and 1980 I collected a nuber of texts on the northern Kenya coast Most were
tape recorded by myself fiom oral performances, a few were written down or recorded by
others Most of the current collection consists of texts gathered so, plus: the Mwiini material,
provided by Chuck Kisseberth, originally provided or recorded in Barawa by M I. Abasheikh,
and the Bajuni "contemporary" verse, taken form a publicly available cassette-recording by
AM. Msallarn in the 1970 . My thanks are due to all the original consultants, and to these
Once collected, the material was transcribed almost immediately in Larnu Town under my
supervision by local schoolboys, each of whom was a first speaker of whatever he was
transcribing I explained the necessary phonetic distinctions, they then transcribed, I checked
the work as accurately as possible.. Thus the source of each piece was in most cases, except
perhaps the Mwiini material, an individual other than the transcriber This meant that the
transcribers sometimes chose to interpret rather than transcribe, and I tried to control this as
far as I could!
My purposes were twofold
One was to collect material for a Swahili Dialect Handbook, a purpose not entirely
abandoned. But since this material has been gathering dust for a decade or more, it seemed
appropriate to make it available now in public form Material in one northern dialect or other is
scattered through scholarly journals and is unevenly available on the coast. My idea was to
have in one place material from as many dialects as possible, and to have various styles and
registers represented, so proverbs and riddles, utendi, mashairi, vave, political verse, ngano,
hadithi, oral traditions, even just people talking.
The other was to collect histmical texts for Swahili and its relatives, and particularly those
relating to Shungwaya. Numerous such traditions exist, mainly among older people, some are
recorded, few are published. This topic is taken up again in the next section
seventeenth century, Pokomo say they moved south to the Tana River; Mijikenda and Taita
further, to southern Kenya; Bajuni on to the southern Somali and nmthern Kenya offshore
islands; and Aweera into the adjecent hinterland. These are the areas in which these peoples
live today
As there has been much controversy about the historical veracity of 'Shungwaya' and the
earlier period, we set out very briefly the evidence for them here:
i. the traditions of the peoples allegedly involved: Pokomo, Mijikenda, Bajuni, Aweera,
some Taita clans, some Siu clans, and certain Swahili communities at Malindi and Mombasa
Morton (1973) claims that many of these peoples in fact simply adopted versions of the
tradition, mainly during the nineteenth century, but were never present in 'Shungwaya' It
seems inconceivable that so many different versions, with such detail, present among so many
communities with minimal contact between them, and such a fiercely stated belief in the fact of
the impmtance of'Shungwaya', could result from a latter day adoption of a single myth
ii. the fact that several of the more complete versions refer not only to the single community
involved, but contain and apparently plausible description of the other communities present:
thus, for example, the Swahili Kitab al Zanuj
iii the fact of Sabaki place names on the Somali coast Thus for instance, Merca (=Marika),
Macaia (= Ma-kaya), and the Muqdisho quarter Shanga-ni, which is the Class 5 form
of *-canga 'sand', with characteristic nmthern Swahili palatalization of *c to sh after the Class
5 prefix /i-1.
iv the linguistic evidence, which suggests that a group of closely related languages
('Sabaki') descend fiom a single common ancestor, spoken in a specific time and place
Pokomo, Bajuni, and Mwiini (the Swahili dialect spoken at Barawa on the Somali coast) are
still spoken within the area widely interpreted as 'Shungwaya' Pokomo, Mijikenda, Bajuni, and
at least some of the Swahili communities at Siu and along the southern Kenya coast tell of
migration from 'Shungwaya'. If the current geographical distribution and the collective
traditions of all six Sabaki communities are juxtaposed and examined in detail, there is no other
single place common to most which qualifies for the early shared homeland at the period in
question as well as 'Shungwaya'
These recorded versions are variable in size and quality None formed part of a
comprehensive investigation of historical traditions, but were recorded somewhat incidentally
as part of a language research project. All were tape recorded in Lamu District in the late
1970s The two Bajuni versions (Suyu a Vabajuni, Asili a Vabajuni) were tape recorded by
elders who were said in their community to have particular knowledge of matters historical As
readers can see for themselves, they agree in much detail, while diverging in certain respects
Finally the Vave kwa Mgunya and the Utendi wa Shungwaya are most likely of considerable
antiquity Both are incomplete because neither of the infmmants could remember the entire
song or poem. It is quite possible that further enquiry would elicit more verses, or different
details, or both. Both contain occasional snatches of older Bajuni, on the interpretation of
which neither the singers nor other Bajunis consulted were in full agreement It would be very
desirable to mount an attempt to collect further versions of these, and of other songs and
poems of this type, before the older members of the community who still remember take them
to the grave forever..
One day a child asked his father, "My father, were did Chimwi:ni come from? It
is not like the languages of other people . " The father asked his child, "Why do you say
that Chimwi:ni is not like other languages?" The child replied, "Because in Chimwi:ni
there are words from Somali, from Italian, finm English, frnm Ambic, from Hindi, even
words from the jinns are in it"
The child's father spoke and told his child that when God gathered together all
the tribes to give each tribe its language, the chief of the people of Mwi:ni did not go to
the place where the languages were being distributed; he was asleep under a tree.. When
he awoke from sleep and learned that each tribe had been given a language, he went to
his Lord and complained that he had no language.. God told him, "You are to blame;
where were you when languages were given out?" "I was asleep under a tree, my Lord."
The one who spoke was the chief of the people of Mwi:ni.. God said to him, "Go and
borrow words from each tribe . " The chief did what God told him to do: he borrowed
words from all the tribes that were near him. But when he carried the words that he
borrowed and took them to his tribe, his people told him that they did not like borrowed
words.. The chief did not know what to say. He thought for a long time and when he
finished thinking he said, "Your language is this one; if you do not want it to be similar
to other languages, take all these words and twist them here and there so that they do
not resemble the words of other people and cannot be understood by other people . "
Na kula sharifu na karamadhe .
From Muqdisho to
Na mwene kuyaa
Ihe cuttlefish .
Huchwaa akili
dha mocha
na vaFamau valiko
1., Recorded in the Lamu Museum in 1979 by Omari Athman, a Bajuni trader., Some
Standard Swahili fotms are interspers ed with the Bajuni. Omari Athman's
recollecti on of the song may have been imperfect at some points. There was no
concensus among Bajuni consulted about the meaning of some parts of the song.
2. Karamadhe = karama dbake.
Mecca. 4,. Muqdisho (older, Mogadishu) is the capital of the Somali Democratic
Republic, and Merca is another coastal town, just south of Muqdisho.
5 . Ndau is a small Bajuni island north of Lamu in the Lamu Archipelag o . Mvinde
St. Swahili mvinje 'casuarina tree'. 6. Nkukuche (Class 1) 'without sham;' ?
7 . The meaning of this line is obscure. 8. K'amasi 'clan' . Bajuni songs and
legends make constant reference to their eighteen clans. They are divided into
the ten and the eight.
include the Avutilaa. Bajuni informants suggested that mishidhi1 referred to the
Katwa. 9 . Avutilaa and Famao are two Bajuni clans.. 10. Chesi pack animal' ..
11. Maravulei, two edged Somali knife.. Avo, haana = St . Swahili yao, hayana .
12. Usinichaye = St. Swahili usinitaje. 13 . The meaning of this line is obscure .
14 ., I he meaning of much of this verse is obscure. The last line is indistinct on
the tape and may be: ..... mwana nwana na inya. Inya 'his/her mother' .
15. Repetition . Bajuni apisie (-picha plus the -ie suffix) and Arabic ~jara are
virtually synonymous . 16 . "'vava = St, Swahili -uma 'hurt',
Bajuni : beginning of the Vave kwa Mgunya, recorded by Ali Famau
Kutoka Shiradhi shilari hori
kuli kheri 7
kama mafungu kwavanya ,
Na mshela na chunyayeni
Chumwase kubika ma.fungu
Na mu.amu na chunyayeni
Chumwase dari na dhiungu9,
Mpate ende akapate na chunyayeni
Pola Mola ashushe kivingu
.Akafunga pachu na shurenge
15 ,
Dumwa Mwani chumwase ndevu na chunyayeni
20 ,
Na ukungu dhimba uka.funga kinovu ,
Chuka.fika Shungwaya mume t 'alaya
Alifuma t 1 aya kwa muvi mmoya 3
usishe na kodhimn isende ingweni 4,
1, Gunya (and T 1 iktm) are alte:mative names for Bajuni. '):'he vave is a poetic genre
1 ; hori = 1 creek 1
particular to them, 2, Shirazi, port in Persia; shilari
4. k'asi 'oar'; k'oa not clear, possibly 1 pole 1 , 5. P'ungwa, place name; nyi =
St. Sw. mji. 6, Wasee 'open spaces', 7, Kuli kheri 'it is better'; Nganya
gmoyanya is a name. e. -!t"Jlia = St. Sw. -pokonya I take by force I ;
-avanya = St. Sw, -gawanya. 9, Kiungu 'building of more than one story! 10,
Obscure. 11. Pola Mola = Bwana Mungu. 12. Pachu 'rope 1 ; shurenge 1 flag'.
13. Sheejafari is today the name of a deserted village just south of Kiunga;
Buni Mangemange occurs in other Bajuni songs, 14. Nchuchu obscure; ndue 'his
brother'. 15. Makange maJrange = vangi vangi 'many many'. 16, Dumwa Mwani, a
personal name. 17. -sumua =St. Sw. -simua 'knock down'. 18. Kiva 'island';
Mvunie, unidentified place. Note use of non-Bajuni -fika, here and elsewhere.
19, Kiwayuu Niodhi, village on Kiwa;ruu Island, 20. Loya 'cow'. 21. Kinovu
'calf'. 22. T'alaya = t'aya 'sp, small ~zelle (oribi ?). 23. Muvi 'ar;ow',
24. Isishe, from -sha 'finish'; kodhimn ?; isende = i-si-ende; ingwe 'line' and
then 'area measured by string, field' 25. Traditionally the Bajuni had 18 clans
(k 1 amasi), ten miuli and eight bana: the reference of miuli and bana is
disputed, Although the vave may last several hours, the singer here did not
remember more than what is set down here.
Vave 2: recorded by Bwana Shalo
Kalichohui ka ngodhi na mifupa kaya duniani
Kamba baba toba na mame toba
Nami mwanawao k 1angia tobani,
Kamba baba swala na mame 5wala
Nami mwanawao k' angia swalani,
Sifai sifai sifai sifai
Nami mwanawao k 1 ikosa ni nini ?
Kichi cha shamba ni gogo
Hukalia nkalidhi
Hukalia mwe;ge chake
Asio cha.k:e ni mwidhi.
Ni Msimambaye kamwambia9
Cheli kilingene chano cha vach'u vanane
11 cha nchi nledhi
Changll cha t 1 inene
Kamwambia mvumbo ifungtllllo
16 veneve hunena
Vana mambo hamba
Valikwamba sumilani 7Chwambe maneno a kuva
kachia auni
Kaehia uvumba kamwomba Yanga
1. The dialogue nature of the vave is obvious here. 2. Utakanip 1 ani 'what will
you give me ?'; kongo, term of welcome. 3. -nyamisa shingo 1bow the head'.
4. uwe = St. Sw. wewe. 5. -iva = St. sw. -jua. 6. buke 'tobacco. 7. Chwambe,
from -amba; ki tumbu-tumbuka, a tree growing out of the burnt-out stump of
another, said of people gathering. 8, Kalichohuika, relative of -huika; kaya
St. Sw. kaja. 9,, person from the island of Simambaye. 10. 'There
came together a group of eight people', ll, T'inene 'below', 12, Mvumbo and
if1lllgtllllo both = St. Sw, mtumwa. 13. Ijavi = St. Sw. jamvi; -nyuka 'stand',
14. -mwe, archaic for 'one. 15. -kuchamana 'meet'. 16, Hamba = hu-amba,
17. Sumilani 'give wey- 1 , 18, P'ef'u 'incense'; Latwifa 1God 1 , 19. Wadudi 'God'.
20, Uvumba 1 incense 1 ; Yanga 'God' 21, Mwamboni, place name.
Wadhi mechemeche t'angia changani
T'avuka na wamamba wa Obo kivamba 3
Chukinyua changa haria kwa ndani
T 1 avuka na wahemero mwene chapa keru 5
K'ibika wajiro ndudha n: mapachani
Dhitavunda ngulil7 dha kipembe cha t'i
Dha mili~ kachi t 'abika kimondo
Litavun~a nguli jahadhi la k omba
1. Sumi, abbreviation for Bisumilahi in the next line, a device used seven times in
the next lines. 2. Mlinga, the fruit of a type of mangrove. 3. 'No one else can
entez their narrow gzoup'. 4. '~e prophe' of Go4 1 5. Mungamo, used of God. 6.
Sangali 'together'. 7 Dhimwelee, from -elea. 8. -umu =St. Sw. -gumu. 9. Yamu
? 10. Malasho
viatu; mada 'shoe strap'; -pinda 'tighten'. 11. Latete, name
of cock. 12. Mechemeche, c.f. St. Sw. kimetemete. 13. Wamamba, name of black and
white cock; Obo, Bajuni personal name; kivamba, c.f. St. Sw. kiwamba-moto.
14. -nyua = St. Sw. -inua; -haria 'thzow'. 15. Wahemero, bright red cock: k..ezu
'black 1 ? 16. -bika wajiro 'make a noise 1 ; ndudha = nduu dhangu; mapachani =
mashakani. 17. Nguli
shamba (?). 18. Milia, place name, or see Sacleux, p.572;
kimondo 'thunder. 19. -vua mqi, said of reef, ete, uncovered at low tide.
20. Nyamba, plural of mwamba, Class 4. 21. Boko 'sp. dove'; kiremberembe 'tree
(middle) Ponde majumba k 1 omba
Na nkeyea nimponde momo
Ponde na ali ? majumba k 1 omba
Na nkeyea kwa valivo iye 2 3.
na mashauri.
Vananike tibu
liva3 1~i
na mlingamano
T avapa fati ukenda kuvicha
Vakidi:rikana vanafatiha
T'avapa hitima alotoka nima
Na ve~e kusoma ni van~uvoni 4 3
V akidixikana
Na dhika:ratasi vatedh:e :randa
22. Nkeyea, probably mke + Yea; yea= St. Sw. kicheche 'zorilla'; momo = St. Sw.
mumo. 23. Iye = St, Sw. je. 24. Kongoi 'neighbour'; shau = shauri. 25.
l'Jalinde 'go': nzhini = ~ini =St. Sw. mjini. 26, -raruka p'ande 'be torn
to bits. 27. Rata zhu(u) la= St. Sw, hatari juu ya. 28. Meveko =there is ?
29 .!ima = St. Sw, nyuma. 30. Kunduma = ? 31. Liva = St. Sw. liwa .32. Mbayo
'soil' or a name ? 33. Nanda 'rake'; mwambo 'group' < -wamba 'count'. 34.
Sicha, archaic= njia (?): duli 'water' or 'people' ? 35. T'uu 'many'; angu
= St. Sw, yangu. 36. Nchavanda 1 sp, tree (Markhamia Zanzibarica ?) ':
mwangachi 1 African cedar'. 37. Ndei" = St. Sw. nderi 'vul tuxe ? 38. Sangu
-kacha =St. Sw.
-kata. 41. Nan.!J}sie < -an.\J,.ika 'pUt, lay': shambu 'dead tree'. 42. Viche = va +
iche 'call them'; lamba = ?; -kokocha 'drag', 43. Vanadhuvoni = St. Sw.
wanavyuoni 'wise men . 44. The randa dance alternates with the vave.
Suyu a Vabajuni val.itoka Jida na l'iaka na Sham , vakaya kwa maguu, vakaya kwa
maguu, vak:aya. kwa maguu, na va.tukudhie vanavavuli vat 1 e na vana.vak:e vavili.
Vana.vake vavili navo kama vach 'u a.J:ubaini. Vakenda kwa maguu, mwananke mm.oya
akai'a akabaki mmoya. Vakashuka vakadirikana Shung;raya vot 1 e vakavuka neho wa
Sham vakavukia Shungwaya, kuna ncho nkuru hoko it'i a Shamu, Ndipo vach 1 u
vakanena, chukavukia Shungwaya wala chusidare eh' och 1 o ni hoo ncho wa Shamu.
Vakiya Shungwaya apalee k'amasi kumi na nane vakak'eti Shungwaya hakuna nke, ni vachu:pu. Sasa kuna Giriama vana vanavake, kuna Pokomo vana vanavake,
kuna Korokoro3 vana Valee Vabajuni vanavake vavo havako. Sasa wayiva.
mwanamvuli akik'eti mahala hutefudha nke, vaa~ie vake hoko kwavo, na vakaan.\J,.a
kuovoa vakadhaa vakak 1 eti Shungwaya kisha vakatembelea Hindi, Shixadhi ,
Bulubulu7, hapa Tana River, t 'ini k-wene miyi a ;apokomo. Vakaendelea
vakiya dhicha dhikaadia Ngunya akapambana na Korokoro vakapondana. Vakapondana
sana kulee, Nkiwayuu, Nshungwaya, Nkiwayuu akashindwa akapondwa akakimbia valee
vana vadodi na nyavo kakenda Shiradhi, Bulubulu. Sasa kuna mwana mmoya akavulidha,
walipondana na Korokoro akavuawa, akanena,
babangu uko kwapi ? Akaambiwa showe
imi mungu ataponip 1 a nguvu na uwedha t'alipa kisasi cha babangu, akak'eti. Mwana
akapacha nguvu akavunda idau akasafiri akavuka hepo akaan.\J,.a kunena , kutoka
Shiradhi machanga ni taabu ulimwengu ulalie kungu, chukavuka kwa k'asi na k'oa,
chukafika P'ungwa rr;~i wangu, kuli la Ngunya gunyenya kuli kheri l<uJ:!.a;oia kama
mafungu kwavanya, akaan.\J,.a kunyaya Ngunya nyaya udhiva hii ni dauri a nkwewa
wangu. Aisifu , ukidhiva n.\J,.ia nkanda, tapicha usee wa mungu, hii n.\J,.ia a nkanda
ni ilee1 3, iko na nngine hoko bahari huichwa usee wa mungu, Na Nshela chumpondeni
vakaana kupondana hapo kulipa kisasi cha ishe amuaee kubika makungu.
hidhi dhumba t 1 ini na palagadhi , chumuase dari na dhiungu akampond<>., vakamponda,
sasa na Mpate na Mmachondoni na Mmanda chunyayeni chumuase kubika t 1 atangu.
:Sakari wa She he ndie ali ni mwenewe ali una nguvu. Akanena, nae na chunyayeni,
Pola Mola ashushe kivingu. Ishakuva 5 isi vavili chuna nguvu ladhima kula mmoya
hutoka hukunu hurudia kulee
taumia valee vadodi vadodi. Vakamponda sasa iye
alipotoka ishe akapondwa Shungwaya. Basi akasikilia hapa kiwa cha mvune
akasikilia Kiwayuu Ndodhi akavona nta.nga akanena ni loya, akavona f'ungu akanena
ni ng'ombe, akasikilia mpaka Shungwaya. Shungwaya akenda akak:'eti, vakashuka
vakenda kutedha matedho hutedhwa huichwa ngwarel7. Vakatedha hapo kachika hoc
muyi kisha kila nch 1 u akenda mshala pake, Basi usuli wangu ukasikilia hapo
Swali: Mboni validirikana Shungwaya ?
Vakatembea vakarudia kulee maana ilee ndio it'i avo valoshukia kisha kachika
matembedhi vakapacha ajali, vakaukia mbee kisha vakarudi kutapia it'i avo
vald.ya. veaeve it' i avo ni hii vakapondana. Kula mmoya n..ake, uwe n~ako, l.lill.
nangu, Nchan,9;aa, Nkoyama, Muomwe, Ndhipingoni 9, valiposikilia Shungwaya
kutoka Arabuni, Vapokomo, Vagiriama, na Vakorokoro valiko. Valitangamana vot e,
valitoka hoko p 1 ande dha mashariki, hoko dha Kilwa Kivinje, Kilwa Kisiwani,
Lindi, Mikinani, ndipo valipotoka Vapokomo na Vagiriama.
Swali: Vabajuni valiposikilia hapa Snungwaya, Vapokomo na Vanyika na Korokoro
valiveko ?
Swali: Vak.apondana ?
Ha ' a22 ' Vagala valiveko lakini havakupondana, Korokoro ndivo valoPondana. Vagala,
Somal.e, Borana, vot 'e valiveko lakini havo valikuva kachika upande wa... ., N.:l.
upande wavo gugu hava 4 jamaa Vabajuni.
d.havo ndefu na mashuka moya t ini na. moya. yuu na k ofiae Ivo valikuva na nguvu
lakini vakaanJl.a kuchuponda.
Swali: Fumo Liongwe walidhaliwa kwapi ?
Fumo Liongwe alikuva Shungwaya. Fume Liongwe !'li Mbajuni, amedhaliwa hoko Shungwaya.
Swa1i: Vot 1 e valipoandoka Shungwaya alikuva nave ?
Alikuva ndodi. Wakati va1iporudi !'ldipo aliposhika miyi akashika Kipini Akava
mfalume ndhima. Dhamani Kipini elikuva kijiji cha Vabajuni. Ule Mzee Boramusa
alinena kwamba Fomu Liongwe alikwenda dhake mpaka T 'ungi akai"a T 'ungi lakini
vangine hunena Fume Li.engwe alikufa Ki.pini na alomvua ni mwana kambo wake, mwanae
wa kumuea3 Alikuva hakachiki hoc mpaka akabikwa chuma cha nkono, na akauka nae
nJl.akwisha kufa iye kwa nguvu alidhokuva nadho, na nshale wake nkononi. Vach 'u
vakakosa mayi a ku,!!wa. Fumo Liongwe akashika kisima. Vach'u hufa havaapachi mayi
mpaka mwanae Nohamed akaya akantumbuidha akamwambia, Fumo Liongwe ata hasira
, ndipo alipoangu ka
na nyani ?
Ni Vareno na Vabajuni . Vareno ndivo valokuya vakajeng a magofu, minara, misikich
vakavasa idia vach 'ualee mashehe a kibajuni Shehe Jaf'a.ri, Shehe Omwe35 valipoku
vakadhikw a apalee, Muyi valipawa na Vareno lakini ni valiovek o ni Vabajuni ,
wa Kisimaiy u, Chula, Chovae, Burikavu , Sakwe, Shungway a, Kiemboni , Ishakani ,
ot 1 e
Kiunga., Mwambore, Rubu, Simambaye, Mvuneni , Shuwei, Nkokono, m:Paka Vasi, na
iko minara a Var~no. Valee Vareno valikuva na nguvu valikuva na pesa vakavasa
Swali: Si Eumba dha Vaarabu ?
Ha'a, Vareno. Mwan.!-.9 hapa ni Vaba.juni, pili ni Varenog va.kashuk ia hapa miyinie
1. Suyu = usuli = asili. 2, Sham 'Syo:ia'. 3, People now called Korokoro now
in the Tana River valley, beyond the Elwana.
5. vaasie < -ata 'leave . 6. Besides the we;Ll known Shi:razi in Persia,. this is
also the name of a village south of ~iombasa. 7, BulubUlu = ? 8. -adia 'arxive
9. nyavo 'thei:i: mothers . 10. Showe 'his father'.
taken from the Vave kwa l'Jgtlllya. 12, -isifu = St .Sw, -jisifu. 13. Near Lamu
Town on the way to Pate Island, 14. Palagadh i = 'palaces ' ? 15; Ishakuva 'as
tries to push over
if'. 16. lye = St. Sw, yeye. 17. Ng'Ware, a game in which one 19.
All places on
the opponent using elbows and shoulder
Sw. wali-
the northern
indistin ct.
ondoka. 21 Mbani, the plural of nyani 'who' 22. Ha'a
m as
24. Gugu hava = hava hava. 25. Figures
they were produced
of Mombasa. 21. 'Your fathers' . 28. 'Our fathers . 29. Villages of the northern
Kenya and southern Somali coast. 30. Village opposite Lamu on the coast. 31.
-ea= St. Sw. -lea. 32. Iyongoo = St. Sw. funza. 33. English wo:rd used to
reenfirce Ali Famau's reaction to the question . 34. Dabo related to Hidabo Hill,
on Lamu Island, about a mile south of the present site of Lamu Town. 35. Shee
Jafari and Omwe are the names of villages on the nozthern Kenya coast, north
you know if
Pokomo had theirs, the Korokoro had theirs. But those Bajunis had no women . Now
at home, and
someone settles somewhere he looks for a woman, they had left theits up there
to India
they began to fish, they had children, they lived at Shungway a, then they travelled
Shirazi, Bulubulu, here to the rana River, they went over to the mainland to the
with the
villages. They went on like this but then war came to the Bajunis and they fought
a, the men o
Korokoro. Ihere was a lot of fighting there, the men from Kiwayuu, from Shungway
they went
Kiwayuu were beaten, they lost, they fled, those small children and their mothers,
He was told
to Shirazi, Bulubulu . Now there was one boy who asked, 'Where is my father ? '
grant me
that his father had been beaten by the Korokoro and killed, and he said 'If God
strength,. he
sti"ength md power I will avenge my father' and he sat down . Ihe boy gained in
mourning , the
built a boat, he ti"avelled , he crossed over here saying 'From Shirazi, days of
my town,
world was wrapped in fog, we crossed by oar and bailer (?), we reached Pungwa
to fight,
Hgunya gunyanya (praise name) better to seize than share the spoils, Bajunis began
the narrow
to travel on the high seas ........ (unclear). , 'He praised himself, 'If you block
I shall pass by God's open spaces', the narrow strait is that one over there~
of Shela', the;
is another one out in the ocean called God's open space.. Let s fight the men
began to fight then to avenge their father (or: 'he began to fight to avenge his
coconut palm
and they stopped them from making ropes ( ?) .. Ropes have to do with climbing the
rooms and
to tap for palm wine . And he said, 'Lets fight the men of Lamu and knock their
fought the
palaces (?) down, let's forbid them to have mansions and tall buildings , and they
bridges (?)'.
and let's fight the men of Pate and Matondon i and Manda and stop them building
the Lord God
Bakari wa Shehe was the leader, a mighty man . He said, 'Let us fight him, let
us will hurt
bring down a small cloud.' As if the two of us were strong, of course each of
left he
those smallez people . They fought them, left here, returned there, when his father
wa Shungwayc
was beaten at Shungway a .. So he arrived here at the Casuarina Island (see UtenE._i
said it was
he arrived at Kiwayuu Mdozi., saw a sand bank, said it was cattle, saw a reef,
the ngwar
cows, arrived at Shungwaya . He went to Shungway a, stayed, got out, and they played
. So my
game . They played there in the town and finally they all went to their own places
version of the Bajunis' origins stops there.
Question: When they left Shungwaya, did they come on foot or by boat ?
On foot . When they left here to go and fight they went by dhow .. But fighting from Jedda to
Shirazi, they only went by foot ..
Question: When they came down here to Kiwayuu, Kiunga, Mwambore, Ndau, were there other
people here '? Were the Pate here ?
Ihe Pate were at Pate. But the Pate, the Giryama, Korokoro, Pokomo "Were all mixed up .
Question: Had the Portugese already arrived, or not yet ?
When the Portugese arrived, they came to the lands of the Bajunis, Kiunga, Mwambore, Ishakan
Bur Gao, Mkokoni, Chula, Chovae, Koyama, as far as Vasi and Vumbe, their rosaries were long,
and they wore one piece of cloth below, and another above with their hat. T'hey were strong
but they started to fight us.
Question: Where was Fume Liongwe born ?
Fume Lion,gwe was at Shungwaya. Fume Liongwe is a Bajuni, he was born up there at Shungwaya ..
Question: When they all left Shungwaya, did he go with them ?
He was a child .. It was when they returned that he took the towns, he took Kipini. He became
a great leader. In those days Kipini was a Bajuni town .. Old Mzee Boramusa said that Fumo
liongwe left and went to Tungi and died there, but othet's say Fume Liongwe died at Kipini,
killed by his own step son, the child he had brought up .. He had never been cut until he was
stabbed, and although he was dying he returned with him his ::emain:lng strength, his
arrow in his hand" The people had no drinking water" Fume Liongwe seized the well .. People
were dying, they couldn 1 t get water until Mohammed 1 s son came and soothed him and said to hi1
'Stop your anger, move out of the way, let the people drink water', but he was dead already,
the maggots were on him already, then he fell, and the people got water,
Question: Ihe Pokomo clain that Fume Liongwe was a Pokomo,.
No. Neither Fume Liongwe nor Mohammed was a Pokomo, he was a Bajuni. Dabo was a Pokomo, the
leader of the Pokomo was called Dabo, he was a powei-ful man aiound here,Those hills aver
there wheie the t .. c . lives is called Hidabo Hill, that's where he ruled.
Question: The big buildings, the ruins, the towers, the mosques, the gi'aves ovei there on th~
mainland, who built them ?
Ihe Portugese and Bajunis. It was the Portugese who came and built the ruins, the towers, th~
mosques, they were helped by the people of those Bajuni sheikhs, Shehe Jafari, Shehe Omwe,
when they died they were buried there .. They were given the towns by the Portugese but the
people who lived in them were Bajunis, that was the stait of Kismayu, Chula, Chovae, Bur Gao
Sakwe, Shungwaya, Kiemboni, Ishakani, Kiunga, Mwambore, Rubu, Simambaye, Mvundeni, Shuwei,
Mkokono, as far as Vasi, they wei'e all Portugese towers .. Those Portugese were strong and ric
they helped people ..
He spoke by the Kotan (of the true One ?) , by the Koran of our Lord God, 'I will cross by
a ring of hot water'. And he crossed by rope and by ring, the mud didn't touch them,. 'Ihe
Koran was read, they brought the Koran and crossed over to Bur Gao, to Shungwaya . It was
here that he said, 'My child.
Orma, there was fighting with the Orma at Kiunga, there was a lot of fighting. It spread to
Omwe, there was fighting at Omwe, they went on to Zipingoni, there was fighting at
Zipingoni, they crossed ('?) to Siu, at Siu they cut their marks, there at Siu they built a
mosque .. From Mecca to Siu was six years. Ihe first of the towns was Siu, and Kiunga,
they first built at Siu. The Orma and Bajunis went on fighting until the Europeans came and
drove the Orma away with bullets., Arrow and spear couldn't drive off the Orma, we couldn't
beat the Orma ourselves .. I hen the Somalis I'ead from the Koran and there was agreement,
God's peace from that time until today. !here were no obhus n(:)t' more th;Jn othets . This
land was ours ftom Shun,;zwaya to Tllngi, the Bajunis were masters over j t all .. AJ iongwe
was our chief, he came ft:pm Mecca, Arafat .. When the Orma fought he seized all the ground
as far as 'IungL Ibis Fumo Ali it was who became our Bajuni leader. Just as the Arabs had
their leader so we had Fumo AlL His term was set by God . Even the force of the spear could
not kill him,. He paid no heed, and his turn was not up until the Tungi wars were past. !he
Bajunis, the Europeans, others besides, six tribes, my forebears told me this .. We have no
books, our heart is our book, and much more is in our thoughts .. But we have no special book
we store it in our hearts. We carried it with us, we remembered, we spoke. Our fathers tell
us every thing, and only the Bajunis understand.
Question: Was there only fighting at Shungwaya '?
!hey didn't all fight, only the Orma,. It was not like that, it was only the Orma who roused
us, and the Pokomo, the Giryama~ the Nyamwezi.. We fought with the Orma, we fought with the
Orma for fourteen years, we just went on fighting until the Portugese came and drove off
the Orma .. No one else came. Neither the Bajuni nor the Giryama nor the Pokomo nor the Digo
nor the Nyamwezi could drive off the Otma . They were all together, only the Orma were
different .. It was they who brought trouble and fought, they were always fighting and killin
If he is attacked by the Pokomo does the Bajuni give in ? The Bajuni does not give in ...... ah
the Ba,junis. I am a Bajuni, if you give me a gun I can beat a hundred Somali and drive them
off .. We are subjects, we have no weapons and we are ruled. Because of this we have been
beaten, we are poot, a weak people, we are not many, so this is our story, but Bajunis don'
give in, to die or to survive, it's the Otma we fought hard with. It was the Orma who turne
bad. It was the European who chased the Orma out of here for us. He drove the Orma off with
bullets until they were finished, eliminated, you don't see any Orma, there aren't any,
they were wiped out by bullets. Ihere are some up there by Witu, otherwise they are
finished,. Have you seen any Orma anywhere ? They are up there at Garsen on their own,
aren't they ? The Orma were wiped out, there are just three of four ovez there at Witu.
Ihey were all destroyed as far as Muqdisho, everywhere they were destroyed, there are none
nearer than that .. They were sent to Wito, they are still there today, maybe five people,.
They had multiplied, the enemy, many, many .. I he Portugese destroyed them all.. I he Somali
who were
place, all of us without a lie, we are people of the mainland , it's our ancestors
attacked by the Orma, many many Orma, as many as pebbles on the beach. Cattle
it was
everythin g was taken, even clothing was taken. It was the Orma who were attacked,
as far
the Orma who were running in thOse days, they were destroyed , taken captive, chased
as KismayU, right to Muqdisho .
Question: And what did (Fume Liongwe) say ?
his arrow,
Fumo Lingwe's son killed and was killed, he said, 'I am Liongwe' .. He drew
place to
slaughter ed the Orma and their cattle saying, 'I have killed, I am going to our
but no
kill or be killed,. I Liongwe Fumo' . Then he said, 'My child, ............... .. (?.) ..............
arrow shall kill me' . So Aliongwe died but Fumo Ali didn't die until recently.
arrow nor speat killed him, the arrow had no poison, just an ordinary arrow. So
. He kille1
Aliongwe Fume was the son of Fume Aliongwe. He was killed by an arrow and he died
Liongwe said
and was killed only that Fume Aliongwe died at God's discretio n .. That day Fume
''Ioday I have no mother, I am outside, today I have uo father, I am outside .. The
here have lain down for me(?) ........... ,(?) ..... I will be killed' ..
!he Portugese were ahead of us by many days, everywhe re, as far as Siu, Pate, everywher
. All
the mansions of the Portugese were abundant. They came here before us, the Portugese
these towns were tuled by the Portugese down to Tungi..
Question: Where is this Tungi ?
fat off, tha
1hat Iungi, I dont know it, but I heard the old people talking, I heard it was
said all
Iungi. That's the limit of the Portugese . But we don't know it, the old oeople
own place,
these towns were Portugese .. but in the old days when everyone establish ed his
was troublE
but those Orma didn't agree. Those Orma claimed the mainland was theirs so
but the Portugese came first at their time, it was two years from Arafat when they
they were
heie . It took us BajUnis six years to get heze but the Portugese arrived first,
ahead by four years. They spread to Pate, Siu, Shela, just the Portugese . tve ten
from there
and eight bana clans we came here first from Shungway a, we divided up the towns
after fifty
to Tungi, that was our limit. Inland eight hours, fifty miles along the coast,
miles it's not ours, it's other peoples', after eight hours, it's not ours, but
peoples'. We are poor, we want to eat well, what will we do if we can't sell.. The
to Tungi
themselve s sold but this is our land, given to us by our ancestors , from Shungwaya
but that
Me, I have no book, but one man over there at Tundwa has a book. I haven't read,
Muhammad Athumani has a book from the beginning of the Bajunis, from the Prophet's
to the end. When Arafat was attacked by the Arabs, the eighteen bana (?) clans,
fled, some came to Shungway a, all these towns were settled by people. This was
command. A crowd of people, not a few people, the eighteen bana clans.
Ma.ka. mpaka hapa. nyaka sita tarehe ake, Vaka.toka mpaka vaka.sikili a. Omwe,
vagala. va.kava.sha mbulia tena., va.kakimbia . mpaka pahala. pa.moya hapa. mbee a. Nkokoni
~.huichwaye ? .... Kiwayuu. Vangine vakenda .?adha vangine Siu vakaswali juma ot'e
ha.po Siu, Valipotoka Siu sasa. ikava hupondanwa . vaka.ngia va.a.rabu, vaara.bu va.ngine
va.kashukia nyini baraba.rani va.ngine yauyau mpaka T ungi5. T ungi ndio
mpaka wake. Na t 1 ini baxani t 1 ini mwichuni ni saa nane Bajuni kipande chak:e.
1 eti
~lpokomo na Ngiriama. na Ndigo ndivo u ambavo va.likuva vakik
ba.zani, na tena vangine. Sirikali ali taka kuchwaa ene nguvu, isi ni vach 'u dhaifu.
Na pw 1 ani ni maili khamsini mpaka kwechu, echu kushukia pw ani, ukuu ni
masa.a. manane, kutoka. T 1 ungi mpa.ka Chandaa ni kipa.nde chechu isi Ba.juni. hii
taiauti imengia kwa va.dola , dol a ndio-imech upoka imetawali, I si huk eti
tu hachun2. dola huk 'eti isi. Lakini huu Bajuni mwenewe mwenewe Bajuni, na isi ni
ndhi7 mmoya, va.dhungu nasi Eajuni chwa.toka. kulee, i:i pia. ndhi mmoya.,
chumealifia .na. kwa. ta.bia tu. Nwa.ra.bu na. mwara.bu, ndhungu na. ndhungu, Ea.juni na.
Bajuni. Lakini isi pia ni Ba.juni, chwatoka. Ma.ka, A.rai'a.t, Eakhshush9 , na
S'nungwaya; isi pia baba echu ni mmoya. Tena hii hapa ni kabila, Ngi:riama,
Mpokomo, Nnyika. lJNyika., mwarabu na mwara.bu, ndhungu na. ndhungu, muhin9,_i
na. muhinii Lakini isi pia chwedhawa. homo Shungwaya, chuka.shuk ia mpaka T'ungi,
ndio mpa.ka wechu, mbee ha.chwenend.i, pw'ani ni maili hamsini, barani masaa manane.
10 ka.a.ngalie, kenga. .!!,umba. na. ma.darie,
A.liposhuka Shungwaya.
dha.ifu huichwa. mwenefu ela msai'u mja. ha.f'ifu ndie ha.tumiliw i, ndie ni upi, nchumwa.,
ni mja hai'ifu. Hapa. Shungwaya. alipof'umwa . t a.ya. kwa. chembe na. muvi, ukibika. t aya.
kwa. muvi mmoya.. Valipotoka Shungwa.ya. vakaya ha.po Koyama.. ulee bwana. mmoya.
wa Koyama akanena., imi hapa t t avuka ncho, t 'avukae hapa.. Akam:wambia,
haivukiki imi t 1 a.vuka. Shungwa.ya. hoo, t a.vuka. imi t avuka.e. Aka.nena.
mai a mocha.
kwa fatiha a mweli na fatiha a bwana mungu, t 'avuka kwa p eche a
1 11 dhisiva dare. Ikachiw a iatiha pamoya avo
Akavuka kwa kamba na p 1 eche, ch och o
hapa. a.kaamba
ine vakaech a fatiha vakavuk a mpa.ka Burika.v u, Shungwa ya. Basi ndipo
ndio chalovu ka ? Ikapond anwa apalee 3
m:anang u ni hali hadi kwa kilini ela
ikaponda .nwa
na, ika.ponda .nwa na vagala Kiunga, ikava naran. ara. Ikaya. Omwe,
mpaka Siu, Siu
Omwe va.kenda mpaka Dhiping oni, ikaponda nwa Dhiping oni, akamusa
nyaka sita.
aka.chia alama, Siu apalee kajenga nsikich i. Kugurwa ~a mpa.ka Siu
nwa Ngala
Awali a muyi ni Siu, na Kiunga, mwano wa kubuniwa ni Siu. Ikava huponda
chembe ifumo
kwa. :Sajuni mpa.ka. a.kaya. ndhungu a.kamwa.ndoa Ngala kwa risasi. La.kini
ikapacha .nwa,
Ngala ha.kua.nd oka, chusimw edhe Ngala isi. Kisha Nsomale akachia fatiha
a va.ngine .
cha.ngu safari hio mpaka eo a mungu. lia.kuna va.ngine wala dhaidi
Aliongw e 5 ndie
liii ardhi echu kutoka. Shungwa ya mpaka T 'ungi nechu ve.!!eve Ba.juni.
mpaka T'ungi.
mia.lume wechu, alitoka Na.ka., Arafat. Vagala valipopo ndana. alishik a
a na
lioo Fumo Ali ndie alokuva mi'alume wechu Bajuni. Kama hia vaarabu valikuv
a mungn. Ifumo
mfalume wave nasi :Sajuni alikuva Fume Ali. Alikuva hafi mpaka ajali
hoc mpaka
lalikuv a halimvu i hoo kwa shauri a. nguvu. Alikuva ha.jali, basi ha.kuva.
ve kabila
dhikama lidhika dhicha dha T 1 ungi. Ba.juni na vadhung u na 'u vangine
moyo, na
sita, basi vadhee vangu valinam bia hia. Isi hachuna dhitabu , kitabu ni
ika, huveka
mangine dhaidi ni kufikir ia. La.kini hachuna. kitabu maalum chukaan
bi,a kula yambo
kachika moyo. Hutukua kisha chuka.kumbuka na. Vadhee huchwam
vegeve V abajuni hui a.hamu.
Swali: Dhicha. dhalikuv a. dhikivua mwa Shungwaya. tu ?
alochut apia isi
liava.kupondana. vote, Ngala iye pwekee. Basi ndie mbali, Ngala ndie
Vabajun i, na Npokomo na Ngiria.m a na Vadigo na Vanyamw edhi. isi
mpa.ka kuya
na Ngala, huponda na isi na Ngala. nyaka kumi na mine, huponda. na tu,
Nreno kumwa.ndoa. Ngala.. Nch 'u nngine ha.kuya. Bajuni wala Ngiria.m a wala
ela. nch'u
wala. Ndigo wala Vanyamw edhi ha.kuya kumwandoa. Ngala. Vot'e ni pamoya
vach 'u na
mbali ni Ngala iye pwekee. Ndie a.liecha fujo kuponda na, daima huponda
ee Va.bajun i.
kuvua. Akipond na Va.pokomo Bajuni hungili ka ? Bajuni ha.ngili ki
Isi ni ra.ia,
Imi Nbajuni ukinip'a . bunuki na.wedha Va.somale mia. kuvaand olea mbali.
undamvona. ma.hala. ? Va.ko a.palee Ga.I'iseni tu pweke, sivyo ? Ngala.
alichekeche a. vot 1 e va.chachu va.nne va.ko Wicho. Valichekec hea.
vot 1 e mpa.ka. Mkudisho kot 1 e valichekech ea., hakuna. mbee a. hoko. Va.ka.pekwa.
wicho ndivo va.lee Wicho va.livoko mpa.ka. eo u va.tano. Ngala. ndie a.lokuva. ni
mwingi _sana, adui, na mwingi. Nreno alinchekec hedha ot'e. Nsomale alitoa nkono
Swali: Va.pokomo na. Vanyika. valiveko hoko Shungwa.ya. ?
V a.pokomo nasi chwa.liposh uka. chwalishuk ia. Shungwa.ya. kutoka. Ara.f'a t. Chuka.shukia.
Shungwa.ya isi pia k 1 kumi dha. miuli na. nane dha Chuka.ya ha.po va.dhee
kwa. chuka.shuki a. ma.hala. pa.moya isi pia. va.sha.uri. Kula. mmoya. aka.shika. pake, kwangu ni Shungwa.ya. a.ka.shika., ulee hapa. kwangu, Omwe kwangu,
kula. mmoya. a.ka.shika, Kiwayuu kwangu, Siu kwangu, mpaka T ungi kula
ma.hala, kula nch 1 u akashika. mpa.ka T ungi. huu hapa. kwake, na.
huu kwa.ngu, ikava. na.muna. hii mpaka. T'ungi. Valiavanyi ana. miyi ot e, kula
kabila ikashika ma.hala, Shungwaya., Kutoka Al:'a.fat kuya.
mf'alume wavo akavambia, mf'alume hoo aichwao Fumo Aliongwe, chwende dhechu isi
chukimbien i, mfalume wa ha.chupen,Si isi, mf'alume wa palee Maka. Vakakimbia .
va.katoka usiku mpaka vaka.sikili a Shungwa.ya. Shungwaya. a.palee va.ka.chia. fatiha. a.vo,
kumi na. nane va.kisha.chi a. fa.tiha., va.ka.yala. 7 Kula. mmoya. a.ka.veka.,
va.ka.jenga. nna.ra. vaka.chia. na. bwana. mmoya. , Shungwa.ya.
muka.a.ngal ie ,!lumba. na. ma.da.rie, kula. muungwana. ka.mali, kula. nch 'u na. mali,
ndhungu na. ake kula. nch 1 u na., Ba.juni na. mali va.ka.shukia.
Snungwa.ya vot 1 e, hakuna. Ba.juni, hakuna. ndhungu, ha.kuna. mwa.ra.bu, isi pia. ni mudhi
mmoya., isi pia. chwa.toka. hoko Arafat. Sasa hapa. Shungwa.ya chwalipoch ia f'atihs
ikisia., va.kiya. va.gala. va.kita.ka. kuchupija.. Vaka.kimbia. vaka.vuka micho,
va.ka.kimbia. usiku mpaka. va.ka.chia. fa.tiha., ncho nkuru, chuka.chia fatiha. isi.
1 mayi ni 1 och 1 o, ni ncho nkuru hoo ma.yi och o ?
valee Va.gala.. Chuka.chia. fa.tiha. chuka.picha. i11i navo ni ncho nkuru
mungu ia. kwa. fa.tiha. tu, chuka.vuka. mpa.ka. Bushi, Bushi va.ka.ya. va.ngine
kwangu, vakiya vakavuka mpaka Burikavu vaka.nena hapa kwangu, vakenda mpaka Kiunga
ka.nena hapa kwangu, Omwe ka.nena hapa kwangu, Mwambore ka.nena hapa kwa.ngu, mpaka
Kiwaiyuu Nsimambaye akanena hapa kwa.ngu, mpaka Dhipingoni, mpaka Siu, mpaka Siu,
Ngala akaandolewa; Hakuna nch'u nngine isipokuva hidhi kumi na nane. Isi pia ni
mahala pamoya, isi kwa isi la urongo, isi vach'u va bara hava jamaa ndivo
valoshambuliw a na vagala, vagala vangi mwingi kama nta.nga wa it i. Ng ombe
vakapckwa, kula kich 1 u akapokwa, nguvo akapokwa. Vagala ndivo valoshambuliw a,
chembe basi akamvua Ngala na ng' ombe akanena, imi nevua nendao na k:wechu kavue ama
nivuawe imi Liongwe Fumo. Basi akanena, ni hali haii ela kwa kilini, ela
ndio itao nivua imi. lakini chembe hakitonivua. Kisha akaf'a hoo Aliongwe
lakini hoo Fumo Ali hakufa mpaka yudhi, Chembe hachikumvua wala ifumo halikumvua,
ni dhembe tu, Basi huu Aliongwe Fume ni mwana wa
chembe chaliko hakina ushinga
Fumo Aliongwe. Akavuawa kwa chembe akafa. Basi alivua akavuawa e la. Fume Liongwe
ndie alokufa kwa ajal.i a mungu. Siku hie Fumo Liongwe aka.nena, eo hakuna mame,
huku ni ine, eo hakuna baba, huku ni ine. ~iashaka huku ana.nishukia imi. Nch 'u
Hoko T'ungi imi sikuyisi la.kini husikia vadhee hunena tu, husikia ni hoko mbali,
hoko T'Wlgi. Basi ndipo nkomo wa Wareno. Lakini isi hachuyisi, vadhee hunena
Vareno hii miyi navo lakini nch'u ashikapo pake, lakini hava vagala
ndivo havakubali, Hava vagala hunena bara navo ndipo likava fujo, lakini Vareno
ndivo valokuya mbee kwa ta-~he ake, nyaka mivili kutoka Arafat ndipo valipokuya
hapa. Isi Vabajuni kuya tarehe ake nyaka sita lakini Vareno valikuya mbee, kwa
nyaka mine valichanguli a. Valienea mpaka Pate, Siu, Shela, ndivo Vareno tu. Isi
k' amasi kumi dha miuli na dha bana chwetoka mwano wa Shungwaya,
chukaavanyian a mi:Yi kutoka hapo mpaka T'ungi ndio nkomo wechu. T'ini masaa manane maili khamsini kiaha kupicha maili khamsini si kwechu kwa va.ngine, ma
ikisha masaa manane si kwechu kwa vangine. Isi ni masikini chwataka kula nno,
a vadhee vechu chwalipawa, kutoka Shungwaya mpaka T'ungi Imi sina kitabu lakini
bwana mmoya hoko Ch 'undwa unacho. Imi sikusoma lakini ulee bwana Kuhammad Athumani
unacho ki tabu changu mwano wa Bajuni, nchume kudhawa mpaka mwisho. Sasa hii
Arafat iliposhambuliwa.n a na vaarabu, k amasi kumi na nane dha bana, vach 'u
valikimbia vangine vakashukia Shungwaya, hii miyi ot 'e ilikimbiliwa na vach u.
Hii ni anrw:i a. mtmgU.. Halaiki a vach 1 u si vach 'u kati ti, a k amasi kumi na nane
dha bana.
1. :r<Izee Bwana Boramusa was an old man, perhaps in his eighties, at the time of
the recording. He lived at Kiunga. and had always lived on the north coast. He
is now dead. As little as possible has been al te:red of the tape recording mainly elimination of repetition. 2. The Europeans referred to are the
Portugese. 3. -gura = St. Sw. hama. 4. Padha = Fadha = ?aza, on northern Pate
Island. 5. There a:re several places with this name on the East Afi'ican coast
south of the no:rthern Kenya coast: this one may be the one in southern
Tanzania: see Sacleux: 550, under Y,gao, 6. A certain compression of the time
framework -visible here. 7. Ndhi 'root'. B. Pia 'all'. 9. Unidentified. 10.
The next lines contain echoes of the Utendi wa Shungwaya and the Vave kwa
Ngunya. 11. Ch 1 och 1 o 'mud'. 12. Word indecipherable. 13. Apalee = St. Sw.
pale(e). 14. -musa = ? 15. Fumo Liongwe is claimed to be the father of Aliongwe
Fume - see later in the narrative: the details are sometimes contradictory.
16. Wicho is the village of Wi tu, south of Lamu. 17. -yala 1 sleep 1 lB. Again,
these are lines which occur frequently in other stories and songs. 19. FUl:ukai
= ? 20e Ushingo 'poison'. 21. -dhanya = St~ Sw. -uza 'sell'.
Siu : Utendi
Bisumi Allahi nabutadi yangu nadhima
Na Al Ramdu firatili panapasoma
Swala na nE:,a michume nawalo nyuma
Ali na swahaba
Na dhuria wenye k 1 arama na wafuesio
Waf'wasi na michu midhima.
Tun!a na wenE:,ani puJ.ikani nina shauri
Henda kuuwonya moyo wangu kwa ushairi
Ni taghafalie hamwanE:,ami n.ia dha heri
Bahati na mja
Mitenye moyo wata f'akuri hata nami kawa
Kama soyo mulowadhima.
wach u
dha nyuma
Swahibu muovu
Ufenyeo kuva mwen.9,_ani wakukuli.wadha
Na. sira tvii musta.kima. ukiwa sifurahi na kutoleva
umuri uko mbee ulondikiva
Hidhi siku dhot'e dhipi.chadho
lll:Wto makosiku
li!a 'I'II!R!ri vako hukoma.
Ukawedha usidhiwedhe sharuti uchende
Faradhidhe ni nakhasuma.
Ukimudu nadho ngudho t 'ano ukidhishika
Swaala ukaswali kwa wakati usiotoka
Ukafunga t'umu ukahiji ukapa dhaka dh1ll1Ub i
Takujadhi hapana shaka kwa amali hio
Na shahada ukilinena.
Ukitoyachende mambo sayo yakupeseo
Ukaipumbadha ya nlevi niladhileo
Umeikupidha uifahamu yua wendao
Fadhaa mbora
Dha mauti ya kungojao kufa ni nia re
Nch 1u hendi kawia nyuma.
Wangi watapioha