The Pro Se Litigant

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February 14, 2009

The Pro Se Litigant movement,

the militia, jural society and de jure government.

Pro Se Litigants of Tampa Bay began in 1989 as result of good folks tired of being trashed
by the bureaucRATS and corrupt Courts. Bogus traffic citations, code enforcement citations, tax
and foreclosure seizures, divorce actions and Family "dysfunctional" Services brought good
folks together for a common goal. Emilio and Wilma Ippolito open their home for meetings to
help others, who had no where else to turn. With the help of their Susan Mokdad it moved from
a study group to a viable effective organization of about 40 members, Pro Se Litigants of Tampa
Bay, which held meetings every Sunday morning with about 20 people in attendance. Susan
created this button in 1991, after Pro Se Litigants of Florida was created.
A friend of mine came by my house one Thursday afternoon in 1991, to see if I knew
anything about Pro Se Litigants in Tampa. We had been meeting at my house or office for same
reason that Pro Se Litigants were meet, but knew nothing about each other. That Sunday six of
us road in my friends van to meet with these folks. We were pleased with what was presented,
therefore, the next Sunday ten of us went to the Tampa meeting. The following week I then
contacted groups in Orlando and Melbourne, and each agreed to send representatives. The next
Sunday we all met in Tampa. There were over 40 great folks present that day; and Pro Se
Litigants of Florida was born. Within a few months membership grew to over 300 statewide;
and interest in others states became pressingly obvious. Therefore, Pro Se Litigants of America
was born. Within a year membership grew to over 10,000 nationwide. The corrupt JUST-US
system soon took NOTICE.
The meetings that were held were like attending a church social. Wilma Ippolito open her
kitchen to all who were willing to pitch in. Lunch was always served on bring a dish to pass
basis; and if the meeting continued into the evening super too would be served. Sometimes we
order Pizza. We basically became one big family, regardless of race, color, creed or national
origin. All being of like mind were welcome.
I can remember how an African lady, who was a registered nurse, taught me the finer
points of the Civil Rights Act, after hearing my lecture on how to become free men. The two of
us teamed up to write some very powerful legal documents to be used in setting a judge up for
Title 42 action. The first judge we used this on told her that she could not file such documents,
and in open court, she asked, WHY NOT? You should have seen the look on that judge's face,
he knew he was about be had, if he answered that question. Catch 22, we had him trapped by is
his own laws and rules. He had intended to trash her Case on some technicality, but now he
could not. He intended to trash her rights and steal her home because she was BLACK. Oops!
It was not what was contained in the documents, which were filed that won her Case, but it was
what was not contained, therein. Yep, Pro Se Litigants were becoming dangerous for business
as usual in the Temples of Baal.
The movement was beginning to make a noticeable impact on the Courts and the BAR.
These thieves were beginning to loose their booty. There were numerous changes or attempts to
make changes in Rules of Procedure or Statutes to block Pro Se Litigants from having equal
access and protections afforded BAR members. Some Pro Se Litigants were even barred from
setting foot on courthouse properties. What happened to equal rights and equal protection under


the law? We had made an impact on the corrupt just-us system, and the attorners consider Pro
Se Litigants a threat to their long protected monopoly of fraud and extortion.
However, one should never, NEVER, appear Pro Se or Pro anything, since according to
the Rules of the BAR and the COURT, when one appears PRO, one accepts a temporary appoint
to the BAR, British Aristocratic Regency. And, as PRO, one becomes subject to all the Rules of
the COURT and of the BAR. If one is without RE-presentation, whether by an attorner or self,
there are three things which the courts cannot do, let me repeat, CANNOT DO: the courts cannot
Arraign, Sentence or hold in Contempt a Party before the Court, since the Court is without
JURISDICTION. Personally, I hold nothing but contempt for Black Robed Devils. The
granting of Jurisdiction is VOLUNTARY. Never state or spell your name for the record, unless
you are the Plaintiff. And NEVER understanding anything that the BRD asks. "I do not
understand the nature and cause of the charge(s)." Your signature is your most valuable asset;
therefore, STOP giving it away. Going to jail or prison requires your signature upon a contract,
or the signature of your Attorner, an enemy spy. It is all Babylonian contract law. What a
See United States v. Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538 (at page 540), which has never been over
turned and is cited throughout Case Law to this very day . "The privilege against selfincrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor the person who is ignorant of his
rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a fighting clause. Its benefits can be retained only by
sustained combat. It can not be retained by attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted
upon by a belligerent claimant in person. The one who is persuaded by honeyed words or moral
suasion to testify or produce documents rather than make a last ditch stand, simply loses the
protection. Once he testifies to part, he has waived his right and must on cross examination or
otherwise, testify as to the whole transaction. He must refuse to answer or produce, and test the
matter in contempt proceedings, or by habeas corpus." Stating one name for the record, is
testifying and is self incrimination. He who enters a plea, waives his rights and can only
thereafter argue the facts. See Federal Civil Judicial Procedure and Rules, Rule 12. Also, read
the definition of "Declaration" in Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition.
However, better comprehension can be obtained by reading the Temples Of Baal and
Case Law, two articles which are free upon request. I was thrown into state prison three time in
an attempt to prevent me from publishing the Temples Of Baal. With the coming of the internet,
the State's attempt to prevent its publication became a lost cause, because at the click of button it
was not just sent across the Country, but around the world in seconds. Today, on my mailing
list, I have over three thousand readers from countries on every continent, except Antarctica; and
who knows how many times my articles are forwarded and to where.

Susan Mokdad was the superb legal mind, which made the organization of Pro Se
Litigants work. She could sit and type out a legal brief within an hour or two, better then what
90% of the attorners in Florida could possibly produce. I had the opportunity one weekend to
site down with her to help create boiler plate documents that
could be used in various types of cases. Between us, we were
able to work out the legalese, terminology and Case Law Cites
that would be useful in most pleadings. Thereby, giving people
some basics from which to work when preparing court
documents. This is one such key phrase: "My presence here is
special. I am here as result of a forced bill of pain and penalty
against my Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness." I can assure
you that no judge wants to see that statement on record in his
court, because it is the setup for bring charges for violations of
18 USC 242 and 241, though too, possible suit in some cases
under 42 USC 1988 and 1983. However, it was learned in
1999, thanks to the work of John Jennings and Marlin Hokanson
that it is better to bring suit under 28 USC 2284. If you wish to
see bureaucRATS scurry, try filing action against them for
violations of the Ku Klux Klan Act. That most certainly puts fear in their hearts! And, what is
even more interesting, 99% of the attorner haven't a clue in how to prepare a Response to
counter such a Petition.
Here is a picture of a t-shirt bearing a slogan that Susan Mokdad
created in 1992. As members of Pro Se Litigants, we placed stickers with
this slogans on our car bumpers, briefcases and clipboards, wherever other
folks could see these. Can you just image walking in a
courtroom with a briefcase sporting this sticker for all to
see. "Don't feed the lawyers, Just say Nolo"? In the
center of this slogan is a picture of a SHARK wearing a
neck tie [which are useful for other purposes], carrying a
briefcase. Do you know how to tie a neck tie?
With the growth of the Pro Se Litigant movement there came the realization of the
difference between de jure and de facto government. The state militia was beginning to be
become active in various parts of the state, however, there was no lawful civil government.
Therefore, in an attempt to reestablish lawful civil government, the Common Law Court began
in September 1992. Emilio Ippolito and my partner Lt Col Larry Myers became two of the
judges for the Common Law Court, with Emilio as the chief judge. Susan Mokdad became the
Clerk of the Tampa Common Law Court.
Larry and I decided for security reason that he would stay with Emillo and Susan, and that
I would concentrate on the advancement of the state militia. In October 1992, I became the
chief recruiter for the state militia. At that time we had two Regiments with about 3000
members. By February 1993, the state militia had grown to over 10,000 members with five


regimental Units. By July 1996, the state militia had grown to 54 Regiments with over 100,000
members, having the support and backing of the County Commissioners in four counties and
two Sheriffs. One Sheriff even deputized all members of the militia in his county that wished to
be deputized. He bragged about having the largest posse in the State.
In December 1994, Lt Col Larry Myers, Major Mike McQuinn
and I coauthored the "Florida state militia Handbook", of which the 4th
Edition was published in June 1995. In July 1995, the book Secret
Freedom Fighter by Jefferson Mack was adopted as the militia basic
training Manual, which put fear in the hearts of the bureaucRATS.
These bureaucRATS and slave masters began to view these groups as a
real threat to their DE FACTO government and ponzi schemes. Their
JUST-US system cannot and will not survive. We shall no longer
willing be their SLAVES or PAWNS. I, for one, can see very clearly
"Through The Looking Glass." "Pawn, Queen eight!" The game is
This is the only photograph that I have of Susan Mokdad and
her father Emilio Ippolito, together. This photograph appeared in The
Grass Roots Journal, Volume 8, No.1, winter 1998, in an article
detailing their August 13, 1998 "Marsupial Trial" (a term coined by
Susan). Next to their article appeared an article about the "Kangaroo
Court" proceedings in my Case in which I was described as a Prisoner
of War. I was three times thrown into State of Florida prisons without
ever being tried or convicted of crimes. The Courts wanted to make
sure that I nor anyone else would be able help provide Susan or Emilio
with any viable assistance for their defense, and the courts most certainly did like my
In the Federal Case all of the Defendants were forced to take a public Pretender (an
ENEMY SPY), as legal counsel. Emilio was not allowed to be faced by witnesses against him.
He was locked in a cell with a video monitor where he was allowed to watch his own
HANGING. Larry Myers was never served any paper, arrested or ever brought to trial;
however, he was tried, convicted and sentenced in absentia. Larry has not been seen or heard
from, since December 1999. It is believed that he was captured and taken to a FEMA
concentration camp. Major Mike McQuinn disappeared after an FBI raid on his log cabin in
January 2000, and is probably in some FEMA detention camp, as well. I was released from
custody December 21, 1999 (on the Judge's 49th birthday), and the Court ORDERED me to be
exiled from Florida to New York. Marty Frantz died in custody without being tried or convicted
of any crimes. Toby Brown walked after two years in custody, because he refused to accept an
Attorner (ASSquire) or to appear PRO SE. Larry Moore and Jack Warren are still in prison.
The others are all DEAD, other then the two government MOLES.

In December 1995, the Christian Jural Society was established, a project which numerous
Pro Se Litigants had been working on across the Country for nearly two years. John William
Saunders (better known as John Quade, movie star) and friends launched the first chapter in
California. We established two chapter in Florida in March 1996. By May it had spread like
wild fire, with near half of the Counties in Florida, with chapters.
Pastor Richard Mooneyhan, also proceeded to set up and establish the Ecclesiastical
Court, which is an intricate part of a de jury society or government. By May, Richard had forty
other pastors from various denominations across the state join with him in establish this Court,
which were throughout this Country prior to Lincoln's Communist War of Aggression.
In May 1996, Senator Graham called a luncheon and meeting of various public officials,
which was held at the Kennelworth Lodge in Sebring, Florida. At this meet he order the Sheriff
to arrest me on anything that could be trumped up. However, Sheriff Howey Godwin refused to
do so. Graham stated at that meeting that he wanted the militia and the Jural Society put out of
business, by whatever use of force necessary. And, if an excuse could be found he wanted me
DEAD. On the afternoon of November 23, 1996, four Avon Park PIGS broke into my house
without warrant, probable cause or imminent danger. They beat me, shot me and then pistol
whipped me to unconsciousness. Thank Yah, Graham did not get his wishes.
The head leaders of the Pro Se Litigants were already in Federal Prison on bogus charges.
Three attempts to arrest me in May by city police failed. The establishing of Jural Societies in
each county reestablished the lawful posse comitatus, which would mean the end of the Police
State; and the thought of that happening, was frightening to the Gestapo. Pastor Mooneyhan
was arrested in October 1996. Richard spent eighteen month in prison and I spent 704 days total
in combined different stays in four of the Queen's dungeons. One of those prisons holds the
record for deaths; over 7,000 prisoners have died within its walls since the day it opened its
door. The State Attorney had arrange for my untimely death in that hell hole, but I survived. He
even had to audacity to ask me in court one day, how did I manage to get out there alive? He is
a really sick Luciferian demoniac, a high level Masonic sadist. The courts in this Country are
full evil humans (beast, monsters) just like him.
In July 1996, Carl Gorton, John-Alden Fairborne and I called for a state wide caucus for
the Christian Jural Societies. Carl Gorton was the author and publisher of the Revelator
Newspaper. John-Alden was the Chairmen of the South American Mission Board and the
sharpest legal minds in Florida. John maintained his own person law library, which was larger
then any library maintained by any County Courthouse in Florida. In 1995, the Federal
Government illegally seized the South American Mission Board's missionary pension fund,
which was in excess of $12 million dollars. Leaving hundreds of missionaries without their
retirement benefits. Also, in 1994, two of the Board's sponsored missionaries were
MURDERED in Peru by CIA Agents. Apparently, they witnessed something the government
wished to cover up.


The Florida Jural Society caucus was attended by 72 delegates from the sovereign Florida
Republics, three delegates from Georgia and two from South Carolina. Following that caucus
Carl became the Pro Temp Treasure, John-Alden, the Pro Temp Governor and I, the Pro Temp
Ambassador of the sovereign Florida Republics. I signed the official NOTICE of intent to
secede; however, we had already fully documented, that the Floridas had NEVER been part of
the United States, just as the Republic of Texas, was NEVER part of the United States. North
Carolina and several of the other Confederate States have also documented that they have
NEVER been part of the United States. NEVER!

The above photograph of Emilio Ippolito and Lonnie and Cheryl Korbes was taken in
December 2008. The Korbes were long time supporters of the Pro Se Litigant movement.
Lonnie is also a long time Micro-Broadcaster. Lonnie has faced attacks upon his place of
business and home by the IRS and FCC. In 2001, I was operating 101 Dalmatian Station when
I was raid by the FCC and New York State Police. They had intend to murder me, however,
when the raid went down a member of the local town council and two members of the local
Democratic Committee were present and the FEDS order to stupid troopers to put their guns

away, since there were too many witnesses and they would not be able to justify murdering local
public officials.
The FEDS had raided Steven Anderson's radio station in Kentucky fourteen days prior to
raid on mine, and had a shoot out there, though, no one was killed. Fourteen days later they the
raid Captain William Cooper's (USN retired) station, 101 Howling Dogs in Arizona, where they
caught Bill alone and shot him in the back, in cold blooded MURDER. Fourteen days after the
murder Bill Copper, the FEDS staged a media event. With camera crews from all the networks
they prepared to raid a "pirate station" in North Carolina, supposedly being run by a dangerous
militia terrorist group. When the Jack Booted Thugs broke down the garage door all that they
bagged was a seventeen year old GIRL operating that station. Needless to say that film footage
never aired for public consumption and that was the last raid on radio stations for 2001.
One year after the raid on my radio station the FEDS raided Liberty Tree Radio in
Michigan, Ed Koernke's station and the home of Nancy Koernke, Mark Koernke's wife, while
the government had Mark already conveniently tucked way in state prison on bogus charges.
Pastor Strawcutter's radio station in Michigan was raided seven days before the raid on Steve
Anderson, however, they were unable to bag or net anything from that raid. On the Koernke
raid a year later in Michigan, the FEDS took lots of booty, however, the FEDS recently were
ordered to return most of what they had stolen from the Koernkes.
In the spring of 1997, ASSquire Larry Becraft attempted to set both Lonnie Korbes and
myself up for prison sentences of ten years or longer. He was not successful. In Lonnie's Case,
he tried to plea Lonnie guilty for Income Tax evasion, without Lonnie's knowledge or consent.
In my Case, he prepared and provided a document listing case law, which the State Attorner
could use to obtain a conviction against me on bogus charges. Remember Becraft is a SHARK,
an enemy SPY, and sharks are not friendlies!
I first landed in Florida State Prison on May 5, 1997, the next day after Governor Shrubby
(Bush) of Texas ordered the shoot out with leaders of the Republic of Texas. They had filed a
valid law suit with the World Court in the Hague against the United States seeking the Republic
of Texas' independence. This is why the US no longer recognizes the rulings of the World
Court. This Case is still pending, however, all of the leaders of the Republic of Texas are still in
prison or DEAD, except of the Ambassador, who is living in exile in England. The Texas
Ambassador and I maintain regular correspondence.
This photograph is what the Clintonistas, Bushites and
Obamanations have planned and waiting for the Common Law
Courts, Christian Jural Societies, the militias, Christians in
general, all belligerent sheople, rebellious slaves and those who
are of no further economic value to society, the NWO or
banksters. Just think, it will soon be up to the new Medical Czar
to decide who receives a shot of hemlock (happy shot) and who
the doctor will be allowed to treat. By the way, under the new


health care plan every man, woman and child will be required to have a HEALTH CARD to
receive treatment. These HEALTH CARDS have a microchip containing your records, this is
the National ID. These cards have already been being issued to Medicaid and Medicare
recipients since October 2008. The BEAST is moving full speed ahead to establish the new
Communist State of Amerika, and it wants to be able to track all of its slaves.
Two of my top staff members of my Florida office died in 2005, William M Biermann,
USN Chief Petite Officer retired, 83 years old, and Jane Rock, USN Petite Officer retired, 80
years. They were good and trusted soldiers. Jane, also, faithfully attended all but two militia
training camps while I was in Florida. Here is one for the records books, as well, Jane was the
mother of 21 children and she wanted to assure her children and grandchildren the rights of
freedom and liberty. Both Jane and Bill lost their homes due to illegal seizures by corrupt
government officials. It is sad how this Country's veterans and their windows are being abused
by the JUST-US system and not receiving their benefits. These two were two of my best
helpers and legal beagles. I will not mention those who are still living to protect them from
further assaults or tyranny. John-Alden died Thanksgiving Day 2005, supposedly of a
heartache; and Carl Gorton died supposedly from a SUV off the road accident back 2001. Yea,
most likely a CIA arranged accident.
On January 31, 2003, I published a worldwide notice that the Federal Government was
attempting to murder Susan Mokdad in Coleman Federal Prison in Texas. It was already well
known these thugs had terminated Philip Marsh, the founder of the Pilot Connection about three
years previous and buried him in a pauper's grave. Susan had under gone surgery for a brain
tumor. Coleman Prison instead of allowing her time for recovery at the hospital immediately
transported her back to prison where she was put in solitary. Susan repeatedly complained of
pain, headaches and dizziness. She repeatedly requested medical attention; however, her guards
and torturers laughed it off and refused to allow her medical attention. Susan died from internal
bleeding, while all alone in a cold dark prison cell. May Yah forgive them not, for they knew
what they were doing. COLD BLOODED MURDER! I have no use for thugs who get their
jollies from murdering innocent defenseless people.
For anyone, who may interest, Susan's mother Wilma Ippolito, who is 80 years old, has a
website:. The Handbook Of Freedom is available through
that website.

Lest we forget, Susan Mokdad, a true Patriot, born March 1, 1956;

MURDERED by her captures at the age of 46 in Coleman Federal Prison,
St Valentine's Day, February 14, 2003.
"If we make peaceful revolution impossible, we make violent revolution inevitable."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Obama is the third African to hold the Office of President of the United States, and he is
cousin to the Queen, a British Royal. In 1775, John Hanson, a Moor, was the first President
of the United States. In 1860, Abraham Springstein (Lincoln), a Jew, whose grandmother
was an African slave, was the second African to become President. Hanson presided over the
beginning of the first Revolution. Springstein, a follower of Carl Marx, presided over the
Communist War of Aggression, the second Revolution. Guess where we now stand with this
Communist Obamanation sitting in the Whitehouse.

"America's third Revolution, an idea whose time has


Sir David-Andrew.
Brigade Commander.
Ambassador Pro Temp of the Florida Republics.
[email protected]
click on Brothers in Arms.

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