April Tournament Version 1.0
April Tournament Version 1.0
April Tournament Version 1.0
It is the 41st Millennium and there is only war... Armies clash across countless battlefields and great
leaders of men, beasts and aliens rise to power. Do you have what it takes to become a Lord of War?
Galaxy at War is a Warhammer 40,000 tournament using the current 7th edition rules and armies.
09:00 09:30 Registration
09:30 12:00 Game One
12:00 12:30 Lunch
12:30 12:45 Voting for best painted army
12:45 15:15 Game Two
15:30 18:00 Game Three
18:00 18:15 Results and Awards
18:15 18:30 Pack up
Army Selection.
Armies must be in total no more than 1850 points.
Armies must be battle forged and may not be unbound. Any number of detachments and formations
may be used as long as each one has its minimum requirements met in unit selection.
Armies must be chosen using the latest codex and rules available to your army / faction.
Horus Heresy / Age of Darkness or other 30k rules are not permitted.
The Games Workshop rules and FAQ are to be used to ensure the game is played the way it was
intended to be. I have tried not to limit too much in army construction as this can unbalance things.
Using Forgeworld units and army lists is fine as long as they are compatible with the current edition
of the rules and have not been replaced or updated. You must use the most up to date rules there is.
Players must submit their army list via email to [email protected] by April 1st 2016.
This allows plenty of time for lists to be reviewed prior to the event and your pre-game scores to be
determined before the day which will speed up registration.
When submitting army lists please reference each book or source you have used rules from. If it is a
source I am not familiar with and have no access to I may ask to see a picture of it via email.
Tournament Scoring
Players are ranked first by number of Wins, followed by Draws and then Losses.
Players are next ranked by Victory Points including starting points earned throughout the day.
Players must keep track of their scores on their score sheet throughout the day.
Players must keep track of their victory points score throughout each game in a clear way to both
participants and the judges. This includes counting points like Slay the Warlord as soon as they
occur and adding points for Maelstrom cards at the end of each of your own turns, including rolling
any d3 results as they are scored. The best way to do this is with dice on the side of the play area.
Any points that are not tracked throughout a game are lost and are not added at the end of the game.
This is to ensure both players know the current score at all times and don't get surprised at the end
by the sudden addition of uncounted points from earlier in the battle, or from d3 results not rolled.
Mission Rules.
Throughout the day players will play three games each of which has a different mission.
Failure to play any mission properly will result in an automatic loss for both participants.
All games will be played on a pre set up 6ft x 4ft board.
Scenery will be pre placed and should not be moved or removed for any reason.
Fortifications if taken are to be placed using the rules from the 40k rulebook before deployment.
All core rules from 40k are to be used including but not limited to Mysterious Objectives, Night
Fighting, Warlord Traits, Random Game Length, Reserves, Outflank, Infiltrate and Deep Strike.
Tournament Points.
You can earn points outside of your games which are added to your total for the day and will help
you place higher within the tournament. It is advisable to design your army list to be high scoring.
Three points if your army is fully painted in at least three colours in a coherent scheme.
Two points if your army is fully based in a coherent scheme, except for clear flying stands.
Two points if your army is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)
One point if you have a copy of all your rulebooks, codex and source books used with you.
One point if you have at least two copies of your printed or clearly written army list.
6. Five points if your army contains at least one Combined Arms Detachment.
7. Five points if your army contains no repeated detachments or repeated formations.
8. Two points if your army contains a completely full Combined Arms Detachment.
9. Two points if your army does not include any special characters.
10. Two points if your army does not include a super heavy or lord of war unit.