Managing Resources Maximo

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Jason Watson

Acciona Energy
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry

The wind industry is a rapidly growing industry in Australia and around

the world.

The proper management of the wind turbines and associated

infrastructure is important in maximizing the performance and return
on these assets.

MXES is being implemented globally by Acciona Energy as the

principal tool for asset management.

Acciona Group is a leading corporation in the development, promotion and

management of infrastructures and services oriented towards sustainable
development and social welfare

Acciona Group comprises:

• Infrastructure
• Real Estate
• Energy
• Water
• Logistics and Transport
• Urban & Environmental Services
Acciona Energy
Acciona Energy is a global leader in renewable energy

B. Major projects in renewables (30.06.2006)

Wind: 3,876 MW installed -6% of the world total- (2,636 MW part., 2,008 attr.)

Biomass: 33 MW -30% of the primary biomass in Spain-

Solar: 18,8 MW PV (35% of the Spanish market) and 19 MW thermal installed

Small hydro: 59 MW –3.6% in Spain-

Biofuels: 35,000 tonnes per year biodiesel plant (1.2 Mtonnes in project)

Horizontal integration of activities

ACCIONA also has 115 MW in cogeneration

Acciona Energy, Leader in wind

A. Wind power / leadership in several activities

Acciona Energy is:

First developer Fourth world

and constructor operator
of windparks of windparks
in the world

Eighth world Third largest owner of

manufacturer wind energy assets in the
of wind turbines world, and second in Spain
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry
B. Present in the entire wind energy value chain

Wind turbine design In-house technology

Wind turbine manufacture

Development Selection of sites, environmental impact,

relations with local authorities

Financial analysis, Financing

structuring and due diligence

Construction, admin. Turnkey

processes and
project management
Local partners Property

Local and remote

24h x 365 days
Under development Marketing of energy
and CO2

Vertical integration
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry

C. Wind power capacity owned by Acciona Energy by country (30.06.07)

Country Number of Installations Total Power (MW) Attributable Power (MW)

Spain 101 2,951 2,315

Germany 10 116 116
France 14 94 47
USA 2 86 12
Canada 2 60 20
Australia 1 66 33
Italy 3 33 17
Greece 1 35 35
Hungary 1 24 11

TOTAL 135 3,465 2,606

Maximo in Acciona Energy

Maximo 6.2 is being implemented by Acciona Energy across its global


Project based in Spain and Australia.

Spain – focused on the implementation of maintenance of wind

Australia – focused on the commercial and financial aspects

Consolidation of system into a global system

Maximo in Acciona Energy

Drivers for the implementation of Maximo

• Technically complex machines, requiring ongoing preventative,
predictive and corrective maintenance

• Significant investment, where return is based on the production of
the turbines

• Numerous stakeholders with diverse expectations from the turbines
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry

Challenges within the wind industry

• Rapidly growing industry – averaging 30% per annum

• Rapidly developing technology – 100 x increase in power output in

25 years

• Complexity of machines increasing

• Attitude to wind power

Technical – Wind Turbine
4. AW-1500 wind turbine

Technical chracteristics (I)

• Variable speed

• Rated power: 1,500 kW

• Rated voltage: 12 kV

• Generation frequencies: 50 / 60 Hz.

• Generator: double-fed asynchronous

• Three bladed wind turbine oriented windward

• Horizontal shaft

• Hub height: 60 and 80 m.

• Rotor diameters: 70 and 77 m.

AW-1500 turbine in the Vedadillo windpark (Navarre)

Technical – Wind Turbine
Technical – Wind Turbine

Essential components

pitch control
High speed for each
shaft blade
2 Bearings
Double Support

Main shaft
Technical – Wind Turbine
Asset Management on the Turbines has several key points

A large number of parts replaceable and serial number tracked

Complex structure of parts and components

Differing expected lifetime of major components

• Gearbox 10 years
• Blades 25 years
• Generator 25 years
• Tower 50+ years

Use of Maximo to track the life of components

Turbine Performance

Turbines are highly automated

• Detect and respond to wind conditions

• Detect and respond to grid conditions

• Detect and respond to plant condition

Turbine Performance

Turbines are highly efficient

Achieving at least 90% availability

Conversion of 50% wind energy into electricity

Wind farms designed to achieved 30-40% capacity factor – actual

output versus theoretical maximum output

Accurate forecasting 24-48 hours in advance

Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry
Additional infrastructure on a Wind Farm

• High voltage substations

• High voltage cables and overhead lines

• Communication and SCADA system

• Roads, gates, culverts and civil infrastructure

• Meteorological monitoring stations

• Facility buildings

• Vehicles and tools

How does Maximo fit in?

• Provide an accurate record of installed equipment

• Provide an accurate history of turbines and plant

• Schedule predictive and preventative maintenance

• Track corrective maintenance

• Provide information for engineering analysis

• Link to information sources (commissioning records etc)

Installed equipment
Utilise the Location / Asset / Item structure to mirror turbine

• Tracking of serial numbers

• Number and location of components – optimization of spares


• Specification templates – technical specifications

• Item assembly structures - management of the structure

• Alternate items
Installed equipment

Interaction with the inventory and purchasing system

• Correct identification of parts from structure

• Consolidation of demand to stores and warehouse

• Optimisation of purchasing
Waubra Wind Farm

Site (approximately 173km²) is a series of hills and high plateaus which

form part of the Great Dividing Range, approx 20km from Ballarat

Site consists primarily of cleared agricultural land used for sheep and
cattle grazing and potato growing

128 x 1.5 MW wind turbines, with associated access tracks, substations

and an operations centre

A total installed capacity of 192MW

Green energy for 143,000 households – more than enough to power

the City of Ballarat
Waubra Wind Farm
Maintaining Wind Turbines

Maintenance requirements of Turbines

• 24/7 operation

• Service every 6 months

 6 monthly
 12 monthly
 24 monthly

• Gearbox refurbishment every 10 years

• Average personnel requirement of 1 technician for every 6 turbines

Maintaining Wind Turbines

Work Orders

Incorporates permit requirements for:

• High Voltage
• Working at heights
• Confined space

Panned and Actual Permits – from Job Plans

Commercial Reality

The profitability of a windfarm operation is dependant on:

• Maximising the output from the available wind

• Minimising the cost of operation

Maximising Production

There are two key measures of turbine performance


Availability is the measure of when the turbine is running, or capable of

Utilisation is the measure of actual power output vs theoretical power

Both are adversely affected by stoppages due to alarms, defects and

scheduled stops for maintenance.
Maximising Production -Minimising stoppages

24/7 hour control room for the immediate reaction to alarms

60% of alarms can be reset remotely

24/7 on-call technicians

Response time a key performance indicator

Engineering analysis of alarms to identify root cause

• All stoppages raised as work orders in Maximo
• Response to alarm recorded and measured
• Failure Codes in Maximo utilised to assist in engineering analysis
• Global consolidation of turbine data to provide large dataset for engineering
Maximising Production -Minimising stoppages

Identification of all defects as work orders in Maximo

Priority system to address defect

1. Immediate attention
2. As soon as practicable, within 2 weeks
3. At next scheduled service
4. Ongoing observation

Priority system for equipment as well

1. Major electrical and communication infrastructure
2. Minor electrical and communication infrastructure
3. Turbine
4. Civil infrastructure
Maximising Production -Minimising stoppages

Scheduled stops

Scheduled stoppages are used for preventative and predictive


Duration of stoppage minimised

Efficient work practices
Effective inventory control
Clear and precise work instructions
Multiple work shifts

Planning based on forecast wind speed to improve utilisation requires

greater flexibility and accurate knowledge of planned work
Minimising Cost

Once constructed, maintenance is the major ongoing cost in the

operation of the wind farm

Minimistion of cost is achieved through the balancing the maintenance

requirements to appropriate levels of resources

Efficient work practices

Optimisation of inventory
Balancing the resources with the maintenance requirements

Effective use of Maximo improves the management of these areas.

There are a large number of stakeholders within an operating wind farm

Commercial partners
 Joint venture partners

Electricity industry
 Grid connection utilities
 Energy Retailers

 Landowners
 Local community
 Public
Stakeholders - Commercial Partners

Acciona Energy wind farms in Australia are joint ventures.

Complex legal and financial aspects

Separate chart of accounts for each legal entity

Construction Warranty Operation



AWP Contractors
AWP Contractors


Stakeholders – Electricity Industry

Wind farms connect into the National Grid

Wind farm must;

• Operate stably and securely in National Grid
• Meet the power generation obligations to the energy retailers
• Coordinate maintenance and operations with other generators and
utilities within the gird

This requires reliable turbine operation and accurate planning

Stakeholders – Community

Wind farms have an impact on the surrounding community.

Large public interest in the wind industry.
Wind farms must be responsible corporate citizens.

Maximo assists the wind farm in providing

• Accurate information for reporting and communication with

interested parties
• Management of the contractual obligations of the wind farm with
land owners
• The ability to record and react to changing local conditions
Stakeholders – Land owners
Management of land owner requirements essential to the construction and
operation of the windfarm.

Record of land title and installed assets

Lease payments for access to land

Management of local conditions

 Land usage (cropping etc)
 Correction of defects

Communication with land owners

 Upcoming work plan
 Performance of turbines within their property
Stakeholders – Land owners

Lease payments

Land owner lease payments based on:

 Access for the planning and development of windfarm
 Lease of land for the installation of meteorological monitoring
 Access for the construction of the windfarm
 Lease of land for the installation of turbines and substations
Stakeholders – Land owners

Lease payments

The management of the lease is very important

 Key dates to meet
 Payments are linked to CPI
 Land titles change hands
 Long term contracts

Waubra has 36 directly effected land owners with

93 land titles
Stakeholders – Land owners
Lease payments

Customised lease application

• Location structure for land titles
• Leased assets for land access rights, met masts, turbine
• CPI increase calculated using currency exchange functionality
Stakeholders – Community and Public
Community Reference Group as a link between community and the
wind farm

Accurate information and follow up on raised issues

Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry
Global Consolidation

Master Maximo system will

reside in Spain

Local systems in Spain, United

States and Australia
Consolidated Maximo
Consistent design and structure
Information merged via the MEA
application into consolidated
Spain United States Australia
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry


The emerging wind industry is dependant on accurate and effective

asset management.

Maximo provides a range of tools applicable to the management of the

development construction and operation of the wind farm

 Cope with the complexity of a wind farm

 Provides existing tools that can be leveraged to meet the wind
farm requirements
 Simplify the requirements for the people working within the
rapidly growing industry
Implementing Maximo in the Wind Industry

Thank you

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