The English word advertise is originated from the Latin advertere which
directly translates to notify someone about something, to create awareness
or to attract concern to something, etc. (Goddard, 1998). According to this
abstract definition, a road sign can also be an advertisement because it is
supposed to get peoples attention. Yet, an advertisement as what it is rooted in
our minds is something more than just a mere object which attracts attention.
The main difference between a road sign and an advertisement is that the aim of
the latter is a financial benefit, enhancement of status or image (Goddard, 1998).
The definition given only indicated the main purpose of advertising is to sell.
However, that specific definition is inappropriate to be used in general.
Advertisements can have many other main purposes other than to sell.
According to Harris & Heldon (1962), an advertisement may be defined as a
common note created for the dissemination of messages with a purpose to
promote the business (products and/or services) devised to disseminate
messages for the purpose of promoting the products and services. This also
shows that advertisement is a crucial means of marketing as well as a strong
force of communication. Another definition of advertising is the non-personal
communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature
about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various
media (American Marketing Association, 1992). Various interpretations of
advertising have surfaced over the years. Abert Lasker, who was known as the
father of modern advertising, stated that advertising was indeed salesmanship
in print (Nida, 1992). Advertisements are created for the purpose of seducing
the audience by creating a certain illusion. Although there are many ways of how
advertising can be defined, it can be simplified as a form of far-reaching
communication of messages that are generally influential in nature.
The advertising industry is made of a few components. There are companies that
advertise their brands, products or even themselves as the organization,
agencies that create the advertisements, media that carries the advertisements,
and a host of people like editors, brand or marketing managers, researchers,
creative heads and designers who take the last mile to the customer or receiver.
any visual aids can make the advertisement to be uninteresting, dry or dull and
not persuasive enough. For the reason of time limitation and in need of less
burden of information processing, people today are giving their attention more
toward advertisements with visual images. The right choice of visual image
surely can capture the readers attention even though the visual image used
sometimes is rhetorical or a resemblance, but it can indirectly influence the
readers emotion. These are the key to achievement and success of the product
and service advertising messages and make the advertisement memorable and
In addition, advertisers prefer to seek and maximize the attention and recall of
their advertisements messages (Batra et al.; 1986). They considered that good
advertisements are the key to overtake the concurrence (Pierters et al; 2002). An
original advertisement use different techniques of defamiliarization; to push the
audience to receive familiar elements with an unexpected perspective (Scott,
1994a). It is a combination of familiar elements in a non-familiar manner
(McQuarrie and Mick, 1999). Original visual stimuli tend to work best in attracting
the attention (Mitchell, 1987). They challenge the consumer to understand the
purpose of advertising and direct attention to the brand and message. Recall
depends on semantic channels activated by the advertising stimulus (Childers
and Houston 1984). The image of a product represented in consumers memory
may be the one he or she uses in certain situations. Staging the latter is likely to
evoke the image of the product in consumers memory. The interaction between
the consumer and the deviation encountered in the image will generate a
greater number of associations (elaboration). Memorizing the message will be
thus made easier. A favorable attitude toward the message has an effect on the
attitude toward the brand. It influences the purchasing intention (Gardner, 1981).
Advertisements, whether on television, in a magazine, online, or some other
medium, feature images. The visual components of such advertisements are
often the key to their effectiveness. In addition, to use vivid imagery, advertisers
also seek to create positive associations between their brands and idealized
images or lifestyles. Some of the most common associations that advertiser try
to manufacture are social status (luxury cars, wines, jewelry etc.), sex (perfume,
hair care products, lingerie etc), power, speed and strength (tools, trucks, SUVs,
computers etc), safety and security (banking, insurance, etc.), cause-related
(donation campaign, awareness campaign, etc) sense of place and belongings
In fact it is something
important that ever exist in our daily interactions with friends, family, coworkers
and even strangers. There are a lot of styles or approaches to persuade than
ever before. Persuasion can be performed through words; verbal or written and
also through visual; moving or still image. It can be said that image represents
everything since we are living progressively in a visual society. We can observe in
kinds of communication. Another role of iconic images is that they can mislead
the reality they represent. With an aid of image, something can look real even
though it is not. Iconicity indicates to the capability of images to imitate the
appearance of reality. For example, a busy mother who has her hands full doing
the laundry, cooking dinner, cleaning house, and taking care of kids could be
pictured with four arms rather than two.
The second characteristic of visual persuasion is indexicality (Messaris, 1997).
This indicates to the capability of images in particular photos and video, to
document that an event or something happened. As an example, a fingerprint
lifted from a crime scene is a sign that the defendant was in fact there. Or a diet
advertisement might show a person holding up his or her old pants. The pants
demonstrate how obese the person before and the audience can observe how
much weight the person has lost since. Indexical images frequently function as a
style of sign reasoning or circumstantial evidence. Besides that, indexicality also
refers to photographic images and indicates that such images are physical
symbols of visual reality.
Syntactic indeterminacy is the third characteristic in visual persuasion. It means
here, unlike words, pictures cannot transmit accurate relationships between
things. As a matter of fact, images lack of logical operators. The fact images
cannot convey logical relationships can be both, a blessing or a curse. The
blessing is that the pictures can be used to equate one thing with another via
association of images. For example, an advertiser can equate a product with
being cool, sexy or conferring social status simply by pairing the product with
cool, sexy or classy images. The curse is the precise nature of relationships can
never be suggested through images, so it is up to the observer to speculate or
guess what the relationship is. Advertisers know how to manipulate the lighting,
camera angle, color and other aspects of images to achieve the results they
want. Truthfully, advertisers also use words when they want to make a point
explicitly whereas images when they want to make a point implicitly.
I will take several printed
elements and effect on the audience. My interests lay in the way images are
crafted to have the biggest persuasive appeal. To reach this goal I will attempt to
do the analysis within the framework of meaning of messages intended (what)
and the way it is communicated (how). I seek to find out what is being said by
the chosen images in the advertisement and how it is being said and in which
category they belong to in visual persuasion.
Research questions
This study aims to answer these questions:
How do advertisers utilize all the characteristics in advertising?
What are the effects of visual persuasion in advertising?
What is visual persuasion and the relation of it with advertising?