The long neck and legs keep their head up to 2.8 m (9 ft) above
the ground, and their eyes are said to be the largest of any land
vertebrate: 50 mm (2.0 in) in diameter; helping them to see
predators at a great distance. The eyes are shaded from sunlight
from above. However, the head and bill are relatively small for the
birds' huge size, with the bill measuring 12 to 14.3 cm (4.7 to
5.6 in). Their skin varies in colour depending on the subspecies,
with some having light or dark gray skin and others having pinkish
or even reddish skin. The strong legs of the ostrich are
unfeathered and show bare skin, with the tarsus (the lowest
upright part of the leg) being covered in scales: red in the male,
black in the female. The tarsus of the ostrich is the largest of any
living bird, measuring 39 to 53 cm (15 to 21 in) in length. The bird
has just two toes on each foot (most birds have four), with
the nail on the larger, inner toe resembling a hoof. The outer toe
has no nail. The reduced number of toes is an adaptation that
appears to aid in running, useful for getting away from predators.
Ostriches can run at a speed over 70 km/h (43 mph) and can
cover 3 to 5 m (9.8 to 16.4 ft) in a single stride. The wings reach a
span of about 2 metres (6 ft 7 in), and the wing
chordmeasurement of 90 cm (35 in) is around the same size as
for the largest flying birds. The wings are used in mating displays
and to shade chicks. The feathers lack the tiny hooks that lock
together the smooth external feathers of flying birds, and so are
soft and fluffy and serve as insulation. Ostriches can tolerate a
wide range of temperatures. In much of their habitat,
temperatures vary as much as 40 C (100 F) between night and
day. Their temperature control mechanism relies on action by the
bird, which uses its wings to cover the naked skin of the upper
legs and flanks to conserve heat, or leaves these areas bare to
release heat. They have 5060 tail feathers, and their wings have
16 primary, four alular and 2023 secondary feathers.
The ostrich's sternum is flat, lacking the keel to which wing
muscles attach in flying birds.] The beak is flat and broad, with a
rounded tip. Like all ratites, the ostrich has no crop and it also
lacks a gallbladder. They have three stomachs, and
the caecum is 71 cm (28 in) long. Unlike all other living birds, the
ostrich secretes urine separately from faeces. All other birds store
the urine and faeces combined in the coprodeum, but the ostrich
stores the faeces in the terminal rectum .They also have
unique pubic bonesthat are fused to hold their gut. Unlike most
birds, the males have a copulatory organ, which is retractable and
20 cm (8 in) long. Their palate differs from other ratites in that
thesphenoid and palatal bones are unconnected
The ostrich was originally described by Linnaeus in his 18thcentury work, Systema Naturae under its current binomial
name. Its scientific name is derived from Latin, struthiomeanin
"Ostrich" and camelus meaning "camel", alluding to its dry
habitat. The ostrich belongs to the ratite order Struthioniformes.
Other members include rheas, emus, cassowaries, moa, kiwi and
the largest known bird ever, the now-extinct elephant
bird (Aepyornis). However, the classification of the ratites as a
single order has always been questioned, with the alternative
classification restricting the Struthioniformes to the ostrich lineage
and elevating the other groups.
Somali ostrich
The earliest fossil of ostrich-like birds is the Palaeotis living near
the Asiatic steppes from the Middle Eocene, a mid-sized flightless
bird that was originally believed to be abustard. Apart from this
enigmatic bird, the fossil record of the ostriches continues with
several species of the modern genus Struthio which are known
from the Early Mioceneonwards. While the relationship of the
African species is comparatively straightforward, a large number
of Asian species of ostrich have been described from fragmentary
remains, and their interrelationships and how they relate to the
African ostriches are confusing. In China, ostriches are known to
have become extinct only around or even after the end of the last
ice age; images of ostriches have been found there on prehistoric
pottery and petroglyphs. Several of these fossil forms
are ichnotaxa (that is, classified according to the organism's
footprints or other trace rather than its body) and their association
Pair "dancing".
When threatened, ostriches run away, but they can cause serious
injury and death with kicks from their powerful legs. Their legs
can only kick forward. Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do
not bury their heads in sand to avoid danger. This myth likely
began withPliny the Elder (AD 2379), who wrote that ostriches
"imagine when they have thrust their head and neck into a bush,
that the whole of their body is concealed. This may have been a
misunderstanding of their sticking their heads in the sand to
swallow sand and pebbles, or, as National Geographic suggests,
of the defensive behavior of lying low, so that they may appear
from a distance to have their head buried.
They mainly feed on seeds, shrubs, grass, fruit and flowers;
occasionally they also eat insects such as locusts. Lacking teeth,
they swallow pebbles that act as gastroliths to grind food in
the gizzard. When eating, they will fill their gullet with food, which
is in turn passed down their esophagus in the form of a ball called
a bolus. The bolus may be as much as 210 ml (7.1 US fl oz). After
passing through the neck (there is no crop) the food enters
the gizzard and is worked on by the aforementioned pebbles. The
gizzard can hold as much as 1,300 g (46 oz), of which up to 45%
may be sand and pebbles. Ostriches can go without drinking for
several days, using water and moisture in ingested plants,] but they
enjoy liquid water and frequently take baths where it is
available.] They can survive losing up to 25% of their body weight
through dehydration.
Ostriches become sexually mature when they are 2 to 4 years
old; females mature about six months earlier than males. As with
other birds, an individual may reproduce several times over its
lifetime. The mating season begins in March or April and ends
sometime before September. The mating process differs in
different geographical regions. Territorialmales typically boom in
defence of their territory and harem of two to seven hens; the
successful male may then mate with several females in the area,
but will only form a pair bond with a 'major' female.
The cock performs with his wings, alternating wing beats, until he
attracts a mate. They will go to the mating area and he will
maintain privacy by driving away all intruders. They graze until
their behaviour is synchronized, then the feeding becomes
secondary and the process takes on a ritualistic appearance. The
cock will then excitedly flap alternate wings again, and start
poking on the ground with his bill. He will then violently flap his
wings to symbolically clear out a nest in the soil. Then, while the
hen runs a circle around him with lowered wings, he will wind his
head in a spiral motion. She will drop to the ground and he will
mount for copulation. Ostriches raised entirely by humans may
direct their courtship behaviour not at other ostriches, but toward
their human keepers.
Ostrich chick
As a flightless species in the rich biozone of the African savanna,
the ostrich must face a variety of formidable predators throughout
its life cycle. Animals that prey on ostriches of all ages may
include cheetahs, lions, leopards, African hunting dogs,
and spotted hyenas. Ostriches can often outrun most of their
predators in a pursuit, so most predators will try to ambush an
unsuspecting bird using obstructing vegetation or other objects. A
notable exception is the cheetah, which is the most prolific
predator of adult ostriches due to its own great running speeds.
Common predators of nests and young ostriches include jackals,
various birds of prey, warthogs, mongoose and Egyptian
vultures. If the nest or young are threatened, either or both of the
parents may create a distraction, feigning injury. However, they
may sometimes fiercely fight predators, especially when chicks
are being defended, and have been capable of killing even their
largest enemies, the lions, in such confrontations.