Dyna Ariyani-Improving Students' Pronunciation by Using Reading Aloud in Junior High School
Dyna Ariyani-Improving Students' Pronunciation by Using Reading Aloud in Junior High School
Dyna Ariyani-Improving Students' Pronunciation by Using Reading Aloud in Junior High School
ronunciation is one of the essential noun based in an oral form and the basic
ability of speaking English as well as other languages. The correct
pronunciation of English is to help the students to pronounce correctly. Clear
pronunciation makes the students easy to understand and produce intelligible
The study of pronunciation has become an important aspect in teaching
English as a foreign Language. In learning process, student may face difficulty
which is crucial to be described and analyzed. One of them is difficulty in
pronouncing English words. Pronunciation has become a dilemma for students.
From this reason and the fact above, the writer as the teacher needed to solve
those problems immediately. The teacher had to consider another technique that
can help students in solving their problem in order to have better in pronouncing.
Regarding the situation, the research chose Reading Aloud as a technique to solve
the problems.
Huang (2003) at English Departement, Zhenjiang Watercraft College of PLA
in his research about reading aloud said reading aloud to middle and high school
students can motivate them to read, enticing them with good a short story and
providing a model of excellent reading, phrasing, expression, and pronunciation.
When the teacher reading aloud to students, the teacher engages them in texts
that they might not be able to teach. In the process, the teacher expands their
imagination, provide new knowledge, support language acquisition, build
vocabulary, promote reading as a worthwhile, enjoyable activity. All students,
from pre-school through high school, can benefit from being read to.
Lundy (2004) in English Autumn from the British Council said that Reading
aloud has been actively discouraged in the EFL classroom since he first trained as
a teacher. Furthermore, Lundy (2004) said that it is obvious that some people are
much better at reading aloud than others. They are confident, polished and
interesting. In all readin aloud it is important to emphasise the main ideas while
conveying the appropriate attitude or emotion. As most of my students aim were,
vaguely, to improve pronunciation.
As a language teacher, the writer believes reading aloud should be use more
in foreingn language learning. Whether the students are learning English as a
second language or another language. Reading aloud is a simple way to learn
faster and better. And it is easy to do by students.
Reading aloud can motivate the students to read, enticing them with good a
short story and providing a model of excellent reading, phrasing, expression, and
pronunciation. When the teacher reading aloud to students, the teacher engages
them in texts that they might not be able to teach. In the process, the teacher
expands their imagination, provide new knowledge, support language acquisition,
build vocabulary,promote reading as a worthwhile, enjoyable activity. All
students, from pre-school through high school, can benefit from being read to.
This technique could help the students in solving the problem when they have
difficulty in pronouncing. For some students who do not have the confidence to
practice spoken English, reading aloud can help them overcome the faults of
dissiliency, repeat, improper pause, and develop natural and good pronunciation
habit. Try to read with expression, change the pitch (high-low), tone (gentlerough), and volume (soft-loud) of our voice to show different characters or create
a mood. Reading aloud can not only helps us open our mouths, but also improve
our oral English evidently.
From a research of Teachers Read-Aloud Practices in Middle Schools by
Ariail (2006)in Georgia State University and Albright (2006) in Texas Womans
University reading aloud is a valuable skill for learners of all ages and languages.
Reading aloud helps students learn to read smoothly, building skill of fluency,
continuity and confidence. Therefore, Reading aloud has been shown to increase
accessibility to texts for students who are unable to read the text for themselves.
Reading aloud is a classroom activity which has fallen in and out of favor
with teachers at various times. The main argument against it is that it can interfere
with successful pronunciation; spelling clearly affects pronunciation performance
adversely. But reading aloud offers opportunities for the study of the link between
spelling and pronunciation, of stress and intonation, and of the linking of sounds
between words in connected speech; all of these can be highlighted and
investigated further in fun and interesting ways through reading aloud.
In accordance with the problems, the appropriate method to be used in this
research is classroom action research. Yoni (2010:165) states Classroom action
research is how a group of teacher can organize learning condition and learn from
their experiances, try to make reparation in their learning, and get the desirable
result from the action.
As Arikunto (2006:91) said that classroom action research is a research
toward the action which in the classroom.
Mc Niff (1992:2) described that action research as spiral of steps. Each steps
had four stages: planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
The cycle form:
In order to make the circle above clear, below is the explanation of those steps:
1. Planning is related to the activity planning which is going to be held by in the
classroom. It is about the lesson plan, material, technique, as well as task to
improve the students achievement; both in form of process and score.
2. Acting is the action after planning has been managed. It is when the
technique, material and tasks are being held or applied.
3. Observing is to see how the activity is running; and to gather the data as the
information to be assessed.
4. Reflecting is the stage toreflect how the research has been carried out; from
the planning to the observation stage.
The researcher follows this cycle, and conducts the three cycles. The
researcher plans an activity or some activities that can overcome the problems
appear in the classroom. The teacher as a researcher has to do a treatment; that is
by using the technique which is trusted as the powerful one to help the students
for achieving a better result and process of learning.
In the planning stage of the first cycle, the researcher have prepared
thematerials for the students such as the list of short vowel words and some short
text for the exercise, to know how far the students could be understood about the
pronunciation. And prepare microphones to help the process in read-aloud. Before
start the lesson, the teacher gave the students brainstorming about vowel sounds
especially in which short vowel for the example and then thought them how to
pronounce the words correctly. And prepare two kinds the observation checklist
and field note. In acting stage, the teacher gave the students a piece of paper that
contained some example of words to be pronounced and asked to students listen
carefully as long as the teacher read and pronounced the words. After conducting
learned the teacher asked students to repeat the words after her uses read aloud
voice. And to know how well the students could be understand about the materials
and how well they could pronounced the vowels sound , the teacher gave them
worksheet about vowels sound in form a short text and then asked them to readaloud and performed in front of class one by one. In observing stage, the
teacherobserved all the activity as well as took notes. In the reflecting stage, the
teacher reflected what had been done; and decided to conduct another cycle as the
result of the reflection was not satisfactory.
In the planning stage of the second cycle, the teacher had better prepare
materials for the students pronunciation of the vowels sound is better and the
result obtained from the students as expected. Prepare a reading text more
interesting and simple for performance test. That the atmosphere in the classroom
is not boring during lesson, it is prepared award in form a sticker picture of smile
that has awarded to students who obtain good score criteria, and to increase the
confidence of the students in using reading aloud as technique to pronouncing the
words. To get good result in action the teacher has help by other teacher as the
collaborator to observe the students action during class activity. In the acting
stage, the teacher made the atmosphere classroom had been relax so that the
students did not feel worry or nervous if the teacher asked them to pronounce the
text in front of class. Then the teacher showed them a sticker picture of smile and
announced that the sticker would be given for the students have good score. Next,
the teacher asked the students to imitate the vowels with correct pronunciation
through reading aloud. In the observing stage, the teacher observed the activity. In
the reflection stage, the researcher and the observer reflected all the activity had
been done, and made decision that the result of the activities was not quite
satisfactory; so that, the cycle could not be stopped in the second cycle.
In the planning stage of the third cycle, the teacher as researcher had
identified mapped the reflection from the second cycle, revised the lesson plan,
preparing the short text more fun and interesting as learnin media, and completed
all the things which had missed in the second cycle; such as the text handouts and
test sheets. In the actin stage, the researcher did her duties as the facilitator,
activity provider, and motivator like in previous ccycles. In the observing stage, the
observer observed the activity. In the reflection stage, the researcher and the
observed reflected all the activities had been done, and made decision that the
result of the activities was satisfactory; so that, the cycle could be stopped in the
third cycle.
This research was conducted in a single classroom which consists of 25
students. That was eight grade of VIII of SMP Pelita Ngabang Kab. Landak. The
reason for choosing this class was because the researcher found more students
who had difficulties in pronouncing espeacially vowel sound. In collecting the
data, the researcher used observation checklist which was devided in two types :
teachers performance and the students performance, fieldnote to record the
unexpected activities happened in the classroom, and test in form short text
consists some vowel sound.
a. Findings
After conducting Reading Aloud technique for three cycles, the students
English pronunciation improved, especially in vowell sounds.
nds. Moreover, the
process in the classroom activity also improved from the first cycle to the third
cycle. Below is the further explanation of each improvements:
Students mean score
Based on the result of the test, after conducting Reading Aloud technique into
third cycles, the students score improved from the first cycle to third cycle.
The improvement was shown by the result of the students mean score and
also the students who passed the standard minimum score. The improvements
can be seen in the following charts:
1st Cycle (53,56)
first to the third cycle. In the firstcycle, the chart of the first cycle shows
53,56. In the first cycle, the students did not gain good result. It could be seen
in table I, these table show the mean score of the students competence in
pronunciation namely 53.56 point. It was categorized as poor to average. This
point showed that the students competence in pronunciation was low. At the
first time, the teacher expected that every student could apply reading aloud
as technique smoothly. In fact, the students still got problems in some vowel
sound especially in vowels a and u. This part made the students not able to
practice pronunciation through reading aloud smoothly. The second cycle
shows 62,6. In the second cycle, the students show little progress. It could be
seen from the mean score in the second meeting. The mean score was 62.6and
categorized as sufficient. Although the mean score show more increase from
before, the students still had problem in pronouncing but their confidence
show increased to pronounce the words. Meanwhile, in the third cycle, the
mean score is 76,6. In the third cycle, the students made more and more
progress. The students competence in pronunciation using reading aloud
became better and better. It could be seen from the mean score on the third
cycle was 76.6 point. It was categorized good to excellent. This point showed
great progress from the previous meeting. The students had showed their
ability in pronouncing the short text using reading aloud practice.
b. Discussion
The classroom action research had been conducted in three cycles that
consisted of six meetings. In each cycles while conducting the research, there
were four stages: Planning, action, observation, and reflection. The English
teacher acted as collaborator who observed and kept monitoring the process of the
research, while the researcher applied the technique in the classroom based on the
planning which had been designed by the researcher and the teacher. During
research, the collaborator collected data by using fieldnote, observation checklists,
and written tests. Observation checklist and fieldnotes were used to record the
process in classroom, while pronounce test was used to measure the students
Since the students faced problem in pronunciation especially in vowell
sounds, the researcher tried to solve the problem by a technique which was
believed had power to solve the problems. The researcher chose Reading Aloud as
a technique which was appropriate to solve the students problem on pronouncing
Based on the observation checklist and field notes, the activities did not
run smoothly. The collaborator found some weakness in this cycle related to the
researchers and the students performance in pronounce in the classroom. In
cycle one, the students ot confused about the procedure of technique. As the
result, the activity was not accomplished well. The students still worried about
their pronunciation, nervous and not confident. The students also still became
passive learners; only some of them took part actively in the activities. Besides,
the students mean score also low and more than half students passed SKM. The
oal learning did not achieve as expected by the researcher.
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Ariail, Albright, 2006. A survey of teachers Read-Aloud Practices in Middle
Schools. Georgia State University and Texas Womans University
Baker, Ann, 1982. Introducing English Pronunciation. Cambridge University
Goodwin, 2001.Teaching Pronunciation. Printed in The United States of America
Huang, 2003.Reading Aloud in The Foreign Language Teaching. English
Department, Zhenjiang Watercraft College. China
Lundy, 2004. English Autumn from the British Council. A Survey of What Makes
Students Want to Read in Middle School Classrooms. Reading Research
Quarterly, 36, 350-377
McNiff, J, 1992. Action Research : Principles and Practice, rouledge, London.
Menyimak dan Berbicara : CV. Pionir Jaya
Yoni, Acep. 2010. Menyusun Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Yogyakarta: Familia.