Pohick Post, November 2015
Pohick Post, November 2015
Pohick Post, November 2015
The Reverend
Donald D. Binder, PhD
few years ago when I was serving on the Transition Committee for the Suffragan Bishop election, I helped staff one of the Meet and Greet sessions held at Good Shepherd, Burke. Before breaking
into five different rooms for small group interactions,
we gathered as a plenary assembly inside the church in
order to hear the five candidates give their responses
to a series of questions that had been submitted by
Episcopalians from around the Diocese.
Since another committee was in charge of compiling those submissions, I, like the candidates themselves, was in the dark about what would be asked that
night. But I did know that this other committee had
only chosen questions that, specific wording aside, had
been submitted multiple times.
One of the questions the moderator asked them
was about tithing - the biblical charge to contribute
ten percent of our income for the spread of Christs
Kingdom. The question ran something like this (and
here I paraphrase): Tell us about your experience
with tithing on a personal level.
To be honest, I dont remember the specific answers of all five candidates, though I do recall that
none of them tried to duck the question, but spoke
frankly of the struggles and successes in their strive to
tithe journeys. But what surprised me the most was
that the question was asked at all - that a critical mass
of people within our diocese wanted to know how
their prospective leadership modeled this particular
biblical mandate.
Why was I surprised? Because in my two-and-ahalf decades of ordained ministry, I have nearly always
found Episcopalians to be intensely private about
their giving, often pointing to the verses in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus bids his followers to
give their alms in secret (Matt 6:4).
The submitters of this question, however, seemed
to have been focused on another passage from that
same sermon, one quite familiar to us at Pohick
Church: Let your light shine before others, so that
they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father in heaven (Matt 5:16).
Ive elsewhere reconciled the apparent contradiction between these two passages, so Ill leave it to you
to refer to the online Pohick Post archives for some
thoughts on that ( Jan. 2013 edition). Here, Ill only
say that if its a fair-game question for bishop candidates, its fair-game for the rest of us clergy.
Ill begin my own answer to the above question by
saying that I was blessed to have had good teaching
on this subject (both in word and deed) as a young
person, and so even as a teenager working a part-time
job, I pledged separately from my parents ten percent
of my meager earnings to my little Episcopal church
in Ft. Lauderdale.
If I stumbled in this endeavor, it was as a young
adult, since while the meager earnings continued, the
bills began to pile up on top of that! I cant give exact
figures, but I do recall for many of those eleven-andContinued on page 2
a-half college years being a few percentage points below tithing in our giving.
When I was called to be Rector of Pohick Church
back in 2001, I resolved to be more consistent. For
starters, I asked the Vestry to write into my Letter of
Agreement that I would immediately deduct 5% of
my salary and contribute it back to the church. That
arrangement continues today. On top of that, we have
also pledged (or committed in our more recent language) the other 5% to Pohick and a few other smaller
Why have I strived to tithe in this manner
throughout my teenage and adult years? For starters,
it is what God has called his people to do since Old
Testament times, even requiring a tithe of the tithe
from the Levites and Priests who received the peoples
tithe (see Numbers 18:20-32).
Of course, there is always a reason behind Gods
calling, and in this case it has to do with helping
us recognize that we are merely stewards of all that
he entrusts to us, including our livelihoods. By giving back a mere tenth of that, we are acknowledging
with thankful hearts all the blessings that God has
bestowed upon us from the great riches that he in fact
ultimately owns. That is a lesson and an attitude I have
always tried to keep close to my heart - and tithing
helps in that endeavor in a very real and tangible way.
Christmas Mart
Frozen Casseroles
The Reverend
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D.
Episcopal Church Women
Annual Meeting Report
At 8:00 am on Thursday, October 15, 2015, eight
women from Pohick Church traveled to The Falls
Church Episcopal Church for the annual meeting
of the ECW. After dealing with rush hour traffic, we
were delighted to see a nutritious continental breakfast prepared for participants in the lovely modern facility attached to the historic building. Helen Parker,
Jackie Wells, Edwardene Pitcock, Grace Delaune,
Rita Stankwitz, Judy Schmid, Nancy Sage, and I
joined about 130 other lay women and seven other
clergy who represented 37 churches in the diocese.
Only one other church brought a larger group than
ours, an indication that interest in this organization
has increased significantly at Pohick over the past few
The year 2015 marks the 125th anniversary of this
group of women whose annual national donations
have amounted to approximately three million dollars
in recent years. We gathered in the large nave to hear
reports of how the funds of the ECW are being used
to address issues of social injustice. Here is a sampling
of projects presented.
Viva Voce grants this year have focused on the
abuse and exploitation of girls and women, particularly in sex trafficking. Beth Saunders, president of
Just Ask, talked about the work done completely by
volunteers, which include herself, who raise awareness
and help prevent this growing local crime against minors.
The Scholarship Committee reviews applications
from high school students who are in need of money
to attend college and universities as well as seminary.
If awarded a $1000 scholarship, the students are able
to reapply each of the four years in college for an equal
amount. Contributions can be made to the Gift of
Life fund in recognition of milestones in a respected persons life. Or, one can make a donation to the
Book of Remembrances in memory of a loved one.
Christmas Mart
Consignment and Arts Room
Now is the time to start looking through collectibles and think about sharing them with someone
else. Items can be sold on consignment or donated with the profits going to the Women of Pohick.
Consignors receive 75% of the sale price with
25% going to the Women of Pohick. New crafters are needed to join
the group. For anyone
that knows people that
do a great job making
gifts or crafts, please
provide their contact
info to Edie Bartlett
at 703-780-6809 or
[email protected].
Many have labored long and hard to refurbish facilities that are used by all on a weekly basis. Thanks to
the three chairs of the Renovation Committee - Jeff
Parker, Fred Crawford, and Stew Remaly - who had
the foresight and perseverance to see this large project
to completion. They will be the first to say that volunteers were once again critical to the success at an affordable cost. So heartfelt thanks to all who labored to
complete this project. Who knew that Rodger Jones
was such a talented plumber?
A question came from the congregation concerning the safety of the electrical system. The electrical
system is safe. A professional assessment is being conducted of the entire electrical system to determine if
an upgrade is required for more capacity. The initial
question of safety arose because a new dishwasher
could not be purchased and installed. The new dishwasher required much greater power than currently
available on the kitchen electrical panel. Thus, the
present dishwasher had to be reinstalled so the panel
would not be overloaded.
The old dishwasher is still very capable if operated
correctly. This requires turning on the water heater at
least thirty minutes before washing dishes. The line of
unheated water must be drained immediately before
washing. Before operating the dishwasher for the first
time, please get instruction from an experienced operator.
By Bob Munson
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10)
Before the Air Force took us away from Pohick at
the end of 2013, I had been writing a series of short
essays on modern Christian persecution throughout
the world, inspired by an adult Sunday school course
led by Paul Marshall and Reverend Don Binder. Now
back at Pohick, Im continuing the series since we
read very little about our brothers and sisters in Christ
suffering for their beliefs. On Sunday mornings, our
Prayers of the People include the following:
We pray for peace in the Middle East, especially for
the Church in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. We pray for
Christians and others around the world, especially
those in Pakistan, Nigeria, and North Korea, who
continue to face persecution for their faith.
Over the next several months, well look at each
of these areas. When you read the news, all of these
countries tell gripping dramas of people in trouble,
no matter what religion; however, of these only Nigeria has a significant Christian population. In these
countries, Christians often suffer greater oppression
because they stand out from the majority. Currently,
the most poignant news concerning these countries
focuses on the huge waves of refugees pouring out of
Syria on their way to Europe as well as the United
States. While the majority is Sunni Muslim, Christians make up a large number also, even though their
population in Syria was already significantly reduced.
----------------------------Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their
synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the
kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness
among the people. News about him spread all
over Syria, and people brought to him all who
were ill with various diseases, those suffering
severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having
seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them.
[emphasis added]
- Matthew 4: 23-24
During the Arab Spring in 2011, demonstrations
against President Assad turned into a civil war due to
his attempt to crush all opposition.
Pohick Church Docents
Candlelight Dinner
Christian Education
Christmas Flowers
I would like to make a donation towards the poinsettias and greens
that decorate the Church at Christmas time.
Given By:______________________________________________________________________________
In Memory or Thanksgiving:
(Written the way you wish it to appear in the Christmas Bulletin.)
This form with check may be returned to the desk of the Church Secretary or dropped in the alms basket.
Stewardship Corner
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house,
and test Me now in this says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows
of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. (Malachi 3:10)
For some, it may be hard to imagine, but when the temperature gets colder, some families need to make a
choice between paying their utility bill and purchasing a warm coat for their growing child. Help keep families
warm this winter by donating clean, used coats to help families right here in southeastern Fairfax County!
They estimate that over 500 coats will be needed to meet their needs.
To help those in need in this area, Pohick Church is having a Coat Drive to assist LCAC with providing clean, gently used or new coats for the upcoming cold weather. Coats of all sizes, especially children and
larger-sized adult coats, are needed. Gloves, mittens, scarves, or hats will also be welcomed. So, as closets are
cleaned out to make room for new coats, consider bringing in the outgrown coats for LCAC.
The collection of coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats ends Sunday, November 6 and
will be delivered to LCAC. Please bring donations to the Common Room and place them
on the table in the back corner near the closets.
Thanks in advance for continually supporting of the Outreach Projects at Pohick Church.
Any questions, please contact Edwardene Pitcock, [email protected], or Connie
Myers, [email protected].
The Martha Guild will meet on Wednesday, November 4, beginning at 7:30 pm in Classroom A. Discussion will include plans for the upcoming Christmas
Mart and other plans for the group. All Women of the
Church are cordially invited to attend. Any questions,
please contact Connie Myers at 703-455-4652.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
Once again the Outreach Committee of Pohick is asking for help in providing LCAC with
food baskets for Thanksgiving so that those
less fortunate will be able to enjoy a wonderful
Thanksgiving meal. The list is provided below and,
if possible, it would be wonderful to include a $20
gift card to either Food Lion or Shoppers (these
are the stores closest to the LCAC clients) to allow them to purchase the meat for their meal.
Donations are needed by the 11:15 am service
on Sunday, November 22 for delivery to LCAC
for distribution to their clients.
Questions? Contact Edwardene Pitcock, [email protected] or Connie Myers, [email protected]. Thanks for continued support
of the Outreach projects to the community.
Please put items in a sturdy box or medium
plastic container with a lid. Gift cards may be
given to Edwardene or Connie. Basket contents:
2 cans corn (low sodium if possible)
2 cans collard or green beans (low sodium if possible)
1 can of fruit
1 small bag of sugar
1 package dry gravy (no jars)
1 box of stuffing (no bags)
1 brownie mix or cake mix with frosting
1 bottle of Canola oil
1 bag of rice
1 bag of apples or oranges
1 five pound bag of potatoes
1 bag of fresh carrots
1 three pound bag of onions
End 2015 with a Pohick Church history refresher! Please join new trainees and fellow Historic Pohick Church Docent Guild Members in a
day of Pohick History training. The Docent Guild
will be holding a Saturday Full Training Session
on Saturday, November 7, 2015.
The training will feature explanations of the
Guilds activities by Guild members; videotaped
lectures by Father Don Binder on the history of
Pohick Church; and a demonstration tour of the
church. Coffee, treats and lunch are included.
The session will begin at 9:30 am and complete
at 2:30 pm in the Parish House Annex. Completion of training qualifies participants to be Guild
members in good standing. The cost is $15 ($10
if attendee already has a manual). RSVP to Fred
Crawford at [email protected] or 703680-1664. Make checks payable to Pohick Church
Docent Guild and mail to Susan Hayward-Costa
in the Church office.
Music Schedule
November 2015
Sunday, November 1 All Saints Day
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Cecelia St. Alban
11:15 am Gloria Jackson, soprano
Sunday, November 8 Pentecost 24 Proper 27
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Francis Choir
11:15 am TG Powell, mezzo soprano
Sunday, November 15 Pentecost 25 Proper 28
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Pickers
11:15 am St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir
Sunday, November 22 The Last Sunday after
Pentecost: The Realm of Christ
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Bell Choir
11:15 am Pohick Bell Choir
Sunday, November 29 The First Sunday of Advent
9:00 am Choir of Pohick
11:15 am Soloist
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to inform and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within
The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These
controversies largely involve the blessing of same-sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture, and
breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces.
The primates of the Global South provinces of the
Anglican Communion have formally accepted Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welbys invitation to a
meeting of all the primates of the Communion in January.
The decision came at a meeting in Cairo in midOctober. They were joined by Abp. Justin and Bp. Josiah
Idowu-Fearon a former bishop in the Church of Nigeria
who recently was appointed General Secretary of the
Anglican Communion.
In a communique issued after the meeting, they said
they welcomed Abp. Justins call for the primates to
suggest the agenda; We appreciate this very helpful
approach, one that gives us a sense of ownership and
responsibility to our meeting. We agreed on the agenda
items which we will request.
The communique did not disclose what those agenda items were, but some of them can be inferred from
the fact that it
went on to repeat
the are grieved
one more time
at the unilateral
decisions taken
by the last General Convention
of the Episcopal
Church (TEC) in
the USA to redefine marriage and to
accept same-sex marriages. We see these latest resolutions as a clear departure from not only the accepted
traditional teaching of the Anglican Communion, but
also from that of the one Holy, Universal, and Apostolic
Church, which upholds the scriptural view of marriage
between one man and one woman.
The group also accepted the Anglican Church in
North America (ACNA) as a partner province, and
seated Abp. Foley Beach as a member of its Primates
Council. Abp. Justin had previously invited him to attend part of the gathering in January, but he has stopped
short of formally acknowledging ACNA as a province,
or Abp. Foley as a primate, within the Communion.
The Global South primates have heretofore refused
to attend meetings in which The Episcopal Church or
November 19
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
7:45a HE I
9a HE II/Baptism
10:15a Christian Ed
11:15a HE I/II
6p EYC Dinner
8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
9:30a Docent
1p Docent Tour
Proper 28b
7:45a HE I
9a HE II
10:15a Christian Ed
11:15a HE I/II
6:30p EYC
Pohick Post Deadline
Mart Setup
9:30a Staff Mtg
7:30p Vestry
Advent 1c
7:45a HE I
9a HE II
10:15a Christian Ed
11:15a HE I/II
10a Christmas
6:15p Bell Choir
7p Boy Scouts
7:30p Choir of
8:30p AA
Office Closed
8:30p AA
8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
Thanksgiving 8a Brotherhood
Office Closed of St. Andrew
8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
1p Docent Tour
5p Candlelight
Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar, [email protected].
Mike Vaughn
Becky Wagner
Matt Gurrola
Beth Altman
Greg Wilson
Hal Yarwood
Rodger Jones
Tony Marsico
Chris Brown
Jim Foster
Brent Goeller
Jan Hoffheins
Steve Edgemon
Rick Nelson
Bill Bland
A. Choi
E. Pitcock
D. Brownlee
J. Pasour
J. Sunderland
N. Bireley
A. Cannon
C. Heddleston
J. MacDonald
M. Hartig
R. Teale, B. Wagner
BJ McPherson
J. Brimmer
T. Biddlecomb
Marsico (P)
Sunderland (R)
Rickenbaker (R)
Foresman (P)
M. Harding (P)
S. Harding (R)
Choi (P)
Gastrell (R)
Pasour (R)
9:00 C. Knipling
11:15 M/M Costa
Frank VanDevelder
BJ McPherson
G. Delaune
Kathy Kirkland
Rita Smith
Dave Billingsley
Mike Wooten
Tom Bland
Dennis Myers
John Pasour
Pehr Pehrsson
Edwardene Pitcock
Beth Altman
Matt Gurrola
Fuzzy Thurston
N. Sunderland
F. Crawford
H. Parker
A. Choi
R. Heddleston
E. Pitcock
M/M Myers
J. Wells
N. Sage
C. Foster
J. Geschickter
J. Mullins
H. Parker
R. Stankwitz
J. Wells
N. Sage
C. Foster
J. Geschickter
J. Mullins
H. Parker
R. Stankwitz
BJ McPherson
A. Powell, J. Schmid
M. Tonkin
D. Trussell
E. Pitcock
A. Marsico
M. Yezek
J. Wells
R. Stankwitz
A. Stribling
M/M Pasour
T. Biddlecomb
T. Biddlecomb
Ayorinde (R)
Heddleston (P)
Paul Walden
Sandra Caesar
Rachael Lamin
Becky Wagner
Mike Vaughn
J. Sunderland
N. Bireley
A. Cannon
C. Heddleston
J. MacDonald
M. Hartig
R. Teale, B. Wagner
Stew Remaly
Don Cooke
Alan Mayberry
Mike Zane
Dan Derbes
Grant Hodges
Dru Hodges
Bill Patton
M/M Lynn
M/M Harding
M/M Bartholomew
Doug Smith
Becky Wagner
M/M Haufe
Sunderland (P)
Wagner (R)
Marsico (R)
Elston (P)
Marsico (R)
Wagner (P)
Elston (R)
Nelson (P)
Choi (R)
Rickenbaker (P)
Foresman (R)
Ayorinde (P)
M. Harding (R)
S. Harding (P)
T. Bland
D. McHugh
Pasour (P)
Heddleston (R)
F. Crawford
H. Foresman
Gastrell (P)
Pasour (R)
P. Kind
B. Bland
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website, www.pohick.org, under Ministries.
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The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Reed Heddleston
Clint Herbert
John Pasour
Don Brownlee
Amanda Choi,
Caroline Cockroft,
Fred Crawford,
Dan Derbes, Helen Parker,
Edwardene Pitcock,
Zach Smith, Fuzzy Thurston,
Russ Wyllie