Scaffolding Numeracy: Pre-Service Teachers' Perspective: Research Online
Scaffolding Numeracy: Pre-Service Teachers' Perspective: Research Online
Scaffolding Numeracy: Pre-Service Teachers' Perspective: Research Online
Research Online
Faculty of Education - Papers (Archive)
Mohan Chinnappan
University of Wollongong, [email protected]
Publication Details
Verenikina, I. M. & Chinnappan, M. (2006). Scaffolding numeracy: pre-service teachers' perspective. In P. Grootenboer, R.
Zevenbergen & M. Chinnappan (Eds.), Identities, Cultures and Learning Spaces (pp. 519-526). Adelaide, SA: MERGA Inc..
Scaffolding Numeracy:
Pre-service Teachers Perspective
Irina Verenikina
Mohan Chinnappan
University of Wollongong
[email protected]
University of Wollongong
[email protected]
Since the term scaffolding was introduced by Wood, Bruner and Ross in 1976, it has
been interpreted and applied to educational research and practice in a variety of ways. As
the focus of Australian educational research has shifted to studying the quality of teacher
intervention, the notion of scaffolding has become increasingly popular among educators in
different areas of teaching. A growing number of educators and researchers have used the
concept of scaffolding as a metaphor to describe and explain the role of the teacher in
assisting children's learning in the classroom (Stone, 1998; Daniels, 2001). In particular,
recent research in numeracy identified a number of ways that scaffolding can be used in the
classroom to improve students numeracy levels in primary schools (Siemon, & Virgona,
2003; Anghileri, 2006; DEST, 2004). However, overall, the interpretation of scaffolding in
current educational research is exceedingly diverse and often serves as an umbrella term for
any kind of teacher support (Jacobs, 2001). Due to the metaphorical nature of the term and
its multiple interpretations, scaffolding does not provide educators with clear and definite
guidelines on the ways that it should be used to achieve successful learning. Scaffolding can
become a hindrance rather than help in children's learning if taken out of its theoretical
context (Stone, 1998; Tudge, 1990, in Moll, 1990). Such a diverse and sometimes
conflicting interpretations of scaffolding creates difficulties in teaching this concept to preservice teachers.
The recent government request for quality teaching has brought into focus issues
concerning the role of teacher educators to ensure that pre-service teachers receive
appropriate training. Becoming a quality teacher involves the acquisition of subject matter
knowledge and the transformation of this knowledge with appropriate pedagogical skills of
teaching. The latter includes knowledge about scaffolding. To be able to teach in an ever
changing school environment, teachers need to be able to adjust their knowledge and skill to
a particular classroom situation and to a particular child. This means that teachers have to
be able to reflect upon, and think about, their teaching practices in a critical and creative
manner. A deep understanding of the theoretical framework that support their pedagogical
practices are essential for the development of such ability.
Despite the importance of scaffolding, the literature indicates the complexity of the
metaphor and the difficulties in its understanding by educators (Stone, 1998; Bliss, Askew,
& Macrae, 1996). There is a need to explore the ways that pre-service teachers understand
and interpret scaffolding as they relate to specific subject areas of teaching. This paper
examines the above issue by exploring current perceptions of scaffolding held by a group of
pre-service teachers. Their perceptions of scaffolding, understanding of its theoretical
underpinnings and its classroom value were explored in relation to teaching numeracy.
also highlighted the need for further examination of practitioners views about scaffolding
practices and the potential relationship between teachers beliefs and subsequent practice
that draws on scaffolding techniques. The current study takes up this issue.
Theoretical Connections
Scaffolding and the concept of the zone of proximal development can be fully
understood only in the context of the Vygotskian theory as a whole. Failure to see the
connections between the ZPD and the theory as a whole might lead to a symplstic
understanding of the concept (Tudge, 1990, in Moll, 1990). Furthermore, there is a danger
that a failure to understand the complexity of Vygotskian theory as a whole can lead to
interpretation of the ZPD as a domination over a child's initiative and active position as a
According to Vygotsky, the most important part of children's psychological
development is acquisition of the culture to which they belong. Acquisition of mental tools
plays a crucial role in the development of children's minds (Vygotsky, 1978). "The role of
the teacher is to "arm children" with these toolsIt involves enabling the child to use tools
independently and creatively." (Bodrova & Leong, 1996, p.3). Children acquire cultural
tools in interactions with more experienced members of the society. Moving from shared
possession of tools (interpersonal) to individual possession (intrapersonal) is associated
with gaining independence and a shift in the development of the child.
To understand the complexity of teaching in the ZPD, it is necessary to take into
account such concepts as cultural and social mediation of learning, internalisation,
intersubjectivity and the active position of the child. When we talk about teaching in the
ZPD, we look at the way that a child's performance is mediated socially, that is, the quality
of adult-child interaction. This includes the means by which the educator meets the level of
the child's understanding and leads the child to a higher, culturally mediated level of
development. This connects to the idea of tool mediation, that is, to a consideration of
what cultural tools have been provided for the child to appropriate. It also includes a
consideration of the techniques that can be used to ensure the transformation of assisted
performance into independent performance (internalisation). Stone (1998) called it
knowledge consolidation (p. 358) .
The above concepts are taught to pre-service teachers in foundation subjects in primary
and early childhood teacher education programs including the active position of the child in
learning, the quality of interaction and indirect instruction; collaboration and negotiation
(child-adult and guided peer joint problem solving, discussion and dialogue), providing
conceptual tools and utilising reflective practices (articulation, reinforcing and
consolidation) (Vialle, Lysaght, & Verenikina, 2005). It is proposed that understanding the
theoretical underpinnings of the metaphor might assist pre-service teachers learning the
variety of scaffolding techniques and making appropriate decisions about their classroom
application. For example, understanding of Anghileris (2006) first level of scaffolding,
environment provision, can be enriched if considered in connection to socio-cultural
approach to the construction of mathematics curriculum (Renshaw, 1996). The third level
of scaffolding, developing conceptual thinking (Anghileri, 2006), can be better understood
in connection to the notion of mental tool appropriation (Vygotsky, 1978).
The survey was conducted with student teachers in their third year of study in
Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood) programs. Eighty student teachers
volunteered to participate in the study. The background to this was that the surveyed
cohort of student teachers was introduced to the socio-cultural theory of child development
in the first year of their undergraduate study at the university, however the concept of
scaffolding was not explicitly taught. During the second year of the program, the concept
of scaffolding was taught as part of discipline subjects related to different Key Learning
Areas (KLAs) including numeracy. In addition, the students could have learnt about
scaffolding from their supervising teachers during their practicum experiences in schools.
The survey instrument included a series of open-ended questions that focussed on the
following issues: how scaffolding is defined and what value it has for teaching; how
scaffolding is different from traditional teaching instruction, what specific techniques it
includes and what are its theoretical underpinnings. The questions were formulated in a
manner that stimulated the students to provide a descriptive and detailed answer. For
example, a question on scaffolding definition was worded as follows, When a teacher says,
I scaffolded my students understanding of numeracy, what do you think they mean by
scaffolding? How would you define scaffolding? The survey was conducted in an
anonymous manner and the participation was voluntary. The analysis of the data was
assisted by the use of Nvivo software. The responses were coded in accord with the key
characteristics of scaffolding such as active position of the child, joint activity, tool
mediation, indirect instruction and reflective practices. The students understanding of
different levels of scaffolding was judged upon the characteristics and techniques of
scaffolding, present in their answers.
Such emphasis on the active position of the learner in scaffolding is highly important.
Learners should be given freedom to explore and discover by themselves, at their own pace
and by their own means. Initiative and self-determination of the learner should not be
hindered by educational instruction.
Learning in social interactions with other people was an essential characteristic of
scaffolding pointed out by most of the students. A central feature of such interactions (35
responses) was a joint activity in which teacher and the learner engage. The following
responses reflect the social dimensions of working in a group:
STC: It is more of a team effort between teacher and student. They work together rather than being
majority teacher directed.
STD: Traditional classroom instruction is just giving the students work, telling them how to do it
and that is it.
I think scaffolding is the way that teachers help children to understanding their tasks
properly and direct them and keep children on track of doing the tasks
STG: A teacher/tutor etc. is alongside the child as a task is being tackled; areas of weakness can be
identified immediately and applied to the task at hand. There is no delay in advising the
Interestingly, breaking the tasks into smaller, more manageable parts, as well as
modelling and demonstration techniques were highly popular (34 responses). It was not
surprising that these techniques were attractive to the students as they are easy to grasp
and implement. However, they do not constitute the essence of scaffolding and can be used
as part of any teaching style, e.g., a classroom based on traditional behaviourism.
Some students (10 responses) directly connected scaffolding to the ZPD. The most
frequently mentioned technique was challenging the learner, for example:
STH: I would define scaffolding as demonstration and encouraging people to work in their zone of
proximal development that is working outside their comfort zone to increase their knowledge
and improve tasks.
A technique of changing of the amount of support while the learner is gaining the
expertise is an essential characteristic of scaffolding as it refers to the changing level of a
learners expertise and moving from shared to independent performance. For example, STI
made the following comment:
It allows students to develop skills over time, working from what they can do with a lot of
assistance to what they can do with a little assistance and finally towards independent mastery of
the skill being taught: begin with a lot of support from the teacher; slowly remove support; remove
support until there is no support and the students are working independently
Just few students mentioned some more in depth characteristics of scaffolding. For
example, only one student saw scaffolding as a technique that provides new learners with
cultural tools that are essential for becoming an independent learner. Another student (STJ)
highlighted such a subtle but crucial characteristic of scaffolding as knowledge construction
and consolidation:
Traditionally one teacher would instruct a class how to add numbers together, for example, and then
give them a worksheet to do it for themselves. The child has to digest the information the first time
in order to be able to complete the task.
The lack of awareness of some in depth characteristics of scaffolding indicated that the
students might have some difficulties in understanding them and more explicit connections
of scaffolding to the theory needed to be made.
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