Divisions of The Tetra Chord
Divisions of The Tetra Chord
Divisions of The Tetra Chord
send one of my first pieces, Piano Study #5 (forJPR) to a Dr. Chalmers, who
might publish it in his journal Xenbarmonikon. Flattered and fascinated, I
did, and John did, and thus began what is now my twenty year friendship
with this polyglot fungus researcher tuning guru science fiction devotee
and general everything expert.
Lou first showed me the box of papers, already called Divisions of the
Tetracbord, in 1975. I liked the idea of this grand, obsessive project, and felt
that it needed to be availablein a way that was, likeJohn himself, out of the
ordinary. When Jody Diamond, Alexis Alrich, and I founded Frog Peak
Music (A Composers' Collective) in the early 80S, Divisions (along with
Tenney's then unpublished Meta + Hodos) was in my mind as one of the
publishing collective's main reasons for existing, and for calling itself a
publisher of "speculative theory."
The publication of this book has been a long and arduous process. Re-
vised manuscripts traveled with me from California to Java and Sumatra
(John requested we bring him a sample of the local fungi), and finally to our
new home in New Hampshire. The process of writing, editing, and pub-
lishing it has taken nearly fifteen years, and spanned various writing tech-
nologies. (When John first started using a word processor, and for the first
time his many correspondents could actually read his long complicated
letters, my wife and I were a bit sad-we had enjoyed reading his com-
pletely illegible writing aloud as a kind of sound poetry).
Many people have contributed to the publication of this book, all vol-
unteeringtheir valuable time. David Doty (editor of III, The Journal o/the
}ustlntMllltio71 Network) and Daniel J. Wolf (who took over publication of
XI1lDannoniko71 for several issues in the I98os) both made a tremendous
editorial contribution to style and content. Jarrad Powell, Joel Man-
delbaum, David Rothenberg (especially for chapter five) andjody Diamond
mahluable suggestions. Lauren Pratt, who is to copy editing whatJohn
Chalmers is to tetrachords, saw countless errors that were not there until
shepointed them out. Carter Scholz, the one person I know who can give
JohnChalmers a run for his money in the area of polymathematics, began
as ilie book's designer, and by virtue of his immeasurable contributions,
became its co-editor.
John Chalmers's Divisions of tbe Tetracbord is a fanatic work. It is not a
book that everyone will read or understand. It is a book that needs to
NEARLY TWENTY YEARS AGO John Chalmers and I had a number of very
fruitful conversations. Well acquainted with the work of Harry Partch and
also of younger musical theoreticians, Erv Wilson among them, John
brought an immense amount of historical and scientific knowledge to our
happy meetings. In turn, William Colvig and I brought the substance of
professional musical life and the building of musical instruments.
At that time I had rhapsodic plans for a "Mode Room," possibly for
UNESCO, in which would be assembled some great world-book of notated
modes, their preferred tunings and both ethnic and geographic provenance,
along with such history of them as we might have. I had supposed a roomful
of drawers, each holding an octave metallophone of a mode, and some-
where a harp or psaltery of some further octaves' compass on which one
might try out wider musical beauties of the mode under study. I even wrote
out such a proposal in Esperanto and distributed it in an international
ethnomusicology conference in Tokyo in 196 I.
However, a little later Mr. Colvig began to build extremely accurate
mono chords on which we could study anything at all, and we rushed, in a
kind of ecstasy, to try everything at once. Bill and I designed and built a
"transfer harp," wirestrung and with two tuning systems, both gross and
fine. Although innocently and quickly designed and built, its form, we
discovered, is that of what the Chinese call a "standing harp"- the plate is
parallel to the strings. We already owned a Lyon and Healey troubador
harp, and, with these and with the addition of one or two other incidental
instruments, a bowed psaltery, drones, and small percussion, Richard Dee
and I in one rapturous weekend tuned and recorded improvisations in a fair
number of modes from planetary history, especiallyfrom the classical civ-
ilizations and Islam.
A little later, our friend Larry London, a professional clarinetist with
wide intellectual interests and a composer of wide-ranging inquiry, made
two improved versions of our original "transfer harp" and he actually
revived what literature tells us is the way Irish bards played their own
wirestrung harps, stopping off strings as you go. He has composed and
plays a beautiful repertory of pieces and suites (each in a single mode)
for his harps. I continue to want to hear him in some handsome small
marble hall that reminds of Alexandria, Athens, or Rome.
Thus, the "Mode Room," about which I am still asked, turned into
anyone's room, with a good monochord and some kind of transfer in-
strument. But the great book of modes?
Knowing that the tetrachord is the module with which several major civ-
ilizations assemblemodes,]ohn and I had begun to wonder about how many
usable tetrachords there might be. We decided that the ratio 81/80 is the
"flip-over" point and the limit of musical use, although not of theoretical
use. This isthe interval that everyone constantly shifts around when singing
or playing major and minor diatonic modes, for it is the difference between
a major major second (9/8) and a minor major second (10/9) and the dis-
tribution of these two kinds of seconds determines the modal characters.
Thus our choice.
John immediately began a program, and began to list results. I think that
he used a computer and he soon had quite a list. From his wide reading he
also gave attributions as historically documented formations turned up. It
was enthralling, and this was indeed the "Great Book"- to my mind the
most important work of musical theory since Europe's Renaissance, and
probably since the Roman Empire.
But it has taken many years to mature. Not only is John a busy scientist
and teacher, but he has wished to bring advanced mathematical thought
to the work and enjoys lattice thinking and speculation, often fruitful.
He tried a few written introductions which I in turn tried to make in-
telligible to advanced musicians, who, I thought, might see in his work
a marvelous extension of humanist enquiry. Always he found my effort
lacking to his needs. He often employed a style of scientese as opaque
to me as his handwriting is illegible. About the latter there is near uni-
versal agreement-John himself jestingly joins in this.
In the last very few years all of us have finally had translations into
English of Boethius, Ptolemy, and others-all for the first time in our
language. For decades before this John worked from the Greek and other
languages. This, too, was formidable.
Few studies have stimulated me as has John Chalmers's Divisions of the
Tetracbord. It is a great work by any standards, and I rejoice.
THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN to assist the discovery of new musical resources, not
to reconstruct the lost musical culture of ancient Greece. I began writing
it as an annotated catalog of tetrachords while I was a post-doctoral fellow
in the Department of Genetics at the University of California, Berkeley in
the early 1970s. Much earlier, I had become fascinated with tuning theory
while in high school as a consequence of an unintelligible and incorrect
explanation of the r z-rone equal temperament in a music appreciation
class. My curiosity was aroused and I went to the library to read more about
the subject. There I discovered Helmholtz's On the Sensations of Tone with
A. ]. Ellis's annotations and appendices, which included discussions of
non-r z-tone equal temperaments and long lists of just intervals and his-
torical scales. Later, the same teacher played the 1936 Havana recording
of Julian Carrillo's Preludio a Colon to our class, ostensibly to demonstrate
the sorry condition of modern music, but I found the piece to be one of
almost supernatural beauty, and virtually the only interesting music pre-
sented the entire semester.
During the next summer vacation, I made a crude monochord calibrated
to ro-tone equal temperament, and later some pan pipes in the 5- and 9-
tone equal systems. Otherwise, my interest in microtonal music remained
more or less dormant for lack of stimulation until as a sophomore at Stan-
ford I attended its overseas campus in Stuttgart. Music appreciation hap-
pened to be one of the required courses and Stockhausen was invited to
address the class and play tapes of "elektronische Musik," an art-form to-
tally unknown to me at the time. This experience rekindled my interest in
I The tetrachord in experimental music
Contemporary microtonality
Although rz-tone equal temperament became the standard tuning of
Western music by the mid-nineteenth century (Helmholtz [1817] 1954),
alternative tuning systems continued to find partisans. Of these systems,
perhaps the most important was that of Bosanquet (Helmholtz [18n]
1954; Bosanquet 1876), who perfected the generalized keyboard upon
which the fingering for musical patterns is invariant under transposition.
He also championed the 53-tone equal temperament. Of nineteenth-
century theorists, Helmholtz and his translator and annotator A. J. Ellis
(Helmholtz [1817] 1954) are outstanding for their attempts to revive the
use of just intonation.
The early twentieth century saw a renewed interest in quarter-tones (24-
tone equal temperament) and other equal divisions of the octave. The
Mexican composer julian Carrillo led a crusade for the equal divisions
which preserved the whole tone (zero modulo 6 divisions) through 96-tone
temperament or sixteenths of tones. Other microtonal, mostly quarter-
tone, composers of note were Alois Haba (Czechoslovakia), Ivan Wysch-
negradsky (France), and Mildred Couper (USA). The Soviet Union had
numerous microtonal composers and theorists, including Georgy Rimsky-
Korsakov, Leonid Sabaneev, Arseny Avraamov, E.K. Rosenov, A.S. Obo-
lovets, and P.N. Renchitsky, before Stalin restrained revolutionary creativ-
ity under the doctrine of Socialist Realism (Carpenter 1983).Joseph Yasser
(USA) urged the adoption of 19-tone equal temperament and Adriaan
Fokker (Holland) revived the theories of his countryman, Christian
Huygens, and promoted JI-tone equal temperament. More recently,
Martin Vogel in Bonn and Franz Richter Herf in Salzburg have been active
in various microtonal systems, the latter especially in 72-tone equal
No discussion of alternative tunings is complete without mentioning
Harry Partch, an American original who singlehandedly made extended
just intonation and home-built instruments not only acceptable, but vir-
tually mandatory for musical experimenters at some stage in their careers.
Composers influenced by him include Lou Harrison, Ben Johnston, James
Tenney, and younger composers such as Larry Polansky, Cris Forster,
Dean Drummond, Jonathan Glasier, and the members of the Just Intona-
tion Network.
Ivor Darreg is an American composer working in California. He has
been very actively involved with alternative tunings and new instru~ent
design for more than five decades. Darreg has employed both non-r a-tone
equal temperaments and various fonns of just intonation in his music,
theoretical writings, and instruments. More recently, he has begun to use
MIDI synthesizers and has explored all the equal temperaments up to 53
tones per octave in a series of improvisations in collaboration with Brian
Ervin Wilson is one of the most prolific and innovative inventors of new
musical materials extant and has been a major influence on me as well as a
source for many tetrachords and theoretical ideas. He holds patents on two
original generalized keyboard designs. Wilson has collaborated with Kraig
Grady and other experimental musicians in the Los Angeles area. He also
assisted Harry Partch with the second edition of Genesis of a Music by
drawing some of the diagrams in the book.
Some other North American microtonal composers are Ezra Sims, Easley
Blackwood, Joel Mandelbaum, Brian McLaren, Arturo Salinas, Harold
Seletsky, Paul Rapoport, William Schottstaedt, and Douglas Walker.
While still very much a minority faction of the contemporary music
community, microtonality is rapidly growing. Festivals dedicated to
microtonal music have been held in recent years in Salzburg under the
direction of Franz Richter Herr;" in New York City, produced by Johnny
Reinhard; and in San Antonio, Texas, organized by George Cisneros.
Partch, Darreg, Wilson, Harrison, Forster, and William Colvig, among
others, have designed and constructed new acoustic instruments for
microtonal performance, Tunable electronic synthesizers are now available
commercially and provide an an alternative to custom-built acoustic or
electroacoustic equipment. A great deal of software, such as HMSL from
Frog Peak Music, ]ICak by Robert Rich and Carter Scholz, and Antelope
Engineering's TuneUp, has been developed to control synthesizers micro-
tonally via MIDI.
and from this gamut various sections were later identified and given ancient
tribal names (Dorian, Phrygian, et cetera). These octave species became the
modes, two of which, the Lydian and Hypodorian, in the diatonic genus fonn
the basis for the European tonal idiom. Although a formal nomenclature
based on the position of the strings later developed, the four tetrachordal
tones remained the basis for the Greek solfege: the syllables re, teo, 'tij, re,
(pronounced approximately teh, toe, tay, and tah in English) were sung in
descending order to the notes of every genus and shade.
The detailed history of the Greek tetra chordal scales is somewhat more
complex than the sketchy outline given above. According to literary tes-
timony supported at least in part by archaeology, the diatonic scale and its
tuning by a cycle of perfect fifths, fourths, and octaves was brought from
Egypt (or the Near East) by Pythagoras. In fact the entire i z-tone chromatic
scale in this tuning is thought to have been known to the Babylonians by
the second millennium BeE and was apparently derived from earlier
Sumerian precursors (Duchesne-Guillemin 1963, 1969; Kilmer 1960).
Having arrived in Greece, this scale and its associated tuning doctrines
were mingled with local musical traditions, most probably pentatonic, to
produce a plethora of scale-forms, melody-types and styles (see chapter 6).
From a major-third pentatonic, the enharmonic genus can be derived by
splitting the semitone (Winnington-Ingram 1928; Sachs 1943). The
chromatic genera, whose use in tragedy dates from the late fifth century,
may be relicts of various neutral and minor-third penta tonics, or con-
versely, descended from the earlier enharmonic by a process of "sweet-
ening" whereby the pitch of the third tone was raised from a probable
2561243 to produce the more or less consonant intervals 5/4. 6/S. 7/6 and
possibly 11/9 (Winnington-Ingram 1928).
The resulting scales were rationalized by the number theory of
Pythagoras (Crocker 1963, 1964, 1966) and later by the geometry of
Euclid (Crocker 1966; Winnington-Ingram 19P, 1936) to create the body
of theory called harmonics, which gradually took on existence as an inde-
pendent intellectual endeavor divorced from musical practice. The acous-
tic means are now available, and the prevailing artistic ideology is
sympathetic enough to end this separation between theory and practice.
Many composers have made direct use of tetrachordal scales in recent
compositions. Harry Partch used the pentatonic form of the enharmonic
(161rS . 5/4' 9/8. 16lrS . S/4) in the first of his Two StudiesonAncient Greek
2 Pythagoras, Ptolemy, and the
arithmetic tradition
GREEK MUSICAL TRADITION begins in the sixth century BCE with the
semi-legendary Pythagoras, who is credited with discovering that the fre-
quency of a vibrating string is inversely proportional to its length. This
discovery gave the Greeks a means to describe musical intervals by numbers,
and to bring to acoustics the full power of their aritlunetical science. While
Pythagoras's own writings on music are lost, his tuning doctrines were
preserved by later writers such as Plato, in the Timaeus, and Ptolemy, in the
Harmonics. The scale derived from the Timaeus is the so-called Pythagorean
tuning of Western European theory, but it is most likely of Babylonian or-
igin. Evidence is found not only in cuneiform inscriptions giving the tuning
order, but apparently also as music in a diatonic major mode (Duchesne-
Guillemin 1963,1969; Kilmer 1960; Kilmer et al. 1976). This scale may be
tuned as a series of perfect fifths (or fourths) and octaves, having the ratios
III 9/8 81/644/3 3/2 27!I6 243/128 2h, though the Babylonians did not
express musical intervals numerically.
The next important theorist in the Greek arithmetic tradition is Ar-
chytas, a Pythagorean from the Greek colony of Tarentum in Italy. He lived
about 390 BCE and was a notable mathematician as well. He explained the
use of the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means as the basis of mu-
sical tuning (Makeig 1980) and he named the harmonic mean. In addition to
his musical activities, he was renowned for having discovered a three-
dimensional construction for the extraction of the cube root of two.
Archytas is the first theorist to give ratios for all three genera. His tun-
ings are noteworthy for employing ratios involving the numbers 5 and 7
tion. Thestatements of'Auicenn« andBrymnios that 256h4] . 9/8. 9/8 90 + 204 + 204 DIATONIC
the proper tuning for the interval between the upper two tones. This may
be in part because 3212 7 makes a 4/3 with the disjunctive tone immediately
following, but also because the melodic contrast between the 3212 7 at the
top of the tetrachord and the 7/6 with the hyperhypate below is not as great
as the contrast between lower 7/6 and the upper 6/5 of Ptolemy's tuning.
Archytas's diatonic is also found among Ptolemy's own tunings (2-2) and
appears in the lyra and kitbara scales that Ptolemy claimed were in common
practice in Alexandria in the second century CEo According to WInning-
ton-Ingram (1932), it is even grudgingly admitted by Aristoxenos and thus
would appear to have been the principal diatonic tuning from the fourth
century BCE through the second CE, a period of some six centuries.
Archytas's genera represent a considerable departure from the austerity
of the older Pythagorean forms:
ENHARMONIC: 2561243.81/64
CHROMATIC: 2561243' 218712048. ph7
DIATONIC: 2561243 '9/8. 9/8
The enharmonic genus is shown as a trichord because the tuning of the
enharmonic genus before Archytas is not precisely known. The semitone
was initially undivided and may not have had a consistent division until the
stylistic changes recorded in his tunings occurred. In other words, the in-
composite ditone, not the incidental microtones, is the defining characteristic
of the enharmonic genus.
The chromatic tuning is actually that of the much later writer Gau-
dentius (Barbera 1978), but it is the most plausible of the Pythagorean
chromatic tunings.
The diatonic genus is the tuning associated with Pythagoras by all the
authors from ancient times to the present (Winnington-Ingram 1932).
compounds of consonances (which are not themselves epirnores) were au-
rally consonant. It is clear, therefore, that it is not just the form of the ratio,
but at least two factors, the size of the interval and the magnitude of the
defining integers, that determines relative consonance. Nevertheless, there
does seem to be some special quality ofepimore ratios. I recall a visit to Lou
Harrison during which he began to tune a harp to the tetrachordal scale
III 271256154/3312 81/50915211. He immediately became aware of the
non-superparticular ratio 27 h 5 by perceiving the lack of resonance in the
A complete list of all possible tetra chordal divisions containing only
superparticular ratios has been compiled by I. E. Hofmann (Vogel 1975).
Although the majority of these tetrachords had been discovered by earlier
theorists, there were some previously unknown divisions containing very
small intervals. The complete set is given in 2-3 and individual entries also
appear in the Miscellaneous listing of the Catalog.
The equable diatonic has puzzled scholars for years as it appears to be
an academic exercise in musical arithmetic. Ptolemy's own remarks rebut
2-3. Hofmann's listofcompletely superparticuiar this interpretation as he describes the scale as sounding rather strange or
divisions. Thistable hasbeen recomposed after foreign and rustic (~EVtKOtEPOV ~EV noo KCXt (typotKOtEpOV, Winnington-
Hofmann from Vogel (1975). See Main Catalogfor Ingram 1932). Even a cursory look at ancient and modern Islamic scales
furtherinformation. (5) basalso been attributedto from the Near East suggests that, on the contrary, Ptolemy may have heard
Tanini, butpl'obably should be credited to a similar scale and very cleverly rationalized it according to the tenets of
Pacbymeret; a thirteenth-century Byzantine author. Greek theory. Such scales with 3/4-tone intervals may be related to
I. 256h55' 17116. 5/4 NEW ENHARMONIC 14· 28/27' 15114.615 PTOLEMY'S SOFT CHROMATIC
2. 13 61I35' 18117' 5/4 NEW ENHARMONIC 15· 16lI5 . 25/24·6/5 DIDYMOS'S CHROMATIC
J. 96195 . 19118. 5/4 WILSON'S ENHARMONIC 16. 20119' 191I8 . 615 ERATOSTHENES'S CHROMATIC
4· 76175' 20119' 5/4 AUTHOR'S ENHARMONIC 17· 64163 . 9/8 . 716 BARBOUR
5· 64163 . 21/20. 5/4 SERRE'S ENHARMONIC 18. 36135 . 10/9' 716 AVICENNA
6. 56155' z z/zt , 514 PSEUDO-PTOLEMAIC ENHARMONIC 19· nhI . r z/rr • 716 PTOLEMY'S INTENSE CHROMATIC
7· 46/45 . 24123 . 5/4 PTOLEMY'S ENHARMONIC 20. 16115' 15/14' 716 AL-FARABI
8. 40/39' 26/25 . 5/4 AVICENNA'S ENHARMONIC 21. 49 /48 . 817 . 8/7 AL-FARABI
9· 28/27' 36135 . 514 ARCHYTAS'S ENHARMONIC za, 281l7' 8/7' 9/8 ABCHYTAS'S DIATONIC
10. 3213 1 • 31/3 0 ' 514 DIDYMOS'S ENHARMONIC 23· 2 Iho • 10/9 . 8/7 PTOLEMY'S SOFT DIATONIC
II. 100199 . 11110 . 615 NEW CHROMATIC 24· 14113 . 13/ IZ . 8/ 7 AVICENNA
n. 55/54 . r a/rr . 615 BARBOUR 25· 16115' 19118 . 10/9 PTOLEMY'S INTENSE DIATONIC
IJ. 40/39' r j/r z . 615 BARBOUR 26. r a/rr . IIlIo . 10/9 PTOLEMY'S EQUABLE DIATONtC
sions of the pyknon while those of Ptolemy favor the I:Z proportion, al-
though in some instances the sub-intervals must be reordered so that the
melodic proportions are the canonical order; small, medium and large. This
:-5, Ptolemy's interpretation of'Aristoxenos's principle was also enunciated by Aristoxenos, but violated by Archytas,
genera. Didyrnos, and Ptolemy himself in his diatonic tunings.
A more direct method of calculating the divisions is to use the following
formulae (Winnington-Ingram 1932; Barbera 1978) where x/y is the in-
ENHARMONIC terval to be linearly divided:
40/39 ' 39/38 . 19/15 44 + 45 + 409 III 2X/(X+Y)·(x+y)/zy=x/y,
SOFT CHROMATIC liz 3x/(zx+Y)'(zx+Y)/3Y=x/y,
59+ 60+379 zii 3x/(x+Zy),(x+zY)/3Y=x/y.
HEMIOLIC CHROMATIC Finer divisions may be defined analogously; if alb is the desired pro-
portion and x/y the interval, then (a+b).x/(bxuy) .(bxuy)/(a+b).y=x/y.
The final set of tetra chords given by Ptolemy are his interpretations of
the genera of Aristoxenos (z-5). Unfortunately, he seems to have com-
pletely misunderstood Aristoxenos's geometric approach and translated his
"parts" into aliquot parts of a string of 1 Z 0 units. Two of the resulting tet-
rachords are identical to Eratosthenes's enharmonic and chromatic genera,
but the others are rather far from Aristoxenos's intent. The Ptolemaic
version of the herniolic chromatic is actually a good approximation to
Aristoxenos's soft chromatic. Aristoxenos's theories will be discussed in
detail in chapter 3.
The present
After the medieval Islamic writers, there are relatively few theorists
expressing any great interest in tetra chords until the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Notable among the persons attracted to this branch
of music theory were Helmholtz ([1877] 1954) and Vogel (1963, 1967,
1975) in Germany; A.J. Ellis (1885), Wilfrid Perrett (1926,1928,1931,
1934), R. P. Winnington-Ingram (1928,1932) and Kathleen Schlesinger
(1933) in Britain; Thorvald Kornerup (1934) in Denmark; and Harry
Partch (1949) and Ervin Wilson in the United States. The contributions
of these scholars and discoverers are listed in the Catalog along with those
of many other workers in the arithmetic tradition.
After two and a half millennia, the fascination of the tetrachord has still
not vanished. Chapter 4 will deal with the extension of arithmetical tech-
niques to the problem of creating or discovering new tetrachordal genera.
ARISTOXENOS WAS FROM the Greek colony of Tarentum in Italy, the home
of the famous musician and mathematician Archytas. In the early part of
his life, he was associated with the Pythagoreans, but in his later years he
moved to Athens where he studied under Aristotle and absorbed the new
logic and geometry then being developed (Barbera 1980; Crocker 1966;
Litchfield 1988). He was the son of the noted musician Spintharos, who
taught him the conservative musical tradition still practiced in the Greek
colonies, if not in Athens itself (Barbera 1978).
a 67 133 5°0 a 100 25 0 500
4 +4 + ZZ PARTS 6 + 9 + IS PARTS
1/3 + 1/3 + I 5/6 TONES liz + 3/4 + I 1/4 TONES
67 + 67 + 333 CENTS 100 + ISO + 250 CENTS
° 75 ISO 5°0 a 100 30 0 500
+ 4.5 + 2 I PARTS
4.5 6 + IZ + IZ PARTS
3/8 + 3/8 + I 3/4 TONES liz + I + I TONES
75 + 75 + 350 CENTS 100 + 200 + 200 CENTS
3-2.. Othergene7'o mentioned byAristoxenos. represents the Pythagorean form. Two such jo-part tetrachords and a
whole tone of twelve parts completed an octave of 72 parts.
Several properties of the Aristoxenian tetrachords are immediately
apparent. The enharmonic and three chromatic genera have small intervals
with similar sizes, as if the boundary between the enharmonic and chro-
zoo 500 matic genus was not yet fixed. The two chromatics between the syntonic
° 4 + 8 + 18 PARTS chromatic and the enharmonic may represent developments of neu-
1/3 + 2/3 + I Ih TONES tral-third pentatonics mentioned in chapter 2.
67 + 133 + 300 CENTS
The pyknon is always divided equally except in the two diatonic genera
whose first intervals (half tones) are the same as that of the syntonic
chromatic. Thus Aristoxenos is saying that the first interval must be less
o 300 50 0
than or equal to the second, in agreement with Ptolemy's views nearly five
4 + 14 + 12 PARTS hundred years later.
1/3 + I 1/6 + I TONES The tetrachords of 3-2 are even more interesting. The first, an approved
67 + 233 + 200 CENTS but unnamed chromatic genus, not only has the 1:2 division of the pyknon,
but more importantly, is extremely close to Archytas's chromatic tuning
(Winnington-Ingram 1932). The diatonic with soft chromatic diesis is a
very good approximation to Archytas's diatonic as well (ibid.). Only
0 75 300 50 0
4.5 + 13·5 + 1I PARTS Archytas's enharmonic is missing, though Aristoxenos seems to allude to it
3/8 + I 1/8 + I TONES in his polemics against raising the second string and thus narrowing the
75 + 225 + 200 CENTS largest interval (ibid.). These facts clearly show that Aristoxenos understood
the music of his time.
The last two tetrachords in 3-2 were considered unmusical because the
second interval is larger than the first. Winnington-Ingram (1932) has
0 100 150 50 0
6 + 3 + 2I PARTS suggested that Aristoxenos could have denoted Archytas's enharmonic
Ih + 1/4 + I 3/4 TONES tuning as 4+ 3 + 23 parts (67 + 50+ 383), a tuning which suffers from the same
100 + 50 + 350 CENTS defect as the two rejected ones. A general prejudice against intervals
containing an odd number of parts may have caused Aristoxenos to disallow
tetrachords such as 5 + I I + 14, 5 + 9 + 16 (ibid.), and 5 + 6 + 19 (Macran
----- 1902 ) .
0 75 133 50 0
4·5 + 3·5 + 22 PARTS The alleged discovery of equal temperament
3/8 + 7/24 + I 5/6 TONES
75 + 58 + 367 CENTS
Because a literal interpretation of Aristoxenos's parts implies equal tem-
peraments of either 72 or 144 tones per octave to accommodate the
hemiolic chromatic and related genera, many writers have credited him
with the discovery of the traditional western European rz-tone intonation.
This conclusion would appear to be an exaggeration, at the least. There is
Quintilianus offered a purported list of the ancient hannoniai mentioned
by Plato in the Timaeus.
One exception was Alypius, a late author who provided invaluable
information on Greek musical notation. His tables of keys or tonoi were
deciphered independently in the middle of the nineteenth century by
Bellennann (1847) and Fortlage (1847), and made it possible for the few
extant fragments of Greek music to be transcribed into modern notation
and understood. Unfortunately, Greek notation lacked both the numerical
precision of the tuning theories, and the clarity of the system of genera and
3-3. Twomedieval Islamic forms. These two med-
inialIslamic tetracbords are Aristoxenian ap-
modes (chapter 6). Additionally, there are unresolved questions concerning
proximations to Ptolemy's equable diatonic. The the choice of alternative, but theoretically equivalent, spellings of certain
Arabs also listed Aristoxenos's othertetracbords in passages. Contemplation of these problems led Kathleen Schlesinger to the
theirtreatises. heterodox theories propounded in The Greek Aulos.
Others have simply noted that the notation and its nomenclature seem
to have evolved away from the music they served until it became an
NEUTRAL DIJl.TONIC academic subject far removed from musical needs (Henderson 1957)' For
these reasons, little will be said about notation; knowledge of it is not
° 200 35° 5°0 necessary to understand Greek music theory nor to apply Greek theory to
12 + 9 + 9 PJl.RTS
present-day composition.
1+ 3/4 + 3/4 TONES
200 + 150 + IS0 CENTS Medieval Islamic theorists
As the Roman empire decayed, the locus of musical science moved from
Alexandria to Byzantium and to the new civilization of Islam. Aristoxenos's
° 167 334 500 geometric tradition wasappropriated by both the Greek Orthodox church to
10 + 10 + 10 PJl.RTS describe its liturgical modes. Aristoxenian doctrines were also included in the
5/6 + 5/6 + 5/6 TONES
Islamic treatises, although arithmetic techniques were generally employed.
167 + 167 + 166 CENTS
The tetrachords of3-3 were used by Al-Farabi to express 3/4-tonescales
similar to Ptolemy's equable diatonic in Aristoxenian terms. If one subtracts
10 + 10 + 10 parts from Ptolemy's string of 120 units, one obtains the series
120 110 100 90, which are precisely the string lengths for the equable
diatonic (Diu. 11110' 1019). It would appear that the nearly equal
tetrachord 11110' 1 r/ro- 400/363 was not intended.
The tetrachord 12 + 9 + 9 yields the permutation 120 108 99 90, or
10/9' 12111 . 11110. This latter tuning is similar to others of Al-Farabi and
Avicenna consisting of a tone followed by two 3/4-tone intervals. Other
tetrachords of this type are listed in the Catalog.
3-4· Byzantine and Greek Orthodox tetracbords. PARTS CENTS RATIOS GENUS
XENAKIS (1971)
7+ 16+ 7 II7 + 266 + II7 I6h5 . 7/ 6• I5 1I4 SOFT CHROMATIC
The tetrachords of Athanasopoulos (1950) are clearly Aristoxenian in
origin and inspiration, despite being reordered. One of his chromatics is
Aristoxenos's soft diatonic and the other is Aristoxenos's intense chromatic.
The rest of his tetra chords are permutations of Aristoxenos's intense
Savas's genera (Savas 1965) may reflect an Arabic or Persian influence,
as diatonics with intervals between 133 and 167 cents are reminiscent of
Al-Farabi's and Avicenna's tunings (chapter 2 and the Catalog). They may
plausibly represent l2/I1 and i itu: so that his diatonic tunings are in-
tended to approximate a reordered Ptolemy's equable diatonic. His
chromatic resembles 14113 .8/7' 13/12 and his Barys enharmonic, 15114'
7/6. I6!I 5. Savas's ordinary enharmonic may stand for either Ptolemy's
intense diatonic (IO/9' 9/8. 16115) or the Pythagorean version (2561243 .
9/8. 9/8). The palace mode could be 15114.6/5 . 2812 7 (Ptolemy's intense
chromatic). The above discussion assumes that some form of just in-
tonation is intended.
The tunings of the experimental composer Iannis Xenakis (1971) are
clearly designed to show the continuity of the Greek Orthodox liturgical
tradition with that of Ptolemy and the other ancient arithmeticians, though
they are expressed in Aristoxenian terms. This continuity is debatable;
internal evidence suggests that the plainchant of the Roman Catholic
church is derived from Jewish cantillation rather than Graeco-Roman
secular music (Idelsohn 192I). It is hard to see how the music of the Eastern
church could have had an entirely different origin, given its location and
common early history. A case for evolution from a common substratum of
Near Eastern music informed by classical Greek theory and influenced by
the Hellenized Persians and Arabs could be made and this might give the
appearance of direct descent.
The robustness of the geometric approach of Aristoxenos is still evident
today after 2300 years. The musicologist James Murray Barbour, a strong
advocate of equal temperament, proposed 2 + 14 + 14 and 8 + 8 + 14 as
Aristoxenian representations of49/48. 8/7.8/7 and 14113 . 13h2' 8/7 in his
'0) 1953 book on the history of musical scales, Tuning and Temperament. 'With
Xenakis's endorsement, Aristoxenian principles have become part of the
world ofinternational, or transnational, contemporary experimental music.
In the next chapter the power of the Aristoxenian approach to generate new
musical materials will be demonstrated.
4- I. Cbaracurutic intervals (CIs) ofnw genera injust intonation. TheCl is thelargest in-
tervalofthe tetracbordandthepybwn orapybwnis thedifference between theCl andthe
fourth. Because 71IIlny oftheneu: genera have historically knoum CIs,all oftheCIsin the
MainCatalog arelisted in thistable. TheCIsofthe reduplicated, miscellaneous, tempered,
andsemi-temperedlistsarenotincluded in thistable.
E5 80/63 21120 4 14+ 84 cI6 19116 64/57 298 + 201 01 3 44/39 13/II 209 + 28 9
E6 33126 1° 4/ 99 413 + 85 CI7 32/27 9/ 8 294+ 204 01 4 I 52/r 35 45/3 8 205 + 293
E7 19115 20h9 409 + 89 cI8 45/3 8 152/r35 293 + 205 01 5 9/ 8 32127 204+ 294
E8 81/64 25 61243 408 + 9° CI9 13/11 44/39 289 + 2°9 016 1601143 143h 2O 194+ 304
E9 24/r9 19118 4°4+94 C20 33128 I I 2/99 284 + 214 01 7 10/9 6/5 182 + 316
is the 3h's complement of II/9 and 52/45 the 4/3's complement of ISh3'
Various genera were then constructed by dividing the pykna or apykna by
linear division into two or three parts to produce 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 divisions.
Both the 1:2 and 2:1 divisionswere made to locate genera composed mainly
of superparticular ratios. Even Ptolemy occasionally had to reorder the
4-2. Indexed genei'll, The terms4 and 3 which intervals resulting from triple division before recombining two of them to
represent the III and 4/3 ofthefinal tetracbord are
produce the two intervals of the pyknon (2-2 and 2-4). More complex di-
multiplied by theindex. Thelefthandsetsof
tetrachords are those generatedby selecting and
visions were found either by inspection or by katapyknosis with larger
raombining thesuccessive intervals resultingfrom multipliers.
theadditional termsafter themultiplication, The
Indexed genera
righthandsets of tetracbords havebeen reduced to
lowest tel711S and orderedwith the CI uppermost. One useful technique, originated by Ervin Wilson, is a variation of the
katapyknotic process. In 4-2 this technique is applied to the 4/3 rather than
to the pyknon (asit wasin 2-4). The 1 II and 4/3 of the undivided tetrachord
MlILTIPLlER: 4 TERMS: 16 15 14 13 12
are expressed as 3 and 4, and are multiplied by a succession of numbers of
I6/r 5 . I S/r4' 14/ 12 I6/rS' IS/r4' 7/ 6 increasing magnitude. The new terms resulting from such a multiplication
16/rS' IS/r3 ' 13/r 2 I6/r S . 13/ 12 . 1S/13 and all the intermediate numbers define a set of successive intervals which
I6/r4' 14/13 ' 13/ 12 14/13 ' 13/ 12 • 8/7
may be sequentially recombined to yield the three intervals of tetrachords.
MULTtPLIER: S TERMS: 20 19 18 17 16 IS I have termed the multiplier, the index, and the resulting genera indexed
2O/r9' I9/r8 . I8/rS 2O/r9' I9/r8 ·6/S genera. The intermediate terms are a sequence of arithmetic means between
2O/r9' I9/r7 . I7/r 5 2O/r9' I9/r7 . I7/rS the extremes.
2O/r9' I9/r6. I6/rS 2O/r9' I6/rS ' I9/r6 The major shortcoming of this procedure is that the number of genera
20/r8· I8/r7 . I7/rS I8/r7' 10/9' I7/rS
grows rapidly with the index. There are 120 genera of index 17, and not all
2O/r8 ' I8/r6 . I6/I S 16/rS' 10/9' 9/ 8
of these are worth cataloguing, since other genera of similar melodic con-
2O/r7' I7/r6. I6/IS I7/r6, I6/rS ' 2O/r7
tours and simpler ratios are already known and tabulated. The technique is
MULTIPLIER: 6 TERMS: 24 23 22 2I 20 19 18 still of interest, however, to generate sets of tetrachords with common
24123' 23122' 22/r8 24/23' 23/ 22 . II/9 numerical relations for algorithmic composition.
24123' 23121' 2I1I8 24/23' 23/21' 7/ 6
24123' 23120' 2Olr8 24/23' 10/9' 23/20 Pentachordal families
24123' 23lr9' I9 lr 8" 24/2 3 . I9 lr 8 . 23/r9
Archytas's genera were devised so that they made the interval 7/6 between
24/22 . 22121 '2III8 22121. 12/rI . 7/6
their common first interval, 28/z7, and the note a 9/8 below the first note
24/22 . 22120' 20lr8 I2/rI' II/rO' ro/9
24/22 . 22II 9 , I9lr8 I9/r8, 12/r I . 22/r9 of the tetrachord (Erickson 1965; Winnington-Ingram 1932; see also 6-1),
24121, 21120' 201I8 21120' 10/9' 8/7 Other first intervals (x) may be chosen so that in combination with the
24121, 2I/r9' I9lr8 I9II8. zr/r9 . 8/7 9/ 8 they generate harmonically and melodically interesting intervals.
24120' 2O/r9 . I9lr8 2Olr9' I9/r8 .6/S These intervals may be termed pentacbordal intervals (PI) as they are part of
• see Catalog number 536. a pentachordal, rather than a tetrachordal tonal sequence. Three such
groups or families of tetra chords are given in 4-3 along with their initial and
pentachordal intervals.
1 --
I6hS 6/5 10/9 5/4 8/7 9/7
~RACT<",mC ll<nRVAL' 28/27 7/ 6 n/II 27/22 88/81 II/9
--~ I3/ n
40 / 39
8/9 s/: x y 413 3/2 3x12 3Y/2 2/I
44/39 33/26 104/99 I3/ II 56 /51 2Ih7
\ /'
68/63 I7/I4 64/57 24!I9 I9 h 8 I9!I6
256h43 31/27 9/ 8 81/64 52/51 39/34
136/II7 I7!I3 7/ 6 lIh6 64/63 8/7
80/68 30/23 56 /45 23120 24/23 27/23
92/81 23h 8 I84h71 57/4 6 76/69 23h9
Mean tetrachords
The mathematician and musician Archytas may have been the first to rec-
ognize the importance of the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric means
to music. He was credited with renaming the mean formerly called the
"subcontrary" as the harmonic mean because it produced more pleasing
melodic divisions than the arithmetic mean (Heath [1921] 1981j Erickson
1965)' His own tunings were constructed by the application of only the
4"4, Meam: formulae and equivalent expressions harmonic and arithmetic means, but there were actually nine other means
fr(J11l Heath 192I, 1:85-87,except[ortbe known to Greek mathematicians and which might be used to construct
Iogm'ithmie, ratio, androot mean square means. tetrachords (Heath [1921] 1981).
Number 12 isthejramew01'k ofthescale when a - 12 To this set of twelve may be added the rootmean square or quadratic mean
andb = 6. Thetaracbords generated by number17
and four of my own invention whose definitions are given along with the
areextremely close numerically tothecounter-
historical ones in 4-4. The logarithmic mean divides an interval into two
10gl17'ithmiemean tetracbords oftheotberkinds.
They also resemble thesubcontraries to thegeometric parts, the ratio of whose widths is the inverse of the ratio of the extremes
means. of the interval. For example, the logarithmic mean divides the 2/r into two
(a-e)I(b-e)-ble !J2+t? ",c(a «b)
4-5· Generating tetracbords withmeans. intervals of 400 and 800 cents in the proportion of 1:2 (0,4°0, and 1200
cents). The counter-logarithmic mean effects the same division in the op-
posite order, i.e., 800 and 400 cents (0,800, and 1200 cents).
MEAN TETRACHORDS 01' THE FIRST KIND The two ratio means, numbers 15 and 16, are variations of numbers 7 and
1/r 8 of 4-4, differing only in that the ratio of the difference of the extremes to
HYPERH, H,MESON PARlfYPA'I"E LICHANOS ME.SE P.ARAMESE the difference between the mean and one of the extremes is dependent
-----_._------ upon the parameter x/y.
FIRS1'MUN There are still other types of mean, but these seventeen are sufficient to
generate a considerable number of tetrachords (4-6-8) and may be of fur-
ther utility in the algorithmic generation of melodies.
Licbanos is defined asthe lIppropritJte meanbetween
The most obvious procedures for generating tetrachords from these
bypate mes;m (I II) and mese (#3). Parhypate is then
computedasthe identical mean between Jicbanos lind means are shown in 4-5. Mean tetrachords of the first kind are constructed
hypate. by first calculating the lichanos as the mean between III and 4/3, or
equivalently between a =4 and and c = 3. The next step is the computation
ofparhypate as the same mean between I II and the just calculated lichanos
(4-6). Tetrachords of the second kind have the mean operations performed
in reverse order (4-7). Tetrachords of the third kind are found by taking the
means between III and 3h and between 8/9 and 4/3 (4-8); the smaller is
defined as parhypate; the larger becomes the lichanos.
The construction ofsets of genera analogous to those ofArchytas, which
are composed of a mean between 8/9 and 4/3 and its "subcontrary" or
Parhypate is defined asthe appropriate mean between "counter"-mean between 8/9 and 321z7 (Erickson 1965; Winnington-
bypate meson (1/1) andmese (#3). Licbanos is then Ingram 1932), is left for future investigations as it involves deep questions
computed af the identical mellnbetween plJrhypate and
about the integration of intervals into musical systems.
Multiple means may be defined for the arithmetic, harmonic, and geo-
metric means. The insertion of two arithmetic or harmonic means into the
MEAN TETRACHORDS OF THE THIRD KIND 4/3 results in Ptolemy's equable diatonic and its intervallic retrograde,
12/l1· II/IO' 10/9, 10/9 . IIlrO . r a/r r, The geometric mean equivalentis
HYPERH. H.MESON PARHYPATE L1CHANOS MESE PA\U.MESE the new genus 166.667 + 166.667 + 166.667 cents (see the discussion of
tempered tetrachords below).
4-6. Mean tetracbords ofthefirst kind. The licbanoi arethemeansbetween III and"f/3 i the
plll'hypataian themeansbetween I II andthe licbanoi.
4-7. Mean tetracbords oftbe second kind. Theparhypatai arethemeansbenueen III ond"f/3ithe
litbanoi orethemeans between theparbypatai and"f/3.
I. ARITHMETIC III 1019 5/4 4/3 10/9' 9/8 . 16/r5 182 + 204 + I I
2. GEOMETRIC 1.0 1.08866 1. 2 2474 1·33333 1.08866· I.U5· 1.08866 147 + 204 + 14
3· HARMONIC III 16II5 6/5 4/3 16/r5 • 9/8. 1019 II2 + 204+ 18
4· SUBCONTRARY TO HARMONIC III 52/45 13 / u 413 5 2/45' 9/ 8 . 4 0/39 250+ 2°4+4-1
5· FIRST SUBCONTRARYTO GEOMETRIC 1.0 1.13 847 1.28°7 8 1.33333 1.13847' I.U5· 1.°410 225 + 204+ 70
6. SECOND SUBCONTRARY TO GEOMETRIC 1.0 I.u950 1. 270 69 1.33333 1. 1295' 1.12 5' 1.0493 2II + 204+ 83
8. UNNAMED III 28/z 7 7/ 6 4/3 28/z7 . 9/8.8/7 63+ 2°4+ 231
13· LOGARITHMIC MEAN 1.0 1.°454° 1.176 0 8 1.33333 1.°454.1. 125' 1.1337 77+ 204+ 21 7
14. COUNTER-LOGARITHMIC MEAN 1.0 1.1337 1 1. 2 754 2 1.33333 1.1337' I. U 5 • 1.0454 21 7 + 2°4+ n
15. RATIO MEAN (x/y =2/r) III 1019 514 4/3 1019' 918 . 16/r5 182 + 204 + I I
16. RATIO MEAN (x/y = 2/r) III 10/ 9 5/4 4/3 1019 ' 9/8 . 16/r5 182 + 204 + I I
17. ROOT MEAN SQUARE 1.0 1.133 1 1.27475 1.33333 1.133 1' 1. 1 25' 1.°4595 216+ 2 04+7 E
I. III 6/5 5/4 4/3 6/5' 25124' 16IIS DIDYMOS
4-9. Summation tetracbords ofthejim type. 2. III 5/4 9/7 4/3 5/4' 36 / 35 . 2812 7 ARCHYTAS
Unreduced ratios have been retained to danfy the 3· 212 8/7 6/5 4/3 8/7 . 2Iho . 10/9 PTOLEMY
gene1'ating process. 4· 212 6/5 10/8 413 6/5' 25124' I6/I5 DIDYMOS
5· 3/3 10/9 7/ 6 4/3 10/9' 2Iho . 8/7 PTOLEMY
6. 3/3 7/ 6 11/9 413 7/6. 22/21 • U/II PTOLEMY
7· 4/4 12/II 8/7 4/3 UIII . 22121' 7/6 PTOLEMY
8. 4/4 8/7 12IIO 4/3 8/7' 21120' 10/9 PTOLEMY
9· 5/5 14/13 9/ 8 4/3 14II3 . 117/Iu . ph7 MISC. CAT.
10. 5/5 9/ 8 13/ II 4/3 9/ 8. 104/ 99 ' 44/39 MAIN CAT.
II. 6/6 16II5 10/9 4/3 16II5 . 25124. 6/5 DIDYMOS
12. 6/6 10/9 14/12 4/3 10/9' nho . 7/6 PTOLEMY
13· 7/7 18lr7 r r/ro 4/3 I8lr7' 187/I80. 40/33 MISC. CAT. .~
14· 7/7 IIlIo 15/13 4/3 IIlrO' 15o/I43 . 52/45 MISC. CAT.
15· 8/8 2olI9 12/r I 4/3 20lr9' S7/S5 . 11/9 MAIN CAT.
16. 8/8 U/II 16II4 4/3 12/r1 . 22121. 7/6 PTOLEMY
17· 9/9 22121 13/ 12 4/3 2Zh I . 91/88 . 16/I3 MISC. CAT.
18. 9/9 13/12 17lrS 4/3 13/12 ·68/65' 2o/I7 MAIN CAT.
19· ictus 24123 14/I3 4/3 24123' 161lrS6. 26121 MISC. CAT.
20. io/u: 14II3 18/r6 4/3 14/13 . II7lr u . p h7 MISC. CAT.
21. II/II 2612 5 ISlr4 4/3 2612 5 ' 375/364' 56/45 MISC. CAT.
22. I III I ISh4 19h7 4/3 ISII4' 26612 55 .68/57 MISC. CAT.
2]. 12/12 2812 7 16IIS 4/3 2812 7 ' }6/3S . 5/4 ARCHYTAS
24· U/12 16lrS 2Olr8 4/3 16/15' 25124.6/5 DIDYMOS
1.5 + 1.5 + 27 25+ 25+450 80/79' 79/7 8. rj/ro 80/79' 79/7 8. 13ho
4- II. Neo-Aristoxenian generll7J)jth 1+2 + 27 17+33+450 12ohI9' II9h17' 13h o 120hI9' II9 h 17' 13h
constant CI. 2 + 2 + 26 33 + 33 +433 56/55' 55/54' 9/7 60/59' 59/5 8 . 58/45
2.5+ 2.5+ 25 4 2 + 4 2 +417 44/43' 43/4 2' 14h 1 4 8/47' 47/46. 23h 8
2 + 3 + 25 33+5 0+417 55/54' 36/35 . 14h 1 60/59' II8h15' 23/r8
2+4+ 24 33 + 67 + 400 60/59' 59/57 . 19h5 60/59' 59/57 . 19h5
3 + 3 + 24 50 + 50 + 400 40/39' 39/38. 19h5 4 0/39' 38/39' 19h5
2+5+ 23 33 + 83 + 383 56/55' 22121 . 5/4 60/59' II8h13' II3/9<
3+4+ 23 50+ 67 + 383 36/35' 2812 7 . 5/4 4 0/39' II7 h13' II3/9<
3·5 + 3·5 + 23 58 + 58 + 383 3213 1' 31/30' 5/4 2401233' 233/ 226. II3'
2 + 6+ 22 33 + 100+ 367 51/50' 18h7' 100/81 60/59' 59/5 6. 56/45
8/3 + 16/3 + 22 44+ 89+ 367 40/39' 21120· 26121 45/44 . 22121 . 56/45
3 + 5 + 22 50+ 83 + 367 34/33' 22121 . 21h7 40/39' II7 h 12. 56/45
4+4+ 22 67+ 67 + 367 28127' 27126.26121 30129' 2912 8. 56/45
2+7+ 21 33 + II7 + 350 56/55' 15lr4 . Il/9 60/59' II8lrIl . 37/30
3 + 6 + 21 50 + 100+ 350 34/33' 18h7 . Il/9 4 0/39' 39/37' 37/3 0
4+ 5 + 21 67+ 83 + 350 28127' 22121 . 27/22 30129' II6hII . 37/30
4.5 +4·5 + 21 75 + 75 + 350 24123' 23/ 22 . Il/9 80/77 . 77/74' 37/30
2 + 10 + 18 33 + 167 + 300 45/44' r r/ro- 32127 60/59' 59/54. 6/5
3 +9+ 18 50+ 150+3 00 33/32 . 12/II . 32127 40/39' 13/12 .6/5
4+ 8+ 18 67 + 133 + 3 00 2812 7 ' 24312 24' 3212 7 30129' 29127. 6/5
4·5 + 7·5 + 18 75 + 125 + 300 25124' 27125 . 32127 80/77 . 77/7 2 ·6/5
5 + 7 + 18 83 + II7 + 300 21120' 15/r4' 32127 24123' II5 lr 08. 6/5
6 + 6 + 18 100 + 100 + 300 2561243' 218712048. 32127 20h9' 19/r8 . 6/5
Neo-Aristoxenian tetrachords with Ptolemaic interpretations
While Aristoxenos may have been documenting contemporary practice,
even a cursory look at his tables suggests that many plausible neo-
Aristoxenian genera could be constructed to "fillin the gaps" in his set. The
most obvious missing genera are a diatonic with enharmonic diesis, 3 + 15
+ 12 (50 + 250 + 200 cents), aparachromatic, 5+ 5 + 20(83 + 83 + 334 cents), and
a new soft diatonic, 7.5+ 7·5 + 15 (12 5 + 125 + 250 cents).
Although Aristoxenos favored genera with I: I divisions of the pyknon,
Ptolemy and the Islamic writers preferred the 1:2 relation. More complex
divisions, of course, are also possible. 4-11 lists a number of neo-
Aristoxenian genera in which the CI is held constant and the pyknotic di-
vision is varied. With the exception of the first five genera which represent
bypermbarmonic forms and three which are a closer approximation of the
enharmonic (383 cents, rather than 400 cents), only Aristoxenos's CIs are
For each tempered genus an approximation in just intonation is selected
from a genus in the Main Catalog. Furthermore, an approximation in terms
of fractional parts of a string of 120 units of length, analogous to Ptolemy's
interpretation of Aristoxenos's genera, is also provided. While these
Ptolemaic interpretations are occasionally quite close to the ideal tempered
forms, they often deviate substantially. One should note, however, that the
Ptolemaic approximations are more accurate for the smaller intervals than
the larger.
Intervals whose sizes fall between one third and one half of the perfect
fourth may be be repeated within the tetrachord, leaving a remainder less
than themselves. These are termed reduplicated genera and a repre-
sentative set of such neo-Aristoxenian tetrachords with reduplication is
shown in 4- 12 •
reduplication. 2+14+ 14 34+ 233+ 233 49/48 . 8/7 . 8/7 60/59' 59/5 2 . 52/45
4+ 13+ 13 67 + 21 7 + 117 300/289' 17II5 . 17II5 30129' II6/r03 . 103/90
6+12+11 100 + 200 + 200 256/243 . 9/8 . 9/8 201I9' 19117' 17115
8+11+11 133 + 183 + 183 27/25' 10/9' 10/9 15II4' II2IIOI . 101/90
10+10+10 166 + 167 + 167 1 III 0 ·1 11I0 . 400/363 izls z . IIlIo· 10/9
1.5+ 1.5+ 27 25+ 25+450 80/79' 79/7 8 . 13110 80/79' 79/7 8 . 13110
4-13. Neo-Aristoxenian genera with 2 + 2 + 26 33 + 33 + 433 56/55' 55/54' 9/7 60/59' 59/5 8 . 58/45
constantpybuJticproportions. 2.5+ 2.5+ 25 4 2 + 4 2 + 417 44/43' 43/4 2 . 14/ II 4 8/47' 47/46. 2311 8
3 + 3 + 24 50+ 50+400 40/39' 39/3 8 . 19115 40/39' 39/3 8 . 19115
3.5+3.5+ 23 58 + 58 + 383 3213 1' 3 1/30' 5/4 2401233. 233/ 226. II3/'
4+4+ 21 67 + 67 + 367 28127' 27126.26/21 30129' 29128 . 56/45
4.5+4.5+ 21 75+75+35 0 24123' 23/ 21 . II/9 80/77 . 77/74 . 37/30
5 + 5 + 20 83 + 83 + 334 21/21 . 2 Iho . 40/33 24123' 23122. II/9
5·5 + 5·5 + 19 9 2+92+3 17 20119' 19118 .6/5 2401229' 2191218. 109/
6 + 6 + 18 100 + 100 + 300 18117' 1711 6 . 32127 20119' 19118.6/5
6,5 + 6,5 + 17 108 + 108 + 283 17116. 16115 . 20117 2401227' 2171214' 107/!
7 + 7 + 16 II7 + 117 + 267 16115' 15II4 . 7/6 120II 13 . I I 3II 06 . 53/4:
7·5 + 7·5 + 15 125 + 125 + 250 15II4' 14/13 . 5 2/45 16115' 15114' 7/6
8 + 8 + 14 133 + 133 + 234 14/13 . 13/12 . 7/6 15114' 14 113 . 52/45
8.5+ 8.5+ 13 142 + 142 + 217 40/37 . 37/34' 17115 2401223' 223h06. 103/
9+9+ 12 150+150+200 64/59' 59/54 . 9/ 8 40/37' 37/34' 17115
9·5 +9.5 + II 158 + 158 + 183 12/II . IIlIo . 10/9 240/221' 221h02. IOI/!
10+ 10 + 10 166 + 166 + 167 11110 . 11110 . 400/363 12/II . IIlIo . 10/9
1+2 + 27 17+33+450 1201119' I19III7' 13110 1201119 ' II9II17' 1311(
4/3 + 8/3 + 26 22 +44+433 84/83 . 83/81 . 9/7 9 0/ 89. 89/ 87' 58/45
5/3 + 10/3 + 25 28 + 56 + 417 64/63 . 33/32 . 14/11 72/71 . 71/69' 23118
2+4+ 24 33 + 67 + 400 57/56. 2812 7 . 24119 60/59' 59/57 . 19115
7/3 + 14/3 + 23 39 + 78 + 383 4 6/45' 24123' 5/4 360/353 . 353/339' 113/!
8/3 + 16/3 + 22 44 + 89+ 367 40/39 . 21/20 . 26/21 45/44' 22121 . 56/45
3+ 6+ 21 50 + 100+ 350 34/33 . 18II 7 . II/9 40/39' 39/37' 37/3 0
10/3 + 20/3 + 20 56+ 111+333 33/32' 16II5 . 40/33 36/35 . 35/33 . 11/9
II/3 + 21/3 + 19 61 + 122 + 317 2812 7 ' 15114. 6/5 360/349' 349/327' 109/
4 + 8 + 18 67 + 133 + 300 27h 6· 13/12 . 31/27 3° 129' 29127. 6/5
13/3 + 26/3 + 17 72 + 144+ 283 51/49' 49/45' 20117 360/347' 347/321 . lo7/!
14/3 + 28/3 + 16 78 + 156 + 267 22hl . 12/11 . 7/6 1801173' I73 II 59 ' 53/4:
5+ 10+ 15 83+ 167+ 250 104/ 99 ' II110' 15113 24123' 23/22' 7/6
16/3 + 32/3 + 14 89 + 178 + 233 21ho . 10/9 . 8/7 45/43 . 43/39' 5 2/45
17/3 + 34/3 + 13 94 + 189 + 217 201I9' 19II7 . 201r7 360/343' 343/309' 103/~
6+12+12 100+ 200 + 200 2561243 . 9/8 . 9/8 20119. 19 117' 171r5
Finally, in 4-13, the pyknotic proportions are kept constant at either 1:1
or 1:2 and the CIs are allowed to vary.
These neo-Aristoxenian tetrachords may be approximated in just in-
tonation or realized in equal temperaments whose cardinalities are zero
modulo 12. The zero modulo I2 temperaments provide opportunities to
simulate many of the other genera in the Catalogs as their fourths are only
two cents from 4/3 and other intervals of just intonation are often closely
approximated. One may also use them to discover or invent new neo-
Aristoxenian tetrachords.
To articulate a single part difference, a temperament of 72 tones per
octave is required, The liz parts in the hemiolic chromatic and several
other genera normally demand 144 tones unless all the intervals including
the disjunctive tone have a common factor. In this case, the 48-tone system
suffices. For the 1:2 pykna which employ 1/3 parts, 216-tone temperament
is necessary unless the numbers of parts share common factors. These data
are summarized in 4-14.
5· 6+9+ 15 4/31/5.4/33/ 10. 4/3 1/2 100 + 149 + 150 SOFT DIATONIC
7· 4+ 14+ 11 4/32/ 15 . 4/37/ 15 . 413 2/ 5 66+132+ 199 DIATONIC WITH SOFT CHROMATIC DIESES
8. 4.5 + 13'5 + 11 4/33/20. 4/39/20. 4/32/5 75 + 114 + 199 DIATONIC WITH HEMIOLIC CHROMATIC DIESES
n. 10+ 10+ 10 4/31/3 • 4/3113 • 4/3 1/3 166 + 166 + 166 SEMI-TEMPERED EQUABLE DIATONIC
13· 12+9+9 4/32/5 . 4/33/ 10 . 4/33/ 10 100 + 149 + 149 ISLAMIC DIATONIC
Equal divisions of the 413
The semi-tempered tetrachords suggest that equally tempered divisions of
the 4/3 would be worth exploring. Such scales would be analogous to the
equal temperaments of the octave except that the interval of equivalence is
the 4/3 rather than the 2h. Scales of this type are very rare, though they
have been reported to exist in contemporary Greek Orthodox liturgical
music (Xenakis 1971).
A possible ancestor of such scales is the ancient Lesser Perfect System,
which consisted of a chain of the three tetrachords hypaton, meson, and
synemmenon. In theory, all three tetrachords were identical, but this was
not an absolute requirement, and in fact, in Ptolemy's mixed tunings, they
would not have been the same. (See chapter 6 for the derivations of the
various scales and systems, and chapter 5 for the analysis of their
The most interesting equal divisions of the 4/3 resemble the equal
temperaments described in the next section and in 4-14 and 4-17. The
melodic possibilities of these scales should be quite rich, because in those
divisions with more than three degrees to the 4/3 not only can several tet-
rachordal genera be constructed, but various permutations of these genera
are also possible.
The harmonic properties, however, may be very different from those of
the octave divisions as the 1.11 may not be approximated closely enough for
octave equivalence to be retained. Moreover, depending upon the division,
other intervals such as the 312 or 3h mayor may not be acceptably
The equal divisions of the 4/3 which correspond to equal octaval tem-
peraments are described in 4-16. A few supplementary divisions such as the
one of I I degrees have been added since they reasonably approximate
harmonically important intervals. For reasons of space, only a very limited
number of intervals was examined and tabulated. To gain an adequate un-
derstanding of these tunings, the whole gamut should be examined over a
span of at least eight 4/3 'so
Additionally, the nearest approximations to the octave and the
number of degrees per 211 are listed. This information allows one to
decide whether the tuning is equivalent to an octave division, or
whether it essentially lacks octave equivalence. Composition in scales
without octave equivalence is a relatively unexplored area, although the
4-16. Equaldivisirms ofthe413. These areequal temperaments ofthe413 ratherthan the21I. "Degrees/octave Il isthe
numhel' ofdegrees ofthe division corresponding tothez/: oroctave. Formanyofthese diuisions, theoctave nolonger
functions asaninterval ofequivalence. "Cents/octave" isthecent valueoftheapproximations to the111. "Octave diuision Il
istbeclosest whole number ofdegrees tothez/t, (-) indicatenhat the octave iscompressedandless than1200cents. (+)
means thatit isstretchedandlarger than1200cents. "Consonant intervals" arethedegrees ingood approximations tothe
intervals listed. All diuisions ofthe 413 have goodapproximatirms tothe1011 as (413;8 + theskbismaequals 10/r. Diuisons
thatare multiples of3 also have goodapproximations tothe1 1/1. 17 isaslightly stretched 4 s-toneequal temperament. 11
isaudibly equivalent to 53-tone equal temperament. 28 isa'lZalogrms tothedivision ofthefourth into18 parts according to
Tiby's theo,'Y ofGmk Orthodox liturgicalmum (Tiby 1938). 30 isanalogous toAristoxenos'sbasicsystem. 55 is
analogous to 13a-tone equal temperament. 60 isanalogous to 144-tone equal temperament. 90 isanalogous to 21 6-tone
equal temperament. The Golden RatioorPhi is (1+..J s)h,approxi71Ultely 1.618.
composer and theorist Brian McLaren has recently written a number
of pieces in non-octaval scales mostly of his own invention (McLaren,
personal communication, 1991). Xenakis has also mentioned chains of
fifths consisting of tetrachords and disjunctive tones (Xenakis 1971),
These suggest analogous divisions of the 312, including both those with
good approximations to the 4/3 and those without, Similarly, there are
divisions in which octave equivalence is retained and those in which it
is not, An example of one with both good fourths and octaves is the
seventh root of 312, which corresponds to a moderately stretched 12-
tone equal temperament of the octave (Kolinsky 1959).
means that there isnomelodic distinction between 7 4 7 (8 2 8) 18 DIATONIC, CHROMATIC (ALL THREE)
tbese gene/'a. The chromatic pyknain 9-, 10-, and 8 3 8 19 DIATONIC, CHROMATIC
17 7 17 41 ALL THREE
21 9 22 53 ALL THREE "
magnitudes (Schlesinger 1939; and chapter 8).Wilson has exploited the fact
that any scale generable by a chain of melodic fourths must incorporate
fourths of at least two magnitudes (Wilson 1986; 1987; and chapter 6). His
work implies that scales may be produced from chains of fourths of any
type, but that their sizes and order must be carefully selected to ensure tha t
the resulting scales are recognizably tetrachordal.
A number of altered fourths are available for experimentation. 4-18 lists
those which commonly arise in conventional theory and in the extended
theory of Schlesinger's harmoniai described in chapter 8. Scales may be
constructed by combining these tetrachords with each other or with normal
ones and with correspondingly altered disjunctive tones to complete the
octaves. Alternatively, the methods described in chapter 6 to generate
non-heptatonic scales may be employed.
perception is unanswerable. There may be a number of interesting research
problems in the psychology of music in this area.
The chapter concludes with a discussion Rothenberg's concept of pro-
priety as it applies to tetrachords and heptatonic scales derived from tetra-
chords. Rothenberg has used propriety and other concepts derived from
his theoretical work on perception in his own compositions, i.e., Inbarmonic
Figurations (Reinhard 1987).
Historical classification
The ancient Greek theorists classified tetrachords into three genera
according to the position of the third note from the bottom. This note was
called licbanos ("indicator") in the hypaton and meson tetrachords and
paranete in the diezeugrnenon, hyperbolaion, and synemmenon tetrachords
(chapter 6). The interval made by this note and the uppermost tone of the
tetrachord may be called the characteristic interval (CI), as its width defines
the genus, though actually it has no historical name. If the lichanos was a
semi tone from the lowest note, making the CI a major third with the 4/3,
the genus was termed enharmonic. A lichanos roughly a whole tone from
the III produced a minor third CI and created a chromatic genus. Finally,
a lichanos a minor third from the bottom and a whole tone from the top
defined a diatonic tetrachord.
The Islamic theorists (e.g., Safiyu-d-Din, 1276; see D'Erlanger 1938)
modified this classification so that it comprised only two main categories
translatable as "soft" and "firm." (D'Erlanger 1930j 1935) The soft genera
comprised the enharmonic and chromatic, those in which the largest
interval is greater than the sum of the two smaller ones, or equivalently, is
greater than one half of the perfect fourth. The firm genera consisted of the
diatonic, including a subclass of reduplicated forms containing repeated
whole tone intervals. These main genera were further subdivided according
to whether the pykna were linearly divided into approximately equal (1:1)
or unequal (I: 2) parts. The I: I divisions were termed "weak" and the I: 2.
divisions, "strong."
These theorists added many new tunings to the corpus of known tetra-
chords and also tabulated the intervallic permutations of the genera. This
led to compendious tables which mayor may not have reflected actual
musical practice.
5-1. Archytas'sgenera, These genera havea con-
stant 28h. 7 astheirparhypate.
CHROMATIC ---------------
° 50 100
2812 7 24312 24 p h7 5°0
204 3 + 3 + 24 PARTS
° 63 498
28h7 8/7 9/ 8
o 67 133 5°0
63 294 498 4 + 4 + 22 PARTS
° 75 4.5
+ 4,5 + 2I PARTS
5-2.. Pytbagorean genera. These gene1'tllll'e tradi-
100 200 5°0
tionnl/y attributedtoPythllgo1'f1s, but infilet areof ° 6 + 6 + 18 PARTS
Babylonian origin (Ducbesne-Guillemin 19 63,
1969). The division of the enbarmonicpyknon isnot SOFT DIATONIC
known, but severalplausible tuningsarelistedin the 100 25 0 5°0
Main Catalog, ° 6 + 9 + 15 PARTS
° 100 3°0 5°0
---- 6+ 12 + 12 PARTS
° 9° 498
256/243 9/8 9/ 8
° 9° 294 498
46/45 24123
- - - Il3
o 38
16II5 12 4 6/5
2812 7 15!I4
o 63 182
16II5 10/9 9/8
nhl n/II 7/6
0 81 231
nho 10/9 8/7
0 85 26 7
20!I9 19!I8 6/5
0 89 183
5-7. Barbera'sfunction applied toAristoxmossand such as Aristoxenos's enharmonic and his chromatics or on the cor-
Ptolemy s genera. responding ones of Ptolemy. The extent to which such calculations give
consistent values is a measure of the relatedness of the tetrachordal sets.
In 5-7, the results of such calculations are shown. The value for Aris-
toxenos's non-diatonic genera is 2.0. Ptolemy's genera yield values near 3.0,
lim 1.4
2.7 2
and the discrepancies are due to his use of superparticular ratios and just
intonation rather than equal temperament. The proportion of the Ptol-
emaic to the Aristoxenian values is near 1.4.
These facts suggest that both theorists conceived their tetrachords as
internally related sets, not as isolated tunings. Presumably, the increase
from 2.0 to about 3 of this parameter reflects a change in musical taste in
the nearly 500 years elapsed between Aristoxenos and Ptolemy.
5- 8. RatioofJichanos toparhypate inAristoxenos's Both ancient theorists presented additional genera not used in this
andPtolemy's genera. computation. Some, such as Aristoxenos's hemiolic chromatic or Ptolemy's
equable diatonic, had no counterpart in the other set. Ptolemy's soft dia-
tonic appears to be only a variation or inflection of his intense (syntonic)
chromatic. His remaining two diatonics, the tonic and ditonic, were of
historical origin and not of his invention. The same is true of Aristoxenos's
_ 2.0
_ _ 2.889 intense diatonic which seems clearly intended to represent the archaic
1.444 ditone or Pythagorean diatonic.
A comparison of the corresponding members of these two authors' sets
of tetrachords by a simpler function is also illuminating. If one plots the
ratio of lichanos to parhypate or, equivalently, the first interval versus the
sum of the first two, it is evident that Aristoxenos preferred an equal divi-
SOFT DIATONIC sion of the pyknon and Ptolemy an unequal I: 2 relation. These preferences
are shown by the data in 5-8, where the Iichanos/parhypate ratio is 2.0 for
~ .3·0 Aristoxenos's tetrachords and about 3.0 for Ptolemy's non-diatonic
INTENSE DIATONIC 2.821 genera.
One may wonder whether Ptolemy's tetrachords are theoretical
HEMIOLIC CHROMATIC innovations or whether they faithfully reflect the music practice of second
TONIC DIATONIC century Alexandria. The divisions of Didymos and Eratosthenes, authors
who lived between the time of Aristoxenos and Ptolemy, resemble
Aristoxenos's, and there are strong reasons to assume that Aristoxenos is
a trustworthy authority on the music of his period (chapter 3). The lyra
and kithara scales he reports as being in use by contemporary musicians
would seem to indicate that the unequally divided pyknon was a musical
~ RATIO (PTOLEMy/ARISTOXP.NOS) reality (chapter 6). Ptolemy's enharmonic does seem to be a speculative
construct as the enharmonic genus was extinct by the third century BeE
(Winnington-Ingram 1932)' His equable diatonic, however, resembles
modern Islamic scales and certain Greek orthodox liturgical tetrachords
(chapter 3)'
These historical studies are important not only for what they reveal
about ancient musical thought but also because they are precedents for
organizing groups of tetra chords into structurally related sets. The use of
5""9- Neo-Aristoxenian elassifiaztion. a+b + c - 50 0 constant or contrasting pyknotic/apyknotic proportions can be musically
cents. This classijiation isbasedon the size ofthe significant. Modulation of genus (Il£'tCl~OA.e KCl'tCl YEVOcr) from diatonic to
llIrgest orehtmzeteristic interua] (CI); the equal chromatic or enharmonic and back was a significant stylistic feature of
division ufthepyknon (a+b) isonly illustrative and ancient music according to the theorists. Several illustrations of this tech-
otherdivisWnr exist. The hyperenhannrmicgenera
nique are found among the surviving fragments of Greek music (Win-
hflVe CLr betrDetn the mlJjor third and thefturth and
pylmotic intervals ufe0mm4tic size. The enharmonic nington-Ingram 1936).
genertl amtsin CLr approximating tnIIjor thirdr. The
chromtJticgenera rtlngefrom the soft chrrmuztie to Neo-Aristoxenian classification
the soft ditJtonic ufAristoxenos orthe intens« The large number of new tetrachordal divisions generated by the methods
chromtJtic ufofPtokmy. The diatoni; are allthose of chapter 4 indicates a need for new classification tools. A conveniently
genertl T1Jithoutpylma, i.e., T1Jhose IIlrgest intmJal is
simple scheme is the neo-Aristoxenian classification which assumes a tem-
less than z50 tems.
pered fourth of 500 cents and categorizes tetra chords into four classes
according to the sizes of their CIs. For tetrachords in just intonation, the
HYPERENHARM ONIC fourth has 498.045 cents, and the boundaries between categories will be
dIO <a +b ~ 3c1I7 slightly adjusted. The essential feature of this scheme is the geometrical
13+Z3+454 to 37.5+37.5+415 cents approach of chapter three.
80/79' 79178. 13 / 10 to 5°/49'49/48. 31h5
Those new genera whose CIs fall between a major third and perfect
fourth may be denoted byperenbarmonic after Ervin Wilson (personal
3dI7 <a «b Scl3
communication) who first applied it to the 56/55 . 55/54' 9/7 genus. The
37.5+37.5+415 to 62.5+61.5+375 cents
48/47 '47 /46 . 23118 to 30h9·19h8· 56/45 hyperenharmonic CIs range from roughly 450 cents down to 425 cents.
The next classis the enharmonic with CIs ranging from 425 to 375 cents,
cl3 <a +bSe a span of 50 cents. The widest division is the chromatic, from 375 cents to
61·5+62·S+375 to IZS+I1S+250etnts 250 cents as it includes CIs whose widths vary from the neutral thirds of
19118'28h7'36119 to IS/I4'I41r3'SZ/4S approximately 360-35° cents (16h3, 11/9,27/22) through the minor and
DIATONIC subminor thirds (6/5, 7/ 6) to the "half-augmented seconds" (ISh 3,52/45)
c < a + b ~ 2e near 250 cents. Beyondthis limit, a pyknon no longer exists and the genera
IZ5+I2S+250 to I67+I67+I67Ctnts are diatonic.
104/97'9719°' IS/I3 totsts«. rrlro'400/363 This neo-Aristoxenianclassificationis summarized in 5-9. The limits of
the categories are illustrated with representative tetrachords in just
These four main classes may be further subdivided according to the
proportions of the two intervals which divide the pyknon, or apylmon in the
case of the diatonic genera. Because of the large number of possible divi-
sions, it is clearer and easier to display the various subgenera graphically
than to try to name them individually. Thus a number of representative
tetrachords from the Main Catalog have been plotted in 5-10-12 to illus-
trate the most important types.
5-10. Plot ofcbaraaeristic interualsuersus In 5-10, the first interval, as defined by the position of the note parhypate,
parhypatai. Thefour notes oftheillustratiue meson has been plotted against the characteristic interval. For most of the his-
tetracbord in ascending 01&" ofpitch arebypste, torical tetrachords of chapters 2 and 3, this is equivalent to plotting the
parbypate, lichanos, andmese. TheCI is theinterval smallest versus the largest intervals or the first against the third. The
between licbanos andmese. exceptions, of course, are Archytas's enharmonic and diatonic and Didy-
mos's chromatic.
5-II shows the position ofthe third note, lichanos, graphed against the
5-11. Plotoflichanoi uersus parhYPlltai. second, parhypate. This is equivalent to comparing the size of the whole
pyknon (or apyknon) to its first interval. This particular display recalls the
Greek classification by the position of the lichanoi and the differentiation
into shades or chroai by the position of the parhypatai.
5-12. First interualplotted against second interuals
ofmajortetracbordal genml. The tetrachords plotted The first interval is plotted against the second in 5-12. In this graph,
bere are50 + 50 +400, 100 + 100 + 300,100 + 150 however, all of the permutations of this set of typical tetra chords are also
+ 250,100 + 200 + 200, and 166.67 + 166.67 + plotted. This type of plot reveals the inequality of intervallic size between
166.67cents in 1111 oftheir interuallic permutations. genera and distinguishes between permutations when the tetrachords are
Thepermutationsofthesoftdiatonic genus delineate not in the standard Greek ascending order of smallest, medium, and
the region ofRothenberg-proper diatonic scales. large.
5- 10• 5- 11 • 5-1%·
40 0 40 0 40 0 0 lJ ENHARMONIC
s-14· Harmonic complexity andsimplicityfunc- 1351r28. 615, 161r5 . 75/64' 16115,10/9' 10/9' 27125, and 16/r5' 9/ 8.
tions on tetracbords injust intonation. (1) CI com- 10/9' Similarly, all the Pythagorean tunings in the Catalog are at the
plexity: thesumoftheprimefactors ofthelargest j-Iimit.
interual. (2) Pyknotic complexity: thejoint complex-
The second limitation of the largest prime number function when
ity of thetwointervals ofthepyknon. (]) Average
complexity: thearithmetic meanof the CI andpyk- applied to the whole tetrachord is that it does does not distinguish between
noticcomplexities. (4) Totalcomplexity: thejoint intervals which may be of differing harmonic importance to the composer.
complexity oftheentiretetracbord. (S) Harmonic Primary distinctions between genera are determined by the sizes of their
simplicity: lover thesum oftheprimefactors greater characteristic intervals. Genera with similarly sized CIs may have quite
than 2 ofthe ratio defining the CI.It basbeen nor- different musical effects due to the different degrees of consonance of these
malized bydividingby0.2, asthemaximum valueof
intervals. Similar effects are seen with the pyknotic intervals as well, par-
the unsealedfurution is o.2, corresponding toS/4
ticularly those due to the first interval which combines with mese or the
whose Wilson's complexity isS.
added note, hyperhypate, to form an interval characteristic of the oldest
Greek styles (Winnington-Ingram 1936 and chapter 6). In these cases, the
RATIOS 2 3 4 5 largest prime function must be applied to the individual intervals and not
HYPERENHARMONIC just to the tetra chord as a whole.
56155' 55/54'9/7 13 3 2 22·5 3 2 .3846 For these reasons, other indices of harmonic complexity have been
ENHARMONIC developed which utilize more of the information latent in the tetrachordal
2812 7' 36/35' 5/4 5 2I 13 21 1.000 intervals. These indices have been computed on a representative set of
3213 1' 31/30' 5/4 5 39 22 39 1.000 tetra chords and their component intervals. The first of the indices is
4 6/45. 24123' 5/4 5 34 19·5 34 1.000 "Wilson's complexity function which for single intervals may be defined asthe
sum of their prime factors (greater than 2) times the absolute values of their
20119' 19118.615 8 30 19 .6 250
exponents. For example, the complexities of 3/2 and 4/3 are both 3 and
2812 7 ' 1511 4 . 6/5 8 21 14·5 21
2612 5' 25124' 16113 26 26 those of 6/5 and 5/3 are both 8 (3 + 5). Similarly, the intervals 9/7 and
13 19·5 .3846
39/3 8'1911 8'16113 13 38 25·5 38
.3 846 14/9 both have complexities of 13 (3 + 3 + 7). The complexities of the CIs
24123' 2312 2. II/9 17 37 27 .294 1
40 of some important genera are tabulated in 5-14-
34/33' 18/17' I 1/9 17 34 25·5 34 .294 1 "Wilson's complexity function may also be applied to sets of intervals by
16115' 15h4'7/6 10 IS 12·5 15 .5000 finding the modified least common multiple of the prime factors (with aU
22/21' 12h I· 7/6 10 21 15·5 2I .5000 the exponents made positive). The pyknon of Archytas's enharmonic con-
sists of the intervals 28127 and 36/35. The first ratio may be expressed as
14/I3' 13h 2 .8/7 7 23 15 23 '7 143 7 + 33 and the second as 32 + 5 + 7. The modified least common multiple of
2Ih o- 10/9' 8/7 7 18 12·5 18 .7 143
16 16 this set is 33 • 5 . 7 and the "Wilson's complexity is 21 (3 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 7).The
28/2 7' 9/8 . 8/7 7 11.5 .7 143
16h5' 1019'9/8 6 II 8·5 II ,8333 average complexity, which is the arithmetic mean of the complexities of the
256/243 '9/ 8'9/8 6 IS 10·5 15 .8333 CI and the pyknon, and the total complexity, which is the joint complexity
I 2/r I . I i/tc» 10/9 II 19 15 22 ·4545 of all three intervals, are also shown in 5-14. In most cases the latter index
equals the pyknotic complexity.
An alternative index which may be more convenient in some casesis the
hannonicsimplicity, which isthe reciprocal of the complexity. This function
28/17' 15/14.615 25/14' 16115 . 615 n/lI . n/lI . 716 16115' 9/8 . 10/9 t zlt : . IIlIo· 10/9
z8h7 . 36/35 . S/4 72.09 73-99 12 3.59 192.96 227·94
70.67 63-43 1°3·37 162.62 145-59
28/17' 15/14.615 7-7 1 51.84 Ul.9 1 159·5°
10.91 35.81 97·54 9 8.81
25h4' 16115 .615 49.76 II9·04 155·39
4°·14 100.9 1 9 6.09
nh I . nllI . 716 7°·26 10 9.77
61.73 71.56
16/xS' 9/8. 1019
55. 0 2
l!NH.ARMONIC 101.36 II 1.80 I5 8.II 206.16 260.87
(50 + 50 + 400) 84. 89 7°.7 1 II 1.80 158.II 164 .99
1:2 CHROMATIC 60.09
33·33 10 5.4 1 166.67
(67 + 133 + 300) 47. 14 37.27 74·54 1°5.4 1
5°·0 100.0 149·°7
(100 + 100 + 300)
5°·0 100.0 94. 28
(100 + 150 + 250) 5°·0 106,7 2
5°. 0 68.7 2
(100 + 200 + 200) 74·54
5- I 7. Euclidean distances between permutations of smallest interval or of the first versus the second interval.
AnhytasSenharmonic genus. Thefunction tab- The distances are calculated according to the Pythagorean relation: the
ulated isthedistance calculated ontheplotofthefirst distance is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the dif-
by thesecond intervalofthetetracbord. Theother
ferences of the coordinates. The Euclidean distance is V[(C1z - CI I? + (par-
distance function, computedfrom thegraph ofthe
greatest versus theleast interual, isalways Ze/'O hypate- -paryhypatel)2] in the first case and v[(firstintervah -firstintervall?
betweenpermutations ofthesame genus. + (second intervals - second intervall)2] in the second. It is convenient to
convert the ratios into cents for these calculations. The distances between
some representative tetrachords in just intonation are tabulated in 5- I 5 and
some in equal temperament with similar melodic contours in 5-16.
One may also use the second Euclidean distance function to distinguish
5- 18. Euclidean distances between permutations of between permutations of tetrachords as shown in 5-17 and 5-18.
tempered gmera.
SOFT DIATONIC 100 + 250 + 150 150 + 100 + 250 150 + 250+ 100 250 + 100 + 150 250 + 150 + 100
100 + 150 + 250 100.0 I I 1.8 I 15 8. 11 15°·0
100 + 250 + 150 50 . 0 212·13 180.28
SOFT DIATONIC 100 + 250 + ISO 150 + 100 + 250 ISO + 250 + 100 250 + 100 + ISO 250 + IS0 + 100
100 + IS0 + 250 100.0 100.0 15 0 •0 200.0 15°·0
100 + 250 + ISO 100.0 5°·0 30 0 .0 25°. 0
ISO + 100 + 250 15 0.0 100.0 15°·0
IS0 + 250 + 100 200.0
18/27' 36/35 . 5/4 .°969 .0158 .0111 an extended just intonation. This function is equivalent to Ellis's cents
1.301 1.879 poo which are 1 zoo times the base-l logarithm. The second function is his
32/3 1 . 31/30' 5/4 .°9 69 .0141 .0138 harmonic distance, defined as the logarithm of a . b. This distance function
1.301 1.968 1.997 is a special use of the Minkowski metric in a tonal space where the units
46/45 . 1411 3 . 5/4 .°9 69 .0184 .°°9 6 along each of the axes are the logarithms of prime numbers. Thus the pitch
1.301 1.741 3.156
distance of the interval 917 is log (917) and the harmonic distance is 1 . log
101t9' 191t8 . 6/5 .°791 .0135 .0113
1-477 1·534 1.580 (3) + log (7)·
These functions may be used to characterize tetrachords by computing
18117.15114.6/5 .°791 .°3°0 .0158
1-477 1.311 1.878 distances for each of the three intervals. This has been done for the set of
16115' 15114' 16113 .0901 .0177 .017° representative tetrachords in 5-2. 3. The upper set of numbers is the pitch
1.318 1.778 1.813 distances; the lower, the harmonic distances. Alternatively, one could also
39/38. 19/18. 16!I3 .0901 .0135 .0113 applyit to the notes of the tetrachord after fixing the tonic and calculating
1.318 1·534 3.171 the notes from the successive intervals.
1411 3' 13 111 • 11/9 .0871 .0193 .0185 By a slight extensionof the definition, the pitch distance function may
1.996 1·704 1.741
also be applied to tempered intervals. The pitch distance is the tempered
34/33' 18/17' 11/9 .0871 .0148 .013°
1.996 1.486 3.05 0 interval expressed as a logarithm. For intervals expressed in cents, the
161tS' 15114' 7/6 .0669 .°3°0 .0180 formula is pitch distance = cents / 12.00 log (z), other logarithmic measures
1.613 1.311 1.380 could be used. This function will be most interesting for intervals which
1111 I • 11/11 . 7/6 .0669 '°378 .0101 are close approximations to those in just intonation. The harmonic dis-
1.613 1.111 1.664 tance function is not welldefined for tempered intervals unless they closely
141t3 . 13/11. 8/7 '°580 '°348 .°311 approximate just intervals.
1.748 1.193 1.160
The Tenney functions alsomay be used to measure the distance between
11110' 10/9.8/7 '°580 '°458 .0111
tetrachords. The pitch distance between the CIs of two genera is the log-
1.748 1.954 1.613
arithm of the quotient of their ratios; i.e., the pitch distance between 5/4,
18/17' 9/ 8. 8/7 '°580 .°511 1.580
I. 748 1.857 1.879 the CI of the enharmonic, and 615, the CI of the intense chromatic, is the
16!IS' 10/9' 9/ 8 .°511 '°458 .0180 logarithm of 25124. The harmonic distance is the logarithm of 312, the
1.857 1.954 1.380 product of 5/4 and 615.
1561143' 9/ 8. 9/ 8 .°511 .°511 .0116 The pitch distance and harmonic distance functions on the CIs dis-
1.857 1.857 4.794 tinguish genera quite well, though obviously not permutations of the gen-
11/11 . 11110. 10/9 '°458 .°414 '°378 era. The Tenney distance functions between representative set of
1.954 1.041 1.111
tetrachords in just intonation are shown in 5-24. One could also apply the
Tenney distance functions on the pyknotic intervals to distinguish sub-
genera with the same CI.
The distances between tetrachords in equal temperament may also be
measured by the Tenney functions. The pitch distance of the CIs is simply
the difference in cents or tempered degrees. The harmonic distance is the
sum of the CIs. Data on representative tempered tetrachords are shown
in S-:zS.
S-l4' Tenney pitdi and harmonic distances between genera in just intonation.
Euler's gradus suauitatis function
genzLr, (2)-(4) are enharmonic, (5)-(12) and (20) 4' 4 6/4S ' 2412 3 . 5/4 32 28 7 I I (I6/I 5)
arechromatic, and (13)-(19) arediatonic. The tet- 5· 201I9' I9II8 . 6/5 25 24 8 10 (10/9)
racbords arein theirstandard'[orm with the=11 6. 2812 7 ' IS/14' 6/S IS 14 8 10 (10/9)
intervalsat thebase andthelargest interual at the 7· 26hS' 2S/24 . 16/13 12 14 17 17 (13/12)
top. See S-32 and 5-33/01' otherpermutations ofthe 8. 39/38, I9II8. I6/r3 34 24 17 17 (13/12)
tetrachord. 9· 24123' 23/22 ' 11/9 28 34 IS IS (I2/r I)
10, 34/33 . I 8II 7 ' II/9 3° 22 IS IS (I2II)
II. I6/rS' ISII4' 7/6 II 14 10 10 (8/7)
12. 22121 . r a/r r . 7/6 20 IS 10 10 (8/7)
13· I4/r3' 13/12 ' 8/7 20 17 10 10 (7/6)
14· 21120' 10/9' 8/7 IS 10 10 10 (7/6)
IS· 2812 7 ' 9/8 . 8/7 IS 8 10 10 (7/6)
16. I6/rS' 10/9' 9/8 rr 10 8 12 (32127)
17· 2S61243 . 9/ 8 , 9/ 8 19 8 8 12 (32127)
18. U/rI· rriio . 10/9 15 16 10 8 (615)
19· IIlIo· rr/ro, 400/363 16 16 35 31 (121/100)
20. 16lrS ' 2Sh4' 6/S II 14 8 10 (10/9)
RATIOS TETRACHORD DORIAN This failure, however, is a feature shared by the other simple theories of
ENHARMONIC consonance based upon the prime factorization of intervals. Helmholtz's
IA. 2561243.81/80. 514 23 26
beat theory (Helmholtz [1871] 1954) and the semi-empirical "critical band"
2A. 2812 7 ' 36/3S' 514 21 24
theories ofPlomp and Levelt (1965) and Kameoka and Kuriyagawa (19 69a ,
2B. 2812 7 ' S/4' 36/35 19 22
19 6 9b) avoid predicting infinite dissonance for mistuned consonances, but
2C. 36/3S' 2812 7 ' S/4 21 24
3A. 2S124' I281r2S' S/4 22 2S
are more complex and difficult to use. The prime factor theories are ade-
quate for theoretical work and for choosing between ideally tuned musical
IA. 161rS' 2S124' 61S 17 20
lB. 25/24' 161rS' 61S 18 21
IC. 161rS' 61S .2S124 16
Statistical measures on tetrachordal space
2. 161rS' 7S164' 16/rS 17 20 The concepts of the degree of intervallic inequality and of the perceptual
3 A. 1019.81/80. 32h7 18 21
differences between tetrachords may be clarified by computing some of the
3 B. P127 . 81/80' 1019 18 21
standard statistical measures on a set of representative tetrachords, The
¥. 2S124' 2712S' 32h7 20 23
arithmetic mean of the three intervals is 500/3 or 166.667 cents in equal
4B• 3 2127' 2712S . 2sh4 20 23
SA. 161rS' ISIr4' 716 17 20 temperament or 3~(4/3) in just intonation. The mean deviation, standard
SB. 161rS' 716. ISlr4 19 22 deviation, and variance are calculated according to the usual formulae for
6A. 9/ 8 . 64 /63 . 716 19 22 entire populations with n = 3. These data are shown in 5-34 for some rep-
6B. 64/63 . 918 . 716 17 20 resentative tetrachords in just intonation and in 5-35 for a correspondingset
7 A. 1019 ' 36/3S . 716 18 21
in equal temperament. While not distinguishing permutations, these func-
7 B• 1019 ' 716 . 3613S 19 22
tions differentiate between genera quite well, although the degree to which
7 C' 3613S' 1019' 716 20 23
the mathematical differences correlate with the perceptual is not mown.
The geometric mean, harmonic mean, and root mean square (or quad-
IA. 9/8.28127.8/7 18 21
lB. 8/7' 918.28127 16 19
ratie mean) may be calculated in a similar fashion. Like the other statistical
2A. 1019' 21120' 8/7 18 21 measures above, these are non-linear functions of the relative sizes of the
2H. 21120· 10/9' 8/7 19 22 intervals and they have considerable ability to discriminate between the
3 A• 16lrS . 9/8. 1019 13 16 various genera. The relevant data are shown in 5-36 and 5-37.
3 B• 10/9' 9/8 . 16lrS 13 16
Several properties of these functions are apparent: for a given degree of
¥. 2 s61243 . 918 . 9/8 19 22
intervaUic asymmetry, the root mean square will show the greatest value,
S· 10/9' 27/2S' 1019 17 20
5-36. Ge011Utria1Utm, hJm1WTlumean, androot 2.8/17' 36/3S . S/4 IoS·86 7 6.97 2.2.7·73
mean squar« oftheintervals oftetrfKhords injust 2.8/17' ISII4' 61S 133.4 0 10 9.40 198.2.I
intonation, Porn - 3, the geometrU mean isthe cube 2.S/14· I6IIS ·61S I3S·S8 n4·2.I I97·S 8
root ofa·b.(j'oo - a - b)j thebarmonicmean is31!. 2.2./11' iins . 716 147·9° I3I.S7 182.·94
(IliJ, 'Where Iii - IIa, lib, andrl(50o -a- b)j the 16IIS . 918 . 1019 160·77 ISS·IS 170.62.
rootmeanSlJUlZre is -.J(L(j2)13), where j2 _ a2, b2, n/n . nlIo· 10/9 I6S'SI I6S·0I I66·S2.
(500 -a-b)2.
ENHARMONIC 100.0 7°'S9 2.34·S2.
5-37. Ge011UtrU mean, harmonu mean, and root (so + So + 400)
mean SfJUIZrt oftempered tetrachords. 1:2. CHROMATIC 138.79 lI6'3 8 193.4 1
(67 + 133 + 300)
(100 + 100 + 300)
(100 + ISO + 2.S0)
(100 + 200 + 200)
EQUAL DIATONIC 166.67 166.67 166.67
the geometric the next, and the harmonic the least, except for the arith-
metic mean, which is insensitive to this parameter.
The set of all possible tetrachords instead of just representative examples
or selected pairs may be studied by computing these standard statistical
measures over the whole of tetra chordal space. This space may be defined
by magnitudes of the first and second intervals (parhypate to hypate and
lichanos to parhypate) as the third interval (mese to Iichanos) is completely
determined by the values of the first two.
This idea may be made clearer by plotting a simple linear function such
as the third tetrachordal interval itself versus the first and second intervals.
The third interval may be defined as 500 - x - y, where x is the lowest
interval and y the second lowest. The domain of this function is defined by
the inequalities 0 ~ x ~ 500 cents, a ~ y ~ 500 cents, and x + y ~ 500 cents.
5-38 depicts the "third interval function" from two angles. Its values range
from 0 to 500 cents.
The arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and root mean square functions
are shown in 5-39 through 5-41. The arithmetic mean is a plane of constant
height at 166.667 cents for all values of the three intervals. The geometric
and harmonic means have dome and arch shapes respectively, while the
root mean square somewhat resembles the roof of a pagoda. The shapes of
these latter means may be clearer in the contour plots in the lower portions
of the figures.
One may conclude that the arithmetic mean obscures the apparent dis-
5-38. The thirdinternal'function, seenj"onta/Iy and tance between genera, the geometric mean reveals it, the harmonic mean
obliquely. Thethree intervals arepa,.hypate to maximizes it, and the root mean square exaggerates it. This conclusion is
bypate, licbanos toparhypate, andmese tolicbanos. illustrated in 5-43 where a cross-section through the plot is made where the
They always sum 500 cents (312 injust intonation). second interval has the value 166.667 cents and the first interval varies from
5-40. Geometrk mean ofthethree tttrachordal 5-41 • Harmonic mlan of thethree tetrachordal 5-4%. Root meansquare ofthe three tetra-
intervals. intervals. chordal intervals.
o o
500 500 o 500
5-43. Cross-sectiansofthe various means ofthe 5 -47· Cross-section ofthemeandeviation, sttmdard
three tetrracbordalintervals when thesecond deviation, andvariance ofthethreetetrachordal
intervalequals 166.67 cents. interuals tuben thesecond intervalequals 166.67
30 0 200 VARIANcE/roo
o 3°0
5-44. Mean deviation ofthethree tetracbordal 5-45. Standard deviations ofthe three tetra- 5-46. Variance of the threetetrachordal
interuals. chordal intervals. intervals.
§ l<l
~ §
~ ~ ~
0 0
fourths spanned different magnitudes, i.e., 500 and 498 or 583, erc., the
first equation must be used.
The next simplest applicable metric is the ordered linear intervallic
magnitude (OLIM) metric which is the average of the absolute values of the
difference between the three intervals which define the tetrachords, In the
case ofthe two tetrachords above, the intervals are al,b}, 50o-a} -hI and az,
hz,5oo-az-hz. The equation for this metric function is:
S~49' Ordered linearabsolute magnitude (upper) I I:( Ie};-el;_ll-Iez;-ez;_ll)! /(L-l), L-I =3.
and ordered linear interuallic magnitude (knuer)
metricson tetracbords injustintonation. where i ranges from 2 through L, since intervals are being computed.
In 5-49. these two simple metrics are applied to a group of representative
tetrachords in just intonation. The melodically similar tempered cases are
5-50' Orderedlinear absolute magnitude (uppe1) shown in 5-50. Permutations of genera are analyzed in 5-51 and 5-52. The
and ordered linear interualiic magnitude (luwer) OLAM metric distinguishes between these genera quite well; the OLIM
metria ontemperedgene/'a, less so, but patterns are suggested which data on a larger set of tetrachords
28/z 7' I 5/r4' 615 25124' I6!IS .6/s 22121 . r a/r r . 716 I6/r5 . 9/8 . 1019 r a/r r . II/IO . 1019
28/27' 36135' S/4 17.67 19.60 34. 25 63. 17 72.9°
47.1 I 47.1 I 79.63 135·94 135·94
28/z7' 15/r4' 615 1.93 16·59 45·5° 55. 23
5. 14 32.5 I 88.83 88.83
25/z4' I6/r5' 615 14-66 43·57 53·3°
32.5 I 88.83 88.83
22/z r . r a/r r . 716 28.92 38.64
56.31 56 .Jl
r6/r 5 . 9 / 8 . 1019 9·73
SOFT DIATONIC roo + 250 + 150 150 + 100 + 250 150 + 250 + 100 250 + 100 + 150 250 + 150 + 100
100 + 150 + 250 12·5° 5°. 0 75. 0
33·33 100.0 100.0
100 + 250 + 150 37.5 0 25.0 37·5° 5°. 0
100.0 33033 100.0 100.0
150 + 100 + 250
37·5° 5°.0 62·5°
100.0 66.67 100.0
may reveal. In particular, the OLIM metric fails to distinguish between
permutations of tempered tetra chords.
In theory, morphological metrics on combinatorial interval sets have
greater discriminatory power than metries on linear sets. Two sets of
combinatorial intervals were derived from the simple successive intervals
of 5-48. The first set, the Polansky set, is that described by Polansky
(1987b). The second set, the difference set, was constructed from iterated
differences of differences (Polansky, personal correspondence).
The ordered combinatorial intervallic magnitude (OCIM) metric is the
average of the absolute value of the differences between corresponding
elements of the musical structure. Its definition is:
\A(fIi,fIi+;J-L\.(f2i,ezi+j) IIt.;
where L m = the number of intervals in the set (the binomial coefficient,
described above). To apply it to other combinatorial interval sets, it must
be appropriately modified to something like:
:r.i.2 I(IIi-i.?;) IIx;
where I ni are the elements of a set like the difference set of 5-48.
As can be seen in S-53 and S-S4, the OCIM metric calculated on the two
sets of intervals from these tetrachords discriminates between genera very
5-53· Ordered combinatorial interuallic magnitude
well. Both sets of intervals are roughly equivalent with this metric.
metriconthePolonsky (uppe7) anddiffmm:e (knuer) Permutations are studied in S-SS and S-56. On neither interval set does
intervalsetsfrom tetracbords injust intonation. the OCIM metric distinguish permutations completely.
I6lr5 . 9/ 8. 10/9
(100 + 150 + 250)
(100 + 100 + 200)
5-56. Ordered combinatorial interuallic magnitudemetricon the Polansky (upper) and
diffe1'ence (lower) interualsets jrQ111. permutedtemperedtetracbords.
50 +4°° + 50 175.0
4 6 6 . 67
INTENSE CHROMATIC 100 + 300 + 100 300 + 100 + 100
SOFT DIATONIC 100+ 250+ 150 150 + 100 + 150 15°+25°+100 250+ 100+ IS0 250 + IS0 + 100
This function is the absolute value of the difference between the aver-
ages of the corresponding intervals. For the difference set, the formula
11: (Il;)IL",-'r-(I2i)IL", I,L",=6,
i.2 i.2
where the I,,; are the elements of the set.
S-S7 and S-S8 show the data for the same group of tetrachords as before.
Genera are fairly well discriminated by this metric, especially when cal-
culated on the Polanskyinterval set, but not as well with the difference set
intervals. Neither are particularly successful for distinguishing per-
mutations with this metric (S-59 and 5-60).
f.-58. Unordered combinatorial interuallic magnitude metriconthePolansky (upper) and
'difference ~(fWer) intervalsetsfrom tempered tetracbords.
5.556 2.778 ILl! 5.55 6
II.II 22.22 55.5 6 55.56
8,333 16.67 I I. II
10 0 "1- 100 + 300 33·33 66.67 66.67
/SOFT DIATONIC 8·333 2.778
100 + ISO + 250 33-33 33-33
SOFT DIATONIC 150 + 100 + 250 150 + 250 + 100 250 + 100 + ISO 2.50 + 150 + 100
100 + 150 + 250 8·333 8·333 0.0
16.67 16.67 50 .0
100 + 250 + 150 2.5. 0 0.0 25. 0 16.67
83-33 16.67 50 •0 16.67
ISO + 100 + 250 25,0 0.0 8,333
100.0 66.67
150 + 250 + roo 16.67
250 + 100 + ISO 8·333
In addition to absolute and intervallic metrics, directional metrics are
also defined. Directional metrics measure only the contours of musical
structures, i.e., whether the differences between successive elements are
positive, negative or zero. Although these metrics are perhaps the most
interesting of all, they are generally inapplicable to tetrachords because
tetrachords are sets of four monotonically increasing pitches whose dif-
5-61. Ordered (uppe,~ andunordered (lotoer) ferences are always positive (or negative if the tetrachord is presented in
combinatorial interval direction met11CS on descending order). Directional metrics, however, are very applicable to
diffe,'em:e sets fiwlI tetracbords in just intonation.
melodies constructed from the notes of tetrachords or from tetrachordally
derived scales such as those of chapter 6.
The intervals of the tetrachordaI difference set, however, are not
5-61. Ordered (uppe,~ andunordered (lower) necessarily monotonic and therefore combinatorial directional metrics
combinatorial interval direction metrics on may be computed on these intervals. Two such metrics were calculated
diffi,'enasetsfi'om tempered gene1'l1, for the same set of tetrachords and permutations used above, the ordered
281z7' ISII4' 61S 2S1z4' 16/xS ·61S n/2 I· r z/r r . 716 I61I S . 918 . 10/9 I2/I1 • IIlIo . 1019
2812 7 ' 36/3S . S/4 . 16 67 •16 67 . 16 67 ·sooo . 1 6 67
·3333 ·3333 ·3333 ·3333 ·3333
2812 7 ' IS!I4' 61S 0.0 0.0 '3333 0.0
0.0 0.0 .6667 0.0
ENHARMONIC . 16 67 0.0 •1667 .5000 ·3333
(50 + 50 + 40 0 ) ·3333 0.0 ·3333 ·3333 .6667
1:2 CHROMATIC .1667 0.0 ·3333 .5 000
(67 + 133 + 3 00) ·3333 0.0 .6667 1.00
INTENSECHROMATIC . 16 67 .5 000 ·3333
(100 + zoo + 300) ·3333 ·3333 .6667
(zoo + ISO + 2 SO) .6667 1.00
(100 + 200 + 200)
5-64. Ordered (uppel)andunordered (lower) combinatorial intervaldirection metrics on
dijfel'ence setsfi'om permuted tempered tetracbords.
50 + 400 + 50 .5 0 0 0
250+100+15° . 1667
proper, but replete with ambiguous intervals. A composer using this scale
might prefer to fix the tonic with drone or restrict modulation so as to avoid
5-6 5. Rothenberg diffennce matrices. Theraw exposing the ambiguous intervals. The next scale is patterned after certain
index is tn. Max (t,,) isthelargest entryin raw tn. common Islamic scales employing modally neutral intervals, It is strictly
Min (t,J isthe smallest enry in mw tn- Theintense proper, a feature it shares with the more familiar five-note black key scale
diatonic tetracbord is I + 2 + 2 degrees or 6 + 12+ 12
in ra-tone equal temperament.
parts. The.roft diatonic derivesfrom. 2 +3 +5 or 6+9
+15 parts.The neutral diatonic is3 +4 +3 degree.r, a
The final two examples, Aristoxenos's intense chromatic and his en-
permuta tion of9 + 9 + 12 pal"ts. The intense harmonic, are improper. The majority of the intervals of these scales are
chromatic is I + I +3 degrees. The enharmonic either ambiguous or contradictory. These scales are most likely to be heard
tetracbord is r + I +8 deg7·eeJ. Internals in and used as pentatonic sets with alternate tones or inflections.
parentheses are ambiguous; those in squarebrackets Because the major (0 400700 cents, 4:5:6 in just intonation), minor (0
are contt'lldiet01y. 300 700 cents, 10:12:15), subminor (0 250 700 cents, 6:7:9), and supra-
major (0 45°7°0 cents, 14:18:21) triads are strictly proper, they can serve
to 0 2 4 6 7 9 II 12/0 to a z S 7 8 9 u/o
t1 I 2 MAX (t 3) = MIN (t4) = 6 t1 [3] [z] [3] MAX (tV> MIN (tv
t2 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 t2 [z) 4 [S] 3 [2) 4 4 MAX (tV> MIN (t3)
t3 S (6) S S S S S t; S (6) (6) (4) S S S
t4 7 7 7 7 (6) 7 7 t4 7 7 7 7 (6) (6) [8]
tr 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 tr 8 8 10 8 (7) 9 10
t6 10 II 10 10 10 II 10 t6 9 II II 9 10 II II
t7 12 12 U U 12 I2 U t7 12 12 12 12 12 IZ 12
to 0 2 S 10 14 16 19 24/0 to 0 I 2 10 14 IS 16 24/0
t1 3 (S) 4 3 (S) MAX (tv = MIN (tv t1 [8] I (8) MAX (tv> MIN (tv
t2 (S) 8 (9) 6 (5) 8 (5) MAX (tV = MIN (t;) (12) S MAX (tv> MIN (t;)
t2 (2) 9 [2] 9 9
t3 10 (12) II (9) 10 10 10 MAX (t;) = MIN (t4J t; 10 [IJ] [I3J [6] 10 10 10 MAX (t;) > MIN (t4)
t4 14 14 14 14 (12) 13 (I S) MAX (t4) = MIN (t sJ t4 14 14 14 14 [II) [II] [18]
ts 16 17 (19) 16 (IS) 18 (19) ETC.
ts IS IS 22 IS [12J 19 22
t6 (19) 22 2I (19) 20 22 2I
t6 16 23 23 16 20 23 23
t7 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 t7 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
to 0 3 7 10 14 17 2I 24/0
t1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 MAX (tn-V < MIN (t,,)
t2 7 7 7 7 7 7 6
t; 10 II 10 II 10 10 10
t4 14 14 14 14 13 14 13
tr 17 18 17 17 17 17 17
t6 21 21 20 21 20 2I 20
t7 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
30 0
as a, b, and S0D - a - b (a, b, and tfh/3a in just intonation), one can calculate
the Rothenberg difference matrix and determine the propriety limits for
isolated tetrachords or conjunct chains where the interval of equivalence is
the fourth. Such chains were present in the earlier stages of classical Greek
musicand are still extant in contemporary Greek Orthodox liturgical music
(chapter 6 and Xenakis 1971).
The computation is performed by solving the inequalities formed by
setting each of the elements of rows t" less than each of those in rows t" + 1.
In practice, the work may be minimized because only the elements in the
first (n + I) /2. rows of an n-tone scale need be considered. One may also
5-68. Prop7'iety limitsof'pentacaords. ignore relations that are tautological when all the intervals are positive.
The result is a set of constraints on the sizes of intervals a and b, shown
ROWS DIFFERENCE MATRIX in 5-66. Tetrachords and conjunct chains of tetra chords spanning perfect
t1 a b 500 - 0 - b 2.00 fourths, are strictly proper when intervals a and b satisfy these constraints.
t: o+b 500-0 700-0-b 2.00+0 The tetrachords and chains are proper when their intervals equal the ex-
t s 500 700-0700-b 200+0+b
trema ofthe constraints. For values outside these limits, the tetrachords and
t4 700 700 7 00 700
conjunct chains are improper.
CONSTRAINTS: 0<0 < 250; ° < b < 250; 250 < 0
+b < 500i 2.0 + b < 700; 0 + ib < 700; b - a < Because the three intervals a, b, and 500 - II - b add to a constant value,
200; 300 < ia + b. there are only two degrees of freedom. Therefore, the domain over which
VERTICES: 2.50,0; 50, 200i 33.3,233.3; 100, tetrachords are proper may be displayed graphically in two dimensions.
300; 2.33-3, 233.3; 250, 2.00. The region in the a . b plane within which tetrachords are strictly proper is
shown in 5-67. The vertices define an area in the a . b plane within which the
constraints are satisfied. Points on the edges of the triangular region cor-
5-69. Prop7"iety limitsfo7' isolatedpentacbords and respond to proper tetrachords, The two points on the axes are also proper
conjunct tbainsofpmtoch07·dJ. as tricbords, which are degenerate tetrachords with only three notes.
Similarly, the propriety limits for pentachords consisting of a tetrachord
and an annexed disjunctive tone (200 cents or 9/8) may be determined. The
difference matrix is shown in 5-68. As all circular permutations of a scale
have the same value for propriety, it is immaterial whether the disjunctive
tone is added at the top or bottom of the tetrachord. The region satisfying
the propriety constraints for isolated pentachords and pentachordal chains
is shown in 5-68.
300 Similar calculations may be carried out for complete heptatonic scales
consisting of two identical tetrachords and a disjunctive tone. This tone
5-70. Propriety limitsfor beptatonic scales with identical tetracbords. 5-71. Propriety Jimitsfor beptatonicscales
with identical tetracbords.
3°0 _
IJ b 500-0- b 200 a b 500-0-b
a-vb 500-0 700-0-b 200+a o+b 5° 0-0 500- b
5°0 7°0-0 7oo-b 2oo+a+b 5°0 5°0 5°0
7°0 7°° 7°° 7°° 5°0+0 5oo+ b 1000 -IJ-b
II c II I:
500 o o
c~ll-b proper. The three triangular spaces lying between the long sides of the
hexagon and the edge of the space contain diatonic genera which yield
improper heptatonic scales. In certain cases to be discussed later, some of
these tetrachords may be combined with other genera to produce proper
mixed scales.
The six vertices of the central hexagon in 5-74 are the six permutations
of the soft diatonic genus ofAristoxenos, 100 + 150 + 250 cents. The center
of overall symmetry is the equal diatonic genus, 166.667 + 166.667 +
166.667 cents. The intersection of the altitudes of the triangle and the
midpoints of the long sides of the hexagon are the three permutations of the
intense diatonic, 100 + 200 + 200 cents, while the intersections with the
midpoints of the short sides define the arrangements of the neo-
Aristoxenian genus, 125 + 125 + 250 cents. This genus lies on the border of
the chromatic and diatonic genera, but sounds chromatic because of the
5-75. Non-diatonic genel1l.
equal division of the pyknon.
The non-diatonic or pyknotic genera are portrayed in 5-75. The empty
border around the filled regions delimits the commatic (25 cents) and
subcomrnatic intervals. The small triangular regions in dark color near the
vertices are the hyperenhannonic genera whose smallest intervals fall be-
tween 25 and 50 cents in this classification (see the neo-Aristoxenian clas-
sification above for more refined limits on the boundaries between the
500 hyperenharmonic, enharmonic, and chromatic genera). Next are the trap-
ezoidal enharmonic and chromatic zones which flank the unmarked central
diatonic area. The enharmonic zone contains pyknotic intervals from 50 to
100 cents and the chromatic from 100 to 125 cents.
propriety regions of 5-80 and 5-81 and find companion tetrachords which
30 0 -
produce proper heptatonic scales when joined to them by a disjunctive
tone. These computations are performed in the same way as in 5-70 and
5-77, except that the variables in one of the two tetrachords are replaced
by the cents values of the intervals. The result of the calculations will be a
range of values for the companion tetrachord.
INTERVAL 0 300 The three permutations of the intense diatonic genus in r z-tone equal
temperament (100 + 200 + 200 cents, 200 + 100 + 200 cents, and 200 + 200
5-78. Absolute propriety limitsfOI" lotuer
+ 100 cents) as well as the neochromatic form of the syntonic chromatic
(100 + 300 + 100 cents) were selected as lower tetrachords. The propriety
limits for the upper companion tetrachords were then computed. These
results are shown in 5-82.
Points in the interiors of the regions yield strictly proper scales, while
those on the peripheries produce scales that are merely proper. The neo-
chromatic tetrachord has only a one-dimensional solution space; the up-
permost point corresponds to a mode of the harmonic minor scale.
Similar calculations were performed for an additional 23 tetrachords and
INTERVAL 0 30 0 the results are tabulated in 5-83. In agreement with previous results (5-74
5-79. Absolutepropriety limitsf01' uppel"
and 5-78), no proper scalescould be formed from lower tetrachords whose
tetracbords, first intervals were microtones.
c=(J-b c=(J-b
5°0 500
a C (J C
500 o 500 o
5-80. Absolute propriety limitsfOI" knner 5-8 I. Absolute propriety limitsfor upper
tetracbords. tetrofbol"ds.
used the notion of "coherence" in his work on microtonal analogs of the
diatonic scalein r z-tone equal temperament (Balzano 1980). Though not
tetrachordal, Balzano's scales are homologous to the tritriadic scales dis-
cussed in chapter 7. Ervin Wilson (personal communication) has applied
30 0 the term constant structure to scalesin which each instance of a given interval
subtends the same number of subintervals, but not necessarily subintervals
of the same magnitude or order. This property is also equivalent to
5-83' Proper mixedtetracbordscales, in cents. These I. 100200200 5°,200;50,25°; 200,200; 200, 50
tetratbords can combine with a disjunctive tone and 2. 200100200 100,15°; 100,3°0; 200, 200j 200,50
any tetracbordin theregion defined by thevertices to 3· 200200100 100,200; 100,300i 250,15°; 25°,5°
yield proper orstrictlyproper scales. Theretrogrades 4· 100 3°0100 100, 200; 200, 100
ofthese tetracbords can also serve astheuppertetra- 5· 10015° 250 5°,25°,5°,20°; 150,150; 150, 100
chords ofproper scales. Thethirdintervalofeach tet- 6. 10025° 150 100,15°; 100,25°;200, 150; 200,5°
racbord may befound by subtracting thesum ofthe 7· 150 10025° 50,200; 50,250; 150, 150; 150, 100
two tabulated intervalsfrom roo cents. Theneo- 8. 150 250 100 100,275; 100,200; 15°,25°; 225, 175; 225,75
chromatic tetracbord number4 istheupper tetra- 9· 250 100 150 15°,150; 15°,25°; 250, 150;25°,50
chord oftheharmonic minormode. Itsregion ofpro- 10. 250 150 100 15°,15 0; 15°,250; 250, 15°;25°,5°
priety is reduced toa lineratherthananareain the II. 50 250 200 NO PROPER SCALES
tetracbordalintervalplane. Temubords II, 12, and 12. 5°20025° NO PROPER SCALES
26 cannotformproper scales with anyupper 13· 20°5° 250 100, 150; 100, 200; 150, 150; 150, 100
tetracbord. 14· 20025° 50 200,15°; 200,200; 250, 150; 250, 100
15· 25°5° 200 150,15°; 150,250; 200,200j200, 100
16. 250 200 50 200,15°;200,200; 250,15°; 250, 100
17· 12512 5 2 5° 5°,200; 50,25°; 150, 150; 150, 100
18. 125 25° 125 87'5, 187.5; 87.5, 287.5; 212.5, 162.5; 212,5,62,5
19· 25° 125 125 150,15°; 15°,25°;25°, 15°;25°,50
20. 15°15°200 50,200;50,250;200,200; 200,50
21. 150 200 150 75,175; 75, 225; 83,3, 283.3; 150,25 0; 225, 175;
22. 20015° 150 100, 150j 100,300; 250, 150j 250,0
23· 1002 75 125 87.5, 187,5; 87·5, 237·5; 200, 125; 200, 75
24-. 125275100 100,175; 100,25°; 212.5, 137.5; 212·5,62·5
25· 233033 233.33 33·33 233.33, 133.33; 233,33, 166.67
26. 3J.33 233·33 233-33 NO PROPER SCALES
The pentachord
Pentachords may be considered as tetrachords with disjunctive tones added
at either extremity. They divide the perfect fifth into four subintervals and
occur in several forms in the various modes of heptatonic scales. The two
forms of greatest theoretical importance are described in 6- 1. 'While of rel-
atively minor musical prominence, the pentachord has considerable ped-
agogicalvalue in explaining how certain tunings and scales may have arisen.
(Xenakis 197 1, and chapters 2 and 5). These chains exhibit cyclic per-
mutation of their constituent intervals. Most importantly, they are ex-
amples of those rare musical systems in which the octave is not the modulus
or interval of equivalence.
Additionally, more traditional heptatonic modes (echoi), some of which
6·2. Pentacbordal systems.
appear to have genetic continuity with classic Greek theory, if not practice,
are employed. These may be analyzed either as composed of two tetra-
ARCHYTAS'S SYSTEM chords or as as combinations of tetrachord and pentachords. A number of
D E F GU. Gj, G A tetrachords from these modes are listed in the Catalogs.
8/9 III 2812 7 I6!IS 9/ 8 32127 4/3 Some irregular species of Greek and Islamic origin are also listed in
6/S chapter 8 along with Kathleen Schlesinger's harmoniai to which they bear
some resemblance. These divide the fourth into four parts and the fifth into
7/ 6 9/7 five. The Greek forms are merely didactic patterns taken from Aristoxenos
7/ 6 8/7 and interpreted by Kathleen Schlesinger as support for her theories, while
the Islamic scales were apparently modes used in actual music. 8- or o-rone
4°/39 SYSTEM pseudo-tetrachordal octave scales may be formed by combining these with
D E F GU. Gj, G A
appropriate fifths or fourths.
8/9 Ih 40/39 16/IS 10/9 ph7 4/3
The hexachord, heptachord, and gapped scales
6/5 S/4
The hexachord and heptachord generally appear as transitional forms be-
ISh3 13/ 10 tween the single tetrachord and the complete heptatonic scale or oc-
S/4 6/5 tachord. The hexachord appears as a stage in the evolution of the
enharmonic genus from a semitonal pentatonic scale similar to that of the
ISh3 52/45 modernJapanese koto to the complete heptatonic octave. This 5-note scale
is often called the enharmonic of Olympos (6-3) after the legendary musi-
cian who was credited with its discovery by Plutarch (perrett 1926). This
and other pentatonic scales may be construed as two trichords combined
with a whole tone to complete the octave. The two intervals of the trichord
may be a semi tone with a major third, a whole tone with a minor third, or
any other combination of two intervals whose sum equals a perfect
At some point the semi tone in the lower trichord was divided into two
dieses. This produced the spondeion or libation mode which consisted of
a lower enharmonic tetrachord combined by disjunction with an upper
trichord consisting of a sernitone and a major third (6-3). This hexachord
or hexatonic scale evolved into the spondeiakos or spondeiazon tropos.
Eventually the semitone in the upper trichord was also split and a hep-
6-3' Gapped orirregular scales. The notation used tatonic scale in the enharmonic genus resulted. This transformation may
here reproduces that ofthe refermces. The plus sign have been completed about the time of Plato, who writes as if he distrusted
indicates a tone t/s-tone higherthan normal. these innovations. In later times, the ancient pentatonic and hexatonic
Unless otherwise noted, noparticular tuning is
melodic patterns were retained in compositions for voice and accompani-
assumed, but eitherPythagorean orArchytas's
supplemented as required with undecimalratios ment (Winnington-Ingram 1936).
would beIlppropriate historically, In principle, a hexachord can be obtained from a heptatonic scale in four
ways by omitting one tone in either tetrachord, 6-3 lists the versions found
in the literature. In these cases, the omitted note is the sixth degree, though
Pentatonic forms
the second version which lacks the seventh instead is a plausible inter-
e f a b c (e') pretation in some cases. Schlesinger's version is based on her theories which
are described in detail in chapter 8.
e f a b c+ or e f+ a b c+ Some controversy, however, exists in the literature about the tuning of
III I1III 4/3 3/1 IS/II (2h) these early gapped or transilient scales. The arguments over the relative
SPONDEION (HENDERSON 1942) merits of enharmonic or diatonic tunings were discussed by Winnington-
fa b d# e+ore e+ f a b Ingram (1928) whose scales and notation are reproduced in 6-3. Notable
SPONDEION (MOtlNTFORD 1923) are his and Mountford's undecimal or II-limit tunings for the pentatonic
IIr 28127 4/3 312 r8/II (111) forms. Winnington-Ingram's un decimal neutral third pentatonic could be
Hexatonic forms the progenitor of the hemiolic chromatic genus (75 + 75 + 350 cents) and
SPONDEIAKOS or SPONDEIAZON TROPOS diatonics similar to the equable diatonic such as IS0 + IS0 + 200 cents.
(WINNINGTON-INGRAM 1928) Henderson (1942.) has also offered two quite different non-standard in-
e e+ f a b c terpretations of the enharmonic pentatonic based on etymological
with b+ d' & c' in theaccompaniment
The hypothetical diatonic versions of these scales according to the
efgabd suggestions of several scholars are listed in this table as well. Weil and
with hi. c & e' in the accompaniment Reinach provide a conventional diatonic form (Winnington-Ingram 1928).
GAPPED SCALE OF TERPANDER II: NICOMACHOS The version of Greif appears to be derived from the Lesser Perfect or
(HELMHOLTZ 1877, 266) Conjunct System with the addition of a tone below the tonic as seen in the
e f g a b d (e') Dorian harmonia of 6-4 (ibid.), It should be compared with the ancient
DIATONIC OF GREIF non-octaval heptachord which may also be formally derived from the
(WINNINGTON-INGRAM I92S) conjunct system (6-1).
d e f a b, c# (d')
The medieval diatonic hexachord of Guido D'Arezzo, c d e f g a c', may
SCHLESINGER (1939,183) be included with these scales too, although it is much later in time. In just
III r r/ro II/9 II/S II/7 1/6 (21r)
intonation, it is usually considered to have the ratios IIr 9/8 5/44/3 312
Heptatonic form 5/3, derived from the Lydian mode of Ptolemy's syntonic diatonic instead
CONJUNCT HEPTACHORD of the Pythagorean III 9/8 81/644/3 312 271r6. In the septimal diatonic
cfgab,cd tuning of Archytas it would have the ratios r/r 8/7 9/7 4/3 3212 I 17./7'
The octachord or complete heptatonic scale
The union of a tetrachord and a pentachord creates an octachord or com-
plete heptatonic scale. There is evidence, however, that initially two di-
atonic tetrachords were combined by conjunction, with a shared note
6-4' The oldest barmoniai in three genera. between them, to form a 7-note scale less than an octave in span (6-1). The
later addition of a whole tone at the top, bottom, or middle separating the
two tetrachords, completed the octave gamut. Traces of this early hep-
Dorian tachord may be seen in the construction of the Lesser Perfect System and
ENHARMONIC d e f- gil. a b c- d'l.Io e'
in the irregular scales of 6-3 and 6-4.
CHROMATIC de f g, abc d', e'
Similarly, two enharmonic tetra chords were joined by disjunction with
DIATONIC defgabcd'e'
the 9/8 tone between them to create the Dorian harmonia to which a lower
tone was added (6-4). An alternative genesis would connect two pen-
ENHARMONIC de f- gil. a b c- d'l.Io d'
CHROMATIC de f g, abc d', d' tachords whose extra tones were at their bases to produce the o-tone
DIATONIC de f gab c d' Dorian harmonia to which other tones might accrete, By analogy, both the
Lydian enharmonic and diatonic proto-scales converged to the same multi-octave
ENHARMONIC f- gil> a b c- d'l.Io e' f-' structures later called by the name of system. In the fifth century BeE the
CHROMATIC f g, abc d', e' f' wide ditone or major third of the enharmonic genus was gradually nar-
DIATONIC f gab c d' e' F rowed to a minor or subminor third by a process termed "sweetening."
Mixolydian Eventually, this process resulted in the chromatic genus which was raised
ENHARMONIC B c- dI.Io d e f- gil. b to the same status as the diatonic and enharmonic genera.
CHROMATIC B c c4 d e f g, b
DIATONIC Bcd e f (g) (a) b The Greater and Lesser Perfect Systems
Syntonolydian However the early evolution of the Greek musical system actually oc-
curred, the result came to be schematized as the Perfect Inunutable System.
Its construction was as follows: two identical tetrachords of any genus and
2ND DIATONIC BCd e g a disjunctive tone (9/8) formed a central heptatonic scale which became the
core of the system. Another identical tetrachord was then added by con-
Ionian (lastian)
ENHARMONIC B C- dI.Io ega junction at both ends ofthe scale and disjunctive tone was patched on at the
CHROMATIC B C d~ ega bottom of the whole array. A fifth tetrachord, synemmenon, was inserted
DIATONIC cefga conjunctly into the middle of the system to recall the ancient heptachord
2ND DIATONIC Bed ega and to facilitate commonly occurring modulations at the fourth. This su-
pernumerary tetrachord was also a useful pedagogical device to illustrate
unusual intervals (Erickson 1965; Steinmayer 1985).
The final results consisted of sets of five tetrachords linked by conjunc-
tion and disjunction into arrays of fifteen notes spanning two octaves.
These systems, in turn, could be transposed into numerous pitch keys or
tonoi, at intervals roughly a semitone apart according to the later authors.
1I4+ 90 cents), and Avicenna's chromatic 7/ 6. 36/ 35 ' 10/9 (167 +49 + 181
cents). Some unusual divisions such as 18h7 .81/70' 10/9 (63 + 253 + 181
cents), 18h7' 118711791 . 156/143 (63 + 345 + 90 cents), 16!IS' 3S/32 ' 8/7
(112+ 155+ 1 JI cents), 16115' 12 I 511014' 256/243 (111 + 296 + 90 cents),
7/6 . 81/80 . 9/8 (267 + 11 + 204 cents), 31/17 . 81/80· 1019 (194 + 21 + 181
cents), 18h7·64/63 .81/64(63 +12 +408 cents), 615 "135/118,1561243 (316
+92+ 90 cents), and :1561243.81/8°' 514(90+ 11 +386 cents) are alsofound
here. Notable are the intervals of 253 cents, another possible tuning for the
6-5. ThePerfect Immutable System in thediatonic, ekbole, the neutral third of 345 cents, the three-quarter tone 35/32 (155
chromatic, and enharmonic genera, tunedaccording cents), and the minor whole tone 10/9.
toArtbytas': andPythagorean tuning.The
The alternate tunings I 6/r 5 and 28/1 7 for the first interval of the syn-
transcription isin thenaturalkeytoavoidacadentals
emmenon tetrachord may have been used in order to obtain the spon-
andthemistaken lateshiftofemphasis from Dorian
toHypo/ydian (Henderson 1957). The-andJl, deiasmos, an interval of three dieses approximating 150 cents, mentioned
indicate thatthese aredifferent pitches in the by Bacchios (Steinmayer 1985; Winnington-Ingram 1932). These intervals
enharmonicgenus. Erickson (1965) proposes 6.,145 would measure 35/31 (155 cents) as the difference between 14/9 and 64/45,
asanalternative tuningfortritesynemmenon. or 243/114 (141 cents) as the difference between I I 1/81 and 311. The in-
with superparticulars ofsimilar magnituM such as rii 28127 32127 4/3 312 8/5 9/5 2II
n/z1, buttheexaaratio isclearfrom thecontext. 6. A MEDIEVAL ISLAMIC SCALE OF ZALZAL FOR COMPARISON
u: 9/8 8r/64 4/3 40127 130/8r r6/9 2II
chords was completed only near end of the fourth century BCE, the division
may not have been standardized and was most likely done by ear during the
course of the melody (Winnington-Ingram 1928), in which case the ap-
proximate equality of the dieses in Boethius's tuning probably captures the
flavor of the scale adequately. Euler's eighteenth-century tuning (Euler
[1739] 1960, and Catalog number 79) is similar and considerably simpler.
An impractical, ifpurely Pythagorean, solution (number 81) as well as some
other approximations are given in the Main Catalog.
Although these scales are analogous to the "white key" modes, the latter
are named out of order due to a misunderstanding in early medieval times.
6-7. The octaue species in all threegenera. The B MIXOLYDIAN, HYPERDORIAN E
traditionalnamesan givenfirst and alternate ones C LYDIAN F
subsequently. The Hypermixolydian was denounced D PHRYGIAN G
by Ptolemyas otiose and by the city of Argos as E DORIAN a
illegal(Wi7l11ington-Ingt'am 1936). This F HYPOLYDIAN b
transcription uses thenatural keyfor clarity. Late G HYPOPHRYGIAN, IONIAN C
(C - C)
LYDIAN III 32127 4/3 112/81 3/2 16/9 448/243 211
III S/7 9/7 4/3 32/ 21 1217 27114 211 32/27' 9/8' 28/27' 243/ 224' 32127' 28/27' 243/224
8/7 9/8. 2812 7 • S/7 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 28/27 HYPODORIAN
III 2S/27 32127 4/3 3/2 4/9 16/9 211 1/1 28127 16115 4/3 112/81 64/45 16/9 2/1
28/27 8/7' 9/8 . 9/S . 28/27 8/7' 9/ 8 28/27 . 36/35 . 5/4 . 28/27 . 36/35 5/4' 9/ 8
III 8/7 9/7 81/56 3/2 12/7 27114 211 III 36/35 9/7 4/3 4 8/35 12/7 27114 211
8/7 9/8. 9/8 . 28/27 . 8/7 . 9/8 . 28/27 36/35 . 5/4 . 2812 7 • 36 /35 . 5/4 . 9/ 8 . 2SI27
III 9/8 81/64 21116 312 27116 7/4 211 III 5/4 35/27 4/3 5/3 15/ 8 35118 211
9/8 9/8. 2812 7 • 8/7 . 9/8 . 28127 . 8/7 5/4 . 28/27 . 36/35 . 5/4 . 9/8 . 28/27 . 36/35
1/1 7/6 4/3 3/ 2 14/9 III 28/27 16115 4/3 312 14/9 8/5 211
28127 . 8/7 . 9/8 . 28/27 28127 . 36/35 . 5/4 . 9/ 8 . 28127 . 36/35 . 5/4
Chromatic (z8/z7 • z43/zz4 . 3Z!z7) HYPOLYDIAN (F- - f-)
MIXOLYDIAN (B - b) III 36/35 9/7 81/56 312 54/35 27114 211
III 28/27 9/8 4/3 112/81 3/2 1619 211 36/35 . 5/4 . 9/8 . 2812 7 . 36/35 . 5/4 . 2812 7
28/27 . 243/224 . 31/27 . 28/27 . 24312 24 . 32/27 . 9/ 8 HYPOPHRYGIAN (GIl. - gw,)
(C - c)
LYDIAN III 5/4 45/32 35/24 3/2 15/8 35118 2/1
III 2431224 917 4/3 81/56 12/7 27114 211 5/4 . 9/ 8 . 2812 7 • 36/35 . 5/4 . 2812 7 . 36/35
2431224' 32127 . 28127 . 243/224 . 32/27 . 9/8 . 28/27 HYPODORIAN (A - a)
PHRYGIAN (D\ - ~) 1/1 9/8 7/6 6/5 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1
III 31/27 896/729 4/3 128/81 1619 4481243 211 9/8 . 28/27 . 36/35 . 5/4 . 28/27 . 36/35 . 5/4
32/27' 28/27 . 243/224 . 32127' 9/ 8 . 28127'243/224
III 28/27 9/8 4/3 312 14/9 27116 211
28/27' 243/224' 32127 8
. 9/ . 28/27' 243/224' 3 2127
6-8. The intervals ofthe octave species in allthree genera in Archytas's tuning.
Diatonic (2561243' 9"8 •9"8) DORIAN (E-e)
MrXOLYDlAN (B- b) III 256/243 9/8 4/3 3/2 u8/81 27II6 21r
III 256/243 32/27 4/3 1024/729 128/81 16/9 2II 2561243'218711048. P 117 ' 9/8. 2561143 . 218711°48 . p h 7
2561243 9/8. 9/ 8 . 2561243 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 9/8
LYDlAN (C -c) III 218712048 81/64 729/512 3h 6561/4°96 243/u8 2/r
III 9/8 8r/64 4/3 3/2 27/r6 243/128 2/r 218711°48. 31117 . 9/8.2561143' 218 7/2048 . 31/27'25 61143
9/8 . 9/8 . 256/243 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 2561243
PHRYGlAN(D-d) III ph7 4/3 729/512 311 16/9 409612187 2/1
III 9/8 P/27 4/3 3/2 271r6 r6/9 2/r 32117' 12
9/8.2561243.218711048, P 7 ' 2561143'218711048
9/8 . 256/243 . 9/ 8 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 256/243 . 9/8
DORlAN IIr 9/8 32/27 81/64 312 128/81 27lr6 21r
1/1 2561243 32127 4/3 312 128/81 16/9 2/r 9/ 8. 2561243' 218712°48. P 127' 2561243.218711°48. P 127
256/243 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 256/243 9/8. 9/8
Enhannonic (s12/499' 499"486.81/64)
1/1 9/8 81/64 729/512 312 27/16 243/128 2II
1/1 5 u/499 2561243 4/3 2048/r497 10 24/729 16/9 2/1
8 8
9/ . 9/8 . 9/ . 2561243 . 9/8 . 9/8 . 256/243 5 12/499 . 499/486 . 81/64 . 512/499 . 499/4 86 . 81/64 . 9/8
rlr 9/8 81/64 4/3 312 27lr6 r6/9 2/r
1/1 499/486 499/384 4/3 99 8/7 29 4991288 4991256 2/r
9/ 8 . 9/ 8 . 2561243 . 9/8 ' 9/8 ' 2561243 . 9/8 499/486.81/64' 512/499 ' 499/486 . 81/64' 9/ 8 ' 512/499
HYFODORlAN (A- a) PHRYGlAN ~ - <4)
IIr 9/8 ph7 4/3 312 u8/8r 16/9 211 IIr 81/64 648/499 4/3 271r6 243/u8 9721499 21r
9/8 . 2561243 . 9/8 . 9/8 ' 2561243 . 9/8 . 9/8 8r/64 . 5 r 2/499 . 499/486 ' 81/64 . 9/ 8 ' 5 12/499 ' 499/486
Chromatic (256 . n8712028. 32127) DORIAN (E - e)
MIXOLYDlAN en- b) 1/1 5U/499 256/243 4/3 3/2 768/499 128/81 2/r
rlr 2561243 9/8 4/3 1024/729 312 16/9 2/1 5I2/499 . 499/486 . 81/64 . 9/ 8 . 5u/499 . 499/4 86 . 81/64
2561243' 218712048. 31127'2561243'218712048. 32127' 9/ 8 HYPOLYDlAN (F- - f-)
LYDlAN (C - c) IIr 499/486 499/384 I497/r024 312 499/324 4991156 2/1
1/1 2187/2048 8r/64 4/3 729/512 27/r6 243/128 2/r 499/486 . 81/64 . 9/ 8 . 512/499 . 499/486 . 81/64' 512/499
218712°48. 32127 . 25 61243 . 218712048 . 31127 . 9/8. 256/243 HYPOPHRYGIAN (QI,- gll.)
PHRYGlAN(~-~) IIr 81/64 729/512 729/499 3/2 243/128 972/499 2/1
IIr 32127 8r9216561 4/3 128/81 16/9 409611187 211 81/64 . 9/ 8 ' 5U/499 . 499/486 . 81/64' 5 u/499 . 499/486
31/27' 2561143' 218712°48. P 127' 9/8. 256/243' 218712048 HYPODORlAN (A- a)
IIr 9/8 576/499 ph7 3/2 768/499 128/81 2/1
9/ 8. 5I2/499' 499/486.81/64' 5 u/499' 499/486.81/64
6-9. The intervals ofthe octave species in Pythagorean tuning. The tuningofthepre-
Arcbytas enharmonic isnotknoum, butatfirst it hadundivided semitones, obtaining the
pykn(m later. Boethius's tuningisused here.
l/r 16/rS 6/S 4/3 64/45 8/5 16/9 1/r l/r 10/9 5/4 4/3 4 0/17 S/3 16/9 11r
16/rS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 16/IS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 9/8
LYDIAN (C - c) LYDIAN (C - c)
l/r 9/8 S/4 4/3 3/1 5/3 IS/8 1/r IIr 9/8 6/5 4/3 3/1 8/5 9/5 11r
9/8 . 10/9 . 16/rS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/IS 9/8 . I6lrS . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 9/8 . 10/9
(D - d)
it: 10/9 31/17 4/3 4°/17 S/3 16/9 1/r 1/1 16lrS 3 1/17 4/3 64/45 8/5 16/9 1/r
10/9 . 16/IS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/rS . 9/8 16lrS . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8
DORIAN (E - e) DORlAN (E - e)
s/: 16/rS 6/5 4/3 3/1 8/S 9/S 1/r IIr 10/9 5/4 4/3 3/1 S/3 15/8 1/r
16/15 . 9/8 10/9' 9/8 . 16/r S • 9/8 . 10/9 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/rS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/rS
it: 9/8 S/4 4S/32 3/1 17/r6 IS/8 1/r IIr 9/8 6/S 17/10 3/1 17/16 9/5 11r
9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/r 5 . 9/8 . 10/9 . 16lrS 9/8 . 16lrS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 10/9
l/r 10/9 S/4 4/3 3/1 5/3 16/9 1/r IIr I6/rS 6/S 4/3 3/1 8/5 16/9 11r
10/9 . 9/8 . 16/15 . 9/8 . 10/9 . 161r 5 . 9/8 16lrS . 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/rS . 10/9 . 9/8
(A - a)
1/1 9/8 6/S 17120 3/1 8/S 9/S llr IIr 9/8 5/4 45/3 1 3/1 5/3 15/8 1/r
9/8 . 16lrS . 9/8 . 10/9 . I6/rS . 9/8 . 10/9 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16lrS
6- I 1.. Intervalsequences ofthe octaue species ofthe that the central octave began on either E or F in modern notation. In this
abstract tetracbord a- b· c.a . b· c =4!3 (c =4/3ab) final form, however, the central octave had the interval sequence of the
injust intonation or a+ b +500 - a - b with the
Hypolydian mode rather than the Dorian.
disjunctiue tone equaling 200 cents in the zero
The modal retunings could also be considered as transpositions of the
modulo 12 equaltemperaments. In theMain
Catalog, c is equaltotheCL entire Perfect Immutable System. The order of the keys ran in the opposite
direction to that of the homonymous octave species and the octave species
could be described either by the positions of their interval sequences in
a . b . c . /I ' b . c . 9/8
relation to the untransposed Dorian or by the relative pitch of the entire
b . c . 9/8 . a . b . c . a
Perfect Immutable System. This duality is reflected in the two no-
b . c . a . b . c . 9/8 . a menclatures employed by Ptolemy, the "onomasia kata thesin" (by posi-
c- 9/8 ' a . b . c. a ' b
tion) and "onomasia kata dynamin" (by function). The thetic nomenclature
a . b ' c . 9/8 . a ' b in the natural key is used in the tables of this chapter and chapter 8 as it is
C' 9/8 . a . b ' c• a . b . c
the same for all tonoi. The dynamic refers all notes to the Dorian tonos for
a ' b . c . 9/8 . a . b ' c which the thetic and dynamic nomenclatures are identical.
loB CHAPTEll 6
are in the enharmonic genus and depart quite strongly from the conven-
tional octave species of 6-7. Since it is known that both diatonic and chro-
matic scales of the same name existed, it is tempting to try to reconstruct
them. 6-4 contains Aristides's enharmonic hannoniai, Henderson's (194 2 )
diatonic versions, and my own chromatic and diatonic forms. The chro-
matic versions are based on Winnington-Ingram's indication that there is
literary evidence for certain chromatic versions (1936). The diatonic har-
moniai are from Henderson (1942), except in the cases of the Syn-
tonolydian and Iastian where I have supplied a second diatonic which I feel
better preserves the melodic contours. In the enharmonic and chromatic
forms of some of the harmoniai, it has been necessary to use both a d and
either a ~ or dw. because of the non-heptatonic nature ofthese scales. C and
F are synonyms for du. and gJ.I.. The appropriate tunings for these scales are
those of Archytas (Mountford 1923) and Pythagoras.
These scales are very important evidence for the use of extra scalar tones
(diatonic lichanos meson, called hyperhypate) and scalar gaps, which were
alluded to by Aristoxenos as an indispensable ingredient in determining the
ethos ofthe mode. Furthermore, one of the fragments, a portion of the first
stationary chorus of Euripides's Orestes, uses hyperhypate and the en-
harmonic in such a way as to prove that the middle tone of the pyknon
(mesopyknon) was not merely a grace note, but a full member of the scale
(Winnington-Ingram 1936).
Permutation of intervals
Although traditional techniques can generate a wealth of interesting ma-
terial for musical exploration, the Greek writers suggested only a small
fraction of the possibilities inherent in the permutations and combinations
of tetrachords. While Aristoxenos mentioned the varying arrangements of
the intervals of the tetra chord in the different octave species, the Islamic
theorists, such as Safiyu-d-Din, gave lengthy tables of all the permutational
6-15' Permuuuions cfsequentialfourths. See forms of tetrachords with two and three different intervals. However, the
Wilson 1986fol'fmtherdetai/s. Tbis example begins construction of 5-, 6-, and 7-tone scales from permuted tetrachords and
withtheDorian mode ofthestandardascending
trichords (gapped tetra chords) has been studied most thoroughly by the
f07"mfol" clarity andconsistmty with othersections of
composer Lou Harrison (1975). Harrison constructed scales from all the
thistreatise. Thesizes ofthefoUlths rangefrom 6/)
(p6 cents) to 3)/24 (6)3 cents). Interual 7 in the permutations of the tetrachords and trichords and allowed different per-
origi1lll1sequence isafixedfourth. Thepair ofper- mutations in the upper and lower parts of the scale.
mutedfourths arein boldface. The last tetracbord is In chapter 5, the melodic properties of scales constructed of either
Archytas's diatonic. identical or dissimilar tetrachords, irrespective of permutational order, are
analyzed according to the perception theories of David Rothenberg (1969,
1975, 197 8; also Chalmers 1975).
III 28127 I6II5 4/3 312 14/9 8/5 2II Wuson's permutations and modulations
2812 7 ' 36/35 . 5/4' 9/ 8. z8h7 . 36/35 . 5/4
Perhaps the most sophisticated use to date of tetra chordal interval per-
FOURTHS SIZE mutation in a generative sense is Ervin Wilson's derivation of certain North
1. III to 4/3 4/3 Indian thats (raga-scales) and their analogs (Wilson 1986a; 1987). In "The
2. 4/3 to 8/5 6/5 Marwa Permutations" (I986a), Wilson's procedure is to permute the order
3· 8/5 to I6II5 4/3
of the sequential fourths of heptatonic scales constructed from two iden-
4· 16/15 to 14/9 35 124
tical tetra chords. These sequential fourths are computed in the usual
5· 14/9 to 28127 4/3
6. 28127 to 312 81/56 manner by starting with the lowest note of one of the modes and counting
7· 3/2 to 2II 4/3 three melodic steps upwards. The process is continued until the cycle is
complete and one is back to the original tone. The resulting seven fourths
3 4 5 6 7 are the same as the adjacent fourths of the difference matrices of chapter
4/3 6/5 413 35 124 4/3 81/56 (4/3) 5, but in a different order. In abstract terms, if the intervals of the tetrachord
PERMUTED SEQUENCE area -b/a- 4/3b, the scale is III ab4/3 3/2 ph 3b/2, and 2/1. The sequential
3 4 5 6 7 fourths from III are thus 4/3, 3ha, 3ahb, 9b/8, 4/3, 4/3, and 4/3' It is clear
4/3 413 6/5 35 124 4/3 81/56 (4/3) that these fourths must be of at least two different sizes even in Pythagorean
NEW SCALE intonation.
III 2812 7 I6/r5 4/3 3h 14/9 16/9 Z/I While holding the position of one fourth constant to avoid generating
2812 7 ' 36/35 . 5/4' 9/8. z8h7 . 8/7 . 9/8 cyclic permutations or modes, pairs of fourths are exchanged to create new
sequences of intervals in general not obtainable by the traditional modal
operations. Both the choice of the positionally fixed fourth and the ar-
rangement of the tetrachordal intervals affect the spectrum of scales ob-
tainable from a given genus.
6- I5 illustrates this process with the enharmonic genus of Archytas. The
exchange ofthe second and third fourths converts the upper tetrachord into
larnic Archytas's diatonic and yields a mixed scale, half enharmonic and half di-
.ional atonic. Further application of this principle produces additional scales until
r, the the original sequence is restored. Each of these scales could be modally
sand (cyclically) permuted as well.
y the 6-16. Modulations bysequentialfourths. Tbis Wilson derives a number of the thats of North Indian ragas by operating
II the example beginswiththeDorian mcdeforconsisteney
on various arrangements of the tetrachords z561243 . 9/8 . 9/8, I 6/r 5 .
with othersections ofthistreatise, Thesizes ofthe
per- 9/8. 10/9, 28/27.8/7' 9/8, 16/r5' 135/128· 32127, and 10/9' 10/9 '].7 12 5,
fturthsrangefrom 6/) ()I 6 cents) to3)h4 (6)3
cents). In theoriginalsequence theexceptionalfourth He then generates analogs of these scales from other tetrachords, including
ither isinboldface. In therotatedsequence thescale has those with undecimal intervals.
been 'f/U)d4lly permuted toseparate theexceptional In his 1987 paper, Wilson described a complementary technique of
fourth (inboldface) from therest. In thefirst modulation ("The Purvi Modulations"). This technique makes use of the
'»Wdulatedsequence the 6/) (inboldface) hasbeen fact that at least one of the fourths differs greatly in size from the rest. The
interpolatedbetweenfourths 7 and I oftheoriginal
exceptional fourth may be abstracted from the linear fourth sequence and
series. In thesecondmodulatedsequence the 61) (in
interpolated between successive pairs to generate derived scales. At the end
per- boldface) hasbeen interpolatedbetweenfourths3 and
4 oftheoriginalseries. Thenew tetracbord is of seven such interpolations, the linear sequence is cyclically permuted by
Archytas's diata;nic. one position and the process of interpolation continued. After 4Z steps the
ring III 2812 7 1611 5 4/3 312 14/9 8/5 1./r 4/3 35/24 413 81/56 4/3 4/3
le is 28/27' 36/35' 5/4' 9/ 8. 28/27' 36/35 . 5/4 MODULATED SEQUENCE I
rths FOURTHS SIZE Z 34567 I
oter I. 1/1 TO 4/3 4/3 6/5 4/3 35/24 4/3 81/56 4/3 4/3
ord a. 4/3 TO 8/5 6/5
3· 8/5 TO 16/15 4/3
tial III 9/8 7/6 6/5 3/2 14/9 8/5 1/r
4· 16/r5 TO 14/9 35/14
ear 9/8. z8/27' 36/35 . 5/4' z8h7' 36/35 . 5/4
5· 14/9 TO z8h.7 4/3
ean 6. 28/27 TO 3/2 81/56 MODULATEI) SEQUENCE 1
6- I 8 provides examples of the resulting scales when the generating tet-
rachord is Archytas's enharmonic, 28127 . 36/35 . 5/4' In this case interval a
equals 28127 and b is 16115 (28127' 36/35).
As some of these tetrachordal complexes have large gaps, one might try
combining two of them, one built upwards from III and the other down-
wards from 211 to create a more even scale, though there are precedents for
such gapped scales, i.e., the Mixolydian harmonia (6-4)' While the normal
ascending or prime form of the tetrachord-the one whose intervals are in
the order of smallest, medium and largest-is used to demonstrate the
technique, any of the six permutations would serve equally well. In fact, Ar-
chytas's enharmonic and diatonic genera are not strictly of this form as 28/
27 is larger than 36/35 and 8/7 is wider than 9/8.
The next class of tetra chordal complexes are those composed of a tet-
rachord and its inverted form. 6-19 lists some simple examples of this ap-
6-18. Complexes oftheprime form ofArchytlls's proach; 6-20 lists the resulting notes in Archytas's enharmonic tuning.
enharmonic. These scales have six, seven, or eight tones.
III 1.8/z7 16II5 784"729448/4054/3 Iu/81 2II III 9/8 7/6615 312 14/98/5 1/1
063 112 u6 175 498 561 1200
III 28127 16/155/4351274/3513 zii
III 1.8127 16/r5 448/405 256/225 4 /3 64/32 211
063 112 386449498884 rzoo
III 28127 16II5 9/74/348/3512/72/1
11128127 16II5 4/3112/8164/45 16/9 211
063 1124985616109961200 063 liZ 435498 547933 1200
forms. Twouersions oftbepseudo- ('1'-) Hypodorian III a b 4/3 ¥13a ¥13 2II
mode areshown toillustrate theeffect ofreuersing 3. TRANSPOSITION AND INVERSION BY 4/3,7 TONES, IjI-MIXOLYDIAN
theplacement oftheprimeandinverted'[orms. The its a b 4/3 1619b 16190 1619 211
two scalesorenotmodes of'eacb other.
I/r a b 4/3 312 lIb 210 2/r
The 7-tone scales are analogous to the traditional Greek modes, whose
6- zo, Simple .omplexes oftheprinu andinverted names are appropriated with a prefixed '¥ (for pseudo) to indicate their
forms ofAn:hytm's mhamumi&, in ratios and cents. relationship to the prototypes. Although these 7-tone scales were produced
Two versions of the 'I'-hypodorian mfJde areshuwn
by pairing a tetrachord with its inversion, in principle any two dissimilar
toillustrate the effect ofreversing thepltKe11Unt of
theprime andinvertedftrms. Thetwo s.ales are permutations would yield a heptatonic scale.This degree of flexibilityis not
notmodes ofea.h other. true of the 6- and 8-tone types for which the pairing of prime and inverted
forms is mandatory.
III 28/17 16II5 35/174/3 112/81 2II III 28/27 16/15 5/49174/3 2II
° 63 I U 449 498 561 1200 063 112 386435498 1200
III 28127 16II5 4/348135 64/45 2II OCTONY
06 3 112 498 5476101200 III 28127161155/44/3 25II6 451285/32/1
063 112 386498773 821 8841200
III 28127 16II5 4/3513 12/7 16/9 1II I I. TRANSPOSITION AND INVERSION BY 4/3a, 8 TONES, AN
0631124988849339961200 OCTONY
III 28/27 16II5 9174/345/2881/4912/7211
06 3 112 435 498 821 87°933 1200
III 28/17 16II5 4/3312 15/827114211
06 3 112 498702 108811371200 12. TETRACHORDAL HEXANY, 6 TONES, A-MODE
7/6 8/7
lIho 8/7 7/6 I5II4
are a type of atonal or non-centric musical structure in just intonation,
The four elements of the generator are related to the melodic intervals
c b a b c d
as x = III ,y = b, z =b -c, and w =a .1Jl., c, although the actual tones may have to
be transposed or circularly permuted to make this relationship clearer,
6-:t3. The tetrlJChordm haany. Based onthe The six tones of the hexany may be partitioned into four sets of three
Igemrllting tetrad III a b #3. Aftertransposition tones and their inversions. In the hexagram or octahedral representation,
Ilry a, it is equivalent to complex 12 of 6- 19 and
the j-tone sets appear as triangular faces or facets. The triads of 6-2 I are
tabulated in 6-22. These chords are the essential consonant chords of the
hexany, and all chords containing pairs of tones separated by diagonals are
considered dissonant.
Armed with this background, one can now proceed to the generation of
I . b hexanies from tetrachords. Starting with the tetrachord III a b 4/3 (the
generator of complex 12 in 6-19), the generative process and the re-
lationships between the notes may be seen in 6-23. Archytas's enharmonic
(III 28127 I6II5 4/3; 28h7' 36/35' 5/4; a = 28h7, b » I6II5) is the specific
generator (see also 6-20, complex 12). This hexany has been transposed so
that the starting note I·a is xt«.
Tetrachordal hexanies are melodic developments of the basic intervals
rather than harmonic expansions of tetrads. The triangular faces of tetra-
chordal hexanies are z-interval subsets of the three intervals of the original
a·b tetrachord. Since this is basically a melodic development, the faces will be
referred to as essential subsets rather than consonant chords. (For the same
NOTES AND INTERVALS OF HEXANY reason, the terms harmonic and subbarmenic are replaced by prime and in-
III b l a b 4/3a verted.) These hexanies may be partitioned into essential subsets as shown
III 36/35 I6II5 917 in 6-24.
---------- The generator of complex I of 6-19 and 6-20 (inversion and trans-
36/35 z8/"7 I351II Z 28h7 36/35 35/"4
c b abc d position by a) is the permuted tetrachord III b/a b 4/3 (III 36/35 I6h5
4/3; 36/35. 28h7' 5/4; a = 36/35, b = I6IIS)' The generators of complexes
2 and 9 are III b/a b 4b/3a (III 36/35 I6II5 4 8/35; 36/35 . 28h7' 9/7) and
6-:t4. Essential rubsets of the bexanies based em the SUBSET PRIME XNVERTED
tetracbords III a b#3and III 28h7I6!IS 413 III a b 4/3 4Il!3 4bh ah h a
(Archytas's enha7monic). For the sake ofcillrity, III a 4/3 b ab 4b/3 40/3 4 /3 II
thefactor 1 (III) has been omittedfrom Jo3, r-b, III b 4/3 a fib 40/3 4B/3 413 b
and 1·413. The· signs are also deleted. Both ab4/3 a b 4/3 41'/3 40/3 ab
bexanies are given in their untransposedjiJrms.
III 18/17 16/15 4 /3 IU/SX 64/45 448/4°5 r6II5 z8h7
1/1 18/Z7 4/3 16II5 44 8/4°5 64 145 IIl/8r 4/3 1.811.7
III 16/1 5 4/3 z8h7 448/405 Iu/8x 64 /45 4/3 16/15
28h7 16IIS 413 28/27 16/15 4/3 64/45 IIz/SI 448/405
6-18 which is generated by the tetrachord III a b 4/3. Its subset structure
is shown in 6-28. The generating tetrachord and its inversion appear as face
6-1.7. The tetrachordol octony.This 8-tone Euler's chords. The other chords are more complex intervallie sets. Like the
genusisgeneratedfrom thegeneralized tetracbord hexany above, the octony should be viewed as a melodic rather than a
ala a b¥3. harmonic development of the tetra chord.
The other 8-tone complexes of 6-19 are also octonies. The complexes
generated from Archytas's enharmonic genus are listed in 6-20.
Tetrachordal diamonds
The next group of non-traditional tetrachordal scales is even more complex
than the previous constructions. The first of these are based on the Partch
diamond (Partch [1949] 1974) which is an interlocking matrix ofhannonic
III bin II h 9/8 90/8 9b/8 902/8 90h/84/3h 9b2/8 41304/3 3/2 3012 I619b2 3blz I6190b 16/902
I619b 1619a I6I9zlb zlo olb zII
:12.0 CHAPTER 6
6- 30. Five-limitPartch diamond, after"TheIn- 6-3:1. Thirteen-tone oasuemodular tetracborda]
cipient T07IIIJity Diamond" (partch [194911974, diamond.
110). Based onthe 13 S tn4jor triad III S/4 312 and
itt inversion, thesubharmoni, 1 3 5 minortriatJ 211
815 413.
2II bla b 9bl 8 312 3hh a 3hh 211 hla 4 /30 3h a dab 21a2 zla
alb 2II 0 90/8 3all b 3h 3all /lIb 211 4 /3b 3/ 2h 21b2 2lab dh
21b 21a 2II 9/ 8 3h b 3h a 3/2 3ah 3hh 2II 9/ 8 3h b 3h o 312
1619b 1619a 1619 2II 4/3b 4 /3a 4 /3 4Il/3 4iJ/3 1619 2II 4 /3b 4 /3/1 4 /3
4 /3 <+h13 a <+h13 3hh 2II bla h ah h2 <+h13 3b/2 2/1 bla h
2II bla 4 /3b 312a 312 3hh a 210 211 bIn h 9bl8 9/1bl8 9h2/ 8 3bh
olh 2II 4/3b 3h b 30h h 312 21h alh 211 /I 90/ 8 9a2/89abl8 3012
3ah 3bh 2II 9/ 8 94lh 9bla 312 21b 21/1 2II 9/ 8 94/ 8 9bl 8 312
4013 <+h13 1619 2II a b 4 13 I619h 16190 1619 2II a h 413
4 /3 4b/3a 16194 21a 211 hla 4 /3/1 16190h 1619a2 1619a 21a 2II bla 4 /3a
40/3 b 4 /3 I619b 21b alb zII 4 /3b I619h2 1619ab I619b 21b alb 2II 4 /3h
/I h 4 /3 312 3ah 3bh III 4 /3h 4 /3a 4 /3 312 3a12 3hh III
prime and four inverted tetrachords with a total of fourteen tones, though
certain genera may produce degenerate complexes with fewer than 14 dif-
ferent notes. Wilson has variously termed these structures "mandalas" from
their appearance in certain projections, and "tetradekanies" or "de-
katesseranies" from their fourteen tones. Their topology is that ofK.epler's
stella octangula, an 8-pointed star-polyhedron (Coxeter 1973; Cundy and
Rollett 1961).
The prime form of the tetrachord III a b 4/3 generates the hexany tones
a, b, 4/3, 4'l/3, 4h/3 and ab (a = t.n-« or I·a, etc.). This hexany is equivalent
2II 36/35 16II5 6/5 312 54"35 8/5 2II 36/35 9/7 81/56 405/224 729/392 27114
35II 8 2/1 2812 7 7/6 35/24 3/2 14/9 35II 8 2/1 5/4 45/32 225/128 4°512 24 15/ 8
15/8 27II4 211 9/ 8 45/32 81/56 3/2 14/9 8/5 z/I 9/ 8 45/32 81/56 312
5/3 12/7 16/9 211 5/4 9/7 4"3 112/81 64/45 16/9 2/1 5/4 9/7 4"3
4/3 4 8/35 64/45 8/5 2II 36/35 16II5 448/405 25612 25 64/45 8/5 211 36/35 16II5
35/27 4"3 112/81 14/9 35/r8 2II 28/27 784/729 44 8/405 112/81 14"9 35118 2II 2812 7
5/4 9/7 4/3 312 15/8 n/I4 III 2812 7 r6II5 4"3 3/2 15/8 27/14 III
z/I 36/35 9/7 81/56 312 54/35 27II4 z/I 36/35 16II5 6/5 56/45 32/25 8/5
]S1I8 2/I 5/4 45/31 35/24 3/2 15/8 35/r8 2/1 28/27 7/ 6 98/81 56/45 14"9
14/9 8/5 2II 9/ 8 7/ 6 6/5 3/2 15/8 27/14 2II 9/ 8 7/6 6/5 312
112/81 64/45 16/9 1/1 1812 7 16/I5 4"3 5/3 12/7 16/9 211 28/27 16/15 4"3
4/3 4 8/35 12/7 27/14 2/r 36/35 9/7 45/28 81/49 12/7 27/r4 2/1 36/35 9/7
35127 4"3 5/3 15/8 35II8 211 5/4 25/r6 4512 8 5/3 15/8 35 II 8 2/1 5/4
28/27 16115 4/3 312 14"9 8/5 III 5/4 9/7 4"3 312 14/9 8/5 III
6-37. Sullatedbexaniesgenel'1lted by theprimetetracbord III a b 413. Thehexanynotesarea, b, 413, ab, 4a/j, and 4b/3. The
8extra notes are (lII)2"lII, a2, b2, 1619, jabl:1.,4abl3, 4a/]b, and4b/3a. Tbesecondstellatedbexany is based onnumber 1 of
figul'e 6-29. Instances ofeach are based onArcbytas's enharmonic. The first isgenerated by prime tetracbord III z8/z 7 16115
413. Thebexany notes are 28127, I6/r 5,4/], 448140S, IlzI8I, and 6¥4S. Thesecond is based on (1) of 6-zo.
to complex 12 of 6- 19 when transposed so as to begin on the tone a. The
stellated form of this hexany is the first of 6-37, while complex I of 6- 19
6-38. (a) Essential tetracbords of thefirst stellated yields the second of 6-37. The eight supplementary tones of the first stel-
hexany. For thesake of cta,"ity, thefactor I (III) lated hexany are IIr, a2, bZ, 1619, 4Jl/3b, 4Jlb/3, 3llbh, and tfb/3a. These notes
hasbeen omittedfrom I . a, I . b, I . tP3, etc. The
may be deduced by inspection of 6-23, the tetrachordal hexany. The first
. signs arealso deleted. The boldfaced notes in each
chord are the startingnotes of theprime and
four extra notes are the squares of the elements of the generator, IIr, 112, b2,
invertedtetracbords, III a b tP3 andtP3 tP3a and 1619 (X2,y2, z2, and w2) from III a band 4/3. The remaining four notes
#3b IIr. are the mixed product-quotients needed by the subharmonic faces. These
have the form x-y-z/tu (3abh.), xy.w/z (4Jl/3b), x·z.wly (tfb/31l), andy.z.w/x
(4JlbI3). Two stellated hexanies based on Archytas's enharmonic are shown
in 6-37.
III a b 4/3 4/3 4/3 a 4/3 b III
The notes of the second type of stellated hexany of 6-30 are derived
4"3 ¥/34b/3 16/9 ab b a 311bh.
analogously by replacing a in the prime tetrachord with bla. The tetra-
b ab b:J. 4b/3 40/3 4/3 4O/3 b II
II a2 ah 40/3 a
4b/3 4b/3 4/3 b chord llr 28/27 161r5 4/3 in the first type is thus replaced by III 36/35
1/1 a b 4/3 4Ob/3 4b/3 40/3 lib 16/r54 /3'
The essential tetrachords of the first stella ted hexany are seen in 6-38,
and those of the second may be found by analogy. The component tetra-
chords of the first stellated hexany derived from Archytas's enharmonic are
listed in 6-39. Those of the second kind may be derived by replacing the
28/27 of the first tetrachord with 36/35- The other tetrachordal hexanies
of 6-18 also generate stellated hexanies, but their tetrachords are bounded
by intervals other than 4/3.
SCALES BASED ON tetrachords are found in the musics of a large part of the
world. Although much of this music is primarily melodic and heterophonic,
this is due neither to the intrinsic nature of tetrachords nor to the scales
derived from them. Rather, it is a matter of style and tradition. Many, if not
most, tetrachordal scales have harmonic implications even if these im-
plications are contrary to the familiar rules of European tonal harmony.
The melodies of the ancient Greeks were accompanied by more or less
independent voices, but polyphony and harmony in their traditional senses
appear to have been absent. "A feeling for the triad," however, does appear
in the later Greek musical fragments, but this may be a modern and not
ancient perception (Winnington-Ingram 1936).
The scales of North Indian music are also based on tetrachords (Sachs
1943; Wilson 1986a, 1987). In this music, drones emphasizing the tonic
and usually the dominant of the scale are essential elements of per-
formance, Their function may be to fix the tonic so that ambiguous inter-
vals are not exposed (chapter 5 and Rothenberg 1969, 1978).
Islamic music of the period of the great medieval theorists Al-Farabi,
Safiyu-d-Din, and Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was likewise heterophonic rather
than harmonic (Sachs 1943; D'Erlanger 1930, 1935, 1938). In recent times,
however, some Islamic groups have adopted certain elements of tonal
harmony into their music.
The seven modes or octave species of the reversed tetrachord scale are
the exact inversions of those of the major scale above. The C mode of this
7-3. The 4:5:6 triadanditsderived tritriadic sea/e. scale is the diatonic scale of John Redfield (1928, 191-197). Redfield as-
The tritriadicormatrixformis theC orLydian signed Hebraic names to these modes and termed the triads with the
11UJde ofthe tetrachorda/sea/e. Thetonic ofthetriad
conuna-enlarged fifth "Doric."
is denoted t or III, thethirdormedians, m andthe
The mode that is the inversion of the major scale may be harmonized
fifth or dmninant, d. The tetracbordalfomt is the E
orDorianmodeofthetritriadic sea/e. with three triads built downwards from 2h, 3h, and 4/3' An otherwise
obscure composer named Blainville wrote a short symphony in this scale
and was ridiculed by Rousseau for doing so (perrett 193 I; Partch [1949]
SUBDOMINANT 4/3 S/3 2II 2/d mid 2II 1974). This kind of inverted harmony was called the phonic system by the
TONIC III S/4 3/2 III m d nineteenth and early twentieth century theorist von Ortingen (Helmholtz
DOMINANT 3/2 I S/8 9/8 d d-m J2
[1877] 1954; Mandelbaum 1961) in contrast to the traditional tonic
III 9/8 S/4 4/3 312 S/3 IS/8 2II system.
9/8 . IO/9 . 16IIS . 9/8 . IO/9 . 9/8 . 16IIS
Tritriadic scales
III 16!IS 6/S 4/3 3/2 8/S 9/S 2II The scales derived from tetrachords with 9/8 as their second interval may
16IIS . 9/8 . 10/9' 9/8. 16IIS . 9/8 . 10/9 be called tritriadics because they may be divided into three triads on the
(I6IIS . 9/8 . 10/9) roots III, 4/3, and 3h. They are harmonizable with analogs of the familiar
I IV (I) V I and I IV (VII) III VI (II) V I progressions (Chalmers 1979, 1986,
In general, however, the VII and II chords will be out of tune (Lewin
SUBDOMINANT 4/3 8/S 2II 2/d mid 2II
1982) and probably should be omitted in the progressions unless extra
TONIC III 6/S 312 1/1 m d
DOMINANT 3/2 9/S 9/8 d d-m J2 notes are employed. The composer Erling Wold, however, has made a case
for a more adventurous utilization of available tonal resources (Wold
III 9/8 6/S 4/3 312 8/S 9/S 2II
9/8• 16fIS . IO/9 . 9/8 . 16fIS . 9/8 . IO/9 1988). Partch ([1949] 1974) has done so too in a discussion of a letter from
Fox-Strangways concerning the alleged defects of just intonation and their
effect on modulation.
III 10/9 S/4 4/3 312 S/3 IS/8 2II
IO/9 . 9/8 . I6IIS • 9/8 . 10/9 . 9/8 . 16/S The three primary triads on III, 4/3, and 31z are of the same type, but
the triads on the third (mediant) and sixth (submediant) degrees are of the
(IO/9 . 9/8 . 16IIS)
conjugate or 3/2 's complement type. For example, the primary triads of
number ra of 7-4 are major, while the mediant and submediant triads are
minor. In number rb, the modalities are just the reverse. In addition to the
principle triads of these scales, triads on other degrees may also be usable.
Similarly, in some tunings, seventh or other chords may be useful.
Phonic or descending harmonizations are also possible in certain modes
of tritriadic scales. Lewin, in fact, proposes what might be called both
phonic major and minor harmonizations (Lewin 1982).
corresponding septimal minor and septimal major scales. The septimal
minor or subrninor scale sounds rather soft and mysterious, but the sep-
7-5· Mixedtritriadic scalls. ThetriIlds are4:5:6 timal major is surprisingly harsh and discordant. Triads 9a and 9b are vir-
and 6:7:9. (poole 1850) . Mixedscales rtMy often be tually equally tempered and sound very much like their rz-tone
decomposed intotwo tetrachordsanda disjunctive
counterparts. The scales based on loa and lob are the Pythagorean tunings
tone in more thanone way. Farnsworth's scale isa
71Wtk ofPoole's. It maybeconstruedasa tonic 11IIJjor of the major and minor modes in which the thirds are the brilliant, if
triad, fl dominant seventh chord, oraseptimalminor somewhat discordant, 81/64 and 31127.
triad (6:7:9) onthesupertonic (Farnsworth 1958, Triads with undeci1nl1/, tridecimal, and septendeci11UJ1 thirds (numbers 3a-
19 69). 8b of 7-4) are less consonant than those discussed above. However, these
triads are still relatively smooth and may be useful in certain contexts.
Their tetrachords are also interesting melodically as they approximate
certain medieval Islamic and neo-Aristoxenian genera (chapter 4), The
SUBDOMINANT 4"3 5/3 "II ,,/d x "II tetrachords generated by the even less harmonious triads 14:P:36,
TONIC III 5/4 3h III m d 64:75:96, 34:40:51, 30:38:45, and 14:19:36 and their conjugates will be
DOMINANT 3h 7/4 90'8 d s tJ2 found in the Main Catalog.
III 90'8 5/4 4"3 3h 5/3 7/4 "II
Scales with mixed triads
90'8 . 10/9' 16115' 9/8 . 10/9' 1Iho· 8/7
Tritriadic scales may also be constructed from triads with different med-
iants, provided that J remains 31z. An example where the tonic and sub-
III 10/9 7/ 6 4"3 3h 5/3 16/9 "II
10/9' zstzo- 8/7 . 9/8 . 10/9' 16115' 9/8 dominant triads are 4:5:6 and the dominant triad is 6:7:9 is shown in 7-5
(Helmholtz [1877] 1954, 474). The tetrachordal structure may be de-
FARNSWORTH'S SCALE scribed as 9/8 . 8m19 . 4/3m (where m is the mediant of the tonic triad) for
SUBDOMINANT 11116 'l.7116 "II d·sd3 :lId the lower tetrachord and 1x/3 . six· lis (where x and s are the sixth and
TONIC III 5/4311 III m d
seventh of the scale) for the upper tetrachord. However, as 7-5 indicates,
DOMINANT 311 15/890'811116 d d·m d2 d·s
mixed tritriadics may often be divided into two tetrachords and a dis-
1/1 90'8 5/4 21/16 3/2 "7/16 15/8 2/1
junctive tone is more than one way.
9/ 8 . 10/9 . 11110' 8/7 . 9/8 . 10/9' 16115
Farnsworth's scale, also shown in 7-5, is a mode of Poole's Double Di-
atonic (Farnsworth 1969). It may be construed as a major triad on III, a
III 9/8 5/4 4"3 312 5/3 7/4 211
dominant seventh chord on 312, and a subminor triad (6:7:9) on 9/ 8. ,
9/8. 10/9 . 16115 • 9/8 . 10/9' 11120' 8/7
In chapter 5, the limits on the propriety of mixed modes are discussed.
Ellis's duodenes
Composers may find the intrinsic harmonic resources of tetrachordal
scales rather sparse, even with the addition of one or more historically
motivated supplementary tones. Two simple remedies immediately come
to mind. One is to enlarge the chain of chordal roots of tritriadic scales
to encompass four or more triads. This procedure may tend to hide the
tetrachords beneath a mass of chords, but by way of compensation,
Perrett's harmonizations
Wilfrid Perrett, an English theorist, developed some highly imaginative, if
controversial, ideas about Greek music and its early history. In Some Ques-
tions ofMusical Theory, Perrett harmonized a version of the enharmonic tet-
rachord (2 Iho . 64/63 . S/4) which he attributed to Tartini, but it is more
likely that Pachymeres has priority. Perrett used familiar tonic, sub-
dominant, and dominant chord progressions by adding tones, effectively
embedding the tetrachord in a larger microchromatic gamut (Perrett 1926,
1928, 1931, 1934). It is this harmonization that Partch quoted in Genesis of
13:1 CHAPTER 7
II Music (Partch [1949] 1974,171). Perrett placed the tetrachord in the so-
prano voice and added sufficient extra tones in the lower registers to obtain
the desired chord progression. 7-8 simplifies Partch's presentation by leav-
ing out the repeated chords under I6IIS, 21120, and III that follow the one
under 4/3, and by transposing the pitches from 5/3 to III.
Perrett also devised harmonizations for a number of other tetrachords
listed by Ptolemy. These harmonizations are shown in 7-9 where they have
been transposed to III and tabulated in a standard format.
Perrett also discovered a harmonization of Archytas's enharmonic, 28/
27' 36/35 . 5/4, a much more plausible and consonant tuning than the 21/
20.64/63 . 5/4 he chose initially (perrett 1928, 95). He expressed the so-
lution in the I7I-tone equal temperament and later translated it into a
7-7. Ellis's duodenes. This table isbased onHelm- TRADITIONAL DUODEN1! BASED ON THE 4:5:6 TRIAD
holtz[18771 1954,457-464. Theaxeshavebeenre- S/3 5/4 IS/8 4S/32
versed from theoriginalinwhich thechain ohh 's 4/3 III 3/2 9/ 8
warvertical. Notetheinterlockingprime (major) I6/IS 8/5 6/S 9/5
andcrmjugate (minor) triads. The 4:5:6 duodene DUODENE BASED ON THE 10:12: I S TRIAD
contains 54 tetrachords ofdiverse genera. 10:12:15 6/s 9/S
isaconjugate dU()dene which should be compared 1/1 3/2
with theone above ofwhich it isnota "mode. "It con- 5/3 S/4
tains 48 tetracbords ofdifferent genera. 6:7:9 isa
non-tertian duodene. It contains 62 tetracbords of
7/ 6 7/4
1/1 31z
12/7 9/7
xix 1.8117 7/6 4/3
6 7 7 8 III 6/S 917 4/3
6 6 5 5 9° 20
5 7
6 4 6 7° 15
4 5 5
3 4 63 12
45 10
Many of these tetrachords closelyapproximate divisions based on higher
harmonics or equal temperaments, such as those found in Aristoxenian
7-10. Anotherharmonization ofArchytas's en- theory. Because they are composed of secondary or multiple number ratios
harmonic. Theroot ofthechord under2812 7 is401 whose factors are limited to I I, their tones may be harmonized by com-
27asyntonic comma lower than31z. Theseptimal paratively simple harmonic or subharmonic chords in a tetradic or hexadic
tetrad on 1611S lacks a major third. texture.
Wilson's expansions
Perhaps the most innovative technique for harmonizing tetrachords is
III 2812.7 I61I5 4 /3
7 8 due to Ervin Wilson (personal communication, 1964). Wilson's technique
5 5
4 6 7 4 is based on sequences of chords of increasing intervallic span linked by a
3 5 6 3 common tone. Wilson's have the property that the successive differences
1 between the chordal factors follow a consistent pattern. This pattern is
termed the unit-proportion (up). It controls both the rate of intervallic ex-
pansion and less directly the degree of consonance. For harmonic chords,
it may be expressed as a string of signed, positive integers, i.e., the unit-
proportion of the major triad 4:5:6:8 is +I +1 +2. Subharmonic unit-
proportions are written with prefixed - signs; the unit-proportion of the
chord 8:6:5:4 is -2 - I -1. Sequences of chords with identical unit-
proportions make up an expansion which progresses from a dense, rel-
atively discordant chord through chords of decreasing tension to a stable
consonance, usually a triad with the root doubled.
Sequences of such chords may be used in many musical contexts, and
somewhat similar chordal sequences have been explored by Fokker (1966,
1975).Wilson's expansions are particularly attractive when applied to ret-
rachords and tetra chordal scales.
The application ofWilson's technique to tetrachordal scales is best seen
by example. Wilson's original examples were harmonizations of the in-
verted enharmonic genera, III 5/4 9/7 4/3 (Archytas) and III 5/4 13110
4/3 (Avicenna) approximated in 22- and j r-tone equal temperament.
These examples have been translated into just intonation and are shown in
7-1I. An optional 7:8:9:1 I chord has been added to Wilson's original pro-
gression for the inverted Archytas's enharmonic.
Although one may limit the harmonization to a single tetrachord, it is
more likely that one will want to harmonize all seven tones of the scale.
Several solutions to this rather difficult problem using both harmonic and
subharmonic chords with varied unit-proportions and different common
tones are given in 7-12. In these examples, either the 4/3 or 3/2 is held
7- I I. Wilson's expansion technique. Thesetof I. INVERTED ARCIIYTAS ENHARMONIC, HARMONIC CHORDS ON 312, UP = +1 +1 +2
ratios arethechordal tones relatiue to III. (1) isthe III 5/4 9 /7 4 /3 311. 15/8 1.7/x4 1.1x
just intonation version ofWllson'sfirst expansion
harmonization with thetow' addition ofanoptional (7 8 9 II)
7 89 / / chordat thebeginning. The originalwas (7/6 413 311. 11/6)
quantized to z z-toneequal temperament. (2) isthe 6 7 8 10
just intonation version of Wilson 'ssecond expansion 9/ 8 2Ih6 311. 15/8
harmonization. Theoriginal wasquantized to 3 1-
5 6 7 9
tone equal temperament.In both cases, theadded
15h 4 9 /7 311. 1.7/x4
tomsareilllighw' type. Theoptional chord isin
parentheses. 4 5 6 8
III 5/4 311. 1.1I
14 17 1.0 1.6
H120 5 1/40 311. 3911.0
11. IS 18 1.4
III 5/4 311. 1.II
7-n. Trial expansion harmonizations. The successive differences or UP = +2 +3 +S
unit proportions arepositive in barmonic chords, negative in sub-
barmonic. The ncn-sCilJaradded tones arein lightertype. Passing notes I/I 6/5 5/4 413 3/1 9/5 IS/S l./I
are in parentheses. %0 22 %5 30
6/5 33 12 S 311. 9/5
IS 17 %0 1.5
UP = -S -3-2
9/ 8 SI/40 311. IS/S
I/I I6IIS m/9 413 311. 8/5 5/3
IO I1. IS 1.0
30 1.5 22 1.0 IIr. 6/5 311. 1.1I
IO/9 413 SO/33 5/3
l.S 1.0 17 IS UP = +2 +2 +2
I6lr.S 413 80/S1 16/9
III 1.8/17 I6II5 413 3/% I419 8/5 1.1I
:1.0 IS I% IO
III 413 5/3 1,1I 14 I6 I8 20
7/6 413 3/1 5/3
UP = +1 +2 +3 10 I1. I4 16
10/9 4/3 I419 16/9
IIr. 7/6 5/4 413 311. 7/4 IS/8 zlr.
8 10 I% 14
IS I6 I8 :n
I6/IS 4/3 8/5 28lrS
5/4 4/3 311. 7/4
7 9 II 13
(12) (13) IS (18)
%811.7 4/3 44 12 7 S 2h7
(6/S) (13 lr O) 311. (9/S)
6 8 10 I%
9 10 12 IS 2.1I
IS/8 III 413 S/3
9/8 5/4 3/1
6 7 9 I%
1,1I 312, UP = - 2 -2 -2
IIr. 7/6 3/1
III 5/49/7413 311. IS/8 1.7/r4 1.11
UP = +2 -1-1 20 I8 16 14
I/I 1.8/17 I6IIS 4/3 311. I419 8/5 1./r. 6/S 413 311. 12.17
8 16 14 I1. 10
II 9 7
Il1II 311. 12/7 ISlr4 5/4 311. 15/8
10 8 6 14 12 10 8
16/9 2712 6 27/22 3/1 :1.7/14
I6/r.S 413 3112 1
9 7 6 5 13 II 9 7
1.8/%7 413 I419 28lrS 9/ 8 9/7 3/1 9/S
8 6 S 4 I1. 10 8 6
III 413 8/5 1,1I IIr. 6/S 3/% 1./1
32 28 26 24 20 18 16
12 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8
A B C D EG aF b, b c d e f g a
8-2. The diatonic bnrmoniai as octave MIXOLYDIAN 28 26 14 11 20 18 16 14
species ofthePerfect Immutable Systemin LYDIAN 26 14 12 20 18 16 14 13
the Doriantones. Othertonoi aredefined PHRYGIAN 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12
by assigning the;" modaldeterminants to DORIAN 11 10 18 16 14 13 I2 II
hypatemeson andproceeding thl'ough the HYPOLYDJAN 20 18 16 (15) 14 I3 11 II 10
subbarmonicseries. The Dorian, botueuer; HYPOPHRYGIAN 18 16 15 13 12 II 10 9
isthe basisfor Schlesinger's theo,y. HYPODORIAN 16 15 13 I1 I I 10 9 8
comitantly, there is a seven-fold differentiation of the tuning of the other
notes of the Perfect Immutable System. These tonoi are shown in 8-3.
A B C 0 E P G a b c d e' fg' a
MIXOLYDIAN 44 4 0 36 32 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 u 11
LYDIAN 4 0 36 31 28 16 24 11 10 18 16 14 13 Il II IO
PHRYGIAN 36 3 1 18 26 14 21 20 18 16 14 13 r z 11 10 9
DORIAN 31 28 16 24 12 10 18 16 14 13 11 II 10 9 8
HYPOLYDlAN 28 26 14 22 20 18 16 15 13 Il II 10 9 8 7
HYPOPHRYGIAN 26 24 22 20 18 16 15 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 13/z
HYPODORIAN 24 21 10 18 16 15 13 u II 10 9 8 7 I3/z 6
emmenon mainly to construct the diatonic hypo-modes. This is very much
at variance with the usage of this note by the standard theorists whose
Hypodorian, Hypophrygian, and Hypolydian modes employ only the
natural notes of Greater Perfect System.
For these theorists, trite synemmenon and the rest of the synemmenon
tetrachord are part of the Lesser Perfect System and are used to primarily
illustrate the melodic effect of modulations to the key a perfect fourth
lower. Bacchios also employs it to illustrate certain rare intervals such as the
ekbole, spondeiasmos, and eklysis (chapters 6 and 7)' The combination of
the Greater and Lesser Perfect Systems to form the Perfect Immutable
System is basically a pedagogical device, not a reflection of musical prac-
tice. Furthermore, the Lesser Perfect System terminates with the syn-
emmenon tetrachord, but to complete Schlesinger's hypo-hannoniai the
note sequence would have to switch back into the notes of the Greater
Perfect System. Although chromaticism and modulation occur both in
theory and in the surviving fragments (\iVinnington-Ingram 1936), this use
of synemmenon would seem to be most unusual.
Historical evidence
Much of Schlesinger's case for the harmoniai is based on fragmentary
quotations from classical Greek writers. This evidence is dubious support
at best.
Theorists such as Aristoxenos complain about the unstable pitch and
indeterminate tuning of the aulos (Schlesinger 1939)' Aristoxenos claims
that the intervals of music are determined by the performance skill of the
player on both stringed and blown instruments and not by the instruments
themselves. This polemic may be interpreted either as referring to the
inherent pitch instability of the instrument or to the difficulty of bending
the pitches so as to approximate a scale system for which it is not physically
suited, i.e. the standard tetrachordal theory. Whatever the correct inter-
pretation, the passage does suggest that Schlesinger's harmoniai played
little or no role in Greek musical practice in the fourth century BeE.
The problem lies with our ignorance of the Greek music and its mode
of performance. It is quite possible for an instrument to be musically
prominent and at the same time difficult to play in acceptable tune. Schle-
singer may well have been right about the natural scales of auloi and still
be entirely wrong'about their employment in Greek music of any period.
8-5. Harmonization ofSeblesinger's barmoniai. MIXOLYDIAN 28:22:20:14 28:22:16:14
Tetratbordalframw01'k chords. Chordsfrom the LYDIAN 26:20:18:13 26:20:14:1],26:20:15: 13
"conjunct" harmoniai in which 15 replaces 14 are PHRYGIAN 24:18:16:12 24:18:1]:12
also ShUW11 where applicnble. DORIAN 22:16:14:11,22:16:15:11 22:16:12:11
HYPOLYDIAN 20:15:13:10,20:14:13:10 20:15:1I:IO,20:14:II:ro
HYPOPHRYGlAN 18:I 3:12:9 18:13:10:9
HYPODORIAN 16:12:11:8 16:12:9:8
8-6. Excerptsfrom Agave byElsie Hamilton, with
ratio numbers. I~
(a) Tetracborda] framework chords ("Sunrise"). 10
13 12 15 8
" 8 9 8 II 8
J .. n
. "
) -iJ
(d) Modal tranposition. HYPOLYDIAN
I~ 11ft;~ to 9 ta 8 \0 9 to \3 10 9 13 10 & 13
\2&8678 91211109878
note of each tetrachord to create the characteristic interval of the genus.
By this process, the old diatonic first intervals become the pykna of the new
chromatic forms.
The enharmonic is created analogously by katapyknosis with four. The
first two new intervals are retained, leading to pykna which consist of the
chromatic first intervals. This procedure is equivalent to performing
katapyknosis with two on the chromatic genera resulting from the oper-
ations above.
Wilson has suggested performing katapyknosis with 3 to produce tri-
chromatic forms (personal communication). Ptolemy used the same tech-
nique to generate his shades. This operation produces two forms, a I + I
form in which the two lowest successive intervals are retained and a I + 2
form in which the lowest and the sum of the two highest are used. The
pykna ofthe I + I and I + 2 forms are thus different and the I + I form tends
to melodically approximate the enharmonic. A third form, the 2 + I,
potentially exists, but would violate Greek melodic canons (chapter 3).
In an analogous manner, katapyknosis by 5 and 6 are possible if the
interval to be divided is large enough. These divisors generate what may
be called pentllchromatic, pentenbarmonic, bexacbromatic, and bexenbarmonic
genera. The forms of the rationalized harmoniai including the two tri-
chromatic as well as the pentachromatic genera, created from a 2 + 3 divi-
sion of the pyknon, are shown in 8-8.
If one generates all the forms of a harmonia which do not violate
accepted melodic canons by katapyknosis with the numbers I through 6,
nineteen genera result. The Hypermixolydian or "bastard Hypodorian"
provides a good example of this process because the first diatonic interval is
the comparatively large septimal tone 8/7 (231 cents). The nineteen kata-
pyknotic genera ofher "bastard Hypodorian" are shown in 8-9.
three hypo-modes in each tonos would be merely cyclic permutations of
the original sequence and would therefore lack modal distinction. These
tritai synemmenon are also needed to to form what Schlesinger would
probably term conjunct hannoniai.
The new tritai synemmenon may be supplied by analogy through kat-
apyknosis of the disjunctive tone by 2. These additions, of course, increase
the number ofpossible scale forms, as the new notes may alternate with the
lesser of their neighbors as 15 alternates with 14 in the Dorian prototype.
This alternation generates fairly wide intervals in the range of augmented
seconds and gives the harmoniai containing them a chromatic or harmonic
minor flavor not present in the corresponding modes of the Dorian
New conjunct forms
The new tritai synemmenon combine with the remaining tones to yield
8- [I. Synopsis Oftherationalized tonoi. Thetonoi conjunct forms for each of the harmoniai. In order to preserve genera-
aretranspositions oftheDorian modalsequence so specific melodic contours, a variation on the usual principle of construction
thatthemodal determinant ofeach barmoniafaUs
was employed in the derivation of these scales. The procedure may be
onhypate meson. A local tritesynemmenon hasbeen
defined in each ofthese barmoniai. In the thought of as a type of inverse katapylmosis utilizing the note altemative to
Hypolydian, 15alternateswith 14. Wbenmesefalls the local trite synemrnenon in some cases. These conjunct harmoniai are
on 14,tritesynemmenon is 27 (27/22). The listed in 8-10 in their diatonic, various chromatic, and enharmonic forms.
Hypodorian also hasa "bastard"formwhich runs The tuning of the principal structural notes of the rationalized tonoi is
fromproslambanomenos tomese in theDorian tonos. summarized in 8- 1 1 •
Thefirrttetrachordis 16141312.
New modal determinants
As mentioned previously, one of the most noticeable inconsistencies in
NAME P HH HM M TS P ND Schlesinger's system is the lack of a harmonia whose modal determinant is
MIXOLYDIAN 44 40 28 22 1I 20 14 15. Similarly in the new conjunct harmoniai, modal determinants of 17, 19,
4° 36 26 20 19 18 13
21,23, and 25 are implied by the local tritai synemmenon of the ration-
PHRYGIAN 36 32 24 IB 17 16 I l
alized tonoi. Schlesinger herself stipulates the existence ofharmoniai on 2 I
DORIAN 32 2B 12 16 IS 14 I I
HYPOLYDIAN 2B 26 20 15h 14 13 10 and 27 as later modifica tions of the Dorian and Lydian harmoniai. She
HYPOPHRYGlAN 26 24 18 13 2Sh u 9 claimed that these harmoniai were created by shifting their modal deter-
HYPODORIAN 24 22 16 U 23h II 8 minants one degree lower.
Additional harmoniai on modal determinants 29 and 31 may be added
without exceeding the bounds of the Perfect Immutable System, To these
may be added a harmonia on 33, which, though it exceeds the boundaries
of the Dorian tonos, is included in the ranges of the tonoi of 8- 12 and 8-
13. The normal or disjunct forms of these new hannoniai are shown in 8-
12 and the conjunct, which use their local tritai synemmenon, in 8-13. A
TonOS-IS Tonos-s r Tonos-s-r Tonos-33
15 14 13 II 2I 20 16 15 2I 20 19 16 15 14 12 2I 54 51 4 8 4038362827 3331292423221833
75 71 65 55 5350 4°75 105 10195 80 76 706o 105 135 129120100969° 70 135 16515915° 120 116 IIO 90165
8-15. Harmonization of thenewbarmoniai. HARMONIA-I 7 I7: rz: n : I7 h I7: I 2:9:I7 1z
Tetratbordalframework chords. HARMONIA- I9 I9: I4:I3:I91z I9:1~:1 1:19 12
HARMONIA-2 I zr:I6:I4: 2I12 zr:I6:rz:2Ih
HARMONIA-23 23:I8:16:231z Zp8:q:23 h
HARMONIA- 27 27:20:18:2712 27:20:14:2712
HARMONIA- 29 29:22 :zo:2912 29:22:16:2912
HARMONIA-3 I P:24:22:3IIz,3I:23:ZZ:3Ih 31:23:r8:3IIz,3I:24:I8:311z
HARMONIA-33 33:24: 2 2:33 12 33:24: 18:3312
8- I 6. HarmonicformsofthePhrygian barmonia. Another source of new hannoniai has been suggested by "Wilson. One
Foreach ofthediatonic barmoniai, theharmonic might insert pyIma above notes other than the first and fourth degrees of
forms areobtained bytakingthez/: complement of the basic diatonic modal sequence. Interesting variations may also be dis-
each ratio orinterval.
covered by inserting more than two pyIma, or any number at any location.
The final result of this procedure is to generate "close-packed" scales with
many more than seven notes.
12 13 141618 20 12 24 Harmonic forms of the harmoniai
Schlesinger's original harmoniai and all of the new scales generated in
12 14 IS 16 18 22 23 24
analogy with hers are 1- or a-octave sections of the subharmonic series.
These musical structures may be converted to sections of the harmonic
243 03I 32 36464748
series by replacing each of their tones with their zII complements or
CHROMATIC The resulting harmonic forms may be used in exactly the same way as
24 25 2632 36384048 the originals, save that the modalities of the chords (major or minor) and
ENHARMONIC the melodic contours of the scales are reversed, Le., the intervals become
484950 6472 747 696 smaller rather than larger as one ascends from the lowest tone.
In general, chords from the harmonic series are more consonant
than those from the subharmonic. However, the tones of the harmonic
scales are more likely to be heard as arpeggiated chords than are the
8-17. Harmonicftrmsofthe conjunct Phrygian
harmonia. For each oftheconjunct diatonic bar- scalar tones of the subharmonic forms.
moniai, theharmonicfOlmisobtained bytakingthe There is only one form of each of the inverted diatonic harmoniai,
z/i complement ofeach ratio orinterval. but the chromatic, enharmonic and other katapyknotic forms (8-9)
have two versions. The first forms are the octave complements of the
FIRST VERSION OF THE INVERTED CONJUNCT corresponding subharmonic originals and these forms have their pykna
PHRYGIAN HARMONlAI at the upper end of each tetrachord. The second versions are produced
DIATONIC by dividing the initial intervals of the two tetrachords of the inverted
12 13 14 17 18 2012 24 diatonic forms as in the generation of the chromatic and other kata-
CHROMATIC pyknotic forms of 8-9. An example which illustrates these operations
12 13 16 17 18 12 23 24 is shown in 8-16. The Phrygian harmonia, of modal determinant IZ,
is inverted and then divided to yield the diatonic, chromatic and
24 26 34 35 36464748 enharmonic forms. Both versions of the chromatic and enharmonic
SECOND VERSION OF THE INVERTED CONJUNCT harmoniai are listed, and the other katapyknotic forms may be
PHRYGIAN HARMONlAI obtained by analogy.
CHROMATIC Conversely, the second of the new harmonic forms may be inverted
2426272836384048 to derive new subharmonic harmoniai whose divided pykna lie at the
ENHARMONIC top of their tetrachords. These too are listed in 8-16.
4 852 53 54 72 747696 Conjunct harmoniai may also be inverted to generate harmonic
I. 9 8 7 6 13· 4 8 44 36 33 32
a c b, d a, c' a d' d b
(312 . 4/3) (312 . 4/3; I61r I . 11/8)
2. 12 II 10 9 8 14· 51 48 36 34
0,c d b a c d b
(312 . 4/3) (312 . 4/3; 17/ 12 . 241r7)
3· 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 15· 54 52 48 39 36
a c b, d a ( c ~ ~d
(312 '4/3; 13/9' 18lr3)
4. 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 16. 57 56 52 42 39 38
a c d b II c' c d' d b
(312 . 4/3; 10/7' 7/5) (3/2 . 4/3; 19lr 4 ' 28/19; I9lr3 . 26119)
5. 24 23 22 2I 20 19 18 17 16 17. 60 56 42 4°
~c b d a c d b
(3/2 . 4/3) (312 . 4/3; 10/7' 7/5)
6. 27 26 25 24 23 22 2I 2° 19 18 18. 63 60 56 45 42
a c b, d a c' c d' b,d
(312 . 4/3) (3 12 . 4/3; 10/7 . 7/5)
7· 3°..·....·.. 28 ........... 21 20 19· 66 64 60 48 45 44
a c d b a c' c d' d b
(312 . 4/3; 10/7 . 7/5) (312 . 4/3; 22lr5' I5lr I; x6/n· II/8)
B. 33 32.......... 24...........22 20. 6968 64 51 48 46
a c d b ace d' d b
(312 . 4/3; I6III . II/B) (312 . 4/3; 23/ 16. 31123; 23lr7' 34/23)
8- 19. Diacycles on20II 3. These diacycles can be forms as shown in 8-17. In this case, the disjunctive tone is at the
constructedonstrings I3II 0 and20II 3 apart. bottom with the two tetrachords linked by conjunction above.
These operations may be applied to all of the harmoniai described
40 39 36 3° 27 26 . above. Similarly, the other musical structures presented in the
a c,e g d ! b,h remainder of this chapter may also be inverted.
(20113' 13110 ; 3/2 . 413; 13/9.18/13)
Other directions: Wtlson's diaphonic cycles
60 56 52 4 2 .. 40 39
a,e g c f,h d b Ervin Wtlson has developed a set of scales, the diaphonic cycles, which
(20113' 13110; 3/2 . 4 /3; 10/7 ' 715) combine the repeated modular structure of tetrachordal scales with the
linear division of Schlesinger's harmoniai (Wilson, personal commu-
8o .. 78 76 60 57 52
a ~e g d! ~h
(20/ 13 . 13110; 3/2 . 4 /3; 16/19 . 1911 3) The diaphonic cycles, or less formally diaeyc/es, may be understood most
easilyby examining the construction of the two simplest members in 8-18.
10°99 96 91 71 7° 6665 In diacycle I, the interval 312, which is bounded by the nodes a and b, is
aeg c hd! b
divided linearly to generate the subharmonic sequence 9 8 7 6 or III 9/8
(20113'13/10; 10/7' 715i 312 '4/3; I6/II' II/8)
9/7 312. Subtended by this 312 is the linearly divided 4/3 bounded by the
nodes c and d. This segment forms the sequence 8 7 6 or III 8/7 4 /3.
Five-tone scales may be produced by joining these two melodic segments
with a common tone to yield III 9/89/7 3h 12/7 211 (n - b on III, then
8-20. Triapbonic andtetrapbonic cycles on-P3 and
5/4' (1) may beconstructed onthree strings tunedto c-d on 3/2) and III 8/7 4/3 3/2 12/7 211 (c-d on III, then n-b on 4/3):
III, #3, and 312. (2) requiresstrings tunedtoIII, 9 8 7 (6) and 8 7 (6)
413, and 312. may berealized onfourstrings (8) 76 (9) 8 7 6
tunedto 1/1, 6/S,I47IIooand42f2s. The tones in parentheses are common to the two segments.
Diaphonic cycle 2 generates two heptatonic scales which are modes of
Ptolemy's equable diatonic genus: III 1211 I 615 4/3 16/II 8/5 16/9 2/1
20 19 18 17 16 IS
a, c d and III 12llI 615 4/3 312 18/II 9/5 211. The two forms are respectively
b, !
/3 14 61
(4 • 5 . 5) termed the conjunctive and disjunctive or tetrachordal form.
As the linear division becomes finer, scales with increasing numbers of
28 27 24 2I
tones are generated. At number 4, a new phenomenon emerges: the exis-
a, c e d b.]
tence of another set of segments whose conjunction produces complete
(4 /3' 716 . 917)
scales. The nodes /I,d and c,b define a pair of diaphonic cycles whose seg-
50 49 48 42 4° ments are 10/7 and 7/5.
a e c, g f, h b, d
These diaphonic cycles can be implemented on instruments such as
(5/4. 615 . 7/6. 8/7)
guitars by tuning the intervals between the strings to a succession of 312's
and 4/3'5. The fingerboards must be refretted so that the frets occur at
equal aliquot parts of the string length. Wilson constructed several such
guitars in the early 1960s.
8-21. Divisionsofthefifth. (I) isdescribed asan Wilson has also developed a set of simpler scales on the same principles
"aulas-scale (phrygian, reconstructed by KS)" in under the general name of "Helix Song." They consist of notes selected
Schlesinger 1933. (2) isanotber "autos-scale (Hypo- from the harmonic series on the tones III and 4/3' These have been used
dorian), "identified with anotherunnamedscale of
as the basis of a composition by David Rosenthal (Rosenthal 1979).
Aristoxmos (Nfeibomius 1652,72). (3) is an "aulas-
scale (Mixolydian), "identifiedwith another Triacycles and tetracycles
unnamedscale of'Arisuxcmos. (4) isidentifiedwith
For the sake of completeness, some new diacycles have been con-
yet another scale of'Aristoxmos. (5) spansan aug-
structed on the interval pair 2oh3 and 13ho. These are listed in 8-19. As
mentedfifth andappears also in ber interpretation of
thespondeion. (6) is the "singularmajorl> ofSafiyu- zoh3 is slightly larger than 3/z, some new diacycleson 312 are generated
d-Din (D'Et'langer 1938,281). TheIslamicgenera incidentally too.
arefrom Rouanet 1922. (8), Isfahan, spans only the Larger intervals and their octave complements might be used, but the
4/3.19) islabeled "ZirafkendBouzourk. Rouanet's
increased inequality in the sizes of the two segments would probably be
lastgenus isidentical toSnfiyu-d-Din'sscale ofthe melodically unsatisfactory. This asymmetry may be hidden by defining
three or four segments instead of merely two. A few experimental three-
and four-part structures, which may be called triacytles and tetracycles, are
I. 14/23' 13/21' 11/9' 9/8
2. 16II5' IS/14' 7/6. 9/8 Linear division of the fifth
3· 28/27' 9/ 8 . 8/7 . 9/8 As a final note, it must be mentioned that both Schlesinger (1933) and the
4· 2 Iho . 10/9 . 9/8 . 8/7 Islamic theorists also recognized scales derived by linear division of the
5· r r/ro- 10/9' 9/8 . 8/7
fifth instead of the fourth or octave (8-2 I). Not surprisingly, Schlesinger's
are presented as support for the authenticity of her harmoniai.
6. 14/13' 8/7 . 13/I 2 • 14/I 3 . II 7/I 12
It is likely that the Islamic forms had origins that are independent ofthe
7· 13/ 12 ' 14113 . 13/u . 287/271
8. 13/12 . 14/13 . IS/I4' 16115 Greek theoretical system. The genus from Safiyu-d-Din (D'Erlanger
9· 1411 3 ' q/u . 36/35' 9/8. 10/9 1938) may be rationalized as being derived from the permuted tetrachord,
14!I 3 ' 8/7 . 13/12 , by dividing the disjunctive tone, 9/8, of the octave scale
into two unequal parts, 14!I3 and II 7!I I2. Characteristically, a1124 per-
mutations of the intervals were tabulated.
Rouanet's scales deviate even more from Greek models, though the
tetrachordal relationship may still be seen (Rouanet 1922).
9 The Catalog of tetrachords
4°0 their generating process. It should be remembered, however, that all six
permutations of the non-reduplicated genera and all three of the
3°0 reduplicated are equally valid for musical experimentation.
With the exception of the Pythagorean 256/243' 9/8. 9/8 andAl-Farabi's
~ 200 w19' 10/9' 2712 5, the genera with reduplicated intervals are given in the list
o of Reduplicated tetrachords.
100 Those tetrachords defined in either in "parts" of the tempered fourth
or which consist solely of tempered intervals are to be found in the Tempered
a list. Needless to say, these tetra chords are a diverse lot, covering
Aristoxenos's divisions, Greek Orthodox liturgical genera (in two systems
° PARHYPATE - one of 28 parts to the fourth, the other of 30), and those derived from
9-3. Tetracbords injust intonation: pal1Jypatai vs. theoretical considerations. As some of the latter contain rational intervals
lichanoi. Theoblique lines aretheupper andlouur as well, a separate list of Semi-tempered tetrachords is included.
limitsof licbanosfor ea.h value ofparhypate. This No attempt has been made to catalog the very numerous tetrachords and
graph islimitedtothetetracbords in themain, tetrachord-like structures found in the non-zero modulo 12 equal
reduplicated, andmiscellaneous lists. temperaments of 4-17.
An index of sources for those tetrachords of historical provenance is
Unifonnity of sampling
In order to show the uniformity with which the set of all possible tetrachords
in just intonation has been sampled in the Catalogs of this cha pter, the genera
from the Main, Reduplicated, and Miscellaneous lists have been plotted in
9- 1,9- 2 and 9- 3. In 9- I I the smallest intervals are plotted against the largest
intervals or CIs. As one may see, the area delineated by the two oblique lines
is more or less uniformly filled. However, diagonal zones corresponding to
genera with roughly equal and 1:2 divisions are evident. The tables are
deliberately deficient in genera with commatic and sub-cornmatic intervals,
as these are oflittle use melodically. The few examples in the tables are taken
mostly from Hofmann's list of superparticular divisions (Vogel 1975) or
generated by theoretical operations such as the means of chapter 4.
9-+ Just andtempered tetracbords: smallest us.
largest intervals. Theoblique lineraretheupper and
9-2 is a plot ofthe first versus the second intervals ofthe same tetrachords.
lotuer limits ofthelargest intervalfor e~h valueof Although the graph has a different shape, the same conclusions may be
the smallest.Thisgraph contains allthe tetracbords drawn.
in theCam/ago 9-3 is a third representation of the same data. In this case, cumulative
rather than sequential intervals have been plotted. This mode reflects the
Greek classification of tetrachords into primary genera (enharmonic,
16 4 CHAPTER 9
This genus divides the 36/35 (49 cents), an interval found in Archytas's
enharmonic and Avicenna's chromatic. Number 8 is found in Vogel's tuning
for the Perfeet Immutable System (Vogel 1963.1967) and Erickson's (1965)
analysis of Archytas's system (see chapter 6).
41 5°/49' 49/48. 321z5 35 + 36 + 4 27
42 75/73 . 73/7 2' 32/25 4 6 + 24 + 4 27
43 75/74' 37/3 6. 3 2/25 23 + 47 + 4 27
This genus divides the 25/24 minor semitone (71 cents). The phS is the
31z 's complement of 75/64, the 5-limit augmented second (5/4 . 5/4' 5/4'
3/2, reduced to one octave).
The last species is an analog of Archytas's enharmonic and the first makes
a 1511 3 with the subtonic.
75 512/499' 499/486.81/64 45 + 4 6 + 408 BOETHIUS
76 3841371' 74 2/729 .8I!64 60 + JI + 408
77 768/755' 755/7 29 . 81/64 30 + 61 + 408
78 40/39' 416/4°5.81/64 44 + 46 + 4 0 8
79 128/125' 25°/243 . 81/64 4 1 + 49 + 408 EULER
80 64/63' 28/27.81/64 27 + 63 + 408 WILSON
88 36/35' 35/34' 34127 49 + 50 + 399
89 1.7/16. 51./5 1' 3412 7 65 + 34 + 399
90 54/53' 53/5 1' 34127 J1. + 67 + 399
91 1.411. 3 .69/6 8 . 3411.7 74 + 1. 5 + 399
This genus divides the I 8II 7 semi tone of99 cents, used by Vincenzo Galilei
in his lute fretting (Barbour 1953; Lindley 1984). These genera are virtually
equally-tempered and number 88 is an excellent approximation to
Aristoxenos's enharmonic. It is also the first trichromatic of Schlesinger's
Phrygian harmonia.
91. 1.4° II3/9 0 51 + 53 + 394
93 I80h73' 34 6/339' II3/9 0 69 + 35 + 394
94 360/353' 353/339' II3/9 0 34 + 70 + 394
95 3°11.9' II6III3 . II3/9 0 59 + 45 + 394
96 4 0 /39 ' 1I7II I3' 113/9° 44 + 60 + 394
97 60/59' u8lr13' II3/9 0 1.9 + 75 + 394
These complex divisions derive from an attempt to interpret in Ptolemaic
terms a hypothetical Aristoxenian genus of 7 + 1. 3 parts. The inspiration came
from Winnington-Ingram's 1932 article on Aristoxenos in which he
discusses Archytas's 1.8127 . 36/35 . 5/4 enharmonic genus and its absence
from Aristoxenos's genera, despite the somewhat grudging acceptance of
Archytas's other divisions. In Aristoxenian terms, Archytas's enharmonic
would be 4 + 3 + 1. 3 parts, and the first division is 3·5 + 3·5 + 1. 3· Number 95
is the 4 + 3 division and 93 and 94 are Z:I and I:Z divisions of the complex
pyknon ofratio nolr 13 (roa cents). Numbers 96 and 97 are simplifications,
while number 96 generates an ekbole of 5 dieses (I5h3) with the subtonics
hyperhypate and mese,
98 34/33' 33/31. .64/5 1 51. + 53 + 393
99 5 1/50' z512 4 ' 64/5 1 34 + 7 1 + 393
100 49/48. 51/49 . 64/5 1 36 + 69 + 393
101 68/65 .65/64. 64/5 1 78 + 1.7 + 393
101. 68/67 .67/64. 64/5 1 1.6 + 79 + 393
The pyknon of this enharmonic genus is I 7lr6 (105 cents), the seventeenth
harmonic and a basic interval in septendecimal just intonation.
103 p / 3 I ' 31/3°' S/4 SS + 57 + 386 DIDYMOS
104 4 6/45. 24 123' 5/4 38 + 74 + 386 PTOLEMY
105 48/47' 47/45' 5/4 36 + 7S + 386
106 1.8127' 36/35 . 5/4 63 + 49 + 386 ARCHYTAS
I07 56/55' 22121 • 5/4 31 + 81 + 386 PTOLEMY?
108 40/39'1.6125' 5/4 44 + 68 + 386 AVICENNA
109 1.5124' 118/uS' 5/4 71 + 41 + 386 SALINAS
IIO 1.1120.64/63' 5/4 84+ 1.7 + 386 PACHYMERES
III 256h43·8I/80·S/4 90+Zl+386 FOX-STRANGWAYS?
III 7617S'20!r9'S/4 23+89+386
II3 9 6/95' I9/r8 . 5 /4 18 + 94 + 386 WILSON
!I4 1361r 3S ' I8h7 . S/4 13 + 99 + 386 HOFMANN
I IS 2561255' 17116. S/4 7 + 105 + 386 HOFMANN
116 68/6S . 5/4 . 5 / 5
2 1 78 + 3 + 34
These tunings are the most consonant of the shades of the enharmonic
genera. Although Plato alludes to the enharmonic, the oldest tuning we
actually have is that ofArchytas (390 BeE). This tuning, number 106, clearly
formed part ofa larger musical system which included the subtonic and the
tetrachord synemmenon as well as both the diatonic and chromatic genera
(Winnington-Ingram 1932; Erickson I96S). Didymos's tuning is the 1:1
division of the I6/rs (112 cents) pyknon and dates from a time when the
enharmonic had fallen out of use. Number 104 is undoubtedly Ptolemy's
own, but the surviving manuscripts contain an extra page which lists number
107 instead. Wallis believed it to be a later addition, probably correctly.
Numbers 104 and lOS are the 1:2 and 2:1 divisions, given as usual for
illustrative and/or pedagogical purposes. The Avicenna tuning (D'Erlanger
1935, 154) has the S/4 first in the original, following the usual practice of
the Islamic theorists. In this form, it makes a ISh 3 with the subtonic.
Number 109 is Euler's enharmonic (Euler [1739J 1960, 178); Hawkins,
however, attributes it to Salinas (Hawkins [1776] 1963. 27). Danielou gives
it in an approximation with 46/4S replacing the correct I 28/r 25 (Danielou
1943, I 7S)' The Pachymeres enharmonicis attributed by Perrett to Tartini
(Perrett 1926, 26), but Bryennios and Serre also list it.
Number 1I I is given as ~g Todi by Fox-Strangways (1916, 121) and as
Gunakali by Danielou (I9S9, 134-135). The divisions with extraordinarily
small intervals, numbers I14 and 115, were found by Hofmann in his
172. CHAPTER 9
chromatics ofAristoxenos, is I3/I2 (139 cents). Number 169 is a summation
tetra chord from chapter 4.
170 I 76lr69 . I69lr62 . 27/22 70 + 73 + 355
IF 132/ 125' 2501243 . 27/22 94 + 49 + 355
172 264 12 57 ' 2571243 . 27/22 47+ 97 + 355
173 28/27. 2212 1. 27/22 63 + 81 + 355
174 55/54' I6lr5 . 27 12 2 32 + II2 + 355
175 4°/39' I43 lr35 . 27/ 22 44 + 100 + 355
The Wasta ofZaIZIJ1, aneutral third of 355 cents, is exploited in this hemiolic
chromatic genus whose pyknon is 88/81 (143 cents), an interval found in
certain Islamic scales (D'Erlanger 1935).
176 24123. 23 122 . II/9 74 + 77 + 347 WINNINGTON-INGRAM
177 181r7 . 34/33 . II/9 99 + 52 + 347
178 36/35' 35/33' II/9 49 + 102 + 347
179 45/44' I6lr5 . II/9 39 + 112 + 347
180 56/55' I5 lr4' II/9 31 + 119 + 347
181 78/77 . 14lr3 . 11/9 22 + 128 + 347
182 20lr9 . 57155 . 11/9 89 + 62 + 347
183 3°129' 58/55 . II/9 59 + 9 2 + 347
184 28/27. 81177 . II/9 63 + 88 + 347
185 4°/39' II 7!I 10 . 11/9 44 + 107 + 347
This genus is the simplest realization of Aristoxenos's herniolic chromatic.
Wtnnington-Ingram mentions number 176 in his 1932 article on Aristoxenos
but rejects it, despite using I2/U • 11/9 to construct his spondeion scale in
an earlier paper (\Vmnington-Ingram 1928). In view of the widespread use
of 3/4-tone and neutral third intervals in extant Islamic music and the use
of I 21rI by Ptolemy in his intense chromatic and equable diatonic genera,
Iseeno problems with accepting Aristoxenos's genus,4.5 + 4.5 + 2 I "parts,"
as recording an actual tuning, traces of which are still to be found in the
Near East. Ptolemy, it should be remembered, claimed that the intense
chromatic, 2212 I . I 2/r I . 7/6, was used in popular lyra and kithara tunings
(Wallis 1682,84,178,208) and that his equable diatonic sounded rather
foreign and rustic. Schlesinger identifies it with the first tetrachord of her
chromatic Phrygian harmonia (Schlesinger 1933; Schlesinger 1939, 214).
The pyknon of this chromatic genus is I2/II (lSI cents). Number 176 may
be written as 5 + 5 + 2.0 Ptolemaic "parts" (120 lIS 11°90), rather than the
4.5 + 4· 5 + 2I ofAristoxenian theory. A number ofother divisions are shown,
including the usual 1:2. and 2:1. as well as the neo-Archytan 28127 and
40/39 types.
186 2561245' 2451234' 39/]2. 76 + 80 + 34 2
18 7 384/373' 373/35 1 . 39/]2. 50 + 105 + 34 2
188 192h81. 362/351 . 39/32 102 + 53 + 34 2
189 64/63' 14 h3 . 39/3 2 27 + 128 + 34 2
This genus employs the 312's complement of 16h 3, the tridecimal neutral
third, found in the 26:]2.:39 triad. The unusually complex pyknon is
128h17 (156 cents).
190 23/22 . 22/21 .28123 76 + 81 + 341 WILSON
19 1 69/65. 65/63' 2812 3 103 + 54 + 34 1
19 2 69/67.67/63' 2812 3 51 + 107 + 34 1
193 4 6/45' 15h4' 2812 3 3 8 + II9 + 34 1
This neutral third genus is from WIlson. The pyknon is 23/21 (157
194 II2h07' 107 h 0 2 . 17h4 79 + 83 + 33 6
195 168h58. 15 8!I53 . 17h4 106 + 56 + 33 6
19 6 168h63' 163!I53' 17h4 52 + 110+ 33 6
197 520/5 1' 14 h3 . 17h4 34 + 128 + 33 6
19 8 2812 7 ' 18h7' 17h4 63 + 99 + 33 6
199 35/34' 16h5 . 17h4 50 + II2 + 33 6
200 40/39 . 91/85 . 17h4 44 + II 8 + 336
201 17!I4' 56/55 . 55/5 1 33 6 + 31 + 131
202 I 7h4 . 56/53 . 53/5 I 336 + 95 + 67
This chromatic genus uses Ellis's supraminor third, I 7h 4 (Helmhol tz [1877]
1954, 455), which occurs in his septendecimal interpretation of the
diminished seventh chord, 10:12:14:17. The pyImon is 56/51 (162 cents).
203 22/21' 21120, 40/33 81 + 85 + 333
204 33/P' 3 1/3°' 4 0 /33 108 + 57 + 333
205 33/3 2' 16h5 . 40/33 53 + 112 + 333
206 55/54' 27125' 4 0 / 33 3 2 + 133 + 333
207 66/65' 13112 . 4 0/33 26 + 139 + 333
208 18117.1871180. 40/33 99 + 66 + 333
The pyknon of this genus is 11110 (165 cents), an interval which appears in
Ptolemy's equable diatonic and elsewhere. Number 208 is a summation
tetrachord from chapter 4.
209 64/61.61/58. 29/24 83 + 87 + 328
210 16115' 3°129' 29124 112 + 59 + 328 SCHLESINGER
211 32/31' 31129' 29124 55 + 115 + 328 SCHLESINGER
The interval 29124 is found in some of Schlesinger's hannoniai when she
tries to correlate her theory of linearly divided octaves with Greek notation
(Schlesinger 1939, 527-8). The results agree neither with the commonly
accepted interpretation of the notation, nor with the canonical forms of the
harmoniai given elsewhere in her book. The 29124 is also part of the 24:29:36
triad and its 3h's complement generates the 36/29 genus. The pyknon is
32h9 (170 cents).
212 20119' 19118 ·6/5 89 + 94 + 316 ERATOSTHENES
213 28127' 15114.6/5 63 + 119 + 316 PTOLEMY
214 3°129' 29127. 6/5 59 + 12 3 + 316
215 16115.25124.6/5 112 + 71 + 316 DIDYMOS
216 4°/39' 13/12.6/5 44 + 139 + 316 BARBOUR
21 7 55/54' 12/11 ·6/5 32 + 15 1 + 316 BARBOUR
218 65/63.14113.6/5 54 + 128 + 3 16
219 22121. 35/33.6/5 81 + 102 + 316
220 21120.2001189.6/5 85 + 97 + 316 PERRETT
221 2S6/z43 .6/5' 135/128 90 + 316 + 92 XENAKIS
222 60/59' 59/54.6/5 29 + 153 + 316
223 80/n' 77/7'2 .6/5 66 + 116 + 316
224 2412 3 ' 115/108 .6/5 74 + 109 + 316
225 88/81' 45/44. 6 /5 143 + 39 + 316
226 46/45.6/5' 25123 38 + 316 + 144
227 52/51.85/78.6/5 34 + 149 + 316 WILSON
228 100/99' I1110· 6/5 17 + 165 + 316 HOFMANN
229 34/33 .6/5' 55/5 1 52 + 316 + 13 1
23 0 6/5' 35/32 • 64/63 316 + 155 + 27
231 6/5' 224012187 . 243/224 316 + 4 1 + 14 1
243 64/63' 1I1r9' 191r6 27 + 173 + 29 8
244 40/ 39 . 104/9S . 191r6 44 + 157 + 29 8
The characteristic ratio for this genus derives from the 16: I 9:24 minor triad
(seethe 24119 genus). The pyknonis the complex interval 64/S7 (201 cents).
Number 241 is from Boethius (1838, 6). The Kornerup tetrachord (1934>
10) also corresponds to a Ptolemaic interpretation ofone ofAthanasopoulos's
(1950) Byzantinetunings, 6+ 18 +6 "parts." As 19116. 20119' 16/1S, itis one
ofthe "mean" tetrachords,
66/65 . 10/9' 13/II 26 + 182 + 289 WILSON
27126.88/81' 13/II 65 + 143 + 289
2812 7 ' 99/9 1' 13/11 63 + 14 6 + 289
This experimental genus divides a pyknon of 44/39 (209 cents), an interval
also appearing in William Lyman Young's diatonic lyre tuning (Young 196 1).
The 1311 I is a minor third which appears in 13-limit mnings and with its
312's complement, 33126, generates the 22:26:33 tritriadic scale.
278 224/2 II . 2111198 . 33128 104 + 110 + 284
279 336/323 . 3231297 . 33128 68 + 145 + 284
280 1681155-3 101297'33/28 139+74+ 284
281 56/55 . 10/9 . n/z 8 3 I + 182 + 284
282 16115' 35/32' 33/28 112 + 102 + 284
283 34/33 . n/28 . 56/5 1 52 + 284 + 162
The characteristic interval of this genus is the 312's cOInplement of 14/ I I I
328 7/ 6 . 1.024 / 945 ' 135/128 267 + 139 + 92
The pyknon of this intense chromatic is the septimal tone, 8/7 (231 cents).
Number 307 is given by Al-Farabi (D'Erlanger 1930, 104) and by Sachs
(1943, 282) in rearranged fonn asthe lower tetrachord of the modern Islamic
mode, Higaz. The Turkish mode, Zirgule, has also been reported to contain
this tetra chord, also with the 7/6 medially (palmer 1967?).Vmcent attributes
this division to the Byzantine theorist, Pachymeres (Vincent 1847). This
tuning is also produced by the harmonic mean operation. Ptolemy's first
division (number 308) is his intense chromatic (Wallis 1682, 172), and his
second (number 310) is his interpretation of Aristoxenos's soft diatonic, 6
+ 9 + 15 "parts". In this instance, Ptolemy is not too far from the canonical
100 + 150 + 250cents, though Hipkins's semi-Pythagorean solution (number
314) is more realistic (Vogel 1963). His tuning is also present in Erickson's
(1965) interpretation of Archytas's system. The Avicenna tetrachord,
number 3 II, (D'Erlanger 1935, 152) sounds, surprisingly, rather diatonic.
Barbour's (1951, 23-24) tuning (number 312) is particularly attractive when
arranged as 9/8 . 64/63 . 7/6. It also generates the 16:2I :24 tritriadic and its
conjugate. Vogel (1975, 207) lists it also. Number 328 is found in Vogel's
tuning (chapter 6 and Vogel 1963, 1967)' The remaining divisions are new
tetrachords intended as variations on the soft diatonic-intense chromatic
genus or as approximations of various Byzantine tetrachords as described
by several authors (Xenakis 1971; Savas 1965; Athanasopoulos 1950 ) .
329 78/73 . 73/68 . 1361117 II 5 +123 + 261
330 II7!I12' 56/51 '136lr17 76 + 162 + 261
331 1171107' 107/102 . 136lrI7 155 + 83 + 261
332 52/51 ' 9/8 . 1361r 17 34 + 204 + 261
The pyknon of this complex genus is 39/34 (238 cents). Number 332
generates the 26:34:39 tritriadic.
333 31129 . 29127' 36/3 I II 5 + 124 + 259
406 25 61243' 567/5 12 .8/7 90 + I77 + 231
This genus divides the 7/6 (267 cents). The Avicenna and Al-Farabi
references are from D'Erlanger. Number 390 is also given by Pachymeres
(D'Erlanger I935, 148 referring to Vincent 1847). When arranged as
13/12 . 14/r3 .8/7, it is generated by taking two successive arithmetic means.
Number 394 is especially interesting as there have been reports that it was
used on organs in the Middle Ages (Adler 1968; Sachs 1949), but more recent
work suggests that this opinion was due to a combination of transmission
errors (by copyists) and an incorrect assessment of end correction (Barbour
1950; Munxelhaus 1976). With the 49/48 medially, it is generated by the
twelfth of the Greek means (Heath 192 I). The scale is obviously constructed
in analogy with the Pythagorean 2561243' 9/8. 9/8. Similar claims pro and
con have been made for number 393 as well. This scale, however, appears
to have been the principal tuning of the diatonic in practice from the time
ofArchytas (390 BCE) through that ofPtolemy (ca. 16o CE). Even Aristoxenos
grudgingly mentions it (Winnington-Ingram 1932). Number 397 is from
Vogel (1963) and approximates the soft diatonic. Itis also found in Erickson's
(1965) version ofArchytas's system. Entry 399 corresponds to 3/8 + I 1/8
+ I tones of Aristoxenos. The Safiyu-d-Din tuning is one of his "strong"
forms (2:1 division) and has 2I/r9 replacing the 10/9 of Ptolemy.
Tetrachords 403, 404, and 405 exploit ratios of 17 and are dedicated to Larry
407 I5 0/r39' 139/128 . 256/225 13 2 + 143 + 223
408 225/214' 107/96 . 256/225 87 + 188 + 223
4 09 225 12°3' 203Jr92 .25 6/225 78 + 9 6 + 223
41025124'9/8'2561225 71+204+223
The apyknon is the augmented second, 75/64 (275 cents). Number 410 is
the generator of the 64:75:96 tritriadic and a good approximation to
Aristoxenos's 3/8 + I 1/8 + I tone when reordered so that the 9/8 is
4II 176/r63 . 163/r50' 25122 133 + 144 + 221
4 12 132JrI9'238122S'25122 179+97+ 221
413 2641251' 251/225' 25122 87 + 189 + 221
414 I6/r 5 . IIlIo . 25/22 II2 + 165 + 221
415 88/81' 27125 . 25122 143 + I33 + 221
(·•.;. ,,~·'ee8~
416 22/21' 25/22 . 28125 81 + 221 + 196
4 17 28127' 1981175' 25/22 63 + 214 + 221
418 26125' 44/39' 25/ 22 68 + 209 + 221
This is an experimental genus whose apyknon is 88/75 (277 cents). Number
416 is a fair approximation of Aristoxenos's 3/8 + I 1/8 + I tones, and number
411 is close to a hypothetical II1I6+ I I II 6 +I 1/8 tones.
4 19 27125' 25/23' 9 2/81 133 + 144 + 220
420 81/77 . 77/69 . 92/81 88 + 190 + 220
421 81/73 . 73/69 . 92/81 180 + 98 + 220
4 22 2412 3 ' 9/8. 9 2/81 74 + 20 4 + 220
423 27/26. 26/23 . 92181 66 + 212 + 220
This genus divides the 2712 3 (278 cents) and is derived from the 18:23:27
triad. Number 422 is the tritriadic generator, and is an approximation to
Aristoxenos's 3/8 +I 1/8 + I tones (4.5+ 13.5 + 12 "parts") when reordered.
4 24 67/62. 62/57' 76/67 134 + 146 + 218
425 2011I81· 181II71 . 76/67 181 + 98 + 218
4 26 20I1I91' 19III71 . 76/67 88 + 191 + 218
4 27 25 61243' 76/67 . 5427/4864 90 + 218 + 190 EULER
This complex genus is expanded from number 427, which is called "old
chromatic" in Euler's text (Euler [1739] 1960, 177). The tuning is clearly
diatonic, however, and must be in error. It may have been intended to
represent Boethius's 19II6 (76/64) chromatic. The apyknon is 67/57 (280
4 28 40/37' 37/34' 17II5 135 + 146 + 21 7
4 29 10/9' 18II7' 17115 182 + 99 + 217 KORNERUP
430 201I9' 19II7' 17II5 89 + 19 2 + 217 PTOLEMY
43 1 15114' 56/5 1' 17II5 119 + 162 + 217
432 80/77' 77/68. 17II5 66 + 215 + 217
433 12/11 . 5S/51 . 17II5 lSI + 13 1 + 21 7
434 120IIo9' I09!I02 . 17!IS 166 + 115 + 217
43S I201I13'1131I02'17IIS 104+177+217
436 24/23' II5II02 . 17IIS 74 + 208 + 217
437 1601I53 . 9/ 8. 17!IS 77 + 204 + 217
10) Lydian. Genus number 430 is Ptolemy's interpretation of Aristoxenos's
intense diatonic, 6 + 12 + I2 "parts" (Wallis 1682,172). Kornerup refers to
it as Dorian. Number 432 is a hypothetical Ptolemaic interpretation of 4·5
+ 13.5 + 12 "parts", a mixed chromatic and diatonic genus not in Ptolemy.
Number 437 generates the 34:40: 5 I triad and tritriadic, The remaining
divisions are experimental neo-Aristoxenian genera with a constant upper
interval of r a "parts."
457 8.
9/ 12/ll . 88/8r 204 + 151 + 143 AVICENNA
are not very consonant. Examples are numbers 467 and 468 which generate
the 38:46:57 and 24:29:36 tritriadics with mediants of 23h9 and 29h4.
Number 469 is an adventitious tetrachord from Partch (1974, 165)'
Numbers 470-472 are from chapter 4. The last two resemble some of the
Islamic tunings of the Middle Ages. The remaining tunings are proposed
approximations to Islamic or syntonic diatonic tetrachords.
473 r r/ro- 13h 2' 160h43 16 5 + 139 + 194 AL-FARABI
This tetrachord is from Al-Farabi (D'Erlanger 1930, 112). It did not seem
worthwhile to explore this genus further because the ratios would be complex
and often larger than 160lr43 itself.
474 12/II' IIlro· 10/9 151 + 165 + 182 PTOLEMY
475 10/9' 10/9' 27h5 182 + 182 + 133 AL-FARABI
47 6 10/9' 13/12' 72/65 182 + 139 + 177 AVICENNA
The apylmon is 6/5 and the majority ofpotential divisions have intervals larger
than the 10/9' Number 474 isPtolemy's homalon or equa ble diatonic, a scale
which has puzzled theorists, but which seems closely related to extant tunings
in the Near East. Ptolemy described it as sounding rather foreign and rustic.
Could he have heard it or somethingsimilar and written it down in the simplest
ratios available? It certainly sounds fine, perhaps a bit like 7-tone equal
temperament with perfect fourths and fifths. The Avicenna and Al-Farabi
references are from D'Erlanger (1935), and Ptolemy (Wallis 1682).
Reduplicated tetrachords
These genera are arranged by the reduplicated interval in descending order
of size.
477 r r/ro- i ttto- 400/363 165 + 165 + 168 Rl
478 12/ll' t ilt t . 121lr08 151 + 151 + 197 AVICENNA R2
Miscellaneous tetrachords
The tetrachords in this section are those that were discovered in the course
of various theoretical studies but which were not judged to be of sufficient
interest to enter in the Main Catalog. Many of these genera have unusual
CIs which were not thought worthy of further study, The fourth and fifth
columns give the ratio of the pyknon or apyknon and its value in cents,
493 1761175'1751174'29/ 22 10+10+478 88/87 20 MI
494 25119'93 119 25'148/147 475+ 11+11. 76/75 23 M2
This tetrachord is generated by the second of the summation procedures
of chapter 5,
4951281127'127/126'21116 14+ 14+471 60/63 27 M3
496 21116,65 6/ 651'120/123 471 + 13 + 14 60/63 27 M4
Another summation tetrachord from chapter 4.
497 100/103' 103110 2 . 17/13 17 + 17 + 464 5 2/5 1 34 MS
49 8 17113 '4 29/4 25'100/99 4 64+ 16+ 17 52/5 1 34 M6
Another summation tetrachord from chapter 4.
499 98/97' 97/96 . 64149 18+18+462 49/48 36 M7
500 9 2/91' 9 1/9°' 30123 19+ 19+460 46/45 8 M8
5°1 90/89 . 89/88 . 176/ I35 19+ 20+ 459 45/44 M9
5°2 88/87. 87/86. 43/33 20+ 20 +458 44143 MIO
5°3 86/85. 85/84' 56/43 20+ 20+457 43/4 2 41 MIl
5°4 84183 .83/82.82/63 21+21+456 2/41
4 42 MI2
5°5 82/81 ·81/80' 160h23 21+22+455 4 1/40 43 MI3
These genera contain intervals whichare probablytoo smallforusein most
music.However,Harry Partch and]uliiinCarrillo,among others, have used
intervals in this range.
5°6 13/10' 25°1247' 76/74 454+ 21 + 23 40/39 44 MI4
Another summation tetrachord from chapter 4.
5°7 78/77' 77/7 6. 152/1 17 22 + 23 +453 39/38 45 MIS
5°8 76/75' 76/75' 74/57 23+ 23+45 2 38/37 4 6 MI6
5°9 74/73'73/7 2'48/31 24+ 24 +451 37/36 47 MI7
510 7°/69.69/68. 13 6h05 25 + 25+44 8 35/34 5° MI8
5 11 22/17' 357/352.64/63 446 + 24+ 27 34/33 52 MI9
Another summation tetrachord from chapter 4.
5 12 58/57' 57/56 . I 12/87 30+31 +437 2912 8 61 M20
5 13 87/8°' 43/42' 112/87 20+4 1 +437 29128 61 M21
5 14 87/85.85/84' 112/87 40+ 20 +437 29/28 61 MlZ
The preceding are a set of hyperenharmonicgenerawhichdivide the dieses
between 40/39 and 2812.7. Similarbut simpler genera will be found in the
Main Catalog. Smallintervals in this range are clearlyperceptible, buthave
been rejected by most theoreticians, ancient and modern.
515 68/53 . 53/52 . 52/51 431+33+34 53/51 67 M23
5 16 13 6h33' 0
133!I3 .65/5 1 34+ 34 + 420 68/65 7 8 M24
5 17 68/67. 67/65. 65/5 1 26+ 52 + 4 20 68/65 78 M25
5 18 34/33.66/65.65/51 52 + 26 + 420 68/65 78 M26
519 68/67· 67/54· 18!I7 26 + 373 + 99 7 2/7 6 12 5 M27
520 25 124' 32/31' 3112.5 71 + 55 + 372 100/93 126 M28
521 68/55' 55/54' r8h7 367 + P + 99 55/51 13 1 M29
522 68/67.67/63 . 'lIh7 26+ 107 + 3 66 68/63 Ip M3 0
523 68/65,65/63· 2I1r7 78 + 54 + 366 68/63 13l M3 1
524 36/35' 25 61243' 3151256 49 + 9° + 359 1024/945 139 M3 2
525 64/63' 16/r5' JI5/z56 27+ I12+359 1024/ 945 139 M33
Numbers 524 and 52.5 are from Vogel's PIS tuning of chapter 6.
549 16h5' 1215/r024' 2561243 112 + 296+ 90 4096/3635 202 M57
550 2812 7 ' 1024 /945 . 1215h024 63 + 139 + 296 4096/3635 202 M5 8
Numbers 548-55° are from Vogel's PIS tuning of chapter 6.
55 1 12ohl3' Il3 h 0 6. 53/45 104+ III + 283 60/53 :2 15 M59
55 2 180!r73'173h59'53/45 69+146+283 60/53 21 5 M60
553 9°/83' 166h59' 53/45 140 + 75 + 283 60/53 21 5 M61
554 24/23' II5 h o6 , 53/45 1
74+ 14 + 3 28 60/53 21 5 M62
Number 554 is a hypothetical Ptolemaic interpretation of 5 + 9 + 16 "parts."
The others, numbers 551, 5SZ, and 553 are 1;1, 1:2 and 2:1 divisions of the
555 34129'58/57' 19/17 275+30+193 5 8/5 1 223 M63
55610/9'II7hoo'40/39 182+272+444°0/351 226 M64
557 I20hI3'II3/97'97/90 1°4+ 264+ 13° 388/339 234 M65
This genus is a Ptolemaic interpretation ofXenakis's 7+ 16+7 "parts."
558 13!I2·55/SZ·64/55 139+97+ 262 55/4 8 236 M66
This genus is generated by the second ratio mean of chapter 4.
559 68/65. 65/56'5615 1 78+ 258+162 224!I95 240 M67
560 U/II '297/z56, 256/ 243 1
15 + 257 + 90 1024/891 241 M68
561 28127' 8r/70' 10/9 63 + 253 +182 280h43 245 M69
This tetrachord is also found in Erickson's article on Archytas's system with
trite synemmenon (112/81, BH added. It also occurs in Vogel's PIS tuning
of chapter 6.
562 81/70.224012187' 9/8 253 +4 1 + 204 280/z43 245 M7 0
563 81/7°' 25 6h43 . 35/P 253 + 90 + 155 280!z43 245 M7 1
564 135/128. 7168/6561.81/7° 9 2 + 153 + 253 28012 43 245 M7 2
These three tetrachords are from Vogel's PIS tuning of chapter 6.
565 60/59'59/51'17!I5 29+ 252+ 217 68/59 246 M73
566 40/37'37/32'16h5 135+ 25 I+ II 2 I28hrr 247 M74
This is a Ptolemaic interpretation of Athanasopoulos's 9 + 15 + 6 "parts."
567 r6h5" 280!z43 "243!z24 II2 + 245 + 14 1 8r170 253 M75
56836/35"9/8'280!z43 49+ 2°4+ 245 81/70 253 M7 6
569 8/7' 8I18o· 280/z43 23 1 + 22 + 245 81/70 253 M77
These three tetrachords are from Vogel's PIS tuning of chapter 6.
570 46145·132lrI5·251z2 38+ 239+ 221 I I 5/99 259 M7 8
57 r 16lr5' U/II· 55/48 112+15 1+ 236 64155 262 M79
This is an approximation to the soft diatonic of Aristoxenos, liz + 3/4 +
I 1/4 tones, 6 + 9 + 15 "parts,"
The "parts" ofthe fourth usedto describethe scalesof Aristoxenosare, in
fact, the invention of Cleonides, a later Greek writer, as Aristoxenos spoke
only of fractional tones. The invention has proved both useful and durable,
for not only the later classical writers, but also the Islamic theorists and the
modem Greek Orthodox church employthe system,though the former have
often doubled the number to avoidfractionalparts in thehemiolic chromatic
and a fewother genera.
Until recently,the Greek church hasused asystemof 28pans to the fourth
(Tiby 1938),yieldinga theoreticaloctaveof68 (28+ 12 + 28)tonesrather than
thq2 (30+ 12 + 30= 72)or 144(60 +24 +60= 144 in thehemiolicchromatic
and rejected genera) of the Aristoxenians. The 68-tone equal temperament
has a fourth of only 494 cents.
Note that a number of the Orthodox liturgical tetrachords are meant to
be permuted in the formation of the different modes (echoi).This operation
may be applied to the historical and neo-Aristoxenian ones as well.
19 8 CHAPTER 9
65 2 6 + 12 + 12 100 + 200+ 200 ARISTOXENOS T59
Savas, Xenakis and Athanasopoulos all give permutations of this tetrachord
in their lists of Orthodox church forms.
653 12 + 11+ 7 200 + 183 + 117 XENAKIS T60
Xenakis (1971) permits several permutations of this approximation to
Ptolemy's intense diatonic.
65410+8+12 167+133+200 SAVAS T61
The fonn 8 + 12 + 10 is Savas's "Barys diatonic" (Savas 1965).
655 12 + 9 + 9 200 + 150 + 150 AL-FAllABI; CR. 4 T62
65 6 8 + II + II 133 + 183 + 183 CHAPTER 4 T63
This tuning is close to 27125' 10/9' 10/9'
657 9.5+9.5+11 158+158+183 CHAPTER 4 T64
658 10 + 10 + 10 166 + 167 + 167 AL-FAllABI T65
Tiby's Greek Orthodox tetrachords of 28 parts to the fourth of 494 cents.
659 12+13+3 212+229+53 TIBY T66
660 12 + 5 + I I 212 + 88 + 194 TIBY T67
66112+9+7 212+159+124 TIBY T68
662 9 + 12 + 7 159 + 212 + 124 TIBY T69
See TibY(1938) for numbers 659-662.
Semi-tempered tetrachords
The tetra chords in this section contain both just and tempered intervals. Two
of these genera are literal interpretations of late Classical tuning theory. A
number are based on the assumption that Aristoxenos intended to divide the
perfect fourth (4"3), a rather doubtful hypothesis. The remainder are mean
tetrachords from chapter 4 with medial 9/8 . Fonnally, these latter tetrachords
are generators oftritriadic scales. In all cases they span a pure 4"3.
16/(9"3) . 161(9"3) . 8 1/64 45 + 45 + 408 SI
Number 692 is Barbera's (1978) literal interpretation of Nicomachos's
enharmonic as liz semitone + liz semitone + ditone, where the 1/2 semitone
is the square root of 2561z43, also written as 16· "3 / 27.
1.26376. 1.053 21'1.00260 405 + 88 + 4 S2
This mean tetrachord of the second kind is generated by mean 9.
(4"3)1/10. (4"3)1110. (413)8110 50 + 50 + 398 s3
This tetrachord is a literal interpretation ofAristoxenos's enharmonic under
Barbera's (197 8) assumption that Aristoxenos's meant the perfect fourth
4"3· In Cleonides's cipher, it is 3 + 3 + 24 parts.
695 (413)2/15 . (413)2115. (4!3)1lI15 66 + 66 + 365 s4
This tetrachord is a semi-tempered interpretation of Aristoxenos's soft
chromatic. In Cleonides's cipher, it is 4 + 4 + 22 parts.
696 (413)3120. (413)7/60. (413)11/15 75 + 58 + 365 s5
This tetrachord is a semi-tempered interpretation of a genus rejected by
Aristoxenos, It somewhat resembles Archytas's enharmonic. In Cleonides's
cipher, it is 4.5 + 3.5 + 22 parts.
697 (4!3)3!20. (413)3/20. (413)7110 75+ 75 + 349 s6
This tetrachord isa semi-tempered interpretation ofAristoxenos's hemiolic
chromatic. In Cleonides's cipher, it is 4.5 + 4.5 + 2 I parts.
698 (413)115. (413)1110. (413)7/10 100 + 50 + 349 s7
This tetrachord is a semi-tempered interpretation of a genus rejected by
Aristoxenos. In Cleonides's cipher, it is 6 + 3 + 2I parts.
699 1. 21677' 1.°3 86 2' 1.05505 340 + 66 + 93 s8
This mean tetrachord of the first kind is generated by mean 9.
700 (413)1/5. (413)115 . (413)3/5 100 + 100 + 299 s9
This retrachord is a semi-tempered interpretation of Aristoxenos's intense
chromatic. In Cleonides's cipher, it is 6 + 6 + 18 parts.
701 (413)2115. (413)4115 . (413)3/5 66 + 133 + 299 SIO
2.02. CHAPTER 9
Source index
The sources ofthe tetrachords listed below are the discoverers, when known,
or the earliest reference known at the time of writing. Further scholarship
maychange some ofthese attributions. Because the Islamic writers invariably
incorporated Ptolemy's tables into their compilations, they are credited with
only their own tetrachords. The same criterion was applied to other historical
Permutations are not attributed separately except in notable cases such as
that of Didymus's and Ptolemy's mutual use of fOnDS of 16h 5 . 9/8 . 10/9'
Doubtful attributions are marked with a question mark.
For more information, including literature citations, one should refer to
the entries in the Main Catalog. Uncredited tetrachords are those of the
AL-FARABI:307,394,460,473,475,655,65 8
ARCHYTAS: 106,248,393
ARISTOXENOS: 597,604,607,610,612,622,624,638,643,647,652
BARBERA: 692,694
BOETHIUS: 75, 241
DANltLOU: 154
DIDYMOS: 1°3,215,455