Investment & Risk Management
Investment & Risk Management
Investment & Risk Management
Role of Equity
Active and Passive Exposures
Returns from Passive Exposure to S&P CNX Nifty
Sector Exposure and Diversification
Fundamental and Technical Analysis
Fundamental Valuation Approaches
Investment and Speculation
Fundamental Analysis
Tries to estimate the intrinsic or true value of a security by focusing on factors that
affects companys actual business and future prospects.
-[It is all about doing quantitative and qualitative analysis about a business.
The fundamental analysis is helpful in establishing basic standards but can not be
totally rely because of the uncertainties associated with economic and market factors
d. DEBT EQUITY Ratio = Debt/Equity Higher the DE ratio more volatile the
shareholders return.
e. Divident Payment Ratio = DPS/EPS Higher the ratio means company has
liberal policy, Payout is less company is conservative.
2. Qualitative Analysis involves nature of the industry, factors related to the specific
industry, investment environment, quality of management, corporate governance etc.
Under this we basically study, macro economic analysis and industry
Macro Economic Analysis Inflation, GDP Growth, Money Supply, Unemployement,
Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization, Interest Rates, Fiscal Deficit, Productivity
of Factors of production, Monsoon Season, Cost of Living Index, Technological
Innovation, Foreign Investme
nts etc. the Analysis the above factors indicates the trends in the trends in macro
economy that affects the risk and return on investments.
Industry Analysis The security analyst will take into consideration the following
factors for assessing the industry potential in making investments Labour
Conditions, Government attitude towards industry, competitive conditions, industry
share price related to industry earnings, stage of industry life cycle, growing domestic
demand, performance of the industry, return on capital employed etc.
Technical Analysis is a method of evaluating securities by analysing statistics
generated by market activity such as past prices.
There are three assumptions made in technical analysis
1. Market value is determined by forces of demand and supply, it ignores the
fundamental factors that affects the company.
2. In technical analysis, price movements are beliefed to follow trend. After a trend
has been established, future price movements is likely to be in the same direction
the trend.
3. The price movements repeats itself as market participants react in a same way to
market conditions everytime.
Technical Analysis method of forecasting direction of prices through study of past market
1. DOW Theory given by a Charles DOW. Says that the market is always considered to
1. Narrow Movement - Day to day
2. Short swing two weeks to a month or more
3. Mame mOvement That covers atleast four years in its duration.
This theory says that the stock price behaves is 90% psychological and 10% logical.
1. It signals the trend which is often too late
2. It depends on the interpretation and is subjected to all the hazards of a human
interpretative ability.
S More risky
I Calculative Risk
S short term
I Long term
S based on predications
I Based on knowledge and rational
Role of Gold
Gold Investment Routes
Rupee returns from Gold
Real Estate
Role of Real Estate
Real Estate Investment Routes
Real Estate Indices