Rough Fiction Learn Train Program 2013
Rough Fiction Learn Train Program 2013
Rough Fiction Learn Train Program 2013
In This Pack
1. Our Approach
2. Year-round Workshops
3. The Last of The Lake Uncovered
4. Creative Residencies and productions
5. Bronze, Silver & Gold! - Arts Awards with
Rough Fiction
6. About Rough Fiction
7. What Next? - Contacting Us
Our Approach
Year-round Workshops
Rough Fiction Theatre Company both inspired and challenged our students
through the positive encouragement and high standards that they
implemented Head of Drama, Boswells School, Essex
This unique workshop sits alongside our main workshop program and offers participants the opportunity
to learn about some of the devices and techniques used to create our 2012 touring production, The Last of
The Lake. Working with members of the company, participants will explore physical and devising processes
that inspired by the piece including ensemble movement, physical choreography and devising from
production stimuli.
Supporting Materials
Supporting materials for the production are available from the company website from 2013 including a
downloadable script, production resource pack including exercises and interviews, an archive recording of
the show, and a document of early stimuli used for research and development.
The Production
The very last of the life-giving lake is about to run out. The village just hope their saviours dont run out on
them. This new play from Rough Fiction brings the technicolour and extravagant world of magical realism to
life as two girls twinned by birth and by prophesy, engage in an epic, healing and emotionally-testing journey
to the sea. This fantastic genre, most readily exemplified by works such as Garca Mrquezs One Hundred
Years of Solitude or Rushdies Midnights Children, is blended on stage with moments of bold physicality
and an immersive audio-visual design allowing a rich and heady world of birds, mermaids and ritual to burst
into life. Co-commissioned by Brighton Dome in association with Newbury Corn Exchange, The Point
Eastleigh and supported by The National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Creating Our
Devising Together
Workshop Sessions at the Brighton
Corn Exchange, 2010
Arts Awards
The Gold Award, a nationally recognised
qualification, equal to 35 UCAS points, allows
students to have their work in performing arts
recognised. The award needs to come from
the students, be about the students and be
organised by the students but needs a
dedicated and trained facilitator. Phil, our CoArtistic Director, has been trained to facilitate
and oversee these qualifications endorsed by
Trinity Guildhall.
The Gold award is amazing but needs time
and tends to be for those exceptional A-Level
students. Lower down the school KS3 and
KS4 students have the chance to gain their
Bronze and Silver Arts Awards. Again
something that rewards talent and shows
these students to be both well-rounded and
highly capable individuals.
Company Biography
Phil King and Simon Pittman founded Rough Fiction
in 2005. They co-direct the company alongside other
outside commitments including directing, writing,
movement directing, lecturing and teaching.
Rough Fiction was an Associate Company at The
Point Eastleigh 2010-2011 where we developed our
current show The Last of The Lake which toured 2012
and is co-commissioned by Brighton Dome. We have
produced two previous productions; Killing Alan
(South Hill Park / The Underbelly, Edinburgh Festival,
2009) and Hospitals and Other Buildings That Catch
Fire (The Underbelly, Edinburgh Festival 2005 /
National Student Drama Festival 2006). Both
productions garnered wide-spread critical acclaim
and 4-star reviews and Hospitals was shortlisted for
a Fringe First Award. Our Ensemble Laboratory has
been running since 2010 hosted by The Actors
Centre London and People at Play providing time and
space every weekend for members of the ensemble
to train and develop work together. The Ensemble
Lab will tour a pop-up production of The Love of
The Nightingale by Timberlake Wertenbaker to
venues around the UK this Autumn.
Phil King - Co-Director
Phil has been awarded a First in International Theatre
from Royal Holloway University and received the
scholarship to the David Edgar-founded playwriting
Masters at the University of Birmingham. He recently
submitted the winning adult play for the The National
Theatre New Views playwriting Competition and his
play House Martin was commissioned at the West
Yorkshire Playhouse as part of the Northern Exposure
season. For Rough Fiction Phil has written The Last
of The Lake (The Point Eastleigh), Killing Alan
(Underbelly, Edinburgh Festival 2009), Hospitals and
Other Buildings That Catch Fire (Underbelly,
Edinburgh Festival 2005 / National Student Drama
Festival 2006) which was also revived by The Brit
School in 2009. Other plays include What's Their Life
Got? and Listening Out for The Bitesize Festival at
Theatre 503 (2006), The Big Half, the small ha'f
(Pleasance Theatre Islington, 2004), and After the
Garden (Theatro Technis, Camden, 2005).
Images from The
Last of The
Lake, 2012 and
The Love of The
Nightingale popup production,
Photography: Ben
Ward and James
This document is
Simon Pittman
and Phil King
Practitioner Biographies
Images: Aime
Leonard in
rehearsals and
Helen Millar in
with members of
the Ensemble
Laboratory (The
Love of The
Photography: Alex
Brenner and
James Marshall.
Further Engagement:
Public Workshops
Keep an eye out for forthcoming
training workshops and weekend
intensives available to book in the near
future at
Workshop intensives will focus on
devising and physicality as well and
voice and rhythm.
The company often works in
partnership with other
organisations to engage in longer
term or more ambitious projects
in creative learning. In the past we
have worked with companies
such as The Lyric Hammersmith
delivering a physical theatre
course called N:Gage for the Lyric
Young Company. Rough Fiction
was recently engaged with
Creative Partnerships as Theatre
Practitioners for a production
project with Burnham Grammar
People At Play
Rough Fiction have recently made a
new association with People at Play, a
collective of artists and companies
linked together in order to share spaces
and ideas.
Our Ensemble run weekly laboratory
sessions at the venue every weekend
and the company has also presented
performance work and helped to
facilitate community events throughout
the year.
Rough Fictions
commitment and
genuine interest in
both the students
and the method/
acting/ techniques
were inspiring. They
generated a positive
environment, the
program had a good
progression and the
content was well
adapted to the
Head of Performance
Dramavedeling Drama
School, Norway
What Next?
To discuss any of the workshops in this pack, or a
tailored project, please contact Simon Pittman at
[email protected] / + 44 7946 553 668 or
Helen Millar at [email protected] /
+44 7984 649362
Company Contacts
Artistic Directors:
Creative Producer:
Aime Leonard
Helen Millar
Rough Fiction
C/O 122a Tufnell Park Road
London N7 0DU
"The best thing was how fun it was with Simon and Helen even
thought we learnt LOADS" Henry - Bishop's Stortford College
"I thought the fitness was the worst element but I am relieved we did
it now as I can see how it was useful. I wasn't expecting this much of
an open experience where we make the show from ideas we gave. I
LOVED IT" Residency Participant, Anon
"It will definitely help me make theatre in the future. One thing I
learnt was the ability to react to peoples' offers and build on them. I
would love to do it again, it has really helped me look at different
ways to perform drama. Workshop Participant, Anon.