RMFisher (Updated CV)

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curriculum vitae-- R. Michael Fisher (formerly Robert M.

507 S. James St., Carbondale, IL 62901
e-mail: [email protected]

Formal Education

2000-03 - Ph.D. in Education, Centre for the Study of Curriculum & Instruction, The University of British Columbia
(UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada
1998-00 - M.A. in Adult Education, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
1988-89 - Graduate Diploma, Educational Psychology (Rehabilitation Studies), University of Calgary, AB, Canada
1978-80 – B.Ed. (After) Secondary Science, University of Calgary, AB
1976-78 – B.Sc. Environmental Biology, University of Calgary, AB
1972-74 - Diploma, Biological Sciences (Ecology), Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, AB

Practical Research Interests

• primary and secondary research, action-participatory qualitative (some quantitative, surveys)

• curricular design and pedagogy (e.g., holistic, integral, and futures perspectives)
• values-principle based leadership and organizational assessments with focus on transition of
“cultures of fear” to “cultures of trust” (e.g., team-building and collaborative inquiry)
• workplace violence, rights, incivility (and terrorism) in higher education, collective trauma and
existential capacity/intelligence, emotional intelligence/competency, emotional wisdom, and
relationship dynamics (systems perspective)
• mission-sensitive and vision-integral approaches to research as teaching, teaching as research
and the role of leaders and learning communities attaining excellence,
• peer-based support/counseling services, conflict management, fear management, non-violent
communications, and general mental health and sustainability of organizational cultures,
• change/transition support, restorative and transformative learning,
• radical to revolutionary innovation and fearlessness designs for evolutionary advantage,
• spirituality, multiculturalism and diversity in higher education and communities

Academic Research Interests

transdisciplinarity, post-postmodern critical integral theory, critical theory and non-violent pedagogy, critical discourse
analysis, transformative and emancipatory (liberational) learning, arts-based qualitative inquiry and research, feminist
perspectives, popular and adult education, human services (professional development), organizational, community,
and leadership development, fear management education in a post-9/11 world, conflict management education,
emotion management education, peace education, health (and addictions) education, safety and security discourses,
culture of fear syndrome and risk society, incivility in higher education, popular culture, transpersonal studies,
existential geography, trauma studies

Graduate Theses

2003 Fearless leadership in and out of the ‘Fear’ Matrix. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Vancouver, BC: The
University of British Columbia. [Available on-line m1.cust.educ.ubc.ca:16080/Artography/phd.php]
2000 Toward a ‘conflict’ pedagogy: A critical discourse analysis of ‘conflict’ in conflict management education.
Unpublished masters thesis. Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia.

Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships & Grants

2001-03 Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship $51,000
2001-03 Faculty of Education Grant Supplement Award, UBC $4000
1999-00 University Graduate Fellowship, UBC $16,000
1984 R. Buckminster Fuller Scholarship, California Institute of Integral Studies, $500


Fisher, R.M. (2010). The world’s fearlessness teachings: A critical integral approach to fear management/education
in the 21st century. Lanham, MD: University of America Press.
Fisher, R.M. (1996). Dare to contradict, dare to distinguish; Into the flaming heart of the In Search of Fearlessness
Project. Calgary, AB: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Bickel, B. & Fisher, R.M. (1993). Opening doors; A guide to spontaneous creation-making. Calgary, AB: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1980). Guide to the orchids of the Cypress Hills. Calgary, AB: Author.

Edited Book Chapters

Fisher, R.M. (forthcoming). (Are) men are tragically hopeless(?): A critical integralist’s perspective. In V. Fisher and S.
Nicholson Eds.), Emerging visions of women and men: Integral explorations of sex, gender and spirituality:
NY: State University of New York Press.
Fisher, R.M. (2008). (with commentary by Four Arrows, Stephen Quaye, & Blaine Pope). Day Five 1st Presentation:
R. Michael Fisher’s story, “Fearless Leadership”. In D. Jacobs Four Arrows (Ed.), The authentic dissertation:
Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation (pp. 143-148). London, UK: Routledge.
Fisher, R.M. (on hold). Ken Wilber’s integral vision: A review of applications in education toward a “wisdom
culture.” In J. M. Gidley & G. P. Hampson (Eds.), Integral education: The Good, the Beautiful and the True.
Publisher pending.

Refereed Journal & Magazine Articles

Fisher, R.M. (2010). A heuristic device for drawing/creativity. Art Education.
Fisher, R.M. (forthcoming). Disablement of hope: A second opinion on the tragedy of the commons. Tikkun
Fisher, R.M. (2006). Invoking ‘Fear’ Studies. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 22(4), 39-71.
Fisher, R.M. & Bickel, B. (2006). The Mystery of Dr. Who?: On a road less traveled in art education. The Journal of
Social Theory in Art Education, 26, 28-57.
Meyer, K. & Fisher, R.M. (2002). Walljamming: A project of re-imagining academic community. Educational Insights,
7(1), 1-4. http://www.csci.educ.ca/publication/insights/
Fisher, R.M. (2000). Learning under fire: Adult education in the heat of conflict. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Adult
Education Research Conference (pp. 555-6), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Fisher, R.M. (2000). Towards an integrative literature search: Reflections of a 'wild' adult learner. The Reference
Librarian, 69/70, 407-417.
Fisher, R.M. (1997). IUD's (Issues underlying distinctions): Brief analysis of current conflicts in adult and community
education from recent issues of AJACE. Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education, 37(3), 179-
Fisher, R.M. (1997). A guide to Wilberland: Some common misunderstandings of the critics of Ken Wilber and his
work on transpersonal theory prior to 1995. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 37(4), 30-73.
Fisher, R.M. (1986). Education and beauty; Skin-deep or life-deep? Elements; A Journal for Elementary Education,
8(1): 13-16.
Fisher, R.M. (1986). Dissipative structures theory; A 'new alchemy' in the transformation of education. Educational
Researcher, 15: 24-5.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Supermemory in a grade 5/6 class. The Journal of Suggestive and Accelerative Learning and
Teaching, 7(3): 263-267.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Will the real philosophers please stand, and take heed! Journal of Environmental Education,
14(3): 41-42.

Refereed Articles In Progress

Works in Progress

Fisher, R.M. & Markley, K. Multicultural praxis and evaluation: Working sustainably in a culture of fear.
Lee, B. & Fisher, R.M. A holistic-integral approach to understanding the causes of incivility in higher education.

Fisher, R. M. The world’s fearlessness teachings: An encyclopedia of sacred and secular approaches to non-
Bickel, B. & Fisher, R.M. Presence and precedence: Staying close to ground zero in art/research education.
Fisher, R.M. Curricularizing a critical emotionology: Understanding fear management education as ‘hidden
Fisher, R.M. WholEmotions: Educating for healing and holistic emotional capacity.

Research & Management Consulting

2009- Primary and secondary research for my own company (with Dinah Seibert): Grow & GO:
Emotional-based Learning, Carbondale, IL
2009-10 Primary and secondary research baseline study on “Gaia” conceptualizations and mission,
vision, values, for Gaia House-Interfaith Center (Director: Hugh Muldoon, University Christian
Ministries, non-profit organization of Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
2008-10 Primary research using my own instrument “Values & Community Development Survey”
(self-initiated in Carbondale, IL under In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute)
2007-08 Secondary research baseline study on “incivility” in higher education (for Dr. Bonnie Lee,
School of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge, AB)
2005 Secondary research and ghost co-writing a manual: “Anger Management” (for Joan Balmer,
training instructor at the Justice Institute, BC)
2004-05 Primary and secondary research, writing papers, and advising on “integral” approaches to
leadership and change/transformation (for Lesley & Eitan Sharir, Dynamic Achievement, Inc.,
Vancouver, BC)
2004-05 Secondary research, baseline study, writing a report (to be published): “Capitalizing on the
Culture of Fear: A Baseline Study for Leaders” (for Terrie Ten Eyck, Intellectual Architects, Inc.,
Minneapolis, MN)
1996-98 Secondary Research, baseline study, co-creating the “Global Values Survey” with Ian Dakers,
Harmonic Thinking Systems, Calgary, AB) and applied the survey, graphed and interpreted
the data (with presentations) for some non-profit and profit organizations (as beta trials)
1993-98 Primary and secondary research, survey and data analysis, writing reports, and assisting in
vision, mission, strategic development for the non-profit organization In Search of Fearlessness
Center, Calgary, AB
1985-93 Primary and secondary research, surveys and data analysis, writing reports, manuals, and
directing staff development, case management for families in crisis (for Directors, Don & Carol
Hale, Quest Ranch, an Alberta Social Services funded treatment center)
1982-85 Private practice: educational consultant, elementary, junior/senior high schools, families
1983-84 Special Education (remediation) teacher (p/t), Olds Jr. Sr. High School, Olds, AB.
1978-79 Wildlife technician (consultant), for Ducks Unlimited, Calgary, AB
1974-76 Wildlife technician (consultant), with F. F. Slaney & Co, Edmonton, AB

Post-Secondary Teaching
2007 Sessional Lecturer, HLSC 2850- “Addiction Recovery as Fear Management: A Post-Modern View,” School of
Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge (3wk. summer undergrad course).
2000-1 Instructor/Tutor for ADED 329 credit on-line course (Adult Education- Developing Short Courses, Workshops
& Seminars), Office of Continuing Professional Education, UBC, Supervisor, Jo-Anne Chilton
1992-5 Instructor (personal growth/development course called "Basics To The Path Of Fearlessness"), Continuing
Adult Education, Univ. of Calgary (p/t)

Adult Education (Teaching, Facilitating Workshops)

2009- Critical Integral Care-Practices: Professional & Spiritual Development, a one-year program (four 12wk
courses) as inservice training for care-givers. On-line modality. Sponsored by In Search of Fearlessness
Research Institute, Carbondale, IL.
2004 Integral Peer Counselling (Level One Training), wknd event. Facilitated with B. Bickel, Vancouver, BC.
1993-97 Founder, Director and Main Instructor for School of Sacred Warriorship, Calgary, AB. Designed curriculum
and taught courses and workshops on addiction/recovery, trauma recovery, peer-counseling, and the art of

sacred warriorship and fearless leadership.
1990-97 Co-founder, Director of In Search of Fearlessness Centre and Research Institute, Calgary, AB. Designed
curriculum and taught courses on personal growth and development within a critical liberation and
transformative context; included peer-counseling training, courses on sexism, racism, adultism, classism,
liberational leadership, community-building, spontaneous-creation-making, fear and fearlessness, etc.
1995 Designed and taught a course: “Introduction to the Philosophy of Ken Wilber,” for In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute, Calgary, AB.
1995 Designed and taught a course “Working With Conflict,” for In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute,
Calgary, AB
1991-95 (with Barbara Bickel) designed and planned workshops on “Spontaneous Creation-making” for In Search of
Fearlessness Centre, Calgary, AB
1981-86 Designed and taught art classes to adults in various locations in central AB.
1976-78 Designed programs and led walks on natural history, as a park naturalist, Cypress Hills Provincial Park,
Elkwater, AB.

Academic Supervision/Thesis Editing & Participant Co-researching

2005-07 Dissertation Research Committee member for Elisebeth VanderWeil, Leadership Studies, Gonzaga
University, WA (dissert. title: “Accepting a ring of fire: Stories of engagement with fear in transformational
adult learning”)
2003-07 edited a few masters and doctoral research theses for UBC grad students
1991-2 with doctoral student Gary Nixon for his dissertation: “The Quest for Wholeness.” Calgary, AB: University
of Calgary, AB.

Academic Service Work

2000 Graduate Assistantship, for Dr. Karen Meyer, Centre for the Study of Curriculum & Instruction, UBC
1998 Volunteer, for Comparative and International Education Society, W. Regional Conference, June 11-13, UBC,
Vancouver, BC.

Community Service Work

2010- Director, Center for Spiritual Inquiry and Integral Education, Carbondale, IL,
involved co-ordination of “Critical Questions and Issues in Higher Education” seires on
Southern Illinois University Carbondale campus.
2009- Director of Education & Research, Gaia House-Interfaith Center, Carbondale, IL
2009-10 Co-leader of Green Sanctuary program for Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, IL
2007-08 Board Member, Paloma Housing Co-op, Vancouver, BC
2006-07 Secretary, Participation/Education, Paloma Housing Co-op, Vancouver, BC
2004-05 President, Paloma Housing Co-op, Vancouver, BC
2003-04 Board Member, Paloma Housing Co-op, Vancouver, BC
2001-03 Committee Chair, Membership, Paloma Housing Co-op, Vancouver, BC
1991-97 Director, In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute, Calgary, AB
1991-95 Board Member, In Search of Fearlessness Centre & Community, Calgary, AB
1987-88 Board Member, Calgary Waldorf School, Calgary, AB
1986 Co-planned for a workshop for men and men’s support groups, Olds, AB.
1982 Co-planned the first Conference on Alternative Education in AB, Olds, AB.

School Teaching Credentials

Permanent Teacher Certificate, 1982, Alberta #109959U

1980-82 Full-time teacher (Gr. 5-8), Reed Ranch School, County of Mtn. View, AB.

School Teaching Honors

1981 Nominated (second runner up) for “Best First Year Teacher” in County of Mtn. View.

Specialized Certificate Training

2005 Integrated Faculty Training Certificate (on-line education), University of Phoenix (Burnaby, BC campus)
2002 Spiral Dynamics Integral Technologies (Level One & Two), (works with diverse cultural values). Facilitated by
Dr. Don Beck & Dr. Marilyn Hamilton

Other Publications, Presentations, Media Interviews, Reviews

Curriculum Guidebooks (for Adolescents and Adults)

Fisher, R.M. (1997) Applications of the spectrum of ‘fear', to leading a liberating life. Calgary, AB: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1996) Liberation leadership training program (manual). Calgary, AB: In Search of Fearlessness
Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1995) Fearanalysis: User manual. Calgary, AB: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1993) School of Sacred Warrirorship; Student handbook and essential core studies. Calgary, AB:
School of Sacred Warriorship.
Fisher, R.M. (1990) Quest-- a new beginning; Staff development handbook. Cremona, AB: Quest Ranch.
Fisher, R.M. (1989) The healing journey for families in crisis during adolescence (a guidebook). Cremona, AB: Quest
Fisher, R.M. (1988) The art therapy approach: Staff manual. Cremona, AB: Quest Ranch.
Fisher, R.M. (1985) The Waldorf experience; Education as an art. Old, AB: Janus Alternatives.

Refereed Papers and/or Presentations

2007 Educating peace, educating fear: Teaching for greater existential capacity (intelligence). Workshop and
presentation for BC Teacher’s Federation conference “Authentic Social Responsibility: Teaching for a
Culture of Justice & Peace, Oct. 19, Surrey, BC.
2006 with Barbara Bickel. Disciplined spontaneity: Art, spirituality and education. The Faculty of Education
Research Day. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
2006 (with Barbara Bickel) Presence and precedence: Staying close to ground zero in art/research/education. Multi-
media and paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. San
Francisco, CA: University of California Berkeley.
2002 Fearless leadership in and out of the 'Fear' Matrix. Paper presented at the Western Conference of the
Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education, April 25-28, Victoria, BC.
2001 Better safe than moral?: Re-thinking morality in a "risk society." The 27th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Moral Education, Oct. 25-28,UBC, Vancouver, BC.
2001 Platinum 'Fear': Art works that subvertise public enemy no. 1. Presentation at the Second Annual Conference
on Curriculum & Pedagogy, Nov. 10-13, Victoria, BC.
2001 Teach them to become fearless: And an awful lot about ‘fear.' Northwest Philosophy of Education Society
Conference, Jun. 1-2, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
2000 Learning under fire: Adult education in the heat of conflict. Adult Education Research Conference. June 2-4,
UBC, Vancouver, BC.
1999 Critically minding the bodymind paradigm: A ‘Wilberian' critique of Eco-Camp holistic thinking. Bodymind
Conference: Holistic Explorations of Cognition, Action, and Interaction in Education. Apr.30-May 1, UBC,
Vancouver, BC.
1999 Democracy of dissonance: Toward a conflict epistemology in educational philosophizing. Northwest
Philosophy of Education Society Conference, Jan. 29-30, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC and UBC,
Vancouver, BC.
1998 Culture of 'fear': Toxification of landscape-mindscape as meta-context for education in the 21st century.
Comparative and International Education Society, W. Regional Conference, June 11-13, UBC, Vancouver,
BC. [avail. from ERIC ED496515 pdf]

Academic Reviews

Sinner, A., Leggo, C., Irwin, R. L., Gouzouasis, & Grauer, K. (2006). Arts-based educational research dissertations:
Reviewing the practices of new scholars. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(4), 1223-1270. Available at

Academic Guest Lectures & Panel Presentations

2010 Avatar Panel discussion. Gaia House-Interfaith Center, Carbondale, IL

2010 Adolescent aesthetic development. Lecture for Art Education and High School Methods course AD338,
S. Illinois University Carbondale, Faculty of Art & Design. Professor Barbara Bickel
2009 Eight natural healers. Lecture for Emotional Health course HED 312, S. Illinois University Carbondale,
Department of Health Education. Instructor Dinah Seibert
2009 Arts-based inquiry. Lecture for Art Education Research AD508, S. Illinois University Carbondale, Faculty
of Art & Design. Professor Barbara Bickel
2009 Aesthetic development in art education practice. Lecture for Art Education Philosophy 308, S. Illinois University
Carbondale, Faculty of Art & Design, Professor Barbara Bickel
2009 Introduction to terror management theory. Lecture for Emotional Health course HED 312, S. Illinois University
Carbondale, Department of Health Education, Instructor Dinah Seibert
2009 Curriculum (for adolescents) as intervention. Lecture for Art Education Methods AD338, S. Illinois University
Carbondale, Faculty of Art & Design, Instructor: Barbara Bickel
2009 Emotional competence in relationships. Lecture for Emotional Health course HED 312, S. Illinois University
Carbondale, Department of Health Education, Instructor Dinah Seibert
2008 Aesthetic development in art education practice. Lecture for Art Education Philosophy 308, S. Illinois University
(Carbondale), Faculty of Art & Design, Instructor: Barbara Bickel
2007 “An Inconvenient Truth”: A convenient culture of fear (Al Gore). Lecture and Dialogue. Sponsored by The
Centre for the Study of the Internationalization of Curriculum, The University of British Columbia
2007 Fear and terrorism. Guest lecturer, with Dr. Bonnie Lee, Professional School of Health Sciences, The
University of Lethbridge, AB
2006 Integral fear management systems and family counseling practices. Guest lecturer, with Dr. G. Nixon,
Counseling Psychology, Professional School of Health Sciences, The University of Lethbridge, AB
2006 Assessing violence in a culture of fear: Finding common ground. Panel presentation: Issues in Education #1:
Youth Violence & New Challenges for Educators in the 21st Century. Graduate Students, Faculty of Education,
The University of British Columbia
2005 Balancing care and critique in the transformative dissertation: A retrospective errata. Guest lecturer for Brown
Bag Seminars, Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia
2004 Introduction to the culture of fear. Guest lecture to an English 105 class, Simon Fraser University, BC.
Instructor: Dr. Fred Ribkoff
2001 Teaching and learning in conflict sites. David Lamm Chair Seminar Multiculturalism Seminars, Faculty of
Education, UBC.
1994-96 Liberation Peer Counseling. Lecture to undergrads, Dept. of Psychology, The University of Calgary, AB.
Professor Dr. Susan Boon.

Professional and Public Presentations & Workshops

2010 The Culture of Fear in Higher Education Today: Reflections on Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach. Co-
sponsored by Center for Spiritual Inquiry & Integral Education and Gaia House-Interfaith Center, Carbondale,
IL, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
2010 A Visual Genealogy of ‘Gaia’. Presented to the Board of Directors, Gaia House-Interfiath Center, Carbondale,
IL at a Board Retreat
2010 Researching, Writing, and Publishing Experiences (with my new book The World’s Fearlessness Teachings).
“Open Minds” Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, IL.
2010 Theology of ‘Gaia’. Theology on Tap, for Gaia House-Interfaith Center, Carbondale, IL
2009 Inservice workshop (with Dinah Seibert) for Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living, Carbondale, IL.
2009 Grow & GO: Emotional-based learning (with Dinah Seibert). Humanist Group, Carbondale, IL
2009 After holistic comes integral: The basics of critical integral theory. Carbondale Unitarian Universalists, IL
2009 The Matrix trilogy (movie 2): A meta-myth for our times. Carbondale Unitarian Universalists, IL
2009 The Matrix trilogy (movie 1): A meta-myth for our times. Carbondale Unitarian Universalists, IL
2008 Culture of Fear: Chapter 1 and 2, workshops for Open Minds, Carbondale Unitarian Universaliists, IL
2008 The integral perspective and path of fearlessness. Discussion on Unitarian Universalism and Postmodernism,
hosted by Mary Bennett, Executive Director, Canadian Unitarian Universalist Council, Vancouver, BC
2003 Natural designs from a 2nd-tier view. Presented at the Spiral Dynamics Technologies training (level 2),
Vancouver, BC.
1993 Understanding fear and its role in clinical practice and carework, inservice professional development for
clinical staff at Woods Home, Calgary, AB.
1993 Art therapeutic approach with behaviorally disabled teens, inservice professional development for

careworkers, Woods Homes, Red Deer, AB.
1992 Art therapeutic approach with children, inservice professional development, Recreation & Childlife Workers,
Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, AB.
1991 Art therapeutic approach with behaviorally disabled children and teens, inservice professional development for
careworkers and staff, Hull Home, Calgary, AB.
1987 Creation-centered spirituality, a community event (private household). Cremona, AB.
1987 “How to talk so kids will listen,” inservice professional development, Teachers of County of Mtn. View, AB.
1986 (with colleagues) Education and the future, public forum review process of the Secondary Schools by Alberta
Education, Olds, AB.
1985 Introduction to biofeedback, Seed Centre for Learning to Learn, Olds, AB
1985 Biofeedback and self-regulation, for Olds Music Teacher’s Association, Olds, AB
1984 Introduction to Waldorf Education (for parents and teachers), private home, Olds, AB
1984 Introduction to Waldorf Education for Early Childhood Services Association, County of Mtn. View, Olds, AB
1983 Feurstein’s instrumental enrichment: A new view of intelligence, for Mtn. View Association of Children and
Adults with Disabilities, Olds, AB
1983 Creativity and child development, for teachers of the mentally handicapped, Professional Development Day,
Horizon School, Olds, AB
1981 Creativity: Its foundations & history, for Professional Development Day, Olds Elementary School, Olds, AB
1981 New research on the brain & human creativity, for Parent-Teachers Association, Reed Ranch School, AB

Academic Presentations & Facilitation

2001 Teaching and learning in conflict sites. David Lamm Chair Seminar Multiculturalism Seminars, Faculty of
Education, UBC.
2001 Ethical challenges to knowing that which we fear: Uses and abuses of researcher countertransference. Faculty
of Education Society "Grad Perspectives": A Graduate Student Research Day-symposium. Apr. 25, UBC,
Vancouver, BC.
2000 Ken Wilber Study Group, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia
1999 Teaching and learning in the heart of conflict. Faculty of Education Society "Grad Perspectives": A Graduate
Student Research Day-Symposium. Apr. 14, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
1999 Theorizing the rebel, conceptualizing conflict: Critique of conflict management education. Educational Studies
Research Day, Apr. 29, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
1998 A new tool for identifying conflict in adult education. Educational Studies Research Day, May 22, UBC,
Vancouver, BC.

Non-Refereed Monographs
Fisher, R. M. (2010). World’s fearlessness teachings: Radical approach to fear management/education. Technical
Paper 35. Carbondale, IL: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute. [available ERIC ED508429
Fisher, R. M. (2009). The quest to control emotion(s): A critical integral fearanalysis. Technical Paper No. 34.
Carbondale, IL: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute. [available ERIC ED506353 pdf]
Fisher, R. M. (2009). “Unplugging” as real and metaphoric: Emancipatory dimensions to The Matrix trilogy. Technical
Paper No. 33. Carbondale, IL: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute. [available ERIC ED503743
Fisher, R. M. (2008). What ‘color’ is Pandora’s Box?: Dialoguing on fear, art installation 1. Technical Paper No. 32.
Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2008). Fearless standpoint theory: Origins of FMS-9 in Ken Wilber’s work. Technical Paper No. 31.
Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2008). A post-9/11 watershed: Uniting the fearlessness movement. Technical Paper No. 30. Vancouver,
BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Ken Wilber and the education literature: Abridged annotated bibliography. Invited and hosted by
Dr. Ron Miller at www.pathsoflearning.net/resources_writings_Ken_Wilber.pdf
Fisher, R.M. (2007). The need for holistic fear management. Technical Paper No. 29. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute. [available online pdf
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Culture of fear and education: An annotated bibliography. Technical Paper 28. Vancouver, BC:
In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Ken Wilber and the education literature: Abridged annotated bibliography. Retrieved from
Fisher, R.M. (2007). A guide to Ken Wilber and the educational literature: Annotated bibliography. Technical Paper

No. 27. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Disappear fear: Action fearology for the 21st century. Technical Paper No. 26. Vancouver, BC: In
Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Education and the culture of fear: A review. Technical Paper No. 25. Vancouver,
BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Toward an integral terror management theory: Wilber-Combs lattice. Technical Paper No. 24.
Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2007). Conceptualizing a fearlessness philosophy: Existential philosophy and a genealogy of fear
management system-5. Technical Paper No. 23. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research
Fisher, R.M. (2007). History of the fearlessness movement: An introduction. Technical Paper No. 22. Vancouver, BC:
In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. & Bickel, B. (2007). Toward a postmodern spirituality: A ‘new’ vision for ISOF. Technical Paper No. 21.
Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2006). Integral fearlessness paradigm. Technical Paper No. 20. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2005). Critical integral ‘Fear’ Studies: A basic organizing framework. Technical Paper No. 19.
Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2004). Capitalizing on fear: A baseline study on the culture of fear for leaders. Minneapolis, MN:
Intellectual Architects, Ltd.
Fisher, R.M. (2004). Significance of fear. Technical Paper No. 18. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness
Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2004). Wilber and fear management theory. Technical Paper No. 17. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2003). Fear is... Technical Paper No. 16. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2003). A report on the status of fear education. Technical Paper No. 15. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute. [avail. ERIC ED496517 pdf]
Fisher, R.M. (2002). Subject index to Ken Wilber's Boomeritis: A novel that will set you free (Boston, MA:
Shambhala). Author.
Fisher, R.M. (2002). On being a 'fear' critic. Technical Paper No. 14. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness
Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2002). What is the 'Fear' Matrix: Part I, Failure of cultural. Technical Paper No. 13. Vancouver, BC: In
Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2001). Fearology: Biography of an idea. Technical Paper No. 12. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2001). 'Fear' studies: A conceptual proposal. Technical Paper No. 11. Vancouver, BC: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2000). A movement toward a fearless society: A powerful contradiction to violence. Technical Paper No.
10. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (2000). Unveiling the hidden curriculum in conflict resolution and peace education: Future directions
toward a critical conflict education and 'conflict' pedagogy. Technical Paper No.
9. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute. [avail. ERIC ED496516 pdf]
Fisher, R.M. (1997). Defining the enemy of fearlessness. Technical Paper No. 6. Calgary, AB: In Search of
Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1997). (2nd Ed.). A research guide to Ken Wilber's critics. Technical Paper No. 5. Calgary, AB: In
Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1996). A Wilberian critique of the philosophy of emotion. Technical Paper No. 3. Calgary, AB: In Search
of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1995). An introduction to an epistemology of 'fear'; A fearlessness paradigm. Technical Paper No. 2.
Calgary, AB: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.
Fisher, R.M. (1995). An introduction to defining 'fear'; A spectrum approach. Technical Paper No. 1. Calgary, AB: In
Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.

Personal Blog (Articles) (http://fearlessnessteach.blogspot.com)

2010 Today’s Youth Fear Levels: Values Survey

2010 Problematics of Fearlessness Theory: Part 2
2010 Non-hurtful Communication: Beyond Treating Symptoms
2010 First Book Launch (America)
2010 Spirituality(?): A Credo of Fearlessness
2010 Fear is in the Walls

2010 Dr. Hansen Responds to My Critique
2010 First Learned-Critique and My Response
2010 Integral Egology (aka Integral Fearology)
2010 Two ‘Elephants in the Room’: Riane Eisler’s Speech
2010 Applying Critical Integral Theory: World Problems
2010 Amish’s Sacred Rite of Passage to Liberation?
2010 Avatar (film): An Integral Analysis
2010 Fearlessness Pedagogy: Integral Education
2010 ISOF Research Institute: Fund Raising Campaign
2010 First Book Launch (part 1): Vancouver
2010 International Fearlessness Day: Jan. 3rd
2009 Practicing Fearlessness with Critics and Enemies
2009 Designing Fearlessness Systems
2009 Reversibility is Distinct from Reversal: Part 2
2009 Obama’s Failure to Lead Beyond Empire
2009 Death’s Heartbeat & Existential Capacity
2009 Compassion Surge
2009 Afghanistan, Integrity & Fearlessness
2009 Suicidology, Risk, & Fearlessness
2009 Critical Pedagogy Updated
2009 Poetics of Fearlessness
2009 A Response to “Fire Your Fears”
2009 Fearlessness Surge
2009 Understanding Fear Management: Integral View
2009 Two (Many) Faces of the Culture of Fear
2009 Problematics of Fearlessness Theory: Part 1
2009 Politics of Emotionality
2009 Adding to Fearstory
2009 Sacred Warriorship: Dodging & Beyond
2009 Prophet(s) of Fearlessness
2009 Healing Educational Vision (& Obama’s Education Reform)
2009 Teaching & Learning Fear
2008 Making Sense of Fearlessness
2008 Excerpts from World’s Fearlessness Teachings Book

Featured Academic (Curriculum) Work

2009 Featured Member, Curriculum Theory (Ning): //curriculumtheory.ning.com/

Public Media Reviews

Boschman, C. (2007). Researching the fear factor:’ Fearologist’ has mapped out different fear management systems.
The Lethbridge Herald, July 5, A1-A2.
Weyler, R. (2004). Viewpoints: The cheapest room. Shared Vision Magazine, June.
Riley, S. (2004). Culture of fear is keeping North Americans cowed. Times Colonist (Victoria, BC), July 14.
Oatway, S. (1996). Tool designed to create value-based companies. Workplace Section H, Calgary Herald, Sept. 7.
Toneguzzi, M. (1993). City Institute teaches people to break pattern. Calgary Herald, Mar. 12.

Public Radio Media Interviews

(2004) Interview for documentary story by Pamela Post, World Report, CBC Radio, July 10.
(2004) Interview with host Shelagh Rogers, Sounds Like Canada, CBC Radio One, June 10.
(2002) Interview with Wade Porter, Host, Kootenay Co-op Radio, Nov. 6.
(1997) Interview with Jeff Collins, Host, CBC Radio, Calgary.

Public Media & Community Service Articles

Fisher, R. M. (2009). Don’t forget to deal with post-storm stress. Reprinted by the editors’ selection (nomination) for
the Golden Pen Award, The Southern Illinoisan (Aug. 1), A-4.
Fisher, R. M. (2009). Don’t forget to deal with post-storm stress. The Southern Illinoisan (July, 29), A-4.

Fisher, R.M. (2007). Dialoguing on ‘Fear’: An art project. The Artery: News from the Britannia Art Gallery, 267(22).
Fisher, R. M. (2000). Response to challenging letter. The Ubyssey Magazine, 81(25).
Fisher, R.M. (1997). Fear ruling our lives. [Guest Column] Calgary Herald, Sep. 20, I-9.
Fisher, R.M. (1999). Is there a place for 'right and wrong' in a healing model? ISOF Communique (Special Issue),
July, pp. 7-8.
Fisher, R.M. (1997). Ken Wilber; The rising star in consciousness research. Yoga Bridge, Summer. pp. 10-11.
Fisher, R.M. (1992). In defeating fear it helps to know who the dragon really is. The Lodgepole Pine; The Newsletter
of the Men's Network, 2(1): 15, 18-19.
Fisher, R.M. (1991). Spontaneous art expression group; Bringing people and artistic expression together in a healing
process. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 37: 4-6.
Fisher, R.M. (1990). Professionalism as a fear-based reality. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 34: 2-3.
Fisher, R.M. (1990). Hurt and healing; Towards a liberational theory of attention as applied to the expressive arts as
therapy. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 35: 5.
Fisher, R.M. (1988). Book Review: The creative imperative; A four-dimensional theory of human growth and
evolution by C. Johnston, 1985. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 26: 3-4.
Fisher, R.M. (1987). Life after Harmonic Convergence. Erospirit, October, 13-16.
Fisher, R.M. (1987). It's hard to ask for help. Stationary High; A Newsletter of the Mtn. View Community Co-
counsellors, 1: 2-3.
Fisher, R.M. (1987). An idea on co-counselling with children. Stationary High; A Newsletter of the Mtn. View
Community Co-counsellors, 1: 4-5.
Fisher, R.M. (1986). Art audit lauded. The Olds Optimist, Jan.
Fisher, R.M. & DesLauriers, L. (1985) Important program to air. Olds Optimist, Mar. 13.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). All students are special. Olds Optimist, Feb. 13.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). Education in the fast lane. Olds Optimist, Feb.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). High profile for CBC Special; "A Planet for the Taking". Olds Optimist, March.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). Dynamic or form drawing; Aid for overly active children. Janus Journal, 3(3): 7.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). A new look at creativity in education. Janus Journal, 3(3): 4-5.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). Alberta Education studies evaluated. Janus Journal, 3(3): 6.
Fisher, R.M. (1985). Teaching and life. Janus Journal, 3(2): 6-7.
Fisher, R.M. (1984). Future not to be feared. Olds Optimist, Jun. 10.
Fisher, R.M. (1984). Quotable quotes; Education and the future. Janus Journal, 3(1): 7.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Hyperactivity; Alternatives to drug therapy. Janus Journal, 2(1): 5.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Common Ground; A living learning community in a cultural perspective. Janus Journal, 2(1): 9.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Private schools; A visit to the Calgary Academy. Janus Journal, 2(1): 9.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). Book Review: Whole child/whole parent; A spiritual guide to parenthood. Janus Journal, 2(1): 3.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). The tragedy of being normal. Janus Journal, 2(3): 4-5.
Fisher, R.M. (1983). The best teachers are not teachers. Janus Journal, 1(4): 1.
Fisher, R.M. (1981). Ants, racecars and babies; A book review of Magical Child. S.E.E.D.S. Bulletin.
Fisher, R.M. (1980). Nose Creek Park set for smog valley. Calgary Herald, Jan. 5.
Fisher, R.M. (1979). Support positive planners. Calgary Herald, Sept. 26.
Fisher, R.M. (1977). Mechanized monsters invade creek. Calgary Herald, Oct. 15.
Fisher, R.M. (1976). Air pollution in Calgary. Calgary Herald, Jan. 17.

Non-Refereed Journal, Newsletter Articles

Fisher, R.M. (1982). Playful unit reviews. The Middle/Junior High Science Bulletin, Feb: 3.
Fisher, R.M. (1979). Dr. Grant McEwan; An educational saint. Connections: A Journal for Environmental and Outdoor
Education Council of Alberta Teacher's Association, 3: 3.
Fisher, R.M. (1979). Book Review: Life strategies, human evolution, environmental design by V. Geist, 1978. Alberta
Naturalist, 9: 92-3.

Editor & Columnist

2009 The Vanessa Letters: Recycled

2005 The Vessel
2003-04 Ken Wilber Integral Education Bulletin
2000-02 Fear Researchers/Practitioners Bulletin
1995-95 The Re-View: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute Newsletter
1993-99 In Search of Fearlessness Communique
1990-92 In Search of Fearlessness Journal

1983-85 Janus Journal

References: (available upon request)


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