Laboratory Instruments
Laboratory Instruments
Laboratory Instruments
Erlenmeyer flask
Is a round bottom flask, which has a conical structure in the upper area and a
mouth with a narrow neck. It is mainly used for the preparation of solutions.
When people say Erlenmeyer flask, they are talking about a graduated flask
containing marks that indicate a certain volume. There are Erlenmeyer flasks in
different capacities.
Advantages of use
It is safer than a beaker, since the structure of the flask prevents loss of
Volumetric Flask
They are glass containers with flat bottom and long, narrow neck, with a
capacity that denotes where to make the mark, which indicates a volume with high
accuracy and precision. In the same way that the pipettes, the neck of the flask is
built relatively thin, so that a small change in volume of the liquid causes a
considerable difference in the height of the meniscus; consequently the error by
adjusting the meniscus in the brand is very small.
Pipettes allow transfer of generally no more than 20 ml of one vessel to another
volume, accurately. This allows measurement of fluid aliquots quite accurately.
They tend to be glass, but there are also plastic.
Classification of pipettes
Graduated pipettes: They are calibrated in convenient units to allow the transfer of
any size from 0.1 to 25 ml. They make possible the delivery of fractional volumes.
Error Limit
They are long graduated tubes, of uniform inner diameter throughout its length,
with a key chain or a clamp adapted of Mohr, so allowing pouring liquid dropwise.
Used to deliver variable amounts of liquid with great accuracy and precision, and
therefore, they have several subdivisions.
1. When working with a burette, keep it upright , fixing on a stand.
2. Prior to the assessment itself, the buret must be rinsed with several small
portions of the solution with which it will be filled.
3. Fill the burette above the 0.00 mL mark.
4. Some burettes have special tanks for an easier filling, but if necessary it can
be filled with the help of a graduated pipette or by pouring the liquid through
a funnel from a jar.
5. Open the clamp shut allowing it to fill burette. Consider that there are no air
bubbles, eliminate them if any ( for that, cover with a finger the output of
peak , remove the clip and press on the gum to remove all bubbles , if
necessary , refill the burette again always above the 0.00 mL mark).
6. Dry out the peak of the burette.
7. Supporting the peak in the clean dry container wall used to rule out liquid,
open the clamp until the liquid level reaches 0.00 mL , ie , the base of the
meniscus must be tangent to the line that marks 0.00 mL. The eyes should
be at the height of the stroke.
8. During the assessment, must observe care when handling the burette key
or Mohr clamp that is used to close the peak . This will be handled with the
non-working hand so that the hand surrounds the burette, and fingers can
make the necessary pressure on the clamp to release the liquid. The skilled
hand is thus free to shake the titration flask.
Eye Dropper
It is a hollow tube at its bottom end a conical form and closed at the top by a
knob or rubber thimble, used for transferring small amounts of liquid by pouring
In laboratories are widely used to add reagents, indicators liquids or small
amounts of product. Their use is not recommended when accuracy is required in
the amount of discharged liquid. For those cases are most appropriate instruments
like pipette or burette.
Test Tube
A test tube is a relatively slim glass or plastic vessel with a rounded bottom.
They are designed to hold small quantities of chemicals and feature a flared lip to
make pouring easier. Test tubes can hold liquid or solid chemicals and can be used
to contain small chemical reactions. The slimness of the test tube reduces the
spread of any vapors that may be produced by the reaction. In the lab, test tubes
typically hold samples or provide a small vessel for reaction.
The Pizeta
It is a sealed cylindrical vessel with screw cap, which has a tubular extension
having an opening, able to deliver water or liquid contained in the squeeze bottle
which, in small amounts is found.
Usually, it is made of plastic and its main function in the laboratory is "wash",
that is the reason because receives the name of bottle washer or wash bottle too. It
uses distilled water to remove or reagents impregnated materials.
Petri Dish
Forms and Features
Round container made of glass or plastic, having different diameters, it is shoal,
with a cover in the same way that the plate, but a little larger in diameter as it can
be placed on top and close the container as a lid.
1. It is used to observe different types of biological and chemical samples which
are enclosed within the plate.
2. It is used for growing of bacteria and other related species.
3. It is also used for solid knead together with the balance.
It should be used with caution, since it must avoid contact with biological
organisms, in case working with them. Use protective attachment before working
with biological organisms (Robe, Gloves, etc.)
Thiele tube
It is mainly used for the determination of melting points of a given substance. To
this is filled with a liquid having a high melting point, and heated. Its peculiar shape
causes convection currents formed by heating the entire tube to maintain constant
Tongs are used to grip certain materials and transfer hot items safely. They look
similar to scissors and are griped in the same way. The tongs can withstand a lot of
heat and so are very useful to use in most experiments.
Evaporating Dish
An evaporating dish is a glazed porcelain vessel used to heat and consequently
evaporate liquids. In this way experiments can increase a liquid's concentration.
The dish is relatively shallow and features a lip to facilitate pouring the liquids.
Mortar aims crushing or grinding the solid substances.
Features and Forms
Mortar has a small instrument created from the same material called "Hand or
pylon" and is responsible for the shredding. They are usually found in wood,
porcelain, stone and marble.
If the crush hazardous substances or liquids together with solid, they should be
milled or ground very gently to avoid splashing.
2. Weighing equipment.
Triple Beam Balance
This tool is classified as metal materials residing in the lab. The spatula is a
narrow flat sheet which is attached to a handle made of wood, plastic or metal. It is
mainly used to take small quantities of compounds or solid substances, especially
3. Separation Equipment
A centrifuge is a simple spinning device used to separate materials in a liquid
substance. Used often to separate blood and plasma samples, the centrifuge also
can separate different parts of petroleum or any liquid, and occasionally a solid
Separatory Funnel
This instrument is mainly used for separating immiscible liquids or insoluble (not
mixed) that are separated by difference in density or molecular properties that they
By a certain time these diverge into two or more fractions depending upon the
amount of product into the container contents.
4. Support Equipment
Ring Stand
A stand used to support a ring clamp or test tube clamp.
Ring Clamp
Used to clamp onto a ring stand to sit a beaker or flask.
This tool is classified into metal material residing in the laboratory. The Purpose
having the bosshead is to hold other tools such as pliers or ring, which is subject to
the universal support.
Any laboratory that deals with experiments involving electricity or electronics will
have a multimeter. Depending on the quality and type, multimeters can measure
voltage, current and resistance. Most multimeters provide the option for
measurements in alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). Some may also
provide capacitance and inductance measurements. Equipment in any one
scientific laboratory will depend on the research and the relative skills of the
researchers. Whatever their sophistication and current field of scientific study, all
scientists will have used some common pieces of laboratory apparatus at some
point in their careers.
A compound microscope allows the user to view specimens too small for the
human eye to discern. Slides hold the specimen and often come prepared and
stained ahead of time. Slide preparation can also occur at the time of viewing.
Items commonly observed with compound microscopes include plant or animal
cells and bacteria.
It is made from very thick glass and in it two cavities are distinguished, the first
and largest upper cavity, can make dry the substance and one lower cavity is used
to put the desiccant, most commonly silica gel.
It also has a stopcock or valve on the side or on top, allowing the air extraction
to leave it vacuum. Being vacuum sealing lid is always difficult to reopen.
The dryer is made up by a strong glass and other times can be made in porcelain.
6. Other Instruments
Rubber Stoppers
Used to plug a flask or test tube for safe keeping.
A systematic error makes the measured value always smaller or larger than the
true value, but not both. An experiment may involve more than one systematic
error and these errors may nullify one another, but each alters the true value in one
way only. Accuracy (or validity) is a measure of the systematic error. If an
experiment is accurate or valid then the systematic error is very small. Accuracy is
a measure of how well an experiment measures what it was trying to measure.
These are difficult to evaluate unless you have an idea of the expected value (e.g.
a text book value or a calculated value from a data book). Compare the
experimental value to the literature value. If it is within the margin of error for the
random errors then it is most likely that the systematic errors are smaller than the
random errors. If it is larger then its needed to determine where the errors have
Laboratory Equipment.