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189-251B: Algebra 2

Assignment 10
Due: Wednesday, March 26

1. Let T be a normal operator on a finite-dimensional complex inner product

space. Show that T has a square root, i.e., there is a normal operator S such
that S 2 = T .

2. Show that a self-adjoint operator T on a finite-dimensional real inner

product space need not have a square root. Does it always have a cube root,
i.e., is there a self-adjoint linear transformation S such that S 3 = T ?

3. Let V = Mn (C) be the complex vector space of n n matrices with

complex entries, and define a complex-valued function on V V by the rule
hA, Bi = trace(AB ),
where B denotes the conjugate transpose of the matrix B, and the trace of
a matrix is the sum of its diagonal entries.
(a) Show that this function defines a complex inner product on V .
(b) Given a matrix M Mn (C), define a linear transformation TM :

V V by the rule TM (A) = M A. Show that TM

= TM . (Hint: the
identity trace(AB) = trace(BA) may be useful.)

4. A linear operator T on a real inner product space is called an isometry (or

an orthogonal transformation) if ||T (v)|| = ||v|| for all v V . An nn matrix
M is called orthogonal if its columns are an orthonormal set of vectors relative
to the standard inner product on Rn . Justify this multiple use of the word
orthogonal by showing that the matrix of an orthogonal transformation
relative to an orthonormal basis for V is an orthogonal matrix. (We already

did this, pretty much, in class, but perhaps a bit quickly: this exercise is just
to give you a chance to go over your notes...).

5. Show that if T is any linear operator on an inner product space V , then

T T is self-adjoint.

6. A linear transformation on an inner product space is said to be skewadjoint if T = T . Show that ever linear transformation T on a (real or
complex) inner product space can be uniquely writen as the sum of a selfadjoint transformation T1 and a skew-adjoint transformation T2 , and that T1
and T2 commute if and only if T is normal.

7. Let V be the vector space of infinite sequences (a1 , a2 , . . .) with entries

in a field F . The goal of this exercise is to lead you to prove that V never
admits a countable basis. In class, we proved this when F is a finite field,
by observing that a vector space over F with a countable basis would have
to be countable, while V (as a set) is uncountable. As some of you pointed
out to me after class, this argument is not completely satisfying: it does not
extend to the case where F is uncountable (F = R for example) and besides,
such a statement really ought to admit a proof that is independent of the
a) Show that, if V admits a countable basis, then there is a nested sequence of subspaces
W1 W 2 W n

j=1 Wj = V.

dim(Wj ) = j,

(The latter equality asserts that every vector v in V belongs to some Wj , for
j sufficently large and depending of course on v.)
b) It will be convenient to represent a sequence (an )n1 as a concatenation
of sequences (s2 , s3 , s4 , . . .) where sj is a sequence of length j. For each j 2,
show that there is a sequence Sj of length j with the property that
sj = Sj (s2 , . . . , sj , . . .)
/ Wj1 .

c) Use b) and a diagonalisation argument analogous to Cantors to construct a vector v V which does not belong to any of the Wj s. Conclude
that V does not have a countable basis.

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