Analog Communication Notes ECE DEPT BMSIT

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ARUNKUMAR G wire Lecturer in E&CE Department STILT, Ranebennur Amplitude Modulation * Define modulation? Explain different types of modulation. p on ip the, Proce 4 Changing Some. Chaacssitig Qanpiscude, Menjuanty & phote) 4 a CoBiier wave An accddant > fimplitude. rodatation 3 Faayyency eredelation ond D Phase Meduledion , 3 i vmadulotion 1 — " dulotion diprud ay tthe modulation in whith “the amplitude. othe Cadtaigh Wane iy vedded en Tqrol, Kesping J Caos) Prunquensy 4 phase Gngacrt. ib Prtqquente modulation + — Prenyuercy tmedalation i difined of the. emedalation Jan which the Panyuency dhe, Given Une ¢ webiad. By aCcR ane, widh the ionttorttaneny, aamplikude. the reeduleting Syval, Keagng (voces) amplibude & Phaje Cortina . ti) Prose modulation : — Phoye rrirdulakion ay doll ag the crurdulation an whith the phot. the Cobden tune sy VeER iy OCCRdamce oth & ARUNKUMAR G ise, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. i es eee Spe ory ‘» Explain the NEED for modulation? “+ Explain the advantages of modulation? fight darter. at 0. Fumchion reson tie fom fr Ne ebay eden = = Whee, = -E Cle ue, nothcity o). ligh: P= Trantmating Manjuenty, ee d fe ISKHE c Sxio® = =— = Sooo elroy LE uKis xroe i f2amna, - Sxiok baught: ordenna = R= 3S WE * aor tt . Emcbey. Yeorn abruc. two ecamply 2 4 sot “tok 08 “the Hrang-mnidiing Punquonty 2 Sntouoted., height the antenna nate bana. Serultanimly “ee D Allg adj Gn—the, bandusitth + — Bondusdth dq rredulaied Signal may be mode. Srmmallay h Empress i utaption !— Modulation aathriquy Ske Mecyumnty modulation, Pulje ARUNKUMAR G y.r-0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 8.TI.LT.,Ranebennur. Core, tortalaion Sadat The nove to oon. “+ Define standard form of amplitude modulation and explain the time and frequency domain expression of AM wave july 09- 6M_Jan 05 - 4 ‘+ Define amplitude modulation. Derive the expression on AM by both time domain and frequency domain representation with necessary waveforms. july-08 121 » Prmglikude. modulation ch ua wi aan the an pa do Q he. Codtiad, Wsaue Je VOdied in acedidance 24 (on Frequency & hole Conant ag © Mattos. Ssqrol,@) AM uns $8), % The Suttantanany volue qd rodulating Sigeal 4 given by mM(4) = Ayn Co§QMPm*)|—> O “ _ARUNKUMAR G sirax, Lecturer in E&CE Dept 5.1. Whine, Ry, > Mosimum amplikude dhe modulating Signal Tre. Sntterntoren value Camis: Sigral. st Giamn by ines, (ES =RCACORE] — “he Masiorsem omptade q-the Cobtish, Sigal. p> Praqusency ch Cobtriah Sgnol.. The Strnad tayustion Ba AM Alans gine by S(B) = Ae [t+ Kamta)] cos Gh) ® Where ri Yo ampli hia the Kea iy a Copa: Called “the ormplitude enuititty of Substiting yO in wy ©, we gat SU) = Ae [14 Kann CoS 5] cag Gift) SG) = ALL + Hea (aut, s5] CotGFe#) Wao, [SF] ll the retin San S(A)= fle HEME) + A, CoG CE) - Cob Fmt) — © eqJustion @) Con be Fuscthen panded, by meary J) the Augononnaic 2 sal ulation + *% cof 0 Ce b= ECHR -b) 4 LOH) sa) = Re CACams) + AR ca [AM Sha] + Ge ca LaT HME 5 ARUNKUMAR G y.1.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT.,Ranebennur. TRE Prag chavo x the, Costuey aalf. St hoy a Fauay enc fe and amplitude Ae - Fhe gt Gmporertt sy Ae cb ants) hoy tay a a juarily te) Colles Laygh Sideband. ound hasing aaphlads. ARE D Serilondy SM Comporent 4 AS Cob ar Reta). Bt hot Pragywency (+f) called Upper Gene oma having . he dire demain dasipiion dh a converiional AM wane + ins below : SD = AeLt+Kem(a}] hark. SU) = Ae CofSTtfed + AcKemls) CA aNt —> O “Tateng Founias Hartlismg on bath the Sidey GO oe got SE)= Be [ae-h)+ OE the) ] + Heke [rae -r)+m(e+6,)] ARUNKUMAR G y.r.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 5.T-J.1.T., Ranebennur. Gi see oan eestoartapel Ghspereot fst ware 4 The, cormpitude spetiuem q the ft unue hay & Sidsbonay OM eiituy “Stay + fee “he HK Fu te Prrenjuorctey , the. highee Preqquenty $ AM tone. tayuolt Fah, Satea open ‘idave fon Gord. “the, dowa Pranyuency Component eqsoly Fe-W, called LOWER Sideboard bisg - Tharemtyin Banduvtath Gr)!— Bandustath @,): = biokween Upper Sideboard. ond Joust Sideho teeny dir the Athe art miki banduidth “By. B= Fuse - Fuse = (Re thm) ~ Ge-Pm) = SEE am IE Fr 8; = Bk * Bamdutidh Sequites fh tharymilion d on AM wae sy Settee the modulating Signal. Praquentiy Le. bm: ARUNKUMAR G wr, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. “+ Define modulation index and percentage modulation index. “a Ye chang an Opie Mela Sp “the. aompbitude. of Codie, wae 2 Krum of ‘modulation Index a medadalton Fackch §1 retain Co eficiont: & dap dh - smadulstion & 4, rmertultion' se. He Aen h [R= Kem * Explain transmission efficiency of an AM wave. Buany reid! opysiency difined of “the. Snotizo qf the pauses Cioaied by “the Srdtbondy ty the etal Hantmilted Powsn Collad -Hranymigion ffpcieney a ond 1 giasen bay rs Pause + Prse ARUNKUMAR G wre, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I-T., Ranebennur. WRT P= Pe (HE) ond Jee Pase = Pise ze - Bh Pe C48 )Q), eC] ke fa 2 rae EM = ROBE] ae arta Ls wa, ‘+ Obtain the expression for total transmitted power of AM wave. WT SG) = AeCdanget + Re Cob arr [Reba + Abe. ban fettea] The AM Crane. hol thee Component > Unmmirduloted Codduisn , Lowth Sideband and upp Sideband . + The, deb powey AM route 4 the Suem dh the Cobia Power 'P.’ and powely in “the tise Stdebanady ie - Piss + Pisg Pre Pe +Puse + Piss ARUNKUMAR G wr. Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T. a Stdabond Powe Poop = = rr) use = Pise = R ; wad Puse=Pisg, = - ea stad ~ R ! R 282 = wine Pase = Puse = R. Puss = Pisg = aR a) The uahage Aghl Power, Br = Re + Pagg + Pise Fa loo. rodulakion Met, we howe P= Li Sy 0 ARUNKUMARG w.r00., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.I1.T., Ranebennur. eters = el] % Pe Dy =¥5P, Re = 0.666 Py. . Sn Amplitude Trurdulshad wrewe, the 66. 66k q the Hoxtrnities Powe iy uled by the. Coddutch Sig mak Ord. Nomaining 33-334+ the poweh 57 old bythe AHftbandy (Peg Piss), +> Derive the followings: i. Modulation index interms of Pyand Pc. ii. Current relation of AM wave. iil. Modulating index interms of krand Ie. iv. Voltage relation of AM wave. v. Modulation index interms of Vrand Ve, > Modulation Sndex inderrng df Py & Pe i= 2 WT =e 4] we aft -4] ne OE] Lek Ilo Tatol Custexdt TL Cattig,. Cutten WRT pexe fr] PzEeR and poate. R. aR [k #] wag ATE] Ty REA] Tye (Te 0+32] Tye te fad ARUNKUMAR G wrx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.I.T., Ranebennur. ii) Modulation Srdex Sedreng qh Eg Tet venient of Ee Tein Wk-T Tete oA 2 a a wpe Cay we. 3 oa -(-+ pel es yes affry-t 13 ARUNKUMARG wrx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T.J.LT., Ranebennur. R= [Ae aE] A= Aef HDA] YY Madulation Inder erdeoreng 4 AL eA: WkT Ale {a2 Ceshy ade aLuerh] ce woo was OE) 2 Je. Pe} 4 2 Ac, wre A] ~ Re * Derive modulation index using AM wave. We Can Caltalste the modulation Snder humm the oompliude ARUNKUMAR G yirecx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. “Explain amplitude modulation for single tone information. A Single tone. maralahing Sgrol. ms) hog a ant Core) Pasay very Gomponent “ban and iy defined of flows 3 WN) = Aap Soh GIT) po Whe A, 3 the compldude d-the. Twadalating Growe ond bey 3 the Pragquanty “the madilating usease., let (2) = Ae coat, 4) 3@ Whine Ae ay the corplikude the Codtion Wome and Be a the Paqpuenty dl the Cosiriah Urae % The dime -demoin phen Pathe Glande AIM wou 4 SQ)= ALi Kam(sj] taht Ly Subshding wy @ in ey ©, we ee SED = Ae [1 Ke Ayn Cob SP ] Cod SIM Fe Weg Sa) = AL HH Ctatt a] Csamz +. © eajuation @) Cam be. hastheh expanded, by Trunay dthe Hegmomibic ~al _Sielakion [ete cay = AED EGG) at ARUNKUMAR G sires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.1.T., Ranebennur. SU) = Aig GEM) + HAC Cab MP). Cos Garnet) fo Cath SCA) = AccotGrtet) + Ale cas AM - BM] + Ase coset AUF] “Tating Foss “Hamglren om beth Sig 448, s(t) = Ag [o@-F) +2 HRS + ae {OCe- Gta paleGeral} + te f aLE- Gertal}e OCF +Chetts)]} 4 tht ttt a nil fag Thonsoti the Bema dermain Gn the JUKe) ona. frusyseney domain Con “the. ighé) Chanatsaauitey 4 a Siandatd oxmplitude modulstin pheduced by a. Sindetme. © Modulating woe (B) Codie uense. © AIM Wore. ¥ Sn Prrathice the AM Urawe $(3) 32 0 cwdinge B Gaherk “me, “We death. powe Aatnsthes bey an AM uae —to a 4 hm Vopr y Colculsted of Pelows - “Pose UPS Side- Pug very Powe “Pise bower Side- Preayuenty powt = y= owt in Sidtbonay Paso t Rise “Tetal power (02) RL ak wna and atnd “3 8 4 & woe] EE 2H iE] Th Xe4, thet 5p, 100 percent ‘modulation y ed, the etal Powss inthe chap Side Preqqumetyy of the Sutuling AM cranes, Aonly yr df the $8 pou tn the, tatuloted trae. og Shoum gn 9 @, em ARUNKUMAR G wis, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. 1 oa 6080 00 Pag @ voriiny of Cosas power and Sotal Sideband poweh with Percantnge ion. * A multitone modulating signal has the following time-domain form: m(t)=E,cos2rf,t + E,cos2rf,t + E,cos2nf.t volts where E,>E, >E, >be, i. Give the time - domain expression for the conventional AM wave. ii, Draw the amplitude spectrum for the AM wave obtained in part i. Also find the minimum transmission bandwidth. an dime- domoin exphuyimn Py-the Conventional. Alm wane Wf S@)= ALI+Kam(s) | att ® Subptsbasing the, ‘value mls) dn tay OU YE SQ) = ACL H KE, Clare, + + Kg EGS + Ry sts STF] x Cola: WHT, WAKE, Hyskb $ Heke, : SCA) = He [a Coban + ky Cota de + Sty harrfigt | Cab Stet. SED = Ae GhEMm b+ AAe CMC: Cob STE + IgAe CAATPCS. CT Pg Ae Cob ATR. COATS ‘ [ces 0. Ces B = “KC (OHD+ YC (8-8) ARUNKUMARG y.r.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. 4 S€Q) = AeCotamrf + Bye cat we (heoh) + Yife_ Cob ar(Fett,)+ + et Cog suv( Feo Fa) + Habe cos air Fe tha) sp Age cat sr fe “PZ e+ Ashe cts (Rtt+ +@ 2 Vang Faden Hang} on bah Side 3) eapusion @), we get SO)= Ae [Utter 2h te) ] + He P9[R-ch-8] HHA} + he foft- Gert) 420k Ger} + AAAI esi} LE GR} s+ AM {aT Cleats ALEC} + Ape (ALP CetsSHe alae t}} + eae { aLr-Gerhy)] +2CP-+(heSS]} a Hsin ee Cartier fo ss | “ith “Ith 0 Shih Ich I Ith Ith ith! paakainale ty amend Note: & > Ba> Eymou >> Ws The ‘Moximum Pranjuency a Fs: “Tre Haremtitn bandos [By =8Fs | ARUNKUMAR G wr, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. * Derive an expression for multitone amplitude modulation, total transmitted power and total modulation index. WT an Gamplikude rmedulshed wena iy wxprotped OF : SQ) = Ae [14 Kem (s5] Caf af >, Pax Sanglictt, Congides) “tun modulating Sano: m(9 = Ama Cs aban MHC) = Ang CoS STP mat. Sta) = Ac Lit Kalm,@+myo) _] s aks- = ReLI+ Ka. Pana CaattPrna + mga SF na f)] Coa. = AcL HKahma SSETemat + Kafls. S857 Png E] Cot BR. Ra ae SU) = Ae [1+ Hach mad + Hy Cofattygt | IME. SCD = Ae CdaTFe btsie CLAM, L-CS aM nat 3g ACT Cased WT CoA. CoB 2 h Cod (A-B) + 4 Cot (O48) SCs AeCobamtt + Ae ceamLte-Pma}s + Ae cosa [Pethmg J + “af cosa. Pang) + ape cota betting [+ 3 © From equation G) 8 Sy aah that, when We hawse. “tom rradulating Pagquancia, we Pour Additioral Peqjuencios , to Uppas - Sideboards (036) fet Pima , Pethmng Od two Mmve Stdobanay “LSB” Fe-Pma , Fe- Pang: 66%) ARUNKUMARG sraa, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J..T., Ranebennur. Toll. trary midked powreh :- The S80L poweh Sn “the complitude modulated Usome f Calcutabed ag Pullsus P= Pot Pusga + Pusea + Mises * Pses. a Aaa 2 3nd Relays wpe. asad at. kh, i 2B Ae 3 Ae r+) ee + ee” tee tT eR ae . Sue _ ada + eM +H Hake 2 fey shad =a + = 4R ahh aR aa ARUNKUMAR G ire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. Generation of AM wave:- There are two important methods of AM generation for low power applications: 1.Square Law Modulator 2. Switching Modulator. * Explain generation of AM wave using SQUARE- LAW modulator helps to produce AM wave. Derive the related equations and draw the waveforms july-05,8M + Explain the generation of AM wave using SQUARE- LAW modulator along with relevant diagram & analysis. [july-08,10M mo “The Square tous Modulatiy Contiskt d thse themed: 3 Nm~ Siuah dansite: A danice , ith vio ira “Elp -olp dlation. SD Berd poss Pstbs (Gyr): MF ewdace dated. Signal. Gobvn) Prom % Te Semitndutis dindey & hompsiss Con be Used O% Ton - fimuch clement ond Singlet Gmuble fumed Cidcabt Conn be 83 ARUNKUMARG syraq, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. ST. em upd Of the Patten. | fe When a non Hinuss, element Suth of dinde iy Suitably binge, cond the, Signal Ogplnd. it Yelatively weak, Jt 4 poldible ~to Approximate the Hromitr Chasotsusia of + Vy() = UNG) FAVA) | O Whore @, and a, abe Conftarts. « , ies 3 and. The fp Wage“ WU9” se “the Sion Rd Sippel ie [VG = AcCotamree +m(S) t?® Lbuituting eqjuation @ im © Substiduting eA] in eyjustin a Vat) = oy [Re Caan +m] real Redes HG] WET Tees b+ Bt ab ad Vg(2 = OAc Cotamfed -+amea) + dal Ae Cohante + WAS) + aml). Ac Cathe] VAUD = OAc Gotamitet + aym(D-+ Ay A2 CofMamtet + ag) 4+ 2dgmls): Ne CAMP - Ng (4) = OAc Cotartfct + SO,MODAcCosameb + 2,mU) + 0,02 Cot tante dk + ame), = QALi+ 2a mei] GhEME 4 als) +0, 02 CoPantee tap) IT AM wase unuantd sine b® ly ARUNKUMARG wron, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T X7We Pisek daym df equation @) dt the dotted AM Grew with Wa.= BEA, compliiade. Sentibtity the AM rat, “tous came ohe UNworbs ond aby hemos Xe Hemairing : Oppropriake ABOiang . . " + SU = Oe Fis earls) ] Game +. ‘+ With a neat block diagram, relevant waveforms and expressions explain generation of AM wave using SWITCHING MODULATOR fan-08,10M + Explain the generation of AM wave using SWITCHING MODULATOR with relevant equations waveforms and spectrum before and after filtering process. Jan-07,10M__Jan-05,6M July (710M _July-08,6M July-09,8M__Jan-10,10M_June-107M July-09,8M eli) = ccs mht) 0 tyo o ‘Switching modulator. (8) Circuit diagram. o)Idealized input-output relation. ARUNKUMAR G wr.33, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. I by nn % Conbide, a Semttonducis diode wed of On ro weet 0, cso Le. the olp the diode vouey betwten O04 Vy ot o rote eajunt ty Cabvich Pag yusnty ek % “The nme lineah dehauish 4} the disde Com be hupladed by Upersing the tetok modulating Sigrol Compated Guith the CoSerish Wowse. That “the alp dthe diode Opprotimetily RQyuivdent ty Linea - Fire vabuptg operation - PF ARUNKUMARG sires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. TJ. T. Ranebennur, Mathematically the dlp 4 the inde Cam be Uhien of : WD = VO. $9) 38 Va(a) = [may + Ae cota] 98) ® Where, ate Srecdongalah pole train wth a peed eyual dey t= Ve: Reprerenting 9,09 by af Fouris, Sebiiy , wot hae ® net H@O=¥ +42, a ca [ah Gan-) 4] $09 = 5 + Fe Cdathc + clad Hodvmarie: Components =@ Risen) ned Subeating eqn @ an equstin @ \g() = Frm) + AeCataar Rk |r + Se Coban + ee] Na) = Lmtd) — + Be Getafe +80 contest WAT Cog a(S] pS] VO = me + Sn Ami copay roe +a Yyy= wm) sen) copay + + Ble Cob tes +e 4 APE, cuit Ale Ced trite xt--96) Veo = 2B + am nla) cabaret: + Be Cte: + Se + 2 The, reqyuitad AM Usaue Ceribed of 8 choses. by Potting "Ng(2)" Arowugh oy Sead “BPR” homing 0 certo Paajuarty Fe and banduidth B.= aWHa. 88 ARUNKUMAR G y.r-0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.T., Ranebennur. rom * We ofp she BF yg ede Spm cae + Be Game YO = Re cata [ i+ Ag 7] = Be_eganf te [gt mts] W = e x hase Kas ate oomplitude. Sentastehy Nl) = fe. Co tart. tT 4+ Kem (35] Deere Dernodultion 7 Mertion dipjoant type q. fit dametalstion @ =) e Derwerdulation 81 detection Je—the phot hecowhing “The - . 7 nrsdulotd Gane ab the oy ral rutage Signal fom “the, eats, 0 Son the Sree othe trurdulelion phircey. TTR abe “tuo typ detncity : Y Sepa low dermedalath > Emvilipe datacsss. ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-.1.T., Ranebennur. + Show that a SQUARE LAW device can be used for the detection of an AM wave. Jjan-07,6M “> Show that a SQUARE LAW can be used for the detection of an AM wave. june-10,6M [Saareiaw | Sovice AN wave, 40) “E Low pass titer ‘A square law detector % A Soyusoe - low detrald if eHerbally chtarrud by Wing 0 Sqpade =o reduledsy PR the. pudpde 4 dehssion. % Fin AM Simal con be dermedilasa by Sayuating ib Ood. then Palting “the Soyucted Sigral tHowugh a Low po bat, (Lp) The Chotattsasticys fo Tr rach aswice. Jy gion by: \A) = WW@+avi() Lo wi hese, Vj) 9 ap whinge Nyc) ofp Wotnge. Q,And Ag He Conttamts. ¥ The Tp wtlog dp the AM wowe sp gyiven by VG) = Pe [r+ Ker (8) ] Cot amet Subtithuling enyustim @ tn eayuatim O, ve yt Wad = of neCisvarncar can pe Ag MeL trkam(ah] ants a. Wal) = a,c Lieermn( ay [eats +O, {ae [itkamtsy]} Gate 4 WAT |@wF= abt B4aab | ond cata = teeg2e | YW= GAL itemel] cds + One Coane [he Korte aK) VAQD = as ALHeKambal] cane -t + aged [pecans] [Hert + auem() | Ng) = 04 Ae [14 Ker tg ] Cotte: +0908 [iridndiytsem(a)] Catctuartet) 9 @ ¥ In wW® S98 ae) tthe dined down Which 3p due Sethe Ove chim, Hentethe name thy, deaths 7 - % The dageed Sen ig exaatded by Wing 0. Upeh “Tray “theo Thuy he mettage Siral (9 aq Velowted atthe ofp ¢ % The athe atm Which Pate, Hough the Cpe dp the dead hotittence Reig of flows 5 LO, Kant), ARUNKUMAR G yi1.<,, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T_J.1.T., Ranebennur. % Whe 4 an unwarted Sagral & giatl Wehr to 0 Seyret ditt. “Whe hat fy Attia Signal to the unditinea one if given by : S4PEVEDOLD) 1 __ a D= ——7wrvs 7 = “pti © ptm) vem) { We Should maximize they ttio dan Qudos, to EMAL Je the Spin TE ofhtone tha Lot Sheuts Chode [Kamla] Sens ag Compatud, ty Urty Pr all valu 4. OL Ka. St Groth “hen the AM Usdue iy teal. } ARUNKUMARG, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Envelope Detector: “How a modulating signal can be detected using a AM detector? Use a envelope detector and explain. July-05,8M) ‘Explain the detection of message signal from amplitude modulated signal using an envelope detector & bring out the significance of RC time constant July-09,6M_ July-07,5M June-09,6M —_July-06,5M wo Figure Envelope detector. a) Cieuitaiagram.(b) AM wave input. (e) Envelope detecto, % Envelope detas) Jy a Simpl and ht OPpecine donstco Uted to demdulate AM blow. on onper dicde And ao Srensg8 Capes (Ro) Putten, ARUNKUMAR G y.<0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. opeiation -- Dasang pfu hol) Cyd ol the Tp Signal, dinde ai fount later tt ale ena tegh Prox value tte. fp Signal. When the rfp “vetage Fail below “thy value the diode becemy enahte bioxed and. Copocith “c? ditchadget Slowly Atrough the ood Suptiy Ry. Alo Sulate only politic half, cycle 3, Fm wane oppeaty axtelg Ry» Re duchongirg Procey Cordiruey orth the ert Pobikion alp cyle. When the “Hp Styral becornyy qpacten than “the weloge OSelf the Copacitt the Bode Condncc goin ond “the Phorciy ip Yepecina. ie Capocsth “Hromah “0! + Rs * en { ‘ph when Gibe 2 OFF, Se) ge Cangiosrs: Rec Shia be SHE Of ts the CoB Pod Fe RC Se capes ‘e aptly. * as hard. srg Eire. Contant PC Shedd. Me Bey ap oe Sitthaoge Slat Hough the, Spouittarte “RC hs “WHE peek 4 “the Cob wg ie Fe <" tow bandwidth: 4% Menbion the Aiadnuartagy AM Lanse * Martin the Leena, d DSB-Fe Wows (OM) The Sladuantagy d. Am uray che : » Poh codes ante esi Spl AM needy , mr coon gal oes a te, * AY Am: — > a bong D Pada, Hantmrigion dn a TW Sytem . ARUNKUMAR G w.r.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur, Exploin the Sitadmaringg & Lrritation 4 AM Warte (056-2) Amplitude rodulotion hoy Geroeral dikodnosrta.gst : 2 Matte df the eartted. pou don “the Codsias, Which, Ast rt Cabby Oxy nftrmation. 7 #* FR eo]. modulation Le. Jt=41, only CEE 334. (Ys) 4 “the cekal power Coll be in Sidehandy sbi Costas - sinfarmtin and 66-644-(3}g+) qothe chal pow wih be dnnthe Cattiah, hich dad na Corkain oxy fran DT 156-Fe Syptom % Powe otings due ty DSEEC -thoxyenitgn. WhkT, “the Hal pou “Hungrnitied by on Art Grae Jt dae by Pre Pot Puse thse 30 Ree Det per a Pe @ erent datindt Corian any MM jk Codtishh eqyuntion ©), comp Guduraste. Ga cub @ the Bat “infiirnation 4 ore Giebore st Pro, p Re[og] the Conti Pre ot fen by Power Cwratdage = Per AP dha, typ dL. fimplitude, Madulation :~ Frrnplade Modulation (AM) 7 | rot di dd bse-Fe (tease tu ai Gon hn ee Goegial Supfrayeed preted Skdabar aa Se TS ARUNKUMAR G y.r23, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur, “What is DSB-SC modulation? Explain the time and frequency domain expression of DSB-SC wave. “Ty coerce “the Armatace 5 powth watlage in AM Wome (6-FS) an DSg-Sc meted yp ted. % OSB-Sc a a mahal dd —Herynifion Whoa only “the TWo Sidtbandy ohe. thant miting tithok the Cation Gapprrening asic) ; Re Convordional AM Grane in Which the Cashish Soppruped y Colles. (68-S¢_sredulation Tare dormain Septsperthdion fd 0S@-Sc Wowe s- * Lk m(d) be “the mee mol haning a bordividth ool ta “W’ "Weana | 4 “ C(a)= AcCoterit Wephttertt the Castiah,then-the. atime - domain exptaeion Pi OSB-Sc Wane. Jp mo SG) = mW (4) gure {a1 Message signal. (b} DSBSC-modulated wave st 38 ead ARUNKUMAR G wt, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. Ranebennur. % The $0) Signal. cendangt) a. hole qwurhto). where “Taxery Fourien “arin on bah Sidag SO = &[nG-r)+mG+79] --@® Whee S(f) tthe Fouts Ahortfgim the Yradulattd taawe s(3) MQ) tthe, Fostion Hrardfiom the mesttage. Sigma ma), eqpusition @,we get nm rum of message signa. (b) Spectrum of DSBSC modulated wave. “Whe cmplitude Spicthum dkoum cbowe exhibile-the fellmuiy Fast Dom cithay Sidiy the , wt have “ho Stashandy dabgraht Gy Lower Qnd Upper Sidebandy. a 34 ARUNKUMAR G yy.1.0,, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur, D Whe Smpualye one. obser ok the tn the OrmpbitudesSpaetam, vonitying “the Pott “that the Combis, churn Jz Supphted “in the Hroramiild Wate. i> The minimum -Hhotrniitin barainilth tequila Je tui the Telnaes Handustdth. aie NOTE= & ps6-se Signal. Com be. qeraseed by 0 rrultiplia,. A Cavhioh Signal. Com be Supprwtted by Astding « Carsiey Sxgral oppstie. in phoge bub eqyual Jn ‘mragridusde te “the cmpltude Tredulated Wome, So the Caves det Comrcallet Finally dmuble Srdibandy Ohe Owailable tn -the, OSB-Sc Worse, “Explain DSB-SC modulation for single tone information. e Let m= Aan Gb 811 be mot ak te elaing ° c= neama] aca he-the Caddies, Stgral. Fig. ©: (a) Modulating signal mt); (b) DSBSC modulated wave s(t) Wen othe dime domoin exptution PS the DS6- Se Waste. 2 st) =mao.c() ARUNKUMAR G 5.1.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.1.J.1.T., Ranebennur. SED = An Co STR ye + Ale Cob Sth, WHE |oSA- CoB =f Ct (8-8) +“ GHB) | [sw Amfhe_ Cota (fe eg) + Pin fe Cah 4/0 a Taking Fowdon acafain on hath Sido dethe. eyusttem © si) + Pate { o[e-Ce- bre] +oLt+G-ha]} + Smfe {2Lt-Chertay] + ALE +(e Pn] Aefe MG) so % Ret fe -fettm Rem fe Bag @ cred big @ Shows aemplitade Spetthum do. 038-sc Signol. We obits that abhor Sided the, we howe Lower amd Upp Sidehond alto “the Cassie vm Je Supsheyed sy “the - Speciusm af “the ade Tro mpully ot the. - top? X The minimum “Hhartmigion bandwidth tn 088-S¢ Jp thn. A _ARUNKUMARG wran, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.ILT, Ranebennur. stQ=ml3.c@ Generation of DSB-SC Wave: ms) is * A DSB-Sc Wanse Semghy Consett df the HK THe dansicas Wad to Generate DsB-SC Wowy dhe Known ay the Produc modulatty D> Bolanced Modulatsi } Ring Medulotth, Balanced Modulator: * With a neat block diagram, explain the balanced modulator method of generating DSB-$C wave. fune-10,6M Fig ® Shows “the blsck di Presto a 0s8-s¢ Sgrol. pS ARUNKUMARG syran, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Sf. * SF Comps q “Heso Gompitude radulattis tak ohe, rds Cornett an Such @ Way of to Sugphey the Costin. ; oamplitude Mmodulait Pion an sicillats * pe quoain 0 Cob, tee Sacond Tp tothe amplidude smrodidot& bn the top path Ju the ‘modulating Signo m(4) while ty the baton path i -mG). - The. dp dp the, ine AM erat ome of Fallows ; S,@) = Acre Kamas] Cham and Sglsd = AeL = Kem(ah] Celamrte. The ofp Gthe Surman 2 $(3) = $,0)-S,Q) SUD = Ae Li Kem ay] Cae ~ [Ae G- Kem) Glatt] = AcChamfc st + AcKeml) Gotan - [/AcCotanck - Ackambdaanty] = AGP + Re Kermls) batik — Attics +A ames) aed. SQ) = dAcKents) GiaTkt Ly @ Fhe bolonted Modulekh olp 9 west ay the Peduct d “the * otulaing Segnol mls) + Cobia) CCA) Recep: the. Scakiny Pasddy Ba, Tating Foutiag Tamsin on bath Sided equation @, we. gat si): Mele [mF te) + MCF +S] SOD = Reka LM (t- Fe)+ m(P-+4,)] ARUNKUMAR G sire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-.1.T., Ranebennur. MO) “Ww tS wFe-wW mF “het 0 few a3 Retw Big @:MeAoge Spats aw | by ® + OsB-se ohn 7 BY Colled Sina Cova ant ye iemintad sthe ofp ~ compere DsB- se Sigrel. % Explain how RING modulator can be used to generate DSB-$C modulation Jan-05,9M * Briefly explain generation of DSB-SC modulated wave using RING medulator. Give relevant mathematical expressions and waveforms. Jan-08,10M_Jan-07,8M_Jan-09,6M July-09,10M_June-10,10m] g Modalated 3 Ourpat (Modulating — inp) D, and D, (of) Ds (oa) TT Conti WY ARUNKUMARG y.rox, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-JL.T, Ranebennur. +r positive sr negative Figure Waveforms ilustrating the operation of the ring modulator fora sinusoidal ‘modulating wave. (a} Modulating wave. (0) Square-wave carir.(e) Modulated Ring mmatulod it a Product rrudulet uid fr Geonenoding bse-s¢ ‘Trodulated. Use. The. Shing “Modulatth Compt oft y Th ampere Ty D ofp Prarnafgrenen “1” 3 Pour dhodsy Commarea in 0 Bridge Ghtask Qing) “ia Cotas, Comphibude ‘A’ “it paste, than “the modlaty Signal aumpltude'Am’ ke. Ae Arn Ord. CaBbith acy ‘be quatis, than modulating Signal Prewitt. Re >W. Raye Conditions erdatas “thok “the ainda option J Cortsles by CC) only. H The diody ake Contdolled by a Soyunre talarse Cosainy CG) 4S ARUNKUMARG wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.1.T., Ranebennur. of Praguency fe whith JF oped by theaxy qd -teo Cent eS je “Tae rarlting Signal ta(3) it eplled. tothe ap-Rartfirne Say? Re dp appeaty Whe the Sacondabyy the Hearne Ty Operation :- D When the Carain ly tye the dindeg 0,40, ot PRuyodd- bios and. aod 0340, Ore Terede hinted, Hence —the - Tmadaletty mubliplay the sHage Signal. rm(a) bby Tet: Ys) = TC). D_Whenthe Covi iy -ve,, “the died D, + Dy. dhe. Hurohd. biogd Wheeos D, & 0, oe unstite. bioged. . Tig the modaletsh ‘Traliplay the, TtHlage Siywal THC) by -4 be Vola) = “ml. HK TRe Soyunte Wome Cadnioy CO) can be Yeprepertted by & Foudiat Sanioy af: ae 2 CD cgfstet (an-f] Ort e am-t c(y= #| Cah ~ pao + 10 met ned The ting rmodulett olp ay Sa = CO-mG) +O eqyuston @ in tution @, WE 809 = FE catamy = HR cab ore +m) Ss = me) Cod tthe = em) Chott + us ARUNKUMARG y.5.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. { Tauing Fania Hranthinm on bah Sau q tayuction @, ox act 00 -[nG-ty+ ce] - 4 on [m@-stamceesty] SC) = 3-[oCe-)4m(tate)] - 3 [i Cr-3te) +m (+ 5h)] | ~BherW = FR_rSkMH fed Fk ow BIW at 3h Shaw? } Bag + Prnplikude Specshem df SC. % ~The 0SB-SC Wome Jr extract Prom SU by powing eAjuation © Ges) Atrowegh an Seal BPE having Carte, Preayuenty “Pama bamdutdi eajuol te SWHS. “The op “the Bpe 8 St) = EME ark + ARUNKUMAR G y.r.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT.,Ranebennur. COHERENT Detection of DSB-SC wave:- “’With block diagram and related equations explain coherent detection of a DSB-SC wave. What are its disadvantages? Explain the synchronous receiving system(COSTAS Loop) JJune-10,8M__July-08,10M| “Write a note on how coherent detection is used in DSB-SC receiver fuly-06,71 vw, vat) ‘agg |S costa 9)” Oscillator Fig." : Coherent detective for DSBSC % The modulatis iqnal (3) if VeCoroded Fuom a 05B-Sc wone (a) by Rigs trultiplying SCD twth @ decally gencctea| Cotton, Urawe And “then Sms pay Palbabing ing “the phoduck ag Shou in hy o. - x» Ph Pad Gratinethy of mroduleting Signal. mG, the Leak clash op Shek be ny Ch 8) = SyrcheriSea, én bah Pranyuenty OME Prove oS Ne Coto, We C() Uled tn “the medio Vg(B) tah “the, Jacol, alla ofp tayunl, CAC + +4). Aha Phoduck ‘modulotts op Com be Goer oF: VC) = SB CHET + +) — O WKT $(e) = Acdams. mee) + © Suletituting eajuation @ in eqjestin O, we get WCB) = Ac Cot Cathe + +4) CotGtTee 4) -m (2) 48 ARUNKUMAR G yr, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.L.T., Ranebennur. we en cot. CB = HGS (A-O)t Cot (48) N(o) = Rew [ea Caylst — apt] + ROM ator g ama] Vas Bem cag + Hels) caCumes +49) > © t Toning Frunia tramiin on both Siday 4 eapurtion@), uw gat NOH Ae m@cag + fe C M(P-afe) + MCE-+ab) | V@ Fe M(a)cat fe mfa) * fic te) stew Be Mew WW Bet aw } 4 @ Pepin Spam 4 dstitud. sonal ~ig obtoinea by p V(X) Arowugh Upr teary he bo 3th Pests thon wees but = Joy-than “ope-w’ Ha. x Te op dthe UF 8 Vy(a) = Be Cotdrmés) he demaduloted Sigral. VC) Aheualge ‘fropstimal to mét), Whode, b> Phoye ohhh. ARUNKUMAR G w.r., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J1.T., Ranebennur. When d= Contiomt, VG ip phopsdional to ™m(t) When b= 0, Frplitude NCD Sy Masi, = £M/g , Pirnplitud AQ) 3p THinbrum (uphitterdts the, coal Troteibe Mull oes Qt Gheave: debs) COSTAS LOOP:- * Explain the method of obtaining a practical synchronous receiving system with DSB-SC modulated waves using COSTAS loop june-10,8M_July-08,10M ‘+ With a neat block diagram explain the synchronous receiving system for receiving DSB-SC modulated waves. July-07,6M ‘+ With neat block diagram of DSB-SC, the detection using COSTAS receiver. jan-09,6M__July-09, 5M Osc Aceon eft mi 30 ARUNKUMARG sirua, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T.1.1.T., Ranebennur. % Whe Cottog lwop jp a rruthod o} dblaining a rackcal Suynctooreyy Theceiens Sython, Suiloble (i dumaduleting - Osg-Sc Wong, “tre Same 1p Sigral.C 08B-Se Wane) Ag Cs Girhed)myy, bot th indintdual Jocol ofctiladh Signal “thot ade. Jan-phaze Auaddctude with Wspeck fo each dhe, (bee -the, decal - cicallath Stgrol Supplied to “the (fheduck modulakdy oy qo! out 4 phote). * The Prequenty d the Socal bck St odpopted. -to be. “the Sarme ogthe Codtrish Freq uinty fe. to of the En: phote, % The detockti in the Uppen poth ip Caner delat QUT= Chanral and. “that tn “the dnwen ‘path He Suped. co od He, Guunsirtshe phage Cedar deat grad Gn Sach @ Woy Of sy rrointain “the to Pim oN Gperadion ;- TO , S$ . Sarre, ag the Coftuion D When sea aye is — SC Wars Wanse fi, Cob@re 4) Used to Gervais. “the - Urndey hope Condisiony, the TeChanral dp Cortoing “the - dite demerdulaiea Spnal ms), oh of @- Chan. lp Ay Zero + ARUNKUMAR G y.r.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 8.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Vor = Me™ Cosh LO. Whenead, the Coste Wi Synthvors Sed Q=0 ond Cofhz Caf (o)= 4 Vor =pfem@) | ana Sing = Sin(0) = 0 Nog.= 0 i) hen Jecsl ofeillads phoye Change by a Small arate 'g” Sadiary, the I- Channa dlp wl tema Unchanged, but- Q- Channel produce, Some ofp whith 4 Phopdition to Sing. “Whe ofp dp T and @- Channa ade Combined in Phase - “Aiktominabh Cohich Conpisht di a truiplish Pollmaed by o- LpE), @ dC Grd Sirol 7 obtained thot ausorsitally ested fh Socal. Phow. Gaky inthe wedbaye Cordsaled - chestlatt (Ved). Dutoduaringey o 0s8-Se Cott detection :- Arpldbate the dumedalstd Stgral maximum When $e Qorainimuem when betta So, pedpct Synchronization hoy to be athineed Ph debction Ghith Irdubn inttwotor the Cott Wie SreceLuct. ARUNKUMAR G y.s.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I-T., Ranebennur. Quadrature Carrier Multiplexing or Quadrature Amplitude Modulation:- * Explain the principle of QAM and with a functional block diagram describe the salient features of QAM transmitter and receiver. jan-06,8M What is Quadrature null effect? How it can be eliminated? jan-07,8M With neat block diagram, explain the operation of Quadrature carrier multiplexing. July-09,5M__Jan-10,6M__July-09,8M july-07,5M Bam aga Secheique Jy Which WL Can Harymit moe. umnbay Signals (0s8-Se Wand) Usthin the Same chanel barduséath . “Gem 2 a _bandutdih - Conbirvalion Stherne. “Te GAM erable tum DSg-se Trodubaked wrereey fo OCtupy he Some arg miffion Channa bandusiddh and aloud the Sepstcion qf he -tws Ttage Stanoly at the. Pace olp. BAM cy Called Banduvidth- Gmiewation Scheme. 1 me Pag 2. OAM Thant mites: a = ARUNKUMAR G wirea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Py @ Shoug Am Pantene, St Conse: 4, -hwo Phodack Tndallty that coe Sipplied uth ture Cotta cone gh the Sore. Presjuency bask differing ny phate by -90. x TRL hp d—the tum phadact madulassy che Summed to - Produce mudkiplesed Signal Si). te. . S(2) = Ae TH) Clam + AMS) Sinan + Where m,(4) and (4) dandy the-two fren “Trellaga Signal Qpplind to the Produce modulath . F Mag Sta) occupin a Channal bandyidth Gy 'Qb” Cordehed Ob the Cooder, Pruquuenty fe, Whore ‘WW’ oy the nettage boordostdth dh mn4(4) fh myC4). - y® BAM Hecoinses, * Fig @ Show “the 80M Pattie, Which Conta tuo Ghanent ihuctby which ode fed by bhawing Same Prucyuunty bat ouk 4° phase by 0; ARUNKUMARG y11.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J1.T.,Ranebennur. The Heceimed Mrubhpletea Signal Ste) 4 applied to the tuo Prodath tadalethh, The dp the Top product ramdaleltn 4 fe S,G) = SQ) Chant: The top LPF hemos the hip Prugyuarncy him ana allouy only Ag) ~ a $,) Bema) ¥ “Re op q-the balm Produce: Tmadulaitr 9 given by Sy) = SQ). Senartfct. % The batirn _Lpe sthe_hi stim 4 alloug wy fama), Tht the op 4 Ue a % Fh Btuce psutton dine Gundhatishe Costs iplening - Siplem ib 9 Tteayaty fo raintain “the GHeck phage and Prenjuency Vulationthip balun the ncol ofciltsity ed in Hennprmitiey cod uceinas, the. System. Salient foto 4. aan D We Com rosymit Tbe Tenby df O58-se awe. tihinthe Some Channel baxndustdth, > Gam sto bandwidth - Conguhvation Scheme. Bam Panay application don Calnssy TelBsition (Cv) 55 ARUNKUMAR G yy.7.<, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Note: Cod Wash tn the cram) x The op} ahe top Preduct rrodubetis is given by : S,@= SG) Gav Su) = [Aer (8) Chante + Aerts) Sin amtfys”| CaF. Si) = Aga) Cols. CobAMPe + + AeMy (4) Tin ack. Co HF. Sls) = Agrn(4) CaP ares + Mek) Sen WR ck. Geb BMP. WET Gil = + Giga] ana Sin A CAB =r Sin A-8) + Sim (+8) Se) = Ramn[ 5 +Gaalental] + Ree) Sn [inte Ant OO Sf fs (d= Rom) 4 RemeDcaanfes + Fe So Let] he Te uy a \e™ “rp LpF hemouey the. high Peqyoerty Say & loud only Aeris) # The olp q-the bition phodack modulatin it giasen by : 33(4)= S(a) Gnantet 5,6) = [Rem Cos antes: + Aerngl) Sin aft: | Gna: Sy = Aem() Snack. Ghat + AM, b4). Sah atttet. WeKT Stef aga} 4 | Sena. Cag Sin G-8)+ $ Sin (8) Sd= Remld) So [ante ante} Tank + a+ Re mat) : _. RemAts) ae a ARUNKUMAR G nirea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J1.T, * The battom Upp Swmowss the high Peg usncy Heir &, allows Only Ae mgd. “Was “fhe op 4 Lp as 3@= fm, 57 ARUNKUMARG yr, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J1.T., Ranebennur. em Distortion in Envelope detector “+ Discuss the drawbacks of envelope detector jai 10,4m| There are two types of distortions which can occur in the detector output. They are: Diagonal Clipping and 2. Negative peak clipping. gonal Clipping: This type of distortion occurs when the RC time constant of the load current is too long. Due to this the RC circuit cannot follow the fast change in the modulating envelope and is as shown in figl. Detector output [Fetial oui showing the diagonal cipping Negat Peak Clipping: This distortion occurs due to a fact that the modulation index on the output side of the detector is higher than that on its input side. So at higher depths of modulation of the transmitted signal, the over modulation may take place at the output of the detector. As a result negative peak clipping take place as shown in fig2. Remedy: The distortions in detector output is reduced or eliminated by properly choosing RC time consta “ What is DSB-SC modulation? What are the advantages and limitations of DSB-SC as compared to standard AM? june-09,6M _Jan-05,5M| Advantage: . Low Power consumption or power saving. . The modulation system is simple. . Efficiency is more than AM . Carrier wave is suppressed . Linear modulation type is required . It ean be used for point to point communication Disadvantages: 1. Design of receiver is complex 2. Bandwidth required is same as that of AM Application: 1. Analogue TV systems to transmit color information. ARUNKUMAR G y.r.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Ranebennur. ARUNKUMAR G yi-tech Lecturer in E&CE Department S.TLLT., Ranebennur FORMULAE . Equation for AM wave 2 s{t}=Ac(1+pcos2nfmt}cos2nfet . Modulation Index . Amplitude of each sideband . Upper Sideband Freq. . Lower Sideband Freq. Bandwidth of AM '. Total Txed Power . Power in each sideband . Total Sideband power ,, . Power Wastage . Transmission efficiency . Carrier Power . Maximum Freq. in AM wave . Minimum Freq. in AM wave n= Am/Ac HAc/2 fuse = (fe+fim) fisp = (fe-fm) BW= 2fm Pe=Pe+Puse+Pise Pts Pe (1+ p?/2) Pt=I2R Puss = Puss = Pe (1/4) Puss + Piss = Pe (u?/2) Psp = Pr~ Pe Pe + Pe (7/4) = p?/(2+ p?) Pe=Ac?/2R Pe=Ic2/R fimax = fetfm fmin = fe-fm - Modulation index from AM Wave : = (Amax-Amin)/Amax+Amin) ARUNKUMAR G wren, Lecturer Ranebennur. Modulation by Several sinewaves 16. AM Wave with two Modulating signals : s(t)=Ac(1+n1cos2nfmit+p2cos2nfmat)cos2nfet 17. Transmitted power e Pt=Pe(1+ p?,/2 + 2/2) 18. Total Modulation index or Effective modulation index 19. Total Power Pt=Pe(1 + M?, / 2) 20. Amplitudes of AM Wave : Amax = Ac (1 + Hl?) Amin = Ac (1 - Hi?) 21.Peak Amplitude of carrier: Ac = (Amax + Amin) / 2 22. Peak Amplitude of message signal: Ac = (Amax - Amin) / 2 23. Modulation index from AM wave p= (Amax + Amin) /(Amax - Amin) ARUNKUMAR G w.r., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Ranebennur. An amplitude modulated signal is given by $(t)=[10cos(22x10°t) + 5cos(2mx10"t) + 2c0s(27x10°t) + cos(47x10°t)] volts. Find i) total modulated power ii) sideband power and ili) net modulation index. jan-10,6M) Ag[ 4 +4, OmRE + 2 Chants] Cok a SA) = [tocet (su xieta) +5 Cl Caner s) C8 (BT x wt) + 2CalamricD C(I] S(@= toca (amniday| 4+ C8 (sary 1074) + a cs Cerne) ] | S(2) = loca (ata) [140-5 Gof Camnid%4) + 0-8 Cob (uct x18} + ] P® Comprting eq OL@, we pt 3 og ApzwV, 3205 , tysoa, f= wie HZ, Rye Axt0° HA Ba = xd, ? = JOs+@-a* * Udeband power Psy = Pose TPisg = Pag = Hasw ARUNKUMAR G y.r-«, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. STILT. Ranebennur. Dee PtPeg = Sot FAW b= Stas W = S4-85W - Sow Consid a= message signal €(t)=50cos(100zt)volts, m(t)=20cos(2zt)volts and a carrier signal i, Sketch to scale resulting AM wave for 75% modulation. ii, Find the power delivered across a load of 1000 due to this AM wave. Anz Sv, Pz AH2, Ac= Sov, Pe SOM, H=0-45 4 Reto WRT AM undue it gine by SC) = AL 4 Cob 8th yt] CATA + 1S) = Sol t+ 0-45 Cod aw()-] Cos amr(Set-| Amar = Re (ie al) = 50 (10-98) = 8FSV Pent = Me (I-48) = 50 (1-098) = 18Sv ARUNKUMAR G w.recn, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. A carrier wave with amplitude 12V and frequency 10 MHz is amplitude modulated to 50% level with a modulated frequency of 1 KHz. Write down the equation for the above wave and sketch the modulated signal in frequency domain. June-10,7M) Glue: Ac= lav, Fez tomnz, =05, Pas 4HHd Sdt- WET AM Game. ap given by: Sq MeL He Cos amy, £7] Cos TR S(3) = raLA+ 05 Cot am Cixi) £] Cet sIr(lo x108) I— WET Fh Single tore. trdislation -e Guen by ARUNKUMAR G y.1.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. .T.J.LT., Ranebennur. SE) = PeCog ene + Ae Cot’ amr Ret P,,) + he cham (he- Re) SGD = 1aGb am(toxnés) + SER Cos a (rox tof + trie) + SSM cas aur CoxtoS — 1x18) S(Q) = 1 Cater (souds) + 3 Cb ar (hoot xi!) + 8 CoesT(9-49x1e 8) —> @ Taking Et on beth Side. 4 ey @, we get SCF) = [aCe tort) + 3CFH Ik] 4-3 [2(F- voor nF) 49(E+ root viat) +E f a(P- 491 x10) + 3(B+ 9.99 xIe*) | st) —> [mous LS Me VS | LI . ety kD OOOO toons MN -4-Famnag —— agadnig TOMAR troanad 14 Consider a message ¢(t)=50cos(1oont)volts. i. The resulting AM wave for 75% modulation. Hi, Sketch the Spectrum of this AM wave lil, Find the power developed across the load of 1000. —[Jan-08,10M__ June-10,10M] signal m(t)=20cos(2nt)volts and a carrier signal Gian : rn(4)= Xo CATV, — C(4)=SoCottoowe — & = OFS Pwr cy: Ae [148 Cat eg] Cod BT SH) = Sol 1+ 0-45 Cob arts) £] Cob aI (Se) + SCH) = So Cos a(S) + + STS Co asd + Cot BC) + Goh AGAR = Cot (A-8) + Caf (A+B) SH) = SoCes am(sq + + Sas cob a (So-i)t + a cs an(Sotit S(2) = SoCeg ar(so)t + 18-75 CBs (uA) + + 18. F5 Cog (si) t | _ © ti i) Taxeng FT ey O, we get S(t) = $2. aCt-sp+aceesa] + HSS [ace nd) +a +49] + oe [aCF-s) +0(F+5i) ] + 4.395 [a(P-si) + (F +5] as s® 395 rial -s1 ° WD Der (WE) Re fe oh = 1S © aR AX100 bs a5 (1+ SE) = tow ARUNKUMAR G wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. The antenna current of an AM broadcast transmitter modulated to a depth of 40% by an audio sine wave is 11A. It increases to 12A as a result of sinusoidal modulation by another audio sine wave. What is the modulation index due to second wave? ILD _June-10,6M4 Bins DA zou, T= uA, I,.=1 ) Ts saa, +=? T..2 aE > Ty? woe T., Ranebennur. Find the ratio of maximum average power to unmodulated carrier power in AM Sd - San-07,4 ~ a3 wer R= Re) When 3L=4 ce. Ph loo} Modulation \3 Pr gas = F) Reimar = Re (nox Lc Pe Peemas) Pe Premary * Pe sg Sia An audio frequency signal 5sin27(1000)¢ is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of 100sin27x(10°)t. Assume modulation index of 0.4. Find i, Sideband frequencies _ iii. Amplitude of each sideband ii, Bandwidth required —_iv. Total power delivered to a load of 1000 Jan-05,10M| ~ Giaen : Am = 5, Ac=100, Meo, Pry =tooorg, fer MtohHs, D Sidebond Petey vention: . ae fet ban, = AMHZ+ loooH3 = boo MHZ Prog = Fe- By = MHZ loootis = 199.000 HZ= OAa¢Rn3, “AD Prenphitude “fe tach Gatband band Preajuenciay OL es loo = Qov. a ~ Prmplitede 4 Upped, & * tous, Sishend ss Tid) Beerdusictth Shaay uided : Bwisdhm = AX4KHZ = AHR u Bli= Fuge -Fisg = boormna - 199000 Hg = AKHZ i) Tetol_proer doltacaded to a dood 4 too At Wer op me fiee] = Swe] ARUNKUMAR G v.22, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-JLT., Ranebennur. fem fe ct Pim Orramnz AHA roomy I eacama A 1000KHz carrier is simultaneously modulated by 300Hz, 800Hz and 2KHz audio sine waves. What will be the frequency content of AM signals. july-05,6M ae Given _ Re = looouna Yana = Soong, Fra = Soota & bang 7 300013 * Fuses = Pek bma = \O0OKHZ + BoothZ = (000. SKNZ % Picea = Pe-Pmma = WookH3a- Soong = 199-FKHNG. % Puspa = Peta = lWoonna+Boong =!d00-8 UH Z % Fises = Fe-Fma = wooKng- GoohR = IVa una * buses S fet bn 3 = VoooKHZ4+ AKNS = lOoaKHZ * fises = fe- Fm = W0oKH3-ayng = TW8KHZ ARUNKUMAR G y.rec, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 8.T-JLT., Ranebennur. A carrier wave 4sin(27x500x10°t)volts is amplitude modulated by an audio wave [0.2 sin 3(2nx500t) + 0.1 sin 5(27x500t)] volts. Determine the upper and lower sideband and sketch the complete spectrum of the modulated wave. Estimate the total power in the sideband. fune-09,6™] Shi Ginn 2 COD = 4Sin(arx soos) > Ae=by, f= Soka ma) = 0. 3. Sin asso) + 04 Sin sur (asod}t- > Aina tna Ana toa Re Tr ttoge, Sago wal Comtittg d tuo Setar. Ami =0av , Ry = Moos, Ang = O1V , Cina = SoZ % VSB 4186 > USB, = FetPma) = SOOKWZ 415 Kua = SOl-5 KAS U8By = (Fe-Pmg) = 500KHS --Skna = HOB.S ENR 38, = (Pet bmg) = S0UKNE+ A-SUeHG = SRS RNS 1SB = Cte- Fans) = Sookhs - VSKHZ = YTS KH, % Modulation 1 a4 ate Sigmals : > Nein Seton Bo ore ay a i) Medalakm Order tg VO ARUNKUMARG ston, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. ST. Sn qerwhal, cavpbdude dh each Stdthand 9 given by D Pmpidude 4 58, 4 LSB, tll be: es iY Pimple § 58, 4 1984 till be : Aah = SOX ay s See = 005V WAS B.S Soo % Taal powss Jn the Sidsbands : wer, the gal Pray inte Sahoo oe FR tus Signals wa * Beg Pe(E>) Where, = toto modulotion Sndex = ‘Sys (448 =f 05% Coors = 0.0559 5g? p[ = SC 3] 0+ 0! * at See) * Wer, P= ee ARUNKUMAR G w.r-3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Ranebennur. = ae v 1.56 x10 ] 3 [rsexs? J =r A broadcast AM transmitter radiates 50Kw of carrier power. What will be the radiated power at 85% modulation? june-08,2M) Pe=Sokw 2 w=0-85 aa Pre Re Dit “a- 3, = Sono? [1+ es % Contides, the, Segal. mls) = 20 Ces (amrs) voll & Colts ure CC) = So Cos (toms) vel. Dediue aon expAretgion PB the Sretalling AM tums FH F541. Modulation, [Putt - 3003 ] SLE Gisen : Am? 30N | P= ANS Ac = Sov » Fes SOWZR WHO wet (4) = Ae [+ HG BF] Co Bt SCY = Go[ + 0-45 cof areae | Cat (torre) ARUNKUMAR G wras, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I.T., Ranebennur. 1a An audio frequency signal 10sin27(500)t is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of 50sin27(10°)t. Assume modulation index = 0.2. Find Sideband frequencies Amplitude of each sideband Bandwidth required [OLD June-09,61 Pin = S00H3, Pe = 1OHa, AyrlOV, Ac= SOV Sol. D Sideband Prucyuenctay Puce = PetBm = Wet Soo = _|0005 xis HE Fase = Pe- Ben = W- S00 = 0.9995 Kio HB > Prnplilude qf each Stdaband : MMe 08X50 L gy a a —_ ii) Banduidth ‘g's AP, = &xSoo = 1000H3 An amplitude modulated signal is given by $()=10c0s2710°t + Scos2nx10°t cos 2m10°t+ 2c0s2710°t cos4710°t volts. Find various frequency components present and the corresponding modulation jan-07,12! indices. Draw the line spectrum and find the bandwidth. SCA) = toca amr ees + SCH aT hsm s + AC aTUst Cot UAT wt SCa) = locetamGé)t [4+ -B- Cohaw(it)e + R- Cham (axe) S(4)= 10 Cobamlohs [44 0.5 Coa (yt + 0-8 Ctam(9x 103) J—9 @ Arunkumar G WeT Gla) = Ages amt [ 2+ Hy Cob auf, + I, Cos SF, +] ——>® Compering yO 4 ey @), we gat Pez WV, 34205, ayeoa, f= Wine, f= avicas 4 be= WHS Enyuction @ Can be Mudittten af SUA) = 00 Cos amrCif J + F Cob amr (ref) de + Cos MIT (WF) sk + A Cogan Cro). ChamTnre?) st Cet. Cap = Gof (A-B) +L Cag (46) SQ) = loCeS am(ioe)+ + Soham tef- 3) $F si( 108 +109) + Coa (1- ay8) + Aca (tora?) SG) = Vo Cod BITC Ik JE + 2.5 Cod OTF (4.94 106) t+ 265 Col BIT (10+ 001n108) + + Cob a (4-919 XIE) t + Cot srr (10-003.K106) —@® Taking FT 4 ey @, ve gt (9 = 4 a(B-108) + 2(F +10) ] + 35 _[a(e- 4-994 x16) +O (F +9-999 né)] + 2S. oCB wont) +3( H+ 1001xte) + S[B(t -a-s0enidy +2(6-+9-498n06)] + ELO(R- tron xi) +8(F + t000arre!)] 7 st) 5 wig was vas - | | rele | ciwoogag -lovornd lorie -agamné MIE” Gattnd adam lO W-corad wooant ! ' % BW B[mox (P,P) ] Bia = BP = @xguna Bw = UKHZ [Bw = yxus] & We Arunkumar G wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 8.TJLT,Ranebennur.__, Ama = Re (tre) = So(H095) = 8F5V Asn = Ac(i-x) = So(t-o-8s) = SY 1AM wave for m =ya5. An complitade. emnedulated {sateen hoy the P&im Xa) = wL1+ 0.5 Ck Aooo Wt + 0+ ‘5 CSuoooTTs: | ( Goooars) . D Seder the conplibuste Secu (8) Fand the ontage poss Cordertc eth Specddal Comporent WD Modulation Qntes Alugut- S003, Sd! _ Ginn; Ac HIV, -H=05, Nyeos SMP = M000TT Pa = SE = \oonZ , bmg = HOOT Aooott 2. Ake = ooo fo = SO = tM. a banat Wood, Png = So00Hz, Fe = LOKNS, ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J1.T., Ranebennur. % — Contitey a. Melbnge Segal sm(g) = I0CwS (SIV & the Cotdich une CL = So Ces (lotr v, > Waprae con exgFretpion Pgi-the Hetsling AM Lrane Fh FS Moulton on atime Comaion. » Tansy the Speeds AM owe, » Seth “the, rebsllirg awe Ph FS Tredulation, Tuby - 06, 3M Shi Sten: Ame Qov , by = thS Ac= 50, by = SOHNE Jts 0-45 > Rie AM Stanly given bay: ’ 1s = Wie sca ertnd] Ca The. SD = Solty 095 Ga aw] CasM(sde. DP ecu 4 AM Urane - buss 2 Petheny = Sort = SIZ bug = BeBe = So-y = HAH. % Aropliade cach Sittband Ake ps0 = 45V Sov AB F5u \8-45v Song SIND. * Spectbusm d AM usawe +- > Pusga, 2 Pet hmg = lonna+ aka s IKHR tispa = fe- Pema = WOKN- AKWZ = TKHZ >» Yusea = fet bmg Fispa = Pe- Ping = WoKNR-SKHR= BKRHZ \ ite b ps, SUA, OSX _ 9, % Arps tach Shia bond spy, MiP. osm. asy WoKHATIKHE = AIKHZ D MMe . O5SNO . acy 2 a Fle=tev oo Bea. Fisen Fuse Pane, SeNZ ENS WKAR KHZ ®) = Pr Pe + Poses + Poses + Pauses + Pista a Py= Be + ee + ant + teh + ae RB Wo , OSI, OIF , ORI? , OPO = "ar eR BR aR aR ii) _Modalstirn Srder a Kye foGeud = (OsteGsh = 0-40% ; ‘ ek. , detwmine 4 Sketch the mito Sigmol nla) = aos . wn et eae fh AM Ghee Pedcertage Tomdulation if eajuol dy the Wlowing values. D weSot WD seswol fi} L=1A54- Feb, 00a, 6M 1 Metage Signal mld) i . Set dy dstrrtned Boom the Palooing ee THe vealating Spal & 3f Shoum in tag @. [~ aa] oa 30 [a] 50 mt aya | os 03 | ans f aast ‘TL. Peak or maaimum value of m(t) “Be Worsfgrens ff the Art cone fa Gilmer volun 4 4 oe Shown bales I... WVU VON eo © (@) AM wave for x= 0.5 (0) AM wave for w= 1.0 © (©) AM wave for p= 1.25 Drow the Specducm 4 an Am Signal. With CH= Ac Ct Weg: 4 MW = Am CGF), SL Gian: C= ALC orbed) onenet 64 WT /CoP— = f+ Coban - ES c)= AeTe* cares cay = Ae + Ac tami. —9 @ Stenclat WLW) = Amd Cth) ma) = fim + fig_C4 am mt 3@) ARUNKUMAR G wiz. Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. * SpecBaum US) 2° We Can get Spetiducn 4 mts by “raveng ~8r a m= Bema + Aim [alte +2(F- by] mle) fee SE hl “Thm 0 vag Sgn Ben allot) & Soe, 2 %& _Spacbuwn FA IM Signal Taking he esi 4 6& be ey O, ve ge c()= Se 9) + Be Lah eto ace “tJ feb be ctettm 0 f-tm Be a @p+ Rae Bus an ARUNKUMAR G wir, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. Fa a. py Junction diode,the Cotten’ “Hrowugh the diode and~the Winery? avSutd 3 ode. Yelcind by ~9N, sete 4] ., White T,' ay the wuts Sabsbintten Cader ond Ny Ai “the thesrmal reatboge. Poe Shot ctempailise, \L, = 0-036 voll. @© Expand “i! a Powe Seriog don 8, Shekniniing © distde bdh RWS ond. Lis 4 equation &) by Mr = Sh oath t +S Cha ek. 1 yO ae, Np = H096N ON CoS STF t + O01 Caf TIT 0-086 096 = 0.384. ColATP ad + 0- HY CTIA —> © Subptcting eyjusttm @ in eqjustin @, we yt 20. 2 -0- 38cm - 0-any Cot sme + 4.[0- 384 Grant yy ° + 0. 3th Cot aTth £] . Wuer. @tb)*= ah + b+ dob - HD. 0. 30y cae, k — 0-384. CHIME + LO anh estat, * + @ seu ce ant. + + 2 OB) Cob MP Q- 38H) CITE |] ctu Cathy = 0-38 Camm + O-SHNF ci MF 4 Qe ca ete: + . 0 3eu)S Caaf. Coban - 2 20). x, = -0- 384. CaETPgy A - 0+ 384 CH TTAH F O-OFS Catt amt 2-0. nt «0 4 0093. ct anp sk + O-1UF Cob SIF, & - CA Bm GSA. GB = £08 (0-6) +4 @ (AB) 2D. -o.sty cant, - 0. 384 Calan + #8). 0:03 captarPa QT 2 G8) + sets cau + on “ed + aLeotad Taxing sestechaniy om bh SA 4 ai) ae x = - EEL ra) RCE hag] SSE LPE-KHAEH] + 00093215 +2095. [9(P-aks) + 2 (FAR) ] . + SE (ALEC RDS] + OPC] } +288 { oh-Chtta)i] + ALP Cert} | 0. - 7 1928 ty le “he “litle Ba Su ct Yh I Lo Site % Bandwidth of BPP | | 1993, 0.1928 usB -| F ‘amy oo 7. wl] “ “| Fee = 0 Magnitude spectrum of “P D “Te Tuguihed AM Wane Center at Fe at ohh. by pang the diode Gsdert an desl GPF honsing Conder = Pranquancy , Be = tooKna amd B= bmn. Pr =dkHS ARUNKUMAR G y.3.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. > Wwe $(3) = Ae Cotte E + a8 sar (Fe - Fn) + + Mc Cam (Fethin) Ve Re Bie domoin expultion Pram the Olp the Bre SEs) = =O StS CAITR + SHAS, oh Br (tg) + Ot Cob aI (Fe bm) E+ C4) = 0-38NG Caan + 070991 CATT (FeHPaa E+ 0-0959 Cet arrChe-P,)4 >® Prem egy @, we gt {Adz o-se4e , Ake = 00739 d= 0-384 84 ARUNKUMARG sirax, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. STILT, 1D Fin Qudio Pucuuency Signal 10Sin €IFx Goo SE Uded -fo amplitude] madulete a cana SoStn TT xwe +, Coleulabe iy) Bandustdth Cwayuihed. pee pows, a dood boo. Sli weer wrethaby Sipe ald) given by MGS) = Ay, CoteTh te 81 -ME)= Ay Sin hme. and C4) = Ac Gd aM H CH= A Sin ate £. Giiver'; NW) = f0 Sin BH xSo08~ C@) = So Stn sxc Fim = OV, Ag =50v > Modulation Index | Me cay = Bo so ly Hz O-Axt00 = 80 iD Sdeband Pruqyuencies : War Wan = 2 Fr, = XITXS00 Ss = aT, = AIPXIC ta] Fy = HOO RHE as ARUNKUMAR G y.r., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.: Fagg = Pe thn = Woktta + Soot = 100-5 KHS Pisce = hep Fn = WOKHS - SOOH3 = 99-5 KHZ ii) Prgltuda d &00h Stdebord funjuensiey ae - canes = 8Y, WD Bandutdth haquited , BW = afm = 2x00 = lovohs a Bi = Fase - fuse = OrskHa ~ 9a.SKHa = (OOH \D “Teta pre dalled Srbo a ood. 4, Seon. PR LHe = We] ® S Wott vy Prag vancy Spelsbuem 4 AM Wioste;- Sov. SY Sv Soo hs ‘SooH3 qasknz loowrg —teorsuna P base Re fuse BW = looohs a © _ARUNKUMARG siras, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.11.T., Ranebennur. A CeBeis, Worse with the amplitude "WV ond Prany uercy torus A mpbtude madulsted to So. ith ‘Modulosing Praoyuency Aka. White down eqyudtiong the above Woe and Sketth - the Wh ren in Praquency damon ond olfe find hd ~ bandwidth . Solr Ginny A= aN, By =tonwina, = Fo]. = 0.5 ¥ Equuction 4 Codeiah Woe Jy COD = Ae C8 aT ye + [CC) = 18. Cob[ErTst onal] + * WKT ws fim Ae Aye HAA = OS RID fim =6 Tha Frrnglikude. dl modulating Worse ip 6v bth he Py enty Lie . Moruteting Wlowe Jy (3) = Aggy Cob Tt am (s) = 6 God firs rato] ve The complitude modulated Wass. 3 giaten by SC) = MeL t+ ILCagGarP ase] « Cot GIT.) st SCH) = Wa[4 0-5 CakCaurarnicdf] Cot@irxtond) To SKdth the Preqquenty Qedduan we Teed Buse & Frise: ARUNKUMAR G w.t.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.T., Ranebennur. Bice = ethan = texto into® Rugg =o Corinto’ Wa. Bigg = Fe~ Fim = lontlixte” Fogg = 1999 xIo® Stushend amgbivde 4 = “fe O Wat Le fe ® © aang — wri joroornrel hse Fe USB Bus dim = KIKI? Bw den ARUNKUMAR G yir.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T. m primar thet: offciency Gf Bdimooy Am ginsen by “a - niga = xtoo Ph wSt. Whee. 7 Dy; Power Catteied by “tre Shdsbandy By 5 Powe (sab) Inthe Alm Stgral Fates > Rand Ph t= 0-5 h Sol. Modulation WD Show thet: Ra Sg tore Br “Lanes. t 3534 ak MEA. P5= Puset Puss atad bes Pygg = SRE apt Pigge AOE g B= Pe (42) Subllting the val Pry Pass & Pause MP ev O, Ue pe wind . stad wt BR aq ARUNKUMAR G w.rea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. BO 2 Oe on Ls aau® = “as@sy® chs Wald Fu wet rt) @* abe a9 I= 33-33 4 ARUNKUMAR G wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. Brow the AM seem th Joo}. & with Of. pecentay ets —than too}. , with 100. -m&e-than ye MHadulation. Aibume “thot the. Tredulting Signal © Pode Sine Lsree , (b) AM wave with 1909% (©) AM with over modulation (@) AM wave with m= 0 3 ARUNKUMAR G wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJLT., Ranebennur. 3a ARUNKUMAR G y.r-0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Envelope Detector % FR winimum pp , the ire Continrd RC; Shada be an babu the Sime peded 4 xp 4 dp Siqrol. Sf ofp Smal TC Taangy em ee ae yates “a Fermula : y The Condition Pa Tinimucm diskettin ir: Rc 1 j= 3 vsS ath JL Show Athat_in an Grvslope detects Cixcuk “the. demoduletsi at th Palow the envselnpe 4 sm) , ee Haqjubaa thet: oak ory time 1 Wy JL Sinuact Ros pa tat Uae SHIT oe ut ottuome that “the Capac ditches Prom the pte Value. “Ect Some ohbittetay Jnplant sto. Tren the rodhage ossadt “the. Coparsh “\,’ i gruen by y= EER 30 Using “Taylt Sis ‘ \e eft-# Jo @ ARUNKUMAR G w.r-, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I.T., Ranebennur. Ca 3 im @ wh: ae ave _ E54 @ a& RG capo 4 The compskude! Eek: ary Jann perk E= Pelle aces atime] > ® yy. He Sap Hay eg Crt 4G) AE «an sineye ot) 8 X¢ Tn Bde, Bathe Cogeco fellows the eeslage EA)", the pamitoade, the Slope the RCs Sthatge ruse be. path “than “the magnitude the Shape d the exreelope ECE) « Hence | sk > |= 76 Subsittsting oq © FB in vy ©, ve Gt & 2 MA Sin anbmt tm) 2 Ss Sabsttsasng YQ ir cay Be Gt Ate etl 2 Re Sinstta Cat) Rus \ SLOG Sin sit (Qrt mn) Re 7 Sele AGT a] —— Wey Stn Riss V+ I Cy se om * ARUNKUMAR G y.1.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.LT, Re % “We AM ure toLt+ og Cos (arsooay]: CosGariht) y= domoduloted by an envalape Aceh. Find “the dtme Contant Tama the Sretisesi sf Copacit® wgod ip 100 PF. Gone: Pen = SooKa, Fux tog, s2=0.5 4 Ge loopr Recs < SST RIT Time Center: T= 5-S1x16 * Sac Far ge leopF Sesins ssc Yooxts * Explain the detection of message signal from the amplitude modulated signal using an envelope detector and bringout the significance of the RC time constant of the circuit in detection of the message signal without distortion. Estimate this for fm=3KHz and fc=100KHz. ARUNKUMAR G wir, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S .Ranebennur. Sat- YY Explatry enrrvedape detect > Gouin + Pay = SKHZ, Fo = l00KH3. wager Py Check darmadulatton , 3 4g Tuyeiked that, +e << Ro bE5 eH st) \ sigan “Re WsORas Fe te Tseng ots Osea WW) The lowest Po So thet m4) wniqualy debsimtned Faun S(4) AMN344.kH3 = QKAZ Aung 4g = OH3 ~AMHE +4KHg = OZ ~ Auus - ARNZ =~ 2KHE >t \ Qung-4MNZOWg aKa OuHD -R the Lowut Pp at ARNE go that m4) 4 Untqyurly dcbhmined Hom sta). Consider a resultant wave obtained by adding a non-coherent carrier A.cos(anfct + $) to a DSB-SC wave cos(2nfct) m(t). This composite wave is applied to an ideal envelope detector. Find the resulting detector output. Evaluate this output for ¢=0. fan-10,8M Sol Figure P2.6 ® Envelope detector Re ap to the enuelpe. deheth + the Sum gm ~ Chaser Costiah and a 0S8SC Wome: NCS) = Ae Cos (atthe +h) + mC) Cok STP WET cat(AtE)= CLA. CofB- SinA Sing ARUNKUMAR G w.t.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept ‘anebennur. V(D= AcCosemfet Ct g - Ae Stn amted - Sinp + m(A) Cotsme, t Vd = Coban. +[ Ae Cot + mm) ] - Ae Sinai - Sind o The olp the envelope dechtshr 1 20+ [Ga oer Catan ope Whin $=0, We get “1 Rome fol Venta the op he vip. Ge Cobain te tate Signal. mb. a ARUNKUMAR G wir, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.1.T., Ranebennur. Chapter-3 ARUNKUMAR G itech Lecturer in E&CE Department S.TJAL-T., Ranebennur $$B MODULATION Hilbert Transform:- % The dusice Which phaduca a ghore Ship -40° Par oll VC fruyweréin & @ Phoge SH 490 Ph all -ve Pauquentig. Re amplitude ¢ all Buqjuency Components dy “the xy” te - isnt) + [Re = x0 ds Lo “Taking Foot “Thangfiro on bath Sede 4 YO, Ot 9 R® = xH[-15.0 ] J | RO =~ A5pnCH. x ®@ “Tay the hitherd: Hangin BC) 4 Signal. 24) a chtained by Pelirg (8) thorough a. Jineay -tuo pdt darsicg, Wihete. “Hage function 3 junk. Jo -Isgn(t) Of Shum below. Phase 4 HCE) xs) HO) - 5p) |, 209 * 24 Pregquenty ig @ ! Tuo pdt duastce hoe Suponge -4¢ ARUNKUMAR G wroa, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. ‘+ Define Hilbert transform. State and prove the properties of Hilbert transform. uly-09,5M__July-07,4M_June-104M__Jan-104M__Jan-09,6M, a Ti Sotg that “the Signal 6 & ae hilbek Harttiim (2) homeo Sama conde Spctnn, Fousdsh arian df 3t= RH = -iqnO-x® % The rragnitude ¢ ~Ssqn(t) it quol ae 4 fa all voluy qf. o R@] = Ob [Rey] = ko] Te amplitude Specttumn d 26) 2 exyunl to XG). Propety 82 “Ry prepoty Stay that af 269 the Habent thentfin 29 then the hilhat tamifsrm of 20a) 4 -x(4). Prof > Cascading the ideal to port deve obtain the double Hilbert transform “The phupedy-a Sagptit that the bhedt Atvartfanm if “taten tui, of Shem Jn above Piguie. HUE) ¥ HY) = ~ISgn(t) x FSO : +P sant) but Sfo(e=4 ade ARUNKUMAR G yircc,, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. WO= HO HD =-4 H=-4. th all the voluey qe, Henke the FT 4 olp -3 X() x Wee) = - x -xt) FS x(a) Thay the bila Hrartftem 4 BUY equal to -X(8), Property - 5:- ra pepe Sle that AA Spal 09 4 Milhand trasaftiom S(O oe Sihoqoral.. Pred We have ta frowe-tas Sx). 8) a 20 Wat xis) Fh xy ay FS CH rn A § x9. BW. dk= J x. RH 4 +® -> RE) = ~ASgn(s) xO) WH | 88) = Hey -DXCD ~ignGH)= gmt) RED = + ISqn(t) x) S208. 209. a = §° ism xD. xG0)- at but | xe). xC£) =1X(DI* ARUNKUMAR G wt, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.1.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Secta. 200. ae Ey@ oy product odd & attn Punction . Whee, Sql sean odd Punttion ¢ [x@P 8 on teen Furttin, The, Sezai do add Paandion ass “the Sharge sill yield coo Ziq volue « © to +0 Yom waged Spm he Spa 4 MR BD ate Sderdical. de hase: Hartt ¢ on taser potion ed ona ate ea, 3) “We hubs: Promaffem do tual Signal i alto ol. Pre-erverlope z- FR a eal velusd Sgnal *C3), At pre-enslipe y defined. af “the Complex: volued Punntitton Suth “that ® Whee (4) i the Shuck pal dh the phe-erwulape & C8) - ARUNKUMAR G y.rea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Ranebennur. x LE XC) uptuerts the ETP YL) 4 gion by X() = FEW) +520] x0 = xH45RO —> © RU) = -i9n-x) — © Subetetating ey @ in eay @, we gst x1 = xB 4S A8qnO- KOT] 2x09 FP SntO-xQ) = XU) + Sqnt8)x0) X,© =x@[t+ sane] 4, ba boo Where. Syn) { > th bso “1, PA Beco Sibshiuting “the valuuy ¢ Syn(t) An wy @ ee y Bryer, Fa Fro BH, hes 2 x0 = { ea Ke) = xO LH] x6), We fro PXtH= axtp] 0 | ta bee XH = axtH} n(t)=o ,tt Pro X,Ce)= x6) E40] [x =*O | i Sqn(H=-4, ff Feo X= x@OLr-7 %yH=0 | - Whee AGG) -U the value XG) ot Fo. 3 6 a ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. A A ax(c) ° Ww Fy @: a PaO: Pronplituds. Spectiuon d “the ben pod Signal. 2¢(4) Pre-envselope (4) Pre-enronlope Pa -ve Preqjumncieg 2- % The phe-erudlope Ph ve Pregyuentin tt dapired of: X@)= x -F2@) % The too prereruslopes 200) 426.08) abe Simply Phe Gompler Conjgstr each dha: x(4) = xa) pe . xO te X20, th bro =XQ), Fa Feo Ht ' =ax(), fa t © Subttinding any @ in ey@, we get x= ref Faerie] (co ents) +ssincanes) | x() = Ref Xgl’) CebGrfed) + 5%) Sin (ame) + I2G(A) Cot Efe) +f SinCantes)} XL) = Ref yl Calas) + 52yU0 Sin (anes) + 526f8) Cares) HD SenCanke)} X(S) = X{@) Grant - x49 Sin(ant.t) F—> © Tn ey ® XC) 7 the in phaye Comporant: the bend. pots gral # HAD the QYunctratisse 4 the Sigmal. xcl8). 10 ARUNKUMARG siraa, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJL.T., Ranebennur. Generation of In-Phase and Quadrature phase components:~ ‘Scheme to generate the in phase and quadrature components of bandpass signal x(t) X The 408) § 46) abe ow pa Signal Liiked tothe band -Wet-sW, TRE bandustdth d} tach Pld aw % The in-phoye Grmponent (4) “H phoduted. by mull) ng (4) wath Colas) & Potting the Phoduct Ahaogh a LF, * The, Qundnatue. Component 3,(5) iy obtained bay Truabiphying C2) wih Sin(sitet) & Polling the predic “hoeugh an Sdentical Lpr. Reconstruction of x(t) from xy (¢) and x9 (t) Te in-phoe ow pout Signal KC) $ KA) ane Muaktiplied With “the CoS Cafe) Sin(amfes) hedpectionely % The heute’ phedutk ohomg the then Subtracted “oe ge the bandposs Signal. (4). % The musltiplication phoces dh 0 2X0) Wth the Cothiey apa - Airwah modulation rotH. Define: i. Hilbert transform li. Pre-envelope iii. Complex envelope fuly-09,6M July-05,6M, Vihen phew amufll 4 aL Conpmanth ven Sirol Ge HSA by E45, the, unig Fentin Gone Kron qy Wibod Hrarafirm. on Ribak vo Trargfrm }_» A 3@) | hes ae © 4cy- x@) « h®) tye: Prevplibucte, . 3@)- x) * aE St af eS - 150 whore, 269 oy the Filbert: “Heonyfirmn 4 268) sg Talking, Favtian Haenfirm om bath Sider 4 e4yO we got “| Fe) =-ssqn. x0) > fy @: Pra reponse g HUE) "8 ARUNKUMAR G sires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJLT., Ranebennur. 2) Pre ene = Tre fre-enveelape “the Signal XC), dobre @ the Complex .- valited Punction Can be ginen al: XW = xH+i2() YO Whee "acC3) the Sua pots. of the, phe ervoeope. 4 FRE) tuphaertt the Smaginaty pat: the ple-errulepe. QE) agate bibs Hartloim 4 x9). Taking FT 4 xe) 4 9 gun by X,0- XOLS-(H] — @ Substituting Sn) voluy in omy Oe get ax® , fafro ' XD) «KO, fy bro oy Ph Reo x® Fig: Prmphtlude Spucctuem df The Dre envelope. (4. ii) Complex emmrwelspe. :- % The pre-envaslepe fo Notiow band. Signal (8) Sephepted inthe Pn x)= Key det — o Where 5£(a) the Complex emmeclape the Signal. EyO ip the defanition Pas the Cormplex ervstlope 2 C4) inthe of “the phe-envtlipe %,(2), % The bandpoy Signal x(4) Com be exphened iandeiing the Complex emrslape a: x(a) = BL Sey otM**] Ly © Sn qenanal, £4) U0. Complex cyunmitity Use Con expos ik Od EH) = X_(a) + J4Q(4) L®@ Suabsisastng ayy Btn en) @, we. gee x= R[x, iyo a ] ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J..T., Ranebennur. Single Sideband Modulation ($$B Modulation) :- % Standard Prplitade mrodulation 4 DSg-sc Modulation ode - Worktfal df barduscath becauye they bith ‘heqyuite. q “Hhanrmiltion bandutath egyuol dh “twice the Yeeltags banduidih &e- BW=abm. % Fa bah Coe Amt dse-s2) hal G-the Haryrntion bandisidth Teeupied by “the Upper Sediband qthe Tredkalahd wane, where 4 wthe dtu half 4 the thay nian bendutdth 4 oCCupied bythe. lwuet, Sdeband qf Ae Truulabed wow. He pe ¢ Lo Sone OL Sl Hee to ch A by _Visdue 4 thts Syemmelty Abeut the Cesdien Preqyuents “ke. Rag only ore Stdebane 2g Trecedtaby Ba Ramrretition 4 Sefsrmstion - 2 a bah the cession & “the hr Sdeband ake Supposed ot “the Arantmiths, , ro Saftrmatin lett. * Chamred. taquited the Same Bandwidth cath matage Sra 3 When only one Sidthand it Hharymitina the rredulatin Suoed. to a Sing Stdtbanat_Malaion Frequency-domain description of $$B :- he Pruqjuency - domain datsaiption fa SSB mocdated Wonse - dapordt on Which Sideband Jf “Hhasemitied . t® Shows Specurm $ rodalating Simo M(t)". The Spec at Aumitea Jo the band. -WESP-SW. ARUNKUMAR G y.1.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.1.T., Ranebennur. (©) Spectrum of message signal Frequency (©) Spectrum of DSB-SC E () Spectrum of DSB-Sc with E only USB transmitters Frequency (@) Spectrum of SSB-SC with ‘only LSB transmitters Khe 0sp-s¢ Wave Con be dbtabred by smubtiplyang M(t) bby the Costish umate Ae CoS (aT) Of Shoum balm. ae Stst-se &. CUD = Ap Ces aarke % Fag @® Shows the 05G-Sc wodulaha Waue Sn $98, When only Uppen Stdsbond tt Phanverad , we att Pagnangy Spectwsm af Shoo in fy ©, 2 When orly ~the Lue Stdshand, 5¥ tanmited,, we get Phesyuery Speddurm of Shon in Pig @, ARUNKUMAR G wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.1.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Advantages of SSB :- } S58 tuyvited half the bandwith Guayuitea AM 4 058-Se Signal. > Que to Suppration 4 Cattich and one Sideband., pouth Sy Sarwed . D Reduced Snbsjounce ¢ Molde. That due se “the heduled bandwidth, Agcthe bonduidth -intheatey the aummunt ff nate tae tothe Sigrol, il Sntreaye . Fading dot nat ottuh in $88 Praereriigion, ( Fading teant that 0. Signal alitmatehs Inccweony & Aecoacig in Bhengfh Of Wt 40 pictea up by the Guceinean , SF OCCuty hetaupe “the Corgian 4 Tideband ‘may wath “he. heacsuush Skiped in ime g ghOte Wwhdo anch dhe) Disadvantages of SSB :- Dre generation 4 eseption J} S38 Stal Se a Corvplec praCed. D Since, Corbin 3s objet, “the $58 Mromtmidtey 4 Recetues Ted to howe an excallent Pruguorty Stobilsty, De $98 medulation -y expertine 2 highly Complex So Smplerert Applications of SSB :~ D SSG Hormisgim GP Uled in “the opplicationy shew. “the Poweh Sansing 28 Vaqyuined i rmabile. Syptorry. D $58 4 alto Ud an Applicadiny tn Which bandiuidth - Shaq) uiererds ate. Jew, Ge: Paint so print Communication, Land, ott, moditime Mmebile Commuritotiong, Ty “Telornetsy, mmibttosy Communication , hadio Rowiyation 4 amolenh radio. ‘ ARUNKUMAR G wirec, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.L.T., Ranebennur. FORMULAE > 3u@)= WTS J > §,@)= rer {%o- Sone} IFts- IFT M(t) —» m(d -Jgmtymp=Zy thes) Spot) mee) —s im(s) oa 18 IFT D> -isp)-mey FET ly Spray Ty J) Ped Gy = FL igpermey J = =F San(t)ml) == C) Sent MD dm = Sm) > gnce) me Es -sheH Prof - JHRCa) = -5 [-isgnety MO] = 4S SnO-MO ~)THG) = Sqn) ME) ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J1.T., Ranebennur. Time-domain description of $$B wave :- ‘Using Hilbert transform, derive the equations for SSB signals. Specify the advantages of $$B over DSB-SC. uly-05,121 “Derive an expression for $SB modulated wave for which upper sideband is [Jan-09,M _Jan-05,5M “Te S86 Signal may be qeremied by pousing a D58-SC sweduloiad mae Htomgh 0. BPE gta} Pumttin HCD. Ho 10 1 aw! (2) Frequency response of ideal ‘bandpass filter to select the ‘upper sideband. F (b) Frequency response of equivalent Sosasct) ©) Toatpas illen (© Spectrum of complex envelope ‘of DSBSC. % We 088-Se Yrodulated ume iy dahined. mathemasically of ‘SSenge() = Aemn(a) Cot (atte) Whe, on) Maboge Signo AcCotattfet > Codie Signal The Low pal Complex envelspe othe Caprolted ay: wo Seed) = Aen % Contidis, the SSB Tedulsha wane Sy), ion Which only the USB it etoied, $+ hey Qunditube Of well of dn -phage. omer . Then Syla) tthe Complee emredape Suld) § we Can vai. Sula) = Rel So ep Cia] Sats) = RefS. EM* TL 9 © Whew, — Q, —» teol pot, ¥7Te determine 3, we proceed af Falloas : a Panttion Hy(t) 2 Hoplacea by an Uyuimdent Lor d Brant}n Function Tye) of Shown in Fig 8. We con exprey Aye) of Fulruy : ~ ACHSnH)1 | octew i wef , Ms a a —6 Whie, Sant) 4g the. Signum Puntiton . ih Whe 0S8-S¢ Trodoladed nut 2 Fuplaced by a4 Complex. - erutdape. The Gpecdusm thi erveelope. -y of Shown © iW) The duised Complex enrvslape Sula) 2 datrrntrea by entaluating She TFT q-the peda: Fy $0 we 3: zer [Fy Seceel?)] —3@ ’ Qo om ARUNKUMAR G nit, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T-J1.T., Ranebennur. Sng cay Ha eay@ an any G, ve pH B= reef + [r+sqote]-ncrae} = IFT {e[no+speoney]} ° Subsithring ey @) in caf @, Uwe get ve $9 = RL Sw ett] 5 © Sul = Re { & [me rita} EY Sul = Be {Re [sy 44 FMC) cat(anes) + Ssen(anta)} zh { fe [mts Cea(anfe) + Joma) Sin(amfes) + iD CotGted) + Xe) Slates) | = R {&[moacne + Sly) Sin Cartes) + Svea Cotbed) -aA SimGat)] | Sula) = Ae [raed cans) - EY SenCambes)] © ‘Sn phot Comp onast Ouodhatse Component Eqyyntion © Shows that the $58 Todulded ure Corccaint oly USB With an Sn-phoge Component 3 a AYundiatise Component. at ARUNKUMAR G y.s.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.JI.T., Ranebennur. Single Tone $$B Modulation Explain single tone modulation for transmitting only upper side (USB) frequency of $SB modulation. % Lek the ‘modulati ral m(a) y Heprwented oy (8) = Ayn Cob Etta) 0 % The ithe: travel A Ahe modulating Sgro. rts) a cbinined by paying Hewugh = 48 phofe Shifts. Sothe hilbovd: —Fraxifirm sy grsen by AAW = fm Sin(arts) > © * Wer the SSB Worse with only use i giaten by S469 = [ma Calaks) - FH) Stolen] 5 @ ‘Subetthatng way © & MY in wy, we get Sul [ Pane nt) (antes) ~ Ap, Stns) Sin ates) Weer Coh(Pre6) = Cab (A). CelC6) - Sin (A). Sin(B) Sauls) = fife [cetCamtes)- clans) . Sin Cafes) Sn (al) ] Cel) Sin). Sin (6) Sup = Feb [ ce Conk + aty)] ARUNKUMAR G yi... Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J1.T., Ranebennur. Equation @ Sheu “that. the SSB Waese Conpitts only -the Upper Sideband. 4} Preqquanty (+P). Ty 2 tactly Same of the stall cbintred by Supp reiting the Loe Side ~ Paqjuanty (Fe-Pre) ithe. CAtesponding DSB-5¢ tae —eeeeeeEeEO——eeeeeeee Spectrum of SSB with lower sideband supressed Explain single tone modulation for transmitting only lower side (LSB) frequency of $SB modulation. 4 Lik the rodulating Signal m(4) 1 Tupheyested or [ mG = Ancor 8 [> 0 X The hilbed Prantiim q the ‘Trodulating Sigma. mm(s) 1 tained ty posting Hough a -90_phose Ships re So the hiblaadd- Heart firm 4 given boy: FACS) = Ayn SinCamtma) ® WKT the SSB Wore wtih only 58 a gasen by: g(a) = Be [me carafe) + (8) SinCawrt) ] ® ARUNKUMAR G y.r-, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-JI.T., Ranebennur. (er Subekeaing Cry O & ery ® an ey ®, we get Sia) = Be [A cet Gr) Cet(amte) + Am Sin Camtfyn 3). SinCante)] 3 (= Aha [ cosCamtea) Cot (Bhs) + Sinan). Sinan s) | CAA) ced (B) Sin(a) ‘Sin (8) WT G$(A-8) = CofA CSB + Sin A. Sim B S(4) = Bebe [ cos Cates - 24m) ] | $,(4): Refin. cattn[Fe-Fm]t [5 @ Equation @ Shout thot the SSB tatawe Conuiths 4 only the Lower Sida. Pregquancy Che-Pr). x TR if etattly Same of the Wetult Chitnined. by Seuppruwing —the UPR Side Prusyuenty Chethrs) 4 the Ghponding 058-S¢ Wwe. Spectrum of SSB with upper 1d supressed ay ARUNKUMAR G were, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.L.T., Ranebennur. Generation of $$B Wave:- 1. Frequency discrimination method 2. Phase discrimination method or Hartley modulator Phase discriminator method or Hartley Modulator :- * Explain the generation of SSB-SC wave using Phase discrimination method with the help of a neat functional diagram. Bring out the merits and demerits of this. -06,8Mi With a neat diagram, explain how $$B wave is generated using Phase shift method. June-10,8M_June-10,6M(IT)_Jan-10,7M_Jan-07,5M_July-06,7M| Moding = ene rth, i enact caer tien pM “ e fous Sacco of tp inant gettin 28 moto Fi Q Shad “the blocx Gagpam pape ailLseminaith ‘mthod. 4 Gpnesusting SSB. % Whe 93g Trobalath vig tuo phaduct modulattiy T 4 O, Supplied Laith Covad, wang tn phoge Quadtctige to eath ches, ARUNKUMAR G y.-0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Ranebennur. TRE maltage, tonal m(a) & a Cassis, Signal A, CotGented) 3 nth dpa ante pce thE, Prrdsting 0 DSB-Sc tawe. A ° a & % The hibae anttim *(3) Cae! phae-shigs) 4. mG) Cashin Signal Shaped by Bo cow. oped. dscthe Product vrodulathh @, Photuting 05B-Sc Wont. % The op Prorduc modsbatsi or” SB) = MEH Ae Cos GIFS) x The op Predict module °@! us Sal) = TAG): Me Stn(amf.£) Hae Sgmalr S,(4) 4 Sg(a) eoe Pea to © Summ. % The ofp Gd the Summa 1 S(4) = 5,0) + Set) SG) = AEML4) Cod aft E ALTHGA) Stn Se The plat Sum ok the Suxmming Junttion yisldt aor ge with orly the 158 Le- 9,3) = Rem (a) Cad ae + AQAACD Stn ate Similan the min Sian or the Summing junttin yaldy an SSB With onlythe Usg ie. 36 _ARUNKUMARG ton, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. Sa) = Ac (A) Cob AMP - AARC) Stn art TRS $96 modulett 2 tho Krmwn og the Hosdley Tredulati. Frequency discrimination method or Filtering method :- Frequency diltsiminat method Can be wed %% the SsB Gee the matings. Spettdssen ME) has “hdl” ok Zabo Pea] arty) “Ths. dudio Stmals Polder this praperty. Gp: The telephone Sigrolt will haase a Bruqiuency shang - extending Prom Zoonz 2 s-ysng, Te Preqquercies ain tthe, Srange 0 Soka abe absent, —raeby Crating an Onisyy HP fom 0 to 300H3 > Th highwe Preqywercy Componert ‘wr’ q the mettage Stgmal. 6a) at math Joy than “the Cottion Buaquanty “Ps ignol 7 Medhaleth 8pF m(3) CoStiias, A, Cob am + 0SB- sc Signal. Fig @; Block degra 4 $88 modula ubing Peuaay verity dedfasaminatth wether at ARUNKUMARG wrx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T-J1.T., Ranebennur, 2 Tis Tmadaletsy Commsats Product Tmodulath, Codnien ofeettath 4 Bor Aatigrad. So pute dotined Sideband . OAL the olp d -the Produck madulatth, Ue get the OSB-se nedulabed rue Urhich Cordainy only tuo Sidebar , % The Bpe Will poy only ore Sidibond ¢ pheduce -the $58 - ‘redulated unre 4 5 ofp. t Deak WWte in cam me (te =f) L fe e+ fa) a, Lene torn ts ‘een Spectrums of message signal and product modulator output D We Muguency difoance bekustern “the highs Puajuarey sn LSB 4-the Jmutie Puauendy in USB i sto Srnall af Shou Jn ty @:® “Th moty “the Atti Bye Gusumely dblscts , betouye th Prunjuency Suiprte Tard do hae vy Sharp Change ower Pom GHeruation Jo Poy bana 4 Wie- vee. 38 ARUNKUMARG yraa, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-1L.T. Ranebennur. dasgn 4 BpF :- “The dutign 4. BpF rut Satify two basic. heqyuitemerty DR poll band the fallen, occupa the Some Prayunrcy eange of the Spectum the datihed. $B amodulsted twat, We vidi the gquord band Which Sapenat the patghand Bam Srp band be —tuide “the Amo Patquency Component “Hie Condiiny ‘merdiored bout one Sobitfied only be Sluckine Palka ubiry Gopal eloretiy sth «high O- Fotth “Typitally, an “the. args. joo an00, Two Sng $98 Modula !- md) [Pred r Medley [—} 8PF | to PyCet (ant) A,cos(ame, 4) Pig @ : A Tuo - Stage $58 module’. Dork Wari : %X When the Covtion Pheqyusency 9 vedy high Of Compahad. fo the pale: Pearcy, the $38 mmodulstad trond oCLupies ~the Phesywency bund which ie Yauch high “than “thet the TeHog. Signal, ARUNKUMAR G y.1., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I.T., Ranebennur. % unden Such epirating conditions & becrmy oedemely diffieclk tr dattgn a BpF -thet pola “the dati Sdsband ¢ alterwuntey the Unused Sideband. } ATR maage Signal TC) Todalst the Commis by ot pede a DSB-Se Signal. TR Signal. Pod “Heeugh “the 18! BD to Proluce on $55 modslsd Segral , Re ep the (8 pe thon uted Jo eulae Onshey Cai Be which at Shon "By. Than the ap 4athe 4 produce rrudulatth ue gee onthe D56-5¢ Sigrol. Thay Snes he Guened bond behuten Sidibond Vugyuancy, Awartag fcr raltne CHanyuenty Aitcaiersnsin rtd) + _ > The Pty mated quel the Odsqjuh Sidsband. Supptettin. He Vdeband paltsy alto helps do abteruste caste af prjert: nthe dp 4. bolantid medal. d “The banduidth He Tafkcertiy Bote wide. Dsodreantage : - They Oe bulky J Que Se the rkility q-the Syptem fo gerunthe S58 ot high odio Reguenciy, the Praquency Up Gmvdtion 2 TeCtHoy. D> Ten erpercine Palsy Ode so be Weed one Ph each Siduband., ARUNKUMAR G mrea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-.1.T., Ranebennur. Then Cpa) sa aS, Falta [teres fa= (ly + Syne) ~ Be +h) (ath hoa) ti Ube) fo~(hh + bs (eth etna) Spectrums of the two stage SSB modulator \ J ARUNKUMAR G y.1., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Demodulation of 5$B Wave:- “ Show that the output of coherent detector of a $$B modulated wave is given by: Vo (t)=1/4 Acm(t) cos +1/4A em(t)sind Where @ is the phase error. $58 Wee ves s() 7 ees ve Lows _ CACaTRS) Fg: Content Gea dion 4g an SS werkulakd woe, % TRe batebond Signal m(4) Gan be telouthed Pyorn the SSB Wwe S() by using Cohehertt detain . ; a The The pheduch Treduleth thawing tuo Tp. one-tp 8 $58 modded Uroue SC) g arathey Tp the locolly yorwrated Costieh Ces Grfed) then Low pox Piladsng the adalat olp oy Shawn in dbowe Vsqute. % Thay Predut moda op 39 gover by N@ = SW CaGrht) -—> © wee sW= a [mea Cob SIT £®@ Smart | —®@ Sabstthdiry ey@ Jn ey, we get va) Re [mea canis + AG) Snams | tame Pe ents) crab t. Coram + Ae Ai(a) Cot amb Sinamtet. V@) => 2 : war | Gta.ctes [ca (Ate) +cos(0-)] a eee ® Cel Sing = -—+-[ Sin (ata) - Sin(A-8)] ; VC) = Be omc cota tat) + Cat Cat - at). + fe Aw [ SenCantetant je: + Sin (ant - at) ¢] ves Km[ caeris)+ Ca] + eM sinGerts) + Sin] war, | cAG)=4, Sin@=0 vip =-Fem(9[ cata +4] + fe FEAT Sincorks) +6], VU) = eT) + fe sm(a) Coates) + Ae ACA) Sin Cees) Va) = fe-rn(s) + fe Re [ mts) Cat tats) + ACY Sin Gates] re When VCs) At potted “Hongh “the Fistor, ak il alm only the ftom hpi ton 4 adh Ost don ea dd x Thr tthe olp dh the fer We get the Stoled Menage Signal 4 the Cohort $98 demodulation ig achinsed of ND = Be mea) The dabetdton f. $58 rrrdulsted Cwonett 1 bated on the Obumeption thet Heke Ay POfct Syrttoanization between -lncol Castie, (that Sn the hoaymiths beth in Paqy uencs 4 _phove. % Buk an photic a phaye Gad G tray ahie Jn the locolly - Pr weahed. Cobo Ges. Tug the detects ofp iy Modified dua to ARUNKUMAR G y.1.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TI.LT.,Ranebennur. Phase eam ay Pulse : v9 = Heme) cad + ERO inh (NOTE :- 4 The phaye ction 2 ne Siow wath Vote. Cormmunrication becouge the human toh St tulotinn intenfstieetty ae Trade dbulhlien. The pruence phate ditsivion gins Sle hak Called the, Derold Duc vice effect. % “The _phote distin Comme’ be axlehable, tn the Hranprition muic § tito Signal. Farmuloe Y Sina. ca gs 4 Sin(a-g)+ + Salts) Sevan caCams) = Sen(aney“anta]+ -¢ Son[ antes] Sin(anks). Coffs) = Sin Cathet) a Co 9 : > cote: HS p= = ca arrtgs) = Cob Camas) SunNarkep . AG 3 a gust (antes) 2 - ated] Dd Let Sy(a) dence the S58 Signal sbintned hy thaarernitiong only Upper Sideband ¢ lot $,(s) dency Wilbot “thantiitvn Shaw that : (4) = 4-[s@ ceCams) + Sc) Simones) ] ond AO = FL 8. ceConfes) - Syl) Stead] Tom - 001 Sd:- WHT in SSB modulation S.C) St qusen by Ae. Su@= ae [mw of (fet) - Fe Sin(ants)| tL» @ “Tang hilbese: Karp d wy O, we e 3.00 [po Sin(anfes) - They — $0 = E [me Sin Ges) + ACS caCort.D] Multiply yO by CAGmes) | Su(4) cesCentag) = Se frn(ay ca Cmhes)- ew SinCarfes)] Cos(Snfe 8) Sula) Cosas) = Semis) Cof\Camh.) - ACs) Sin Cafe) Cob (aA) Re ® a oy ha 4 Shee, Th W®, MG) + hibet (a), Tha Shawt “that AG phote dustiion inthe ofp, due do the Probe Bad df nthe Ancol catsion Sqnol. ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T.J.LT., Ranebennur. ® Derinee am expat £8 SSB modulated csnse Py Which Lowey Sudan ana { Lt Sif) dence an sop modulated thee Sn Which only “the Lowey eee Sds- “The, SSB Symol “mny be gerutaced by pouting a OS8-Sc Modulokes twaaae. “though © BpF ¢ “Praca Puncion He Pow (@) Frequency response of deal Ayo iu’ bandpass filter to select the lowe "sideband, 160 a -— 7 we Sososct ©) Frequency response of equivalent a : Oo Ww 1 (©) Spectrum of complex envelope of DSBSC. % Whe 056-s¢ raduloted. wrawe y dofined mathematically of : SG. = Rema) CoS (arte #) ms) > Metloge Signal. AicCot (ated) > Casiien Siynal a ARUNKUMARG y..0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TI1.T., Ranebennur, Whi, The Low part Complex enrwclope the O5@-Sc Tordulsted uranee if 5 «Ron % Considim the SSB moduleted Crowe SCH), in hich only “the LSB Y Srataiad. St hat Qundratisge a Well ay Tn-phate Compment. Then $\) it the Complex envelipe f S(Hg We Con bite exphetted ay: 50) = Re[ Be exp Ciamt.s)] SUD= Ref Hew oft ] Whe, Ry» teal pak, x To determine 5.9, We prrected op Pollowy + D We Bre twarefen Function H(H) -¥ eplated by on eyuivalent LE ¢ Front, Pantin F(t) of Shoum in by 0. We can Optra T@ w Fallows: ~ [1+ Snee)] ; o © Sutekehating eg) @ in HO, Ue pt CS)=Re [89e™*po) SO= Ref [mio - AO] amy SU) = EM [meg JAAS] ctor) + sitar) | =Pe{ AE [rmC3) Gans) + jal) Sin Cafes) -5 FAG) Ca Cafes) - PACD sence] = { ef[mig Got (ants) + dels) Sion Cafes) ~ JAY) Got (athe) safe +A) Scant] } S(9= Le [me Cotes) + i (4) Sin (a 4) En- phate. Component Quodsotishe Gmponert. Equation © Shoug “that the SSB rreddlded urnwe Containy only & LSB Withan Trphate Component § a (Yuadhatine Component. ® $$B Modulator Problems Consider a 2-stage SSB modulator as shown in figt. The i/p signal consists of a voice signal in a frequency range of 0.3 to 3.4 KHz. The two oscillator frequencies have values f1=100 KHz and f2=10 MHz. Specify the following: i. Sidebands of DSB-SC modulated waves appearing at the outputs of the product modulation (PM) Sidebands of $$B modulated waves appearing at two BPF outputs. . The pass bands and guard bands of the two BPFs. june-10,8M Consider a two-stage product modulator with a BPF after each product modulator, where i/p signal consists of a voice signal occupying the frequency band 0.3 to 3.4 KHz. The two oscillator frequencies have values fi=100 KHz and f2=10 MHz. Specify the following: i, Sidebands of DSB-SC modulated waves appearing at the two product modulator output. ii, Sidebands of $5B modulated waves appearing at BPF outputs. ili, The pass bands of the two BPFs. . Mech -2008,8™ Ginen t+ P= toonng, f= toma sm(d)= O+Skng to 3-4 KHS [P| vio) [err |S vi) [per | Sot) mio ° 2 2 | -sse'wp ‘Ay 008 2rdyt ‘Ag 008 2rfgt (fy = 100KH2) (a= toMHe) oly PMA + Pe=RL= Wow, Pi = 0 SkNa to Suave | “The prod olp Coneiets 4 tuo Stlsbanay of flows LSB = F.-f, = louna- Co. Sung ts S-uKHa) LSB = 499-4 Kus te 99.6KH3 USB = Poth = loonna +(0-3kna a S+4KHa) USB = t00-3KHZ te 105-UKHS ARUNKUMAR G yr, Ranebennw Op 4 SPA :- — Aigume that “this BPFA patter only the Use. $,(2 = too-Fkna te lode KHI Op 4 Pea :- PreB = rns | S= Pq = 100-8 Ria to WOSu KH “The PMA olp Contin oP hun Stdsandy af Fallows: LSB = Pe- Pym = lomng- (00-3 ung to 103-4 Kung) LSB = 9-899MHg to 9.8466 MHS USB = Poth = lomna + (100-5 Hao 1o3-4Kh3) USB = 10.1005 Mag to 10-1034 MHS olp ¢ Bpra :- Prue that thr Bpra power only the USB 8,() = 10-003 MNS to 10-1034 MHZ Guar band oF BPF :- Guha tam ab red og the ight Paayuenty Comporet: Ase te the lowest funy verey Componert: ¢} U6. Guscha' band f Bpea = 99.7 HHS to 100. SKHE Guoda band 4 Bpra = 9.8994 MHA to 10.1005 MHA ARUNKUMAR G yi, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.LT., Ranebennur. Parameter LSB USB O/P of PMI-V, (®) 99.7 KHz to 99.6 KHz 100.3 KHz to103.4 KHz O/P Of BPFI—S, (© 100.3 KHz to103.4 KHz O/P of PMI- V3 (t) 9.899 MHz to 9.8966 MHz 10.1003 MH7z to 10.1034 MHz O/P Of BPFI-S.() 10.1003 MHz to 10.1034 MHz Guard Band of BPF-1 = 99.7 KHz to 100.3 KHz Guard Band of BPF-2 = 9.8997 MHz to10.1003 MHz + Consider a two-stage $$B modulator where the message signal occupies a band 0.3KHz to 4 KHz and the two carrier frequencies are fi=10 KHz and f2=100 KHz. Evaluate the following: i. Sidebands of DSB-SC modulated waves at the output of the product modulators. ii, The Sidebands of $$B the modulated waves at the outputs of BPF. ili. The pass bands and the guard bands of the two BPFs. iv. The order of the two filters assuming atleast 15dB attenuation between the passband and stop band. v. Sketch the spectrum of the signal at each stage.(Assume suitable M(f)) Sol :- lan -06,121 BPF mo) rn va f ° 810 Tou, Lv) [oer st 2 2 ‘SSB alp Ay 008 2nfyt (y= 10 KH) ‘Ag 008 Ort (= 100 kez Ginen 1: mC) = O-SRHZ Fo URNS P= tokHa B= toons = Retouna , B= 0-SkRa to URNS ole ¢ pmas- LSB = he-Pey = loKHa - Co-SKHa +o KHZ) UsB= 6kng to 1.4 KHa USB= Bethan = loRns + (0 SKH3— ued) Usg= lo SKHZ fo MRHE olp 4 BPFA :~ Pujure That Bprs. potter only “the. USB $,(4) = to. BkHa to HRHS olp 4 pmas- ENOCH , Py = 1O-GHNS fo TKN LSB= Pe- Pr = Worms - (10+ SicH3—b HKHS) Lsg= S6KHs to 89. FKHS use = Pe ttm USB= toonng + (10-3KH3 Wo TRH) USB = Hoe SKHZ to WYKHZ Olp 4 BPFAS- — Alusre that Bpra pastes only the USB ii) Gusadd Bana 4 6pF¥:- Guha bard. 4 BpFA = 9-FRHZ— 1063 KH wahdband 4 Bpea = 84-FKHAte 110.3 KHS Me ARUNKUMARG siren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJi.T Ranebennur. ALO) Seuna 84-9KHZ HO. SHH Wy KHZ SO 5 ARUNKUMAR G mrec, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. Parameter LSB USB O/P of PMI-V,. (| 6 KHz to 9.7 KHz | 10.3 KHz tol4 KHz O/P Of BPF1-S, () - 10.3 KHz tol4 KHz OM of PMI-V; (0) | 86 KHz to 89.7 KHz 110.3 KHz to 114 KHz O/P Of BPF1-S, () 110.3 KHz to 114 KHz Guard Band of BPF-1 = 9.7 KHz to 10.3 KHz Guard Band of BPF-2 = 89.7 KHz to110.3 KHz -1/2 0-1/2, bag @+ Rectangular pulse. 1, |th< 7/2 Brum Bg 6, xo={ 0, Ith> 7/2 Wer 1 R(t) = x(t) * x = =[- Oy co #(t—t) ~ -[r, 12 aT ma)" ARUNKUMAR G mizea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 5. Ty dt T2t—t Tr a [In(t — )) x jr=—T/2 ARUNKUMAR G wir, Lecturer Chapter-4 ARUNKUMAR G yi-tech Lecturer in E&CE Department S.TSLT., Ranebenmur VSB MODULATION VSB Modulation:- Re Sargent (Very SBact Condon) Pouauency Helporge. Wwayulerents on “the ideband Pilkey 3 SSB -SC medulaton fon be ‘relaxed by dllowing a pot the cerusonted Statband (Called ag vettigh) to oppeah in the gp. 4 the. modalatt. Que bo this, -the dum the Sitthand Fabien 3g Simple lo a. qpeak exert: But the banduddth 4 the Sythen H intowagnd Sligrtty % Explain vse rrrdulstin 2 Martin the advertagg and - applications 4 VSB modulatim Tr VSB, ome Sdohand & eed the tho Sidaband Called ot Veblige. ip Hearted. So the banduidth wayubud f& VSB Atextmistion 3g Somechat highen “than “that 4 SSB-modulation, Bolontod ‘Sasha ModulotSy tee VSB Signal Cottam sfcillath _ Lecturer in E&CE Dept. 8.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. *T Gero a VSB Signal, (5 Ge hawe 0 gqrurata. a 058 -Se Signal 4 “then Patt it Homgh a Sidsbard Patter, ay Shou in Fegune Tht Falk, Will Prat the Wanted Sideband OF Jk sp olorg wlth a pated Unwankd Sideband . FPruqyuncy - domain dutcsiptin VSB Wau > Soe oe SP ae ee My t “Ww 0 Ww # {6) Spectrum of message signal sey upper gt vesto Ny sideband Vestige a eon Neste Mise sideband fe ty () Spectrum of VSB modulated wave x Fag Sihmug the Spectawen 4 a VSB modulakd Wowe $i) along ualh the ruttoge. Sanol mx). Hee toweh Sideboard Yodijied into Velligal Sideband. % Thentimiftion benduidth ‘i qiwen by Wo # Matage bandutath Py “iB -the wsidth d the witligial Sidebond. Be rom ARUNKUMAR G yurca, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TI.LT., Ranebennur. Passantaget 4 VSB :- “The ain Odwartage 4. VB ‘modulation 4: D Th WuduGtin Gn bandiidth, OH Sp Abrett af ott Cay so Moti the Pitter, Gut to Alinwance d Hrantmdling © part g Imi Sidebar the Continaint en “the Piskesy hexse been teloxed-) Aippiicatiy 4 VsB:—_ NSB Tredulalion hot Defome Giondeta fh the Hare rritzin dt Siqrialt , Bacage the “ideo Sigmoly MwA a ~langss- “Rantmittion banduidth ~ff rarrmitha ung DSB- Fo & DsB-se echnignug. ‘What is meant by VSB? Explain how VSB signal can be obtained from a modulating signal m(t)using a carrier A,cos(2nfct) and later demodulated. July-07,8M] * Explain the scheme for generation and demodulation of VSB modulated wave, with relevant spectrum of signals in the demodulation scheme. Give relevant mathematical expressions. June-08,10M, June-10,8M_ Tn VSB, 18 Sidthond & a pod d the che Stdebane Collea of Vettige 1 “Hharwmithed . Sy the bandustth huquited fh VSB Ahaximitiion <2 Some what bight than that q. $38 ~Tredulatim, ARUNKUMAR G y.r.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T. “Sideband shaping fiter Ag 00502xhl) % The olp fd the product moduli 2 the OSB- Sc tte g a - Pe ey. mnta. ce S$) = mg) Ae Cos (ant.) % Thy 088-se Syral 4p then applied tod Sidshand Shaping Pittey. The Rll Gill pays the Wented Tdeband Of He fe the % Let the rama, Puntlion q-the Palle be H(A). Hence. “the, Speci df the VSB Modulated Wee ~if geen by: 3 = -K[me-zy me #9] © Lo Vemodiletion of Deluction d VSB Modulated Walon. :- + Explain the coherent detection of VSB-SC wave. VSB wave: si) Product |_v Low pass ‘modulator ‘ater [——* volt) Acosta) # Vie derolaletion 4 VSB Totulahd Grae Con be Athiond by Palting VSB Gawe S(t) though a Cohsunt detach. ou hd ARUNKUMAR G 5.5. Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.LT., Ranebennur. That, Tuliphyrg SC) by a. lecaly GYervraked Cottey rane PecetCamek), Which f Synckrenow twth ‘the Catalan Unwse. RcClanet in bah Puajuimey $ Phae @f Shown in fig ,tot get [= Reamis sD} @ “Taking Fount, tantttim on bith Side qd CY @, ut get vio: [S@-b)+5@4 9 ® WKT a SUD =F [ MCP-R)-+ Can) ] Hee) SCHED) «AE [a(t p4ye) + mG ates] HCE) s(t) -E[miamcerary] ne+t—9 > ® wy (Fe) = Be Frmchateotd) + mlb g.-3)] Wet SCF-Re)s MP mce-aky -+mcN] mtt-£ 156) Substthiting cy ©® in y@, ue get vey: {% [me-ao nen] WCEP) + Sc [moy en@sat] cesta} Me Re = Me) WOE-Fe) + eM: h(E +8) + Be pa(t-taty) H(t +e) xy A a M(P-a8). W(E-B) + ~ Ode He MCD [ wCe-hy + weet] + AE [nC A) eat NETO Ey ® 8 potted treewgh a LpF, tubich chiminatiy Unavenhd, hm & Potee only worded
Lek SU) = VSB rredulohed Urns Which Crbary Pull upped - Sidsband (Use) & vetiige dp dow Stdthona. } Thr Veg wee Con be Ourned to be qaruhtied by a Sideband Shaping Pathe along With a DsB-se Signal. D leethe Sidtbond Pie hat a -Pranlls, Pundtion HE OF Shen in ty @. The Sidtband. Palle Cam ba uplaced by on equivalent LpF with Fromm Gunctim HO a Shown sn tg @- > We con Supruert HO Ff bie ® of the difpence babween “hoe Component y(t) ¢ H®) of Peleg: B® = Tuy -THO fo Ware two Components che plied in Pig @ ¢@ elpectinnaly ok q them FO Weprulerdt the Lye ecyuivolene do a Bpe Which Taek the LSB Completaly g Fi,ce) Cduypondy Jo “the - 0 vedi LSB 4 emawal 4 cAipanding pasion D We Con duptuent WH of flew: es a L+ Sgn] iuw{ " es _@ to ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J-LT., Ranebennur. Subtlehating ea] @) in wy @, we qt HO= [+ sro] FO wo-{ FLrno-s80] pf R © Subsituding en @ in ey @, We pt S)= Aemce) te) Ste) = Acme [4 Corina) | Sw = CML + Hitelsy] Su) = Ae nace) + 4 Be el)-en(e) Taking TET 4 ey ©, ue get Sa) =F [% nO] +e" iS Fan-mo)] 2 fem + iLL hyw em] $e = Ae met FR am]. [819-4 [may sss] ph — d S_ARUNKUMARG rus, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-I.T, Ranebennur. Whee | mals) = het) x ms) TMS) AP the Weuporte predated by patting “the eltage Tgnal ME) “trogh ao LpF impute Gurporte helt) - Subttihding eq) @) an BY O, ue get (su. ee [Se™L.0 SH) = Ref Lm timo] ee} wer | latet _ ct (antes) +5 Sin Contes) “8: Re{E [messmo] cota) +3 Sinan) $= Ref ames ct ate +5 Be m(a) Sin ant +5 Be mip Grams she mys. Sin ans} = Re { Ag mls Catone) +5 MG) Singer) rime Coste 8) ~ Semel) Senter | Sdacting only “the Teal pos, te ge 9(3)- [nte ot (ame 4) - Mel) Sin ants) © % Enjuctim @ jy the expettion Pathe VSB ammdulched Umnwe tn time domein. Nde tha: i tuptoverds “the Vs Worse sth Pull USB fa vettige 4 Lse. AY —_ARUNKUMARG wrx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT., Ranebennur. —————— dapcription PR the VSB modish Gove with Pull LS8 ¢ vets qh use ap ay felleue: say = fe [m (4) Cog (arr) + mg (2) Sin (antes) ] Frequency Translation Explain how downward frequency translation is achieved with the help of a block diagram. * Explain the frequency translation. In the Communication Sytiemy at 1 NeCeHary te rertlat the rreculedsd uewe Upurea $ deumurchd in Pirtqyuancy , So thet He TKepiog O Tew Muajuency band, H Th Preqqunty “Hrandlation ot Attomplithed by Truubliplication of “the Sigmal by a ncally generated Cathie Grae rthen Paling the prrdluc desrmoy Sheu in fig@ Block diagram of frequency translator Moduates__!_[ Freaueney save s(). 1 ‘aigtar Local cosciator % Contin an osg-sc Wane exprened oy: $(4) = MEW) CiCen&4) -— O is f a9 ARUNKUMAR G y.123, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Where m(a) it tema tothe Frequency bind -W| i tort (b) Spectrum of the signal obtained by multiplying the DSBSC wave with a local carrier A_] a} wr (© Spectrum of the DSBSC wave translated downwards in frequency Fig + Concept of frequency translation s Nore :- He duce Which peti Prugquency Hiartletion id Known of Mists, The fod 4 Punuency fertlation St alle Kmmum of Mixing & hebenodyme. Froyuerncy eontlation to baghn Pruaquency:- War the dp 4 -the ‘mrettiplien 1 given by Vo) = Lela) Cabn(F-R) a + gms) ha (Fe4#,) 4 —IO ¥ beereg © coith Cams, Phaqguency f,=(+%,) § dorduseth ¢ The. op d the Br gen by Ng(t) = gr tals) CoB SNCFe ¥P) + YAS = mG) cof ars L—> ©) Taking FT on bath Side WG) ve gt N\A()= [m@e-t.) +mCe+t)] ¥ The SpacBuxmn 4 Vals) ie. Vy) 2t % Shawn an Fag x) [Spectrum of message sgnal Frequency a sip} [Spectrum of DSBSC Freque oe tote a ton te ee bat kat (a) The frequency translation process illustrated using spectrums of message signal-and DSBSC wave vy Frequer “teh “toh 4 tent forts “ () Spectrum of the signal obtained by multiplying the DSBSC wave with a local carrier vs Bate Bus afm 5 = Fassfuenty (©) Spectrum of the DSBSC wave translated + upwards in frequency Concept of frequency translation D Te Ancoming Sigmal hola midband Pauayuenty thos may Sie tn the, hang SSoKHa to (S50 KNS. The OWortatd © handutdth Je tokH3 Tht Signal. ap be thawed fo a fined Pusyuency bond Conttioud oc 490 KH3, Odheymine “the tuning Suange that rrugk be. Provided by the local ofcsllcth. Sdi- Gimen $30 KHZ < Be. < 1650 Kng ; Pi=UF0KHS 4 BW =l0KH3, % WHET Nay Corte Frayuenty — P =(Fc- Fr) Re Pe-8, ¥ When f= 530K, FL = Sdouna-ytoKHa , B= goxrtz & * When fr= (oso kina, Pys WeSoKna- HHOKHS, B= to KHZ teeta -tng Sony det [Ga Se] > Contiden the banduvidth da Signal Sota & the midband Mus. Tange 0-615- 1S MHZ, Ste Sheqyuined Jo -fhaxdloh this Sigral. $0 @ Pete Prughuncy band Ceriened ot OFFS MHZ. Deming the. range turning “that ‘rutt be povided inthe local offstbaih Sd Ginn ¢ Orsiseng < Pec IHS MHS Pp =Oursmia & weer eet Bw = MKns, * When Fes osisea | y= 0.615 tna - oussnma, Py o1uMHs * When Rs WHSMHa, P= iHSmHa-ouasmna, P= beumna 80 ARUNKUMARG wren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.1.1, Ranebennur ar, the. equines turning ange 4 Jocol ofcillotti sg O-1UEMH - 1 EMH Mutiny: Mudtiplering it a dachragque Lohr by a. Tucmbe q Sndspendent Signal can be Combined tte a Compa Signal Suskable. i -Haormittion ow a Comm Channel, } Pruqjuency Dination Multiplexing (Fpr)) } Tame Diskin Mulitplsirg (tpi) Multiplasing Sraqusisat that “the Tignalt be Vept apat So “thot Thuy do net atti} wth anch then g thor they Cam be - Spotted ot the attiairy end, TRY Sg ACornphithed buy Sapahating “the Cignalt ett tn Prequercy & dime, The hthnique the im Preajuerty tejosea theres tia we sing (For), ¥ The Hechniqyue d Sipanaing the St sin ttre if Called Tame - tition ruliplering Gon), Fh ARUNKUMARG witas, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J.LT, Ranebennur. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM):- ‘> With a neat block diagram explain the operation of FDM technique. uly-08,5M_ July-10,6M_June-10,6M_June-10,8M_July-07,5M| Message tand-pass | 3and-pas: va [+] Modulator} +f Sand pone es JDemodulatrs fret r a {+} Molar of 8272355 _—_t feanc-pasq| na Demodulator canna | Modulator fons.pacd tT oauitrs|-| ow-rar t i peor Low-pass| titer | t Carer i i surely Carer supply Receive Transmitter Block diagram of FDM system * Te Hp Talinge. Stqmole OHturmed cy be q the Ires- pais type coe Potted. “trough “the Tip Lpeu. Tht Upey ote. Aaignea 4p hemove high - Peay uency Comparer het do nd Corbdubute Sigrelfcaortly ch Signal upheyertation but abe Copable d. Giktushing ctheh trettage Signaly that Shate “the Common channel . The Pilea” Tgralt oe then melatea wth the An Fbm MW Single Sideband modulation, Which tuauihy a - banduidth thot it Opphotimately tajual. otha od} Sugimol. - ee aa ARUNKUMAR G w.r.x, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. % We BPFY Prllowing the Toduledy abe Uled cto quindact “the band tach reduloted awe do it Pruebas. args. “The Totaling BPE dlpts Ow TeX: Combined in Parallel to 48m “the |p do the Commen Chanel & Abthe tetiuing end, Bpe¥ conmetted. to the Common Charred an Parallel so Siparatethe Trutage, Sigrnaly on “the Pua] vency TLupancy basis, ¥ Finally , the Siginal “meltage Sigmolt che tured by rndividual. demedulst1. Comtides, rn FOM Sythe Uting $98 ‘Modulation sp horfrnit 24 Srdependesrd voice T]p¥. Abe 0 Danduldth q Kua P% each Voice Tp. That in Sudaty to OCKomedet. on FIM Syttem ubiry $9 Tredulation to —Hhontmik the Qu, volte “p's “the Grmmumitek man Channel mugt pheuide the Hhanprmidfion bandutdth ¢ BW NXP Whihe Sa’ ay tthe ruembe 4 edte. Stgralt. Fa ay vette Tps hasty o Dendidth 4 KH fh doch veite. Epa, the -Prantmittion banduddil i gisen by: Bw: aux ukna = I6KHS. ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.1.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Ramartagat :- PA Amey Tuer 4 Syrolt Channa) com be “rants " D Form doy nat need SynthvoniZakin in between Hhangmtich and. Sheteisey Fa praper opshation } Pemadulation 4 FOM sy ody , Ditadwantany:- Tie Communication Charme Tutt howe 0 vey lahop bandictith > Lange. run ay q. Modulolby & Rater ae. Tuayuied. D Goth stole occume in FDM. D> fill-the FO Channel get opfptted due to Wlidsband fading, Tn thadio ing, a Carthol thartmite, if Wd co - radiok. mujtage Sgnalt Rin hecepsion a a large ruben df ternal Petrts. The muttage Syroly “Heng reid. che Utuolly Gdended Pa antaibainmerdt Pope. Thue one 5 typa dh radio bheadcatting 1 Vie Gandohd Oarplitude modulation ARUNKUMAR G y.1.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-.J.1.T., Ranebennur, AM Receiver “© List the important characteristics of a receiver. Draw the block diagram of a super heterodyne receiver and explain the function of each section. JJuly-05,10M| ‘! Write the block diagram of super heterodyne receiver and specify the importance of IF value in the receiver. fuly-06,8M_ July-07,3M, July-09,8M_June-10,6M Loudspeaker Gi Envelope ‘Audio section |*| detector >] amplifier / Common tuning oe city Figure Bt oloments of a AM receiver ofthe supereterodyne type H The Taksiens, Conntiy df 0 Radio PMunjuency Gachion, Mixa, Local olellath , Tnbimedah Sion ZA) $d demodulath. % Te Prag uesncy Pohametaty 4 Communtial AM todio che: RE Codtiod = 0-535 - 1-605 MHS Md band Pawgjuenty TF action = WSS Kng TIF bandustdth = lovers ¥ The incoming amplitude ‘modulated Woo tg picked up by “the i antenna 4 ammpifid inthe RF Suction The Combination qf rreun & col elctlaksn Proudly a Prtajurmcy Comwddtion § Nonedyring Punciten, Ubsuby the Jintoming Signal Corrvented, to 0 pre- detsimined Pited Cnty mediate Prag ancy ie. eB °5—_ARUNKUMARG waren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Pa Pee” Pro Whew, Peo e-the Peayuenty the local oftillatin, Foe the Cabdian Hugyuenty the ntoming RE Signal. Par Calls Tndeyrradicte Pruqjuency GF), bectute the Sonal Teithuy ok the Riginal tp Hugjuency mh ok the Penal bateband Paqueny._ The TF Gaction Conusy gone fi mie Stoget tuned ampltiony Proveidey ott the Gmrphlfcation $ Stlackisity nthe ucaine XTRe op d the TF Sacston it applied to ax envalope deers to HT Salowed rittage Sigal I amplifad on audio 9 cnlir aay fete ye Seen % The Supahetnedyne operation Srahog to “the Praqyuenty Conuedtion Prom the Vvahioble COMI, Munyuenty the Snteming RF Samal Jonthe Pou TF Signal. D No vutiationg in bandustith, “Tre bandistath Surmoine Conthonk ouch the endine operating args D> igh Servains & Talectineichy Nap cajecrt Channa Yopcin ARUNKUMAR G y.r.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.1-J.LT., Ranebennur. Chahoctahiahes 4 Fradio Haceinoy :- “Wie. pehftreante “the adie Futshaes Can be Meabuhed in sesang g Pellowing Wusaiue, Chabactesibicrs a D Retonant Pruquency : aE } The 0 4 the tuned Ge a guen by a= . St yg R R anebennur. D Th a brood Com Fim Sucsivess , haaing oa BF axmplifin, loaded & of Ontomea cel atthe ap 4 the mrisey Noo, the IF Pruaysenty MMSSHHE, Rind “the. image Prqyuinty ¢ 84 image yjeCtion ht 4 1000 ina. Tuby- 2008, uM ScL- f= Ussuna, Po= looks, 6=l00. x by obs 8h = Wook at AX HSS KHZ Bog = (Morn ]e- Tage. Prucyuancy Wovws —__to00KHR gy Woookna 1910 KH, Rejection Suatio : ae Ve pe = / re Gogtx(see® = loo ory D> Tr a brondtote Super hettadyne Shecatun , hawing TO Re comphificn , “the raded @ the antame. Coupling cincuik ie 100, TP the TF ip WBSKNS, Colculate : >We imag Prequeny § dy Tyson ttn fh tuning at loooKHs ip Tre. strage Pusyuncy & iy ulection thatio Fan shuning of asmug. , Tuly- does, 604 Ske D Pops byt ahs = tocomnzt axussiag = 140 eZ, Rs. pe St ts. foKWR _ WeoKHs 13% “As Be * toooewa tatouna ARUNKUMAR G wrx, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T.J.1.T.,Ranebennur. Frage eection Gustto 1- ae [wept 1+ (loo}x (1-396)> = 100-01 i) Par= Pst ahs = Qs viol) + Oxussxto3 = 85. qn P= For. Ps, 8S-umea _ asmna = dott f fa asm. 85-4103 “Trnage tection Grokio ee fivatp? = 1 Ve GooX Covog)® = Felt The Srgle tore modulating Syma m4) = Ahn Cot Cathy, 8) ued So qarusete the Nop, Signal S(8) 2 Ayn fe Cob [aC hetf,)] +4 Arne C0-s) Cet [aFe~ Fan) ] Whine fa? Contant, ag thon unity , hephedenting the - > Find. oat compe {te vse Sgrol. mls) » What ip. -the volt 4 Gmnttont 0. Be which SUH) teducy toa DsB-Sc modulated Worse 7 BY Wha cou the valuay Grelan: a FR wich ah ena 3 OM $8e modulated wren. 1 iD We vsg Singmat , phot “the Cobtiah Ae Coh(amiPes) , 2 pated. am erulope doticsti. Dehdirrine the difittion produced by the Quadtuiline Comprar « D What the Valeo 4 Gmptank So? FR hich thy disthetion htnthey na ARUNKUMAR G y.z.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-J1.T., Ranebennur, Sob :- The VSG moduloid Gree it: SCA) = Rene Cat [ANCK Han) A] + Ame (1-0) GLAM Che-Fea)] “aloes CoA(n-8) CA CA4B) = Goh A. CB - Sin: Sing CHAR) = CoA. Gig t Sin. Sing sto =gA PR f ces Cel My - Samet. Snantns | + ffm C-) { Cot atthe + - Gof STR, 4 -+ Sinai « Sint} A AnAe Cah ts Chath mt - 4.0 FmnPle Gonafes. Sen SFr + phmAels) Cast anit + 5 AmPe (Sinemet Sinert en S@)= Cohtinbch. Cd Pmt [ HOA mM + &o Ante] + Senate. StngMben + [ =D AmAg - SAmAC| b&b PAm Ae + (20) Aree . 29% + fn. ~ 49h . Pn 4 D G2) fhe = § feohe = Sng - tee. ~$enBe > Bee apa jbeteaten 5 mf (0-88) [sts = EPeafle Ch Bie: Gat 4 Pancras). Snakes St gt D Tie Tn. phaze Componart f the VSB Was. f Sy) = 4 Prafle Cat yy 4 34 Quoddalishe Component Si = Pen Pe Cota) SET H TE O=d, the Vsg Wane, SCH) f yO Pehle % 05e 5c melas Sta) = Pen Ae Coban Ca amg st HL AmAe (1A ($3) Stnafeck Sata @-y=0 SC) = Aine Cts . Caf StH +48 Ae (6) Sinantet . Senttthm st SG) = Am Ae Cot Oth, & Cm id) TE aso, “the SU) {ey Seducy ch om $56 Howe, Containing Only the ASB_ og Shoun by S{3) =f PAC tfc. CaM yn + f-AmAe 1-96) Senate Stunts Se) =f Ame dates. Calan +FPimAe Ten athe Sinan. SCA) = Aen fle Cohamr(Pe- Fm) It ast, the St) 4 eH © Feducy te On SB Wane Cordatning only “the USB of Shown by: 2 S(a) = Anne Cabanas Ct am + + thm Ae[I-26)] Senate: Sarin, Ski) = er Pan Ae a ames! Cob tnt ~ -AnAe Sinn Tek. Sanath. SCR) = Aye Cot B( Pet ben) ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. WY) Adding the Cote cp—the VSB Tredulated wowe,—the ernsalnpe datuctt Hp ig Slag) = SU) + Ac Cat ate + SE) = Relig Col The + Gof They st +4 Mem Ci-a6) Sintec Sonam nt ' + Ag Co8 thet SE) = ALcdanfes [1 + fle bt nF] + -Acm (1-8 Senate. Sina st The ermudlape dateedsh ofp athe. 003 - [moe naar a= Stay +stey aw) = [tt Ancaant ye} + [Pmt Ca Sent] ck Hee gtmcaatas]”f a afmG-39 Sinn (4 Pen Cott ms) 7 als) = 8 [it Am Cette] | ae 1p Plem Cot ttm The dibthlin, Oppeching af a. Trulliplying Foes, 1 thee. a= I, ffm (1-30) Sin TF yyt *) 2 14 $A Gof at em VD When @.=0, “the dissin ces) past. Sa ARUNKUMAR G y.-0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T.J.LT., Ranebennur. ARUNKUMAR G yirech Lecturer in E&CE Department S.T.ILT., Ranebennur ANGLE MODULATION -— (FM-1) ‘ Define angle modulation ? Angle modulation is the process in which the angle of the carrier wave is varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal, keeping constant amplitude of the carrier wave. There are two types of angle modulation: 1. Frequency modulation 2. Phase modulation * Angle Modulation : Basic Concept :- Lee “the modulated won, be exghaed in The qoreial Fem a fellows: S(a) = AecoLewsl] bP 6 Whee. “peed Cebbisn Cemplide( Which metrinined Corstent) ith fy Volek 4 6()-9 a the cogerant: whith “4 ™ Pepin sth the ‘wenage Sigral. MU). “The vobistton 4 8{4) due to ME) Con be. expeted Mathemalial Bp we tre Re “fps rife, Tradition , Sf 018) Change by arr Nadiory Hen Ut Say thot a Complele cicillation hay octuted, x TP OCB intwapd Tmmetonically With time a Shown in Pegite then “the, Cusenage Presyuency in HZ Ov he Arteirwal, ‘yap (+48) + gaan by * ARUNKUMAR G w.1.3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. ate + a8) — 019 ® At % The Inttontereny Pruqy wanrcy q the Canals. emodulatnd vane SUB ap ginten by Bo= te i) 2 bie ere 88] Ax 0 a AL a ae(d oa de “Try -2 boric dentin % FR an Unmocdulated Cobbs, the angle 864) ib gwen by: O@)= It +h. Te Pragyusncy qthe Cabbie, a We, Whode. We= TFs 4 $ Gothe vel 4 of) ob ‘0, £9 = ARUNKUMAR G y.1.1, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T..1.T., Ranebennur. Phase Modulation (PM):- (©) Derivative of m) MAA AA ! | Wi it tl Hy Phoye modulation (co) 43 dufores. ot the ae sTrodalalion in which “Pra. ergulay, obypurrant: "6(8)" dr wed incnly sth “the wrstags. Stal.” oy ven blow: O(4) = Shek + Kp MO) + Webs THR Hupheperds the Omgulas Cnqement: tora Kp Contlar, Supteyerdt the phayo. te she - oe, Whore, +, The phoje- modulotad, ume 5) 1 gfssan by: S(a) = Aces fols}] S(a)= Ae Cas[ amt, + + Kym] The Pestume Phoge redulotion oe! D The envelope po trae. yO Conflant & tual ta the Onplibude ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Gf the uormadulated, Cotte. J Te To Sotings 4 0 pM Gre ro mos hase 0. peck - Shagulatity in thay Spacing ve AM woe, TR Sy heconype - -intierdanomy Maguency 4 PM Gre 2g phapddional so sme desinectinn G m(). Frequency Modulation (FM):- i => Aas (5 Message signal m9 ANAWANA A A.A LAN rian At (©) Frequency modulated wave Time Fray Se Fam cate wag Splints a go Kee FW: k+RM@ L> © amin wa Praguency the unmodileted Cob ‘ Praqjuuncy Sendibhetl aa % 4 ARUNKUMAR G yiz-2, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.1-J.LT., Ranebennur. WKT, (Prom ey Weck ) wo . te —7® “Entighating om babSidy WY @® wh tr + a 9() = f arf, @). & —> ®@) * + auf dt + Fairy mld). a x * = ami, (Wat + OM, f m(s). a ot) = aM + +A f"meg. dt PO % Te. EM owe tn dire domain Con be whiten of st) = AcaLouj] > © Subshutssting oy @ in wy ®, we get Sts) = AcCesL arse + amy Fim(a) a] ARUNKUMAR G yi1.33, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.1-J.LT., Ranebennur, Relationship between FM & PM :- Th bth Fg pM, the -intianinrane angle 60) Chamase but Ano difpsert: monne, © % We Serudddal traduloding Stgnol 4 dabired by m(E) = Ayn Cotta) L-» @) % The Sntontorvoy Frugjuercy the FM Siymol. geen by: 1.) = fe + Lrules Pela) = Cet Kp Aan, CoS ( aiTPm 4) BoD = et AP Cod GitFanct) ® White, ARs Kym & 3k st Called of Fraqquency detakion { “Whe. Qjuardity AP Called ~The Prucyuercy Aaasiaion, The, Pregyuerdy dauistin AP ig Prophitonal 9 ~the amplitude d} the modulating Signal & 1 Sndepardent d fhe Tendalting Pregyuenciy, 3 WRT the. Ongalay “welacity Uy) athe tate harap 0 @). wy = 4 069) ant, = <6) — @ 0 ARUNKUMAR G yir.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TJ.LT., Ranebennur. Trtirating y@ wits dk je ot)geef ant. ae ‘ oa) = fa fl. a —»® Sabuttating oy @ in ey © a(2)= fo [her at ct Gt) ] & + = Fanta + AAP Cb thy) dE ° ° : ants + fot. Sine. = At sc, 6): af, +E Stn aM yack O(4) = ak +B Sin Gittent) © Whe peg ‘m Sobatetin bey @n ey D, we get oe] S18) = ACs Latte + BSin(Rhs | ARUNKUMAR G w.t., Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ-1.T, Modulation Index (B or my):- Modulasion inde ~¢ dafirad of the ‘hotio Prenjuency duvialion ‘AP’ ap the raring Pheywerty “Eon « pe —Tregerty devition Modulating Frequency at am = Bam, tn MAES) Tn FM the Tedulalion Sndex Can be grin than 4. D We madalatton index 42 vty arybterck in FM becauze ib detidey “the bandusitth 4 the FM wawe. 3) “Wi rradaltion Sede Cle dacsdy “he Terbsh Sesbundy hewing fant enpide Frequency Deviation (Af):- Re Sntlordantoy Muquency q the eM Signal. valty wsthdo imme The, maximum Chasge in “the, intantameyy Praqyuenty Brom “the. drodinge value CatBiy fecyuenty “he iy Kroum of AEH ™ OD lmas ARUNKUMAR G wir, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Ranebennur. * Derive the equation for FM waves. Define modulation index, maximum deviation and bandwidth of a FM signal June-05,6M_June-09,M( ¥ Lot the redalehd one be captetad in the gereiol Rom of ee 3(4) = Acerca] ® % The Sntantanoy Pragjuanty he FM Signal i given by: bt) = fet A Ct Gens) > @ Wer “the Gagulot, -velacity WD ay the hate Charge (4) a, (2) =f o(+) anf,() = 0) —> © Treipaing yO whe ae St 6d. gf = fmt (de e(3) = ae ‘Suubeltheding ‘aptin @ ow @, ee 6(3) = j tore Bet AP ChCP gS) dk : Sorta faa) ae = amet 4 pata Sma hme Babe Oly) = ent +E Sinaia G(a)= MTF + BSin (IP +) t> © & WH ARUNKUMARG sires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T-LLT., Ranebenrur. |S) = AgcelL aT + Bsn CaTtin a] Faery mic ak = Reg Pert” Mastimum devictio 3 The mosirum dn the Snitertanssvs Frequency rom the, ouerags Value tose PuaysencyP? Known of Puqjuancy dextatton AFH a AR KpAm Bandustdth *- “The FM Wane, Comist infinite Yuumber of Sidsbandy. hut andutdth FM Signal it infinite. By Chin's Gude » Bw = a[AF +n] os ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.TILT., Ranebennur. > Types of FM or Classification of FM :- Depending on the value of the modulation index ‘B’ FM wave is classified as follows: 1. Narrow band FM (NBFM) 2. Wide band FM (WBFM) D Nodes band FM s- — propitiy 4 * ANGEM 2 the FM Waue tsttha Small bandusidth. The Trodulatin Sndex *p’ d NBEM 4 Small a Compared to one. hadian . % Thu Nérm har a _Notiew bandustdth Which ap eyual so tusice the. Trelaage bandinidth . > Wade band FM i- Prupedy a % The Werm tay a. ‘much Sosqen value 4. "B which M4 ~thattically inftrih. * Ft desgin value. 4 Tradulation Snes '”, the FM Wanee sisally Corthasry the Coviah & On Sunita, Tusrrbets q “ Such a FM Wows hay Sint barevidth } hence Calle - Wideband. FM. * Mention the properties of FM? There are three properties of FM: 1. Narrow band FM (NBFM) 2. Wide band FM (WBFM) 3. Constant average power. 16 ARUNKUMAR G y.1.9, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. Narrow band Frequency Modulation:- * Describe with necessary equations and block diagram, the generation of narrow band FM. jan-05,6M * Narrow band FM june-09,5M(old) The, Hire - domain exphezio Phan FM Waue Jp SB) = Reco Ca. +B Sin Fd] —> O ting The uprome sAety Coo (Arg) = Cat A. CBB - Sin. SinB fiz at & B=BSin (SMP) S18) = Al ca CFS ns) Sn ahs) Sen(BSEM AME DP Th NBEM, BA Small, hence tt Poltible -o opfes Cob (B> Str Mf ct) Sin (BSinamte at) & B Sin sy + Subelideting ey @ an oy @, ve PH Sta) = PeCeh amt (i) - Ae Sin ates -(BSIn ain) SG) = AcCdathet - BAC. Sin dMfek- Stn ht. > Wks Sah ine GOD FOO 5(2)= A. Coamt, & zee cot ante Fit ~ Be casa (tho) ] SCs Accramht - Ble cotam(fe-Frt + Be. cot (fet) + 36 ARUNKUMAR G wires, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.TJ.1.T., Ranebennur. W.ker the Gmplibade modulated wane 3p pose by S( = ACs arhet +A Sm (fe Pem)e + ABE cat arr (beth }t © K Campohing enyuetion Gz enyuntton @). Te ory dippoence obsssised. bebwen NBEM Goue & AM wane Ap the Sign Huantal gb the Amweh Stdeband . Xa NBeM Sreauity “the Sarre, borvtutdth of thet AM, Moston | inert Block diagram of a method for generating a narrow-band FM signal. Fouing Fon “Teanafiion on bah Seda 4 ey), oe YE athe Posy ngen] - BLO tetgateters} + (aL Cem] 420th) The thonemistion banduisth qo NBFM Wave 3 abn Hranemistion bandwidth | ~ % The NBFM wane & Conventional AM toate abe. Sdewdicol but there, -B No amplitude vobiottin in FM. Isl Carrier Ac 2 B 8 B feg a AG : hu “h-In fh he S-In fe Sethe f hat Spectral content of a NBFM wave for single-tone modulation’ Compler unselepe. 4 FM Wanee 3 - The FM Wane. Ph Sinupgdal Trodoladion i given by : $(3) = A, cot (9M + +BSin arf, £]—> O by uae Higromelaic Cob (A+B) = CAA. ChB - Sina. Sin B Whee. As Gtk , B= BSIn Tht S(4) = Act Cafe) Cob (BSinary, £) ~ Ae Sin Gt). Stn Sin Sth) “Wie tophote Quadtuitste Compenerds dh FM tumaae, (3) abe gion by S59) = ALGSLB Sin (3m) Sg) = AcSin [8 Sin (atm) |. % The Complor errroctape the FIM waver $4) = SD + IS, $) = AeCet [B Sin Cambs] + Ine Sin [BSin Cathy #)]—>-@ exptagng $(8) in dom qo pa ie. e° cayo-t Sine Prom My @, 8= BStn (11h, t) 8.3) = ePsin Gath) ARUNKUMAR G y.r00, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.JI.T., Ranebennur, Farrrudan 4 Boptc Concept 2 > exp ao Rugmomdésic tention + ve Whae, , Real pods: + RL ee] = ato Tinea TTnng fd? ] = * Sin magnate pot» Img [= “Sino ° Comper. Founies, Sitiay sg cen Corp Frstan Co-op: tht ah cz bn § 8W-e an ~ 10am Y Beyel Punctton ae Lek f j(Psine m=) & -7 ARUNKUMAR G y.r20, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.1.J.1.T., Ranebennur. ‘* Derive an expression for the spectrum of FM wave with sinusoidal modulation jan-05,7M] > Derive time-domain expression for a wideband FM wave. Jjan-10,5M| & Derive the equation of a FM signal s(t), from basic principles and further analyse the sinusoidal FM wave interms of $(f) and Bessel function Jn, (B)» fluly-07,10M ‘+ Derive an expression for spectrum of FM wave with sinusoidal modulation. jan-07,1 “ Derive expression for the spectrum of FM wave with sinusoidal modulation _ fune-09,7M] * We FM Wase Pa Sinutsdl rodalotion Jy gamer byt S(4) = Ac Col BUR + Sint tT —> O Taking wal. pe dey O { ware: Eyseton @ 39 mat having 5 my Park. St had only Sel Part . 8 = She +BSin Sty j s@)= & C79 ICamhet + BSin tt yet) ] sa) = & [Ace dante Pda + RL Ae 1 “eel det, ppg hSoantny St)= Ref dee, say} @ Where, (ay = aelBSinatm’ * S( a0 periodic Aime penedion with @ Yendacmertal. Presysenty “Fan. Rit Can be explatted using Complex Fruiven Sei ot: 81 ARUNKUMARG rex, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T.ILT, Ranebennur. ur Cy “2 0 Complex Foutien Co-eptictend: given by Yat Fi da nb gg mde cyzhn § SW. e “Hatem Subsicbsting ey @ in ey ®, we gee ‘hte — jpSin(aiPmet) —dawnbm cys hn J Ree PSMA) Senta “12m & —>® atm iC Bs: BSin (atts) ~ BMF nt] Cae Reb 5 fy mee ae “13% let x= t,t 2© dilpsasticting ea) © wht + HE sah ®) eed 32 ARUNKUMAR G yy 7.,, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. © i(psine~ Whee, TAO =e f il peo) ar TiC) 4.0 betel Pumtion dl the 1S Jand, 71 Side uh on Ghperrent B. janet Sdetasing wy @ 20 ty @, We pt { 8= Zone ~ S28 aaa ore N:-0 Suatadng 09 2m wy Our yt { 80 = RESO. HO} S(t) = [Re 2 0 eltintt ante] 5 j en S(d) = ReL Ae = TO iarthe Je WKT — $9. cot JSino RCE]. cto 4 82 aT (het Mtm) + ARUNKUMAR G urea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T-J.L.T., Ranebennur. wh sta) = Ae 2 Tye). cL aTCherMAD2] | © Ginaing “the -valauay Pan blu -% to + Lee Ms Oh H eR, os $0, 9. S(e) = a | 5 carams + FCB) Cobar (het Fn) + T, (8) Cot OCF, Fy) + FG) cham[ fete] + T(8) Cob amr [he By] + Ty) Caan Ltt Stra ]d + Tog(B) Cob ATL he = Sha] + “po st) Re{3/0%atet + TP) [Cosan(hethes)s - CSE Chebas)2 | + F@[coar(htatn) - Cet SWC Fe- Bes) ] + I) [es 50 (het Stem) - Catt (Fe Stn] + Thy the modulated Ggnal hos a Casoiah Componert & A snjnthe Turmb, 4 Side. Presyuerrciep ttm, kk tatm, te £3Fm bees, h + Thm- x Tating Fouria, Tharylirm on beth Stdes q eny ©, wt ge sit Be HO [aCt-t) +0CF8)] +A TOE ety aeoCir} +A TO) {alt Ce-tel] + 9[R abe Pel ft + Be TO {aL F-Cletmhe] HPF + (tert +8 Tip) {atemnp] rents} © Now plang Spettoum Fa cbewe ey union ARUNKUMAR G wirea, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T-J.1.T., Ranebennur. KSine OL Ac zl eu SoS Se Set Say SAY OS Sem Se SetSag Sy Amplitude spectrum of FM signal. x The corpus of Side Prugjuenciy Component aperst upon “the, beter Fumction , The, Batt vabiatfong Of a. Puccio of “B’ Rsing hu value dn’ os Shan in Figure below, Constant average power :- (3 Property) % The emvedape of Om Fm Woue Conttant , So “that -the - Cwsage Powis 4 Such a tone Aiea Jin d= chem Ytieih Mt altg Conphartt « X The FM umm SCH) hod a Contant envelope anjuol to Ac. joe by The, caarage power a Sing tow FM tome SUH) may be capheyed in the Rin od 0 C&bsuponding Sisda ot: ARUNKUMAR G wraa, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. ‘ Explain difference between wideband FM and Narrow band FM. jan-09,4M| “+ Compare Narrowband and Wideband FM June-09,6M, | poow-metine * NBem WBEM Modulation Index, Bea B72. Speeddusen The Spectduum q NBEM [Tit Spa Cdsusem 4 st Sarme. ag-thak 4° AM WeEmM aif Porn Am Mattinuem dasiation A= SHa Maan TS KVR ‘va Bons - GRAZ BOHR - IS KHZ B may be babwen 5 do 1500 Lata ie: Obeuk 15 time baprten Ba NBEM. Needed. ged Bh high duality mupic. Hare midi ext- Entetdain ment biwadcapting £8) 27 ARUNKUMARG siren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. Ranebennur. * Bandwidth of Angle modulated wave:- Case i: Sinusoidal modulation :- “Weckutically FM hay infinite, numb Sebarnds. So“the bandusdih eq/uined a Hearvmitnon id cldo Dope. x Costin generalised He bards Fermute Pa an FM uranse. vey oe “the Oppthosimst. Parra fa Computing “the banduicth 4 on eae a Stongle. tore -werhatng Sigral. Fruqyuency be [essa p TTRe obowe Fava Raat gored far all “slots 4B. % The. tarp migion bondiuidth “B, Can Alto be exp rated ishing 4 Peajuency dautatin “AY At BS From eayuation@ B,= (itp) bm = bm t Bhim WK-T = Abt 2AF bon = sath ee 82 ARUNKUMARG siren, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. $.T-J.1T., Ranebennur. Case ii: Non Sinusoidal or Arbitrary modulation :- % FB an onde modulshd Signal with on anki fot Signal m(g), bandlirrdtad to ‘wi? Ha, we difire the “Mbstattor? ati ot | p= 44 | > 0 The antaion Shatin ‘D? plaig the Saane hdl. Fah Ten-Sonuidtal rrrdulation that “the ‘rredulation Srdux “BP” play Par the Cote 4 Sirueidal modulation oS ; “Then, Suplatng “p" by “0? 4 Suphating Fr wath “W” we erage Cohtony Yule Srplating P= W # B=0 dn ey @ “The. cbowse Sulaitn ig Ollg Known of Cobban’ Phrmla. Universal curve for evaluating FM bandwidth:- Suppete., Thnae 2 “the osiyaet valued Setagsn'n’ Such thet | 7,06] > 0.04. “Ren, we dine, he. Prantmitzin bundnidtna Be ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T.J.1.T., Ranebennur. Generation of FM waves:- + Explain the methods of FM generation. There are two basic methods of generating FM waves: 1. Indirect method or Armstrong method 2. Direct method or Direct FM D Trdinece Method 8 ARMSTRONG Mehod DR Steno FM :- En “thy melted, a Nobis band FO (NBM) Wow ir ees Frreqyuanty rruslitplissy ade. “then uted. to SnGange the Preqjuenty diwali cohich Shetullf in Wide band ~ Fe Cween). » Dioeck FM a Dituct Method :- En -dineee FM, the Catton Bg dhectly vebied, Cx Doact Fa ig nat Pendible, practically ofS invsehew - \ J ARUNKUMAR G 1-3, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S. ,Ranebennur. ‘+ Indirect Method or ARMSTRONG method :- Explain with a neat circuit diagram, the direct method of generating FM waves. Derive an expression for instantaneous frequency of FM for sinusoidal modulation. june-10,10M(old)] % Explain the FM generation using indirect method. jan-09,8I * Briefly explain indirect method of generating FM wave. flan-08,10M With neat block diagram, explain ARMSTRONG method of FM generation. july-09,7M Explain how FM wave can be generated using indirect method. Write the. spectrum of FM with sinusoidal modulation along with relevant equations + Explain how FM wave can be generated using indirect method. July-05,8M ‘gf ils, ata Ay sint2nhye) 00" phase Corer wave ia Ay eosin Iecegrtoe 2 Frequency mutter Figure © ;_ Block diagram ofthe indirect method of generating a wide-bard FM signal Fig Shred the block Gagram gg Sndituce FM System. % “In Sndineck Method, the TeRage Smal ms) at 1 poled ~Arewugh an Srtighatt belpre Opplygng ik to the_phase mort Qt Shaun in fig @. ; @® % The Cadoseh gral st gervuctna, by ing Cythl lc itlats becoute Erowid, ety high Paugguency Sinbilty “TRE ophotion dp Sndinaca: wedhod. i dined ine “too pied Pela: D Gerwate a NBFM Ura utr a Phole modula i) ting the Poasyuency mulliphieng 4 Tie to dhtaln the eyuined. Valuat 4 frequency dunuiation 4 Tmodulation Sndex. (ie: WBFM) ¥ Ty Bde. to mimimide the dibtirkin an “the phope wwdulotsi, “the masimum phase dauiatio S81 Modulation Onder "B’ Jy Kept Small thw by Shading in a NBEM Tigral . % Lt SG) be the NOEM Wane, then we hone. Sa) = MeCetL SE, +0 Srmed. a] b> 0 WR oy the Pragyuinty Gotha, Cupisl chailathy g Kp The - Prasponrty Seryttaty Content an Wa] vote. * Fa a. Sing Sone ination Srl, Sires by m= Agata, t , then ey Q belomes SA) = ACot LATE +B, Sin BF] |-—> @ 5, the tmataatin Sinden. Singh Sine, molblaon $ “a Yap bale 0.3 diary Jo rinemise. the dustin. Whore, Re Sottariareng Pregyuenty ty © ARUNKUMAR G wire, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. §.T-J.L.T., Ranebennur. W Generation 4 WEEN 2 The ofp the Ness band phage rnadulatty then rallied by o Pesjuency Tmalplin, predating He Sika WRN tame, 1 Showm in fay . Narrow-band. Memoryless FM wave—*| nonlinear device £4); Peeqquenty eigen ¥ A Prwcyrencay Tualtiplies Conese qa ery mon. Lentas dansice elmstd by @ BPF of Shown Jn tig O. “The Tp elp elation of. Such nan. Sins Gaisite may be Gepreteed in the gerwhal rm, Va) = 0,5 + a, 8d, SH L-> O Wise a,,04) og Se Oe MgC a the Hat Suten 4 vam ~ Sinead. Subslinsting «yO in ey © + Semplifrg , oe na smodalatd Grate, hansing Catirish Peg umcia Fy, BB, oy Pareqyuency deuiction AP, SAR, «+, NAR, ‘Tres Bp tau kun Bunting soo perfiten ; Y To poy the FM Ure Certnrd cot Ceatiat Praqyuenty nF, + hawing “the Pruquuenty duviation nA, . DT Sere all ther FM Specie. Band-pass titer . 33 ARUNKUMAR G wrec, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.. ‘or % We op Gta Breayuunty Truaiiplian pedaty “the dilied WerM SO) = QGAf armks + aK, [Tmld. &F] L> © Whate Snbtartoresus reg 4 f(4) = Th + nie m(a) Direct Method:- * Explain the direct method of generating FM waves. flan-10,8M ‘+ Explain FM generation using direct method. Jan-07,7M July-06,5M June-06,3M, % Ty Gece Fe Sythom “the Sntlontareny Praaquenty dp The Cotte Urae sy vobled spate ator 1.0] Sgral- by vrreary go. davsice Called 0. “\ydbage Cordell cttsllatt (Ve), i Fag Q Hartley oscitator % Fy® Shout o chalet tn Gohith “the Copacibine Component A nthe Prequenty determining Nl nthe oftillath Cowitit do. Fined Copactk’) Shusthd by o vellage - vodcable. Capac. { <@) ie t ef] wi lelQ= Cor ¢ fv] ARUNKUMAR G w.r.0, Lecturer in E&CE Dept. S.T.J.I.T., Ranebennur,

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