Practice Test 1 Model Compositions: Burlington Practice Tests For Michigan Proficiency, Book 2
Practice Test 1 Model Compositions: Burlington Practice Tests For Michigan Proficiency, Book 2
Practice Test 1 Model Compositions: Burlington Practice Tests For Michigan Proficiency, Book 2
2. What is the most significant difference between people of your generation and your parents generation?
Discuss with specific reference to people in your country.
Each generation differs in certain respects from the preceding one. While there are many differences between my
generation and that of my parents, I believe the most significant is the stress that people my age feel. This is mostly a
result of our heavy workload at school, as well as the pressure we are under to get a place at university.
Young people in my country lead incredibly busy lives. In addition to attending school, they may also be encouraged
by their parents to learn at least two foreign languages, obtain a computer certificate, and have music lessons. These
activities are considered necessary preparation for the future. University entrance examinations are another significant
cause of stress for those in their final year of high school, and there have even been suicide attempts by young people
unable to cope with the pressure. Our generation also knows that even a university degree is no guarantee of future
employment. It can be very difficult to find a job, and young people in their twenties are often forced to work for very
low salaries.
Our parents, in comparison, had a relatively relaxed upbringing. They werent forced to attend so many extra lessons, and
they had adequate leisure time. Most importantly, in my opinion, they didnt believe that university was the only route to
a bright future. Those who werent outstanding students found jobs instead of going on to higher education. Being under
much less pressure to perform well academically, young people of the previous generation could make the most of their
teenage years. They spent more time simply having fun with friends and less time worrying about schoolwork, exams,
and future careers.
In conclusion, the major difference between being an adolescent today and being an adolescent during my parents
time is the busy schedule young people have now. Not only does it deprive us of any real free time, but it also causes
considerable anxiety. Perhaps when we grow up and have children of our own, we will help them find more balance in
their lives.
2. It is common practice nowadays for preschool-age children to be introduced to computers. In what ways could this
be beneficial and in what ways harmful? Discuss, giving specific examples to support your point of view.
It has become fashionable in many parts of the world for parents to begin teaching their children to use a computer even
before they go to school. While there are several advantages to an early introduction to technology, it could also pose a
variety of dangers to childrens health and development.
Our society today relies on computer technology more than ever, so there are obvious benefits to teaching young children
to operate a computer. Firstly, children who are introduced to computers at preschool age will become accustomed to
using a mouse and will be familiar with basic programs by the time they go to school. Also, many experts claim that
a young childs cognitive development and coordination can be improved by using a computer. A variety of software
packages teaching literacy and numeracy in game form are available for young children. Therefore, preschool children
who spend time playing computer games may, in some respects, be at an advantage when they actually start school. They
may also find it easier to cope with more advanced technology as they become older.
However, there may be some disadvantages to young children using computers. For example, if a toddler spends too
much time playing computer games, he may lose out on opportunities for the social interaction required to develop a
well-rounded personality. There are health issues to take into consideration as well. For instance, looking at a screen
for a prolonged period of time could damage a young childs eyesight. In addition, long hours spent sitting in front of
a computer may mean a child has less physical activity. This could lead to obesity and related health problems.
In conclusion, the acquisition of computer skills at a young age can be seen as useful in many respects. However,
introducing preschool-age children to computers could carry some risks. What is important, as with so many aspects of
life, is that a balance be found.
2. A large new sports stadium complex is being planned near where you live. Would you be in favor of such a
development? What benefits and drawbacks might such a development have? Explain your point of view,
giving specific examples.
Most regions in my country, including the area where I live, are in need of development. A new sports stadium complex
near my town would definitely offer significant benefits, such as employment opportunities, and for this reason would
gain my support. However, such a development would also bring with it disadvantages, for example, increased traffic.
On the positive side, a large sports complex would create jobs that would reduce local unemployment. Numerous people
would be involved in every aspect of planning and building the complex. Once the facility was in use, it would need
administrative staff, maintenance workers, and a variety of other employees. Furthermore, the area surrounding such
a complex would undergo development. For instance, people visiting the stadium for sporting events would use local
facilities and visit local businesses such as cafeterias or restaurants. The local public transport system would also be
improved to cope with the increase in visitors. It is clear, therefore, that there would be several important advantages to
the building of such a stadium.
On the other hand, such a development could have less welcome consequences as well. For example, to make room for
the stadium, green areas would probably be replaced with concrete and cement. Access roads would have to be built,
causing further environmental damage. In addition, there would be increased traffic in the area, which would cause
pollution. Also, as we have seen time and time again, football hooligans often wreak havoc in neighborhoods around
stadiums. Sometimes if their team loses a match, they have been known to take out their frustration on private property
such as parked cars. This possibility is a serious worry for local residents.
In conclusion, the development of a large sports stadium complex would definitely bring benefits, but a number of serious
problems could also be caused. However, if the project were carefully planned, the building of such a stadium would be a
welcome addition.
2. The number of overweight children is a cause of concern to many health experts. What are some of the reasons for
this phenomenon? How can the problem of child obesity be tackled? Discuss, giving specific examples to explain
your point of view.
More and more children in developed countries are becoming overweight. Health experts take childhood obesity
seriously because it can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure, and may even result in premature death. There are a
number of reasons why childrens weight is ballooning, but there are numerous ways to remedy the situation.
Health officials agree that lifestyle is the main factor in childrens weight problems. The fast pace of modern life usually
means that both parents work, so instead of a home-cooked meal made with wholesome ingredients, many children eat
a lot of fast food. These meals have limited nutritional value, lots of salt and too much sugar. Furthermore, portion sizes
in fast-food restaurants have grown and the average child consumes more calories than he or she actually needs. Another
factor leading to obesity is lack of physical activity. Todays children play indoors more than in previous generations so
they do not burn off extra calories. As a result, they are gaining weight.
One way to combat this situation is through education. Parents need advice to help their families adopt healthy eating
habits. Daily physical exercise is important too. Schools should encourage young people to exercise and should provide
facilities that are accessible after school as well. Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle should also be promoted in special
programs in schools.
In conclusion, experts are right to be concerned because overweight children are likely to grow up to be overweight
adults with serious health problems. A campaign to improve eating habits and make exercise a part of young peoples
lives may reverse this worrying trend.
2. Technology has greatly changed our idea of recreation. Give examples from your own experience of the way in
which technological advancements have had an impact on peoples free time activities.
Technology has had an impact on nearly every area of our lives, from work to education and even to recreation. Leisure
activities have been changed dramatically by technological developments. There is a wider range of activities to choose
from and there has been a shift in venue, with home-based activities becoming more popular.
The Internet has probably brought about the greatest change in the way we spend our free time. By going online we can
download music, chat with people around the globe, and, of course, play countless games. Before access to the Internet
became so widespread, teenagers would spend their free time socializing with their peers. Nowadays, even when they go
out, it is often to a local Internet caf or to each others homes to work together on the computer.
Technology has also changed peoples television viewing habits. Thanks to satellite TV, we now have a much
wider choice of programs. It is possible, for example, to watch sporting events from all around the globe as well as
documentaries and recently released movies. Some people, faced with this increase in choice, spend more time every day
watching TV at the expense of their other interests. Adults may be less likely to meet friends for coffee or join a club,
and choose instead to stay at home. This means people are becoming less social and more isolated from their friends and
In general, because of technological advances, people are opting to spend more of their free time indoors. They are less
likely to go for a walk, participate in sports or see friends. As technology continues to develop, it is likely that other
changes will be observed in the kind of recreational activities we choose.
2. Reality TV shows are quite popular nowadays. Explain the appeal such shows hold for their audience. Why are
some people attracted to the idea of participating in this type of show? Make specific reference to programs you
are familiar with.
Reality TV shows have been broadcast in one form or another for a long time. There is no sign their popularity is
declining, and television producers are constantly coming up with new formats. There are several reasons for the wide
appeal of these shows and the huge number of applicants for each one.
There are different types of reality shows and each attracts large audiences. In general, viewers feel they can identify
with the participants everyday people dealing with unusual situations. In Big Brother, for instance, a group of strangers
are thrown together as housemates. Part of the appeal of this show is watching the relationships develop between the
participants as well as the inevitable arguments. Shows like Survivor, in which contestants are abandoned on a desert
island, take place in a challenging setting. Audiences enjoy the suspense of waiting to see which participant will be voted
off the show each week and who, eventually, will be the winner.
People are interested in participating in reality shows for several reasons. Many are motivated by the prize usually a
large amount of money. Others are attracted by the idea of being in the limelight for a brief period of time. Some see the
show as a stepping stone to a career in TV or as a singer, and its true that several well-known entertainers got their first
big break on a reality show. Some talent shows offer participants more than just the chance to win a large sum of money;
there may be a record contract or a scholarship for the lucky winner.
To sum up, reality shows might have different formats, but they all draw viewers by showing real people in extraordinary
situations. With societys ever-increasing fascination with the lives of celebrities, it is hardly surprising that the
applications flood in for these shows. The chance to be in the public eye is too much for some people to resist.
2. To what extent are young people influenced by the behavior of celebrities like famous actors and athletes? Discuss,
using specific examples.
Celebrities like film stars, singers and football players exert considerable influence over teenagers, affecting their
behavior, fashion decisions and lifestyle choices. While many celebrities do not make good role models, there are others
who have a positive impact on the lives of their admirers.
Young people who look up to celebrities often want to imitate their clothes, hairstyles and general look. This, of course,
is harmless enough; adolescents often feel insecure about their own fashion sense and it can be helpful for them to have
someone to copy. However, many actresses and models are unhealthily thin. If their young fans really want to resemble
them, they might cut down on their calorie intake to a dangerous extent. Anorexia is a serious problem among many
teenage girls today. In addition to copying the unhealthy eating habits of their favorite stars, young people sometimes
copy their behavior. Celebrities are often shown in the media smoking and drinking. As a result, teenagers may be
tempted to try alcohol and cigarettes, or be less likely to believe adults warnings about them.
There are many celebrities who promote a healthy lifestyle and send constructive messages to young people, however.
For example, teenagers who look up to particular athletes are more likely to exercise and eat healthily. The success of
Olympic athletes in recent years has encouraged more young people to take part in sports. Film stars and singers can
exert a positive influence over young minds as well. They can encourage young people to develop their creative talents
and work hard to achieve their dreams. Some work for charity or speak out in public about important issues such as peace
or the fight against racism. Young people are more likely to pay attention to these issues when a famous actor like George
Clooney or Angelina Jolie is speaking.
In conclusion, the behavior of famous people can have a strong influence on teenagers. While parents and teachers should
try to teach young people to think independently, we should remember that admiring a famous person is not necessarily a
bad thing.
2. Some people say that being a parent is the most important job anyone can have. What skills do you think parents
need? Should these skills be taught in parenting classes? Discuss. Use examples to support your point of view.
Being a parent is without doubt the most important job anyone can have. Parents need a variety of skills to do the job
well, including the ability to communicate with their children and to discipline them when necessary. While these skills
can be developed through experience, parenting classes may also prove helpful.
One of the most important skills any mother or father needs is the ability to listen. By really listening, parents show that
they are interested in their childrens needs and respect their opinions. This can prevent some behavioral problems and
make it easier for parents to communicate with their children as they grow up. Communication is vital when parents
need to discipline their children. Children need to learn limits, and the ability to explain clearly and in simple terms why
certain behaviors are unacceptable will make raising a child much easier.
Being a parent is a difficult job so it is hardly surprising that parenting classes are popular. They help parents understand
how to deal with their children and can provide much-needed support to new parents. However, parents can also learn a
great deal from discussions with their own parents or with friends. Parents need to develop their own particular ways of
relating to their children. Parenting classes can point people in the right direction but cannot provide easy answers for
every problem because each family is unique.
In conclusion, parents need to learn skills, including the ability to listen, communicate and discipline. While parenting
classes can help parents develop these skills, not everything can be learned in a classroom. Many mothers and fathers
manage to raise well-adjusted, happy children without the help of parenting classes.