GRUNDFOS - Sewage Handbook - Low
GRUNDFOS - Sewage Handbook - Low
GRUNDFOS - Sewage Handbook - Low
The use of submersible pumps in sewage and and construction is described in Section 2. Pump
drainage pumping applications has increased performance is dealt with in Section 3, offering
greatly in the last decades since they entered the methods for the calculation of pump performance
market. The introduction of heavy-duty submers- in various installations. Factors affecting pump
ible pumps with motor power ratings exceeding selection are also discussed. Section 4 offers infor-
500 kW has also made them available for central mation on pump testing. Basic design of pumping
municipal pumping duties. The good service stations is discussed in Section 5, offering design
record and high quality standard attained by information for both large and small applications.
these pumps has all but excluded the use of con- Continuous regulation of submersible pump oper-
ventional pumps in municipal service. ation by frequency control is described in Section
6. The concept of whole-life cost for pumps and
By the same token, the special characteristics of pumping installations is presented in Section 7.
submersible pumps have also required the devel- Matters relating to pump commissioning are pre-
opment of new knowledge on their implementa- sented in Section 8, whereas pump operation and
tion, such as the design of pumping stations. This servicing is described in Section 9. Section 10 deals
work has been advanced by both pump manu- with pumping station control and monitoring.
facturers and municipal engineers. Appendix A offers information on the hydraulic
characteristics of common pipe components for
The intention of this book is to bring the newest pipeline loss calculations. Appendix B presents a
information on both submersible pumps and method for the determination of sewage pump-
pumping stations to the use of all concerned ing station capacity and pump starting frequency.
professional people in a concise form. The book is
divided into Sections according to the related One objective of the book has been to make the
topics. contents easy to read and comprehend. The pre-
sentation is therefore enhanced with a large num-
Basic pump theory is described in Section 1, pro- ber of illustrations, providing examples of and
viding a reference background for the assessment complementary information on the matter at
of pump performance. Submersible pump design hand.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
5.4.2 Stormwater Pumping Stations ..................72 10.2.1 Wet Well Water Level Sensors ..................89
5.4.3 Combined Sewage Pumping Stations 10.2.2 Current Sensor ............................................. 90
and Retention Basins ...................................73 10.2.3 kWh Meter .................................................... 90
5.5 Pump Selection ..............................................74 10.2.4 Phase Failure Relay ...................................... 90
5.5.1 Pump Selection Based on Pump Curves ..74 10.2.5 SARI 2 Monitoring Device .......................... 90
5.5.2 Observing Pump Efficiency .........................74 10.2.6 ASM 3 Alarm Status Module ......................91
5.5.3 Number of Pumps .........................................75 10.3 Pump Control Units ......................................91
5.6 Special Considerations ................................76 10.3.1. Control Features ............................................91
5.6.1 Pump Vibrations ............................................76 10.3.2 Condition Monitoring Features ................92
5.6.2 Pump Noise ....................................................77 10.3.3 Parameters and Signals ..............................92
10.3.4 Data Logging and Analysis .........................93
6 Frequency-controlled Sewage Pumps ........... 78 10.3.5 User Interface ................................................93
6.1 General ........................................................... 78 10.4 Remote Control and Monitoring System 93
6.1.1 Pump Motor Selection ................................ 78 10.4.1 Different Levels for Remote Control ........93
6.1.2 Maximum Frequency .................................. 78 10.4.2 Software and Hardware .............................94
6.1.3 Minimum Frequency and Minimum 10.4.3 Data Transmission ....................................... 95
Performance.................................................. 79 10.4.4 Alarm Transfer ............................................... 95
6.1.4 Pump Frequency Curves ............................. 79 10.4.5 System Integration ......................................96
6.1.5 Pump Clogging .............................................80 10.5 Internet & WAP Based Remote Control
6.1.6 EMC Cable Requirement ............................80 and Monitoring .............................................96
6.1.7 Bearing Currents ..........................................80
6.1.8 High Tension ..................................................81 Symbols .............................................................98
6.1.9 Explosion-proof Motors ..............................81
6.1.10 Guaranteed Values .......................................81 APPENDIX A ...................................................... 100
6.1.11 Tests with Frequency Controller
(String Tests) ...................................................81 APPENDIX B....................................................... 108
6.1.12 Collaboration with the Pump
Manufacturer .................................................81
8 Commissioning ....................................... 86
Pump Theory 1
This section is a primer of fluid pumping theory The equation is essential for fluid mechanics and
and provides the reader with the theoretical back- can be used to account for many hydrodynamic
ground knowledge essential for deeper under- phenomena, such as the decrease in pressure that
standing of the pumping process. accompanies a reduction in a flow cross section
area. In this case the fluid velocity increases, and
1.1 The Head Equation for the total head to remain constant and assum-
ing the potential head remains unchanged, the
Figure 1 shows part of continuous fluid flow in a pressure term or static head, must decrease.
duct. Between the two observation sections 1 and
2 no energy is transferred to or from the fluid and Fig. 1
the flow is assumed to be frictionless. Thus the
total energy of the fluid relative to a horizontal v1
reference plane T at the two sections must be p1
equal. The total energy comprises components for
potential energy, pressure energy and kinetic 1
energy, and for a fluid particle with a mass m the Q
energy at the observation sections is as follows: v2
Section 1 2 2
Potential mgh 1 mgh 2
Energy T
Section showing flow of liquid through two obser-
Pressure p p
Energy mg ------1 mg ------2 vation cross sections. T is a reference plane for the po-
ρg ρg tential heads h1 and h2, p1 and p2 are the prevailing
pressures and v1 and v2 the fluid velocities at sections
Kinetic 1 2 1 2 1 and 2.
--- mv 1 --- mv 2
Energy 2 2
1 Pump Theory
1.1.2 Fluid Flowing from a Container To accommodate for losses present, a flow coeffi-
An example of the application of the Bernoulli cient µ is added to equation 6, whence
equation is the calculation of the flow rate of a
fluid flowing freely from an open container. q 1 = µA 2 2gh
Figure 2 shows an open container with an outlet
orifice near the bottom. For practical purposes the The flow coefficient µ is dependent on the shape
area A1 is assumed much larger than the orifice of the orifice, and can be obtained from text
area A2, and the atmospheric pressure p1 in the books on the subject. If the fluid level in the con-
tainer is allowed to recede, the level height h will
container is equal to that outside the orifice, p2.
change, which will have to be accommodated for
in calculations.
Fig. 2
A1 p1 1.2 The Basic Pump Equation
The basic pump equation is used to calculate and
design geometrical shapes and dimensions of
v1 centrifugal pumps. The basic pump equation is
h also used to deduce the pump Q/H curve.
2 1
v H t∞ = ---(u 2 v u2 – u 1 v u1)
h = -----2- (4) g . (8)
Pump Theory 1
The reduction in head caused by losses in the flow It can be shown that both ηh and k are less than
is taken into account by the hydraulic efficiency ηh, unity. They will not be discussed in further detail
and the reduction due to the deviation of the flow here.
from ideal angle β2 is accounted for by a vane
coefficient k. With these modifications, the Euler Centrifugal pumps are normally designed with
equation for an actual pump reads as follows: α1 = 90 °, whence vu1 = 0.
Fig. 3
vm d1
v1 1
Pump impeller vane with the velocity triangles at leading and trailing edges. Fluid absolute velocity v, relative velocity
w, vane perimeter velocity u, liquid absolute velocity tangential component vu and radial component vm.
1 Pump Theory
1.3 Pump Curve and Losses The effects of the discontinuity losses are shown
in Figure 4.
The ideal head obtained from the Euler equation
is independent of the volume rate of flow Q. If the Fig. 4
Q/Ht∞ curve is plotted, Ht∞ is indicated by a
straight line. The real Q/H curve is derived from H Reduction of flow, Q
caused by leakage losses, Hv
this by subtracting the effects of the finite num-
ber of vanes and various other losses that occur
Effect of finite number of vanes Ht
within the pump. Please refer to Figure 4.
Friction losses Hr
Q = QN
1.3.2 Friction Losses Hf Q < QN w1
Pump Theory 1
Fig. 8
( Q > QN )
1 Pump Theory
Fig. 9
Minimum Pressure
NPSH v02
required 2g
Reference Plane
If the submersible pump is installed dry with a Figure 10 shows the principle of static liquid pres-
suction pipe, the installation must be checked for sure distribution in inlet pipe, pump and pressure
cavitation. In these cases the concept of NPSH is pipe of a dry pump installation.
1.4.2 Reference Plane
1.4.1 Definition of NPSH The reference plane is the plane on which the
NPSH is the acronym for Net Positive Suction NPSH calculations are performed. It is the hori-
Head. The following pressure heads are used for zontal plane through the centre point of the circle
the calculation of NPSH: described by the tip of the vane leading edge. For
horizontal pumps the reference plane coincides
ht = inlet geodetic head with the shaft centre line. For vertical pumps the
hA = height difference between reference location of the reference plane is stated by the
plane and tip of vane leading edge. pump manufacturer.
Hrt = flow losses in inlet pipe
2 1.4.3 Required NPSH
-----0- = pressure drop caused by inlet velocity The required NPSH is obtained from the following
∆h = local pressure drop at vane leading edge
pb = ambient pressure at liquid level 2
pmin = minimum static pressure in pump NPSH required = h A + -----0- + ∆h (12)
pv = liquid vapour pressure at prevailing
temperature This is also called the pump NPSH value. It can be
presented as a function of flow as shown in Figure
The pressure heads are shown in Figure 9. 11. It is independent of temperature and type of
liquid being pumped. The pump manufacturer is
In order to avoid cavitation, the minimum static required to state NPSH as a numeric value or
pressure in the pump (pmin) must be larger than curve.
the liquid vapour pressure, or
Any pump will actually have different NPSH-val-
p min > p v ues, depending of definition of occurrence, as can
Pump Theory 1
Fig. 10
Absolute 0 pressure
g pv
Pressure variation in a dry pump installation. Distribution of static liquid pressure in inlet pipe, pump and pressure
1 Pump Theory
1.4.4 Available NPSH
90 7
The available NPSH indicates the pressure availa-
ble for the pump suction under the prevailing 6
conditions. This may be called the pumping sta- 5
tion NPSH.
p pv 70 3
NPSH available = ------b – H rt – h t – ------
ρg ρg (13)
60 2
The term ht is positive when the reference plane is 50
above the liquid surface and negative if below it. 1
Available NPSH is determined by the pumping 0,5
station designer.
Fig. 12
Vapour pressure for water as a function of temper-
NPSH NPSHF (Cavitation free)
NPSHonset of noise
m H 2O
Figure 14 shows atmospheric pressure as function Atmospheric pressure as function of elevation above
of elevation above sea level. sea level.
Pump Theory 1
2 Pump Construction
Fig. 15
Pump Construction 2
Fig. 18
a b c
closed semi-open open
Different impeller designs. The closed impeller has integral shrouds on both sides of the vanes, whereas the semi-
open impeller incorporates only one shroud on the back side. An open impeller consists of only a hub and vanes, re-
lying on close clearances (s) to the pump casing for its function.
2 Pump Construction
Impellers can also be classified according to con- Impellers for Sewage Pumps
struction as closed, semi-open or open impellers.
In order to avoid pump blockage, or clogging, spe-
These are shown in Figure 18. Semi-open impellers
cial impellers have been developed for sewage
and open impellers rely on the close clearance
pumping. These include single-channel impellers,
between impeller and pump casing (about 0,5
double-channel impellers and vortex impellers.
mm) for their function. The efficiency of these
The design principles of these are shown in Figure
impellers is very sensitive to wear and will
20. For very large sewage pumps, impellers with a
decrease rapidly as the clearance increases. Figure
multitude of vanes may also be used.
19 shows the effect on pump efficiency from wear
on closed and open impellers. The open and semi-
open impellers are also susceptible to impurities Free Passage
becoming jammed between impeller and suction The concept of free passage is of special relevance
plate, slowing down or completely stopping the to sewage pumps. It refers to the ability of the
pump. pump to let solids in the pumped liquid pass
Fig. 20
Pump Construction 2
40 60 80 100 120
Free passage (sphere) [mm]
2 Pump Construction
Fig. 23 Fig. 24
A GRUNDFOS S-2 double-channel impeller. Good A GRUNDFOS SuperVortex impeller. The design in-
properties against clogging are achieved with re- cludes patented vane winglets. The winglets pre-
cessed vane leading edges and a semi-axial design. vent the formation of secondary eddies over the
The symmetric design is inherently in balance. vane edges, greatly improving pump efficiency.
Pump Construction 2
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
GRUNDFOS Grinder pump. The macerating unit is made of hardened stainless steel.
2 Pump Construction
Pump Construction 2
Fig. 28
0 100 200 500 1000 2000 4000 5000
2 Pump Construction
Fig. 30 Fig. 31
Impeller Auxiliary Vanes
Auxiliary vanes on the outside of the shrouds are ps
an important feature of the impellers of small
sewage pumps. The auxiliary vanes increase the
velocity of the flow of fluid in the space between
the impeller and the pump casing. Figure 31 Pressure distribution
with auxiliary vanes
shows the location of auxiliary vanes on a single-
channel pump impeller.
Pump Construction 2
Fig. 32
Pump performance and efficiency over time are
dependent on the suction clearance being kept
within specified limits. The lowering effect of the
suction clearance on pump efficiency and head
can be calculated with the following empirical
∆η ≈ ∆H ≈ K + K – K
2 H
K = 0, 008 ⋅ s ⋅ ----
Q= flow [l/s]
H= head [m]
s= clearance [mm]
∆η and ∆H are proportional.
Fig. 34
2 Pump Construction
Fig. 35 Fig. 36
In pumps with adjustable axial suction clearance A shaft joint tapered to the right angle is easy to
performance can always be guaranteed by check- dismantle. The tapered joint is additionally tight-
ing and adjusting the suction clearance during ened with a screw, which makes the joint free of
routine maintenance. Figure 35 shows a submers- play and rigid.
ible pump design, where the suction clearance is
adjusted with the help of three set screws. The joint is keyed for transmission of torque. Solid
impeller mounting is a key component in pump
For dry-installed pumps GRUNDFOS has devel- operational reliability, and great care should
oped a patented design (SmartTrim) allowing the always be exercised when the impeller is disman-
suction clearance to be adjusted and restored tled. It is good practice to always use a torque
without the need of removing the pump or open- wrench when setting the impeller screw. The
ing pipe connections. Adjustment does not affect pump manufacturer issues correct tightening
pipe connections or require re-alignment of these. torque information and possible recommenda-
Figure 36 show the principle. The adjustment is tion of screw lubricant in each case.
done by first closing the clearance and then back-
ing up the adjustment screws 1 mm, after which
the suction cover is tightened against the set
screws with the fastening bolts.
Pump Construction 2
2 Pump Construction
Pump Construction 2
2 Pump Construction
Pump Construction 2
2 Pump Construction
2.3.6 Motor Protection Devices ing the circuit, making re-start of the pump
Submersible motors are equipped with various possible. Thermal switches in the windings
protection devices for prevention of damages for protect the motor against overheating from
the following reasons: insufficient cooling, and are especially impor-
• overheating tant in pumps depending on submergence for
• water intrusion cooling.
• seal failure • Water intrusion into the sealed motor can be
• bearing failure monitored with a moisture switch that reacts
• winding insulation deterioration to excess moisture. Normally the moisture
switch is connected in series with the thermal
Some protection devices are standard issue switches in a circuit that disconnects the cir-
whereas others may be available as extra equip- cuit breaker coil and stops the motor upon
ment on request only. Large pumps need better opening. Figure 42 shows a moisture switch
protection devices because of the greater eco- that operates when the humidity reaches
nomic values of these pumps. 100%. The moisture switch is non-reversing
and does not reset after tripping. In a common
The protection devices can be divided into inter- circuit with moisture and thermal switches, it
nal devices with sensors inside the motor and can be determined which device has opened,
external devices in the pump motor control panel. since only the thermal switches close again
after cooling. The motor must be opened and
dried out before any attempts to restart it after
Internal Protection Devices the moisture switch has tripped.
The following protective devices are mounted • Water intrusion into the sealed motor past the
inside the motor: shaft seals can be monitored with a leakage
• Thermal switches in stator windings. These are detector sensor in the seal oil chamber. Regu-
normally bimetal miniature switches that lar motor oils used as seal oil in submersible
open at a fixed, preset temperature, please pumps can form an emulsion with up to 30%
refer to Figure 41. Three switches, one in each water content. The leakage detector either
phase, are used in three-phase motors. The reacts on a water content exceeding 30% (con-
switches are connected in series in the control
circuit, which is wired to stop the motor when
opening. The switches reset upon cooling, clos- Fig. 42
Fig. 41
Pump Construction 2
ductive detectors) or monitors the water con- develops operational difficulties or gets
tent continuously (capacitive detectors). The jammed, when the pump becomes clogged or
latter may be calibrated to trip at any water during loss of phase in the mains supply. Over-
content and used to indirectly observe primary load protection is frequently provided by over-
seal condition by monitoring water intrusion load relays coupled to the motor contactors.
over time (leakage rate). Leakage detectors are These consist of ambient temperature-com-
usually not standard, but available as extra pensated bimetal elements, that trip the cur-
equipment. rent to the contactor coils in case the current
• Water intrusion into the sealed motor through exceeds the set specified value. Overload
capillary flow through the supply cable before relays provide good protection against loss of
pump installation can be prevented by fitting a phase in the supply. The overload relay should
tight protective sleeve over the cable free end be set according to the motor nominal current.
at the factory. The sleeve is not removed until When star delta start is used, the current
the cable is connected at the control panel. through the overload relay is reduced by the
• The condition of the bearings and/or bearing factor 0,58 (1/√3), which must be taken into
grease can be monitored with thermal sensors account when setting the relay. Figure 43
in the bearing bracket. These are installed shows an overload relay.
close to the bearing outer race, and calibrated • The stator winding insulation is monitored by
to register bearing temperature. Thermal sen- an automatic resistance measuring device that
sors are extra equipment. measures the resistance between the phases
and between phases and earth each time the
External Protection Devices pump stops. Alarm levels for resistance can be
set, preventing damages short circuits and
The following protective devices are mounted in
damages to windings.
the motor control panel:
• Short-circuit protection is accomplished by
means of fuses, circuit breakers or electronic
motor protectors. Fuses and circuit breakers
should be dimensioned to withstand the
motor starting current, but the rating must not
exceed that of the supply cable or switchgear.
Where fuses are used, these should be of the
slow type.
• Overload protection is required in a sudden
overload situation, such as when the impeller
Fig. 43
2 Pump Construction
2.4. Pump Connection sturdy and tight connection. The pump is kept in
place by its own weight. Figure 44 shows a sub-
A submersible pump, when installed submerged, mersible pump baseplate and guide rails.
is connected only to the discharge pipe. For fixed
installations a self-connecting baseplate arrange- Figure 45 shows a flexible seal designed in a way
ment is normally used. that the seal action is further enhanced by pump
pressure, ensuring a tight connection at all times.
Submersible Baseplate
Some pump manufacturers offer conversion kits
The concept of the submersible baseplate has for the connection of pumps to older baseplates
been developed over the years for use with sub- or as replacement pumps to some other manufac-
mersible pumps. The arrangement allows for the turer's baseplate. Thus the upgrading or conver-
pump to be lowered into the pump well and sion of existing pumping stations may be done
firmly connect to the discharge pipework without with a minimum of work and costs.
the need of the operating personnel to enter the
well. Likewise the pump can safely be hoisted
from the well for service. The system includes rails
or pipes that guide the pump down onto the Fig. 45
baseplate. A special flange, or guide shoe, on the
pump discharge mates with the joining surfaces
of the baseplate for a firm connection. Well-
designed systems are made to precision and have
machined surfaces and rubber seal rings for a
Fig. 44
Pump Construction 2
Fig. 46 Fig. 47
Seat ring
2 Pump Construction
Fig. 48
the pump. A lifting chain left in place, for instance, sion. In these applications the natural corrosion
will have to be made of stainless steel. The cast layer, providing the underlying material with nat-
iron pump should be protected by sacrificing ural protection becomes scrubbed away, leading
anodes that are replaced at regular intervals. to rapid corrosion. The use of stainless materials
Painting the column with a paint layer of at least for these vulnerable parts may be warranted.
200 µm thickness prevents the cathode surface
from forming and thus pump corrosion. Corrosion in seawater is dependent on a number
of factors, such as salinity, oxygen content, pollu-
tion and temperature, and the right material
selection must be considered for each case. Sacri-
2.5 Construction Materials, ficial zinc anodes may offer protection against
Corrosion and Wear corrosion in certain cases.
2.5.1 Corrosion Resistance The supply cable sheath material must be able to
withstand oils and other pollutants present in
Cast iron is the main construction material in sub-
sewage. Other rubber parts, such as O-rings are
mersible sewage pumps, with fasteners and hard-
usually made of Nitrile or Neoprene for resistance
ware made of stainless steel. The pump shaft is
against sewage, oil and chemicals.
either made entirely of stainless steel or pro-
tected against contact with the pumped media.
Submersible pumps are also available made
Where the pump or baseplate includes fabricated
entirely of stainless steel for use in highly corro-
steel parts, these are hot-dip galvanized. These
sive liquids, such as process industry effluents.
materials will last for decades in regular sewerage
Stainless steel submersible pumps are 3…4 times
as expensive as pumps made of regular materials.
In difficult applications the pump manufacturer
In cases, where the pumped liquid contains indus-
may not be able to guarantee the corrosion prop-
trial effluents, the corrosion resistance of cast iron
erties for a specific case, but will cooperate with
may not be sufficient, especially for parts subject
the client to find the right solution for the case.
to fast flow velocities, such as impellers and pump
casings, which will be subjected to erosion corro-
Pump Construction 2
The density of a mixture water and sand can be The use of submersible pumps in abrasive envi-
written ronments must be considered separately on a
case by case basis and using sound engineering
ρ = 1 + 0,007pm (16) judgment.
where pm is expressed in %.
Thus, if pm = 15%, ρ = 1,1 kg/l.
3 Pump Performance
g = acceleration of gravity (9,81 m/s2) The total head H is thus available to pump the liq-
uid through the rising main. The pressure or head
If an observation pipe is installed at the pump required to pump a given flow through a pipeline
outlet flange, the pumped liquid will rise in it to a is made up by the geodetic head and the flow
height Hst from the well level. This height repre- losses. Thus can be written:
sents the pump static head. In addition, the liquid
has a velocity v2 at the pump discharge, which H = Hgeod + HJ (19)
can be converted to pressure or dynamic head Hd
with the following equation: The geodetic head Hgeod is the actual physical
difference in height between the liquid levels in
2 the pump well and the receiving container. Pipe-
H d = -----2- (17) line flow losses consist of pipe friction losses, local
losses from various fittings in the pipeline
Pump Performance 3
(elbows, valves, etc.) and the outlet loss at the 3.2 Pump Performance Curves
point of discharge.
Centrifugal pump characteristics are normally
Losses due to liquid flow in the well to the pump presented as a set of curves, where the data has
are considered as pump losses in submersible been established through the testing of the
pump installations. If a suction pipe is installed pumps or assessed by the manufacturer for e.g. a
before the pump, it will have to be taken into special impeller diameter. For submersible pumps
account when calculating pipeline losses. the following important information is normally
plotted as curves against the flow rate Q:
3.1.2 Dry-installed Pumps • H head curve
When calculating heads of dry-installed pumps, • η efficiency curve(s)
the situation before the pump will also have to be • P power curves
considered. Figure 51 illustrates the situation.
Figure 52 shows a typical pump performance
In this case it is assumed that the suction well and curve sheet with information important for the
the receiving container are open to the atmo- user.
sphere and that the pressure at the liquid surfaces
is constant. Thus the pump head is the sum of the Fig. 52
geodetic head and the flow losses in the suction
and pressure pipelines. Thus
Fig. 51
3.2.1 H Curve
The head or H curve gives the pump total head as
a function of the flow Q. The curve may contain
additional information on pump usage, such as
limits due to cavitation, vibration or motor over-
Pipeline loss components for dry-installed pumps. load.
3 Pump Performance
Pump Performance 3
3 Pump Performance
Fig. 54
Moody diagram for establishing the friction factor λ. The value of λ is obtained using Reynold's number and the relative
roughness number k/D as parameters, where D is pipe internal diameter in mm and k equivalent surface roughness in
mm. Completely turbulent flow can be assumed in wastewater applications.
Rising main flow losses are frequently calculated equal to the resultant losses of the two true rising
with the help of proprietary computer programs, mains.
also available from some pump manufacturers.
These programs may also suggest some pump The equivalent diameter is calculated with the
selections from the manufacturer’s range to best following equations:
suit the purpose. It is advisable to take a cautious
view on the pump selection suggested by a pro- A. Both rising mains have the same diameter
gram only, and always contact the pump manu-
facturer in dubious cases. D e = 1, 3 ⋅ D (26)
The rising main is sometimes divided into two where D = diameter of the two parallel rising
separate parallel pipelines. They have the same mains
length but may have different diameters or be
made of different materials. The distribution of B. The rising mains have different diameters
flow between the two lines and the ensuing
losses in these lines can be difficult to determine. 2, 65 2, 65 0, 3774 (27)
D = ( D1 + D2 )
Grundfos has developed a method for this, where
the two lines are substituted with a single virtual
rising main. An equivalent diameter is deter- where D1 and D2 are the different diameters of the
mined for this so that the resulting flow losses are parallel rising mains.
Pump Performance 3
The volume rates of flow for the two rising mains where
are calculated wit then following equations: HJn= local loss (m)
v1 = flow velocity 1 (m/s)
A. Both rising mains have the same diameter
v2 = flow velocity 2 (m/s)
g = acceleration of gravity (9,81 m/s²)
Q 1 = ----
2 (28)
If the pipe expansion is designed with a conical
B. The rising mains have different diameters section with an expansion angle of 10°, the loss is
reduced to 40% of the value calculated with equa-
D 1 2, 65
tion 32. This fact is important when expanding
Q 1 = ⎛ ------⎞ ⋅Q the pipe section right after the pump pressure
⎝ D e⎠ (29)
flange, where the flow velocity can be quite high.
Q2 = Q – Q1 By designing the transition with a 10° gradual
expansion joint, energy can be saved. In a con-
tracting pipe section the losses are much smaller,
The equations above are valid for turbulent flow,
and the conical section can be built much shorter.
which is normal for water pumping. The equa-
tions require that both pipelines have the same
Losses in a section with velocity reduction are
surface roughness.
generally much greater than in section with
increasing velocity.
3.3.2 Local Losses
Changes in pipeline internal diameter and shape, The final component of pipeline loss is the outlet
bends, valves, joints, etc. as included in the rising loss at the end of the rising main. If no expansion
main cause additional losses that comprise both a is provided, the loss equals the velocity head or v²/
friction and turbulence component. The following 2g.
equation is used to calculate the losses:
Loss coefficients for different valves are provided
2 by the manufacturers. Guide values for the most
H Jn = ζ ------ (31) common valves used in sewage installations are
presented in Appendix A.
HJn= local loss (m) 3.3.3 Rising Main Characteristic Curve
ζ = local resistance factor In sewage installations the pump sump and the
v = flow velocity (m/s) delivery well are open to the atmosphere, and the
g = acceleration of gravity (9,81 m/s²) rising main characteristic curve will contain the
geodetic head and the flow losses only. Figure 55
Local resistance factors for different pipeline ele- shows the general shape of the characteristic
ments and fittings are presented in Appendix A. resistance curve for a pipeline. Since the flow is
The friction loss of these are not included in the turbulent at the flow velocities in consideration, it
local resistance factor, but is calculated as part of can be assumed that the flow loss varies in pro-
the rising main friction loss by including their portion to the square of the flow rate. Thus, if the
length and internal diameter when calculating flow loss at one flow rate is calculated with the
pipeline length. method described above, the other points of the
curve are obtained sufficiently exactly with the
Pipe expansion discontinuity loss can be calcu- following equation:
lated using the Borda equation:
H' J = H J ⎛ -----⎞
2 (33)
( v1 – v2 ) ⎝ Q⎠
H Jn = ----------------------- (32)
3 Pump Performance
Fig. 57
Pump Performance 3
Pumping station internal piping should be 3.4.3 Avoiding Settling of Solids and
selected so as to minimize component costs with- Sludge
out unduly increasing the flow losses in the sta-
If the flow velocity in a rising main is too low, sand
tion. Figure 58 shows the flow loss in the internal
or sludge may have time to settle, which increases
pipework in a pumping station with two pumps in
the risk of clogging. Settled sludge may harden
duty-standby operation as well as the economical
and form a crust on the pipeline wall that perma-
pipe dimensions, based on several studies.
nently decreases the diameter, leading to
increased flow losses. Larger sludge clots moving
Fig. 58 with the flow may block bends or other fittings in
the rising main.
µ = -----
a (34)
µ = reflection cycle duration, during which
the pressure wave oscillates back and forth
once (s)
L = pipeline length (m)
a = pressure wave velocity (m/s)
3 Pump Performance
Pressure wave velocities in clean water in pipes of Since it is difficult to establish the change in flow
different materials can be obtained from the fol- velocity when the pump starts or stops, exact cal-
lowing table: culations of the pressure transient cannot be eas-
ily performed. Only if, for example, a valve is
Pipe material Velocity (m/s) closed within the reflection cycle, and the flow
velocity change ∆v is equal to the flow velocity v,
Steel 900...1300 can the pressure change be accurately calculated.
Because the pressure fluctuates symmetrically,
Cast iron 1000...1200 the pressure may fall below vapour pressure,
Reinforced concrete 1000...1200 causing cavitation with resulting high pressure
transients and noise. Potential locations for these
Plastic 300...500 are pump, valve and pipeline high point. The high
grade vacuum may also cause the pipeline to col-
Sewage and sludge often contain insoluble air or lapse.
gas, which has a significant effect on the pressure
wave velocity, as can be seen from the following In sewage pumping the water hammer pressures
table, where the pressure wave velocity is induced during pump stop are higher than those
expressed as a function of the quantity of insolu- induced at pump starting. In theoretical computa-
ble air in the liquid: tions the objective is to calculate the water retar-
dation immediately after pump stop and the
pressure transient induce at that instance. The
Head = 15 m most uncertain and significant factors to find out
Quantity of insoluble Velocity ratio of are the pump flow resistance and lowest pressure
air as volumetric ratio pressure wave generated in the pump, after the supply current
has been cut off. This information is not readily
0 1,0 available from the pump manufacturers.
Pump Performance 3
Pressure surge
Pump 1 starts
Time [s]
3 Pump Performance
Pump point of operation (D) obtained by plotting 3.5.3 Parallel Operation, Different Pumps
pump head curve onto the rising main characteris- When calculating the point of operation for two
tic curve. Total head is the sum of the geodetic head different pumps operating in parallel, different
(Hgeod) and the pipeline loss (HJ). characteristics for the separate pipework up to
the header should be assumed. The following
method for obtaining the points of operation can
be used.
3.5.2 Parallel Operation, Identical Pumps
Parallel operation is the situation where the com- The losses for each pump in their separate pipe-
bined flow of two or more pumps is directed into work before the common header are checked first.
the same rising main. The shape of the character- These can be plotted in the graph as reductions of
istic curve for the rising main will change slightly the heads, reducing the pump curves. The combi-
with the different numbers of pumps operating, nation of these reduced curves at constant head
since each pump has its own discharge line up to gives the combined head curve for the pumps. The
the common point, and the rising main constitu- intersection of this curve and the rising main
tion will therefore vary. characteristic curve is the combined point of oper-
ation. By drawing backwards from this point at
Pump Performance 3
3 Pump Performance
3.6 Sludge Pumping istic curve is the same as for water. With greater
solids contents the characteristic curve will be
Sludge of varying consistence is frequently being higher, but lack of data on the sludge makes the
pumped by submersible pumps in sewage treat- establishment of a correct curve difficult. Another
ment plant duty. With increasing solids content in practical problem is the fact that the solids con-
the sludge, the rising main flow losses will tent of the liquid in the pump and rising main can
increase while pump performance decreases. momentarily considerably exceed the mean or
When selecting a pump for sludge duty these two design value. In thicker sludges the pump motor
factors must be considered. The effect is illus- cooling may become a problem, depending on
trated in principle in Figure 64. cooling method.
The situation is complicated by the fact that not Generally submersible sewage pumps are suitable
enough is known about the behaviour of sludge in for pumping of treatment plant sludges with a
centrifugal pumps. Treatment plant sludge may solids content of maximum 3%. These sludges
have high gas content, either dissolved or include primary sludge, return sludge and excess
entrained, and this will have a profound effect on sludge, whereas for denser sludges, such as thick-
centrifugal pumps. As a rule, sludge with high sol- ened sludge and digested sludge, positive dis-
ids content also has a high content of gas, which placement pumps are preferred. For these thicker
will lower pump performance significantly. In liquids the pumped volumes are relatively small.
extreme cases the pump will stop pumping when
the separated gas accumulates in the impeller Propeller pumps are not recommended in sewage
eye, preventing it from developing the necessary treatment plant duty because of the risk of clog-
centrifugal force. ging. For return sludge pumping a channel type
pump in vertical column installation is a good
As a precaution when pumping dense sludge, the solution.
pump should be placed as low as possible, to
ensure positive suction head. The use of long suc-
tion pipes should also be avoided, since the pres- 3.7 Complex Rising Mains
sure drop in these is also increased by the solids
content. Long transfer sewer lines frequently have complex
profiles, with low and high turning points. Air or
With a sludge solids content less than 1%, it is usu- gas trapped at the high turning points increases
ally safe to assume that the rising main character- pump head, whereas the low turning point
increases the risk of sedimentation. There are
Fig. 64 cases where a selected pump has proven to be
Pump H curves inadequate, and cases of sedimentation are also
3% known. Exact forecasting of sewer main perfor-
H 2% mance is difficult because of the intermittent
pumping action of the pumps. Water in the main
0% may move as little as 100 metres during one
pumping cycle, and air or gas in the pipeline will
not be removed and the flow will not stabilize in
0% that period.
Rising main curves 2%
3.7.1 What Goes on in a Complex Rising
In Figure 65 the section YK-VP contains air. As the
Q3% Q2% Q1% Q0% Q
pump starts, the liquid level VP begins to slowly
rise and the air pressure in the section YK-VP
The effect of solids content in sludge on pump head increases and a flow develops from point VP and
curve and rising main characteristic curve. The graph to point PK (v2). As the pump stops, the flow from
shows the principle only, and cannot be used for nu- VP to PK continues for some time, slowly decreas-
meric evaluations. ing. Because the duration of flow from VP to PK is
Pump Performance 3
Fig. 65 Fig. 66
h2 h3 hn
longer than pump running time, the maximum 3.7.3 Pipe Size and Flow Velocity
flow velocity v2 is slower than v1. The low velocity
As noted above, the air or gas collected in the ris-
of v2 and the rising section after point AK may ing main will even the flow velocity in the follow-
increase the risk of sedimentation. The air or gas ing section, causing lower flow velocity in the low
in the section YK-VP prevents the siphoning effect points of the pipeline. This gives reason to choose
from forming, leading to increased geodetic head. a rising main of a dimension small enough to
ensure that the flow velocity does not fall too low.
The exact location of point VP is difficult to esti- Minimum pipe dimension is DN 100, however.
mate accurately. If the amount of air were con-
stant, the location of point VP could be calculated A smaller pipe has also a smaller volume, mean-
as a function of time. In practice the amount of air ing that the water moves a longer distance with
in the pipe will change, and the location of point each pumping cycle, increasing the flow velocities
VP cannot be calculated. If YK is located lower at the low point of the pipeline. From an odour
than PK, the air could in theory be removed with point of view a smaller pipe dimension is better,
an automatic air valve. If point YK is situated since the sewage stays a shorter time in the rising
higher than PK, the air will flow back into the pipe main. A higher flow velocity may also carry out
after the pump has stopped. Automatic air valves some of the air in the pipe. In these cases the
are prone to clog up in sewage. A solution could dimensioning flow velocity (v1) should be at least
be a hand-operated air valve that is opened at cer- 0,8 m/s, in more difficult cases even higher.
tain intervals according to information on air or
gas accumulation gathered over time.
3.7.4 Choice of Pump
In a complex rising main the true head may differ
3.7.2 Determination of Head considerably from calculated. If the calculated
For a rising main with a profile similar to Figure duty point is situated near either end of the pump
66, the pump total head is difficult to estimate Q/H curve allowed section, this pump should not
exactly. An estimation of magnitude can be made, be considered. A pump with a Q/H curve passing
however. The minimum Head (Hmin) is deter- above the calculated duty point should also be
mined with the rising main completely filled and considered, since it offers security of choice and
the maximum head (Hmax) as a situation with all the flow velocity increases.
downward sloping sections air or gas-filled. Thus
3.7.5 Confirming Measurements
Hmin = Hgeod + pipe flow friction losses for total
Since true duty point may differ considerably in
length of rising main cases with a complex rising main, it may be useful
to measure the volume rate of flow a few weeks
Hmax = h1 + h2 + h3 + +hn + pipe flow friction losses after pumping station commissioning, using the
for total length of rising main volumetric method. Comparing measured values
with calculated will show deviations and indicate
Real total head is a value between the maximum true state of the rising main. The measurements
and minimum value. A useful estimation may be can be repeated a few times during the first year
the mean value of Hmax and Hmin. of operation, since gas or air content in the rising
main may change.
3 Pump Performance
Pump Performance 3
Fig. 69
Hgeod 1 Hgeod 2
H2 T2
H1 T1
HJ 1-3 HJ 2-3
in Point 3 H-curve
in Point 3
Q1 Q Q1 Q
Station 1 Station 2
1 2
HJ 3-4
Establishing operating points for pumping stations discharging into a common rising main.
4. The intersection point A between the com- working singly are the intersection points C’ and
bined pumping stations H curve 1+2 and the B’ of the reduced individual head curves 1 and 2
head loss curve HJ 3-4 represents the combined and the head loss curve HJ 3-4 as plotted in step 3
output Q1+2 at the discharge point. above.
5. A horizontal line is plotted through point A,
intersecting the separate head curves 1 and 2 The procedure can be extended for installations
in points C and B respectively. The correspond- with even more pumping stations in a common
ing flow rates at these points, Q1 and Q2, repre- main. Working out the various operating points
becomes, however, an arduous task. Large sewer-
sent the pumping station individual outputs.
age systems comprise collection wells and gravity
6. Plotting the individual outputs Q1 and Q2 onto
sewer sections, breaking the network into sepa-
the individual head curves for each pumping rate pressurised sections that each can be deter-
station, the operating point for each pump is mined exactly. It is therefore unlikely that very
obtained as the intersection points T1 and T2. complex combined calculations will have to be
The operating points for the pumping stations performed.
4 Testing of Pumps
Fig. 70
H [m]
Q [l/s]
Principle of a submersible production pumps testing facility, where water is circulated. All pipework is designed to pro-
vide ideal and known operating conditions for the pressure gauge and flow meter for unambiguous readings.
Obtained data are fed into computer for speedy results and evaluation service.
Testing of Pumps 4
2 H
p v
H = ------2 + Z 1, 2 + -----2- + H J (35)
ρg 2g
------2 = pressure gauge reading changed to head 2g
Z1.2 = pressure gauge height above water level
-----2- = pump dynamic head at pressure measure- QD Q
ment point
Using a pump head curve sheet for operating point
4⋅Q estimation. Measured static head and dynamic
v 2 = -------------- head function against flow rate are plotted. Pump
π ⋅ D2 operating point D is obtained graphically.
4 Testing of Pumps
measured onto the H axis of the pump head curve The essence of the testing standards is to govern
sheet. The function of the dynamic head against a how the tests should be conducted technically
number of flow rates is then plotted onto the and what are the allowed performance toler-
sheet. Pump operating point will be in the inter- ances, unless otherwise agreed. The testing stan-
section of this curve and pump head curve. The dards do not regulate actions to be taken in case a
principle is shown in Figure 71. pump fails to perform according to the tolerances,
or the consequences thereof. The parties should
Site conditions do not fulfil the testing rig require- separately agree on these issues at time of pur-
ments of the testing standards. The results can chase or later.
therefore not be used for pump acceptance tests.
4.2.1 Testing Standards
A pressure gauge connected to the piping of a
The purpose of the testing standards is to define
pumping station can be used for an approximate
in detail how the tests are performed and how the
determination of the pump duty point. The height
test results shall be technically compared with the
of the pressure gauge above the water level in the
guaranteed values. The content of the standards
pump suction sump, the calculated pressure
is mainly as follows:
losses between pump flange and point of mea-
• terms, definitions and symbols
sure as well as the dynamic head (v2/2g) shall be • organizations of tests
added to the reading. For dry-installed pumps the • test arrangements
losses in the suction piping shall be deducted. • measuring uncertainties
These losses are usually minimal. • verification of guarantees
Testing of Pumps 4
+ tH XG
the tolerances of the measured variables. .
- tQ . QG + tQ . QG
If guarantee values are required in specifications - tH . XG
or sales contracts, the following variables accord-
ing to the testing standards are suitable:
• Q/H duty point Measured curve
• Efficiency ηgr or η G G
4 Testing of Pumps
The efficiency shall be derived from the measured These are proportional values, not percentage
Q/H curve where it is intersected by the straight points.
line passing through the specified duty point QG,
HG and the zero of the Q, H axes and from where a For sewage pumping the ± tolerances of the stan-
vertical line intersects the η curve. dards ISO 9906, Grade 2 and ISO 2548 are quite
acceptable. They are also compatible with normal
The guarantee condition on efficiency is within production variations in manufacturing. More
tolerance if the efficiency value at this point of stringent requirements may cause extra costs in
intersection is higher or at least equal to ηG (1-tη). production and delivery delays. The published
curves of sewage pumps are also based on these
Grundfos has developed an application method of standards, a fact stated on these curves.
the elliptic tolerance zones of the ISO 2548 stan-
dard, making it more convenient to use in Sometimes a condition stipulating that negative
numeric calculations. The method uses the slope tolerances are unacceptable may be raised by cus-
of the tangent to the Q/H curve at the point of tomers. Problems and misunderstandings are a
examination, and makes it possible to numeri- common consequence of this, with difficulties for
cally determine Hmin and Hmax at guaranteed rate both manufacturer and customer. The ISO testing
of flow, so that the ellipse condition is met. standards do not recognize asymmetric tolerance
systems, and the published curves of the manu-
facturers are based on the symmetric tolerance
Other Testing Standards
systems of the ISO standards. If the customer
Many countries have issued national standards finds that a true volume flow lesser than indi-
equivalent to the ISO standards. In the U.S. a cated by the published curve is unacceptable, a
national testing standard issued by Hydraulic better solution than requesting no-negative toler-
Institute is frequently used. This standard differs ances would be to increase the required volume
from the ISO standards with regard to the toler- flow by 3…10% and then select a pump based on
ance system. this figure.
Allowed True Performance Deviations Requiring no-negative tolerances for the pump
The maximum possible deviation from the guar- efficiency does not make much sense, since pump
anteed duty point is composed of inaccuracies of manufacturers would then be forced to lower the
the measurement technology and the allowed published nominal figures. Too low, conservative
tolerances. The testing standards specify the figures would not be representative of the major-
accuracy requirements of the measuring instru- ity of the pumps and lead to misunderstandings
ments and guide values for the allowed tolerances. and confusion.
Pumping Stations 5
5 Pumping Stations In a good design the start and stop levels should
be relatively close to each other for the following
The working environment for submersible pumps, • Pump starting frequency becomes high
regardless of size, is the pumping station. Pump- enough to prevent sludge an impurities from
ing station design and construction is decisive for settling onto well floor.
the performance of the pumps, and care and dili- • Pumping station inlet should stay low relative
gence should therefore be exercised whenever to the liquid level in the wet well.
specifying them. The following is a primer of
pumping station design offering hints and advice A guideline maximum value for the effective vol-
for the design engineer and the operator of ume height in small pumping stations is approx. 1
pumping stations. Some aspects of pump opera- m and 2 m in larger pumping stations.
tion and interaction with the pumping station
pipework is also discussed. The effective volume can be substituted with the
wet well surface area using the following equa-
5.1 Pumping Station Basic Design Q
A W = ------
The decisive factor for pumping station operation 20 (36)
is a good hydrodynamic design. A bad pumping
station design may lead to pump malfunction, where
uneconomical pumping and frequent needs for AW = wet well surface area in m²
pumping station service and cleanout. Q = pumping station total flow rate, l/s
Modern sewage pumping stations are designed For small pumping station flow rates, however,
for pumping of unscreened sewage, and the the surface area will be limited by the physical
design criteria for these differs from those for dimensions of the pumps when submersible
clean water. In the following the design and spe- pumps are used. The surface area will then be
cial requirements of sewage and stormwater
pumping stations are discussed.
Fig. 75
5.1.1 Wet Well Volume and Surface Area
The wet well effective volume should be of correct
size. Too large a volume may lead to accumulation
of sludge in the well, whereas too small a volume
leads to too frequent starting and stopping of the
pumps. The use of modern submersible pumps,
with high allowable starting frequency, leads to
smaller and more efficient pumping station
5 Pumping Stations
Pumping Stations 5
5 Pumping Stations
where Fig. 79
hs = stop level height, m
Q = pump flow rate, l/s D2
Pumping Stations 5
5 Pumping Stations
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 82
Pumping station design for two submersible pumps and moderate flows (Q = 50...2000 l/s). The elongated wet well
shape is an important feature that places the inlet pipe away from the pumps and prevents the build-up of sludge on
the wet well floor.
5 Pumping Stations
Fig. 83
vmax = 1,2 m/s
Pumping station design for several submersible pumps and large flows. If the pumps are depending on submergence
for cooling, the stop level hs2 is chosen accordingly.
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 84
Wet well design for a pumping station with multiple dry-installed pumps. Flow velocity across the suction bends vo =
0,3...0,4 m/s with the liquid at stop level. Pump internal distance B can be selected as for submersible pumps, whereas
the distance M should be selected according to inlet fall height, and should ensure an even flow at the suction inlets.
5.1.11 Dry-installed Pump Positions culations for installations where more than one
For dry installation most manufacturers can offer pump is operated simultaneously.
pumps for both vertical and horizontal installa-
tion. Usually a pump in horizontal position offers Large pumps for horizontal installation are fitted
advantages, such as: with slide bars for easy removal of pump motor
• simplified piping with less bends from the pump housing. Please refer to Figure 17
• suction flow to the impeller is even in Section 2.
• lower pump position.
5 Pumping Stations
M B = 2000 ⋅ V G
MB = concrete mass (kg)
VG = volume of pumping station below water
table (m³)
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 86 Fig. 87
Package pumping station with separate above- Typical package pumping station. The wet well is
ground service building. Wet well collar serve as complete with folding work platforms for valve ac-
foundation for the building. cess and service.
5 Pumping Stations
Fig. 89
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 91
3 3
2 2
1 1
Pump immersion must be sufficient in order for to appear unexpectedly. A vortex can be pre-
suction vortices to be avoided. Figure 91 shows a vented by placing a float on top of it, if possible.
dimensioning recommendation diagram accord-
ing to the proposed new CEN standard (draft). The Pumps are frequently installed in columns in a
appearance of suction vortices is still impossible manner where the water exits straight upwards
to completely predict beforehand. Pump charac- through the column. In these cases the pump
teristics and flow conditions in the suction cham- head and energy use can be changed by the top
ber influence the development of suction vortices. design. A good working design is shown in Figure
The suction chamber shape may induce vortices 92. The pump column is terminated well below
Fig. 92
5 Pumping Stations
the weir, allowing the flow to smoothen before 5.4.1 Regular Sewage Pumping Stations
flowing over the weir. In this design the pump Flow rate estimation of residential sewage is nor-
head can be calculated with workable accuracy mally based on population numbers. The flow
using the equations in Figure 92. Losses in the col- rate varies in daily and weekly cycles, the variation
umn can be disregarded in practical examina- being in the range of 0,5...1,5 times average flow.
tions. Industrial effluent must be estimated on a case by
case basis, depending on the plant type in ques-
tion. The amount of leakage water present
5.4 Pumping Station Dimension depends on a number of variables, such as water
table level, local rainfall and soil characteristics
Selection and general condition of the subterranean pipe-
work. It can be estimated as units per pipeline
Pumping station dimensioning is based on the
expected incoming flow, which usually must be length unit, e.g. kilometre or as a ratio related to
estimated without the use of collected data. quantity of the sewage.
Guidance values cannot always be applied, since
flow rates depend on a great number of variables. The possibility of flooding at the pumping station
Figures are available from the sewerage systems with consequent environmental damage must be
designers or, less accessible, from technical litera- taken into account. For this reason sewage pump-
ture on the subject. The possibility of sewerage ing stations have two pumps in duty-standby con-
system future expansions must also be consid- figuration, with each pump capable of handling
ered as reserve capacity or flexibility in pump size peak flow. Thus flooding will not occur in situa-
installation. Sewage pumping station incoming tions when one pump is out of order or being shut
flow is also typically greatly varying with time, down for service. If pumping station capacity is
both in short and long cycle. based on two pumps operating in parallel, a third
pump should be provided as standby. Estate or
Incoming flow estimation always starts with the other private pumping stations may be equipped
analysis of the possible constituent parts. These with a single pump, since the incoming sewage
are normally classified as flow can easily be controlled by restricting the
• residential sewage usage of facilities.
• industrial effluent
• stormwater (rain and melting snow) 5.4.2 Stormwater Pumping Stations
• leakage water Rain water flow rates are considerably larger than
Of these, leakage water is water entering the sew- other stormwater sources, such as melting snow.
erage system from ground water leaks, leaking Dimensioning of the system is based on the larg-
water mains or stormwater inadvertently enter- est anticipated amount that will reach the pump-
ing a separate sewage system through manholes ing station. This amount may not necessarily be
or other entrances, such as worksite excavations. the most severe torrent, for stormwater sewers
are allowed to flood under heavy rain circum-
To correctly dimension a pumping station, the stances because of the relative harmlessness of
type of use must be known. Sewerage systems are rainwater. The design values are also affected by
classified as flood tolerance of the area and the type of urban
• sewers for regular sewage, receiving domestic environment in question. Leakage water addition
and/or industrial effluents only must also be considered.
• stormwater sewers, handling stormwater only
• combined sewers, handling both regular sew- Controlled flooding at the pumping station is
age and stormwater in various proportions. arranged with overflow weirs, discharging in a
suitable direction, such as a ditch or canal.
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 93
5.4.3 Combined Sewage Pumping Sta- consisting of an ejector drawing air from the sur-
tions and Retention Basins face combined with a submersible pump. The
design is shown in Figure 93.
The dimensioning flow rate for combined sewage
pumping stations is the sum of the estimated
The air provided by the ejector makes the mixing
sewage, stormwater and leakage water flow
more effective at low water depths. The required
rates. Reliability requirement is the same as for
pumping power can be estimated at approxi-
sewage pumping stations, making it necessary to
dimension them with at least one pump as mately 70 W per m2 basin bottom area. The ejec-
standby. Combined sewage pumping stations tors should be placed and directed so that the jets
combine in an unfavourable way the properties of flush the solids towards the basin drain.
regular sewage and stormwater pumping sta-
tions, and their use is therefore discouraged.
5 Pumping Stations
Pumping Stations 5
Fig. 94 Fig. 95
max max
Selection point
Selection point
Frequently more than one pump, even from the 5.5.3 Number of Pumps
same manufacturer, may be considered for a Sewage pumping station pumps are selected so
desired duty point. One alternative may offer that at least one pump always is on standby. Espe-
lower costs but have lower efficiency than cially in larger pumping stations, the number of
another. The decision between these pumps pumps should be selected so as to optimize pump
should in principle be based on a whole life cost usage and investment cost. The cost of pumping
analysis. This assessment will frequently have to capacity, or pump power in kW, decreases with
be performed by the customer or his consultant, increased pump unit size. On the other hand, the
since the pump manufacturer usually does not requirement of one standby unit will increase the
have all relevant information. The position of the cost of redundancy if few very large units are
buyer may also be significant, since a contractor used. Installation costs are therefore almost con-
may stress purchasing price over operating costs, stant for a given capacity, regardless of number of
whereas the owner will look at total costs. pumps used to meet the requirement, at least
within a reasonable range. Likewise, the energy
Unfortunately, the pump manufacturer fre- cost will remain almost constant, if the pumps
quently has to select and offer pumps with very considered can run near the optimal operating
little or no information on the project, and pump point.
selection may therefore not be optimal, or it may
5 Pumping Stations
Pumping Stations 5
elements is near the exciting frequency from the noise problems. In severe situations the piping
pump, the system resonance will increase vibra- and dry-installed pump motors can be clad with
tions. In these cases the support structures must sound-proofing insulation.
be stiffened. For a frequency controlled pump the
system may vibrate more at some frequency
because of resonance.
6 Frequency-controlled Sewage Pumps
Frequency-controlled Sewage Pumps 6
If all pumps in a parallel installations are fre- If the rising main characteristic curve is steeply
quency-controlled, the situation with irregular rising, and several pumps may be running simul-
control will not arise, and regulation above nomi- taneously, it may be necessary to define several
nal frequency will not be necessary. minimum pump flow levels depending of number
of pumps in use at the same time. The pumps
If regulation above nominal is needed, this must must then be controlled by a suitable, program-
be stated on all inquiries, in order for the pump mable logic device. A minimum frequency deter-
manufacturer to be able to allow for it in the mined for the maximum number of pumps
pump and motor selection process. In some cases running simultaneously, and then used in all situ-
the use of a standard 60 Hz pump for a 50 Hz ations, with varying minimum performance as
installation with frequency control is favourable, result, depending on pumps in use.
but this solution should be weighed against fol-
lowing drawbacks: 6.1.4 Pump Frequency Curves
• If the frequency controller is out of order and
The pump Q/H curves for different frequencies
the pump can be run at nominal 50 Hz only,
are necessary in order to determine pump perfor-
the output of a 60 Hz pumps falls to 50…80%
mance at various speeds against a given rising
of that of a 50 Hz pump, depending on rising
main characteristic curve. Minimum frequency
main characteristics and friction losses.
must be determined and also pump efficiency at
• The motor is likely to have special windings
various frequencies. Pump curves for different fre-
because of the differences in voltages in stan-
quencies are easily drawn based on affinity rules
dard 60 Hz pumps as compared to standard 50
calculations, but possible limitations on curve
Hz pumps, which will impede future spare
usage can be determined by pump manufacturer
parts service.
alone. It makes sense to request frequency curves
• Pump efficiency may be lower, since some 60
from the manufacturer, with Q, H and η for differ-
Hz pumps are converted from 50 Hz by reduc-
ent frequencies at e.g. 5 Hz intervals.
ing impeller diameter.
Frequency curves can be calculated based on the
6.1.3 Minimum Frequency and Minimum affinity rules using the following equations:
Allowed minimum frequency for a specific pump f'
Q' = Q ---
is often inquired. A comprehensive answer to this f (40)
question requires information on the installation
and rising main, since the shifting of duty point 2
H' = H ⎛ ---⎞
when reducing operating frequency is dependent ⎝ f⎠ (41)
on pump Q/H curve shape and rising main charac-
teristics. It is recommended that the minimum 3
P' = P ⎛ ---⎞
frequency is worked out from required minimum ⎝ f⎠ (42)
flow with the help of pump Q/H curve and rising
main characteristics. η' = η
Pumping sewage at too low flow (too low fre-
quency) may lead to excessive pump wear from 2
NPSH R' = NPSH R ⎛ ---⎞
sand or other abrasive matter remaining in the ⎝ f⎠ (44)
pump instead of being pumped out with the liq-
uid. Too small a flow may also lead to clogging of
the pump. If the geodetic portion of pump head is The above equations are valid simultaneously for
high (above 40%), the duty point will move to the the change of a given Q/H duty point and with an
left of the pump Q/H curve, where pump effi- accuracy acceptable for practical considerations.
ciency is lower, and energy costs may increase. As
a general rule, minimum performance can be lim-
ited to 25% of flow at best efficiency at nominal
frequency (Qopt).
6 Frequency-controlled Sewage Pumps
Frequency-controlled Sewage Pumps 6
6.1.8 High Tension specified pump installation duty speed, and that
For supply voltages above 500 V, frequency con- test bed results are converted to duty point data
trol may cause too high voltage fluctuations for using the affinity law equations.
standard motors. In these cases the motors may
have to be redesigned with special winding insu- 6.1.11 Tests with Frequency Controller
lation and insulated bearings. The use of voltages (String Tests)
higher than 500 V are therefore discouraged in If the overall efficiency of the combination of
combination with frequency control. pump and frequency controller shall be verified,
the situation of the pump manufacturer is diffi-
6.1.9 Explosion-proof Motors cult. This situation requires exact information on
In frequency control the motors may operate at a frequency controller efficiency and pump motor
higher temperature than normally. Thus an explo- efficiency at modulated current, when voltage
sion proof certification of a motor at nominal fre- alternation is different from unmodulated sine
quency may be void for frequency control wave. These data are device-specific and almost
operation. The ex-proof certification of a pump impossible to get accurate information on before-
cable is likely not to be valid for an EMC cable. hand, and they must therefore be postulated. The
test standard also do not specify tolerance values
If an explosion-proof motor is intended for fre- for total efficiencies measured under these condi-
quency control, this must be clearly stated in the tions. The frequency controller must also be made
inquiry documents, in order for the manufacturer available in advance to the pump manufacturer
to be able to correctly assess pump and motor for testing, further complicating things and add-
suitability. Adding frequency control to an exist- ing costs. String tests are of little practical value.
ing installation also warrants contacting the man-
ufacturer for clearance. 6.1.12 Collaboration with the Pump Man-
6.1.10 Guaranteed Values Designing and executing an installation with fre-
The essential requirement of pump performance quency control of pumps is much more compli-
is that pump volume rate of flow matches the cated than simple fixed-speed pump installations.
specified demand and that pump energy costs are The close collaboration between pump manufac-
under control. turer and client is therefore important already at
the planning stage. Guaranteed duty points and
In order to secure total output, the guaranteed testing standard usage should also be agreed
duty point should be according to parallel opera- upon beforehand at contract negotiations when-
tion of pumps. If the rising main characteristic ever possible.
curve is flat (high Hgeod) or each pump has its own
individual rising main, the same duty point is also
suitable for pump efficiency guarantee evalua-
tion. On the other hand, if the rising main charac-
teristic curve is steep or if the geodetic head is
fluctuating, the determination of a rational guar-
antee point for pump efficiency gets difficult. The
guarantee duty point of η may be different from
that of volume rate of flow and head. It makes
sense to separately agree what duty point shall be
used for evaluation of pump efficiency. This point
could be the maximum efficiency point or the
intersection point of pump Q/H curve at nominal
frequency and the rising main characteristic
curve. A duty point at other frequency than nomi-
nal may also be chosen as guarantee point. It
should be noted that, according to the test stan-
dards, test pump speed may differ by ±20% from
7 Pump Whole-life Cost Evaluation
7 Pump Whole-life Cost It should be noted that these methods have fairly
large error margins for energy and maintenance
Evaluation costs because these items are based on forecasts,
such as future pumped volume and wear rate
The pump selection process should comprise a
pump life time cost evaluation, including the esti- The decision may also be based on reasons of
mation of all costs of acquiring, operating and principle or commercial grounds. Environmental
maintaining the pumping plant over its fore- aspects may stress energy use and costs. If the
casted life span. The importance of life cycle cost pumps are part of general contract and purchased
evaluations and comparative calculations by a contractor, purchase price alone may be deci-
increases with increasing pumping plant size. For sive.
instance, the energy costs of operating a mid-size
(30 kW) sewage pumps over three years are equiv-
alent to the original pump procurement costs. 7.2 Calculation Period
The useful life time of modern sewage pumps is in
the magnitude of 25 years. A pumping station
may become due for renovation much earlier, e.g.
7.1 General if changes in the neighbourhood lead to increased
pumping needs or zoning measures call for its
Pumping plant whole-life costs are needed for abolition or relocation. Also the unavailability of
project financial and investment feasibility calcu- spare parts may cause early pump obsolescence. A
lations. For instance, in a pumping station renova- suitable period for whole-life economic calcula-
tion project, where old pumps are replaced with tions is therefore 8…10 years from commission.
new ones, the chief investment assessment crite-
rion is life cycle cost evaluation. Correct long-term
calculations will have to take into account pre- 7.3 Investment Costs
dicted energy cost changes, inflation and interest
rates in addition to pump life cycle costs. These Pump purchase prices are obtained from the man-
calculations require financial and project man- ufacturers by inquiry or negotiations. Final price
agement skills in addition to solid pump knowl- may also include other commercial and purchas-
edge. ing costs, such as transportation. Also the effects
of different pump specifications on other acquisi-
Life cycle cost calculations are commonly used for tion costs must be considered. A larger motor
comparison of pumps during purchasing. The may, for instance, require a frequency converter or
alternatives to consider are either different makes mains supply fuse of higher rating, adding invest-
or different models from the same manufacturer. ment costs.
In these comparisons the financial elements nor-
mally have the same proportional magnitude for Figure 97 shows the proportional effect of pump
the various alternatives. As future changes in size on pump cost for pumps of 1500 1/min nomi-
energy costs and maintenance labour costs are nal speed. A pump with lower nominal speed will
difficult to forecast, it makes good sense to sim- generally be more expensive than a pump of the
plify the comparative calculations to comprise life same rating running at higher speed, because of
cycle costs calculations at present-day cost level, larger size. The figure shows that for small pumps
without financial analysis. Thus the analysis can of less than 10 kW rating, purchase price will be
be based on two different approaches: decisive for the life cycle costs.
• The whole-life costs are calculated for the dif-
ferent alternatives at present-day cost level,
and compared.
• A comparison based on the most inexpensive
alternative is performed, where the pay-back
periods for those alternatives with lower oper-
ating and maintenance costs are calculated.
Pump Whole-life Cost Evaluation 7
Fig. 97
2 10 50 100 500
PN (kW)
Effect of pump size on pump specific cost Price/PN when pump nominal speed is 1500 1/min relative to 10 kW pump.
7 Pump Whole-life Cost Evaluation
is more sensitive to changes in the clearance (see operating hours. If the pump Q/H curve passes
section 2.2.1 Impellers). above the desired duty point the pump output
will be higher and consequently, the operating
7.4.2 Energy Usage Calculations hours fewer. This must be considered when
using the pump operating hour method.
The energy calculation can be performed using
two different methods:
The energy calculation methods are fairly simple
when the pump is operated in a single duty point.
• Appraisal using yearly pumped water volume,
The situation gets more complicated with pumps
first computing specific energy, using the fol-
in parallel duty and if the pump is used with fre-
lowing equation:
quency converter. In parallel duty, calculations
should be performed separately for the different
g⋅H 3
E sp = -------------------------- [ kWh ⁄ m ] duty points, and then by approximating the
η gr ⋅ 3600 (45)
pumped volumes or operating hours accruing in
each of these.
With frequency converter the pump has an infi-
H = pump head at duty point [m],
nite number of duty points. A duty point, repre-
sentative of the average pump duty should be
g = 9,81 [m/s2], selected for the calculations in these cases.
Another uncertainty factor when calculating the
ηgr = overall efficiency (pump + motor) at duty energy consumption for frequency-controlled
point [decimal value], pumps is the fact that the overall efficiency of the
system is difficult to accurately determine. For
Liquid density is assumed to be 1000 kg/m3. comparative calculations the pump efficiency
without frequency controller may be used.
The energy consumption is calculated using
specific energy and estimated yearly pumped
7.5 Maintenance Costs
Normally submersible pumps are recommended
• Appraisal based on operating hours, first com- routine maintenance on a yearly basis. Mainte-
puting power at guaranteed efficiency, using nance includes seal oil control, motor insulation
the following equation: control with resistance meter, suction clearance
check and, if necessary, adjustment, and general
g⋅Q⋅H surface inspection. Most manufacturers recom-
P gr = ------------------------- [ kW ]
η gr ⋅ 1000 (46) mend very similar routines. Distinctions between
pumps from different manufacturers are most
where clear in the possibilities of maintaining and
restoring pump efficiency.
Q = pump volume flow at duty point [l/s],
If a pump is equipped with an adjustable suction
H = pump head at duty point [m], clearance mechanism, the costs for maintaining
pump efficiency does not add to costs, since the
g = 9,81 [m/s2], adjustment can be performed during normal rou-
tine maintenance on site. If, on the other hand,
ηgr = overall efficiency (pump + motor) at duty pump efficiency maintenance requires that spare
point [decimal value], parts be used or the pump brought to shop, the
costs for these measures will have to be taken
Liquid density is assumed to be 1000 kg/m3. into account when the whole-life costs of the
pump are calculated.
The energy consumption is calculated using
the power obtained and estimated yearly
Pump Whole-life Cost Evaluation 7
8 Commissioning
8 Commissioning
During pump commissioning, the following items
should be inspected:
• Check duty point(s) using pressure gauging
and possibly flow metering, using the volu-
metric method, for comparison of these with
projected values and to confirm that true duty
point lies within allowed limits of pump Q/H
In long rising mains with several high and low
points on the way to the discharge point, the
true situation may take some time to stabilize.
The measurements should therefore be
repeated after some time after commissioning
to confirm duty point.
• Check pump operation for vibrations and
noise. Check for signs of cavitation.
• Compare start and stop levels with projected
values and adjust if necessary. Lowest possible
stop level for dry-installed pumps should be
found by trials, observing suction of air into
inlet pipe.
Operation and Service 9
10 Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring
Unreliable sewage pumping stations represent an Relay-based control units are both easy to use and
ecological as well as economical risk in the form of reliable due to simplicity of design. They are suit-
waste water overflowing into the environment or able for small or secondary pumping stations
basements of buildings. Reliability is therefore the where little or no operational flexibility is
prime concern in design of a control unit for waste required.
water pumping station.
10.1.3 Programmable Logic Controllers
This chapter describes the sensors the reliable Pump control units based on programmable logic
pumping station control is based on, different controllers (PLCs) offer extensive possibilities for
control methods concentrating on the modern pump condition monitoring, data logging and
state-of-the-art control technology and finally a analysis as well as flexible pump control. Design-
network level remote control and monitoring sys- ing of a good pump control unit based on PLCs is
tem and its future possibilities combining Inter- demanding and always requires solid knowledge
net and WAP technology. of the operation and requirements of a sewage
pumping station, in addition to programming
10.1 Local Control Methods skills. Selection of control and measurement sig-
nals, pump and pumping station analysis and
Local control is always needed at site at the pump- choice of level measurement sensors are among
ing station to control the operation of the pumps. the things that has to be considered.
The local control unit can be built to different
technical levels according to requirements of con-
trol features as well as costs.
Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring 10
10.2 Sensors for Pump Control The function of pressure transmitters is sensitive
to sedimentation, but this can be avoided by cor-
and Condition Monitoring rectly installing the transmitter inside a protective
pipe as shown in Figure 89.
The pump control unit, simple relay-based or ver-
satile PLC, requires different sensors to gather
information from the operation of the pumps as Fig. 89
well as the whole pumping station as shown in
Figure 88. Such sensors provide information on
wet well water level, current consumption of the
pump, condition of the pump primary seal as well
as motor coil insulation and so on.
Fig. 88
10 Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring
the wet well and consists of a rubber or plastic 10.2.3 kWh Meter
bladder connected to a vertical pipe and contain- Pumping stations with a modern electronic con-
ing a reference liquid. A wire is suspended in the troller should always be equipped with a kWh
pipe and connected to a signal transmitter. The meter, which has a potential free pulse output. As
level of the reference liquid in the pipe rises and the meter provides a certain amount of pulses for
falls with the level of the content in the wet well. each kilowatt hour used by the pumping station,
The capacitance of the wire-pipe element the energy consumption can be monitored.
changes accordingly and the signal is transformed
in the transmitter to a suitable signal for the
pump control unit. 10.2.4 Phase Failure Relay
All the three mains phases are connected to the
Capacitive devices are normally reliable but phase failure relay. This device provides an alarm
exposed to malfunctioning due to accumulation signal in case loss of power in the pumping sta-
of sediments on the bladder at the bottom of the tion.
wet well. The device also needs careful installa-
tion and more service than pressure transmitters. 10.2.5 SARI 2 Monitoring Device
The Grundfos SARI 2 is a combined monitoring
Float switches have been used for level control in device for motor insulation resistance and seal oil
waste water pumping applications for many water content. The motor insulation resistance is
years. They provide the simplest means for level measured between one of the mains phases and
control at fixed levels, but do not provide any pos- ground when the pump is stopped and discon-
sibility for continuous level control. In multiple nected from the mains supply. Low insulation
float switch installations there is always a risk for resistance indicates moisture inside the motor,
the control wires getting entangled in each other which could lead to the motor burning and expen-
or the pump cables. Float switches, together with sive repair work.
a relay-based control unit, are used today mainly
in small installations. In case the pump is equipped with a Grundfos
OCT 1 oil condition transmitter, the SARI 2 also
On the other hand, due to their simplicity and reli- continuously monitors the water content in the
ability float switches are even today quite often seal oil chamber. As the primary shaft seal wears
used as a backup or emergency level control sys- in time and water leaks into the oil chamber, the
tem in larger units, too. This usage provides emer- OCT 1 probe indicates the water content in the
gency operation in case of the main level seal oil. This information is routed to the SARI 2
measuring equipment failing. monitoring device, which raises an alarm.
Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring 10
10 Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring
Flow measurement is possible without a separate below the stop level to allow pump snoring (con-
flow meter. It is done according to the volumetric trolled dry running) at given intervals. This is to
method, where the changes of levels in a wet well prevent sludge accumulation and cake formation
of known dimensions are measured against time. on the wet well surface. In this manner possible
The unit software calculates both incoming and pump blockages can be avoided with savings in
pumped flows with the same accuracy as that of a unscheduled maintenance costs. This has also
magnetic flow meter. The volumetric method is been found, by experience, to be an effective way
also the basis for the measurement of the pump to prevent odour problems.
capacity, which is continuously measured as a
running average of ten latest pump actions. Another possible advantageous operational fea-
ture is to let the pump starting level intentionally
In case of an overflow from a pumping station, it fluctuate around its setting; this is to prevent a
should be possible to estimate the volume accu- sludge rim from forming on the wet well wall at
rately and unambiguously in order for the opera- the start level.
tor to handle possible claims of damage. When
the incoming flow at the time and the duration of The pump control unit is also programmed to
overflow is known, the volume is estimated by the indicate all operation failures in the station, such
unit software for authority reporting. as alarms for high level, low level, pump power
failure, and other alarms based on settings of
Pump motor current measuring is necessary for parameter limits.
protection and condition monitoring purposes.
With adjustable over and under current limits, the 10.3.2 Condition Monitoring Features
unit is set to protect the pump motor in abnormal
The pump control unit performs automatic pump
situations. In case the input current rises above
condition monitoring based on the parameters
the over current limit, where a burnout of the
logged and analyzed. When the rate at which the
motor becomes a risk due to possible pump fail-
water level in the wet well rises and falls during
ure or clogging, the pump is automatically
the pumping cycle is monitored, pumping capac-
stopped. Together with embedded thermal relays
ity of each pump can be calculated. The unit then
or electronic motor protectors in the pump motor
compares these values to the pump nominal
starter this offers a very reliable motor protection.
performance data stored in the memory and
An abnormally low input current indicates that
raises an alarm in case the performance is outside
the pump is not pumping normally, which may be
set tolerance limits.
due to pump impeller wear or failure or gas
The benefit of such a system lies in its capability
to give early warning for slowly developing
Pump running hours and number of starts are
defects that ultimately could lead to sudden and
information needed for scheduling of pump
unexpected pump failure and consequent envi-
maintenance. These are also important informa-
ronmental damage. Also developing pressure pipe
tion in verifying the pumping station operational
work problems can be detected by closely analyz-
design and when determining the correct start
ing pump performance. Another benefit of such a
and stop levels during the commissioning.
system is the monitoring of the operation from
the economical point of view, where maintenance
All the features described above are available in
actions can be planned and executed according to
the GRUNDFOS PumpManager control and condi-
need. This finally leads the pump servicing from
tion monitoring unit, and readable from the inter-
repair-on-failure to preventive and even predictive
face display. This enables the motor control panel
to be simple without separate ammeters, hour
counters and sequencing relays, features that are
all incorporated within the PLC. 10.3.3 Parameters and Signals
The pump control unit needs a number of param-
With the control units entirely controlling the eters in order to operate as required. The parame-
pumps by software, it is simple to embed special ters are entered into the unit based on actual
features within the program. Thus it is possible, pumping station dimensions and units taken
for example, to let the pumping station pump from the plans or measured at site. For calibration
Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring 10
10 Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring
Fig. 93
The GRUNDFOS solution for the network level remote administration. The local control units at the pumping stations
are connected via normal telephone (PSTN), radio, GSM modem network or any combination of them to the central
control station. Also fixed (leased) line cable pairs can be used, but are nowadays getting rare.
Such a system offers highly increased operational 10.4.2 Software and Hardware
reliability with modest investment costs since The control center consists of a standard PC work-
there is no control center at all. On the other station, a printer for report printing and the spe-
hand, the modern control unit is capable of utiliz- cially designed administration software. The user
ing the whole SMS message by adding the most interface of the software must be mouse-con-
important logged and analyzed information into trolled and menu-driven for flexible and easy use.
the alarm message. Such information could be Depending on system configuration, theoretically
the pump running hours, number of starts, energy an unlimited number pump control units can be
consumption, pumping station inflow and pump controlled and monitored by a single control sta-
capacities, for example. In case such a system cre- tion. Practically the number is limited to about
ates automatic reports and transfers them to the 200 outstations by the time required to gather
person on duty on a weekly basis even without the observation data from the outstations during
any alarm situations, the normal driving around night time.
to the pumping stations can largely be avoided.
The central control station performs remote con-
In case a network level remote control and moni- trol and monitoring, by which real time condi-
toring system is introduced, there are several tions at the pumping stations can be viewed at
ways to build the communication link between any time. This feature largely substitutes for site
the outstations and the control center as visits by the operating personnel. Pumps can be
described in the following sections. started and stopped; levels and other parameters
can be changed, and so forth. The system gathers
all pumping station observations on a daily basis
and stores the data into the databases from
Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring 10
which e.g. the pump and flow data for many years companies, to access a pumping station for spe-
backwards can be monitored for further analysis, cial purposes.
if desired. The software also generates numeric
and graphic reports on flows, pump data, alarms Modern GSM telecom technology offers an attrac-
and other parameters. Figure 93 shows a remote tive solution for remote control and monitoring
control arrangement. for far-off outstations with long distances. GSM
often offers the best alternative for retrofit instal-
10.4.3 Data Transmission lations, since PSTN line access installation after-
wards is expensive and availability may be
Although the pump control units operate com-
limited. It is a clear trend that GSM modem con-
pletely independent, the transmission of data is
nections are getting increasingly popular in the
crucial for the remote control systems to work.
The time needed for data transfer can be
decreased, if the pump control unit performs all
data analysis locally and stores the results in its 10.4.4 Alarm Transfer
memory. Only the calculated results, instead of all Alarms raised at an outstation are transferred to
logged data, need to be transferred to the control the control center, where all incoming alarms are
center. This also enables the pump control units stored in the database. The administration soft-
to operate independently without having to be ware running on the control center computer
constantly connected to the control center. includes an automatic categorization of alarms as
well as a calendar of the service personnel on
The results can also be stored at the outstation for duty, according to which it transfers the alarm to
some period of time, usually one week, before it is the right person at the right time (in case the
automatically sent as a package. This is an impor- alarm is categorized to be transferred). Occasion-
tant feature in case there are indefinite break- ally, the control center computer is also equipped
downs in the communication link. with a separate alarm printer, which prints out all
the alarms for later analysis.
Data transmission is always configured to suit the
individual needs. The communication link must The alarms are normally transferred to the GSM
be flexible and normally the public switched tele- phone of the service person on duty as an SMS
phone network, radio modems, GSM modems or (text) message. The message may include, in addi-
any combination of them can be used. Also fixed tion to the alarm text and the station name, more
cable pairs can normally be used, but they have detailed information on the pump status (run-
lately got quite rare due to increasing monthly ning/off/failure), station inflow, pumped volume
fees and uncertain reliability. A modem is needed during the day, other active alarms (which are
in both ends of the communication link to modu- stated as not to be transferred), etc.
late the data for transfer. The choice between the
different transfer methods must be made by the Another way to transfer the alarms is by pager.
customer keeping in mind the building costs, data The control center computer creates the alarm
transmission costs and features both required and report text, contacts the pager operator and sends
offered by each method. the message to be displayed on the pager. Typi-
cally the message contains coded information on
In general, radio modems and fixed cable pair the station identity and type of alarm issued.
(leased lines) are used over short distances and
always in case there is a need for continuous com- If so required, the control center can also transfer
munication such as with control loops between alarms via voice message. A text corresponding to
fresh water reservoir and water intake station. If the alarm and stored vocally on the computer
connected through the public telephone network, hard disk, is retrieved by the software and used for
the pumping station and the central control sta- transmission over telephone to the operator. The
tion can be situated at a practically unlimited dis- control center can be programmed to call differ-
tance from each other. The public telephone ent numbers, until the alarm is acknowledged by
network also makes it possible to authorize third an operator.
parties, such as equipment vendors and service
10 Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring
Fig. 94
The GRUNDFOS model for the Internet/WAP based control and monitoring system offers completely mobile control
center from the WAP cellular phone. In addition, the system utilizes Internet for data storage and the customers can
monitor the outstations and create reports from any computer with Internet access. The system also enables the whole
remote control and monitoring to be offered as a contract service.
Pumping Station Control and Condition Monitoring 10
Fig. 95
From the Internet the customers can browse the history data of their own outstations independent on the location. In-
formation can also easily be shared inside the organisation – operation personnel, duty persons, decision-makers as
well as sewage system designers and engineers.
Appendix A
Q h vh Diverging flows
ζh ζs ζh ζs
Qh vh Merging flows
ζh ζs ζh ζs
Appendix A
1,0 0,30
Appendix A
R ⁄ D = 1, 5 ;ζ = 0, 4
R ⁄ D = 1, 5 ;ζ = 0, 7
R/D 1 2 3 4 6
Appendix A
D α R/D
1 2 4
Appendix A
v1 v2
( v1 – v2 )
H Jn = -----------------------
A2 β° k β° k β° k
A1 5 0,13 45 0,93 100 1,06
v1 v2
10 0,17 50 1,05 120 1,05
15 0,26 60 1,12 140 1,04
30 0,71 80 1,10
v A1 2
H Jn = ζ -----1- ζ = k ⎛ 1 – ------⎞
2g ⎝ A 2⎠ 40 0,90 90 1,07
H Jn ≈ 0
Appendix A
H Jn = ζ -----2-
v2 v1
v1<<v2 v2<<v1
v 2
H Jn = 0, 5 -----2- v
H Jn = -----1-
2g 2g
Appendix A
ζ = 2 × ζ 90°
ζ = 3, 0
ζ = 0, 2
ζ = 3 × ζ 90°
ζ = 4 × ζ 90° ζ = 0, 05
Appendix A
ξ-values depend strongly on shape. Factory values should be used when available.
ξ-values above are valid for fully open valves. In partly open position, ξ may be 1,5-2 times as high. Depend-
ing on shape and position, a certain minimum flow velocity through the valve is required for it to be regarded
as fully open. Exact information on each valve is available from the manufacturer or supplier.
Appendix B
V = Q in ⋅ T (B1)
Qin = incoming flow rate
T = duration of cycle
Appendix B
V h = --------------------- Ql or Qll
4 ⋅ Z max (B10)
Vh [m3] Fig. B4
100 T
t Qin /Ql < 1
10 B t
1 T
t1 Qin /Ql > 1
0,1 B t
2 10 100 1000 2000 B
Q [l/s] t2
Q = Pump capacity, l/s
Zmax = Maximum starting frequency, 1/h
Vh = Effective wet well volume, m3
Operation time diagram of the duty and standby
pumps in a pumping station for an incoming flow
Diagram for the determination of the effective wet (Qin) both smaller and larger than the capacity of
well volume Vh for a single pump pumping station. one pump (QI).
Appendix B
Two Pumps in Duty-Standby The duty pump alone is able to handle most regu-
Configuration lar incoming flow situations, and the standby
pump will start only if the incoming flow rate
The principle of operating a pumping station with
(Qin) is larger than the capacity of one pump (QI),
two identical pumps is shown in Figure B3. The
pumps assume alternately the positions of duty in which case the water level continues to rise to
(lead) and standby (lag) pump with each running the second start level, starting the standby pump.
cycle. When the water level in the wet well If the combined capacity of two pumps (QII) is
reaches the first start level the duty pump starts. larger than the incoming flow, all pumps stop
The water level is pumped down to the stop level, when the water reaches the stop level.
and the pump stops, allowing the water level to
rise again to the first start level, completing the Figure B4 shows a time diagram of the running
cycle. cycle of two pumps in alternating duty, further
explaining the principle.
Fig. B5
Ql (l/s)
Qin/Ql <1 Qin/Ql >1
Nomogram for the determination of the effective wet well volume Vh and the starting frequency Z for a pumping
station with two pumps in duty-standby configuration.
Appendix B
Q in < Q l Fig. B6
Z lmax = -------------
8 ⋅ Vh (B11)
Ql Qll
V h = ---------------------
8 ⋅ Z lmax (B12) Qin/Ql < 1 Qin/Ql > 1
The solution to equations B11 and B12 are shown Starting frequency curve Z for one pump and two
graphically in Figure B5. pumps in pumping station with two pumps in duty-
standby configuration as function of the ratio be-
Q in > Q l tween incoming flow rate Qin and pump capacity QI.
Figure B6 shows the relation between starting fre- Pumping Stations with more than Two
quency and the Qin/QI ratio. The starting fre- Pumps
quency rises sharply at conditions requiring Pumping stations with a multitude of pumps can
parallel duty. The diagram shows a marked peak be divided into the following two design catego-
value ZIImax. ries:
• Stations with common stop level for all pumps
• Stations with different or stepped stop levels
for each pump
The starting cycle of the pumps are normally
alternated between the pumps in order to ensure
even distribution of wear.
Appendix B
Appendix B
Fig. B9
Qoverall [l/s]
Qoverall = Flow rate, l/s
Z = Approx. average starting frequency of pump, 1/h
VH = Pumping volume to top level, m3
Starting frequency nomogram for pumping station with more than two pumps and common stop level.
Appendix B
20...100 kW 15 1/h
100...400 kW 10 1/h
Fig. B10
Start Stop
Start Stop
Start Stop
Qoverall [l/s]
Qoverall = Flow rate, l/s
Z = Approx. average starting frequency of pump, 1/h
VH = Pumping volume to top level, m3
Starting frequency nomogram for a pumping station with more than two pumps and stepped stop levels.