Lewis Price Dispersion

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This manuscript is forthcoming in the Journal of Industrial Economics.

Draft date: July 25, 2006


I measure price dispersion among differentiated retail gasoline sellers and study the
relationship between dispersion and the local competitive environment. Significant
price dispersion exists even after controlling for differences in station characteristics,
and price differences between sellers change frequently. The extent of price dispersion
is related to the density of local competition, but this relationship varies significantly
depending on the type of seller and the composition of its competitors. These findings
are consistent with interactions between seller and consumer heterogeneity that are
not well understood in the existing price dispersion literature.


The term price dispersion normally describes firms in the same market selling identical
goods for different prices (at the same time). Casual observation reveals that gas stations
within the same local area often charge different prices for gasoline. Is this evidence of
price dispersion? The most straightforward explanation for these price differences may
be that gas stations (and the gasoline they sell) are not homogeneous. Stations differ
in convenience and amenities, and some consumers may be willing to pay a premium
for a brand of gasoline that they perceive to be of higher quality. One would only consider price dispersion to be present in a differentiated product market if price variation
remained even after controlling for these differences in consumers willingness to pay for
one product over another.
Unfortunately, the theoretical literature on price dispersion does not extend to differentiated product markets. While consumer search models and spatial competition models help illustrate the potential underlying motivation for price dispersion, their direct

I would like to thank the editor and two anonymous referees as well as Severin Borenstein, George
Deltas, Lung-Fei Lee, Howard Marvel, Robert McMillan, Jeremy Verlinda and numerous workshop participants for helpful comments. This paper previously circulated under the titles Do Discount Sellers Fuel
Retail Gasoline Price Dispersion? and Is Price Dispersion a Sign of Competition?

Authors affiliation: Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, U.S.A.
email: [email protected]

predictions do not necessarily apply in this case.1 I discuss a number of theoretical and
empirical issues that arise when examining price dispersion in a differentiated product
setting, and apply these ideas to the retail gasoline market. The empirical results reveal
that substantial gasoline price variation remains even after product differentiation is controlled for, and that the extent of the remaining price dispersion is related to the local
density of competing stations. However, this relationship varies significantly across types
of sellers. The findings suggest an important interaction between the extent of price dispersion and presence of seller or product differentiation that is not captured in existing
theoretical models of homogeneous product price dispersion.
To empirically identify price dispersion in this setting it must be isolated from the
price variation caused by product or seller heterogeneity. One approach is to control for
price variation of this type using observed seller and product characteristics. Barron, Taylor & Umbeck [2004] adopt this strategy in their study of retail gasoline price dispersion.
The potential problem with this approach is that unobserved station differences may be
responsible for some of the remaining price variation, resulting in an overestimate of price
The alternative approach adopted here takes advantage of panel data by using
seller fixed effects control for any price differences resulting from observed or unobserved
seller heterogeneity. This measure of dispersion excludes any constant price differences
between sellers that result from variation in consumers tastes or variation in seller costs
or demand conditions. As a result, some sources of price dispersion are absent from this
measure. For example, price dispersion resulting from homogeneous products being sold
by spatially differentiated sellers with different costs will be picked up by seller fixed
effects to the extent that these cost differences are constant over time. Therefore, the
fixed effects measure can be seen as a relatively conservative estimate of price dispersion.
Once seller fixed effects are removed, the remaining price dispersion captures the
intensity of relative price movements between sellers. While theoretical models of price
dispersion are predominantly static in nature, they imply certain situations in which we
might expect price differences to change over time. Sellers may change their relative
prices to prevent consumers from learning the equilibrium price distribution whenever
searching consumers repeatedly purchase a particular product in the same market. Alternatively, spatially differentiated sellers will change relative prices over time when they
experience idiosyncratic cost or demand shocks.

Spatially differentiated firms selling homogeneous products will exhibit price dispersion whenever the
firms have different costs or face different demand intensities. See Carlson & McAfee [1983].

My empirical analysis of gas station prices reveals significant price dispersion even
after using station fixed effects to control for seller heterogeneity. Moreover, individual
stations prices move frequently and significantly relative to each other over time. After
controlling for individual station fixed effects, 33% of sellers in the highest or lowest
quartiles of their local price distribution move to the opposite half of the price distribution
within 4 weeks. Regardless of the cause of dispersion, frequent relative price movements
suggest that consumers are more likely to have imperfect price information because it is
more difficult for consumers to learn over time which stations have relatively high or low
prices (after controlling for station heterogeneity).
After establishing the presence of price dispersion, I examine how the extent of
dispersion relates to local market or seller characteristics. I focus specifically on how
the number (or density) of nearby competitors influences price dispersion. Theories of
dispersion often differ in their predictions on how the extent of competition influences
equilibrium price dispersion, suggesting that empirical examination may be particularly
I determine the relationship between retail gasoline price dispersion and seller
density to be more complex than has been previously considered. My initial results are
consistent with a similar study by Barron et al. [2004], who find a negative relationship between dispersion and seller density. However, I show that this relationship varies
significantly across different types of stations. To separate station types I create a highbrand group made up of premium branded stations and a low-brand group consisting of
discount brands and independent (unbranded) stations.2 When the relationship between
seller density and dispersion is identified for each of these groups separately, the estimates
suggest a strong negative relationship for low-brand sellers and an insignificant, and in
some cases, weakly positive relationship for high-brand sellers.
Interestingly, using a more localized measure of dispersion also affects the implied
relationship between seller density and dispersion. When price dispersion is measured
relative to nearby stations rather than relative to the city as a whole (as in Barron et al.
[2004]), the relationship with station density becomes predominantly positive. The results indicate a strong positive relationship for high-brand sellers and an insignificant or
weakly positive relationship for low-brand sellers. For both measures of dispersion, an
increase in density leads to an increase in dispersion for high-brand sellers relative to that
of low-brand sellers. Dispersion among high-brand stations increases even more strongly

High-brands tend to have more stations and command greater brand recognition and brand loyalty
from consumers. See Section III for details.

when there is an increase number of low-brand stations specifically.

These empirical findings suggest that seller differentiation continues to affect the
extent of price variation across stations even after controlling for persistent differences in
station price levels. Though the theoretical literature on consumer search focuses exclusively on models of homogeneous product markets, my results imply that relationships
between seller characteristics and consumer heterogeneity (in search costs for example)
can result in different patterns of price dispersion among different types of sellers. To
illustrate why these differences might arise, suppose consumers that are more willing to
purchase low-brand gasoline are also more likely to search and have better price information. In markets with more low-brand stations, these consumers may find it even more
convenient to locate and purchase low-brand gasoline rather than buy from a high-brand
station. As a result, the consumers left buying gas from high-brand stations in the area
may be even less likely to search and less well informed about prices. In this case, differences in consumers propensity to search interact with station differences. Different types
of stations may face different demand elasticities and may be differentially affected by
additional competitors of a particular type. The empirical results presented in this paper
are consistent with such interactions, and highlight a need for more theoretical research
examining markets with price dispersion and seller heterogeneity.

II(i). Data
I measure gasoline price dispersion using station price data collected by The Utility Consumer Action Network (UCAN), a consumer advocacy group located in San Diego, California, who reported the information on their website to help consumers find the lowest
gas prices. The price data are posted retail prices for 327 stations in the San Diego area
recorded on each Monday morning during the years 2000 and 2001. During this time
period, prices were collected by a handful of spotters who drove around a designated area
to record prices from each gas stations sign. The reported prices are for regular grade
(87 octane) unleaded gasoline. Observing prices at a given time each week gives a series of snapshots of the current price distribution. Price changes within the week are not
observed in the data. However, this study focuses on the nature of price dispersion at a
given point in time and exploits the weekly observations to better understand the extent
to which this price distribution can change over time.
Unfortunately, many of the stations in the sample are missing price observations
for one or more weeks during the period. During the 91 weeks used in the analysis,

the average station has 3.8 weeks in which the price observation is missing. However,
the selection does not appear to be systematic in any way. It appears that, on fairly
isolated occasions, the data collectors simply failed to record prices for individual stations
or small clusters of stations for that particular week. Linear probability regressions of
the occurrence of a missing price on observable station characteristics do reveal small
differences across brands and station sizes. Fortunately, the probability of a missing value
is not systematically correlated with measures that might be of particular concern for my
analysis, such as the type of station (high-brand or low-brand) or the general direction
that prices are moving. Given that there are relatively few missing values and that they
appear to have no significant patterns, the missing observations are dropped from the
empirical analysis.
The price data are matched with other station information using a census of all gas
stations in the San Diego area (over 700 stations) collected by Whitney Leigh Corporation.
This census reports the location and various characteristics of each station. Street address
locations from the station census are converted to geographic coordinates using TeleAtlas
geocoding software, and distances between each station are calculated. The combined
data reveal both the pricing behavior and the nature and location of all competitors for
a significant subsample of the citys gas stations. The panel nature of these data is crucial for examining the dynamic evolution of the station price distribution over time.3 The
level of retail gasoline prices generally fluctuates significantly over time due to wholesale price volatility. However, this study focuses on differences in retail prices between
stations at a given point in time and examines how these price differences change over
time. Therefore, I abstract from movements in the overall price level by studying station
prices relative to the citywide average. One could alternatively study differences in stations retail-wholesale margins. Commodity prices for wholesale gasoline, such as the Los
Angeles Harbor Spot Gasoline prices, are available from the Energy Information Agency
and represent a good measure of the marginal cost for all retail gasoline operations in the
area. However, wholesale-retail margins fluctuate over time due to the lagged response of
retail prices to wholesale price changes and would add another source of variation that is
not of interest for this study. As a result, I use week fixed effects to control for movements
in the general price level rather than incorporating wholesale price information.

Price dynamics are not discussed by Barron et al. [2004] because their analysis was limited to crosssectional data.

II(ii). Seller Heterogeneity and Market Definition

The most important step in measuring price dispersion is to control for price differences
resulting from station heterogeneity. I avoid using observed characteristics to control
for seller differences because this can potentially overestimate price dispersion by failing
to account for unobserved product differentiation.4 In contrast, seller fixed effects can
control for both observed and unobserved price differences resulting from seller differentiation as long as station characteristics do not change over time and the effects of station
characteristics on the stations profit function do not fluctuate over time. Fortunately, the
most common sources of perceived product heterogeneity in this market are all attributes
that rarely change over the short sample period (For example: station brand, location, station quality, gasoline quality, etc.). In addition, observing prices on the Monday morning
of every week eliminates any changes in consumer preferences that vary systematically
within the week.5
Several other empirical studies of price dispersion rely on a similar approach. Lach
[2002] uses seller fixed effects to measure price dispersion for five different consumer
products in Israel. Sorensen [2000] uses a similar method to measure prescription drug
price dispersion among local pharmacies, though he relies on multiple drugs sold at the
same pharmacy (rather than multiple time periods) to identify seller fixed effects. Hosken,
McMillan & Taylor [2007] examine gas prices in the Washington, DC metropolitan area using station fixed effects to control for differences in prices and margins. However, Hosken
et al. [2007] focus on changes in station margins over time and on the theories of retail
pricing that can potentially explain such changes, while my analysis focuses directly on
isolating and studying price dispersion and relating it to theories of consumer search.
To estimate gasoline price dispersion I begin with a basic fixed effects regression
model of retial prices:
pit = +


i Stationi +


t Weekt + uit .



Week fixed effects capture changes in average price level over time that mostly result from
regional wholesale price movements. The station fixed effects identify any persistent price
differences between stations due to differences in product characteristics, seller characteristics, costs, or demand conditions. Each station fixed effect reveals the average difference

In fact, most of the observed characteristics in my data do not significantly explain price differences.
Brand dummies are the only significant explanatory variables in a regression of price on station characteristics.
For example, one might expect that demand for gasoline might be higher and/or more inelastic during
the weekend at a gas station that is located next to a shopping mall.

between the price at station i and the city average price. Estimates of these station fixed
effects can be used to create an adjusted price measure, pit pit i , representing a
stations price series net of any price differences resulting from variation in station characteristics. Each residual, uit , simply reveals whether the price of station i was above or
below its expected level relative to the city average price during week t. Therefore, the
estimated variance of uit can be interpreted as a measure of price dispersion.
Due to the significant movements in wholesale prices over the sample period, week
fixed effects account for roughly 90% of overall retail price variation. Of the remaining
(within-week) price variation, station fixed effects account for roughly 66% of observed
variation. However, the remaining unexplained price variation is not trivial. The residuals
from the price regression have a standard error of 3.7 cents/gallon.
It should be noted that the estimated variance of uit represents a city-wide measure
of true price dispersion. Yet competition in the retail gasoline market is often considered
to be fairly localized. Therefore, a localized measure of price dispersion may be more relevant. For example, suppose all stations in a particular area have large positive residuals
in week t. This would represent a high level of dispersion from the city average price
level, but dispersion between the local stations may actually be quite low.
Measuring localized dispersion requires one to define the local market. One common approach is to define the relevant market for a station as all competing stations that
are less than x miles away. To be consistent with earlier studies, including Barron et al.
[2004], competitors in this analysis are defined as those stations within a 1.5 mile radius.6
Using this local market definition, an alternative measure of price dispersion is
constructed as the variance of the difference between the a stations residual and the
average of the residuals of stations within 1.5 miles. A stations local deviation becomes:

it uit (

ujt )/NJ pit (


pjt )/NJ


where J is the set of stations within 1.5 miles of station i and pit pit i is the adjusted
price for station i. The variance of it measures the average level of price dispersion relative to nearby stations. Interestingly, the extent of local price dispersion is nearly identical
to the city-wide level of dispersion. The standard deviation of the estimated local deviations, it , is also 3.7 cents/gallon. This suggests that there is as much unexplained price
variation within local markets as there is across the city.

Changing the size of the relevant market to include a 1 mile radius or 2 mile radius turns out not to
significantly change the results or conclusions.

II(iii). Changes in Relative Price Differences

Since there appears to be a significant amount of price dispersion in this market (even
after controlling for station differences), it is important to better understand how stations prices change over time relative to one another. For example, controlling for the
average price level of a particular station, how often or how quickly does this station
go from having an unusually high price to an unusually low price.7 This is particularly
important when considering the possibility that price dispersion results from imperfect
information and consumer search. In most search models price dispersion results from
a mixed strategy equilibrium, and frequent relative price changes may be necessary to
prevent consumers who purchase repeatedly from learning the price distribution.
Examining the week to week price dynamics of both the city-wide price deviation,
uit , and the local price deviation, it , requires quantifying how each stations adjusted
prices move around the distribution over time. To do this I divide the citywide and local
distributions of adjusted prices for each week into quartiles and study how particular stations adjusted prices move between quartiles over time. Comparing station prices to their
local price distributions is attractive given that competition is likely to be localized. However, quartiles of local price distributions must be interpreted carefully given the small
number of prices used to define each quartile. Local quartiles are also constructed to
specifically ensure that missing price observations do not generate artificial movements
in another stations quartile location from week to week. Prices for several competing
stations are graphed in Figure 1 to illustrate the types of price movements typically observed in the sample. I discuss how these stations prices move relative to one another, and
relative to other stations within their local area and throughout the city. I then present
statistics from the entire sample describing the frequency with which prices move between
Figure 1 reports price movements over several months from an arbitrarily selected
station and its two nearest neighbors as well as the percentiles of prices from a larger
group of stations. A map of the selected station (operating under the Union 76 brand) and
its nearby competitors is displayed in Figure 2. The selected station has two competitors
within a half mile (a Mobil branded station and a 7-Eleven station) and a total of 11
competitors within 1.5 miles (the stations within the circle). Price information is observed
for 8 of the 11 competing stations, and these prices are used to construct local price
quartiles. In this case the prices of these 9 stations (the 76 station and 8 competitors)
were observed in all of the 20 weeks displayed in the graph, so quartile movements are

Here unusually high or low refers to the price being higher or lower than the stations average price.

Figure 1: Selected Station Prices Relative to Citywide and Local Price Quartiles

Actual Station Price Movements

A: Citywide Quartiles

B: Local Quartiles












Dec 00

Jan 01
Feb 01

Mar 01

Dec 00

Jan 01
Feb 01

Mar 01

75th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile

50th Percentile

25th Percentile

Mobil Station

25th Percentile

Mobil Station

7Eleven Station

76 Station

7Eleven Station

76 Station

Adjusted Station Price Movements

C: Citywide Quartiles

D: Local Quartiles












Dec 00

Jan 01
Feb 01

Mar 01

Dec 00

Jan 01
Feb 01

Mar 01

75th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile

50th Percentile

25th Percentile

Mobil Station

25th Percentile

Mobil Station

7Eleven Station

76 Station

7Eleven Station

76 Station

Figure 2: Example of a Typical Station and the Locations of Surrounding Competitors

Note: Circle represents 1.5 mile radius around the highlighted Union 76 station.

not affected by missing price observations.8 To illustrate the effects of controlling for
station differences, Figure 1 Panels A and B show the actual prices from the stations while
Panels C and D show the adjusted prices after subtracting out station fixed effects. Using
adjusted prices helps to highlight the large changes from week to week in the relative
price differences between stations. The shaded quartiles in each figure show how other
stations prices are moving relative to these three competitors. The citywide quartiles in
Figure 1 Panels A and C show the quartiles of prices throughout the city, and local quartiles
in Panels B and D show the quartiles of prices from stations within a 1.5 mile radius.
The prices of the three competitors move together to some extent but are not perfectly correlated. Notice in Figure 1 Panel A that (unadjusted) prices at the 7-Eleven
station tend to be below its competitors. One possible reason for this is that Mobil and 76
both have more established gasoline brands and maintain a reputation for having higher
quality gasoline. However, the difference in price between this 7-Eleven and its com8

When constructing quartiles with a small number of prices, the number of prices in each quartile will
not necessarily be the same. Prices are allocated to quartiles from lowest to highest, so with 9 prices, the
first quartile will contain 3 prices, while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th will only contain 2 prices. For this reason, I
also restrict analysis of local quartiles to stations with 4 or more local competitors, which leaves 76.5% of
the original sample remaining.


petitors fluctuates, causing its adjusted price (in Figure 1 Panel C) to be higher than its
competitors in some weeks and lower in others. If consumers preferences for one station or another are fairly stable from week to week, these relative price changes could
significantly affect some consumers purchase decisions.9
Changes in relative prices from week to week are also evident when comparing
the prices of these three competitors with the price quartiles of surrounding stations.
For example, in Figure 1 Panel C the adjusted prices of these three stations remain in
the lowest price quartile when compared to other prices throughout the city during the
month of January 2001, but at other times their prices were commonly in the upper three
quartiles of the citywide price distribution. Large movements within the price distribution
from one week to the next are not uncommon. The prices of both Mobil and 76 moved
from the upper half of the citywide distribution to the lowest quartile during the first few
weeks of January 2001. Figure 1 Panel D shows similar week to week fluctuations in the
prices at these three stations relative to the prices of other competitors within 1.5 miles.
Together Panels A through D illustrate that relative price differences change frequently
and significantly over time across neighboring stations, across stations within the same
local area, and even across stations in different areas of the city.
To determine whether the relative price movements highlighted in the example
above resemble those observed in the full sample, I measure the frequency with which
each stations price moves between quartiles from week to week. Missing price observations must be handled appropriately in this analysis. Within a local price distribution, a
missing price for one station could cause several competitors to be reclassified into different quartiles even when no stations have changed their actual price ordering. Therefore, I
calculate quartile movements from one week to the next by defining both the current and
previous weeks quartiles using only stations whose prices are observed in both weeks.
As in the example above, adjusted station prices frequently move around within
citywide and local relative price distributions from week to week. Table I shows the quartile transition probability matrices for a representative station. These matrices describe
the share of weeks in which a stations adjusted price lies in Quartile X in week t and
Quartile Y in week t + 1. Panels A & B show the transitions from one week to the next for
citywide and local quartiles respectively. A station observed in the 2nd or 3rd citywide or
local price quartile is more likely to be in a different quartile the following week than it is
to remain in the same quartile.

Of course, the effect on purchasing behavior is dependant on the extent to which consumers observe
these prices.


Table I: Adjusted Station Price Quartile Transition Matrices

One Week Transition Matrices
(# of observations = 26,423)
A. Citywide Quartiles
B. Local Quartiles (1.5 Mile Radius)










Four Week Transition Matrices

(# of observations = 24,552)
C. Citywide Quartiles
D. Local Quartiles (1.5 Mile Radius)










Rows = Week t price quartiles, Columns = Week t + j price quartiles

Percentages in columns add to 100%

Movements within the relative price distribution are even more pronounced over a
slightly longer time frame. Table I Panels C & D relate the adjusted price quartile a station
is currently in with its quartile four weeks later. The observed transition probabilities
suggest that a station is always more likely to be in a different quartile than in the same
quartile four weeks later. More than 26% of the time stations move at least two quartiles
away from the citywide quartile they were in four weeks earlier, and for local quartiles this
occurs more than 28% of the time.10 Clearly, it is common for stations in the sample to
change prices relative to their competitors. Hosken et al. [2007] report similar evidence
of frequent relative price movements for gas stations around Washington, DC.
The analysis of relative price dynamics shows that a large portion of observed gasoline price dispersion cannot be explained by long-term cost or demand differences across
stations. Frequent relative price movements clearly resemble the theoretical mixed strategy equilibrium of a typical consumer search model. They could also result from frequent

The four week transition matrices in Table I reveal only slightly less movement around the price distribution than would be implied by four weeks of Markovian transitions based on the one week matrix. This is
an interesting property to note when comparing observed behavior to that of a mixed strategy equilibrium
in which stations are randomizing their pricing behavior.


and significant station specific cost and/or demand changes from week to week.11 In either case, the observed price volatility does suggest that imperfect price information and
consumer search may be important in this market since consumers would find it difficult
to learn prices over time.


Given that true price dispersion (beyond that explained by seller heterogeneity) appears
to be present and significant in this market, the remainder of this study examines how
dispersion is related to the number of nearby competitors (and other local market characteristics). This is partially motivated by the fact that existing theoretical models of price
dispersion do not tend to agree in their predictions. In some cases, the implied relationship between the number of competing firms and the level of price dispersion differs
between search models and spatial competition models. Barron, Taylor & Umbeck [2004]
highlight these conflicting results by noting that an increase in the density of stations in
a spatial model implies less price dispersion, while the search models of Varian [1980]
and Carlson & McAfee [1983] find that price dispersion rises with the number of firms.
However, the results of the Varian [1980] and Carlson & McAfee [1983] are somewhat
unique within the consumer search literature. Many search models, including Reinganum
[1979] and MacMinn [1980], assume a continuum of firms and are unable to make predictions about the relationship between the number of firms and the equilibrium price

Cost and/or demand changes could cause relative price movements even in a purely spatial model of
competition (without imperfect information).
The number of stations could also have an indirect effect on equilibrium price dispersion. A higher
density of stations reduces price dispersion in a spatial model by reducing consumers travel costs and,
therefore, increasing the elasticity of demand faced by the firms. Similarly, in a search model one might
expect an increase in the number of firms to reduce consumers search costs. The level of search costs often
impacts the extent of price dispersion in consumer search models, but this relationship is subtle and its
predicted sign varies across models. A decrease in search costs implies an increase in price dispersion in
the MacMinn [1980] model, a decrease in dispersion in the Reinganum [1979] model, and does not affect
dispersion in the Carlson & McAfee [1983] model. The predicted relationship in models by Varian [1980]
and Stahl [1989] changes sign depending on other parameters. In their survey, Baye, Morgan & Scholten


A number of empirical studies specifically address the relationship between market

concentration and price dispersion. Baye, Morgan & Scholten [2004] use data from a
price comparison web site to study dispersion in the prices of consumer electronics sold by
internet retailers. They show that product markets with more retailers tend to display less
price dispersion. Alternatively, Borenstein & Rose [1994] show that dispersion in airline
fares on a route is higher when more competitors serve the route. However, some of this
price variation results from differences in fare restrictions. In the context of retail gasoline
markets, Marvel [1976] finds weak evidence that markets with more competitors (lower
HHI) exhibit a smaller range of prices. Barron et al. [2004] also find that price dispersion
among gas stations is negatively related to the number of sellers in a local market and
conclude that observed patterns of price dispersion are consistent with models of spatial
competition rather than models of imperfect information and consumer search. However,
Barron et al. [2004] use observed station characteristics to control for seller heterogeneity,
leaving the possibility that unobserved station differences are responsible for some of the
remaining price dispersion.
Similar to Barron et al. [2004], I empirically model dispersion as a function of the
density of local competition and other seller or market characteristics. As in Section II,
price dispersion is measured as the variance in the error term from a regression of prices
on station and week fixed effects. Therefore, the following analysis is based on the assumption that the error term in this equation is heteroskedastic and that the variance of
the error term may be a function of the local density of competition.
Consider the following heteroskedastic regression model of station prices:

pit = +


i Stationi +


t Weekt + uit





E(uit ) = 0
V ar(uit ) = e

+ ln(Density)i + Xi +


t=1 t Weekt

where Xi contains the station characteristics and brand indicators listed in Table II, and
[2005] discuss the various aspects of existing search models in more detail and highlight the range of
predictions regarding search costs and price dispersion.


Table II: Station Characteristic Variables

Station Competition:

(Number of Stations Observed = 327)

Retail Station Pricea

Same Brand Share
Station Characteristicsb (Xi ):
Full Service
Economic Census Variables (Xi ):
Retail Establishments







Station sells full-serve gas

Station has service bay
Station has convenience store
Number of fueling positions
Station brand: 7-11
Station brand: Union 76
Station brand: ARCO
Station brand: Chevron
Station brand: Exxon
Station brand: Mobil
Station brand: Shell
Station brand: Texaco



Number of retail establishments

within the same census tract



Number of stations within

a 1.5 mile radius
Log of Density
Share of stations within a 1.5 mile radius
with the same brand as station i

Prices observed for 91 weeks

Omitted brand category = unbranded

ln(Density) is the log of the number of competitors within 1.5 miles. The omitted brand
category is unbranded stations that are not affiliated with a major refining company or
gasoline brand.
Equation 3 implies a multiplicative heteroskedasticity model which is both commonly used and attractive because it ensures that estimates of the variance of uit are
positive.13 The main coefficient of interest is that on ln(Density) in Equation 3, which describes how the unexplained variation of station prices varies with the density of nearby
competitors. Week fixed effects in Equation 3 control for changes over time in the marketwide average level of price dispersion.14
Since Densityi measures the number of nearby stations, it is possible that some of
these stations might be owned by the same firm as station i. This could influence how

The model and estimation techniques are of the forms discussed by Harvey [1976].
Lewis [2005] presents some empirical evidence that price dispersion increases during periods of high
retail margins and declining retail prices.


the price of station i tends to vary relative to its neighbors. I do not have direct information on ownership, and station brand is not a perfect measure because many brand
name stations are leased or owned and operated by a local dealer rather than being operated by the parent company. Nonetheless, I include a measure, Same Brand Sharei , of the
share of stations within 1.5 miles that have the same brand name as station i. The other
station characteristics and local demographic variables, Xi , included in Equation 3 act as
controls to help isolate the effect of competitor density and provide a check on the robustness of this relationship. These variables can also reveal whether other aspects of the
market help to predict price dispersion. Stations with a convenience store or stations with
more fueling pumps might have different pricing strategies that affect the levels of price
dispersion at these stations. In addition, local demographics could capture differences in
consumers purchasing behavior that affect dispersion. Census tract level demographic
variables from both the 2000 U.S. Census and the 2002 Economic Census (such as median income, number of drivers, average commute time and employment) were included
in some specifications but were insignificant in all cases. The only variable that was significant and highly consistent across specifications was the number of retail establishments
in the area. As a result, the log number of retail establishments is included in Equation 3
along with the station characteristics listed in Table II.
The coefficients of Equation 3 are recovered using a two-step procedure. Equation 1 is estimated by OLS, and the residuals from that regression are used to estimate
Equation 3. The second-step regression is:

u2it ) = + ln(Density)i + Xi +


t Weekt + wit


where uit is the itth residual from the estimation of Equation 1. The second step regression here is akin to estimating the covariance structure in an Feasible Generalized Least
Squares procedure. However, in this case the coefficients of interest are in the variance
equation rather than the price equation.15

With the additional assumption that the uit is distributed normally with the mean and variance specified


Since retail gasoline prices exhibit a certain amount of persistence from week to
week, uit may be serially correlated even after allowing for week fixed effects. In addition,
within a week, the prices of stations competing with each other are likely to be correlated.
As a result, wit in Equation 4 may also be correlated, both over time and across stations.
To control for this I allow wit to follow an AR(1) process over time and estimate standard
errors that are robust to arbitrary correlation across stations within a particular week t.
More specifically:

wit = wi,t1 + it


E(wt w0t ) t

where E(it ) = 0.
Estimates of the parameters in Equation 4 are presented in Column 1 of Table III.
Recall that the dependant variable represents the unexplained variation in station prices
after controlling for fixed station differences. The negative and significant coefficient
estimate on the number of competitors suggests that prices among similar stations with
a high number of competitors tend to be less disperse than prices among similar stations
with a low number of competitors. Given the log-log form of Equation 4, the estimates
in Column 1 imply that a station with 50% more competing stations (within 1.5 miles)
would have a 7.5% lower measure of price dispersion. However, all indications are that
this relatively small negative relationship is sensitive to the overly restrictive assumption
that increased density of competition affects unexplained price variation at all stations
in the same way. If consumer heterogeneity interacts with seller heterogeneity so that
stations with different characteristics tend to sell to different types of consumers, then the
effect of competitor density is likely to vary across station types.
One natural way to identify sellers of different types is to classify them by their
brand affiliation. I take an approach similar to that of Hastings [2004] and split stations
up into high-brand and low-brand categories. As Hastings [2004] suggests, it is likely
that the perceived quality of a brand, and potentially the level of consumer loyalty to a
in Equations 2 & 3, the model can also be estimated using maximum likelihood estimation. However, since
the results using maximum likelihood estimation are very similar to those of the two-step procedure, they
are not reported in the paper.


Table III: Price Dispersion Specifications


Citywide Variation:
u2it )

Local Variation:



Ave. Price Level
of Stationa



ln(Density)*Ave. Price
Level of Station



Same Brand Share


Same Brand Share*











ln(Retail Establishments)




















































































# of obs
Mean of Dep. Var.
S.D. of Dep. Var.







Coefficients of week fixed effects have been omitted.

Coefficients of Garage and Full Service are insignificant in every specification and have been omitted.
* Denotes significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level
a In columns 1-3 Average Price Level of Station is the station fixed effect ( ) from Equation 1.
In columns 4-6 Average Price
P Level of Stationi is a difference relative to other stations
within 1.5 miles: (i ( jJ j )/NJ ).


brand, may be correlated with the brands market share and its average price level. While
most evidence regarding consumers gasoline buying patterns and station preferences is
anecdotal, some consumers do perceive certain brands of gasoline to be superior and
become loyal to stations of that brand. A recent survey found that 36% of adults are
loyal to one brand of gasoline and that the extent of this brand loyalty varies across
brands.16 Following this logic, Shell, Chevron, Union 76, and Mobil sellers are designated
as high-brand stations likely to have higher brand loyalty and perceived quality. These
four brands have the highest market share in San Diego, excluding Arco which is widely
thought of as an ultra-competitive brand with lower prices and limited service (such as
not accepting credit cards). In addition, these four high-brands tend to have higher prices
in my sample.17 It does appear that these brands do behave significantly differently in this
I separate high-brand and low-brand stations because they are likely to face different residual demand elasticities. Consumers that have higher brand-loyalty or are
more sensitive to perceived quality may also have lower price sensitivity and higher
search/travel costs causing them to be more inelastic with regard to price differences
across stations. These consumers are more willing to pay a brand/quality premium and
are more likely to purchase from well established brands. Price premiums for well established (or high quality) brands are one source of the differentiation based price variation
identified by station fixed effects. However, even after controlling for these average price
differences, stations still differ in the types of consumers they serve. If consumers at lowbrand stations have less brand loyalty and a greater propensity to search, a change in the
number of local competitors may affect the extent of price dispersion at these stations
differently than at high-brand stations.
To investigate whether seller type has any influence on the relationship between
competitor density and price dispersion, the price dispersion equation (Equation 3) is

This survey was performed by the consulting group Brand Keys and described in a New York Times
article by Blumberg [2002].
These high-brands are very similar to those identified by Hastings [2004] in her study of vertical relationships in the San Diego gasoline market.


altered so that station density is interacted with an indicator for being a high-brand station. Table III, Column 2 reports coefficient estimates of this new specification. The
results reveal that an increase in the number of local competitors significantly decreases
price dispersion for low-brand stations, but weakly increases dispersion at high-brand
stations. The coefficient estimates imply that a low-brand station with 50% more competing stations (within 1.5 miles) would have a 16% lower measure of price dispersion.
Alternatively, a high-brand station with 50% more competitors would have 4% more price
dispersion.18 Clearly a stations brand and the nature of its consumers have an important
impact on how local competition affects price dispersion.
Station differentiation does not need to be identified at the brand level. It is likely
that lower priced stations in general tend to be those that sell to more price sensitive (and
possibly better informed) consumers. Under this hypothesis we might also expect to see
that lower priced stations exhibit less price dispersion in markets with more competitors
nearby, whereas higher price stations exhibit higher price dispersion in markets with more
The average price level of a station relative to each weeks city average price is
simply the value of the station fixed effect identified in the estimation of Equation 1. This
price difference will be positive for stations whose price is typically above the city average
and negative for those with prices typically below the city average. As an alternative specification of station differentiation, the price dispersion equation is re-estimated interacting
average price level with competitor density. The resulting coefficients (Table III, Column
3) reveal that a higher number of nearby competitors is associated with less price dispersion for stations that have lower prices and more price dispersion for stations that have
higher prices. According to the estimates in Column 3, a station that has an average price
level one standard deviation (or 5.0 cents/gallon) above the city mean will effectively
have a coefficient on ln(Density) of around .13, while a station who generally prices one
standard deviation below the city mean has a coefficient of -.28. This implies that a low

This 4% estimate is not statistically different from zero, but is statistically different (at the 95% level)
from the low-brand estimate of -16%.


price station with 50% more competing stations (within 1.5 miles) would have a roughly
14% less price dispersion while a higher price station with 50% more competing stations
would exhibit 6.5% greater price dispersion. These effects are similar to those estimated
using the high-brand/low-brand classification.
Coefficient estimates for several station characteristics variables are also significant
and consistent across specifications. All else equal, stations with convenience stores have
up to 20% lower price dispersion, and a doubling of the number of fuel pumps at a station
is associated with 37% lower dispersion on average. In contrast, a doubling of the number of retail establishments in the census tract is associated with 9% to 12% greater price
dispersion. This could be because consumers buying gasoline at stations near shopping
areas may be less familiar with the area (or less well informed about gas prices) than
consumers buying gas near their home or along their commuting route.


Local Price Dispersion

The results above are based on a citywide measure of dispersion that describes stations
unexplained price variation relative to the average price in the city. Since retail gasoline
competition is highly localized, it is useful to also consider a measure of unexplained price
variation relative to the prices of local competitors. If unexplained price movements are
correlated within local submarkets, these two measures of dispersion may differ significantly. Therefore, as in Section II(ii), I construct a measure of price variation conditional
on the average prices of all nearby stations. For a set J of stations within 1.5 miles of staP

tion i, the variance of uit conditional on (


ujt )/NJ can be estimated using the residuals

of the regression:
uit = (

ujt )/NJ + it .


Using the same approach as in Equation 4, local unexplained price variation can be modeled as a function of competitor density and other station characteristics:

it2 )

= + ln(Density)i + Xi +



t Weekt + it .

The model in Equation 6 is estimated as well as two more general specifications

interacting station type variables with competitor density. The results are reported in
Table III, Columns 4 through 6, with each specification being comparable to the corresponding citywide regression in Columns 1 through 3. In contrast with the citywide regression, the coefficient on ln(Density) in Column 4 is positive and statistically significant.
This suggests that increases in ln(Density) are associated with greater dispersion within
local submarkets, but less dispersion across submarkets. When ln(Density) is interacted
with the high-brand indicator (in Column 5) the coefficient differs significantly by station
type, with an insignificant (positive) effect for low-brands and a large positive value for
high-brands. The relationship between local price dispersion and density remains positive
(as in Column 4), but, just as in the citywide regression, the coefficient is significantly
more positive for high-brand stations than for low-brand stations. In contrast to the citywide regressions, the coefficient on the share of nearby stations with the same brand is
now negative and statistically significant for low-brand stations. While difficult to interpret, this may be because low-brands such as 7-Eleven and Arco are more likely to have
company owned and operated stations that potentially determine prices jointly.19
As a final specification, the average price level of the station is interacted with
ln(Density). Since this is a model of local price dispersion the price level measure is
redefined slightly to be the average difference between the stations price and the prices
of stations within 1.5 miles. The estimates from this specification are reported in Column 6
of Table III. The conclusions are similar to those in Column 5. These coefficients imply that
a station with an average price level one standard deviation (or 3.9 cents/gallon) above
the local area mean price will effectively have a coefficient on ln(Density) of around .38,
while a station who generally prices one standard deviation below the local mean has a
coefficient of .13. This implies that a low price station with 50% more competing stations
(within 1.5 miles) would have a roughly 6.5% more price dispersion while a higher price

Though the coefficient on Same Brand Sharei is highly significant in the local price dispersion regressions, its presence does not greatly effect the coefficients on ln(Density). For example, when estimating the
model in Column 4 without Same Brand Share, the coefficient on ln(Density) is only slightly lower at .213.


station with 50% more competing stations would exhibit 14% more price dispersion.
Comparing across all specifications in Table III several clear patterns arise regarding the relationship between price dispersion and local competition. When using a citywide measure of dispersion (unexplained deviations from the city average price) more
competitors are generally associated with somewhat lower price dispersion. However,
when dispersion is measured locally (unexplained deviations from the local average price)
more competitors are associated with somewhat higher dispersion. In other words, stations with higher competitor density seem to exhibit more across submarket dispersion but
less within submarket dispersion. Secondly, for either measure of dispersion, high-brand
stations or higher priced stations have a significantly greater coefficient on ln(Density).
This implies that the relationship between the number of competitors and price dispersion is generally either more positive or less negative for high-brand or higher priced
sellers than for low-brand or low priced sellers.


Relative Effects of Different Types of Competitors

Competitor density clearly relates to price dispersion differently for different types of
stations. This pattern could result from heterogenous stations selling to consumers with
different tastes and possibly different search/travel costs or propensities to search. In that
case it is also possible that the effect of a new competitor on prices and price dispersion
might vary based on that competitors type. For example, a higher concentration of lowprice/low-brand stations in an area is likely to increase competition among such stations.
But, it may also increase the likelihood that more price sensitive consumers will find
a low-price station. This has the effect of raising the average elasticity of consumers
purchasing from high-price/high-brand stations, and possibly increasing price dispersion
among high-price stations.20

Alternatively, in a model with spatial competition in both the geographic and product space, one might
expect a similar effect. A high density of low-brand/low-price firms is likely to lower price dispersion among
their own firms even more than among high-brand/high-price firms. In addition, if consumers with more
brand loyalty also tend to have higher travel costs, then the average travel costs of consumers left buying
from high-price/high-brand stations may increase.


To test how the existence of different types of competitors affect price dispersion,
two measures of competition density are created, ln(DensityH ) and ln(DensityL ), representing the log of the number of high-brand and low-brand stations respectively within
1.5 miles. Incorporating these two measures into the model of price dispersion identifies how competition of each type relates to price dispersion. The ln(Density) measure in
Equation 3 is replaced by these two separate type-specific competitor density measures,
and each of these measures is also interacted with a dummy variable indicating whether
station i is a high-brand station. The interactions allow the density of a particular competitor type to have different effects on the level of price variation for different types of
stations. The following specification is estimated:

u2it ) = + 1 ln(DensityL )i + 2 ln(DensityL )i High-Brandi +
3 ln(DensityH )i + 4 ln(DensityH )i High-Brandi +
Xi +


t Weekt + it .


Due to the log-log specification, the coefficients of ln(DensityH ) and ln(DensityL ) do not
sum up to the coefficient on ln(DensityL ) in Equation 3. However, the new coefficients do
isolate the relationships between density and price dispersion for different station types,
and altering the functional form has little effect on the general implications of these results.
The estimation results from the model in Equation 7 are reported in Table IV. For
both the citywide and local measures of price dispersion, the largest and most statistically
significant effect is the coefficient on ln(DensityL ) for high-brand stations. In other words,
among high-brand stations, those with a higher density of low-brand competitors nearby
have significantly more price dispersion. A 50% increase in low-brand density is associated with a 10% increase in citywide dispersion and a 35% increase in local dispersion for
high-brand stations. These large positive effects suggest that low-brand station density
(rather than high-brand density) is responsible for generating larger coefficient estimates
on overall ln(Density) for high-brand stations in Table III.

Table IV: Price Dispersion and Density by Brand Type

(Coefficients of station characteristics and week fixed effects are omitted)

Citywide Variation:
u2 ) from Eq. 1

Local Variation:
2 ) from Eq. 6

ln(DensityL )



ln(DensityL )



ln(DensityH )



ln(DensityH )



ln(Same Brand Share)



ln(Same Brand Share)




# of obs
Mean of Dep. Var.
S.D. of Dep. Var.



* Denotes significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level

For the citywide measure of dispersion, low brand station density is positively related to dispersion at high-brand stations, but all other station density effects are negative and significant. Perhaps higher density tends to reduce unexplained deviations from
the city average price in general, but for high-brand stations there is an overriding market composition effect that interacts with consumer heterogeneities to cause unexplained
price deviations to increase when more low-brand competitors are present.
For local price dispersion, a greater density of high-brand stations appears to have
a different effect. More high-brand competitors are associated with less dispersion at
high-brand stations but more dispersion at low-brand stations.21 Overall, the results suggest that stations of a particular type experience less local price dispersion when there
is a greater density of nearby stations of the same type but that market composition effects may lead to greater dispersion among stations of the opposite type. It would not

One explanation for this result could be that areas with a greater density of high-brand stations (conditional on low-brand density) tend to have consumers with higher search or travel costs, leading low-brand
stations to have slightly higher price dispersion.


be surprising to see larger market composition effects when price dispersion is measured
locally. Changes in the types of stations in a local market could affect how the average
local market price moves as well as how a particular stations price moves relative to the
local market average. Regardless of the mechanism, price dispersion varies significantly
depending on the local composition of station types and ones own station type.


Alternative Explanations

The previous discussion highlights the possible interactions between seller and consumer
heterogeneities. However, there are other potential explanations as to why high-brand
and low-brand stations have such contrasting relationships between dispersion and density. One possibility is that seller heterogeneity and competition affect price dispersion
because the relative wholesale costs faced by different sellers vary systematically over
As discussed in Section II, unobserved idiosyncratic cost differences between stations are capable of generating price dispersion when search costs or travel costs are
present. For any retail station, distribution level market prices for generic wholesale gasoline are the best measure of the replacement cost of selling another gallon of gasoline to
consumers. In the San Diego area, the Los Angeles Harbor spot gasoline prices (or, if available, the unbranded gasoline prices from the San Diego distribution terminal) accurately
represent this replacement cost. However, one might suggest that differences in vertical
contract structure between refiners and retailers could effect the way this marginal cost is
incorporated into the final pricing decision. Brand name refiners each resell gas to their
branded stations at different prices. Usually these branded wholesale prices are very similar across brands but often differ from the unbranded wholesale prices paid by independent stations. Unbranded wholesale prices are generally lower than branded prices, but
when prices are increasing rapidly unbranded wholesale prices can temporarily approach
or exceed branded prices. If these prices truly reflect the opportunity costs with which
station pricing decisions are made, then changes over time in relative difference between


wholesale prices to branded and unbranded stations could lead to different patterns of
price dispersion depending on station type.
Suppose the price dispersion identified in the sample is predominantly generated
by fluctuations in the relative wholesale costs of unbranded and branded stations. Since
unbranded stations make up less than 20% of the market, one might expect that unbranded station retail prices would vary more relative to the citywide average retail price
causing the measure of price dispersion to be larger for unbranded stations. There is
some evidence of this, as price dispersion is measured to be 40% higher on average for
unbranded stations than for branded stations. In addition, one might expect prices at
branded stations with more nearby unbranded competitors to be more sensitive to the
fluctuations of unbranded wholesale costs and possibly to have higher price dispersion as
well. The evidence in Table IV appears to be consistent with this prediction. Unbranded
stations are classified in the low-brand group, and the coefficient estimates indicate that
high-brand stations with more low-brand competitors nearby tend to have higher price
dispersion. However, a more detailed investigation shows that relative cost variation
between branded and unbranded stations may not be responsible for the identified relationships between dispersion and density. When the analysis in Table IV is altered to
define stations types as branded and unbranded rather than high-brand and low-brand,
branded stations are not estimated to have significantly higher dispersion when more unbranded competitors are nearby. In other words, for branded stations the coefficient on
the log density of unbranded stations nearby is very small and negative. Therefore, the
significant differences in the coefficients on low-brand station density between low-brand
and high-brand stations in Table IV do not appear to be driven by differences between
branded and unbranded stations.

Price dispersion is prevalent in retail gasoline markets even after controlling for differences in stations average price levels. In addition, station prices move frequently relative

to each other over time. These findings imply that consumers may have imperfect price information and that consumer search could be an important aspect of competition in these
markets. The level of price dispersion that is observed is sensitive to both the number of
local competitors and the nature of local competitors. Price dispersion is larger for highbrand stations when they have a higher number of competing low-brand stations nearby.
In contrast, price dispersion is lower for both high-brand and low-brand stations when
there are more competitors of their own type in the local market. These findings contrast with those of earlier studies which generally do not account for differences among
sellers when examining the effects of competitor density on price dispersion. The results
suggest that price dispersion is sensitive to to composition of station types in the local
market. Such compositional effects could arise if consumers with different search/travel
costs segment themselves among different types of sellers. Though virtually all theoretical models of price dispersion concentrate on homogeneous sellers, these findings suggest
that models incorporating seller differentiation would have important applications.
Using a more localized measure of price dispersion also seems to affect the general
relationship between seller density and dispersion. Barron et al. [2004] use a citywide
average price as a benchmark for calculating gasoline price dispersion and find a negative relationship between seller density and dispersion (similar to my citywide dispersion
results). However, when dispersion is measured within localized submarkets, this relationship becomes positive and significant. Since consumers often observe prices and
purchase from a small set of stations in their area, localized price variation may more
accurately reflect the price dispersion consumers encounter. Therefore, results describing
the extent of local price dispersion and its relationship to seller density help to improve the
current understanding price dispersion in retail gasoline and other differentiated product


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