FAQ OS Management

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What is Oracles goal in developing Quality of Service Management?

QoS Management is a full Oracle stack development effort to provide effective runtime management of datacenter
SLAs by ensuring when there are sufficient resources to meet all objectives they are properly allocated and should
demand or failures exceed capacity that the most business critical SLAs are preserved at the cost of less critical ones.
What type of applications does Oracle QoS Management manage?
QoS Management is currently able to manage OLTP open workload types for database service and applications where
clients or middle tiers connect to the Oracle database through OCI or JDBC. Open workloads are those whose demand
is unaffected by increases in response time and are typical of Internet-facing applications.
What does QoS Management manage?
In datacenters where applications share databases or databases share servers, performance is made up of the sum of the
time spent using and waiting to use resources. Since a database applications use of resources is controlled during
development, test, and tuning it cannot be managed at runtime; however the wait for resources can. QoS Management
manages resource wait times.
What types of resources does QoS Management manage?
Currently QoS Management manages CPU resources both within a database and between databases running on shared
or dedicated servers. It also monitors wait times for I/O, Global Cache, and Other database waits.
What type of user interfaces does QoS Management support?
QoS Management is integrated into Enterprise Manager Database Control 11g Release 2 and Enterprise Manager 12c
Cloud Control and is accessible from the cluster administration page.
What QoS Management functionality is in Oracle Enterprise Manager?
Enterprise Manger supports the full range of QoS Management functionality organized by task. A Policy Editor wizard
presents a simple workflow that specifies the server pools to manage; defines performance classes that map to the
database applications or services and associated SLAs or objectives, and specifies performance policies that contain
performance objectives and relative ranking for each performance class and baseline server pool resource allocations.
An easy to monitor dashboard presents the entire cluster performance status at a glance as well as recommended actions
should resources need to be re-allocated due to performance issues. Finally a set of comprehensive graphs track the
performance and metrics of each performance class.
What types of performance objectives can be set?
QoS Management currently supports response time objectives. Response time objectives up to one second for database
client requests are supported. Additional performance objectives are planned for future releases.


Does QoS Management require any specific database deployment?

In order to make full management use, Oracle databases must be created as RAC or RAC One Node Policy-Managed
databases. This means the databases are deployed in one or more server pools and applications and clients connect
using CRS-managed database services. Each managed database must also have Resource Manager enabled and be
enabled for QoS Management. It is also recommended that connection pools that support Fast Application Notification
(FAN) events be used for maximum functionality and performance management. If the Oracle databases are only going
to be monitored by QoS Management, then administrator-managed RAC and RAC One Node databases are supported
beginning in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c Release 1 (
What are Server Pools?
Server Pools are a new management entity introduced in Oracle Clusterware 11g to give IT administrators the ability to
better manage their applications and datacenters along actual workload lines. Server Pools are a logical container,
where like hardware and work can be organized and given importance and availability semantics. This allows
administrators as well as QoS Management to actively grow and shrink these groups to meet the hour-to-hour, day-today application demands with optimum utilization of available resources. The use of Server Pools does not require any
application code changes, re-compiling or re-linking. Server Pools also allow older non-QoS Management supported
databases and middleware to co-exist in a single cluster without interfering with the management of newer supported
What methods does QoS Management support for classifying applications and workloads?
QoS Management use database entry points to tag the application or workload with user-specified names. Database
sessions are evaluated against classifiers that are sets of Boolean expressions made up of Service Name, Program, User,
Module and Action.
What is the overhead of using QoS Management?
The QoS Management Server is a set of Java MBeans that run in a single J2EE container running on one node in the
cluster. Metrics are retrieved from each database once every five seconds. Workload classification and tagging only
occurs at connect time or when a client changes session parameters. Therefore the overhead is minimal and is fully
accounted for in the management of objectives.
Does QoS Management negatively affect an applications availability?
No, the QoS Management server is not in the transaction path and only adjusts resources through already existing
database and cluster infrastructure. In fact, it can improve availability by distributing workloads within and cluster and
prevent node evictions caused my memory stress with its automatic Memory Guard feature.
What happens should the QoS Management Server fail?
The QoS Management Server is a managed Clusterware singleton resource that is restarted or failed over to another
node in the cluster should it hang or crash. Even if a failure occurs, there is no disruption to the databases and their
workloads running in the cluster. Once the restart completes, QoS Management will continue managing in the exact
state it was when the failure occurred.
What is Memory Guard and how does it work?
Memory Guard has been an exclusive QoS Management feature that uses metrics from Cluster Health Monitor to
evaluate the stress of each server in the cluster once a minute. Should it detect a node has over-committed memory or
insufficient free memory, it will prevent new database requests from being sent to that node until the current load is
relieved. It does this my turning off the services to that node transactionally at which point existing work will begin to
drain off. Once the stress is no longer detected, services will automatically be started and new connections will resume.


Beginning with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c Release 1 (, Memory Guard no longer requires that QoS
Management be enabled and therefore is installed and active by default.
How does QoS Management enable the Private Database Cloud?
The Private Database Cloud fundamentally depends upon shared resources. Whether deploying a database service or a
separate database, both depend upon being able to deliver performance with competing workloads. QoS Management
provides both the monitoring and management of these shared resources, thus complementing the flexible deployment
of databases as a service to also maintain a consistent level of performance and availability.
Which versions of Oracle databases does QoS Management support?
QoS Management is supported on Oracle RAC EE and RAC One EE databases from 11g Release 2 ( forward
including those deployed on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine. It is included as a licensed feature for the Oracle
RAC and RAC One Node options. Please consult the Oracle Database License Guide for details.
Does QoS Management support Oracle Multitenant datbases?
QoS Management supports Oracle 12c Multitenant RAC and RAC One Node databases only for measuring and
monitoring. Beginning in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, Performance Objectives can be set and alerts
generated for violations; however resource re-allocation recommendations will not be made. Full management
functionality is planned for a future release.
Is this a product to be used by an IT administrator or DBA?
The primary user of QoS Management is expected to be the IT or systems administrator that will have QoS
administrative privileges on the RAC cluster. As QoS Management actively manages all of the databases in a cluster it
is not designed for use by the DBA unless that individual also has the cluster administration responsibility. DBA level
experience is not required to be a QoS Management administrator. When used solely in monitor mode, QoS
Management provides DBAs, application administrators, and mid-tier administrators an excellent key performance
indicator dashboard showing how the database tier is performing from their applications viewpoint.
Where can I find documentation for QoS Management?
The Oracle Database Quality of Service Management Users Guide is the source for documentation and covers all
aspects of its use. It is currently delivered as part of the Oracle Database Documentation Library starting in 11g
Release 2.

Contact Us
For more information about Oracle Database Quality of Service Management, please visit oracle.com or call
+1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.

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