ALE Training Material

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ALE (Application Link Enabling) is SAP's proprietary technology that enables data communication between two or more SAP R/3 systems and/or R/3 and external systems. It provides intelligent mechanisms for integration and distribution of applications and data.

It comprises three layers - the application layer, distribution layer, and communications layer. The application layer interfaces with R/3, the distribution layer filters and converts messages, and the communications layer handles synchronous and asynchronous transmissions.

The three categories are master data, transactional data, and control data distribution. Master data involves items like customers and vendors. Transactional data involves items like orders and invoices. Control data involves workflow and monitoring.

ALE Training Material

ALE: Linking R/3 Applications

The SAP Application Link Enabling (ALE) technology enables clients to interface their R/3
systems with other R/3 and/or legacy systems. The technology is emerging as the interface
standard due to such benefits as rapid application prototyping, reduced development efforts,
faster implementation timelines, and enhanced reliability.
This topic is the first of a series focusing on ALEs capabilities, technology, and technical
development. This introduces ALE and its role in SAP implementations and illustrates the
construction of an interface that is required by most SAP implementations, whether for deploying
ALE distribution scenarios or for migrating from one SAP instance to another (such as from
development to quality assurance or to production).

What is ALE?

The message-based architecture of ALE

It comprises three layers:

Application layer.

This layer provides ALE with an interface to R/3 to originate or receive messages containing data
to or from external (or other R/3) systems.


Distribution layer.

The distribution layer filters and converts messages containing data based on predefined or
custom-defined rule sets. These conversions may occur to ensure compatibility between different
releases of R/3 and R/2.


Communications layer.

ALE communications are carried out both synchronously and asynchronously. Synchronous
message transmissions are typically used for the direct reading of control data, while
asynchronous message transmissions are used for transmitting or receiving application data. It is
also possible to achieve a pseudo-real-time exchange of application data using transactional
Remote Function Calls (tRFC)
ALE scenarios fall into three categories: master data, transactional data, and control data
distribution. Although the underlying principles are the same for the different categories, there are
differences in their functions and configurations. SAP delivers over 200 ALE scenarios; and by
extension there are approximately 200 application areas that can leverage ALE technology for
data distribution or communication. A subset of these scenarios is supported by R/3 for Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI).
There are several advantages to using ALE technology:
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ALE is SAP proprietary technology that enables data communications between two or more SAP
R/3 systems and/or R/3 and external systems. When a new enterprise resource planning (ERP)
solution such as R/3 is implemented, companies have to interface the ERP system with legacy
systems or other ERP systems. ALE provides intelligent mechanisms whereby clients can
achieve integration as well as distribution of applications and data. ALE technology facilitates
rapid application prototyping and application interface development, thus reducing
implementation time. The ALE components are inherently integrated with SAP applications and
are robust, leading to a highly reliable system.
ALE comes with application distribution/integration scenarios as well as a set of tools, programs,
data definitions, and methodologies that you can easily configure to get an interface up and

ALE Training Material

SAP ensures release independence.
Robust mechanisms capture changes to master data or transactional data.
ALE offers better inbound interface performance compared to traditional techniques
such as Batch Data Communications (BDC) or Call Transactions. ALE does not use
screen-based batch input. ALE provides black-box technology, so the user is at a higher
Most ALE interfaces can be prototyped in a couple of days, resulting in smaller
implementation timelines.
There is little or no ABAP program development. In most cases, the SAP-delivered ALE
functionality meets the requirements.
ALE offers a systematic and organized approach to custom enhancements and
An ALE interface is easy to maintain due to the structured approach and minimal
number of development objects
ALE is the strategic architecture for R/3 loose coupling with legacy and third-party
applications and is a Business Framework key element. It provides a message-based
architecture for asynchronous integration of Business Framework components, including
Business Components, Business Objects, and BAPIs.


ALE Building Blocks and Concepts

The following building blocks are fundamental to ALE functionality:

Logical System.

A Logical System (LS) is the representation of an R/3 or external system in SAP R/3 for the
distribution of data to and from the R/3 System. Every R/3 client used for ALE or EDI has to have
a base LS associated with the client. This LS becomes the sender for outbound messages and
a receiver for inbound messages. In addition to the base LS, a second LS should be created
within that R/3 system for each R/3 or external system used for ALE interfaces. In an inbound
ALE interface, this second LS represents the sender (another R/3 or external system) with
respect to the base LS (receiver). In an outbound ALE interface, this second LS is the receiver on
behalf of the R/3 or external system with respect to the base LS (sender).


Message type.

A message type represents the application message exchanged between R/3 systems and R/3
and an external system. A message type characterizes the data sent across systems and relates
to the structure of the data called an IDOC type For example, MATMAS is a message type for
Material Master, and INVOIC is a message type for an Invoice (Billing Document). ALE supports
over 200 message types in R/3 and about 200 application areas.


IDOC type and IDOC.

An Intermediate Document (IDOC) type represents the structure of the data associated with a
message type (DEBMAS02 for message type DEBMAS
Generally, the architecture of an IDOC is independent of the message type by virtue of ALEs
ability to redefine it for any message type.
An IDOC consists of three record types: the control record, the data record, and the status record

0231 The control record,

or EDI_DC, is a control structure that contains several fields with information about the IDOC,
such as what IDOC type it is, the message type, sender and receiver information, and direction (1
for outbound, 2 for inbound). This information provides control data on the outbound, and
processing options on an inbound IDOC. It also has as its key the Client (MANDT) and the IDOC
number (DOCNUM). The EDI_DC record of an IDOC is stored in table EDIDC. Every IDOC has
one control record.


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ALE Training Material

0232 The data record,
which conforms to the structure EDI_DD, contains the application data. Every EDI_DD record has
a key portion that is 55 bytes in length (or 63, depending on the SAP release), which consists of
several fields describing the content of the record. The key of 55/63 bytes is followed by a field
SDATA, which is 1000 bytes in length and of data type Long Character. The SDATA field holds the
application data, and its structure is determined by the key field SEGNAM (Segment Name). An
IDOC consists of one or more data records, and its sequence and structure are dictated by the
sequence and structure of segments in a given IDOC type.
The SDATA portion of the data record is redefined for every occurrence based on the structure of
the segment, with the first 55/63 bytes of the data record identifying the segment name,
sequence, and hierarchy. In an outbound interface, ALE/EDI function modules populate these
segments with application data. In an inbound interface, the application modules process the data
contained in the segments. Data records are stored on table EDID2 that belongs to the cluster
In SAP, from a Data Dictionary perspective, IDOC segments adhere to a naming convention.
Each segment has three components, each marked by a different prefix
E1 for segment type,
E2 for segment definition,
E3 for segment documentation.

0233 The status record

conforms to the dictionary structure EDI_DS. It contains information on the state of the IDOC as it
passes through the various stages of processing. The STATUS field has a length of two bytes
(data type CHAR), with a range of values: 0141 for outbound and 5073 for inbound IDOCs.
The status record also includes date and timestamps for when that particular state was reached.
The status records maintain a history of the IDOC states. An IDOC may have one or more status
records, which are stored in table EDIDS (see Figure 2, page 82). These records can be
accessed or created only by SAP function modules (APIs), and are not externalized.
DOC objects consist of
a Basic IDOC type,
an Extension type,
and an IDOC type.
In an R/3 system, IDOCs are identified by a unique IDOC number (field DOCNUM), and all three
record types are tied together with this number. The IDOC number is internally assigned by SAP.
It is possible to maintain the number range of IDOCs.
You can display information about IDOC record types by executing transaction WE61 or using the
following menu path from the main R/3 menu: Tools -> Administration -> Administration ->
Process Technology -> IDOC -> IDOC Basis (*) -> Documentation -> IDOC Record
Types. You can reach IDOC Basis (*) by executing transaction WEDI, which is frequently used in
ALE and EDI. You can display information about IDOC types, such as DEBMAS02 by executing
transaction WE60 or using the following menu path from WEDI: Documentation -> IDOC


Distribution Model.

In an R/3 system, the Customer Distribution Model is a tool that stores information about the flow
of messages across various systems. The Customer Distribution Model uses an SAP-delivered
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For example, the first segment of IDOC type DEBMAS02 is E1KNA1M. Its definition is contained
in structure E2KNA1M, and its documentation is in E3KNA1M. When the IDOC is externalized,
we see the segment name addressed by its E2 prefix. For all practical purposes, we will use only
the E2 prefix when referring to IDOC segments. Also, most segment names represent Data
Dictionary tables.

ALE Training Material

Distribution Reference Model as its basis (the Customer Distribution Model can have distribution
scenarios other than ones stored in the Distribution Reference Model.) The Customer Distribution
Model stores data that dictates which messages (message types) flow to which Logical Systems.
Many messages can flow to one Logical System, and one message can flow to several systems.
With the use of filter objects and listings (which Ill describe shortly), it is also possible to specify
in a model the criteria for filtering information for a specific system. A Customer Distribution Model
can be created in an R/3 system with that clients base Logical System as the sender Logical
Use transaction BD64 or the following menu path to maintain the model: From the IMG
(Implementation Guide), Cross-Application Components -> Distribution (ALE) (*) -> Distribution
Customer Model -> Maintain Distribution Customer Model Directly -> Maintain Distribution
Customer Model Directly.
The IMG for ALE, Distribution (ALE) (*), can also be directly invoked by using transaction SALE.
This transaction is used very frequently in ALE. (Ill discuss the process of creating, maintaining,
and distributing a Customer Distribution Model)

0241 Filter object type and filter objects.

0242 Listings.
Listings are a special filter object type occurrence and are also used to specify a selection
criterion for distributing master data. Listings are based on the SAP Classification system
(classes and characteristics), and are applicable only to Material, Customer, and Vendor master
data. Once a list has been created, based on certain classification information using the ALE
customizing menu, it is associated with an LS. The listing is then used to create a filter object with
type LISTING, for a message type associated with that LS.
Lists are maintained and allocated to an LS from the ALE customizing guide using transaction
SALE, or Distribution Scenarios -> Master Data Distribution -> Distribution via

025 Change pointers.

Change pointers are R/3 objects that mark changes to SAP master data. Change pointers are
managed by mechanisms in a Shared Master Data (SMD) tool and are based on Change
Document (CD) objects. CD objects record the changes occurring to master data at a field level.
These changes are stored in tables CDHDR (header table) and CDPOS (detail table). ALE
configuration provides a link between CD objects and change pointers. Internal mechanisms
update tables BDCP and BDCPS, which host the change pointers. While CD objects are
application-data-specific, the processing status of change pointers is message-type-specific. Also,
the ALE change pointers are activated first at a general level and then at the message-type level.
ALE provides powerful capabilities to capture changes occurring to master data and to distribute
them via the IDOC interface. This feature can be used to keep two or more systems synchronized
with respect to master data.

026 Ports.
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A filter object type is used in the Customer Distribution Model to impose a selection criterion on
the message (type) flowing to a Logical System. A filter object type with a value associated with it
is called a filter object. For example, BUKRS (Company Code) is a filter object type available for
message type DEBMAS (Customer Master). To distribute Customer master data of only
Company Code 1001 to a particular Logical System, you would use filter object type BUKRS to
create a filter object with value BUKRS = 1001. You can have multiple filter objects with different
values for the same message type associated with that LS. While determining the receiver(s) of a
particular message based on the Distribution Model, ALE performs object filtering. As with the
Customer Distribution Model, filter objects are relevant only to ALE.
(Ill explain the steps to create a filter object, as well as how to create a new filter object type,.)

ALE Training Material

A port is a logical representation of a communication channel in SAP, with the data communicated
being IDOCs. There are four types of ports that can be defined in R/3: tRFC, File, R/2, and
Internet. ALE can use all port types to distribute IDOCs, while EDI typically uses a file-based port.
tRFC and File ports can link to RFC destinations connected to R/3-to-R/3 or TCP/IP. By linking
ports to RFC destinations, the port can also trigger scripts to invoke EDI subsystems, IDOC
mapping software, and FTP.
You can maintain ports by executing transaction WE21 or WEDI, or selecting IDOC -> Port
Definition. RFC destinations can be maintained using transaction SM59.

027 Process codes.

Process codes are used in ALE and EDI to identify the function module or API to be invoked for
subsequent processing. An inbound interface uses a process code to determine the application
module that will process the inbound IDOC to an SAP application object such as a sales
(Customer) order (process code ORDE), Material Master record (MATM), or a shipment
(SHIP). An outbound interface uses process codes only in the case of applications that use
message control (which Ill get to shortly). In this case, the process code identifies the application
module that populates the IDOC with application data. Each process code is associated with a
message type. Outbound process codes are stored in table TEDE1, while inbound process codes
are stored in TEDE2.
Use transaction WE41 to display outbound process codes and WE42 to display inbound codes,
or from WEDI select Control -> Outbound Process Codes/Inbound Process Codes, or from
ALE customizing SALE select Extensions -> Outbound -> Maintain Process Code, or
Extensions -> Inbound -> Maintain Process Code.

In R/3, message control is a mechanism by which documents are output based on certain
selection criteria, requirements, and sequences. Message control determines the type of
document, its timing, number, and medium (print, fax, ALE, or EDI.). Outbound messages in SD
(Sales and Distribution) and MM (Materials Management, Purchasing) are created and processed
by message control records. The output records are stored in the NAST table.
Message control uses the condition technique. The conditions for creating an output message are
stored in condition tables that have selection fields picked from a catalog of application
fields/tables. To determine if an application document qualifies for output, search strategies are
used through access sequences, output procedures, and requirements. Once a message
qualifies for output, message control modules use the parameters set in the condition type or
output type to determine the timing of transmission and the medium of the message. The output
type also specifies the program or module to be invoked to create the output.
Message/output determinations are concepts applicable not only to EDI and ALE, but also to
other output mediums. (Nace transaction)

029 Partner profile.

A partner profile is an identifier for a system used for communicating messages. There are four
types of partner profiles: KU for Customer, LI for Vendor, B for Bank, and LS for Logical System.
KU, LI, and B are used for EDI partners, while LS is used for ALE communications. Every partner
profile used for ALE must be based on an existing LS.
A partner profile brings together several ALE and EDI elements to define the parameters of
communication between two or more systems. Other than general information, you have to
maintain inbound parameters, outbound parameters, and message control. The main parameters
are message types, IDOC types, process codes, partner functions, application identifiers,
message functions, output types, and ports. Other parameters also determine the mode of
processing and error handling.
A partner profile plays a major role and can be viewed as a gateway for ALE and EDI
communications. It routes the specified messages through defined IDOC types to a given port
after invoking the appropriate function modules for outbound processing. It receives IDOCs of a
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028 Message control and output type.

ALE Training Material

specific type, and it identifies modules to post data to the application databases in the case of
inbound interfaces.
Use transaction WE20 to maintain partner profiles, or from WEDI select IDOC -> Partner
Profile, or from SALE (ALE Customizing guide) -> Communication -> Manual maintenance
of partner profiles -> Maintain partner profiles.


Sample ALE scenarios

Step 1: Maintaining the Logical System and the Distribution Model.

Lets create a new LS called CHRCLSR301 that represents the receiving R/3 system. Here are
the steps for configuring the Distribution Model:
Execute transaction BD64.
Step 2: Creating new filter object types.
Filter objects are criteria used for selecting data of a particular message type in order to create
the required IDOCs. A filter object type is basically a field on one of the IDOC segments of the
IDOC type corresponding to that message type. We first need to identify the field on the IDOC
that can be used for filtering data.

Step 4: Maintaining the RFC destination.

R/3-to-R/3 communication uses tRFC. RFCs are Remote Function Calls used to invoke function
modules for transactional or asynchronous activities, typically on remote systems. The word
transactional prefixed to RFC merely indicates that particular function is invoked per logical unit of
work, which could be one Material Master, one delivery, or one invoice. SAP tRFC and aRFC
(asynchronous Remote Function Call) both have advanced mechanisms to track data packet
communications and to maintain status. For example, to ensure delivery of data, tRFCs are
retried until the calls are successfully completed.
To set up an RFC destination for our interface:
Execute transaction SM59.
Place the cursor on R/3 Connections. Click on create.
Enter the name of the RFC destination,
Enter 3 for connection type this is an R/3 connection.
Enter a description of the RFC destination.
Press Enter. You will see a few additional fields appear on the screen.
Enter the name and system number of the other R/3 server in the field Target Machine.
Enter logon information such as Client, Language, User ID (the CPIC user ID defined earlier),
and password.
Save. Click on test connection. You will get a list of connection and communication timings
for logon and transfer of a certain number of bytes. This does not verify the password entered
earlier. If the password is incorrect, you will notice system problems on the target instance.
Click on remote logon. If you are using a CPIC user ID, there will be no action taken. If it is a
dialog user, you will be logged on to the target system..
Creating an RFC Destination.
It is important to ensure that the name of the LS and the RFC destination are the same. You can
also access this function using SALE -> Communications -> Define RFC destination.
Step 5: Generating RFC port and partner profile.
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Step 3: Creating a CPIC user on target system. To communicate and process messages in the
remote system, SAP uses a user ID on the target system. This user ID needs to be of type CPIC.
Though the user could be a normal dialog user, a user of type CPIC should be used to preclude
performance problems such as maximum number of logons exceeded. Ask your Basis
administrator to set up this user ID. Ensure that the ID has all the authorizations required to
update that systems databases for characteristics and classes.

ALE Training Material

Here we learn how to generate RFC ports and partner profiles for an R/3-R/3 interface using
SAP functionality. The port definition is generated based on the RFC destination that we created
in the previous step, while the partner profile is generated based on the Customer Distribution
Model we created, along with the port generated.
Follow these steps to generate these objects:
Go to SALE (ALE Customizing) -> Communications -> Generate Partner Profiles.
On the screen that appears, enter the Customer Model CHRCLSMODL as defined earlier.
Enter details for receiver of notifications. This is to identify the recipient of workflow messages in
case of errors.
Switch the Outbound Parameters to Collect IDOCs.
Switch the Inbound Parameters to Background, so there is no overriding by express flags.
You will see a list of messages confirming the generation of a port and partner profile.
The tRFC port has an internally assigned number. If you browse the partner profile CHRCLSR301
generated in this step, you will notice there are three entries generated for Outbound Parameters
for message types CHRMAS, CLSMAS, and SYNCH. The message type SYNCH is for
synchronous communications between the two R/3 systems and is used for validation of ALE
functions. The port associated with the three outbound parameters entries is the port generated
in this step.
The objects created in this process must be generated in the client/instance from which the
communications are originating.


Working the Interface

Now that we have configured the system for an R/3-to-R/3 interface, lets examine the methods
for executing this interface and for understanding its results. This section will also go over
techniques for monitoring the communications and will discuss performance issues related to
R/3-R/3 ALE communications.


Sending data.


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Step 6: Creating a receiving partner profile on the target system.

We must now create an LS and a partner profile for receiving messages from the sending
system. This is a mirror image of the sending LS on the target system.
Here are the steps of the process:
Create a Logical System on the target system.
Create a partner profile with partner number on the target system.
Maintain its Inbound Parameters. Create a new entry for message type CHRMAS, with process
code CHRM, and processing mode Background, with no express override flag. Create a similar
entry for message type CLSMAS, with process code CLSM, and processing mode Background,
with no express override flag.
Step 7: Distributing the Customer model. The Customer Distribution Model CHRCLSMODL
was created on the sender system. This determines and dictates the flow of certain message
types CHRMAS and CLSMAS in this case to other systems. This information has to be
communicated to the recipient system as well, so that it can accept and process the inbound
IDOCs. ALE provides tools to distribute Customer models.
Here are the steps of the process:
Go to SALE -> Distribution Customer Model -> Distribute Customer Model ->
Distribute Customer Model.
Specify the Customer Model to be distributed
Specify the Receiving Logical System
You should receive a message confirming the success of the action. Browse the Customer
Distribution Model on the target system to see that it has been created correctly.

ALE Training Material

SAP provides standard ALE programs for sending and processing IDOCs. The two programs we
are going to use to send data to the target system are RBDSECHR for sending Characteristics
Master and RBDSECLS for sending Class Master. Note that characteristics data has to be sent
before the Class Master, since characteristics belong to classes classes are like envelopes for
characteristics. As a first step, lets create the communication IDOCs on the sending system. To
do this:
Go to BALE ALE Master Data -> Classification System -> Characteristics -> Send. This
is the same as executing program RBDSECHR or transaction BD91.
Enter the name of the Logical System.
If the number of characteristics is large, then you should schedule RBDSECHR as a background
job after having defined an appropriate variant. Use transaction WE05 to view the created IDOCs.
They should be in status 30 IDOC ready for dispatch (ALE service). Browse the IDOCs to
understand and verify the data.
For the Class Master:
Go to BALE ALE Master Data -> Classification System -> Class -> Send. This is the
same as program RBDSECLS or transaction BD92.


Dispatching IDOCs to the target system.

Once you have created the communication IDOCs, the next step is to dispatch them to the target
system. This is when the tRFC calls are invoked to connect and communicate to the remote
system. Using transaction SM59, test the connection for RFC destination to ensure that the
communication channels are open and working.
Go to WEDI -> Test -> Outbound from IDOCs. This is the same as program RSEOUT00 or
transaction WE14.
Enter the parameters, such as message types (CHRMAS, CLSMAS), partner number of
receiver, and date last created.
If there is a large number of IDOCs, schedule program RSEOUT00 as a background job with an
appropriate variant. After processing, you should find all IDOCs to be in a status of 03Data
passed to port OK. Bear in mind that a status of 03 does not necessarily imply that the tRFC
communication was successful. Ill discuss a method of updating this status with the results of the
final processing later in this section.


Monitoring transactional RFC.

While dispatching IDOCs from one R/3 system to another using tRFC, it is possible to monitor
the communications and take appropriate actions to ensure its success. The main tool is the
tRFC monitor, which can be accessed via BALE -> Monitoring -> Transactional RFC. This is
the same as executing transaction SM58 or program RSARFCRD. Enter the period and user who
initiated the RFC. This log displays only RFC calls that had an error. If there are entries in the log,
you can analyze them by reading the system logs and dumping analysis for that period using
transactions SM21 and ST22 successively. Carefully analyze these errors to take the correct
action. The R/3 Connection may not be active, or the user may not have the necessary
authorization for creating entries in the target system. If the problems are other than certain
mandatory settings, most RFC transactions should get processed within a small period of time. In
case of errors in communication, you may find several jobs in the Job Overview (transaction
SM37) with a prefix ARFC. These are normal, since the system is scheduling jobs to reprocess
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Enter the class types 001 for Material and 011 for Customer in this case. Enter the names of
classes you want to distribute. Enter the name of the Logical System
If the number of classes is large, you should schedule program RBDSECLS as a background job
with an appropriate variant. Display the created IDOCs, and browse them to understand and
verify the data.

ALE Training Material

the RFC transactions. However, an excessive number of such jobs could bog down the system,
since all batch processors would get flooded, resulting in a repetitive loop causing more jobs to
be created. The status records of RFC calls sent from the system are stored in table
ARFCSSTATE, while those of RFC calls on the receiver system are stored in table


Processing IDOCs on the target system.

When the IDOCs arrive on the target system from the host machine, they are created with a
status of 64 IDOC ready to be passed to application. This is because we chose the option of
background on the target system, rather than processing them immediately. We now need to
run a program that will process these IDOCs and post the data to the application. To do this:
Go to BALE -> Periodic Work -> ALE Inbound IDOCs. Choose the radio button for 64
IDOC ready to be passed to application. Execute. This is the same as executing program
In the panel displayed, enter parameters such as message type (CHRMAS and CLSMAS in this
case), creation date, or IDOC numbers. Execute.


ALE technologies provide powerful tools for implementing standard distribution scenarios and
enhancing and building ALE interfaces by bringing together the building blocks Ive described in
this topic. By following a few logical configuration steps, it is possible to create ALE interfaces and
derive huge benefits.
An exciting development in SAPs Business Framework technologies is the availability of BAPIs
(Business Application Programming Interfaces), which have evolved from ALE technologies. BAPI
interfaces could be synchronous or asynchronous, with or without the use of IDOC types. Ill
discuss BAPIs.
In my part one on ALE, we discussed ALEs powerful mechanisms for interfacing similar or
disparate systems. We also worked through the configuration procedures required to build or
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A list will be displayed indicating the status of the processing.

Also check the status of the IDOCs, using transaction WE02 or WE05. All IDOCs must have a
status of 53Application document posted.
If workflow has been set up, you will receive work items in your inbox in case of errors. There you
can edit the IDOCs if the errors are related to data and then reprocess them. However, in case of
application errors, you can check the logs to determine the cause of these errors and take
remedial action.
In case of errors due to system availability, deadlocks, or temporal data problems, it is possible to
schedule program RBDMANIN in the background to reprocess the IDOCs in a status of 51
Error: Application document not posted.
How does the sending system know that the tRFC calls to the remote system were successful?
There is a program you can execute that collects information about the result of the tRFC calls on
the remote system and reports the information to the host client.
To do this:
Go to BALE -> Periodic Work -> Check IDOC Dispatch. This is the same as executing
program RBDMOIND or transaction BD75.
Enter the IDOC creation date and the number of IDOCs after which the process can be
committed, say 100. This implies that after checking the status of 100 IDOCs, the program will
update its status.
If the tRFC calls were successful, the aforementioned process should update the status of the
IDOCs dispatched to 12 Dispatch OK.

ALE Training Material

prototype an ALE interface. In this part, we will talk about extending IDOCs, enhancing ALE
functionality, reducing IDOCs, and using ALE in conjunction with BAPIs. Understanding these
concepts and techniques will greatly improve your insight into some underlying ALE mechanisms.
You may decide to enhance ALE functionality after prototyping the ALE interface for an
application area because requirements are not completely satisfied by SAP-delivered
functionality. For example, if in an outbound interface you find that the IDOC type does not
contain all the data you need to pass to the other system, you can extend the IDOC to
accommodate the additional fields and enhance the ALE function modules to populate the fields.
Similarly, if in an inbound interface, there is additional data that needs to be posted to the R/3
application, you can extend the IDOC type to have additional fields populated by the external
system or translator or the other R/3 system and then enhance the inbound ALE function modules
to post the additional data to the R/3 application.
If, in the case of certain master data ALE interfaces, you plan to use only a limited number of
fields and segments in the IDOC type, it may be a good idea to limit data transfer through these
interfaces to only the required segments and fields. This process is called IDOC reduction. IDOC
reduction results in greater interface throughput, improving performance, reducing required disk
space, and reducing processing time. IDOC reduction may also be a business requirement in
order to avoid distributing certain fields or segments. This feature is available only for master data
IDOC types. The primary benefit of reducing an IDOC type is eliminating nonessential IDOC
To illustrate these concepts, lets use the SAP Customer Master application as an example.
Specifically, lets focus on the IDOC extension and ALE function module enhancement of IDOC
type DEBMAS02 and message type DEBMAS (Customer Master) and the IDOC reduction of
message type MATMAS.


Lets first look at the concept of IDOC extension. SAP delivers Basic IDOC types such as
DEBMAS02, MATMAS02, ORDERS02, and WMMBID01. By extending the Basic IDOC type, you
are actually creating a new IDOC type. You create a new segment with the additional fields. This
new segment has to be associated with one of the existing Basic IDOC segments. Then you
create a new extension type, which is associated with the Basic IDOC type. This results in a new
IDOC type. In order for ALE function modules to relate to this new IDOC type, the IDOC type is
linked to the corresponding message type. Note that you should not add fields to existing
segments but should create a new segment and associate it with an existing segment. This, in a
nutshell, is the process of creating IDOC extensions.
In our example, the Basic IDOC type DEBMAS02 is used to communicate Customer Master data
to the SAP Customer Master application. Even though the application has a screen to enter and
store a contact persons business address, DEBMAS02 does not have a segment or fields that
communicate the contact persons business address. If your business requires that this business
address be communicated to the other system through the ALE interface for Customer Master,
then you have to extend the DEBMAS02 IDOC type, and enhance the corresponding ALE
function module.
In DEBMAS02 the contact person fields are present in segment E1KNVKM and the business
address of the contact person is stored on the SADR SAP table. You need to create a new
segment, Z1SADRX, that is associated with E1KNVKM. This will be done in the process of
creating an extension type ZDEBMASX. This extension type will then be associated with a new
IDOC type, ZDEBMASZ. IDOC type ZDEBMASZ will be linked to message type DEBMAS for
Customer Master. The final step in the IDOC extension process is to check the new objects. This
check also verifies the structural integrity of the IDOC type. Lets look at each of these steps in
more detail.


. Create an Extension Type and a New Segment.

First, lets determine the fields on table SADR that you are going to provide for in the new
segment Z1SADRX. You need fields for name, street, city, region, and country to give the
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ALE Training Material

112. Create an IDOC Type ( not mandatory).

The next step is to create an IDOC type by associating the extension type that you created with
the Basic IDOC type. This is a simple process:
From transaction WE30 or WEDI go to Development -> IDOC Types.
Enter ZDEBMASZ for Object Name.
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business address of the contact person. You also need fields for the address number. ADRNR is
a field in SAP tables such as SADR that uniquely identifies the address of an entity. This field is
cross-referenced from other tables to the SADR table to obtain the full description of the address.
Because this is an IDOC type for master data, the first field of the new segment will be MSGFN.
The message function field informs the receiving system of the action to be taken for that
particular segment. In the code that you write for populating the new segment, the value of the
message function is the same as that of the parent segment E1KNVKM. In all, you will have 12
fields in segment Z1SADRX.
To create an extension type and new segment:
Use transaction WE30 or from WEDI go to Development -> IDOC types.
Enter ZDEBMASX for Object Name.
Choose Extension Type.
Click on Create.
You will see a pop-up screen. Choose Create New, and enter a description. For version 4.x, enter
DEBMAS02 in the Linked Basic Type field. Enter.
You will see a screen with ZDEBMASX and its description in the first line. Click on this line, and
press Create. For version 4.x, expand the tree of segments, and place the cursor on E1KNVKM.
You will see a pop-up screen. Enter E1KNVKM as the reference segment. Enter.
For 4.x, press Create after placing the cursor on segment E1KNVKM.
You will see a line appear with E1KNVKM hierarchically below ZDEBMASX, with a description
"Customer Master contact person (KNVK)."
Click on this line and press Create. You will receive a message indicating that the new segment
being created will be a child segment of E1KNVKM. Enter. A pop-up box appears for the new
Enter Z1SADRX as the segment type, 1 for Minimum, 1 for Maximum. Leave Mandatory segment
unchecked. These entries imply that there is only one Z1SADRX segment for every occurrence of
the E1KNVKM segment, and also that this segment is not mandatory. Note that if the parent
segment is not mandatory, then the child segment should not be mandatory, because this could
result in a syntax error during the creation or processing of the IDOC.
For 4.x, you must first create the IDOC segment Z1SADRX (Ill explain why in a moment) from
the menu path WEDI -> IDOC -> Development -> IDOC Segment.
Click on Segment Editor.
On the next screen, click on Create.
Enter a development class for the object. Enter.
This will take you to the screen for segment definition. Enter a description for the segment. Enter
the field name, data element, and the data element documentation name. In most cases, all three
fields may have the same values. If you are using a field in the segment that is not present in the
ABAP/4 data dictionary, you must first create the domain, data element, field, and appropriate
documentation before using it in the new segment.
Enter these three columns for all 12 fields. Save.
Click on Generate/Activate, F3 to step back.
From screen Maintain Segment, go to Segment Type -> Release. A checkbox now appears
beside the segment definition Z1SADRX. Check this box. Save.
Save again to store the descriptions of the segment, F3 to step back.
Save the extension type.
It is possible to have several new segments with relevant Basic IDOC type parent segments in a
single extension type. However, you can form only one IDOC type based on a single extension

ALE Training Material

Click on IDOC Type.
Click on Create.
Enter DEBMAS02 for Basic IDOC type.
Enter ZDEBMASX for extension type.
Enter a description.
You will see a display of the composite IDOC type with all segments, including Z1SADRX.
It is possible to associate only one extension type with a Basic IDOC type for a given IDOC type.
However, you can have multiple new segments in an extension type.

113. Link IDOC Type to Message Type.

114. Check the IDOC Type.

Before checking the IDOC type for consistency, it is important to perform another step that
releases the extension type to the IDOC type:
From WEDI go to Development -> IDOC Types -> Extras -> Release Type, or from transaction
WE30 go to Extras -> Release Type.
For the Object Name ZDEBMASX and radio button Extension Type, click Yes.
The extension type has now been "released."
You cant edit the extension type once its released. To cancel the release for further editing or
deactivation, go to WE30 Extras Cancel release. The final step in the IDOC extension process
is checking the validity of the IDOC type:
From transaction WE30 or WEDI go to Development -> IDOC types.
Enter ZDEBMASX for Object name.
Click on Extension Type.



Having extended the IDOC type to contain additional fields for an inbound or outbound
application, you now want to enhance ALE function modules for populating the additional
segment on the outbound or applying the additional segment data on the inbound application. It
may be necessary to enhance an ALE function module even in situations where an IDOC
extension has not been performed if the IDOC data being passed to and from the application
requires modifications. The following approach applies to both situations.
The core working code for ALE processes for a given application area is always encapsulated in
ABAP/4 function modules. These function modules are associated with such control information
as message types and process codes. So the ALE process checks this control information and
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The next step is to link the new IDOC type to its corresponding message type. This is important,
because this relationship is referenced in the partner profile parameters where you specify the
message type and IDOC type to be used for that particular representative system. To link the
message type:
Use transaction WE82, or from WE30, go to Environment -> IDOC Type / Message Type, or from
WEDI go to Development -> IDOC Type -> Environment IDOC Type / Message Type.
Click on Display <-> Change.
Click on New Entries.
Enter DEBMAS for message type.
Enter DEBMAS02 for Basic IDOC type.
Enter ZDEBMASX for extension type.
Enter your SAP R/3 release number for Release.
This data is stored on the EDIMSG table and is accessed by several ALE processes to relate the
message type to the IDOC type.

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derives the name of the function module to invoke for that particular IDOC processing from
certain database tables. These function modules contain objects known as customer functions,
which can be considered SAP Enhanced user exits. A function module is called at a particular
point during the processing of the main program or function module, and it can be used to
influence data processing at that point by adding code to the customer function. The customer
function behaves like a normal function module and has import and export parameters, tables
(internal tables) statement, and exception processing. Unlike a conventional user exit, customer
functions give you the ability to modify only data available to you by the function modules
parameters and internal tables. While most ALE/EDI function modules are supported by customer
functions, there are ALE/EDI processes that still use conventional user exits. There are a few
ways to determine which function module to enhance for a given message type/process code:
For master data distribution, from SALE go to Extensions -> Master data distribution -> Setup
additional data for message types. Search for message type DEBMAS in this example. You see
MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_DEBMAS. This data is stored on table TBDME. The function
MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_messagetype. This function module calls another function
Search for the words customer function, and you find several hits that can be used to add code to
the function module.
From WEDI got to Control -> Inbound process codes -> Inbound with ALE service -> Processing
by function module (transaction WE42), or from WEDI go to Control -> Outbound process codes
-> Outbound with ALE service -> With function module (transaction WE41). There will be function
modules associated with the process codes. For inbound, the function modules usually follow this
pattern: IDOC_INPUT_messagetype: for example, IDOC_INPUT_CHRMAS for inbound
characteristics master.
Use transaction WE57 or from WEDI go to Development -> Message/Application Object. The
entries list the function module, Business Object, message type, and IDOC type that are used for
inbound ALE/EDI interfaces.
Customer functions are not specific only to ALE and EDI but also to all programs/modules in SAP
R/3. Customer function is a SAP enhancement component; the other two types are menu and
screen enhancements.
All customer function exits are maintained in SAP enhancements and are found by using
transaction SMOD. After executing transaction SMOD, pull down (F4) on the enhancement name
field, and execute again. This provides you with a list of all SAP enhancements available. SAP
enhancements are grouped by development class pertaining to an application area. Choose
Application development R/3 SD master data distribution for development class VSV to lead to a
screen that lists VSV00001 as an enhancement. Press Component +/- to display its function exit
components. There are four possible components listed, all of which are function exits (and are
function modules) that are called from the ALE function modules in the form Call Customer
Function 001. This is a special occurrence of the ABAP statement Call. Go to item
Exit_SAPLVV01_ 001, which you need to enhance for the Customer Master outbound example of
an IDOC extension. In the ALE-function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS, the
statement CALL Customer Function 001 is translated in the background to call component
EXIT_SAPLVV01_001. Although this function exit can be edited using transaction SE37, you will
use a simpler approach.
When you use SAP enhancements and their components, you manage them with an SAP object
known as a project, which is like an envelope containing the selected enhancements and their
components. A project can be used to control the execution of components and to transport them
to other clients and instances in SAP. Basically, the process involves creating a project, including
enhancements and components that are to be enhanced, editing the components, and then
activating the project. The following process creates a project for our example Customer Master
IDOC extension:
Execute transaction CMOD.
Enter name of project, say CSTMAST1.
Click on Create.

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Enter a description of the project.
Click on SAP Enhancements.
Enter VSV00001 for Enhancement.
Once youve created the project, edit the function exit components and activate the project.
Remember that the code in the function exit enhancement will execute only if the project is
activated. In fact, this is a convenient SAP enhancements feature, whereby the work in progress
(developing code in the customer function) will not affect users of that application. When the code
is completed, the project can be activated so the enhanced functionality takes effect. It can also
be deactivated for maintenance.
As mentioned earlier, customer functions (function exits) are embedded in ALE function modules
and can be used to influence the creation and modification of IDOC data on an outbound
application or to post additional or modified IDOC data to an inbound R/3 application. Function
exits are similar to regular function modules, with import/export parameters, tables (internal
tables), and exceptions.
The two important factors to consider while developing the customer function are:
1. The point in the ALE function module where the function exit occurs
2. The data made available by the customer function that can be modified or posted to the
R/3 application, based on the direction.


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Because some function modules have several customer functions, it is critical to choose the
function exit best suited for that particular enhancement. Do not attempt to perform activities that
the function exit is not designed for. The importance of this point is illustrated by the following
description of enhancing function modules for outbound and inbound ALE interfaces.
Outbound interfaces. In an outbound ALE interface you use function exits (customer functions) to
populate additional segments created by an IDOC extension or to modify the existing IDOC data
segments as per business requirements. Previously, you identified that enhancement VSV00001
has a component EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 (function exit), which can be used for populating the
additional data segment Z1SADRX that you created in the IDOC extension ZDEBMASX (IDOC
type ZDEBMASZ, based on Basic IDOC type DEBMAS02). You also learned that the ALE
function module that calls this function exit is MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS, which has a
statement Call Customer Function 001.
Browse the function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS using transaction SE37. You will
find that this customer function is invoked for every segment of IDOC type DEBMAS02. In fact,
the function exit is called soon after the creation of an existing segment has been populated with
data and appended to the IDOC data table (internal table). Also, the function exit is exporting the
message type, IDOC type, and the segment name and is importing the IDOC extension type. It is
also passing the IDOC data internal table. This indicates that the ALE function module is allowing
you to populate additional segments for every existing segment and modify the existing
segments data.
Lets write ABAP/4 code to accomplish the task of populating IDOC segment Z1SADRX with a
contact persons business address:
From SE37, display function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_ DEBMAS.
Find Customer Function 001.
Double-click on 001.
The function EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 will be displayed.
Double-click on INCLUDE ZXVSVU01.
You will be asked to create a new include object. Proceed as desired.
Enter code .
Be sure to perform a main program check (Function Module -> Check -> main program) and
extended program check (Function module -> Check -> Extended check).
Now that you have extended the IDOC and enhanced the ALE function module based on the
requirements for the contact persons business address on the Customer Master, lets test the
interface. You should create a logical system and define a port for this interface. You should also
configure the Customer Distribution Model to indicate that message type DEBMAS is being

ALE Training Material

distributed to this logical system. The only difference in configuration between a regular outbound
ALE interface and an enhanced one is the partner profile definition. While maintaining the
outbound parameters of the partner profile, make sure the IDOC type is ZDEBMASZ. The fields
for Basic IDOC type and extension type are automatically populated with DEBMAS02 and
ZDEBMASX, respectively.
To maintain the contact persons business address of a customer:
Use transaction BD12 or from BALE go to Master Data ->Customer -> Send and send that
Customer Master record by executing the transaction after filling in the relevant fields such as
customer number, message type, and logical system.
Use transaction WE02 or WE05 to verify the IDOC created. You should see the new segment
Z1SADRX populated with the correct data.
With SAP releases below 4.5B, you cannot capture changes to business address through change
pointers because a change document object is not available for capturing business address
changes, and also earlier releases have not been configured to write change documents for a
contact persons business address. If you would like this functionality, you can either create
change document objects, generate function modules to create change documents, and perform
ALE configuration to tie it in, or make a cosmetic change to the contact person screen data while
changing the contact persons business address so that it gets captured as a change to the
Customer Master. Subsequently, the ALE enhancement that you performed captures the contact
persons business address.

Inbound interfaces.


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The process for enhancing inbound ALE interfaces is similar for outbound, with a few exceptions;
specifically in the coding of customer functions (function exits) for the ALE/EDI function modules.
The first step is to create an IDOC extension for the specific Basic IDOC type by adding new
segments at the appropriate hierarchy level: that is, associated to the relevant existing segment.
Populate the data fields on the new segments with application data by the translator or external
system/program before importing them into the R/3 System. Then, find the ALE function module
that is invoked by the inbound processing. By browsing through the code or reading the
documentation on the function exit enhancements using the SMOD transaction, identify the
function exit in which you should place your code. The technique used in the code to post the
additional or modified IDOC data to the application can vary based on the application rules and
requirements, the data available at that point in processing, and the application function modules
available to update the application tables. It is important to search first for application modules
that process the data and see if they can be called within the function exit. If the additional data in
the extended segments in specific to a custom table or resides in nonkey fields of a single or
small set of tables, you may be able to update it directly by SQL statements in the function exit.
This approach should be carefully evaluated and is certainly not highly recommended.
Another option is to use Call Transaction from within the function exit to process the additional
data. For example, in the case of message type WMMBXY for inbound goods movements from a
warehouse management system, the standard interface creates batches for materials, but does
not update its characteristics. In such a case, you can use Call Transaction MSC1 to create the
batch and assign characteristic values to it from within the function exit provided.
Error handling is a very important consideration when making enhancements to inbound ALE/EDI
objects. In ALE and EDI inbound processing , workflow is used for handling errors at different
levels such as technical and application. If workflow has been configured for the interface, the
error messages and workflow items flow to the inbox of the named recipient(s).
It is also critical to enhance the workflow that handles notifications of the inbound ALE/EDI
process. In most scenarios this is not a very difficult task because SAP lets you influence the
workflow parameters and messages in function exits (customer functions). You typically do this
using flags and message codes to trigger certain workflow actions. If you conform to the status
codes and flags stipulated for workflow processing, the enhancement could be error-free and
seamless. In the case of an inbound IDOC with an extension, you should populate the EDIDC
fields IDOCTYP (new IDOC type) and CIMTYP (extension type) accordingly.

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Aba a Martin Roger

When distributing or communicating master data to other systems, the volumes of data
transmitted over communication lines may be large, resulting in performance problems and/or
excessive usage of resources such as disk space and bandwidth. Careful scrutiny of the master
data Basic IDOC type may reveal that many of the segments are redundant or are simply not
being used. If this is true, then the basic IDOC type is a candidate for a technique known as IDOC
reduction. The R/3 System provides the ability to eliminate unused segments and irrelevant
segment fields from the Basic IDOC type. This procedure is relatively simple and easy to
implement. IDOC reduction is available for only a few message types such as DEBMAS,
CREMAS, GLMAST, MATMAS, and certain POS messages.
When performing an IDOC reduction, a new message type is created based on an existing
message type. The IDOC segments associated with that message type are proposed for editing.
Mandatory segments of the IDOC type cant be excluded. By default optional segments are
excluded, but you can choose to include an optional segment and only certain fields in the
optional segment. If you have extended the Basic IDOC type and created a new IDOC type
associated with a corresponding message type and you are creating a new message type (view)
based on it for purposes of IDOC reduction, then the enhanced IDOC type is presented for editing
along with the additional segments.
Lets use the Vendor Master IDOC type CREMAS01 as an example to demonstrate IDOC
reduction. Message type CREMAS is used for communicating Vendor Master data to other R/3 or
external systems. If you browse the IDOC type CREMAS01 youll see that it has 10 segments,
with E1LFA1M being a mandatory segment
To reduce this IDOC type:
Use transaction BD53 or from SALE go to Distribution scenarios -> Master data distribution ->
Reduce IDOC type for master data.
Enter ZCREMS for View (message type).
Click on Create.
You will see a pop-up box. Enter CREMAS in the Derived From field. Enter.
Enter a description. Enter.
You will see a list display with segment E1LFA1M in green and a * symbol. The symbols used in
IDOC reduction are: * for mandatory, 1 for selected, - for deselected, x for core selected, and the
. for core not selected. The corresponding elements are highlighted in green, white, red, violet,
and gray, respectively.
Expand all trees. You will see nine other segments in red.
Place your cursor on the E1LFB1M segment for company code data and click on Select. It turns
white with a 1 symbol.
Double-clicking on it will display a list of fields. You can select fields that you require
Note that if a child segment is selected, its parent is also selected automatically in order to
maintain the hierarchical integrity.
After youve selected the segments required and its fields, save.
From the main screen, click on Activate.
Activating the new message type ZCREMS will turn on the message type change pointer
generation on a particular client. While creating a reduced IDOC type message is a clientindependent activity, activation is client-dependent. An entry is created in table TBDA2 for a
specific message type in a specific client and is activated. To delete this message type, you need
to deactivate it from all clients on that instance. These message types are transportable.
Now that weve created a new message type for a reduced IDOC type, lets build the rest of the
ALE configuration to work the interface with the following steps:
Define a logical system to represent the other R/3 or external system.
Configure the Customer Distribution Model to send message ZCREMS to this logical system.
Define a port, if needed, for this system.
Define a partner profile based on the logical system and maintain its outbound parameters. Make
sure to use ZCREMS as the message type and CREMAS01 as the IDOC type.

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Use transaction BD14 or execute program RBDSECRE or from BALE go to Master Data ->
Vendors -> Send. Then, to specify a vendor or range of vendors and enter message type, go to
ZCREMS and its target logical system.
You can also capture changes to Vendor Master data and create IDOCs by executing transaction
BD21 or program RBDMIDOC. Use transaction WE02 or WE05 to view the IDOCs created as a
result of the preceding test. Notice the segments populated and the basic segments that are
absent due to the reduction. You will find that the fields deselected from the segments have a
value of /. This is equivalent to a null value. Eliminating segments may result in saving resources,
while eliminating fields may not, unless the data is compressed. Also, if you look at the master
data ALE function modules for these few message types, youll see that a function module
IDOC_REDUCTION_FIELD_REDUCE is called for every segment being populated. This in itself
may be an overhead. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before implementing IDOC
reduction. Of course, in certain cases, it may be a necessity for adjustment of data.
Enhancing ALE/EDI and IDOC extensions and conducting IDOC reductions is fairly simple.
However, before proceeding with these tasks, you must carefully research the many
options available in ALE and develop the best design for your business scenario.


SAP Business Objects.

An SAP Business Object envelopes R/3 data and business processes while making the details
of data structure and access methods transparent to a user interfacing with it. It consists of four
layers: kernel, integrity layer, interface layer, and access layer. The kernel represents the R/3 data
and its attributes. The integrity layer represents the business logic of the object and contains the
business rules that govern the values of the kernel. The interface layer describes the interface
mechanisms to external applications. BAPIs belong to the interface layer. The access layer
represents communication methods, such as COM/DCOM, RFC, and CORBA.
SAP Business Objects and their details are stored in the Business Object Repository in the R/3
BAPIs. BAPIs are "methods" of SAP Business Objects and represent their interface layer. BAPIs
are essentially function modules in the R/3 System that are capable of invoking remote function
calls (RFCs) for the purpose of communicating data through the function modules import/export
parameters and internal tables. BAPIs do not invoke screen dialogs. Like blackbox technology,
BAPIs do not require the programmer or user to know the coding and implementation details of
the interface to the Business Object. The user simply invokes the BAPI with its appropriate
parameters and values in order to accomplish a task such as getting a list of materials from an
external system or sending a list of contact person details to another system.
BAPIs can be executed synchronously or asynchronously while using the ALE communication
layer for exchanging data. Typically, with asynchronous BAPI communications, an ALE IDOC is
used to distribute the data. As we will learn in the following prototype, the ALE distribution model
has to be configured in order to use the appropriate BAPI methods for the RFC destination that
provides a gateway to the external system (R/3 or other). For this type of communication, an ALE
IDOC interface must exist. If a particular BAPI (SAP-delivered or user-written) does not have an
ALE IDOC interface, the interface can be generated using certain R/3 tools and procedures.
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Business application programming interfaces (BAPIs) provide an interface to Business Objects in

the R/3 System. Business Objects are based on object-oriented technologies and represent an
application objects, such as an address or a sales order. This next section prototypes an ALE
interface that incorporates BAPI methods. When weve finished, you should have a good idea of
how easy it is to incorporate BAPIs with ALE and of how beneficial leveraging the 1000+ BAPIs
available in the R/3 System can be when you want to interface with R/3 application objects.
Lets start with a brief overview of SAP Business Objects and BAPIs.

ALE Training Material

BAPIs are fast becoming the communication standard for exchanging data between business
systems (including R/3). SAP Business Objects conform to Open Application Group (OAG)
standards, and BAPIs support the COM/DCOM and CORBA guidelines. ALE and BAPIs is the
strategic direction for all SAP interface technologies and will replace SAPs traditional techniques
in the future.
Having gathered this information, Lets build the outbound interface:
Create a logical system (via transaction SALE) to represent the receiver system.
Configure the distribution model. From transaction SALE, use option Maintain Distribution Model
to create a model view for this scenario. Specify the sender system (the base logical system for
the client you are working in, such as the logical system that has been assigned to that client) and
the receiver system (the logical system). After positioning the cursor on the receiver system, click
on Method and enter AddressContPart in the Object Name field on the panel that pops up. Also
enter SaveReplica in the Method field on the pop-up panel. Enter and save the Distribution
From transaction WE20, create a partner profile based on the logical system for the interface.
Use message type ADR3MAS and IDOC type ADR3MAS01, with an appropriate port.
Activate the change pointer for message type ADR3MAS. From SALE go to Set up Data
Distribution -> Master Data Distribution -> Activate Change Pointers. Ensure that change pointer
generation is active at the general level as well.

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Create custom segment.
Create IDoc extension tying custom segment to SAP segment to be extended.
Tie extension to basic IDoc type to create new Idoc type.
Create new basic IDoc type:
Create data elements.
Create segments.
Create basic IDoc type.
Release segments and basic IDoc type.
Need ABAP programs to process custom IDocs
Outbound and outbound.
User exits available.
Create message type (WE81) and link to IDoc type (WE82).
Create new process code ( WE41) .
Configure ALE ( BD64 , WE20, BD61, BD50, BD60).


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ALE Training Material

Useful Transactions
Area Menus
ALE Folder under Tools in SAP Menu
Transaction WEDI
Transaction SALE
Use Transaction.Table
If you want to
WE30, WE60
View an IDoc types structure and/or documentation
Find IDoc types relation with Message types and/or extensions
View an Message type s structure description
Establish if there is a relevant IDoc extension
Find the outbound function module for SMD process
(*Remember that IDocs can also be triggered though transactions and via scheduled prgms)
(*Could also search in SE37 for MASTERIDOC*<Message type>*)
Check if change pointers is set on globally for the client
Check if change pointers is set on for the message
Establish what Change document drives the Chg. ptr. process
Find Inbound Process code
Find link between Inbound process code and Update function
Find which update function is called for BAPI process code
Find link between Message type / IDoc type & update function
Find if user-exits have been implemented in standard Inbound /

(* Also search code for string userexit and call customer-function)

Establish whether call transaction / Direct Input has been used
(*This transaction should only be used as a guide, the best method of determining whether call
transaction has been used is to scan the Update function for the command call transaction).
View distribution model
View failed tRFCs.
(*Double click on the User name to view the data content of the message and establish what
message type it is)
IDoc Test Tool
Other related SAP Areas, Useful transactions:
SCDO Change Documents sets out which table fields are logged for changes. The change
history is stored in table CDHDR and CDPOS.
Batch Input Recording and Session Management. Fundamental
to understanding Call transaction.
SE80 ABAP Workbench.
Its all in here See Performance Examples
SE30 Runtime analysis

01 Created
30 IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE service)
03 Data passed to port OK
50 IDoc added
64 IDoc ready to be transferred to application
62 IDoc passed to application
53 Application document posted
From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


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outbound processes.

ALE Training Material

68 Error - no further processing
Others - see WE47

Batch Processing

ALE outbound processing

ALE inbound processing
ALE inbound error reprocessing
Creation of IDocs via message determination
Creation of IDocs from change pointers
Status conversion for successful RFC Execution
Reorganization of change pointer table (BDCP) to Delete all
records transferred

How to add a new infotype in ALE-HR. in Schlumberger

An existing IT in Central system is now to be distributed.
1- Create a new Idoc Segment (DH1.40)

Aba a Martin Roger

Transaction WE31
Check the segment does not already exist
Type the segment name (Z1Pxxxx with xxxx=IT number)
If nothing appears under the field then it's ok
Menu Segment, create by copying
DDIC structure PAxxxx with xxxx=IT number
The 2 first lines show:
Replace them with:
For those 2 lines delete the last column (Export) which contain the length of the fields
press RETURN key, it will retrieve the correct lengths.
Save in a new Transport Request (eg: New IT9004 ALE distribution for IS)
You're back in previous screen. Menu Edit, Set Release.
2- Link the new segment to Idoc type extension HRMD_Axx (DH1.40)
.Transaction WE30
.Select 'Extension', object name ZRMD_Axx (eg xx=03 for sap release 4.5B)
.Menu Edit, cancel release (save in the same transport request)
.Menu Development object, Change
.Expand the tree E1PLOGI, E1PITYP
.Select E1PITYP by positioning cursor on it
.Menu Edit, create segment
.Validate popup saying it will be created as a child of E1PITYP
.Enter the following info:
(where xxxx=IT number)
Mandatory seg.
Minimum number 1
Maximum number 9999999999
From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


ALE Training Material

Parent segment
Validate this info.
.Press the save button
.Press the back button
.Menu Edit, Set release
.Now same thing for the alternate extension
.Select 'Extension', object name ZRMD_Axx_COPY (eg xx=03 for sap release 4.5B)
.Menu Edit, cancel release (save in the same transport request)
.Menu Development object, Delete (save in the same transport request)
.Validate the following error screen
.Menu Development object, Create - validate longer than 8 char - (save in the same transport
.Select Create as copy, copy from extension ZRMD_Axx, linked to HRMD_Axx
Description ' Copy of Extension ZRMD_A03 of Basic type HRMD_A03 '
.Validate this info.
.Press the save button
.Press the back button
.Menu Edit, Set release

Aba a Martin Roger

3- Link the new segment to HR customizing (DH1.40)

.Transaction SM30
.Table is T777D
.Maintain (validate client independent)
.double click on the relevant IT
.IDOC SEGMENT must be filled with Z1Pxxxx (where xxxx=IT number)
.Press the save button (save in the same transport request)
4- Add the new IT in customer model (DH1.600 & 300)
.Transaction SALE, Maintain distribution model
.go to model P-HR-MD
.Add required 'Filter' at the right level
5- Distribute the customer model internally in DH1 (DH1.300)
.Edit, model view, distribute
6- Test in DH1 (DH1.21 & 22/23/24)
.Transaction PFAL
7- Release transports (DH1.40 and DH1.600 & 300)
.Edit, model view, transport
8- Run manual sending (PH1.300)
.Transaction PFAL
The SAP R/3 Application Link Enabling (ALE) feature is one of the critical components in SAPs
provision of stable data distribution across domains. Keeping all systems in a company (and
better yet, inter company data communication) on the same page results in a substantial
reduction in errors from re entry and miss entry of data, as well as increased efficiency. Its one of
the biggest reasons companies implement SAP and keep SAP consultants working.
SAPs features are so thoroughly integrated, however, and provide so many options, that
conventional IT thinking can take over if youre unaware of its conveniences. Its often difficult to
break old habits, even when SAP provides labour-saving shortcuts.
From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


ALE Training Material

Lets take a look at how ALE enables some of these labour-saving characteristics. Change
pointers can become a virtual administrative assistant, performing essential follow-up tasks when
database changes are made. And with some creativity, ALE can keep a company similarly in step
with partner companies.

Envoyer article
Vue canal d'objets - Affichage IDocs
Contrle de la cohrence
Table de registre des sorties
Table de registre des entres
Grer la table TBD53
Srial. canal ob.: support ob. gest.
Accder article
Envoyer client
Accder client
Envoyer fournisseur
Accder au fournisseur
Envoyer centre de cots
Accder centre de cots
Envoyer compte gnral
Accder un compte gnral
Transmettre IDOC l'application
Slectionner pointeur modification
Supprimer pointeur de modification
Supprimer donnes de srialisation
Envoi de natures comptables
Envoyer type d'activit
Accder type d'activit
Envoyer px de cession ctres de cts
Envoyer donn. commande Objet/NatComp
Rpartir nomenclature article
Rpartir nomenclature document
Rpartir affec. division (nom. art.)
Rpartir variantes article (ALE)
Rpartir nomenclature cde client
Envoyer les gr. de proc. de gestion
Envoyer les processus de gestion
Envoyer les prix des proc. de gest.
Lire pointeur de modif. d'un groupe
Envoyer IDOC d'un groupe
Contrler IDOC d'un groupe
Enregistrement des IDOC d'un groupe
Affecter type msg groupe srialis.
Dpendances entre mthodes
Dpendance mthode - message
Pointeur modif. actif pour type msg
Grer modules fonction rception


From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


Afficher IDoc
Listes d'IDocs
Monitorage actif IDoc (monitorage)
Statistiques IDoc
Statut de l'interface fichier
Rech. IDoc dans la base de donnes
Recherche IDoc dans l'archive
Test fichier d'entre modifi
Test traitement des IDocs sortants
Test traitmt IDoc sortants dep. GSM
Test fichier d'entre
Test fichier de statuts
Gnrer fichier de statuts
Outil de test
Accords d'interchange
Dfinition du port
Vrification du traitement des IDoc
Valeurs /df. pour param. mission
Valeurs /df. pour param. rception
Dveloppement type d'IDoc
Dveloppement segment d'IDoc
Dveloppement de vue d'IDoc
Tables de zone p. documentation IDoc
Objets pour affichage d'IDocs XML
Codes d'opration systme
Codes d'opration mission
Codes d'opration rception
Module fonction d'aff. enregt statut
Types de partenaires et contrles
Retransmettre rcep. (V3, EDILOGADR)
Administration IDoc
Gestion des statuts
Codes d'opration rception : textes
Codes opr. rception : modif. txtes
Codes d'opration systme : textes
Codes opr. systme : modifier txtes
Codes d'opration mission : textes
Codes opr. mission : modif. textes
MF pour modifier nom d'un fichier
Module fonction pour nom de chemin
Codes d'opration statut
Affect. des msg un obj. applicatif


Aba a Martin Roger


ALE Training Material

Act. point. mod. par pos. doct mod.
Rduction de types de messages
Grer systmes logiques
Grer conversion IDOC
Grer filtres de segments d'IDoc
Grer type lien et srialisation
Conversion des units d'organisation
Affect. type objet struct. interm.
Donnes suppl. pour type de message
Activer globalemt pointeurs modif.
Dfinir rgle conversion segment
Transport tables ALE pour type msge
Gestion du modle de rpartition
Grer zones oblig. struct. interm.


Zone str. int. p. zone doct modif.


Grer mthodes rception

Grer listings
Affect. type msge pr struct. interm.
Adapter tranches de numros
Grer MF pour objet de gestion dpdt
Activer vnements


Renregistrement d'IDOCs (ALE)


Convertir statut IDOC


Rpartition donnes de commande

Monitorage rpartition donnes cde
Gestion rgles de conversion IDOC
Objets pour filtrer paramtres
Gnrer accord d'interchange
Envoyer IDOC aprs erreurs ALE


Enregistrer IDOC aprs erreur ALE


Contrle cohrence pour transfert

Contrle cohrence pour ventes
Moniteur de statut pour messages ALE
Accs modlis. donnes de commande
Envoyer caractristique
Envoyer classe
Envoyer classification
Grer types d'objets ALE
Obj. filtre pour dtermin. rcepteur
Affectation dest. RFC systme log.


Ctrl cohr. tech. connexion workflow


From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005

WE58 Codes d'opration statut : textes

WE59 Modifier codes d'opration statut
WE60 Documentation des types d'IDocs
WE61 Doc. des types enregistrements IDoc
WE62 Documentation pour segments
WE63 Analyseur types d'IDocs et d'enreg.
WE64 Documentation des types de messages
WE70 Conversion de code p. types de base
WE71 Conversion de code pour extensions
WE72 Conversion de code pour types d'IDOC
WE73 Conversion de code pour msg logiques
WE81 Types de messages logiques
WE82 Affect. des msg un type d'IDoc
WE84 Affectation IDoc/zones applicatives
cran initial pour Web Reporting
Impress.tiquettes via liste gammes
WEDI Edi de base
SALE Afficher customizing ALE
BALE Menu de domaine pour administrat. de
SM58 Protocole d'erreurs RFC asynchrone
SM59 Destinations RFC (aff. et gestion)
ONIC Gest. obj. moniteurs ALE CCMS (dt.)
Gest. obj. moniteurs ALE CCMS (gn.)
Instruct. saut moniteur ALE CCMS
BDR1 Afficher protocole appl. p. reprise
BDR2 Rorg. des donnes de reprise
BDRC ALE : dterminer objets de reprise
BDRL ALE : traiter objets de reprise
BDTP Gestion masques processus de gestion
E02 Appel de WE02
E02_2 Appel de WE02
BDXA Rpartition de grpes de rpartition
BDXD Import d'ordres ALE
BDXE Gnration d'ordres ALE
BDXI Affichage modle (spcifique)
BDXJ Gestion groupes de rpartition
BDXK Convers. obj. CONDAT en grpe rpart.
BDXL Faire suivre ordres ALE
BDXM Analyse table des protocoles
BDXN Analyse table des protocoles entre
Mise jour test dans batch input


Aba a Martin Roger


ALE Training Material


Dpendances pour types de messages

Grer types d'objets ALE
Diffuser les documents
Gnrer interface ALE pour BAPI
Gestion hirarchie p. paramtre BAPI
Enregistrer BAPI pour repr. donnes
Gnration de code de mappage
Cohrence des donnes de Customizing
Gestion tranche de numros : ALE_CP

BDD5 Contrle de cohrence d'application

BDLR Enregistrement de progr. de reprise
BDLS Convertir noms de systmes logiques
BDM2 Monitorage : IDOC du rcepteur
BDM5 Contrle de cohrence technique
BDM6 Moniteur : contrle workflow rcept.
BDM7 Audit ALE : analyses statistiques
BDM8 Audit ALE : envoi de confirmation
BDM9 Rorganisation de la BD audit
BDMC Tlchargement de structures d'infos
Gestion groupes ALE CCMS
Modules fonction / ABAP/4 /TABLE

CMOD Extensions

Gestion des extensions SAP

Field Name

Data Element


Data Elem.

Data Type





























































From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


Aba a Martin Roger

ALE Training Material

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From 04/18/2005 to 05/21/2005


ALE Training Material

Figure 1: Customer Master Contact Person Business Address screen.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 2: Releasing the segment.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 3: Associating Extension Type with Basic IDOC type to
create new IDOC Type. 3

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ALE Training Material

Figure 4: SAP enhancements and components.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 5: IDOC reduction of segments.

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Figure 6: IDOC reduction of fields.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 7: Drill down on a business object.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 8: Application IDOCs and Audit IDOC on the target system.

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ALE Training Material

Figure 9: Application IDOCs and Audit IDOC on the sender system.

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