Unit-Information-Dental Hygiene 1 - 2010

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University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Dental Hygiene Program

Office of Dental Student Affairs Name/Address Changes
The Office of Dental Student Affairs It is the student’s responsibility to
is available to assist students in update any change in name,
planning their academic program address, or telephone number. The
and to provide students with student may complete a
information regarding policies, name/address change through the
procedures, and general ULink option available from the U
information. The academic and of L website at www.louisville.edu
admissions counselor has office or in the Registrar’s Office on
hours on both the Belknap and Belknap Campus or by calling that
Health Science Campus. The office at 852-6522.
Belknap Office is located in
Strickler Hall Room 126G on Minimum Technical Standards
Mondays. The HSC Office is The University of Louisville School of Dentistry
located in Room 231 in the School is committed to the principle of diversity in all
of Dentistry. Office hours are areas. In that spirit, admission to the School is
8:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday through open to all qualified individuals and complies
with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
Friday. Appointments for either
1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act
location can be made by calling the (1993). The School recognizes the award of a
Office of Dental Students Affairs at Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree carries with it
(502) 852-5081. the full authority of the institution and
communicates to those who might seek the
It is the student’s responsibility to services of the bearer that he or she is competent
be knowledgeable of the policies to practice dental hygiene. The Dental Hygiene
and procedures, and to take the degree is unique in that the graduate is prepared
initiative in seeking help and and, upon licensure, is allowed to practice all
disciplines of the dental profession. This requires
advice. Students are encouraged to
that the student acquire didactic knowledge as
contact the office whenever they well as learning skills and attitudes essential to
have a question, a problem, or they the profession and agreed upon by the faculty as
do not know where else to go for requisite for the practice of dental hygiene. The
assistance. student requires both cognitive and technical
skills to negotiate the curriculum.
Students are required to come to
the Office of Dental Student Affairs The School is aware of the unique nature of the
for the following: dental curriculum. Applicants must possess the
skills and abilities that will allow them to
 Advising and Referral to successfully complete the course of study and
University Resources receive the full benefit of the education. In the
 Complete Withdrawal from all process the student is required to manage or
courses or School of Dentistry perform treatment on the patients of the School.
 Schedule Changes
 Leave of Absence Request The School has the responsibility of ensuring the
well-being of patients. This includes the
(more information is available in
completion of treatment safely and within an
the Student Policy Handbook) acceptable amount of time. With this in mind,
 Evaluation of Transfer Credits the student must be able to meet the following
 Repeat Options technical standards with or without
 Determination of Status accommodation.

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

• Motor Skills: Candidates must have A student may be dismissed from

sufficient motor function to elicit school because of unethical
information from patients conduct. A formal procedure has
• Sensory/Observation: Candidates must been established to review cases
be able to perform visual and tactile where a student is accused of
dental examinations and treatment
unethical behavior.
• Communication: Candidates must have
sufficient facility with the English
language Drug Use Prohibited
• Cognitive: Candidates must be able to In accordance with the statutes of
comprehend three dimensional the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
relationships and to understand the the possession, use or distribution
spatial relationships of structures. of hallucinogenic and/or illegal
drugs will not be tolerated on
University property. Infractions will
Disability Statement
result in disciplinary action by the
Students with disabilities who need University which may lead to
reasonable modifications to suspension or dismissal from the
successfully complete assignments Dental Hygiene Program.
and satisfy other course criteria are
encouraged to meet with the Students' Rights
course instructor as early as Students who believe they have
possible to identify and plan been treated unfairly,
specific accommodations. Students discriminated against, or have had
may be asked to supply a letter their rights abridged may initiate a
from the Disability Resource Center grievance in accordance with
or other documentation which will procedures established in the
assist in modification planning. University’s Redbook. Students
would first seek to have the matter
Student Conduct Policies
resolved through informal
The University of Louisville expects discussion and through
its students and student administrative channels.
organizations to conduct Information about processing a
themselves according to generally grievance may be obtained from
accepted moral and social the School of Dentistry’s Associate
standards and to respect the rights Dean for Predoctoral Education.
and privileges of others. Students
who enroll in the University of Student Health Policy
Louisville Dental Hygiene Program Each student must comply with the
are subject to the Rules and current health policy of the School
Regulations of the University. of Dentistry. Because of contractual
agreements with agencies and the
Ethical Violations changing needs of society, this
The Dental Hygiene Program policy is updated periodically. The
expects high ethical standards. As current health policies are
future professionals, students published in the School of Dentistry
should exhibit appropriate Dental Hygiene Undergraduate
professional ethical behavior in all Student Handbook. It is the
academic and clinical matters. responsibility of the student to
maintain his or her health in order

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

to ensure safety for other students Dental Association (ADA), American

and patients. If faculty or the Dental Hygienists’ Association
agency deems that any student (ADHA), and extramural site
creates a health or safety risk, the recommendations or policies.
student may be excluded from the Dental hygiene students, in the
clinical experience and/or program. course of their clinical
responsibilities, have exposure to
Liability and Health Insurance blood, blood products, tissue,
All Upper Division dental hygiene secretions, or body fluids of
students are required to submit patients potentially containing
proof of health care insurance hepatitis B (HBV) and are at risk for
coverage. Students can be covered HBV as well as other infectious
under the University’s student diseases. The following
health insurance coverage. If immunizations require
students carry their own coverage, documentation prior to
they can waive the University matriculation and must be
student health coverage by submitted on the Immunization
completing the online waiver form. Reporting Form to the Office of
Clinical Affairs prior to the first day
The Southern Regional Testing of class: Measles, Mumps,
Agency (SRTA) requires that Rubella,Tetanus-Diphtheria-
candidates for the dental hygiene Pertussis, Varicella, Hepatitis-B
exam have liability/malpractice (series must be initiated-first and
insurance. SRTA does provide second doses), and a Tuberculosis
insurance for the SRTA exam only. Skin Test. A Tuberculosis Skin Test
is required on a yearly basis for all
The student must have students. All students must
liability/malpractice insurance maintain compliance with the
during their extern clinical University of Louisville Health
experiences for various agencies Sciences Immunization and testing
including AHEC. This policy applies requirements. Compliance must be
to students enrolled in the senior documented on the “Immunization
year of the dental hygiene Reporting Form.” The School of
program. Dentistry and/or the University
Health Services will send notices
Immunization Requirements regarding missing or pending
immunizations or tests on a
All students are to comply with the
monthly basis to the Office of Clinic
University of Louisville Health
Affairs. Immunization compliance
Sciences Center Immunizations
will be verified at the beginning of
requirements. Those requirements
each semester. Students must be
are distributed to students prior to
in compliance with immunization
and testing prior to contact with
patients in the clinical areas. Any
Policies and procedures for
student not in compliance will not
immunization, testing, and post
be allowed in the clinical areas.
exposure incidents have been
This will constitute an unexcused
developed to comply with
absence from the clinic sessions
Occupational Safety and Health
missed and will be reflected in the
Administration (OSHA), Centers for
letter grade for attendance. The
Disease Control (CDC), American

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

University of Louisville School of needed. Students are not allowed

Dentistry will maintain to provide transportation for
immunization compliance records patients.
for all students, but the University
of Louisville Health Services will Policy on Clinical Attire
monitor compliance with the The University of Louisville School
immunization program. The Office of Dentistry expects the student
of Clinical Affairs will forward entering the professional
notices of missing or pending clinical/academic program to
immunizations or tests to individual present a neat, clean, and
students. The Physician Director of professional attired appearance.
the Health Services Office will The current policy is published in
review any cases requiring special the School of Dentistry Student
attention. Immunizations or a titer Clinic Manual and is updated
test may be obtained from the periodically. All students must
student’s private physician or maintain compliance with the
through services available at the current policy. Final evaluation of
University Health Services Center. student compliance with the dress
Current information about receiving code will rest with the Office of
the vaccine or titer test, including Clinic Affairs and the program
costs, may be obtained from the faculty and director.
Office of the Associate Dean for
Clinics and Postdoctoral Education Academic Achievement Committee
at the School of Dentistry.
These Dental Hygiene Academic
Achievement Committee
Students are strongly advised to
Guidelines (DH-AAC Guidelines)
consider latex allergy testing prior
have been developed by the Dental
to matriculation if there is a
Hygiene faculty of the School of
medical history indicating latex
Dentistry to provide students and
faculty with pertinent information
about the academic and
Students who become latex
professional standards of the
sensitive/allergic, while enrolled in
School and about the process and
the University of Louisville School
procedures used to review student
of Dentistry must seek a
performance. Section I of these
consultation from their private
guidelines apply only to students
physician. CPR certification for
enrolled in the Dental Hygiene
health care providers is also
(DHL) Program Lower Division and
required of students prior to
Section II guidelines apply
contact with patients. Any student
exclusively to the students enrolled
not in compliance will not be
in the Dental Hygiene (DHU)
allowed in the clinical areas.
Program Upper Division.
Documentation of compliance for
all students will be maintained by
Committee Organization and
the Office of Clinic Affairs.
DH-AAC Guidelines
Students are responsible for
providing their own transportation These DH-AAC Guidelines will be
to and from clinical sites as the principal standard used in

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

determining the status of each DH The Dental Hygiene Academic

student. Approved motions will Achievement Committee (DH-AAC)
constitute recommendations to the will function:
Associate Dean for Predoctoral  to review the academic
Education through the Chair of the progress of all DH students;
Dental Hygiene Academic  to make recommendations to
Achievement Committee. the Associate Dean for
Predoctoral Education for:
Other documents which serve as  students in real or potential
guidance for non-academic reviews academic difficulty, or -
include: students who have
 Ethical problems (“Procedures demonstrated outstanding
to be Followed When a Breach ability, and;
of Ethical Conduct is Alleged”,  to propose academic policy
June, 1977) development or modification to
 Clinical protocol problems this document to the Dental
(“Clinical Review Board”, June School Council through the
20, 1986) Faculty Assembly.
 ULSD Clinic Manual
C. Meetings
Existing documents are amended
and new documents drafted as The DH-AAC will meet on a regular
specific needs arise. basis at the end of each term (prior
to the beginning of the next term).
A. Composition of the Dental It may also meet during the course
Hygiene Academic Achievement of the term (midterm) to evaluate
Committee progress of dental hygiene
students and at additional times to
The Academic Achievement act on special interim business,
Committee is the committee with (e.g. progress of remediation,
the authority to make removal of “X” grades, etc).
recommendations to the Associate
Dean for Predoctoral Education D. Scheduling and Notification of
regarding DH student performance. Meetings

1. Academic Achievement A tentative schedule of DH-AAC

Committee (AAC) meetings is announced at the
beginning of the academic year by
The DH-AAC will be composed of all the Chair. Selection of the actual
dental hygiene course directors dates, times, and locations for
and full-time faculty members of Standing Committee meetings will
the dental hygiene program. The be made by the Chair in
Chair of the DH-AAC will be elected consultation with the members of
by the DH faculty and serve for a the DH-AAC.
period of 3 years.
E. Meeting Procedures
B. Functions of the DH-AAC
The DH-AAC will meet to discuss
student progress in the curriculum.
Written or electronic notification of

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

meetings will be circulated to all I. Committee Voting Rules

course directors, the Department
Chair, and DH-AAC members by the Each member of the DH-AAC will
Chair at least five (5) business days be entitled to one vote with the
prior to a meeting. The DH-AAC will exception of the Chair. The Chair is
deliberate and make entitled to vote only in the event of
recommendations to the Associate a tie vote. Recommendations must
Dean for Predoctoral Education, as be approved by a majority of voting
appropriate regarding: members present.
 Promotion
 Counseling or academic J. Lower Division Course Specific
advising Policies
 Remedial work based on
departmental Students must earn a grade of "C"
recommendations(s) or above in the following courses
(or their equivalents):
 Probation
 Dismissal
English 101
 Leave of Absence English 102
 Modification of development of Math
academic policy Intro. to Biological Systems BIOL
F. Quorum Intro. To Biological Systems Lab
BIOL 104
A majority of members of the Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 260
DHAAC present will constitute a Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 261
quorum. Anatomy & Physiology Lab BIOL
G. Minutes Chemistry CHEM 101 or 105
Nutrition HSS 303
The minutes of the DH-AAC are
confidential and will not be Repetition of Science Courses
circulated. Faculty may review
DHAAC minutes held in the office of The following courses can be
the Associate Dean for Pre-doctoral repeated only one time:
Education. A student may have
access only to those sections of the CHEM 101 or 105
minutes which deal directly with BIOL 260 Anatomy & Physiology I
the processes affecting that BIOL 261 Anatomy & Physiology II
individual. BIOL 262 Anatomy & Physiology
H. Academic Status Report
Students who do not pass the
A student academic status report course the second time will be
will be distributed by the Chair of dismissed from the program.
the DH-AAC to faculty and the
department chair of Periodontics, K. Performance Evaluation Hearing
Endodontics, and Dental Hygiene
following DH-AAC meetings. The purpose of a Performance
Evaluation Hearing is to provide

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

the members of the DH-AAC with University of Louisville School of

an appropriate forum in which to Dentistry. The advocate may
discuss a student’s academic address the DH-AAC only by
problems and provide an permission of the Chair of the
opportunity for direct discussions DH-AAC.
with the involved student. The  The DH-AAC may offer, through
consequence of the hearing may duly approved motion, any
be a recommendation to the formal recommendation(s) to
Associate Dean for Predoctoral the Associate Dean for
Education or the Dean, as Predoctoral Education or the
appropriate. Dean deemed appropriate for
the circumstances of a specific
L. Hearing Process student, and consistent with
these guidelines.
The Hearing Process will occur as  The final decision on student
follows: progress and promotion rests
with the Associate Dean for
 The dental hygiene student will Predoctoral Education.
receive a written notice to
appear for a Performance M. Hearing Outcome
Evaluation Hearing. The Hearing
will be scheduled no sooner After reviewing a student’s
than seven (7) days following academic circumstance under the
the DH-AAC motion that a provision of a Performance
hearing is requested. The notice Evaluation Hearing, the DH-AAC
will include the date, time, and may make the following
location of the Hearing and recommendations to the Associate
outline the reason(s) for the Dean for Predoctoral Education as
Hearing. The student will be appropriate:
granted time to prepare for the
Hearing. A student who wishes Dismissal
to exercise the right to a  A recommendation for the
Hearing must submit a letter in student’s dismissal will be
writing to the Chair of the DH- based solely upon the evidence
AAC. The Chair of the DH-AAC presented at the Hearing.
must receive such letter in a  A student will be dismissed from
minimum of 48 hours prior to a the Dental Hygiene Program
Hearing date. who receives an “F” in one or
 Prior to the Hearing, the student more courses for two
will be permitted to inspect the consecutive terms.
student’s entire dental school  A recommendation for dismissal
academic record and any other may include the terms “with
materials upon which the preference” or “without
Hearing is based. preference”.
 The student will be permitted to  A recommendation for dismissal
present relevant information without preference reflects a
and have an advocate present very significant concern about
at the Hearing. The advocate is the student’s ability to manage
limited to another student or the dental school curriculum.
faculty member from the

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

 A recommendation for dismissal beginning of the next academic

with preference reflects the year.
opinion that although the  The DH-AAC Chair is responsible
student did not perform well for transmitting revised DH-AAC
academically, there is the Guidelines to all Dental Hygiene
impression that the student faculty and students in a timely
possesses the ability to manage fashion.
the dental hygiene curriculum.
Repeat of a Class Year Program Director
 “Repeat the year” means repeat Jackie Singleton, R.D.H., M.Ed.
the curriculum and the student Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
may begin classes at the University of Louisville
beginning of the next academic
year. The repeat of an entire Faculty
year for the purpose of Janice Butters, R.D.H., M.P.H., Ed.D.
overcoming academic University of Tennessee
difficulties will be considered an University of Louisville
option when the degree of
academic deficiency warrants Susan Collier, R.D.H., M.S.Ed.
such a recommendation. Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky

Modified or Decelerated Curriculum Susan W. Grammer, R.D.H., M.Ed.

 After reviewing the DH-AAC Associate Professor
University of Louisville
recommendation, the Director
of the Dental Hygiene Program Linda H. Lewis, R.D.H., M.Ed.
Director, in concert with the Associate Professor
appropriate course directors University of Louisville
and the Department chair, will
Other Faculty
prepare the special curriculum. The Program utilizes instructors from other
units in the University. The following faculty
Other Recommendations of the Schools of Dentistry and Medicine
 The DH-AAC may make other are Course Directors in the Dental Hygiene
recommendations as set forth in
section II. Guy Furnish, D.M.D.
Associate Professor
IV. Protocol for Revision or Department of Orthodontic, Pediatric, and
Interpretation of AAC Guidelines Geriatric Dentistry
University of Kentucky

Revisions to the DH-AAC Guidelines Margaret Hill, D.M.D.

may be adopted only by: Associate Professor
 Majority vote of the DH-AAC Department of Periodontics, Endodontics,
and Dental Hygiene
Committee; and University of Louisville
 Approval by the Dental School
Council through the Faculty Lee Mayer, D.M.D, M.S.
Assembly. Associate Professor
Department of Diagnostic Sciences,
 The implementation date of any Prosthodontics, and Restorative Dentistry
adopted and approved revisions University of Kentucky
to the Guidelines will be the
Regan L. Moore, D.D.S., M.S.D.

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Associate Professor
Department of Periodontics, Endodontics,
and Dental Hygiene
The Ohio State University
University of Kentucky

Brian L. Shumway, D.D.S., M.S.

Assistant Professor
Department of Surgical and Hospital
The Ohio State University

Robert H. Staat, Ph.D.

Department of Surgical and Hospital
University of Minnesota

Michael T. Tseng, Ph.D.

Department of Pathology, School of
State University of New York at Buffalo,
Buffalo, New York

Randall Vaught, D.M.D., M.A., M.S.P.H.

Associate Professor
Department of Diagnostic Sciences,
Prosthodontics, and Restorative Dentistry
University of Louisville

Leonard C. Waite, Ph.D.

Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, School of Medicine
University of Missouri

Academic Unit Information Dental Hygiene Program

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