Meta BK Behavioral Genet.2014-12
Meta BK Behavioral Genet.2014-12
Meta BK Behavioral Genet.2014-12
The Human Design System
Ra Uru Ra
Emanations - Rita Aguirre Ph.D
2001 - 2013
Michael Dybicz
All rights reserved
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
HEF human energy field
HDS Human Design System
HD Human Design
LBL life between life
NDE near death experience
PLR past life review and/or past life regression
ZPF zero point field
The Metatones project uses new information about our human energy field (HEF)
to simplify our lives and accelerate the pace our evolution. Understanding our
energetic structure provides access to a more informed lifestyle and ability to
maximize our human potentialindividually and collectively.
A good deal of the Metatones technology and philosophy is based on the
education provided by the scientific method of experimentation, observation and
verification. In addition, the basic principle of cause and effect has influenced
many aspects of the Metatones project. Thus, when I am attempting to answer a
question, I always ask what caused a particular aspect of the human condition. For
example, why do we all have the same basic vibratory structure and yet possess a
unique combination of behavioral patterns and abilities? More specifically, what
causes the different combinations of behavioral characteristics and how do these
qualities become integrated within our common energetic structure? The Human
Design System (HDS) of behavioral genetics supplies many of the answers to
these questions.
When I first bumped into the system of behavioral genetics in 1996, known as
the Human Design System (HDS), I was quite skeptical. However, any information
that assists in understanding and simplifying our lives is worth investigating. As I
began studying the HDS I attempted to substantiate the information by
experimentation and observation. What I quickly discovered was that the HDS
answered many questions that I had about myself and the important people in my
life. More specifically, the HDS communicates the natural behavioral patterns that
are unique to each person.
Just as our physical attributes are largely dictated and fixed by our physical
genetics (or DNA), our behavioral characteristics are determined by the duality of
physical DNAbehavioral DNA. Further, by experimentation and observation, I
learned the benefits of living within the boundaries of our genetic behavioral
design: a unique combination of specific behavioral qualities that make you
uniquely you. Today, I cannot imagine trying to live my life without the insights,
strategies and many benefits provided by the Human Design System.
Based on over 15 years of studying the HDS, and giving countless personal
readings, I have observed that most of the population is caught in a trap of sorts.
That is, most of us develop lifestyles and behavioral patterns that we have been
conditioned to think are the best for us. These conditioned behavioral patterns
are the result of endless influences, including those of our parents, other family
members, friends, teachers, books, business associates, etc., etc., along with the
perceived ideals of our culture. Even though we may believe our conditioned life
styles are a means to live a good life, elements are usually contrary to our natural
or genetic behavioral characteristics. Thus, our conditioned life-styles make our
lives more challenging and stressful than necessary. Life is complex and I am not
suggesting that the HDS makes life easy, however, it does make life more
understandable and much easier. The benefits offered by the HDS are truly
The Human Design System helps us to concentrate on being the best we can
be versus struggling to be what we are not, and never will be. The HDS provides
layers of behavioral information, which can be studied and substantiated to
whatever degree you wish. For most people the HDS represents new information.
However, because of the benefits provided, the HDS is destined to play a major
role in humanitys evolution.
In the Introduction to Metatones Sound Therapy booklet, I briefly discuss the
zero point field (ZPF) the sub-atomic field or matrix of vibrations that spans the
universe. The ZPF is saturated with the smallest known sub-atomic particle of
matter, known as the neutrino. As mind boggling as this is, every second trillions
of neutrinos (also referred to as the neutrino stream) pass through every object in
the universe, inclusive of your HEF and physical body. With the exception of the
HDS, and another information system that will be introduced within, there is little
information available on the effect the neutrino stream has on our lives. A good
introductory book on the ZPF is The Field, by Lynne McTaggart.
The information system described at the end of this booklet, known as
Emanations, introduces an entirely new body of information on the neutrino
stream and its influence on our lives. Few people are aware of the Emanations
discovery. In ways most have never imaged, this booklet provides an introduction
to how the neutrino stream plays the primary role in defining our genetic
behavioral qualities, in addition to constantly affecting our lives. As stunning as
this will sound, the neutrino stream (via its energetic imprinting on our HEF) is
the source of our unique combination of behavioral characteristics that make you
uniquely you. In addition, the influence of the neutrino stream on our lives is
never ending, providing constant effects that we deal with every second of every
A common element of the human experience discussed in several of the free
booklets on is reincarnation. In my Past Life Review booklet
I describe how modern day techniques have made it easy for millions of people to
tap into the memory banks of their subconscious to recall their prior lives. This
growing world wide phenomenon has generated an ever increasing number of
documented case studies, many of which have been substantiated using a variety
of techniques. There is also a growing body of research and evidence on life after
so-called physical death, sometimes referred to as Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
and after physical death experiences. Simply stated, human consciousness
survives physical death.
Anyone who rejects this reality either has a closed mind or is not familiar with
the available evidence. Thus, we all have a common path (gradual evolution via
learning about and living consistent with our natural behavioral patterns, our lives
become more understandable, less stressful, and ultimately provides a better
opportunity for a successful life.
There are other major advantages to learning about and understanding your
specific combination of behavioral qualities.
In addition to the overall benefits described, there are endless other reasons
and benefits for educating ourselves on our unique combination of behavioral
The HDS has a foundation of quantum physics and mathematics, but also
incorporates ancient knowledge. The ancient information systems that play a role
are the Kabala, Hindu chakra system, astrology and the Chinese IChing. For those
interested in a modern scientific approach, the mathematical foundation of the
HDS mirrors our physical genetic structure. In addition, the HDS incorporates the
reality that the neutrino stream plays a huge role in our lives!
Over the past twenty plus years the HDS movement has developed a wealth of
educational materials. However, because the HDS is a dramatic and mutative
departure from traditional models of human behavior, it takes years to obtain a
working knowledge. The educational path requires a thorough understanding of
terminology unique to the HDS. The inherent challenges aside, the HDS provides
an unprecedented education on the human experience. After the HDS is mastered,
new insights into the physical, emotional and mental characteristics of any
individual become clear. The benefits provided by such a comprehensive
understanding is priceless. For example, instead of marriage councilors treating
their clients with incomplete but traditional models, the HDS provides an entirely
new understanding of the behavioral patterns of each party. The resulting benefits
speak for themselvesprofound revelations that will assist any marriage.
The HDS conveys specific techniques and strategies that are consistent with our
behavioral genetics. In other words, the HDS conveys a natural, effective and
simplified way to improve our lives. By living consistent with our natural
behavioral patterns, we enter an era of more informed, confident and successful
lifestyles. Reduced levels of stress and anxiety will be one of the inevitable byproducts. There is obviously a huge advantage to living naturally (as we are
genetically designed to) versus as we are conditioned to think we should. All of
the benefits described and others provide a foundation for a more evolved and
successful approach to our daily challenges.
Authority - How to Always Make Your Best Decision
The HDS provides answers too many questions, some of which we did not even
know to ask. For example, would you like to know how to make your best decision
all of the time and make fewer mistakes? Your behavioral genetics dictate what
your best decision making technique is. Consistently better decisions = a better
quality of life. In our fast paced culture, most of us are conditioned into thinking
that fast decisions are the best, using our so-called intuitive abilities. However, for
49% of the population, using the quick intuitive method would be a formula for
making the wrong decision a good percentage of the time.
In Human Design (HD) terminology, the best decision making technique is
referred to as ones authority. As previously touched on, the chakra system is one
element of the HD structure. The chakra network houses a portion of our
behavioral characteristics. Approximately half of the population are genetically
designed to have an energetically activated solar-plex chakra, all of the time. In
HD terminology this is referred to as a defined charka. The solar-plex chakra is the
center of human emotions. Thus, people who have a defined solar-plex chakra are
subject to the constant ups and downs of human emotions 24/7. In HD
terminology this is also referred to as living in your emotional wave.
People who live in an emotional wave will obviously have a different
emotional outlook depending on whether they are up or down in their
emotional wave, or somewhere in between. If they make a quick decision, they
may potentially make a different decision, about a particular set of circumstances,
if they feel good (up emotionally) versus feeling down emotionally. Thus, in order
to make their best decisions all of the time, emotionally defined people need take
the time to process their emotions prior to arriving at the preferred course of
action. This requires patience and the time to consider a decision from every
vantage point on their emotional wave (the high, low and every emotional
perspective in between).
The first step (there are many) for emotionally defined people is to wait 24
hours before making a decision of significance. This patient approach provides
time to emotionally process each decision. Taking the time to internally process a
decision is the only technique that assists emotionally defined people to arrive at
emotionally clear and consistent decisions, all of the time. Conversely, if people
with emotional authority make significant decisions quickly (in the moment), they
will live a life of making many unnecessary mistakes and the inevitable regret that
accompanies any poor decision.
The opposite of emotional authority may also apply. Some people have defined
spleen chakras and do not have a defined solar-plex chakra. The spleen chakra
performs many behavioral functions, inclusive of being the center of intuitive
knowing in the moment. People with this behavioral characteristic have what is
referred to as splenic authority. Their authority or best decision making technique
is the exact opposite of emotional authority. In other words, their best decision
making technique is to always honor their very first and immediate intuitive
reaction to any situation. By deferring any decision, for any reason, they run the
risk of choosing an alternative course of action, which will represent something
other than their best decision.
There are endless genetic variations that result in many authority alternatives
to the two brief examples described. However, with the benefit of this brief
introduction to authority, it becomes obvious that people make their lives far
more complicated and frustrating than necessary simply because they dont know
what their best decision making technique is. Knowing your best decision making
technique is a critical piece of information because making consistently better
decisions will immediately improve the quality of your life. Dont you want to
know how to make your best decision all of the time? Knowing how to make
better decisions all of the time is simply one of the many benefits of the HDS,
which allows anyone to simplify and improve their life.
One of the qualities of the HDS that I truly appreciate is that every element can
be substantiated by experimentation and observation. For example, the decision
making techniques just described can be experimented with to prove the
accuracy. Hypothetically, lets assume that Wanda has emotional authority. This
means that unless she takes time to process her emotions, prior to making
significant decisions, it is impossible for her to make her best decisions, all of the
time. Wanda can experiment with the information and observe the results. For
example, lets assume she makes 5 decisions after she waits 24 hours (to give her
the opportunity to process her emotions) and 5 other decisions in the moment (as
soon as she is confronted by the circumstances). Wanda can then observe the
overall quality of each decision making technique. By evaluating the outcome and
quality of the each decision making techniques, Wanda will be able to determine
which technique produces the better answers. Without exception, the HDS
information and recommended strategies will be validated. The end result is that
Wandas will understand her behavioral patterns in a way she never imaged,
which also simplifies and improves her life! Authority is only one example of how
the HDS provides an unprecedented vehicle of self-educationan information
system that provides anyone with practical and specific techniques for
understanding, simplifying and improving our lives.
Many of us spend considerable time and energy trying to acquire behavioral
qualities that are not part of our genetic makeup. Our society, family, friends,
business associates and even therapists often influence and condition us into
trying to be somebody that we simply do not have the genetic qualities to be.
What all of our efforts and frustrations lead to is an endless and unnecessary
struggle. A good analogy for trying to behave in ways that we are not genetically
designed for is that we struggle to swim upstream, fighting the current, instead of
going with the flow of our natural behavioral characteristics. The HDS eliminates
considerable guesswork and every day frustrations by communicating what
behavioral patterns are healthy and natural for us. By honoring our natural
behavioral mechanics, we greatly reduce the amount of anxiety and stress we all
encounter when we struggle to live contrary to our genetic behavioral patterns.
Accepting that we are not genetically designed to be exactly the person we
ideally want to be is our reality. However, prior to the HDS we did not have a
detailed and reliable method for defining our unique combination of behavioral
characteristics. Unlike any other available information system, the HDS teaches us
how to live within the framework of our natural behavioral patterns. We can also
use the HDS to learn invaluable insights into the behavioral patterns of our family
members, business associates and close friends. This information will provide the
basis to develop more mature, successful and satisfying relationships.
The next few chapters provide a more detailed introduction to the HDS. If you
are more interested in learning how to benefit from the HDS, please move to page
25 and the chapter entitled How to Get Started.
Genetic Dualities
When most people think about genetics they usually think about physical
characteristics, dictated by the unique composition of the double helix of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). This physical side of our genetic make-up has been an
area of considerable research for decades. One of the many things that the
scientific community has discovered is that the foundation of our genetic
composition lay in a structure of binary mathematics. The underlying binary
structure of our DNA constructs our entire physical being, right down to the color
of our hair and eyes. Genetic research has once again demonstrated to mankind
that mathematics is the ultimate language of the universe.
Many of the great teachers down through history have taught that we live in a
dimension of dualities. Light/dark, physical/spiritual, right/left, male/female,
mental/emotional, night/day, good/evil, etc., etc., are only a few of the endless
dualities that make up our environment. Some of our most advanced physicists
have taken this duality principle so far as to suggest that the physical realities of
our existence are simply a duality or reflection of what they refer to as mirror
matter. In other words, physical matter is simply a reflection of non-physical
matter or what physicists sometimes refer to as invisible dark matter. For more
information on the mirror matter theory see the book Shadowlands by physicist
Robert Foot. This mirror matter theory supports the perspective that our physical
body in many ways simply mirrors and/or is a reflection of our human energy
The duality of our physical DNA is our behavioral DNA, which is contained in
our energetic structure. This structure is commonly referred to as the aura, human
energy field (HEF) and/or simply our field, which just like our physical body,
contains many common elements. Two examples of our fields common
components are our chakra and meridian networks. Another common element of
each HEF is the energetic network that contains our genetic behavioral
characteristics. It is this energetic sub-structure, and related permutations thereof,
that is communicated by the HDS. In HD terminology, the visual representation of
each persons behavioral structure is referred to as a body graph. For the welleducated, each body graph communicates an incredible amount of behavioral
The initial documentation of the HDS originated with my teacher, Ra Uru Hu,
who was referred to by his students as simply Ra. Our culture lost a truly gifted
soul when Ra passed in March, 2011. Ra originally coined the term behavioral
genetics. The mathematical foundation and structure of the Human Design
System highlights that the duality of our physical DNA is our behavioral DNA.
Consistent with the system of physical genetics, we all draw from a common pool
of behavioral qualities to arrive at a specific and unique combination of behavioral
characteristics, which make us all unique from a behavioral perspective. Our
and/or yang symbols. Within this trigram configuration there are 64 mathematical
possibilities. The 64 binary combinations of the Chinese IChing (or gates of the
HDS) are reflected below and represent the overall structure of our behavioral
DNA. Within this binary structure lays an endless genetic pool of behavioral
combinations. These mathematical possibilities convey a portion of the HDS.
HEF (via the neutrino stream) is altered with the movement of the planets.
In relation to our behavioral characteristics, there are two aspects to the ever
changing neutrino stream.
As the planets move, they constantly alter the neutrino steam and the
related gate and line activations. However, these temporary behavioral
activations effect everyone. The counterpart in traditional astrology are
referred to as transits.
Thus, our behavioral characteristics are a combination of our fixed (or genetic
qualities) plus the temporary activations of the ever changing neutrino steam. A
critical element of the HDS is that our birth activations are fixed for the entire
incarnation, which means we can rely on the related behavioral qualities. The
Human Design System defines and explains many facets of human behavior, in
addition to why we are such complex beings. One fascinating element of the HDS
is that the entire human race is constantly subject to the temporarily behavioral
effects of the ever changing neutrino stream.
Just as our physical body houses our various organs, all of which have specific
functions, our energy field contains the chakra network. Although many people
are familiar with the seven primary chakras, the charka system is far more
extensive and complex. Nine of our charkas, along with the energetic connections
between these chakras, referred to as channels, contain our network of
behavioral characteristics.
The HDS consolidates a nine-center chakra system, with the energy channels
from the Kabala, to create a visual representation of our behavioral
characteristics, commonly referred to as the body graph. As illustrated on the next
page, the 64 numerical gates of the HDS have specific locations, as do the network
of 36 channels that connect the chakras. Each HEF, as defined by the body graph,
conveys a specific and unique combination of behavioral characteristics. Each
soul has a unique combination of fixed or birth behavioral activations (via the
neutrino steam) because of the variations in the location and time of birth. In the
case of so-called identical twins, the neutrino stream even shifts between each
birth. The ever changing dynamic of the neutrino stream means that when the
unique combination of birth or fixed behavioral activations are combined with the
temporary activations, the neutrino stream will have a common and yet uniquely
different effect on each HEF!
The illustration below is a blank Human Design body graft. The numbers reflect
the specific location of the 64 gates.
The HDS calculations for Depak Chopra M.D. are reflected below. HDS
calculations are a synthesis of the neutrino stream of quantum physics, astrology,
the IChing, a nine-center chakra system and the channels of the Kabala. As
illustrated below, each body graph reflects 26 specific behavioral activations
within the gate, channel and chakra structure.
The HDS provides layer upon layer of personalized behavioral information, which
is not available from any other source. The specificity of this information is
unparalleled. One of the features of the body graph is the nine chakra centers,
which are connected by energetic channels. Each chakra is a center of
behavioral and biological functions that have a relationship with one or more of
our physical organs. The gate activations for each body graph dictates how each
chakra center plays a pivotal and unique role in determining the behavioral
characteristics and patterns. A broad overview of the chakra centers is provided
Solar Plexus
Communication &
Self direction & Love
Ego & Will power
Cleansing, well being
Creation & sexuality
Activation & stress
Primary Organs
Pineal gland
Anterior & posterior pituitary glands
Thyroid & Parathyroid glands
Heart, stomach & thymus gland
Lymphatic system
Ovaries & testes
Kidneys & pancreas
Adrenal glands
A quality reading last approximately an hour and will convey specific yet
practical behavioral information, which will make your life more understandable,
easier and less stressful. The reading, or overview as I refer to it, should include
your primary behavioral patterns and strategies for everyday life, inclusive of your
authority (the specific technique for making your best decisions, all of the time). If
you do not find your HD overview as amazing information, which allows you to
improve the quality of your life, then you selected the wrong analyst. A list of
analysts, their location and contact information can be obtained from the internet
sites communicated within. For those interested, I provide overviews either in
person or via the telephone. Over many years, I have modified and refined the
reading content from the standard HDS training. The result is a more
understandable and helpful overview. If you would like to contact me for an
overview, email me at [email protected] or call 970-726-6210. I offer
our lives.
Emanations allows anyone to identify, in advance, what energetic influences of
a physical, mental or emotional nature are potentially going to occur. These ever
changing influences are dictated and defined by three primary factors. The
specific composition of our HEF, as defined by the HDS, the periodic table of
elements, and the constantly changing energetic effect of the neutrino stream.
Rita Aguirre has put together an unprecedented system of quantum
based genetic information that has numerous applications. Think of
Emanations as your own personal neutrino forecast that communicates
what steps are going to assist you in coping with the constantly
changing physical, mental and emotional influences of the neutrino
Emanations provides many benefits, including the communication of extensive
information on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Emanations
provides information to anyone that wants to master their unique genetic
composition, understanding the influences of the neutrino stream (on our
energetic and physical structures) is constantly changing. From a practical
perspective, with the new information provided by the HDS and Emanations,
many of the struggles of everyday life can be identified and addressed. The
medical profession will never be the same once a full understanding of
Emanations is integrated into our medical sciences.
Another benefit of this windfall of information is related to the Metatones
technology and the growing number of individuals that will have particularly
refined energy fields. Simply stated, as our fields become more evolved and
mature (or synchronized with the zero point field), we become more sensitive to
the effect of the ever changing neutrino stream. Long-term users of Metatones,
particularly of the more potent programs, will consciously discover the ever
changing impact of the neutrino stream, just as I have.
The increased sensitivity of our fields gradually occurs as they become more
refined and free of energetic imbalances. Thus, the physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual impact of the neutrino steam, which most people are not aware, will
gradually become more noticeable. Regardless of whether we use vibratory
therapies such as Metatones, to synchronize our fields with the zero point field,
supplemented by PLR and LBL practices, or whether we choose the historically
slower evolutionary approach, the destiny of humanity is the synchronization of
our energy fields with the zero point field. In summary, as our fields evolve
energetically, the importance of the information supplied by the Human Design
System and Emanations will escalate considerably.
To obtain insight into the significance of Ritas Emanations discovery, one
needs to gain an understanding of the Human Design System, the information
contained in Joseph R. Scognas book, The Promethion A Comprehensive Study
of the Principles of Life Energy, and an energetic understanding of the dynamics
of the astrological wheel. Scognas book is available at This represents the first step in a longer process to
appreciate the significance of Ritas discovery. As more people begin to
appreciate the significance of the Emanations discovery, we hope to offer more
information on how to apply Emanations in everyday life. As an introduction, Rita
activated/defined chakra and an activated gate, as in the case with Dr. Chopras
gate 11, a pressure point is created. Whenever gate 11 is activated, this will relieve
the pressure via the energetic connection to the throat chakra.
For this six day time period, due to the location of the Earth, gate 11 was activated
within Dr. Chopras field, along with everyone elses, via the neutrino stream. On
the next page you will locate the Emanations chart. Please locate the element
associated with gate 11: Nitrogen. Because Dr. Chopras gate 11 is normally not
activated, gate11s activation represents an energetic change that will effect Dr.
Chopra. This new conditioning influence of the neutrino stream is temporary but
potentially significant. The energetic impact may manifest in the form of
behavioral, physical, mental and/or emotional effects for Dr. Chopra. Excluding
behavioral considerations and the impact on gate 56, to determine what
effects/symptoms Dr. Chopra may experience by the Nitrogen activation, the
Scogna information on Nitrogen needs to be reviewed. This information begins
on the page 32.
around the head, and the person may become very sensitive to noise. There may
be sharp stabbing pains in every part of the body. The tongue may become
ulcerated and heal very slowly. There may be great burning pains when urinating;
the elimination of fecal matter may be difficult and painful. Rheumatic and
arthritic conditions may be caused by upsets in the nitrogen cycle of the
body because all the degenerative ills of mankind are a direct result of a
rapid decay or disintegration of the bodys healthy tissue. (We have
highlighted these possible symptoms because we will be returning to them for
our example.) The greatest and most feared conditions such as cancer, arthritis,
heart disease and diabetes are directly associated with overloads of nitrogen in
the system due to protein breakdown. The production of all painful symptoms and
decay comes directly from the vacillation of the body tissues toward the nitrogen
end of the cycle. It is this end of the cycle where the organism moves towards
decomposition so that the body can be turned into fertilizer for the future
generations to come. All manner of insects and pests seem to bother a persons
body when he is leaning toward the nitrogen end of the cycle. Essentially, it is the
job of these pests to break down the body even further so that it can be made
ready for its final task to supply the soil with nitrogenous substances so that
new life may grow from it. This description may seem horrid, but it is a fact of life
that all organisms, which become sick or disabled, move more rapidly toward the
nitrogen end of the cycle and become fodder for the living, healthy organisms that
must carry on the progress of mankind.
The disruption of the nitrogen balance of the body brings with it a rapid upset of
all enzyme and hormonal systems, for it is nitrogen which maintains a steady
balance of electric pressure to balance that of the positive pressure of hydrogen.
The cause of any aging in the body is that of imbalance in the charge pressure
and its immediate reaction tends to trigger the inequity of nitrogen on the system.
It is thought in many circles that the supply of nitrogen to the body is insufficient
in sick people and must be replenished. Thus were born the super high protein
diets that supplied vast amounts of nitrogenous amino acids to the body. This
may seem a necessary step, but as a consequence, the addition of more
nitrogenous substances only accelerates the aging process. The correct procedure
to balance the body in conditions of high nitrogenization is to apply substantial
amounts of carbohydrates to keep the body from propelling toward decay. These
carbohydrates should be complex and not of the sugary or the simple type, which
are quite unstable. Finally, nitrogen imbalance causes a great deal of depression
in the mind, for there is always the feeling that nothing can be done about the
condition. Nitrogen, when upset, seems to promote the idea of hopelessness to
the body. The rectification of the nitrogen level in the body is the primary step in
returning someone to health.
Balance Recovery Procedures
may handle depression, cracking in the joint of the jaw, soreness, stiffness, and
specifically swollen glands and throat. It has been used to alleviate the
encroaching metabolic upsets of arthritis and other similar diseases that are
the result of inflammations, swelling and sporadic pain. (END OF
By consolidating the HDS and Emanations information, there can be an incredible
number of practical applications for Dr. Chopra, depending of course on the
specific symptoms that arise from the activation of gate 11, Nitrogen. To keep our
example simple, any nitrogen imbalance will be short lived because this activation
is only for 6 days. Consistent with The Promethion information on nitrogen, let us
assume that Dr. Chopra experiences a minor condition associated with a nitrogen
imbalance in the form of arthritis. Based on the Promethion, the use of the
homeopath La Canium will help minimize or eliminate this temporary arthritic
condition! This brief example hopefully provides a glimpse into the significance of
the information available from the Emanations system.
There are many other facets and potential benefits to the information provided.
As simply one example, the constant long term pressure on gate 11 (when there is
no temporary gate 11 activation) may also result in symptoms caused by a
Nitrogen deficiency or excess of Indium (gate 56). Both scenarios and possible
symptoms will be long-term. In addition, the prominence and severity of the
symptoms will tend to increase as Dr. Chopra ages. This reality presents an
entirely new component of the Emanations information along with the insight into
how to successfully treat Dr. Chopra. When this example is applied to humanity as
a whole, we are only beginning to comprehend all of the potential benefits.
Based on over 15 years of using Ritas Emanations, and verifying the accuracy
thereof via experimentation and observation, it is an accurate and practical guide
to the ever changing physical, mental and emotional influences of the neutrino
stream. All of the related benefits have been priceless and not available through
any other source. Thank you Rita, for once again having such a positive
influence on my life.
The Human Design System and Emanations contain their own unique peripheral
philosophies. Although the philosophies differ, both contain verifiable core
mechanics and knowledge that provide profound insights into our lives. Two of
the common characteristics of both systems is that they expound the uniqueness
of each human energy field and the critical role played by the ever changing
neutrino stream. Thus, the ideal lifestyle for each soul is truly unique.
For those interested in additional Human Design System information please
consider the following sites: This considerably larger internet site was
originally developed by the originator of the HDS, Ra Uru Hu. It is broken