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Volume 1, Number 2, November 2014


Double-blind, Placebo Controlled

Randomised Trial of Medical Therapy in
Otitis Media with Effusion
Glenis Kathleen Scadding1 *, Yvonne Colette Darby1 , Anna Josephine Jansz1 ,
David Richards2 , Helen Tate3 , Sue Hills1 , Kaukau Rajput1 , Abhijeet Parikh1 ,
Simon Gane1

Allergy & Medical Rhinology, Royal National TNE Hospital, London, UK.
Amersham, Buckinghamshire
3 MSD Hertford Rd, Hoddesdon, EN11 9BU
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Objective: To explore rhinitis treatment, with and without autoinflation of the middle ear, as therapy
for otitis media with effusion
Design: Prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial of long-term treatment
with nasal corticosteroids in OME. Otovent auto-inflation device used when needed over 2 years,
with either nasal corticosteroid or placebo, using a 2 2 factorial design
Setting: Glue ear clinic at Royal National TNE Hospital, London, 1994-2003.
Participants: 200 children with documented OME persisting over 3 months were randomised to
receive in double blind fashion either fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray (FP) 100mcg
daily or matching placebo administered over 2 years. Children with odd trial numbers also
received the Otovent auto-inflation device with instructions to use this 3 times daily until hearing
improved and to restart use 2 weeks after any upper respiratory tract infection
Main outcome measures: The primary outcome measure was treatment failure defined as hearing
loss of over 30dB in at least one ear or grommet insertion.
Results: An unexpected interaction was apparent between FP and Otovent on time to hearing
loss/grommet insertion. Therefore the only comparisons made are between FP and placebo and
Otovent and placebo. The FP group had significantly improved disease-free survival compared
with placebo (p=0.021). The Otovent group showed improved survival, but this did not reach
statistical significance (p=0.140).
Conclusion: FP alone decreases the need for grommet insertion or hearing loss When Otovent is
used in addition to FP the effect is less than either treatment modality given alone.
Otitis Media with Effusion; Intranasal Corticosteroid; Autoinflation; Grommets


Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial of Medical Therapy in Otitis Media with Effusion

Otitis media with effusion (OME) or glue ear is an inflammation of the middle ear with a collection
of fluid behind an intact tympanic membrane [1]. Most children are affected at some point in their lives
with a bimodal peak incidence at two years and five years [2]. Most effusions are self-limiting, but in
some children persist over three months and are then labelled as chronic. Chronic OME is the commonest
reason for surgery in childhood [3], the most frequent intervention being insertion of ventilation tubes
(grommets) into the tympanic membrane, sometimes accompanied by adenoidectomy. Recent studies
have identified the benefit from grommet insertion and from adenoidectomy [46]. Black [4] noted that
when inserted unilaterally to children with bilateral OME after six months the hearing in the grommeted
ear was not significantly different to that in the untreated ear. For many children OME is a recurrent
condition until around the age of nine years.
The aetiopathogenesis of OME is probably multi-factorial [7] involving infection, both viral [8, 9]
and bacterial [10] in 16% to 43% of children. The role of allergy in OME has been disputed for years,
but recent papers [11, 12] suggest that older children with OME have concomitant atopic disease. Our
own observations (Umapathy D, MSc thesis) suggest that there is a strong association between the
presence of rhinitis and OME, and that in many children this is allergic in origin. An open interventional
long-term (18 month) study [13] with beclomethasone dipropionate nasal spray suggested that this form of
treatment reduced the need for grommet insertion by 50% irrespective of any allergen avoidance measures
Previous studies of nasal steroids in OME suffer from being either short-term, open or employing other
treatment modalities in addition [1417]. We therefore designed a double-blind placebo controlled study
using intranasal fluticasone propionate (because of its low systemic bioavailability from the nose and gut
and consequent safety), compared to placebo over two years in children aged 4 to 8 years with chronic
OME. As auto-inflation of the middle ear had also been shown to be effective in treating glue ear [18],
we allocated 50% of the children (those with odd numbers in the study) to receive the Otovent device in
addition to a nasal spray which could be FP or placebo. Our hypothesis was that combined treatment with
FP and Otovent would be superior to either alone, both of which would be superior to placebo nasal spray.
Since FP is licensed for children over 4 and since children under 4 years cannot easily use the Otovent
device, this study was restricted to children of 4 to 8 years old with glue ear.


Subjects: Children aged between 4 and 8 years with a documented history of 3 months of glue ear or
more than 2 episodes in the past 6 months plus type B (flat) or type C ( negative middle ear pressure less
than -100 decaPascals), tympanograms were offered a place in the study regardless of atopic status. All
had nasal symptoms in addition to their hearing problem. Children with known predisposing conditions
such as cleft palate, Downs syndrome and cystic fibrosis were excluded; those with acute otitis media or
upper respiratory infection together with otalgia at the time of the visit were treated and reviewed over a
month later to see whether they were eligible.
Study design: Children eligible for the trial and their parents were given a detailed explanation and
information sheet and signed the appropriate consent forms. Ethical approval was given by The Royal
National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital Ethics Committee. Subjects were randomised to receive FP or


matching placebo in a 1:1 ratio according to a computer-generated randomisation schedule using a block
size of 8. This was held in the pharmacy, and both subjects and observers were blind as to the nature
of this treatment. In addition those children entering the trial with an odd number were also given the
Otovent device; this part of the study was open. During the study the children were reviewed at 3 monthly
intervals and at each visit underwent symptom scores, examination including ENT and chest, peakflow,
tympanometry and audiometry.
Questionnaire: At the initial visit the patients parent or guardian completed a questionnaire including
presenting symptoms, secondary complaints, allergic symptoms, environmental risk factors, previous
medical and surgical history, medication for the presenting complaint and family history of atopy.
Symptom Scores: At each visit parent/guardian and patient were asked to complete together a validated
[13] symptom score chart detailing the symptoms present over the last week on a 0 (not present) to 9
(present severely all the time) basis. The symptoms charted were as follows: nasal: blocking, running,
itching and sneezing, ears: hearing, ear pain/discomfort, chest: day cough, night cough, shortness of
breath on exercise, wheezing or chest tightness, behaviour: irritability. The worst score possible was 99.
Examination: This included routine ear, nose and throat examination, using an otoscope, plus inspection and auscultation of the chest and examination of the skin by the doctors in the clinic. Height and
weight measurements were recorded at each visit by the clinic nursing staff using Salter scales and a
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR): A mini Wright paediatric peakflow meter was used and the best of
three attempts following detailed instruction and encouragement was taken as a definitive measure. Our
guide was a nomogram [19], which compared peakflow with respect to height. These data, together with
questionnaire responses, will be the subject of a second publication.
Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)/ Impedance Audiometry: Hearing thresholds were determined using a
Peters AC audiometer and averaged over 500Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz. Middle ear compliance and pressures
were measured by using a GS1 screening tympanometer.
Treatment: Children were randomised to receive an aqueous spray, which could be FP (50mcg per
actuation), or its matching placebo. This was administered twice daily for the first 2 weeks in order to
decrease upper airways obstruction, one puff per nostril (two puffs per nostril bd for children over 35kgs)
then a maintenance dose of one puff per nostril (100mcg) once daily was used. The children were asked
to use this on a regular basis.
Otovent: The use of the device was demonstrated by our allergy nurse to both child and parent. The
child was asked to use the Otovent 3 times daily for the first box of balloons i.e. 4 to 5 weeks, and
then cease use if hearing was not troublesome, However, use should be re-established if the glue ear
re-presented, especially after a cold. Instructions were given that Otovent should not be used during colds,
and should not be re-started until 2 weeks after the cold finished.
Outcome: The primary outcome measure was treatment failure which defined as persistent hearing
loss of over 30dBs or grommet insertion.
Statistical analysis: This 2 by 2 factorial study was designed under the assumption that there would be
no interaction between the effects of FP and the Otovent device. Such designs are efficient in that they
address two therapeutic questions within one study. Sample size calculations suggested a total of 400
children should be included. However, practical considerations led to a decision to cease entering children
after 200 were enrolled over the years 1994-2000. Approximately 50 children were randomized into each
of the four therapy groups:

Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial of Medical Therapy in Otitis Media with Effusion

1. Placebo nasal spray, no Otovent

2. Placebo nasal spray plus Otovent
3. FP, no Otovent
4. FP plus Otovent
50 patients per group give at least a power of 85% to detect as statistically significant the difference in
survival of 50% and one group versus 80% in another, using a two-sided 5% log rank test.
The primary efficacy measure was treatment failure defined as the need for grommet insertion or
hearing loss 30bB. The time to treatment failure has been examined using Kaplan-Meier plots and
tested using the log rank test. The interaction between the treatments was tested using Cox proportional
hazards modelling. Summary statistics are presented for secondary endpoint of symptom scores.
Because an unexpected interaction between the treatment modalities was apparent, results for each
treatment group have been presented but comparisons between each of the two treatments alone and the
placebo treatment only are made.
Sensitivity analyses have been undertaken because some children discontinued study treatment because
of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (although they had not reached the endpoint of hearing
loss/grommet insertion). A further efficacy analysis considering these children as having reached the
endpoint was carried out as a sensitivity analysis.
The analysis was carried out using SAS version 9.2.

To investigate any possible effect of FP on growth, rate of growth (as cm/year) has been examined. Plots
of growth for each child whilst on treatment have been examined. Increase in height over time has been
analysed using a mixed modelling approach with subject included as a random effect and additionally
with age, gender, baseline height, baseline weight, history of asthma and previous grommet insertion
as covariates. The effect of FP was examined by comparing the growth velocity in those taking FP
with those not taking FP. Further modelling with random effects for both subject and growth rate were
unsuccessful, probably due to the lack of variation in growth rate. Adverse events were recorded at each
visit by questioning both child and parents.
Compliance:This was assessed by questioning the child and the parent/guardian and by the number of
bottles used. Those who reported spray use on at least 3 days a week remained in the study.

An Intention to Treat analysis has been carried out including all patients according to their randomised
treatment group. Two hundred children were randomised into the study. Their details are shown in Table
1. Patient characteristics were fairly similar for all 4 groups at baseline, the FP group are slightly younger
and shorter. Table 2 shows the baseline symptom scores, nasal symptoms having the highest score, and
behavioural ones the lowest.


Table 1. Demography and Baseline Characteristics




FP + Otovent


n = 48

n = 52

n = 52

n = 48

n = 200

Age (yrs)

5.7 (1.3)

5.7 (1.3)

5.4 (1.2)

5.9 (1.1)

5.7 (1.2)

Gender F

16 (33%)

27 (52%)

21 (40%)

19 (40%)

83 (42%)

Height (cm)

112.7 (8.9)

113.7 (12.5)

110.0 (8.9)

114.1 (7.7)

112.6 (9.8)

Weight (kg)

21.0 (4.8)

20.9 (5.9)

20.0 (5.3)

21.3 (4.0)

20.8 (5.0)

Previous grommets

10 (21%)

12 (24%)

6 (12%)

5 (10%)

33 (17%)

Asthma treatment

15 (31%)

15 (29%)

11 (22%)

16 (33%)

57 (29%)

Tymp R

-271 (78)

-199 (202)

-234 (94)

-288 (90)

-246 (131)

-176 (143)

-231 (132)

-236 (111)

-239 (88)

-223 (119)

Audio R

24.8 (12.5)

25.9 (10.4)

23.3 (8.5)

25.2 (12.3)

24.8 (11.0)

25.8 (11.8)

24.3 (10.1)

24.1 (9.7)

22.8 (9.9)

24.3 (10.3)

Summary of Demography and Baseline Characteristics Mean (standard deviation)

Table 2. Baseline Symptoms




FP + Otovent


8.36 (6.67)

11.13 (8.07)

10.84 (7.59)

10.44 (7.14)

10.23 (7.43)


6.83 (4.79)

7.46 (4.82)

6.74 (4.73)

6.56 (4.62)

6.91 (4.72)


4.89 (5.51)

8.44 (7.58)

7.71 (7.63)

6.92 (7.14)

7.04 (7.12)


2.94 (2.65)

2.16 (2.50)

3.02 (2.85)

2.60 (2.59)

2.67 (2.65)


23.02 (14.18)

28.78 (16.19)

28.58 (18.31)

25.70 (16.02)

26.58 (16.30)


Summary Statistics for Baseline Symptom Levels Mean (standard deviation)

The subject disposition is presented in Table 3; the placebo group had the highest percentage of
patients with hearing loss or grommet insertion and the FP group had the lowest. Figure 1A shows the
Kaplan-Meier disease-free survival plots for the four treatment groups, which reflects the proportions
experiencing the endpoint of grommet insertion/hearing loss shown in Table 3. An interaction between
the effects of the two individual treatments is apparent, whereby the combined treatment has a worse
survival curve than either of the two treatments given alone. A formal test of this interaction, using
the Cox proportional hazards model, gave c12 of 3.23 (p=0.073). Because of this interaction pair wise
comparisons between each of the treatments alone and the placebo group have been undertaken.
Table 3. Patient Disposition



FP + Otovent


18 (38%)

16 (31%)

11 (21%)

16 (33%)

61 (30%)

2 years completed

6 (12%)

12 (23%)

15 (29%)

10 (21%)

43 (22%)

Lost to follow-up

18 (38%)

22 (42%)

20 (38%)

17 (35%)

77 (38%)

Recurrent URTIs

6 (12%)

2 (4%)

6 (12%)

5 (10%)

19 (10%)








A log rank test comparing the effect of FP with placebo gave a chi-squared value of 5.35 (p=0.021)
and otovent versus placebo gave a chi-squared value of 2.18 (p=0.140). Because children experiencing
recurrent infections were removed from the study, a sensitivity analysis regarding these cases as having

Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial of Medical Therapy in Otitis Media with Effusion

Figure 1. Kaplan Meier Plots of event-free survival primary analysis (1A) and sensitivity (1B) analysis.
experienced the endpoint has been undertaken. These subjects are shown in Table 3 under Recurrent
URTIs. Figure 1B shows the Kaplan Meier plots for this sensitivity analysis and the results confer with
the primary analysis, with the exception that the effect for otovent alone compared with placebo achieved
formal statistical significance (chi-square 4.83, p=0.028).
Symptom scores: Symptom scores were reduced by both active treatments (Table 4). Treatment with
both FP alone and Otovent alone resulted in significant reductions in nasal and chest symptoms compared
with the placebo group. These were sustained over the two year study period. The interaction effect on
symptoms of both treatments together is apparent.
Table 4. Change in Symptoms


2 yr

2 yr

1 yr


0.62 (6.43)

0.54 (6.29)

-2.32 (8.05)* -2.38 (7.66)* -4.20 (5.55)* -4.06 (5.39)* -3.18 (6.51)

-0.39 (6.08)


-1.31 (3.97)

-1.35 (4.01)

-2.37 (5.34)

-1.81 (4.07)

-1.80 (3.86)


2.77 (7.26)

2.68 (7.18)

-1.40 (6.54)* -1.55 (6.41)* -1.58 (5.46)* -1.55 (5.22)* -0.87 (5.72)

-0.62 (5.66)


0.26 (0.41)

0.27 (0.40)

0.28 (0.41)

0.30 (0.41)


1.51 (12.81)

1.35 (112.74) -5.10 (14.53)* -5.35 (14.56)* -7.97 (13.11)* -8.18 (13.13)* -6.35 (11.99) -5.98 (11.19)

-2.33 (5.62)
0.28 (0.39)

1 yr

FP + Otovent

1 yr

-1.80 (5.37)
0.37 (0.42)

2 yr
-2.05 (5.57)
0.36 (0.41)

1 yr

0.31 (0.41)

2 yr

Symptom changes (a negative value indicates improvement) at 1 and 2 years. Mean (standard deviation) * p<0,05. Both FP and
Otovent significantly reduced nasal and chest symptoms compared to Placebo.

Adverse effects: There were no serious adverse events in this study. Minor adverse events were
recorded, but none was of sufficient severity to cause cessation of the treatment or withdrawal from the
trial. The commonest was minor epistaxis which occurred in fewer than 10% of subjects.
Growth: The plots of growth rate (not presented) indicated a uniform increase in height over the time
period, independent of treatment. The mixed model fitted indicated no significant difference in growth
rates between those children receiving FP and those given placebo on either method of analysis. (Table 5)



The growth curves did not show any significant difference from the normative data charts in use in the
Table 5. Growth
Type of Analysis

Growth rate FP

Growth rate no FP


95% CI for difference





0.18 (0.26)

-0.34 to 0.70




0.20 (0.25)

-0.29 to 0.70

Summary of analysis of growth velocity over entire treatment period in those treated with and without FP. A mixed model was fitted
without and with covariates. Mean (standard error)

This is the first large randomised double-blind, placebo controlled study of the long-term use of topical
corticosteroids in persistent OME. As recommended by a recent Cochrane review [20] our study was
designed to have a clinically relevant outcome measure, 30dB hearing loss or grommet insertion. In
addition to hearing loss, grommets may be indicated for failure at school, marked drum retraction, pain or
recurrent infections.
Previous studies have been compromised by being shortterm, using other treatment modalities in
addition or lacking blinding. Using evidence based on three brief studies [15, 16, 21] Chaffee et al.
[22] state that treatment of OME with nasal corticosteroids is not recommended since although there is
limited evidence suggesting increased rate of resolution in the short term, within 3-12 weeks resolution
was no better than with placebo. Since OME is a relapsing and remitting disorder short-term studies
are inappropriate and can be misleading. A more recent 3 month study in primary care [23] showed no
difference between therapy with mometasone furoate or placebo, but the fact that 45% of subjects on
placebo improved at 1 month and 52% at 3 months suggests that mild transient disease was being included.
Our patients had 3 months of documented OME before entry but the two year treatment period meant that
we had a high proportion of subjects lost to follow-up, as the clinic serves a mobile inner city population
Our findings confirm our previous observation that topical nasal corticosteroids used regularly over
two years reduce hearing loss or the need for grommet insertion in chronic OME [13]. At two years
there was an approximate 35% difference between FP and placebo in the disease free survival (FP 74%
disease-free and placebo 38% disease-free),statistically significant at the 5% level. The corresponding
difference for otovent is 22% (otovent 60% disease-free survival and placebo 38%). The difference in
survival experience for otovent did not reach statistical significance in the main analysis, but did in the
sensitivity analysis.
The unexpected outcome of the study was the negative interaction apparent between the effects of
FP nasal spray used together with the Otovent device. This interaction influenced the analysis we
carried out and the power of the study to detect treatment effects. This finding may illuminate the
pathogenesis of OME. We suspect that the FP nasal spray is effective because it reduces rhinitis, which
we hypothesize promotes OME via nasal obstruction, eustachian tube dysfunction and impairment in
mucociliary clearance. FP has beneficial effects upon all of these [24]. Intranasal corticosteroids could also
be effective in reducing OME via reduction of ostiomeatal complex obstruction and increased perfusion
of the postnasal space by bactericidal nitric oxide gas generated in the paranasal sinuses [25, 26].

Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Randomised Trial of Medical Therapy in Otitis Media with Effusion

Intranasal corticosteroids are also known to act upon the adenoid [27]. In a study on children on the
waiting list for adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy FP reduced obstructive symptoms and activation of T
lymphocytes in adenoid tissue(Wheeler personal communication). In that study those children listed for
adenotonsillectomy because of recurrent tonsillar infection were slightly worse on FP. Thus we speculate
that FP spray is likely to be beneficial where obstruction is a major factor; however topical corticosteroids
may slightly reduce local immunity in the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx. Evidence for this also comes
from studies on the common cold where FP treatment increased the culture of rhinoviruses from the
nasopharynx [28] and the development of OME [29]. This is not a problem in uncomplicated allergic
rhinitis, nor, it would appear from our present and previous topical corticosteroid studies, in OME in 4-8
year olds when FP is used alone. However where there is chronic FP-treated nasal inflammation and
a tendency to OME the addition of auto-inflation reverses any benefit seen with FP alone. The likely
explanation lies in nasopharyngeal secretions being transferred to the middle ear cavity when Otovent is
used. If these contain bacteria (and post nasal carriage is common in children) then transfer to the middle
ear cavity may give rise to low grade infection and inflammation with a further bout of otitis media, as
suggested previously [7]. Thus the likely source of organisms involved in middle ear infections is the
nasopharynx. It is conceivable that the post nasal space supports a bacterial biofilm the contents of which,
when disturbed by virus infection or swimming, can be intermittently transferred to the middle ear cavity,
giving rise to a biofilm there as the underlying cause of OME [30]. This could explain the more prolonged
benefits seen when adenoidectomy is added to grommet insertion [5, 6] and the reduction in frequency of
otitis media by oral xylitol [31].
Since we have shown that children aged 4 and above with OME also suffer from rhinitis and asthma
[11], we recorded symptoms referable to the upper and lower respiratory tracts, in addition to those
relevant to the ears and attempted to quantify the effects on behaviour, using our previously validated
visual analogue scale. In this trial FP spray not only improved the hearing problem reducing the need for
surgery, but also reduced nasal and chest symptoms, both of which increased over the two year course of
the study in the placebo-treated control group. This is an example of nasal treatment benefiting lower
respiratory tract disease. Insertion of ventilation tubes has not been shown to confer such benefits.
The long term use of topical nasal corticosteroids in children necessitates the use of molecules without
significant systemic absorption - at present fluticasone propionate (FP) and mometasone furoate (MF) are
the least bioavailable from the nose [32]. Both have good safety profiles when used over a year [33, 34],
in contrast to the growth suppression seen when beclomethasone dipropionate is used nasally twice daily
[35]. We did not find any major adverse events in this study and the children grew normally.
OME is part of a spectrum of inflammatory conditions affecting the respiratory tract, with close links
to rhinitis. As such it appears to be amenable to local anti-inflammatory therapy. A study in primary care,
this time involving children with chronic OME, would seem sensible.

We are grateful to the nursing staff of the glue ear clinic for their help with this study and to the staff of
the Audiology department who undertook hearing tests on these children.
We are grateful to Glaxo Smith Kline, Inphormed and Merck for funding for this project.



This study was conceived by Glenis Scadding and funded by Glaxo Smith Kline (including the salary
of Abhijeet Parikh as a PhD student) together with Inphormed who provided Otovent devices free of
charge. Merck Sharp and Dohme provided funding for further independent statistical analysis since this
was advised by a referee when the paper was originally submitted. Glenis Scadding has received funding
from GSK and MSD for other trials, serves on an advisory panel and has lectured for them at meetings.
Helen Tate has worked as an independent statistical consultant for Merck, Sharp and Dohme. At the
time of the study, DR was a full-time employee of GlaxoSmithKline R&D.
None of the other authors has any interests to declare.

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