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5 Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies For UTI

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5 Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies For

By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 476 Comments
Urinary tract infection or uti is very common infection of the urinary tract . Recurrence of UTI is
the most troublesome part . It tends to recur quite frequently in some individuals ; so much so
that people may have multiple attacks ( up to 6-7 ) in one year. E coli is a very bacteria and
tends to the most common causative bacteria for Recurrent UTI. Homeopathic remedies for Uti
has a great role to play in curing the infection and also in stopping their recurrence. Moreover
homeopathic medicines are very safe . They use bodys own defenses to fight the infection. Once
treated with homeopathic medicines recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection greatly reduces and
eventually stops. The top five homeopathic remedies for treating UTI are Cantharis ,Merc Cor
,Sulphur , Clematis , Coli Bacillinum
I would rank Cantharis as the number one Homeopathic remedy for uti when the symptoms
agree to it.Cantharis has been a very helpful homoeopathic medicine in treating cases of UTIs in
people who have recently had an attack of streptococcal infections . This medicine can also be
used in treating cases where there is recurrence, which means that people suffer from repeated
attacks of these infections. It is Indicated when the patient experiences a burning pain while
passing urine. The patients get a feeling that they have to pass urine very often, but can pass very
less urine at a time. Each time while passing urine, the patient experiences a very bad intense
pain in the lower abdomen which extends upwards till the belly button. There is a feeling that the
urine was not completely expelled and they feel that still more urine is yet to come out. The pain
is more while walking and so the patients prefer to be in sitting posture just to avoid the
unbearable pain. Another important symptom that indicates the use of Cantharis is that there is
pain in the back on both sides of the spine. This region is very sensitive touch, hardly allows the
patient to move. At times, the pain radiates down the urinary tract . The patient passes urine
mixed with blood and sometimes they may pass frank blood. The urine is turbid and full of
fragments . The patient feels very restless and uneasy . They also have an itching sensation in the
urethra after passing urine.
Merc Cor is another good homeopathic Remedy for UTI. This is very effective in treating acute
cases of UTIs. This medicine can be thought of in cases where the patient is unable to pass urine
or has to put in a lot of effort for the same. The urine is very little and most often the patient
passes dark flesh like pieces of mucus in the urine. The urine is very hot and passes drop by drop
and with great pain. Another feature of a merc cor patient is that he/she experiences a lot of
sweating immediately after passing urine. This usually happens because the patient has to strain
a lot to pass urine. This medicine can also be expected to give good results in recurrent UTIs in
advanced stages of pregnancy. Homeopathic Medicine Sulphur ranks the top grade medicine
when treating chronic UTI .Perhaps no other medicine in Homoeopathy works as well as sulphur
in chronic infections. The patient has an unusual desire to pass urine at night. The patient passes
large quantities of colorless urine. There is a sharp pain in the urethra while passing urine. At
times the urine is loaded with thick sediments with rose colored and bad smell. The most
Characteristic Symptom that indicates the use of Sulphur is the great burning sensation while

passing urine. Homeopathic medicine Clemetis Erecta is very effective for UTI in Patients who
have suffered from Sexual transmitted disesaes . It is indicated when the symptoms are
Frequent scanty urine with burning at the orifice of urethra. Again here, as seen in most cases of
UTIs, the patient has an unusual desire to pass urine , urine is passed drop by drop , dribbling of
urine even after passing of urine. Homeopathic Medicine Coli Bacillinum is a Near specific
medicine for treating e-coli infection. It helps in treating the recurrence of E coli Infection.
Urinary tract infections affect up to half of all women over the course of a lifetime and are
responsible for eight million doctor visits each year.1
Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men, in part because of their shorter
urethras. Adult men have another factor going for thema bacterial growth inhibitor injected
directly into their urinary system2 by their prostate glands.
Youve probably heard that drinking cranberry juice can be helpful in supporting a healthy
urinary tract. Studies do show that cranberry juice can help by promoting a healthy flora.
What many studies fail to mention is that most cranberry juice is loaded with fructose, a
monosaccharide (simple sugar) that can potentially lead to health problems.
So, in effect, you are trading good urinary health for blood sugar instability, stress on your liver,
and increased uric acid levels that can raise your blood pressure, along with other negative health
Thats why I dont recommend cranberry juice. Its not a beneficial trade-off.
But there is a great discovery that has come from the cranberry juice-urinary tract connection.
The active ingredient in cranberry juice responsible for its benefit to your urinary system has
been identified and isolatedand that is D-mannose.
D-mannose can be derived from berries, peaches, apples, and some other plants. Pure Dmannose is amazingly 10-50 times stronger than cranberry, non-toxic and completely safe, with
NO adverse effects.
Why drink sugary cranberry juice if you can get the active ingredient instead, with none of the
damaging metabolic consequences?
D-mannose can help cure more than 90 percent of all UTIs within 1 to 2 days!
The condition euphemistically called Honeymoon Cystitis is now preventableno abstinence

Homeopathic medicines for UTI

When it comes to treatment, Homeopathy helps in curing UTI in an almost magical manner.
Homeopathic medicines for UTI are very effective and give results in a very short period of time.
Anyone who has doubt over the efficacy of Homeopathy can see it for himself or herself in a
case of UTI. How the miniscule pills of Homeopathy are able to cure will seem nothing less than
magic. This is something I can say with a lot of confidence. I have seen so many cases of UTI in
my practice that I have lost count of them. In all cases, the homeopathic medicines have worked
miraculously. There is no doubt about that. On the basis of my experience treating UTIs, I am
giving these 5 best Homeopathic medicines for UTI.
Cantharis-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with frequent

When there is a persistent and frequent urge to urinate, Cantharis is one of the best Homeopathic
medicines for UTI. Every now and then, one feels the urge to pass urine. When one goes to pass
urine, the quantity of urine may be little. But after a little time, the urge occurs again. This is one
of the leading symptoms that point to Cantharis. When this symptom is present, the medicine is
sure to give good results. Of course, there are other symptoms too. There is intense burning and
cutting during urination. There may be pain after passing a few drops of urine. The burning is so
intenses that the urine seems to scald him. The urine may even be bloody. Urine may pass only
drop by drop. There may be pain in the back also. There may be cutting pain before, during and
after urination.
Apis-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with burning at the
end of urination

When there is burning at the end of urination, Apis is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for
UTI. The urine may be scanty. Despite urine being scanty, there is frequent urge to urinate. The
urine is high coloured and muddy. Another characteristic symptom pointing to this medicine is
thirstlesness. The patient hardly seems to have any thirst. There may be some dropsical swellings
around the eyes. The patient is worse in heat and hot weather. Cold weather and cold applications
seem to relieve the patient.
Staphysagria-One of the best homeopathic medicines for UTI in newly
married women

When UTI occurs in newly married men as a result of sexual activity, Staphysagria is one of the
best homeopathic medicines for UTI. It is often known as Honeymoon cystitis and Staphysagria
is a very good medicine for this situation. There is ineffectual urge to urinate. This can be
extended to women who have UTI after intercourse, even when they are not newly married. This
medicine is also good for bedridden patients. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is rolling
down the urethra. This feeling is constantly present. Burning in urethra while urinating is also
present. There is pressure on the bladder and it feels as if it has not been emptied. Staphysagria is
also good for UTI when it occurs due to prostatic enlargements.

Sarsaparilla-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with pain

extending to back

When there is pain in the urinary bladder region or the lower abdomen and it extends to the back,
Sarsaparilla is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI. The pain is more in the right
kidney region. The urine is sandy. There is sediment in the urine. At times urine may be bloody.
It is also a very good medicine for UTI in infants.
Benzoic Acid-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with strong

When there is a very strong smell in the urine, Benzoic Acid is one of the best Homeopthic
medicines for UTI. The strong smell is as if that of from horses urine. It is repulsive and one
cannot stand the strong smell. Another strong symptom that indicates this medicine is intense
pain in urethra when not urinating. The pain occurs when the patient is not urinating but does not
occur while he is passing urine.
Homeopathic medicines for fast relief of UTI symptoms:
Arsenicum album - burning pain in the bladder and urethra improved by
warm applications; symptoms get worse at night; patient is tired, chilly and
Cantharis - constant urge to urinate; burning pain before, during and after
urination; scanty urination - passes drop by drop dark colored or bloody urine.

Chimaphila - painful urination with scanty urine; UTIs due to enlarged

prostate; Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body
inclined forward.

Equisetum - pain in the bladder as from distension, pricking in urethra after

urination, constant urge to urinate, large amounts of clear urine.

Mercurius corrosivus - extremely painful urination, can pass only a few

drops of dark or bloody urine; fever and sweating.

Sarsaparilla - violent burning sensation at the end of urination; pain in the

right kidney area, UTIs due to kidney stones or chronic prostatitis; skin

Staphysagria - inflammation of the bladder after sexual intercourse,

honeymoon cystitis.

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