Online Applications are invited by the Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of
Pune) from candidates exempted from appearing for Paper I & II, for admission to Ph.D. Course in
the University Departments & Recognized Research Centres. Application is available online on the
website : http ://
Online Applications are invited from the following Candidates:
Candidates interviewed in the last admission process (A.Y. 2014-15) but not selected;
Candidates remained absent for interview in the last admission process (A.Y.2014-15).
Scheduled of Application :
a) Commencement of filling online application
b) Last date of filling online application
2l"t October, 2015
For admission to the Ph.D. programme in a related subject in the Faculty, applicants
fulfilling any of the following criteria shall be treated as eligible:
a) Persons having
with at least
Persons having passed Post Graduate Degree (Master Degree) Examination in the Faculty
c) Persons with exceptional abilitles having passed graduate degree examination with 50%
of marks and with 15 years experience after graduation in the related field. However,
candidates possessing B.E. Degree in the faculty of Engineering shall also have patents/
intellectual property rights registered in their names. In such cases, exceptional abilities
will be decided by the Research and Recognition Committee concerned.
Senior citizen of an age of 60 years and above, with a Master's Degree. In exceptional
eligibility for senior citizen shall be at the discretion of the Vice-Chanc"llo. on
the recommendation of the Dean of concern Faculty.
cases, the
e) The fellow members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and i or Institute of Cost
and Works Accountants and / or having qualification of Company Secretary shall be
eligible for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the subject allocated to the Board of
Studies concerned under the Faculty of Commerce. Provided that such candidates possess
recognized University and also have at least 5 years'
professional experience.
Faculty or subjects other than the Faculty or subjects in which the research is proposed to
be done and from the international candidates (those who have not obtained the Master's
Degree from Indian Universities) shall be considered on the basis of the proven ability
and aptitude ofthe researcher for such kind ofresearch. Such proposal shall be examined
by the Guide and the Head, Place of Research before giving provisional admission. The
admission will be confirmed after the Research and Recognition Committee/s concerned,
approves the topic. Detailed procedure for admission should be evolved by the Faculty
of marks required for admission of foreign candidates (those who have not
obtained Master's degree from Indian Universities) will be 50Yo or equivalent GPA at
Research Centres)
. i) Exempted
For Open
Rs. 800/-
circular For Reservation - Rs. 600/2. Exempted from appearing for Paper I & II
: For open - Rs. 1500/as per Clause - 4 ( III,V) of the University circular * For Reservation - Rs. 1200/3. i) Candidates interviewed in the last admission process)
(A.Y .2014-15) but not selected
I For Open - Rs. 500/ii) Candidates remained absent for interview in the last for Reservation - Rs. 300/I
admission process (A.Y. 2014-15)
as per Clause - 4 (
No request for change in any information provided in the online forms will be entertained
by the University.
Online registration process will be treated as completed only after receipt of a Hard Copy
of an application along with necessary documents & certificates.
Candidate shall fill the online application and send a hard copy of the Application along
with above mentioned documents by Speed Post or in person, (By hand) on or before
(PG Admissions)