Don't Treat Innovation As A Cure-All
Don't Treat Innovation As A Cure-All
Don't Treat Innovation As A Cure-All
Leading Innovation
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Set your organization on a path toward powerful new ideas.
But the evidence suggests that innovation flexibility plays a powerful role.
When you put an invention out there or implement a new process, you really dont know what
the consequences are going to be, and if the consequences are negative, an innovation with builtin flexibility stands a better chance of surviving than one thats inherently rigid.
Innovation flexibility is basically a measure of two things: how many configurations a product or
process can take on after its introduced, and how quickly it can be transfigured from one form to
another. In other words, if it simply is what it is, you better hope its very good. And hope
generally isnt a superior strategy.
Video games are examples of flexible innovations. Its impressive how Grand Theft Auto and
Mortal Kombat make frequent changes to their characters and scripts after the games are on the
market. Those changes allow the companies to adapt to consumers changing tastes.
Some of the big software packages for managing corporate supply chains have proved to be good
examples of inflexible innovation. The software solved a number of companies supply-chain
problems, but numerous customers found they couldnt adapt the packages to their particular