Nevis Financial Services - Regulation and Supervision Department
Nevis Financial Services - Regulation and Supervision Department
Nevis Financial Services - Regulation and Supervision Department
Issue No. 22
Confidentiality and its application to Financial Services
Legislative Environment and Key Stakeholders
Tipping Off
The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis ensures that a high level of
confidentiality is maintained within its Financial Services Sector through the
enactment of various legislation, namely the Confidential Relationships Act,
Cap 21.02, the Banking Act Cap 21.01, the Nevis Offshore Banking
Ordinance Cap 7.05 and AML/CFT Regulations.
These laws safeguard investors by prohibiting disclosure of any information
obtained in the course of business by professional persons. Pursuant to the
Confidential Relationship Act, such persons include accountants, attorneys,
broker or other kind of commercial agent or adviser, bank or other financial
institution, any public officer or other government employee or other
persons prescribed as such for the purposes of the Act.
Section 31(1) of The Banking Act, Cap 21.01, speaks to the importance
of confidentiality within the Financial Services Sector. Under this section,
the Act states that:
August 2014
No person who has acquired knowledge in his capacity as director,
manager, secretary, officer, employee or agent of any financial institution
or as its auditor or receiver or official liquidator or as director, officer,
employee or agent of the Central Bank, shall disclose to any person or
governmental authority the identity, assets, liabilities, transactions or other
information in respect of a depositor or customer of a financial institution
a) with the written authorization of the depositor or customer or of his
heirs or legal personal representatives; or
b) for the purpose of the performance of his duties within the scope of his
employment in conformity with the provisions of this Act; or
c) when lawfully required to make disclosure by any court of competent
jurisdiction within; or
d) under the provisions of any law of (or agreement among the
participating Governments;) but nothing herein shall prevent a financial
institution from providing to a person, upon a legitimate business
request, a general credit rating, a summary of which will be provided to
the depositor or customer upon request.
For breaches under this Act, every person who contravenes the
provisions of subsection (1) commits an offence under section 31(2) and
is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifteen thousand
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
Legislative Environment,
Regulated Entities
The Proceeds of Crime Act, Cap 4.28 (POCA), the Anti-Terrorism Act,
Cap 4.02 (ATA), Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2011 (AMLR),
Financial Services (Implementation of Industry Standards) Regulations,
2011 (FSIISR) and the St. Christopher and Nevis (Mutual Exchange of
Information on Taxation Matters) Act, Cap 20.60 all provide guidance for all
regulated businesses and their duty of vigilance in relation to money
laundering, terrorist financing and exchange of information. The POCA,
ATA, AMLR and FSIISR further speak to maintaining confidentially when
there is suspect of criminal conduct. They state respect to any person
who voluntarily discloses information to an authorized body arising out of a
suspicion or belief that any money or other property represents the
proceeds of criminal conduct is protected by law under these Acts from
being sued for breach of any duty of confidentiality. However, any
misappropriation of confidential information remains an offence under the
the Confidential Relationships Act s.4(1) to (6), the Banking Act s.31(2) and
the Nevis Offshore Banking Ordinance s.41(1) and (2).
Tipping Off
Tipping off is a serious criminal offence. Section 33 of the POCA, s.5
of the ATA and s.12 of the FSIISR state that a person who knows or
suspects that an investigation into money laundering/terrorist offence
has been, is being, or is about to be made, and divulges that fact or
other information to another person, whereby the disclosure of the fact
or other information is likely to prejudice the investigation, commits an
offence, and shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
three years.
An example of Tipping off might be if you tell a client that a Suspicious
Activity Report (SAR) is or is about to be filed in respect of him/her. It is
important to note that you do not have to speak to commit the
offence. You can tip off by failing to respond where an answer is
Therefore, all relevant parties are reminded that it is a criminal offence
to disclose any information to any other person that is likely to prejudice
an investigation and such may include disclosure of the existence of an
internal report. Clients affairs should always be kept confidential and
particularly the existence of money laundering/terrorist offence
suspicions. Money laundering suspicions should not be discussed
with clients.
All Regulated Entities are strongly encouraged to develop policies that
will foster an environment based on confidentiality. Breaches of
confidentiality will cause investors to loose confidence in our Financial
Services Sector; a sector that is critically important to the development
of Nevis. As such, greater steps should be taken to safeguard clients
information. Failure to act in a accordance with statutory requirements
constitutes an offence and all concerned shall be liable on conviction to
fines as imposed by the Confidential Relationships Act 4(1-6); the
Banking Act 31(2), the Financial Intelligence Unit Act 12(2) and any
other penalties under any Act that governs a specific sector or product.